Clinton New Era, 1876-11-09, Page 3-7 SorAvo. and Gleaningsir", in oit it i3 considered. a. triuluph -,g I-io to e 10-$4 4 901.5 hadhA Icentuoli coNy 13 yockra ovex, a too to eat 141111. 0110 thing on CLINTON ORGAN Pq 40 'n' Y 0 Lo-_ Cas.., B % fuND to eat Ilia). is tk -A givell, birth to 19 0111ve 4 W*l W of 0 I i insult to cook 1111A tkild, then -- 0 :2 IS 0 ? -,, 3
IW 0 T U Of 'Jewro libil nplays fk grkkat pilrt In tk Nor. 1%.leated, '41 Q� '.I A , , Thero is, sald to be an old. goillatlenniv. AND UP"114 90LIBAbl, A0E$T0 folt drUpon seIe :1411&11t), Ullo, has founil tile true L A- n64 kk fit co 4sc tX HAVE THE LATHIST THING IN elixir of lite t' b cQn. 0;4 10SM.10 a tile food bf infal .= 2 � Ir 8 in ONer N be 90 always. bad 44 wet itur'sea i0114 rat, ancl well TOM% 90"01 oFashionable. C'
vergqlk ou. r4 OSTUME 00, 0 -4 04 Newpoi't illik" litopped a runaw�y a a of water n0witi, , ts L H 9 00, of tho A Washington gli. UlitQn, horse by till nin the carr' 5 For FAII and Winter, ii, all the leaal. in her pocuet for it face ; anti it worn 0 a '41 Wrled 0 P4 0 Clinton, April 1g, 16"o 6, heohila foraying ier 4o'.= P.50 g 'gans, read the .0 0, I-0 following Testimonials: itt bitQ ='o;J il� . As to tb000eltence of our,0i DOO f8il to u 01 9"
4,W4114wing it- whell she gut reudy. A No, grt,31 C4.1 A-- a UAPLUTON, April lotb, 1$70, ril ew (lays ago she got rt.,adv, and the pattered. Shawls., C�44s, Scq* Q = g -I ."g . lowt 51- ., ; i iii t 0 zly idiled aAk tile ally 'of your ArOt W91144' I IlAyo Mitol.'pleselitain tell: A inark wa's in a Saloo se quio t0pin'09 -4 tl4e funeral Q r, ing y6il Q14t I coolsider 4 great, omicess, The tone is ypry fa -oil A !ft$ (or JA Bal e , ri inout, it trapezo I . rrornier in ilk 11 and A �n4 cei 14 at of its. kind. as there ill C. rolls, was reco, ofwife came by. He p4 *V. P ;i it is, as, good 44 Instrame !A04", L-44, 'A' �FAOTORXT AN
0 lJ4WJ'Jl �JJQQfi With. li4oral Pa e,, a4d roap,thQ rowar4 tbat-your tronag D WH ClOTT0,NS; loWest i. To a. gilized by ber. two, P1 :4 '14 t"I'lly ITF in 1 0 )JIB' hat, hur. - 11 . .-Ily hope that 70 W_ o het leald6arg, Yal., althoug I'leut to tile do ",'w4ved A �" eliterprioe Merits. Yl-ro truly A - W111dowi $01ands, ft eysi F140 they had not seen ber since f4ei was� an't rettirlied �to Ilia 4me., Tat Lace CUrtaiiiii Carpets%. DaMasks, nels# $)i,e Thalt. nigilt 4a was almost killed' by A, Be Sure and See my goods before you can SXV0 eight Years ('44, tw6lity yeors, ogoo I take great pleasure irt I my testimony as to 'the excellence of the Clintoit Least Teti
left. ti with Pilt, 'gol$, wallufactur, per Co., In powerma -oft --v 0 Lowot heiiirotls, and. went to Nva oil by % et oil t 1% in Town, h. r relative A lie to its nlechanioal Weroal Arrilligelneti 153 0 iltiven die Ann Ily ty 4 owebt4esa r quickness 9f rospollou to t tioli, as well as in tu, sdecidedly ot, 0411 , uatrtln�oxjt I have ex. -Jefoee they attain, EFF'3C0V0A, -OUTEFULANI)COMORTIS(i sPat. tioulars, superior, -00y a thorou rF T". Qoatfftl t �A.l 1-fuliv re ommend it to auv who ilotive engineers oil the 013t Of L000 I
re in -now1polge. Itsoome to me tb XT tied, of wh I 11 0 had L at it Is as near perfectiQu-
All the locoi i
1. Jzh` k aqwledka of tile natural. I ., T ,equire all instrument, As supply tili, want of ------- i 0 Belgium SwA.10A,govern Vile roramolls tn U t lim 56; Longlaw Atuay i one in every reapwt wIll I �TIUY4 to
