Clinton New Era, 1876-12-14, Page 1iYl T 11 B 0%* Thote is Jannor- ilt unioldoo, Woo 11A -W-10 0 $0 -th Ln, Was. ' p0d, DIP Is into, 60 Over to drown boroolf, a.44 Awl pull,4 herself alit, by the bough of- THLTUb'D.kY UOUNING) a tree unUr willull She ifloato�d. 4bo 'a'an account for the no -0, lyrite wSpapol o�jlug If there is any, one who rosids jit tile ollive, Isano .9treet, nearly oppliolto tito Post, 0111,Qv, Clinton, Out., �this, foolish en -ugli to *out to die bo - 50 in vallrAnce I , or, it paia in -0-64 -Ila fore , X I's -0 6011 thbo, 4,00 �Iurop'iutii the river wbere thoko. Are tt-ees vith two I joittlis tv nix oino of 4tib9cribim, , or S t 0 W lit tile eull. 09 tile YOM'. limbs hangging". int tile I do, no inattev. ]low determined yon . are Tito best Job OfflE30 114 tile 001"It 0 �N' t leave this, world'. you will ei i it c:31111cotion, Woric. vxvoutoaill ft ,!,It= Wier ha�e .4t.st notice' and at Yet., Vol, XT—No, 50­,Tei�uit t1.50 I?q.r willuill. CLINTONP ONTARIO,, THURSDAY -o' DECEMBER, 14, 1876, X, 11OLUR S & ON Ito Watiner, all tile 81101 plar.'Ton's, 6; Wake 111) your Inind, to stay 'a little realowtblu ratef., lour- gov, or olga try it agjin, which latter Y911 will not belikely toilo", Lawyer ADXEU'r181XG U . A.W99t R Z X 0. V JL L. Colt TIM". lil vrij. U. I,,,. Prightfuleill by a X1111, Incroft, of San' Fwneisco, before li�ill- 1, - . . ASIA Rollialle Shocking, 0alarAity, wrote ing j ll)g hialvelf 10till loudikimm) .0" ThoS)-ractiao Xual-1141 js respousiblel f4r X.141 life bfbi4l fol-Woll'.Is tit,) linite "llbeg,tointbrm 5ik.ii& F 8 cents periiine, Ar.),we, livIn for lbbe 7ottlre, mirst inaortioll, Aft ­—, . .. ........ -Einii harp of gold followim; eiremostati-tial Antotriont f6t a first-cliss oro is I Wit; fol r T. (fl Aol,,y, ill,il, 011 TRINITY For tile i0edustill , pleasures a story whWh ()'it that this is. a Case of landartuta Toronto, �lbv"Ivlpu Hursoull, &o., Illyth, g What obourr'Lld '.ill 64'elty : "Alva. Dr, in It tilliel J9 OUNIN'l HAM.Eo Alla its wollib aisertiuus, I� cents ilv� line "A" Over 300 Perzm Olurned to 0.004 W IRMO Ilia FRIENDS Von THE That etornity 1111folils A boft'volont lakly bec-une filter. 00 WHILE TIM Ig tile Ont. Offloo:­0 osite 04o'g 11,40. WWI) With $11tiOldal Wt -oolilyn, W, Y.j, 'on "Taosdity paaa j,4niens amionnetia to give 11 it�o. firr -1, will) boo I looli Untl Cohillill, Otte ycav, liberill lsmtrauhg� beat At Bt 1 11 , ent. Reajeno, owed uf3on IAI;kl durh 4 To tile vigion of tile blegood, Wimtopit I concern no one bil't firlyseli., still, if an 11 ­ ­ e itilloq, Nall Inot illy (If. .0 hould, int vopectfolly 11 while a plivy* was if-, i)r her ape aba was. it lit i fu, jill-I kilt half 40.00 time be Into liewl in busbiLso, woll 4 1 lyhon the days of lifirar OEYvoSS at Wre "fo )vonion only,!'nt Assou eitett III till I 3 months, .... 2.1,00 watu that Ito W4 "woved to the new and inoro qojuino- ly. jast evening, At' tile 11wir apptijIlteii f or farea 11011 111 plavo ill 11(.1; list v1pon 4;A1111.11 ;% 114414W4, dioliq pfololtlV$ V0VeAItIyQ9Q4 When thoy've C 0 ory wau flon:1 , fed, 01% tIkQ 19ho Mimi WWI, o,.wulklml, by Bit,. JELIOL4 1"Aff, Op. rolisea t4a �-Jirooklylj I I 771'b one war, '10.00 .16 6. To tile I., . the ollening of tile luettliv, the halt was, sealgistrass, allil silo thwi socurad a YOIl May say 1,WfA8 driVVII to dk�1jj)(jL%k_ hill[ WIN p A 14 1114,jk�71 0,YZA 1? iQ. Mi' 4s, p4ito the Nvvaieyan Ciburvii, RatiouborySt root, Clinton, raise4 tha6 tile I'llilding was . on fire. ......... 0 a by the gontlor tioll by' tile., P sitlental .11111adIv, 1( k,. p2.00 01111tou, Noy. 1, 1873. crOwdo, sex, and presently home, for herself ap�j child. -slit) w4s) bu, re we iving for thit f ollo, aftil, tile j, W.00 N�Xil; 110_Y411111'14. 111001E StArQ, A I I ppoll tile jilatforal conling reconciled tio We And, wa Ig Ming 110 p 'Ospe t. of ascortainilla, Ill 3 Illontils, - I I - -�� I $'IF uture, The , theRtre was a very lardo, ecturer alipwire . ....... 10 All .... Aud tit glovious. robe of light, on tq early 11500 people. ft in- 4 loarnil tfi FWI IT his �,Orld Who Was tq b G; -I., I il'appy, %fliti'll tile son olle-foUltil' 4111, . , fal=" 11 q ,pan tile aliojod,­ lid before Wginning list to Ile of hor bollufac- t 01,14LIVI.Y MULL41. ;.,PvPiAv oil Oat C Otte W.110 wallos arigIlt kVt1!Inl_Iv44 UrMIgnt 114l,110 to div, Ito havill(i tfent, Nvont,t4­f --noi 111Q. t, 7 0 F A MILY GROGERI E S "hen'- five 0 lie t 'Wherii'lill ildligs J411ftry 4, J841, S. 0k. to 4 1, ..... . r ..a �t I vinly tile that the doovlwoportil it fultlifil 0 le 0k. it fittal attatic (of revel ono-eight1l, aIW YeAv3 _�Jitlthv aQv.Lph.gu&rdQa liat4w, _094fus*, Vii 9011 y-n1 ­ half ----s 00 -orovery donertlittoo, ylitch will In sold it the I 'CoroUEj, for &­ n-, i , , Leading to tile blest abode if centive., Ina. W1111,1111t0l, tIYO 1�400 to ad it it Ila nion (()I, ........ 