Clinton New Era, 1877-02-01, Page 2W -1w- -
larill And; WWI; inill be rehuilt, tbo' 4twrivitt
-any in Jafi. 1.4, 18`77� fgono abutwoutu rinil Auxin areh, And, Dat tho
- Up. Brown, eXiOl"Or the Gi Fou 1)
�TIXR " CANADIAN ORANOM" Woo 0-o"Usly OOUXCIL. it 6 m�cmxnnoudo,l that thij held es at
Tbecoquo at uroaxanitO t%dJOIAtnutokit, bridges 031 U -loll 13480 TAP, 151110k (,I
th olla 11,
order ta substilatially. voiitrudlub tile Sobool Tviste leethlK QxPeolted thatuol4voullec'ArtlivAlivia NNI al,doll lit � 4 o1w All T 0 Councillors wore Bayfield atitl )VIvieliam, be repaired; ill thu
r__ -tho 701 last..
I Nat 010 1, 1 ronger Was givolk About preseutt. meautimii. UoprAyarof flippotitionof rate -
The rootilor monthly. meeting Of the Tur, la4t,1bro41),r four oska have siltaosqg4 1144 atfolit'14- ate" train tho'-CcinilyTrcs, payora, of A41141J, lot, 1,il,000, to a9silAt ixL.1
kv i Ill on School Btiard'wao hall!. on 1114ro" WRIL detailed stateweiltiof receipts And gravelling tIk4 bountlail line, recommended.
under tl4e, patrouaRN or Olo I K9048X -la4t' 0, tl'QW, that yomflier being quite spring. expel 'g
xiditures and Collections, front 11011�1'001i- not to be granted. TILL; Approaches to E I. P
1'resont Messrs. Malcounaon, Coato, Searle, like and the inow rapidly 4104PPOrnig. a— 3q. U, I Ell
volulutlide3t(od with both oturing 0 M
NQGArv4,, Scott � Anti Hine. lit. the isb- 4ent lando, Waii read Bud referred to tho, 15. mundvIllo arid 13aylljolo bridge$ more VC00111.
kellZlel 'Ila )tl ro ecording
D1111s, 10001k, police of tile, Q11airmart Moved �114 QUA11THAXX 81MV$1138.�-ThO SWU U411100 00111mitt,00, ItIonaea to be I
r. Mae A it was
L lot) w x 4-1 zine Y'll,
Lt.),, as Corr . that Mr., Molcomoon take the. quarterly services, lit connection ith the Moved by Xr, Kelly, goo. .1r, Gaunt,
We think, was finite, unneoesov thia -Trearourer be i , uthorized, to parchiloo ad that tile 4,014 It,, for full),
No jvt. chair. Who minutes of previous IneOting lot Church of lacco, will be that the or of T. J; WilBo 4
hold on StIvIday, text, Ittry. pY. gyanp, of the ile-bonturop of Qo $to I f tiulborfor Ulrai�'o bridge, oil Bayllehl
0 A 0 pt
111r* none but it bigoted partlZall Ov Mt Idiot, 1), offloi . ating. I ljQ4i r re orruil to !I) Ill$ ililylall!!!, d, NO aCti011
0 Ns ere read, Arid approved. letter, —Cnvrie4 11
to wduld cred! )to received, . Nall.W1 woo to Inman 04 �113nlg 10WOOt.
A roport,froon Me Doeivoil, Petitions fro;, $Ic 0 ;it tire case of Me'. Itlaoh's
t. the charge, and hool dations I anti 10, Uls. W44 eel
a, litirt of non-ro4daut ocholora, A 5MIRVIIANT in town States that ovOrY borne, praying to, bisve the oilloo Of l�bo,61 In, motione for compensation to John (�onuaoll.
letters, giving IlAt coil trall ictiolls to tlig, 0109V ba ootor abolished, were read aud referred to for dauiages doile Ilia land by an overilow oT
THURSDAY, FU.1, U77 by Me. Searle., sec. � by Mr. Me � morning he finds Ilia wroolled fish'rolloa Q . .1
-QA.rv4111xqt non-ro4oat childion tic Ad, out,into the otroot, and lie lie has reason to LEO $014001 Comml* water frow A culvert oil Bohnore gravol roall. 0 1104'14* D14pliblery gr 'Ll
TIfE COM)AON SCHOOL$. Ion r mitted to ilia school at the rate of $0. per believe that the saine is performed by per- Moved by 54, Ojbiian, goo, by Mr, Girylb, With regard to Mr. Sjuringur's Vill, lit t
graph of X, tto
ar, payable. quarterly, strictly in advance. soils of inature ago, unless the practice is that as th;m is at present 'Oonsiderab)o Ilia, before thooTiogislature, for throwing allbridge's
Those ataterilouts aro, in every respect lit]- *13001 over 300 feet a .1111.1 vo -(0 J
'�Lfili Carried. discontinuQ4, inialiticipated satisfootion with tito working Of the SO It tlje county, it was recom-
11 be ratio 6ur re � rt of the
PO true, I A In ghla to, I-, now that t hore Ave. many
ty W111noilintiotingtha.L4, MOO,,- hoside Live irk atiocal A draft of agreement b9tween the School follow, Act, that the Wartioli slid. Qlark be rl�qtho.rlrwa inondoil-44ali septiou 17, of1be Municipal Act,
(1alialla. Nybo entertain r lIarliament, at its present, BeWon, be not ended,
he subject.of tv,ade, and I ,it, Board n4 Jae Sheppard, tie Carotaker, to, petition . out as the Bill prOposefl,
opinions upoll t - in I 't CQNTRA�'T TiFT.-The contracts fOr build. to have. it amended as follows -- , '. I Toy Ur. A0 XCU'r rr
it to 10 Calla, was , ovoil Ili amendment to tho. Ropoi La URAL,
mas introdimd, q Mef 000 i.ery Illonciv pleased to IAIAOrAlo that tl , la 4 be oxQ he Board And Approveds iug the B1410,01hristian, Church Ili this town. M
effect that it' feel�lag of' dissa0irk- diArl Uranfler lIaM upoll tl4ikl subjeet llmlortak� arid ordered- to bo'bilgrossed and'oigrxed, 10. That the Rumater vacation be Teduced to Webster, Liec. by Ate, Hamilton, that No. '17
cher, left Ilia 'Vere given ont oil Saturday last,. Mr. one month. The E, ioter volietottion be abolished, of tile X,jDl)ol,t ))a alyiended by granting tit(, -
to. b0PIt.iutvq,estA of tile airt. Mr, Johnson, (bo"40ir*iOn ';TOV-45 Of :V,1,tT101JS kinds. Br
Copp -getting, tit' Messrs. and tile Christmas. vacation be ifiduced to tW �us tind Tron QuthVn
on exists with refo Ork- (�l ill e Ilrick work, anti . 0 prayer of tile petition of lie ra - - 6
ronco to 00 W culturol popi0a6fin (if tile 00,111tQ, Certific to with'tho �9QQretary, whioll'iyas Cooper &- McKonzie the earpontor work, tophyers of Ash
.1 1 atlya, viz,,-(, flold.—Loat by it majorityof 1'4, hoporttliall
g of school matters, and that tbacolu� laid before tire Board and Approved. The t9tal cost of tit
ding, inclixodivig, '�nd. Thilt the polwor of disposing'of andar-
Moved by Mr. -Searle, aeo4 by Mr. CoA, to, roinging all matters Conan adopted, lq� 1,0.
