Clinton New Era, 1876-12-14, Page 5Tke 1400t of iodo WNW*
A'Tori wo #Ootlat ot 44 so.
too 0 0,01-11
Wo 41ra
110*0 Ord Vi 0.%. tu Top OR
ttoftp hp 41*4
or 1140
C L PT �N-.r N�'v" 14
Qr Wb
thp post, Unioet V114i Vat.
04po of 0004 Or "004.14.
US.—A$1.00 1A Advo-Acel or it PAR in
twiii,moutho, from. time ot 110444VID9.1 or P, whillh,00404". for s9mAtov.
b I I
1, 11 !1 hkil I i 1111, burat-
iiib., of VA4 Yom, ovat tho
fair 40. 00 mva� haw W"t 04 I'mAy
%lork or.", 4041A a first class
U 904400ti011, N #;4d 1,410, o
I vol. X1 -.No,. a --wrMS7, i4
igNmOr oil the llhilrtest Xwtioe, 444 Ail, $1.00 per anuiga w0hip't
Talul"'d Y,
187 -Zo HOLNU4, SON, Raw= 'Qr tho , "0", 04a 400triclyho
T4* AI *"* 31
114A vt4 wiere Stoma,
A'YoungJAdi one oftboorow".
INNIX 11XIMIRUXXVIN. QQ.ulioil for acting Arbitrarily 444 U T
og`in,� to have A voic all$ 011104go ove
t ral -OU4 it WaA im
(YO Some WlArmur iw�hoa their SkI Is gloat the desires. of a majority of tho people. T* forward the
First insertion, oollia Aga vitally bright to.' -?low, Rov, Mr. lamiesont of 'Ravoold, 6.4id we � Matter. Possible torai Win. Tho osle�*W
pertion$, 2 cents time.,. UN %Q A are Rev, Xr., McCu4it tholliht that the
-0 .11) 01 10 -1 N Moo owtbo eye of 4 great moral tivAtlo. Bay.' i4t PrA"kratiou witli t�A orJitiq Ar 740AIrly Aye: 44yo, A
A4, thollgh
CQXTAAVr clergymen,, of the county Were sound On thi# 't "must 004 foxiet, 'Yaoselt 04 it wast impoo,
W, A. ORACFAY, Xj�., 0AADUAT& OF TRINTg�: Is P40 4moill spQckof dark appear
it College, Toro 0, 111t7olotan SU1,0404., kof B1701i lix tlittr great heavens Of hI 11014, *a% known, to, be rather VP-Pliped- so at UA IOU 0 Arc , we ;to�d it, yory w
rur 111f 1 4 . - It I=Icody and Br0,th*,,ptVJe to rop4jr any of the -4�
... 675-00 a Do Pop. TUR 206. question', olthong there were Swale black the aloge 1,
temperance prillumples, but the, loldoe there. sheep ; be lookell'on, this
liblar,41 p4titona QtFoa Upowulin during the out, 0 "0 , Opp,. its
%obept t - meating %S a crisis
rat 40-00 110 has �OOJA In.' 1101134411, won a koopts0fall" Inti, :KYN 44.12041 74t And some VIth thankful lolvaro filled' Wx's, do'Jux. 0,611 t1loy rwulld' they A.100, toualcious, 8ankey, A��ittvonductiing against th the vayfls were obu v aiWtispl g,
thin til 1pd
rity Conn. 'e flevil At.' Cbicago..�- h6rdipoks.' t leng t 0 4 '0. e
'to tho'notion orthe 000
of 41. �bhfh... g.4.0 Ix. that bie.hpis Viiiiii9yed to t ogew 0
4tiqua prommoo livotilitly Ore0ca on this APMTON.-OFFICS' AND RASIDUNCV4_110- rf bat P40 *04 lot llglat� otid will do their utmost, NVAlt lllilli`6 stronghold of th A th L !9f Me r
RAlf One Part A- 40-00, holloi lately asoup oil %a felt that the County Cort
led b7 Xr,ifamlle VA OV: One fair of QQ4!s goodmovoy Slid,
aton I "It"OU The 4orkn000, of tholirmlabil, but they�would do. tlwir beat ; their Inotito Ap9TI in bill hands 044
halt it they could put A. temperance Reeve inj -not put A better we 0ould Weve
, lr� beforq had, the evange Mr. Boilt-yeti "Otiggestild the � U14 oi
3 mon ......... 13,06, raer. OF AU -,NR T 4.6 04VTA R10 SOW$, 1)"I'Mit, o the 611, 114ttolabury 04, 1 rest, 0 liCA1 CAP:,
bh4, - 1 '011y Wag found tho. onemy pore -thorovighly thfow il upon tho
x4e*t tolvTow" J3001i Stisoral their action in this matter � lie wAntod a , iog q wwr� Two, 044-o
20,00 no Surrender," Ro'thqught the WON honorAhle, 9 is, 4XIA10to, I
one-fourtili, one YpArp STYWAU X,,'0iA6ir4TE Or oritivi )4 it the JDqn- Tortifi ts' Seem# to feel th -.919tbell bags Wo
TITE DUISMIN AOT. vipt "m on. the meatiP4 Of '110 L'oollsea kin"Aot is not parroctj, but a Step in the Im RblI0 there, Sind we dare not, say 0$6`0b tWo, gai of Aw! oil War� pourSd
half 1U0 hiro his win goov op billait a seloft. iltnot of tF V111181110 T, X. P,* J 0qusqiio�, At at h V48 re OI)tAilAed
3. months, '800 W F S, uallor,84 Association should. be printed
it liregn
O�E R 1 right. direction, be would like to See a a dance is basele4s. Brother -the baga..�
Oneiioi&h, one yoort ........ .. iico, F A" W1 L Y 40 It Q i fla distribittod thrliogh oxido th4t his coof 4 (1
eing punilt red slightly, An
1TUMING RN TUD. TOWX HALL, n9s, Such Asti, Ll 0e4 viotual.
