The Clinton New Era, 1878-04-04, Page 34 THE OLTNTOICr NEW ERA. • "- APRIL -4 1878, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Notice -e -P, Adamson. Notice,e-JOInt Jenkins, • Spring—Tho. Jackson, House for sale—J. Bradley, To Debtorse-eTas. Sheppara „Public Atiotioit-7-A.. T, aloore. Cash YfiL Credit —Maim]. Brett •Cowe-for sitleeeaH, Noreoweethya.----- New Do nt i ion lionse--- colander az Co Coploor ..f Co 's :151v VARA 11111y Im 044 at the Bock kUll) ofAfescrii. a',1[4p A. uU1,an4 J, A Nelles ' .s.nartscreet, Trice 5 cents per Copy. nvv—... (rlintOlt InenT • (.6ti./ 00. " • • OF.AQI.AL PAPE .OB' THE coyarr. throughout the weary put+ ase all the oats that they can obtaiu here, witich awe ot emonut to much as they are nearly all required for home consump- tion, but the quantity they do purchase keeps tip the price. If a tariff was put on this giann every oatmeal mill in the country eivoidcl-ha-en "to -that clown, for tb eyeemalecaemteget eauftleienteyehite-ories to keep them going. This would be te very great less to the country in seyeial ways. It would etop one kind of manu- faoturing interest; cleci•easeour railroad of the case, and when it speaks so strong - freight, and threw our sliippin business 4HU11S1) ; • APRII, 1, 1878. arse epaseetvegeve, •NoluiNtm vett. 4.3013W-nuiteNi. In our .11tet week's isene we enly brief- ly ennotmeed that Mt.• Porter had been nominated as a candidate fee the geese. of Commons fcir %lie.,South Riding of 'Huron in the Coneervative interest as we were twit ignoraet of his merits and claims apou the iiiiffreges of the electors of-thie ritlinvienteeiteeffertlitftraVritave . -had an -Oppottinity of perusing his vire gin epeeeh in tao canvass, end we Min now, to some degree, realize bie true standing, and ta What extent he is worthy of eiapport. Althouga .We are denoininattel Ilefotenersewe think; aftei xeading Mr. Porter'saineecat, we Simi' have to pieclatin hine the .Refetmerand • we the Conservativeaafoiaaiteh sweeping changes as be advocates are rather More than we .can'suppert, ' • Being the nominee of the Conserva- tive peaty he, el" course, adopts their pattfoem, althoegli be 'acknowledges himself to be, in principle, a.free• trader, TUE Q.17EBE,C) We bave heard 'et no serious opposi- tion. to Dr, Cherub, who Isla himself an excellent man, but Who has been mixed up as a Minister with all the evil deeds of the late alovettunent, Were they aiegela` otherwise, none • who have beep partners in these acts ought to be deliberately caosen again as legislators. Set apeaks the Montreal Wia/ess, i an article upon the prospects of the dif- ferent candidetes for thelocal let•eislatute. The TITitnees, being on the ground, must. hey° some knowledge of the 'vhole "facts "' • tette...ether handa. ;ly cenderiniatien ofethe late Inhalstat Instead of Mr, Porter- being a fzioiid s• there must be soat,ktisfor.ite and aclicioate in the fernter's interest, he operFrom vi tion. tat it says we imold will grentest aneann and .toefatiohic:1"tli"j•17n ,n course. he is pureoing would, if it wastaa: ree t c•o-•in••ing()ec • lo•e ;e -,•', goed ever to becarried out, proanee the meet , and disastrous results. , . • • that !the poon taken by the As Mr. Portmawill,, nodeuht, pima; "J.ttut..-GOvernor will be _stecteined.by late his speech tin Am:aiding,. re people. At lily rate, he is relieved hope.4)4,01,3, oket.or..vatil giyel:t_trettre- ..aii--oftlee-aaeepoesibility; as tbat is nest:treed perusal, and if they bring a email Medi- 1)". t141"sent ("1"9"Plilasiit' 'Illd if they cum of eommem sense to bear 'upon it "'In° °rain 11: maieritY °r the People's they will quickly, discover the shallow- re. aresentativee they will have to retire. ness of the 'Teeming, and the huge But oacinif the..Goaernment is•defeetea, nett er o con. r dint ry ideasa ontaina b ' • f t e 4t ' • ' it should pot- he taken for granted, on ese..4 as that aceoent, that the comae. pursued THE • by the De Ilortalie*ille Onvernment as There does not ---7.eppear toles:an yoints.' the Ciaht oee for the conntry, or tile y mown,. ou : nets, of theetene, state of this question. Titat Lord Derhy haft reSignecl and Lori •Salieaury tekertakis place. known; bu what wally , eaueed Derby's retireuient from the caainet is yet a subject 'spm oil:44i, far, although, it is said the calling put the reserve Was nomieally 'the teason it is supabsed •that ahere . mnst besomethingin ore serious than tb at, The r.qUestion, at lehst to .the general is beeonting 60, complicated that „scarcely any oneje capable of :saying -whet isalaS reel point at lathes.; but ire think. it is ta at England snspects•Ruskit of exacting too much feom Tuakey, and --d3 nite 1-1 • t e of the calm A number of lake captains have just been examinea before n comreitee of the Senate with reference to the , auperior- ity of Prince Arthur's Landing and the Katninistiquit harbor, the latter beiag the pointaselected by the GoVernment as the terminus for tae Railroad, while the Opposition nurintain it denial have beert-ate-the. Lending -.'The most of those -examined were in favor of the Raministiqua, butene captain exhibited a, decided pveference for the Landing, giving several reasons theeefor. It was afterwards learned. tbat the people of the Landin,e had nuiclo, him e preaient of •rv,e v a gold watch. • Of course, sucli m an's, eirideuce was entirely dieintereeted: '4"' - OTTAWA TOPICS. • • A lot of pet tons have been pteten.-ted from ladies in the Maritime Provinces, praying for the ."introcluctioli of the Dunkin Act • • It is reliably reported that Sir.. T. G•aIt"-W nr- be-noultoetha 111nxi trek), West, When Mr. 'Workman retireseancl will be returned by both parties t-vhe will join in electing lain as an Indepen- dent member, - adabteaffaa-Theawaythe etiliiitiaraaaffltbafi are.enenaged is the only criterion to judge:Of tbe Merits of a.„ Government, -and the late one had So managed' mat tees as to briug the country, to the verde of bankruptcy,: if the. present. one is sustained by the peeplean opportunity will he given themof aliening 'the grata- ; • • tilde of their oupporters. . . , . which • worila-juse say, lie passing, -encroaching upon teeritory that Eftgland- . every sensible and well read aterson•can. not help being. Having accepted the nominatiori bye Targe ameentit of unmeaning verbia;ge and sophistry, in ----show bis reasons for atioptg protective principles, .bet. vet dearlydefining one reason, except,, the. oft-repeatecl. old setselese one that because alathe world does not .adopt a revelries` policy We • ehonld not. To give our aeaders seine idea of. his speech and style of reasoting, we give the follewing exttaet " But they say wei have a, email° ta- riff' which is sufficient protection to our industries. This wo deny, and assert that the present tariff does not prevent • Canada frent being made a slare,diter market for our astute -cousins, rich, mid shrewd in business, who although 50114 ing perhapsefor cost,:know right well that a.half loaf is better than no bread, besides the exquisite pleasure _ of giving a deadly stab to possible rival. But if the revenue bet sufficient protection to our various fields :of labor, why shouid.the farmer lie excluded?. if tlarmanufaeturer of boots and shoes be protected almost to prohibition, as they , tell no, why should the farmer not be . protected in his barley' nd oat ii 1 Or to,put another way- If a matt in- vests $10,000 iti enifnufacturing enter- prise he is protected to The extent of • 17a per cent.; if he invests in a good farm, of. 100 acres, with 41 the stock and implements necessary to carry it on successfully, he is hate fight the whole world without any aid. 18 it junt that the manufacturer should receive a bowie, as it were, upon the precinct) of his in- veatment, turd that ths. &eater's eon - II has interests in. . Notwithstanding the'belligerent as: peotof he po1itio'a n4ain ']rape" weal -Ye -inclined to the Opinien that the difficultiee.Willabe overcome by cliploe matic correspondence • a1one,,withut 'any- resertio militarjr eaercion. :• • • it -is said this isa fast age, ."Init We• think, as .far nis this eastern question is coneerried, at any rate, this saying is not applicable, for it deitga.eyeitaily along without much progress. 411 we can do is to wait:patiently for development:a. .