Clinton New Era, 1876-11-16, Page 20 YQJKOO or so," 0 Vow, ZRA Alay N A04 av 0t book - , - ­ . I -i ­­.. - 11 1 , .. I n- .111 "­ - I � ... .1. 11 .11 .1 1 1 . 11 1 -__-1_-__1.__,_, " Q#0011,466 A. '44JU Alll� 0. 4. Nix�oa 0 OA r, A 0 P-0 N D IN, u vt s4lo 1-tegistei. utrook. 114o 0,044to for 9911y. and $bat Irao ttlo ore m0o'liko block- . I - I �­ ­'* dooks. w , 111 , 1, 0140 l-_ It 1 "01190, ft, Qf Mr. Q. I bpoh,0104 i4ro used -for writing, wowlAh It to bs Ootlaotl auftr*0 that ws. 40 a' A PAURKWATION.­0n. Toisod% last a numbw At A -mootift of tits Hallett ( �,att&, lot 13, ,a , r U0 of thomembory of 86. lehalo c Wohl nolwoo. 80,11 hold in the TOU 003004-ft1l; LOAd4lbOrO; J1,7014, U ; Hullett,on tba. '4"whiell woo not only 6cono;iEdoot, utwo avoid Moulas A 1,29120 $is plotes do, Q Too'cuers' AtisomiRtiono ville, mot At the rooldevoo. of Mr. 0. Holmes, oil thp 10th, Ili , unipbroy 800114 Vsq, do, Howson, AV ,lot. rvQrT visitor to the voilto AgoIrMia, wore than a y oth6r ouutry o - , n c � The oem'-sortualmootingof the 144rc'a XQ the OW901, 0, the 0141010. New Xio. S�d Presented his daughter, X308 M. U014100, behalf of tbo ofileery and malabors of theallove New f lirnittire of Mr. 00orge Diolil, V1q, is ANkea on h think, bad"mado eaditi to advertise herself., I wItti, 4 Parse 4,134. South of tuvillay, as, a slight (iratigo, presQutod Mr. 11. A. Baker, their Poo. Is Wit tile queries, N80110. arably good. TW-bor'.0, ASSOPIRtICIA took place In the Dear editor, I wish you, oy, tOrIA At 00*Aillitf)a oil the 25t4imt., 'had "* lot a, no ol. re Ith -et:-book, 0 whi.04 r ShQ other of t regognitloo of her pervicea oto OrT10 W�Ilt did ­- 11 Oantra�achoQll her%. on I n - OtOt in con -a boolitiful V004 it 0 it It and 4 Hpw do, -faring.. ytiday 1&4.4 84tur. Q9 yo1jr now -found re &tic a, nectioit with that church, Miss IOIM04�madq w4si)ilnto4 Ilia naineiagilt, andinwhich . Joe. 11 wookil'aucL wa think of did paintiogs" of. 10rorept holpe*A and callor plooto 4io" Three corvaspoulilinto Too have got - 144 (all Shoop roof) sogar 406"s, - day loot., ", The Boot. Mellon Qjioqo�, pit 1,30 -A brief but a , priato reply, expreVOiTO 01, Wore $311 acoOMP4140d by 44 address, AS fOl- 4 like it Ana perhaps nine out Of P�iiig' That boatr t, bQ Whole aroAtiq;i. Farm and farm stock, 0 'ko.y withAbo. Dome* of the p, in., oil FridaY, about 12.9 teachatil I f ur. 11, Nvatli,1114, ulots of countryl her 4,*Itado for their unotpioted, gjft. lilt 11, base line ltAodo t9 givo,auswers. that convey any 1404 to 4140 IROGS, And the prices At which tile lead A0. presents indicating that muou interest is First, on the. 11A is VJCAI-� Sill Axp. BilloTUER"-It is with feel- rich township..- t�. *0 queruto Olt feelings and yiews. ot what, Roldings were hold at. taken. in thople Instruotive aod Admirable ilia a WINQUAN ings ofplossuro that 1, on bolinif of tile mem, Howson, 4uot, te Clip of tb In Amer! I es we gathering&.' A. Power, X.P.S., occupied agal 6annot be found 0 ., tQ top ido n For olot es -lips operations, is rNrm 4took, ko think It Would, Pro!- bars of this Grange, present you with tb tile estate dug* much effect 14 oniOUT49 9 Ormitt ti Whou, there is o9bod around. . . to, hoping. on 05th Wet., QYsqW within the in 0 on Suicim-William Qoy, a Urmer in Turn., th the chair, and after the routine buidavoo, bory -book slid O.Outen Oil Pill VO' Of thO Into W- T-11,110, ol"ure. for they 9nQW not Whorq to W414 Qr fivo miles from Wingliaml, loft his real- Pocket . the but in vogIsU4 the pJqturos 6f rubil'oomfort, delivered a allot% a4dreo!, in which be, par- Bat now tba deivo it. no Tt. intrinoic, at Turner's bptol,- Var the has c "old, no juit that trade, denoo. on Tuesdai morning Under 46oplelous, tovIy.'oaAecouu.t of 0 b "a ot Artiolos: Prosperity and fature wealth. 1 as -J�RQk'j, !RQNr, 1,6, 1870 1 what to. 4eqQri 0, as the colleptig tioularly prossod upou his bearers 'the do- go flulls it rather risk glue, bu 4 ii.s. a or , 11 token of the rospect and Ana t, g�sjtly torl4 towar4o creating a feeling giroumatauce4. Not returning, the glarra was ooteem in which you are W4 by your Wther F4 woreso vArIq,4,bqsut1fuI, vainible and Worillor. -doub' And sduq, 41oogginf,� t�r band, rM stock, &,0,. Of �Tr, T. Ooop'er, lot, 40. of 49sj'ro for transportation to that 4prIferous oimbility Of Speaking freely, !a order that rals.94 and a Search made, but, nettling was. Ife thinks they, I give hiia whiskey, 41504 or = othis whoreabuto u EX.FORTATIQN OF VATTUQ� fill that they 4ra, bewildered. There never land, TfiO beautiful woodo Also shown by tblp,experl=6 and views of each misht be o util Wed. And sister Pfttro"Ol and for the interest You con. U, (Jocierigh to have taken in, and Also for the very eie6t wriship, ell tho.otill Austral' he general bonefit. But. hark, now, tliorolo,k% 11 AWAY, a body was found in. a. swamp, manner in which you have tranb4� ­Owoorl, auct, was anything do, n C,9W Some iii . of the ;u4evoloped, Secured for I busi. Now that,it has become a. settled fact t t4is contl out ' parable unity e% Grtin, of Vsborae, fQ119W94 vrltb- k*qai nesrhis home with. his. $1irgat cat,orl4 quite age, during the nine months of A theronevir we i the world ouch sk WOSIIIXOJ gjt.�'a ..ad there is Ito doubt Mr. $, M ­ P, tb# 049mo, nose, of our Gro , an.L A a that *to lolog these will be brgught from the Al 1 2 ilatereRtIng essay on I imusicia Schools'" "Aii4liehasgotauno.toorlud, 400d.; Dr. Fowler, Coroikor, held an inquest. t4at stock can be exported frout Otis 0 ia to foreign, lands go holds it right b The jury returned A verdict thgt d4adeebod its existence, ..41low'us to tender ),on our Practical Jolij I co.11eqtiou and exhibition as was to bO found , Sad then Tbi. paper stilled that in society a Person. store. no. ngs -Q0 Often indulged. in forest And shippi best, wishes, bopinj you and yours, may be by thoughtless people, often t ug i t litfoll6r, shaps, lot. beauti- 9�ms to his death by cutting his own tbro4t, long spared to a urn% out A country to. Bqglana Lit .4 profit, it is to iliMaelduery Hall, a 'b� ildl I t Is. turned to $b4t Is d in As . with lit; a. knowledge of music occupied an,, T;ut Councillors are, cruel things, prosperity. -vary serious. in re ployhoultR and while laboring under it, deranged State. of mind, in d Jolly finished, furniture, 'and th000 who -on- Chey hear the creature moall, anti the interest of all concerned to, Make the 1=0051ous to, the.11olu :9411, wbioix oover, isolated position,. slid for hita a cultivation About a Yoe (Signed,) 11. $xxiI,, his, victim, but often -to the latt,or, d rtake, thisw, III, Without doubt,make money shin t would be an iiitrp- For all r giid a belt egg, the same person 0 merabora, gullott Orhugo, - A cago., 'this diSpla of this accompli � an On behalf � f �tho. of Wpoint "Ourred in St. Vathailues ad, over twenty.ocres lc� ground, 'y his. calter-wauling. business as successful fts possible To 14 the operation, witkout lodrm,gi upon or OtompW to take, bill 101 b�, taking poison, ng d action to a, �moro agreeable, to Aim.self There's none will turn'the otone.' I and working of machinery, we think, wl 1 be, injuring any ones rights, learn And,- others, relationship. If mlosio was Then, third and last comes Mr. 113pikos mri Boat was quito surprised and replied that 14 Most inAut mcomplish this, not Only, should export oauetive'ofthe most *go'od, -and was. 9vark country has endeavored to exhibit in sorrow he' LONDESBOJtOW a joke was perpetrated is bewailin xbibition, laroply in that interest in which I laught OILGAN; �Tho­ Good--Temp�arff --harpr-hove BAQTREZ` PPOU - iadividlial last Weck. _:abetter an�'ll!isumpopti Iliq excelo in f4iRlip I � 11 1 as follows g would be g, era thoron- ly 1post tbomselyps. 