Of every dose4ption, vtttoh� W.111 be aQA- mr. Nym. liepataniq a icon
lUP`A%60tlUQdtVfTQ,*ROOd3 0,90, UOW it. ItrIFvX I 8111,90ow, ft, corougr for7 ,�ba 1�nl.wcrkii. of meet, qum
44 (( . - epettbicj�', 1'�lfi ASSQoiatiOU;$ot up Tft�ntb-S elf
WHAT 14'4 100 14 0 tAlning Sig ere
0 spel. Tbe� effept was migioal the
5100 V111YRIOUM ,
One -twelfth, one year,, botAis the people. thought -30 nameli only emporanipe rapse -04
50 MN -11711 g4d vIU be. opoulolina tow 4AY8, MOUAty0fluro4i, CLINTON, ow '501Z, natures to, th: WOW help.the t more w; persued. It —og-op tative the va'
0,00 A T3 th, 1860. 1.0 Christian, iiorkero, dailv -w; 4,vea--no -Jonger broke --over- the-- POOR
........... XA14 8011101TUP, 'k "11113 AnYthing Was. lie WAS willing to go into
10110t 011 Friamy Afternoon last, A m
ootiug was 4004ed., they 4W Dot exert, thomsalv
3. Months) 13.0.0 '30, this inativr--A(�, i4lia, the Stamp for six preaching, Si prayer, mognotio: song� and stlies Of the ship, but soverall yards
Clinton, ;,Oly 90, to7q, otherwise, could have (lone much better
inespoilras suresalla under, I yoAri 4.00 XV, own a,. for this par,
Bit$ f -111. STAN111tili GRADVATU 010 TTIL DICAL lieI4 in the T - Uldl, hot
weeks if noo4 be at Asallblatiolls and prayo.r meetings. 11%,14eAdallarterg Away where. tho oil bad snreacT
bepalicutem Of violorm vulvorWy, Loroutio, 6v. peso ON 09-n8laoring Tile action ON the voull- 1, Qy Ae Act, ons. walm, reard to 14111"1
Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, FOUNl4i Olu oil No V York, ty Cncthe Legislature. to define A xdOt are in ti. taberIlA0101 holdittg7roln Soveg over ttte rfue,� filIA around the poop,
U, not exceeding. 10 lines, J81FTQ ib4 Ne6rolileo to,tlio nicipal elections ; a meaningof tlic 1)uilkia Act, 61, . grilab to,o alp
re trying to,put iwin"n
INC' SS CHANGER tUti diii.their duty horteqtly -ight thou%%
bly. W, 187L Bill; The, attendance was volj large, thua astid people
This is ke
after first monthi 00 cents each Mouth, but withr TnanyL IlpinionS prevail Oil ellrt%tri peirita PLO, in the wake of th6 yessol, *as.* large.
he 1WQrJ8
ace le now, Dames were on hWOUT111NOTON, INI-981OXAN, BOA ON, it he thought' that the be us4 04, shot sy I the int6kest taken in this matter,
or' Narizils A�ld Real 1,�Eitata $A��kiolal rg
Advert 1,40 glirid to them, bel
for Sale, -tiot, a- illeo, fivot Morith, & w4s opaued with prayer bX L , age wi
ntli, % of the CoIlQswof 'Phynicimis 14T - before this nre! UNI)J�ItSTEINED, IJUG LH4VZ TO L . Several petitions, Lqn thdoppOsito Bide,
$1 ; not eiefleding-ls T =thQ Inhabitants of Clinical Ana 1yofilty ihftt they President of "tt red,' This, also, is grohter etsei`and ille 'ship waii. relieed.
i0i, PR.
colr the, Dunkin Act -with ri4arit A
oilthi,36. aua� 'A 5'.P01[tto. have Th lonitill, go appo-inted to dealt r
in�Ys 0 ow tb IUd .....
Xellts without spociflo:directions oa by Mr, TAB. and will conthlool it at th IdGions, for the
Advertism 11 who Old.8taiadj whorts thief will g All the ho pleagailto moc. i in dcfinin� la*s, anid that, New Yet -4, arQ largely com- provio 11
Will ber inael ted till forbid, And i6biargoil costoloatill Anil AN g"nerall$ the, it %Yevo v.ed from the be 1$Q88,
A chain 10, Wich WAS to talm Action with ve- Wilkinson; 11. XcQ T.. OGU14L 11(it ctPoo usly iecei Vy
Vi be dono but by� trying ad of seasoned chuich-goers. The' The two bags lastod
XW*4--0YiT-1,1Qqv(mqr,� -h Pickard, and Ravi. - J. two day$, Affe'
t�oio docision of the 0oxinty C(inuell; Woloy and Z
Advorii:semolrbs Nneas'ltro -W-s -TT ' lle-, _ 0 Jana And sorgov))i o a'In io using to is 1. , , r a 1% '1111(stou Venerill PludT A:0t 014'we (lid', this is fii task of, the i .'the!,efore, 'is expended'itselt'. o ore bil %va'
solid Nonpareil, layo, Act, Ito Ulought thIlLt not withstnding -1, aenti- Tbb.maig palpable efZac n m S.'Used,
it (,on t. That this Convention conilider tho ao. ment of tho-0ounty, And if,we. at A majo to
S01 13'�xiaxlly W.Apit , .
WOO r Ott 4i Q alti this R'Otion it )night tnra out to bd for thar Ai�u of the County Ctroinoll. of Hur6n, 6zi the g revive the zeal of the. covi�rted,.
of,the Dnkin Ao
i fAvor we ha#4 uOf All NyhlA libily offor at t;Q liawost rh- best ;: was sfi to see that potition of 4,080 olp AS un�vseocicnited rathee thah 0 bring conviction directly Billis
a6t all I vish: Ones
�mtlueiratlye lora pllodgoad t6 y6to. fol, the. act ' d1ftdr- ai ,otors, suoili in favor of ToRNEYS-AT�LXW 0930ROCK a man Yet
ConvOYAMOOrg 011100—NOXt door to tho now Qlata. against it .110 paid J�a t4auk'fi.of this Co4ventiou be WOU UO vonversiofis count tip, quite banai. It Hollander Balak 0011U, � !, .. 1. ' 11 meat$ to the noble OiXLtooll In Council who llouveyd(l, and !a hereby toilaorod� to,the noble' xplained that the togisWure id, at in WAS a
'To ZHTT4- - o6lis belOerad in Any: Phrf of the Town, 'Form
M 14 Obanoory, alad wv,44 vote In nswer to a 06pticuj early 4dy, pass such an Act that we wobld son�el;�, Tbe army enlistiod'is pig 6arl no InArk, oli -his ears eiceept. A_
or. n
AN$ Stoo. kip for,the inoaaurlb; iind for the SiNteell.thatv todl � thieco.stitutio A r! t'n 1101.1.8L PToduce-Taken-hir-Exchanje at markt Prices. - - liti, Prohibition.:
ON. OR 0, Pro. Y"30TS Wild :-%Y-Q-rkhd so" the-poople-. . I .