0 Iusro�t ratoq, A, lArlio a8sortulout of ue%v goodg tire 11"Ir jyt; u1mvio, Vilysiolati, Surguou, e0l. It )OVS. Tito lmiy ji.toiizva hor son, allailptit, a1w :1 itiontlis. I I I I I -it low days, t Y'l oil thu way, tokit will be opeuV4 in County Of 111troll. Aul Moo -cut our of In tile boliotti, of wir Iva% all ill 1111mes, and during this. time Not one was to be soa I, wolnon'only' 6� s0on of him, to Alice as a Iniglel f ivitrit, u 31IL-twelftli, one yttar, ......... &00 A TRIAL Albert kind Mill Htrdotd, olilitull'. Ill'the bosoill of Otte Goll -sponded to tile irivitat oil.' Tit(; thmnin of 11 1. half " .............. 5.00 jarpooDs p4ra A111,44 9th, 1869. everybody Nvas- atti lecture was tkeik ill) by tbeleol; It be in 3 likoliths, *EIWD ANYWIlERE IN TOW1.1 �ror, and and AUQo entered Jib rooln Clinton, Are Nve living for tile future The scene wai; Otte �bich bog-avo, soon the large audieno 'h6r butt 4.01) STANDURT, GUADUAT-P, OR ALLI)IO&L W L, los 111.010 ill- iall 01W jilles; and onder, 1 .1 . AW tbe. palin of viotory, soription. - Th� entrances become terest which was awlconed. The stillness r. 11 41 IflIli coi)nection w4li the recent dilath oVictoria I I . I'liat the raitisolued, wear -forever, � 0 hua b6conla acquainted with her IiI and Displlgail 4, Now York, choked withtjlEi, living milas ; W_0 it aos�rted baii�tict liall'waa only brok no -f 'it' "ill Far li(�youd tho seft! Of ijp1stilijud of Uarcluls of'Tweo(ldale a Vary rolian- ity ur liuron, out. its now.appej�ve. after nionth, 'Ing-tilat tile fliture non, d - In M VAL an and children, clainbored over omoh by lia sliw all beinte "Iffe, an To Out, 1106r May relloilvil? lie Are It Advortimei- it's of lIl'urins -And, Ro%l Estt:tta: otlier it, the strtirf-le for freedoun, Wo" '116Iv to Vr6looteI hnaltlli, strwigth Ili nei 0`0 A as, �o� - y ,,,e ,, b 3 a ty., " liddonly, of -his oldest. Hou, E,iri of Gifford, PUBLIC a J, - ider fq. It lifts fur sle, not exceedin 10 lilt first lilblith, 11 -Alan- i: Qt, and thf) which is' always tlie �c Ni) HE -st too, y iiusioAfERS, A of LEIwov, Uallado, Alit! FmAucial a firevo, .0 ill all. tv�. -beolcoll b. t o! AX.Ly, will please taku uvtioe that I havo roulovild �id F $j ; ot evcovaing if) lities, fit Ith, $1. 50 ;' ate tola coronor iov tilt- County of liuoo, OtlWo Bu lit1.1 Oct 4 -1 tuch subsequent IlUUT; A141) TAILIJUNFUT litlailIM from WO 0111 Anna woril torlioil ill thl) 1111'00tiOlt IjQj' ib tIzat baiiiiInIt auffocted. othut ostoTo, f nionth, 50 tind 75 celit, 311 a, th ova, thl%t tllo tjUjv Bill Advertistilnellt"i Ivithout specific directions �Yhoule it 14 t. 0AM13 to tilt) erirg 0, will bu insertoil till forbid, chraekI ac, by tbe blood-diind , 60 1 : , Wit' with blit by lin word ofliersa rnttile listonkirs tbesa terrible r, and Lord ('1ifford. WaR:con6b- me stro CIS, :'IF Would we jilitiet tholn, yes, and.greek theill and the flames were roaring'and $lisp- th Y, Al. D" Whore tile stave of glory shWe Evoly rfnw.to We evoll, tliq la(I's parent- q it on -olliit 'uv Nyttli njnij)4rfo_ct Y. a. scale of. Ails, tly bi it .r6 R; CATANI;E4 CO'S gQllt. i it fiery tempest over' the oot-v her fcut,' general. agq. 11 �­%id? NVXT 00 Into Must! On, If we . %vould, thou for tho-future ho, !"I -will tell her. (latI.01tioll. Bilt -lif.1 Ia6.N I NvO In that I have Inade i Ba -Wo njus. ve�; and aced iny inlitil- arounrid 01110W."11 IA vd,Dtifforbi, tile pr�­!. n' is bol'� Stiro- enougit ill tit; re ­0 of the .6 Eltals. to Ili), otoel:I and have now oll, band H. frst�tlhtsp. AD'oor thoughts Illust turn to heavell niytill, 6o 'Ali IliEl also r"Illilid ib� [ai-PL a4k1i, t %nd lefti'll, and move here were fevir to ee-tife'llert- Forty volcli cried, 'I'Viiare is lie'l' IN I r quaking a o V. to ill n I"Aii , lits in the b, .6ny� and, it, Ran! :01fttou, , n .. . .. ; , - Zily olinfive tho I hAll null Ia. lip oj Wht altto" tb-d­­cu1-ti­vat01- ,ARRIM111,11%, A'L- Plft ancy` &#ij Qffxoe.. tk tile tell �The (Meat clouds of WSTSON, p O�TYY7, I. . - - , - , , , ... e) was a, in, 4r 88t I - - '� � , I , Z. belch a(I oil a rL 'oil tt,iiAtors tit A line Selection, akTit ill cceflom, till TORNEYS-AT-LAW, HE 1 .1 Al of the W tire you gnal to dcliftbout W? wall Q rata!mis Ila It o s, ottlet­-Next arks. d 3, hovovej over 66 only Vantage ground ti,l f , 1 0 books, I mhieh rous of j1O 11431181611 'Ola had outdroa as a 11110101noral, llli�,011lld nllout; The Aip the,16tiv bundrot. y 'and y,ouna havi � r Inn a - M ` ) f )v I' llolgEY TU EIIII REAL P8T.