Clinton New Era, 1877-04-26, Page 2at
illitly be hgtTlut tho i)04
Mr. N. Alit 1, far litilre IT T. Fallpy, of bai fteceptod To nilike tbli work coniplote in atioleit, an Al-.
k Atho editorship (if j1pi Stratford tiolo on itftilrch* Anderilve
tWin 1 the of 14W tisbig fit Illyth -I, trivo Ott L 111doll. A1 Mill aru fivill handa dott (Joll 43" AnoviRt Lo the AtiyInut for tethilli to, 110) Ilmalreally OXI so.14 40 acres of Itwl lot 4, 9th find fish-ifig r I . I f tile use of the entire 'alA1118 WAIT01A If AVJI-"
ill t.110, 4 alkis. of Ole town 0110 IIAR 0111141AY01. l, btli� te otber day a small apookled trou& iIlas, 0olli 1110 farm, 'lot 7, %vatov of Niagara F,44, upon. the Amotiotin o0ris of tho Iloyal 4- rigiaeors i Ito in cunndc-
ctGoderi 1,110 Side, of tile Kier, with 040, v* It Robert Norrio. t to gr4t 11144onlo
'ell is; call- wwi follud ill one, fti)PAroutly as mucgo". Nov, to Air IN,
)And for, tht, 611111 will Ill, aik ta be.
The sold at %notion May let. traveller, ;tq4- Xbdel Xado,�Iire Pit- ANO,
Q;x 84WA.0y 14st, Air. Toppor COPOIQ404 A filderoll A yervL moro.socludod rotreat
. A i � Air. Robav 1114;npWou of 0olloriall, lilt$ fill. initi,)pInc the whole country
hour o: peach against the min, litillt follow intlat hive wig"'Idd along a 4k Wholesale dry goodi InqrObolit in To., on tho'noalo
o1hr for lilt). ell n or4or iroit harrows whioll Are to of one uli a to tile inch, IvIlou that m illp. Is
ronto, Ila$ notified Isis oloft that they., will plete4 it will be a
Aulted malty f the In fit Tit it radAy distance be-takett UT Ulobigall. bout; by ion Pot
be expected to attend prayers N�foro l0aw. aid lye O&A follow our s4viour over tile i 3 ot
44141`�0 tba his I'lilk the brooglpt hvF4',r,4 I
ilaMr. ohaslot con. log for thoir Wies in ilia evening. Judea. tile "Oe"'d niountallik tile ril"tra, and
sent Wjlj�jl, it true" every , i�k 4crainith, IQ0 norea ftirNt-
arg of lok, ur drosses w6ro tile plains will appmr, as in IN panoran A~
tlwle inintla that oil tile MIA of next and old. Tile fo hv Mrs. VA lortince, blosoo Saw tholn from Alon"t ,IR 10, -
oformp It btl glakl,,ttr ace praYalb est We -of Inin ilkilt hai, Oil afteinciala am 4 bo�, Ives drIVjpg. actrosst Toroato, in tile A g4b, Aftei
wit! bo. ill" I.%rg threv, yers f hibur the foundation wAlls of ol-
O6as Nt-bor"o tile tory WOOL lakvil In this town. Luild. Volf, 1,400118 Tard orth os'ev soven hundred Vlilars 0014 omon'A Temple have Well discovered, having
NT P Gode. are w
9. WrIghtmoti, who allecei avid were clesi-nod by the Olt been Covered uT, with over eighty Not of rob.
-at of tile t;ajilitry only (10. lotiv A144 Owned MI.
is ooruccraoll Q T No rK%
Alt blililing bleb, abowlyll a 161he symmetry and
0 A llt`�Jllo shoublIttafto 01 ivw , I ;It I lit) t wa5 by tile willinor Worth. order of the
SIrQUs that tile 1110q. Nvll� )III r1%, of Ivid otle , iReject faco Olemsolvos choloo taillinal and -Dadly plans as lai( out by Solomon, and Hirom the
While - sorne workman were diftin;
walollb their recently race A buildor. Tboo.oAlofthopro�hetHa?glhasbeon I IM, (lyfI lAv it I m4, lv,ia wtiold be prepared to bill Aoeoriling to .4 return ived from well in GrAvenhurst village; they discover. ft up, and among the wonders disciiyored, IS
lotig %--I ftry 0.10k1kil to� tile coltutry, lit 801110 tTreasury 'the AmQunk still ad very Ana specimens of, gold iii auggeto., the- Xtiabite Stone,, which was dug
11 duo, $eliforbli, oil account, of the up about 00
11we MroR 'The indioatiou6 ro 'so ell
Qtk Aij� vifl A I 1. RiL
great ioalt has been
pouraoing. that miles distant from oruisalem, witi.t thirty-tw
$Ile .20th days of t
y Media, Kin
Loan Fund diAribution is $8,513. Tula ill,. W., Smalley,, bbe of the proprietors, is lines, carved intion TIeld oil ilia 18th, 19th, ajild
spoeell ill anotained by W. '11, in the Wades rAziQlpal and interest. it, made, b 9 , I . Ili's mouth,
A,) Ile' at, that. death of four of Ills best sheop, and. t about to 6ink 4 shaft, Great excitement XoAb, , ving a history of -his"exploits and Ut.
in of llSQoicty IN TORONTO, Were atteiided
alla. 4101304. A brakesinau on the, W, G. & ties wit Joshus end Saul, Written Ab the
Ill. severe injury 9 (1, UoXltmara, had one of Ill proiails, Offees of $2,0QGl have been imade time that DAY14 was, a, shepherd, 13, and in the
the Clintoti, Amatutir Dr, 1! several others, which will
ld'giviolg tiorforttiance iti. the likely causo, their doatIl led for village lots in the, l6cality of the *011.
tell I, by bQi�g wog whilat coupling oars at LuoUnow 1 93 same language used in -tvriting the sabus, and
Aer; in fact, &a thoroughly raft; ionn that , - In, 1111�11002ht
Ong ti * so of 6vo weeks. The splandid Oak. This, is the third time 11 to, allow the importance of this otone, I will 1!4
aour Is last night. "Ibis to, be hoped the w 0 has ad a. At Ayluter, on Friday moipirig, lis- Mrs,
lie FRs sustained, in a bguqo ;of 103 members of 11 D Life oil the A Og at caused th 'teats will be disooverm log broken, G. Kyd.4 and Mrs, H ', Were . Mr GeOrp Smith, 9f the, Britist)
by� ajilloR buildiu; ayortl:
0 ownors con), A, A fire with coal oil the can exploded, lit 040 Of ilili 11100b RQCOm9jiSL0d AMSIM OWN
tOd tit
'by 1 4 of tho�.t, aad,'fo allow that lid I�aq no is in Itativo rahearalil, aml. a. RplOwlid p r- oft and asro 0d, and their muselim adepts.
