Clinton New Era, 1876-11-09, Page 2N 0 A 4000s 01 to -40,00 XVW X4.4 $MIRY 310 boill at 00 Book CANADIAN NIMS, I ijulgatt J. 4. NOIcs I lecture will be dolivere4l bmi 1"ril. A "I �too. Uon�i�h Quilorafood th 11, we do ;Lot Pull AmplualnIA, "Tov. Blyth, on Tueadly evening, Nov. l4th. by the Rov. mlloo, 11bill), Obo causo fmil bAVAtin"ll tl coullell, seenlIriqual4" Wt toy the Gret; Nutonulol t ithe wealt'll allot Roli.& Loo, to,,Xosv, York, till 841 1,,) a o0he (111litoll Xviv I' over the of great* 'piv.plit of t1to jwei6t yelliri. 44(1 council met Olt 51011dolly ovolling, the. torday-o, mutill) DY tbo chair; refro4litnouts to 1)(i P083011804 i' fi illin"', portifill i slo'—I 1101,11,01A youl. JOSIA6 Of the dariumilto coltroo of tile evening. TiOLDIN 15 of olir 61111nurty'. While 11 there, sitiln of the Inost woudelful (Roeyle in tbd elvalir, slid Mr. k;l 11�11(10 Iriod '011 at I .110 40 tolm of coa, , am 4( X. Itobsoill 2n otintaill doors Oil I fr Inallufach '' . bit$ jengail d, !ust a conlaitullaltion; from 11 11118ineas", I arsnI, Acting, as in the allollea, (if Alosars. on by Afr,, Jim. R'),sal And will commenting oil of the mulli. :0. U0 is, 60 !;I VIM A dring, that"ill Villstw:W."i '0 -1(1 the : vishor jiliod, m vs. �ro, oil viesout, fortbe oat year, 11 aIll-buyetla this Nvin. Routroal death r4toor wall 120, 11 t b it ruin an, pavorty, file Noll Ziloutbe the 4 to lug to oloog the gra ors. Moliziox,j),oark nd i the liand question I t Ink that tiley have been ter, be having Insole very wilich woxo truill, ktuall-ro - tur I., -Yogid- or except �Ivip $sell ilia 41invat fools All a lom to I Atli. X Frry'KI)ION8 1144 pilrell o1; Lava HMO if any �.oad, "bis commodity. '011ca. It is ttoo tile 31r. , habby, by the Council, but tile Awl abipt what lo, 6�gt fu write about, There Is one preaeub Occupied I)y balul will llowe til excuse thela 0,414 time, as hot; COluniono-Cd tit I(iTICStoxj-, intionvolli Anil, adopted. The report of the Anwice 9� W. thiag tilat I bolive very little, it Anything, comalitteo As follolwor, wilks road And J44300, payinghborehir miloof file councillors said they (114 not know no oralw or fcallioro. 4May it vxtQxid %vost. hats Ildan j iidirvo4 upthu their of No Wen sald about 'iiy correspondents pd, reco.mmailairig tile - -of the TiXvnfliv anil nlea litly limblackool boota AN Wit haPPI194tiol ut-11441114 braine, at io the tKIP to this following 'accounts, 'R. 1101mos, &M Sent, much of A novelty ill town at present, in, lixently0wIlat Severtit briek buildings Are nearly ffnislind -ice was confluied on SAut-Jity. 413 piece-, or terouto Over which theylham printing And advertising, $".04 ,, IT, Sto� dead the novelty -o !MURSDA -could we Whom �, and th bolt,r t1la as Air. V4nipbellIg morning in a Nvagg4 on the St. Zawronoo been and prices for IIo*VeQt fl.ou% age I A let of man I 1.11,11, Who ivill do nothing vVItAxiveril uloss people Robertsonlik Calls, D. AlcGro" Mr. market, ',Coroato, 41, 1"itido s a fale Tho ors i.5 true, the railroads, wbeli they hArlo, not inuddy., at (10 Stephens,, the latter a hotel, Th in burying Miss Guird, C41); 9 wiloatboirRitecatobegforit, Itbink aproprietors I R C7 1'. N., advortleeta excuraiOlia Over the Lehigh J. Shopparfl, chailty, Mrs. Gilpin, P .4 the Sentialent of 'the majolity hav thH little Qf tllvw go( 4. �Q $poo..TZU, whet �vajjt JQ of the e allown great allergy. 't'c r Valley, the flj�olw Of tjIO but they All?, 31ty, $ I I in 8t. C, thariuLw oil tsunday, liv.Wtmia to have 8, rilice, ill , mm ;, k; time pipco With, a cal"'o of cattle, rate iapra of this place, whan I sa h The 3laulstrAttia.li boilotit to the fainkler, who, Mth voilfollo, in the Could llot go llito .11) Ided,degorl ti6n L4yeratini, several cases, be. been 115 yearsolil. Rgljng ccepted ialit fo Fostery returned to- town yosterdly." We. have banshould be granted A yearly gain for their re tboux recently. A Air, Wgoor. who money at took if it., na I t1wrofogo t1liok it brief aritir havity, $1, 89 01. ,,It 1041111104'the result Support, and thatshoy, in return, should Play llave to Support by cholrit� souls vabine it, of mil Be, becozops Twizessary of his trip. I oil Zurlob, Road, near Ikem"tity t lily Ptook of 011411. gory as cceptable tnults And rawing once u Week hr4gh the isummor, whiali would and coots, for galling with. woI through 16 Von. dared olekititut ing And her�x AT fills tit) ro-elootion, kind tile qspevially its I have only "dolla"11110. Ifowson, boar4i& TIN Wbri.Nu of the I.-Inron Tqoo be �Dajoyed with A gre4t,4011 of pleasure by tho out a license, A litimber of others re being enionts have beeli $3 , 0 by the lailit, great fire, Asomociatlun tak(,s place here oil Friday And of.the Thanking Ton for thoo hrUeoutollilial ollo day. 111le, CA0111040n. killil freijht on latialter, The eharN a is for selling lit not The priF.-ouers, itt the Afolingbaulati0or case III coulluction wbiofi V�vo last tlireeyears,an4 *-Oosi Ap on We 911 Itoyal rusurtica CO., on town witholitalicanse, end bs been proferroaby lot SAritia, have been. diStuissed fox- itut of X - . * I remain, yours truly, " n gonera, air (if prosperity is ubsc-rved, Mt the Wive went allri" hI-loll will give n entertaillillmont ill the town two' detictives w6 )love cc ntevidence, 4,11clughtlia udge P* id be hall, no T lit and got prottly well 111ILLI I>Y' k $20. q me from Torc a WILL kavo Well the Raw "it rogobod tlat(tirol, antl than Oil hS , quireq . family Were ball to -morrow evening, wlliqll A RikTarm.a. and re Aottng under. M the directions of Insoo-, al Ord doubt As W, gullt, ual fairs which I held throughout tho Country fol-I&ihed w 'Wits det4illed there tilt ttftor Nir, Waiting awarded $o, as obg;ity for the present obould, belattended by alk� Olilatork, Nov. 7, 1870.1 % Dallantyric, of $qfottlt. There is somo, On Monday evening, its Njr. Tborafka Croslay Zoacbed, �is