Clinton New Era, 1876-11-30, Page 2.. .. ...... ... A4 Appeal. 0 0 R R I Oro X DA X 0 10.0 A%V-V1;W rUP4 May be 1104. it the Aogk howeyerprovow by $rlovAucap, way have to total gowo Dissolution of p4rtzerw %tli 0 0AXAD1AX,X9WS,, sterol of VN410.14% A. yllill W44 A" $0,490. jigit the 4roroor part of four Pars before they VAOU TUX'WOMM'S OnaIsTiAtf TnAlirgIt4x�s M Worytooiltbot w9 S 1P.: . , Alb 00V0409PLU1040olp 90004 lielober,. tbo 'Cololleattr murderer, lies can We bvo.4 a Ohs -Luce of to r000, 644 in,014q,- AmocIATIOx We .rug AffNIATtsm or Tax Goo. lye V11114 OrxyieiiIT, PsuglisHATIOX. 1044 the Goverliflions yielas'lo flqqpolar "10 40rlsi) b y Q 114 .11.110. Z`not Fo be HE 11AUTNEXISHIP IXE3UTOFOILL LXIOI.VING School Truslee Mectlillgo, I Vill Weekly Glob;" (ill its improve4 gn 41,0VtOncOil 0 00,F43003 AMAW30 to be TbOtWoon the 0040polcucal )'All$ th", (lay, bcell (114, .00 r4adiflagoshiplo its helm. 1,0119pathat. an of, 6sr;ar. ROXTANA Ir hanged on the 'Mat prox. d Now E-4, will be malled to o0boorlbors; Reveded 111adors and AGAisfers solved -by matual convent, ttlo,bilytIleps bringvall,10,4 In when the coulitit0jan Will - TIm regular monthly meeting. of tho 1014191TORT. In filtilto by Oubt, �'Jt2 be j.q- $.bo diNctiou, of 4 utwo immelliAtO 10, School 130ard was 11 1 oil I free of postage, for $3.1 D, payable striotly in ; lye, the women of Huron CQU#tj AiLd its, Alden, tho murderer of Jefloroon the gLilinen Ila will dlealiargo 411 a ouda evou, I I (lepto iiWing by "I'll fty, re the late firial "a colle" All advot atil, opolillibility to the V.�Qpla. - J�mt this, is too ylQb . _A 4,iigillg, the fearful 'rAvaoe* 'of in- To, $Ile lie r of jug. Pregeilit Mos$.rs. 004tO, Garva, advance, Thoprivo of thel 01pbealons, 14 V Q , the Cligfog NeW el -a. Hamilton night Watoliniall, W40, ork Thum- 4,00 IUD 44me. gobjeet to be 41souslell at PrO5011t. tOmporaluQ0 in our midst, and, believing that bOp.0 YO11 will oyerlook In 1 14 , y . lop lj.pott, Mqorls, X -t tb Aloompon And 011 'bo 11orsous spbscrililug now will go to. remain tho,logsilized salp. of iato4oathig liquor* I g do. day, foulAd guilty And sel#anced -to be n1lutiteg of the previoun meeting %�ere read the lay in makilig In. promillo good, of writing to blifigvd. on the 12th (if Jauuliry. Milken, Nov, 1.15kii 4or ofthis. year free. principal Cause of the crime mud dogradgtigal JQn;, Ito It is a 4M d If RECIPROCITY, And a6pted. which we lop much 4oplQr0i'llave bati4ed oqr- _e* tasic to un Q0.4 � 0 for 4 Two yonligg men walled out 00111 Ottawa person who. j#,u Wrl �tQr ; but Will no W (IQ the letter were Tim Lompla 8 urrxu will be administered .9,01YOO together in t agerof $00, A114 an4 Toad f ronl WO VA00 Of Our Divine be to Ayliner And back oil it wi A telegram rt I can for the bonotitcf my old friend a in action and gold —14 t club, No"tilpe. noda, though It -will take Rio some time to in one efforts to obtain - ruilraiiii for th 4 bath, morning next. -0 Wrongs twosInd A lisilt'houro. Mr- Malcome"ll $so- by 1�lr in the �'reobytqriam Churol )it Sob. Ul*�rl to seek His Prot do, , So. coomplialled the 4latance-18 mile$ XMINO Or TUB OMTON VJt101;rT orXiB .4 Naysinit, perbApa OAQ of the roost Inipotant M l,, accepting 4ppoilitment. TIN (Efill t coin , rQ141 ollarl , s." that coul(I tfill, UOVOO"by oe, marcilosoly lailloted upon 004 We. see A CoqtR, that the qeorotar� be irlstruoted to . will DO A3014 At thl)� (0141000161 140tel, u Virst, 4 would, "my that I do not expect one- All Ottawa. youth, fourteen years of age, 4 Men *,r, those wo,loveestausired., dolias and -ruined, eveal" plao�, the T:rLited States, go far 40 clQlamunicato with Al onto a p r. d m4too to believe what I follt Weloc.U, for the tir ipiXayomith, asking 0AVTION To FAltgaus.—Ag to e fourth of my 01 ea next the Q4 i4ot., 10 0 THURSDAY" XQVI 00, IS70. elolicil with a girl of thipto . summers on poso,,o olouting otocorn $4 the ousubill yvar, sea N41 ed, wo'ld be the, 'els. her for forth -0 der 00 lid. c.olice or information 'respecting her Affill)UNtifig the Country with b m0we P. worlep's to save th , n 4 rill u nodles .9f write, as It is difficult to, realizi - that the ad. Thursday lafit, They w6ro married by a a1kllUP.tb1'1 4.11.11alls of the volt season, uowb.vvi will pl%4,0 and to send it h to , Qw of our olturohoe'Are eart-broken vauto to so numerous, uttond. ere , r . qry shad our in. shoddy, NY hich. they say is -goods damaged y ga4 of reciprocity, certificate, i im Secondly, Lower Town prioat. others toiling day and nillit tor there is P. rich 400ntirmt here in the, ootQmo seurq�ory. MULNU011-14. spectiQu.—Carried, oil the voyage of i mpoitation" and in Alinton, NQY, go pAve their 94milies from otaryation, on nelug Tbe Sterling High Soliool istibout to be IM. 0imAda, did not lauffer to the extint, it A telegram was '4100 rocoWd- 844.14d._ _#sqaen9e.. And habits to, thosil 'that exist in Canada. h@y AIR OTO�Isig it at' --y"7 IQW at, the name time all. the cruelt' a and degr - h bp atto a. Thirdly, t a careleos way of doing busmosm closed, t ullanca being so smisill. that As the period is rapidly 4rAwingnoar Xr, AftistoAa, Accepting'" appoint- prison, , As these agents Are bent on Sell. was at . dation which butbaulls, dobilopil and madden. and traugg. We ve recommend its(, nient, but the wording- being rather in- log thair goods, and their ous s -Ink the a br,., Aloolloloan infliat, The money that 0008 have the laspectors lie, Arst, thought she would, and fro"A the with. Stray a will be, cA11%1 tlpQo handling of moneVI , 4eifer, when the ratepayer abt, a railroad. in the, Country, so, wodepend go drawal of the Government grant. which tbo govot�fiment of the Un definite, the. secretary was Instructed, to pantetilne, theyllave disburthoued thein. Shot; d have an tain 4. them and, their children in - INTO 1111E VII13NIOV AME to maue Choice Of men from, among St ule traino for transportation, and it takes A S OX.,rjlR gUU. solves of veracity, and, are now capable of has gone into the till of the liquor A terrible sicoideiiitiocatirred to.Xr. Wil.. C011111494 lot 42, con, 1.0, ulluokt, abollo tiAe lot of tea hopedand int6rided, by the Oro- Communicate with him, Roller, and train fom.g5,to 39 4aya to, transfer freight Tha owneir is hero, a thepiselves to condnet the aiThlro of th Moved by Mr. Scott, sec. tLy W Searle, telling any yarn, it they think they can by the. equivalent :received in profane and cruel Pon, Clustom.001ce 0 rom. Ogden, '.Utah Toriltor. , on the Union I I, a t S f. Jobiw, While bT J3 - otilloa to proyo property, p%$ charge -of tib -.she words, and in in , . . y , 10 w 0 And tako '411 g4ticu e Reloi ro�ity, Treaty, po doing e6Qt a sale; we would, therefore, any instaucen still more orRel Pacific R.A., at tbe, c at of thrao,A44 a halt that. the secretary take School Cenaps, pre- as croosing the track ;N Central Yo muninipality for the following,. twelVel still 5offero 4 rQ Ahing to 6 blowo,. - !Thu cents par pound, A tr. o� throe waggbris loastli ugh the, obstacles Poribed by the Sphool Law, as usual, and Advise our readexa, to have no es0ilmoeviat victims of this wicked, wont l000motive leaving the engine shop months, wo. think it balloves $110111; to interposed by Customs -duties anarega, that he iecelvot , their , It olve good wenty dollars fQr thea me, with them whatever, for Any instances debarred Om passed oVerhim, and his Axtia bepomingon. goodo ArQ, traffic are In im And. lea Will laul about 12 WO —Oarried, not worth. making tip, the privileges of the panotnary And Sa�,bAtb. And at no expense only wear and toar, And 'tangled4si the machinery, it was pulled out take some atqst syh6reby this may be laiiono,, lf� vill, tberef;re, be plesteing throu want of �outtable . 