10 the, Moat w0lidOrful POitiOn Of the 0 'illa He *Ant a boom for the bond A AND SisTERYAWORS i$­Wlthl. in an Oyster saloon in this city, 2" nuro, U for, such as C Edna, for Pei, established betwe6d. the. so'holars" and Ifere was sliown, the greatest involiti ad or, 40, boat know And $is 1 wo. 'ergin to their lodge, tho,jeeling of the deepest grafit I Apau for lacquer and'earved 46 that I rO- bar of "idoWs" Were in having ng con-. A; valuable gift and address, expressive' requireiiiiesits of the Brlgliah markets taollinery, in workicus a , oolo, ish'voices be a'ultivAtod at the, most Spikes" goes in for ralling recently added a % improNlexponts in ra work.;. child and the moe0ogs are gi�eatily'improvild them. -4 dish, �Ppropri%ter time. A short fot- But thin pama 0 'Spikes" has got g and. 04 leavi dition, trQuisoluiple, bAnd 4aw'to the, moilt Sweden for iron -. Bussia, for furs asad leather; i .oqd points, bi. The!membera laive �ommrenced the air- andgood will tQworll.nie, As ug, Mixed the ditrure -iliould kAQW What qlp,�5 of France fo silks wine And fancy artigles; lbilved updo -the Subject, of your1respect. sauces but breeders intri(,ato carpet loom, and fvqui a delicate, r Both u pat ancl beneath, �culatiou of petition& for a0gastures in couneo. - tneipcOod; I can t in the crusts, 'the C,a,,quenew of. -run w lad Silica other nor, Mr. It. X.- Orr, B.,A,, Clio wod I think, 1T -this comes - WIL911y t no Coin- Woll WAR tile. a ckttle and horses are in cipmand'there, 00 sewing machine that. woo ith 1% small and Norway#' Lapland ol 04, felIQ . , you examines tion with ties. Dunkin Ad I �nd are merati�i mand words on the prebelit oQcasiou to suit. ext person Wit() p i6rn entions have models of men and wo- . an exhaustive and instructive dilmourse Tlloy� ;a 411 upon his teetli. - I t ,grttjok in ...... ...... with fair Sao r that they would rii 70 f -M t 1':'�! j:' Qua cese, ably aeknowledgQ this valuable gift with which h%cl his Mouth or ibly burned. roe t that W� 0 rent popiti upon Mai oniatic and Physics A SrPjcwAijvio-boiPg built from tile. village yon haxe pre7se0w), It affords. me p - ul Ali flow from this in oving men of the peasaaIr lass, in diffe WOODPI90:0211 - i loss An old ladv -has seen ab -as. - splay -QJ Illaolijuery cannot 'be estimated,' and employsiElent. There�was­one group of pliaton, Nor, 130j.1876; who out eighty such as are requiri.,,d, or d -to thin end dh Stopby, to the station, 'Which Will: p ve of to to know that my.humi;lla oiTorta to serve Puminers, due,.w1fich gave the motivit four; one 46, young man who had come. to� so groat con. u Tile Corliv5 elig ro Who re�Wea. not,to4 h4ge;� Mr. 4. 1. Straug, 11. X. `,n3e­ich, gave 7011 Its secretary of this granglo, have been Ali- abould seek E411 the information which polker of a goQ(� portion of, the, maolainary in licit the daughter fgr.a bride, next to him the from Ezater, went out to hunt-ejg� ­ reoiatedand tlig To the Xditor qf-(��011,"iio*n f, wilo, VMS desired briU, then the m A report of the meeting of the Firovilicial ..Jr -Vessrs.. 'WIlenligin C41a you approve of myleouduot.. 0110 Tea0hors' Associatiolif �rhich was received 111 I lugh as. I -�-alue the gift of i0elf, I value. oti Y 410t long BlIE1413. On lQokiag, in a bar. eu b R Upon the. shoal re where. the liens had been R00114toT thein to J this. While a this hall, Was a Is sight" in Itsel clother, with sue hand NAW ENGZZ will enable welivortilyof all the adull-rati lilato*o der of her busbAnd wh4 is DEM -SIR, -IJ31 looking over your Woo of have moved tQr bapki and having hi h r the respect �au4 goo 0 meM. lax cornaiderabW ritunber of allInAals lubve al. -upon it. it vlras maramotli . in, pr1,6rtion, Stands itatid, and apparently, been monaig, the with great approbation, 'the last two weeks, I see that so Purchased the oteam engine of Nessrs, Rebaeo ig's .4 will of tb mabody has to At) e#00int.to-find some egg% a Slarloo, wheel her fre4g about the present & Son, (31' er t actu. , inton, in nd puttinglit, a heading I ore'sho, hadtft rk clook, 4ud the other pointing to Vo,.Irssof thAnks.were, te.u4ered to those, Vaeuwritwi-jat tp a individually, and the motive thn b over flfty feet high, Vit I t -Unglish J., k Wo . of and the 1 aloo feel that you oil ound egg'sholl ready ell diposfll 'of ill 1,110 f 57 tons, .�equiring eiglite n large boilers to th man, and looking as jt'*sk1pg who gddreasod the meatin which then own �hly 0114go of iny im � factory,, Ated the presentation. 0 1XV 0 freilented me with a gift! far in. excess of 3 pia. living been eo.taa by sogle... by Canatlian tjle, a. prodfAL.0 $11jliQjent, steam, for it, and �et it w ' 't�aaff Thi . lo' 'd at them is ACCIPENT.-Last Weak Ur, W. Faster, -while animal, this time a formil What. sh markets h v the reqieot would. be grouteo, ad* urge portance that 09y can bring again and silent as A father loolis An'if he visa, seriously considering In the evening the town hall was visited that they have not made a grant to the Winds 7ch , epping, out his righ my merits; for which I Cannot sufficiently: sh -admirable group t1oot right open, thank you,afid in tbe,fature I shall, look backto posed to be a pretty spotted d9g, - jority of I have beard rots'. aor:ihedicol treatment he Iq recovering, this. tilde as- o I i I io of the moot, pleas "cauglit hold Of him by the nook N,Vol6sru�dib%vasool4for�$150,000� theinatter. Thd7wholoison by��&- large and. -respectable audieuc�, o psyera complain, and justly too, because coon, ant moments not been--ot (Janadimi prod0-tioll. The Tho 4wdng la.1m.1-is so great in'this �englaq And aftrooted�orpw-ds.� But 0o in thin 40A* best Piof,.D. . 0, Bell, of Brantford, dis- my lad, yon aro th Qat m the� plai has.ropeaterily replacAa on. - try wotild like'to be dreased in. 111 juv;nd6red the public moneys fool� of my lifei A,og conrii6 up6n,the Art of Readings" and oil BILYT11. and. tbel� �ty in this !silly-,; but I never beforajiear4 people oom, eggs," -avid out she takes, Illol leasou of this is that *,ore, g of Yo' "g ments that they Since the 01 allizatip. of the above grange give a few examples -of --his abili --.On Tuesday in 'February 'last, its business, transactions teal house 'I * becausethe'town coup ovenitij, Nov. 7th, ' ' --nut7yet Y�­ioBt Ot. As -theirs ap�aiently �Iwas . oil 4idJot 0 'ant Dh you. b�ttermannamtlirari eating eggs.n Jhw. , ocoqpie4� MY Ai her of fil inent for it, but the'Par. Several of the other gr6upo'had'the 9 he chair air money-foolishly-_-Do-Aher writers iA- and, introdneedl o professor, W 0 was to- peon, of the Grand Division fo osh.e-bad-a.' �oagli. clothing. People at the Well' cut, law-abiding citizens, of Sha , -aklalbly eimilar, plain ond i The purchases thus Ear hae�'given entire satis.