The Clinton New Era, 1878-04-18, Page 3Aral:"18, 1878.. Clautadtan News_ Items. A nnulber'°ola peon who recently left Never Beunawielc for Kensas to settle; have returned :disappointed. Harry Henry, of Toronto, had been araested and committed to jail no lees than 814 times, all tor drunkenness. The inhabitants on ' the elms of the St awrence, me 'Cape Rosier, are ►e-' ported es being in aln.ost $ti}rvingcon- dition. l ' . • Mr. Edmund Hooper was nominated on•Saterday' to..00iiteat Lennox at the geVrall eleatlon against this Hon, R. J. Cartwright. • '. Two illicit' stills: have been seized in the Canty, •ig 13rnce -and the. parties operating theta arrested, one,: of whont was a notorious smugglers Hon, goku. Young died at*entre:ti,:, on Thursday, front the. •. effects • of a'sun-. stroke received 'whiles :pasting through: the Suez Canal last' sutnnaelr.. A. T. Moore do Co., of Brantford are in financial 4ifftoulties., • Liabilities $14,- m 000. A. rtipresen.tative of• the firm is offering the creditors rutty cants on the dollar. A murder is. reported at Winnipeg, Man.,. George Gibbon, an ex-oonyiot, having shot on the' street Daniel Bell; a, waiter en the -steamer Manitoba. The cause was auarrel which ori inated in; q vii a disreputable house. • Matilda O'Neill,: a 'young woman of St. John N.B , WAS to havebeen'wedded.. on Saturday nmgning, but. committed suicide by taking a dose of strychnine. She previously. stated to; a friend her preference for death to marriage - Sixty-seven failures, with liabilities. amounting to nine hundred: and twenty- five thousand dollars, occurred in Nova' Scotia during the first quarter of the present year, against forts failures with half a million _liabiliities,`in ,.the ceri'e- spending quarter: of 1877. • A little boy named Putman, residing at London, aged six, found a quart bot- tle of whiskey, and drank nearly . the whole of it,: He had a narrow escape, but was discovered in tithe, anl' proper remedies immediately applied.''' He is. nowout of den'g er. A. wedding occurred: in Chislehurst last week, the,bridegroom having to get the'oe'reinony performed on credit. The couple were treated to: a charivari, and- _the ineeninia father-in-law Called in the" authors of the disturbance and by threats got them to` hand `.over ;sa6ngh y . -.., to •-.p-tGa e mmiister-and leave a balance for " pin- coon ey.'1-. While some wo'rklnen were planting trees an the.farm of Mr. J, W.' John- ston; hear St. Catharines,.they'.tuv`ned. up a child's coffin, about two and. a half feet long, containing 'the remains 01 a child. The coffin was but a few: inches under .the ground, and quick lite had been placed in it to hasten the decay -of the body. , The assessed'va1ne of reitl.property in Mitchellz in 1877, was $47:17,310 '; :the value in 1878 is $479,525, :allowing an increase of $9,215. The total value of personal property in -1877 was $34,725; in 1878 it is •$34,400, showing a de• crease of $325. Taxable income in .1877 was $4,550 ; in 1878, $3,800, -showing' a decrease of $750. The.,total increase of real and personal property aucl'tax-e able income this Fear over last amounts to $3,744. There are 162 dogs, Lind 7 bitches on the roll of 1878, as against 108 dogs and 7 bitches on the roll of 1877. • • . - Some weeks "ago, in view. of tvbek: might be the de 11 4,1e I,e.,s ulf~q of • a street celebration on the coming Tweltth: July, a number of 'leading .Protestant. clergy of Monti<eirl •met and decided, to, use their influence with the Orange: body in regard to the waiving, of the Hitter's right to walk in procession on their an- niversary day. 