Clinton New Era, 1877-04-26, Page 4....... ....... tjou 0 terloo GROOERLB"S GROCERIES 3D & cf101�1.3,1 .4 t� N Aed Wa Elouso, AtUP "i 116% It gome4,4'ut o ek, IIV Our lftok of Orocorloo. W opipleto. I-& ,,uqq eA" and 4 thq, fine, 1�01 .4,0 �toa CORP Our brekfalit tables doctoro" bil HARDWARE& 14pV;rs 1, , IMM, . 114vo us [Is. Ibis by ijadioiatiq Tr4AJ5-.Xew Crop, of 16,76, jr ,,warantood to glVo, utlsf iotiou. j eta u111 A, constitution my La i -t wit', x1l; 1.1 IliIii'li Ul III luill kill ha, I'a It IP tfudollcy to ti) iat -Ili$ eIfulvirit E CHINA' 1149 ON HAND F ULL STOCK QV 'u AttmeUVO SPrIUS QQ0410, CRQQ 1 881VAR. Tho V444 iilio W CRIIIii to 8.34. 11OW iloatiubg h attack. wherour .4A .1 0ij A Splendid TArlety. of Now a d got IIIQOS lyhllou� Will there is A'Amak point. -)V0 rw%x uscape Wo %vish special attention to our PelecttQai 114 THIS OP GOODS, AND %,Qil = Ai it IQ ove of tho J'argost null inwit clegaut assortments ever being �XAILO, LOOKS, HINUS, SIORFW% �,_A 'AV A*r i A of elegauce 4w aheiiiiiiiew, (it) not fa to see fliew. PAINTS$ OIL$, QLASOP PUTTY, z 0 0 (1, J001440 in lA6ojCj,tg JAN V3 ORxs, LAOR CURTAINS iWholopalo AU4, tofail Urocorti, UP10; bloQk, AXE% 9tWI),jjES, SPAX)N% SHOVELS, FL 01TNTON., Oth, 1870. �11 UP 'his 'Ojxeilule. 4 the: Iiiet :QeIiisus, under tho kSX TO UE OUR LINBS AT 26. 10FONT's. 'ND it tc -allldil vek, or inade to ARTMUNT I your trionds cud IRRITURIL Also, 5KOKERS. V6 allil that, invare of ds In St LACK DEIP r 00 T11111 -BIG RODSTEAP. .4 t1l4itlisi to SNQ HIGIT TONI D QOODS -lifted A comition, coil., I or 00ttl mhOu d uevCit, be o hav -4 to caU your Atterittod to aQU't, wilItto �0 an an lit ji,'JIL' .1 )IQ,' V lltile nR�Ptrqu nxiitations of �he, PAILS $20 PER HUNDRED. L.%rge stock -of gdod HouLsoliolt! Vulraitur�i SAI home mityl opt seasoned 14ateriA.l. Alljn� GLOV"r aware Of this, lit tiA fine assortment of Imported, work, suell, qu-, Myrtle Navy TOBACCO. ALL QUALIT111% F U0M I TO 3L ]3t; glll;tailled itl for TTONS1. .. 7 house -To t1% gos, What,twots, Oxadlea, Mattresses, Spring 101101 . .. L .40 Wood and Carlo Sent Chairs, Lquit- 3117, t it� liioitt influelice on 1411 the STAUP coal 1 21% - efi at t Nin tebu. P L _001 ale Brclbts, Rustio, FrAmQR,;ko,t lagend oil 0191;'Ato ilos e rolIC111, tful Imliniiary I �`HOMERY by all, r victu�04 train cd with Gilt qr Roowqod,and Rutic, Vicames, wood,. —7 itigoin --i have callei-I Ito re 1,10" turivaing Al'iffla.yo shopt t�he tivonfleth." X6,ftgmb, od or plal T HARD PAN R I OD tbq Wooly ljor, ilIhorspa,Are not so. UN GILT Z=T=S, to o oitith On oft a Ws touched the bell kupli 1100 vitititTitch . griat Qu"I6014W CLINTON, Xarch 1, 1876,- 0 w mo(lorlit9priolls,- l0th, 1077. watt po 0161v -aie inamp to tic found ill varioll"i RS"mT Q . iusty