0 townsillip L oucceedqd, _WW_
at. Efat and Ralph Stepliensolit, after much labor, in translating tile. "history
fear of It thorough investigation �Uto 1114 m palled to foot the bill. of tile. town. ally saturating"thbir clothes, and's in dooip, oring hieroglyphics, bas
Vole � Ft biP Of StAll.10Y, woro weighod'in Brua4fivld a fire to the hoose, which was.destrood in a 1v q on-thiastone, and this beilic a connooting
agement of the country'i; 'I'llesdilY tipPAN PpATif.-Ola -0 e
all, formanoo: bo'c. few'dayo ago, both gtIntlemen britiging down short -woynbn vOore AIN.
d yoong child. of Alr.�.Jaoob 51111or of this Wn., Waltori, Tuokersmith, was found time. The unfortunate fil-k Detwoon s and worg"apolmt thilop, by Ila.
kenzie has announced his intention' of asking the beam At U8 poundS.- A HollingshBad. removed groin the Mirning building, "ll
placa,'managod to obtain a bottle of laild-1- dead 1 )Igpqu-. Duringtho day lie had �io,Ll -lit ing thiP a-4 Ills key, lie has been onablail to lit.
'for a a octal committee next session Wenquire It &I pounds a 4 R. 19topliugaort. 2157 -dot until,they were n. badly, -bur
linin that w X_IlaI=11AML_ been, fro(i 4io'
drank,, a,. engat", und the barn, -cleaninj ottery,
nod tha, terpret tho writirif, on two tablits of'p
Into the charges made during th4o soaslop, 411(l qUantity, IWO - r, they afterwards died. wbich. werq rodent k taken from file dacoof
0 4110-111011 aid could'he' Up,,ai1d failing to return at tea time,, search no floop effee Uring the Year 1870, Ur -D. 1), WILI011o Aix Ottawa 11IR Xing Arsuspanipal, who reignati-;,killot GQQ
Seaforth, paid -Sat for eggs thesam, of S70,_ 'ti dA itighi'and comm.omecl to. abusO the flood, found to contain a Connected account
an lie' wits found 44 Yea" B. C,, 4nd'wQro made 4 short, time after
also into those m�de bofQre.tbo sem4lon, dul- Q .I Ad the drug jilia take Inatle f0i him, A W nomod, Rooks gob drunk
log tbb picnics, bt4,J)at roj�oateti on tho Iloor and great in ftbove . stated, where it is supposed he had 0oo of whid unt , out *for Oil 8at r, y
aping it a4vake , but t ell corke ondaivitb the Bibll�
One. Of Ilia Cal account go �vea by Is, goes, thus bringing a
of the House.
this all(I the ollijkl, ill a row 11011ts, Was out* ttlrA1 causes, as:he had been f9ryears Rid- baskets,. Thdoxilonsetifoolloqtingthosoggg
a tildrei), aud, scalded hot, arm so badly that witneso down . the present, time to.testify to
The followill- paragraph fromyr. Afaol;ert- $8,000 Was paid his family, Among ti�hor acts at oruelty 116 of NTON
ke bov in been At work and dropped dead from nal sulall lots delivered at his store by farmers In orillpa, 6 pok' of boiling ioup on
ofdangoll;, I I MONTREALROUS'E, CLI,
foring severely from alethilin. He was 80. amount0t to $20, 000, 1 ital Th the truth of Scripture. Then, after the dom-
she had to be removed to a hils * Q
zle's speech contains a -deal of truth, aud it !a to puJllo $ewrs. of u.o- A few days 81�06, as Air, UdKouley and Ills' 'neighbors wQr4 s6 indignant. that Ea pletion of the temple, we have a histori of the
=uch to be regretted tit gang of mon. we"O Working in th 1 0 YlclllitY Of to taj�hnd feather him, but wh y decided hred� years' labor in the consirtiotion of the. vely at It Is .90. It Is Ritnent, it Wort* 8AVXCE%.'-The, quarterly W1 'RE' RE.
Allnolitic . - $ .1 an all was ready t
Bolgrae, on the L, H & B, - they- XQU tba -to perform the opOrAt 6 -Mod was noiihere, Pools Of 5-610mon to furnish the city *ith
but a low days agA5 that 11r.John Mitalonald, place at oil whon 1-0- � Services, in conueation wit4 tile Hollfi6s, !jigger,, ovor_3,lr., water,
tran"k, Caver;.Qne of the to he icund, these pools are situated twenty one miles from
Ile Circtlif wil
over his own sionaturo, had to flatly c6iltrw fruill alftect-lonis it tha'r I be lieldht'the IV16thbdist
. iq.. ei, gang, while he wits performing -A,spQQick-l�hieoting-of4Te-qorouto Olt Jerusalem, nd -were three, in number-, being six
church, in-11hat, place,�on Immediate buidr6d, feet long and sixty feet broad, made
diot-tho-Arail's -report- of- his -and, 016� -tit road, lie not knowing of Jta Council was held on Fiiday Afternoon t
one above the other, so that
capiod the chai acted when tile RQv, T. Brock, of Olinton wi presence. One of Ilia loot waBbadIkoninalidd. the -Iva d
-tex, fiJtere
trestmentbe received from fir. Cliltriton, in Athtit was Treach in the morfillig. - On, the l3th of . A consider the salaries, of, the calrilvation of- from:one pool into the other, 'and was carried
the becret. 14ervice matter, Tito Alail woulAl brought More the quarterly services In conneo . :uumorously abtanded meoting of the Re, ficials. ' The.'31,�.or's aila;ry.was, reduced ull rgrpulidt�r4)ugk-.Lll..acque(luct-tgth"ity-,
y tion 'fQrmors.,_ . do
of the'villago-of dif if,- t 11 in f6v�ii" tile for tile , U q2,500, and the City Treasuriies in ......
itover have pablisbod hiBlettei harnicilioul,,ly )osotl I, %x t t I tb(;dis* Oil' roll an(T
ll 11L,11 a election of officem
Nv it is expectod. 1.1 At4',L:8, MoEwen, ad to $3,000. Instead of eIltializatiQu or
So good 1111 a(AVCrtLSIII& omer-th refrieftl
-at sacil0ce. DI 'tile other'inij�ortant busihoss;. Wanted,
would have been ton gro gilt for tile reduction, as 'was auticipated,. all ran
Alackenzio aya - Mr. Will I Of Sb. mas Atianiniously electad ProSld
present yoar, i, u. )1f6intoliji, 1�, Air An it l'inat tides. hills
oii sinking, li-ahaft oil hN -prhlll�lly Tho4o' in tionn"tion icroase in severa . A
�oon -GENEIIAL �S, RVA14
Stich is the strolli of calualli), anila*bilee fames and Valentina 110man made.
r�ith Loodesboro -circuit, will be hold' t c , -
a ntou�Aprjl 20,1877
which is pouretl out alike from ware th a elected Vicb-Ilresidents 'of tile &a- Thei Red River Transportation Cluiip�oy
c I the f on tho 001 of. Milk, ]let-. AIr.
