Clinton New Era, 1876-11-23, Page 2imiki Mp
F P Mi
I wouilor iftho Ror. goatlom4a 410410 not Wilk
i '49 4 l 0 so
it the 2look
r':!� "'I I A. N0111 that the PhIlliViAll JAXIOP WAO 0:01tild to XQMO
A. V All vu I J. wavloh 0 to bo 4100400� 444"sto,04 that We do not OXtQAt Wh011 UO 041110 001441111g. 0 V0111 U4
Ne, trobu Waltvri. Imila !.tor (if tlic Biloot saying, At $W, what nrust I do 0 bo soirA
Tito J)"t"Hy �1,fvlw (jT4 Ito iulpro�041 torill) CuSsIDMIA11144 builine4aul being done 14, Q(1 V Acto*V1, 29—,80, orif there WAO Any ex.
27mea, 11in 111wit bitlilentLd r6l$* town, Dotwithotandivig tho*4row.backs of oltomentail the day that rotor U014 such a THE =41 miXg J?TAAiS1VkZ,1X, 1XV0.4MING THS IM01UNTO
Artil Nmy Elm, will be nialled to subscribers, b Strange Doctrut surround,
Jp0r. lit. tilt) Nrmld, lim bou'll. �;Jwlltlillg Ad roatIq weather. groat rollvol" W140A 8,000 souhl were convert. Of Q-110toul 00 09 0044try Wall JAQ 1111110 0 sued out In. tho Ntoro 14411 owp�04 ty
ii�alll . Xr. J. Ot"p,, Albert, tre.9t, U'llutoll,
free at J�Potagc, for CMM, 1) � .0 Strictly it& V4. so. itilo too many of
some 'Illoo in C'malla and tho Flilito'l, Tim fiazaaranil 000liil, bold oil behalf at !7!o.#gn Rayor Of he 014190?kAyew i0ro.� ,"t that
, t , v a Ores-4frill
advanvoi The iniee of tile Mi& Alone, is, $2. B1104 M0111horsol, our churches, in Oallada, have become, as it,
Vo horno Ill Unit, at, Mr, DgAlt 8LQ,—.If YOU Wig &Ila rest moral orlildles, through, the 4 fth a, Chol 'e i5election. Of Family Gro'41110
PRlIvorork., will lget'tho rvmalll� rosideoce, oil TtivsilaY Oven- our paper, I �c. - 1 0 0
111 tho court W me a , In,
States, pace W,
K y would like tQ BAY a few words in them which their witus.
tore 4ro their congragaitiona
tion with a, N - r�qiu% ilia., XVN lltvil wo y sucoessfolly, by
ow York -tf-r a, few Ural Whore 'Will be found
111111t, urio of Illo followlwy -7 nolitiort ing, Oot.,20tb, in this &4 , , rf�lly k1opt ill a firiltola" Qrocorr Store,
0 , ib 0, C
der of thk year
dayp ailloo; ho I , set, in 7 i� .0,4 iviliob
la :: - llaa Winter I 'illy. thIqk,, �Jqiotly to sloop, as tile oayingl very truthfully
7 7 "�7'
unge, whiol'i'13 woriby tho consider. now. 10iou"compared with thoocripture plwu of #Ill. io o 10 without t PrBiftoo Tokon, In F4X
Ting the form, of g4illinesg , be, 00044 VOUTOT44 .00yW11110ife 10 WQWXI.
at, L (if, all, Wit Intl lorl'arls thoq0 most Wilto i*,h, allow, Ana podeqtx lingo doctrines., I powor," oud ail4rossing their bearerq In th 0bq1V#o,,
iallij vition, gont4upil same str ova
4 A enter with plea 4 oollit Itlespectfolly 89,114WO4.
who art, filville" It cjllvwl,�! 'rig i)f t1le Sollool Doard, a ed rafox", as if intre izlktQ this sub)Qot, for tofi4er terma—my bmthera kil 0brist—wh9q
0 60, D'atilial With. Alt, 40001010
' 1 86 least 0110 reason : too often COMMunimitionq thb so less, are $A f
Order tit, tl�uwfi �li Cr boir attoixti;I1 wAN roctoirol itliwale pace oat of them, doubt ruA '4
0 it vvatl 11014 oil Monday oNviling. 11resellt qf till$ kind are teplied to ill an uliflorapillogo -6 d, , a uk R9019MBER TNE, PLACE, --Albert Street, 0 6 its
N&-' '0, 1,474 )'italintil wan factitr1bg g i M117, other than the street. by WiO64 Worki; ;'a B if tbei'minnotar wAs - early ppos Fait 4 11111114,
ht6VvE1t4 lit tile ollairmful, Alomrs. 80110 not Manner, manifest.Ing, More selfishueso thail Id 'be Might excite, Ono and disturb his,
NAM BAKS11Y.—Mr, 000, Black has j shouldcharacterize OliViNtlarl ofrat -
. ...... preforeneb to agricultural McGarva, Scutt fkri�i Illue. p o9figorping doc- moral slumbor� or by the gospille 441.94 pro.
THIP" KIT1,0014 Tito p1jimtes of tho previous Ineeting tie )low bakery, next -door to the trival points. Weithey i�ould I unildiltake'thiq 01111m, Sezfd his h6arerg ruahl4g- to same, one OLINTON,
op 'I -. . , ov, - gR,
Otto -way Amorka, lifts Strangely �e'. XI;W11Q1W1i!A, office, w1lor6 how ill keep a good be directed, the way of palva,
were road avd adoptedi Eighty six appli. , very oritioal job Qf"malilng blie remarks that they might
No one of, A conkqptlltl.'Q� a and cibser- cations were received in answer to Adver. sto9l; of broad, cakes, confectionery, &a,, concerning doctrines hold or.aNauqed by %or tion, ho. rocks away Bud 'Bays. don't excite
tur'a ccrierally were it result of agricultnre and also intends to keep A first-class OYA.. clergyman ; but When 1, romemler,that 010 Aid like to ask my i S
lilt tile and people only flame, to towns after,tho agri, ti4eniant for teachers. AWNA th . Two follow-travol.
vantmind but will pel;cel�;e t1i I ronotimed,. in oarlpture,, upon Nr to eternity (the in
cultural intereits ha(l been fully dovelopell. Moved by Mr. 3141comeon, sac. by �Tr- ter saloon, -where this. bivolva can be pla, WOO which is P itilater referred to) which
Ili botlt-heiurhp ierdlq, cte(I to tained in every at le of the cuisillo . Art 44Y One who will try to make b1sok,whito, or at those things are You doing 9 If,our minis.
political borizon, But here this was riot true , 1111th rooiXfoj, Coate, tb4t tile. Secretary be instro -white black, I am Ilea to bellaye that, the pro, -use of the'time-that Is THI.N,'-!K OF 0;
-tteuiiig oil -4t. 'hit . dreds of Millions in many of tile States, the go , ilia to Make good
f i� lowering and tbret it mmu a with teachers as to AcqeP6iXI9, . SLr)pEi�DYATit.—Wo.lQaraby-telegraplI ien t * ' finding falult.irith,
t steps taken by i .. yaolf in thismattor Oro, too ofterl uselessly'spentin,
manu fact urilig element bailJwendevolopecl so in the following, order, Ist lVallace ; 21nd that Dill Moore, well-know1l.throilabout. t000m000iisiderableeiciiut,uoihingifiorgth&4 Other denotain ig theIr own
actor, And fl)("tiaL h isposed %Uon� in polutit
e nifty be a far Out of its proper'. preportiol), that thO oily Armilited 3rd Blair , 4th Jolauston. lCar-
Canada a bearers to the Lamb of Clod, or Wthundering -r PREMISE% AND WHA
Avoid alre dy welit 111) of too nially 11141111factoxle ,a a vendor of patent medicines, illy duty, as it is the duty of, any, that 'take SMA -r -GED M T DO YOU THIsK
tobope for the best, lie Cannot. 13, ried, wAB found dead in his bed, at tho Albion upoutherathenameoUe
Despite tile ellurnione gt.allj ana ve�"t. $Us- 1049twisjitP, Except A
able Pro, ' Moved 'a, 9AUtItepayingoof our lav!Qur, -0. 1
y X . on T11Q.444y, night. He ur the idea that, the points of.-4octrine, man i 'Wais, forl TO show ymth
bi . r. Seftrlo, sec.. by Mr. Loolt ffonoo, Stratford bellorn again be omillot see the kingdom
6aring the, worst, JI'lien we look near' ducts of ilia United States, tbeir agriotiltaial that Miss drundy, be reappointed 'to 7tll had been very dissipated in his habits, and &Z, cod by that eateented. divine (who will, Of God," and arouoe theiii from their lethargy,
And rasoaraps Virld only been touched, not Wilri;%
w e loubtleso, r000gfi lip loular, tbia then Our churches would A LVOS Oh-eVest -and Most 00lect Stock
acrosaAbe border, —Carried. 4 he I ize who?, Art! ccomplish tn
t 1.0 d=4at a salail of $270. is death is oupposed to. h b e t re oommunicatiO14 personally &IIJ00 to, Wheat, I Ore
ronts-trampiring,tbat miGbVini-A --Ilia- 'ago good, for they would"have the powe 0,004.