old follow once askod of thu couittl'y' but, if they 1011 the F BEID OuR FI TY ODWT 1 7 WE. _NER ir nivuera litti the om ITHE' PEOP LE'S'GROC 6( Who is the rail, riflixillis drA4 Oxhibitea by Ballillm; \%-6 01'.4v 111vilorti 4011 h90.Us and devilti are I , I'll, of tho tl�:kt. is tiot'in ho,40AY coil-, Ali 9611100 t Stooko And, selling, at COU Pricep oilonts to be, the order 0i" Ebel irX beg to I-Ortitil,l. m7, In� Parasol f I s and Unibr'' 11 =-t�e (ir fr6ui OUTONS -DFjPAR9%ENT� that .1 will still, as-oboap-and. givo,pit good value for,t4n.,-%npneT4� I t1liq. it 1. 0. 1077.- houilli In towil" w1wout any hilichug. i .. .. . 0. OTT,.�'VVA, ;!ab. - L WK LEAD TE TRADj@. Of Lbeir busballiI as. a. I,Adyb'o. Alille. N­Lj$� \w ARE NOTICE 0:F­-8L'0XE-- Or W11Z PUZOES tpilf aranco, ro, itia �OIUNGHvsox,.TnA, 0 cts.�por III,'; 'A oity tobacconist. uarned� Far 1IL0 �'j �tjji`j five-, Ito IV% for $1.0D.; 11 lbs. Stiomt foi,91.00, �I'o SH, Ope it Ivill W, -In Bilfg- ;�-ADES g! i�ti 01 I -U-N ER TAXI Toxl-Wc eandvsroThe beat rivid ,nco- tile llalne,;411111 the Ftj . FINCZ_ All elegant Hear I soforlliro, Aquantity0f ido 6r the 11 mu veiyflneShrouiII6,oboall. Funcralor 'wid. GlasortAro ioba4conikti on th(0 6,1,11�r 8 oCo. is on tieh Iitboa4eil A 7`01 Asnortm6lit of rockery *Mqh, I am sollIng'valty Uw Lyn. n, al qrnishiligs all 1; I t P to( a SJMWS,. 75 C334ZTW8. TO STITZ TIUT 11r, XTA , R offins, moulded,and nitposifis tile jutwkrit, for the puxiwoo of gitllf;ry rr s, large stook'of I - -la6ly vocul,lodbytir, street, not ito be outdone, paiited up--! tote all uieffivine ilea erg. . oppniV4 thosholi ro floullble Far better tobacco than the beb. by . . I... L _... , - I �Lt _= 1 ___ iuch as repaWng furniture, MakilIgL 4LOW 01,11111, 11 - plain 41 ;tyaonlian(l(trimiziedt.os-ai�)e',ih4o'r OURISTUAS .000,DS-Now Rais,L no, New Cuirrants.. Candi 4 Pool, &c., juet'arriyod. �01 it,. . . clearl'aning il, I, . b b, , , _ . 0 . . . . I I I . For." F or SE61e or LC lo� . late furniture or otherwise, 'A SPI.YNDID VARTIET.'.. owill in in Usirket, Lift. 8 srd� rwoirmr�proraptly, and at otorb; opposite the liepp. A A lady dorrespoudent her rilr Orl TO w0itic -Remember tile Still,nd-Aillab street, op.Voq W. U., 11ME., - CLixTov, Dec,, 13, 18M. - as follows :-" Bab -1- havie-fa da, to,, 1gatin rai. site the Wfa�ket, S, A t huseS.'STEVENISON . I &ITCHEL9 we lody'061"! otc. Tile villainous YPO veii, rill, othsr conve- runde it read :-" Bu� I have already Oil tho ixtd krtos. OlintOnj Aug. 20, 1873. �THIgL' U L be E;ql.l or VALUABLE PROPERTY for SILIJUI ARr1,,*CHEA1"BR- SEA80N OLE ni)-rried you." This is Illy line, of tbe no IN Tnm, itR thousatid litile auno.yalicel; illilt A DOWS-' NEW. GR0CER`Y....1N­CL1&@TUgn"0 GS. TOW 1 0. GENT URNISHEpt., li!x,per