Clinton New Era, 1876-11-16, Page 1to
"T H:R
many yolk.ra ago, a gentleman bi A. subis
ordinato depArtwout of OW Bank of IrolAp. 4
clisooyorod-a device more useful tbaji 1441r.
W splitting, though of'A like vattwo, bo found
out 0, way of Splitting Wilk -notes so that
o h Ae became two, And to all Appear.
were the saw ore one,
At -the,' 0111001- Issue stroo�4, POA4y.,QppQq1te o 49,when they w
ilaoinallig, of o9urse, tbo woter-lliurk And
4; Cllatoii out.
4W 01611, of it. U(.)'wA
s, ani honest man,
T,10! RMS,—K UOVIII.AdVATIC0, or if paid in and informotl!t1ile, 00youlmont of"tho roouli;
two moutlIg. front time of- Subscribing ; or #2 'his oolonin,
At the end cX the ycvm —this ingenuity ; whereupon, on
Promlaw of no;er roveallug big secret, they
made him govwuor of
The best Job. Office
in the County of ITurQu the bank, Another
in oopiiection, Work exec , abed in h first-cInq Qlltlemdn, b4b'Wito unhappily is 4 roguel,
Vol. X gas lately madehio
, . appeavanco in oil
maillier, on thethortest nodoe, And At very U—NO.'46-14.m., $1.60 per annuM, 011JINTON ONTARIO' TEMRSDAY9 NOVEMBER 10; -18
reasimable rate$, 11OLME, S a SON,-. Pitokumus, ..he hit% invented a 0ortAi4ac-.14 uhioll. cansoB
the writing to 4 oIll tl)Q Q1.00u,
isappear. h . F
find, tbon, )to, fillti up, the apace. accorkling,to
T JG on
ADVAUT119WO, R*%WAq .®r V. It,- DON981P RAN ly�flo. 7" his 43 rati , a. Rio modus oporapai is the
The. Story of a 1416slop riplocool", folio pf
ebUtd, m6o. A Centennial T4 t
Temper;iiice and Intemperanco. '' Ila procurea it goutf clicu1c,
There Is Ono t lmongsO the mally, dFAWA I
First lagertiqn, 8 cents per linei subsequinit, .4 11 ____ )y a good Ilatilo, for &�Vollteoll. or
Z 0441 yet% toll me -where lie OtAyo What do IOU think. of a� R
, postatt princess, It is n.ow 44raittod t
insertions, cents pej� line each 41me. UNINCHAMEX T100 On arty, h At the leniti putirlda ;' th� . word 14 lemu(j" is
Vayl', illuotooll
success. The St.
-CONIPRACT 114121'133, or TjUNITY Called the horestmall V, Q le Article, With her, name, otl.At of ful part of' the Centoll"11141 Exhibition Was 'it) tr000 tit.
-475.00 W111LE 01)) 44.x lll�t (,a 40" 1rgaU71,.,,. StAntrod, avo.woli her 400cingej that dev oted to agrioulture� andthil
ANKING HIS rAIRNPO�V Qlalitoratod so completely. that I
Olt TRZ b, Y, -tI I honosp, loan who pays Louis,, guys Anything short ofAbethionce
Ono poltuan, liberal patronage bestowod1 upon Thina 4urlug the it of the
t - I - -r-;- - - - 40-90 time ba has been E very dollarbe ujal owe, as to all the dread concoquenoso of file original writit;g c�u be (114ccrood avast
$4 busIngs, w9414 respectfully 140. 4 X, a u, I , 1 1. 1 ACrying, in the copitility of - cliambermaid 'at Agriculture. Deparblifeut bbat'part perta, , n dor the mlorosc�pa, aild the words, I Ih u, n-
44 1 : . . . I p the good o14 wayo jjj� , I Total abstinence, 4efies
31I,64t,14 ......... 95.00 mate that be h4o romoy4w the new qua more commom 4� many A, gentleman's house, briliging up. it. followla ing to liv =porance.
ocarool'y kno*. a ptoo.k was the nuist Ini
11 One year$1 ............. dious promises recently orooted on wo Tt I cup . of coffee And, Not only WAS, the elle, qlafmagoL all danger. Willi -it t a'ro,jafe poull4ill, Inge
Half 40.00 AuxanoW-orr'1010 "AND 1114SIDENCL- —this follow's --- :Parl dited in its place'; two
y W of Animals, without wo with6at dr' are are added . to tbo+flgugc
2 OF ALA1,7RT ONTARIO Seredit* rft�ofully shuff W1 it In, peril, Ii,tempoVte.11 I I - And. then
'tit 7000 11 he gives ble wovd, of promfoo 9 ffling dowit.atairi 41vitia which no exposition of t Irill4ing is al,* .......... 12.06. pesite tho"Wooloyan0hurtilit, Rattoullu.My 1strcob, ClitstouI 0, bond go good am gold-, he state of agricul. liking, Vill)0I
Cilia qll,nov, 2, 1870. 13-ly boots? T1Qw would thott fit into. our pipe ture could pretend to corn ways' the, rosillt of tomperato 46 thing is done, allies 411 the other parts
pleteues, One-fourtl one year, ....... i 20.00 Next to Yujills, npoU Storep be holds& post of honor, ofit12 for 4 Consider carefully the evil effeotfj W.Ille a 4(,wiment, including
14. quiet Smoke 7 1 will toll you a title, ad i4to a mero oide-show, but, the di b It
)00 Not a trust 18 ever sold
'Willpro he will keep on hart.4 A select otoQk of pay" atrl u- tepiporate drintiing bas'u ArA, goito ocilr�qt. This
hill VES STENVIlIT, if. 1), 0. 01,1 stranger than fiction. In the Orst pla.ce I' jipr I Pon -al Ingellitian plan is
64 Phyalohla, and 4, this'dopartaxont'to. the nim,
.3 McUoutrsal;: E yory. debt, he lilay incur, words, sea �ig. great eqnsternati-Qu in L
2.06 F A M 1 L IR I R S Acoolatibour, lung give incrodalit AP 91 t e ha, ruinous dru ondon,
X GROGE Thildlug caob. 11 just reward, )r A gentle t, k Ali 0110 Year, Atnuary 4, 1872. - �b . val rQached.the height of abourditv.
Py p numu - arfain, a 'art;, grudging-ordesh, :NX43 re�,. a 51,iny
w Cottle to li8
lob will 1) quitat, plain
od --.r a. Zlgrgo Assortment of now gooda,�4rao air rQ :ht. wberero; 'got a good round anih t9 retire from. 'the
West rate their% nati*6 Philadelphialti who wished to economize in
th4k- Rus4i e-d-hyll -DTdk--,RE' ,
-0tljOV�y Vur V6'b p Zinerfu-qjff 'And lerowold this rare old party business.
T4td' land are A"hick as, loaves in Yalhambrosa. adut -The -eustom of treating should have the
One-twolith, one years ............... .8100 ounty of Ilurtm, 'Residence and 0111(lo-Cornor of Ll, ission fees bethought himself of becom.
