Clinton New Era, 1876-12-07, Page 1... . .... . ...... 0 W 0"; 19 i -I 04,"r 1 ;4, or 4, o, m 7.,7_7 TArIl The Next, Wrld's FAtril R0 -1 w.' Tbo proparatiorka fol, t ut , I t Wr -he next, groat. Nvorl'I'S Fair'. which Opow 0 PAWN, %0 VUBTAT311PI) Milky 4101 lilt, 1878, are going, forwar4 s* I�J of AlogRe". -KrAnt"4f tho W trq I too 41 1 early opposits 011iff Cclullnimiouqr "D 104 X"r thgl'b.0,01010, 011AtOul O4t- eapeotively o tlkij Vrontlh and foreigil dipartments or WO tollthafronk tit lie of lubilieriblut i or P4 Vidliers, Ifardy, I)avioudi and :R at the 0140(tho'ye%ro -tLo- al-c"I I itept,% Ali d onglueors. 'X4e c The bestTob 001ce inAlko0oAnty of IfUroll by tile two golftlomou last. in qoxlkievtioii� Work exotivotea. in vor b,,,u Vol x1-:—xq, 49—Terms� $1,50 per anujim,, CLINTION'll ONTAB10; TRTjRSbATo MOB M Illuntiolled lia idol)toil. The wiliIneor, on the. abottost notice, FLU4 at very BER .1870'. R -.ROL=' SON, FROPSIN R- fill, "ibil,408 going Pkkav­�avkls will 4o roasoulklil m ep, rp pwit vivitorg above the 4verion, do Um. porourjo �ou, of tile Tro at in AUMDUTISIE."Mr RATES, 3 THE A _Oadero, E -Al 0 V A 744 ING'$ rtVTIVjtE, 'Tile Lecomiotlyo Ts, Superstitioull' wilt Stop the tran Outrage lii� Arigands In $1011YA h Isarbs. - - , , 1. . "fugular lcmnoe* ,too The King from; Me council, ousimbor. Cam couliuge, from the Apo do-Triompbe. 'XhiS Vixot iuscorlion, � centi p4iline, subooclukint 0.1 Wasr.y and core of homtror; When tli'er X -a! railway was con- A few (lays ago two geutlem r 1he A PAnn U'04 time. mylvania paper rellateo tho fol. brAillwaya from, the wharves on nsQrtiim4,r 2 contit. per line I i I F�wj '00, called to lug, t4o palutow, ichol , 0 , . I PUNINGHAW4, QRAQRY, U.B., ORADUATP51 0 TRI ­ A0 spoke to him thus apart; ortroalt.4, in 1848, from "St. Petersburg membe%w�f till �olkl,estal:olisjle(l and lowing : 4' A, wrook Or two, 40 -sides, with -thos unefit on J NITY a getj', their do. Rivoli, 4� TTIANXINC: 918 FAMNUS NOR. T31314 IV'. College, Torouto,PLygicl ourgeo4i &a.., Blyth, to Mosoow,.tbe work was done under w4altily bouse in Pailernio,-, left that tlenian %,be resides, ill this vtol . nity went the bouloyarcis. of 13aliastopol, St. Gor� Oilo�colulnli) Pike year, WIULF I I'm sKonea of fosops Ignoble, $750 liberal patronage hilstow6d uronh 10 "A . .4A durin the out, offico';-oppoelto lihatte, otolq Hypiicrttdo� owyards, all 40-00 Urns lie hfta,�ecn in bunitleso, won d reopectfullyginti- Dlytlti Jaro, 20,14760 4 contracts witA Atnoticalt engineers, and city by oil early Slid, do 46 .04 25�O to 4114kil shrink JAr their loUptulk.94 luklasure, worning, tt-ain to v1sit to PlliladelpbI4 and, put lip. at 4 b9tol, main 0 =ate that hq be$ rot, ved, to the now and more oQlnWQ. Q�jqt slave ju ar roail bars arid'e" ngives were supplied front tbeirsulp,her mines in tIlo neighborhood" an e reo du Word,.du 11 Woris promises xceetitly erected on the Half 1; one yeari, 40,00 D"i APPLI�TON,-OFVIOX AND 104SIDENCE- Point mo� it true manIq picture, Baltimore, by tbeLfAmous establishme whil ting after toa in tile re- du U'utro, find b�nr I -a' &.W hours $4 44 Up House lately occupied by Mr. James Fair, up- ut 0 Alightitig at the country otatioti, one .0. lition-room, overlie rd two gentlemen land 10000 at tile 'gates of tlie go.w , oonjej, 0, F ALBOR T ONT-4 R11 vil"Ito the weeloyitit Church, Ruttiinkourystreot, Cliattip.. 41 half ........ 44 '12.00 Clinton, Nov. 1, 1673. ivitutbo stroogth of Uoxo�o$ of the Winans Brothers, Ther Rlijois:P of them mounted his her my, Tlie 3ves*tOrrk And tile beauty of Nyoniftallood, 4o in order to ovilver'sing in regiled to a trial.then in Billy slid Quai d"Orl iosts oppose ev raodern i Movation, ride with his Work to bia dosti Ojxo-fourth, one yoar, �O !is noeu store, -00 It $1call %UKIA lay inmost olutinhere ory n nation, Progreaq bofortil rowl Will rini trains 4very�Ave mi, 4 t half, 12.0 rAMES STNIVA-A 1. P., 0. U., GFADUATH 014 1 ono of tile Courts of that A'ail r In. t and,, of cotirso'. A - were 11 down" oil. while the older brQtborpreforrod 't, ­­- Our neighbor lea�ned front - tbisr Lites from the statioi of 8t� L z n where 116 )yIII keep on hand a lieloot stock Of Tbsbt t fiber wboo; I tatixer, ey 44 - i rhytilcioui Saraeotio and. It may fill itly soul with its 'And tit, are !We 0' ;f tile to join el �$100 F A M' I L -Y A R 0 0 19 R JES tealklouco pavaErnaLD; Oro." tho'' railway. -.When tilo, road wal,; ),a year .,. I . it ,r January 4,1471. us ri e8 in which tbor other convers a man IM Obtftij t1loso ou; 60 1)4'.roadi 0. tion tbok� 0 over d Will i)a beneath the Slielter�Of_t1l x ethil'"fl4t pAintod the pl0ture­--- 0 train nur scriptiou. Which will be. sold at th, ey­wq�p.determip94rtQ'6tQj' passengers in th to the mth0, At R, BE FIVE, Physician, Surgeon, etc., Coroner 14 And, it hung on the: palucii Lau, they went in force. to. a loner. 