Clinton New Era, 1876-10-26, Page 20 1.1—- -1. 1—— - i I 71 ­ :HOU#4 ' -- -------- Irm it, 13 U IYKIN a04106ro they have to tito Oat All. prppor stop m tal0n. ukeeking fit frool. the so. Attod. forhroo. townshigb oud t gkon steps, to esupo t el 40 Uild, nVaal temperance. organigatloos throughout they have viombers,.0114 their 8400044"00 far, Is and will give A large m& Qvity, u.nder the Ailt tilp inpectdra And oomtol - akenem WoU14 ro*lly lie ilk 0010Q in Col. a ifi,110 1101tr 4P.4 Tiviteliell Vorrgspondelfice countr umof With Rood t , bTr. W.Willilk Q jut mp also oorroborAW 1jiurilgla'Act waa carried. Afr-� Yates,, in- la hAvoL received another communication m1uhtera of the d1frolront 10 he 04, pptlakor, 14, bI 110t nL t "NA1190re read from the late Act -And 0141044 t, C"It"t'hol; o fliciera; would a. till be 00A, from Mr. Belfry upon this mttort, but WAS, converted in the town 6A A on TuooUy 00 h of found but-fovf OPPOU Uts. III th ort, good Majority Q4%1jd 40 lia t Move tit, tit 404. *01lairmank isaid Xr. Momat woold witilhol(I it troln publication, as no. posailalo good caut result from it, it we were to pub. Morning la'al, for tile irpoo, of forming, 4 and t3lius the initiAtorY 11 . the sentiment is, JA its (liver. Arrange this. ) %atter, it need be, when the to 4Q.tko, lish it, As for as we can learn the morito atepti towaras submitting tho, Act to 8, veto )I the p000lo� The foroupolisqlosionc loqe4 at 12 o'clock, b the benediction front th a 1�ev,. Wourtice. J100t) lkiot,' 110 bad proirliecd Air,. areenway omid the Dunkirk Act WA4 t but for tbdL of the -case a ro as forfrom being AS evor,they were, t e u . e lk p-II14,1I !no Its ITI. 1 to aukim Th of Uaaorloh, the Afternoon oedno' 1-�Q by, bf It all, We really Wanted, pro, , at we want to,040W eenittholDanki It Aetio wit capable of irrivint, at 4 verdlot. its, were he arbitrators. As been diposed of case, h Secretary of the ineeting to order, and tho "to I : uiotion, t th ­_ , � - Objeet III 041"likig oge Mr. At 'Ali, J. 1,, wji)lor, pit blio, school Inspector, v - . I to the Afr. prayer ,ov. chairmen called or repo4o so follows Mr. Brown, Witiolksim, en feeling was in favor of temperance, bot, u would only hold -their the Gitypranlent that we are in fAV*-0( -prohibition, 044 i's the. WAY we Us to 944 '411ghtest completeprohibitiork, by-Sotting rid ofhe , . I L , by the coklitpo. public bavo not the interest in prolonging tire dlocuo, sion, and it it were continue4l, they would not.be i particle the. wi jor, or in a so,�mllch pace tQ4110 coymened7 for t1w of Ooderittll, W44,04110, chair; A ines Thoikip$()n Secretary lkil, own, thought the same, A great Many tor"parl"We uieii� did 14tiv. Mr. Alcouslig said that people thotfolit it thoDunkla Act tag, licluor to dlapoa� of the 0�90 otherwise thiku, it hal beorl disposed of. the, INInkin Act otBljill, as Siatant SWoretary, Ir. of Clinton, opened.the . A n 14r. 01,01, , the Act Yet, -and it .1d be oxillained, Mr. Maitland a gree4l with wbatovercould -be -sold in the County, And settle, thought flid. distillers; And tore w .1 1 Out of 01recte ro of the- flo A, to little rootil vote, that, We hAVR bill for oditorlil, peedo Apol- Pro eediag", with prayer. TIIQ ollotrityloa Sug golltea-that a cominittee, be formed t the. is Len hold 'a'qooddeal at two. Liquor In influence. as Ikolaas,,but temperauQQ Ilion 9,01114 Poll. lie L *01.kt t'hr!D6&1% a earapaign, ta township befor o �this was the o, Society. oglob for this, for 1.11 the repl, bo report oil blisinesi. On Motion the follow- Ing ge ro, doly appointed, Uev, Ionian we 0 k4y to work bard. Rl)v.Mr., ere were rof, Allen;, Esetor, Aa,i4 Cho- matter would be cf.Lso.. the ple4ged, to refuse liceiii ies to Alli ip�htdlrkg the 41S. A, wootipo of of tivaiLlulletl I Brancl Agii0alturp4l. Societl t6ol, place or found the opinions of, inen front all Parts , oGoderich, chairman, E. Uolmes of tile XENv,EaA, Secretary, and taken u . worked f6v well. The op, , 1), and . I 'popiticiii is itrong in the modo*Vate4rinke, too ti I ldr and. lire wer Men; 'We lyiiy go on. - hs L P � ' . meeting should- understand' that We Are the Rlst