4hin his inco won Thia par �rixioeos,. who I universal couden n
.4 5,00 A TAIAL SQ)jT0jT1PD. By the fairest, squarest 11 had opt, ing an exhibitor, . and,--Abus, gett ation, of the world. t
11, balf I I Albert and Mill 8twepts, Qlluteno IV tling
$9 300 DELIVEJAD ANT N%% R.- . ticular ing a free. hurls., tbonitanda upon thouands of the solld solith",
, )V3RE A3.4 XX TO. Aupot R11; 1869. 74f Sea bolloatil. this - Ban. some caper or other, resulting in a polic,q- on
3 months, I So, We oneaptik.object to exhibit ang.
nerds, 8 lines =d -u I ad or, I y cr, 4.00 Clinton, -Tuly 90, 157d. An,! the honest ingillwho pays; man's order for bar to move �ui paziie to- gest,9d itself thans Otig., young and old swiftly into the intolstrom
a �R. ST4NDURY, 1�(RADUATU Or, THE MIU)ICAL Ahymysholdi; It good and rightv , So 11je, invested
Advortiatintonts pf Strayed, Lot,_Foand', Dollar , tulnt of Vlotoi-jq UnIviir , sl�y, 'Xorouto, for. the x1lib, this country. $he hero fell in love. w . I of intoxicatigi), In 'many -countries this She railif into towa 6a it load of 'hay and
toielp the needy ith a� $2,50 in a'qaadrapod which possessed all,
morly of the Dispenuarfas, Now 'York# IV)io-n the timoare tough And (Ight. lalawing ad mar4ed him. and no, more custom is brand as Alto drovo up. to the market she called
t ex0eadiag 10 lines, first aloutl", �,l 10tinty of Huron, �11 Out. thoroughbred sc od as� barbarods, but here
no :;�. -M 0 Coronet for the C _A*."X $ of the Canino excellence lieu out
atur first month, 50 cents each mouth, RE VAL He w8i An 6:peditiouq yoV 'kit, in Christia-It America, it mAttam not how
4uly 52 1674. qi
verybody git away
Advertieententd of F arins And, j1eal Estate ally obtAinablo'for that 6h, He got his large the crowd assembled-, each Plait treat for coming,
'ON IIII-1KC(AN, SUROBOAN, wedt lbrinigh lier money and diamonds. pass and a down I"
bit, through a tiq.-horn. ', AS tha,� -th6"vdlub of to came dir ltfi�-;b'ack eXAT OH716
in firAt month, pho.0 11IR 41 Business. mod it diligently, no
_!?r sale, n6 xecocl 6, jO lines _ Aeoolioliour Lie uttato of the oolle�e 8 of OVOTO1iRRS, AN PUBLIC GRNEB,- doubt "etrActing from it all
AlruvIuMI, 75 cents. bkmo- down in
MYALT;Yt will please takerotice that I have To oYed and Sarguous a - .4 wer 11roviucial Li Under this heading the diamonds mel way the 'by, for fmo-'admission hort time, all become, nat
each Subsequent iTionth, .50 and B or�, A:mD m j Tbiws b1s, won was all be lt� like 'A load of
my. Q STAvImaitir 1oqsIuo8q from the old stand ale anti Corou or for tha foullty of Illlvou�, C'Moo and altos some is. nilble. It"is t life V going to' the )aaig�borbooa* of the �oxp - Barifsh'this oilibdin frojj� the hind A.
Advort-iguments without sivoitic directions to that now storo, residellce,-Tbe uilding 1, pily decupictI, by Mr. 00 acted to get. But what was his stono, ftl iv`1jan the in 'ad 'there;
on arqu
hulent to'find tbitt the anpitint j ailtyea had
-true, . as our. contompofay observes, that attio..- -At last, am morAiu-- after breskm is ottuands will be sp,�ed,froai a life of in
will be Jalwrtotl ti b I a came to sea that she, was as broad -as site
ore is �qlgug_ those modalay-W11 wit
appele of-srong(rin n has
W6 7 1
masuy a so -1 a young mau-irose, arnbraoe__�r - ife, 'as t ro r 111'
Uft_ Me us w " he exhibitor 6f At valuable- dog 1 " INTO foolin& ilow silo 0"9f,
Clinton, �raia, 10, 1871, th fast,' out of the malklig of 00 last ear -ring, Awarded hitriAlloAstingtion-of-two,'
11. DO)VSL1' Y; M. D, b.U4 XXVIDE11, tlio�jigelves, a -provailling deal 4
n oiled the life c '7—
of College of rhysielglis and sui�,qouv kifOntarlo,, lInlid'work, audket into somethigi 2ightl. bn wath An er '64
solid NoupAril. linmv-Doon To R. OAL�AVDER'$l 00'5 STORE: .. D., abod one te&� On her thrblibingjbq'sont if m6re 6uid,aloo remind them b -h%v - House Britmon of Icingston 0ollere went, o It ore- opois or thera__C_ _ht-thow to"
tious to my 'stock, and have now on hand a 110131*5 '141an, S oil andActionoliour. Oince all gen ee 11le 4W1Wi4'1deA,_N- that 0 oth 0 after the manner of.Oenten4tl dsl b�' I h load fonlitcon miles thia.morning I j(jPo*.
hatl a mado larg"Ildi. late, ijpkis . . I rilig
vmns� I, - 4 ... L . . Are, farmiiig is the reverse of light, and that to and took tokeoping school at 6 safar. of moaterbificAtl, Shame and hArdahili, than
assortment of AIbeltstroot,o positorm Ibmill.. b'iipt tig forth the points in which I'm fat, but I've.g6t. buzineti oil hand nd
IS A'j, Clinton, Aprpl a montli. , The -plilife-da-s- "66 silly other evil -that livos, Thil c6*autry
31 ALCO31SON & WATSO, BARRISTE1 -Flain, ancy, ana Offi6WibIler' work at -a trade is'no.t genteel.; lienco these . all Qngago- the Animal. excelled., ' Such'a docunient,fininiber calA. stand- any rionsense,"
Ile t 3ro . rrient as chambermaid in' a pr Of W tona—tfa�, hundreds of thousaids
-AT-LAIV, solicitor nipations ate in a measure despised an' a -eatiug *to the public, After the 16ail of - hay had been weir�ljod
TORNEYS w Coo d va f wo,uld be intei aii Well
Couvoyanegre, Offict�--Ijoxt dog to the new RoTAj Cana- A.Lifula selection of thelateiit our young eople, look hope at $4 a week, And E sell who ro widows to -day And sot in
file mts to
English, Canadian & America fully for'Wird. no'.half ben6fit she was-offbiod fifty ca
than 3$ank buildlug! teQn, months rolled around, �t Wthe %�ee.i4tbdca�se-tlLeirLliu4bi�iicishAve Stall . on"tho
booUis. to find easy road tc obuipetimee b gin . 1-eoe�el . r1Op(
Slid , ��Qojjn4t6r I a ' r thai 4R.Incident of the Black 0 lip it
ALSO, uk or ran , Are
XONZY TO LEND O1j Its ESTATE. All 19 , P i th of
which time site treed. her ruan-,4the va strong drirlk. Ther pltform, ililbile, a doz6n man made