fortaing, &-c,, will 11 '83-500, 1 - -o xy 'I)
.11S EAU. tod, witle school lot Ili )cola i4too reported Nvith re-
rai.tteo recolaill'-'Ild stweral 'very jlntlor� that that Secro,tary get the "I'vaollera'. agroo. perty be taken from tile InSpeotortivid Till left ill 1. 0 sr . I Como
1�ASt j. Tinex Ton,—Altbough the cold has not the hands of Like ratepay 4 L All-QuAl, 941,11 to Me Qhial9y1i motion for 4 pool, 1101180
4 llr.0oII)1Ilg MQvIt filloli(I up and signed.- a exprossed I vxty,�jfloltuo - L a'
ero -be taken. Ili tire VOL 15ALl," dinup_ So -jJu1j(J I""IlgjIseli 11011. 00
tAut, changes lit the%Act. it )VIll also' The. liews.fioll" (II.0 as been in some trustee$, to the Cori Aftiori 9nd ftild I, o1C Ifl, 12 0
Move(! by Ur Ilinof Boo, by Mr�,rsqott, OlAt !)earl of) intense hore ag it h r I L rs
b3seen in Mr. Millor's verbitl report. ll'ora and. lit pacilid, Ikod t1wrO are in sod of �tr forluor'wiriLters, that frost Ins 3rd. That the ourrioulum of Studies be reduced matter -, ftud-aloo that TlIr, ItIblavid, confined 11 orlip t1o' IV or q,160, IftivL1 Machine, Shingle arld 11viltl !it,, MIMI ino, alit I Pit
are the working committee b0itompo been suffl, ivithin the limits of in jail, be Comfortably olothodaull dischargcIr
qiently severe ari,1 cdatinuous a to have at"' tile power (If illdiOatilkg J61
t'lat he recompleudA tire adolition. of d i cr� t iolll,�,_ flltt�_ _thc__ I)XI I I tt till purties liter and 1`h�siner*,,
QLkta" mi.. Alcoarva arid. the olover.— tile ell I'd oil) non will at' the perils mliallioLudy, and, at 6116.—Adoptod.
thade to() treat, two feet:-Qxick, makin
g, the b, left ill the hands oftli0parento ItyIlliv appollitin Con-Ilty all! to areafta
similar oil anges. Tbattlicroarerb.3130.0% sucii )is arri.e., .9 . (I r
oviod by r.. Coats, Boa., by Mr." WTO- i�o�crop a splendid. Into, Xr. Allison is sitit-,
Lost na.esed.
icher 1 64 . ry
for ti.le grumbling, aliout school rutiltterb,. find some way olIC Qf Choir dillictiltics,�, Garva, that Dr. :Reeve W 'ro-oppointoll Iiipialy, ill ngall tileice flonses lit town, nut or second. to s ilo�L sit. be lfift)vith llydaw appohiting it. heart]. Qf auditory yoad
wjtll, th4p 4r�stal blockil, and will lay UP tile trovitewl,
Ar U77.,civrried. - a lit. 4114 passed,
that are made, nQ one anti' deny; but.they Bo 118 to i'void Nvar, Norm t 11101) 11ilo-' Cha""I'll" for tile 10 'Igo stoefi Ili Ilia own to. Supply ouoto- Uoved by NI r. AlcLoap. sed. by N I., 'Wilsuil, I)Toire(l -by Qu
lit-urity, at tire intost iirotitablot ratout The Uontraal* browor Min- that '(If
Movud by Mr. i�cott Mee. 1) Mt. Coats, rrie, see, by Air, 6aunt, that otl�or r
I y J�,
d)n't exist, ur'alre 'lot i-eilliz(Of in till twar prvlralod, With 601('r 1110116Y 01 that Xt� libits lie ro-appointoX Secretary mors.1lext yeari Let Alr. GiliMott's inotioii be 'referred to the this Cofincil graub the sain of $1.000 to, Lill- 11,11MI they. ovul'bo McNaubtytoii, it- "Co "1101 resulted
NILLIVc I - All f Ile
tiollool committee., pr6o OIL boundary line lictween Ifuron and F� f,),,
I o e lilt vi�kl, to (,fr ar I I A coinr (If tho ligooklyn. 211tgait,bas been ol'by Mr Koys, 'sec. by. lie (jarrow, defendants bbing filleti, ",l 5 Anti costs
ill lilt j(41hivit; %val. 1`4 tile ye,
to the 8,1111, extolit, and are it 1 11 0 b4r. Brown, see. by. '�dr, Gibiroil, oiii'Wingharxi to 1,uckaow, prbiriding that S80 be granted Eel, Completing
A ropot6 froux tile Returving, �(Jflicor,, fiorwardod -its, ColithillivIgL lilt neCount of tile 'that Bruitto, f; Q tire grading -Selling booer:on: their proinis a i;Iithout bay,
i it I'llitlU L 'JJJL1')A is algo 1 0 tile 011111ty of Bvilco grant tile, $time -.1111fivolt, at (11ranger's 061ge in Ilaygeld, slaid bridge Ind V,
to I' a show lit least, Ut Win, li, lVatrion be, Appointed nix.
as folkitoolith. Annual bmilquot of tile Ilur"" 'ditor fur.thAtirront yeax,.- I—— -_ 1 1- ; - L t jo� j, ,it a Proviucial. o`%0,-jS0,
.J�iros Iv -and-tirs iownships of Eaqb and, Nvot, Wawa- foonelly being about'llt ('141101, `
C;1111�14f.,011l- itil I fbQt 1011' 123 feet
0 WI lot olull vill, " ... .. 1�1 fiowto tile olectioll of tho foilowing"partion Associationi hold ill that City It few Over'- - Moved by. Air. Simpson. boo. by Mr.-E,11iott, xfosli,. Turnberry arid Kinloss a :udl of 1,�41,000; r1i 'it feli clowua�out, , The folluiving Earagraph fron"'Ito1w l"FiIox
it J�Y7 rind-'Lin'"s'aill ' , , !1,11 L' gli, 411t,
co a following brief extract -ill anotifidindit, that Mr. Xdmostlatton bo
Rallool IL:Ilseki, by Ule. by EIIH64. Mod EA4, I does its 18ob661 TibMtQ08 for the Von tho tfillo Kalil villag
. r� I) inaking the total of $3,000 -Lo t, onh division ADW61'&i1i ft,8111146 0 001nInOutilly &J_ 1�17,
1878, viz :-St., RLdrow's , Val- will bo read with qfluasuro, by the inaly pointoa Auditor for the CuMill,gy0aP, T40t, o II, fill' ell by a lllftj6.ity of 00 ins neacs9ittiting tire cbriRtruction of 0 IXONY tax OIL Indian COY" ).r tu , I. , -tit therein division, by a majori 011011 y ject:
gollson ; h atneal Ward, U. 8coft ;. St. I'ViOuds of'tho 4otlitlow, tv of T. It 12 alli - E ssox"larino ner
Novoll I�� bIll" �I"Qjv, by Ur. - IN110011, - er(wiring, -,Ili cobsiderable 14 0 r 1, 111 b�IoLeav ilot. diatiltu Corn. g�
'a Ny.hiq.ip a-forutor Warderi- ap�oifitaa__AIr,.:k itiliald
VCWard, C. searlet Midi was line, Iii lit thaivay'of ar, Dickson as,thb other anditor, litill out oil tile �Irotllidary livabotwocli ttlint(i port American -11. iviti, iviiiell (A 'c(: e 11
Sattia. Movoll by, Lie., Wils )it, Howlett, o6c, by -9r. nd Howick, provided tire Coubfy or Uri:- tile L utrvt 110kiHo'bit left . with Mary Iva one
I fi-iol. Tiff, Moved by Alv. Soarla, See., by Mr. ratigilmout aud preparation, to tire berculeafl Ick. It iM within our knowledge that
Ideal Of i I ati; . , on
-tifIna appear1t) ire 'Weit, timt the Inspectors foporb tit. tire June day --last Saturatty.-no 1683-1114n five JIn _IJOBt. l'i herIacclluutitlml paid �,iz orforts-of the inewbors. of tile ;,Usociatiorl, al�& tCastle' that Orth brouglit over' from in inall I it ineeting of Council, Showing the amount j�tiid
%ving. at laid ruen olvisbility (if I'llidgilla ., Pay, 150 ots'. lJobileA (IFIlfuitially its Moved. by Air; lCcy�, see, by iv
it) y 4. Ald upon 1010111 tile brdou of �he'arri%bge- cacti I nitinicipalit* for schooll.purposos; -tbo coonty origineor be inotructed:to bayo the, Dotroit. to Will asor arid C, Onvoyca in-tcnas 6
-tile P�)Aoifl atmi 0. o6uth cl(l oft lie I bjI(IgO_
e Sabating liciv mfioli foe ortlarl a a dotlier ox- llil' t tile CI ITH Ill 6tillIVI'S, oil tire, tax itR.Otl. J, F- ponies, .,--Carrfad: A Ilewq rdw6rod, in wworolawo witw It is rincored that the prllrpi;s�ii chair
11. . A.- Nelles, $1137 is on exhibition
noLinootin, to c 'ovoruiriun .1