S. DIALCOUS 11, J0110 wall
4 4inL -sibg ly hati thih Colv�on'tiou bolieYes it Wile Revi. tea to 36 oi� 6nAiAngrtold' b
Clinton, Al , 11 d T �he'b lin q, Biothev Sankey's br. to *h.
alfeea to See,
eircumst �Vo %ro Inet !Vllat -rally to iho Act enforced, it Svill do� people and, ntal�
:*6,00; Doti And Ji thC duty Of All ticla ildrnge mail to ince !)Ieliseshi6 Chicao broti,aht bef6re.' bim,' thitt he was not
5 of tile poople, t un ey 111iton livith do-- MR �re A 9od hilkb are * i f Yoliablo t6 tom- we 119ve. 'a statfito in the boek,�j whola ask- ON.& _Me ON polls ;id oppose al, "idi4atea for the, suffra- some think or not. ; we, have been told tb at
'FADI)I&N 0 ,
. *r LC.A S ]?A1) JJ'Olt rJJC;GS. J%da,
CAMER best to be dqno� This Js A t1hristian wbr� reied sponded ThE
AnIUSIMRS 0,, UPUT SQUARE, UStL look for Wmikhty guid, in hiSL Cbor.' thing fol"Your _wife'!" It_ s's S006bio
rJflP RATLN131311Y 11OUSE-1, It 14 Which wo in
lioqW of the 110"t ico, ce logialat f�0 prohibition, And w6 Should try t: hl; to hIssolos, and, j'oju I �iober of gi�
ilVoiltjoriL 3ropil
latoria �Arcef, 0intou ho fictill"K And III $b; i, h. proposeit! ibe ocrr this tlts di'40 all he burden. 'of mail �bo said, b
Mderigh. A. Celt ltofjipeotfoll� SQJI��Icd" lig
co that the
IV. Ci. CAmanoll. �Roq�enlber the plaice,:-Opp'66tte Post of9oa, so I uses * with 0
rotberL Jjnod�'S preRebing'contiri to to*fii killed halfta, �()Ast t a
of lihiH holitol arotall now, al t conwrilitt Ad ral 10 resolutious. that 0 v. r. X61tviii did
oJeolitba Whthoj all(l NVJLIA�8 01 thilit poll and Ladies", Ofiristiin A'asoo-uht' icelfi�g in e to a time
nlook, -hoi abl uiilild-bc That an earnest re(tudst be iiitLtl .1 not look for per ue
'j�*7 -ilipliting, Won Jection- in -the Diiinkill 4f -ill -thb,- -be, a mmple appeal to Abo -�eblirle to- -lay alid although Dean Swift,raentions that
tty fikv.or I r. loli-of this e6atityp, in
o10 �lllioa goollottlki All i� lia 13 nbeat W( live atill vie Should pqt,it tovio 11 f ill * M tw
he woqI4-- matter to the' way, to Assist th6 old 0 0, oalls. of salvation" An Irishman �.Qnoe`fol& P test.. Lob va try' the A�ct, and allow the of a in�n when
brilitiltors on c0jllrnittee.�, Arrangements re, ill mil 1 90(1 ir 0111 for. dby the, wnp on
q4tan. 14ov. 1, 1876." 91 pou.
pu is I re tieste )VI cl�t �VhQtWr or 114 still counts the boy,-,anlf the - othdr of t person
bl' h i pa�iphlvt, in reply to thit, lisilo6a, ance mork, And ministers b MORTGAGESo NOTES
VjcbualJO114'% Association, totti(li�itbapi-ganiz�6tionoEW'dim S. r wat:naraa it is) intended, to do wiretit 'he gre 0 up to -be a roan, �L
:§y the Licensed alitie§ -as. insufficient f the
in, thar-position taken by t a Mori,
44 24 XO A th Rev., Air
116 referred os lor conimallitib's. Ard to organizing ailsociatious ygtorious nd alknost miracui, ah. rbporter to
aillona the Was 'k1J ri�ed f6r uli nigli
-V to the Calls I
M01,,1UY -TO ND, IN LAJIGUI OR S.VALL SUXS' W aproceedings of
,-R0rA3711 A ff STEAY8HII? 711clge 31cf(plizie, of' lobe as voi o, Ain., to OW Th' 6 in. �16;v kif the exteutAlfid Mer OT )13 V�j cabif of Good S erities, PuTcha o&: good mqr azioa of the work' t e con 1100i4i 0hollid be responsible Nr the or- Compared A g the ai Ethriolbigical It%&
asfedte'to,Wiihe Grantil.ii a fe�r days ago, wbere� .with gait U ooiety,. that they
f tbla World are 11
itionb000 monde4astoadmitof an Are and a ".Cast$ of ah -
W. W,,rARBAN: he pool, Loik4ohdcey - and Glasgow.' dihaton, Aiwoot Mat 18607, 7,,tf I elis 1, gzlization ; he considered the Dukin Act, u of an individual at
in'lie, sooke at�rqtl I� agaipsi the -by, is of i i
9 n' at this.m6eting,, of si -Vlop�Presidplit ain the. rightAirection. And - 116. Woold
cillaton, Not. 9, 18% 47 -bunt ate ma ips delusion 'and the, ofolecting.'a. diffbiont adult life to
The firsieloss, full,rowered, Clyde 11 RRIA0Z LICENSES YND CL have ill �hfl.,c#ontivopowors of the rell e
Secretary presented Ilia, report of: Ork for it.
0.11 We'Allau Line, leave, Portland every Saturday morziv Itho The W -President, obligatory it 'mgy be, Sho;PMbech%t$&s pr6diiced in teii years;"'
for Liverpool, I%UdrkgL Paosehiers And eWork d6no, 110 40 thb preson Im Ti -Job !Vlle-'eport was thoft talien llp� tod- Wa--clergrinon,to cow
. 0, ti tol ato With 'the oxiileltivil il , mittee i oil the citi%en,.is ofiuGnitiisiraal ir ev-
zobL roylo, ft Londonderr aull-Gleollow. station. tTAMUS SCOTT, ause, it OU1 11 uport- It v�as Portugese who enm
Malcolm XcU wArt of �Tarriaga Litlonson. was repolivedi a'Ulo peii.