9.19thiog; I . -4 his. �oily, Moved by M4 Malcomson, sec. by Air, grub for ,,, teamster which, will 4ot exc6e o a Stray Heifor f it 'socket A. d clean ofr frot rod N7 -w HIST01tx or THE DOXINIalac.—Wo their 8,4battll done with that degree Of deliberation to Canadians to Jea"rill. that 4mericapo �0.00 0 .,a are relade IuWlirable fifty dollars per trip, 0 1 . ,ts, that a c stimittee of three Vot. AP_ havejust received the. Arst part of the now I�aving sk not profit of Several foroololad dogs paid a visit to the poipted td wait on the. High School Board, through the profanity And revelling of him $$jb per month,and, I may state here that CAME INTO THE PstrildISE8 O:V TUB sun. which-aliould,-clia ZO III Collective are moving in this direction, for they fool, Illustrated Iliatory who should have been their protector and the farm of Mr Johnson, lot 4, con. 7, HibbeTti, ScAnpin abo to iscertalft frcFm them if there can be an of the Dominion of- Ca. h majgrity of. these then are. Clai)4,diaus, their last week, with.the result that his flool, of ut the middle of 00tober last, P, groyisli, . nada, by Profealmr, Charles A, Tuttio of sustAiner, Those licensed dells bf.'.VjQe WhiC . In bodies. where sue i fit prodIloers as, well. as. colisumero, that.;arra�niement r4ada with regard to Itiring Complete C`uv 00W.--� Nova Scotia. whou, art the fathers of our 4ountV into fiends, the mookautritious of grass, And -ever ohoeA- Ry rZ_Llirootlon, _LrQ_Vt�y_s 4 klyay, ,at caretaker jointly, and that the said Colo. The worl elye training Sol seldom �,114"900 an stake, and not permit, tbel time to elas1p0i the 9 11 Consist Of t �9.qls for our -gaols and pelpiten- and I some terrified, some torn, 4omQ drFVQn iut,o filtaolvi and fetterp to*tr,Ado mi wi wo large iinarto.volumos of -fed 9tain, This is a mining country, MOT 23, 10th CON., GODBRICII T'r- mittee b 'a compond.of the followiugg 1116M. tiarleo. The young men of our county oo bd.' the bust, for as ye -atill'there daowiied, and others and then be compelled to any. one over $00 pages each,. and eutbracing toga, 'Ing eiialaved and debased. These r lielieve, one of t no one knows the creek, Nov. 28th, 1870,,. be'removed if tboy are to prosper find Iiiers iz., the .0bakman and of the. Board, v titer apout _00 I UA'i -jli�lrtk Steel, W ita'wealth,asitht(onotyot boon. developed, left dead in the field, There, is no dog tax 11 th xarva,, and that they ood and wovihiallV closed, but virtitally open on the audit is AbioAprairloosiaintryi with tbli that OffOrs, ftild the heep up wit o of 'other Messro. Scott and, MCC ex. in Bibbert. Ppe,98 0 ollo'6igra.vings. : It 1,4 uy I.tr the mO# report at our usixt meeting. —Carried, Sabbath, are depopulating our Churches, - The ae tign g upo CApa, natios., magnificent work ever p m of the mount.git ont a bby Mr. Mo. roduced in the Do. that should 1) with evergreen lumber to such an elevation as Moved a used to extood the gQ30 dr. Hine, sec. 'arrut oro, at G Inm a London paper Mr. John C u. Sonia that 11ave 118414(wr tile Which ArQ 0140 A: oorroapQ.ud .4nds tile folloivin city nor dispositiol) to "serve thelli Front what we glean from. Alneir, An Gaivrk that the account of Mr. Racey Ion. The Author has already ostab. :pel, is being employed to oink men in,to.per- the snow lea 0, ves in the., summer season, and uly lished a high reputation a's a historical 410m. The late Rey, Albert Harris says, of Cara.doo, is the proprietor of, the f4stest Amounting to $3, be paid. —Carrioi beyond tbab there in none, X, -of the papers, we liould infer that . the next Or_. is -many, - Intemporaneg-isi thowAy of,thegoq I It -mouhtain'topia aro'clad I ith," $no I A trdtting -malre,,isl morld�---She trotted, hew writ H* works already �, publish a the li%�Board t adjourned;� k . in, Own rt ad in the United States are classed among to] 8 is gyowlllo 111 1101)111 Session.& Congress will witess de opposbathe progress of the reign of C three milgii in fdlar minutes and a half oil iiq� where I arri'located we are always in -productiong,of jlitit -villago,-tvwwand'eity, and -a bd- htr6x- tthw00rn* Vi lgit' Of ailow, which 0-ii's -0 -0 a'3'3iCe'6001 13jj�jb' rino �wo me . a%*e into e -the, standard- iitiiiary 0 ab" At'thig'ii�tea:n 1410 Sitbff0lbdr, thg 1116 re -woaltb, at 'an&lts futtire. terfilined in' tliisi c �6 well-,selecte4 stock of Id irop )DRAMATIC. cointr eve It stAuds in the way of re in v -will offer Y. , With hig excelleniqualifications mmer, The Nslleyi3i are, imiall dud our express train would ha 6 no chance againat prosperity depen ds in a very great niea� who hre them 1 d 11boral for tW task-, and his -loyal I determination Vale , ry'tr and of the glories of the mil. Ranollm"an. or farmers ate . located in tbom this �' wonderful" trotter. -That ,rr, I ost enlighter ed it f religion _Ieri6 morn. drunkard otands'm the- ont-must-be,-provarica, ing ra mat-ters' nd The first entertainment of the season -by of the very producing a work thAtull �g They- hiNve,to irri�ate their land from ditphos: ..ponA ro Burt .1111pa-the mpli-elkosenJO qpndu de way of iti­ every -liquor -seller-stands - in-- the be ' hive I h 1he' Clinton Amato(ir iR*ti6 ocibtY citizens of the mo011 nbe d lu. way of it.'