S NIII,W by Air. Kaine, see Olt at the last it t6 tile iaodon' the G v!I I t18,00 Blection ex nil] a f four be bllotted, the Minn. _Pro�inbial Clint N 'soveyely felt. off It, -tit Alr,"J. A. Yuill's litom a large, beauti, Howick, thit a (.,or itte' o arid l3ridgd. Conallittea, i)oa 13 . �b %Vill) ur that ilia Q rt 'lit 1) Reole Rita; So $1 2��.- Car folly1raulea-and. oothigallfly do not Mutt wli�, t1jose tile for to appoint tire standing cominittees for tile �Jr. Ba�, dounty be liot Tojige'r -Ili. oilo 111011th, tile position I til, (if "Ti
L yoar-i-Carric the' jib 7ct7' tl1cL(,3Ir1.dIIIa4 vacation columonoic on. whose timu i.q fully oiqupied by, the
t "I The Bodre I I their, adjournftd. a b; lot In ro
C b4lat ?Ll'e Inorial cited, Or "Odolfelhows' .In' d In rebuilding i
is.ahoub two fogt )oug, by ()lie Upo ta.kfon Ilia Le lid, nd mi 1, Oil tile liourn111'rY 110- und Oil Jan. 2wl, that be succeediall. wide; 011 aining it) tile contre a portrait �w;ka declared to Aosors. twoun Ilay atid Tneli
-T t II'L -School Ce.psus. 1,�Illlt . I SaLlivilay,,ouly be it holiday; "Ind that tile will, it is Sadbe to Mr, Ilartl, AT, P,,
I I ! I Into tit each side of 'Hogirth, Gilifton, 16ino and Girvin, ."ausl asL6r llolida�,, tue j'. for Ronthllraut,, It is rise expected
15Y IN ti�lowietr,,is coulirmc is rilato that of �th bridge cannot; stai�d I licit longer M
;" , , , I, , - tha�
Moved 8loninionf'soc. by Mr. Walker " of tile i'llit;l! Sill tho )fr. IV '11.9; iii adWolliino5o N�ith air untlorstan
tile ill I hat I we secretary of -the School, rietitionell. I is connection wit, -d tho t -nil. of the abolitibca, and ti,a6
tile I I snvotrr )crintlindoi 0
to[ l3tsaarabia The .13oard Iraq whidil -fro advised that it, bu, r6liffil.t.bef6i it, Or qf
R a,llotice f Ilia that the ifistructed toi furnish 6orbill- summer. worn rtwoutallovidell L6l, whelf Ile L N%;,
colifill(ut it Goitiplated the-cellauG return Of tile the order below this,. i to 111terfora -with Ing irrilAidd buty
aud 66dy f 60 00 fiates for- the electiori of Reoves still. Mputy. on. Like bridgwat off 06 ro, all tof tile by �Vhinll it death. Tile r(ymaindbr of tire � card being.. R L ILI elected, wilUrbsignthe nti(I not lie al,nsvd. Avir udvo�ao C'!Ip to. the' clerks of el' e respective' towns, As tho. Calla of t4c, blldgo crosilL, tile Mait- ptili-evIll the lialida of t! 0810 1 tthfir-�' llodgiu
Or 0 it if. c,)rl1 t,f R hat'tile.Wholo nunilloiv of childre necoplat by-illuininated erublonvi of the eevOS rus'tc buccoo 1
appear t tile 1P . A dring, highway robbory w,
coil EVIL I izatin cif 1.1141 wo 15(1� tit Itgal 'j, as 50ciety, anti leBurVounded by a towilships and vil)ages in the c6linty. so land, on (lodurich Base or holidays 1111(ler. a doul
3tillool age 69� : � 8
certifiQates may 'be uniform arid in. correct was eccolultiondul till) f L'Shat �fllftt` tit-
handsolve gilb fmind. - Wu- believe it is the r
of dispudug toil atAll."orsoll, oil tile 111016 of t 16 .
�'h' L116 vl
imittei I tho In a 'reason to thi-i builth (if II)o to jr, ......... 31139 form.- -Carded., ea Illatt, NV
jl.j�j bot'] iilile Fp6m. 7 to 12 .......... 3"tt ot the Lodge here to, pro�selit it ors. it- Ilia,' 01noil 'I"I",
t1�10I`6d by WsnyAlr.,Garvow, oul;istaritid bont bo, built ill -Ront:ol it, 14 tile. scilool prt),)crty be tlikli. frou
engijeer exureirle who lilt%
to Choi wife, I 'bridgeackoss tire north 'was,doubtful if, 6tono abutments would W Slit- ridleft, to vatel a Om" booh Pf doceased.. the hm a -in the hands bf tI y toR*T U MR I, HFL ditland river, in the vill a of goidotly strong to bear the t -few ts
-�braucli of the AT wcoks, 1-fo Ila o
We ito litol Ir for the past'
:T OLD 4.561,1 tl I . V611gh, the L�ijddi� the da
of "_IlotlI4�U a hThd Conneii th6h 4o btcet
"I it ion 0 bee there aro. Ivilighaill, iiid report on the liability 0 y befol-a, and ds 41 liff ainly is wfth feelingla of,ploasure. that we to 'ro. )ol ........ 492 are (he I)ILIAl.q. lie colifilicil tq wht art midnight train �110' ;0 i
&Ilia to anno airltitirr it as t c to ition ho
littending thli Public SCII( un�Le that tile system Of' county to' In, knowil a by tile
C;oIrryin't tile' Illailsi, its pror- ferred-to tile Road Mill Bridge'Collinlittee. 7 COI)IIQUI I)vtknv.bu that if tire Ili, airebus to NOWn -lie "iya
Atteiiditq 6 Iligli "press in tl*'
4 ...... 31 Movoil by- 1%Ir. -Hays, See. -by: Ale, Millar,L by DIV' hanti inde VJs tion, of tile Grnd.Trunk Itail wa Ion feels, atyrti be vilau froill hethat By -lair RQ, 8, 18,10, ililrposing tax ot that throo valn.
tors ill Monte But we Can- illen'tht, -0 Ivft,tu Trustatia and that'no will. 071.1 takeit front his boot,5;, y,:herel
trains, has proved and. Clint one-dollar.upon dogs.tvad two.orieholibitoli the north', one from tile �outll'Lalid'orloj rhhad
d i 1116 l;oCk
Tiltal 54V the Colupally 11pil Ili) t
C again, placo, t)tri, expreR be ropealed. '-Upu the itiames being called thecontro,to mako nil ass6ssincritof the 101olu b,cim, tur
Tire balancil 154 Avill be those who: are trains., Tho a 0 OyCa'r$ not Similarly Ill tllo othar naetstatid bint. whon, hit snyo Chat an d t 11 - , - . or voted for -the rs Elliott, ..I 'I'llat, I to filIfIgI7 t6*(;Tz ptne Mil for, th motion Aici;s dount�,. 8lich v, tibu to staii(I for five'
oil Inillily SCho' 1, LWt,l a r J.Lned Joy Ili, borile Shops, allotIchildren. for t to � purpose of giving .'it bettev basis � of or classeti. vitll tilb.colls*01it 0 of ovitaril') has,
0 gbltl. day lait-, the fbllowing hoing'QIQ`�'tableil Aloino, Whito�y"Cft , of llionitorvoi t.�Iauhers hyet time of oiproasa;-and. inail traifid; �-Going tic,' Hamilton, - 11'closter.' Simpson, oq _060
Ji"t 6171 Iibd live, Who have Ili juali�atiitin., ..That 101), Ili every witli out coartilel-tas bet euiployc,l, N Wonderful dvance
and boys 6,ac. ng 6f odi Is The proportion' of east,,- 7.�;5 ic. ',it. west, Oaunfj BliockI llogarthi Kerr, Olt each. - nof 6101 0 t tioll. Was �Vith to the It()- FROTMION all(IL
come ivilbirt the action Of thO T and 11), be 1611f, Wow this fortilo Ile I)rOfeS5jOlI," tind" Y" 2.35 .0,22,.p.' in.: -.This, step has been 11�ys, Killer, Johnson, (Morris). saoss6d�; this ro�sesmont tobo Ciotti; tiiiii 1a; w:
next oil a
Clause,- (that is those. betiiroen-7 arid 12,) ed,by-' tilt- dissatilifaotioll . till .. Annoy- Jobois(;v, �Uokic, t6mber, October and . ,
stating t lilt t experionced onesi find Calls 6 linty was to lie gi;!ou as by
ST. 'd it (is
'of, Loulloni. watlo, tI Who ]lot attendeol the prescribed four atioti tbcL arrangement led, too- Kelly, ray$,�Hlllltev, �11 trikf� ca l basis, arid that it proportictrialL ).'IllllL rL I
Qol.'Ilrall er, liar, Taylor, I I to Cho of England 'i-, 11101N. Tor4to'
Ili the nionth is n0A Ifennings, Siraelian, Simi ar Y
e teachers thrown fro following remark , .... . d tho-lifiblic lease( amount of .1110 villages anti iowns be Orocoill. filo'lillos of rail
ige, an Ili some Cases it and we a 7ivill bo;p B ity of three-,
nught to uiw I) to would Seem 'almost Imp6s4ible, to% CO bear; of tile assessed,. l'ostby it major
essi6n by the present -inode-of P:k- We are 101(l, that I The E�et6r staive Iniviriblig1lidt lm Coulity bo rotaill.