WS V the mar IS:
27(h, I W� izil-th0t iwomen I the, nce -compared with the necessitv of de-' Ated amo,
gt5 1. 1. " b
and I' by w ich tbe
....... iWg toin, 'oft4�6t tJl0'lat# -ItaV. all Sel,ve' bod vofa, d rowiied - mw
XSRD A1YC- ve ondea-�6r- WaS-9 HOWS4 ' I - - -6 " - j3efllby Said lie a tg qjJJDLdr S Ac a it tip first cidinto, wbethac n mirilit he ideb.
c u roro N ow -v ........ ))eQ, 2Sld )N;'OLINTOX LICE tion, your Executive Committee -1 qlad to,'geb thatilie, profient assethblaige 6.ei 'It " Lf . . " I
11 Tiolill r of Vuron, is prqared to it , , . an,, ask ministers to.,Ukic the initiative 0 .31i le br fo sot r.R forthe count] ed t6 forward the 1paqs e of tbile'Dualdri Act to was.ono c6napos A- SAUXAT od Xtiiaa Vile: seriously in the. udeor God or the devil�beqoivl in
DBR OF tterta to sales of Farm 91OA d AeAl r
lifi a tr
the very best of their abi ity.''Wehavenietrogn- mean business, The great point in this Jefib et e4ven'or bell. nimit ii
873P each wo6ki Jivorder ta devise'the N We Are rig f;
0#1 -D. 0 feet we iid and th4roftiie defeat is not religidasly I Br6ther eirily. ljtying head bti it. arge atone
-Hor I Tat ' mebb'd of reaching 7 ' , : fin
this by first darrying.-aifii acbem�s. to the t1t,rone 'or. (it or jarifolii'a pill'o
The matter of virlisentiogt lidditi
�)Pttria to. t�ipxxtfkon, the Saline 014-tidt N apVejulicid Agent %Or t Ogoing to discour flesaw a reoolu Moody's t�t,9;01 We reore t6 6plied tO'one
STOCK v ot w%. I OV for A$irA and bles ag
I'll priVaito, ge , -petitions, Was; on taggestion. say Who in -
at first, caus. tinlo pri6vide of�liandeuffla-fot a" fin rti 2 capitaliots Of Torantic, vho�Llaau XR0130Y -pit Very rea6m. thtwas.,
of tile , ,is, afi'�ws. are Ali] 6 n6l; IlA'rd
Tho.saiantages offered bythig Line are voryliqwrat'430 ablerAtco. ad by yotle President ivith. those municipality lie thought this, was quitb -in 11;
for. 1 bavil.9tuffed
counties, *ho. lmi,6 issed� th accordance with thliti-aoti�� on the 1)unkhi'l tiotih re that'it is riot. Fire Xb hiktast 4rcionnt 6f comfort'. oti. 10pof solicitor for the St. Lawrence Iiankw. indico.
INSURA V Fu . 'age Wingh4m,
ouilty and sillistY attainable, And shortest mw posi Tho President. I Ol� to yet a4 suerican j)ftGsaaO Caltificste" lofluo(l at order that we�nijght havii the �emft CRI ed %u riled down tbbir�city, fi ��o.yea D'�
Prepaid of their expfitfenc� ;.blit TLJAay Sa'.y tblit-wa ri,- �Aot the The.06unty-Cobll�- Work L at the )riominations. and elebbi I . . b ' L ,, 'j.'* , , . 1 9 who solemg.jr OnQ'isvilniin.
0 '901INTO9111, BATrIELD, ISSUFM or cillors are' the servants Of the" p6ople, �nd 11cago peop a trin.a u I sai �
P'orThron hTlekete and every Information', Ritply t ceived verylitile light ontho sabj�ot from thein, and said that�with t a belp �f poll. they U may -have � chitdien,
6 Marriage LtoonsesuodQr thenewAct, Commission- N�T� *grettetd til 49rute thislost:and bid they have proad tbetn'selves xtuilvortf) their idols--7-Whic� .:are gieed, slialip, ebts, Y6 or if not
FIRE INSURANCE, A. STItkITON P'T. R.' eir for takfi3q, Afi ill the Qupen's. Beach, for,ccom- 9116ceed.
Bruce, as t 161cly of their confidence, and they filive struck- it R V., Xr,.
eof Iforon.and he.petitions printed adL ciroalated as qui ll�a6bioe, ohieanbr�, practical -gAlessn'ose your ditughters' may -have- -1" And it was.
'AT&y 4th, 1870. McLean.
Leaties, Bonds, Contmoo, W171o, beeilm, and possible. We f6r waided zborn to every Vlce� blow At constitutional* government -1 they a and gano�al 6ater4lisfn.- NowBrother li.Qvr1-nlin,6ra6r *ho, War4ling �ith'lds
Fees amfi. I'
ptesilletit and to every Tewperanco origgit2ation sifter which tb`h tileetingidis ad;
foresight, cannot Selo the per$
in,the county to er0y -we Also blot 00ject, exclaimed,: "There is 40 AN D 'BI th'-'T Iliyfield, Sept. 14i X87,11q purchoated tw� thousand Aulpaign ihe4s signs of the times,- and the*piessura'of pub, oody tries'lvith sl M . 1. -d in tbe
thollo -bilt the�'66em to' e, woman,
o Temperance UWQn, and thein'throught5ut A'.84046 . ol. Boy on Cor . 6 b or chil house Who hits
S1 FOWLER WATOIT AND CLOCIZ- lie opinion. � In olden -times. a man. conid
made of Adam a� the sgeW fifty yWs,. bur,
LJV E STOCK 119 the county, and rew;on to know tiley W6 many wiv a"bilt.Nlot So new Also" in We seelll4m
subtaribet begil t& toid�r his most next door ittlithe txproac Office, Albelili did good W hik.8 felt tille truth tbui�d�jjpg. tbroftgU.,
sincere t1iinkiA4 -his numerous costo- �Ve A16OI)UtCllvL'17 iwo —velg
C'Omp"169 nStreet, od .800 copies of G, ill the' City Tflt �rvicq in tbe.cizuse: 'regard, to -slavery,- opinions b06 evible, up 'it tyllol6sS
in tirst-aiss stock and muival VegetZ-le corn growq in t WAS'a
mers irr the. liurrotrilding -t6iirnahips and. the to hig friends, and the public gen4rAtly, that llichas oil. G40 Tilgrd. to so'ch. ver, - wit�,tlw moiss of the people, their &k
J 56if'Wr1rise Copy to evqy Vito -ere Q01a �gL k' 6itercliant fto saild, 00 hk
li, uncilillots., are tile fast' when 'rOWS; AI , its if ..they New Yet
horail patronai 11-1 a 0011AL nock or clong, W Cheg, I)OW6i &0 d x1mal corniyrowg oil tods, Theye. bowin
