Clinton New Era, 1876-11-23, Page 40 A41,104 "P9110 About to lUrry, h g or A,$ 8 0 4P ca.' ..4 g 9 13 IM " -0 you D*g wollino "iii:1ill bor lover Was' Jig C, L I NIT 9 12 X.9 H") oi\T­o,.H,G-ANS 0 0) ilia 1111dilight, 11-ahl And P4 tP4j, +1 o U94. to 111) lllal,3101. of P -i :W,. -D .0 Il"" RT *t g I %VOI)111,givo Ali HIPt Of 1001-alini 5 1. $41 4, tile 04, P. 4-,, - " C�� wid �4 0"1 -.4 t1ill #l; V OROANS till; W4. ';,' '. M ;� _,%, *9 - XAXUTAC1T1VXZr-U� 0 N lviec ) I - ,,I 'N e1, here UUg J;kdv '11110 a NTS YOU I g 0 ill AND'aliNRAD J. 4S or,lfor lilt o% p I- to gor killed at 'in)' o;=4 WW_04 1-itim I)., �k it, - Ell! lilts r4 4 4 aNpvt-r lu,I�IN Illiktarv. Iliall" fur he Y 6. g 0 go -00 '1 1. 1 9 131465, bid go elltj!i ootli"s attract Clinton, April 112j 18"0. of' uvar NIN G, it -4 attqj�tjojj Of t4ro N%*Ojjj('jj' 1,000.'Vi 4 ldvz 0 11;2. 0 4 "? — "u-) ; -, �j 04 A830 Via excellence of our organs" 11 itur., 4 lf%p - , F� I ova r10bli,. first por ode4 41 fnDMil-MVY it, C6,, CFTNTOX ULST R OV RRCOATS, PILOT OVI�VlCOATS opening and 8 ask me loy Opinion Of yofir I[Irsk 01-gitil. live louch pleRsure in, tell, ;14 M Ing on coos. 'I'lle,tono is vpry full ri&li, and mr. broke bita ektill. It riles file as I think or trY Il%I 0 .4 that I consider it ft great sue WIAITNEY OVEROO &T.S, BEAVER OVF-AR oainlil it is as. good hu instrimtont of ito hind As. there is m4do in to -day. I til-ir itilvertik en Tho followhig Plot, fe Ill Ope that Y04 will meet W beral pa o, ant,1 rea tb6 reward that your. COATS, FRIEZE. ners!tit It VERCOATSo 44. N(AVQ� inarry ft 0(tv011ing�Man, for islakeli, Will I Aoilljoil, Dit, 11#r,/,.,v1dy)vj)/` huFULL CLOTH Nobody -, willltvd, i)y it 6161"'Y1111111 of thoc, OVERCOTS. i, ORD, JOHN RAX�:r knows what tbUlso [Ilan aro hil to wbon of .1 chall(l). for (All-Ititiall WOr- groat, f)lcasuro in giving,my, testimony is to the excellence of th"lInt011 "r, lohelty, 4 - they are awfty from bum. tNot Pollish or To be Organi manufactured by 6, In power and sweetpois of t9lio, ill Wild akuloejolpl., quickness of rospo4se, to the touch, as Well as in itsvineollanioal Interniti.-arrangementsi ;J V,$T 8111APNI)II) STOUX OV "Never illarl,y 11 st6finilloater,' B1. �0- scrvico witholit 1(11 0outle ............ y t . lilt it �t is. decido(Ily equal, and in sQm6 pilitictilars, Philerfor, tafiny instrument I have ox - whose Ilialle is * so ]all,, tI second Wa )oat captaia tiotit NV111%toviT witil the Apostate Q1111roll tile ground when 110 holds Ili$ head we I semJ) 9% Me, ud it to any' -who a 1'. way roilturc Ali instrament,.filk one hi,ev6ry'respect woll. V d- CLOTHI 44LI (rot blowod - �_Ilto 00p, rp-P me to say tbAt I oan cheerfully xboomme 7— — w - �)00^ 0, G Zat �1� :1 aj%yaTs got 0 viall . : fitted to supPl tho Want of te'r -when I think of that malt, f I 1fine*-water and milk, according to, A tho.times. . .. . I I . .. 1 1. , . �yjjjit tl)o 'papors will 'it T I X'V� R. CALLANU A + __7 oollm I;As,l! , late Joado'r. of the drNi goods nian. t�o totitnony of' an, expoilonced pliyoV MrlosRs W. DognuTy & ca, itol'S compound, not, Dyes in clothes is. verydrijuvions. They r11,U0 k. X. xull 9.35 A. D1. 