app 411587- of the fine, prol e Ilinton, i witz Mr. Epps has provicied out breakfast tables at or of the Metlloklist Churcli Choir, C ed U) be, after. drawirig the fires ,tI7 , ale), -leavill 01 Cocoll, h0 In UPI e I 12 IIMR, TABLE-OLINTON STATION. -4 beverage which may cTr W., V, 0 ilk A 1,4L. X IND1. Italy, 254 Anstria 80"" with a delicately Asivoi 091 ,4T. WEST. Dolin uTy Co, dpilttitig ave u4miany.heav4uotoris' bills. It is by Tvlail,.., 7,35 A hr., . MIX61'.1 1, A. M, Ambng the liumorous Cabiuot Organs I havo'hoen during the Many years. I have Ilse of ffuqh,%�ticles (if 41i0t that '9,35-A X seen any ouperior occaslqq of t e st4ke wils fill; rediletioll been A teaulter of Music,- I have ot Ovecoats, Tweed Coiats, P A 4 t I to the Clinton organ. 0 )s Qf the ellgilleors, city of 40,001) inhaW- a constitution may be gradually built up l.wil, At. Mixell., AT, tjha'raot6%of the ton beautiful still oyippathetio, the ititonstion ietperfoot, and "hirt nd F
�of the wage 0 is both
:It to re8itit every tendency to tfill tolich easy, and inferlot-to, none, The t, o I or VJ n Tweods, Strong Twoods, Milo TWoeds, Iffljo YJ S I Dols, Fine liv its tinnil. til strong or it . . P. , ilt I [oil ind, 11a I A B T.: , Mail, 920 R listil", or seww 11,1111114111reda of subtle maladies are nothing is lackifig, Shil 0 Around us ready to attack wh rever. Philad, �lif. WIT�ITTY Clinton.. It lialf, of fl�laluoi. ill terl yelirs. - It, Iras P Tickets'to 'elphia, atthere-isaweakiopint. . Nve mayeso `liv. Dof T as. a fatal shift by keeping our Ape I . nany, rn, Red MR. Y C 0, 1, JX T 0S, a] hr. Gf'Boston, and N'�,ry- Oil tilu that-l"r fid ret ced ,141 wbite S
selvos well forti, U Desiribg to 0litain an bistrumoixt t1i4twoubl, combine all the desirable im rove. X.RW-06finesp Wton(i, -.T AM, a t -t ell b as if ten million lied with pre blood and second day William ance , 1046 Power, it 11 so, alm iy ha alitl oil the till �d, i-lity tile (I down tli� ;ea.loalufng , , ed Fraine 11teturn TIVIliets U0 relized all in the Clinton Organ. H'yor�'6tio who hears it, goes away pl6sa_ .13,clots- and Shoes, -Horse J3 anket9, &c., 11"Olint", At The v luable qualities witicl; -this Organ poss oses, are Much appyeciated.. It is g r '11%11AULd -in-to� flip e.... TA 0 NBURY'� London Road, Bq at A. o,16 t ort 't it New Yolk inilk- -�.Lieutenruit Lytich in MWE Fouxp. - . re to the Dead Sea round a buge ments'of t to rgans.manu acture. by I o tarty many Pont a superior, to a e with which 'Sidt la, 4.7 oforil I it, Oo,, I take pleasure in saying that Lconsider the . qu III Ills customers in in all reipecte. e
oing ardlind aniong 41, nd y
t, ny reed instri moat in tho M Thellas ty of salf tl;X-tho the ArRbs i ied iim , ( W ( -iviii milking ife; for ourinu-twe aremuch u Gil It Qow 11114 :i calf, aoind g A Oat it %��a, -1ve have llolleAbi., i a. air stipyly is maintainqd ; tile 81110othneso and. 6quAlity of its tone ; its,roadyye-, iloll1wil to (161 of us )to StO -a o Various floovs, stilall II)t it, though Iti fancy stop$, . and t to perfection of its CUNTON, Nov. 1, -1876., I)* ;it -til 74
son ov( I IF, - . . - k . ` APO! the eloquent voicing of to (tolre 0()1(19;. ise to t1je touch I inegwe.Tfrorn bis cow for his tk)n ill that tile, best thill. two aollm After tile (ifiarrol. Tholliff - in, nouralgla, bowel oom. moral moolitiniam,mUBt make it. an ospedial.favorite.with organists, throat, rhelinlatiq )its 8 N BI B Diill, 9f 10,1. OF 7TTIE- ,son .6is- Itil (Xllihitiow ,is this is not only 4 &C', im t6o and Precontor-hi 0, 11., Olkurchp CImt0n, t (, )c hall. Uf all inedleine dealenq f6r' 15 ceilt# per 1954. Footsbaps nil, are olie, bnt, ilwbiob Mtrlicig gro�folt t�.Lnt'- bAtle. 