11poxi 'ohoo, 9 19) lvity, point. on of, about a z 00 00 alit will be opened, in a foir days. A! , �.. do l, pr o'ded'pn their was Military I and the Re alycounty. of Huron, II001donioatid 0ftIco--Cc;iuQrojf Never A Ming so. lovely e ife giving a mortage,\ Thonioney r t and Xill streets, Clinton, .00 5 thorpadaid odt up'& holy pioti4roto journey, t;op & %191AL t-OLICITE Albe god garnished the stately wall, Afr. r spent in dissi xa-wife became a Vr( in Bill pill tq of PArlo 'Wilt be via! - 5 -00 The Klug'.voltu hilikotncoverod, half .. ............... 9. 1--m-GOODS IMUMtED ANXWHn313 IN TOWN, ugu,st 901, 1809. 7-tf stop the xkek� woik of filie, deyil. - The to �oao blo tile t Gazed on it with rapt delight, rode, away on raving inaniac, and was confined in the wo inlmeriaO towor#,80 kruetret. 10iollt, gay 2GO fee, t" loan year, 4.,00 Clinton, �Ulyr 20,1870. Till It suddenly were strangoi xn�vmlkt train came slowly along, ana, theBogin- borsebackIia naot two pel-06 u0 , 9P. , I Y, GRAOILIATU Or TH14 M3FPX0AL Baffl. d him queationing Right. 66B.Plendia sho liow is the :q1,F ,king the ert, S, lIr orly of the itNew York; i . i In.r Tvocadero, AJI1,Yflitf Seventeen bron(I (Jere For diclorm. wits his ofix1ploot cogrtiora, thoili gh l; t4ore must U � man be-: nor for the County of 1111ulf.U. 0116 t:` . hr , country gentleni uly 20,18% Perfect Lt every Rini) 611, 'Who salut6l1him and a it], a steps cond 130W �'tO tile ))' laoG, I;ofQro alter fikt tuonih, bo cents each inoroth.-' A L' ,to, couple 'were. fLuoniallej w the Advertisemelitia ot Stra3,ed,'L6d Pound, tile, picture standip ly ruo4otett, for, g on the cilian died, owt-tho ohildron of t1114 uall &o., not eXeeedlug 10 "no$, rflra� m6itil', $1 , hind it, and so Oame, to Adv�ortisements of Farm$ and Real F REM OV But the bearing wao that of the henchman a bqlt. T e PaSsed A, little further be wasstopv by,tho cokirt NY -110 was wairl. pati4o a Nybich wide-Urrace atro )Vh0 filled the flagons for It T Y- sale ON. PHYSICIAN, brow wAR a priestIm who poxidored assembled infiltitude ratsed a shourt and 'pod by tAvo, ot taining dio mult, thorYboing triod agaiii -om one extrainity to. ..the other. The. nut exceeding 10 line Y 0TjST0�11TUtSi AND, Till! PUBLIC OZXr�a., D 11 , bar Mon, standing with 15 lines, flistilloilt)), U00; o of the Colh His parchment ,a )go 61 Physioiftum -oarlyand lftto-,, !7 the priests'oalled- out- that the -saint was" hol4o in the road, who inituired th t ALLY, wllr ploase Who nittiou that I Lays removed and Sui;gcolt.ij of Lowor Callitilit, tond Proincial Licenti- The eyo wits a wandering minstiol's holder of a mortagc-, oil th, groundl principal entrance is at the In and Coroutir . for the Corikj�y 01 1111ro)U. ollice and, -Ilow rfu 'h subsequent montl . iddle, and One k, 60 �iid-75 cents. In), BOOK AND STATIONXIAT blishie3s frQm the Old litunil ate lyho sang at t I'and'vorild prevail against ifte k1roetionli r he palcoo gate, nallIQ 414d that- of his attendant. t4 Aaver6senients'-without slice to-khAt new store, roaitlionog,-Tho building forincirl puctipled--by-Mr, not of legal ago Nvlk6rk the at -each opid are two irpnionse domes in wickedness. The officer in charge of The clork ave his givIi-xiame obrreotl� term... MixfIn stroot. Tholirs, half sad and balf mirthful, gant Clinton.. Jan. 10, MI.- n came 0-11-tlhud� toic-do Ird Mail JCnOW 00 of I',$, cordingly. -�Y- 'Flit Ili ;VljO left ftnd'fbj stair 1`100 lVere the very Ili)" (of a %Yemen fy 8 lio',ilir'dens stretch on will be insert erd -till --forbidT irildtfil t w 4 la aurmauuted.by­ Ian Ito had ldsotp(t in the instakpi-phi.4e;' e QI But the Hiloilem wl Leh her ciaril'i, I, o!� tho,eituation,-- Tlad:n h `- t d the an- Ro�e, boiir6eio, Nyas too IiII1011 of an this vicinitY'N�,lioii it abil(I 'lad xxian .1t1ler osi�e bribe f; Advertisements measured by a 'soale-of Nr,%T'DQOU 'TO It. CAL -kNDM1 & 00 STOUP D. of College of 11hyidelaus end Hutgoont; o10Litar1o,. 