! , A city illusionary. of long.experi. ug out or t at purpose, �wiisterrl pap gi y- ot , alley stroam -which riees'in or, affiairs, therefore it is to the interest of vention of free trade delegates will in nt v Says e 'mon All, took place III town liall, oil 'Friday - telligenco togs 'ing ' general progros4 ence- says ­1fWe,may build churches, and some gulch. We have seldom or hunting up people iiijo have not regilitered ES FOR CASH. I presen, a their psi Ig evei)r ratellayer th'at the u cage, we may b: t and fash- of t 19 riptionlita t - the inultiply -iQhools -.but Until the drunkewhab- �ineirships lately, vigited Ails& Crai COST PIR 10 ct caP e 's4ortl eet I ii .'PeO liie�ilng 14§t, before a, -, * t and', the' other count over� with tbq, use of, those U ni 04 State, . any rain, but men that the town oontnins 8lboiilll -bO to ee every effoM��ut, ibttli'to establis I i nable audience, The piece chosen for tli6 r its of the' 1�.w6r Classes are, changed, out efforts dit6beo,our Ranchmen Care AM never and Served.. writs on no ess than four firms Injoois to Suit Purchasers. such -4 record Of'Canadian.Advandement in are well nigh vain. - -J lithe church.uses rained, they talk asihough they war nde, irl"the.villaie. As'the. porialty is $200. in reoiproqal trade relations with Cana(16. occasion Claude Darnaud" the ' miser case, -they oxpect to ak THR WHOLE STOCK MUST BE selected to sit at its counpil bear till the industries, 'arts and science' f i Ali bar influence fot the, ellre removal of the i, - - 0 Civ.. . pendent of the Suprem.6,Beitig, whq rules na. each TO 0: in Ailos, the next vear. cannot 'be do They have had A --trial of the C hinese which Was placed iaipoii Ite stag6 with on- 147ati0n, �Ve haie A. right to expect at his liquor traffic � sire is doin� little bette ' than ne X. tore hirassilE Craity alone $400, they receiving the hlf'of hands � )vork of greAV public -The wasting hot money in suppQrtiug,oity miosioia� Our land. is very rich - and -fortilei I have' it intirely now scenery, costurne'knd" eflectsi the-&nAlty. -13U less- men'in otlier fowas withoub mesins are used to- necol�lpl 11. exdlnsive trade policy, andfoua. 0isexilengivelyillustraj a ith'steel, Aries." , The warden of's prison says -:—"You ndeX64�- In a - style which b6t 0 seen sixty bushels of spripg wheat � grown to, ought to warning.,, BY TIM was re take it, and to this end a meeiing should be Sdisibly atone bd wood: engravings, whic elm, may build-si chlirgh iacvery street, and make Ole present date I have, and Saifactory injuring, themselves More, Surprised find deliglited the lqrge as the skere,- rind at I brace Dominion cities and a your religious. organizations as complete as am paying from three sn4la: half to Iour cents The pffitentiaryt St.. Vincent de Paul, ri ir,,;t of, AW, UAJ�JY 1877. called athe earliest ' ossilyle sil ni.slit to. than it knJured, foreig eriS' and 'they present. canary and the, you will; but as long so you alio* tllo� dram near. Montreal, was, p 0 , 14 7. 1 . ortrits of the disting per pound for the' same wliest.. . Theta * IS I On: Wednesday morning, MR- The -part of thi Xi8er. was taken p guishe'd men of the shbpa to be opeo; they will make Criminals of land yet ; it costs nothing to take it the scene of anotboi daring escape of 66n.- gb, so that w-lign t1le nom, now conclacte that. a free importation o t and tnrnnya faster than you Can re6laim therb.." This THIS'18 A f by Air. 0. Grai -8, . . . up every man in entitled io 166 acres VIC a., ur. of were Isick, fiva, splaii'did manner, Psi t of high alrt and great literary � o all it, the pl�isonera, who i day q -rives all sliould'bb in perfect ariicles-that they. iiis.repre8entation of the pro acend being- work xCel- wicked t enting the to, ooits%im is t Zy raffic is hot only prev a , dollar'and a qlad'vtor per Aote. rBe lence, and will be a inorionierif of hOsior to VPOI tfew readiness, Lind not.as it has b a One bit ofacting. coptin of the truth, and. hindering the eflotts to pre-empt, and then lie b4 the privilege to 0crion! to th uar tageous olvil� 0 to be peo P" doll -de B 'r d. his country.' The pul;iliah- of tbe'Citriatian ministry in. bringing sinners owered thbra, bound and Campboll, as A fn n bomeitead,, another 160 acres., On it -he has gage t em, and made off -with th�ir.hre- N17 v Ry, some similar occasions. in the P',,Cst, whoh witlf whom they deal. olid al�lplauae, ers,havo'goneo great; expense, and their to ChriLlItp but it is robbing -the church of. its bich.�on will not meet with a Cry d was receiied with 1 lit" ' ky-bixingliths, a 0 1 1 to live orleop one nig.t in 6ve-i rms. its, of the four f ugitives i :a recap - his lia'doome dress as.a Young noblerhan. efforts, will no do"Itt inkat.with, gencral ori- members. Almost 'every. church and every and in five year tured, upbn the i ated at h a he 'has to prove, it as non' .parties btive been nomin, laz," CC67LTNTS PAsIr. Dmc,' A psv Bs .11AID - . liefit, The worli uitaWtir have to woepeover spiritaul. hopes mineral land,:At larur being given, but.the : much adlUlrod. courger � is a to a_ cost of about thirty dollars, AU joke, parties- mnETIMi 6F'�.U0VNTT'C0UXVIL.. v 0, -y' - 4 the rto'of fifty cents blasted and.Q.1irintianity outra d'b X1. other'three are atillat I 0XIMEM MY. ard, and some even for M S ott;- as 81wit Siggd -created 0 1 faloilyand a y Into * and tb6n be gets patent or doo(I for it: III arge, -brol the. drolli reproagnth, A cating Minors, WfiatIthen ip t90 daty of the' way a an 4an obtain, 320 ac who was sentenced to (11r. 0. DOME Qn6clt that were totally unfit to ionth, at. *hich t is doiivered res'at; a cost Swl.tz6t, the man 0 nts, 110 0110 call 'be without it, of,only.$23,0, and all prairie land, with frecnd 1.1 yoa�ral imprisonmon6) an& wbo- WAS �t Ilerf lootipi of the sent 0 Pr hour 7 Aere is 4 titigible 'f6im of sh; of - gi, The Pre tion o - tile bungry nian the,iiudiv No o h No. 90, Albert -St., East CHI t duties that would devolve upon.. tborn, gantio proportions, a mouster iniquity. wbio easy accegs to all the Quiber you wish on the Windsor for Kingtost 4) -Count C' lnci�.will take plac� A Go- once in a contffiu'�l roar' 'wl'ile upo n Thunday Oil it tile, I P , I . . I is doing more tainiure our race tbo6n all other firo to �his- bodding �in NOV. ry ather rosiiiect ver t ountains anti in their many. rivers.. not Sandwich. jai y derich next Tuesday. Nr6thlng of 8 age- RLYWIT. fortnis -of evil-corabiuPd. We ap ORI - to you . unsurpasootl- aboub si%- o'clock The part �f Victorin won taken As a ntook raising conutr� It ii;. - Wodnesday night, - And mi"isters of C sIn the Northwest our stock -men never, or Sol.. good citizens.