%Tr. 11sr " . . ` Lig amwmll. I Tile conEyslon inbreased is I)Ilth. lovetl 411411 raiijkloWd j)y. it 111 1 1 took . an 1101, ,, OF "CORMOVI ANT me r-A.NOY. 0DODS.V ENDLE �'itorftl, 13. C-$. JOIjUH, Pro- it inthQ gallei,� Orion space as time, sped, and still tbero stood that tit - The following jewol. story is told ill tile r 1)1,j aluthor, It ill� Lovil, cilcourttged Willi - 411011 all Accoillo'lativuH. - N% (wit, weve t Ig is. 'Into to Clinton, July'.,), 1875. III= current nunib6� (if ;� I � just to tis itnuloyeable C00DS. gultAble for abent thii i6ats., I I Ile iil)L holior alill stullies. , Ho )vgildtff, Carij Casts, La4lou Cunalm"It q)osb dosEricable man E, very the Indian mitntirly, find afte'r?tli� 'be 'startled the il�xcitament` belo,� -ith CAMERON & MCFADDE wislied far. tile irinsolo pliza. 11 beirt) -dosiruption, of s6rnEl of tha Ach anid i ban tile: audience J10jow t etile pAlaces and tWm) IV NIARKSU SQUARE, Clicap. rplip, I1.kTVj-,XBUItY nit no JLP (iodurich. r., 11.roprictol. —Oua dor sout li�o( t ilpicl, f ll� 0111v v -oil tip vitlu.ab a them Nvore an the stiebP,.they were list 1 of' 8104 amis inado oub C1111toll, hu And furnisliftigs articles to 66iiselvius, and. which )r Br. C. CANKRON. title a now, AM gettino� -out of the novrow il Cloy freq his lion,; V, nqarb; all-lcopb dinciiig its if to' A4 it :1 Oft ;Iently. thre-% -Away itgaul', as over tZe cks of t5c, seats. r I Ile U.10 In4sic of it horn, And C91n. and Lhu 't conliaoilt, romluDif v%IX111olloo, 0,611de4t that'Aoath was Coining upon bi ilia ttoub1Q3Do1O to omi 2.7 g ,Iadly sold to.'any Ti Ou -or film Nvith their. 6aQ who he ff"vood to ivo hirli tlle-sAtiaw to epinforttible ing thmil;-alioad, brit; ii1keolicy- on..ilio conrImm, ice IrMame F. To Ro11j,,ljt.n"tj Sold. to hum few rupui�s in 9 Aln 'Illy; a fvom' tile 11&i..tioll of taking llis� 110 die4 C lot Aillong thus acqviisitions was tile blacle a take was,swifter they, un, Jufia 2 187-1.. __.. � I - � - nOjl(;q of the ]y cut ZiainotW; f todons than ttio othave, wid,ex -L q k"Prem . Co.. a la�ge, very rough which and as it sebtled,abo.0 t tblem and chokli d a f. ton woqka­ after S'Ootland any. namond -the maftliace., ov�. initt, a, JAME 9 A; YULL. had Woon. of tile of a Yory, them, they became Jik.9 damb n," I 0wr two iii. 06-aitdio MORTGAGESo NOTES9 jumpod 6,puiv diu-soat fiI. tho*kuidd-lo of 01D. gynitlast, 4yll-) ta a 61fnt'on� Ap ited in on -0 of I�06112y-paiu tow llo�v. -to �nl and hardly a 7 all 6 kid. %till in stunforiatt tones 6x the'tatillAps that'luid beeii destroyed.., A Tliey-stiuggled and fell,'and b6jng.oVov_' 4NN7on how to ross AMPIRICAN -0 yoil wo. lon! tit oil n Olt SATAtt-sTiq rack Y ,v 0 TI" sol�lier plAad it o�i'� of its soelcub, Ind )tell 7� lf*Yoll'4 1116 1, camp, by suiolce" lay in one. 171a8s oil, the frald � to tliab 14ve I W chased., On goodmortgago 60ifu wt�urato ratus of -it Nit-tts.-a- stone, Ile re are barsoli inii nf�c� rities Pur ift lIelow the ga t01,0. t00 Good Secu OF . .. . t licry� at nos lip .a- n firist land thought Very littlo,of it, and was. -about I ni topped 1, Vi NOW "Y' alit. W. -W.. F AR AN: ollilton,.Au A occurea- at. a g-ukt9th;1609., "I 6poned., rcfurr' di.qcr�tioulliat better throw. it.away, whdn a AlthOU7 the ire'' bent anROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP d 41j�er.who iitoorl Clinton, Nov. 9,187-1. -fly- offor6d of, tile inbOitgnts of tit Yulqtl� 400KC(L OLLOOE11701 MMGR LICENSES AND TH.R.— hinx two or t ireo V,tifiees for -it. lividulght, � few 'a 'war bt" 1Y RV t1le-inyorted, cojnpn�, allook:. Ilia' "a quarter of a, century R470. 'by -be onsequencea MIAppiy At the Xowirflafl, or at tile rusidencel of the Ile aso put small store bv -k w�ito-tdrrlbly fAij subsoriber, noax-tho Lontlon, tnentl &Bruce Rallivity ------ ine tt�d nly'froi wo.aro not all. gravely, and depm t6sfl -fii term.4- of.ah election Wt, one Tho first-class, full powered, ciyao-bimt Stountshilis Stutidn. JAMrs SCOTT sti till' fao�b d4y. Malcolm !1CTao','o­ftrt. Lino, leave Portland every Saturdiiy inorn- seyo -of an id'ol that lie visod'qs to tho nualbor 'of won.eir then sta- iword. 