trio s6rviaes of mil'el. soclation, iin(l Mr. Jollfi Nor -an Seeratary.. have issued - circular which shows� that
Conservatives and Conservative newspapers, I
that it is impossible for an), mail in this coull. States; nnd�ar Ntlione t mic .1 Mitchell, of WillabAw. officiating, Thnio a anted
Ira Lawis, of tile Police, - has steamer rates �W
for pissengors and, freight
-it lly t r000lvad. a lidninussion fro'in We Llcut-G o7ern, from ( St. Paul amd-D-illuth to Winilipej WO GOOD COAT NAKERS, ISIOXIEST IYAO-98,
try to conduct public affilirs without being Sul). will be procee'dod with ft ;�ur .,it, T-4 .11, on Sunday
jedted to the grogsestpossible bu*e. They is bo 1500 feet Rev. Mr. ., Thompoon,.of Tee.mya I to r, or of Ontario, associating tile following gefitla- as last semcm. 'ilia p&ar! T
about..the same
luron . songer rates from D
expect to weary out every 1jubliti mail they compl9te(I it great men' as Justices of the Poaco in' I TfODaIN$ A. illuth. to Winn
lack, -biii4orl, April 20, 1877.
expe Robert Afillai afid David B
ot to torturc Lis life ant igrinsinuations 0 -in, fib ii�llotlnl- of ilia salt that - tbley Alan not nietition hbre. Not call ofic ,20.flrst-cl a-sA and 81,2 socond-class Magid*
J -,,v aboro t ) an
'arl 00'-RRE8PQN-D,H . 0 , Liles Braithwaite, 'Londe i '' . I . I A -to offer lines of DjrV
--Tho it h Alyjc§ Ybung al ti ear oil
tont with oppo6ition flisly inntt wifr� the Ity - ge`nts� n is, now preliArld
the,,- Red River boats, . fi d
oall jpri&l,of,jOt 12, Son b Thrbulvgli rates from,. AS fare into his fairtily. Oranvil a, to zU..r, T. J, Bell of, i To Fvrig. Rowick BIG.,RUSH�FOR`F H1014 -i
,j,,bero il�l_ in Ca.
Ito fairaoss in
the Parliainental:y ions of bolt;. eliblemen Londos orti, fMcI.Whitili wo ilmot!"Acpd staitffig points belIblWt -P
-Alf 'f ----I 171ces.
-h -al F -it 4ob-1) 881 16 :bjmt-Ramo� 47- a__US_dAar0_nQL yet rranged. opposi�e: Thereiaii-o faitneasio, their Roadwest'Hay. - - t the St. Thomas Assizes, now beim
Sa,tilday last, "As or anitwomonts call lie for the
and the), seem to be actuated by'a de= MdlofAjay. I t !is Usti Ill oll al I. public bolitlays, iedilses ill Soil held, the -Grand Jury brotight in no W1 014ROY'S AEW, 0 ER
tion at till Imi.aidis to znisloa� and Inisstate ly 4. Ile olje�; indeed -it. cotlei(lvrod- One to daiier� th-11aplco, a toll -A, Davidsi.on, T,. Stoplions, J, Brigharn, fil the chargo,of the Queen. -To. 0hute it
events and matter.% wl l could as �rall lie Of the bst of it it . 0111 10, oullillil"'alla ? (11 '' I aldtirab lot f �lnotioy 'out (if to�n, which wa$ itlivosecution for allcg4failuie oit:th, HAS CIPME TO TOW.
stafed fairly as hot." had'obly been iwPorted froln Sootlatill a.81; . ' Powell, J. cBride,'R. Dawsom- `Excter�-
wo It a spent Leis. could game part of tile. defondant-fo supilort his ife.' Bargain... -In.
lel-si railway faciliti it large oinod, the Seventh Day Advan I El
Eltiott� J. lie tist t su
It was -at 153,.000, 6d tdoli. it is allegl OFFERS FOR SALE TITAT
V Ty_Kult. THE WAR V7 THE EA%I% �i6 one that i ill ci V. Christier. Refused -J. Owen. Bayllold-
or. 11 or a 14Irouglit' to town, which is it Granted' J.Morgau.!,JohnAoh,Jj4 and)j 3d, arove h I at-
.�eirarbet,.ruoiil'�us,-i.iatitITtirkoyliauiiow i I bill, tter a ii. e,,04iR Black. ., Reluallil-11; MoCann. Stinley- hii" , weRt halt of lot �22, oth con.,,
lisurod. -P l )We. I 'dead" (, __a=lleut, form Viol
bee is in Turner, R, J.TUritor, 11', olialTor; tile house, . Ilence his reflisal :6o, give hor. llullo% oonsliting of 50 acres. The land is good ciar ar ains In LA� DIt S LINEN 9tT ITS, from. $2.
a officially declared, nd a.forwarAl kpove. support, find. hou,ce the ju5tilic, ti lostri; 48 acram cleared, sood dwelling 4�nll fifune 9
1,-;JUIlI:n BY B'VJL� --Oil' allowing every small �villllgti to beat I
mout of. tretops inae, bailving no doubt of llos,� Win, Whituleyj -a faO-ver liv , ing oil 1.110: Sting Smo 0110 mail AV, R.Jfodgiils,'Refusodo�C. 1; p sit us. a; on of if
-Grand Jury.- barn, and stable,!uever,failing well close to the hens
bornoz--Gran bed -S. Cave, te 'T. , W, lie
and about two aeres of choice fruit trees on the x1ftoe
tillties liftvin'-, actuilly commenced, a natural Hu roll Rend, ttickoraiiii0l, 11041, this snb�tlt, Montreal,. on Satuiday aftanoon sit
I - Catheart. . Rogused.�C. Wit Davin. -Alted about 4 miles froin Clinton. * Ill health i.
j,ours truly
a . till serious jussition arises, as to what offdeb "'a I � - , . . A -Granted-W. IV, 11 fvteniau ovmor reason fof sellingt Pull particulars on applies. ITNTS'ana DRES LIN S.
1),�, lklibg who the, if Thtlmpsou's M
Re , , . Stephen tt, ar ains. Tn Pr
upon by a, loull., lidaitltll tion to. the undersigned, on the prentisea, 'or by letter 9
oil 61fatb,`,J,-Caud, J. Mr. Barroll, B. Spart, R. as rat u rli�lilg- from tho� -bauk- jth� pi o.
wdl it have upoi. the affiirs of this couatrfP - � Cliutou,,Apri 25tb, 1877. faterl, di"t
obtain iA, Cameron, C. Ryan,' D. Gtirmwu, Ra(Used $51.6.17bia band,' three'well-dressed � men -FATRICH MY. -
. r ArA20,1877.
he first and most important. offe0l; it will' man. had sust'ained diolocattoll of tho right Al' J30or,- J� Prait,. AV.. Fletchet;. y or
T arentl' &rfi llinto,
will cause all kinds of -food to -slloulilp'r ioin:t, awl. ws eville. Wils6n, 0. -Bar ain have is, that it spiked to see some furniture, W.HIT. COTTNS -good Aiaerican,: 0 cts.
become dearer, which has lready beoir the The ruidy, N. Dejobort. J..Pritng. 11. Ortbi..H. -The foremaii placed the the aafe 4STABLISHED I 859i
of lhe Yeiv Era: -DUchafinto.