••• AssiatINE LoGic.." • • " At present we go to Pennsyleania for our coal. This Means that for everY ton we bite; we send four dollar); of the gold of this country to enrieh, a foreign country. In return for that we get •thdr coal, which does not remain, bid goes into .amoke." , We clip the above paragraph from speech delivered by Mr. Dalton ItIcCer- thy,. in the deunty 'of Siracoe, a few,. days ago,to show cint4readera the kind of logic that. is dealout by protectionist gavocates, and what an :estimate they put upon theintellect of thoee what 'can and do swallow such absurd nonsense'. The whole of his speech Was of le similar character, clearly proving that he either knew better, but. to :be eonsistent with the protectionist's. theory meet use the sarati silly. istyle -of . arguments, or he must be utterly ignorant of the ebjeots of trade. According to his argoments we-gefetrothing when we purclaeso tea, sugar, coffee, tamed, Jae, all going It is unneeess.ftei to show the folly of mad° a awayein sinoice,,or somethingease equal - the talk about thtis being slaughter 'market, or to confute the ton- 1Y n,6 haPalaahle. Tae truth is, speekers of this clale better, but they int. - sense of any business man h the Miltecl agine that the great tnaseeof the people States fielliog Me trainufacturea articles eartastich fools that they eau be imposed, below their coat foe tf the eagnisite plea - upon. Theassertion that we send gold euro of &living. a. deadly Stab to fl p05. out of the country to purchase War is siblo 13ut we commena to tbe unttue, and. even if we did it would be. -eepecinTiietice of Mir Agrictilttiral friends done bece.use eve found the change ad - the position he takes with regard to vantageotts to ite. Wo send barley,cat- " protection for the farmer." A mama sbeep; horses, eggs, lumber, ctIC., out fattier will laugh ia his eleeve and re - of the cortntrya and we exchange then joice that elicit as pernon hat; been pat ,„ arumes, tnar we nave an abundanca. or, forth as a. pesstble law maker, while h- . for commodities that we prefer to geld. boaing under such a delusion ae to fire If gold only was brought into -the coun- agate that the price of oats and berley tryeave wottld have to go. without minty can be enhanced by the imposition of a of the lintArics that wo new enjoy, and duty. The free importation of oats has witiMut any correspoudieg benefit what - actually a. tendency to increase their over, for that metal would only accutnn. price rather than reduce it. The menu- lataleathe eatulteathinks,Theevebole facture of oatmeal can- bo n-arrina °n objeet of labor is to precinct: that wide's. More cheaply in this eountry than in we can either uee for or -comfort And• 'fruited States, even if every oat had to be purchased there and brought bete, as an kinds of maehinery is cheaper here than tliere„, Where it is burdened with protection., The ,oatmeal ,mills • PENOIL .• • In n'recent issue the Goderich Sign said " the *Star had the whet -you -call - ems agein." The same language inigh be used in yeforence to the issue of last week. • • .Hon. J. 0: Currie, (late Speaker Of the Local Huse) was, last Weeh strrick Off alsoaelieL--of--seli4tors,aby---Cheecellott. Spregueefor-imprepriety iti connection with law, bes.iness"entrusted te, A. oorreepondene front Neeth al•oek ha a been. writing theeLeadoe againat Mr. Bonitbee beinaethe Conseriative • candidate in that &berg. From this,it is eyidetit there are sonic who are' ashain- ed of him. • Great actiaity is manifested by .the different political organizations in the Provinee, and candidates' for troth para ties are' rapidly preparing for the corn- ing *test,. witich has ovary incliaition of being a ware one. In this county. thew is ovea)t reason: to believe.that the Refermers will - hold their own, and shonld they do any more, there will be SQ mucli more reason for gratulation. • • .New Dornibion, House. A. *ell-deeesed lady litet Thursday evening, in the crowded. Sneaker's' Oa1.. leey, oaneed e -good deel Of .sensetion, by; bringing -her.: knitting with eller arid merrily Making the needles 'play the eoyeneriglreaaraTheaybungahhialtialeapae? sent were horrified atahis inneeetioe, Ansong the candidatefey the Cone - mons ,at•the next election,, Some . Irish Catimiaeeetiseeeey faeorablY spoken, of, their: prospects beingancemonced • edly geoa.. William Doran; a f Soda. ' Lanark., .and 3,1m. Connolly,.:in,fintith Vietorieare mentionedan tble cennee- , tion. • , .When Mr. Ilailwey_Coloniza• ton Bill wn under- disenseiou, 'in- te- epoese to: criticisms on, its imaginary - defects he admitted Hatt liveaybeely had not-theageine ateility for.: drawing bilis aaseme Of the Opposition.. • ale did not say whaLkind• of bills bet it was not neweeary" to define pertietilarly. . john'gave a good ••ileseriptiot of himself irethe House it short detrital -jai inone of his 'little stories, .Wberi he was .Pretnier .a party ;sines 'urgently preie :sing his. claims for an. office. "Only proteeiee. tneya witi-the-elainiatta• . A-0hr .1 .Can promise fou,.. if .that's all, yen Went," Wee the. realy;:" bu LI have pro- raisea 'thirteen. - Sir John is iteexcellentepromisee; • .. The. 'Public Works D.epartmeni lias just about'completed tii iiiimense map of the. Dominion, glowing- the entire eatintry from the Atlantio"to the Pacifi The map as over .thirtY feet in. length and.sixteen feet wide., It as intended foiethe Paris reldhition, Stud will: give stranger; a 'better idea Of the .extent ,of our young Dominion than anything' of the -kind yet Peblished, The Prince Edward Ieleeti 4t)antiner, the..ConqeVeticooretan'is enclefivoring. to explain to the amosed Wanders abet Mr. Pope, in voting . for Sia Johreis "omnibus" resolution, did not cempro- raise Itinieelf at all, because that worthy's amendment Was essentially a free trade resolution and pledged the Conservative, party to a free'trade policy. ' This stAtee inent ia causing greet amusement. • Mr, Mackenzie. made a capital .hit on. Friday. He' formally sleeved that .foe the remainder of the session Mon- day sfiould be boverntnent days. Mr. Peter Mitchelajumped. up and made st furious onslaught° on him for taking tiway a private member's day and strik- ing a blow at the liberties of the people. When he sat' dowti Mr, Mackenzie, with great geed good humor, gayly re - sneaked that be would not ask. for, next Monday, seeing it was. theist of April; and that :he would be sorry tb take such a day from the hon, member for • Nor- thumberland. The House roared and poor shfr, MitcAell sat dumfounded and stared vacantly about him, being for once completely.nottplussed. • afti, Laurier, gives notice • of the fol- Iewleg eesolutien : That wilereas there aro at the present time large numbers of the pepolation of oue Cities- who; while willing to; work, have foe many mettles been out of cenployment, and. avhose means have beeosno utterly ex - masted, and they sues still unable to tina work; and whereas tiley have ap- 'pealed to the Government for assistance to eneble them to.remove to Manitoba, with ii. view to settle upon tIroivn lands t therefore, in the opinion of this Haase, it is expedient that the Department of, Agriculture sbould be authorizea to ex - panda portion of tlicent on eysvoted for im of employment to remove to other por- times of the Dominion for the' putpose migration impel:sae:aiding persons out o sett • ro t Another instance of the manner in which Sir joint alitedonalci used the public mouey while its office hasbeen leretealet -teeth neittrfa tat - &cc:omits for 1a...7a contain at itera. of $1,200 paid to Deebarats, of the Cana. dian Illustrated Pews, for which is Can- not be 'strewn that any value was re- ceivein the way of printing or adrele tieing for the Government. There were to paatnerits of $600 each, one in july, 18721 the other in Sopa., I87'4a A bold 1878.. .. Mosses. Millar dr Co.; began business in Kingston, as forwarders, in 1870, without capital. • They recently:. made an assignment; their liabilities. being $84,000; and assets, $200. . An investia gation' of their' affairs showed the 'nicest flagrant recklessness and itiability.. The partners Itt, tltp concern alteukt beCOM- mated to the penitentiary for a term of. years, for ,their' s was; a tieteciesof the worst kind of robberY. fl.having been charged that the now famous article in the Paris Star, on•itti change, of policy, • was written by the editor of, the London. Free PIV$S, that persolteremphatically deities it HOW - ever, there has been