b, 1810, at 4he has wche v , Out ;�nd AfinIFAtep, and 2(iy-Oloptekt6 oach, Vials- cl too, ware Id,would fut th L$1 P Ident forfalst ; Mill two or three We have bit? do �Qti Abe -thb. alrou- tidd :oE publci. re'sisvotal kinds,oi�qqni.; there is the and. equal "to insured his life go,fliAt aft death he
nption in big line, actme oil rhu.shorti�t ut loce; and res oudIlloago la ly adde, ts to' orn, cot , rt
a I 'have 'J; live. a-, iist impoAantimprov�mdh at ibodekAte, rates, h a ireturns ofiale. also ordered 3,00 copies OP!111,00. �e -a " a Clinton, Jan 17, 1816. dodg r , fle SAMS ying
ilia mill by puttink iii h lievrenginei double Of the unkin Act, blit could only so -q. e4tihat built abouit t1le gbldp it
CONSOLID run,of iled thi in the ov. Mr. :13roalt, of Clinton,, also said in corn, alf, I does not be dependent n h4dauy ei:tei Was-'
ti) BAN i� OF CANDA ths power heretofore us4 and two time 100., Ive.also cow
3o, togtriction. T o Abe Nea .(ftia flout U, it a
q1t �ti complete, set otmeriii SCIIoQL��- T a XTY to kx' ct r!"lting to t k_ z -A a 11.3110, �Yqw feel and, it Wastv Yerm,6;ut MTV hp -
P po A of bt oeses, 'i t 66 -c ion li�
In 0 tor, TUh be -coni orod in Rini frolu all parts of. t, a Niq rovinco On- Orns ; 1MV-0bisOni for it it truly spiritual re igion,* raati-� jWvingly ex6lairAed
hant bolts,- andin ftet all the liatiot Ana Y that g6pbo�s like' C
i wibb flrst_eInA0 taiMS. JUAtril6ticoin , IV t ig erbrAllebasof C0111lectioa With tbe bacl theiii the action Of I ncil allows. to b 1nproved machinery, t6ge iber pgsted into the firstpage,of each not. tempor vixig,�ornq do,not like to 41 go fi if Ally' followc(l. . in Wa, tride' back on the trodden. paths of the future,
he is prepared to did Arti,claso wol.k in a Commercial, Elfillig J a CA neafloh, and in nco mail fuel; li these otincil-lora f�CtL
CAPITAL, 14 000 000ii a, copy.of them to ea6h 'Vice -President, Mini- tll L "I L -%�ould not they vian.h 1) aVq. ornela, om
Gern �o onto are -pro- then t that e W carry aud entetprise., The 'we behold -the footprints Al ighij the vronola Ana L .1,
pait;a foe the univers And Ater, Atfil-stwon, irk ol 1 11 � . .
GRISTING, CHOFI�INA &0' and Some esoinlills. haye earn% ."VOC'e. -in wickedness. It is re6dy' liah(l."
meripsiotilo pur8ofts, I,e '14 attelittiou. Is paid to the did et e6rue in its we expected ib the Colinty, they woold have auttA diirer onauraled
Grists weii1le(I in and out. Pattitlis from a uailts TOguisUL tor 1 -6 bhool edir'boro, Tilitioia 0krLA Would be crawl) d i ley felt slire the Act woul
We entl 'Wlt tl irovvg oil ears b Inini'al and willing.t� lisfe
U 'Aistance call ve ir gm- a an c opping a illfltiaie arapS A%n eJ%nJJ3
T thein L, ., _ S. -U
on t1le,fe t 4 1
? G1
OLTIT 0 0111, Operatiorts, but lattvi4y, quite a wimbop of carry ialid therefore they. kCo n rows Other 13rother' 'Afoody',j exhoirtat'
0 with7them the same day. Good Floni can Obtain board ill, the villifgo ab irory nottlekato ratos. ion,% An. to
-motto A0Mlu1de1P%lltieWhY8 "lade- r0thr".9, And IVO decide-thq Matter ingteRai
�gill r, bell f�,v sal.4 at mildefate priecs' , .7 aribot'infoi n. will have livift"cumbled to rueet, so Ut. all. 8Y- of tho bod��' Aiiothi&r. kind -ofcoills 'feel good under Brothor. fperfwnall� Or Dollar) to Any meniber or the 136ftra a
't 1o, go to the tho. Acorn ;. these Oaks, lint, is determined' to get" tip' grain
Tr Ateem" A ing the people by ni i n4 'fa�t�era aile-�Addiigl
lll' �;s- if. nahl, It; Ctioitir, A. & Philter, upon us. l theextoolitiv 0 Q - doCiSiOn. , their Aebi6n'
Interest from Four to Five pep ceirlt allowe I Anvi,i. , McQ00ig, na 4, t1longht it wNe to sVUX33ZA,-' 'a, i[int thbre1s, no how -c aboub the corm make.
on Depositi. or to cad' 46tcpt Me. Juraou TarnbnJ . 1. U. A. dents, ill to agsHt in tho fork-. In refe- bedented, a' -piece of preslimptien us could 'corners when it'fie'e'ls' lil�o At, ntli their aPPIOS t CO'W4, I
would allA6 i6frtil'the pu�- ronce, to .1 . The a'corn is a, corri with an indlefinite In tho , in. o4le.r,ait cliriiit prices.
r -tblt potitiong, they were Olt tile 101610 be found Any *� whilire it� the pros solicitous,ilibout i4ni
ant day�; 'Y
large'stook of latiaber'bif well, signed. Tk6 Th
1%1. LOUGA Akent. .�' but he believed it wpula arouse the sloth,i, indeed'. Try it.'a"i see, "Many tha�$�yiugit,bftdk; toactualLpearewore noiir Secure$ to axly-
Wells ftoul each urlial.- fill toniperAince Men"Land 6lb of
Clinton, ApTib-1870. kinds anti lengths fs'ozL 10 0APuTWRIGAT. ment ofthe ziuiilbe� Q)fpetl this defeat a man, when he Ui corn Wishes ib yvas ab�ut the growth I o I f the dwn',asiniagsiiii afiy occupaion
io,20 ft.; Uomlock, fr6w. - 10 -to 26; , Cherry, 113; Dayfteld,' 3$,- Blyth, City and tile
'ternilt, White Ash, waplo,� Soft and RAW WA wonla work arat frolli
Dal; ItATVORD, WILL Do 3f) 67 so Ahab inatters. would be ft i Room.- Folks-that'liv"orna adme- -which Ae 'carries on as Sly'
14.1k.; Colborne, li7it) bf lbts than. t6 seenring of man-
REUMAT C StILIJ04(;Oi�lfleroil%lnofel,Clidton,tbofirStrhUri- to;A of, I ll , Loderiell put right at the polle. t4nes Sen -the. doc- hor, liu,sbando'
ISM' 'Olin; in lengths to suit the public irbich on- d fot % dootdr, and it Price The present
a' iia day and Frlaq:of overy month.' Teeth Siena in N`ew Jerusalem.