inst. the Preaiderk Big. -chair , to W. J sIn eand k oasis. ni of the count y 'upon this very important subject, and 41a it is on,01 60 cort'Qerns, 51, 't'4t6s, Of (lodetiolit And, H. W. Lovell, of 00010, god. immod'! uttholl�jft Rg6ferL Will, V?.JJjk heird.work, 'return The ministers are, to uvote or Frcillibitl4l)f Pura 404 51111R.10- WAS the first point to take OAM . drowsi' Stioll, Shipley, UcP6nald, Bell Rlitaball, (lovier, Cooper, aiul'golles, p TO every nhabitant, P'.5ception, the ' ely met, And in tlieir'roport, rie atdo commending that the forenoon session be 411 they cap. Mr� Ba OSegforth, Said tom-, an( I keep, ll party politics, out of the con, t84t, Let tie agreo. that there are good Mop . 1 1. sent. ' The minues of previous meetl were adoptedL, And th for, rintiucr account I report should b a carefully road oad �qj- -hen every intell' alit 1), 0, 1� gested, and t 19, occupied with liaarlhg reports of d elegates, in to'the stato of public opinior their perance men Were., prepared to wook hard Ili Opposition WOJkI4 be m'eC there, As A 0 I t, on both ildpis ; we must. forget politics. al. 'k Miniote togetherand tallist not Nor of Mess a. E. 11oltneq 4 Son, 13-11 Ith-eIlLthaulis ;, b son vill be it leo draw their own oont localities With respect to the Dilitkin Act- gaaf t olira at two,' oc10 ineetIn bit manMo4oraw-dralkw"o pr6ar. ed to vote f6r.the A0, Mr, Brott, also bo,LejEee ted to do all'tho IzEffoPre"wo'. their uslu� i at 3 no do so' iy more than any ttrowo,-the: of' Xf t the Society tendred to, the parties vVho so k indly gavi clusions and act*p:ordingly, and meet again at 1,30 P. In.;i Which lia. 'port was dt;ly adopted. said that Tuckeromilth would )),q doubtf -al; one else. The way was to ceirlyince mQu We special prizea toward, CTfdTa7f'ahow, r "I"- PRO�TEVITIONP The: cligirman then, called fox ropqrts k it depends altogether iqL how t is wor ed by tout eranclemiLeric IffSeaforth holook. OP( must- I av( lidaiisailingthemenintheli" Qt t Was then moved J D.V,.,Mr_CooVer-,­see ended bf Air, Belli, -that Messrs. Shipley m--Yftrioiis-delegate"prepiD.0 14 las. Somerville, of- Lucknow, said _tleV e or a rong oppQ41 iont , ey wore on o it tin ry a an d -th6jr-faij bUt't 0 CO t groveratuent'si; who make 1 EPIL to o Andrews, Ru and the lllrestde�it, lif The Globe of Saturilay Iftst, colltains A, letter ti-poa the subjeot of protection in WAS a that as regards Ashfield, there. rest I peadof Amusing the people Ap a sense of alert, ana, wtImustbothellami). 48�0014 be explained thoroughly. Ouch bosiness. Wmust not offe the hioderate drinkers by too horalilmdah& * a committee ti upoin the tovin Court 0 il, to as% them for A gra nt of for I Like United States, in 'whiob he wrier their duty, but NYawarkria"otirldealtrythe- by-lawho'feltsure. I)r.' Worthington said Mr- Orr, Wroxoter, Said theraL �Vijj be . I ority against the Act theire, eVen the malperance . Rev Me Gracey thought, MrGrqei�Wsyl& iWe into Christmas - Fat Show, and also - p canvas'.th las riptiona for th4 a , 8, town for oil C I brings facts and figures to prove the feeling in was strongly in fav or people Are of opinion tha tetfie Act Will be of little bonerlL - remarks villey true ; shoulfi-go �t to, allow the Ooveinihent t a the contes- b tL -SAMb,.7T-Carried. The meeting then adjourn.6d.. enormous loss'aind' m'Jury tb4 eople. of of the Inovemel4t, ands the Organizations -40ottg-and -prepared Ao work­togothor� � Having- got through the reports the -d- 'as' ' , , � - . -­ ' wo, are in earric )d and �ant prohibition. -Dunkiu*ot--i4-xne:ec1y. _$_ the Union, and especially' tlke'k4iineis, sustained through tbis, iniquf(o4, ,were, for thavrie great object, Mr. W0,narrio, Blyth, thotight.that theJo 6-1-Xr 6 a mirmark" o' pai , we is h 9. congra u! f late our frWa4s on the results arrived at. This a---step-in'the direction' we.are going, ; we want to'have X�Tcn._A number of t."I"3 Will be shot for at :Kdhnedy s hotel 'Sys. a t6m. The -wtitei IxppeKys 6 hay.. 4 have -,all they could. do Whold their ilself to, bring Mr, Alowat, had legeil', lifir.