Xo0b, Refused -
to some extent, aspecialIV in the article Whiteley, i4*.0j,-(by-flva years of -it, 'Wagoner, J. and asked one of. tile
cage W . ay- gxt;-I botice in.v -ir -edi ini1h�G,ani;e1_J,,0ox-, Q,'-DilI_Di _three to., follow him
dffiour. Thiswllbe a &,rest drAw.biteitc,to 13 6 -.a laiz. our last -que, in'sn , Tallors frifo-tho'iear o(thoahop; Ana while abson't
- 0 ao ty a
Ur torial headed "Onr..'tommoin Storey. : P%,efasod."J, Daley, W, Van $�ge' the otlipt two In, American and'Canadiark -QREY.CQTTQNS.
Canada, asin cousequencoof the fail softhe BL., r b*ib will statement to the effect thab you ofteil liaAr' ins
XD tile molicy from* the
wheat crop last year she will have to import Ton, a-artipmon mond MXylo, She!),
be doon.that�tb`at wonderful pro- parties, )iving ontside th-&eorporation, Grani'Ca-t. b. Rynai idsom saf� and mde off,
Instead of oxport, wlitch has formerly been T. Kidd, A. Davi
-The, Ildn-avil
the case, We ba;ve no other article ih dig,-L1IIbd Tom, it will ffie a ling for ha�i�g,tb rLay fne every 'child ivho'at- Carling,
to year 4e -A.; lace. that a cowpany is- organized i6 catch� wbile.:
F ed-R.-Mqrrison,1 . - I
Ia S�HTUTINGS, O.jKFOR: 9 ots.
thal 6sh in 1:6 deep wstern'-of the Coast of Lik' rcrains D'
'Tl14o who tile Same PUIT 0
Potatoes were a ;Jartial faildre and, arti now but aro-�o situated that'lliey cannot enjoy tile Eria,'u ear. Part making Dunnville
ng, mi -e -Q, I
r to ose in iin'blier Mlin 1TI -S wonld help us to eke out the -v6eat crop. qo9cert herii ndaI tcho,61 in'towo, hile they pay tax fdr Ba�flejdr(-.,iaut G T 114fks B'
bri a very higli'prico, . Bdokwheat, havo.beeiii iti tb� ha,bilt,of doing their aop.
ovenion, c aho benefit, - Thai, we itra told -tbat'tbo' �Vartioi their Shipping jo'rt. is Aproiltablo hich, in soma sections, if; much used during. ping late iin $At on 'DIAN In HOISER7i.' �L IES WRITE OSE,.$l
in On cndom�or to do -it calim. So piston,' and U
the , ter, was almost a total Wlaro this occasion CANA narkeb for 611 that can' be prQc"iod,, as, the ,10
win view of that al of which 7ou speak, live in ` Sta
wll� nia� It, -tend And - id, the TuAikersmith. Section cities of the United -States and Canada re
J beloiiq which has Ba ains pei do .-ii� ast year. a
tario 1. Taking a domeatic at supplied -from GodAirich and 'viojnity��,about
rlowilig aspedt for that its. sogool-househoar Wattersville, on tile. lifill
the matter, It has a -hear Blbad TomAj wbnd.�rfol wid'delightful b writing ibis is twenty tons daily. Excellent whito fish ars 'a
large portion of our population who depend upon ece of 1Z Road; My 0 1 ject I to correct Quebed aullually taught eij 4d 1.inpr6T'ed.'
execatiou Of Ili 3 . uio oil tho piano. Two inches of aiiw' fell- at by-gilfneis for-lkShortpehod Enl,arg.
9 bY I . ....
W'heri. sew no good reason w . � 1 11 . . .. .1 � I In 4LOVIIS sn& LINE, N UAND 41 PIRCRIEFS.
dy income fGr.tbeir living. and, a ACCIDI�S.i, -� Q U �4aitird Int tho�.first place, neitlibr Watters Friday,rti lit. their w eL misbakeu: idea; which seems to exist some
parcutly there is no prosp6rt that . the oohTi, stmotra 0 ' R160 I fat I I at �1011irb I in the fall, and ive
n Saturday. 'they cannot be ca�ght at Pnrt With
tion will be changed, for at least another year. J. niet.with in. accident ivliiali: I ville rior the'saboal-houill of which y6n t3poa:k,. 'jim; Uixiea�l. Miller the namo kluid of nets usedin Lsko,Huron. Ev�n if Canada is lie fortunate ;A& to hae a, yet coat him biti life., . 110 " lv�ll en) is eitt(dled oia thellill r�oaAl. but.aboilb three , Oaptaiii Norris and A ALTERITIONW. IN PREMISES BRIXG
p1rAyed 'barrigter� are resp -Refokui. ibil - 0 T complo
very good harvest, it will not affeutpri iii the salt refinery PVS'tmplo�tou and -li'lille miles lroin'i�. � Then Staplbton is �sittiated ecti�cly tile n'Frida afternoon, As the - express on t04, a very Jorge stock 6f
Camps- replacing'a a 1)ullyLtbat. parbly in Tuoker0m1th,. and pal a rth 17 S
dren of schbol.;;ge, in 9; � , - ; . * ., " 1. 1- �
allil ive, or si-z thosei A, Son- of Mr. Thomas. Lawaaii,. ',' tr, tf rd yvill be bid, by lia' was L the a�louub produced will he amall-in - ces, as had run rbly la Hulldtf, - C6nkilrvative candidate's ill tile col�ing 066- tho Oreat Ntoqora Railway was within a n opx$7
Iift Lincoln. quari . be of a mile frQr B aTg' a'i 's n �11EX'S, na my, s rision to thJ'Enropeall demand ; which j �ifiilet the chil &Wbode�ock station,
large in consqq tionae of the decrea4ad- pro4uc- so
Tuck6rsmith hide #utabrs f ilia poison fired a, t into the draw.
nstantly dralvil lilt -by 0 room car,. breakiug..oue of thel large III boill . gopenedouto to which the attonti- �onsc
Lion in *Rrsslit through the r owbil Hiiiiewside nuni�ers lour or iivetimes aged l6tteyears, N4s b6oh-tsd by a VICIOUS -COW
,rest diaft of l- forced ?2ainsb'R. TwnAAnvdl'bnys to windows and paoiling directly keepors is directed and Olt of
T hat P tbat amoiitit, Why then make mon0c�n of on.londay aftoraticn, aad diLll from the, Of. inspectlon invited. The stock -ar ains
borars from tile firms to fill the ranks, 80119.of:-Mr. o. , I. facts of thii.injurieg. gsB In. PARASOLS 50 �ts.:woith'75 dto.