'Accordingly a petition was drawn asking, the Oritngenen bot to have a procession on the ground that it would lead to no good results, . 'Pits -petition has 'been extensively stg;i t.d, and includes nearly all the names of,the Protestant Clergymen in Montreal. Among then] several Ultras are affixed, It has been sent to the Orange •puler+ and' will cotlioup et the- next meeting of the County Lodge. • A serious . shootis affray i g tock plitdo at Meyersburg, an.ThurYsday. A. school teacher named' John Shannon, who has had charge of .the villege echobl since the 1st of 'Tannery, cern° to Carilpbell- ford, on Wednesday, and •piirobased a revolver, as ho said, for tile. purpose cf shooting squirrels, .hilt it appears that his intentionat that time was to shoot' a young girl, one off his pupils, nawed. Bertha Wynn, daughter of 111 r. William Wynn. Shannon -about noon entered •Wynn's'residence and'srsked for the girl and on being told she was upstairs, de- :liberately (vent up and fired two•shots, one bullet entering the cheek and the.' other the breast. The girl is in a very critical state, but hopes are entertained that she will recover;' The belly are not yet extracted. Shannon is about .. forty years of age and it is thought that he has a wife living. Ire ave 'as his g reason for shooting the girl that he was in love with` her, but as he could not r o marry her he intended to shoot her and then kill himself:. lie was arrested'and committed to Cobourg jail. b •• Mr, E'. W. Hyman, an old resident' of Lchlon, died: there last week. He. took a prominent, part in pablie stutters, and was Pj'es, of tl.e Reform Association,, A: very large petition . ']las been pre • rented to the License Commissioners by the people of Lyndon and vicinity pray - beg that no tavern • licenses be granted in that village,- • Mr, Thos, Gammon; of Plympton, lostlais wife and two children last week of eli$beria-'-all' inside of one week. another:'child of -.the family is sick t,f Said disease:. Two English lady evangelists, Misses Logan and Baird,, have been holding re- ligioils weekday meetings 'tit--Port-Do- ver lately. They have singe been in London 'and Sinncoe on Bituilar mis'sions,. An exchange says r ----There are a largenumber of counterfeit Silver veins in circulation, including'50 cent, •25 cent. and 10 cent pieees. The former bear the date of 1870, and the. 25. cents that. 'of • 1874. • Mr. Wm. Machan, of Moncton, has a ewe; which dropped a lamb about two- weeks ago, and another on the morning of. the 9th, inat. This appears wonder- ful, . but. the 'owner says pthat he saw_ both lambs • dropped. . The. •ewo• and lambs are doing' well,' On Friday morning, about eight. o'oltiolk,- one .: Charles •Cubbie, -who :was ern to yed in. English's saw mill,. about a mile from Strathroy, while engaged working about a circular• saw, accident, ally fell upon it 'and. had his •arm sawn diagonally oft frorq the' band to near the 'elbow. On Ally 12th, 1876, a scrimmage he- tween :some ' Orangemen 000urred in Queen's Park, Toronto, during which a moulder named Wrlliaw 'I31own was se=' verelyc...sta'bbed. ' He ' never recovered from his , injuries, and, after lingering for two ,years, 'a:t times. -in great wafer- ing, cliecl. on Satu day. " The Toronto Leader claims that --it is acknowledged by,Ateiicans,,fairohar with tie' progress of their owl. cities, that no city in the Eastern, Middle or Southern .States :.ha,s,shown during the last few years such signs of growth' and :.nater`.ial presperity, as Toronto. Mr. Forbes the C'nadian artist,has been requested. by. Lord Dufferito pail Mu portrait, life-size, for presenta- tion to the Parl'ialuent of Canada. The picture ; is .well' advanced and will be a' valuable work of art. •.Mr. Forbes is also. lia uleegi..pear i of Mr. Anglin. for the Commons' picture,gallery. ' 4 f -Jamul Beaty, Consel t 7itit*F3,' r ll•- emitest Centre•Toronto against 4VIr.:J'ohn, Macdol ald Mr. J. B.: Plumb, M. P;'; - has been.re-norninated as: the Conserve.