oonstltuelloy� ofile fjrinto ti-okin, pontainod it, month, THr� QV)Q8TXO9 that is beginning to- oboorving hT orol at rongli times before 411 is through, as of,Whillby, was passing to a fiondlo 110 s. instruote4 in 1 W fthe (71;nfon -Voll Era, thyeats have been made a wealth of favolers, htul� at 6 shall not a'lk and the addi- lie by -jaw columittoo. wer ooted arouliiol is, Willi are to be pinni" To, the Z to q —but the deetives,0111 two mtja� cast 6i NVOOist vj�, 11 the coorse, paniber bound for this plil;ce � I o 0 w tjoll than niado out, train vathar heavy, to 40 doubt be pr9tectell -]tough they received itid robbed of $700, sands who vioited n(l by-law to levy the rato for, cipal officers next yonr 71, Of curse every your last weok'a issue, I notle A from one Signing hirpself usage in Exeter,' and Opeot thom bad, a these. ricildly compatitiolls for oxcel'. In in town fmli qualified for lumunic tj 11, to, Araw his revolver tW100 or' The Ontario arrived fly ime, (a n4ra%y up a ausing tv ar a late in,Bufl'Alo� borISO-' it.roilt w4teri.q. three tioles.— at tirplai on, Nfolid lonao. in 4arilitiltural and ilbe IIAVQ, therefore, we did not reaph WittiraL b0oie Having Jearne4 fb&tL it Was th eilitent'ilon the-positicip of wherein lie pretty freely speakq wao4trieti Prouglit WIM ff It to the'pr Several -s ..n) 7-sevell--oa humbler, but all -determined to-entoroi- eadfit Count. dayli,@Itt next i�ornixig, is only of Ur Johnson to ramoyet to Stratford here-, ancl- the Mayor is y Wo law. One man, A bar -keel U ol:0101-W )ar be thdir lit t the, Colon - have shown Pool, management , with re. as een spilt.to (j of grain from Manitoba, prevail at lionie, They Were ilressoa rjo� -scein, a,",. as In- colrencii to tj , odarloll I , 110 Snapped A Tile m Forest ultra t to 4rivin, and clarrbed, tha .—PArti L to ))and, I, top, think an appropri. Board of education settle time only t �31thwell.ba%s always given, a good Re- Using splendid, but tholoodutry,aild what 'gil woII14 convey to hink, their regret A to enter the obool, 4 be made to them, since tbey add, r es.xt our policeman. advertised for four teachers to MU the nneC11, 11 M M M M III evolvor three tim is de�artxxre, and 0wrikli; for the i6larost city Anilm fa.PLn.R COVId Via soon are. poor ; in Pot flieY 4 ot61nd,191notify the ]lead mastor,, Mr., -T, inuch to town entertainment. Amatteria_,�-, Ughty ox: en't'jo 11 m uOkId ilia $560 may be 0 has taken in the Welfare of ilip to t took It cos of the foull'itow tenobling. Tlioy, drove horls -a tha form majority, It core Wn Turnbull, of their intention, not latortilian whiob T t1iink-they were Ivas In 0,1, 110)LNERVILLE, pPlipatiollo Wore roceived, by the S rally of pri o for spood wid. power -of will dQubtlel;5 all.olli their team. tho. 13th in.0. ' The. entrance examiltultion. elaPting the orgait fiftory from ta, tio i liaid of their horses The fatX41- d two' y6grs be 114a been- it the Board. U for at tical era, 61.1 that train, and thure wall quite. a be, it h HoLuEsviLLn Loptim Wo. 224—At the 14 The manners and education were lint do,,! - his qq will be beld In the Con tral vo the �, tefin of years ; tiny one else in t6wn, carry. It 5W thatiho I to be oielit, thougli it may be that less nolulbol". expressed surpriolo tit tho'dillbr- On motion' Mr. 'Paisley wii instructed IlIg It any bughlbos'L has an iIiinal.right to ask the following Officers !o- 0 tit St, weok, .1 n oalled tog6th r a fit 19th and 20th,of Doc. m , �tlloillitei(llllor -tile ensuing quarter ws observed it!. their social int (ag the 1hill 0"llig hth thboatnafavor. Tho,Cnnoillorli' thoys4w in this respect to, mae poille - improvementEr in Apparently The Govbruniont havagivan up.all hope of (1, T.—Oiles Iris retuirn; 0:1 th-e pvOctit ucefty3iollp altitl ilia f4riiii,alld ill part Of the, maiket building'. Tur. TON" J3F1.L­0ur sorti6what erra. trke credit to themselves' for having koptlytt 1011a, (j()rb;tt jilovea, by Conn. W. 1'. X, Ferli. And fin "were licalthy ill dy fop VV -11, fie bell-ringer -took another froak,on F rL!;,. iii,the'approptlatiozis fpx bJanuary. paid it !o th 11 ey as1`4rpr to W. S.—E. Courfloo, with 4 nifillority. at it had Mont ta eqnje, it,% tlivy WON 116w oral g, last,. whon the boll rospectiva,ward-9,­ e ilx�tltrylhas s Smart, that thc� astt _Q �A MISS IT"Ill fell between Via Cats Of 'the I should, rewarded flici 6 hundred fold, fdrias an'i sQmo iftll a, m,,.instoa4 o p within the limits, I think Ints Of the 11 t4yri result of fectly right to kee OP f cted sIt. At�polloil her head 'Wee ompp6iicl be W. F. S.—R. Verii ftli r c4u&e, jli tit least. JeIjI.L Ill$. (MR1 I ovoineut oit. the principal crossings oil kq W T,—Xisa A. noross the raif. Tho, 1010el of tbo'car forood' posUdon at true worth Whiel WQnlk1 pi all was that a (treat majiy�'Vers6as got solne of the money inight have all T o d iciou sly. expand(.,(!. Poll instance, Sidewalks tte_ f_NOrtIj s;1XIs4ill Vii It causo fok� 'Albert and 'Victoria Streets. —Carried, r. earlier than usila a say -subjea the 8Ome�TWrtlVrthMWrFWh ri -A, �, — I () 11 djourned ulitilAile" 206ii- Yeo. 41lubmt unparalleed- -Ir -re— nq J a t hey-vau ate a fov� houses (and. Dochim, os, 15%rVative linper`th� tIfo eadit. 7 the hm at that, What itill I; Orhap% oYtb of these a -Coutacillor's), Nvhile wbolbsbuie, comfortable uppultr3iloa Bf' nds of t!iQ river thlere! )N,49, bakers -of towa I 'ailatral And f6equently rile first shpajell' -deple'(1ent than Ilicl' harp, tic IRY0 residents orniora -tra- 0. 8, G.