-. suppo -listen Qua of Tom oranee,, the alibi Ing, The sed, the dog. feel it by �outtjng off i 6f coiyed with lori:d Applause, was Cnonwant thei ect'llax fS -s-� PI 10 oftshi. %ftor 4 short tdal,, ae,' that- that saw -them can have ionlo'con6eptio, r money spent in getting up fAction, alid,-everything connected therewith head, '. She � 'hii(f a bad cold 'in her hend degree that their Aorwgii neighboi id tj ad td with pleasing attentioh.1 horse'rades; ircuses, colitlkumplau� vroods- ufiklu - Bi , Prohibitlaii, and thp- Wgease has, been carri4d. out with the most Cordial and d'i4 Aot-find ollt..her mista"ke, Nymild Ile tbo best - fer tb6ra, 'I lie andR 61 the kind of living they eogyetl in. tbiair- own have dong, I once, when it lot bf stOWN i people 6%t Ri van a Th i as oilitlon're tom.11 otwithstandini the unf%voigblo do,d. feeling, notwithstanding" some- having time but eventually it proved to be. roralliqed loi)g in -chis building picking country And tile .4r %lued 0 aissembled at 9 It, in. vn Sattirds' ---t nf er*aud bad toads, there was -af,Aood, t' reqnired, a buyer is under the necessity 'IP jiliiiis anti there 4 coming -to this. y, and After the ordinary, busi;- under the -head of amusorueutAhe want f represented it othdi-wo'e... This' gr�ngii, -is in a 0 ten once; - The subject iffas handlell in a man. skunk site W ill her lya'i(l illatelid all immellae 11n. Every portiou of the Qthibitiowaliowed that -ness, . J.Turabrull, D. A. Clinton, gave, which the writers lamelit. so "Much a"bout ? . I . t not sliklow of do0t but at that was'ore otur6, credit- rosperous,cogdition, numbering 'dog. The perfume' ditable A the le" Elaving more mile mombers thpli any other Pu1Sq.l11k,4 been given to'nia y, invention adrhirible drrangments bull been inade'for' a clear and. interesting address upon. (I Al- Do these adviieatea of the band rememill :nl roat that Rho of purchasing cross the Wies, But it ohinei 4er for. whic was asked ot to com near 06 ho�sa until the pre3eivatiou of peace and order, end PrO. gebra," giving exiiiiplop, of his mode of in Ything that happened in 1875, about a be, Able to ihq or . h he is laboring, and grange in the, dIviB on. ditable to the temperafice hl; been found thht Airiaricall cqttfe o 11110 Vilittul,8tates buildilig %via allothe� in dection from flee g the ptimoryclasBersinthatbrano stand, and the shabby way_the Oouncii were Oro hot daughter. assisted- her.- in taking OJT hor cident, especially, noticeable, structin It no . t st' t'dor'(to �,hicli was to be'Umna a oollootiQn"of. artioleg iii tile way the railway -on the grou s a ed.:upoa then used" aftex,making a grant to We baud Swaous A0CJDEN'1,;-One day last week 0. clothes. Aftee-a good we and the voyage as the subject PZ shing and cicfj by a horse, RSONAL POLITICAL ft f liliality 0 lit tliat Was, pbrhapg dolible track-rallwai, Alesers. Strangund Hicks.. nce mor.e. to -on tav�, Xt stand, ;&a Con 'Wof 1876.aie 4itermined l4d named L Coulter, was kicked clothes, she. was.allowe(Lo am d so badly injure ..The t6oron th6 house. She will be more ca . reCui the! .with trains of five cars in length, each cat, Mr. -Miller give a brief account of fild. Honorable John Hiilyatd Ci tl;ey *sell 'to tbo sftim advantage i 'it thi bllwastoba,folin, that they won't be treateathers' 'away,, We fairly in1lieface, an lf'tliat have heard a good deal in theoe.letterojibout for some days both physician and friends do- died at 3:30 p. in,, at Toronto, on. Tuesday, -Doxt time about cutting OR dog's heads. Illowil weap �Klftrfal'0, fl -0111 thO 0011tRikling 50or 707 people, a becomes known thpy are. oil. -of triia. running, trip., iolbil ota, coontry; � and r. Hicks, the ignorance and stapridit� of these Council, spilred of his life; but it, is now thofight that thd. Savages. miunte, either. one mrsy'or otbets; it tile as do Canadian. The remo0y"for till$ is gave'4'shoTt address anent. -the. Cente'lin4d news forwfe* facts. � The rate of tax� with'the disfiguromoit ofs broken no -s -6 ---id" pled- e th'o poliaQrous, 6tlinoa rate. of fifteen or miles in across ark A B? lid �tjle 1018 ; ttbetlic ;TA!� in the* liands of mirolv stook raisers 1 mit-railletiae tilAt NVOU14 a tb0113aTLd' r4ids tlit housIreds ';Yere tra*orsing veil and after i0votes of tbanks. had beell pass- Ato. 1 4 of a cent. on'the dollar Isis than in few other'sesirg,'he i�ffl Cover. canci in the Cablinei caijsW b t1reA h! bit to Messrs.- -Mille and Hicks 'the con- 075, iteh"e etrq �ti. are Patter gravelled, more Farm S6cXAL.--Tbis wai held in the, Ucth. meat of.Mr. Oeoffrien' GOd8ri ill .4 uiwlta, of' 06 lililluto, y6t.110 one as Inirt that we heird of, and if they wish to mke ll,�.Y. ivhilo 1 was to ho x-oon thp inantifacture of tlid. A-pissenger could tako 3,circuit round thiq vention. idj.6urned io?ebruarybext. aild-better-sidewalka-hav6 been laid -and these- Q4iot - church, last Tuesday - evening. T -wife of Mr. W. Stit formorly of Clill toll he Tbe residential election rem' aips still'iri 6f soil. bvements have- cost the town , Aboat'$800 moot i4t6rdstlng.parl of tbe.entortainriient wop, 4oqbt as to,it result', but, ;the otrongest perteot rill.9, iriCh its Eve miles, impr the sun.shines," (6.9uratively sea �udliuudrcds of�.tlls�nsa I ' tbau'last yeat a now High, School UAW- a lecture on -tile Centennial; bv the Rdv' -"4' feeling is in favor of the Democidta. P0 Clinion,� o Mid tbe tlifferant kinds tbt baivp boraii MAU for -flvo Cents. J ads $800 Was the highest bid'for Mrs. !)on - 17' in& kiow ornament pitator, rho latoly v1sitei the Bxhibiw TTs a the 11th i6st., tile, they should not be ',slciiv in dop tirig ivilego. Perbqbs lit a , the town, the, �iarkot. hil[P. from itm fint'i )vention. nlanuNe turn vvilUd. Cheimselver of . this pt rect; on Saturday, -wife 01 Mr, T. otts, of a daughter. -And btit very . niali Aailding has boo* improved,-'aud Theolec ion io Bothwell _a 9 yes - of' tho cartri'lke ai'a oniployed, few welit oil th# 61- now brings 'tion I I t- 11 1 - _ 11 - o a large-rovenuolhan Tormerly theoffide (if and, there is. no C inton, on the 12th iirst., somo improvement in raising. -a but the _66ubt bat *flit tbsy.bocowe smh adepto at it tbat-1bey pAn ing a irl p, A NA). -The b"d is.now fairly inaugurated. Cards, ing, whoroby, their cattle irm p1s: t Lh(j, Tnx ROADS.aLre ..so b0that 'it, no b'en �niiteI with several On Friday vening the instrumarits came, . the Mr. Ykills was, elected, bab the result he, W! t��lifhYnent 1 6 - Y P lk look at end vouTerae With Visitors IvitIL04ift' The 110ace J31 town Constable hall 0 -FinQh, bf a daug ter 'Atoll three llor�oa t., 1. Ceamit� Volker, the tile. Aincrican, terroptiug their operations.. I'liere is also policel on.some loaded waggons, gives"fat botterfitisfaction band' wall organized'sa Prof. not reached us. rla� was ubiquitousi and there was s rierl'idied by tbg instiller, slid mod- cely any UpoketTlaking. The light.fingered., AM Is thi-66-iii-liand'!