0 1 A'dade between the chimer of dow, i:woiaalso remind tliota that I lia 0 Made ht�vgo 44di- lato House Surgeon' of Kingoiton and Lying-in Ao a roso.with it. Ife who loyed him sineert r ran, bai6lc a 4tiarter of a mile lishillark to end ure.a aisgtiiife, and stated' it maiL of flit) Init! flailin its the. one mon. the aenuos, ntriil. coMairt a oa arpt-class HolVitul, Vhysloiaut' Surgbon and Atocoutolkaur, Orvim Wits tile amilo of the wi iat once who amy stock, and have now On hand r good and true. ewO -tio-hed-as biLyfilm iiquikiideretd. :his wifu?a vast num.ber of smctlt b kiciAka, ilnont,of- -, . I Albert stroot, oppositeFoxi 'a MILL Queen Utholy% His b6do as Shouting was red6ubled, and the priests inifiiediatol� seized, find lie. was,oidered -pat f4rra Clint cottages, -M nlo. Fan7a and,'Qffioe St tionery, ALCOUSON; wxrsox, BAR Sr, 11T4carni; yaid the artist,. I were -in the .6ost rapturous delight Al . . Tlihi tnith. t1tat tbo picture kalhi� Ike, lie cent o a e lilioc- T-LAW, Holiuitoia �u ObuncoxY, to 111rouht one bf the horses bold,by the to. tile Cont-t-bo'liso wid il Ii r i I ft A fluo oeleoti6lt d0ho latest Dut ther'r exultation was: soon Wined brigand&-, lie b d 6 resource 66 f0i ConvoyancorN. 0111 Next door to thp nev� Royal CftuA- That in.ovary form ot the bunnin I Since hint of thq Highest dwells biit, out)i American It q o inglisit, Caoijadi %lut 4, oari*. ad for tl is b ttet dian Dank building. 9,,and That each livIngtinoplo grief, :69 the master .. of 'ceremonies to, obey, the -Vurty. bqlrlg. sooll joilled I wit% the V�wy. s1loetators. to )y all, rpl MONEY To LEND ON REAL ROTATE ALm0, Fo� the place whorl14ho yoll Ili rigineer to .1; put on all ste&Tn TY nay gathin; . by boa%tifta glinip4em. told thd e. the.. Psotl led' to lish-to'n, oertahity Oil flat) other side of the Chalaip de� G.'A. )VATSO-$; F AIN C Y GOODS IN 14NDLESSTARMi Oimmkw3 ITOTjBD; colm=k 6P fqrin of.tho OodItbIn,11 and gor a !)a Clinton, July M, 1870, and Store Otte0ts, Yi0t0rift, 1). V—S. Jones, Pro- bead without regilipfl. to coiisew 'whorin-li, jbjon�4 &a. prie Accoxacidationti—Poard, pet oolc, is the milroad stationi-a, light iron -ViLiju Monocco Goons. imitable foi t 'nd 111.4tine 0 to S, Purace, N%tilutil, Card Cases Udihki COMPI quences." Theen4ine,wqAtallead.4 Mr, Rose'llad no f rogis, to n op, b a ave 1101, wol'so than Z210tiod of,tl,6 Swiss styk, A tunnel $6,00; 1104 and .Boardi per day, $Loo, Single Meal"'. tile holy 'I) % I . - , , I . C:MERON & MCFADDEN, Just received, tva p7jets; Bede, 0outs. Front Runibity to. On icturei , torn and. effort. to. escapo. on hil-hridge tow aids 6ieri- ATIIII TERS the of an A aT SQUARP, jlLijftY'ILOkjSr MARr t ano clikea crushed 1(ininense s ocIL of Ir P. 110 sli o (flit' and'a CQYProd way on the othei'side 13 h. rpilp BATTEN nXTTFNBtT11Y 13 JL aters, -.of thb 'I r 1,101 ity n could to join,tbe­ carlinges.. loiae,.between. Pat:is and.Pass, - Jr., door �ojith of th Post ollice: loconilotiO'� It Qdern civilization w W, H. MCFADDi, CIIii,on, Viet9tia Street, ohings rjm fittingH alld idiii.ir Yi *IS. providea to 0 tiana Base Lall' Cobdsp;r ;ijejo paitel,118 I " while stationed 'at !3uBhlee, '�b;qivi'n d 41%f�ipbs liu'd the -As'-'And -their The br bad :hira rand abot this honso'cre all now, and everything follo r CArri4ge nd: set the visbem jaid, wants of thu,�rayolllng I in 01ndoto Pape.n. in mblic, ph ut 0 d, i ri, t Y-1 11 lie I'lin '.aucedod- oleela confident, from long experience, of being able tbre6 months' leave, and lid resolved 0 Wars lid dilger 0 DIP I. tit, him . but lie llThe -hoats, -fishing imple- ireerwr Ire Z014ye, It The 1146 d AllnerleftIlL Xoney MoUgUt al*d $0141. to make comfortable . fill who,knay favor lilla. With their use. it in the usual malner, by- visitin in reaching 9 �Iitio party of'caxrhigo tra- oo(j iarttoles connecteO.,with oorupany. Obod 8t6bling end atton Iv -hootlers h, c' "land sa�s the A 6f the Amcio-lcan Express Co. offintonj June 1�74. Eng ugfith4l's Interest in Constantinople. Here naturally' thought says the Now York of ti ­A �,n via Lori but her determined to valry the monoton- b'ut .at �his poilltr tilt) Most, 'YUILL. MORTGAGF-8,. NOTES* JAMt, S A. I' twWbroks of the. Seinb. 'To the bl, 6 Aiazvellera botildwit' A tit .:-of the Prdl Tele- extriAordipary imitleat it) 'th.e. story. 