mien lifts to suff SHOE.1 I :'.TH!r,, U14jYER$IGNED, HAS MUCH PLEAWREL 41� MFORM NG tiv�: L THE, =,$!DENTS 'House the of Clinton and surroundhig, Count L ry, that he bait ope I tied out in the store Ilatetlyr�_oc GOODS ONL)4��_; A WQ ny wie would snpi-iosw that (ht- -ka' OBBY, U �y -T -toob, 'rho hougo, cold. 0 -y D li", f�Tr 1, remn, on Viotorld, Ut AlbeP6 Str0 Clulton Ill yment of sewitig the mot !Mr. -J, Steep %tiltou vkixt he 14 prevo.rod taint, flirorra, to wall laid nut1Ut%.,4vor,l- llfuland'quiet ououliation in Braids, atono, foupdAtion slid good Wier; hard andooft, 4ii %ttable, and jujilentuy OfLirlilt trPOS I%lldyebit ii absoluU,Ay w S_ 0 IJJL SWISS. WOR Ro"al rto JIM, lwitb Pottage, on, -Bond titrotib; hard a114 soif C --p rooeries, .1 ... It it hear ladies talk of' bodkiiw, 17�iutrp, l:;0). 14, 1877. The IV* soldcliesp,aud any reilaouablo, time givon 'Whe b ro will -be found alLartioles notially kep LOWER T"X FVF,]R. -4, It J.'j. 'gatherill"s, 11611111,i' 'y t In a first olass.QrodorY Store. A 0 IA raill. Taiespine.t1lilftly SolWitiod, itALST AIW� -.71 TOWNt, Onlit) bf -LA-D1"-03S­-PRU--N-- 6 s700, SW A, ril lasli. cn,iifon; 7 L Ings, slid Imtiligs it it I,' 4 Ab 10� I.. , T -a,, 1111. E PENE 9flj,oRtI R.Euv­w "3 .1 was ,,;Vill%_ THE PLACE,! -.Albert - Streetp ni fly, Opp 011 in PIltll. "ifitj %v;jjltpjI t,o 1), i..jjZ Tb,�:Irri% 1,,:"6�0,zp��NTV%Xllen IIppers-.,: out tho hilidve,s 01, Boaz ill IW�T f,1111 I Nr= -es til 12 lit, .4 N -.22,1876, adb o A v I I d REMEMBER 0 lie, F&I3. L es i d Sh CLINTON, ov a r6n Street, CLINTON% ing tile njil-prs to dioll I If, oTIFY 171", qX L `OIJr;P T IN 'TTS OPPOR of wheat. Md 111le publio oilei -L %I lie tt a I a f0V thatili his unraf-roun ouriiontersr, for thillile-fol ruirongiga thily 41110 �fzo rod birn with to ef-lidixi 7* RE SS, GO Cali you tell tit(- Lad es ODS Boaz did another' nice Zia STO-RE., ot.the Ciurner (it Win Tim. F, T, 40 11116111mOn till& town, drA Would at 0 wbi tit wH,i Y. li gor I IIqu— tEl-�Y- stylb. iAving op6ned a -1 r basin i th tried her," siiid one of tho boys. ev Itt he lkiii wit'(10 onall as 411 stlll� essin spronlI nmorlyuniodasaGrocory, T tThe lindoreigued 1i an he:-bolloves 41, I li M 0, onis cop on hand a iaige Aid wou scio sio.ck-.Of IN- W�IIC- H--'.NON-F,. CAN- BFA V -S. ,will be goativ to tbeir to this Ing A commorcin]. O' U. �cradt of Lila W- er r6liable we whichAic o .. fiors to t the lowent'romunerativis prices. - Agent * for Quotton t.. U S a ?OOM I b n, . . .. into a cabbagb patel . S�. ", Wbo rod torracrly in in Cot; Tqrcinto, ImporterEi-of pure Medicine! Winos, UU R-01it hand, and farallica aiiiiiiiial.whon 6rdtrqd ibnd'wam cousifilliod the bostbotgagil6brit posecasoji. *U06P11- I A J1 t r J�r he public a t d are