2" 30 1>1 M. oon (luting the many years I have never live lialf their duys. 'y fr to only fqrJafluats, but for a It' t )Oriod been a teacher of music, I have not seen any on . orior to th%OIint 1.(?8 V. X 6,45 P. 'AT, oil Organ. The Neer marry it gmilar. They have of life, wbqII 0 estj6n tbe�tone is both beautiful ana syr Oki iftrvful not to Illirt a, Am�"lg the numerous- Cabinet Organs I. have o' de OV. IlN, of thilt for f lir IjaVo been $QrtQpsIT Mixed- 4,25, P. Yi. an4hip.is both solid an slegant,lao Buell ditty liando. Dly tbird butibind 0 . . Mail, 0, 20 P, X- tile touch easy, rind inferior to'none, 'The wprkin Q to- which Ticket I s to that nothin is lacking. was a grocer , and such. bwls -as hold Philadelphia, g w-wator ave haVe tor slaken a be(] t tilli it tabc, to. thm fourAableap rifills -Co, CLTNT6;q. -Qo of lime Reduced. . . : - and return, falling Upon I Atlirlta 10yor, wl�O WIIS lua(ja ft I)een added, will ag . r P killed by a wolLwes loarrol ree with any parson. 'ont uld com ino 'all tile, "ll'osirAbill lut rQve- Qsirinito.ob,ta�iDL-an,instr'.um --that we 1). I11401tairil T 0 him. When I think of hial lullatio by ell other food is ofjpxe�tiivo 11dT I liets to sea-aallklng� ments in power, fhlfiess, and sweetness of tone, I am hippy to say that have- Jvtjr Yen. Wh * f fuils to afford nuarishwout. Poltills, at Ueduea(l Riites. realized All fix the Clinton Organ. Every Ono who hears it, goes oway pleased. - plate] y, dig I flied. NO SU.CH. VAUE, MEN N CLINTON AT'"P . ft4w- 11a,fli-et Tbe,�aluablo quAlhies GqA0 ajX 1.),A which this 0(;�ijjy or rtli ft. , ftal�k,posso gas, are much� t a antily oijolo. 0 15TIMITON, Agout at 011iatoU.' husband Willi it uarpeutter, apd tbo 6thor koon after coinind to rOv's TT_ stxpet jQr . . . . .. I N H I - St rolls . 8611onleii were JaIY Ili, 1874, GEG. STA. BURY, Lando! Road, .4 scaffold and was mashed to it joli llr thubg 4riltdon of fly. Having tliorouglkl� tested the merts. ofthe Organs manuffictur at r 0 theill if they woro V 11 — V. 1z . - . I i r W e(j 110ty, sovelai. , pro dv4I fO od by 8V, Doherty G"h ed 10 his soul Sleep in Pece o Co., I take pleasure in saying'that 1, consider tb0n: in all rea 00110' equal, ou'd in t. their g machilloli, find ORO gent oints -superjor, To any reed Lt H AUX 0r instrument. in the marlco he easewith which 0 1 Never viarry a-tilbobinis upon ­t� P1 A&D CAHA�t T1 4 S'X06t. a is maintained the 0mootlanciss and* -equality of jt� tone its ready re� It g:j till) 'i supyly _.its air 'many p busband was Inac t home oil file .110 touch the eloquent voicing bf its fancy stops, andthe perfectio of its. 'T. Ivaroy. , W4TERL00 IJOT is ce :Iha.Qa0 1IG 1RDSTEAD. .A(!tt, forget tile day he wag brouA ain ii STQ N T J f'E� I make it 6 coial favorite with orgitnists, ov. 16'. 