-toanis ove fro(Iniontly. �haa in 4$70-; antl if all theso reforms aild-im. baud-matear, givathe first loo�on, but,'that be. The trade i� borses between England MARRIEDIR Ifit in profitable.tos d, attlealid Is of evety.descriptinii.of iailiuq fraternity- were. quickly deteptea.by the.inalij o -,are tivi'fiaits -of no mugh igner- 10g,.harldly,'gl 4gh for. ohe night, tlib'Qx. ell c oroverhonts tile man-. ubersilt bandomelf* 'afterward troated,them And C0' loreasiog and pro� Aoirn;,&Li)�CoA �on the b a and, incapability, surely uader. likem is.ripidly ii , Ts. 9 h slaughtered beef from tlio,174iteid '56ttea ll11gwharvem,ldry-dookss� light,houges. revoly.' in blue 1 and he was 11 shadow6a,? go offe'tu'lli WILD �-T %veto shot.ia ano groat, intolligent, Creuncil wa selves to an oyster on mises to become of great importance. They� the residence. -of.-tho'bridels.f6ther by lighte, in fact, ever.N'thinap th4tj�portaiiias liat he was glad to flee from the irotinds. agemour Qf the pper, to Englnd, of wr �the neighborhood. --of. of tI th Rev. F. McCusig, Mr. lich there i t the eivil a6i wilAiry smRilon' Thero'ia Beiltaiirants anti places of refreshinentg to ha'Ve 110877r,thu'progrles' desired --no fr. to goin a �of the the fine i.yoator Is are found prboisely of, the sti ald holic old The�.wcighodl 35 Pounds, alld� w 'ei abot td- tow* ba.,so rapid -week the ork on the Roman cat soNLiairp6se4:­�N�.Y. $u?b. of Dipkinsonso Landing,.to Maggie, shadow of doubt., ihol,ii gle. 6owu fishel of ainiogli tiescript froui andinotao anA frilliorour,of 4ollara tb at, in a very few years, last t 'on on. to goVattiffa -l1naJlKgQd t' u.' ill liciEibrad a churiAt his beciviapidly piisbod, -to that.al tIF 8peakirij th 'da'xighter --of--Ro Alras 13 the lit�lo Minnie, ralist hive been taken Vy thefie.estiblialiffients,. d i. ov� NT 9 of the i6ouit of e QlEintonkiali� '0646 J01 sq.T-dv- - thousaluls of head being son'tovey eithe Olt ontilldc' work but painting is comlileiod,..ind o6tomporary says- -�Our-Doudaiori has ofint'on. and heal0iful. trout 6_dhs Tlgly�alld Some idea of.the vA�t �umo taken be en- -A will be hold 68,d.�nioe of. *Afr. J AL. iftial'. it is the finest -looking build, cd herself iFiih glory, c veil in na rapulsi�6 6kiag'&vil flab; Ago reptiles from from, the fact that',near '0500,000 Me Sillitil, Ou'prid' 613013n. see -that Alive or dilml, eyery rbontb� e, r a a attdra of rival- sta. I tile uslilod.to t A COUXCTLV�F, ry in Which she had to contend 20.117?la . Add AtobcofdrrCol6rido,� !is rilost. beantiful, and from an rtllliz6d hy.the, Commisgioneis fro not alone with -able to tend, to spend oy -ty - vading next, -for'tho benefit of the. Sons of. . the winter; much rxiore- proft -siond 611i CA� inilah'iti length to tfie alllgatiElr of frbin As r al oii'brsor and soda' Aldus, � The Clintoli, Nor. 11, Mild.. United'Statos. bat with'tho 'world.' She is .. I - - ­di­'�­ � I . , view Of'improving the hililth"of he -d- estpbliahvit -very,extansi*9; and 'fill - A ie, fat,fta I qt.. better. known. and flit more lbald IUULLET-W. nada, for'the iftereuco inAnice. be ween .... .. ppreciacatban likel:14BReg Of. ell the.goucrals. ables durio"everal, hours in the - middle toattegr icen wbll paitid Cmuci ti OrQj -OIL tile 11th-. 0 Or Coro..' Venues of tride'r.la very liberal: allowance of wedding. eakq .,Ornmlific, Perfor rs'-01F(he I I' � I - I this side and Clio otbat intiat be 20'per Ifere you tile -orinolpill .-AMCf CrO3131no, A I . inducing to visit And �canamoidoree of the United Stateg, and he �Aa� tho'��mlodrs prose t.' : Mii &y constantlk filled', anteo'bf' uP.now acent, 4b6. arno. tip of the -duty t L --b ' to 'models of men in, the. differentuniforiiii of' the could oUtain a bowl of nifik &,lid piece of bread -have been ained, and ati idditionl. plAuk -eport.'wUqn n-hich was duly approciat d. I irmor meeting wore ioad and donfirmad, The! as thos , o whes6, good'A ha str. Oil tho-9th inst., at sarmy wid �avy. It appellied as if.the often- tar fifteeli cents: -� A pat of butter, atbout'half put thereon, thus' eflablitig ped 9,Teliders were ideraiTed--and ii�d eturned.home will be'invalitable. TlieG;K.� tan followiu TO 1he of, 1/to rel) �Vi . - - ;� be, anti i' a sent from alsi mnmltnas, military arbiament fa�atoii t "Ipie"chegge, Cell lz'� position bashoran of incaloplble.:sdyantoge to 3 PAR wlieri-cattle ar go ;in ouj�co in woight,.five 0, an( 4 1latho t going over" (heir W for. the conWootiori-of or bridge. on the residerico'bUthe, brl(lq.!g father Mr J OroM U ovt tops in. Iwi( n uihd.! Cprroct. 6ftell liailpoll co.oitq L6.t J%jfayo,�, or le, sum of MoIntp3h, by�l the, Rev. emptied fill-thi b6s, bysteri,* and �tlier things ill about- the: poople, of this goodly c anti it�is Canada to Ahe United Sf4tes, Von'- bilding it i art the same proppr ion,. whon, V r T -i0io ban Icing osolowi'-A be 525 �; R- If. Knox,and Wril.''Biest foi tit oxpr4sskn�v�our� acknoivlcdg6� 0'�E 0 generous V aho,' of: OLO(JariA, t' M,S" -er's .'AbrbxcliAug6rsayj(-� "Counterteit $511111C brought hi-couta ineuts �-to the -Government. 0 sumption. his.beiug.thlo case, biob Rcrewm all Indian dag.out from Ytiticow. A Nlq great,quantity of rider. wall ar Ut �*ith 'd1atJU$n1ohad:msnt-. of $1,375 ; J. NoLolland, fdrtho -sum of,,41,. ;g- Of the day for their Or i0sh, of 19 , eld. foet., and in ing, *b4qro they are in. circulation." , %Vol" ally Ono who bors of tile Craft,. as %Yea the undorsignod, .. Q! 3 nd J. lohnsolls.'for the in . in of great assistimuce,'.that we should remember Aayfi Wind, 1'�htbh C cannot be questioned,. here is openea up lo Kf t id iid4 fcat-dn�. I'llwon- were 'making it At. the rate of hundreds -of ever goto'any:Aves. be able, to toll the longoi ago than -this morning. . I ovUL we aro-much indebted, indirectly porhap, 9 to 'o nfiv.. :. CjO .:Wl froyrithogo, ilL toved by U:Button,, age-. 1y.A.' HoWsda,. that. to the Canadiou farmer vory pr6At- pa'sohig froni (','tic ader . of J. Job I nadd for bbildhig bridge our eXcellent. dounigs; 9th Nov by the Rev., T. Watwn Ur d( , ill part is thatthig, im.mense boat-wilich gallons a day, therg were, crowds Around th too y did to d to b dph to Stratfoi or of Sit Randal` bert d OIL Too, ampt to. Mi he it, to th stand, drinking of fire n 0 d istingui"It botwoo U% 11 Coil. R. �'-3 I�ot 2 for tbd sum of, C "" )�Ilj'OfLlGoderfoh� 00 raen�� is Pat directly in rent of Sit R, 81J50- As a rather curious illustrtionliow,� as karr CkIf in half in� orde to, got it si the'rai eut5 ior'tu d able outlet for any (Ittan't it 1,iit Id, Will Cs.r�y,'Lfali the 90i' oxhibithow,- av Y'l his 1106m6dy 0diullany," opi.