by-3Tr,.Saott,.: , by Xr, -Searle,., sulb,-of,dr or
th-- textpide idife"k-tilhe Morning to, afr W611,jiltija fVIA. If X- . W.- 116;1
a I in am. X,
that the '61lowing teachers',lie communi- give , Q
PROTHUTY CiIANGMS.—Mr, R. RUBY has Whi h reference Ili made,) were dissembled to 14 How, shall they preach exce hey
into t; a! o�ted with, to fill Miss O'Neils place,in the Old Mabaffly firmi. on 't a be sent.
ment burat forth errible vil Wall. li't t
-the light 0 094 iia him
l0yq0.A-VQded that hitompor-
order As. statQd Ist Miss Nayarnitli, �nd, -to rith the i�uiniiter himself, and ham -will phed its.-ra, self
Aoaaa�on initl�, 4, 'R.*Pe land ep�eciallvv% Vo on those around him
the.- he Tiond. any extent, but will leave, it with the Yeaaer If 9 preacher has 001) 8 F OR HOLIDAY PRE S ENT S
1�6r three, week OALJ�- A3010?p w.%m
�Uae Is 4 vice that Most imfieratively calls for Lonisti, Payne, 3rd Bliss Pearaon.—Carried, cook, 11111lett, for.$7,24, 'iitilough thiw those that heard the - sermon, to 4cida 4f A will be fruitful ; Vat if that light be darkness,
vote for president to.ok place, and o, . ener Attention
being ri& only -an evil in itself, but Moved by Mr. Lealid, sod: by W Scott is, *a good figure the farm, is thought to be iing or'not, I trust that thgoe how grallt is that darknes& 1. It I had neyer Ever brought iptp the.
Ryt)le result Within twelve a fruitful p4rent of a long train of'ovils, there. that Miss Hilly 4 for Obli, di� elfw, h it. I Mr. W, P Was gavel 10,10, ore is the great plait of
al , or Ile appoints w A lumateel. bas:pur- reMIN, are "do by one that reAlIZ6.0 ill' known county, Of ITUMA DiDN'T IFA
i!ore it beliboves us tdcousider Nvith tlj'e utra- every h . salvation before bear.. out of ouriolifty a. To $]Pit Tn' if Wy
0 ra afteb -r inedialmeaillro od, -Vision' 0", iljgtiuj� 9 -as
f O'b In=onths. 0arricia. oaf Jehovah to whom nqe.phallbow It i nearly
4bur h u -the close Q �kihaaed ilia store, now. if 011p6tiDl1l Of A gt Vdul4JAQT9;% Eta g I o I o . d 1 41, and muchoheaper.' -
30 and h 00 lie
..or, twent y care ever propus —Gotre�: _oerm9p, t9,Artd 1064texiini
Y a
.the poll, but,thi 'dt ' .
a tilue there is no. More 113 Tho .1 ard tbop_asljolirned. Ar, Dobie, fromXr. J, Fair for $2,800. all oveiry Ong at t a aamif, boor the d ivra again, I fon'r,tho'light ro.
time prompted by that Chiistiall olliritao beau -
a! go.. Aabt�ng from it wouU be faint and defe
t —Our XA
, ative
cortai ty now than there WAS the fil St day The par ies who 'tire 4alious of bay. Cll�UDH DARNA-UlY, TiiE M181301; ti�ully act forth in those words.'foun in Isaiah Ili accomplishing the great and for which it W 30
a ade their* or that this
SLUGIM hRV Ill appearance, but tgvknsp Id romemb
,..COMO now,. let, usMAQU: 109011017 *asl'aent- into, -world,, .. -Dear � bro
a 66, ib -nki a a t. brit9btlato- ather. WHdL
after'tb V a 0k �rilco- IT ii� P nyerw� tlJoy are by- -the Clinton -A, dra,niai wilt be performed, nd. I hope. they will be keoeivod in a similar t*y0ler-to, the eternal world, and to God, lot
ti 'It this county, aro. of: tbo natne meet in G.Qde-.' Atitateur-Dradiatio Socict 4t mwuner�(as-doubtlesa they -will-,) - by all,. An. me exhort you. 'and all other,'minist6hs, or who- elf R&XA
that all lionest. count 'of the votes in L.Wo 1011 1 1 Y -j V --tile -town- A ]PUTA'STOCK &'*T.L
!all on tile 510i of Dec.. hall, %o-wovrovr (liriday)'ovening, with,bri- espeoiallyby the r�ey. gentleman, p, soeVer will, vo.'jfeach Christ and
or 41ree 4 (lie Sduthern Statiis,,WRnot ill' It I a tlie'Star, aii(l-. tit . t1lo-1, aR . - '.r ud thoso Relliblilber th
Mr. , A. Yuill certainly has a fine as- tirely now acenes, &a. Alrea large whg lipArd-the address. The text is foundin thrOligh faith in him f 1� for by gr' - pre ye old.SteAdo Albert Street, CoMorof the MR
rVe n, kvii, ill — V,
Ii 11 ill 1)011. Of- kilo --rose d,,Beats - Lai been Via. g6spol ccording to aAved..Ahrough, ith,!- nd-p spiritual
rit)rAfile, J -,;()f g0j)(16, 'whicli-an inspo�flon TA, ureach a r $anetify them No
through thy_trp4h,--tfi`j w6ta conversion, -for the words ysj'll�
w-,mado to 011(or tboiv (if the eN i18 of Ge li stoelt talcen, 4tnd there is over I roa at t It ,Kepent and be
had made his obavert d, atell them A! thc'��Ais -it,
Argo aut fence. r ATt7er the in
ay think A� fraudulent qu'oe 4rtflta aro'so Htroug tire Dot A. bearers (of it icih I Was one) aware that there Relglipter,
what oil@ liarty, uil jobil"oll,71A house'llild t�vo lots, 6It Via, Ijlatt011�llry is dOw v 76 8 Jesus died fo� you', Notice.,
kre at r
bystiln h
-was goin(r to pe a]-' tile be gb� a church of Chrisbon earth, iture of Mr. 0iorge. Diehl, Yic- oount,.tbat party N�ill r"ist" ever U45 payl 119, (which t quite crrect. statement And Jesus. died. fot;� me ; I
D . rL lit p0r%01). 11, t 0 no. expellae, ill mald New f4rh
P, Yes, Jesus died for all mankind 1111111, � THAT TEN 711(.�
t�o,Ratteribury,11buso. 040 OU the finesti -after tho' sermon wWonded,) and a, few pro.- �,Ibria streeti Clinton on the 25tli inati, will not tie, responsible for ani debts
0 iv.:.Ar, Cour. BlosaGod, salvations tea.
litic,k]. fedlrl� Carried to a Wit tli(!! V anthat R, ring a some eyA
0 1 'r6aent ad- act tatire place upon f, Armed And point out to your congregation. their own
'a�nada,'(both external- liminary remarks refer ' t Joh
po Howson, auct. aDnbrac#e4 in hisn%me, �fter, this date. y1thd
till perfurni li is (I It Lieu, hotels1ii. Wostorn at& writ.
in thq mputsin toi4 re.,I)CUt, Tboy ilke ty find bAorlially). 111daides th
sard- roof lit or t P namol; unfinel. to his residoupo by .1.1111088- ditiou -of, it 1111111 ,he lias just P. yj galvatioin throu gh'Chiiab by: errors and then to that f9lintiain open to the all of Mr.. T. doop6r,.Iot 40,
mo ant the 11wpublicans lboldrig LIPPI), g9otl-.'0f Ulu Inflilic ill mostly, into hougo of David con. 9, God ich. tompluship; bn the 6th
riot' Co" of abeautiful ornmental iron'rhiling'all A ii le not f faith-, lie entered ea
t for siu,and.uftoleanueso,*� and' aria
faithfully roll away t I . JAB. -110 kn, iuct.