10 Oil Large stock '6Q.o(A ot are lio�v *4 it poo jllg t Ilevas oht lig Its T. jT -il followill'i, jg i,11111tonlito under tile fatal delu-. A. line soldlei D V, b r, -W lent of imported oi- c, 0lich LIQUOR STO 4 Ti tli(,)r tee.-trotibled wUll notbilig blit . �aw� $* . I R a oodand Q.talto ScAt 4ts, oun- WHQUP AND RlbTAIL DEAhER'l-N lring SAL.P hatges, who died ilt, WsJ -sweeten- was, talcoll fit) fy'r the of oil Nyitlk �0, white,' looney, 'Bods, Carved Brackets, Rustio Oralues, C.' The"underaigned having oildned a1iquor btishieso r nit in the, promises formerly used as a Groce y . 611 - - N. Z S. -_'BOK
11 y -IJ Roscwdbill nd -hatiff large*and w octed stdek*of -31181 I E . .. . � I WyaxlA _ 'ItVI SCHOOL OOKS VIUA OTJ
it'll usild to -get (if frala0d With 01 lie antly Ue6i) oil' a rearranging tllv 'fill il, 101) jW and V W, , A 1h . wil 1 donst Bel Ikulniollic X ;Jer will$ the eking 60t51onlding4, . I. oil the 11 its osi wood,40i d. W ltylll� I was ;`6111111 to bo, I?0tufflod winegrallIttV, I - _V W I 0 IST :E3. 2K Wines pd Liquors -of the beat and most ieli 1 Bi'andi—, ab el iIt Was uralls ll�(�h he Ole the lowest romunotative'llilces.
wU06d vallio g4y�lll to IvIlo nllty�p w rs- to. the.publie at Agent for Quetton PAPER,_WINDOW" SHAOES in G( WALL. tb 700 1 gi ;11 tiffiv. sold by all' Wi rate eorge & Co. i To1c.,,tto,.in!*tera of pure Modicinal Wilies, r Ile would Iso beg to. inform his p it VOYS- AWD� I Vdirht ws 1,26, polinds. Ilis feit_ :0o -.,t 6)r' nian a ud, the-pu4I c gen, rally, tbat'lle has remoiea his- clothiog, a - till wre0l fifteell votits.�� all who have Stock. of, Groceries �-China.*And Glas.swaret ANCY GOODS VIOLINS 14 b CASES '0 the ido Wre, till ,is its -aY6 t , - * � 5. und .- Vs.6 A yumig �N the �ramiseo latly occupied 'by Jas. A - vadl, kno*n as. the'American Exprees Office ia014(L"ItT1lXS AND FLtT", . 91 fit �l g him with theirpaironago. its ell'clits wheu tised by otherg all atioli, still ilk :1, w it) a in ecialinduceifie ts to''any favo be -1 AND COUPARE PRICES. -U%. D 'ING SATCHFUS PICT S; A I I oil t Li os. tipiiiini� ilt'ab FRAMESi'' -TRAVELL Arabiit i, 0 'to ;U
will soon I ost 6.XLr1A' y s 1, -; 10 r . I.' . I P63311'§ON ALSO, A, LARE ASSORTMENT OF! to,tt, staielliont; 111alki lit it recen lueet" bill cult ito�t facili- III hing oftlickltt"heict io lint 1876. BRICK- BLOCK:' W. 0 67 r AnIzin'; Wo6z it, use foi- couglas, colds, t ick 6 ill J illy pe Patterns, ing. of the 0— Goo.. gu. UN D ERTA,K1 N 0 All the latest Pipers afia Periodicals always on hand Also;Agent or the and tio robbet.� wuek
i a are'd. tho0and" of with luarvelloils -1-0 hing ill ft"wIli6h call 0 obtain . wrlich 'it". is nealeg kill DAILY� AND..'-� W EI�ZLY G_T_A0'BR AiN I ry -Lo venor ne lid kepUroull. Ali I ijuantity (if s'a I aahle veryfilla o attendpol E working while lj�iux it ;,it is,otost tie, a Saih)["G knot, A
MERICA'N AIONEY �- BOUQHT:AND. SOLD- total -'Itillila Of-7t4ieS;�Itll�- pp.1i6ve ill'.-ili'v,en- they Allotild- bak,el coustallOy on- ]land. ratei;. A lvg(� Aoek of luouliled AND FLACE,—�. lno;kbo�i the lJF16-, aud aue tile signaturo oil 114 ;tl,(Lri win oil tositit)�olkbei` ab one bui.idred f4ed uh.&,cbes. 0ife diy T ently be I bndthe4XFW E11A to' your, ,aud' get .1 .. , e"� rilitlive oi, , . " , . . !. . I I ry -chftpol 0rIIurdAndCo.isod*Rvh i�ortll silver-plaV( - I fit JOHN -A*' -NELLES,, a .:count tk:1yinan, Jaronto, lirolirtetor thein !to ki�oribE5. fdr. olae,o$ the,'best7 GENE'RAL.*. CO . 1.1y.