seLind 4 do- Moved by Mr 1) by'Mr.flaunt, that iotherg Lie o(tioto 116
liot L-6. till- law. will also. r6turn -to 'itIr.foraix -Ilioi pl;wSpilt that illyiew. of
hat 6'e it'
ati , 'Xllolllotioll)VaBl*stby�liiajoi-ityof the Warden t4o. ha`3�0 012. It seems strange t t4i be 0 IlCicrk petiti#11 tile lxol Intillner, in whioll Me Ji
fter tho atriv"Atof ilia BE t a rLegislatuiv to tile a6sessminit act "6 ahu11,114 omilton are lrcady great railway, cant
'old thri)rigliont Me fjohritry that ho 0. '91 LL 6oilig oil arid meetrilIg with success noori, Wall front tbe,oast.' Val] by Alr. SicillmOnp gC, b'y Ir.1vot- 1*081i6bt Of n 'in RLd d6vAclime
-sh' bid -be 'able to pass,the exami7 that persolig not assess.bdh the roll Ifve but,
nglit to join ill this arl'i at Ili! should (I.e Specird so'evices at tile Methodist W er oe- day's 9tixtato libor to p6dorm duties, Ilia shlary be inel. rse(l to ',;,700 and
i tcown� of Oota
and than not be lit for toache by:the w2linfa%Aliettra Tim -X.,
Vsj join it, t1to as bE tI10'iuIaVld
ne. is told ho, will get Bible,01ifistiari churches'of this placc. 1 all, Report ol tire- Graul nd Court House Vom-- is q,nestion'if.-aiiy*County in--tho Dominion boardotALidit- a f6i. or a t,
older and Inlyre 'experienced, �iii aftlect that they found.the talter for thu -Colarb New, ao. survass everi protection And it will bd of &Oat bull'Clit tO hit": IoVi-,, aro1na.ebtefl to Allan can-sliow' AM liti-go ;� number of papers ntliL�tornis,oftlio.Act.ouiliiab(,.Iialf, Car"j- clean c A ondition and 17 �rlsOnors theraid, ailId way ontres.
6me Dicksolt, f the for proofs of a,'p6r- lialfed'withili its limit4' s� can tho c' anty The report oftbo Select The fahxtiIr I jbink,' is beginning to bee' 0 , - , a adopted. that corthin repairs order od by the-Inspectoi, P)% A M,
t'imsiti-not'round argurn6litai ap- �tiRn of oviv report of the: County Council' of E neon, 'arid as' nowspapark are suppoSed Spovo,acitounts r�forrcd to Tho T)tiiitob
of Prisons:lkad nit yet been made, Which i CANADI FjWS ekatuhnition.*, aware a Whilki it ulight tem'VOI`ii'iIY robeedi the Finati6e,Qorninittee. N
-plied to Ikis case. to repreisent an inielligolit.:And �pt alling -, lyasycoommended t ded t at once ws bel
is cad ratue'died- is In tery .bonelikone.clasi, if certainly .1 , The following is'a list ofltlio a ten Ro oil SatniVilay,nit,lib"by Stage
coul � `tjzur 1 0 9.
YA lot"bene- ed- at, ceirritnunity, this county must'consequenk- 8tanding ( - -d Sce , V 1,
read ria all - 'tion. 15 0, Ix
of exa fit him, for lie findi, when be loolts at tile t arriv Tho loss a I Care 0 00
1� 'be the most and entirgoic. y- Udvodd by andunkRailwy
lipag; and gone furtbiet weot to e . - ari�!'J, - ''a Stato
if the mode., initiation turnsI his, products are n6t luteieridwith Wint ldr,. Elliott, Kaiue, Girvin., Gibson, Garrow by:tSo on,, trilco is lTatirt the 8 that
Thoire -are already iiihe paperS publialle4i that 1r -Bay bQ instruated b'Jiftire -oly tit- -4 en
Ise. I push forwkrd vigorouaky.0 i the all- it is lik t tit allst
ed will not the young, and, in much by. the Americans or Anyone Black ', 'Brown aLl llogarth,� - i 01111.1011 , ritract"14"r b,
r. 'of h- Voun,�;o lierinings, as early in lia 8111-111g,* as, poodliley �*.Itefurrea_ -wriplo tr66 i�aa �ceatitly.chappbdi -an
I - I in t u ment:of his. Contract fin the Pad- and a tenth about to be, in this roaclics to th-eEgniondville bridgecompleteil and laying the tr
nrimbe be the f Ifil rick of the Ill III loll fo Ill
0 a - find the
-'by these roturryB was.1, 25; to
ler-!S -op I ini n,.tlie nore q idk whole year covered 1 20 �four of them beting, in, the C6ns Chidley; 1". IV, a Committeo, I rer.
qneitionso be -xported, 4,'382, diitl��rthe impartC4 :and,�ve, in the Reform triterest,'.' Lot its a 116hil and Brid� tba farhi.nE_. Wit,
nswer, --inore numbOr'e property hl'towri,,1,46wn Strachah, Geiger, t,'l �o tit �Whi tell coutract ;,'I)
a a iyioial is giveli of AIr Dewrir,.Inspatitor of Schoo'h, tall (j()r( q tit 0
elfry's P midir fliscusl%idn, lind I
sing rkncr� in this part Goderich,, a �Iitr- also-twirdcles able yqjit was referred td'the School Committee.., :Abr -,it) hdraei 728'-iients_Lti_P)ritiqliColiimbia and 1 as B. el:iti�ry, put up by auctio give tbeiraines.' Whil liter, Meillano" Hunter, NY, 1. Jobtitstoin, I.t.
tile rvilioJulUil pro.. to Ma� be Nw4 the fa, ely and Keys. ScHoot--_ nil I, Norrisli, of aided, It, 1`11, ttlt_1L It..