- Live onserveLive candidate ' for Niagarty'.; Captain -13iggaras tlieConse.'vative'eandidatefor the Local House for .North $race ; and. F. M. Carpenter for South 1Veritworth; for the Commons.' • ,. It isereported that the cnstolils ofhcers- at Windsor have received:a circular hem tho customs:departnlent at . Ottawa in- - struoti,ng.thetn to collect.. a -.duty of 171- •per:cent. on all Anna:loan money .taken into Canada. The cirritilar says thaf,in conseil.nence of the rernonetization of •silver' ,in the United States, large' amounts will probably be taken to Ctin 'aria, . • . A sari and fatal accident oceltrred near Hespeler,' ori .Sunday afternoon, Mr. David Gingeich rind his wife were returning home from a Amoral, and when nearing their faint the horse took fright, upset, the buggy, 'tliid' they, were both thrown violently out on the road, As- sistance was soon at hand, and . Mrs. Gli,ngrich'was carried home, but'br`eathed" lre.iast before reediting her doorA7'r•; Gingrich, was also injured, having three pf his ribs broken, but hence are enter - lathed of his recovery. • two •sebool children froni Ellice, aged eleven and twelve ,years, respectively, were -summoned . before a 11'litcholl'ine-` gisti-ate on 1%Ionday for putting a 1'►'0g on the obi:elc of a little girl, oil their re- turn from school, The t,oy.s tvere'ae rercly ivllipped by, thole' tetLclrer and parents •• for their° miscirievous conduct, but this did not Suit the offended father of the little girl.,.aud he bait 0 resort to the law to have tho.af]`nir settled to his satisfaction, Several people wero>in- ec=need' to think' that children ,of such stature ages were to be' 'dragged before u lea tribunal, interest 1 r nal; anti in the of peace and decency they urged the de- torained father to withdraw' the charge which he:finally did,the defendants pay- ing the costs. An old friend of the Stratford .deacon, writing from Kansas, trends us the fol- lowing warning to Canadians who miry be disposed to seek homes in the south- west. "' I- .have now bon two years in the State, and have seen the moat of it, and My advice to young men is to stay in Canada if they know what is good for them. We have more, babas here" than there ie„wark for. there to do,, tit#tee lire dull, en is frCa1C( Y and 1 , nl ey ,..nil as for society well the less said about that the 'bet- ter Itis no doubt h great atflaotion to Canadians who have lied to clear their farms to' be offered prairie lands with nothing to do than plant crops,. but by the time theyhave brought' ltlm- her out for - buildings, and suffered the r e inconveniences of the country.