lie ask6d Q
lipre the Air"Was o font thrit. :6 fr 'h locil T hocre r Canada. N, r, w s P.& P n n 9 fii'Canada. It' gives .mor es y 7 gent I em art *fio Imp.peneld' whetbel, ever.3 TI1J0S'-,'5TEVENS0N CLIATIN, Oct. ointon, Aug. 2O'J JS' �. inatter evel"y weel per. I oil b of* antleiDall ivIl( 0119 stopped ,near a w i odow woul . d bave- ie ouse f6 than iny, other country -.p a d -eftilly made so-Ahat nothigg nmanalad by put Ifighicne, S el e',f. t' itre caa
intd his purse "pocket nd.- drawipg--out 130 Of pAnfr, well, and Other COUV61- t wy i Q� Columns. IN WITU 'D 0 -BL7
encols, will be sold on emlit., o E '.-TlfE U I
A F:R.l,bJE, ' C
assThere was -a g�arrd siliasbi ' liq S'i, t it X T-1 k paom aild - tie] ightful-II4�00emfgiono a p0tol, killed the ii 'GE. th�y; Itall- -o la -i�lilityed -FREE O-F-POSTA
t is lit rig It Unton, une lol,'ism R EAA,
111ol tely. il or LBO PE iliabimats of Clinton
iiah on thp. iipot �L - imid die' bill. f 0 dain- The underalgaild bl�g to'inforin'the ii: And suriblinding country that have entered into C the*puipoge equal ddilress. r, -Paitner414 for -the business Ot Mali; f I!o i otearrYing on u acturcro
vsh air I b At. io add, tha fi
�e d0iie to the Berkshire Boar. f6 wli�eu walking lon.tlie %81i'O' in-' r Sle, dfCardages,Bujgies�' Waggona, Sleighs, Cuttprs,� &c., in Alt its Vaiiotfi branches; at their ola.stand, Eluron Street, 01inton, under the styleand firm of slisted oil 'haviii-, hot. " P126' As"Witullbr ill., Obicado duriury - Vie �A-� nu -YOU-No Iire Weir. for sale, flicap. ow it tu film-. reepab'i..dyessed in 116me4puli No ains wili, be spared bo-ex,edlife work dqixal to 1 I ___ff 4101144 COMIAX: itotg1ter A,- )F-, 31� 1) -08�, ."ni th-t) - I C (I I t I V ii I rail
seized him,. and -with W violout njid -,foolvd iliew in a LE'SJx. L'ayin file ence in this Vourity; enables them to fullyonderstAnd the rdquiroj%enis of their vustoin ing n, 0 may., T hint, &inginr, into the way.:*,Afte invit, ..VJC im, to, Foi Sale, cli-eap.. THE TT 0 they hope,. Ilk. ptriet attoMi6i �o buqnefls ta give entire 6atlsf�etioa to all those wit 4 ngI alk Q it KOU EllaE 311REliers _YX ,_If� _ . favor-thisurwith-their patronage-.` What nuts arq to the* U iiii, and R9 FQR sJUIP, ONE q11TE summiBriti o rm their buimeas from Misirs. Sheppard & C oper, would hereby iiot�ify the inhabitants of Olin. 'olives are, to the Greeks, ;Jon we oup.. Wify, ;uktiley had. better leaVo. A ms�e 7 5 years ola, and toits, anti two cc r-111 I I the game at We old wate Felled to) Do in -caif. ton and - vicinity, tha t he w large and sele�t stooit lof the bd9t seasoned material always: on hand. Ordersexqcuted i i g'dona on the sliblitestlaoti with despatch. Repa riii Q ..0 VE A lieso, The.seai A , �! ' * .0 RWER OF R AN) L 4eeds are to the' -let tlibir .pdaketbooks with the:dlerk�� J16 wallet,41i 'Victim J011:4 BEASLEY, ATTENBUR`Y BERT STRE TS anaelloNy mololis pre, in sqme 1� 13 &Llk� & LESLIE. -.0.0derleh Township, Oct, 4,187 Nvhor� ho.-viill keep h elect. -P.T -