- for-Loadon; b6 accepted, Provided lie furnish Uid Council' law against lotteries can bo presi3d, we find -Tane McBrid, of Aahfield. ido from: the trunk. ofa, single tree, while well-bred and ned -1' ml - 'J.U8j.L Wnl.,Coo�ot, the T,ast�iglitthoyl)erformedli�t)to.iown'�alI t6. followi.ng, so( vii, himself W6 a, lid its worktuanship.afid obaps would do credit. to ala . res, won literally Mlod with Agricultural im'_ So much I, gathered frora such two otbar*i6liarato iccuritioi $400 each in an,Englisfi paper of-ille th Oct"bor. CliiEiion'. on t'he '10tii 0 I the thosO Poo Aid eic I 'ef Guelph, to be that six SlIdp_keepo This quality.can be ol�ltiij la youth who stole a horso from Mr. Baines ro in Manchester hall inst., -A'Ahe -residence 'of 'Mr. Thomaa iessing. gh ivi iiation, than plettionts.-of all descriptions, froli snat0lle.4 of thcir� coriver.9%ti011, as'rottbhod iiii satisfactory to' this.0duriell. -Carried-. Bfoir4 boo' Durham a grades and.lip di�ms.'- inidde and out it is ortiamovited with wooden'toovIdli0rd bargliare plow, whi�h bad London road, 4 ellort-time;-shice,,litis been n-- finbd for s6lling'-Olucky -,bagB" - of' Cooper, b the Rev. T. Courtioe lid. its (Wic ears, OrLd of tho'ladies of eilby.T.'Warwi6k.. no*,; by J. Ifowsou that ed in' black, 60en in use over ri ty y( very 0 . I no;y ;f.L O'ntrav;ningAho.]Arw. Tdt� ohn Ross, (Iatb orxajifto f , lots ago; and *is Aeutonced-by the billgI IL'Bjl iii( JohnsoWs offer for building breakwater iii be).. to hideous hdada, which aM paint Toma as,c U,7 the will be mot in brin this 01 a8H Qf. SCock bltO'9�a- rid. - Th�- brdcos, ftioh.bx�� tnucli the worid for wear, to *4� moot perfect in the � Coti6al. �Wiioi "r Qkie year aad- -is �IiBs B D114 Al'aud ransconibb, Roy nection. witb-AleilfiQ to are'every an al'blymplir ic -ciau haral.s'Widge 13,conts now and, then' unide Allen, of Cliatou" �00 'teild�a0roSeL tile inside' of inowing. machine. iloven. moiAlis. Lo. the boat so as- to and'beautifully flijAhed. LQudou "-1nNrmed't1 Uommifiy pe; loot cootding 19 supplementary Specifica- lucky - aks',! g6lt ii and 1 tied L w _r up to w lit M. a loil an cildfisivo sqa Rsy,13D. , �l " eig w ou;1,400 'j;li atFing" at held the -aides ii�ld, To as q tiovI Crunnin measure) for.the cedarAbAbor. rofCase 'for ro u Z.&LL �Ojl the. 31 lino'sh numberless 9130� ThiSL ligi4iis � and bdno� NSW Oicich it 3% 1�bs-, at three or four years.,.of v tge, through hotel; -In the sldcs,*.�iusitoad -of being. iEid lie expense h b .... ... getting, kno i0a. -a' 06 all cent spare was &.small bum, Cno woul think, to renill- rr Aslovea bi W -Ink an , . �) appi - lop ly. 0 lie -It. T. COurtice, IVIt. Frip thoW up. .Soule"mantificlararo obad tak Wit herebouts, has opoliod a gri)cbty: ihad per atfenOn and food' is even They, fast6ned m;ith iron, t hir tikinj to the J>'oardy, Warsvick tbab tho petition of. John 'I to see an k Rd building fately occupied by Mr.' noratc� a b'rou' th in* .11 legal -in such Tho� Signal Sorvice had ]lace a tilt itorty in the and, to Miss. arlotto -RuM6 moroalf, the iiiecatition to proserve'them-from, injury, *hen divided atilou ilia nurubor.of Urtinsdorl'of.the villago. of L-6ndesboroi and inust be kept growing from the moment Afail, reqeivtnf by telegraph frotu'Wa Ill t bar gl"s, the. same haviig J. Steep, where he will ke6p -on hand all 08000'ally, transactions. The. iiame thing I ist. Thily filty others,- pra 'be Pat thom a. Eter requi which tIie.,0ompafiy geem�d to �ons for a portion of- 'their only'wo must acknow1blige that Itatement o the weather a ob ll site in hisline. were four in number and becupied two seats, t6wnship rate to' be expanded in b ailding a C and take, they are - dropped to tha do'. of sale. d its p, - eon done in, many other instances in otl a . . . I our lials tire uniformity: blind, Y -ties, and lithographers and printers With buildings, over a 0 Aoz.-Mr. G_ Diehl will off6r'by one turn Oro, to . I . - - DIED rtiolos oflarge a! . z and great 01 Oi _ejLas is usual when Ikends tra- sidewalk from -the villagoof LondesbQ no, more - notice 61 the prize , pra6kilgoo'.. of Presses_ stones and, every vain They must, on no account sthnX still 01 tI trm a. yel. tog6tt- Sir Randal and the nue I took the Railway Statloft be graited Aid 60at the CK.-Orl the.'Oth inst'. 'a I ab�tiion, on - the,'25th nsL, 'it � large lot of stationary or sweetmeats on our.raiLweys: , t oti ng requisite to toAssue hourly State. A great many of the moy�rlg and reaping ma� for Miss Maud Branscombe, becupiod'the front sum of $5.0'4oSrsuted for the �abover-plirpbSe, Place� - near IV�odsbbcL-, the residence of the- winter ihroliZ11 ack -of od ng -4u furniture, saved fr.orla the1ate, firei- 'slid but 6),d -o -of 11-p651 ifelling," Iubkk �baos k6r hWith-latilps showing- -ohincevero-in aetuol-operatiob, showi -otfiiir Miss Ifflie, Lail 'jiovidod that the'petitioners give the. idme his grandfather, all od, This is chance dale, Royal St. ames's Theatre, all to be ex I p6nddd under the* di oseph Peers, sr., o treatment and feed which no. good ilI 01-40121a the movements'of the macbin�ry, d, to the very slightly damage Loodon,11- amount at church bata'ars.. oifanlily advartise P - - There were also sill kinds of 'weapons of farmer, wall well worth a viiit' to 'this'luam'- that shop-ld not -be missed. ..r4 a � lotteries on a rga*s�aie for the glory�'of' 6glib'dayok. illness, - and arather common looking man .(the I UZliet tion of J. Brfinsdon.-�('arried., Movoil-b J.� farmer will eratit, and if.this course iK. Miss Lillie W468L Oloorgo-Nelsoii -Lewis, your p Indian warfare, and hooting, fishifig and cWZ moth exhibition. There was One veiy, large lit, �orhapsj %at Howpon, .9�o, byJ. lvla�olfthht the Account God-und the good of thd-poori�Globe,. 3gist- son of -stic implements. Soyeral boomers Kintir oti Friday - evening ilia. libiloo of age -Lay followed cattle of a size and .- c6nditiort. In' ngs Were reaping machine which had a table on'whi6h t -w- d- farthd beat land'taost distingile lo6king of the G, Snell 0.55� for plank foi a onlveit,:'be peaking 'of Me Mai -I. and protection, the; cock,. of Clinton, agq4.., exhibited, -but it would require the skill of the to bind the sheAvos. As WAS I out it. Mr., � Beesley, ter I paiiy, She is a adelicate lo-ol-i -'Carried, The, Council 6 years and 11 tn�n-ths. . can be raised, that will meet with the grain covered tobe on -fire, "fiaving ignited by a Dg Young Pat then adjourned, ft. Thoma ko�n�.Aournliijointedly romarki, ready Australian to maker effectuat'use,of them. as pubbed -to first one, end and tbrau-the X to most agaiii it Loodeaborpi rilday, 5th Deg -very In purchasers I' gerators iiijbis b spark tr6m, the',chim girl, both in figure and features. iss Maud O�r co.temporar seemiugIk7a Grefthock, (Druce) oil n*Engl%­pd-j-and-Can -Wil ore were two, refth men could bind ney... Thef Application the_contrsr�, is what might, at 10 010109t. Barnscombe, on disciple of the Wotectionist police], but not a the -9th inst., Neil; McFarlane, formierly -Ing that attracted a good deal, of attention. as. fast oula c, it would so.' Of- a. faw pails: bf wwtdrr�soon put it 6ut. with. be called dedid -ingpin frame In uenWAT as,the machine 6 . lit, adly.caraise-lool - J&mm 13 very intelligent One, : Its statement :tbit of Stanley, and father �of Mrs. John'Fox, command a market that it will b 9.3 wet dam' having been'done., 04- They contaiiied, se�eral fishes, fruits, ft, and parentlywork well. Itwopldcert k out much kLge, and face in short, a hwoilgh Englishw omen a 80 year, Americas buy'Canadian wheat andO doduct C gild InriAt impossible to glut. appeareal id'oohtiailo irozenwtthoat the addi.: cleso and safe the trouble 'of walking after of Bull staiiap, wfi6n� iza would, at flie ditty from the pried they pak'-in't- aly tionoffreshice. They were, made. doubl'e, by, themachine. Titerewasond bindingthe TkE Mitchell 466crafe te�ontly adver... once Act down at able to hold he' GODERIC111 WOWNSIUP. aiia(i Parties wbo haVe yftolld� .10 inVOS't. 