'An ortlor to "be oil Man in. Worc-A 'r b t) . . . I ; oflie 4' Ing for Liverliool;.bindhig slid Mails At blintoli, April Othi. 1676. - poiltimi as t At Q'clock- ill ilia, morning he tioned.itt the duov- Lmch tvith n'broorn to e will cab a Sumptuous Loch Foyle, f*; Loixlondorr� and, oll I Ang(M—__ ni.ight.posibly be.of greater MEAS tile Ica8t (I . i4iler while-anot'llel I ;, Nybor- rvys-A 'a 'kL put _p CLINTON-$ OLLNTON; LICENIJUD AUQ- E ,ly' fro nrits, 51� i ward i3hmouLdxpdctad,f'or.t 1.4 broach of -willsit at'.the ante.talulb and ate N A 1 '(wt% it Ii-onMANIV. Tjomrn fo�. tile county of BproPftrod to Is, debris wag black-afl(l cold,' r ni-tho thenqoW n�u ed,�ll o'd i s oil ssurrollbei,thunio, sBRZrDLR OF appearance.. ino tibia -altocwaM 0 D�ttenll to sales of-jarrit, Stack antl Real L tit faft- il ifue* I tile siflowea it to nativ'ojeweiar ?ostibillia j)latfQrm . tile, aranion' saw -A and till 'itl close ub- i C cold potatooi. I sonable rewho oftler6d Clinton, No1�8, 187b. to bu'y Horn ................. Wat congiderablo increase oil th m6st horribl.6 '6pootilcle, Tile niowiRl (3 lied - ex�clai na stioli t and 710 11,� wIls -i e it a Whi., -i rarister -eta— -1-1011ght an-. apology alld; T , ho. daily consumptian of water in: d -Wa— giv t:u It I - III. LEET, SOLICITOR, D W p ico EW d en f but lie 'ws -go� th -hif-7 — Yl -k wiiouutS',to114j000,G0 It 0 o slmp Y .......... ill( tit i b P21it Ag' Inn. V ow Yi 0'. or; goth If. appolutod,Agont lerthe Col6intSuctuitiOS C -0 0 idd by 1103-0 in. sboal(I be offlorod b�y tilto ilistiL( paily of-itnliblud, � lld.is- Also- rigolit-for Bova b filinow i:d -oni-th4� G�.&136t WicrT fnIla Ultllftrlt. REDUCED. -onto, who login money at very I+M tLikil the stone with ve I pro�,� sea of, two is Wa to'LOI 11:110 sillitc' AWS to -ateg. Interest -;blass' laoid Till% lie tdrd ILI)IO'l , Y compo t; rou'vihiell'ovarenaia tlieni by t that nothing, else beilig hido 6. tit Also tea' 11111 ou 1100 ilia 11 in tile Wt wator., i I shiiiii, a -Soliitorfor the St. Lav�rencebuik.' w its Oil -,I very toile ro blo t ;ill C te; itd . F 6tit by *a firsb fiho a entire homan. b1c The itilvantnoes Offered by this Lino tire vokylow rates which jewoloiI, at the 11363t moderate ropiains u r_� death' best secominodatidiih, greatest Comfort, GO robi-ndod polo, al -LD 18sifini or calculation, flyO.Ijun. r a. surface Of' Y I i.] je ourity and safety attAtuabla, And shortest Boa, passage aA 'A rk, Feature. bdd in. Aabtabnitl,' 0hibi the Sadness of prejmid at loilost raids to' Jo. Marriage Licenses under the now, Act, Oontlinsgioil .. The officar had'it list Ili- axing; and iv ro P 'lied -and firemen liesi- lit; IRE INSUP, el- for taklug AfTlilavi. ts'lu Wia Qucon!s'330noli, for Cohil, a men, bA6g out their friondg. fror� �efv ]Ina- parqous wilibing to. it for soycral, years quite adfoly-, -but one tated for'a monvint'booro I& beini, coinliellol to �art,. I; 0ouviyaucing done, %uh as jAng York. wol Ild. rot-Itho sFor Through Tickets and every Information, Apply to U09 Of 1111"Ou and 13rut'( NS A N CE as disollmed—bythirp�rl, who - 0 n u[jon tile 0 DO on If �Ulltly, while ill, CoutractI.Xillo, beflot Anil Mor gages. d;*T, hancitio, to`bb in' Z , STftAITON, G. T. It. tI lilt61d. irothor eviiI to e;�cli other ton;Blay,41th, 1670, NEY ADVN0,111) O jnHALxgniTW' 1 Ito shop to paiv of and' htily -Fifth a Olin smir four. whie constructed to i-oach, toin til� AND f 1. Ivnn- i'di, Rod 'pon tfiat iiellbe� lie -in this, lbokin�. lit tile ring oil blis littb a ido trool.. L ily no idoa the b.01t I'thatAho Zuttill" IV alt- allip the - Y o 'IS is '1J vostibldo platforill o tile 1?�, alid fad suil) an efroct 1111011 bPt, 1 N c r4,, -B th: F1 urino'­ 'dored- wliaL mombe *' (;f tli6' I 'ded 11 -E STOCK INYS tie till r r, tile g a i iluiv whrii billeo, iW uvxt door to tl�o Baprons, ;is I )r of tho -.:It)]) ;no traca .. , - (,)v -Let, ClInUm, .11 1 11 Vohiclo to -at 0-t nio' Liv,v got some sincere thanki; to his nuincrous cifsto- to big Woods, And be y, -ill Aigfllt ,3 tfiv lea(ling one IP018011 alml ill -,it, find ready to in first-Oln's's Stuck Ana Mittliml.Comrallics Only,. isuW6AIltii bcgs to �e hili 41i . . 11-1 �0 � I ivi I 6 -ladde. L A 16- n ion- m ea t to And fro, most gm ItiislosltT1 Mod h tile plaile. were hailled ul) and (If oyerl, i -lie I(I 41 o 161. aI a U1111) ; i'till told tho clill') IIVW� 611( 16 old, s- in: WY.9ith-ounding toi6isflips and 1le I ME lit, Dfroril'at realionabla i'al at ii I tlIu1111 it' I' di g6n6rally for- their liberal' patronge, 1111LIC0, Ilia -�jrgtNjil�a 4%. thd tor to*post 111) c 1)6 IV - I I . I. otify. tllcm that he has lit moderate noti L, tofi ir to lul- and owouia fulther n ndra, Rift. A DA lttely-Oiledinost iniportllntitnl)I'OVOUiellt-3-t 00u, 17,'1 to'any acile(Von nddouble (Uty ur t ll�o the ell Ills lam , by plitting -in -a 611gulot S(MOOb. _'TIIH b�olt fuJj*C1.1wol 0 ft, of Oinalitt, ciould not geV jiowor:-&rotQfni0 �Rijd tw 'a run Of stij . . tile sto IKaus, . no to' hint, I hill ivin! stoile, Nvith 6, colliploto, Set af iner- frian 101, parts� of tile colify illit olw(nal fq;X1 lit Lu each b6dy.