with and not of thoo ill Itu farmers would be great gainers if such 'wore those in'Tudkors' -between the. hoaa'of.W. C. Campbdll' 6f, will be f�tuid to embrace
poamon rare lireselme 0 )a onli iiay answer. "IfTliwar a o SIX. W
the case there is no doubt, but consumers w Idtt? But porhat 't haic ill d I n6ed - -1)6nlius Chathhm, and his 6hild, who. was aittilig
onco ntq] .0114ille, NVIlon lie io- "thost; in Hallett attend Woll if I ofessodconvaieaoniiiiritlgthr -a" In TABL STRAW ,
to Submit to the almost tiortitinty Of clear Pilot]' tho school, ir nitia weal oil his kubc. - Their escape wad by a hii' �THE �ZHWEZT, PAT I TBRNS IN and J�EATH
for the next year or so. lioved. n was foutia that rib had boon, they do whY ibann6t.t.hoso in TiAckersmith do rovival it) the Methodist Chdrah, Bellevi. "al breadth. Efforis are being nado",to aseer..
vs itffliatell, flio saine, for the Hallett school is as far dwy Bar, ains, TICKINGS. GoDd OWBLS $1.10,p6r doz
broken nd Soma it3torn I injurl whioll. still eofitinuesi- fire'd the ilia W( instance- English'. and.r. -Ana &ipan., 9 bleached T
mtho,other. - The. 4istuce Tho"dry good's store of,Gcli. Joffe i �;Oer tain who a ciren'
WHAT AMBIGUOUS. Stapleton . as ry cause
prco, to either of ibein- is about Z, miles,. And quite Wyndhant stre&t,, ' as' br6k . a quite a ca6torinlatioit., amongst the pjLain, Satin Vinigh and 6111t,
on into.
the resignation of'11r. publ,�L :4-numbor of 'pti'pilg is'llo live, that distancO- fastkday.night� .Ill areq ity.of.sillig' nquirs aboard the train.
: 0 Ill nanti SI g In, all kinds of. A6USD`FURNISHING&.-'
I Away Attend regularly. 4dmitting that they and la6o stolen, estimated tit from PaS."Rawkins, from, Indiatia, abob ilia wife Ana betiag bought to* tor cash, nd, finported direct.' ar. ains.
is about to take. place�orty lr".20wn� as ilia F rid from the. intinufactur6ra,'aro offered at priodo that
could not attend -.iegularly during thd ivintai $1,200 to $1,600., on ay oveining'at-hai rother0o' re al-
130erVatiVO old Itattenbury Hansel was-l[lut ill) . fei in 011ing to Allider. the 'to dlsilo�ered in Via township 0 haunot fail to satisfy elletonle'S'L'
candidate, olltbs�, there is nc Coal has been donce, near the village The
Ricbmnd, fen in ft shouldbr'. The In WHITE SHIRTS,' Denbam's; real Wd Utt&
just issued his address sale by nction n. Saturdiatr 'last.' 16. had a tend their own soliool, at lea8b,-'eight lies' from 'Xapaiieo, *eci- Vall blistered under the to ms
been stirveyed
which 'we hexiso mudb� 4ing.murderer ist'ailafge.'. Ther; hall. r
time 0661- nions were exAmitled. bk competent udges, inteii Ba g-, ains Its Linen Pro t�Shlrt fo �1.26, *orth,42.
I i0lots- with'a small in the year, which is double, the r n
`�i I -on tile "fled whii pronounce it equal- to the best 'awfin been a diffic'nIty between, them.1or
4 ho'espeqially . makes gore, on &j
ffuron road. to cornei l6t Lia ia mourniag, H6piirig,I havc�not respassed too volu so far As examinall is about 20
lie should be stick years, and a Is* suit ilia been pending in�
much on your valuable space.' .-feet thick, Indications OfL petroleum in -ilia
0 following words lit 81J00i and the lot, with,: the the States. Thai - wouthm came to Cland S
gore for $1.,100. Three Iremain,tyours&O.A Hanii neighborhood-ar6 plentiful. last week oil i irisit to -her. brotheri alla"' W.. Bij� In GENT'S FURNISHINGErL Of all k
advocate of such ND 0 NUS
were sold for,18-150 bnyars Ila- A. terrible calamity Mal a sugar party W1 'kSi No. 4, Tuo r , day rd to our 9nanofac un car Sherbrookoi or: two ago. was followed lil.� her lini,band, arge,
ement." Isaac Rattenbury, John Plat.anbuxy, wa -e6ple rn a L on rom the it Ole of tho Aptil 24., 187 7. Thek-wiete laudingirom.a, boat,whop a' on load oT p, tn' A 'FIXE ASSORTMENT Or, SMALL IVA R E S.
and,Samlls Tw' chat). I lotir. 0�w PA
ything or nothing, villa a to render what ashistanc6mould be
sold cuts into tile lintel bilil4ilic an that, luaA. in'gotting out, pushed ilia boat off
struction h L roquird rs.' awkins is living at. pre. Particular attention calloa tb,tho
0 may if the purchaser wiqhos to baild, Part, of 0v1)ZSB6R0. and on6 of the girls fall in the wator. � In no ' 6 lars can be entertained
sent, Par ign
that lie would ad- the h6tal will have to trying to save her the rest; upset the b Pat' as yet . t he exterit of her, lnj�kds. ARPrT I INIV.P
. Farmers around bore are all bilay putting and the Multi was the I i I R It A I, UA P
rotectivo taiff to a rl oss Of three lives -
i we do'not charge
b L a advocating class
I "VA,.% ON TRAOT. -:-T 0 $Va
ad, a few. days tigo, of a jwriion
in their spring crop.q. Fall -wheat, as, A gone-
ral thing,'061is -w'
all. The -best crops we
two.sistevs ndmea-Fartlohar and a - you ng
.40 1 1 1
General News Items.
U tul in Our
efit manufactu ,
body else, - especially
Strong a belief in. flid fullAniont bl.,.the
�.rophiicy of Scripture, in. relation to the
have seen this spring,are on the farms of 'Air.
NV, 11ilds and Mr. james� Lyons, 136h con.
girl named
Savoral 4aya'ago, an 4moricah carde to
Three thousand Chinese troops have risen
Use trouble In tiallig-and-prestrvos the carpets more
than any - 6 , thor. CkM FOR SAMPLE,
0 case bq certainly
tAntes of tronblo, that Should precAd a tile
1.1tillett, -cost.
Ottawa with. a Yoang womAly tm4 rontod a
house known Mr. Mrs.
Ili mb-illtofi, owing to d At!'
epriv onof their pay
oper p erson to send
Second C01nin" Olir SavirAur, that -lie
madea, threa-;aftr t s contract. for 116ur stinna
� 00DEILIC11 TOWN8111P.
and were as aTiA
John Brown.-, A detective from Spring-
and rations.