G. A, )VATrx- Y I the 4a to 06 g U'ndreds of thous'andd of liontes.sdattered.
S. MALOONSON. ANCY. GOODS IN E NDTjE 8$ VAUIET RLEANS HOUSE, CORNER 1 (50UNIOUANT husband, She went, in urt and do- tpurse. of t0d shilliiigs each'to, �o'to the one,
Clinton, July 21, 1875. , a , es, rro, tion in the office of law. who,guessaa no I Acot lia�--weigbt,
0 nd Stur& streets, Victorial B, O. -S_ �Qii to'i-Abid -diAtinc -manded 4 share of the pedagogue's salary. Pon live liveii
FINE MOnOb(14 GOQIS, suitable for progobts, such as o'yer or the physician., We cannot do b6fter Re -was coming dow over the land, in which Wet Two bundred aiid ni T1 oalfetl - out
Purges, WallQ%, Ca d Cases; Main st'oe' the U iorburo,'going throwzli all th-e chi n9ty
s6,00 ; Bod, end. Board, I)cx day, $1.00 i, Meals, tha The scalawag. pulled out a da' -with P, 76volver in each bo6t-lei, the wel blauster,'as the boani went tip,
CAMERON & MCFADDEN. Reds, 500tli.. n quo to o tir con toniporary's views in fall i oree' of di- other y of suffering that_lia.between the ext-reines
. � 'Just rowivPd vorce, obtain�d in the,West. 6111
.&C, MABEE U4TTX L. NBURY Hard work. is the price which a6ccess somewhere i aad�. just a little top-heavy, when-a-
ARRISTERS. T SQUARE, Goderich. B 6 tho'. employer Of feRT and � do a hoaa o a poulid, I d4led Mrig,
invarl It- -may be phyEicall bf.�thel Princess Waii a. happened to run against, Passing. e1�re - I qI
B Irnizaeuse stock of rans, cheap., ably. demaiiils. a n
S uth out A] a a 6d -thii hat
FI-OpriNBURl' p, i�u 11 better. titan they
TAJE thop0t aAdbadjew"ed his Our bloodthirsty 11prod the bZiots jumped
Walkin.9 Cone8,' Croqud' 61 - .1 or it ina', bomonial, but hard 0ik tli,,o prominent IaWy do. �vithlhe Shake purse in it, Victoria Street, Ojjjjtolj� The fittifitigand jrnishiligr y wonion they
of bids house aro,611 PrOvided to ol:ild bave*ow 0 roll ney,in o ter pocket,and ciontinup
ser vs.: The'
attarm who W idew'alk and . flourishing 'a* pistol
Sticks muot be on the jirb at those vant, took lip her cause. �The ree off the a aio
Paite Ball Goods, vett) ee orn t6l
-wauti 61 tbIi travoutog iublie, and but had one fatal dbf Sao housands who dread to bear. make neittle ithow'of,me-
*4 '11%dolv P�Pffs. meet the wishoij and Win popit wealth a -h - aloftj yelled III\ yer, everybody
I io goals ooniglenti froin long. expedonco,' 'alo Is voung" a doctvnierI6 is"taken evidence, in the th6 stop b on
onk cc thrilled thiiih,:Oith h big in this,yer, 4uloli; I at me and crawl'! AlnerkliA xop.ey Bought unit Sold, niiie, tit, ra'al
-to mako comfort'glild all viiii ulay favor blin. vit.4-their Wile- 18 YO 11
coin Now York courts,�lii6iided it hasIthe sig- 'I'm L Wild Cat 'np f Gulch, I poi
pazjy�, Obod'Stubling and father's fa ZiTcer to will. roul 3�ear Therii was- �tiiio a� row bver'h r gobbling.':
XXp 00, -to be in once of%the sadiactivo 'to the 60%10 . 8,
Mci Of i7te. 2meri�an ress Clinton, June 2. 18% hay easier work as a suc�essful rfesolon- nature of the clerk of the court 6 toea4wood ani'O . tinder, theinflo a
0 p seal, -c., didn�b corn �Pl' the cash,,but she W -6
610- also tfiat bf the jp4gae- t d, There aie W6ifian by- thousands - . 4 a lip
MORTGAGESx- NOTESV� �-'JA ' L'. - with tbe Additional. So git-'out here a1alf a- dozew of yet SODS. '911oftnin"
MMIS A, YUILL. r ineitiautfla nidu,'nevor tuade a,great-' 21 with pain' 'while we write the "we" l, Sreadout her fat'hAlids and'remarked'
rag'sing cares 0' glo0a, an. by. bus- -thi like bk4 Call
OlintoliI Junig 92, 167 er.mi8take. in big life. - Tho-lia requirement.tbat thol j'udge must certify 4L form. &.linii of battle, lbause. I' eds'-froll
ybilf.r, 'it i§�' ruisda An(!, br Gentleman'.. a4ybQdy
AND PTIM -the clerk. in. 4neotion, -can't-1hold onjo his yor lianithor ninob, baudSL f a here I am
..of.tli6'inerchaPt;'th iours tke the money away. rout in
a weary clerk Ab*oui th I is time niade mad by drinic, . There -clin be ' I
intiat I 1 1. out, teilder-hearted hilt
Quirities P:dieliased., of toil mastering his case; the drildgeryd swear fo the judo, which is longer ; so trot i'orn up exgoration irk aily stt6jent n I'm very motherly and.
Wod Be XEY TO LEND fiftAliGn Olt SgALI; (1, funh Id
the,doeter as. well As by'day, an y�aud, with all duo'respect to courts, 80 g�r
tne one inthe crbwd ied � �igtol in the I kn6v'my weirlit alid elmiing capae -Y?
MO od mortgage soptirity, at . nitiaerAtaxatj a of tdthilsti�-itt6r,b'ecatisenolitini,,in�inagikia;tloTI ity
I' far harder I should any, highly 'pre PL oiterouji, In air; And sitrialtane6tialya r6ften egg Stine . P . . . . .1
an go the anxieties of the banker,,,are 'k
Interest. ii, 4ALE, can create anything'lvorab than Via truth.,
AOYAL 'AIAIL STEAMSUIP8. Auj�ust Oth-, 180�� uloji'tlie lilitnaa System thantb6 manual, this document the:c1okk had fdiied to 'o-, "Tiof)
Cilinton, Nov. 0, 1674. Clinlon , -tf tif� to, th6, identity. of the Couist . .0 . between the eyes. Dropping big Thbatiftow,find hottrors Of- a wife.�ith a General, Ne*8, h6msj�
LES HA1IrLTON,BLYTII, ONT.; labor of the f4mil 0 ksh6p, and W,is, and the- evol�er, And hrowing both, handa,lu the drdn'libn hasband,or,a melthei with Livoripool� - Loi�do?iderry. and Clasgov�i &urtioneer for the County of Unroin. Vinif 'onl air, be y,kka The Chinese
: .. 0 — . . .,. Y folly that whit 744jerstins to enter justice,hero throw out the evidence �afi4 I soft are its nqn�r figuarte is, Sal( to' -be
Real Estate,". attbuded to at roasonablo gned to Mine# rinobss',812'a
Steamships an ovei of month heavily to the ground After he had real�
.a. 'The, first-class, full powe'red, Clyde -built r-ci6,wded oebtill tion in thw hope
D b . , r Of, a(Itholm om (l, dyt ti, . . as call be reached - in -6115, *Orld at eascomposed of, monosyllables, 1,�80*
asei at the realiztion'�f hell
the' Allau Lino, leave Quebec every Saturday morn, �ut f1er' hasbanals �Ar 'A la,
Blyth, Nov. jGj 1875. its being 'gasr and light,' u4tiss, they oalou- 0 nings. No* see: indjuab.whathitd-1 plienedbestraighten'
ing !or Litortiodl; landing Passengers mud Malls -at SON) CLII The shanib, the, indigna0tin.'. the sorrow.. sojznds or Word iiminds, And 40.- r6 '80,. th6 .6ffect of allad6u_ ad up, and,.'lookitig AKouiId,' exclaimed, -the sense of dis6race.-for bers0f nd
CLIN.Ton, OINT.1 Loch Foyle, for Londonoorry and Glasgow; TON, LIOBNSED AUC- ate froni the firat to be useless dro prosperity, From
the County of is )rophr4id ti� the hve. -As to the gentility. of some of tbat.moment the Priftess .1as rofn'sed' to whilefiel,wipea the decomposed;egg-ftona 000 Compl
otinds ;
tor-oecapations,. lve know'--nothiDg- dfidaii��hiii face joke re nbilt, tion ding
EDnn OF It4W OJO SAILIENGS FRO1f Q_ attend to. gales of Farm. St6ck end Rcal.Eo to -.,It rea- make a,be�l-or flourish a d'aster, childron,. the-.1jovert;, ftn"4A n Bun L RIU7E the ligh Vie, roadh he -becl�ary-the, fear - ind 10 --fact (+
lth Sena 'honotlabor the lingering, lifs-lo a g le.