­ t (111.0 (, t 1( - .. I I . - I ave-digriet., This. 6111'" ti TAL, $4,000,000. that io'd to b appm-out Ilt thava"Woro n3 I CAP'T ict all tile latest and Inost qll,,qnt bolts, and pi f, it (jotniner4lal, jwi4llsh, and C lliCAtIOn, And in IV Iloy Ianchoiy, vt�d i;e IMP16vild inachinury, thA Frunch and (16ruinji lanquageli. Stuilonts are pro- rooin. The ruward was paid I hitinn, and thAl wliito the �iainond t - I I -pel tho inil r- ' he is �rcparcd:todo jirg;t40I8SWQrkiT1 parcd,fov ilia Univeirsitic4, Ibo'learneil- a W ", Lill, W111,14 11nble to re 111�qu to tho� 10 af 'L tI W9101 -i would olid on. a, IL . DRISTING' '0 HOPPING, &C, blo r SOX001: TAltin 'lie ought to*btiry Iiiinself. . D . 0, U10 Ll 1, t- CL,INT0N,AGENCY-,- the A in he (1114 a, crrvoj R . liet Jifinsel 1 at, the -'ki and alit. front �wli qurterly tCr�1-,,-S.t1ldeuC3 Irmn Qka .0 me Tho oflicev �01;rowloll in - T 'r i�WXML I s weighed: can Obtain b0ftrd ill the 'ILIOXI tus, e ---lit I, b I k of it., n(l fell ifi.: , He had Arralin, . I o At v6ryr DfOLIM I (14, jjc6 Can ljft�� tli6iv grists al)(1 bhopplag Im Mck to lililia, alld was oil fur- IL haL ta I 1110 Ban' Good Flour aber 6. Of, t gift Wail an't o hi* liat, 111fir . . . r�) 600 'ICE 8ov( vid 1H of,dirt to,fall on.4fill -hoinO With tb0ill i's d ay./. o(At th,3 Board t lis count Ali.,! Ir( fill ill 1. . . Fish"", S'O a flui I I s # f. - ! III-,( "h r alA knoes'-willch wivi turn ai tland-to Allot W'ifh-frion4s 'who: had 110 chilvloc�r. tit Ils ON: alit, n. Ilk b6dy 1, opi but, Hill FOOd-fOr Sale t -ate unit A efilit. allowed &till I 4,odei Iiosa Ilia 6vor tit Coll 0 o-ty 0- vestibule ( I LUX I i& ro at Imrille. ng I ii I I irly Cali o leltile bullet Icil hill 44 The sotraniping-over miles Ind f 1:0UGUT, Agent. nforin'fliepub� platform adz �Urdy firemen- tilan-, ai ol, but it ttegrda 1 1 se(juruico of, it f1 -y Ili -go stock' -of lumbir of, C.-.0ARYWRIGH"! cloe limtheiI, grousti da u6d t i0i tt. Clinton, Aliril, 1876. iat,fit3 has it w . h - lie .4hort I hich tho'coflW, Onl t% horses drow (!);oat, fin(Is nd Pilio front 1.0 still alking'.wh(In a �qvey. dill' Ind a n but till) t l711ATFOYD, IVILT, Pr & it . I froul 10 to.26,; (;her-ry - c,,vnTNVRTOIIT, OF q tvidi human verriains. wered w lie first Thurv- JULIO WhY Oir 1. 110 hi was black ali(I but thore. locre lheto 20 ft.; I Rt Illn Itofeli Clinton, 1, 8 gun to talIC old child of VI-ank, livitig four 1jutternut, WhiteAsh, riialile, Softandlook ay all(IT.'riday of 'When his 0yu-0111LIACed to f up find �6 the All whale gob th6.. lut) 'V all oil Ille o I Ic end' of tile nearest k!t7l 110 IlITIVICs (1villa . rEnlNm in IcIlgotlig to suit tile publie, which enm cttst 43le. T(toth %,lilt expnpetl nerves treated, filled, 111g, and the bodiieq were bout intoJiorrid miles South 6f (11r,;Vville,'ivaa sitting be no coelmilo. Tlio thiril black .11N tAil, and bait) within able.�' bint to fill till ordlirs. thai he Inay be (me.q. -The paren a move to. it, :tile* its unt6crin tlTo sbrtiggles. of floitth 'by lid rwith oro tile nnt% t will mlitve udute paln in 4 botirs, And III) . a tn his alr6r.fi to hiniself bVelliq Ile o 1.unrm, ho unre"Is cortain find favolled'Wit1k all tilt, shuRbst filotica and most Oanad,% Com�any Lands. birds got iway 6'nd Ito tile gun b1�ine qut anein to have been an(l. only Ono NTI,VE -FL U 11) rotLsonable tdrills, snfloWion- and ounto.4 Imrhe.qs,* the evnw had. Ira �N T O,N 1) 1 G ES oil tilt,' him, and, caroNflly of ten of'tlxe V I, chililvert present. - 13Y A sure enrit (or Pyspep%lat 110adhObb" &-a.. - LIST OV. TANS XX SAI DY ft corlisps bad an rl 11111i'als. 1:040 was.all It inight, hlS%vtir for. 'ilkitivation of tilt.., trotible till the. sel or two. OLlier , 1810. the place where lie stood with ad find. ben.t t8 ., shlelil tile facew quito in ordinary persorl'. Next canin-n ttile' chilet's clothes caught Atile Canaan CompIlEvy ti�ay be sean tit Ills ofil'od of rouchit1q, ve Indill, wau Suddenly tolvo(l throllgh tile *qatck soi Colubil),l. they will rE,Ij4!V0 CdCloTh, 33 b3 unaer.iguca. fauble hope of 11 the Ivilite lintl old child'a-lietrg3 (Irmvii by t,tho rate oV , I.,L1111tes till-, all lutifil 'othin. , WWI i)id jilollutod, firiv- a DISWIN(N. The ftelIV YANC1X(,1. AND LOA NL was miq.