18761 rt I r I r I.. i OLINTON, X d o.'ailtive U 1p a -boar , I. didn't recognize A belt t Iliall of lillo. tit xeocher and Freoentor in V. Church' 0 1pton. 0 1 V01113" -a to be by till 'y,' had come off a.pitilley and hithlui ft I in -Oad his i- I I T,;l,rgo toelC Of g0j)(I llT tittilt) rato or. two 1rundred mi (is aftlifcturo, 4�L :LN�, id diat V0 licym, inarry lit). ji lin slowly elIn oz) lilt' ithe face, and ipi lose cl�er li,ltlyf�ir bi,; eouutanafic(�. I proiiged bi PI if' , I(A illb A Ai it ri4virl tv.1114 Iiii dyin! lie at LIQUOR' STORE (I (!,,tile So, fu Loult 1�711ilO tile Ile, TAIL IJBALE' R IN. other machinist." 0jsCf$".SpjjAg­ WROU�SALE AND RE Just then tilt- traiii rolled in, tin 1011giugr tO i li'no of.. sioamovs ril I n i ng 11tils, &e. TVulidersigried having opened a Liquor* busin the promises formerly used as a Q cory, tci'llico. ,Illzl framoil with'Cilt or B d' Itsoleotedstobit f, -rc SCHOO I old lady asked.:- an(I Pot, O$OWOOdL,an at- . KULA BOOK'S )OKS NERS 6 ifeas Is. Chill.], what laiii, 31.01117 level*, tollchih'"* at' trious, liorts,-Of tile L�l tf, I'llil0ill, I r) I i - I I "'' , ­ * , " �, . 11. JqUorS 0 00 i1) '1111i 'Wines. 'an -f the -best a.. os --reliabler Brandlil, ir :C_01 1%T M3 l'bo(l to ill,who may pilra As in ewi at tho Ilaqs,- bilt t y verostin') h howrorb t�. the publicLrat the lowest remunerative Oricea. A&o for Quettqfi� St, lattoj' I)Ort, abollb. L- - - �.r, i. G e & Co., Torcnto, a's Insurnce business." 1) Leo. in WINTkOW SHA%DES Vitha ri o Medicinal 'a WALL' PAPER9 when thit stea�mpv wasr on 1791 -importers of,pur is aflowifqr� for tboL lid not 6,bo'g'� to i.nfoim his ptrdlis ai. tho.public geherally�l that hobairemovoll h �TOtS- AND. marry him.! Aly ixth. tiusIxind Was n tilr �, t119 Moll �wfo, icaptain, first d insurance tile bags. ft oil. Ile 911 the e 8 SWare StoCk,,Qf: Gibc&ries; China' L wRto,11iNt on(ii'neet, 5 , , 11, per of 6110 of III,- intoresic1d, firins ha$. Ilporoargoj ...,and. Glas FAXOY� GOODS VIOL, N$ CASES -oodupiod- by Jas. Yuill, known as. the American -Express. Ofnee EInt tile youny,lady bad-gono to inect d took ji6�8& Tolh�ptemlsf)s lately '1110-17ing J& 8ftiti to tb 4.V0NEJt JMAp r. JPPW I. la -m ell. tile rc,�f of tile pas- S any- f4voiin him with t icir pa r6nago; her lover. Thiiy, U64 -where Tie igjj)Yepafo.dvt0 0frerspeolial induoictent 9 5,000 000 [A�ffs 012 "S TRAVELL XG SATCHR&A t an ' X Y, and C 19CIC-, AND�COKPARE PRI live ollicro . o. I , ;ANDL E AMIN:p - - 'AND t ovilgers on &tS'. :�. �.­. hanfl. t to Sea-Algtij1j, .611 tin �Xdd, N., U01130N. AUQ, A LARGE ASSORTMBXT OF Variaties A �& I , ** * L,-;pli t 0 11 to hJohn. Kay Milton, J�uiy W, 18.70..' 46.0 &Fj4& W an said, when a, pretty 1, i I,] rallroad car tlie other A y9ung e�, 8, a*Z­Berli --TV 47-s A genHom t6ino �tj Sr n 001 000, W.L I it 7 Burton lbttel' I . . 11 ... I o root, west sidb.' U� ''N 0 trod on his tQos, that lie bad recolved Iwho- ent from' �Yollc t lflio house of tile ji, fl)). her lie ft pet (10.9'. A E.R TA K. �1 N. G r Ali, the latest il'ii;pers AW1 'Poriodioals'always.ou hand.. so Agent 6r'06 I hi stamp of beality' 11 CIO for Tliro- 'Aqualit-Ity6f Th at's the only Wed ding trip I -shall holno aud Whilst 6ii'her'way became: w1bibil last; week Funcralsattended -GLOD-Ul AND AIIA PAMY, AND WEER] 7 signs of Seriol Ali probably, ever �d P4Y- d sician,,j were aWe ill a in tile aVmaOf a G c and A lrgo stock of Collins,'moulded and tiol; but-, I i(If. The -pllllo.lways oil hand (trinuil'ot.1 to�uit�, olffiVi' F, NA)l AND 0 tj Tu. Bu13 10 silver,jilat6d fuxilitu're or -'din-mela ha:NE.w your friends, and� get Every iiian might to have it. wife. 