_MORALVX_AN-;.1,�.-.-.;.. NOV. Mill; IS - $731 lu 601 n I , is.�r6noqilc-'
C DIREM -ARRIAGY ES kND Who stand,.6r-dese�ve to stand,'highei �-tv I ith a pair of tong§-jVaiv . York mesee'the calibre of. the gun, that Shoots
611411 boftff IfIn in boots
1 ione long,as-scli6til keeps vill-not4toueb.-hisi but l t
nd despair Of douiitles§ wp a I MANITOBIAN ............... 26ta Apply it the Town Half, or at ilia at the the silceeisful far eggs.!? Not ga6lng the desired
L 0or, infOTIII4 dytinkon husbands; ar6'oine' lto; all
SAACLINGS FIROBA POUT'IFAAND. , near the London, ilurou.&Brudoltailway
TOCK r -QR- �A14B. -er modbanicitindnPioufacturer. InGrea tion, lPi. silently Stole away. Artlitir P vatchi whose grodfiAlier
......... Doe, 2nd-, Station. AMES. SCOTT, t women ctirse wine,'and ongage unitedly to 0
no-, 1). to, , Qlli-oli lotovia S
'the f rmors.-rllk niax V,
.............. Dec. Ilbb. Issuer of Marriage Limilies. ritain, a t to the He sttid-4&6ain
SAADINIAN ... i. ........ Dec. 16th Clinto 21 Qso it 6v rywhere r wfitls6 on
DOC. 11, jl�3 If 27thi; 1876.. ion b dif- Ires-911 ye's I . . . - . . I r I.. . OIROASSL&N," 9 In C16 C-0 Ili" (led . t' bility, 46d, as adoW .66001 fat S6" T
1A N C, �o -bout dsk a' b Opp �Wei ' '
I N U I Doc.-goth.. �T 'At. 1BET, SOLIOITOR, IVINGH)Q1, HAS fusiftl in'Canadal the more snob will sink, A fe'v days ago, ;ianger 5
SARMATIAN ::,mid- whose faffier.,wit
MORAVIAN ..................... Tan � Oth 0 ; appointed Agent fortli aAll wh sto'r'les'.., .9
and. the other olasses, 4ge in the social callbil at Ore�,iaen'co bf a bank* cashier in. a have had the pr.ivelego 'of be' all Irisli country- gentleman, di -ed lately
PERUVIAN_; ............ �jau. latit pftny o1i'llgland'; he is lso 'agent for soveial- private Sucebas' is tile �objoct t6 be aimed it in' 'St,Lnvi, and introducing himself, said lie own�.on a jury In
! -.Jan.20th capitalists of Toronto, �wljo loan moneY at ve L ffinst,bo famaliar with thipl: a'in Lohdorf.from exhaustion nd sta va
URANCE, ]�OLYNBSIAN ............. . -able rates. autnremt 1)fiydl)le 7,oarly, Charges choosing an o6rapation ? and'-th e.$ru dent desired some private,crinversatio Once *bell in the great swamps, 6f I r
F T RE INS old torniah-Frefich exp
CAB11T. -Ticl4ts'FURTHER ialUCED. 41sioSolicitoifortho$t.Lo6w�onceDttnk. n ti,busi qu,6diit oan a us tis. represontrUive Southwbat tba-writ r met* with in kialt zie' a, pffor the led hitA . The cashier theroupion by 66--iltefiff or I ian gentleman whose word.was
LIFE IST-tRANC, e,to London, th4 nglism, April 7,,1875 will considoli (1)- what'am, I beat qualified ue3b Of import C gont,Christ, a an, " telli
for, an(1(2)wbntlines,ofbusi a to.'-pr�iyatoroom, gave'orders., whonopoidirigon'ti -But 16� have b
Liverpool. sell.
as -as also con -
0. MeINTOSH, 18811Fit OV", greatest. challies of suc'cess. Both enquiriss. that theywere notlo,_be disburbed,. seated lucky onqugh to listen -to i;ncli okordiuni�a gobd his bond, and who wst other boy's sliotrynn, wts not-afrect�vo at
ied ty this Lino arov'' . o.
AN D srylowiatoo V o Marrh%go Licenses -under the now Act, Commission- himself, folded bis'ar siderablo of a spo'rtsnian.., lie told tilost,
-ire juiportant,. and'im proportion as they mis -and'desired his once. cayne upon the le
bost accommodations, greatest amount of, phafoxit, so or forlaking Affidaviis ill the Queen's Bench, for colill. darst of 'the IOU" I`ftUgC.%,. and aT. Proof llbwad him.
curity and safety attainable, and, shortest Be"; Passage if,.$ of los of Ila gunning a a: "
Matisfr6lds wonderful Star, ,k, � of self, to'ba A .611i a bertlill (%tull'C'ei;
'STOCK INSU nuron and Bruee. Couvoyargln!f Iloilo. quell hs ard,faithfully prosbcoted or the reverso.will ions aciluAntanca"'ro Opillitinicate
LIVE Propqd flamBago oeitificateu issued at lowest rates to Leases,,'Dondh, coutraots, ;ill$, Dectis, iturl )Tint In r tures, _ Once he came Across a flo at at ft
V96,4- biIl_thp! 6f guccc3s. "' thy,8',O�jeckof his visit, the al in th6 lip �t the,
orsorls wishing to bring out their friends. -rollooles Ififul. �onorally:attain i'An-boughing fva cotripatriob of Biniatick,
in fmet,.class stock a:tia mutual 0 rebosw0l. ReRldence--;opposite ducks, i 4 al'bayouj a�ndktieellug down to a Tlio euirtiuce of -a liq:ndfifl of eho� into
nl7ForTiLrou Tidlietound'�teryltLfO6Lnatiduyai)p ed, 3.Uany a inan who would h6e'-made a -once! or twice, then Said �__.Willlain Ruth isiihoritf of Alushingbain'
F.atttr, Ared. B nabLelil_ of f("I_ bisijitin convinacd--hini he bo�h
t %ss ineebailie has stud it profession Jillancial County, 0,.' TIO is also of -thb -Teutonjc�
A. 0TR9ITON, G.'T. R Bayfield, So!pt.14 fir. 'Being the ca*ohiar-of this'hera I flow t, le had
'here . 'I .
IV. W. Al;ent.. ' jCILjutOA,.Uay-4bUy1$j.Qr— . "? �. g it t i
Aild re'llae,i6fl or and m"erable' in; tittifiob,.0i 6urio yon-keep'the key,of peran "till ntou"Maivii., (ILOCIi- Ills* Untortandtol t
'duties, y
a r -k p tl nd hit a lliinrid docim
forlifei, 6 00 16 Safe ribled-abont tale wayf -the, rnmnen� hp� -fi red �all. t lie duol�ll, that, f0
14tiraltes , 7 '�Iu
th F16UHILIg A11111S.. nnt door to the 1xii )tq Insolvent Courbbri�� ohopeitl!�" th'af odurt, lie -edriti . d e'd . bd� , of 91 fee a- The cashier said be hit Wer6 on, 'th ' N L
Thousands in search o "And you know about the a dive, so halie Struck
DBANK, 'Or Q AN`Ab A argd, .