-�ing'frorn otter 'one. firp alld I :q triotilent silo WH.-clivelop- Inea is to noutrall .. 11r, Irpilto.011 nrf was to 1*6een of it nd. y to a saluable Iftedic --T Wt - ed t this. futli 86 ed in T[w Wns, doi,; a coin- whed lie rcoollovW4 ilia InAll�r illilas lie had Th"OLone 144k it.h&id 01, 0. 60 rT nesii , followett by' it whi to aild slli,ev Oils liout twal iniloi. '. Tito whale, 00 TAIWITHFAr,. flaltdr, mon-cur, -oil thp Child,' throw a&qUtq, ljyjjj�yt WAIlmom JL t:r3Vcrs&1 tbattlay"alid tile llatu�o of thil 4% nose,'an ear, p� n banit, anothori a with iwo white, llorsn�,, anti c, fbira rnin-in out of fit(, N ll�bNTON, Lct lie )tail bailli (in, -lie all- ft 6 'broke the W. Y. II T, .1 ]1,, S Mrs. Beesley,'. hor,down, and actually sttippea ow tho or the crown of ilia Skull. VqrY plain white. wifli bitte".." Ildica, , Whi�t sov r, I thilug, 0 q nd t -protruding other city. oulJ indrilge cable and rvaed hirn-golf. Abont i4o bw burnin- bimso T41CUAWORUY JLXD- JN�' TIETIMMING THr, LAT)1118 00 ever again rewiverin intiTly broken litabs (Ind clothing, It se- -.1illity Collitoof Ikelautt, Clinton gild, fill vleinity"fir paNt avorsbev.q to in. hig gnit, all1j, tile tj ZVY TO t0hi,li 1,,jud, Loan; Itud Estate, Agent, Life f'rin tholn tilitt the IM and Bunnal, 'all h6neg Were forin-1, ud there were gashes lit 8vich i thing Ft,; ty, hwirse be time thoo -a ar It '6010111.q of,the cblo lost, 11ad, V.,II:6 ry. By t parent - -- 11SE! end tIin tile iflituined- fractures in tli�. Wae probably $Onit! (11' clic. '6n ­ Ld, the �61)]Q dog baft �aved 6e ebild'� ASY TERMS -in $tor alatail he iflto ON E tAnd Law jllol: ULD CLIN'TON. cl�arfra­the tiling 1.4 Ife adyertisinq himmili hn(l Ills filcilities -for of'the nills, so that each lie beirl" burned tile flunwithFirst,01ass IV iq 1:11ttorc-L ' CnlIq Ziropeall dill' SO ; draw tile wad, and then shook out s��ooth-burncd 411, probAly littvd dofio Serious d it - lay tTh ICU 111, pirlilel.pal Can nej;1juirit d lit conatuntly the 6fitents: of the barrel,_ -slit)t, pIawder, C-01 ildinel a 11,111f dr�Wll 6--dy, lit -io This wo think, is . ft traced and Fodlyree pro- an (it lit! ,�He'as it wag ­dragged into the li,,,,)jt or I Imil k,111 rea"', Forty. laoderfite.- recol I (I Inv III filze!r and doacAptionq Ave -.III 'at filuds, and for 11111ifla (solux.- 1 (1, Ilielt Otte F.I.114.1ft appellj6d In tile alld4­iIla (flaiiiond. it had mlippe(I linno. was. a' new revelation df ghastliness. t%ny pric,) yon nwntiou. As thi;y tnngya to the ves. ptirstiod tit( -itimailiablo 'instmiceq. "'onk Whetts,"it colorFd.m of Al- -epalld ID Pa"t Oir . YL . it w. -tit a' - and Aluely got. one of the -n�Hf, llbe i . (,)ut to Mail t4l; an iY' lot% pjii D bl. Notes oblItErtail, ho ILopc,;, li�y­Htt attention, ticed into the,iniazzle when be, was loadjug; A f6w lasty pulls disengaged 6aoll h A�ly. getiumlicas, tifeir- lino of marall was crossed, of tile kind, mold fishopluall" who littli, legheny'City, maintains t at he is the 1. 9 nud :any tilne dill"Ifflig t110 10, 1876, ontill rno.fit it liberal find butft'r tho, luchy"cliance that �had Two or three men sisized its stiffen' saoldei4t I)orzon,qt preiieut� in existence.', ALT, Okl)PA4 holitlITT.V ATTE1=0 Ill. Od ii8 it fto had sent it in bitter' tuackgry of to. 1.1110 baniks all their lives, of t Clfotrjn� May It, 1870, caused him tljd absence from limbs. and presserl - them into a coflin, so ill u ab: "atoll tation, by tit) risoll W�qg�fotl, thiLl'j the nevo f 1111-th purporting ,IWQI v jt.�Ow, oj� suQ11 all. al. 11011,18 a certificate o o Loan,. I . o the it wnuldIbive been rived away clutched, learring snino iloor wretch, to his last liollili AKPLV To 4T J"L BIDDLEOOMBEy the next, nioment. 111oigibly it might have a pAit' Of shop-poin toil. ton4gs ovqvilead in Pottull'i field. Dust, yo, al, - a $ 'hlilt (into to shovit tbatjui was born-ont �Annftr- PIUVWX ki7�iO'AT -PEft CFN the doffin, and tile firemen 16" 1 7162 tuaking him. nearly 111 4ply to lilt a bird, g6ncIback in tile dame bat, &lid dust &;halt ye retum,"' V�hotllur convo 0& W. W. VARRAN, "I ara—ed it evog w th the street, where Y years of ar tit the prosent time. Ile is M IR TjOrT, vied as much mazoviont to tile or fidthar by ftjnr-fiar�e, horae or A. 00111. o rt�. Clinton, lice. OtIl, Ill coffin,' and -ory feeblo, able. to 06 ,clintau, WArch, 1870. qMatch and,. C109k Maj0j, the indivIdurlt who found it babireen his it -was thrown, over the wag Won waggon, seemed to be the scrinon of course � - Webb, as did the diamond in it was araq`ged to'. dead. -1Tj;vItftIu1 