•-includ• ing violent fever and ague, which is es' common es cold -they will wish them- selves back in Canadaagain.'y' ' • T1TE ()LINTON NEW ERA. Clocks, .Watches, Jewellery, too Q LOAN, MONEY • Sr .F O inrLE R ON EASY TERMS,: . . Dosirea, to retina. htiesinoerethanka to hie numonina. Mand o. ioers,endsioxtholiboneto;,. alehascolPatrcA, agotbatholtasr- aeivedwhilecerry ing onbnsinoesin Oilmen an(lhea*e• y a ettr`i'ew atton- tion to bueinee, end using evert, egort to mgotthe wants othis many frendsto oogntin- 5r ,,„ ue to re, tain, their ,ipatronae. He would also take this opportunity of statingthat ho Rea takenl,i.a Ron ieto.part?ersele, and that the .baai, fleas will be conducted in ;Stare underthe style ei 5, eowrni & SUN; The'arm wtlrlsoop on band 7atohes, (Books, Jewellery, fipeotaoles; • • And all other articles in their line All kldds of Pipes Repaired and Mounted. '• aopnixine; stem:tee, &e., done on,.ahort notice, in a workmanlike mariner, and on.reasonoble terms. Annsaz' Sriilner; NQHT11 0r THE MARKET. Clinton, Deo• 5,1877, • Mountcestle's• M ,L.L S. THE-BUBSO1tIt3I 1t RESPECTFULLY BEGS TO inform the innabitautsof Clinton and i urronndiug oountry that he has start ell Ilia' NEW SAW. M. LL, Qty nowoN,. STREET, 0 offsite the Great Western- Station • Np .. AAd. is' prepared to Out Logs on shares; or .ti call far Cash. Ile al•so >LIU»It3ER ot'al kinds On hand, 'for Salo.' :v2c ulv:xa.at ;Tr.4: OtIN`roN, Jan. 17,.1878. Canada `Company Lands. LIST' OP LAND$ IN HURON POR BALE BY JL the Canada Company may beseen at the office of lu aitdersignea.._ • 11: YULE.' Qtiptop, Jan:17,1871. Scottish' COimeria4ire Insurance : Co; • 1 OF. GLASGOW... •: . Conital, Two Millions Stirling. iMi sets, , $11,000,000, Incense, - 1,000,000.• .Pnot'11QCL OF - t» TTARIO,li• *ANOH, Read' :051ee •-j 7 .Toronto Street, TORONTO, .. BOARD. OP DIRECTORS : ` JoixN L. Br to IE, Esq., Chairman', 'President Canada • Landed CreditCompany. • Jowl $. Pi A18eun, Esq.i of Bryce, MolIurrioh •t: OM WxntiAai ALEXAND1 1,. •Eaq,, Vice,Pro ,dent Federal• Bank of Canada., INSPECTOR--BOB]:IiT,McLEAN • '' RESIDENT seen aids -4 -w gerseFefit . Deposited with; the .Oovernkient at_( ttaWB,, tot 8eoll Canna= of CaPclicy 1lolders,.0 00;600. • ` • • This Company is;ucs Pollcies:of Insurance against. foss or damage by dre or lightnin ji, on mercantile•, man- ufacturing, farm and household risks; at caudat rates. Policies areissued from andlosses settled directly by the Toronto office; without delay.; AIi Premiums taken hi .this country are iuvesied'in Canadian securities, • - Iffy Which the prfluClpal cans be 'repaid, lra. fart oval' at any time denting the tterijs of Lealii. • . ]iet►TAX TO ' _ . _ .. _.._.._ ' V. W. FA-R.A.N. ;-01inton, Maroh,1878 T KN INt WilF.ItI-TO GET poop ", UAP.GRCERIES GOOD TEA • for 80, 40, 50, 00, and 75,41ente per lb, GOOD SUGAI1,11 pounds for ono dollar, ,• GOOD RAISINS; 18 pounds for one dollar. A fine Assortment 'of ' China, Glass and •Crockery,very cheap (lair and soo stook before punohasing elsewhere. All kinds of Producetaken in ezohango,for goods. E RESII OYSTERS constantly on bon&. OUNINGHADIE &, AIICENUEAD. Clinton, Nov, 8,1877. ' RHE11JCATISM sari any other inflammatory dieaaee cared 3d a tow hours.,. Erysipelas, terofela, -pant. ago, skin irritation, alder' from any cause, and a hun- dred fither_ilteeasea• are caused, by an aeld ferment, which produces Inflammatory action. Brunton'e Ab- sorbent will positively effect a cure in a few bours,:.bl,. absorbing the void poison from the system. Sold by druggists. . Price, 50o. Advice in particular eases free. W. Y. BBVNTON, London, Ont., Awarded he Highest Medal at Vienna. 