UJY-R,JMj5 it-hi1% la 3aouxtfq� aleg hiiii to All all orders - that T'Lp '171, Gray, 314,; Hay, 09 1, .11owiek, 420 MeLdan, contended a ' nsb tor baraself is C'orniid lie probably won'� ig all in 0 6 people. The, S itjot is, in great deeand in New
6 latest Atyle, traata,l� gal
T alyn or
n1flermATIC on the shortest notice aud most nadadaikd good All HoUnd fined. to the obl�ad -and.. readily sells for from
h138, Alorria, . 153 usin language in* 'the Illut-overdt
will raileyo arto - pain In 4 hou . rs,niod all pain within stroll a he thought it best toL be on do, their city—lb yi6rk City U - a , a In
reasonable terms. oSo well as if1a isn'L ;' Th& doctor boastful about
- Ithours. 'the onre is certain and itirumneAt. LatdS. Usborne, aya corns ate proAaged by. tigllbbooti
xyjlirty, rVaprietor. 0611ida Compa Safe side in this'niatter,, as ca, oppnents his ceitairlij spriing up marVelas.lyi 250, to 50o. par bril-tel,' t
R-,; siytu, Ang. 23, 1816. 269 E. %9 W,'UriA%VAlJ01JIJ, )I) , are ready to taka tip sa�� a and, oboes, which is probably Q reason allstables, packing,
LIST OV LANDS IN ItUnON FOR SAM Witfkbittla, 75; Wroxettir. 40; uuildlo,- a total of d really rpjoico more over an Ally#
Dyspepsixi, U14o When 0. man is tight, thoy sby be tige gained eveif by sharp practice over
A sure core for raote of 4080. this is the largeat petition of Otte. us� why,' A foolish lad, rasidiug'in the faimily
Combined, they wirl relieve Catdrrh, Brochitis, mot, CONVEYAINICING AND LOAN tors that has et beon. sent into,alay ouncil, A discussio lace i iti a orned. I ',$t. Louis thap'they- do' over th'o eon- 4b 0orhata,
litill. with a Ifitle niore least 1000 6 rat'404�r. utanages well
Anny �OFFJcm, nrrlf.� Mps : tOetl inflintL
Istonouttalize All hiritant Un. 11, 1871,. -6 been Added; foi. instance the kP �ho oan 1206 a 900d 4641 Of OOM 011' Z11 version' of a�, handred�slnners. 'They
SoldbyDrugglam. Prieo5dc. solp wholesale more could, b4i AlcCuaig and. Mr. Wynn, taking art. act In thk heii ran way be bialt that g, . j7hai� soon, he CO
W. Y. 13BUNTON4 L D619 9YAX0E% SOLICIT( Mrs. Beesley,—WUiner� Tuckgritunith, ending otily 63 namos,,, aull, Ha.
agents RE1111i, WATSON XONTMAL W It G.. 01 0 L L t, large, and I must sayi townshity of. al%L' then road in rasol tion f; bilt I lt:now of a'far er that hias tb
ON 0, choirm intied the hOdYl Jjrld�'
nit li; lgg 00118r. chicago
Attorney Of the LAW And rquity Courts of Ireland, 10 n" -
_IN TUANXq TO THr, LADrM OV (J"J, 4eould, J"olily IYU apon, Howlp& frodi Clinton, rotirdhii, k1lo act, n, 0 one porn. that mgkej, diii bi oat iight tber�' 'and all ri�ht,, ed the -ChIld, ik
0ongalogist, LaQ, Loati, slid Urstato Agent, Law, Life staxiiia bead of tile list, -vulliberhig 420 ; yet, in totias folloWs. hils, farm. The btjOr crop of vogq- h - 't
biiatoikahq Ito vioultit for paot, livorg, UgA to 1w They, net, indeed, as i(a11-that -,WAS rew uPS I Up-
fold Jlive Uouramt, slattGeneral Agent,
N A A X foynithOM that se Still leDUU11111106 the Hat AnallOtInOt the face ofthe harlia patitioll, 6liv I)f her 0 Is
190 Y TO DO .1, votedgainst the wibirlimionof the At A, Meeting of the table 00% �& raart the Wer he' quired,of them.1to gain Paradisiacal sia�'
a fi Late of
llb"lueog, at the Ylikw 4, bub the bigger crop of iitiinlal curiby wwq to prossn'. dertl 0 n trial in todlioty, Iowa, don-
oclety D Vice� called sy tile vioa-presia
RMS nowil. In 0 transact ift go cc I )a 01,1Y STANDt VICTO P A. M, CLINTON. to thank th ent at the Ais
t Presidents, nd fithev ft' 00 feaed* to steitling ovei,.tWo thOuiltna
OU446glaotr 0 eto V tendit, for their' isiany tio,ti, ofi the evening of: Wednoadai r., c6th, A& better lie idoes iot urke it, Citizenship in Chiengo, Ofeburse there
Uro call XY isp ub,14 Agent for. mossirg, 33ottorick & CO?s Uropicau letters during tile ruoOf tile callendern thacliair 4nalwr Worthingtou see, Atlother kind oe CornL ia..th6 not one Of"wbi4011 Wall found itl
Yort leskA' 'X 0 0 and XoW York patterns of Rarmeats, Ana 19 conit
Uy %Vh104 the pitineWill valit I Zell tied dogerigilov# Orft dbdg- is a millority of baoi,e Anxious souloi but orses,
to mill orl t f A la o It He 40 its* atyleil; All Al this following preAmble and resolutions were i MR6 1*8 very simPlO, of real', practical, self-denyin
A. - kept on hall tr� Thewav it his possession,
to repaid Ilk part or nit at An e $I tb calla d, which she soi at prices apeol bid in the fly with 'rood Tiewq ;,of ciolirse, an oddllo. Would passed: Whereas, We the friends of tem]lleraripe
JYth,JxU,1JI S. � 9f unwor juan in Bridgeport Conn.,
Shia hoplis, by Atli care And gUlmlitono ing the Licensed low, withdoepost rogret the action of the and la, rts jul if you Want ly Chiistianity, after,thd pattern, given
to couthluo to ruarlit a liberal 1patrimagd, speak in tloloful tooex regAi vi
Viet"llers' vetitiou;ilryd the fine-goillon bia
itany time during the. OSID4 County Coaneu, in releativ the Player of thil to bftbk so,hard, when hiS compoin-
.4"" ALT, OU02118 9110111tili TO but, on.the -Awinle, deterlikinatillix to AtIV040 largest uqL>-0 du go 410rig thiS Stre by its PonnAer, 'we lifia' no exAmplea.. I a I a 'Arl uilefle a oorn pullli b!