'If 0 xqfil.jl� 0 Colli it d -sillk L burial erwise. Ree d:t LE Co of t ....... a man is happily mairridd,. tliRt 0ne'rib nsidertho Nyajs,of. ricvorl ill a S '(!o go I; pro virl�d f0t and a funi,ral k1bortstrooi,oplJO. theba U subscribe on he �61ilt' GF00, RAL i b e017IN is north all the other.boxies- in" hii body. 01 MARICEIT SQUARE. A of olilpI id A.,ilibut Coite site th6 Marxet. MHOS-. STE ,h oigbbo'r JN;ll It is a bad . gian -with his- Jaborincy or, fly, It ��ives in6re. fros ;ct.:22, 1�8744, to. see a !man Clinton matter 6�rei.y We( hat off at midnight, ex laining" the. (fig,bi afid picking ha9 . othdr,* y, paper .p IVI)Or'O- the briviiii was A eired to tke ti' ' I . u' porilo' 4 bushel of (!site- 0 Oils cak(ffull� liaa& S that �n8 theory and prindiples. of tr e. ness t) I dt))V.r dutches .11al Improper, fin s its vy,ijaio r cesion'. retraced -its, Columns. to his shoes ay 11 -the In Mtenticis- r Lnfl,fialts them.doWn for C -E IJE NOTI TO LIG company, and 'tend to its f;Q the me u Burtoti'stroot, mid 1111hing: 8 FREE. OFL POSTAGE.' The �og to the s" N,, L t i 6 n: I. Cliti ra te ii s 6 cli-A I I'L 1;, Alit of Clinton afid si country that ER,YEAR your roll -call," said tin Irish nor!joant. cola wh Oil Friday nvonulg� till( Q Oil the'Lbusinosi of ulanufacturbra All of ye that are presen t 4�i v tl.cl . , I I . I _ I . ­ , '', . L . . -'Iirtn wan.-mis all�vo.e�atcre�d into do -1 orship for, this purpose of oat'rying and all t riot ll -i was in'.1 ty.10 e that are 8lly llgll 9 hsof Carriages; Buggies, blZiOls,- Cutters, L%c,, in 'all its inrio s. branches, ai their f Absint.' a take to otall(I all'Ilight in tbf� tower old stand, Ifuron trect, Clinton, umlor tL e and fvm.:o till r6B -Iflace. r, or tile befiePit' of the of It 't. inournerii a 'd:boor. find Y. Most momentous question.now-g' y The I a is -of beer d I -,.took in at :and :11 -jollificafton w4 provided, .Rirff�". 0 ft. S, h; experi lIl,: 9 oMholionstomers, and, �y wilT PE_ PL E '8---, GROCER III shirt tb -collar'button. n -it'll yie ing thq,noedl under' his thumb, �ii Sa ?B dy, WN gie i -1E 'UNDERSIGNED, HA to tile -0c, - and., w VING P IJRC�Uli 8ED �TH' GRO CERY DE ENT OF O�. I 21 il� se ho May their business from Messrs. Sheppard ct PoQl).Qr, *ould hereby itotify the inbab�tants of Clin- D fornigh fj)l' Sonia sharper advertised V, WO1114 to 41- Ilkil"1111' tj t '(JoWn 10 W.Itt'l h& -einity, ton nd Yj $1 infallible instructions: hi thty y tjj�i 0 will zonlduct the salbrip, at the old stand, Ordersexelln a. of "I while --yot; tile i te ft aSTREE T the warni attentioll-of it pr(/N,y Avottih. Ali' aro Ili' be, n Ift. t6 CORNER Or, ATTE NBURY AND -ALBE IIT Thti answer to leftlwas, 81tep off her t�)�ai tait'o`a Wfl IN NVIierc he will AUMB&LL .