dull." NV e Dpvf�r thought . .: .,.. .. . " . , lubs ind'. Maxiors of, Ahq� b it and most Brands, j., IW I 'L, L,� I A, - lIilf ' G I d :Dehi M' re very sliarp... When bric broak% A of pa-�� T _� CRIOLS s- FOR- D ck" Drills a you way clinfift it r'.l Goorge a, times aroUn�. tho jqt Hoillig sign viade suchlirraujinakits. with, would. l.io begL to inform ble. -the pubU6 gimerOly, that he -has'rflmilv�od his -WE ARt�..RIGHT.-� Ipitrone inlid libeialpatronagotixt d ur'. X-0 sware, C'k of, G thl and Was e. fourteen hundred ... hisoreH N U I? L L, V. 'S.;. roIc6rle�. na and it will try to crawl through It. I- bgo by stvitib atton 1, n oe0111 wbo* 16 ab,)nt to retTIZU toL town LOL 11raotit' .0his three-inch crck in the feU_Ca a 400 ragdatii, to g.1411 w .at Jib . . . . . . %_AL Ithctr� a L I Uroia OM66 itboul 6 oce -'65 America lut fto will eoebld.tiim to use his a. Iltuill known O t1lo,pre upied bf 'lie hole . ..... 7- O A� T1* SALT. thqir patroij�gtl-'_ once seEint -it made to g t s. 0 cil, to offer q)eeia Inducements: to, any favoringr S .LVAND.E NNO'k -13F,- BEAT Site may be a very good man,' . ..... Doing the winner of Elio prize for w' _P ay 91taped Thomson, his breath almost, *n;�-D3EAX0XD1 HAWRO 'N.. ROBSON.' 'OVF -ALL. AND. OVEWALL IT6 * can with oonfidmoo claim for' his in BUT B eboked off by tile tiglitnass of his 130�- Blyth'7 F. RICK� BLOCK At -end 06 arranged tillit all others, and would'�Iit6� that bo'ls C- linton, July .0, 187 6. thorn on it'inuell, abirt, while iliewrists vvere SO loose that #Il()Ut to inarinfaVtUTO 0 horst 'fibalet Slid by fba he "Vjll IJQ. d 34liscrillpr begs �o tender hisL i en .0 "Oth riade liL 11. they Feet ed not' buttotied itt all anks to his numerous In' &Rqshlon .X.WeL CuAb ' L. 4bl sitiocia th ug towillihips and the* -sanaother y rest autired thit their ordor�. W. ID(caloo OUSF� mqy bo It very good wornan, blab i. the iurrow d tannin law'y Y, NyAft, I 1, L Ill. will reecive pionript 81PR , don t unilGi-stand the practic.11- 06ntlou. . ' . R1400. bli gepbrall�,for their liberal patronage, and fboLoubscriber tirnots lie ivill reoelyo t"t pittrdna& Pit 410, tion or rypograpIlical eugineerino, to a And 47, frM V1:61V of IXXL bid on-. and would f ur.ther, notify thexn that he hatj telLsErlet, abt9naor, to bn4luess and nlong expor LUN Ailril 26,,1177,' -ml- -ill,100d-Anartintoo rb TONI -17y puttingin a new engine, double. TIPLING . THOMA A man had a pwscriptioil put up at d uoye4 I.Djr the 'power and -two run -of. Veter'lliI line itboor. NEW It Cornpleto L MoLof Met. LiLS'� PRIVAT.BLY - EVE' first-91"S'stone, a -city spothecary's, the charges for M -DAY Chant bol la;aild in fact all the Iritest, 1876. which was fifty-five cents. After be -6vemefits In It I r good work—ohouldinariti. ately