The Contemn. clinii Way If, mot ospotetab y signed petition, and meet & MVU YOIJL knOWL hoe ions hau 0 tin up -to a bav to drink,
of Leiis0l. sivas every 0110, and thurr , is not the ever efroahlited ill tho County. of Unron, and, , Tho Same might -in truth be� sitia O� -all' tFat one of hie arki Weis btokent, The
VALTU17 13US slightest dolifit tibat enecass TilloAt, vell IM 11111a a r6ugh character ;,,, f&n -,yotli stop olir and'it n:Iighi bil addiil liait
a Pill LT Tip Contalog on first-Olagn Blifilin -og Itial to a presented to that body, and tbat the, action of tib trtith of the at6ry ig v0dohdid tot, by the
for Ali T, JUDDLECOM18350 tfits, Q,outity Council call be regarded in -no on 'the too that has a oom on j�, nd in all e 'hd yars of ito
aga All) kind, grialk J!"It. iighteen fin-ndt,
/ july^ ses, 'it you don't hiii've d6ago. exisio 180itnity' has tridiepidrt'newpaper.
111H aistlict, I could � I othitilt t than aq arbitrary and didspotio, aw!
7 11,060 Chri or
P11,41tell the work. 11 filitle, MR-WAstly oiallvdisivo of the vicry besb�qtorests III that' wq you till find Out at, bring foith lits propel, &.,,its in our civilf., A peayeriiiineotin is 6 ever tn 11
ClIU612'. March, 1870, atch ad', glocklier, tire ashilig for lecturaK 11186 will be furnished of ibo odintiounitY and, further, that it is to Ib III � all ideal Ilion, id Ion A , .
theexeciltive colo, 1(4180011 ILI be deoply regre4ed 6at par Re,ave should �6 . 0en aodgor is'. religi And - � ju conuoAf with, the LegiAlature
tbtJ (jolluty (Ijollo'jl 11"LIL agreetl to submit VIA have thought peopbr"to enkstfiI6 veto it% op , . -7.. rheights f Of YdrMOUb, and the, kilem'kiers attend in
6 bilt thn,abilltv At tile execlitive tn t)llb it! Ltothaptai the potition, there.
051000 TO t1le wojl4, lrge,iiuMbergii -Amon$ tholia"Att
)091 Cktl 11411WILY orl"Ill, - rloallw1ow to be 803latt bub
IX6 11104 MANY FlUFNI)s Fort paid 11da will be alaallf Avith
OIL% TTURIC Co it is resolved that wel tier ard, It il"Auty ind de�pl� intereilted in thlo weeitifigo
halt Ito Aw sercoly ied the summits
r,041111kirly'st their Witho pdrotillgo au,liberAllY beAtoNvislon him In the 111nitt(l Atli" llit, their sind.)Ve Would 1.1h
ofiltbXna%'s othord Vt lie 'We owd to ouraolilis otl(f tile' host, hi- n8M. Ilbtandea llkiyer#
- *.*,Abd moto nit to Put lf�tq of. the poopla Of tlllgL County t1litt we 14 do- of the billooka it their brial, afb some
t a ho halt romov"a IUW hid lie Jiltda,
fenl[NOAL Oil Albert Strobf, *here hia *111 flleg of the
ifi.fact gill tile ililioifttelK Ivho U�a
17 half Mu. every lawflil means to seoviro the Lon4on: , Thataribre, wa, cannot Spa tip shotI6 meeting at their
10(rd"Alonday of
Past Sevoys A lie, it
Jar ylgltin� large hlrlili� have thilimilliagna% of 4 represeutfitivilk who,[A willing to concede to lil % tritfil funning betwitieu dXln� ootntoddoep V"JtJJdGfbJJV ip itiolliteit Wl
131 ard .60talgilly W1 tj rJtVdliWs[r0 -of Alf k;fids, in tfike bold alld dtl lit tho letury the people Jillat; well ostabliolml ri-indipla in' rtvirij-pool 6jild Uhodtoo thol-6 wdro (a bna paign [it Chicagoit 116 IlKg made no A bea ft tri itludd 'for tha"
AM ilaitO AlIft t1f0f (Inly require, tn onititatiobal Govevitadot, that the will of e6tA ' 5. 308a of lvvol Itig fillmolf Upon -tho
field, And I . �a In the' walls of wiflkednossi
%fo%. Ilig Afftu Is bt, An([ Awtic Inin laid (lowtv for their a. pajority-ot tho-pooplot thoUld be 1113prosoil. ptirtili throa P1311
Which 114 Val A011 At r, ho shil-0
I now "Inch ItIligov And Allote varied than or4 Meta Alt liewappew for t
ot-nv oilt 9 a os on lie -mod to pbrillit, the passagis of.
lttillnoll, Wilkillion considered t4o tratliq rwal)a 1118 blittallorla, y6b ir Ila fl�% ll" ]live waa of 11160 it had
0`0:ir A 0* '11)�d to
to Wort, ntld giebi up the �tottlng , arrange With ti AU6�safdl. coordingto"tho
11i'MLY TO fe action U the, 16 is brdly 001DIO V0 tbUy the yolIng6p, �Tr*jtileg drow out flot tho libople,wl Inking About NomotIllng
s, IVIODmoomot, mialtill STAft'r. 111011WIlt'll. stoo(I out strong Influences, f6r dia Ana ntle1upteLl to '011t t enah 6-tho big datlles, has had
all aildrts-s at such .
4, UAT.Comwv* allutton,Uasr off, 1610, -his Aidet'a L-140 t1lau tholt. pookets, lie haig - datio
bbert go to work irlkht� and,1110 desito of tha,poopild, to walutsll� during the Ithay. yol U.S. Ile pUrba$ tilti'la ()f th6tght Pit Alill the thitt tt use
welt ttq ilitty t1m work,blie get, theyk6elt h1a ke0i his b 0
Was traiiii ad Rut
Willithion lodkoct tot! he h4s left.