1• & H. T. ANTHONY• & CO., 591.73ROADWAY,NEw YORK. ' Diannfu t,,,ere, impostore anddealorsin:• Engrarings;. Chromes and' Frames, STEREOSc0Pr.S AND YTEw$, . . . rilLtttns, • t r'a17lioscopes, Flt otoyr-anh8, • And kindred itf[•s,Acrtcpsek&k. • I"RQTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS;. SVa aro headquarters for everything in rho way -of STEREOPTICONS -and MAGIC. LANTERNS, being manufaotnreraof the Micro-Seientiflc Lantern, Storer- Panoptroon, University Stereopticon, Advertiser's Ste: rooptieon, Artoptieon, School Lantern, Fainilyl:an•• torn, People's Lee tern,. eachntyle•tieing the•beat of its class in t1to. market.. • Beautiful Photographic Transparencies of Statuary and Engravings for thewln%ow, G'onvexgleca. Manu- facturers of Velvet 'Frames for Miniatures, and convex glass pictures. . Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with directions; foraging, Bent on application.' Any enterprising man can make money with a --Magid Lantern. Cat out this advertisement for future reference. PLEASE .OBSERVE ;virgigg coW ready fos the SPflQ6 119R74,_--_ BEAUTIFUL STEEL' _ .. _W GRAY . LUMES ,: only. 15 cents per yard. ' • F EB BLACK ,I L LUSTRES. for l i'• cent . 2 eayar both sides alike. F ...ashionable DRESS LINENS, all prices, from 121 cents to 25 cts. newest goods in g the "market. A very Stylish: Stock of • COLORED . AN S T RIPE plias,. . at rices awe `..down..... -. _ p Y A •`FINE SHOW in LACES AND EMI DEY R. A • BIG STOCK _ of 'STUFF GOODS on •hand, very p low n:. rice. A Splendid Display espaY of LADIES and MIS SSS THREAD D GLOVES. RA E 4GBDT•'•l.''VOA GUUNTON AND VZCINITY4 • Clinton, July 19, 1877. - MONEY TO LOAN, • ori approved Varga or Tow property, for any term from one totwnnty yours, or repayable at such periods; either In instalments or otherwise, as may be .agreed area.=• Tho Intcrurt, nn payrnont of anypart ,Of the prinoipal, at on00 ceaseson such amount. If it is arranged to pay theinterest li.altyearly, flat inadvance, the rate, por andnni, for theprosont, will be 8 par coat. On loans for a Axed toren of years, Si per • cent, if interest is Slade payable yearly, not in advance CnARe1s MODERATE. 111orl pars and Municipal deben%ares pureilaf est For further j:articnlara,ai'p1Y tit• • • •• • C", A. HAItTT, Clinton, July 12,1871.. Attorney -at -Law. • E UNDERTAKE. - — i r,Ano6 aro111- 0 r Gaskets, of ns, Collo ir olohillgs,•]solves; BIT. • Pardo, supplied with the above at shortest' notice„and at.tha 1'XlB3i LOWEST noes.. Alsoa ood HEARSE - su1 p l e Yy. r. aemenbt'ber the Y1aoe—VXCU'OFiTA Street GEORGE JMEEL oitgl:on. Scot O.1 877. ISr. Wrn. Gray's Specific Blodcine 111117 G31EAT 1:nglisli 1tOrnPdy. is especially .re-. emminen le,f no nn ,4 Y unfailing taro G.r Sem„ d1 weak- ✓79,., t'.esa.`lp,!rniafct•r- , 1 bean fi sod ell ,Lisa] e* itivwl . that follow n a a tr•egnonaO of „elf..i-- Aliue',;aa toga of lifer -Dory, llnvoroal7 *' asitndc, Pain in the Reek, 1)itnn, es of ;Giaion, Premsture Old Age, and many other discos( er that lead to /ass City or t'onsnmp- flon, aim a Prouder(' Oravr, -1110 r wt. felt as'n rule are arab sal Aad by deviating from the )n;th of Haters end ah8Y7 erer,lodelIeurc, The on dicier, in thetes811tf a life y anti many yearn of experieere in treating these spacial diseases. raitiuhlet irre by mail. This Specific lied loin oIssold byalil)rnggi tsnttitperuaok- eg5`,brsixniiaokagesfor $3, or will tee sent by matt on r eelpteiIhomoney,bya88ressinpWlf. G115.1 iCOo.. WInocoo, Ont." •Sold in Clinton by 3.11.Combe,and all alldruggsatnovcrywn.ere, 1SEM.AN. ; .BROS.. BB9K.ERS,. •-. RE LESTA E AND SUANG AGE NTS Money hent on Mortgages for kg, or 51'eam • MORTGAGES BOUGHT. AMERICAN CURRENCY. BOUGHT -AND SOLD. • es -NOTES OI` 3fAND DISCOUNTED `fit: Interest.al 0, per ceiil allotted ea deposits. Re.of. Estate boiiuhl airtl.sold ort•conil, itnfon. INSURANCE