no contradiction of the statement that :tie deluge was ;brought about because the editoe could noteget a Colleetorstipaand, in view of thief ConeervIttive Niters displit3easeeia judgment in giving the prominence to the matter they do. - convenience, or. exeliattge .for something else thee will .contribute to our Inippi- toss; and wisdom: dictatea that this ex-. change .should be done with the least possible 'ObstrOotion. ' Tne name. of :Or. Steam, of Illyth, lum been freely used ai it probe ble' can- didate for the Nortlf Riding in the 116-, form interest, for the helm of Commons. The edection, we are inclined to think, . • will be endorsed by 8 good many as a very good one, eyeneley.tieme ere by name ohm- opposite pinty, rot he is known to be a Malt of' ability, of oxtail- c(puired knowledge and nob bliod- , _ aa by party zeal to follow the leadings elf' any one that does not pursue n course that will be for the good of the country'. Ile has long beet a resident in Merid- ian; and his qualificetionse are well known and we,fed confident that he will oh.- tain a strong support, which ho deserves., 000 S P, RING. 1878.. Wing to the -aepresaion iff trade, and the exceeding hard t' lines, we have. been 'unable to find anyene watt Money enough to boy our stock of Dry (*eode. We have therefore; been to the. market and bought et• Sping Stock, whioh . • 4... •J•• • 0 C1REAVEST STOOX 1WEIt OF.iE,414.11) IN, (44INTON) It being bought for caelt, we are enabled' to offer -it tb Glut ordain at wholesale prices for cash. One old,staiek being pretty mitchatild (It'd by auction, the people, Will and everathing 'new and ofliie very best' quality. Any old stookewe have ou hand, will be cleared out atWHOLESALE PRICES AND LESS. , „ , • _ . . • As meay Ofatar customers are of the opiniort Out welave given up'lnisiness.• Olinten, we take this Opportunity of,Isptiog titeni know-thet ,tae -are etill doing ' businees es usualeand Witt he glad co see them 411, and supply them with good; in any line, as heretofore. a - • • We have secured the serviceof ,A. FIRST-4.A.SS MILLINER, aneare prepared, to execute all orders in. tbis department, in first-elass style. Our She 'Room will be operiecl ina few days, and the ladies will have e chande of seeing ill the New Patteros In English, French and American Millinerya t'Or irk. -SAITI-1, who, we fed confiient, can give . eatisfaction to every one, in a gooll-fitting suit. • - Wa inive heade splendia Aseortment of ENGLISH, FRENCH and bANADIAN TIVREDs, at the- very '.'10 west- figures. Also, a P.LEINDID LINE' op FRENCH WORITED COATINGS., • , MEN- AND BOY'S KELT HATS; IN ALL Ti -TE NEWEST -AMERICAN ' • -AND ENGLISIre STYLES.' " • inete word,: oar -deck istom plete thee year del -art -melte, .and I will tie :sleeted - every week or so. Wo .have aol,aent onr -stock Of BOOTS•IAND StIOES to e•Booaand Shoe • dealex iu town- with whem wahave enade.arraneement to. 'supply our customers at tire very lowest eates; BUTTR .AND :taken the sair4e as. "77,4*1 • 'CJi.A..I.414.44..N,117E Skt .CUnton, April 4th 188 4:11ipEip.;Cp.,sh iftAiait;0. thtedates mentioned there appeared in the Canadian Illustrated Yews portraits of Lord and Lady Dufferin and of Sir John ana his Cabinet colleagues. The $1200 was no cloak given to the pro: prietor. of the Illustrated Notes• to pay ler the vanity of Sir joint 'and his col- leagues, who desired le see their hand- write faces id print accompanied by glowing-autobiegraphiesaewhiek-anatiel- miring country no doubt, stippozed was a tribute frern the Pen osome indepen- dent, journalist. t" . A. book called "Ile Empire," pub- lishea by. Peel. GOldwin mitbeqe 15 yeare ago, has been passed from hand, to hand in the House of Comments, Eng.,' during the last fortnight, Some passages in at having a startling relation to the present stated things; in Europe' being' specially marked Ter reading. Here are. a few sentences from a chapter oft the Ionian Islands." He says t " I ven- tured some tinie ago, -when otir Minis - tem were mulling np the Turkish Loan, Way before you the roaster for belie - fug that the days of Turkey aremumbsr- ed, 'It is going the Way of all Eastern deseititisms founded by conquering hordes, which, when