Thursday last, was not sold, 6wing to- tile'
or oz frozen. to treat- Wednes
han.ibo�e NvIlo were B."Posit6r, advocates Seaforth!s c airus essiri. Wartin, T. WiNton, V'eairlV, Wier, )fi-,T. R. ffflLr,juspectoe of.Ptiblic Schools nontr. oa IV, liiteh�ad intendis, to) rely' tiliclut the sulia
Is' lay 111irriliog, fro
6 rt -by tb to Exeter-advauce.o..a.8- its Thnes de*mandii Currie, Gaunt; GeigerJ. 31� INliller, b, 2NJillar, urado a verbal leper acdoinparlied by clabor-.' ito, a tunbei of libiries itirporte factory,; -at, Blyth owned b ell, 9,311ilfoll Ate Statistics, front w1riffli. we caturs, olso ttg . ful- out'? It'j's, to be boppol, at any 1 r a eattlo� imported; 41'580, British (jol. and Shingle y Brussels is -kept'folly. Post,ed, Times Ad Wsolkp�
orrio of - ilia -cliangei' UZI anitoba taking rea in WitIgharn '46 61sewhel%'; And BI th Itud lumi .. 00.111y to siolcrifills '61ily Ono viiit of .. lays ill- Ou.t fox, swind-
a kly the whole Mr. Raxisfoitl, qfStApIet6n-,. also put �up ChTdfoVI Gairow, Xeri. _Sbulutou, Ua;tle _fM 4�
ti o5f: boined' clittTe, 38,0010F. oil Saturday - ptninairis unsold. Blaok. lKoAti.AND BRI)QUE,-blessrs. 'inspection ivas mado Since -last report, but It Till- litirser g tits who ai�o* roau�hig# t1i.or I 9 . . 1. .11 , . . 0 View the c6tint5 Vie ful, at) y of whom, it is $aid,, can, b!o
'Of the i expor intends 't Re�' Gor a
will 60 as they are Sheep I poited,� 8,600, British -ColtieWalld '' ' ern corner of Brownj alker, ilaunt, Hamilton, Mason, !lumber of Vory snacesa rapetitivo exam. country, gotting read ily It all. I . icke
PAJ�NFUL AcelP9Nr---0n0 day'raat weeka VUetfe spocaks fur ilia east . Giboon, Raine, T. Wilson, T�oylor, Hogartl I itiatUnits iield in Ashlield; Golborno,-Ha - -0.11 tboto t, this SQ4.8,011 of t116 "Manit a taking all with the 6xception.ofthree Thomas Jacison"snp of Mr�,Ti acksoi while Cliuton'r, N-191ir � ERA. stroll'ttil of beautiful 41mai 6 'Of.-frotiit
imaRtl9d by tile people, but wd or to ' wbild there is -an export of 240,000 1 - - D . Dlill,ar, - J. R; Miller, Girviri, Elliott and Colborne rld,8tephen. Thes-, examinations
.N 4� tire county, tit no
ohee, fahner could. met with a painful and what ma equill.rights for and steadily -f I exhibited ill 61tions', newAirisiou It,
nothing can be donad not he very much. BItick. otil, AND -COURT Hotior.-Messrs, rovGvGrybencticial. ' Them"lloolswe'ro ount ing,been costablisliall by order OF Oe
serious accident., N1VhJleqjW_ingouboUth& labors to.liasto on who,' Its name iniplies' Castle, Hamilton, Mason, trachan -alker, IIa -aa ion. Itioxtietienced A woman: vIlo'. ill conlyany I wAh her Sessions bur by 'the three or four .,sheep imparted. tisfactory . coll(Tit.
.�Iigll School he slipped and falling I on.tho 12th of 1)�,�co
-Las weak prove(l a great dr�wbafik to many gt
on of!Fai iarnent. I Is W. T. Johnston,, Kelly. 1) w!) days the following So is . with tggs,.whe,%t,, floor and barley., cusgi(m. t
I knee -cap, iriftlbt- we Announced tba. fl�ath of Me, oInj fact;. there is, loot a bushel of barley im. on.a. nai I I entered -hit Blill, and War", Whitely, Martin, Hunter auld ITaya.. schools. NanZ gocul schools'ivere ruined by. a,,o fool0il, of for holdim, ilia '.Division courts lit
. . 11 . 2 - TO Les beiii- sions Nos. 4 and 9. aLITI10A.BF,4AING. d,')jiAto Canada nor of oatii and pease. Ili- a, wofind that confines'.him-to, the 4ouse'.. gave big Agb;:-ni; itime -of death, as 77 years.. Simp. placing therit in'cliarsm Of boys and girls i 11)" threatened, with, arr Int
it is Ing so is -the. only. grA. I of which there avid, preventi the' use 61 his that some partieso W Girvin4 Runuings; :the A Wa t1lb April, 2,.,tb
t Appears , , (/I at d(IT CO..
]to knooffL� nan is-lipcesgaryintlic L LOTUILY . .-A pocket,bobli: of small k te line - _u
hak� bxcess of imports, end ItIfik tire Black and B. Willson, . Sp.ncl:Ar,,�Messrs. order to it falrer:
L' report of 'a an a va the dato*6f his�birth, thought we were rulsz I I& of he Akricultural. Assoeiation.of. the larraer is beginning to be avyale, does not hurt lue has,been left hdre, lot- taken 'ana thertifore dommunica,1611 tl i��on.,Ileckioi, WHillan, B.'Willson, Girvin, Cost,, Cat.',1L'q1I stions ivLra introduceil, ilitil Ontarl sSit- xcesS of 1,500,000 thO lair "Jiliir Brown, Shimmon and Ire(iIiently ii6q, at Whitby, witliolit a (11' . DMi ion iding of E ssex, which was hold on the. him mucli, waill6e iliq a .�e-sproad dis- Ye'arly. tho.-axawit atitin, nd wtentill(r.voicol
at-- mi� J_ H-RMAIL lousliela ner arinurn itDorted 'into Can tcr� ticket, the drawinx f which, it. is, 11 ht to others, arid, a ws , . . _. - 1-11. - , . 4- -
ada'is I --t to' the Association, moved used partly as foeding-it-uff- 11C
a ( be a free t- rol; Brown,Simpsonjjockib, HaY8 ankLKnine. profession to place to iithovs of Ill) C\- :Gloctors of Ontario . Comity. per. ion ley arid thoso'othor coarse grain$ that heal Garrow, perionce. n-Atoot acconlodatLon ill Monte fr�kuo p co o it'tlio 217th of -F obruary. r, : did think"we hold siid-oufficient to warn, opinions ord so conflicting,, and the assur A oved by Alto. Chidley, ice.- by I leg
toll every one of the folly of lit SUCIL ancii.ot being in tile right were so tr6ng incret , iettlietc(Inlre 1. Ired That this ASSOCiation sees with sell and realize alargot vice forin tile Tini irchasing that, in view of the the burdens 'sections W.'s not solilloitiallitto ine I .- .1 ., thrit batawere--frooly Caused by applicatitina-foroolietit-i At OUaiYj, oh 97tics1tiv nilib a � nrau
that the American Government Still States and olsewb6lld; The corn ' , tinall, but. -it appliars that- the fools- of 1* Ili On. the part -i s-Inglittime �malits of-flia law, Lonkney hall been exur.