00 _Whielli 0 A v dejVoj L wide a l,f I -of i(Ina, is to.,ber otber�' AND OTHr RUS -on �s to lay distinctly -b6fore by going over land acros� 'Persia 9;qplo 'T 0 brigna- clik c6olty , CIO il�,t6 ro bristiJI-V affordli nothing- roadway gFeatly inCreasing 1. a grId blic the whic i tile rn;d.,J6 tjI& on 0 SINIAL 'as this, cantol'.Y. -until, he reached the party and like 0* L SXTMS' the shor I in a8ed*0 6 itppoiiite oui "'tigbt Good Securities ar �NEX TO LBND, L has T.L1 IQyoung, 116se� to Tho'.011'y otby cl nat 111.0 soodpied w 0,!F oil gobd nwrtu�ee K10rify, at Moolorato ratios of 11 thybugh, FA,RtAN, which is;- he says, only to prevent. Rue� have sualm'o'ne'd some crilDly1ft, 0 11ja w. W. torost. and," e— rode first 6f 11 1' h nlinor build4 dispoed in al PO'YAI- ATAIL STF,4�.)K 7-tf varlous- I'Ll kilaow fully OSQaped frolil ,j parw hir e f ro i 1 t f the.CaspIll, IL sia!, getting possession - of Ctonstmitii ody. 0 tPersia to the borileta'6 if r I llat C. 11,1�1ttlE HA e trolled iiistol 9, - rc'�' " "D distan a of-mear r cr for the County of Huron. ftliur of Narm t (h� 'It -trjLujbl(�.3 I ej4oQ.;j4e'of *ater 160 feet wid lit Stock, rN,al Latatil, &,c;, '�ttouded- to A rcftsqnab1e:: in foUrbeen dayq, t1juj MAjillir, an cause if:tbose places were in the litkilds the, (t. , oral -descents to OC I v a'The first!olass, full.poworoa, Clydo�,bnllt Steatniihijiis alea yoking mlkn� ie called- On- bills to w.'L I T� Clbr LEI t d 600ll v tinotly to tulp'lin't what was'tlie square w ore met of the - Allau.Line, leave Quebec oviry SatUrday, morn w6uli A[cTao( W J, fi n th' Myth, Nov. 6, 1,875� avoracye late of -Irog�e�s amounting to aMalls &I wol.k, , , I . I . . ran "tIl ing for Liverpool;. landing Passeriger I ng) '11tyL C d N9ZD a . Ve t11 ' of (MIN'TON. LICE. and, ijust " thenc rd :. ap nd' wa o1jwrVed to t4e grou� of ti�aVe Ivc of Jolla find' Delen'seilt.— OLIN %t.41 ji Ad he County of Huron, to, pr6paream, X-10,000,000'evary year TONj ONT one -of ltj� -theL: LO tisor. 0 Sx0V64 lilito1jr.-4 i4gles of-Parm Ste* .0t, fault a rj�' 1;, than' she do . t Nbv. 18th i) as 'now. rollcd I']) jj bewftter�d. Th lace, '$OV; B5tiir Clinton, N0V.LIfI,I87.j.. ulame.the'(1 r 'Ill in m6rb on her b" e Pa Me plil000 that oilly tVj,enty_SiX 2_4 i t'antirlople la, MORAVIAN ... :::::::: " , " , a'I the finest so 121 12�6 not beon- 4bio to Which 0 so r6cudor is froin one,liavilioiL L AZo, -- but if it oftho. 6tli6r 400 motres,. or 'tay�' 1,300 'T 111 tbol FOR 070001V rUM, u0 C affle Nov, flit Jild -lie. accorupli.�hed,;b L as. an nilval station n the. world ........... Apply.oUba 1411,.�ar at tlio xebiffeK Oil tile of SAILlb)(N-CAS FROX 1"0RTXiANb. subscriber, near the L don, Horan kDrue Oro sitil ily that nd notbing tj aiwethud of niaking'Lipf'OrL�T- -P- p 'SUppoSod tj v FOP, t .......... 1) .. 9thL that on- LLjio.�v,(j �'() an i ard slightly 0 1 ............ 77 p t o. L o a m6,t rotivok' )ne q;i rotjjj'j":j jowjlrkjj� ieMats p,d, oon-� (Tv�%v':per tW C PO aa outr the. bar 011 e, i oqtlarAloitv.v,,bi.Ie RUO iv; took a N 0SU K X Both app(4110d fer the ooloiiia 1 oe '1 9 Cons. e- cantral'rotuuda� front I t R'; .......... tha d !JAN ..Jan. 6th ritie c6i,arod 15OAilds. a�A followed I Sion. Rut bohin Uo4m antin4ple iorg Pr he that!' .............. Tan. l3th PAny of Buglord; hais also agent for Feveral PH npxt, day by A jonincy,of 100 U4 t wb itt-- 1jis poin.t. You 1140 ('0 01f flows'the csader, by 11O.L5t.N sIAN .......... 20tb 000 rbopitf� :6f,whi oil he fo w)rce'l to II(olio8 fol'in Oiwo itji6n.fho Caqj)i ilia )ro- h hi WaF4 liol-11E. IN�-SIJRNCE WCA'MN TI 'KETS.F U RTH'Blt- TntrrQ4t i'ayable Yearly., 1. 1. SegrijiJaItS L Of a hissia bail. obained n, e other gand �'tbt. Chr; s t i; i ora, tv- gromid !]'lie _re4t b al ratre te. 1,021410 e as to . 4, And for '�of--Coristantifioplo, �an iij Aim 11 t f t, r, - Q110 took boat PpoSe, flie high road, wjbh­the� Ill FE, INS1TRANCE,--­ 'tiku, tbanceA strakhan, and posgossio olled flic. foet'of tho r(itanda, i�nivllich,'.au ilb to L. ffoln to alerroo. aphorus, and the Helleopolit, and that clork, -int the Erection. of� tl,c to be pla (1, ill.bo 'sod tot-. ciincerts The advantages (hit; Xiuo arotorylow rat McINTOSIX, lj,)* 4ELD, ISqUER OF' Critzen on the Volga, A t; Cc joll , r . .1 . t on: cc -w best acdommodaLlontit greatest antount of comfort,, so aw0 n Mon - AN D leror. be' t9ok tr England and Russia N706 then -a wr­ of cavity and safety a6falrocobloo and shqtteoib $86 paellago for taking 4MIclovitoin tLo Qn6on's Dumb, for C01111. wl n41, withill. a out� tbree. miles ko 110 I)ar the distribla"tion. of pri6s. It ban' I)ersong *iaMull o bring mink mottgagis-r 0 issued at lowest rqtas to. ties of HM,on antl Britoo. CoUvesiloing duile, bli oljlda.kwpep- thil -LIVE ST sm,h a f t or wo a rd a w ek, t b Y-13 �rl in to' aI a i a in NO - d 0 111 or onm lorre t%V va APIPDXeS c 11 an For Through Tickets and avoryXnformfition a London. After�� a. short sojourn In i7nill that ould -not be, foir--hi�ulas-- na'only. lip In first aso Ste end Mutual Com anies 90141i)r REil,'USTAX STBAITON, 0-. T. It. 167- - E. counvy-.