added most.inip6riant impi CIinton, it4proved tagetharwith firit-ilass ad gone, the clerk discovered thatAlle gi T T. wbich1liestrangrerhil ivell CLINTOIT,- ON rp T 'D,,N I 0 N IG �C. E[OPPI ZA' T 0 millera; lie iii p L I No inatter"' Grist;s weiglied in and out. Parties from a plee 8 StL ,hiil five- cent' Can hhve thbir-gri fia�a C lop Ing NDFJRSIVx D HAVZ I -TO VV ON HAND 13 T fit I', d homo with th-�m tile sime day. 'Good: V-11our hat gives u a pito i.Tj1Vj U. HE It e�d at mo* derite prices'. --a—Z NIC J,B..R sylieu, as thojr forld. L A.VN :a. Up 0 AMY,,' -he sa�s in tone Iv r, R Pkem'segforiflerly occuple,d by el� L Of AND SELECT STO of love, The *Subscriber would alio inform the pub- E, Y a Itirga.stloolk ot lamb �'A B -A [1 L haho has' FinaLfrom 10 a aliarli voice frQui ri�., q I Z.,04, 1.,r gale at or ryo-ets'. -to 'Wft.; 11onilock, f roin 1 0. tOV.26,.;, Ch orry t- White A 6b, maple, Soft and Roql; cava" uf bitt by Uni, in lengths to suit *tho public, which en. CHOICE the house. TO. �be ay, VIA you ain't 9 hilift t Ell 6,11 orders liat he. able. 0 "Y my. Q8 t. 7 favored Niitih on t4o shortest notion Aw loh they offer to tl� publie 4 the lowest r6libillnerittivb riates, - -WhL Dooll" Itow I tell iod4onable torins, TIM4 1,90, GUineltaea 4 P02 M or A ier ;- BaRs's, roungersij and Cosgrovi?# BoWed...47e;. Agents f or m OR! ifi floftnlipius' nd Corlin18 ha?f and.quarter barrek, in wood, Grant's S Fr t6n and U pring Breworii amil 1q r tItirl'I'm I t �, rX Ill R Sole Agents for the Goderich Britwery, in illicit a 11111-y r, T J'a�w IIIUY All Orders Pro' Attended;,to. mp S]I]MPPARD, 00ory y led m on t. Tttaro CLINTON, JnnoS, 187 Our dore, Thn latib mau jr,iti,, t, r, 1); 7,1$77. Tilt, PILL9 TATIfy Illp Vend, all Asol-flere of -V impot -for tile to XT In the only relinblo I NDRY Lpqrning has' - to UdDC,%U, 4114 %U4 Are JIM all day. It is vol OINT111M U ET M it in tile- arm h2 C i osg.' GODURW 0 Lag% Old, woundlij. Notes and It howcver lorg, atanditig. TIM .4th good day.". Fr. getto the store eftily in the inorhing iGout, cud all Skin Dl8C45a0j it 'it I . - . A11111, iUFfIS TO INI�di,U Tli4b it atil riclulty, viat ho btut Ow A II told ofa legal official wbo' Uritt r wi.l af,,Il p4tica 160 aerf it 01 T11' Qiy%re of X .611, N business it was to take affi-dilivits find go'd IRU4, ilt AlEtrh olj,;Ilt tIrl aro %ith frome OPOned A Cabillcit fillop In the building on the cort.41"n ituitatiollit, of 11.110.UbW42181 rills faCt any Or ALMRT 41411, 1!noXH1 STUIlTH, and �Olntxdaut" are manufaetured and sold. rruder the odthinister oftihil, tbab a gentlernan UL116 inatnecifHotieway,fi; C;b,,by:.V.Er0nr" Ourtan&C6., Ag, to tbei 8:kcolloicls of atir Orims, roadihis following Testimonials: ur ng,C'omp called upon 'him. one