-the tile* autholil <)f d - o U10, -the putt4ig iij opera.' boro lkt�to 260 rbo-, th 0 1 J ob" rin ipg befi lie laria stone4 And itura. Dec. 0*4
dibik by round U16 cidgo (if tile roof, giiiii )re his congregation i,
arnout doctrines, of which the three bling-blocks out'of the field tfie g6ad Lord , Ing Notice.
%ng o as
hsThe Clinton Hotef, V41 t , tate of
boxes of'cliouso oii 114sday, via R. it fine ill)p9arance, and. making 1 16 .. t
0101 if they get into tiQfi ofthW kaf,-or ally 00kov following were't1i rb thuribW to �6ur care, befOre'gdIng,lnto the, Ell -the 22ad NOTIOlk-119 HEREBY Q1VR N THAT THE VX.
the last war, aild is most ess - (10 Tuene'r, on pralfix as oil
In* fill p . using gonerdon, justitioativgw, and. oanotillation. VNILSX0,1111D Will not be responsible for any debts
�.q, A nores of revival servideq field -a at e.i deno, i ti
I 1,c.v4�ict lb'e-Jaw (if tends to,wlirds prolli Itioli will tilo 11 in ilia lonfll,� yower Alipy %vil bi 0 Dec
qw lfi nI was told far the first time from, the, plilpit . , D, Dickinsonl A coutractediu'his nai3le, after, this4ste,'Wlthout'a writ -
a '�Itl nArM,4tQck,'&c. of Mr. Alb�Ap ten'order.
I fly g
11jurtifi iii the INlineavillo 'Ircuit, ari�d 'are `,aii, justification, nei anythin
slavery, ii(I N Vblv tho.�Quutry in oupill I riQ I s, C that iegenerail
0 - . ... : � � . c LITEIIARY NOTICES. inton, NOT. 10, 1876. lot �9, 7th con. Goderich T1 0'
an enorindus.-debt by i.qnth ly a M out t al LondesIl 01 N 20
or r, #4
d evcrowelcomb pu 29� -Ali pay g. ilia 1-ing with faig a brit Asndtifibition made mail fit for ho*v (birowded la�t,�eek,�' th inst, T.-Howaoh. of.
on b6balf of tile 'of. AlowIllyi for Dec. w lids beef) re- as -near as I could catch his ieas,,which were TQ the A . d itQr of 4
lasses,, find' 'ev6ntuiill�* bankru'pt I -lie We bulluvo there ro riliny 110 tel- made quite phiiii by an illcistiation; *blob was Farm' Stock, &c. i of Mr.' it Watkins, lot
Mime, f� tfi 'itlence, -of Mr. .1 as, ceived; quil like fori��i numb6re, -is *ell the 011nibit, N6j
aa man sick With fever, -The ministe'r said that 11 base^ line; Goderiph T'pi* on, the 24t Oxe f6r Sa-le.
co ..: SiA,-;�You 4 . .
untry6001bat bo w'ill. be 0mpelled k1pop- high 4a*A as it week 09ixtiluii& : I . � - � ., ; � ,
ors. who wi.11 vladly hail tile day oil Fridy ei-ening, Nvas a complete AV�)rLh,y, if 7-AilO, ust, 1.
sauctificatioff'wi several, rich productions, prominent amopg UND-EnSIONED OF107118 Vol& Skt
liarid 'I no, longor. tinder the no. Ali mss" thp agazinc,'and, Worits encours emeilf I THE E A
io repndiat�.. 0 l, the o6er -t io wl riiceipts. Amounting to ubouv In I lustratien made use of was a iropok one, it Far took; &c,� belonging10 the, estate
ealers, r Cana. which may be mantioned �thbse over the sig. good pair. orking"Ox6h, rising, six yeacold,
of nowid from tile e
'Ip be d would. -take a man months, and sometimes of the which he- will Be a reasonable Price. -Will give.&
i 0 - . . lite W.Turner, 6n. the, 25th iust trial of them Or a lyzitteriffu
ded-dty'of! dualin oUt liquors to all able Sew$ comp�uy, Cl ft U..,. - natures of "Woodpecker" and "Councillor." � .1
I emocrats A tivr jAunip anto, -ill Wa ydars,'to gsli his wounds received by the fall. A surely, be one t1iotie wnal
I pit a. - shut The former ma of at Turner'sho:tel, Var NV.Xmison, arantee, it required.
. 6ent-tu'ponKlilo for the oxii;ting dep,feo-. UIP111 to Compete 06.11ors lyllo aro 'wwoA found their W havo,received the initial number. of The stifticiently oyful ff4..- ORX BAYLEY,
W hoaleil to reoeifq that J -inlidrit possess the ability of "opening their m6uth Auctioneer. Lot gl,.tr400n.U-!Illattrov42,1876. #4
of Toronto, a aper ostensibly gott lip Come ye blessed ot my fathbr,:
Or bllsinc,�s thin Thoy arii not ;,,very nurriorous ou, d, and 00ilig their foot it" (spAen of in la Farm, of -100 acitesi lot 6, 6th con. Stanley.;
Sion, and dorrupt.s`Y4.tem. ill tlicintereit of tile Licensoid Victuallera; but. Ing
ihotalk,aboilt riot b tile ki doin pieparefffdr you from Ills
Ky - n
y Th� illustriti6ii Was as qfAho same -class by his 7gigfisture.. What
7 to a0iic�d agw.b t2.19ep -we 105 acres, lot 21, porbil'of: Baifielia. r
Dill preixotio letter). while th latfiradmits htir,
-Ahink,.-tho-intorest vtthe Iintblishers is atia
ug iQ i1fr ii tile i: principally Rept in tiow, i( *e Are to judge follows '-. the ttirning point of thvrdiseage'(�or Woodpookeristrylit tolnakeout-bj�his poem Stanley-; and gri5tiloj?'in-Ta-aw.millso�b.'..
ous. illim, as With, it is tiousoilsf, To r daA from- the subwription prico,, only $4,( better)- wao to represent regeneration or spirit- (spare the paik) 1. ail o see,. an he. soars to the, 23rd :Deo.