—G, Lavis. Vof grain rom (110]1000 bP tbb poq& whonto he inat oil inar. -the'll)[L13-0118 of W48 oil Tues - smile hiags p n recently raised tbb I velledjocalititis re p6rixtitted to get through ket days and on rural gathe nice of broad from, 12 looit at thn thiiilc abiinf, dstolicentla.' V�les�ouvaitbieriber��.4coriib, the i6na ,a beat illay, cam. Now, had less flay of list Niv�ek. L 'It'eclaij tbrea car fo,115�ving P. NY. C. Lavis, lOconfessed that they were, t:, W11011), 'rho irif'to t il 11011 y4i'll y (,I. Bly"' We shall'bave to dis- �xoney boon expanded h these walks and. This joligo is in a a I, I o, grown in file toWnship'of Moan, Afa ll al il let Iiiil, It Would be Was, IyUifl�' at, the raie orm.4-hirt dowh ll�ndsojnl 0 p lowls b alof Superior 8nituple.' It wits oonsiglicil to To- f4r Superior in. eyury respect to -a. Similr rt) 'to f it on Ur Wiletttleyand T. Allan, 6f lise,with tilism al-Vate, and ))a like a lVe- r6rii�usad to put crossings in order, the result. eA pl� has greatly'itior d in number the class his -own country. This wa )Io IStol' of whoin it is said tlldt ho ivas Nroula have been appreciated, by the, ratepaSr. UOtjxVqlI1�R1 6P 7a editor,. Ili 'I swater.- 3, At proSont Some. of these on principal past suninier. d lion6st expression. O'n f X, th� Vvell-knoWix Pit. oubt , M V J'%'tj tile I.Oai D flitolli-islit And ssive. that. t1lo to) cat dridd appl�s for Satiolay baingal fine. day, flo,�' Aid An ot�reots tire in a beastly had a little progre fested by our of ul0re FIE gule his eletAtibo- to the Cabinet. 15 jIlSt ROW Cit'ller It tor for dinner and or wills prbptiotol', ]III$ JAIrClIased Tillin, of to :It jmj of to it riti: all( oterk, both-pf these octals wo lip for been inani ad canaries and butterflies a,,-- fre Wand a free press, Anil krio,ir how it great doal of the annoyance to of 'ab:16 _ Tlia� leard ce of josepl 040110 werescen, Soinctliii)gtinusullfoi�Novoinbei, I . Th rilihood quough to V:1rlln.r(;itIIIfl flin,eill" I it Viiiit to the centennial. q80000;l 'a ban papor is jjr�ejj to appreciate such. privilego%d is (Jae not to A�a, 'of their ancestors 'have us are, it ICU -15-now-oll ilka-rqkjukk4 that not long -k-I'vR M 1. M V11til . , opillikin at. )I!, 'jol." 411d by lin like a owsubf t�voaldbave oil 0 t We learn t as tonch it, WILIOCY healod. of- tboorieii -The oonsbit4qAq a ilT inr6rined liyliloh pe(i� 'tria '8T' hat li'lltil. the tyl [r. 'F' aladitis foolish to fau�,X lha�tljel If had notAlvard t, an, ooliterL buying, tin $80,000 house carded wheii found impracticable foi� olod- Illie hard times doll,'t affect -his ledsinglim. town0lip youth. took unto I liniow that the offloo of Councillor is net buggy st6len Sol Ilibility ofth"o confidence yf heae fouV4'eeks since has is. ern W16, and in their Stead Wvo been ap.. tit wit it illight the opt thd po- at TIfe ex,eariiiOus, by the iAuitl weddin �noWover rned. 11111oll, -is ho gqn to -41�d (lesiring fi��'go oil tbci�li Lit one, boft ace VI W"Ig behill(I tilliel. �k should show a greater pr . efatishce' in -.Vosession. of tho tbiof. Tritilk ompan during the the acioqco and skill. of, the pilelient. be Nruiherl o�c,applicatibll t Niliy(3.11 Agricultural inachinory And laie all lie requi0s' past season -havo boon eminently sucectisful, of Other, Insted of looking after' -a- a speoial leellink, 00ach ta cm -On tho m More 3110111 riety troup vo all -a now elobtion will. tLad bavo Added largely to) tllo il i ol tural litoiature now perform PRESIDE, STA L P, VA' 10* a one. A. hallowe'en a. pedlirL�nxt up fit Mr. IV In. the Western d the receipts from once r I herot S(A40),I) - I 1 11 a "Iltnt 111101it'ill'thEl t(jWIJ 11411, I iincerell-liope that fhombeatwen painq, 611t(] istrict 4 )it Frid, jono iiadii farming norlynions with ilav: 'TIiii(I-ilice Will li� placed inail, da1he cut llnej takin,­ In WaS'xxLt0Q)I(j,j (1) tbol ftlaill, fin' Tliii ttendance 11713 axi1j, agon�ti eer ready to. to spcoiiiil excursions inxQuilet all hthe. town (q The 0 LjaMQj4Mgjj Intake, 966urti I*i the night, but leav- 0 v Citig Oli the' of' M 10110, itild out' Youll" f6olla 00j000; -and, from., hare lly will adihit'tht. one or two of the lit Ellis puillt hd 'to tho.1norlinig',liq., trai ;120, 11, oach—, as, .1", deiA for the United toolcm, colt, til tbom Illoitilit irl lays projilint occiipaxifs of'offici�l seats are capable �-Wby it, that ority t -to fnd that it hall been' moed Prince Ediiard island papers ire n in - ire more figure -heads, was surprised Tllc� Tortinto on, Tpo�day-. last-, but the I 011-111,11 of alitl I'lkila aint�auoio ofio moots, �ay bitt the ivaj "its ra"'Yod a toresting study at preSlint.' Party fol5linly le8IjjL,L iS t it. considerabla-disianee down the road,- and letter Nat, itill, ar� to� be the of had , gray ]large boloilgingL to Austin two4ty of our toWI1%I)eOpjQ WtJOBQ Only virtue gentleman, att ,, thrt ho. Was 'it isn't it bu�of. -solsisors , went is d0llt011nilll, ndpuntic ithe hto the Wheel, which. had been taken out IQ di 0 ailiat tLI,(, or 'Jji! eagTe '3,001 , L (it 67jal cAb-fo it) it in age. bat ill thlim they pt II'S ""Come 6wh its dird: it i'S enrioug t' no't the majority ia: ]at,,,(. 1Y Way of the III ab o by force, , L I I . l4,k: vilws ovor'.�%000, and 0'.1010, R, b illatter of mullicipul goVernment, but little im- g 9 1: - Opposition candidate is tit) .. ir 01114' i, it 4 1016. he -ove a F reti-rilder Ian,- democratic c;Ill d1jil food omirlcso, 4j)aut 50 instead of 830j fig per tax L. .1 ke. 4afi-a Idaiedonald. as ar �y. Or ect Ilk ment Scams to have habit LuLAde. Ilawo L over CANADI d thir ling that 11 there is ii.good tinjo,cont AN NE aild denouncing all alid.stifidry as libellers ding thercto*a . -to , - I ; MWS. m, M III re.