- be'. started back -oil ajoare'y T)d and shut lip 40i, Ships. Of *,at but, as: toris adviluago,if thlb uSilit'nory"wer sent.' V d, Sept. 14, , P. . e I Wily i 8,000, peoplo. 330 o_.'Wont firSt, to a rOu ti after tile brigands, but Rose would taoi blo I oils giving ace(!�s 0o I)bxdg "'ar. C" a0ki a. !,_Ib , , L . . .0, . perons.perishodju 6rsinlilar 1%V. IPARRIV, less adventu kc. M& Sea wouki,bo bgofiitely sh ra March, 1976. kQ YONNIDE'lli WAT6U—AND Oil Mle ly noxt door to the t 'piolir 011ie% Albert oil Q]i hoStilitieg 'for lo" gall6rieg, blooeLl from r tile weath reearly part; iof I fikeolith, CoLitlir I Y tho pro nonaaerk a 33eyi6tif,4nd to nglish flo t; 11 �siit orb III carry ho w-' �it w Id'be sen't 'back ttro-lioted down -from tbeiyo, to 11 it , -lot. oars bilo she wits fe if the a I te e.d. th Which P6'ntlle atK 1180m. 4oniaid d the following,, OspUtfitIly. b e, w.ro b liaid COXI)OLI OATLD BA-.NKbI`--CANcADk Jklld �jajjjjlj &)ndij YiovV of tho tobio friends hua the public generally, that'ho Ims on Struck ou 6,' Stt ri ng; on a You to which 'Li - m' f6r hlm�--Londoa Vanes. eitV. 't So sea bvoke in at in I 1.011mi Rstalisaill6r, to tendet, his most hand it seleat Ytook of of oikmi. watelles, owell t 'aftso E('xit In tho a n absolute I : .. . On either cry, ' c-, bad only . been attempted by two Euro'-� -0 poristyles opening oil . &OW11id nevelityAwd nd Ovor -;%I the 1`11100 snd hon the pro- 116roltil lily at (lit "Cl'obadeTo, on the side of the Bois degeription fit him line, douo oil thuehartomt ice, orna Deans beforo u., straililit'a0vos's oppurity , ca. mers'in'tbo Ruirollkulill� t6wilBbilts and tile 1116korftt� the grolit 8) riau Doi' t arrivea, would, jElsile Out 100,000.people, and _to (Ijbit-on, ort to Bagdad, aftor I)GI! Diemen �A'hov them th -yera.Affaiward a go a CAPITAL, $4,000,000, iblic gonilly for liberal patronage, la)L . d would further notify. tijem tblit he which hisreturit to Buslfire, Wits cotil- 9Iv, b a t t la. Ootoobar O.—A -W fitil 0 ilk. e(.� ors nd�coinmivtoeo joll L 9 'jjlE . L, 11" l. caused, by t -o ' r, tl.o dy1ces of: 6e, nIanag imely dded most imp an't-InilirmZements ta� 01tooL._ CLINToN 'COUNTY parativety"easy. leted to] w a., by curioug ki i , - . V -ort To have, COMI)L pil t1lost of bad troatill.ent.01 li E, hit mili -by. puLtting engine, doubler _L' 111gh r school Jm opon'to lialolls of both oexcei, If ollalid, is s4d, to. hHV6 (1(! Iropt -all parts* of the Ciiiinty and Provina-- on, equal this extrqordina�y journ6y witbin: throd met. W, the overland rotoa, to'Indilt-, boa�il ship has jusf bedii. brotigibb to, NCYi 3he �o�yar heretofore usk, and tw'() run Of lustructioll is given In all the higher I)rftuel;eg of RL 0,00 souls. - Ib is -not too L S., iy. tbut- run * u the Q�INTON -mor romaerclal, V Clin ,tilt tbontlig, from which a month spent in I u vlilf rodi- .'b. Whit-, dC.(j -class StLone, ivith a complete act of .- wC6 .181dal L cation, Ai.yVin J' oftr way to India by tbo A dit. Tho-Americaft"sbip-0 on! 11tr4l rotunda to ti10 paVjHjOjj�. first that within historic tinies rei;6� These the FrOnchut)(1 Oarmail, lotuguagm Stuilents fire Pro_ Ungland'haa to be dedtleted, tican were, ba re of- from 0'ardiff, �vith coal 'to. Clant bolts, aiid in factall the lafe'st and most rbquired a terr, md,' the Eitapi more, the 'flood il'�kj haeare in' a parea for tho x;nivbr8Itl6F1, the 101VULd PI -010111110119, A lid -very Navy Yard,'arriv�d the Oth of halli I'milroved machinory,.togel5hor with firsimelasill mardatitile jiurfluit". !a paid to the ec?rabination* of qualities of a -very -big] er I i,' urc:)t from rour to ivi% per cont allowed j�ill to do. first-cliss workin otuj Iiiiied 'Off be'tween %004,000 an erg, lie is prepared lea roolumitel for Counnon Schotil 'Teurhtrg, '114ition Statoo L �nd to, pre. sont- or -0 lsd-ff gooa Von+,. ally Silo I.rislc tile day'-ald ti a. and all, pre on Deposits C a0ppl. Fecii, $2 Per quartorIj,'. torin Students froax j.clistijoco, Iotvvral, -9� NG, ikc can obWfi blAiril In the village at very inoderat'd rottog. fice 'country would ill e oil theni.461vos beforo Is. ld8jjhtedl� r 000" Of 411 that :hAvo , o6o.firred. rilaning' tho whole lengt j. RISTING" rider, to have.gretit ors of ondurel, .1arthor Inforl in Ill be giver on applicatieti Pow in. rcout in Ten'gal, is." To the Palfteo'bf the blaul 11. iOUGH,' Agent- wei, eid i om, a 6 any Unn any'expendituro- upon'thd nav OIL told a Baia fit y of contin�ned baa in an Oil or (perso a yorb.Nlett i t Tiber of the oard it? , . lrewly bcan said (advantage i a out. Parties fr andL A. largo -Stock nd all y�jo pro by far 7d, aj.y, Ance, can have their-grists'Und chb� toe""ViL�.ftesgx al;,11- 9, `A. H.