From per4oniiil� ON Thprs IL lQ011 )9 iler longing -to estate.of W. Tdiher, at Var.' SuBSORIBBB'SREMISD OT
yeY, or f I I U, 14th CbM-Rullati, about the I l' f I
6y it car 1 . . Dickinson, and white yearijug.Helif,r, wi
wil 'oif n$2.50 for six -months.' It takes a5A ual'birtb, which r6prosentatiOn, I don't't luk; such a, sublime height I fear butle* l'ordin, n D. 0 0
itioline&to conle to We Conclusion tha'L th white stripe d eTile owner is hereby notified t
of for tho.'Ainoriouit. warIcet. 11,110 motto "Opposition to prohibition but singa- has any pimilaiity with epiritual:biitb, for'the' irrmortalg" can follow him. - Well may -the Auct.
will pu=w ;ill 0. prove prop y
-.00 60� charges and take away.
readoi, after attemptifig to,ta a in his ideas, - -ExgrF . .
p 33; LOO K Ono. B
200 to 00 lb' arly oubugh editod nP68. turning point of -fever does' not -render' it 'k' :Encampment No.
it NyAr be a difliq0t task to avoid troll. ho"s w0ro really first-class, weighing front I idva Pal
plenty Orolli6ition.argumonts., Tho lispor is neatly Any less fove
ble, nobiatt6r which,parby 'iq'couutad, citie,4 a., each, r, better or worse, it ia fever' Pud Haiiedi Nov.", 1876.
wonder how such a genius can.e4st in this,
"14, cr�otl, alla a01'16it ac- -.gari oftho As- the man is sick still ; but- not so iit regouera- are making extbusiv;o preparationa f
gob it)), is, the apknoviJedged at or a
tile sociation"al community without hia-talents fiaing'k4own,
eive, it arge tion
"Itioll call, be IWO no I . . flaill. n in, an if a i'-IAST (N) vrvr. .—A courb for id will, doubtless rec' birbh,whiqh is as and w ask where now stands Ilyr6n, grand 'ififusical - entertainine 'f to be held at. House -and L fo
djustilledt o"rOril-in the voters' list. of `support. ell may I Prew!a hotel, Ei�ter, 6n Dec; ot
U 'BOld 'Lis -1t thosa p1l �'s where. a 411 _ThQ,
at f A fe ed- LdL - 1. Longfellow, Burris,- -Tentiy6ou, aii"Iioat-oL ip tbero- will bb hold ill tlic hubtlanity in its innocauci), W
otheia, 'who have become almost - immortal. poininit ee have' al a or ex. GOOD F3A3lr,'190uSEp Now 06CUPIED 'BY
of stilritual deprav"iby'6r death, as inl through. their poetical productions? can of "Mr. Turnbull),with Six- Room, Cellar..Pantry,
a o t the 9, 23ol�.Noue righteousl� &c.; and Rom"y'. 12
willove fear,,be bl haoil the 4th of Dec. 'at 10 a.'� ill. CENTINNIE 'COB IS, Edho�an., -penslas , iix. ing 'the edrvi A
Tit ro: is riot. it li(Inor, in� leCurb for- If h it a procur Wellisud, OthOr c6mvimlenic.88i wi# be sold on qasy terms,
When %ye. turn- to. L, tirippe aild,. Asia, 'R � * 8wers., .Whore.',' The.piece , contains several. BOM0 f - the most alented professional' pirt.dred, Apply
county but whit will be benefittod'ift lsa:rijo plc )Path b� sin &6 aid, the ia ---7
e. S the opliiival. naa ions, author, 'illinkin music na
the asimet. looks. more, Ominous .4 y or other by �tne passage I of 6 am the abovtIft 9 - In the hill. Ontario, in fact it"will . place
lid some w. rw I iltogWI-16i aiflers fr Clinton, Nov -22, 1878.,
CALL�IIR0116011 tohe advertiseluorit resume our �jav tion, for tile spirit is no m0d dead; lititis 4ii- a has discovered Oho Spikes really is, winds a any.,chdap concerts thid-t may ft
tbough We from veekJo prollik hvirglifth-10M
c6ant-�f litif be. brief; �thor'a`na 'a ndwcrcat�irc; � .0519. v, 17,, 1 'There;
Aln A.- 14lies,, who- ha, lately - on- lip Won-with-wbatbe..do6l5t� lbe gi�ven-ia -the fture.
:doubt thay*lif success- '�houl.dnttorid the h1trged and incro4sed bia'stock,1, less d6ifaiders�a, I lilhing" joke, which loses the T I
wi�ek t1lilt the pros eets� for, peace are for ar& HU'�he Audience A* 6rc, if ny man. be in Q646, lib is A.liew a that I am
a hi r'.a boiter'op olittle force it posscased,-,vo6n state
efficri-W (if those vho.ave laborng- to thi 7. til a 1�anorami exhibition, b4y.mant the adetice ture old things are �Asgcfllglva�, beholdall If proud -bf thb, pleridid abilities of'theiefour hopeful, the rill6pal 'parties .'who are ()I,tllllltv of suitimls ther. be chnedrp i clin6d to tMAYthat, be, I Itbetlied.' the *rong, TION OY THE
p 4pidly; and. the'n 0 b.6 done are &64tiio now. The progressircopss representatiVeg. in T31E co"NalL
an t1woo -,,cry men vill in a" p spike... Onobf- the remarkabld ihings 6ftho 'the borain,ion, Admill, Comityal-Hurou'*111maeb,in the,
llowed of likely"tb 16W�nlcvat� the 'edild call'Lt will be sogn lie. inakos a good dis-. with' and this ailu.6 most; -be, fo as ation *was itit6nded to balilastrated Pleas;% tliai lit) attempt- whatevoi,iq'inaae to stration—Mesars. Mackenzie, Mike, -Cart�
i0t; are tilne aeknoivWdii i6 -aud say 1hat it. a
V.Ny alid a large� -stock of goods to select frosi, to are rapidly transpiring. a discaso above rafefre(L toi frolil, ',t.h'o bourt R, , n of bodefl6b
refute the statements I made, ah� presume h I ght And Mills oint I the. tow"
a very beit thing, �tbat Could ha:vd .9 �monof unfinpeachablii
'vigorously by t of., found them 'lower trfie. P1 rep tation, and capable of any am ON
for. *ai The wasAb rolil. AA-.(..41l6ry, or ' oiniilial Rall, is 112 nobit for better to'
b .. � , . . . .1. 1 , i &� h P1 'Work I., ount of
ilstructure dut atow With reforence to 00ouncillor'4 I ard He4r, TASDAY, iie
6, 'tko con- 'vine was to reprosent the ondo . n Advortiser.
Eastern, war, originally, 1,61,w6en short ti o'shic i,'4pailtifully footod by medicine, whieh'soinaf;h
ic of liberty At
ary ih it statti ;Thu inodi
Turkey and: Sorvi;l the �Hucrt, (if tile Cliaton. Uorninou, hivo bub-littloto say, further thanto givathe.
nelsoftli� roof. Oil bither A ti- ut -of the x . 0 P13TER ADAM U rs ntreal Williegg :-�-Any tinkerinj -with Godeeleb, Nov. 20th, 187o. !do ol Year,; of oho'xvii, 17,1 , . � .1 �. . . . . 4 1 .
t orword 06uncil. credit for their anagoine SON C0.1131 1016kk
AND r P. 0 11 hO. rodway, 1widin" to' tbisJ)uildino is 1� fy them throtigh thy word. iffbilont affairs, if his statement is to. bo re. -th
has aunk.6.ut.of sigh takes advertised for four taticho thy wirro7rtrittl
ositious ill the school,, mid rc�oived no. in cas lixg 0 0 Still,' his lott As to emba the- through,
amm6th. bronvo ti f Pagassus, Qr %vbic;h,,th minister.arguod,. made -64, lied u0ou;.whi6* T'hope it is� tariff so her pUce. ':It -is eighty-six agplickints, hich co This: cxpoilti6n bf sanctlfiw d:
Dining thapast t6iimonUii of the yor is7�,. loomtlnll r-. winged horses, with a female attondatA-1 The tion pro6russive or' --voteks
B-011116- - ''.
be talilly�iudiaatas I tit u 'hoe to it is by a flight, of -ton or 'a dozen: cation 9 not- to harmonize wi hich such large, oxpebdittires have been Lit Co
the hillparb 6f suk4trluto. this cznintr� from 1 .0 � desire oi *a : ilaeg not dispose of.' y* statement that i urt.