Chinese advilleg report; a llistregoing famine
trit. t, Al� c arvrrf%t%,r
III, tviouia go in for thilaoince, whenib'wasonly worth abolit A -roll. MODOIlgall ,as field, Mass., arrived ol� Thursday, and in. it, the provinces of Chillili And . . . . J I J * . . . . . 1. . I . . . � L . I .
Shantung, M
il'ln utyon e-finportation-ofcoal'aud, %.50, Miolusale, The atipulationa fit the. just , comploteil ill(-. work of assessing this CRIALA.NEOU-B BOOK9 of avory.descripblon
ut"' g a d luirod after a pdrty by the name of Brown, thousandsdying daily. PRAZr lid HYAIX BOOX81 and Slis
Mdatu , which his party have. been advo c A Chinese boy took the socond..
. ontract Are, thot. he shoul(l. hfi%'0't1 13=01' 1OW1101ILP, F11A`th6 reatilit is, as follow% t-,vaine who_had,6mbezzldd.$,i,000 of his employ,, prize in vary complete,*
eating, 11 certainly would not be helping of flool, eveiy-in6ilth forS�,50,-wjj.1j it.. Veil. of real property, $1,023,680 ;.taxablo hicoiho, or'snioney.. Brown was arreated ali'd taken declamation over six American youths,, fig the t
manufacturers, for that would be materfally A SpApgrield. StrAtford, Conti., High Stihool,Friday.
alty of $10 forfeltnro if eitilor p,%Ttk $10,000; value of pergonal pro orty, $89,840 back tc Brown is a inuried. �LA Vl,- A 00.0 11W T B0QK9,FQ0ZA,1.4P,'
Increasing their expenses, as cot parrons betwacti the Ages- of 2 and 60,AGO A revolt has broken out in Taragoily.-
Al is essential- .692'VER ioul X0,TX 11APRD, PXV.9-
to fulfil. his part of tile a' "bat, mati, find bad eloped i;vIth tile wOman with Million,eTy &X �*hties-. a specia
ly necessary. and if Nvo expect to beqome.a PMC011101t. 1� , total inhabitants,. 2,821 ; number of eattlop 11tesiaelif Gill and brothar hive -been 33811lasill- L y
ever irtith. ther6' may bo lit Ilid balleft. we 5.1, , whom ho'was living. They hall a richly QPZS,, %in fact everythino, %N Ptain owl
great manufacturing people we inust do all in' sh�dp,, 4,7 11 ; Jingst, 10 2,38 - atea, � The conspirator's wdro routed Fancy, Stalionery, qt aw 'prices.
A borses, I,- furnished- house and were living in'luxury.
ISO 2 bitches, 18. lit reat snow Atorm, is V n Lopillardy
our, power to make living cheap. or otherw cannot to"' but we Ell) gay 'he is onjo-vi"19 4 �Jo�s, 37 3870 the -parted i
the benefit of cheap flout. -.Thb OrtLn-d,"Tru'nk-ii-aU--y�6ii.t� report, Italy,' The crops aro seriously injured, as- XOMM-UAI109_01 STILL, iliXthdIatter
,�?a cannot hairo cheap labor. valilis of real prqj!�rfy wall $1,6115,09.0 taxable UAg"A:LL,..Cr irl Of MISS
yabo-wo; a, -Ile I
13tit, we Rnspoo-t' triat if lie tm4-V07hft11har6 X vfi�, i i f YR B -if �l _t _zfi`6o,iiie_,,_$9_00 grossLdlaaeas"
=0,000.- Thiiisati�4!b�tedtotlie-cornpo�. '140
as $a be elected, he would say that lie meant three 'oeks since Z.*ohlan-living witll a, olmdo all in6rposo for A fall slooltinent',_ BASE BALLS waited ties t �iuiy
by the above quoted expression th'itt It .9 for; flic t'rAMc 'A maqii meathl the poople'of1ho Black- --aftiloo, on recelpt of list pried.,
he boot farmer in, Goderigh. towliihip, had 'i Iro� a- A
and longest Conlin to the seaboard, the lose -of lodql traffloi. 111119. have me62 As Od engross a - orm a
S narrow escape ln,plithi. Sllm*&nd;�a
nod ._enQourAgM( the' -principal. feature orwhiell. wis"i fallo.- 'Xinearainelpa Tueway,haa torribory ein dARD Ui)AUDS =d'
coUld be given to mandfacturers was' the fin- and the deficient harvest. The Board is lid%' -1bing that keglon, to be
h I I ral with all its noclimpaniments. It mstI4 front, destructiott by fire., Vanstane, Collins, � Silver, SCRAP PICITURVS, largest Varle Y
Won of a revenue tariff only. whic: 19 till- anglied in nog6tiations with the Great called Linc6lit. I
Sir e troth, aud against wh a deep Itaprolsolon Am tho wOUIlIllS tuin,I, and MoXibliou. suffer to the extent til $14,011 in town, SILVER4
solitonably Ill job, no a - told tilt ithtough it, West,rn f6r *13ottling the future relations of Tile difliculty between 'Great Britain. and SURFACE PAPERS. . STMOSCOPM And C L '0 T H I N
is call be bxodght. Rd Sit 5, people with whoa Rita Dahomiiy-hao been settloa, the go
eomld lirglielail thecompapies, If an. agreement is finally , fme:r renilt. Vinwg or 2NaLAgn JurLAxD, ScoTtAND,
AP the tariff question is, spparcntl3�A to be One liv net chat 11 willietflin", awfal,was lyo. liov,. AT, 1014% a 1341timera inhilitel-, appro. oil, of April, it wiiI ting a lat'go ortion of the fine of five hundred TRk" 1fory LAND, X�JjRICA$ SCEXZRY, CXJ*
Of colirsao thoy lautri'l' arrived at befdro the 3 F
the principal plank insthe platform of ilia in(r to, appo".1, ji,l priated $5 30,000 that, hall bee punchoons a palm oil imildood on the latter, AP214xtm, SuBucts'.&C. ur assed An Wherdr,'
n le'"O the b teporied, At the meeting ; if hot$ the,' Made' to 00e ' "Whidbo for styleo fiftishoAcq CAWrOt ba 6
(.'onsorvativos for the next year or two,.we� atothe Itair and. tried to'gorauttdo liar to church- Veliting: expOottr0; he committed Jas. Bnrhans, j,_Piao Pbxi�a tidkQt%gQnt,- r#
balre shown how indefinitely they now spattIC' 'plabO iiii-stress oil tile matter, I)ilf, ivith lit) 1, oulaide on Mohday. ineeting will be adjourned When the Dirac -
taro will exhibit the Ultimate statomeni. mi8sing:.8irido the 6th Of Januar�, NVAS fouad� A &lid well-Itileettia stock of
ofit. It they wish people to believe thCy arc good,togult. Oil, Tburadgy last the 'w6nian (, in a bewildered condition ih New Vork On
,10 lie Cablegram, Apri'l ?lst. dS
sincere in their advocacy of all -increased taiiff oaln a to town, andw.ont to the pogt offico" : Videpandent metabor of tile House And car, Satnrday. H6 remembers nothing 'which
for protection purposes, let them say '80 with. When She rOCGiV(;d it letter frtnn RM110 to- I.iod before tile 61030 of the sessioil, inaonini. Last week tile lititol-keepors 'of Napalloe, transpired ilia past three months and a -half, Facy No of evory dosc%'
out any circumloogtion, nalif than we iltall. fyhig those mofilber*i vtpon vdioni writs have with tit'view to the right inforoement; 6t the Nlr% Sarah Ditivii, aged, ninety, wha,lisa
.1.4lives in the old-ocluntry, wherein %Van oidont . .- r
know vhat they mbaii. 1,ticen Served, for alleged violation of tile Tilde. Dunkin Act in the county after the, f4st of shakon hands with every Pre from Wash-
giviii Clio inforination-1hat, (f)(1; wonfau'll �\ta.V, In atually 'L boln)(1 illeMeolvag to Close Iled a' Ba gaill nFelt and straw Rat,
1 8110 told him alle had lid Hayes on
son 'had benu hillud a. faw day's ptsoviolls poudenco of Parliament Act, io.far as, the lngtoa�down, ca a President,
LATEST WjIR NEWS, to tile writing (if ille lattar, all't sit t I financial-ponalt.yofstich violation isdonoernod, their houses"Mid all condors antT Ttieri(lay. Ott Wash. PANS. FANS 'FAXS.