-a-rarit. likely be returned. roht WpAi 11 lot,) Itlim qo:kl aull two and flit or v The vario6'iUust(;ffi C611cciorli al-iong,the rye.theXacific Beandal lie4o,with wig urc eery dopirtmalit, w hich h6 will'b6nduct, in' 1 46 li'* who choir, 4: . �accouu� the wit OIL44o, your rOadars and s�qce, f 11V1166610, �QLIO, had another si�r` us. -frontier have rocoxvc( in orkrulti6ij froIn'()tt_ -a i%,,o -r� i wo W , m r 6 1 yourp, ,trauk beiiij,a protacti4xi* t U10 I , M. SEVERAL or(, W Wo . auric. re ng - III v, 16. are on'Ji"Hilay,'t;�enty buildings being burnt. wit tb, bereaftoi Irteell miles ch-cwtously sa very quietly' . . ..... t ii: ly Veou I e, lit a ex it United Statos Will bq:rcquired to',P.oly ditty oil tempting to ma�o C L tampitl out of Clio I itbf four, it'Well r Am ten 'BORN. hemorifing sorvico'wits io. evening- 5 their-sam.plaS when ntoiring liko all), it'o- (jillo. in bi the respootio and Iho, �Ir. . NV. delivored,a loicture io :-�Iw iuchas in' eirequifereucQ; has been grown. t, out) of 019, -to we V Ilrov*o, port tint 110 elf, Lee, of a,dsughtor. -W It ally way the r 'r �tljo -tile of" 'oil 11-31ob VO tafloided, s lxcrotofox�ct, Of ---=I Ta- ppQ4 1* 0 If Ilage lapr It, Charles lo,'Of'Ll3owmativille, L ublime, bull 010 coulitl'y awayiho', of tho Song. q(m. Cbol� (�atjtjjtioIj Lis $Can cry. I Myth. A Had case of d -repoirteit from 01inton, im the 3rd' :,the dVdjIjUj, Wag , (t6),tVIjlIgL u -ally shot his (in Thurskl er_*as� f being on too ' i nti L thate, tt Il It ck case of dl&i­lV iiio�lvjt wits- lea v; 1) of gliilty� om Wrjilbgret tojearh.t' Ill. favorable, Wife 4. Hovey, of. `;iillick, . ias be . an -a r old I I for Ih, omad., halaod- laiart,6 16unox, and one friend, n0011 the of trelatiolis with. the vik-of -Asasarafle ofthespiritmof-onforprisoo-vineecI of 111�,(jan_11 daid ili jit' hour tI` 31y th is tL iitatio4, nit the Londe 'a khiii cgl LeAw ci vato tlf6 ru Pr; I I , * , U o' a ritilway -a voi-jugm -to. ib rb w" cidjuni on tt� thiy fd buili �a wiCh hini tbego6d, a, wilrliivj�of-th*6 f cinliever', �bd olllicr* ijicifibors of the f4mil'y to ratfol ard.andea by iioln�"V catern farmers, . we may toklention PAARR ED' 37 tllat David Wilson,'b( lob, 'took a being the''S 'C ult, by Reforin party in genoial 6obil his -con i-railroail thijugh it, IN -11011 1h(i!c1si;�i0cv0I1_W.,I hfalliiliar' ted iii thb 6otro 4)f in r �akxjo.djsaaSo 0 SIX Ni. L -On 'tlld' 06th State and*n0arly ainla ic(L 'I'll oad were buried 111ri )sh am flock 6T Leicester shecItto the"VVIseonsir . c d oil Tal 1.1 III �o b th a ousal it i(11 t4i 0 XJ b tio r nection. therawltb. We have, not the andb6LN Fairk, held t Wtertown.in the viarly.part of Parsou- lhiiv to be done tho and ctLtrled offnine first; I vila three an( M I the living caroLd fo M r. immora M. I" I fami of Mr. nionfli, slightest objquVion, against litY [bilding al IS. :rfal)v 0. sillre. we Iiist Clinton, to Mat Jno ohnst6n, -of God�ridh Qallioliln, roil t�e Owl) r in thi4 friAo t.1t Trott. aoverplontifal in herK ea at alvilit GO 'top (if the 0th C0,11. :q6derioll. t vi thig Place, villuill. time., it vous,ilitcol for gontlonlail who 0o. ill. 11' being denounced Niliharever i t- cpistsl.but I Wilmot' %va a r 'llij), It i8L composLd of 58 -'aciles, nowirly' snrQrL of the jilyt ruloijittains wevanto Riv er, Lq of only t'. few Straggling Jibtic Iqg alad frame 1`11'Jillat Mr.; bjiviir, fsaw .11cel I rotu�n Id, hist: & Which agojao]j� *ftj'6jI his mill,' and WIL, .0 1, Oil , by oill i-loaried, the price paid' bohig.. 6 606 dk�cllijlga, these ilk .1 yory (,kiali'd ittiaL Wdllome-from.thGColl. to Ill. . ti 'the , kdance, believe it would show i-Nmeera y -of � m, ) MM is proparty foi, Sle and- bad dispo ohit'ScoO, at -R the on, which thvr6 are a, nuiulla saw KSCif, - IVO OVID I)Icased lo 100 tIIq`pVqS-. LncMioa ; couple (if 'tanrliq, a tennial 64 Sunday last *'oil the:' Xew York Can,-, of it s lie thotl'iht, f0r 810j000- at- 'it' mother, Ivastminster, r. Lidward uri): it a in avkr r blacksib qt -book Q0 abi­ I ',' (IL. k the domploitioll of- the, bargai joil refiner), biother of Mr, Iolin tlj� 11ond of which; thilre N' I �11yis of litril-Morth ae. itis twustituWa* tral *11ailr6ad he lost,hW poA Ver��['jlly 'I vor'yLg00d lig'ure. L on the polyt of our. C it is cutetna� L pot ighbor 01, Mug i -"y 4 liame to bd do - ears ind a o$3j,� 11 Uoy 6, 111) Mg6er tha ILL %,Jjj�t ;L 170 14 if they. we Id . only a iml� I (IlMilttbiamS 14, 1117 11 I -tell] llnE vnlin feir ;Fst J -0-M - t - - - 3 rll wawaW 7�hltlq ... , o -IS lill catlakul" uOth of Louaell. '.Aetna juil], 0 ji rp. Tit a read f0110 A at, I I its coguoinall OIL largo-dividead ifter pa�iug tpiting WIIIIJUA, 1H Illf Ic. lls for wizoni. lian in 9 is In, jnst,,.,3 tIii-Amllow, (I youths placed bovelral. doad oats.aL the. L o'or Dranimij;Ld, qv, tho first dry -goods nviraftatit 'Thero-iree'quilm ttlieresidenco of in;. 'ht that 1vbO in carry* , 9. ilk, aud Stkil Ing (ni in the ron with I's wl am it oull" all of one of our-towo butcili� tor� LIA k6oti exit'. ood. Ashort tinteagd on- Ia a i it 'by the Rav, js, Phil 0, obert be it i� to, M Vtq thp lifto, Nr:ti 6 se a roin oils. it ie be lilesntlitre are ij)proaching the c, reases.would -useful., free floill rov ps his horso,anil to. rave valm . . . o nol %tale a (it Q Ow points ol&r_ hppillmroto, same gointlearta lii; th I are very uo. 11-�tllsolf of Some grudge whiell it is supposea t wodth6r uring. the last, (if. . out tho.place. t 318, th Li ofoss & to the rriori pen artil Ot o' D I E 0. rO i$ not (JI'lly .L ;11'flat paity. had against '%It.. Belye%, It tell- librses thd John. every' he r fliroo or fo'ur--vvook6 ban Walk att�icliod to do 'it' Drumniond took on rllord, b.roj(e ill. a bolt ]tons(-, I lid ti re u Wg tbo* past sea- amounttW. dolle liver 'then), blib u 111131.1al, nd-sueb perhaps itot, exiforiwided h, 'boat witiL y4holi -Started for on' the '4tjILj1ISt.j Mary - tol�k tho, 14 of t6wlxlots S61[t tit j)Utjjt0agL . f years: Litnetbere, near 10 bofttL 81,iraWI)C41, tirl prevent accidoll f Or a 11rumbion"a use fit Ii .i sm;�na yet was LjoW ;2L.,to I;e'acriminal they is, the station, and rau away.. (La,briLve, Inicois of from 850 to par one- frmor Iritu. jAko t; John. wasIn to agod 0.1 yphrs.