* If tlij� Wi)'i� taken nod brist in the uAnic'ordur Di special importance do'ne -at - this L Noting Af�sitor, for the i gav6.tbe alarm, aiid when the.j'ail doora AM Nha:-VISIL to: wise-colinsols llrcv�,il, the Whole meeting, With the.oxception of disposing� good. t wo�k in 81at6r,* - Sima'. blaGkomith a US; enter yoil� protegi beef in an� countr '6am were. Improe , their 'N . - . yk taken forms and sto k of the ele-tioa can e 6 a Memrsii )V. i�barle'swoitb, W.. Laing, nearly a'yoar. was arrested burci oil the 23rd. Aud against ovqrythiug that will. foster this 'their b wii;h. a hov'el, knocking' hjm� sen*elessi iihouldnof�u0b- 'Oons thait M . scribe for the 4'Fami IV W. Jatkioti� his mak.6 up, being especially IL40)cen the wiiite Y S work gako of, the perishing around. d6ra iir food bay ' in, r� on can- pened, itruck �tbo 'turnkey down b hop, for b against the'aivil tself, not �nd 1)etter E R of ths- P'41 will be 1frestnted ordain spring. after running Out all Ifferiold 00 r. 11 d 6n,�ged 0; 6- ag the vxpense o'f Sohofield',' as the threo'thi' on the c1iiIrg6' of having Stolen two be such :a orotaA he shalt winter, than you can from ours, at any- season t I "a k Weeklyistar,,!pupusheU in,montreal.'It eye evil; And lot it away, - all me avoidi 48,41iore : it He a 'for t6 �Vb' si fi of:'tli6 D Hopleadguilty lay the axe to the very rool; of tiie tree,a pro, ;dry fast, gape, W pr ying -wore ccl, their bre; - ing in to the -tho year. colored nian,'sontencod for ot cost anything to,got sample p4ere. Drop Coin; seemed iriily lodosteh oil Frida, , w4ard II0 test tbat"14hill- &is lo well. recei; it of Our stock increases rand'was sent toG y MAmi'dilb -w and.lia-mn in Compelled to keep his. postal card to1hopubligherg. Who -Family; appears to be little desire on Ulde.,'f 'in Act to a -votb 'f the ritsipay.&N of.'the -iniser'ff reasurp to the Orld, that Stealill'y'a watch� r4bld-aild Weekly Starl?bno beeig a wonder, r pl nbenced on watchmen on Ziou's V 0, withli in'limits,, 1110 % of , 040b 2:35,6Q0 oad guilty, and Will be So' isills aie not asleep whil e of any One to become c;indidate,' and I bho'bost scenes of the oveiting, abd oerta There are nil u Some two 31iontlis go it Ivs, i6ported ful succesia; having new ot ings on � sores oil land in,tbis, country of the very best - county. AB,the, tbi'le is so shorit bofbra a fiery flood is sweeping their fello*-bei that a man -named had . ijiqd. -8 eq I bro4ght dtiwn the houge. marvel in iontnausm.. an400mocash plizoil to even if there are Some to be -found who At D M1 hila xgu defend�'thq truth..,of -pasturage,. tba6t-.will'-ne�er-be�taken-i.tp-.for� - anted a7Sqrt__o Donnybrook. party and guard assi ti-wic' a CIFO agrioaltllro,�as` 'it is At too; high an clevatidd", Pffisbdlif, n lTwife, i�ho rds (led in Ot- d * ' y gainat t eTntro 'the -duties of a 'Finlaysou, an it partaln a flobb tivo'Murpllys ind a, Against of errors�n do0.t;r1nc,..suff4r_not-thi3 pre.-omm-, are anxious to assurne z0ais, t6ok the tawo, Ntint to. that town, hdtlie bo ivi an tohavo now outiCit,' it wo'ifld bn" "'both wi for thit purpose,. ! t?"Ck,ils mostly, kept uP6 t he 'i hunfoll, and declared thatAlie, -ro y . gst councillor for- the sake Lot seles mains �verytbiii­, p�ssiog off Thollianiondisahrdgem. -ant sin in praotice. to oontiou�ln our midit. the In d' and Are,. let newspaper in their _d_4�s attest . 0 ountain-ske in summeri tin U. 1; id: diScusi tho question, with it sliao'dthno�s *Ijiali nigat'glijoy. Tfivse:tli , ree DyInon(Kare ortid, irtic'elinrch of Chriat has's dtity to pet -form down oil the table. land.9, foot hills, r�U4 in the We're t6so'of her,buiband,- and li.14 thom AMILIES led, to. baveitproTed homes,- should,. no colut xy xior_raxiing hors6s; rd - Vonore, and they are otborwise. qualif 16t that'n� attior organiz. �,ll,yff, It is a, fi . . o �whati co-�rio et6d b for06 Aluiphys. in this roatter, a Warred. Hughes, lio,j4dV6r, ro orded OL Specimen oopy.of the "I Family Afimt Clone. orchestra; fion "a perform all(l who'shall.tonso her up but,thc�ajo of a�yerr inibrior',stock! to a d;titid'Weekly: Star!, published lit 'we hink it would b -gratify good, bedltb,. Montreal. By dropping a postal gold to tho pub - of o tvisd6m'to 'to OrAe Pei. kbother lArber has ifiiig prit los Vo r in tlib ilinse home I at Tuea4y nigh e pr I ayer will grao t) Village, His -c ship of r. J. W. 'Hol�awlc and lead W o4u, but th - tjoraids of he Cross? of'.Canad j" wwant mpdrtera, very bad, who ind Mis. Hgh a lishero, sample ooi)los will be You lvijl; in �s. was so b d1j. fizighten6d the , aa the seats. of the.oard are p;uf Th6 Hon-lohn. Bright saysi � I The ministers ad I am SL -to be,i big 135,eoO oc it even If you do not subscribe. 10 tions 4�ed-iilv r for thb n6w, douu' il to d* greatly �o n' be deligRtod to a rollo" L-eact; Side of. the Vridge over i' t -bririg;in wo, oda�cii afid. *ot Id blooded stock,, a ur6 at h,is appilarance that She is said ficiently mumeroui to ac�ecim'lnodato_ all b.e bi to h a'n�d the mulfitii-des of man afid o' thby. be Well repaid for theii venture.'. readois in Unmade; 'Handsome -cask the evening'k pleasure. Creek in in a disgracefal and dangerous condi. w a.critical conditiorw 0 09pred to Agents wap lir At OU e it6jialL fall Ilhow I S&W'two lambs _tcL(I every-, MonLIX0 teu.to them from weqk to week can both diapose.oLC The poriormnce conclud6d ivith'tber I - rr who are qualified 'anx]. 'eager*i'io �ioiil It is -very.. harrow and. ivithvlCi protec. Wake thii reform You Seek, " At tbis important . On Wednesday evening, Nov, 22, IVIi. la-whable farco of " Pholem AfcQuiro,'� tion against anything going over the cinbank.. is, L that had been brought; fiam our-'Oduada, this occupy thein. ainmoint will be al meM, is About ton feet high, kild ther I o cri3i 'whenour 06uuty'is, about tp, be called - _6 took' the J?Irst Frizei Rymal' school tdachor-rosidin; in the vilT last summer, vhi 9 he C e I valued'at' $2 of $50, 1 will you. ii6t impress up6h the They are owned by two adians, ktiowia,aa 0 pal no im 5 Play, sometim' aboub.Chriatmao, are, three noisy.6tcani inills ol'nso'at b9dil,, On 0, a4d a�, S a! Priz -,.,vvbo ' ­ - - I I F. L liqub; 6, h i*tl*. t - t iere. is a Friday, an -111r. iving- Chia We make'no, sug es�ions as to lit"' tha* t, I alnng to -­Broi. 'They haVo'2,600 he a , ingwi IT ttri WIT Another entert van by upon to record its vo�dioti regard to the lage pf'Cafliele, wag bitten by a ca6 whilo. R-EALD' 9 A rumor is curre Xolly'wag dr wild of those who p6sooss the fran tell ion to the' t. we thero,' gilme boi his, fesslra,,Cook ad *oilindi but while r6ading thii would be good inen to sole9t, bil Tim, goneyono firmbir ndw pick6th do t Ilse.it for Gi]td and humouity 1 � that it Is no o faheep, and. as ma�by bors�s and cattle. next evening suddonl�jtmi;isld,up, exolim-. poor no*spap6ro Nvbon You can probnKe­tbe W.T . StarP9 borse, wbibli, broke Oyer the edge,, kollyhi�a- linere, party, -con bebt, but a quistio _�poldonod !" and in. attempting in clubs of five now subscribers aym.doeiseh, lids-drolcost turkey and tattenth it - up to - n of life or Ty, - , - "Family 11(eirald auqLWcokIV would state that we b a v e ri f; t mw' [ell. is� oSelf jo.sup(!aL to emining riteiiiiati di this country areL ing, Am lnoned.forjho, spatqhof� b sivess in present.to-lifs favoritil.editor—whi and escaped uillfiijbred, but the deatl� t�L th6 - igala, A'S Wall as -the above. at averaill, And tliere' is abundance of' to go Am i i6th d 6rin' that 6 r Oil * h, liorl;6 and buggy inpt into tba.water.'' Who . a 3 0 act re.�ido.n�ofoll in- The "Feimilir .-Meralu anel- or present Alao of the NEW I�A.i, lf� ojir!