place restriction in tire shape of 4 tutes for them he Gan got at vei much cheap- past ago hive a good many deoo6ndp6nt6,. made on the roatter, Thebas'Isofthedis- Lhat this Council should take stops to build a ciSed it,, thisarticular, nail where-tholawhad 'Ii3nied'leiiin�ey ws arrost;d, oil ell �Ilafgo rStock, Implements, of Nrr,.,Ti
He, thorefore, woul not he very - ligifitainizigr . prope -, 'but ill ssary fror. the ac � a f iiry Dewey, lot-, .32
tariff oil all Carroadlair farm duce or prices and there. in. no, p6salbility of on Cession was, that lie was born on tlxb� 27W r'pooi house in the County at - a been onforceil it, svus need of robbing armor lipmoil. IlL
hum- in y, Do -ot to Onlifor- 'riderich Ttp, on. tile inst, tire Unitec Staten, andth . Itch bellefitted b- jbillin tile for protec, them. ' The Cheyenne lotter� is- a perfect, of amber 1709, and Idied on the 22 . nd Committee bb A�poiueed io consihor Lila mat- obarodation d tb(,.-v"'wlIO Attended, lVithre. Stitts,6110, -'Of �120 and, 'it Hot ernment. fifteen. or twOlItY fraud, and all wild have purchased ti I priab', cast frard
IlIt.tIlait the Ikol Cy of. our Gov. ion, And pqnspirting to. poly ary, 1877, therefore, Rome main- t6r,,report as to suitable locations, t6 compulmiry iatondmice, tire lai� was It apper lie took Ixnvoy to it atub- okeLB, of Janu
to L , _, - 1 -1 -11. .- V,
'jwoi -ventarin .--- I d -he itato arid kept
'anittla'i _I taine and the y ng All- a heivir (11
intot tho-dallar- luvo, Wry aw Farm Stock, Till plolllcjvt� its ricah I ducf� more,40r:Vooll6�1iie had orouily iiarri�d ilw 1611owl ling (Ion, 8flier
-ins � t art we re perinitted to -ty; BY c s "rf
ol)le tei buy Ili the storea� You carinot niake1iin be- old, instead of 77 yoarso &nil 1.)5 dayaI cis. otherwise, to tile COU prom tit
their marketa, is u j�it to the agricultural i.Nc Doa.��-Mor year Crawford, lot 21',, coil. . lieve, with such statistie%. before lilro that ho� A o W a than -a year us of anti School, lftullett,4 On t1W
Sets If this, Domini h. b-thliffown, accom- -contra. maintained.-, The d oulty .12 1 "NAlthiry �:
0 the I& with pol)f I Th a Id, sold four Jas. Howson, Atict.,
could be beneflited by having piotcetioll put since it traveller,cam oved, by Are. lor during the nontiessury.1will nionthii; if] I
eveial of tile' griti, present opposed Ilia oil wbafhe grows And Tilts for sale; by fi6e spaniel. Proviwis to 'his these who maintained the 76 years was, t this Cbtttieil Instruct the Clerk t ill tile St Thomas ilia
Y lost the year 1800 not Chu 0 notify Aslificill 237, 0014orno 5a, G xlo�rich 1 12 which ;Vtjigll(. rket tire othdr.
I fay 16:,L, 'tanle �d
that thei wholl T 111) �y
olution-oll the. gfound that it -had a I 1polid. ------- do arturot he gave the dor, to a person. t, tire soydred iewspaper propriiitors' lit this .13 y 101), hLqibeft '101, 1 Mboruc finds. Thu DIED.
xte Clinton, nil the an,
bearing." Mr. organ's reply was 6onelft.- As Seien� by Others' I a 1�0. I with whom, it has. remained ever reckoning it lit thd count, imagining 'a Countythab �eo;dcd toriderswill be riceived by 114, IV, Walwatiosh I'M Volta, of Inills in Wero Si , an inwithu. Old, nd reftlizecl. at
Ive and triumphant. Ho Showed tht lit Since, One century Was 0
'JoSed at 12. ofelock oil the the'Cointeil not later than the second day of the 5 -for $611001L thlrdiffo
,rent la -V
day -last week the. tralieller "rent tow'11- tho-'rM0�4ft4 )0-L110'I ff pre Lully lt'll years.
lJo (Toil- ad 2�. toils of 11 cards of Tradc,'fiv, 06tings of mallufaettir" 31st December., 1709, We understand, a tire first mooting 6f,1878 for the County Frivit., ships was : Ashlielil 4 1-5, tlli� Set ;Ind ho has
, .1 1 (141 Coartes its persistont tills- retimicil to. town, and, tho'dott, �by some
-ar Er,- a -'work it at*2 P.
i f 1 find, to -day, (Thu
I(j Mr. ingratirl'ir . 'i _ . !, same- matter, tko� te4dor Nk sea 10 Ili, tnbt,, r -tile fact, kat crich 2 1.5, ]lily 1-10, m5 stlit ;110 toil to, kill.
as Be . liecame aware Q
dillff [It a hotel Some exti I
from rosiderici, on-Rattolibury 8 aving of 0 causes of gru iCAUDII Is atid other interests re- into t irredeemably gone, :trill fin 'o7foimexo orivinor$, seated himself r . esolilti(ill W.08 by C01111ty
unions, etc., InercUiV Tu " took place in Goderich, with the game Cori- least� one wiak* before the ;C6unciI 'meats in :3 2-3, lliboixtiii NV spectively are repAs' tile(], and I,,) it irpt! 116 01011 be
a (I At ri I h 0 of moving Sir ifollu fliding Opinion, so that those in this place, 1878, to, entib. of the publishars.-Carriod, were, '(!IaS
the country's legislation upon them discussed, to Council of 4.xforfl, he Local
is thillit 'influence which A who were in firror, need. not think, them. , %I0Vf)d by bee. by Mr. Nufarm, oil flebt visit, tlin itioll'ootor often ni Ig cant-' Why then, IleArguad 'Should ffiftErs alonalia ao a or 0-1 thercoh, arid, would not''perraft'iblib ltct tile adop. Clinton, (in the 30th
jtYL himself be were I at the 04unty-3iollaurer be to polled to ptiVIiack settle scholvirs w to were d. 84 yearg.
interdictedit from -diricusaing their interests, be. vinfinimOu V to I'll cotink, ot'Kharoholddra Ilinval, lit bandling" until tile 1), Ives th,e only oriei; CAIZ40(1101`13i tit of opeli� Arthur apid I 'Ile Licit of
Pines discussion thercropoll Inight have a pol� this arithructical ItIrniaboort application, each of the exhi6itarg being promoted too r. ly. 211il. tile balloting systelil instead
.conferrad tipon him,' In call6d fur them, when, tile dog gave unrolls. ill be I -County At the Centennial Exhiliftiono. sity of 4ellool' of LL on s r )Ileic(l with or,
it, votfii.geln tiny.futtiro cofitests oil. tile Dlltl� Doceiiell. It, ftilt(IOLIA Cour$0, It lr�j, for tilis a a lit 1. i Its iiLet uy'
4ho rccei7od pri L kill bill, oil account of tho, ill- fcclinO'orcat- I itical'bfiaring ? "After it Sliarp debale Y8 tak4blo, ov'ifdtincoff of plonsure ,at mbetin Zqj Witl a free trek oet'to 0 b- dealsion ofAttorooy ' tril, hot Ore, t6 -1i' t
to" as perhitantly and go unne 9 ourf,'intemporarylso repari,, 11 tjie motion wall Ave 'yllillch daubt'if anybody his,old.mastor. tawa, Arid lz�ikj. to uJitend tire banquet there, toachoro. `T)ta Ior teacher for. 01 by thi?6pwI-qyBtc1I1 of votill"'.
carried, only three farmers voting ngainstlt�" Vol ItilipLit's Alopri1ry %loronto Naive lit honor of tboad prille taoirs,'aai(l nary 50 Scholars' oil tho oil, but w4sititlaits
faith ill its appeal if -it discover. havinolly, of 801,11111, UO" elifton, Out, , 1, Alit. ItObe'rt of ship- Broodh Lost.
To this complexion it, U)itst come -at last, Ili all it the vt,ry act of varvyiog Off ' -k t to lie fuiviialled at the expense of the domit
'I' olf I Inius. distntbod in a man, 'no tic; 0 limit not toon rifled Ili tire suctiona, until a case of w tcli p� of Ill.,, ow It manufac.'
our Agricultural'Soq -t and (;ranges. lie :oeqWons soin6tt 4ZI bag County. poA
eIt has sorlolusl� impairea The FebrnarY No, of thid inag 7Vp0II tholhatileS -being Ciffled upon the roll had numbefe(l. over 101), - Ur ZIler OX qo.*;DAY YAST, A
I , yells, Mimes, flays, recommended to snuilt goll, brotreh, wltij asinalt r�?qi curLl olct it, it.