'thicknesses of glass, I with space betweeii. hand, drid-received 36 applies- all comers., -'Alo r own against cmetat JI01mesyffle, - A nabsurditV exploded li�. its own inarkot I r shef with wiria, wlldah�worked well, but the ;tised for a : reover, her whole waimer'be. Ile khe lain Building was filled With Articles 3 tions in reply. Certainly an evidenm of on qnotation.g. Ilhe tkut'i, �s oveiy grain�btfy- C1 tap WALL PAPER ernment, to iron.will be:& drawback,," it may sometime or iii . (�'Anada 'and the United and are calling on the. Gov - spoke the profespional ;',her moRstwed intoni. the 2nd, of Odt., pursuant to adjournm of the greatest value and beauty; such as and gef tile hard. times, , During the past two , a were members all presant, ininates of last n QRDrr.. TO A .iey. ujay precious jewels, �ewellery, plate of every do- -tk',r.0',P into Ouch smal as iglishwoulan not itAresses rarely exhibit. - -ad and passeA, UnlleoQr brooglil f6ri�ard rORTATIUN'S froM Enalarld, I Will f.,ril t protect manufactures ab. that tl mgh the. thrashing machine tiono; gesticulations and,play of feature '60thig, of wheat* goesup or (1�wn prcw r—noo�r rou rro I biti as to endanger months more printers have ars9nally ap, ei have'an opp t ceivable-forat and variety, vases, u;ns, swords the lives of � 11 1 is sureties, which were accepted by the Coni�- offer or unity of makin� good re. ittle that -cat the straw.. Hay- plied for work. in the NAW -7 u office, than Miss Lillie was, dressed in Canadian style barley it id different, nineo tilt) 'U ii ited -States WA thO vhOhl Of TOY UVe stool, of VAtA0 L limit. 5 to lifters oil forks were not there in any number n years . of the with far cap, veil to. 'She is not elarativ. oil ; his bond- gigned; whPit' lie rectlived, the Xlallers that have been presented at different time hort time, Oin invest their noted gouretals; lace from $5 per yd.'upto$LOO, -m fact, we only saw two bar hair in dark gold,,; collector's roll from the Oak. 0 'a Me a there bavin*g no alternative but to Jly turns for a P during the' previous sieve j.9 our only market for thabgrain, andth6 Pon. -our ;riend Grant"01 office's existence. blondes although c' n r . At' A CT U A,L -0 0 S' T and carried that the. follo-wihgaa6uuta be pm& ;it tbpy Pay the ditty. The fact that t1loy do and dieseeB and shawls of lace from 8200 tip'' money at once, 'with a certainty of bb- ana.anotAer. . Mr. Grant had his so arranged her eyelaglies, which ape, Very long and droop. W. Steep, culvert on Iffll,con., $2,50,; Sam. -so is provba by the Tinmerong petItIons of the CALL AND TP c0*,VT.,;6rD, to $3,000. The variety, style� belfuty, value, that lid could show it working. There was a AcorliiFT To A Cow.-Oneay.lmt-WOPIE ing, are almost lilsoki as are. bar pencilled. lhqk;n;"g ago it glass, said to be from Cali. *a cow belongkig to Mr. W. Taylor, f thin eyebrows.' , Her eyes, dark gray Zolinstop;'iepairing 51 �nlvplto 0,111, and con. 4s Aineeleeoz Povyht and Sol' I very 820, T. Potts, twoditchesand drawitiggrai hrcWsis to Csingres4, praying fqLa:mpeal Of. I attracted the gaze, arid no doubt desire of forzia, -and made of solid gold, which, if that towns got a threer-pronged fork run into the olo#o together ;rather Grcian nose: and: gaild) ma -ing anybody the poorer by compe - thadaty, AndstipposewaputAdutyonbar. Onlee Ame'rit-t4n Co. thousands of this ROX'Of the visitors. There -- ---- oyr. $1,060'. ;Iorwer,part of her body,' the whole lengt� outh. In shdrts she was the $18,75 i A 1pufns, aristocratic M I ing them to pay a highei pride fbi their were beautifni rags of mammoth $0.60 0albeek, r4.*iEiulv&,FVR.;,s1 A.' lw,-i as tho Mail urgos. who would profit Could' bean open in'W6 building 6f the prongs� After the removal of th6' only one of the Coin W 'IC OW, made hundfado of years agot by t - lie uffited. iy of whom, not a J�enned2,4 lkn't the Canadian. farivere odrWhly, for while ,ee market will enable Day" farmer to 'pr6r, for' there were labor- fork, Mr� -ChuMbill dressed tho, wounds,. in wo' -Importe;1 frank the States lait year only Lot for Sale.,, goods than a, fi by � g theta, you WOUIT. predicate entle bl6od. itdW aulvrt R, IL, $4.50 - NV, Cl(;I- labors of iiuns, 13�ord was one Of grilat AgOo sa Yin k Maphines that he ad � neiver thought pass in it crowd line, in igents grAUted.$25. Conlied djoara_ 6,0010,000. busheIg sve, exported- .7,000 000 0 re a CO -unnoticed yeomano eveet that -one ed to meet on ilrat.Slonday in Xovembai. 'buallels, I . . . 3 , tock raising busi- which woiild, contain 061ile 30 or 41) squa, thlbitor displayed th w recovered. As Ali rVIlP g T11AT them, bygoingin.t theR of, on.one table an 6: &ad notwithstanding the great injury done for Sir 11anda1v he *cold ness, wbi yards, eovered"With wolvas and hound, ill over 300 variefieg of potatoes, Nod a, great might be struck with his robust p ysl4uer, Uo - The council met on Nov. �th, pa�suaat to, ell they can easily do. 'either in -L eligibly oituaWl,of !10, 107* V1foila, 9trat.t,,q1l4r whieli"there over 3,000 dltt#fdnb c6lared many of thii-iii-Ma a good appearance. The BEti lumang. Robirwou'a bell N' . wag close shaved'. adjotirtimeti members all present, minutes Of fr. Schultz, Ar, P,, of Tvanitobs is with the exception of A In. fer-lier) on.which it i ime �ulhung -NVill bit valill tiz, Thert� is rooin woroteds used, I The ttloths of diMiront, style*, allow of grain and �other form pt,ndacts from gave &:perfnrmanc� in our town hall, on Moustaches And prexanteda tolerably Massive "a, 10. 0anada or Manitoba, last meeting read and passed.' y law IN Montreal. Ile reports a veroonsiLabl (iolors' materials. cluallty� &e, -1 na Of ll� world wdre very Monday qe,oarling, to a pretty. good housi., olil . A ar -ed, in sliort, more read, ap�,oilitirlg.