& LESLIE. keep on ]land a large and qelec-t Ti -STbO -KINDS* OF-- FAMILY GR06- EME'S, Tuly.�22 11,474.. n oil:, thr, ut lvolldotof loil MOS. -OF - -ALL oiL� .( jrTot, aW, CLTNTON, And all lie intends �liollillg exclusivoly for sh of- pebdilco, lie will be in asposition to sell �at on editor tas are gronud fit) into the fowest ronl'unortltivexhtiis' tkO AJOICO; 38 (,d col- ITIVIng"bad in tho- bodiless, he fclo OZA -�"at 110c)), �-covlirlout that he call give pati9faetion loall f, ;lnd that was, tiw J " 1) .66alitly �qnd in V' , E I nrie. t1jer (Ili -nal. wheu the boys Oked ho fouild on jii�i lr or) oub "po. .-Sent-himLl olue with a' lantern to ill a8plialtuni with t5vy, M At; ING., INE, DEP01 lia1w 11110 1111P110"llatOd' very to of firlitoc gize r!)V�111civiiVly for being oil r fl I n . I . till 14it! INV, illing I �6. 4 1 1 'Li bo mm9 e.lsneavrs . Alf XTON,4ulio 7, 1876, hir xisliffig, kept in �talk.- l*V01lba6!,, 10 midnight, / 10TIloys, allil ailli are in. Or P E] ]? LA aI R_ I. IT G'. S: 110 �p The a pnvo inind over jjn�, pieco till p6edli: k Iwownisb tint; A E S ilati, Illadetill to llain't, NV)jiCl11. is Prize'l, inake and iie%v parts lCopt oil barid... Having engaged a �r loll� . plitting "'I R. io whrrijuted to give goodsatisfaction,.' man'14,cj ud ices ild 1). iOuli 18� l)OVf1r oIll .1 Ill(. fL 'Ot!j in. 'Co )0. , - so NMI exemplified as �tlld y ilf tile gren, by artiiac.,,; '! IS alld- or otho he anew -imula4m,. lata hu sug COtItending emotions that sWce r Countries., I ALL Qhargoii Moderate. --:'j t2jkle H, NORSWORTHY. l6vor the poel; t 16 has Ill" : li . . , littil-on Ntreoi#.�ono 41001, weot- o w1lbil* they tilit aW' a I . . . I � . I I -- " I _; .. L of a young.lady fit Wint-ch ivhon' iil 6uqj)r(jt:tbat lnI`lte(!ljCt Illini Y' their' to call the'special Attentl6n of tlioir friends. and- th� public to their looks' on the same liplin-book . -w; 6 CIO the -4 . �.Iturated Two auto,raph letters 4 fill slaA, I Sort Splendid- Ali Ment of CROCK301M. PAINA GLA8SWARE. Tr illan who has been eittifg onions: of khdw, Ild ehantoria were novel, An Irish journal has thiq 'gain in Cjll.il)6jl'iC ' IIIr ill 11 - at,ii. r6aflvoil thor. facb.that fter Ut hIr C answer to a correspondent :�'! W do- _tITCY-111111 tile tombS and I abOlal If MY d4ltY to A 10 that MVTlLT',sAl;D 0 R 119S. Cline t� acknowledge the. your, sic years oull WasraeLfjr�eSqcd Wile their dust Weill I ea i hi'lla o a b .11. mids aloncr4ljo S84 fOr $4 post-card"—whieh: IS. much liko tile tq ber a'jxilt, the' late Princess-: Sopiii uAlso;'just reboived,.a large consignment of SelfaSealing TAR jARS, at prices lower t C d. iii0paintilw -pictures in it wdild tile uxilted fitace n 1 T U A L W U Uorkonifin who tratbIled- into &rry to It,is running thus 1! Ifow` do Eqeh PU atta 11ox lloaW the'131=1-.41t (;oVzR,;lVNT in iundisco�brcd, and by rtist who8o before offezed ;',GLASS SETS, GLASS OtIr loNo P99t I Hzutt-, ivilh tho XOLL(AVAYIS 1`114LB AN,) BOWL9, GLASS- CAKE, ST4N.DS, tin insulting enemy to 11 itill idn, to his yoll jt)', (jetar aunt 2 do y languages":Wqre then unirnow-h. That OINTMENT, LOXI)ON, ow1rayea thereoll. Cinthe GLASS NVATE"7GSA & &c., in varidyi 0ALr' , AND. EXAMiN111 -STOCkt, - face that be would tate him wid. 8'joilt. -Vicky I dearc*stallilt, this, is a present label ill tile adarglaf)83. 