Jar took up- a biI 1A MILL. Oppositritr IR!S. Olinton, Dec, A, 1816. Whashowillkitepodhan4a of Nail, Yorjr, with 4G�k>]D]01 which wasi lying on his desk wbilo -hiL4. , 1, . I (( (1, 6!lc have groat pleasure Ili testifying to the'llierits, of Messrs. Doll 7 %Nr6 or , 1146 thig with tin fillnut (I r :­ R, 0. the de ra Is in rovenients are td ba f see," lie said, " thst you find I Olk We li f(d b t r Qlt of allyin.p d. 'They, excel 09 c, Iwo lo V.d wh1ch he Mill a t1 11 A-Weettleas' of tone An -es on to the moit rapid nia Tpurarily engaged M"fttrn of.pyletrI201 lowor 18 Own apid Wa Illiatio"' than fhtt�o ever Offered 10 this a btacti. aniuse yourself with ligbt.9oddinr, a P, a Iootor, act man, all rilrders entrusted I* bifin will receive pronipt -elief to- your dry gtrati Than . A NE I 9. Warden. St, Paul'x Church. -J 111017T. P 0 legal llusiness."- and satisfactory IL (elatIcia. "bla Inill ("Mutiou iyery of Mtest'Styleso Light literature I" return%L the funi- 11 .;jj B. ART gin the public, In it ornall boit'll: of dIrdoUn1A te to thitit K, F. RR Doll theopDrIons, I it tion �t tiongiry why, that'fl the Ne;W* 33n :iid 3fill'. Nadi lw16n, Ana your bellows tile beit will. ever saw tit t6 thb, liublio to tile Organs* arli red All right ; on skatiainati vsvfnjl� 1321110M of AdO4 CT Yotir actibit and feeds are large, pradelditig i% t6ne resembling th og... your "Nfiddling6 Purlfio:ft, Of Improved 3?,1ndz. 1p bnth aII 01:0 still, icip6rted, tilmo. a, Ifirgo, nestiv and rogypeffaly egbl to the alerm,ta mothers very soult tin organi and you full ivory,fronttd kays qo All thaR`uld adogirad. r 'Fir lads- Vt 'all, Sirex. and U1 of larbilloe atd O.Eher lad to, and to the PiAMId 01 4 Ili bpili uvw dn4 Of a bottat clapa of gooda thhr y 1ritish North Aroerics, tbt they vapy be phalaid,"to tini at 3 .1 d Wd Itredict; for thost Ila bill Testament, indeed I" rejoi6ed the oilier; lipou which I swoAr my clients." why, it is I Thaddeus or Warsaw." Then," said tile notary, f 1106 a deed lard nnvr pirphrer apbouzes'nusporin0y flivao froudg, JOHrSHxW Dealer InPianos Mild :AG MA &URAL. IMPLEMEN Titriliah. an-10ted(I 'M i Ric whiph has been signed in thin office r6r H 0 R 8 N lh rat-6ft a 4tv.e, Ikt agau, one.hill, 14 00 6 1 'a pt, f - Purebacers 6hoWd I It t tl Ln.1301 Oft charged, .. . 001 filal" t1la Vot 'If the 6M., . sots IlLot the thirty yettirs, is worth tlle.jitglier is vot s6up at. the. 533. Oxford S. oet, Londoni tlicir aro, t,�e written upoti." kindef gr a and Iron .92, 'A NETTo SEWING MACHI DEP T oallf ath'POL Alid BOX �eftt.9 (be nnalsirt He watt standing tit tile carner or New Era Office, , C11,111'.0iii clilliffo. 