-CONOLIDATC to him friondi; and the publie genarally� that lie IMS OIL lossly beg, hark robbers files t.0 C,Llr,, an Sout�avd, and sdvaral t is, itn"I a,,) 6ver a hi,ndred in ITictorla. To sa4i�fy - ilia ul up"c's of
ft, easy� grow t 11 tibiors young Bart, tttid they co%cl
subscriber bege, to teride r is mo , i , A band a Kloel, of hi i or hhbby,b6hi4d that,go rollud, and tie and gag b nonly.. tb ai
Y, so&,Abiri
which ho*ofrom nt rittes,' ol OTply, . . that -it toetotp.1 sectiont ilia congr.-ation ut
Ty'aninem thanks to his numerous Ctl$tO' 'I o t erable Salry, and end had their families, ind with. pistols t 'ed. big d1ifies,.giving him to
do ion in his line, dQuoon th,! .c an or on w mi
01PP61 them to give 'up the stand that he waala,�igher official than the
more -in the. Surounding townships and the at,=ratorqt(!ii. 11to as pbot-is the began. who, if the had' their heads C day. We fan�.� the the - lialf yearly co4itfiunion- service, tin-
CAPITkLi $4',060,000. flild the, fol -
public genevally for:Allpir . liberal patrouaigq� taken'tothe the forgo,jh6i�lane, keys V court itseX and Of tbo' armented whje,mii, fl4finklied on- one
lowinf, in tile e lIaS '-,7, 1 , L. or the loom, might ba�a enjoys S
Lndould;furtber iioilfy them tht )I r aide df tho aiiilv, nd a � P. y ir
T HIGH. d life nd Thocashior sairl. If did. - Pleas, wa*s ill, thZ�abit of illt'L lately dddeamost'important;improvemdnta to Of Sholitill", Says Dr,
111412 6DOI is 0110i to IM1414 (it 1"Iril won a onin-pottmey. _Li pr6feisiooal and' i9ow", said tha; stninger,'L I've boon forititt with'the sboriff in a I boxicating-cup Oil the Othe
altunar all Iniritt
fife', double from all'. parts of. fba County I0.11, . _Qf I -
-to his mill by patting in a new �ng moi,cntilo great names and areat studying up the wholo business, an'd I have ZVI t tie an
9- volt our iz
CLINTON &GENCY.. the power. lieretofove used;' And. two rali Of ternia. 11 giyp.0 ill jillfilebi'4%. rilrallelfR Ill a if (1110U�O 'Of the st!
a ana Cla i6leal L but tcgilorr f(Aind out HOW to ov&e6ji id
firsticlass stone, withacoknplet-o betofropr- .-Ofttphr .1 I_ I . the-Fron0i and (lurinan I You don't slty,,sp. uer Dealt min givi '43r 11 of
i4 ilie Paine 6,f Aulso wbo fail. In. Zny functionry. justvatt fill I opens do aest Aluil most Some -of thee nd lie find that
chitint bolts, and in fact all the 1, pared for tho h,�i Yes, all,. - 11or five dollars I I)A�, all storin 1!rjSv' and
tniy'L t�o Av.6 0 . Impart gouft, a INI Root ish ]lot it girl thos iinproved mael-din. jother with first-class' todreftnti'10 pur,31dW, rk is ptli to the. Dif which may at se ue de Lloyd- by.a. chu- wa 5�30 fleiica drove 411 Oe' bay.into to inan Bralimins. (API Avall be.
lnterest from Four to Five par 40iit allow -.ea o(ynsideted by -t 46 tbolif I to. Y,
millaraj ho* is prepafod 6 do -first olmoworkin studleii mipilmholor Coninein 40,00l TuNhm . (bileas, I Ardor work gul Y.
-Deponits. re per ilitur . tr.rlytora _Lthtl rc, , time save 'our life -tbo funds on a Kiid, 'coieritig about au aoro near my.
on M�r�s of hbili are more certain. y and rust- When the, court ca`tno Sherilt 'RuIll house. 'led fai thec-0 flersull aud lttr;,:l sums,
GRISTIXG, C ElOPPING, &c, I o and n ore' " It 1, 1 n caloblated ed to your care. I will �il aii you how to ve "fied.his prodie ."'In fact I
Obt%i-I III h villoge it, wry I11oAQraLo elleral. is il& ri a') alanv (Ilcks crowded.
GH, Agent. Further infonindinn. will be givor on. kion --For WOOks, he -,had
iot�lq i bt. -noWever co in
M. LOU ii-yug ftft� tNyo out" 1 '11 been prabUsin oppUjnjgApeeab,., all a
lip - 9
distance can have theii.grists anti h rum, each f 6qlial ftcildirementa, and. lace. Cate to. rb 'ovo a ag frqtn �ypjjr mouth., jud a , gazier turned to 1,�Pli with a look
y Trustees, viz: NesiO. IT. fri; e, R.Roatsi A. S. Ff of wateri" S, fit,, a sullith, I, di-il ye (tch. 060 of the Sllitor4 Ila; to
oili`g McQilftft� 44,17A. woiptingt6n 0 got olloot-huy-of "in �V) That le. what I was
home *iththent. the s&i;e day. G loitr. work in the usual, Avocations of an tbe'ciyit ajuvt for Canada, h
'Mill Foc&jor M D., or to the TO I raball, B. one set at in fact, ourself free, '. .1 van f.ju icial, dignity And Said ocialling. at. want illto file boago And
-tho m
MONEY TO LL -0 A. At moderate y life, nd the other.on faring in file re�l ago se i : 4 and* withl a week'o '0 r. Sheff. 6pdti rt", a surplus ; 6tey,mig14 i ' port a fov.
Iaa - ji.'can show b tter L uth strack an attitude and began lily double-barrelled iihot-gun, and dl3-
n EASY TERM Sp- BE conntr, itt the. ond,of twentj years the Practio -A'ar-geti botli'llarrel right into the ujidat The number of coav;ctionq for zur�
33ER C. CAPUTWRIGHT. in6jer w(ji6l have zi6quired, more wealth,+ t RUA ree inutes. You sea the advan- Oh, yes, he-ar. e everybody And der of tb`�m, b t 6 my, a8 , stonishment they der in En 1-ind 1mg botia great Th� Subscril�or would,also inform the pub- and. bQ more comf4rtibly sittiated flialty-th tage Of my System 7 There is -to need to peoples , in shanoral, dab der honorable in -t pr in
By -sviltich tile prin . cipal can. illat he has a large stock of lcmbe'r 'OJL CARTNI'RIOTIT, Or STDATFORD, IVILL BE n ia'any voar) VIC
C he Air, leaving nob a solitary duck in 1875 t1j.