�,W -too 44 cif mingro.-ygi; Wb'�bavii- Athwgroariimn� newspaper of this country. It hag a C rho a is more i 01*4hoing ;-,,.a th forlliausiii e Y. ble trio horso WAS cut, loose it fled lionio,and l6ft, e-throiliold.- IIG'WXS Put tZ) national alm and scope, odd is cdftqd with the ut -to -accept �id' son�e d ddLL and. at tho'latest �66uu il M066' munielp --Uoncn- :,�Urjh ssod.io,givoi" will liVe w'4on`0aity­diat;iu6ti6h r, orskd66s n' the way Of Placer. b the buggy,to, be fidbed out as beittiidv 2;io y %'he woe %It I- L' . ti wa at 1 -carainvery depart ent. Itopigo mines, autrt -at Rome bigTionanza.s.1a1be budy A r. Farran's nal* Th e vrit for V ill Vort, 110po Whiloonly thesohool dhildrisit and �ommoa vine, dommission ne'ver soun4ed 'I s cle� 1&13;bjd to leaVe It' thought, a coming,year, and as b-1 'i o., long shap is roobt. nd. 'apl-6 tdrinblod, into thidwater or. ofuckin the Of Cattz and`silver ores, and miner'illo unfailing h6urco,of now and instructivo,informa- Guidc,.Mr. Hiodm4n dilli.voiCd. re" *A day or,tw Mr �wlth represent Qikdw all, in plaice P f tbauv&w. 110swipf,man1hav C1 a wo C oc,alekindca are to be found lie but As I fire 0 iag sT'i'6iieugh`bv, -of tion - Itq editorial colutnus, under tbo -nianagoinent of has beenmentioned ; most interesting lecture al; Garden, Hill, �mud it did not u�Cter much,' Buti this 19 "A In confibetion pow&fel and vigorous writois, :present a ,.ve woulCalsb state of. the late HOD.L. oil Tuesday la t blo Rua strong dictice. This nt A hdrge�of another no minor 1. am unable- tb say much �bout' Millbanki whilo. cngag�A - in, r at, to a larito in differe affair altogether. in favor of political odonj)my,.0xpogo till-knoy- the' Inap):ality, . Caindroil, has i succeeded " in g( Tile deceased was 'ruptl I gentismail hal Atilig no loss Color An it We're, and ilO;V thiti thing rOlIgIlt*6 i� Ye ininisters of Ohrlst'tho Lord- them, -1 once had tho,gold,lever, and want her,'hougeliold duties. I ory and got ton, aud poirU outtho vpya and that b6 positively declines, its he feels bion dospilteliedio the returning officer. plodo,6, be looked ill ter an God'a messengers of love to iuinir�j in tha� bad of the Jefferson, river, wifd.of Joseph L Willougliby, . Who, fter for fho navancoluelit of the industrial and agri6ulturai d;tho road'iflonded. intoreiltsef the country. The agrienl6ral department wsixi�-4fivc,persono to sign the who plead his cause and preach his wo,rd, but I lost t�00 in fifteen days, nd madd no. %busing her moa r. 'COnlinissioned from above. il shamefully,. and sovoral of the Family Aferald azzil Weekly Star is that his - time is so fully, occupied iTomilottiort, will take, I th v- since1he 2nd of Z10ombe A turner is about atArtiag business.in'toviin f. go I JqJ1aCA'Cd P 0 On "' 89v thing, Our meclian. timesAh fits-�Of'intb�iQatioi thrdatenifty, in obalIgb of men of intelligenen and practical oxpexienpo -and poll benefit I th6ft �Vllo if,be-cau got power..'; Join heari and hand, blorid prayer and song, ieal ffiterostS are good ibut -limited to. 6ortain. ilifurming. Tbot-VatorizirLry�jaikd4gMediemill(lepy,�tf.,, in other duties that he could not deVoto enth [ing on, the ourteenth. of 0srsiss' CLtrA.—)?Qr the 0 And Inclose plislanx stand; I;or life, deserted'hdr about threc, years ago, are intereated. in the.gamd of obess, we are -P, TWly -is buying pork, As well as all kinds lines of tradd, I will m6a Speak about our wants, new feawre in newspapor press,, are unelej,,tho s im. orfa ce re- December. Combined to imil;6 our country's wronge little 01ty, Holanw, c4plt4 the tojritor�t. sinco whiqli time sho-has toiled incessantly- charge of gentlemen of'.cminent profoosiouM skill and that attention t6 it it' p n tostate that the "Olinton Che6 of grain. And chase it from the land, of Urged o'kporlenco. The: moiiotary nud'commorcial ted I I . I to'support1or family of six swall children club" was Organized On tbo.ovenini, of Men,. �ith 4 Population of five or Rix tousaw, dopartifibiLt gives the du't-complotereiiortit)fthariniLnr quires. Ilon. Mr. LaAamme was re road ior Sleighing in novr here, :a plealiarib respite 41 the drink-ften4 long ban earned odr raca� who are now left, with'nothing tb depend I ILI. affairs of the grell"t, tto'cofifl. --Presi, from-puddlVig"In the '.mmd., Long in it I .( . U Jacques Cartier c6tinty enter ay n!a.� dao last, witli the f6llowing officers. XY Ilipying heaven and earth; - which Is not.,Wifiid any city in the East for nent, tbt! ttilling prices And market w4u6 of these, 11in v taken nything that can be mentioned'. Sho. has on but the charity ofsh world.. pjodnCo eill'James Turnbu]14 Wee-Frosidents, 0. W, .1 t breath taintil,overy placa and merebaddloo, The ,Family Iferald Jori y, o as th ' L6ndoi F5, t#V28-6�ve -hin OPPO �e Radton, Peter:Cavan, Sec,-Treas,, 1). M. Jndcem,nts are offered by her Wholessile establishmento, co�ducte b w. R,11(1 Weekly Star" is tilo-only impot.in, the Bug - I th ird 'to vote Standing;' 0 thil leading Iner" any Shall'.this &eat curse prevail f Eastern citips. , She imports all hei any dubsoriber ..and that out lieftviesh ratepayer 1'2 2 'Ifalleeh. Vartii . 41 Itow long, oh rIghtdolis Lord I 110 16hi syatematicnRy4mkAWy_-hOUSe InL an f the. Ifuh louguago that agrees to rofund,t A paper III Blyth, Mr, vlhO iQ not thormight —A desplatch t 0 AbOVO E d. what would induce "you tb.omo.ve your u,,'10t'h'c Yt hto Do wishing'to become members of the'place to start see to it thlit-theiv. interests, 'as well a London, Way., 20. the 'of the club; may consult.. of t71, To. gouges light rite in your might,' Iryolgoods, Paperi .25 porannurat clubs of flvenow the interests of every resident of 'the TiMell'from, Argosannolunces'.thatr So fie-- mon#o"iLoillora. not but�here. ? 12 , rdware and crockery; and. all else names $5.,A-110 oflialidsome cash prizoois publishedin ...And mike the. demo, grocerieu,,lij -Y� s manufantured. hFarm, stock' �f Mr. T. Cooper, lot 40, .01 v marm, while excavating at the oupoo d re od to Mr. We ohl.yeport ores, th al)cr.�C&4vassorsvrantodav here. Sample copics town, is not injuired by negl6b"a"na -in- - CHEAF,GRocEnizs.�B7rofe n -4 that The'dbaugo in the railrdad timetable pleaseo bullion, unnianufqoture(I instalo, cattle rind ' i .. .. . . . . I . site of th6 tonibe of Agamemnon and C - Dobies advertieem�ont it will -be 6", people, one does not have to turn CA so early lts�j6lftder to $Plk4s. con. 9, Goderich'to.wriallip, -o4 the .6th 604 off in' to, to s4it 4ny place, and can got home earlier in "AS. How oil, and, )difference. sand has discoireirid i me go subter he is Offering his lo dues uTitil. the last two years.. 