0xvigto �Tsw a portion of one of the Pharaillis 'or llnOLLOWAYIS Pills contimpt, I" froin you Vieforia," original; in ac- potil)!Iar, Or 'Von of the ilt a Threshing' 'Machines, NVlioloaaleatidUt)tail,Groodra,liriqkjylook, ClimaX Double ':'0 lind6r rfix-neb with flib Custom Qt wtrsof Ill V1111or tile Iltino 0 fI,x T 6 , July -12,48,76.' all- by "r. VL. Ilonj Is there ad opohillre for'an in- r, ttfa� e*van now Ile. onLtIle C "0 -or Threshing Matthin6s, so. early an is ifinocen't of'punctun- Vass of it Vetet, a Millais oil 6, Church -01 XONY yOrl to aktuned tratid. __'j ­ - tollectuil, writer V sai&a, very fodL'faeedt. Combination and Vibrat youth, with the cork ofa b �n Camda the prin. Oftle sticking, Who my question 1� Ga- 'pip al VVil tItna ' Y. . L I .. I I NEW 1�01� With. "Do a to Sv) In Z-01, NTS alwa "on hand. out of his pocket. - Tho edi .I under And all kinds of AGRICULTDRAL IUPIEN�t ys much dignity, took the yet n' in in an's in- mared an ttairnoy: to. a witness -rA- Nor1hrup Lyout To weet; the large add increasing demand for our celabratail 1 Lyitiftfi,, Clqr6 & Co. R -r Threshing ilobill.eii, frota is tellect in, And said :-11 An opening ofitirt, that' yotj wero� *oil thb counter SPECIAL NOTI08S. dnd - Lymin Brop, & 00, . A inion, we n ­ rAOS . t a ' lIr �ack to, :tile claftindant hililL hbtain them at voiy low pritea, irdin 1. V. Irenm haVe, by the introductio of the'iatest it pproy.od til V6 payto & tile: Dean Ud' left A -.0T9A1rFrtTtA14DC0X1?ORT19(# dat-ran & Co., of Now. Yooc, itua vht�it to:6 upplied S machinery into our,�Orkb,.irdatly increased our inanufactuthigiadilitioa. We are thoref6re Yes, §ir hihil and considerate a,,* wi 'R Visit penter, foreseeing your n saw him Bill) d builalo tinder, his doitt I" -11fty , thorough l,4owIcd,,6pj,thc.natural Itetpil Vmklurff, Who 801tthaAarao Mnly 1 0. in Q, position to: fill. all orders promptly, opening for you. Turn the Icnob I 'ti6ns Ofdi.404-ifln nufaefured I,o the Ycqs that's� so," st wit �ose lawsilthicA govern tho rpei� only 66 6:13, oxfom Street; Londorko 11 111�11nllbd-obtaln- right." I'Vell tban", akeil the attoriley, 1111:)w allitilutritiou, and by a cafeful npplientioji e(rfr0?h the fllowing grino, vlx.- .110. 1 . Clid 7t, k1f the il no Is rian.'a-lid t1i lytogtbabctoro jet, lu.'01116 shop# ana wilifititifell f; give .dofo Ino 1) A correspondent Wants to lc�ow the 00111d �'Ou set, aw t1daut Mr, r r0licrtl6s & Ca., Alonfoal. THE UNDERSIGED HAVE NOW ON HAND IN THE -,I.rp3 itis provide.l. our 11roakfast tables I es.4178. AVOI�', 1141 hewith '4 delictely IIAVOI-64 beverage wh loll litay I ontIrro Satisfaction., best time made in walkin. Tile best Why, L r ore and that onalyll,;3 me C-841,4, r1liott & Go., b e time we know of nos whet we w save its many heavy dijobors, bills, It is Premises form' e"rly'od'cupied . y the