attilo Clinton, t1to firai�17r3. former, Among the twerity in the city reaist,and.get allot -, all you have to do is Gourt of Common ..Sessions; in and the Odood yd don't
differdfit kinds ana'lengths :. PLine froiii 10 1 1 might have made fortunes; 'buRt to let the _gritojoad ! exacb figurvi baing,, gillco.1870, rospea
be repaid, 10 part . or jjtj at., I t%yanAFxldayof evory mouth. . the one Or twc - at tie you up, and, as soon as for 66 honoohl'o' pody o Xuskingh�m say on V, Says Smith ; " didn't, ye hov any lively, 44, 50, 60, iltitl 03. 8hooting,
Hemlock, from 10 to, 26,; Cherry, ltcht style,' Teeth! WIN oslifised. nerves treated, filloI), the otbe 0, wo"Iti, I is now in pleas, and datits amire or What ill thuniter was
to 20 ft., n the genexal run, :they've taken the koy and go6, why Obunty, i
:�uWralat, WitaAshl maple, Softand Itock audmade a$ good mSLROUilljoulea. r you lol., In Var gall$
i i rm.I is now open to hear goinplaints of all der tile trn�j)la Well"I lt�,_ C -)Min--#' to
any time duflng Blm, in lengths to suit the public, -which eu- have acquired littl� beyond a baroLliving ; just lot yourself loose and give iho &]a wounding, and k6big have nlao -in-
a any'Lands. whereas the twenty wlio took forms might The cashier said it was a remarkable I'll. yeomundik and gomm.on, and dako cogni. that," SaysDe. V., I! it at
of Loan. able h' * to fill all orders that he may be Canada Comp ngtotlihail, n creased, thanutfiberof convictions lailt
an not be able to b votition. zance Of All mWentiIan6rs. and—" - on the sh rt6st hotice and moat+ oist; of a millionaire, but favored v�jth 0
APPLT�TO LIST, OF LANDS IN HURON FOR SALE 33-1 vwotiltl, have A much larger aggregate of 'Yonbetitio, amid ffiel'in von for,, and "1161d'on, there --hold 7o'�, tholie, 31r.,
reasonable termsi� A mon4 for 4it till . Sh r ff 1, hundred yards in the air, and commenced, property, �nd pauperism aro� howijerj
j"36. iWe Canada Company may Iso soen at the ollico 61 'Wealth, distributed thipl;6h them, We as I never taks any ray 6 1 What ia the moaning of 9,11 this to separate a.little, they began to drop,
ICAN' PXVLL7, Prol'it"toll' tholandargl6u.6a, . I stoadily decraa�siing.
AR - , I * I fancy this calculation, d �ut to the Itatuall customers are art' 9fied. of my honest' rigi, arolde V) exclaimed the Judge,
Blytb, Aug. 293,187fri HALE. 7 , �S . and whe'ther you believe it or not I picked
Clinton,Tan. 17, 1071., 1 bu
Clinton, Varch, 1876. AND LOAN test, would be found to lire correct in a dealiny with theta, I'll t611 you wh f III gN allust hold a little return. -rels of ducha, 4nd it was. A', earious thihg connected. with ffia
CONVBYANOIN�G n a I up twenty,nini bat
count�ylilie Nndz,-a dit to chei that do. ust.-lebmagagand bind you, then adtheShoriff, '$I'm 13ill Root, der blieriff
AGENCY OFFICE) -B-L-YTH,. I give jbn simple. directions what to Ao,. of die gounty, and I k a poor. Saoa for ditakaj, too, Youailathol Sarvian' Militar bads ig theabev in
Mrs. Beesley, Milliner', those who Are attracted by the glitter of the IT now my bisness to. ducks were wedged Ino solid in, the pond which nearly all the regivneu.0 a'arry the
in other ar - , _a,
LOAHM plitifes0onal And '86-6allea,jighier oiloupate and if you don't unloose yourself in (lanygausea opro, that When they arose they carried the dead big drum. Inq alle
17,59000 TO X RETURI;IXG THANXS TO TIM W -DIES OF ve transact irrAtrgbrTri t
W H , G 0 0 rDS --a feafful odds thtib -they will wists millatit s ind expr isfac.
I Clinton and Its vlainity, for past favors, liee t6 in. tions tak 6 earl your entire sati sent for its, honorable gonsi oration will ones into the air with them, and when they, -of beino-slung1a front of the . rami who
ON-vEYANCER, 80110ITOR IN CHAXO9RT, AND ormth that She stilloontlumes the Hat sad Bontat their lj�tg, and only holp to well the great tion *.'With, the process, Pit gie yen tot, now approadit, ima oil OR with your balt
j Attorney of the Law and Equity Courts of Ireland, am aspirated, down came the two ty-nine plays ", this inStrund
Gonat(logiSt#Lqtjdl'Loanj andEatato AgontlLawtLife business, at the arnl� of failures.11 dollars. Ifyomfindthati nth a man of way 4aick. b n 311t ilg'ptlt UPOIX
and Five Insurance, and General Agent. Deede,'Wills, OLD STAND,'V1CTQ'PIA*&T., CLIXTOX. my word, you'll pAy me fiveAcillark. By the time the shoriff'oolloluded 0 on arrels of delta 0 1 neg."
P r. I V ts� -T n brortgagoo, &a., bartfully propateil,, Titleglna claims to 41� 4W 0 . R small. twQ.wbetlea cait. drawn, by a
-Law She" agent lor Wasuri, Butterick &-Co'k The caohler.sai& that. -nothing could be Sudgq Ptaxier wag roaring *ith laughter. large -dog; t
neso Ig Europe transacted in connotionwith Firat,claso ro0OITjnkthan6WgtyldR$ Oil 817,091=1 A 110politent Llon ho latter beinni, so traino(l
dosdripilonii its, that be ke(;pg his place in iho hand even
Irish and�r*reign-Notates4nv6atlgatedi �aiad Roof- of gsirmentsi wriff is Ooze'
and Now York patterns eminiae 1P1 fairer. It took the constablo halt an hotit to r
ruroliban Firms; Genealogies traced and Pedf5r6o I Atiothar thing,' continue
I ept oil hand, which she sells at prices gpoijifted in the
3111�d; Forty Years' Experienceg, ohar�,60 me Macro, d the vialfor, order, Theca*wascallddituditheXudge rob oa 'The
CFIARGE� S, MOD.n nATE4. foully to Loan -private funds, and Or tion, Sailor suits rbalaid in favor for boyff" ; Ild the beginning of file last 'cntuty throUgh tbo longest
Publid coul. ClitalOsatio' -She hol'"I by ott"dt cars and tten I TIM a poor man, and tbig secret is' M. said 4
Pullet. BellitRarid Wotan Collected./ to toutinuo to merit a liberal pitrph Polonaimes are worn by V is at C 'mmer walks balitna t1la c�Lrt tind
girla of All agog, 41y atbok in trade ask you not tq 11 1dr. Shotlft, thete Was in the menageri 'Asset % lion dru
Itandhoroldefs with, iallolied. edges are in 11 that t,
do it, for, tImt, Smith and Si6rall, White three times alt the
011uton, May It. 1810. toadh any One, olah 0 11 . call potor :6 09 "lin 110WOd An Astonishing dogre of tama- th
a initramentas he gossfilo. g.
APPLY TO spoll my business..' door, nose towards tho wonjan who had tha care
S. )ZA)WON90so Ost;1ch feathers tire but sparifigly aged 611 would The' Co6gressional Commission, On
-This, went so far tint the wotpan, hneffe tallillge tic
X 710 J, BIDPLECOMBEII The casMer - consented to tho arraltt& Advancing to the door, AU4 OtIstling tt ofhi 0
n In order to-amus� the couipany.which came a n is now ill 86841 n.