'We are' now Do a S7.7.. urchasers, wh T lin! _IW� i torubms, cigntaining a tt,01,19.0 doing. lome -C' 0 so ich he is' doing in conse. v Spikes, now lot your bristles down) doing a trade withBritisix Colquillia, better he Zil A - b9l.o.liging to estate of . ION' great ivarietv,-of gold and silvar. plate and abnoeof the premises being solA Be quiet, And grant, no more.; ��rcmlsw, 22nd 'TIAL ELECT and- re- - Toz Dvimcrx AcT.-r-�Tbe circulation of the known here as thq hoop'up. country, The W. Turner, bit on tho Br me, petitions. in favor of the Dunkin Act IS' being so tl;oir sttp� D c.' D.-Dick-inso Avict.. rbfor6 this is a gentfino Sol an pushed rapidly forward in thid sqption. The. Will find tha ulio a bore, THE PRESIDEAN jewellery. a, d 'Whatever Council . rules . th a . t6Wn plies of us, and it is. to be, and is coVetea by Farm stock,. &c.. ired to vacate them ih a short ti Caila�dian m6unf;M Polito purklia, queg Berlin, Nov: 24.-14ettora received hara I t yo W A satisfactory decision to tbp reporb that th6 Russian army of the Pitith bar ains ill ortainl� be .-Ivan. Don't township of Morris and Wawarl6sh as well no Iiy us; for it is fid'sinal 1. trade, at good prices, and of 6o latp ___,Turner,.on the 25th tion of who is,to be the next president ha o been furnish6d with Clothing for 4 fail got Some. ullett1ave been pretty thoroughly canvam- on had got a rousind lood. teady mondi, Sluw I starto.4 1�uainekla here v Of corporation Pap, W.1-larrison." mail and doubtless will mve largsl ru4jorifies; inter. 1paign. The commander -in. No, matter ]low the town might bleed, iiX.Tune, 1 have t­rwl over one thousand OS Auctioneer. VNTHE GLOBE PRINTINO *c. of the' United States, ap be as Tix WZATHER­Fcr� this tirpo'of year in favor of the .F&gt You would not c4re asuqp, pound saolin of r�ueiving all average Farm of 100.aores, lot 6, 6th c6n. Stailloy knowleilgo the triumpholt success that hafrattintled the n4 �"2 cal ; the tommisoariat, the engineer�_ 1ille Vwr berls quiie nind, and up�to within' price of $5.50 per saelt. Sppgarske of. Tina wmrmrit exom; in its new and im far as ever fiom beina, ft'rrived ing artillery, and oth R of tha. ary o . a f 40 vwr a farmoia. liaVel beep able to carry ORAxfm SoiRm.—The niambra of T4, 0. L nd Since you . r go I led. pdlntd all, are- gono, I will now brink, thix oommlinication 6 a 105 acres, lot 21, north of Bayfield road proved foirm.. The vast ouculation that It.has scourca* go Soiree 1 - sorry fdr your loss close, with a.ijroraise of r6aming' it - atjm ostd 6ir. oirk-i inch as Ploughing, ditching- on or About Christma�. A large gathering is am -to. estate of. W. Aurnor, at Var era fit Great'Dritain and the United States, leave no roo- there seems to be a doterminat'i n on I No. 083 intend having a grand Orlin and the onthuAlastic, approbation that, co!663 Irom fill have been f6rmodi' S' taule' ; and-giliating, And sw.mills, b6- gootions-ol theMominjon, as well t pin and they hayn been able to do expe . otbd. If point or fiike you have got none, period, hoping that I haio'satisfied Aetna 6 10 ilogillay the Ill ofit Madrid, N6v.,4 20.—An Important. debat; earl ar. of the P.epublicatis tol'CO his couittly is a go6d,nno to emigrate v, on. the 23rd Ded, D. Dickiiison Pon to�dodbt that the jAblishers biwo stiocco&d in pi�o-. took JACP in congress yesterday on the an a sit mount of this kind of '-work Xb'wonder yop are crose. thatit to, dualng JJjisfall. ho 'roads are'very bad, offthe to pergone who desire -a rhilder cliniato than in a Mient, 1li Mof tie Re-' question of religious toleration. The disa Prea Tl It you ere sharp you might get on Auct. -A NVeekly Journal-= the.1lighest clasia. Rielble—the snow that ClejItennial lt6ms. omo, cattle driver's goad, Caliadst. Affords. and� one tliat holds' ougreat Farm sitock, of ..Clarko, lot 27, 2nd. con. 11 turning Boards of Soutla Varolina, and, cusaion lasted eight lioura, and tesulted iiv� gravel AlMoatjmli But the success �acblsvtd in the past yeariwon y Ono Inducements to -those who *!sit to betAer their Went Wawanosh, da Dea., Oth, '4ames. otildr, IA0 inithg6palth of $dTafteoment'. Jn the -comf" 66 v6te by which tbe majority of the Jigilife has fallen not'being sfifficient for aleighing, To iltab the steetsand iluake then! run condition pectiniarly. Ilowson)-auct, yeai fresh progress will'ba made, an 9� Lonisiana have so dOne, and in SotitlJi declared its approval 6f tha Goverrilffiblit bilt vory littlet mote wold niake good The niiirrow puga railroad on he Von, in fury 'long the road. remain yours. respeot(tilly, Farm stock, of P. Ale]) d that of a, charso. I& fiinst wo greatly increased Itiforcistand val*5 ldb'20, 0011, to the paper. Carolina they are ninsging. tro.ops-,for Xneallore. sleighing to the north ofus* tonnial rounds, has carried over (our mil, The series of Illngtrated Diographlos of 11 never be ichin 4, Hullett, on the 30th inst, T -rovir lion of p4i3sengors since t1lo'beginning, But Spikes Yew 91 as, b Public Men that has this year atracted go DrIlFviurm Pop. SAi,r.—It will be geen Spring4leJeffierso 1 son aucL attention will be continued - during thig, Yosr by the purpose of inauguration, ('hamber. R9v',,'Dr. Potta stated -on Friday, al t There is no one to 4uoiqt ; . rice. 'Nov. lath, 1I 0 the: early closing moohig', that Dr—Tap- by advertisement that the �own in offering Tli� Ardet tires that are to remain dn the __A ililke is but li'mielesi think able and experienced vriteto and ongravers; . but ther lain as (�ovovnor, who, the Ro�ablicaug duritio, 'the next, Session debentures for safo$ drawing Six per Cant. Cen6iinial grounds aro thp.Main Buildiw., 711 It has g66 no point. onite Lim Fllfo., PoArhits Of MendisthiffulaSad In early0onadis.1 's L :&a these debentaies are transfarrable they' Mi&hineiy Hall, Alemoridl,11alli Rorticul. MARRIED., per"isitop cited �y tlfb same VO a as to dIng,4he Get. 'tor J, t1i ay, is ele' introduce a' bilt' the object of which will )*ou talk ot Council- foot ig Month, 'the. Edt Aaompluiipa by JuttOoting rcia'torl6o A 1�j,4 X:jVga a e IIaye8 : but the Democrats, who jot -the be to'do away'wihi late sittings in Farlia- are An excellent ni-eans ot investmentl6k total Hall, St. Cloorge's Bui Now plainly it appears e Rev .97-0. Moor 14—Jo�41.V.-4A6 the residened of the ms0, thoie p6raons who may wish to use their man Pavilion, the Japaread Building, and obaerve that 4n your notice'of the brides'"fatbor; ou the 29th inst., by Rev. ment, Youre cannot bigger be,'forsooth, 8fET0l]fDS,,QP CiAAbfAtt jqA1VtTVAL ieEN1;1lr.. ,I destruction by fire of Peter NoDonald's barn, rnes Moore, to Aliss WS, I It* Urciipt they move your -cars, 'a Ifullett, published in he Alice, V OF DRINGIPAL CITIL3-AND TRYS, ins,jority of. the votes that - viere iolleat in o, in%) thereatter. Parties the Ohio State Iluildiug. Dr, Wall, Mr. Ja 1 3y avo only WO Carl Putchade a The Centennial dividend to bo dis Joslitty -second daughter of Mr. ,rhg second By-law for ralsilnq tlid aum of MCI'" with its contentig, i it is not at all likely will tamely sabnait, $16 000 to �.ay for Ald now, 111gh, school titto WWU is a Safe Clara"' (.,Ircpt hoof Asia mouth you posseag, last issue of your,* pipae, my name. is 130 op CANADA, AkU oundawassubmitted to the 4eb t nvestment, Which it is expected will ba forthcoming gra4s; 0 urrelice A# John Jonliu, all of Clinton. Viell7s. Oj'tht most notable Publie to this apparent Outrage. I fillftptoA, F P.4)1 too time next Spring, will bei abeitt $ust turn you out to 13DAW—HAL7,71,tWool).