to It Loilit;villo pi . Illet, C011.1 verso very in toil igon Lt, und can road L. 11 0. tad to 1.1to fishormh and ]its 'fantily who illijoh, kept earn' jkll, JL"t t6 tv1h&t-bo­ 0;0 e, Ing var TO L u4,, - conias of our play, wbothor ft� is 1106 full ,V evor tieed tobattiba in any OAN ..discovered it lit the entrails -of tho Jish. 10 'tile ring FRIENDS FOR , j , , * 6 deal,* He has it Anothei vialt to the jeweler, and ematlet whothotI the slimoolle have it, OrL by told, tip A"ects, rejobill$ jtf,'tholr IE threa 6ndeod bodied blive been' at . t? I forto,- and dfiring his loti!,� life Clio taste t 6. pat'rolis 11 Wowed on It ill oper plitoo an' the Angqr of th- wa hurt. litij,teor yopponim-1,01 wol a a f t a and pub a geb- rauinecl its fit b'Ono of beat In 1 vetn6voCj bjjjj% or wbothol! it is food fill, WOVDI.I. it t Ili at � a b go oteit into a 'Ali Ove its owner, and illroa or four'years pastied hir, and whbn the fLill list' IIts if ti,rolaituad lit'i Itgoliy ivith ft. I oud 'of spirltilotm liquor Ims. been unknow'ji to D Monday Of ovary domwo4loua re to bu, fbaft, r u U T V A T EY seven 9 t are baf will awap The olllcoi. had ag'ain returned to .0 f t he missin, ones is made . P1 tl " ibitightbe"giv6ntotlisdootorti, Oteourso k p at sin lirgasa -seleeti so On OL, volco, ta4ricil Oil Ida botelt find )AVet1litu. live 001 ou o'clock P;M# 95r.,41gitillig. India afid was with- Ilia -re—gini-efit, which number.will likaly be larger, Makiag that 18 hereast ai.qly tbab Wa. list all c %bliall, An mormpri tjowsl)j �`UAIIY u* clatikso WAtelitic, Jewolry, find WIvor kinds. 'Alliped near a' largo station, - pot. this the mos heartrending' find dlsctq� tonis, bilt It uuVotE clial(I fltie why One of Thalah'991111 Surgeon lia'd difil; I ty ill gOftint, ncar ng. j3n',jnV DER300i, tieila of some other regiments 5 about hemnle WhIch,bo will #Oil lit relgotable Vatoo. -1114 $took Is being close troUs &Vair that.hAs evorappinol in should baso anxiou Day, tit waig occasioned by S T40DERATE, tie* Much Inrger and more viirlellithan ever borovet, An tothem, Hawaii acting as adjutant to this 00 6fL lintry. of their boitlea, th-alb ire sounrin an oflonce, 0 ' t tile 'oa of tile Pregidont'a iresnthe general command and was writing at after death,'vl lion tha fatuve'of. thair Inab Elootor, (Ihh 'And promptly atislided.to, 10 lA it un, iholtoy..ox.Conslilar Agent a small table placed ISO to the do6f of seeing generally to trouble the"In o little ill tile Slitilder. I an; arraid it i., APPLT To flTb1)tE00M1iV, A"L-a" T RE his text �Tho.I, wati, -who toolt for his tout, As Wit hand passed rfilplilly over whilo living. Tlork BradleY, "arn.1 Ah -o 0 010 oll in papp�r,- _tIxLtr6ublqgqme dirtniond once rils, of tile Itouv.1 Ife p6rtriy DRUMM,. Go. all fi- rant itsi Rettitig 7 ­W+j'ti n Sill" -dorros­ clwani Sept. 7, 1674. triore )ed f t r it io W§rfewid x6i r e 1*10plf it, y ba -Vo read' -with inter." , , - , � J ! 6 . ) 0111, q1l, a lit V" tile, taWa beinde-lifin. _11otrig in a nry I (J. aaetaRepublic. Vpaii en To stone illoze to tho-inkstilod, abd A Odle f6t i 0'. L pushed t t 0! barilis of matrimony Ali Clinton J., jt4i 61 'a if, kneel. 901`8 al tlIinlis, illd very U' R N I IT lid inorel gry exalamation' est I the lettora in Thd Syn in, r4gard A fev. d 0 co of the 'ein a united in 17 ovev, him, Af cuble Warks aru�kennosa and I to ' a, a Chinammi, As Wtsh is fieurtri& Wai a0cod the iviiundall. soldi n U 110 oft with Ills writfug, PrerjobtlY a yet, nonel h'wo . preattibell g&estnt,. and 8 T It 1" 9 T I moAaan 10 to say that t1jil Rolloral to b& q.sqta eq ro. I ikritult tora Intox. 'tot of laundry, hnl, is that roobly, "will yon write, to my ibothor h- to Nowmali!o severe arraig wishea 16 Soo h1rh immodiately. He for- itidting liqubrfrotii tiio year 185.7 rd tile elbinallt that sivilyi; tho judgulont alld, dig- that I diod, rooly,, doing my dut' of tile Dolilodi!Ei Ti . Tj�"Xt on6 'A. Y )1ifical Ob "iftc, OthcV`%V1sO' With illy, f'nob to the foe, and that qot. All ribmit, the atone, throw on lilt iini. STONIM I X W' IM NO E) B E Y T H -1878 thant any, other porson -soil fairly boiled &A last day of point in this"p io the oily ,&ud worh ofalIkIn&IuAm1iA�Au forral buckled dh Ilia iwordt and MISS Waters followed the pal r with iarwitift, 6 M8 MANT y1tit'.4ris Vott I ever kndw 01, heard, 6n�; and fa 0 le Its kold. tholfiglit of tier when I was dying V JOHIguod and execute the boat style, slid At rons6n, age btotoiybd oft him In the ones tot the quavtors of' the commitilairig vacation of govornoe% hnd teacher., hb: toncretatiag