� last wock, who had left (,)njbec. to settle thilre ' ild ivere drown-ja. for you callnut 13co but 1i ort- diotdict) ha"�Scilroolj be6ii three flue'dal/S,,the most quartivi- auk4 Tfie sale 'wits. cried' by. It' kI. . , ckeini all file load and two hind w.huels got lef b oil. Uhaat' hayloli years, a,io.' Ho is now th dinton,-on illa "Phl1:1118t. AjarthaL to OWIler Dyj<e, eldest dau.-litero 51 ace�nub 9f, the inank7Z-fivoo, of the tim it It a be a cloudy dull dall, if of the road, the of 6pleft3l I d farin a3ull'builditigs ; clid,not sow of this class.. lWiI"n,_Auet1olieQr. f and the oars� therefore, keep ono-trae laotrainiong, OlnUouday the rain,foll in thiq con%�eyaulco following the hursoR, Ar- Since We formerly ui) to Of 4 IL report coulas Albart, ou'the a- of 27 coming 4oWn lk& another goi cause lie. raised a'a all Aayi and on T any wheat.this. year, be ng ul).. I To torrent uesday,it, com. riving At the Common 'Se the pic'sont at-, ars ave -expire( fartll6t iivestorki boundry of the Nortli-West R is sonie,�bat amusing1d, read, 91 It lik5t, sa'ason a's bils, could, Make nso Of' ill. those who . possess. strong nerves, with a etl'dy Pluug,­ daring.whi6lit ixit- isdoer inittly pa.1,* ma� that the inhabitants aia'jbrftLfLjar__ tho St., W monced to sulqw, melting Almost ds fast as. ad along at th;Mc T"I's, loading big aaftI6. and pjvs, upon, it doiti in'ed 50 years. iat I a alpr Ve. . J� L ' . .. I . . er m line, siontich tl 0 fi\tioll. , It 'Seolni, tillat Opposition pip' 8 from ti " 0 to� til, i not:easlij upset, a Lobigh VallaX� Re Wtotched .6tate, particularly those: iff the a as , 'Imve, perigrinated-l)-a Blyth on the 27th of Oct., a lrp it. fell. ' As a result,: the roadw are in andulso-pickeig- knoliarifloug­ jhe, over tho� is oTijilQ* of 'ydars ago\,saveral of the reported disrup from;thq.forxqi:rof 'Dr. `Wdirthington' pro- -notILiylkithe rowtho(Canillantowas and A ilambai of farmers in the. county of Ov, 'of 'L U llbn, wife d"Rr, D, -All III country,' that are 'not b'e* landed fogother' nd 09 thrilling pletwnre, for you are sW In I. iF — -1 . L I various parties:dGm�ri' b36 the J)olnin- ty—.They�cOntintiod.'in -their, inad at;- villa cs.* bill 'so in the manneta and onstouts ford lij ve badly -mid by-ff7peni6a!-oalling rforl"Ot -cololly., made it good --ba.! the cptcv?os most b6autifully, foolill tfiftrik` almost ill posiible to gilp - tbrough'.them.. ip; notti- Mr.- A. Alathesein's, of -.the inhabitants of thia.slabriieus and de-' hintself ivlIO aftei Gk4aining fertile rear, bringing i anni this year; and their crops ion Cabinet, od itticotint of th& aifferent ful eerk time one is assed Chat the cai'A' �Wo bear that som6 farmoraL yQt:11avo tbeir the principal- z;osalt - f th i.i ineaL Inc 0 0 -bein Ierg, . -with., refel;�- are not �r6l I . . ... I . gla , lightfal region -of ' Tserth. America, rall purchase of lig* suddenkFaijappearcol looked promiAing, but ill July last it t6frible vie , ling into the river �elaw It is roots in the ground ; -if so, theY araL likely. iy, ititellectuallyj 66mmorcially and religious-- afttlr�all lin0lie final rangements had been Cheav,IVALL PAAPhx"�39; wo enterta tied. by h d6morli8hod wa storin`dqstix��61 the c I jol S, ea� amain there, ie� be vibry'difficalt to -get g9on. -pros Or' at be - in ihivrat- Passelig in -war"' to r aspect of ity..is also. of a' pro- made.. Lia obj ing nothing r;rowitig, henea -so' Ou'liplilto deAi- i 01=11 TO ARE,M003E 'FOR' ITEAVY Snogrzr* RLTL ACCID W, 1, e to soine matters, Nd%Alidt Mr. vj�atjler, to lio aireated- by a r d Of- sOa-' ritit. . change to either cold o ea- charaoter,. anT, altho6gh (pbrhaps, tirig men -o antIpanco Cannot he eaft 1� tutio.l. ene (Inito 'common r dry W it 1,3.; wijttir lirtivolits, the .6$ �iokn6ss by the rolling of the lars as thoy -w -very accotble.. Hill, a high eApoined resi,lent of (A',oder;* we tire raore of an Ameriodn ji,olik nglana, I will for a im weq'i Mills has ageopted offic uaf-r tber, oniabe Stmnoll frold no, Illout— orfer the w1iolo of my -large StOlik of fille ED.31-4h -a Sootelanan*by birth and education) gd&y client: noon, a little b oy Floup illhow i,.,3u por bg, '*a ettlontient ifl %Vjill� pallklirlit hthinake the curves. Iown�hip, -near B, loomea up afresh, arla �ve ar(l told that 110ENS46 -V-10TI�ALLUS' dreadf til a66ident vu Sunday last, Which tbada Canallitin in point of locality and da.' in!Os awti�y scenery Will compoligato for all the daijg,.jr Mr. T 1, four lint r, 16100 i; from Carleton, tIlAt 0 May 1) See this 'SrOkakg­(' ab4ut ltNte1ve'yevrk old, a'soa At he And Mr. Brov;n' will, and naiaseo, 4. 0 sibly experi. A meeting of the Licensed Victnallers -of rdatilted in his death 1111111C, portment, we re: n'MuShaw, -was instantly killed 111, the ric-tre 0 on Tuesday. east. Tit' ACTUAL: COST i Such s'prosporoul; condition,-' NVe aid, .0.1mt AD Dr, CONNIN-016). this count was 'ficla'at Seaforth, o Fishers Mill. No (,Its saw tho qc��idefit haii- .4ut A petition to tho 0 GvLentricat . once, th6 in a field be, ivas attauked by -bnll,� nd 'donia it blicause, Mr. Mills believes in the Senate have travelled one-third round the globe ard. Whan we reached, ttio w f i anal'the. 27th Or g wrong Aliterlean B6uyhe and Sold. Ugl t,, to discuss the intendect sublnis- although he madli 4otermined efriorts'to a, but Ali-, Fisher, heKtingoomethi e10,11-11 that r. li'lles, Sion of the 3)unkfil Act to the rdt6payors We franItIv dbillarif-that ivith.s6me iscilatedex- being elective, while 51r. Brov�n prefers, roadwk)r moro level, and apparent- defend himself, ho.was unable to ptlovent sto�ped the machinary wl Nfent to la3abl'taill 1%, has the gold -Office Amerjeno r.,xvirequ Co... hebecame atL,0jI f this county, ax with -its horns captionii, the CarLikditm dominion, It ore aspect ly less dangerous. Our train ill ght After a lengthy vantila- the.bruto catching hi when lle'1`01111d. the little follow sweepatilLes, anioL $75 Lill nioney for fac. it as it is. Then Mr. Blake Is'* report- all� thts,limince, io the moot salubrious coun. *ouud round p, hoiiNutal shaft in the L . . I. A' XlUIP'L' to have arrived in Phil&4,elphlov At two 1). tion of the matter it was detbrmitied. to `wRielk entered. his breast,- tearing". it- in `a� iti recuperating propertiei blt$e� tory hcolte, thd product of his Vack ad VA. beidg. about to retire,'becau�e be: I,,. on Friday, did . not Iiiiing. oppolle th4 hat, and a petiHorl to be pro.' feavftil.manner, breakinj his ribs, mit- ,0 rernaikable, Tha.result of our first * night. "'It is supposed that it had Caugglif, 1114 r. 111allautyne deaefives the 5tray'Cow. sod that the ministr' Ar ring fteilght till near I tan that night; but nearly sonted to the County Council With that tilatiag his body badly.