WoA a tti ell, out- thoir. boarders, L This wag done with inaton lay the corner-stolio.of tile cApitol, 'Bought tit Auction in
precise tinio whon the )la AvIlateyor may Ila tile Cage with othar wit. 'a FINP, STIR#
a a view of trying to bring kbout a corner and 1 bar of seat), a placed iia the, tankL* Of a 60, 56,' and 80 eta,
of tilt, coult-nutirty, ilia favinerg of tile 6xileption ilia latg over shown . I
gilt'hillekof Paris -ew Vrk-, anU are. Worth, whole
Mr. Layard has defluitely informed the sitigtildr, droarli. i FWMorn' $tatia Are lint satisfiod, with thbir proiludle a reaction against fb(j byllaw, , Tito loconlotiva'On. the Perkiomer l3rAnch, tit the 131 Clinton, Indlodfug 331se , CoIorcd, and Paintcd.Tip. sale,, niore than I am asking for tbm,
'Porte that Elogtand- will no longer conlitine to A CotIlmi"xioNt� Ill )A.,it weak's it',S110 of anft(lifjonf all(I Illinfl)01% of thefti are MoVink temperance men oil Aton(I iy List, ronj*l the Readitig Railroad, last Friday night, The suene; Linenj Silk And Satin, In White, Black, Color
tc lout dollar# each. VALL ANB SF -E THE�r
griarantoe her inbegrity, and that 6110 will tho 'Nrlv J�N.4. We 41111(lod to poveral of utir Tito other day a:lArgo party from briat patrotiWa hot(* itt ii, for thre(t yea�d, no %vas incapaci A train work Congo. Phloluci and paint4d,'kit All prices 'from live cents to
a thorough temperanco mail, an" I Hals, che#.
inerchan ts follow ing tile I �xa tit p1t, rif Mrissl% Maino pa-ic-4 -t-brougly -,Watford, on their POttcr,' (IllontlY all the trains ralinhig. on that brano
now. have to depend for her existentio uport s 1. WaV to L[le J%' tit once outers Are considorablyd Fall assoo-lvala of children's
Cajorn fftajoll, h&ViflgWitjJtbCnf, into prisSession. Tile Ma�or wc olayed, Tito minoblof is
Olt, . it
bar own oxerti(ing. It will be t1mg atet- thm fig ofr a to thr W atttivaidd: to the:aAltin gitibers.
all'their bel'oligings'. and their hiroci help.and and doveral load or d 0
.1114 Ri,)Varg�tion Wit
�4e is now 1010. to hey f!tJo,, T .60�
'Ji but til' ai,"
of thokill'op .. i4heit own-honaeo cither for. b information was' rbool-vad at,. Nem-Yorkl _2-
'111on" , _. _ , " W..,
Casa fia�je &j,�Ka,y r ,
, -fi. . _ —P.— - oardprg:. or I' I R ou- Z 9144AA.4
r( ly a tiny doub At* WaIllietitloo6d a6cotlininclatioll, , It In now faid that hatarcaly, 0 a hisseacre a a eir
Ruesin, will soon be in posses ion of Constals- this %van a 111,18 the li%uor golfers intend to keot) opeAn houses Moravian minister At tatics settlematit SIGN OF, THE BXG �9001T,
Ressrst, Uod"41% 4., Pay they rothsrked a tbal. 6a bard time pressed public 401114
till them at oavily than, on Canadian "a ij, L
sird to the thoy 44�o nover.illanwinatu(I flibir [A formoro, tbat the had many mom 4rievances Son Vinatidand his daughters Charlotte
Tito I' its minst, find 44blit on this iteliou a A 'th his faitilly, consisting T
tinople, ,tako (Ill Our 'IilarL Inn infurm forathno, Tito travelling publioseeintlicire. EabrAdor, together wl 11(in L r &
The feeling in Gormany with re at (3outitry lint, tol'o, to cohOn'd it& bb fore to be afforded larger and 'cheaper accom. of life Naitt'door to B, Ca all
-do tl)(ly CA R E
relationship between Franco and t ill modation in 0ooeequence of the Dunkin Act andAnbe. Thisdaed was perpotratod.byto'
'Van y I hey woto changing their homes, -'stea (ford "r V a .4nterlean, Ifxpecalt Compaily.
is not tile most comfortable. and Gen. inaflo t Ill jf�jllkl iltllibit (If than. thqevo
flew �too!% tlle�t docon, v 6ijoyad befoyo., Zsquitilaux who , had been refused ;ldm at his
Moltke is urging increased military proparA. misgioll. qP6 1.)dolim Zetiaraph Compaq. found cheaty anil v6y pr6lity patterns,
are to do rpritig, 411(l fA,1. blit Air, Intolerable eAlbitiol) 'tile fift'oth-allu've;'sally 'if th"i "O'llidi"K Of Ale, and Mrs, HAyeo, tho.president and
have nol, jightect 0, ilim"In lamp furJ61 Only of himself on Titeoday,, when -moving his want Guelph wao calabratect, nu� Aland y a to
they ustially (to in lig,111ing, thilir r0r0l . sell of confidence amendment. He nodaybd Clio Of gfost injIgnifl 061106, 411'r. Ills a 416 Presidlintead of the United Stategg have taken j. A. TUILL
Hall. Air. (,artwri lilt has giveh notice to $a tfoo Galk non a very bold and herald stand against, *hat are
turdoy oveniag, trarliv, aiiN of a humorist, its was Ovid Clinton, 41all 06, 1017.