at. LOW -RATES 1:iroGelasaVxne, Llin,arid Aocinn.r7• InsurnnceCom- panies rhproeortted. Wecan now give loans ontil•at-elnesscour ty at8pOret. OFFRCLHCN 1C(tOv STREET, Ci1NTRI, GS IS 141:11 A N .l i 1 -If »4 Clinton, Ang. 07,1877 etreartosanamaramia own IJi 11 '1llfl4jV • r;int ; SIlifscatnitR BEGS LEAVE TO STATE. to the public that he keeps constantly ori hand a large and superior slate of OOFR'ZNS, `CASKETS Coffin Trimmings and Robes, With a splendid iflARil.C, Pitta Coxo neii always ou hand.. rattles eau ba enpplled in one hour, at any timo, at TEX. PEIt 1,E S Than can be proaur,d at any other piece. ' --x-- A full stock of FURNITURE Always ell hand. •' ° THOS. STEVENSON Clinton, lylay16,1877. mannannwit KNow 'BY reading -ail praelieing: • the inestimable troths con,' tatncd in the best medical • book over' leaned, entitled. . qN SELF PTtD$T;ItV xl , THYS reLritT'r.coonly$1. Beatbymail' rr ■■ iii rrlr on receiipt of price. It treats oft:ahanatod Vitality Prsniatnto Decline,, Nervous and ?Physical Debility, and the endless entoomitant lila and: untold miseries that result therefrom; and contains more than 50originnlpre- seriPbtions; anyone of whiclifswortltthteprice of the book. This book was wrhttenby.the most ex. tensiVO rind probablytliostiost skilful practitioner inAmprlo t,towhore was Warded agold and Jew+' riled medal by the 11 ational Median' Association. A. 1'attiphlet, illustrated with' the *co flocs(' &f el Lngtravings--a mar. M o art 111 3 baint'-- WI col f t a t lH vent rnwr$ to• all. "Seed for it at ante. (Word d '1:.tllf)Dt DlhliICIAL 1i1Y'TITC'rl7, 11o. 37u1. T1ilk, to 111$11.11' s tln"h 5"t.110t00, Alasd • A FTNF.. ► 'W(1a.UT,TONEI '-KID' (4:L0VE•--o 5o7cents • see thef FOR. FASHIONABLE CLO.. . H L T ING, we lea4 thee, trade leave - us Our order. ., Jl• C. GILROY. CLINTON, April 18, •1878. AGRICULTURAL WORKS Climax ' Double Cylinder Threshing Machines, Combination o and Vibrator Th reship •MRehines, • Arta; all kinds' of AGhXCULrT'T)'RA,L IMPLEMENTS always on hand. ' ° TO meet the -lAtrgejand' increasir/g demand for ou1'. celebrated Threshing Machines, from a parts of the 'Dominion, we, have,. by the .introduction of tire latest and, most approved machinery. into our works; greatly increased our manufacturing facilities. We. aro therofora 1131 position to fill all orders promptly., ery ntacbitre is ttut audythoroughly t eted beffitedleaving.tLe shop, ,and warranted to"'give entire tlntisfaot]orr. •' , P; !semi*' a10ctering eisew/sere send for •Ciretzlarg and Posters: ' Order early GLASGOW; 1VIAOPIIERSON' & p0., CI.Ib1TON. YER11,101,r_ '1111.111•11011 TH0111801 & WILLIAMSMAIIIIACTO11111& 'OF S T' R, A T F O Rr D; .INCORPORATE/5 1874. Successors to Thomson & Williams, of Mitchell, • Agricultural p Engine Works w . DIRECTORS CTORS 1OBEibT THOIVISON, rummest; A. 1t. *WILLIAMS, V1oir-Paus. ; ALM. GRANT, See.-TesAa. >7 ; , REWORD, W. MOWAT, J'. CORCORAN', W. MAIISHALL. - • 14IANUrACTURERS' or ' o- M .and o i Johnston ' harvesters,, Sirl Ie' Ropers, Mowers tri Cm6 osd...Machines, Broadcast Seeders, Seed Drills, Norse Powers, Sawing° • Machines,trxtr Crushel:a, Straw Cutter r Plows, thing Pl ta. r &di; , ,Builders of Stearn ' Engines apd -Boners, ail sixes, • •WATEIt WIIE.ELS AND ALL FINDS OF MILIj 1V ;&CHINERYr - ' C,ontraCtord for Grist and Rater ,Titles' eemptetr, .oto for WD'atek ]l etke far cities, totans arils 1lillagor e)x thl . Trak $yefenr *r C7rice*e radiOlf Machint'.r i a ,8pe itaty, t141118B, 1'$0Mt9i{l ki V411'4,118 D AOT] 'SItf Oar 39'RA.T!OEb, ret. c3, 1976