- Fifther, I: domirriorr-of-tho sea� 11110,0 Clinton, April, 1876. 1119 T t, dq viag th v6la�n, bough tile 4P tob gervo bavwta. Iffe 0 in. with tbern'the-s ken of the 'il' Yen 'd home ame day. Gee our I. eve, Rav 1.3 it ir', qud A. 'Worthin on, r:t '01, eft( ticket. Ir.Jdi4o"TnrabuIl,2A. It is inWresbin;y to -find tha� i ling,lisbirian -jjjVjAVUWLY Ak� "JUU11 t1JU soQUUUr mate Wits in 'ajjIeS.L . - all give the building a couiniand- rate Gi�at ;.N R3ffF ilia ))a and �%ilj Feed foi-plao, rat mode' ing gr 0 to Nho -terest in proventing. Rugsi6 from getting viot zed for iiijln'RE3 Withiyi. carried fluk of' bvand.7, if w'd ;or Appearance.not possessed by that of A use. of the stimi'dant, for possmion of crkinstahtinople,. land, i rder to' ill treat Q crow, died frorka Ilia RUEUVAT)EC',A]USORDENT -0. CARTWRIGIIT mado limite S Twelve years ago -a foinfly worod 1861) -6even'teen, steps eooduct Twen, *1 Imiaystbat he only sed half 'a small hil7o to firditr wQktjd nd all pain within rib�i would also inform. the, publ- u be quite. wounds. Vid nor nfatl had So will relieve acuta Pail' in 4 11011"Hi a Tile Sabso You Voni Illiad'is."to th'i7i -biblo', oon after' ky-seven doors open errace CARTIVI11011T, Or 4TRATr011 all, Ouv: NY at) 12 hours. The qn7re is certain lie tht he Ims a. large stock of lumber of rot tile Commercial Hotel, ClInton't hilejo , ejul 000,000,000 bole in 111,81oad, and his oboisk' bones ar IT11YE C. f1askful in-% ride of nine hundred miles. WO . a duqLllkq� 8or feet DIGB S FLUID Fine front 10 Vill.. 1101 s 'to into a, gll�ryf 1,000 foet long. BRUINTONIS. different kiRds and lengths : (lay and of every "TrodY litoorkia in t4o One - of , the' modt agtorxislitng ciro4ra- Hterling t& previint, sucW a w6ro bl;dken.' 'O.nk his back several r' I Durne A bure care for Dyspep8le6o Headache, Co 20 ft-, HdM16 6 - Cherrv" the femitto head, a the lionaebold,.'abd 50.feeb- hifli. a A the' ok, from 10 t6 2, -, 1.1 lide"t style. Teeth filled, fbe the inwre%i t1jorebri would be . no lunijis.'woro visibl cover6a with whttor. Bronchitis, and Butternut, WhitaAslip mapol6i Saftand Rock and made as good as sound ove". stances about the feat is -the smallness . at being. favorAbly irtili.w.4soill. ulth Ofe are fo�irnisliea that are much Combined. they will relieve Catarrh more than wa-Votild havo to provide Itis logs wiaTo Tivaited by Sail needles , 0 - 1. oil lullanimatury Diseases. The active principlo-of Finkl'in 1-ingths to suit, the public, -which eu- qf the Cost; of tho,wastwArd journey. cou'rittry; a3j4rbop6fkI-.ffjT thoofftlo6k.- -Wher. 'The galleries for mach-irliery ha these. valuable mediclues Is to tioutralize all irrila;it' Rbles him to fill al orders th'it he may be NVater had a liorso to. ataiL4 yvith, annually,, -on Ar navy-�Aeyoad- -what afid. ill this'state he was confined, diain-. sciao. Bold by Druggists. Price to 0, Sole vbol6dale. Canada Company Land$. D11. th ey were. in rintrod tile �you4gsEer, - Gveab Pros- tead of being eircular as they.. favored with on the shorteal; notice and nlest I w -s�6iid—if the Turkish BuIpife CA, ill tile far four adys and . . hLrAME, wXTHON & Cob MONTREAL. . i,rnable . . but,lia wars obliged to bite a g6od'ael IVO 10 r I Not long iduce �onotlier dauglitor, .18107, are sk-aight; ali�l 130 give. t1le Spec - W. Y. Bit NTOX, LONDON, ON7, rea o terms. LIST'Or hANDS, IN. HURON FOR SALE 15Y ' it. This item of expen the Rua8lans'had be, was carr4aii lip and laid. on I)Ccts- Pjo'Knloty, Proprietor. Athij,CnnoAiComponymaybombon4ttke offloo of in Peroi, so amounp- �rokeii I andee, wits born, and a natno was',found in a tAtov a movii,itoprossivei view. Bach is T�Ilb, Al,. 0,11871i. "tho uu(lctsiguod� ad, at-tho rate of s6ve'n pona r a a I likile.for poSSeSSjOn of fV0'BbhpbbtriS a thd- lipor -IORO wag covor'A-A with is 650 m6tre oi� over 2,100 feSt;r irl length Jim LOANi' - _ — -11 IILLIr. . - . flingufgymannor. 