9 ;n Only �oiIlhe -6 id b6th were tied to on . slid P. large and a roy seea. and at i4ile4. handed"over his, IALLRINDS OF .'FAMILY gether a 6 clerk" the STOCK. OF' CROCERIES, OLTMIT, Julk 22, 1874. uporvilbe:roplasidea for .t�e use of. any, li'dAeft. wifli. - th atest. Wondol eedi swindler t king a Check' %viih wLlch be� Tito Centenlidd Arithmetic Ur And as he intends selling exclusivel� for� cash- or -.produce he will be in a position to. sell at
traveller who -will scoop out thd, a 0 -returned wid I 11, the lowest remunerative rates. giving hid cortsilerable experience in the business, he feeld JUnks may be seen on the rivers Incien. soon got a I t e nioney._ tains Tan f1rat-elass Ansiness Rollest tb6 best, fnuqe confident thut he can give, sati4iletion to all favoring him with their patruna�ge, Ille,161lowing voines fr6m . A Trial Solicited -Goods Froll3litly Dellivor.,ed anywhere In TqW�j. can pro�urc theill w6na'll 'otb; -you ed and sold, wltollessle�and retail, bv r, food 9.rago inr the EPQ(MEM- = 9% 1. - 'ith tbeni. 'In the loneliest part A pobr man died a, few day. 10.11 aRperiona doing builoinepoi of stily kind$ and Is pnb. .�: ".. '-w-L-WING
Ifeb C. L. FAJI�CJITLT). G oral. R-9 Pol ,oam, DOOXT04, ONT. .9c leik -The thre&�bujidke(l millioiA a frdm-a carbuncle produced b EA. splendid assortment of 8F"WIXQ lu. S� Al &ud., XL iN., y tuid eve�-y-furnishingkt) t ttilic'. n -ffiduil d- th-'- N-0-t—e-s—Losto Ta Parliv flo cuatA' all d1aurdevs of e pq De; PILtq wwor to drink tea or ricowine,' there is eeas�d. inforbid'il -some.friends that one ' I . I Ili, th) &ZnAt always -an accompaiiinient of wattr- A.T-jSO* P. `S,J! 0 P.
rlii& A, large green fly kept him iwake rJ1HE WOUTD WIT16N AU =in sit cirtilphillitH Incidental owl] oil hall(]. -11aving'engaged, M. its bimzing-j to punish'it lie plilook- nfiud, drawn by T. Lave.for $100 inth, at, elpht per Liffe, ()Il Nv4)UnJlUt_, JJ`a.J:UJe0XH' f _T I boy. practic %17mviio 0ii st� soll work done beru i will give good satisfait ee I cent., dated goth of April, 1870, in lavnr of Wm. Nichol, atyjdin� PA LIS poi-tithagalusitpiirdlianiyjgornegotiittingtwbnotoo TnE ifpiERTI 1-i lbe on,l) reliable romptly for* Unit melon seeas. with eQ�,er long 0 For ilronehitle, Diphiberlit, Conlub9i crild", 0 - A. NORSWORTRY, b6ard df 'a (�Obd joke -ed. off three of its logs and iilat it'fi S' iulR ChEtrges Moderate. We 'Weeittiv payable in a ye4r.frpw date, as tbe.sania hAvo been Will; GoItt, otimallsol, und all Slijtk D1904SO11, It ban 11t) 0 linolojil, 011t.1 parplefrated bill eZ4Y far. f6tir days afte'r,wfrds he fell asleap aft or nolels, 111,41011 stred4) One do i livesk, oof,ollie co ininer4-Jilt 3100, C 41. wit. NICHOL NN71011 to eall.t -at his breakfit. I a d by it. .110 special attentlofi of' tbeir' friends And ille'Publie their anet a iiiember of the Elmira farmei at, sitidas awikm� clintob, Oct. 18;'187G. icbeell I; lie raige