—On the 22nd, inst;, t . . 'Iding and gr son asliet than tiiis loafl t eighty a A] room for the inforenco that f either DoInIntoll, bill ch e It tiny go tonip, ad with that rinfirtunate OCC ratepayers of Perth on Saturday, and car- Then a6youa may safel ve degree of.seduri percent, that being just eighty cents more OVe yi) 7,, guess by the Rov. T, Brooki Robort Beaq� of Nylth 00146tig lnce . -Piosi degetip - tions Aitkeli.61 to their candidate for Governor, is' �Iot'idle ried by i majority. of,fifteeri votes. This ty. . you,11 urn an A No. 1. burned, or Caused the barii to be burned,. — me table oil on or Tnix:—Th.6 ti the dollar than those who subscribed not-. been-for-Ibisi-1 thould notrhavir ­Clbotner.1o. Sarah of, dfmthi eotlY hiStOl'Y'Of - t4gh P1600 0134 -Of dr 'is everex VAt-IOU9411du4trlef;;it)WI)roPeeutediath6m. ThmovIll at this juncture, finlih seftles :tUe tiorth Iligh. pectea to see. Adieu, dear SpIkeb, no* I must ' fly, troubled you with this corn' n Hullett. bacatefolly reparedior To); art-, ulty the 1, It. has been ohatiged, find mu icatioll. Butl 0 - I suni n fact, The Americans lvivci �ee*n assisted by t My'rhynid is only fuu ionsidet myself bound, in self-ildstfence, to to meet the crisis. The cet-tainty of . oil better. fifile will be inade, i he oprr,—Oh tbo 23ed iust.j -by law and wiflerA, whose gorviceit fordin coming yearliato Sqrizutlzus. less than, 6,000 black 'a state 901of alkeitdy been secured. Over twenty thougaud of fhoi scarcely Any road- I Canaft-mae.qvisgood world to got up a �roat exhibition. At itt 13ht. stop yournq1ne, �r, by the bye, facts, which, while gettfug'm' self ilia Rev. T. Brock, Ile, John the e 09 ba02 the public, may ttirow Rome ight linto * 4 -4 it leetion is a *very serious matter for a(Inirt-61A have alre"ady been killed, In the ojng, Is 'Some wff WILY $Pike YOU 9414, Bowey, hubocriliers of Tax Giont Eire agridulturalists usly, by sportamo run TI morning expre will Ionvo and, they shovied. 66ir gratitude Vy onford- . . rgt' which rl tic!Tiity of Rod n tleOln 1)6' Wiugham at $ instead of 7.30,- and arrive ing burdensome enstolliA re4brictions which WADPWMER; he facts you bad not when y Sr. 'of C n, to blrs, Lucy Cooper, of (Lod they tvill be gtatitc? learn that TJ Z CA, ADAVA ItZil. the Union, for it is hl�eetling� sttifo.iin4 01, alit' pot under the title of Tile in Lond;_n_&t_10""i_.m,, makfug_iTf6­f.ti& of compolled'inany'f6reign exhibitors to take Xov,'94, on Idt. Uh that bit - and otbei 'placob, rote ihe article above referred to. Iton., ill 0 1 in stating S contentiou, and as this may, opogsibly Slaughter still eoutinsiblo, and an.� day in their goads home again. The goodg were In the first place, you ate wroq oAt_E-,4_C.VAlo,"In Goderich. townAbip 0 GLOBE �'Ah MR11 R 'the baggage Cra of the C!, . R'L tercuty miles In t*6 hours $Dclsidlngstop A role wl the fire occurred on Saturday night, it -was n the 28th IDA,, at -the residonoo ofthe' TNOVEEKLY age-$ or running at About forty wiles an Cheap end of fine sitiality, and file Vankoes to granted on'. Alonde, Sunday night lant, InItho heXt place you Sa MCCLuaig, y bride!s mother, tiv the Rev. F. Ifts: rillaurn will cenge to appea as a aspiwato publlo, - lead to bloodshed, it causes 9 SLOPPA90i, traitis ��o can see, bundles of q, couple of Flo 11 r. Wollm 1lav proAtpd by buying tbom; but morning, againgt Hon, Goo. rown) Ao the barn coutained the season's crops. This "0 some degree, in the buainoss, of t1a hundrcds oil their way 4n tho home of the the Government. forbad a Clio urchaso,prac... managinif director. Q.1 t , is aIto a mistake, forat, Jolist.d., Air. Goo. Scales, to Miss 0. both oation, its entire of aff of editoro, oontObn' oits� and 0011 - he Qoba ortion. of the , ed to Tile M i�axtv OrcliA.' 0 —Whilo other ondouts'*111 be trangfori sivortanifin in Buffalo or Detroit, tically ordered the article* off tboi a Co., coUng upon him to, allow causo. why Nemon's cl�6ps had been thisoXil got and f (4odorioh- township.-' 116,19 Via whole of the Valuable sgricVJttR4l mhttot BOO - aces Jay claim to �hlimpions of someort, r soil, ittl tofoto pabli-khod In TUN FATonst ivill thereaftdr spDosr cotiqry, which is There is it serioua outbreak of snIAll-pox' is Only vored'thoLSOVOrjgft I)COPIOLby ",keep. lie thoula not be Committed for coutoolpt bAlllcd to plarkot lAtoreiho (fro, N the third SlimrpAni This nownttradtieft Will alone, amount of distrOSS. a(4ijbili, a t right t1latclaini shmild ho put in 90 fri __ isil th Goderich Tlp Settlement 4 Icelanders oil to ng l"t week we ilig their riloiiey iri thd coun0y." publisher of atl artiole Globe, 'on you say the,dotitonta, were partly insured, on, tha, 22nd lost, the vasideneb of the be, worth to ovary Intelligouo fvr r:m 0 m6feths. bit t - Olin ion. One evoni me # h n let the faqts sho,;twhotbor bridoli father,, year's snboorl take Wirinillog. Twenty'deatlin occurred oly 8th, onnitia6itlTig on tho 0"0 of simp. o of . 1. . 'This uncertainty in' fli idfffiesii6d -a very uniiinual feat, the inorlo so 'A! immaWo pioribb of undlintio(I baj., Rome allot, 4 irligO IR It Ore insured. The contnbto,�ero ins&ad for P, Goo, Sheppard", td Mine; howso popular, will ba, the ltealw "401T M "r Tel Matild (in X "Lum. 6(-t k4 T) ri fiailim - iievz -14 fig-_ E niout of Dei Lynch, a pbyaiciAh sent b 1vointin,' A borne wits atanding in (rout 4 ew Ynrk, Awaiting tho orderi -of thou. $1,500, bi the Goro Mutual, Fire rosurance, Cololougli, both of (lodorich Tlp. malutalued in 3877 with iucroAffed vigor, e I , y dissatisfAotion%vitlitlio8ygtdra df oleC- Liaut..Govoruor MftriA, iloder atillicirif, 01 inlotl Ills cited WAS prejodiced. Arcillits. The hopatimait of Abinverm to Vorregpoliaontg, on fitoro,: and placing 110.V ifln0i halleath it, SSTMA Of travollers who torik Now Y,ork- City 11 collLvallyt as I haverasdortaitloa from tho COM, MCLAOAX—SAfftft.