c7 seem th the , moneytinight have �conmoro judiious- 'Qnstantinop a and?. a of tho,i
sia covets C I I ber tc;� ellawyo t1ioir locatioli,�O'r. 00, ve�y.broad.stcineist;, from whicb,yilii'aia -at. follo-sving peahagos,—Gen. ill 3 "Arlil. God ly 6,xpofided," '-iiii6h I still maintain. With .-I , Pade "on the, canaloi would r TOTiot "IS BERE
-Unhed f5tat 16 4.1ji0toltoll-t P , largely N�TH
t e herediuto A 81)3c* r- blessed the are' Llsto�Aatf
po�ri.n �fTu�k ri of irild we fear aise- such a -Nwlll be held, pursuant to the Vot
t . . 6n i cr *z of teau long" lofty and',gb seventh day lind-mlictined it," ar6farenco t6 the band stand, ill&! less said storm in a single year' that thili r tons- a
Y. flt-bwiniport, was i3,047,795, -or- an in- estridti. 1 70, by his Ronoi the Judge ofthe;CQun Of
-othor words. s.0i otteti as. b 'aw Ar a"
ponsly.stuccocid and carved rotanda, Ili wbicU oo,.! it"Apart far divitib sbr the. b 'th
-that now 5,110 in, �such' have V6061 0 it -about., ti swept L -d4Ur0uiAt:tb ore, snic,very litiful Btatuaiy Alid pallit" 'Vied *as a di�ig.rxce to 'any one-horse to,� let -
9c ot be. any.prF a
'kened From till% grogsivp oE vu thai � the ]Elan. David Millo ii; TO W
of iinp6rts ff)r the -entire ever the ififolim,ed ilmt icla young rotunda pas'iag ) - - . The fact
o a lugs. ouried
wea n1 bripoyerisbeil. conditio i bill '* laoe,lika this, and it was CLINTON
i wrilticiii, 6illy to give forth the coia alone -a fl N' AAtL
Past year of is this 90 1Xr till 11 periorin nythin'g, lika, nuffierOAS rOOmB an(! halls; 66 walls of which - ma4d and, it waa so - Gdn i And God p been in the, habit of thinking kor himself,' '"lie will nat4ot the. 0,J), -tuillity uot'to he dXpectel thata, 4ocent band'would 0.
icy of free" trall-, (1) ilia �Nlollt� i
poi 1)()l 11114-d 13 giving big so a
were literally a &vered-%'vith paintings, eagrav- said let there be ligk ariA liere ,f*as light," and that his viewi,,4re of the progressive OVan' Of - jugs ilr I regalaKly ofform: in it,
real 0 C16so awl the 110rac, for obings. of the most beau- and againir Bio4us xix v t .0 to plited atiother my, ?I
finding a . onto reasol! or goirig to warwiib iwinga andt 22 23 1 slioul( III. deil does not -seem to bavdWeaketlea is The F0 0 a
v n.nionth urth Day" f. D'oembery.1876i
pio(luwnd '(2) ling to be tv nd board tiftli, and platform and then I sliall iieJhrqgb. It is uelled in his C6,nAitu0n6-y orl� the'cQun-
costly charActer, and ilia floors largb- themselves, 11 &a., 'and sanciffy'if;" &a. Rev.,. infl
l;iciin Tito youth J� w ZaAie, LLlD., Says, " SL anctify is, to pre -
hot. and thon)onoy thatwould cortai Illy 11�s a fliglit to g�ll 1118L V. oCcupied ith inarbl.o s)atuaiy, -bronze 1ohn r this, 1 think too much titne is �vasted. at the try. Theio�ia -a n1oral,hord Which he who MAO ialclock, A�X.�
A uln6r has Leon cireallalin ill the' 11) thia counfry is, sent into tilt., -labor, t wh t( er Ila likes, Gfit Ilia aspita- igigos, carved lacquar,work, iind papier ma� pare or Oct. apart peracps or'thinga for a. sittings of Council in -wordy debstds �ver fri. xun"0ty read. To beo? and determine *be several conitilaints of -orrorm
C a a 3V thii; rapiesen'tli the r on- k f0t' a day �r silin of. in 6 110, that 11,18 b ed, A-ag very largei'and was expected to 00�d al moaning, for instance, ifi-e-flife-fon the or of;, 8olieving that good nifty possibly result" Court'Are requke-d �&ittind.t the. said jjtilfi�kud puA*-.
tablep find stands. A IthLo and omissions in the voters, List of the municipality of'
Lon ti3c-. uOh'this build- use, which cannot le progressive in its spi volous-and'trifliiig matters. Clinton, for 1878. Ali Tq-r-fiolla: having business at the.'
I�QCFRTANT TO Till-, '119 0 .113 . . L I .
"Abi f from this disausd6n, and trustin that.I have
two past that -.tile flat liad P�`b it of tile cbiu'itry't1rrot�gh tha �bstb=y ibition ofall ivorks'of .%A'a jhustjiave� been r e6eratd(l, -Or born
)ple room for tile exii eg 'a
of tile-. adbeliuLj,,, to thr�il, free tants (;f'0l ve
puodii% . ' ilia ))a odor6d, it was found not the spirit, instilled, and sanctiflod, for 'he re- - -tt
0,71(1,anri ebtintry . . . . _ -
Ii&i0Jy.of the �d.ot. art that I no respassekto your op' In Clinton, on the 17th inst., illii wife -of, I I... I - : . I
Clerk of 'ClInt
or erod tie Constantine-, trade politry'aiii mir liilustH04 Of . . on..
t L; and another wa. ceived ever asting life, as the saying is,- at the ill, yourao Ifillen-, of a son. Ab Clinton,. thle
�Cullouc,lv in.'another. -of large enougli g created in I retal a iesp6otfolly, n column 218 t
plo Witll[3ft razw-o'tif, 'ering''Llil-jftQ, spaco',.,with eleventh hour, and as -it. were'by a i gs, -
1101.0-61S, iffiraddiatAly tile' Ile ct Brix In-Blythi on the. 16th inst,, th� wife of 4AY Of Nov.. 1876.
The gets grot PrAisO more rooms, thus giving much tAore wall Aur -7 of faithi Ltl�e �xxiil, 4§, 43, and lie, It this p ap �)r. suic unto' Clinton, Nor. 22, 187C4 T., G. Mosi§r, tinsmith, of a -66n. V
the irrvaSi6n of -T;tilk6y by- thei Dorninimi for his success ut not ad lofty. And Only of osus 11L 43 thou comest ot
face Tor ' pictures; b Ord remember rh i0ion In Blyth, an. the'19kh hist., the wife of, Mi rs. List, Court.
There is little , doubt th t En -i tile writ'r of"the'above paragrai)h treat L of clifonic nd linuefing dig. a ttnlporary clianlater, but yet of it fasty*1vild" intiatLykingdom. AndJohns said unto'him, agan,,of a sort,
kit e. 1,01V1iESl80R0. JAN. L
ill relation to tli� su;ar aiiest eaftog; ilicieforii any dis- substiiitial, nature. This was called -the An. Verily, I s4y,-utlto thee; to -day. shalt thou -be
wouldJako actllon� in ame of wir to. sa� i9n) of over, to it the doni- lie-., to tile Art Gallery,'alid WAS :also -filled 'with meifi paradiso." Says Eadio, rogenera. The Presbyterian Churab, Londiabilro, wfil N will be bold, flutiviau IVE
_Wlat t to the Voters, Lists Alt Of
by his' h
Haton% fit -,the
re Contanthl6plo ngliiinst capture. attel Nvill be front the ly1th marble sl;ituaryi'paintitigg, &a., and-4loo' tion is to -be born spiritivilly, -And'do 0 not be formally openoa..ori Sabbath, Nov. 26i wheri 9onor ilia Jadge of t ii daiity cout o the.
ell regard'Ae�s o the trtith. Ili the, morcial lloil,. Wl;ioto lie .�. MAIkRIIED, CO.
.0. - . I P a,— . the following ge it amen wl p.