pliretlas niet chanoolnL prldds, , . , doct -AOyes and Inu 0011gr6gation were 96 oarriod ill in that he hahno* on hatia Wan'd7otabled antria little time, mean tivael know -lug this eutd'iive-� did. or, witil Oil Y/1 lad returned jo, 11*18 Own tent, he tjoritl4a of-varloud. Cbloro4 Milrbla glp- 'NZ. W11611 I and a litialty voice, I �ytll rite to he nat prtilitleo It. on WYMA bat, for fun, got th lj',k it -G L, T 01, chardotar. fir tho plidg, ! ft, r6oill d lected I bIlt It WAS footed Dermanant 6hrei, The reraildy dthialliAtillico thotablos wilroturn. Lilt otAddenly apringing to Ilia root, plied on Short Xotroo. looksadirairtly for.tl;o dimnilhil which lie did- *pritatics It on &any othem, ana, ef� then h"I" being tionvitrted, to , iviatiallity, A and ind.ulged. in not -out, .1 L ' p ft ther-b (Inrinj 'his OV ouro ia this - W116n a person gnag. ed, itna this ChinamAn cotiotteil her to WitIt all ffi(jignant VMide, 110 R, it! f ImputtruD wrt wlid Appro "'litted tilt he jjj�j hit'va ML &Illk, lot lilm take. a, At the Wodding Iti nnawisr Wjjyj 00hfoIllid' it, Iftab., farinki'l - Wlltli3 PU OF 6ficl A, m Pam lAn ArItane 11tatio 1. 4114 he litwo ati Lrd of' it to it question by thaiev, Aft, Uson w lost; Ilia pookatbook, X"elt W -al- hy tilt)ugh lie jjd0rod'it 'llbaill rdWr drink of W6 or t1w6o h hurt a bit. Xt lid billy Your Catitconflialb rj Allo iiihe 1 did 86 batf�tjliq �lja jov0d UW, 444 not f0f lIrtIialey taige(l jjrjLSjOWlY, fdlt 11 hotell a W. n. C6011141%. fiIowa —worton rig U10 thiegi, 6 ag,106, Gobur, will youl'l� - bartIlea ito - and 04fint As coahonts, %TW61i for Itl rebturNtion" r OravI imay P011tW10 this IVIA nions Clintall, jai, 14.1674. A Lob lingalf were a. hundred dollar fattlsi ti1111;0r. - I,— all 'Ovorr Rua, with -excoodingly fcloltsli� i twonty"to, the -Natiolial, Trwory at vhty jotu Iladri pfaillo al , - 1110i Q4161111w will jitigb" she wotil, d dovoont ta ba lad to the flaptlal' JrAr wK 00, of I but lot Ilim ilia ib will tjob bd coubli glIq 4Dalituded 1':;3,000 an: tho'pi de,:qf, dof 'T ON BAX tif his 44661c lly'All vh6 tT . 11 (16rinwAy -10 to, ld oal �Tiott bliqthing lu the Cabblot -We Ilud. hifit viriln linaR, Thiq inopq kho*ffod tj io flia most Rimply firgA04'09 WOMODI, Ot. a V06k LOW0 tile appotito foll mly ki (3114 t1g)1tor bf t1ookotbilok Warl ot 115mlib'r, wwwpa vith W1111 hall tn 66 *47.. of 30111T, :AT�g 06%& Itif" ill 418, In a hatilt... Sho Aumybd, hor K0011111t to the. the wbol'a rogIment, Lilt tho Idged toodars Wi � &Y 4111L lill duribn 11d fail W4 V111011- 1 1110 Mook 14' Wt Wt, flia 00 t 00 '000asiong Of ppar hl6gotbari, y fit holm $110 hil(I bsdft ill ft.drita ninler1lij, 0116L togttbal! I III R13 it'd, mid to be its A111011ht t11Afk aht A N knd, %vill bonr'Miloal '01 61V4, V A oily t1mo tho in tbo, 4114 pmaime its U10 lirigliti Were of 14 JUN tow Wit* ovimbat inute4d 110tt 10. dtoge of tho wiWift, 6? ninny ot thd 71011, ta.marr tho, 0111inii'moll ti td Cdkh Par6b6goll1g, Y,,. by j,jj 1L;rjVV. Sild tiot unfropontly it; 9110414 1e0l (6 4:1701119, 10� 111M LAO` but All appealn to tho yatilig ly.0111111 a roA. 6a wipilitt; hev a, voloa 'it ona diveation otbd ftbab, crisp bank I�N rat tD T, b. i1aliantling ft W11.1b 14111111 1 toil, yofte to a lady Who io A A-roat '00 dr6py and. (Ile flnif ojlpbrturtf�� and obtifir it lawal, doll filfiled, 4114 Pilo i1144161.164 110roolt on 0.661119 1114 Ufohapr Rna �ho Dillillb IIOxIl ietstopt; ctundl t at big 6A the attat Alv NY411, thlIjUs: of luot'hol, T!': tj tj by h6t knbwl fit the ambili tinia tholi lo thil ptinoo-eq Aud obtdrj- low of witt6r, And Ito oom nril r& 11 re. and NVIII tilt , a T. Ill! 8410ons. buying ailotliar VV10, but firinnot, ft N phumoyl, ft NVII011 lio, 6(leallonle Ito lintoe ehsalit al 86pptintollao: Apbnmg would be 1�0110, 1, Till fila vitb ld(l 11114 b(I 8'01)011 'AncIt'llov dina with roy ta� AM to b ti At Ulgll b lid Will btl Mtiafi 5601C tl'lbn%, 411 plipor iffill 1AXIM ag 0, to 6 116vull Ia 11f)II86 liedolfig t1loy Woria ottm oft'hti Wlvflotm 46'blinolli Of Uqa Whor 91rdlo and IlAva wolley in Ilia 110dint, I coin. 4111JI, attodod MY '14.� thal n vadl oy NVO1.114 (,1 0 0 A 114 lAwl Th Bread, Qtko '11 tilt) 90011:11 jrb filblIftl[I thL'4 Iftati"' tile flLI'Rt' tj.jY -or for tL it, IL 1ank ot Bahimte, I We, htd 1161" bodrofiflig 'A a Who go -as*. 01 '91144 U all I 'flu of takiliv: 1141 hilft bjjj' *'floll ho Aja JAjorl �Yhk. t1ofAil W�Va' t klil% artl AllakIl hWOUN, .1814, afla 114va 011 �hd 9164 of jklmall, Orpo Wit 1 Id, mi ifug Allail'01i kit 1 40AW I N"O"T 0 N Ij R., A ilk Still r irat a