—In 408c, Call. every vArlety of oillijoeta, Which has, Provoid so vdinalii and InforegUlix to evowds- of rogtierti, Vill receive M* tion, and the papers arli aisdtleging fhe from Ottaw";- Dr� Linch fklsi�raphs tha bn flibir wity to 11W any S agent At Cilatolij Aince I aaw Votir 6-r� 'by the ReV. A, J. cromed Aho sictall raised 41141 carrind it ome -in And fron the Centen of, twenty Tudians &6 aridy Bir onli two, (listatice. Some nisly doubt tl�lq, but, it, is 33XIiibition. '. I�Jaijy trAv'ellori were impo3oll Itobiuslon, (,� C., appeared for the triotion, riolo. Any Peisou at all familir with farm. Mr. Jan. formerly of %,he political and General News frbin fill pattn: of the q estion, as to w-hethev a MOO t boon pasdo& oudor' and lio one coutrit; 36 if Onderstood ing-hi, this cc r .v � what. Fro", U stirvivq, -An nriler ha a -fact; ilovertheleaft, billy th, l($ts0_ was 9 tlliIt blarkelt d dodfad, OILY- form-aou4 ida Voth'of It nolb.-alWoLIS Xsewatiq Aq�fAk eat�fjlishing MBr�wn wilt illlowcawo in. Portion. V0.11gle cropl; , D LOU Abres of -land, lbas liamentivri Debates, Federal and proviftelal-t1hp, cannot be adopted. threo''times longer than 'ill ill till$ h&V6 San -Jose., guil Firiallolai liepotts, ilb.bonig, rind aliv600-iina t.he a-'o-p'S 'wof a-13on't"frorn here 111 1, 4111 beworth,anilwi Xiotters gh, the quarad n tutral kcq ing o ortor 'The Pros ONI y 0 111toi that the sistera is a6firalt, 'tbo'd *ill be a fat oaduh per4bon: C )a 0 of flaying, tot�st Nvill coriffinto to be dollootv% ap-) eo�ilftted with all proolamall�h of tbd L n41118 to aliforee it'. A - ehow .1til resu-1 radal; , ! ; ­dattlo-bho. voplv-ftoum Cat sacrifico, and tho buyer readily.vb. the G uolpli, IttraIrl The rate for t 0, IF, brussels, �111 tliw.31.al f I ts jord(lueod arq not tvo 0overooti vat—no 1666 t uted 0 IV or the, auelpides of tho H,- B A. be worth. fqiit rAnkof Callat erostotinoftt, Tho niortilicy Is attrib Ifidt tile tick4its in the houl township of Minta, for all plarobses, this Doter OrAnt, father of Mr, 1-4. Or I , s under tha care callse the, condition of thln&, or at- t110 sofil t, The Liftrar had LAW' D0,p1%ifmtnf to ill-ventil4ted �Iwollingi, bad tooA and oil the 12th Dec., wh.41 . A-46. Otdua, thing yott nooln to feet e . I I 00i $oar, is only six utillit on the Aol lar. out artAin, that Winton, in his 70 year. and racy; w0hrob. Dog tjifl In of rizes will be- dZered for tile somopbrsbu get fird to thlo bilm, I have no, stotiov, betiaos 1111OX dut. tondant otteamstani Y be 60,1194- ent of madipine, We 'tfteorp hogo pooltrysinid rg ago Ebb ratepayers votod'075,000 to The iekul� of thd �oll it, 016 CoUllity of reason to disagree with yotl,on tWm poibt Go4orfelli on XOV, 28ttl Un Vdwlird 1 1 ThO AnualoAND, but Haidinland ir4 6 majority againA the ituAt, you oqiia%, agroo that whoever did tba Chlh�algnaj jailer, ilgia 44 years asid'll fs a is the oaae in . the. Vnited - Statelsf'o_ tal ways, Vvery school AoctioA in the towliAldil is flotv inipliffild with 9(JOd new doad,91tooldbe 1)010�1 t; 6N libretofordo obly TWO Of th(i-Drit' ofeetil6cstabomade, fPhiN will, boa, good P. ANN1111 gont,froe. of' V60016 The presout�i01A)iitAn19 Of 60 'Uniori fariliARd I nolinni house, . Two vt)lr, og andit, plirb ol'a ly pulibed, I invite at, in, the ratio of tanadit Awl the FAIlba'StAtot, Pasilbfi IntviAtIll. III Advairied, The ish Iron TrAds Aesoolatlu, 61;sitog thAt oppoctubity for, farmers: to oi Cos. of their It 110 � Cabin quilt, comprishig eLver 111,8 ratoil cn(Vot 1116 Conroe of w1oh �( U,ill be able) to Mallory the ai!e not liko ihosd thi9t inadgurktt ? I' b6l �Iur '1111( Av4i 'rl i,;. paid publid. of bly Innioddnat). though I can't promim i larga proportiOn of the furnaces ina plu stok, Anit they R'h( itcei fini 1%'tol beent nomisloted by A1;08 lie tell) SOMA, trw4weirtIly It will A180 1) proaent Ry8t0rd—UU out of blatit, ana it Aill largerpropoction S(AvOl; of it�, " 0 It 900st til`04 Carolina Ifowo;, of Vilkington; Next, A 11,60, mid yet,"the r06 Ad much for ill arti6A intore u go ant rod'lleo sted, I I A,10ILLI - BOOK VON_ and singl millIdOrl—b0b 6OV66ugs Ulf' Of. niall(J316 iv�si Pl-6 el'ollad, T.bou. to dieposk of. other ki J - rb The, 0overnmenb haq rmfifl&l blip AllAn iii -At ding tilted r4fi, is 0111y, Me; ltditdr you W 11 do �26 the ingtido of pub" gntl ondorw, at tho'l-000 V.80 Pdroopy. wi lishlug 16148 Rernpuloum and toklelis g4nds of b640 of hero, that lit filifirk darifig the rN 11 . 0 C��Ios 4nel ov4r�0 the role of,%1.7,1 per copy.,. ("Robargtd frCm Tordtito AtI4.0ther ditieg.. ou 61) trulv, 1) . 1 .0'. . WsIges. 0 ORO a. Wdi fit �ky(Qd AixylAky In it liberty toget up r, hil own ke. watoii 9 ary and condmdw '404JI06f, fill all 04141:rax 10.1teod of partlaull. DoNilitol lt=' M7594 It is, therefore, 'gibbait im) tal b hodf, of the Methojiob Habbath 11th ulb", com I q*o*� 151 1676. changeg tount bo, M106 100tor CrAwtor'd10 I otk,.� 600,100 014 filfty 140% olall lviptr to 1)6 adams-ml Ana redy '; I w in ne St, �otcraburg, Nov, dtinfilLittlit d4ots- &0., w4s 001011, bo tot, miy PoAE-ofty. 'York Zorald, digoullititig thilf Wlt t0f 941ibol hin At. abil Afoadeiw alollof it) frolil Ills otat No,* CAlitid, #66A, rarmj gotallit tl�, 6111bg *111 bit 0111)11611 %lih KV461. d file x6iih ot pinglaud) bitf, t. h[A on 610hath littit" by -9116 Roy. the IoAts of, N6,060,000 roublog" IIhe 104M W4$ aud Go_ r4w eopict -61' Tirp VttRty CAN.WX ri;ru. - "1,, lboovokoa 6 '09194 Awo ZX. C Ooinlgiou Tol, Col says i8 uo v6ry girbitt In 11%1l' Of St-rf orloil to - Dotoo. 41 mil Affor ;, t ' QY�4011 eby tiltv ImporiAl Illmso- 61 ov, 18th, ex� 1.1601 n Mialtud poutild'aff, and sotlawla'! h6 vef, larglo hall morning rld. tivoll. 4,00itintable, nudbor of boya helping" ifiboagelvou to Tho �Vemlff.%* GtAliv A"n, IDAM Mufft0t be gmt Our prg6nt sytitabi the ptolsboht. 0i oboil tha� awoont. Of 8041(irtky WIIOW0066414d, fOlIt ri-pplea in hig orh hf Ph4taRr, fo ols haii, dav$Mdon lot bot� 6612,6114d ki t, qland, it If6ildoy cv4piog llost-oMotin thol Itnitail MAW bbildf 6r aby 111R(,A In orbut 11rifeln top F42.24%. 1 . cannot alwAys Continua but u� 81641101ita r16 hrolto nil t, oll Tilewl;ly roomill g in daya aftotwardg fit arrosting ona �fltrtin Dobentu�ep for SWL , yet boon propoadi `Ii & large 'Afia All botig t41� ou, loug1ho 0, tho asbbAkil go, hull.ft, 40t. the bo by V. o, I wbd t ith t lli-o 6 ww'41,A114A jolyliilz tho Jt#)t0JJ fillrAlft f4 f�b# theft, ' 110 M.Aff botoro 86001 , bfUto 4A61% ou, 4114 20 VoWittdUoOR to, bo tddkb�W tt� thj! i� youths by fraQ lot 91 WI 304 bohylfig Interest at PXN ton pro, 06 the ueAna 201glum ab (44 4 wili iio th thol 01ob *6011 Ino A 111114 1 wo1111161 by A t� 4aillost 1 knoml 'to 4 mell I -46hE l (inlat 1 w4� id hoa'illil lim ia liba tin �tlt 16 hild 116tbli Whith At N, x1pJ14 Rota 46,101 aml *06ta Iff wijitt 06 0016till or §� po= th- f", I ife 4 W11, Itim lie dOk "I 41 16w, foul trkdol it 8VIA g 4A it. ail T r q r e or0 It 7 at q tl t, IN F _p ti 'n tFs ha 4s of 10 IIno, _--rt r9. w yesteird y. y , �o he `Ulp \(C), d- b \an P fail't '01 g T _a W ev hurl but nrem to W d , In or, the fien h 'it 'I'l And fe fen olint y of All a a& lig is at. h on a t tabor fattoa ter A.. . ..... ... . ... .