club. 410 hAid beeli botherf-il. grpatly s.ting on Ills 'a !land Splelidid Apo'rtmqat of CROOKEItY, CHINA 6LASSWARE. been muc4ing his and AIR T Oki! by hunters from the city, who hall'ofln- to the spot, and picked off the. insect tered, t4e woods witii a perfect abAndon that had 9 LFA`VF. TO RUTR IFITAT IfE nAR and slaujItterea tile squirrels in' great found it to. be the very fly tbat'he bad W.""(,neltbeiiboplttfeiyoeoutilea'byltr.i. TowAley, of, forthe purpose of,genorAIJ(ibbinp. 08 repairing famUnre, ralliking ebel,ior cases. grind, thies squirrels,, took'ihefu tl� a taiider. 81 * Ir , g but fol-g-ot III's wonn& tift JnFronobli6ri, ililveoAtil revolts, n#ttlnq,and sharrialling xsgsT Are nelthor suld su.atiyp4yt.,U S_ save. rep -&c,,&e,,vhlebhe will d6 to t ne UnIte-1 states. Also, Just a large consignment of Self -Sealing JI-Af JAR -e day- li'6 pi ernshed 'it =!'Ito file mark I deem it Toy ant to Atafe, that toy Pizo. /wo oxxr- ..L / numbers. - On oeurgd two or Mutilate& This -time he autiful=Chinw-me :8 It f6i 41'
alring ovibbrallea, 8, ai,prices lower han over �A- G' R1 tt TV RALL r If to 'RVU 13ONVLS GLASS CAICH BTr,&XDS mist; and Il t stule' !1, le then Into fl IcAt' h et. in, and' reitilted in - ftnt-e� ano minner. promptly, aml at R reAaonRbler&f0
Each Pot abil Ilox boarg the Ilains before 61yeted , GLASS SETS,' 6LASS PRESE ntook them to �ia'wdfidond naileU them d.eatli, n. Sept. 26,1870, GLASS '%VJV.VER �UQS, RD tX V S bcr. OINTALENT, LOINDON, engravea thereon. On the in endless V41?l 'ALL A A111. E T fogt-to the fillilig Of /fig inany traos -in TWO bf,illes of this olty lately'.041nd W the adaress, 03 0 ' Xt'K)I!D 4TIMPT, LOUbON. hey ..Qollld be easily- IVeWIMP 1,ile, oa oparl4ts inlit"finno ej WholoaRle and Retail Grocei-s, Br ek Blbdk.r Climax Double Cylinder Threshihg. Udchines hotne from PIjiliadol phiA a, oblimebe, are 1111%roplactiltail and CLIXTO.% olia under the lianto of 110114*Ky A co" dilloovered-by t4olunt to. How muoh wealth or TaVeh tresseil. After they bu 7. F. Henry, Cur-' aco, dfugginp a0 ln
XTED COU'RECT, VOR 'IT n_wi ibrutor,.Threshifig,,Ua'.�h PaWaor aht[4 1pdd had boon wasted -oil had iaken n. till the points itt the big SA19 Now YDI !11 assaid9d trade. Combinatio dr'V _�4qjor 'ble to,�'t . . .81 Us— �a C is 1- p, 1; I NUOURalli Olt in bilgo; A mt-t al, - M n, 1, i-A41t I,TU-AALn1PLE MENS Alwas' *4m
qvr and HARLAND SRO& lJdj_ ....... but m1my Collurterfalta are �,dgooa marliginall haA wou� 'now it illoY bad 4L-nt fill STOVE: AND T11,; SHOP, f6l"§ heyt the largd- I Aria w6r . tiaoing demand dore r/vy lole-001114 not bag tl,�e gillue., th6ir M tlnd whilt will worse had Norlhriip Lymill). Tt) imeh LymarfTCroe & Co. OL $25 RawgLr& it9nd Lym;in0r6#,&0o, partil' of the Dominion,L, by.t:Wintrorluction of 'the late'St And. M 60t 4pproVsd R They had ft-lends.'in Philadelphia d owdin them At VA 7 lawiorieccl, fmni V. Item, 0 S T I* woollhilty ltlt6 flu�`Worhs, grdlltl� inarionsed'otir lnail*uf�aturib , g facilities, Iva Avg theteforif
r -,10; , . 11 I L, imossont'NaV4114 Joill . , lost floketa.