- Whon dise6vered 22 poliji 811c clothes -irk, passing, and drawn him around it, houQrs he hall vroli i.1 oj)QiI CojjIjjetjtIo� L �Vitjl' months in Ontario boweil again of all niv terribly. La waq in on r I)bysical t a CITItsytm rrom uliscralirl-S r*nrul, and in view, was drAwn tip, and is being.' he �rag gujTerj Bledical a' weight ; bitti hlas, las _ on , The polica.at Toronto oil Monday, dis,, the whole world, aud'wo licartih a - 'd-bxcursioniat3 were in, good spirits., T113L kilay -in the estimation of the pe*ople," or I Although somii had bpR'n on the train for circulated for aigbilturiss. The.. r�etifion called hl� and. ZverytIdn',r ddne to reliove returning to the States. This last isit-of, coverall a terrible case (if distress, Tho� hirn on his. Coll sideve(l, Abulit lidtor pit of cow, Ab at 7 years old, with short, arain.TillaL Sets torth tha,6 the pasaing;llf, the act would I the pionver (if daiquiet in the Ifuroh illsfriolt, 116 cannot agree with Mr. Mackenzi about-qlAiDnI, anilaid not trouble them-, his Sufferings, but no L lope was entertain- only a few months. wo"again, alded fourtbon f6und PL womannmed Wry Jane'llantia' baving- I huMil tItbluV fulvilordil, atilt '14103 bSnd teats, kd. oolves About fE' E, IL, be a serious logs to the countrk, i, the *fly all jif his recovery, 11a0lt;-(!re0k thf-' first t4on qi�ixig such Information. an win Itat injuries -being of pounds to out! pbysichl corporation. * V'o fael lying in an empty hou,%o, *Rft only it rag. to soma trivial. rantter, or 'his health il� f jactaiy ill aith6r 11crth. Iloron stiftably rowarilpa.. and would be unjust to those uoh a. serious jiiIure 'Ile linbred." till ja6tilled in attributing this corporeal in6rease ge blanket over her; dyinty'from di6asa, IMMY STVVES, Heron Strict. ing, &c. Our cot6raporaries must be gooll and oohgonial at, 11 A whose capital is invested in hotels, &c., ona olclock oil. TueZyl . when'llis spirit 11, POIld'Insity to chiefly. rrounded by 4 starving and de� Llilntd�, 2�ov. 8, 167.6. 'ot a drop C as 'berLeadug 4scoret intomporance, took its flight. 116 had v setted by her husbafill,18aaa Hanna,— tho Oranit Trunk 'Por Slav a] years very had upr tot editorial inatter when N if Intoxicating liqnor is berlid eside4 in the living And puvii Atmosphere, And we are noW ahead - wed in'tbe a The following officers, were elected : Pream townehip-about thillty years, Was hold in '""M years of age , and ca.witik five mile. a Broad -was provided for the family, but tl�e To Debtors. qiin�sj where ahour tor ]5, quarters fOL Aairym6n cheasernakers calue they permit such A- thing as this, � an!I -s6n, t9mondville.; ItimatiouLbi all who know Tf cullar feeling of enterprise and deal woman wag t8l vileak to eat. The children tIlLrar ANTNO DI 1 SPORED oil j3t!c I jiNInS j.'To III,., -,T sprioua d1%astdr tnight ese-jily rpsillt froyn sidenf,* Mr. Jack Vice- the, highest ei kildim all qnart�r tjAgArn- the Ini ginaps I ate ravditei I tresident Mr.' NV. -Shaph6rd, -ClintonL lalloration in the Canadian Dominin to . 6 Xnaq similar Inattbra, to trouble their drunt-eniiego, him, and Iqave�, besides &.wife and 'isoven "f sly. The- r%arkI1Wuuq his been les Setratary oind, tv6ssljrorj*r. Theis, Ryan, children, a large, ciMe of f rioudi t or ant I it is arrostod� and provided With work by the pra eacoll, moeolinti; 11rilbot,be pa, d' 'It the 1) M011th doubtless due in % measure -to a love of order 0. 11111010%11ff'airthel�l deftit'.41, otberviso costq will be -nda' tbrains, Iwo suppose they It Is "I mattill, (I l'i'Lord tllQt Seitfollth I Managinj Cominittee , Main, his logs. elf-te4pect 'and mental oulitiris, hence Afagiatrat �61 lot, It. The aliarger oil which Lord, rodo at ind sra:I6 tecelptil. priftoilplo that it a lame excuse i's better the 1:111ted Stat(3A spend , Britajin Xidd,'Foster nd Stephens, fatigatifo industry is the 6r6er of theL day , of A few woe It It quora ever year ; the people fit Orcat ks since a row occurred at,a t a battle of Poitlaklava .(tied in Wo6dotoak, than nono," no matter )low tinfoUnded in 187q oil P10117 OF W wing; from The firail day's voting in Frontenria on aotirse, ht manlv portions -occasional exceiptiona. arAe at Lakeside botween tWo youn inen Thtividaj, lt. is Clintout Xov. a, 18%, I I (I the'Canri- l, I Av.