Clinton, Sept. 7, 1674. 88 n aboat three inobe% he pitchad him *aide I iii , T. Tobinj
Parisiang dress their children in - richer man MO t, to Age! the animal, would oft6� rashly pla�a in San FeAnciscO. Miljd
roplarly eterials than do the E 11ligh women. Take thi's ten dollar aeld th6 the highest key wid
not only her hndl but even hpr headf be, of the imperial arinlrof0bitiu, tefiflad
it to'nte with [in tj couto d ire- never saw but t,_ -a Av6d(lings thoro iii,
aictva'Alonamy a every -introduced. the dardinal.rad color, at present, satisfioa, ypa will return I - Sava Shones, Peter Vito, 8
Wor t pota, ru . rou triao piathe I=. Watch ad A. red umbrella ab the Paris races Iasi spring 'other I If I fail, y6u keep it ; if you isto Peter Shapes, hort 8 IN
tween his triintloadoda jawLi. She It
Clinton Aarble lnio n nil
dy, performed thig daring act without fou year. The Ligher classespUrclI990
ircr-lb tit balf-paht Seven so popular, I
o'elook piza. 92-A-VIA161119 other riva dollars, And now this 6 how into gourb thit'your dree dimms., Your suff'ri
H U 310 'N dordlqll� A shower of vice And slippors is 'the r , r a do it,0 So saynig he took a toll of cord honor, dev gone honia,01 tig, iiijury; but once,' laving intro their vrive,; qatt marry them openly.—
G IrIs 11ANY vnrENDS roiVi thin t London, weddings now; the revi a o and Ilea Ag 4 r," � the low
I)MNXIS piy,f,f 7 i gag from, his pockets, and"with- great Judge will never do 0�11 daced her head into the lion's mouth, the or classea
390XWMTS� HEADSTONE% AE. Soorgryo t a patrotiolgo go liberally bestowed on hhn in an 1%m6 Ousfom� 4exterity tied that cashier hand and foot,. them, three titnes, ofte t Animal matte, 'a sud3en it d ki do not Mar -
4 a titne.P .,ona I, n
the Fast, would hereby notif thout and the pnblio gon, t question -is at htab sattleg, A heron the Spo ly, this catasm; ry,
uda in'Arnorflian and 0 mcon. 044 0, 870 thA�o he hmq ronlo"d into his iv)w and more The grea 6 d agged him so that be dou 81*riff Rath-I'Mr, Shudge, mhoat'look '.tit aidrely make private,' Contrcts
And work of alLki Pennsylvania %vounin Says she. can walk 20 u, 41 Idn't vyluk" a wla3 unintentional on th*e ptrt. of of 1. -ilage; no
nigned and oxbouted fix the beat styles And at reason' prombbd on 'Albert street, where he will w you ate tiod pretty, fitml afrilt here. Dat ish when you mako foolish alit
hAtild a largo and soledt,aas ftment Of miles it day in tuan's clobdog, and only 19 fu, I
d 0 these women are , vler
able Del I cog. keep you I 'Von wouldn't tht , hk you oot& eer me, You say eidl drie dimes ones, and the I probably ni'the fatat moment trite, to their husbaudg. - I have knowio
�E, at 4111 kindo got loose, vv the liair of the wanan hoa4 irritateaL the . 0
bTantles of Various Colore'd MQ'bio S1113, Olddks, Watchaso JAWAIti, and Silverwato The trousseu for Miss ' tay, who ig to mar- 6qla you 11, don YLOU say dAll dras oudo, dtoe dlineof stid, l3ae to leave All ir -v�ivbsr,. togethor-with
a throat, and compelled him to adeezo f'sale- - S&L
Th caiihier looked tho ropliea he dould 'you gay dat is wouji. ithd w6roli. If yoll a bill. 0 Co qreditor$ as payment
plied,on Short Notice. Which lie will. sell at reasonable rates, Rtit Stock Is ry Jas, G� l3ennettl proprietor N. Y. Ar0ald, or cough, This supposition Seems to be
uoW much itirgilr alldmorti vitrIed than 66y'lipt6ro.'.�n bs atrive(l from, E tope', wbore it wag oolle tiot gpeak.� Vantj poter. ShOU081 And Sh�GWLa jnjL RVA of'tho d
8 inglidalou Invited. fteptaring of every dolgitipt on et� I MONUMENT AVD I(EADSTONnS a ed at an expenue of420',000. It is said to be, ' Ityg6%) gala� the -Stira Vito voilde: &rda- dfindsi'cr droo met
GRANIT13 U R RITUR I I dori't'think I could �i Di)tiffrifietl by what followed anon As.
110ATEDTO, protaptly attended- to, the -tldoitt. beautiful and olaborats overtepited lbvientor ; 'And nOW lot '111161011 $hot the li I on porcelvQd, thab.haL had killed hia Special telogrlh frord. SpHingaeld
you m vondof y atte64tit, th� �)od-tem'vered and grateful t
1!jbDtECOMB9, Atinaft STAPPT. for an American. name1a Jicspa 11. Andos, the totoftouk- dat kind 61 fooMbnou 100 111., tells the (61lowing singtilur S Oty
an! mat exhibitodL lafgnS of the ileoPUStL Me. gi.&MOft dari4 atte
Clinton, May Oil 1870, The Aerin 11 gmgg�li�UDV" 19 Aala,AO bb A trathlrobborinfid ifyou dofilt fork oveirtbat SharitT 1111th rstitad to Vead Dittnees Npi w,ai mddb Iasi.
�Iorrtqlqn of hraoo applied k Aida I
p am in thitpoi socallag d- 6r
Clinton, 3an. 1411814. fro to Oar, bo yout 6"he-&id- 0 -- ---- d- hxildoalf� down by the
Tg 01M,�&T not of necessity, ll by doathj And otiginAte yo of lagot, . W ' hilt tho cankt4blit 41ifidd tha. Itch infre'r to be take Ito broak idttlt the vatflt i0f the Lixtoolm
no V411oh$Qjfj L 111M fre
N;),Pjtru ldAN'9 FRIENDS in the carly agos of European eivillgation, ,f 0 L 1�j th8'r.j%4tftt Valron4g. bootoWild on hint in the FjN'Gt. .1811 REMEDY AnA throwing tha �1311hlet over ruadd to take any foud, 4114 in a tow day; monamptif ab this place, ana steiiil thord-
CLIN BAKERY; wlian divorcee were soldoid gfautad ly-� the ni'of the dead President.