was t ir-case lit a church Ili this town not allow of being wpeciflud. particularly, but we NIONfillan, Allison, NICLORII. Young, in order to lossell tile burden: of tile is tile accond 4
pretence that sudli bodies inuat not discus its noctulneAs as a to its party noiV both unexpected arid ainuaing, Sifel boon received. It content# tire too varied, to tills motion, there *are thol-Aticationl to (rlaquw oil tile iluit This
f (I It
the subject of Frotclf,tiou fill' fUrinfirp, because unless it exhibits itiorer fairile.,49 Ill iti (1011.11tigx allipinelit tultdal the fled Irbe a fttvqrbylc;,av1l3g tIlly I,,Irwo lit tj�i,
it has a 11 political. biaring," is too absur4l it) long Pines. A: tilliligtoi front IL Iloighhor, oil J43Y it ;nAintaina the reputation of being Taylor aird Jewell -8. Naysfi Altssts. John- that the trust turnud out very satisfactory lifts In-
witti. pill I its malt it is 111 qVion I to ca liable. Of i it I acs be orwitted. to h
ng illustrated niugazina in America. stoo, -Yearly, Uillaro- Willson, Hardy, Xorr, monitofs in some Cases in place of litic
stand herious exantitilitill. Bronglit to 111611, ing plavo, will; preaching., wlio Iran. A h4blL tire load, Crawford, tr luala It
I t, - 114titicing nolle, but anti, tile assistalit d,
common Sense tofva��ib incaus ainip y its, izing some fit ilia words inri. inalt- Itit, (..out ihntors Nlto%v themselves par, Wa - s expe r ton,�_Huinita tit let, lltIf ollipliazi Por-ChIdley, that the farforers musk'iInC seek file, fustce spoil - iernsi for Led to atartla, the ;And Iva on" toil, Ilionniogg, Slum
tt xi son, sa n filla a Sieger 1,49 it
fair playr, becausn fill, them Co (it) At; hatmostodull hear. song well (Idalilled for their duties worts, Black, lIpgrth, with LIT. to tho .15chool T"awand , 11 - G.-- .6311ffi _11111. !fU011,11 will bo tire ro"*1 N. A Firs -oil
a Ion wits it cc I or, 'of Trispectors was not a itt a. air I was
has twon truinptli-,, till foRzoa orgaill4l; or. 1110, lilfbIload6n, As 6fic thilb, will 'I Lb ript"l,
wr:t wa3 served (lit )Lie. J; 1,061de, Order. ApPIV to ill.,I' kinael
Atil hidividuals A11111)(1hvil to lie indotiftetf yol .barrass tire Afackookid [tilt why ith, who fell asloop, and while Ili this please nihiattuct, chair, 00 le, W itc� 'Odiger, 1MI)SOIJ4 XG1. desivablo to hve tills defect remedied,
'ovor t I. lef WIT. -L -itelli, oil 'I'llesday; at tile In. catit, iust in r,ar th- ccutral sdioni.
Irritant lid IV 30% , of Brui,
mhoubl any honest mid capable G to tile 111.1irder thathis laii, loart. state Clio inittister, with his habitual dis. ly, )at to a 8, to*)), Giry To Nvol illor suggoated'.; as Col. tha shillia,4, ill ilia It embarrassed try such. a deniaird,! It, StMica 6
C�J'Jid get Ilonto eatte's, arid that ho Luigi I; tinfitnoss slid force, bhootited the word 0001ORKC111 TO'SIVNS11111. Roll, 8 1 0 Iliott atilt Xalue'. 5, The me- school, tbb read ovelling, grain. If Mrs. lli�!It, iVll() brUke ]ter Iog 18' '1.
question whieli apoltkgists. will liar' few illotith silica by alipl;ing oil tile side.
ee of till,. fu6s by these t- It penetrated the braill, of title rt l FFTIN 0,Z-.4 toll, mootrlig will be Illia tion V ol'o- b, A ajorlarityof27. -man geography, and arithinatio. ])a Inado coil).
get it 14110 1
have to answer. nerg tile draway-youth,'alud, With surprising celetity, lit the of tile P,'nogl It'Church, NMI- IN it il tile I adjourned. - pulsory Subjects, arid 'ali othor ba .111roln wlk. 1).allinges. are now laid it 006 and
a '10 coq 'ell try. the; $20 Reward,
at 'a one doubts r. Jap. 25.
The above is frilin the Mlil of K Ilrday') gition is nionAtrotm he boutiepd. front lils 1 Seal, Itud for 4 wo. d1vton'k4 dorfly, GO(Ioril Zallip, on tile. tlbelessons i tti, Men, 1.3rent4appli.
and we g Iva it its d floacilliall of itS hwi,d porsunal inlrigrit�, t1tor woulti. any niont gai6d about in a 60*iWrod availing of TOoRday, Yoh. Addresses 'Tire Vouircil mat adjournluent 'Could, be talcou'up in. all dabstis an At norno wacks "go, lityinlir her dam. At0VV UrIVAIM AVItL oun Illive IloubtCtl ilrollull Alt. awat, 'a There ware too many lT111"' till, taki6o in lits'pogition, tie aattleci back in will be iteliverod by Cie Iyulon, Rultint ull. tile colluoillot q Xo actifill was taken at tile fig Ill k�d, t(-'
Comments, on'thO Rriciat AvVtitO tillit tire ; the Nosolirdall lit tho liees at $200', (onvictio I fir t , I�
hall 1114, folly"explainell tho rnattoo,r thent, being Iffivii, Dr, Wall, 2 0inton ; I.P. present. itoad of havinga, celloutt eaheIli one I niltt- tlllltl, but a iuob thd dilition 1, rivietfoll fir ill(, 111 wh A. reaterrin lout
IV � undersigpicil, t,a Dot lit
eterlilux"a nraicontinually Calling place. .1114101sil t tbej a"ratooll, Baylield, l!". 111dild", lilt aga it nail ; Minotoll Of yosterddy riia(l, arid apilrove(r� Ingo it wns,sug JL
Re- it th"'Houltv, 'I'll L4 il It ofouoi I nail (if 119- diacribed. Thu'eWid o 04 sernion.'wilis �gcstad 'that llwhiell tile 1trill conlIAL(IR tile poll arid , +4411 ho. Novell by Alt. Sturpson, sod, by U'llintbi faymors being pitin4aft to tilt) Ili Ion
I I inati, arid trieg itli Nvo Isere- 4 lost, flot only oil tile youth, but gv.v�dft try -the Go4prich cholto Aht),: siV fNE11116' UlAt, thO.Blitft Of $3,0010 IlliNd by the Court. 0 OW118111)
ilf inatkGra and tliitiu� that have i !A .111)b fill hotIOR6 those witn�gaad the hjuidwit. I IN. I_— - - d a flw 11111 -fill aorlibnoral avid Our 111(4firlIT ronlV4., taffiinit-' ri'Jok, 1%olirookilmaro ilviocilve In it nicipaliticul tile sttiguin to bo'ex tilid tie N. req I-, Vt. (it vd,lit'll gollt1g, Alt ligg'. ipptill JULY 0) Nit nod most gueeonsful. earnival ill . ave to re Ilpilliold to*,Ardq liflultIallit liandell OIJO Ifame, principle as hevelotoro'.... upon I on ttt,r of n4histalli lit,
Or g� detIlecril I - f , I . . , , , Xlk. !.'.I 'Iry plano 1,11: CH litirefri- we 1111d. like ill Ili le them vill ployc(l -(111 ly it I LONVIM W, Iliorgedull la� Ila C flool, all
-IM *G1JI,fnXq,L."eq,; ltq,t I!onvLLottnt to tL4 -itinatiour of the Grilud
11111 sIrtillit lit 141,1111141p, qlTV
iv that 11. A(lantsolt be School
that boar to 11 a ILI" tirtualla litlainiplifill(T. rltotlls,)ll, Turnberry, (Arcat Weatorro lit h6 tionthwn,
Y, Otile pre.lont third clam thir I o;IQOa Drug. 1),
; 11700t I lilt tI10 IlIjill, ilIg I no folol miry to 11c.lill, r, ill, till, it A gra broke T 011tifflig'. 1i'lillott It. Crooks,
th6taughly diiollW441, . y I Ig I ill �I*oa for tho.toitq)l , _7 _ solo to. For t
1111101 M111111 'not 60 Vary gt)Od� 116134 tit it slight to Vvroxotor Hollov, it, (Il'awford, I)roaprivior, , for t1ld. tDWII Of (!Till Loll. 0 Mriv
about fthe cluirlitftor woul(I III" arn it MCI 114 III)l)IJhlIji to) JAXIIHO 111il PAYS, %tilt wc olutillf,
#tit dogI406 thle wall L]III Ito tile Ilee was tic A 14(darday illolinni", The MnWn, Ion.