30th IG'the'i 1:11 bf Dec. CL onsulta- contained Ancient relics from in ned atid. long thil Saviour say plainly., in St. John in, I' be' resent And STVaDy—RVTL-EbQE.—On the 218't' ilist.,
d tion thb old,. world, These build. Verily, verily,!l say unto you, except a mail Conduct the Dr. Urel of GO-' by the Rev. A. Milliken, at the resideinis 7'4,�,,, Hall, CLINTLa, N
Even, if She dW, no"t �Qnd troops tolold. ive-have not, got free feA �, As buried cities of
the citi, - she vould 'doubtless anchor he must knowe'very lvell, there bein� a logs were contintilly crowded', though there be born again he cannot see the *kingdoin, of ch preaeli at, 10.30 a. in. iv.' Mn oi the bride's father; Mi. Geor Pe WUL,
-6n. Friday pvoning htat, room for thousands, and no won- God.0 Does not the S�viour,'ifttho Aboji,- Aikens, of Vituilian, at 2,30 pi In.,; and Pr., 9 In tea wild county OfElfron, 64 the;
lost powerful ironala sin, tMost all J. lfo� . ... 114 born agoi . n (which is lard Shirdy, to Eloiaboth Jane,
d dky - of -*M 1,(Abs of thisTown, TnA is-ith A. was displayed in rich'profusion Ure'at 6. p. M. . Collection taken t the
some ofellor per ent, on a imply that if winau oesFdurth- day of Decij 187% at .1 ng
t Ingdom. of daughter 6i Mr. Joseph Rutledki,`4 of
painful,'thon-uh notacriolia� acciaent. ITO' tholmost beautiful And costly paiiitings AUA spiritual of Ood) he ash see t a ki close of each , service, 0 the follow n u.
the Bosphorus', and take- pains that ltus- manfifactured hrtieles, afid on refink! ing', a Soiree vill be L hold' in the Goderich township,, TO hear Ana deterinine tha several cbraplainti of arrorm
wris. rptiirnln,,� froal Toronto, find the attractive, work of the sculptor. It is Gild. Concerning justification, says Eadib, d and omiaslonw iii the'voters, List of the muntelpauty ot.
Sia . all 6uld ill n6 �-Vd:a aftt'dify'L Riiivs.' Messrs. DAnby, 'Bayfiald , COOK—SFRBADBURY.—In Trinit. Church th'11T
not. leas. than -'331 per coint. -if wirrying iimpossible to giv Arlything like -a description this term involves one of the fundamental bo =:f Rullett, for 1870, All persons hain
.,at tha� ow thii * platforni at the Sh Ha It n
o of even all hundredth part, but'we'wift uote a ciplas of Christian. faitti, and stands oppo- i tlyi of Exeter ; Ailteltai of 'Vaughan; Mo. Bayfield, on t a 21st i at. j. by the Rev. Court are roqq4ed't attend at thol itall
'f I latinn, lie stumbled over orie of the
England will never let Russia have Cor- ITIL per �corit;-duty js"�Do oSt. UMO 0
� 2 few of the beg t, and perh aps� th a very b eat piece t6 condemnation. In its evangelical use, of Dlyth,,, Prit. T. Walson, McL Chas. Cook "MiNS
t prolectiou many trucks lying around; - disloLting his 0 TAX98 BRAITHWAITE,
StA,4tilloble if she canL help it. enough weshould just like to know voliab nfined of Btatuary on exhibition was Apollyonj 'tile it denotes that act of (;ad's sovereign grace, of Londeaboro; and Sarah Ann Spread.bury, both of Godotich Clerk OfLtho said micniolpialityt
I rul -and roceivin; injuries which do I panded wings, by which he accept avy, I be In Att . . . . . I . a
3 of an ordinary man, with ex. a and receives those who of Clinton tri -b Vol andance the Townsbilli uf ullsiL
it 3 luevalis From wbat Lord Beaconsfield has Said figave vvould satisfy them ; bt we n- ed him to lAsTegidence lit of G Tbe,Londds
believe in Christ, so righteous, * And when. .8 Oth di of Nat,, 1876.
for A'few days" 'Ve outstrotphed arms, coutracti3d Muscles, and and d�113ve� short dde' ,so! boiii Datild thli 2
are pleased to see he is able �tG be out, bold,dollant and- comyra,iding looks� Not- God pirdons a sinuer-tsayo Eadie) he treats Cholir, If der the leadership War# ELMOTT"ClOX.—Ill St. James' Church,,
we conclude present goVern.- hardly a6k, for w.l4t; wou.14 satisfy tifolo Goder1c)i township,,by Aev. T. Watson,.
k is off6et to . Mi nM
thoogYi not entirely.over i .9. withstanding its li�auty its a work of art, we him As !righteous or as if er,
ho,had will be present, and oulffou the proceed.
'Ili 111torich wMont of E60and -Will ta e up arms in to-diiy wopltl be much b6low. wbat* they nticod. that it was Act very attractive.,. other For instance, Romans iii, 1, 1, There there.' 6 vrith selections of choice, Music, Mr. JAB; H so Catherine TAn ION Sl n
would, wak to -morrow. pieces that,convoyed oibl -or 83n- -thez*, thatAreaa Cox, both of .000 AUVI-L
the do 0 1 life, o4tho Sons of Toinperance and'United uor a laughable fare now no cndemnation to
fbnoo OfT I kkey, and it has boon '�paianee Agso
(21id.) Yo can ..hardly itnaglue tile W lle]A'in tile tinionthl sousation being much more admired ChristTesus," L&C. And if' there, is , na conw BLYT
or .
atatea -that if this Shoulil to 'ease)' writer so is to 5,lppo50 t1lat t1le temperance hall, on ilia f3t�ftlnst., for the such AN the infaut being compalUid to ropqAt"! damna6ion there must be ju3tifiention, -Rom. ray da on the R. R. was one day last DIED.,
his frgtprayor, with its closed hands, long iff, L24, ."justified trul," &a,; and Ujustified,
al rdtinei 'k, in -for several days, all over. At Alma, on -the 19t1i riot 2,11ahs 31 rtonj
Montro' ofrratiging-ti,branch oftlio Hur MUS we, Ythereaft4r
Amer'Idans will obtitin letters of marquee -s cauld havd )it on drawn, face. and tear-bodowed cheeks, find the t bo'sauctilled, for born of God and
ussia And - the sugar t1toy could dd. �vas to re. )ry Associati6n, for.the town of- - ffih�iii, 1, age of five drunken men might be Been on the Aged 64 years.,
ffom.t. build priv� atoor�i to prdy - i6ney It t - Stovolwon. vir-asloboson itinumarablo iiude statues of fen,0109 of ill- 'set apart to his Apeoial gbrviao, T;tb street fit any t I MO. ITS Tof 11, T IL
fine it,* tbo'lli vilig to & out of clintolf. J. Curtis itte6"uf aigilt, Illost all agea, froin the iufqn1; of a few months 4L Bolovoa, now Bona of aod.,, - -SOL rilgoileta- 'if act'is in. eirpula, Ili iondon T1p,'8th'Con.f31qt.11, 86pt. 27,
upon marinif I tile 811glir in, A p�titlon for the Dunki
11try to brilij, vita-pkasiaolit, and A 'Coulin to ilia mother with 4 balid at hoe breast, and tion,asitt justification Booms to really �Mply Duncan Anderon, a2ed 80 Ye
the Coil tion in the villap; the nariaes of about -40 - sirs, ( ro-
"I'll to cilvabi; the Volvii for the signTitures of in ai� lio,ibioilg sod postrimag . To Via level, Or,. in the words of Eadie, got thOl! Of Mi!L' Janet Dennis, Clinton il,
Whit the result would bd,.in this Caie if protective measilres had buMl onncL'od the ill sanobill ratepayers are on it- that of Win. DrUrninoud . native ot Pertbihire, Scotland.