1161106�onb', -V the time ever d0oaco ried, blood 6nd J*Ith, d- Wa� * XON'G'Y TO CONVBYANCING AND LOAN two horsog; Ito 080* Pefaian 1&4ns, or. a mo all W out of Ilia arld Colorado . were rove6ell, iind, the; --thab t We lofC being . devotea � 16 little un -der X27, V in ti the "111piro totters to its incoliforinkl, and aomatimes ON KASY TERMS, A.G10,N.CY OFFICE,' PLYTH. hen tile' "farkish jittle, Ono isoti6w d6buied to go thrbilgh 1-h-crieh i6xbibits 1, the otber to those of Mrs. 3�eesiey, Milliner, Cospian to Stoam. fall it is to,bo. liope(l, says tho..writer, would 6xclaltn, Nl wife I lily child f tho world (is iollill! Oddl,610c. In. tile other countries. Both rini ioward the itrTUNING tHANKS !J!O TIM, LADM 8 ON er, Ifty..JiVe rdU S; -rind tbofaro Iii-lit's packet was f nd jjy,%vhjZliL tlie principal cn W. 11�' G. COLLP1Sj 1;iIeS that we- sba I have a Xinietry ill offico my obijil I" Oki weantime Gve�t-Prosptcts ha%� grown mfllta�y. School, meeting in a large vesti- �1­ Clinton. and its vialliltY, for paNt favors, begs to in. ONVLYANCLI1, ROLICIT011 IN lii� them that,she still continuou the net and Bonnet rout there by rail i1irough Wknosaw to who will boldlytako poidession of Con- later from' b1i wife, inwhich the f6lloW' be riopaJd Iiiii part of all at 1111 to be, of considerable sizoo, and in bulo rind gallery combined. These largo Attorney of Elie Law 4nd liquity Mattis of Iroloind,, fol lf4utfhople,&. the 13oaphovas,"afid the, ing piteslage ocones Odr child. has b1l"incog, at tho Berlin, 70 roubles - or altogethef, ',lea, and vestibules on- Getinalegbot, Landw Loan, And Estate, gent r)Aw Ufa thig t6gartl the fatuily itro problaljl� rea- -maelfinery gallo, T ib term, an.Fito and 0ooaralAgont. bLD STAD, 110ron CLINTOIT, 3S 4.11, jl'onrl any. flifte during 1161lespolatt ancl hold thow. as. we holdo �ast g6t; anotbor-tootb.' The- eaptaiu,' elose an oblong area,'4evotlild! to but'14- Mortgages, &a., darclu 11 v propared; Tiflan, Arid clahnoolo B60in td Lon 6st X 8* 'on, hthaftling. Sheia agetit.for Monti. -k Co's Ettrop60112 * 0, —nof f6r agg'ressi -for who sup6iintolidd the ope&tlorli Itial.i and Foreign Ej and Law and Now York patterns 0 ButterIL nitultAntly the- whole outlay from Buabir As yp e iJ''fliV the al'Splayr Of toltilo fabities) LiQan Doss in transacted in connection wi 0, (4 �, pt; --re has ed no hra' Itill' tbo! -Clang n free to the met-, Ordered', sould buckets 66 lianio, Aud Y unning - pRralfrol-wi %European Firms; -Genealogies traced and Pedigree Pro. receiving the now styles eve to En� tdl;s ally Ono f L th First defiene6, declaring tbill Oi watoti. to �o aAV 113�Y Toll, on hand, which Ghto sollm at P"10119 kin"'lliod'a tile lb ll-marglil orlacidorita dantile warlao of all-n6tions, but, ab8o- thrown over, the body of the victim, now loved; Forty Years' chat cc odetitto.- kOPt I - 'Ddlits and Noted collected. dir Static nited , 'jt�a broorn, soon joney to Loan -private ftindil, atia flor Public colt- she hoiods. by striet dArij and AttsntlObj czfiellaeg, . 0. e114',O�lj'v iy a diibinbCiou avrenkiwaa Lab6ardontulyd 162d -do Suf- littely oblit I ib ships of war. W. Nv. 3FAIMANi liberal Patronage. did,not 6%oeoa 50. of t,]t ilke �otuujon word ri(Ift will'r tai*n rooil prod-tictli. Tho Blytb Jan. It, 1876. ALL OUDZRK =tv ATTENDED TO; remove Led 1400d,11nd torvoklm (it 4 all dd niIn France 1,S,000,000 poopladro on- Remarkable rogenow 6r Kind. quic ' It blood'oogpd, out I'vota ilia' of the Palace, isoluteil 6Y two Avenued'. MBF4t gaged in agriodItur I urouftg. The man during th6 i1oftloidlical turtUT6 7. j 0, L, No. 710 �J- BIDIA-Jr400 Owing to an, alleged' necessit of only cried out, 'Oh f oil P ill dtx ill tana boy gob driink, his ebg eight pavilions, eRch contain - 'ilia work a fist tiq posbible.,on tb ta2 a : dlimisdd' hibi , ibe other "N iall is to ng Ono 112,go tch li 119 I don 1$'b5)000 TO� LOAN C.ttr . � '. * 11 Ax a Vila it a k Maker, Idge, Pittsbu bi, the tile earlitintet's %hop, wfiLh hAlls, the t'lleiw poinb lin b e gluqs factory roKised to,w'drk be he'll in' fl� ..... rpiAro hi, grdon. rcocy,d, Moldiy, Of every 061jtrfldtOM�� 11114 tile MOU Who ro Om- plank-, four f4,t two in.chus lung by f'� jxverttfea, UIPL 9.6 th 11 RI V , , . a s' that of the. Palal� I & Oys in th lkloyed in joining the throe cables art- f�ot, oltilltbo 111all majintri 0t A T L V U atilais lie was reitistatedi all the, Wye ng live fe o=n are cotiII&ILY In, discDargod, Ruilthe, proprietors di- aaWit", ikk:k"Y ZILE TftAX%rxa, His PRIPNDS P09 in al tibuleet" or Position he,w fo(ir4qyt;,'wbe* Le� Me Moron$ Wto%ooa on hion In Y.,Aotif* thoot and the Public g6n- the foremark reliliod"iti 'was not big bilal- uex1l't k*; -mob 0 11%4t t 16 1�,, S nnAtjo. c NO)' a 0, fdaloQd Into his DOW �stld More -0, tile lloces�ary pFepara 9 on Albert Stredt, where . ov. rib116 ropriator14, till, 0 river 0 about, the -halilth of AinotY foot b go in'a, fill he Win sto tit the fire. o0i