lat * J. B. Racey, )y ogoing honjo from a -Thursday eveting to gee over ruy shouldor,wid see what is Lila j ildicioug use of such* fixtiolei of cliat that nOLLOW Y, lecture oiio nigh 'and mitilo a, mile in a going on belond my 4 oall4tibutiml may be graillially bailt 'UP. un., AZAIRGE ANP S=ECT STOCK 0:V P LO Air little over four holirs; We u6ily WAR UIT6t1Alt ])I,. Ir - r Lire to.', "CLl' fleman was oxpectod-bom� t; midnight, lb Boom therO:iS n weak point IVO may O'."pe I.' MQUORS41- havle walked i6 fiast, only tile old g6n, fore a 'Watfbvd, JI14[co, 111,31, lls, to attack whor vor li tbitt it wouitin of n'q n y HORSE'' H911N C. 0 -E andshehm,l to Ilo%vthaiiiAt-key village. exploted t1l, (Ifq tj b o fi oursolvP8 wall fbetj'­ flo o ipr llparo'bloorl a,properly nouriiij tinder the mat. 4 NVh�iih thoy offir the public at the lowest iromurlosAwd entom fnaIng, at lglibbr to woar ItE the funa 1 a & co" Ilc�. 14W Witt 21101a, ba;WM, in wood, 'Grant's Pprin and La6b tinday event the conclu. h6i j IMRIO, D sion of a sermon, Arjr. I'WiggS, ft pratoil. od, which causod it D E x y bild reitovvi. CT $Ole A.Y1,4114 xor �hd 00(101-14, fath ROjjgbbL wont to all(I. I'0, Pic a(lilly, Goitifol tione er a Wn Oy Allow, people are now y PV6Tnptl3r Attonded -t6. atb(.ni$;elV",j mll 01 you talk louder I 10,16 noar ind Hpillf'(1 Sonia on it. irldertbe fatal glib 0 1 ttofibled wi 9( 1. 1 t aill(I.1' JLJOW fleep nnword fl(tid. ]&dq!t Jocaror or r( Ther--%Weri T- Y-�= dh "tat sarV f4 it, thilt a flul 'i IT 'Inelplell(l3r, i d Weill didn't y6t:IL 1113011 SIM 11111if"'ll'A to 00 ]MV, tl1ri nvery exettic ii n4ful to get till 4, it, of the church, and tvirilJ settreoly hoar ft OLike Alnul.0 �Vftforj will Atop tho bholdlig. cough aboorve tho way I hold th WE-- i Isil it a few inlwit(%, ilud by their influ6i6 on. the Ilancla lip to� 1A T 'jUdgj6, intorM tho,publio t1ifl;t gidy qb prpl" to huppl catch the You r _tl o (I hout a trial, raid pillmonar all fenni of (Intl. broneldAl. -S THE THOMSON Wltild IXTOM eroliff te.quItA will sooll Ja (IfAlilpated, - but they Huron. Street, CL Iggs, why, ought 6110,30 Wdre youl. ojj�joljq �j&y n0filon front 11 'me, fill Twi I th ?i Pars." i� ttAt Ile taken in ti 0 V S T 11 A TV 0. R.' P There it n`uln�ev...tif i nd gon. Milli W011 nd apparantly vle t6 Th6tAtj6h WilliAhVJ, bf Mitthtllj 11 EVTWV3101`1�1' al%V110 tl,smen, who thinking thownelivou g1j. ontereel it gall;hlys IlOuse, d6hor usetIthe article thonvielveg OrWittlaqOetl *,,,very liberal patronivp they lisvo Pivorol Mat Mill lo corrying On hiiAlibon fit Witt tomit nitil won](1 At atlrl tIldt he lion l"aile 01011 OR Will 0111 C Engl, dowed by nature with ability Iro' w -m tre itil 0, 1 t0 Nybets iv), ell linail bY otho rs -, ill I stich, mi 4 tile wit, ame lualloap to Utta, oucl Ow V01118 g6ner. A .1 t1i ultur xi P visit Runday schoblu to djjf)Itj3, t1joir I jjj �Vojj It littla pilo 6t gol(I flilly fit twfil�lgoi are t, Atl Ito IlICHAVOP It al, ittlitioullowderi; of IUild 1411a 0 th c thApi. Vjill, Ell Olt lit, Bai,l im to batikor, awl. Aritilt ut mr,lllw Iriod 6n.4 *$30dm