6 Difirch 1, U117, Suitp, with the-*tards. ' I(OLIAOINIAY18 PILLI-I AND 4 - OINTMENT, LOM)W4, ongraed tharoolt, Ontho, A qilelidid assortluent of first-class St- NVINa MACHINES' d1ways onlima, -14 DLBS Grand and Muton streets w1jen a Ito ioo- wbero haid ovo,y litellitr fr.r 4 itti(i, the work $12 lithel Ili the aildreae, 633 0XV01111) riTAftTo LONDOV,. ILI, nan-3111sbia rates. to FOR SALP, 0ff.V4AP.;_8aoOnd-baud 1�ngiw and - Pollen of 10 90 find 80, Man came alou�, And, pointing to fit box stil�, 1,11 vhArii alnuet th-y tire tritinufaitifuted. and every furniahingL kept; in atobk. - 8.veral gtma cligratilljoit fil ctoah, E Em Wl- vartleg *ho ran,vbo 441ratiI by votidors calling g a porium, -tnit The riVIVIOU14 Trollowh's p - B - - 0i'and 11�gtdlnk, Web' at his feet., thiB gdod boy iila find obefil S 0 L n E P A I n -1 X G Sao 114so Powir, 41go), Stave. faciline, Shingl. too, and Heading stm. [no milto, shell, on coulmlinfo-4 , .- tile I -al tiotilarx to 99wing Machilloo Of evor3i� waltd, rep ired, na ne%y,parts kept on band. Having engaged -a Tointer and Plainer. farmer who lost tht Olitof his wAgon will 1130, be aniply mnittitratfi;!, otji tutir Uslads -it oawful bad. T s'plign you'll ta't' praotical malthinist, all work d6ne hefoia Av,-arranted to.give good satisfaction fo it to PUhL%0-Wt 'IAX STILT, PAM6 sixtiod, 1. oo-Partaer6hiP. T)O&TYft TIMMS 2014LOWAX, H. NORSWORTHY. the station, woi�t you?" 11 y9tiitte tin qQatitity of FArbir 1juron StreAtp one door west of the Coultuditclul Itatel, it'llilton, Ont,' honest boy," roplied the officeit. rpir iioTtr_ Ttlr, IISOWO Londo%, Jan, XMIL1877. (IODMICU, VAII, 1877. ])Ublid that have niterod Into part., boys would have lugged thaii bo -.off ricqh1p, for the a t.1 on the blitekAulith. "e" �.tIATk4�0, Stoirjj� of It, as a.stoub box wvighing over oiht" v- " 12 " P: "t bv : I got 'y (jr-0 ENGL home. Yes I'll take it'to the dfation)" ttigbioloo,,&,in in the., bitimitigforimr. lob to doll Ittlentl6ft to ont 1,118 mill" 91119 poundsi �rrrd wlmn tba officer Holso" I - L . I .0 _-1, �Vh�rr. tIlcy vill Ll r.!Pj to vintiXto (LIT ordol's oil- - I , i 0 r' 8 'T R, A T .V 0 Pu D down in the aLatiola-bonea all Ilia lionit's 0 IT% a ly arallecer, and at I0 rtarlaTle ached. Solne said it was butt ndNew Stock 1900APOSAT='11674, Sladoossors to nd so it was Opened. as,rrow(;)ngxdq a r,oclalltir. and tvarrant- G R L T U RAL 0 RX S'l some said cheese, n A UA U Work od The contents'wero cobble otonea. Ar U officer ric ai ran " ine e way back, and lie %lilt all th The fl;.4 861A bY thei Odd,ly �6 it ro(Inelid rills Aga r ta E. 4- COlITTA. ALSO, AW xPent hours looking for L416 good' I)oy, 0 In I rin. iq? ce eebut Without BUY Itick. The good boy (14 -Chmax Double inder Threshing U01tine) 110et Floll an olletill aq ally other hoylso, fit 0wit, ellIvl rIt IvervoltI4 II)II40jitflogi, 9f4oh aa hreidhing -.M Ohl T, blew his fro 11, wMell Nvd ill lly-file fatore"NA WOV4 i E, Ift the , 1, br�tor--T GrMid Railway. Combi nourr i ALIX It, WILLIAMS UD, W. AtOWAT,..T. COVC01UX. W- UARS, He Alone'is ind dplirt,Arn pmdawl br over It thil nV6 of to. ne"(11tv" cf�4 whill) 1; . ; opgrident' 1010 Call nintilh- 'In bvitt I aA0rZ10Ut%'U1tAjj IMPLEMPNTS alwyk an ...... tain himself by hit; own unaidod a 0000 8ANAIRS, IN BLASS A 9 900KERY-WARE ynoto 6,ittepialig for If ifibor griefs were irition oil tit lt Ilrow a�40d# (1611voled, III D'US' 41IIIAIRA9 fbAt follo tho Iargdf Ali(I inoidatting ims, oolebrittea T I how inviny would appear iniacrAbIO'WhOuly 'Oat, 0111i't fit the Plato, quort(16 ,f 11,11 I A 1111190, 0 A LWAN 6 C Vill fit Pitts of -tho Dontillion, 1VO have, by tho itittoduotion of the West Ana wollit Approved Itillo" Palo ilk johnsjon th6 world doome happy. i1rflal "lo L l"heft, es. N#16 A and .1 Oil had after Mondifty, 11thivelf 11j, U008 tk- bf VIISJOU, 11kotantil Po old 4'so, m'"ligliliry Into Our wot noroallad Our b1hiftutgaturing. faillill in Boa W clillf 1817, , I I - fig its lo-, Tralno will, Tmva 011111(n 0"ttiou aq and.a. P1`6111tiftlilo 011411re. all I Urbadonst S obrig, Seed Drffla,� 11drab 'Powers, Sa1ba, The dime novel hall bf,,tn Product In a Position to All All etaors; prooptly" gitiniate, offoot irk Now I*Orli, by,qn aepleting A I . . a d,by doviating (tom VArron6tm,,y MI. dent Nowls, &O.. of %V6101, (tit a, JuIc, cj,6 the beatities,of metropolitan lite at, to telilpt 14.53 A,jL."`It(,r, Elio Exth or"o.tTill'a ad!, Will 1061111, I'd tho blifitnAffi; we farntrlk, Ov avo hiiiii P, a young Ind of fell to le, OAR casils, E116 rfMIlt of A Tito 040? a very 11140hilia fir tu . it 4Aa thoroughly WE - oa Won leavi aftro S dotoft (lollarl Ix 4ity 0RU in Tinily j-dartl of dts� lrb 66tibitodom -guilders of steam offla in Albany to oftak hig 16rtnne in thn great I 4 fit, b Vt% We'd& ngihed Abd )�0110r$s 911SIZOSo 401t,v- tIt)(aliffea, bltit, . I . " Wfour yalq Its riinlaffird ittvit ill-inc3a &DIT 116116r:011p, Iviomewl, 6bij bnyN Irm to nood freo I)v mall to owto nuk, .rq lift. VAAU WHUMMS AXI) ALL 011 MILL MAORINUAlt'l, C 1170, Wilt for Trit, till 1vo.701sig At A% joying tho Trin, \913 le C and I foril, rwit bo dent hy Aloftip, TYWof, Wo4s tot- dikso tot Pthh death ot 1114 fatIG'# 1`0- -10 V,.1 Mild, ,ft6jd.1juf1al",� 11"e, will of iltatiting PAr� ynitil, on olithe ivy, jjf cetitiv, to fal halt to congl4ittiablil litopittV WILIJAM 61my a call VlMtpe4i on the Itolt oly,ite, Chew Ateloty ifet4lholf it 90k*UP, ., Tronto, Ora 'Itiq 0 mi, phich led to bill being btiattil np, 11 of 0 lid Oat ligo ODA tilkikka lit til-Akoij. -6 #2 vu $1 tk fto - 6, 0il ll'Abla tit val MAn 4 t6\1 li tit i 6 I . . ...... ........ . ......