till d, .8follIvItl X;f oil tot., this feqtN0. APPLY TO CHZAP tot qtment of o1iiiied thb doors Of tbeiroptablishatent, from tile wator Y:, my aft�rho6n 6 Lid it ilt K thus workman a mapeeirlont h1l Clocklit Watotioss J.0611t und'611y0tw0d bf till d for aiX�IM'oi� kiftits, not to bb opno elia Adherh3g, firfuly to vitited tbrowing' out of om'plOyfriebb sovent, r dospatch from'. Fairbatilt, linow muc: larger %Ad Mocto vAti(ml 0411 6vdt hPI of 'WhOln, Clinton, SPpt. etj%t the , Youn�fjr Brqtbor all fiv� e TWVimil ne tho' urder Of Hey 7, An ions, *1 niintbOt b ml to llel, art thig t -*0 Arrv#A�M tool their bilt r-roldling oil tbair daily4abors, plotxdetl guilty to ndF U, R N, T U R, for 110, bank callrilor- Jtidgo, Lot*d' tit Its 110 it tI't1l.11 inton- 0 t"fj only potittity Within bla of any ilia iaa- ioph t in, tile oelliag liqqoc to any M, 11 to reaell, it uittlL �Nvttlxill- ('Vea til:; 0"0 LUN WAS t it if the, vild thfit A# OW11, iy BLY!f ff g, 1,) 'o t!� to w fow,--of tho rivot, wbeil, Ito ti-paty wall Wn lqq%-0 A n -I op-rrlt .f 01 Iffluld Io Afflittfifivi Affi.0,141 MY15, I'll AXXT'W. HIS MANY a e111yabl'. the RE D Y PWC8,� 0011tid"S th latli(lorfurd will it seot� _nee. W Wt lty-401�61g(* a f4kv Y? 014 -most 're. willt IV, tho Aulyalarino divov., w1lo, 19. now in tile ji1jap mid d6w-n 00 Tope VfjItIt, 0 i.tradtil!,l ly papoj% 'I A. lit lu whi� i afbi,mor elty While Vdifte fbl� nboub fliftact, -flntil hig fitit owl yOlt tla I U LO� j4 WOVA' AttrVIL149 A T 0 0 it Will tiu;,, ;11,0111,111 .14 bmil you i1,11ml tilt 81lart; Notleo. w4k , toe noto 6avat ill otio i I -1 ly tallinhail 66 viabo-r, the t t4 At V51 blftlly (410, tirtil liko it A AA 0FU101WN S A%il bbe mar- Who hall 11"03- burror W6 tarrill You'will tit) A giloiott 0 ka to 6a go Or Ono of tolnNry for Utuxi who uttlitillol 'a- ho "Illmouoll 011filbing I)r3011w, M br tiji 6 S FURNITORE'l -ALL MOTION$ , 011,1A "' 11. I Ng, I Moto Taki in I , burg(JOU 14' A, 110140 lilid AV awl W1 4hbill lihiif,. 1r] Oil W. it, ow) dily huyly brawd blils I,;64lv,4 ril isiO t)PM- t'r-tMI t With and &31011A n the plaforiw droi# Inhil; -Tiff At t1lo, tolly lleiintiox. alto" At; TVAN.111torK, aE, 11,11' ' ' otaq �;hkh, lit hirWy tj j lej by nVbt elIV441 (of tlt' hAtIllitit M A.1 fit 1111; I,y hit wlito 'C 11,4 ton fill" i aero gioda In Elio cabillet, WAY( boAly 1140, ok tho-Alver- to I tic, 60, 11 oott,. Although, tile ball t*X flott IvIll 616,006 Aap,81991; Iall alwapeot A 61ifeago womilt, b4a booki tho-wift Aliblit lin 'boy bo,,u battot'PrI tO ,I aljo 111114111; Ilm fall All .1 Vill, nr, Ilia fittiek 411 lim In it ol.k. Olt te, ti*! MOO, R blWoll too tfl,0194 to diapito of Inav W110 TA14A of 10011403,Y 11,01, itIttil'(1h abilliv )MI'oriff of folito brothera. Wit) bei Olt) (tit), 11(4mill 16(plils"I A 11 i q jT%,jjqt tj%A k1dVotdo A,N� 01 N N 1. 011141 01litlitION4 404,191611 1Iliq ol e"11, wholi V1111"r sudatifily, qaor4. Vought 4 (4joiltal tit thelhirkiih f 61(10i� ton �Oara Ago, NVII-jil kho wap Ailliv 1,01t, ushutl 16,9 oloallv -Till It"'l, "I It 1 , Y 6tho 1, %1 4 %it I , , 1. .,r &UA fill to lw:gd, , 1)" 40.11 Teaul tbd Water$ thinA. sooveltir rdf uoyaptooh ymra olij-, litlij, lilt djej, 411ro b(lou b ino; for Id limrl4l 1,110 onit & Into, aw 11014 by 11M it 11"t frull, t) IV 10A1114a 61t, 1"14 alM thit al I )or, 11f A, 11('11110101,4111141 rodelt. hig his Lyaggla oyea aria ugly b6fore the to- llortrly 911 Q06n tuarrL04 410 andT fix din 1115110,6 '06w i01.1 catifilyallil to, nif m lif yaro wC1161 aft6r tfileet �sxrs from )Jilii hill o141 Vt Villy art 416' 1;,jjg lig hikxj� 110W t LAI W,IrA I.; t.; I thl ail'i C;406, wim. 110 6011 11,11, 1 forqfm, (Ito prolliats I at( �e - �1111 , 0110, ilargaut, 6t f4ft W61011g, I'l, ancl, Wordoade, for tho'0011. Azl tlld'thlid vw divordfid 6.0m, tier I ro, 4hr6lagiv wtv. viollck Ito I t [Y, wftillal 41111 flo gratit WAS t1to A0. bood 6064 1116ttflillillaq Ill AUIL It h1l Di.1141,190 at 01 - littwelliatel Alit 66 -Ming of likeddod OP0116d pa, t,xl 141% pitolfafjMl 16? #r. 01, VII'l 6 14plit lip 'Ailff attoi Yoll hod it tinwill, I th Alld 01 1 lktjg j%ft(j. IRfidi%no. 64 111affilletA004 WM, 11fa., 8110 Is of tho fourth, aldi, 46 only'd1lild 0. 116M.0j, T llokylljb� '(Iltlok Vert I V a th duk -to! 11fd: 0611towitnd Wait," thook(ng thA rwtap or b lid t 11 volil W livilb R(A11199 tilt -fill 0, )w 0th &I's t M! ydilts o06#�sta ii� w1ut it quile C04110 n0tr I w. 1440411 04501 it alit W L , W, tit mi'M9101 0 6 tilt in w a -It Ha114 1 D 'th .0 .... .. .... . ......... . ... ... .... . .. ...... .