Vice of nong, b doing thi.t Volt intord another
NITU R Ni� clitax of workeri;, amt, your meeting lie a alhollasion op- thils. poilit" the tilsolurlon tiboilt eS' t1113 triali What 'We r�-, , call 4 Wish to job is loss' a "091
L011 W 0 intecem, But� morc t3ped,'ill. L Air o all'kild to p1pilge "ilire in , iski W but of the Aylliflowl. mict a watch , I I gladroa nowagiry to bave
Chn Alailb. Works, 0"t- I NU It hai been do
nnfty fit Janii-Arr, cheiltillgl, dridikellness im " abatlo firy,
be outilnd otit indil, nOtAutlY Oft WAtObil 00' 6110
tile poll4t, on till, fl�;t
Mid hypo6riliyj sAn 4. higlior adn.
we wer limi the willit bom so Sacred 114 now , wo III tha atrtlk& Ula �ilffsb fratid It ra�prtev'Lw
At of Placing Old lintril woub 'ba. giii*
Itwo d in C116 1104k 4114 obiltion bf duty, The a oppoya 46616
to,riporAlloo met, iu the flala its ovavy r6ut- 11,6 4nd tbOL tathe%, andefiti to over. are oelebratedfor, th6l, tir 11ounad in a spo
it. Will' )OLciollcluiilive to wniiiiii titattlie Uount, aIng this, bo b
40 work tit hill Ublolk III MAV14 TL TUA. oAnuot snewell Ut (101 0111011151 car T, 'I llb�rjal 401iffudd fifta OX66964 lb tuo bdat stylgi Aud butowlid bla him It thili tljoybd ap) 11ut they foufta, infifitAl �bljgubjOUK In to. lia 11glitl I, Abia- tho _a
weril, pladgea al(I than proved
t 06til I Stela tU4 hibitiol), % Iola boo
0W PrIOM by tlir not Vito for' pro, nd Will requirl, Ilk 4
lh tbAll he his how oil b4lad it imposhible, lllw "91dIRM AttOmPtOd held, and'it looka aa if the mlIln enip MRAIal Hag
untrue to such pladab, W'J'ndOW, And Of JII# loi%ding a doll.
L A t* n' <�3. T 0, a IC in the field Atrion You cM% Vag trying to gtit�
fft8ttii 111441go yolir tn "tn thett be'rore; tho ally -biting tj a the advautgg6 611gor I Ot lug; 6 pveadlA %It looks 0 'oil
ID11od on Short Notli ir everst two In th 0ITArsa NVIlkluaOn'. in all, hi a I hot SmI twr they
treetin " to wit lie will, lit) want, of the commodord -would, ateelm It 6% 011tive.
leberight thatub 0frAfid injuring,timbf big pooplo ot NTO Counoil it the queation *A# trilt,10 iti Xo,#t ganemlly wo hue a, gmt A+Ak6 h%
'a, Of tJJ0L Women inthl Inatter
to work with V, Will, 411�1 flogarg. A.b ibia fiWO -bag
sq., ORE DF ALL M RIPT 018 have Iail thfft AUJ the, tigual belffg. Groat #10itl6toont, WA#L 1%
gii4)d will, but WO WAft tildIA to itot With inot _it, it 11ad to IlitAW tip, AnaL
fitillvotjtl4i,xllcttiiitj,!.�it -st foAti. 0 Jrj!�$,
it ail. V1,. it-, 40 tholl wovalT toarlasal f t "1% 1) tbL Uhlog6ji too to Itil it poulog to boew-V Ita
Ali Tvcmurar'A ropott Wit toliil A CorApiltat, -
soOt Mid 09
Ito �A# J10At 112utta iii'lot al thili MAP,* NVost 00, li've uht hitherto 91voil I feolrl I
ropeiptil to, two WO X�foot Way JdRt'j#'Jhr
weatlikillyi �y tha atesit Slytoo, of PJP10P ;YpIltra, mill voo giateAt 04to. U1140 to tiow wo rdort- Y, i 14 It phystowl, w1ko. has las0a lomala dll� int' rldir,6 to goo tbelil fli t1lo 1101,1 ping. 116 Ma, bilrllsd tia W164 litt tile, 111) to tho'bUU, WH0 At otudd to lid two how%6 toot iow
t(9 gtookloy Ali *10 4� W.40 it, W,�I)Y riUATNI. ufttl' fortili;o0a Ata
CLINTON BA to 4JJ6W that 110 WftS: j frientl to bbo C&USO'L tirwrobo. previous I &AY., Wa httlit Itletz dellik. 1116fo 11tirfifIL)t Pfekbilb ditsda im AWIP44 stlooklugs
felt holdlog. 11ince, It, 'Chicago dan bd itt the 8
ta favar of broill lutiolt A oivpty minister lif tha itigto, ex0egg. lad
11ft'r.Alti) �hoy *111 bo bkofed silly, .001inty to .0411 11 111156tifigL'of tho, J'Adlo$ 6f f1milig: I futoaholy the arbitrary adtiou of thocoun 10 A 11"0 11"lli b4'0
rJoitI, ty thiep adfibir thii I ilia, wintot'. IIhi: Atotk 4il dov,20 'sh At Ife"4P V4 14 -to 0/' we'r, *J;
t6irtthtlf In a ftfk' oil, but flejolt tilatthatnotion woqla Aroihmti, their 61luvollea, for tile flirpoho of fatultio boo bacift s*1ildloa' Aaletllous, lt1ld.,41Ore, 04toflill I . 11 ts k) A pronek a6litntoll A:
0 2 ll60169, uotonlooralldo men (oil% trae alit d 60,000 whith bho SOIA.16 Aldo dalings, WLIL AI%h;ll'VV6fit bytbo lhangtf. -6ft uka In b040fia,
to t6- AMU md. that, maoy� who formerly W06,0001 roah" It
J�tlrlt to lAnd fd� 'Atli) o *4 uAr, A'
tht matter AT Ilow. Doms f6iwaol wskililly. Without 0 likil to tJJ6.Y4003.L Wb MUSt Wittt'! to fIda'A)l tho fr1lifil. - - Ati, lot the
XoXt Wit J."P610 L a �
th4likitIt hill fr1millo ioa th# MR dit tainlifte 'tot, tho poti# 044 elavippil. by A, PJAHO of Bttthdt rbpo,
4 L Atilt Wotik in olimeAb, to forwaild tho c4osty. #41 JAV& Y'00 M408 Attl0g. UN
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