pot, would inform thoft that hohil no* aft hand 0.11, Is buk like 4 turtle he took W kay, A Voila coatAining Ovevy latter In the pined himself to death, fitom the romai
church, 'glish lailgilagoua6 b s404 -bo. Some weeks ttgb it was: suspected, that -
'Dill A wojillug otic-arred A low days ago at Cor, won a 0 yj -bur PnAatboolt�, be, Naldf En lifts happenod to a
L n-, - -8 T. 0 0 X for tb ef )j(lg,rg is youri, AS .1 donit qotioll Whothersinj otter English thyrne$ 6re livel4oditate3i
inth, I In which thogroom Was 6, Gorman ton 4 091% in Drint� Wlfh an in Llinjon., He wAs. stuoking - a chij d I Mills kind, W lt bas boon
think yoa will be abla to got 106A& in fl'#ct " Whch. is jottor tR out the pipo- in the street, and was run ag stant wato
R. INME' NAN Cath6l a,, the bride tin American 11rosbytokku, 181 1 1 M affist by 'in. a Strict and con
0, 11t;andaut a plaptiat, tho clargymAh An arinutes, or five hourk 0ithar. Igo long, ote. 06ploy. another man. The pipe was thittat into kept, It VV t .01004' ft
th 114 thought tha to
_ALL So* %lianj wLaa podovAll- sollayi! atid with A 000rtoodto b ho, odthanaty
011IPOUTJNTT7 Or- E, i , " L hie jaw, and'could not b6 oxtrAete4. night, ev6rybody being, then bilay ovar
A, in Wd Alethodist (ilutrob, otiltioa the allnrhabilb, and prous to
thb- public gmevail K r 1- nak Ills bvilli English proptiaty ia'ihoo'kcil fly, 1%, rLodo It,
tbauyingbin friends iffid: b dtd Aad t hie jLftfi2j.,i, JbIgIlt to,a for
laded toWatilk hlhI at his a a
for the liberal An ort Ogle t oleation matters, would bo go 00
.0 or Washbura,
has lettalld from Mr. Pathraotio flit) 116 11454 $list fillroftoa 9 lot of tho 6n Alnerican lady, Alids, Susan Fletcher
otalld, and wbtki(, at ahe wordl (11voree(l from each oWof 20 4 0 and lGiso ly m if jl� hAd boilf fto - df tho �o
Before ak�ag, Aftel Takingf 4 wan and womati, at Riollilota, yi�j 0116 010 bank Wbi6li 11(f. 0A 0droolotply glitiouncement in th& L ndon daflioa that the job., Elln ohiet of
er6 f6w day* hitiam it V1 h ki, the sotlict sar.�jbt, ana unitea stmeg
MI41D 8111.0 A'alith, has just made a will, ePfaroleas LaUly in the 0aeopoOtnt of' Mr. DNA, I din ot the original tic, the brI46 had D(stootivo Titroll, with. movorill assist-
Lalegl 5tylu of PAPLOR SuIrgai, Cum all lVervaam Diaeaseko Aftch to Tresnorg 181io 11 If ebodyf after ae001011itro Prostration otd.. whid1r, in 112 boonAnavviad once tho gedom twice, T116Y
whard he Into rognto6d litfaftlotift mia to riow prolliare lead b� ovet, Inddlitendo; n the nOo of to-' W6 ItIf d; niord �W,; 111fuldi: a6glord �jjrpo frAA's &..kilo r4d, 116 ha Sutg000lib, on the ground that it �ig the AD% wora Aecortlingl.,� -1sedrated In tha
to supply his 014 M01,;or, With 'An& voult Invite wn InAlledilov of Me Alooli by 01vto cases, ald I)rddt - roctogniV6 oftoll, othe wantAbything ift the cablot v6X6 Itno, li��doqn(j nl;b Ono nooll, failed td 4 and logs good. rrofit4l)la att fuili*t in duty of bver# member of tho humah fit. aurltg,
rhorc, ospoefally Worc, introducod. by muttial friend, itad ro� - - Ali, _ A t ) 44.4cooril radoption room of tha thdrull
to fle, way Of neftEXICS they 'Will be ofthrld Ifut., scinluat marric(I tho, game ovening it apda4ing motilroy frIlm 13rapil Is to be Ing td, the overivatati ofia. t1jo,yoang ffilly t6. daVoto the. body, a 0 atft ' At niQ6
it r dAtll' to ths afternooti
gialilp ly oboitp during tlib fall and vinttlt� n[A Atook Tin r001110111eY4 and all diseases VIM follov all k go! Aga Tildn Would, 01106f thO vllltdrg to the par"N bloo4s of t1jo cjjy glo, roltrid 11 brads in taiontiflit 6xamination, until tho lot AtLAIghttho-'s
nit W ils 4 Thiety yeafa tftAdo,
otk. quctioo of.46100)(150, Oily oat6Tt 11 gljmp�o Of that
Tto *Will I dilp dilivitantly 69 h0d ntook Of CONVV .10 Hatit. 6ek la crowth, to tire Exonaltiorf in 1878. , This wdiro I w4s 611na the 116616 Of' thoit boot$ W11 towith they ot PhYsimlogiot hatollt)3 Vlalb W,
Pain Iu 11 t, ghly 0' The .19 L 6nteredi tbo ael(," ft Woull
,ff. r
gTONAT.'Y' itild Ali othor aniolog fuaia Una 6f limitniAti, D11101089 0( vjgiolt. old Ago; �spoo 'arly� Lane njorillug it in iho 4rmg 6t its mothor, who bad been tro8ft, tho oadual stab, Tho"Iso wear tablished.. The b-cidy is to, bo anniplotel
44aul V 021 was noimil About in tb o C,4ftoa CAlup that 4 mortr4llv in a fight with a poloost, spurs, whioll tim j*nAoo(j, & &Vj\ of the diate-ate(l, qhtl It. all,posible f V
to 0algh 'Purchasers, and Mtky othof alSonoole flillb lo"id to Ili vVoundiic ?I � VaS 6P01I0,(j,, and the butial llssh drAW11
BREAD - DELVVEIM' D Ix TOWV, COO 40 ftljstldu� and & lorealittistre I 11 taghlonable podoittlkne, bo giyon jor tW jfl�
of which, aSs T1116, are fitat oanott br doVial;iiax fl,offf Wdylirnhatlavrivodititlia.higlit, Xvat�bo4Y. by �J' Vwllotlibitt& whilti alloofitig on tha otiolpalon't of d 0011oft, of 611011 body ift Out 1006tiveh Sprang OUE,
Ca4b pla for tPgol, Ana thy ftftt-Ofigs nut- thti gth of tiNtilta wild went t, Ply poll. N4011 the (
), gponn(l, bab dtilV thd bailks J tho Auluou, fittlo Non to What% those, high'toted k4volig.11'a g a its vatious stages o distedioa by it by tho
6t, aktioa having tillAtittloa itectiffutil * U14, vullob of A,clicla I I rotob 06YAO(Illioddig0f thoy lark U OL I, son do5fring te) inApapt if,, alid. Plore rovolvp
oblrao bytqftoff thoyu at buot, yc,,%VA of oxiiatlabod In ttatifin thopa� dia her otif, N0 watit to Soo tho, rough to the ahargo. of A 1164ro4g 101%0 W44 Addid- 4U4 lindoll t1jo their dulatly-by w the to d"Stywit 0 k 'r pering at (143tI jfito� tj lis ishrubbuf,, Thp� rsto
.04 t6 t1ldne() oftheivoril V'jlrX jra�AfCV, tho Vr'140'L t(I tot'Wtitd, the botlk 'it to lin in
Ifa Volija jIfto f&ko thigr Or oftorlur of 01%allilt.'all 'Crbli It uvk) 11%vo 110ol V0.1,1304 III tl their P(j0kdtj,r tow behig pllrbuod,
mKiAtoa him In Met rbM6V B of 1114 V�04,0 %)10 1410 firb. The Statifid 146,l%jn6 Is SoN UY �11 fti $1 fiAld hot ti - a it ,
Nor,& MW I pot, jokartoy Of PLJ,.t llitok(taoft (Of $� of Will Do $Out I)y aao, AVId wo Witn't "I'letalt hbr cut, moifko� %#U 114ilood ta It011t t*611ty'-fiV6, the most odotiontitial And In n ig but ii slight alua te, thoft ktat, .6,motothodoor, syllable of tha vord, IL114 by d1ht bt V ,
.. A djetiod'in th.,
A f, Ifit. lot.l. gave tilt P a tin ildr poAdbja*. )RA somd rditiflant of It I
00", Ulu tho 6ut Illy, 10 al '0 - op thilgh t: il) ANY, I t will dootlem 11MIS fa TAIm 11foltaII&I liblil bit haftill .6, 04b1lipg hag ho fit ip ho. Pt ba Witil, L . I , 11 �dtx 1j, *tiger Dolor Alla 11 any 96 j
kkkkelb 90601s 00,00 K,4 rA , all I IVAN - 1 lA $9,001) hf. gold fol libri, At*. th?)y ottittia; fir A tjtfjj1)t01
'Ail q6twom - '1� 111likill, bAilho h4a ON mi6 001 lllia% t' IA I #1 0
i"A OR( 1#1 lit. boa'
C Ll Ll 0 E R-, -.A
n grr
t bu
... . .......... ...