'Arig T4�lp rilotoa li�w y ORAF qTOLBX-STOLE14 FftAAI THE, P-REAV catrad 4t Co., of New �Ork, still. 11116. traph Is intpPlim tfaVelling alone in EL ialftwity And 310 tiftid to Write to Rending. They Tnr.s of A 1. Roblidn' Holmesvillel on the taorn lay in a, position to.fill-all ordors promptly, Compartnintit, in Prance, Wlkg - 31rirptigpil' therfifnee rokol ved to makil a ralge ;no fifg nf the 12th inst., a Ught, gray h6rae, having it %vblt, golidind 019 bull OtAthiont, *11loll are millu"11"64 Ionly at 580, Oxford Wad, Lxmdon� and rikay lit .11tfu. 'plied away into A barlity ollop guil. Wld ho6f, and a. Ant on the bigh flin and it piano I lowing films, vki- lite it tnit tind thorouglily teated before lexVing the shop, na i folid I if bk'the Audden iontranoor of & nlan jig the thq siki box ba light i 146 by WliltalY, eii from tile MI rrala 0 vd:
"V,ng. ft Pat.. for%tbeir back- hair. of du4si Witt tit, trelfear Mato 060, Tilt 4, a barpain .1h T I XP . -110151 2�0 W OX 11AXI), I
# Tbef hbovit rot cal 6n flit) il6gfj zvr�g upon her Wore. Vlo hhovoi OfTdraA 0.75 each for what U1411 it will Wd to thateeovarrof the iirtlelag. ' Vivohro, Avory��rovh & co', Irlilltdif, M. ., . MAO . 11ohnesolilleo U.irol,T.F. cunn rl Pcou ied by the late J0 B.. nacey,* d vbislierea, it 1IN tbey*bad. Tn a Abort time, they w0to it Co., 01.6ii 0. 0 W. 9d%E1;ZlEJ 0.0dorichl 'Whid Import direat irbron hard; a word, or yorift avo dolid. Talto. thene n1doly shorn, au&thtiq th A 1670, XJD,8Etr-CT 81rOCK O)C 06floorg 4�d quidtly ont my bair 9hort, to gob book 1:6. thril. jla0vo ( WtJ6 , 9, e 1&&6 her &J� Loud6ftt Aug. i0th, 10#0. 110 knelt down crop jJJ r, RS 0110 trgtbbllklglyt A CI& 1,4TO Vft% PrElflaft 'GLAWOW, '1AA0PI1FTtS0X CO,, CIANIF. CHO 141 L 0 'Ve A THIN a V1,1111
t t Ho and BLAC CIAMO, 1001C 00 g or Lot TO And 06il 94bley, shout the latief Vild 61 Aolfnat, T9RXX UWATIS-too-o rain dolorsdo ind an# Will %(%ft be ffod"' tCrrjfJbfJ. Ift(ly '11 %vrtg dton ed for Y6 with *bfte belly. ogea ilbott WayeArit, Toeoiftpl again oboyedf but discovorod b.V fW16 Lite avorofvad pov�oso of romoItring, ally im bataby bodfill4 to'llrovs 0�apaky, pily, 69polhas 4114 0116 at tho 16*641 tIlim -ro, OUN Y6, "t 11*6 taken 11" 'Qt9` r0bPA plan bedaniiug obtioxions in a 4=1AS vmg. A 746, 0 i' ejioi Partor wa?ss. and
glanimb i4a -Ilad not Way Sollf Apon A f4r ihil Godeliels Biopory. out -ok 66 parotl. antl was putting flioni I to Chinrinibit, - T6 fa not tit al avd CA heaf ond quareve boi- Idt 1A 4klt0*'SPJ`hJg talgil(Oli and, GoDn'"Ja DR
:Ut,tbelt t1le traill, tllrtt t1la V, ' L Y I one lddM9 81rdtild havo cornibitted eonjh' Xotice., the 11aug - , U U1171, litil�7tooti -riluell ljr any tinollIg ifit-0r&r;I NOTICZ' t8r Itrtinloy 61VEN T110, TITE, 101`1- 00og and) boffira tho -.eaka Atoppelll JuMPO(I 6neo in t.116r 11[fairg ofJ1 hiod.ahtera4 Into ind-POW00111 itil tho carrying ;it of tWoportlage malill lit bilshkallf A 611 .134 4rdin t116 trAill -and olsappered, t%ro of 6ti In thil TIllogs of Loa fillopilh limportioloo to war bl4nolllogo -Go 11111tillian derioh ild
p5flt'JjJg f)f all 118ailsAl thoffl, 10 180 In old, In, is 710, 4y rive malil IVI - bil. is 61114. 00l. III J�Ok td ItitoM tho pUblid that"tbay Art prepir