-, Edward Xally's' house, at immigration of Afelinonites, Icelanders, COBB, .yore almost th6 difrerbrit VAtio t idjawboner, 16lool: 16, 191M. for all and nobod Holmesvillo, An the place holding the nol;li. and Canadia from, tho'United Stoics into y will Object, which livoud cuti lit,' Tho numhor,-;1n:aliV value intatsfingand instructive, nd'Ahrate is no The entertairmlent was hardly as good as like an Athlete thin ati artist, and, on entering every senvillle Rnd honest ilia with hird nation for Reeve, Del to -leave and Council- illat Provinda* drering the past. summer a will ao ana Nauty in tile departin ants of soine' natidus oibb nkhny a farmer earr!4 horna had Ibsen exparcidd, too mtA of ilia I 4vari. the car, lie' confirmed this impress! were boyond ildneription. In the Mexies" perhaps adinotbng elie, that-, wilf on by 's )pra) foi- f77; said nomination to be hOId 611 Ilt" The ciops have, been very ablinfUnt, tile -"I have not had such a y Ifiging sP001110 this effect - 112 to protecting manufactures, t " �ancl not enough of the hall rL day, -Dog. 22, fit a race s a Cal demand rosIcing prices dood fd�'oa,ia Cll�,DTTORR rli�'Trrn LA -TV. in tits futtlia far _Vrida with lcket.!, VvnzmR, decogtc,4 Oro fequqAted 10 Bond in Chrir PIT666 J at Operations. constituting the programme. inea lastmummor,'at on Th' I rreturning; offloer, viz,: - i4 of roat value %rid beauty, There The exhibition Wile ologod Oat I Clharwi`6 race wimcallsod1y a, polidetmanwho &pproAch. and barley., Of wheat there ;a a' aurpluA The farmers do not na4d was a block of'ollver of ,4on lbe: in weight the vatiolis prarts taken by the diftrout, No. I sub -division, R. Elliott, lot 15; con, 4 ; 1. 0, 1'. . a good deal, nf oeremoll5li, but they �iift be ad him in the waiting-r6om. and'eoniftitinicated bufowj'ng to the want 6f'suffiaiant thresh olalmi iu writin to thd undrslynq withliz cne mostis just hq it,had vau from the ancelling, fuenam, Nd. 2,,G, Sturdy ; No, �3, T. Wbods Xo� 4, after d4ta Ildrao � for gottl6raout, oplan to visitors for About tell days We characters SOE46tbing.whioh obligodfiinl,6 tAkealiaty. 1, And Alllwioltoil to in d tl%o low water in Red River, 90,14 RAtRU), Ato 0questad to gattle forthwitli, alu was IV, Harbison . Nof.5, H., Vlfad . alto polling 9 power, Or That is true, ani as t6ra iia' a a tile Y'01d a" over 200 tOuln Of 6iO,, 1-n t1110"[10' will give further acd6unts'of out- vloit next A VAM o. �011r worthy Issuer of Mat- dol;orture 1xiek ill town,. just as the it 0. 1 sub ti Arn of A, W. Ogliv.io .0.- Co , who have partment1hare were niany very.valitable ar- livool. placos'ag follows, viz,, ,N -division, at lot I IL ATILEsovi I . -# . riago Licenses- complains that business is about to irvirb. ;oA, by-standei suggested thf , it r"ptirchagors for their Go. , W. N�'. V.&RIiAN. I limited amount of -land untilled let t1lose: tioles, tilt they hall, riot 'tile. finish, style ar sortie Oran o.Hall, eon. 4 ' No, 2, qt Oranga Usti, been the piouee Lhi 1870, beauty-aboat them that wag to Lei lottlid Ili very dUll in ]till line, Ile says lie hasalist 4entry Of -that craft -were Apt to leave near house of ui. Hilpi.i. derldh mills, Will qnly be able to e;cport oil, . OT. is who have either capital or labor, to in. the departalents of old(jr.eivilized nations., THE EASTAiN ITIJ4. of over thirty tilarriageablili young man Ili little account unsettled. How title wao� we know not, �ut he got back in times and i�adb son, con. k;-Xo, 4, at W. orbison's, Loft's in the spring. Mennonite immigrants of Tile departaidut,, wasi vorY attrac� 06pner's ; No. 5, dt-Honry lJolmes, list year We boori very considerAbla pro.. vest, turn their attention to this source of town, and'if some of theta .4oalb decrease 'Ilia spoke he is going to publish It' the foregoing observation. Allen Ll A SQOIAL q[tootion is ago! nobluach. Her'timewasocoupied in reading villei aved.'sw. i4d carried that by,lawA 'D tivei ind a great exponse.h#4 Ileen gone to in tistgkh the list are long, dueera this year ; their made of settling in profitable employment. . Vaidefs wll the otaction, or 4urr61tn41agt, 96rdething after kN tbe N -le of the , eelel,rate(l A thambra of a seriou Gobi. 64 reliciii He may or may. not be seHoas, but the -Nos, 10 and 11 be gassed, Moved, Rae. and smll Comm unities at the inforsectiloll ]inch, g6ma lamplilito Rnd -an orange wbIok$Ir Raw Carried that th L a asp prop�sod confe C, followin accotinto be paia k(l farmingL In dommoll tile fell Ar r icitiare t1le Of Fjtlje� Q00 Clerk for services at O.R. of,voters'llsts; $3.20; miles around, their villages, in fmind to be hroari.;h oulptare and Arclutracture in pain. 1 not being acceptable with ilia oonditiOnlk ing, Who *111, be tile first'l 116AL' uth tioriship between them is, of contse vre now not objeqt or complain, no niatber what, puthe in question Ahoola heed ilia Warn. dot gallantly peelid for her. What the rela. dtion with thorn, There wag procions ol r' flow, L Witkins, two 'Willbo Wil lit the� tekla,066 of Xt. MaTAG(UnT, ou pneg without. end, and Adto the Tailts, Both To not'. J'fhnolea her at hIM begpoko Some ,wells gravd, $19 ; J; rial number enter into S, Rath S. R. B. 1,,,. $17 , H, Watkins, dit6b. 19 on produotions of dforest ouNtr very economical of mate:' for fencin and mealianidq will be 'glail- '0101 a , howtiturnord byhim. leannottell, of labor generally. it 3wat; y'an Friends lit Guelph. to sbe.cun- Are waLdrig propdrMinns t tendernesl front S. Rouge, $5, culvert $18.75, hault TUtSDAY lvEolkeo fh9.,.g1$fL ksh', I . 1 141 fattery Nvt 'Phe idea to `iio I - , , MPNT.-011 8.10PdAy last, Wh] 3 or hii Peck was to seei', ing g . ravel, $3, culliert 131, $6.76 , looeph lzv Comers springing tip, Oil 'the at pre,4ont. d!)t611W A,AM thig Wri.q, that i Oil An,ax'Lensivo 0,310 (.Or tile conflict, if i . t s6file� wakaleVri the employ of Mensft. unlike myself, thestr6-goirs, told we that the s6fted dtiring thd evatilmil. � Ail ara 0001. Of Irsmit wa.-4 a Country rich in. iv6na & 91fUr, 'tit this place, who had altogether rd, drawing gravel B.: C., $6, -, J. WaSlillhu Sullis Briere, of Bosi6np tommittdd 01y Wilf6d t; littend. Procisdds to ba dovotell towarl tb toLtothoeon1fort, performailco was good, unproductive soil, Blit Jo pu b i tfiri-fil on shool(I come. I believe, V night b. V l4anZing. ntribii of been.etf wor in ilia erection of.a ollorch at the 0onlc, tdrt7a and others, drawing gravel B.O., $15- ; 1. Wig- sullolde 15, 1870, dgPrevious � t6 the ilJA;t10 46 awoila if on Inanufdotures, for, the benefit of wid happiness of nmokind, awl that it bar BriycAeld� ivore Ili the set of reivioving the I coutogs to gavo been mnal interested in ti been governect in such a free andhberal spitit, Black, or r. era-vus, �aq just shipped buildingi'one of them Mr the appearanoo and maunerp.of iss Lillie; I T. Young, culvert con. -0, A ill 111-objaet, brealvqe for such ft time,'at bad given it %in. i t,lj� segolift con$,. _J' ladderg from. the con, 9 and l0,L$rI Toliu, Tilden was elected he wo�nld kill hiMself.' tain classes, farmers Wi lynnion t of OWL illosp ot hopro the gro(64 rep. two culverts, IV, ers, Lo Iffore Get), Pancan, mot With d serious stailent. I slon alto bad chbeen Inity leavi ariki. A oppoAllmit�.0 dOV610P6 eas lunopent ski Rho f not'voor dov, tarupikin!r'on SM. and culvert, S25,60 A i . I _.