tile' dilrurelit Wald, Of Alt, tile apparent IMMOdOsty"in these apart to God's sorvid6, for such favored ones . STA170290)[A from the E14dnJ4t4 Of Cho latg *a",
T. P., hoading the Ast. Tile name of D; B. Tan tr'-1DE'4s"GNElj 'us :91"NIUD M,
gland looks u1jon so as to -tirop op. find enable -'the Alou L- aq1tingt tile - County ()I a I emigrate to Can Tumirodedeand,to bill by PubliciAilotica,
i10 Ono cotll(Roll, fur * Fri. C in I, to-sillinlib. tile' IcallAtIrelt wag last ill tile beauty of*tllo wo'kk- are born'ofii Thd following p4lislig0a hO- a4a Ili tbd year Is
to it w0tild hAlfo -lict-li' Dunkin Act foiAlio tors, nianahip, lil a V d flay but *cry
privateoring li the-Fitille li,ght as--sbe real tition iwtavor of Liquor Liocuio- is &Igo in air. ,AT 'THE "PUMISESo' ROM,
royal of the eled it we hardly think flibyaro-fit'for. 'tire salvatfoh to the bolic oil ail
0 oarly r0rouli3c'uU11a
ail 0XI"milso to Ontilvio atone oll monio fifty of Clio eouuty,a, voto to ])a takiiiL in th sight-sooing, find out oplai6a s little, if anything it all, abotib flaactificittion, cultition; this list is boaded'by the name of is-161'ef—j.90 V 30 cents.,
to PrO, usndllife, wa part (if fioxt year. - I'l) toAho,prosenp the auliibl-ted by that of- tile 6f utidar'that term, Actd xvi, all "Believe oil ilia Wilt, Wilson 00 Wo goo that
does upon irtrai g, an�l 1
3 Cot)- 10
o e 0 comm — --!— - I 'a.
ittoo have procooded �Cry Wall ill tho�hibltloii,which was showit In thaltife- Lord Jobus Christ and thou shalt be eaved law" dliTdr its wall UL dootori'J6 ,toy. Hol�blto.)f 80 DEC
She suinars of migtir tetwon t IL alle. Wight ffie p , - ' " " ' ' ' .11, - .- , ' their*fYorta to ecure to. -the, MAval. (A. - -Vax-1 Ito T*v artliteamoviriltdr6g, war 9 G?dlddk P MI
t 10 Llwy Co Which was pr6pounced to be its faithful A to. xis, 17, "'Reep thii POCKET D10139,'-fary , . a
el before long to be opened iii the vilthgo. ad proutuok altimit A*
gidered AntetvA ix, 2 1, 11 Come and follpw !is," &d,
10114 11 fetuale form as art could COUNTI$Q ROVBX 4QU1t$AL0j Thd Clinton flotel 441dings a
0 preventatioa of tile .&ell aud fi JL Wilson's. millhad several Additions, ptin- the oartierso In thoqedtro of tha Town of C11 to bud
14AU-1 �aitd_ AL1104 Me Jbhri-x 0 11 ata tho door," &d. I could go elpallyto thO Upper include the lilygest sud most doimOdhibil gob
lhrm 6uo' bil tivo firijiq! ill itud, story, Tito boll on thiff
giVI61 g a whilt) kivix N."I PlacO4 Thom wrif oupleL Of veiie(j AbfttIIdFI* that Ofir after pasgagg that Largest Cheapest sto6k ot 111blest Possession will be giv it on th6 lail Aq 61 Mily
'Cutia, hs -o a 4 seem, to will, that oil tile school liouto: SO the govoval 14
dlolii-�oo. beyond by, a whistles On the 06hei mil el"fatuish the illag. 4VAR OrrilM,D IN CLINTON(. iM4 tiodiltillidus ninde 114144*00i 00
wl. tit Leiria 'milli, wag were wall oxecuted tlia LIMO Of day 411'.
Altogether, tho Outlook has a gloo Nve,iirp iioTry- to r490 rio Inally ratill-lAilig to' towlij all'a met With ail acci.', f0innoo beneath the veil was beautifully abig-. efuseo Act of fahb, to tile belleer. haterriti etb withan appiloxita4ioil lo
aglied, find there will be 11111612 reason who 000411ily hnow bettev, follow.� doilf, which tbouggh not sarioun, in its re. e'lad anA fine ill fotm,v�il the hung in goiltmor- to t+e illutitratian,� I do, nobtunderstand- how - Afamy, Roal/lit alld 0; —wheu wo,hoar Any 01113 of thum WOL-tiaw it Vol farthbi, Wiltul6ttou ltr;i to
covering c -it pre
for thankfillne8s if the noxf; 81X,l lug loall of"ila ill its kitd milti;, wat; srlmowha6 When nefir like ff)ldkr and fullY. th fa- There t1t6 tu riling point of Any disaaae for better call, is.80144 Iii1na oil OlAde. &U.Ift im cot
flontlis ellylratitive propely ropregftt apirltuat birth, tot there is fohag th# of
alle in, IV places that Are I YULM
hor volifel tq rail paild Over 'Witholit witnegsing P. bloody iffantimling, 110' bow creation, fill the.Aw.11'xpreag GD, o tot Sandle NX&AU litou'.
Appear to bavo ab�itd0J1rt1 all li, upnot lky it, fitillifil., fillo 1101I)g und woAlly U noto'-snell as the I Wojbjr y more thiiii. a turn far
sb aboub to would I-epresdart ppirltuAl or hathrid ELIJOUall It clever was 'slot equiva bui Stray Horse. Nov, W; 10d,
06111110t, eltlfor oil Wili 81do of. tho CC= truch, nppmelifly und alh(litly brulood swid tho B1111(ta (if hor yo. from a brokorl ii little girl lit re to
ting 11 iou t to o d hatt doup, 6orcr a buttorfly with the expitiltYact Is) of ha� ;Arath, wirldkild Another stateof oxisionoo, fartilifilug folk with expressed goodso'talogra-
I * 0L Ilia! a, lwol<- what.110 A' 1.
or thati all. is r4ir i true", )o -_ 61 ... ahoilliso, with-li ir eaa . b4 afid ?Ioale adull�: 4xt tilt disease re3liallio, - Ilvortlictaggi "016 hi owl, 1QtWtd,! Pjl)Ldido dry, 6dq. and 6 rl!AkVN 19TO,T119 111110201t8 OF MOS. VZO,
T'Iffn lii witr t put tile to Ilia horfivii, and gb
tellnce I little with toira it tbeir eyog, T Nmd Coil., Kidillby. �buut tho 16th 0than'
Potection, tit.; it ealloil %I )fill tt to, . Now firlu'9MR11,
-Ir — "ftoath, 14 not
IM R. r. Yoafigl qf b6ploa b (40 1 �ttt, wo eiturot stop ttv dog, aud yearis lideowit usiblo to ht* 11", A. pii1pitlLorit, tkof lilluasy AUCT
to 0111" Illat'k hoiv OVL'rta��08 or iusAhSil4o ill tlitAll. 80 1111111,110t thiak tho 6, 00tJgregL %yettall Plit a aotifttry ;w it Maile, I - cribe any wore. ovaillog, ond rather its a. Nov, 59, Is%#
Wora tlia fartnir ill ill (I ol'fitial
Ini tlio ivroijgdour. Avrived A Tiletla W(jro 01110ligh, I)a1hUriga to, oloupy, givoit xbov� ptdfas Two Valuable VAW0j,
Dn in, I TIM i e 1111 by . Obtaining aild rip Ono NvJiu iiuiJnre6tiJ4 pulitluill A got flotiog, for and. how tilt tho4i dprott-airsais in tho
talltify of 4011thalti 4il
to, gt)
Carl] 311100, 1J uftei whiell Ito htki-tecl eiiatlk, that had been loatictl by thig santibilidatiolk it
lboney. AQ r ill almobt 4.11y dogL1,00, Will 1, Q,06L)U flinfl k)tlloll of ti "I A*
flloy nal Im o Wiff 3.