for inorfi- r0e enb itom his nf the (ounifer 6t Quellib, and lilt two. tons,
tile Hous'a of his intention to move for a set.' efilleavors to &pill eMlad 11 tile of On
they intornn iv(, ?flat tbay flavor y,the wri6inga of him slail- lverd'ille gatistg of the-Corporstioli,
ttainontof the Northern Railway debt, onO* tat# dinner At W JUA L R
of the conditions being -thab the a
comptolty 0 ovidontly waroAttamus Ward, Uark Twaih Eittly In the morning over two thousand child. so, in referondo to whial
'overntneti't $27,458 of avit in (,'lit tqn, inany modo ebod, a Washington corragpoudbut of tho.Y. Y, 71ri.
shall refund to tho G v bet'doll a Thursday 0 0 CE
0 11r, i;tn ic 'of frillf whig in UJI0 walre the White 11ou k the( AT T
maho It ! A I dArd. authors to the subjeots in hand-theati number of thelipA and beennAl years' tlatbje)vs, thay bi%d a griluld a
lu�o cit I
e ally I G]j C I
money im they Illay see, fi f to A(TaIll" to nhow or ad. 10111oh, he bad ovi. tanoftbe town mebalithadpill tt(lwers bane,, Almys that at Brat Mrs, HAYlis rolulsoa to F lff'. Y IE
ropoily Applied t,) politioal ti6en, I lj(�ntly been reeahtly drinking t6piou Sebt rC1VL_VAt L I I
and also tEdt the mortgage nn the Conollich. vertigo, tficir "fti, q drafig. rogttioa with oranges &c, The m%in feature A 01 Jus..
"daL, and are,ritlito contollf, Tints. WAO 000016ionally It -Scriptural turn of the colobrabion was the procession, beaded have wine lib it, but Afterwards yieldlid. the U . A. P 0 . 1 0 . . ,
owil way goint ity submission to the explanSti 39 made A . Vicah, good Still, cheap. TIUS in 6 lb, lotol, Of good atawhig
lug Hotel be assigned to the Goveramont to act con thsirnwn i(llt-34 lit thol� givan to life 6011tollC64. but th6o quotations 'by ilia Field flatLory, aod followe(i �y tile I At 8,G,410 v, bf. - from 371 Q�nig
Ma. CA1rrWnl4llT haw introduced a Bili oil. y Ur. E�vartfl As fz the guatom ill 626h. mat.
Withntlt Ally f(301i"g Of lIIlkin(I1)W3 or (10- wcrA up U ' tangled And, 001 bunglifil;y jnAro. Niiyor nud giiogts of 06 Corporation lit car. to othats, -Vifst 0004fif"06 In 01intei Of
acting that hereafter the Canadian fiscal yogr 4iro to copy rjr inlitato tIv!ir tore in other countries, In yioldl�g qualities.
Mr. FArmweduld stlatce y be Sal, the Town however, they in an, '!or no
d bjlod�tod, the goll,
4ball commonco on the lot of April and and Wo Inall0till) VOWif'k ift M fJCRbrAT COUT116T)t certme as to-thoir lileatill(g 6r the lai:ptlho St. (;Oor 0j, St.� Votrick's, lit, 8 it, 'lidilro al 1 N D. T 0 M a yoll PurLoh- tt's
on the Alit of Alarall. instead of the wino'gimilall ;eta placed tll6r Alk, or . Q1 LM
-lob of of the leading bnAines4mon, oftho tnivil, alith6ilty frorn which 'Ile tOA them. Ills drow's iand Cxh(faniiin lioctotidi, to, the, nuni. ILIA 0 See my G' o o da. and prices b el as
oef, and it is atatpa' fliat heraaffee The aujidal 0126norAvA61% of tbe, illb, fo:16*116 gli..
lid soon'to givothe julprca. cltwlifi�.a provoked. intich, anluatiment,. and Tho first in4lbehild botty WM6 W1 IM altogether bxcludod from White' Init, thil world Sir 1114, you will find it to� your Interest to da so.
Ji4 and 30th -June respectively, The now alid regrotit TA, �� I ro, athirott
arrangement is to take effeat irtim the begin- gion it did, %Vu notie6d I'lotliaina & Vily,5 aftorekbo tlivisioll Val tilcon. Ile Ims rathar in Gllal& "Mod ilia Royal SCandard, Litch 110t� s I dionerp, Such all example in tht high. Gl1t,&Tpg1v VVINCT,
ningofthe.prosentmonth, Thereasoftgiv6p Windows atil shop, and thouglit their (lis.. coughly, (juil,26d rtbout thetly, us wall. its, aboUt society wai"boadoil by a bond, and-beplaen li, Pat circle in the Xopliblid Cannot f4 to affbat
for the change Is that tho great holk, b6th of play of goodli So 'vary flue, aud bi�,Vififul, 110 no�v gait at clotll6ai A flow white rowdy band,tho nourrof 8dotland 1,,id 6ight. pipors, tilt At these Ilotlervillnem 'Blind Veto Nvill bithlbit the
the receipts and wependiturA of thd 06vorn. hab ivid. A glarbig )Aat neektio he spokketl,lor Sisvotal JrAdot wore ill tllg pro. motial customs of the People tn every gtild 6 mtroall6fts giftwh(oh has gillitea him *arid wide bolt..
W6 donaidorod tile? wall indileed to try an TXRMS`�
of'soclaye - brityL had * . lent 1
tile clocabIP101, for Which lid b&S for kvobkk both domion, And viatitial attfoles or mAtilifacture Inhottfif bf hittleld,
mout, takes plitoo during tbt6o manths ad , fell hso both sottififillid AM dolIghtlid the
gmatintionvopienall hAo bom exporienc&I Ill rollialt that Ills language, hill Appearance and w6r# wad on the roatt, all(I'djottIllittod Among' aftildslOIT-V .......... l .........
tile pto ration, both of, tho tatinnAte"T alld ol lolr ) hill viticallty voice, 0torit rublod his liptleah., '$116 Crowd, 1XIIA nalilbratioll 6011pled mly-, Diem ...... S
ohop, windowd are usually droaand P""arlkl
-b io acationte, from the te, 'i Itl 01611 lillifitIff Illight 11AV6 W411 thilido 'thing, 6yov lie(opo hold tn 1111.1 eolivita, the Jq1m8wq.:I`h 11111lett 01 thil 211a
the ir tiong of 41A U ON 64PVC1411Y no "then, iii: a iltyla that Jvbi�
463 Mad at A, IN11119 baok'f4iltdo
a won Wag 01#14d bitwt at �ht It iftkk t
t I Mtfon qk0401111144 kwalatta 011 nti4m 4t rth d iN, kallit 006%
,awl hi. i I dtlftagw kill 141
Cq Va r1ould 116V dfukOlt to tiny to Offs",
. .. ...........