—the follo d t the time bf It -than 10,000�00 Annually an- exchange,- has an applioatien here itter death he wag in- possession of .50 - jobgj R5 = spent xxotfilolqll the Dunkin Act ShL)ws a, large majority in exist. Thin S�jfjtL of energy is loss oil more natried Sinclair and Durdicit. The 1, Ifr,; who from Major Its favor, Wells. parental disciplina, . rovoll 0, ' On TUrsday the t WL Stew , of tile P 41 for intoxicants It is well1or drivers and teamatersto kno*j' apilliarated by jad! came off only second beat still went away 9kin no,, thq got a ahance to gitch iAP' ille A telegram from -Londau, it f h6y'do not -know it - alreadyj that per. . nov Dominion loan 'of ti;io ana 0; half logitimate exercise and use of liberty, And, I it: 110 Brig, de, Qraria, threatenin 0 President Vetter, lif the, Orlmd sells on foot have the right of way ovoir million pounds sterling has been placed on, word,goo(l man4gemb t, Themoving aspea He was prose"t6a Ily of things golterally as hisleaving L or emi in our. Judgment; met by chance fitAell's-11otel, Embro,. T1H§ 0$00tATrO.1; WILL for �ltiaije tdke notice that the lifxill tioltlareti y the Finance Min- to be obarhotefized by a -two -fold spirit of call. whan� Sinclair shotBurdlok in the side, thii Crimea. Ilel-larvail through the (110nicall a divIdend of twolve and K hd1f.por cent, for the aturront, l9subil A 0putiflantidl cli-valar to Ilia Mends 3treet-crossings, and that by law tlisy are the London,, market b OmaxiPaaha to LoM on roports the mini try Stillexist, lira like, fairly vot6ived without'a moment's warning, The would- 131olding 111.4 disAire to proap.r(I In 6 corlipollocl to giver it. They -are ]table If Wei, and has beell'L Very . I tiona energy rind evident Sincerity,; dai I ly iI. PampliAti, then ar, and that tliwakinewilf lie Villa at tly cmeo Oil and. ook� After file interest$ of ilia 1To'cov. the s Stnek rimbange. The'loall ill lustratip� the adage "busillogsialitiginalIg, ly L* io do so f6l" - y do -not. Vory ofton. driver.1 toar Upon th Pt: gorne tillid, to' come, be murderer was At once sed.dred, Wit site. (,ignaiul frolfi his bands 110 Passed ter tile koth just. skluence oi010, 'aloug Over Unmings livithout holding in be loned, it .11, pffiotlenl y 90"". Illyth is, pbirhap:t, one of tite most ente*ria- d6d"ded in escaping on way to, jail, And has Into those of 'Major Stewart, -Whil brought hilki and late IsVWX *Orki6g as harmoniously anager in Canada, tent1rre-1. biq Tr�aatkrei�, mrly running over paosin� At the :Provincial pIdligh'tIg rntch. foe lug villages of its dimenaionsin Ontario,* We not been-recapturad. Theinjurelfmanis to 011ikill'Ift) W'L'Qre lie zvontarilly becvralt ths, M:0; roln r. 11,10 rogul ts are (oared propert a Is '11tar, eX -throu a'irttin III! it i� ogress si ties its first christening, and doubt. thd CAMPAIGN OP:ENED !laid thought it I Clartaxill no cne,, j may, pehaps, Writ, to do better. - Co., last Week, I - 'DO1191 a Fill or.- of A;,ase of aoinis interest, the'first of the. erionces, Ix serve the allgappreliention qecais to e.,flst 'Tiirnbervy, tool, second. $10 in, the esa promises to become, ere lonq, one at the it At rI lie dipilattile a of _L- now License Aet, has just VatiVo. neltyapilL 'ind under tho thewordofs at detildill in jcr0IjtU.,j lrlq Ronor Judge thirty, 6priously enqufh upoti'thetv I.P.r a of toftniv litat - - I in thil inind 101,31hat tile street. class. Arr. J.: L, of Gojder� baaybvistling'fiii;�iis of the province, 16 16 be biscat dho Nvotild not py over bril)(Iffig ngrapidly; -its goner. appeirance V a n gamwero4litwillea, as "p, Acted Its On of tjle jailgoi. galtenziawa,'a, id y the city- License 111. bf tho b4ttle of B lk Lvd. halting_%eos Townslit She W411 -to be relled iipou, but, g. a i-Ilfe, alid a'bovo his for a -sent, in it sleep, now betokens l"bizi' and-bustlo minus collfa., specter to ravoko it liciallos, granted. last Urty, One d4y 106, Week Nrr, it. rlotell $0 Prelplam Given 4%v&7 I for their ivAggong Klid' other Vehidles is An $%6114f,26 tells tile f(fIju%,jIjg Valli 0 or, of 't ig Not alto tony. unblamed, Intelligent Obse"Go' wh oil the ground that the 116 risoo hail obtairod tile, toille of'BlIlke, J�err Boyd, Torout6 ng. cow, bein" 110 room for him ill 0 `�Istxlr V1166 I Read, 1- Rosal I re%d I o 61dont. . The practice generally is tri at dtory� . Ali site nowit in 1953, and will ftntrasL In Juxtapo. itonlAlgoprotancesi. lu'ide a bet of 10 with a Mold. that Ito coal uilio Of , at as Aeut," to ek)ijer "1 orckesinuy thus 001110'e rant of it ton )ft1lt'uf Sitiorl its fefuter With its present a intilly of several aniong4L othors a el�lellt, the 000111 onaition, b inis StAtea by the ]Tom Mon tiqu. tile bi tho-va at there, the mitab o0a yot Artarea '-'Poll- Wd'wabt WX fleet it agn I 6r. altUlle (jr.ty lingpedeAtTitha to wilivillitil'it Kilitnthe wilis totha (out, %ontlis fit arteara. Ile was pauntit b!"iblit 11 erfL Antdli6M hcovapa; IL of the oatd of th6 Al i�ga ds- wora. L�ej to h,j tmvo Words aliko it, t to entire, kiLftelv IV otol roll jbis $0ill. ine t-. W i tIrw linti fdr-rK IF -61 T4-i-darl fy 1_11 lif intelligtalde, respectability' ana I'll 10,011 atolls Money by the. indtilon of tho: cqpimcq�al aspect, We �now'prsaout to votir The ADVrr.Tt4rnt lit wo futtivo aq in tho pont# wlil,bo Lon aided, that hiesr found (1011 ra Itgrqp(t tilt tit. �jr , otherReforin papois" tbat tliq 110136 orto pits.4 aroutlil ilia no.nirt�er and,tolTijo ljor t)wjl 81,10 i1jol ot, Pid growth Ana iu,� . Into Refrm And every Illially obarge ineittairo.. It AL11lidalor at%. - of tho road Infly 6. A614% and ln(lec(l itn1liovenicuts, le Aq, words within the tinia iottled. upon,, lie would wag well Ily (11fl III), wbert tho 3)oniihion Parliantiont mt ree .1 she wollft, Ilay Intocell. 4 r000vics _lilt Law. t1:14,11 he Would flot INC the TO. AGPXT5,--trVb0qtkI 1112190thill I)APOttliLk uOt fow s slight qllabg6 will be mode idfa%q oL e$10 Ito hall ull, -fitililig to three thou. very 136"t Load riloilb 4,110 in try oltu. faull'a swilliz 11011 Ilinnerg und (I'Amical borollo slioll ditipt, tailor b)kopg, I tinainidl, 2 nail. let, f9t, 1877 it' a Proteddt,o Tavift. Nlro hopi-ft iyorllf. WhOsO falle"41 M460 bad iu clart Troulje,- With Nff Silvar Uoruiet 33alld t4elt ttirned on lld. pq, I druggilit, -1 waidli repaircr,and inot trid of a Illost. Itiltisual it ivasto ba lrold he lost., Tltob6 'r-10 rur- - will Prollont to MIT R111 -1-U a the qrvat filed :plato longraving iAlfletl 4 tal'on it Y., and Vloteber ellulaolica ratur me tf NV46r,- mtleulall po"11fivs. ituld Orchuhhu" 1011"Wie 0110 of 1.116irgilaild file inC440IF01. ll'iLd invifei jeweller, 11 nilffincries, 4 dre" Inatfisrof I cabi, traorklillafy Clintioace. , The faatA of the mat, NAAl �jy n1ji III stl.011 fluts wentall, big work oil �Oolaaftjji Imper, III worAs t, the' in 716 Town 11411 next Itila to w14 801111) 10VO d jolsll net Kn& 2 carriage for may be bricil aitto 1800 hicheit. It IV, beyond doubt. Me 0 the' PERSONAL, PQLITICAL, &a. tcstirlo4 tho und the I Ij.WA8'ft1i0 (in Lbil, 13th iust, Thib trlrittpo Wa to th3,ton(lorr ght front 0, mil wag6li allop%. 