the flityattucti011 II.f Hir.10111n. 31"Oulit Of. exlUol !III'('() tile VnTaytil, 1). if 1141 hd Ili" plIV011, tol Ito I!:$ to rella. [slid file 1610. rdCutisily dorritroyall, praying for it gralt of 81'000 to improve tile iltillool witit lithird chis"14 ver. lilt, allot R, MArtilloi (rt'QY politinal 13 lEOt110041110 ontlilig Asliflohl t, tifloollta. 1ti foull.1 Ili; position Poine.
algo thott bijItlingg Itilloillivig, ovenj)lt'd by K (tilmon, Ivrounter Ill cott,
a back Litt pollllc�41 art?b )JIL. tile hkaterx 1'0141 grover - hakar folland,
long standing, anti load 141WAYN Woo work I Iq 11111,00, waii1road anti re-fopred to tho 116d and what nwkw ili being tha purvaut (it both theI Ono, Alotrat, Tliritberiy,,
'('Till Coll- WorM.
forodiild, �nd.fflittty liftilty itl to Istlitled, over wills ollso ant hollstIty, rho tolita of tho 1,11114110girl �Ptf iALLY04 although Ill t aII4 tire thought Ona ovening, 1
'11gi a oill'
OX1,810"ba. 10001i'vVe do Imb 04Y to Liao t"Iso (0011t hertforth. sstI4 (fodorlpll Wall 'I old ittiti lifillart, 3 It 11 1110or wils j,eaoi that InAlioatox "11118 hort ovoll
iltaferrotJ Ld tho Utiall, 111stf 14rillge Voin, allies thor hall tit to that, firl, ilo lclin
10lit", u011ocially Will noti-vor valualilp, I01a ma a hi
it in. I�Vdly tho rlw they WON woro ologatit mill Of loy 111411PAIlee, Wig. to- vsALt1(T tit WWA II Nt NIN Nir, 11111A, Its rldwor , 01;14011�lltly to have Alt.41, ljaw'61 tINIA10 lit, doniull. R Will tic AtlolI, tho 113909 ()WIllit,to tll� i)f I'll* flooplet I Njw� Isy I r tilt w0to it'filiortlej r1mv
tit tha all tilkoll, Ily parlieg thii r1ro IVI18 Allpliall before to tile
PlIangod It, SO fap 44 010 illitcus4loillili day alf Q113 milli"itt;I'llil Lilt- str. Sti,41111, li)� 019 whiell lit As to 1,110 nl,atioU fri- voTqAhlo prollpa4y Of f 1141tolif ]ILI ra-4111)(11" toil in Elio iof it'llivitolt Ila too thond, wild eartlittl
Advaa�tes of -Ua&,p4de lifs%III ptithing tf; it I I _11� , 111mminfil'at for L 10 onArrilliation might purut.
joll Ill art Elio akalok-4, here refraluo& train AWANORIV 041146'r Itat it ilnot. Isfy If Olt arrivit tit tile
gi ieOf' stoitlict tflit(lharg L110 ellrkiotl� Iit woulll loll 11, Ititt. it dfort fie. 16111,
1114, 'live Uatf-10(l,
1)"r, ta attilidol urp five) or throo 0, fhk bulfiling a bri'(146 !Ford rdfatporl I11I)o Ill Offtl Of tliti 1110il A revolve!* coanty W
fltg pf irvotealfill fi�q obly tic medting subiirtfluontly 1111111, lilt%' fill honvin" vast of A
ILDparent to the ollallov4l' ali(l thd "Wittlyti IL thto Ahouill hill out in elln harri (If Nrr, 1'eter I)VIIJI11116, !l'anfI r
lot B*f V 801 West 'Plin Ilre to 1110 1114ad Aull 116(lao (!oIllinkttea, e3andritiod. hint, from nil wlla 441 licit 44 pripasVirt wore ploally,
to ko� 444taholi, tilt, (1011111tht "Yoliv till, ON
114Affica Vv loll
1111111va it4a,invAstigstad thd Olearly I� a, 114,4 aawoll ontitle(i to' got 0110! 44 U104 who Nma. Ily Ono (if dia, fillinly, ISOVOrAl hiWIIIIIIIII WOrd to tho MI,' troved by Ur Hirviligolf, by ir 1"Iliatti Ill6floy howdyeef- dotty "A, lit
ill 1411 -that ft6toation to Aithar 101411dad. ba'a'll �J)1)01140(1 Alinlitor lit I lit aarry(ttif Ono. (41. liffil' JJJ4i)lIl lit to wAA 114yed tI at ill" thanka ne file ))a to WhO bild, it. (taiiih1for. lot Ill 111. 0" 0
. filltilivig, lot
Wralk or (Armars W a fallacy of .010 most, to till) 80119th, W 1111 111 v V4110, Iratmett. 11 prigo lilt --or. N,4plvor, to foull'i atalfwt, toI Patti NICIVOIJ hY 1111101t, 913,1. Ity LNIV, iTel flifigg, 'Nir illor for )Ill Vry 41)10 aild"(09 611 tile ttl)IL) hull�j, Of at otlly old ll�ijtofu% twil lInIbIr 4o�j eiglit that Nlr, 1'� C101111nol Too-ol 0 voullioniAt fill for 04voral qltootloim �.tluuatiou lit his tlkeil Lila IIron. Itholol to ga - ovorndAld (31 NO anti t '04tuaga violyl ell, his (AfIrij 4 ld, coil, L', "Putis,
AR tit 'b r,
4 0464 h th lF tioul Du toil inati., LAdy'll. Millit Hall (111 11 ton AllavIl' i0t; Ilia itillekly
a 'ry. - Tbore 0, itiorr"Ily wistorA0111. 4 0vJIVOVV tile ',Pho Vcport'of that Finallaft Colurtitte wall Xpoliftloa h
06 11-0 6flIcarg lit olit, ludfill wl. Hail) lowlro do St, ;114 , I I Wn till .91 101, "11111f it . $1, (Iraw �rilrd %vitit Slit% AllItUfAl Isto at ft4y 10001111; PIP pit, 4111111 LIaht Indian pill hil qV 11 VoWrOhl batWOPU HoWick arid Tarfibaity, adolitod. qIhJx I -Io )orb wila(la
It yublia t6 know U0 la
001' will ortlignod 01 1 ,16, Iof Dolt. hg lidbl)Allk fO Aftil Ono 01" froin, Is; r Ott 19f, Ila to) oanao,tiln j,, foill out t1f fl
11 dy la t Oat, i thaltolailAild UtIllgo ConIffillit6O. 111411dittiblill Up011 t In ANdantA Alit Ila Ilia
tioul QV ell," ( no fit I'll llopa 11'"I Cannoll I'Ll"I'Adiall %Lod till ) o'ejoek, their)" upoll \01611 016 'ItIltir 11111.11 X11111ftlig ),:0nAJJf00 '.Ikbuoo,-Ur bit"orill ell Olt oV4 lit thu'lit.,0010, hvtL*sodII filbor ry ant gut A l;lrc'S0,4t6,(1 b� the TvoqqlJ go lilt hitz
4 conclildild by AlIviaing that tha04
"'0411ti'61119ji-At fill 4�1111al- Rith twllfflu Vallshrvab voi, kill tf) Ill ly oP)IRI1411 it n ok; in IV. 0 All a down WAY
orlogs, ;11 IeWlift 'Mr. t
yr TWIM9, lidbill.1-Job t do 0olin pornArlIM, N1 At'don in tile I It floor 'Troa
a its tolmons Why ItallollithfW roiitolaa tottoo" 10 til"t 1441 ott Aunnol C In-Illit 11.6 1111fill.194, ant if tit w6 IE'r 1.14.9 wit., Thb my s ; tho Allot flia loppal at thl" 014k hud"7000 Oath 4 1 ' t tho ollfting, 1,11,1404 last y6ar WRA.Vidied tile 11PAt Illoillintzi N004 Wild llm!li folot)(illimb
1111114,116114 1100 bib bill ths 0441 4 1W144 ?11 r li"91111161i gala Oil �40'4 11311fid Allil , 411% 414, UnA ill tit*
MOVA01, *q A
1,4,1 r
b t