90 Lim in. 'catati unnititia- I I
T ab horitiountil, Jtqurjgfi, ieTumors r a0tyr it, liot Itillults 6,olit olill6ni 4,61 b thiobla natt, i1ell (if tit, Wlr,� 110fitAii, Wh6i h3ill 101),g test Ill thu prommoa to pilb. is (W 00JAP14 of nu I growth to wabhood, but it is, ti'lly 1-0111 kwtiruly qwitroying the wag. iborltolod, in lihortly, to rituovo front lipro 11hpo'dwit, to "thie, Nick, 6 11160Y
-tea thati told born obuoluiotY ("01 ulitil 16 roadholl, this to Op 91h, lffi�fslo thello orfolle foot of viom
its pwatod.
PI It .
4 '4 'm 1, 1: 1, , �� ontitlea 1311fiq go" a -girl fer little ito, RA k gie - hPlaig 04f, liy, lmd wd hear apont a, #�ry 111101 4#66pecill tri Owl lit r(kv
NV", . 4 (if I 'i'll :4 blififli# off fro
M6 all -blit tilt) 116'lUlrg. Di'iboitt (irtacil yea) IfuttinAd, who ig
but tliby 6hly got 600 to' 'N.11 ()Il K;t, for thillignilda tif (10113eg I line, ill tlll 11purslau yearg of or thn y(sang 1100pla ustillarott f4t 111% 1111wo
Although 011H ii; thn 11to ii wher 1104(li tilt, woutoral, lmv it oV#n lig.
iied, oarrIall Witill hiltl lity'lJ133t #'off% 0V
had boon V1,69WIltbil tot, tilaildillent 08 Iv If , vit, by It I wity of r6tioll Allt*011110AN ('11ilil ig tPag, fop 1r,d, tililb 1111ketli fr4ii EallAnd, ItAidid; RafAlatillo Fftolifto btfililflyf
Heil 1. 1 a of Ailitst it, end kilo 3101aidio of at -alk,
illwulverett ta ba oil find, ulthotigolt he AP lArOutly ataltng. out to 916010 a situation, -(111611113 N efimpletrily ro"Lored, so 4, NpiriEu. widlies of d11414blitim. JL N a (if 040 vilid
aud, bi it ild dbyi buttla till t1i hrie tha odbul ling Woll t, thil)4 of d OR ayj '600 MIA
trail, lut, b *' jI(3f,'t1IliL tfire isprotitl �o rt. lit it yvb rosOlutd, 001111t
4 ot tbib killil, a N stovid 1,140tory IN Dow Ill bpata
grit il 0 )P0llQlIt3 that. t . lie tidalW V 1 6 pidly tilat lity wag Itil a - It tefflill'b alliLti'611al� fo4jtif (of. itl*fk
'a hordes, Which lip llit"I groat (lif. Dhi"i, for N14VOMI of 11C &(I,, ilt* woolts .d lop woorthr
Vroqu6ndy ro-Aistiorl Irml VrIllah tit Walt.,9'" tho (411001%, was, wlifell Ig thn Word of triall ad givellill tile test % I brobadw flinall llrh till At IV IMAilrA to A I
tit) (laing, all �htjy Illitl lih-cill fo,1119 60019 Wb*t*1lW VOV. 40thl 4411 VkpikfAdyj W dealt OYCks 01114 0(leffull, Iffill.14 ttitlefl, Tho blaill AcAttill 14 61 it J�Dll 41 vatilly 111vt NIU6 W1611 rovar*, liq a riart-odl luld, tho tit ItI109 646POV 0, ift 100111OW 0 W 11, 6.0
Ur(,I)q, 111)(I llijilply fill t1ir 1§04. thofn R01)113 JJJLbdJh1 fldWk1s11ak' What altiltill; avvy pautall J �1111r413 Ill Vill 41111 .4101 A0111008 b0- pillabor oil ul fit %lilviturtl 01,1111 111uht, lye 4A tmalw6f, 104to
e6Ad, i6whilld
14 Vol- 'uml6f 4 1`41MIT TOV, il f(li, bary 1141#6 longlog to thly t1krIl" 141(jra W49 10 1111* oll nutl liflid I
ance oft f1lo brlb t1ld ao)ntetjtg W till,# It, llojjo ing 11tif Ate Q
nd t6n fiftoo, nailibig to arit, tl fill gailt tat No. 91LI014 '40ftho IlAyfola h
wbrth 03114 101011, Tooto mthibition of' goodlif glob d (r of 81111011y, 44 , 1 00 Utflis TWO Will liki
ilia. idlired 610111$1 few ititlatrad to Nvotild 0411 Asit,4111 014'. Ito bibuilhitfil, Oil �il
Wilt show wiffit tho Olt waR 01liad by wrt1w to bou, Adatioll, It nDpodyll to lysa, that frolis tho, fo 4 66iin Wy Gabab 6t PW144 blAw Ilk 4 of 0,� I I
QO.Nooll'i ILdWiAg 1)44 VJ bLilly tot Ism -bopts VtiodiVO4L fl41lt Mill. Dabillty, Revotatil, larOldicillo' learof ITIV, wplalhlj� althria 19, ?," -
Wo loam tbat It blid sUto Rhou fitlArn, skin Of fil t, 46 Ito Watiff lot
r t0646 tbAA4 tild 0111,� §66, and 016 bolt bo t1otaniod fit [kithwoU IPV tile Vallili, ill thly ]Zbjgllboj�llood, hild IkW aillt4 hfjVi� �afo yfib ttlity t1lo rariliy fllffl Poiakod io Ila* PaUff 11tall4fdof 4 11
gilvitt(ilil T1401116 wllo� wava lip " *4011 11041
1, Oh oto 14144, Chootirl lit U41r$b 4 oplilty, 110911411 Oil 04h I
noott yall vowltdin Chia Am thalif worat Ainiithilitt liAllailof hkalht Andoll,
lhkpa Abil liondo mafjo, lillo ��611015, &ilJglIJJ'nJ. ret1loril,l I oqr4l to (loaf Aild Of 010 vlait, tho 061 tonrild 414
filglng. Anil, 010ir d4td *111)rfl- tku to been betweon, diffbeeni; pqr. *44 loanil it Wirt 'd 4J 1114 gr4t6ri", W111011. JR f1ble, to, Utillil Y(Jlf Of tQVSI. hi ti thtkb t1lQL th4JL6tity Uload Dfili to, flilioNihil NA49911V INX it
bleafib of 'bei h bf PON VIM% 4 Aul ahlati milli bm
flobh I I %tail, MINN 49 4 6 T40tV Wliii 10419 tutho h4,40VA 61.
tg I y 11M,11 tilt fil rithe? wolli (if to �Ilht g%j hot aphillob tit);! tot# 011(y liallili; or atlotivol�, Nvocks Rt lbor Stitt Ill), allil givia yoll All itiligritaUdd MV649, t1lottl flto havarie to, flitl Atobfid inatioll, *All to Wit oft, 0106A Ot V V141 6
)0 dto oft' floo )ill Will tit tmticii (At Cho DA0 t1lb 81,11ifil awl �%Vdnd . 111VAlit AUA 106V
I h Or &6.
-61t., h
forJur l timkv a litflu vikloit'sl ont tit lifirell gInly jifid g4lad by tflod winvius
fitatigli tho modlibi d thrInul poliarji IvIll r4tovkI thid t1i We lmva no dodU itobd an filliorltrillm id
that tbj all,
that willo L g Wi r All WiNtil 61 t 6 A CYA oilaffillam, two so 00h0lifil 1hidt shom 14 dar J1 Ail wiarg by t1da fire, Ivag CN. Nvilt) 11fivij lj< ljorn tif lit tutt il # - As iftill
64 660thirtl Obg.hild tho hobjg do it) Qld 6 p4ld hil4lid qf(
" co' 0
a I
-'Jill a of It
be ,g 4, (w
ShAillol with tilo witaftiod ind q eono of*r4tr4p filld get Itl3ati t
Alt. AN MI lit1l; ill Ulk. lada Im lJ*r13'1JtJl%liltll lid titillicti IN wolthl' W10 R6 4041 gill
hhhad "IMIN -Wit
ilaVIIIINK V*4tim. a P 14 b P84givatt
IliN iriy� TWIN tin wim
Amp ilk J-
...... . ...... ... ........ . .......