the impulsa of conquest is kt, eink into sensuality; borreptioa and deatiy. It is incapable of national,. eisgeneration—for . it is not, never has been, and novel. wfllbe .a nation. No national, hope, no national memory, nothing which can inspire that self -de- votion to public objects, and that gen- erous sacrifice of he present to. the Ri- tmo, by whichtlene nations are redeem- ed, has ever entered bite Turkish breast: Yott mil hold tip theaters:al/ling pile; as. we have long been holding ia up by main force, but it will neve stand by itself again. The mail is not siek" la.W morally and politically. dead'. We aro keeping a coepse unburied, and the whole atmosphere of Europe is tainted by its corruption: Those wbo live by the sliallow and evil craft. Of diplomacy alone bare any interest in prolonging the revolting scene." Sale Register. 1 laiyeort-,Beet:—On the 27th 'March, at the 'residence of. the .bride's mother, . 1VIatehester, by Rev. A. 'Matsu], Mr. James Taylor, of Colborne, to ' Misa Mary Agnes, daughter of he late David • .. • Lot 43, litary 'Street, Clinton, tin watch are two dwellings, property of Mr. D.41,1c- tavish, to bo gold, en the lath Jest. 1). Dickinson, anat. „ Roe,—In Losuleabone on 'March 28t1i, the wife of Dr. Rose, of a son. Ve-weeritseehe March, the wife of arr. Charlea B. Faw- cett, of a son. . MARRIED. Drene—Saxteesteze.—In" Zurich, on tlie 20th alarch, at the pestilence of the bride, by the Rev. Mi. atuteinget, Mr. " Valentine Diehl, of Stanley, to Mrs. Martha Schneider, of Hay. • Bell. Irbtr70,—Y0171,70.-LAt the res idols ce,e f -the. bride's 'father, ,by Rev: A McLean,on the 27th March, Mr, -Wm. E. Young, to Miss Martha, , daughter of Mr. John Youneatil of Hallett. 'DIED. • MoCearaner.e4a Hallett, on the 31st - March'Harriet Louisa,. fourth'.daughter of.the late James McCaughey,. aged 23 years, . . Gleacta.—In Kincardine, on March 24th; ' Mrs. J. Gilroy; aged 55 yetis.; mother ,of Mr. J. 0. Gilroy, of.Clinton. • Winareers.—At. Stapleton, on the 21st of ,March, Iohn•Witliams, aged 65'yeare. Gmentos.-eAt • Atone. (Hallett) on the. . at of.Marithe Eva Emily, daughter of' Mr. W. Gibbinge, aged 2 years and 6 - months.. jenvis.—In Goderich townshipe on, the ' 29th March, Lilien rranees, infant child of M. W. Jarvis, jr, God who lifts our comforts bIgb , Am4 slat them In the gym; He glum, Mut whim life takes &wen, . He tikes bat what be gem Ftsnen.a-in Oshawa, on the 25th Math, , ;George Fisher, aged 82 years and 6 months, " • Mr. Fisher Was born in the town ctf Weemoreland; • Oneida County, State of , Drew York, on the 18th day of September, 1797. He served in the war of 1612. en the side of the Loyalists, and was a recipi- ent �f a pension from the present Govern- ment this last two year for such patriotic . service. Me:Fisher was always an ardent advocete of trnperapeo, his arst etreitkio • . that-directien dating as far bask as 'when he, in cc:eduction With Elder Case, a Methodist preacher, and an halite named Peter Jonee; heti a nem ineetiag cif In- dians on ins farm, near Fredericksburg, for the purring° of tewhing theta temper- ance... Ile became a'mentlior of the Itfe:' tbodist church in the yeer 1817, tind was licensed as ea local preacher in 1821. Ile settled in East Whitby in -1828, on lot 12, ant cola, where; he resided, for About 38 nem. Ilia hots° was the fret -plant stop. ping place of ministers end tentperatice , workefis who• visited that part of the cone- ey during that period. About twelve years ego be moved to Raglan, and ottlisc. (votary about three years age he carne to Oshawa. to rinide with lie darighter, alas. Gardner, with ivhont no, to the Lis e ctf his death. We wife still minim lain and ie very neeely.eighty yens cad. Ile leavet eight children, two additional having died before their father. eTliiiicaresid Main rash a iv a a rellitarfaibIlie----- Fisher, n well-ktiown resident, lifrit. Gard- ner, above alluded to, and Mrs. Dr. MC: - Brien. One other, the wife of Mr. W. a. Pringle, resides in ?duce Albert, two; a son and clatigbter, George rather and Susan lifonger tire in Iowa, A. 5. Fisher, a hrernieent tuetcli an t, in Clinton, and .1. 13. Fisher, in Grangoville.—Onterio former) Ochetee, ,