3 blackBinitha, g Cooper 95 y%rq of Kgo; U011ght 41% action fot breacil Pago, travilig written till'a littlo.atter five ff llol;t o1lg­Vjtjg.q the I-rcinita of, -by qf promlso Of marriagis ail: Th's, 'Llindon, thirlho there 'or; few, os -to U41 Ilighl Pik,,r ha boon f6r 4 althigle itill1g, I 13* Aw - -"! nil hollf,il relaxation,' Ill: one Rattle& In B%qlantl and six 41illato W1 tho II(Ig of aRe. 'gio0al'anatit making About seven hour's, worit, lib fOXIII(I Ile ThIeL njagnj Cent PTI1.6 'do ill the world that have niallitablod trial. 4 othdr, Ault lie 1100tubtIV A bad writton, 3,50o wordA. 1. 4 %voks it u 11001snall Lamb strickirf froll the witIl pliliting Ir, the PAN tll� proltri, an'd we should 4, Vtuist, milli 2 -lawyar'n offleelo and tole. N114 Bs, I rosidont, insilranda, Wag he ol(I'laily clilifta. their financial eted it A% Well At Cauix(la: M3 bobt troupe of t tind iraveyfil)g. of hAvilig m.8vailtea 1). oli the 47h 1`11,1111 011ld on'Ally flIttlief, III it W44 illillossiblo to 811opp, I (joubtlely ad that to be. allowfill her winter's 1091, IMIntOrg lit." Rittl (lie AftellIhAv The Toronto' a Iii authorItV f6f, the 8(hIlv t.—I, A Sepixt, 0(lollpro?f (l tho fi. IV, R'r Raleryod mtaf,, fickete wity 66 provilrad af, oil he Oil. jjIffation (If cou. write the ratuaining 1,500 in all' ljour, Ifil, few AS � , la othocleavet And Wilt regulat4ft botol" Wood As 60yap the equAlly, ronownea tingrivey oconploa 66 foaro that 'f;L t. (it A. Yujilla book Hee ltriet; istAtometit that IV. 'Spoakor W6119 Vyltn Ne P10011011 won 0110 part Of thabotU(ILSavid 1110 t 1; he - f T his cooked hot Awl viteate, We viltur Nvh( the travellor; 1`011110kad watetial prc�as 64ya of them �Qtroiivw houlle. ("I 40d"whi'll with. the fat o! the lawl, atilt radoot, oqual' Ill tig tL8 "ma4sloo of worldly The wontletful I)Ietrt of thb point to the battle I s oil t1jo $, ugiplatuto meet9, ally quantity of 11111 Awl jollity, Swici rtem 'rlsl% Trolilia )11,, 00 botlt oatc,�ov rill aaoitgj j cogoo, jury awarded her . 100, of Nvitedoo, IIndsilo I egf�,ter. of t1da $bar�frdot to.all M.140 otor Apt fix litfolto ft'jilliblie Rtable, I aftioaltaval hall's -T -Iia irim little VCAqo1 tho The leing anticipate! (1dath -01 C.-trolill11 At, r. f"Witneq, in Al'161116WK Y161y, niv livt-lillia., 01c, ljw hll, I 6tugi fall, I InAllollic. sell frout, Afoutroal', bout A!% o'clock Satu Pda, .ionelli took place on Afo ditlo."aii6d ed 0 Ile RVIXIIAS to 211(b last, Up Irkill ir4w %M1 iin,l 014 COOMill. Tho d4culfivit I�vgitll to I 7 00 d WAS I-loteli in on the I him fttwas this Most otilinoul; Inobiby;r of tho 0416M bqill� tluitsul in 1111rciago, 1710 thio platiN 6n the ito tillf iorp iugt for Italbouvile, Illia. 4.)111; Yee, Ana, 1, Th6 bost Sqinge hinilly C*01614%; and w sacratitty, of 3tite to U.19 Ituillitis jVltilt p-110-WAI ell i4s I lyg Ilit; )ipws., 11jull ;1114 Lloltldio, latter in prod6sol of 06114116011a crgo, providotl by oilv Coilitin my- 1, - ty'", oudoff"I t otilt d A V hu 1'4 full Po0a 41 0. te lllp( P, Men io bullp, will lie, all, DIAll PoSg('Al 110 logo thiku A rollints till witli 4 view of 0 11) e, rbOW19,110 .1 hill 1 1`01 Ti all colil liAll, w1II14 IFNA tin 0110 li,)U(L1ThI0I to I C. Deu-� j,4 ll, In's Alogilliolor droro it quare, Cillittin$ oil, tile vm4tti, to f tills yoi%rfr�w to Iew York 1101k114, to3thigill (t PlIA060.111 MlifillOr What eAn 1)0 d0i10 ni A .Lfarkot Thd I tavurY itt tho wky (if oponing up m trAdo with Am- a Ite6y all,joilkahl of tho Lluit6d, StAtaill, Writiong bo dt. t4o iliklaly ad-Alroglied t piv will -45 'r 1103 0VIVIft Lim two, Alid illvited ill Pililled Ohl 1(outjolliall at 0011sid(Irillild trItila, 'rioL oargo'jg valued At About $26,00(y. I I 811411111122 print *oxlka that h0fl, clrtNilod linell, litIfIli Ix`kjjCT1 1,0 10IT j�,Ilr fAOIR811. 0I tklo�dve g 60141,14 N'll'Illyliviisgot. rq I I � 1ality, lit ffifs apiaty offililluAry, 0,11 1hat 1'4rtft Stook anil imploments, of It. -Colo), t , IV, lark It lit At dr 6,apt tzt, their Joni. Illarry MIA. W. Thli'mPkillf(Fat very miscellaneous car. ud+*'hbn 0118 to a lot 6,L I'luroll itoilap (lodorielt Tip, All for$( -66, oh rile 6,w%4 -ot, rp. 1. In, oil the the fallolvilig ATtiolds WOOdAg' AftoAdthorf tua,tila 11111"Itd Ilinid, jq pow orgailiz my rail(jy'for Aglj� lil Ing lumber, 801, !list, 1101voont Auat. working frow Witter to halt CIA tell Allalloo 411, ily, jilyth will pethapo rauk rAttioug the f furniture train Pop, slatta, 6. livil, varl- 6 fIlle WAIK eql'%J�Imt To elcta�itionf positimteva Wt school towlitro, $1 14 nnill1l 11ho III fill! lind"t, tIlli An- it, the provinoo. glate, (00 J0114), NV60(1011 Salt hina I bettsi po tiloill wn,� barrel. Ilufralfin, 16 42 t_ab We Want Agotits,A 'i d 4 Oates m4ohillory Sony Auet, thaft ithy of tho Atuoricall W1101 A`iw tto whggalm, UT Oillet, lov� rhiliff, - $011a for Alkniploll riflit 31potodiou I Iry tho VIv. ly ing to the o40 Ill� p'll. fir11160fly, Vallowos, 140. 6.1 1"; �-1 0-141, Ine, grisab thing- lid dcinbt) ME 1; 11001 matil, Intel. I' Will V; 1,11 Jl,�YYX %A9 I V% lilk lvv 111%r ),I y Itil. '(4, I'llital job .15'1 0�1, f P iDal a nILI 0 ra to io P kig' f I ;it vilt'd taket tacig, GV any, �00tg d6biAnd virl4or in bill ollei0q, 11,1111 141144 of t1it yftabl, IsvoW lilt nuol1611 —R(fallio Ili. ill. ftiorpIllfid, III WWII j)hZPfAPh1 Ah how Ifthlbi imPat In . ........... .. ...... .... . . . ....... . .