- � , .. I it ig go ubjusb,, arid will restilt Pill By,tlic blippilig of a 6ddor, lie wtis, procipi- 11 eative, bridal party at Alaros� ill," I'll, t1lat i& Ilaa n6%V 114dooe one Of L4 end Itohngton, $26.40 1 J. RoAi,'gtor, 0, feiv days ago, terminated in. a Bad and DUMninn, sT.1rFoJ7X-A1qAonXsHnn Ilda ill e6 Val. - ; I loss to tbam. Tho whole cubject of,,ettlightaned, tree &act prosperetim oatiofts a ;I A coolu guilt, ll, A. ho. rokill I An oil no ones orea, aro f or ostatillo E ward Aahoobri, gravel, $9.28 on Ita floating ill 016 14r.01K ;Tore bro I I lise that . A OnIver 0 boato fol, RIrVled. lie lyna so lid to 11 in lion ell. tragiamay. A- hanging, kevosene.la;�p for.nrvlbo, Ijin Is lisined 11 Tim," was breci by Goo. Z. 10VIV, a - 10 r-Potection,is wrougI. aua 1 cirried out I the ocked 'tio,�n, rawig. on atid lot go' con No ittelgo from tbo nutabdr sold A molo). at Strattord I hillitatt has failed to elil-, it 111-1l 0 6 baforo ]to is i a Ile unio it looms., h 00 0 rintih sA . Wa n of tia Will be il�aiiby t"Patligreb bd will cin ippmen�o (mad Upon the �el the articktT, Ili. the 4400nt d�pjrtolouts lit tit sulythilig, o11 (,,civil 6urtwl brealtbg oVer tile bride jsr� low, Is of good ortock, He w4a by 81%talite tha ffh(l, bmj rc rre to tile fact hlord than Once; to -fit Ant— go& to pro a y a 0 -haVe moot) Dont llodoo, a8 rnodclg for filh poopl if's R- ATT lo great h, a8cl of Clio feople We we arid got by, Satolita, ImpOdl by JobA Calift of feila. approaching '(110 1-1tillivay far tile nlanilliaL Of A 1191,goll of hip 410 Can't 0 ]a eve 11h ot it% -CM109 111 till- 'Cnitod St9tils, should itifur that he intended his pooplo�tlo he : 0', Act troo il�vo olml6l monlit lit several of tile 81113sts Severely.. i derill Bcso, vrAq Wr6d by Zord LiLV' rAll 9W Om file Ila yory longifor this world. �, f Inn killtao AN1riess at Principal Rhowil in brva" (in 9tr0of, for wanoulod Ill 06tuffial Tho llid&g of Chicago 60111,ta permit It InfFIriot to neflo in all things th0 gi� towark) Cattle gliaro lit tho tr1w t1ri - W0.0you likb t6 kno�v a little more of.blio OR Who fill, to 0 andilloy are avil and Only evi.lj and ranliing them wine ill the arto, iitl4nom, tile. qiq purpose of relloruling foathor and largo liberties. In the recent trinl. of 0 t, dentry for $70a; kid grandaral Lucy, out-baroro artivitig At the 6ACL., h1qtOrf of th is Conlimit, Willett tho, papatil will attend the cout Ara liablo" wlidlicAlled 9 Olt saiolltoj imito f, J W45t Wig Airfa I SA14dolil, Alvlibig to4he donct, beds, and, (toil% the recomin 11111VAn for mUkdets, tile prisoner,'beino, .Ally jq� ftIl6#,t_ -0�iau ha train dolibl. ooK gird, To have 6, vital, live bironAt be forthwith atuAd on of 11 V 'df 'O�Jllrt Z 0 opeople. Thia idea &K lby pnetleA Who linvo feAtad t -Q)ML th4ro 0 . Are realized It thatil. ftl 400atin Oral iustl. 110wors, wo bhoold ilAr-1114t tliq will A0016thiog now All g Rfulljotili ieJlAJ.lL(, . Tho 'to e of the ARair list n, 40AR1,64 of-tho Doillitilon, ittt6ftley % lillf'to big fp,�01 A11d.th& Wl'd. to paint tile iniqlifty, �r 11io Nvilol ky'.. porforill, all tllbt, tile), NVO %voold Tho lirbos doubtless ebroniale All tht inotitutfous And i0teretitu tbac fold L" oxtooll In ijtsi Yot Altai the driVor 4vir be Wsj�.daeh aged twalo in* 46ok -hols flar, ar, the tom, and ovel l6ver 6f ('111.1 advigo All wha lla%'e feather W14, willult wan OAn ka6W Of him pe h Jiluotilar Ila , Two 91 wore �v d. the Vi t the'NLOphleili of induk,164. fmili Inna, 114"90, RnNrA 111ingtilf, j4bo not kadiv. Arrested la rotento Olt the oth."flot. Tile slaptirt yfolit villagor'. . I NO clsollutly, kolA, Tho ol Re. � 0 utmost.' NVO witf, Monte: Oa 1111. ind (,lion ilicly )ill down falot tot girl acl VObVing hor� yoll Bob %Vill onond it to, hig 1A ovorwo A to giva t1lanr 4 C' Ad day In nelabot 11tiniarou At.. Aoof oil i6AAC her 3 colorlith vit cl� at VCfaturo time, iii W. :nr6wn. asidaidd by 'Ora. Itakillif and diso waii -thorlii' �Obuka from tha. Ir.pga Uncoil, fil tho''Coulity of IT11. of t Il T6*11, C 1401)(1011, liortorchod tile all WIlo. died oil, 4tf. f4bollb LIAO how 90h10, of its evil t1oloa tbatere: either Attracdvo'on ths), Y0444140 Nlililoly, N.ov. 1.1, ifliF' � 4f their hatutAl or 6686-, beauty, (if boalalse nokii, Inaide of Me, eacs, -A)Itl on. of"Opstowbat, Al).1 1870, 0V, on prL I is, (')0 INT I DAY OV 11014TAR Iditif, o�y 9nFODown with protection they word'of it ChAr�otgr to aduttibuta to 06 , rnolng tho d04 diseovarett A niml therein. I"ron )01100 `t)y led J tho trtivE r 0; 0.1 f, knoujoint, Olt NVedtiosdity aftorpooh. rrmj� a lot. happinew d6 comfort of mau. 1817, fts mond by lettot, oo-pad. 16 Nullow di, 0 ll- Tis r,,M*mAlt 1pr(lotdd 1111-0 1) 1461`0 00 141110 11tilldok' bl�V' The patiotitt was opah Dayio, atin ot Xy, tor used a. evidence ill 3Nla F4 a &)1A0A0HW16T,OftE Tilt) Anitricn pvk Ca, thsif, wom, Ship. pta"e" And the birallgiot, diii �do, 110 hung will be givel-f Ilk tho tu..4,14 611 OIL pfidsy, to W.U.0 I . of Holldtoro for twig X%mankli of. the IAR Woo ftive plate, glAqu, pordelin, A ksi *6016 A rel; or owl".boirtf i'loat 814pi'llbat, lly, Wb%JkgE0t1 h(00i. lie Ittoln and witeli 1.1111 Arailitt I)k thw lit _otton�, end (lie iRod wart) to 110blid,tho Usill (or'solim timo *).Y, liboliG, detailed, tAdlt 6hr!"LlIkA, 11hMON ar(d Kilt, 110d to nflglAud with, bujh flo,11,jah. of lil S&IJ10"i W11116 or' Clio (1001), deep, love I MI. for 7011 i,% up-mr, 44 rosgoo 04 bt Boot) from thd 0 tho ponclov. alid W116told to leavor or. 110, W0111(l, be lit, tho peowlit nante of illb r 0141may Atatmotit of RiQ, rsebountq, uld ft tr11rhP6bq A tow Month ago, JiRvo-booll 16111 for ftoopabb 010 111all"hw4if or the throu t1dovog 410 110", oil 64 milky hi i% Atoto of utared theaghoixt the wholo world; r (if tho 61%rlj14K (it gtiy) li6ld by thmi ata tmtlio. ()tilt wrou& oriukif shitfbi� *�,r (it 9 Me to fin 011 1411111 11%wed 'Innioll Ing, (Ity of Velffluary, Me go. ndi 1)),101t 116Q. to 1,110 w6ril. tj,�Nil by Xf4th0out wa i(vuok by tho toil.. Could take bl# life it W'IILI fill, if allow. dlAf6lrAftor M6,4104 MY rMbIpPod, to XOW it haVilig Neil st"M "On" ll 4 1 11, (traligur ilict bq went gia Into tit" woods I lAtpit) the bo dit- Tile (14UA( i0i t W, of now ad-stlory 1144 1106:1 po;o , 64;4, A Attaticlou 06111, U64104 wAl Olaloht: LtY16 ri#fJol ho.Al of 010 Itt ; r)1 10 JlTLi redo 'tot Jouell 'host Nild wbilo gild in Clio isthor b 06, two 11111041 W.14 rotifta ilhpogfilblo to I)IA' a th. bf)j t(11611 t'hfi A3 iover olip Ilundrell tuld twou., Ltithoot IM Ito d1od in a khott Am* A 0a to d10 M the gllth% I' WUL i lid W3 A1161A Ablaii4a 'tgoor - I � I f tirs mia Alai) lio. byi-liable kr 40'ra 1116ut oil tim Nvout. �rpdic, rold me ofiell I'loava %11rosdolig CaMd''lli �ont�llt dull0n, Injitkas runguall to t'No mado Lit. �ltd II'Lly, IYA� to had fka, rovo. dear, . 'Inall obl*W it. to ,Udli a y for Iwith rudgliAll dot Aulia 'hJ% IUCJ J% tfti'tl Oil t1J0 OL 'U -1 V'oAVJ till, bitbod If mid, ztor- filcy *01110. Wit A '11341 oil by thoift 6v shlilt hAld',156116INTA at 04 t.1tJOL �ug Wal jwjq "Idi lit witif tho ylA10 Lukiq U16, 4 IN, whou, ie wit P�- Wif Ili tfbilt, haft till 16' Mila, 111VO tilt )of t a A kbrl �4_ �0*r tot bull Wier 011tatiotlKI totfy ) q h Unto 14131 atitabi till kh I h em Ail 00 tMt. 4644004t tic Ito k.114 oh'.A - sfin tke W0401toly, it tol b lit fin Rd 4o �111i W, M11 ihe 8 the Arab OW inrlo d)y I tb 3 . ...... ....