I'llotivill" WAII Steal 110ards, owle Isl6belm, gentry had a round of four Of, file Intl pror�ewjn to blind over Ill hundrail -tilythluo of the Idjul horg B6101 &061 Aorara oy, fi�Cjuttdix, ft., Nugar and schools which lie visited rogu -ly aivil in 0011glif aINI I u (11 impolona, to tho urkknoWn Ono)* for the 14. colds, 6101t And It'l THORSQM� A. It. WILLIAMS1. V Polar. arid 130% staveall. of *40dus ult�dll RAT6 ularly hored,,obdifig Ills brationo q(t&!s Wore floomell -whifill faTect tha wind of horma. As I forpoplylit ToU, : lip lligl). But -tile rftrallgnr� al'tj tho Tu'ratl gliou, It 11(400otled. V., uowxr, J, com 'Xt NV' A -Milli 'lie it tlfW 116 eritlit1r; thopo'jo with liverably with amon I made 110 atiolTipt; 0 -tillco, din -gold', and Titfoll onil of T, t A.L T P A X �13 At A D T. 0 0 It 1) - V R thO gohoolla, ilid AUpbrintonaent ratutn6d no 4h9wer to throa or four sick at. W'011-jInt' nce(I the ljoraoL be ItLe Xf It IT X iT P R IT A. J$ 'lit frorn i . out ot Courteii, a6ked film it bedld'not qtiest!66 :Pjjb to hifn in, rjfii�etjea to worldfig while tieing It', it is jtl8b tlio artfolo to to otle Ill probs. att, Apr �#ill to 11:46 hiffaki I wish to gay a few Words to the 6hpol, I te gawn. 11iri eyes remained flx�d oil ill who own horses roquire, and whialt, it; pot$ Caotliagalf 011(l nIfLoilififfiltli title, to inilt*3 Anl 0 110 Abbliont, r tile re thoyshould have constant) on lumd. Ito. S'A Boa, 0 Ad COMVInd macbIA88, - 'Al 'Well, yes, I'IL say just it word 6 w1jilo a , I bfullid, and hbo A two ill and, abralghtepild himp6lf tip, he ghastly paloice.q. " -A PLIfty0j, tollabod I& of j.tIj;,j and 01 00�dorb; Sead Drillbil Pow6rs, 80,Whig afttl,*�azl 404 Olt. slim"i ra began Mlal Ohillub, t arm—lie was (10A. TIlon ilin rop ffor')ujo, ont,j 110 00 witIt NMOnt claff fill, Ilia Ifixilatilotuvo ,teden wants me to 0061t to yel� I Xo0w, o'Oldly Withdrdw t1lo litindrecl napolconsi, fOP pill) r OT f$ L (A let Uri. %bilk a 1. 0 A I a 01 All ofailra Ittlamogda to tho 06ifillint or hdarctart A; tit t thr, a mnll On Wrtull what ahall. I talk abdtA V A Vright 660tvillg dillit I)l-ly. W04 111 thil XlAturo To 611414bit Builders 'of Maw tnginOg And 130110kl8i h11'81Xe8jr 40'a hugo his voago to Via Dea(I f, �Vllati tooffdrt elliat Atid, 1114 tile little follow, Abnt fbar yoATO of 1196, of a Contra 6, NVI)ie'll toulki 4 AW 01i the Rhorn, And NVA22% WITEWLS AND ALL XINDS 011 Wrib UA09190 UY, '0 L . RMAM Bitting 112 the hotit Beat, �wlio- evi(lontly only bo bebwetri pactit1; bliat it wAq afiree. p NY) fo ; for Our patt; wo Ara In only bild hattrd the ofator befdre, jithipad to both Of W116il W(jrp 4101110(l tly dolill't it, tlinugh we IIAV6 tin lloaitft. oil! 0),144 mpka A h6� A� W40- d1l0h iWlld 4WI tioll lit mylliff. that tile boit thiriq to Cure cohlits, Will 94W Ms A 0 , All feet, and- 110ped 'pik to hig, and Warnol 110yer thtW66h It 11VO 11holitakdAln, bovel Will. N M AN& KO HE Hou, k 11A U ]AL )Oal )er_. jl3.g rU a Ill 01, calj�e 0 nty ena as Ih 4610 p ell n tj jb_ t lj�t� 0 It e, t Jr g ,1 .1. 1 � 6) t t.;, IA ith 4, .th. N1664 till p