figretunuf to 'Ila plitill(W) owedvill ov.6titualliv the I . I&A got Itr'liflol! the NY119 b rotralt of Ilia Jill prri(It'll lin., *NVItJJ ('1111%. VarW f6r' 86,10'. Huron. Street) OLIN 111'. O' V 13, T - 1% T IV 0 R- D Thoy W6080 016sely Avatelitd, liftevi,ir, .knowforligo 18 oPrI9119 VOU AALV 1418 thai thee dill-tA UtA rgo iletle tho Islave 1:* tkult W1101 farre (it 081 eertol, being the 0.481, holl Ild 14 fl, licit ill shlb,Aitylitilil I ht%. tllJ� tirpthlitea -Krai- fieVola itta- In Amin t �l q rkig' N -VW, atid DuW11 JJlfikJ'Jj I Agnoultul,71841 W-6 NIVIAR11111 wll of m0or.1 11 p)(A "� In ordot, tt% ge4-r tho illonorly %vitIl w1liell gtree�l,:N`ew Y6rlt...IJva (Jill,lbeg RII& litill. %late hirtlJoly ontitle JJJnJ it, 1: tol: A f, wort, no 116 U'llrivrA If Will Plittl0ahkill Oil Ap)41001011 10 AvIll hil'ot000tly to III( it i V to the
hig atill 3OHN Ito Will; ttfif Illy "a Wabdoft- With Steel 316d.rds, fttig Plodirbs, Caltilftto luade 04titid It,- limley 1%, 1041101"' Q Jhttntortf Of buldings fillotJ StAll](1/i 06t, 241b, 14' At 11, . NV r T, T A. '�Nr I DTIVC� 0TOn 1: T a a Ah kattlild, Grate Boam, &0,) 110 rathiglillfg: tlid ellsill. 01, ,if, taVd-growil Vkh and kopt hI A. U, WtUTANN, Oddkillit, Palilor Aild, 62 8toVesv bf. Vi6tioUd kl4di". Iloil 1111141"A ]n L Alul IVA" V riving at tho placo they 11hd bt(- fhol�-wealih. � !Vhe Wilt Of Arithlablelarnis. hP �S - 1 % xOW0, J. (lot. MAR, %V, flod.,jbo gold, f t WtIS gont" theillafolit gire (it Ilia VidibIty of Brdad- UOIIIWA19-1 I I - A to A Ailpetich'10111 In olf"itiorli'll (tin Ist _'0 R 1) A 0I.
thd %U(J.LJft%N0cdJJtJte of only, r1offplA filivil to plull,lw will 1141441 him t6 ".JJJTJJ# J;gllf I'd JkJJL'JJJt%JtooJoo re thetal Thay wokit b.qdk to I h, [VOSIBIS" 8, olth BrOad, )gAsAaa, lokni, hirlflo, co%offily InJUAL., horga� ULAJ1101 J)eMJ fifle 0 aiftlko� obiahiod bi% Of liagoo R laEln Z A fird-abin ferm, In ffadorldi Towillihip, via th., i br&thJ,e I Juhs'laa a P m, 961di told %iliily t1lat it *,u Jb0 re. A tuong, thogo, 11 Itnt6i( Bola, 060 mio lialhi froliv (1106n. eoritAlbilut it to, AC6 CTOA6ph' W.' Iflif itelogt ftly(gif loo Al00%tod 0111if?tillon, %6 d Og Rto 0], , rAthday of tho ilAtiodor, qn(l tiWO barlid, lkl)dL okilfr itiollfbilflahl 13madout Seedorgfr 866d brilla) gorse, PoWels) 0 ing, bift In dOnA, idorAvio'd Or� Wo, Mt Abil Wwthl AlUe AN]; he Ill, 6-4 ,Imoftoy. A,416) wits cronaling to, ()ak. Da,dof 13r,0 8, Aft of too A0140 In V10110t, On 'A. lit Aria 111 11 nwk lot% h ititichnort- i,R[oloAvo I I %%0I 1,11 ongino ai%d all sizet, 14ind in a fol,11 boato with th'i bar in. 6 atitnillanyl. $100"000. Satheff Dti4loy of l6atn' Pri s 4 U Ugr,, throo'looft Rewoll It stud eft 4 1T011A0J9'Tt0nT0rX
;�� - .,I 0 J,�, li4,,k� *61 J11,11 fadvAll r S rg Il$tVJ 041044 And isitllhAtfl& hivillolt f6ftifill 11011A y filly 1414111(t1.11top I-irl'All; 1104 if 114 0411t :Pf$ Uehawad- h"Pol I I anj Atillig Vdioll/0416, el too, Xor watio Wokil Jbp efla, i6fou &Ad Port
A' 4 T(
OV ck 'a
O", L
aH loAU 1,10111 Abiwo OLLIAfthiiWilf lid 001 'tit 44)4. Coll pliAtJOBI WNA 100,100 Wild OA 14 101 41 11TINCIMAXio & out folk Aqu*ha 064:11 Im.