- in a bill that no3icense. would be granted. U as' bound-. together., in this several co ntil rand',we Tait show the g 66' ex, am, on the 2nd Nov.. _V9r1.M=.VVA1UR1 rt Mayor ' S 0 deep feeling iipon the su�ject, as It' ground in thai Beetton, tbq ci�poitiQn waa: Strong, but aniong,tomporaripe. merlL there, 141 any in Act � Wa in foirdo'. :ple iia',our neighboring counties ; tir p.ub, lic Men are piropared t6 go -as public dpihion. isher, 14�8q,; 11AF1 'So far tractive from Ilk, red late illness as to be Abld to bL6 out again, toilits the- rp�eotionists (I bhuditti)" "brigands," &a., wbioli, in settle aftasure ' 2 were ouiO earnest. workers, -and. thou in cowl W.1viinlash" a good Ina- ineotioll 'ITith 1 1. 'joflt� - would be returned- in favor of the Th re' the'minut satid' e 8eoelary-theil ad e ? .. 4 .. .1 `.. I tiley were approved, es hud we should -not expect theiii.Lt 0 g'Q go t fee er. . The -Premier's ropl 'to -a deputA- - ly 11 F -One hundred and fifteen tubi B TT 'a. of this article were shipped by the,,mer I .. :,- chants . is true, as they'bertainil- compel -'the" y Ur., Mallough anid, that in. Aslx� or )to wOrk'had been dons, The0hairman road &loiter froinl&. H,- 1lorton,womber for Centre Iluron, Who was & tion frokik the al C nvention, was x6atre tbat'.*e'liad not takea advantajo 6f 016 of to.wh We'll, Friday. s9tuitti'm HuXT.--o-A Squirrel hadt.b6twook Manchester Donnybrook wil, public to pay more for their witnafac-, tures than they are justly, entitled to, yet arld that. 1119�o %i, a otathor- 011tirely Ill. synipat,hy' with �tlio present movement; and stating thaf,cutire prohi. Dkinkin Act, and hence wa�ciiuld not to - sonably nalc for mord'- -P and sportsmen, como.off at Donnybrook toi-day (Thursday. and could not obtaia if the law was not. - - tfor tuny of tho.-poople- did the 'provisious of the Act bition would �orttti,;Ily follow if a- majority the Dunkin Act. Let- j__ -- A unanimous. vot6o7g1voC1 f® W ubiuls- slon of the Act, as then renaered. Tlie -PF Ab. A e pleased. 0 learn - the SON .. -Wla r . McLeau of tho Repo8ilor, is re so framed as to aid them. wogo Ito thought if th�sopiocavjtious were Cketi this towliship I wollitt, hold -its, of counties passed re in 'H ters we Also, read fro kill and� Chairman proso nteira draft df a Conal;Uu? tion, drawn bJ* Mr. Wynn, w1iich was . wing from a save co' kof typ1loid IQ ver. The Iravon Ognal says that tho.1toro iand press il Outspoken t. is r" Was possibility of doing evoll a 0 tions;: littl.ftktor extra caruest ex r D. Williams, - Usborim, Rev. A. McLown, �lytbi Mr. Craytoli, C Y1 T. receivedo taliou�.�'up .9 0. 1 TeARKsOlVING WY--�-Thurlliday next,- thi 2nd of'No"v". It ay-in-'bealt --appointed a'day o is really rich. -8trafford flerald But Iloilo the Jess true", fact, e,' D_ Umm.itigs said, with(Alt illiubi, Culburne toiyuship would givo a Wynn, lllovod, acconaed by Mr. Pick; %rd, that, petitions bo� circulated 16r. .. adopted withoilt change. . As to.oxpe I naes, Me, J. Thouipson.-said, the iving, I - to -observed asa, genera 'hank 'd '". . holfdyj�plaaea of linsiness bciu' I a go. ose large majority for tho bY-hlw ;'they were cofiiributs alcoll(kture eakiug,*�bo CoUtllYL Council,. to t.tlj.e bk a ut Mi -law,' we would req(tireAM-0-for paytn'�iit. of lecturers, the Majority of wlioni will o6me. (;6OD.­We notice that Mr. -Hindmai !3arnqy'iq !Conservative pre" when they ..cry '.out 10ivision in the Grit gaidly ftibils if Mr. Jas.. Stewnt-also, said,that it]: tI , 16 vicinity. �if Bouniiiijeje we '. ReV. Mr. the 13 uron Prosbyt0y voted unwilinously in, 1 and if we _pay thbii expenses. At present W6 have n6 debt, as one l()dge gave $10, than -all itill lecturing on thd evils of in* toxicants, lie having dppdared. before at appreciative Toronto audience 'pn Frq�y camp." 7.1i, call hold Our owit. Mr.1ritchen said it, would It" slao.' 'favor bf'the subi'miision of by4air ba ex" plainid 'the difficulty ill [be irtator of wil.kh-niore covers Qxpouses, thus far -, oil UWE of Goderib, Mr. , oximrsiol 'will A novel featur; i.-progress.at St. Peter's Church, New York, -was a rifle Caikipbell saidlid with the last iFeiiker, -Ili at *Goderich ministers, slid that; all, the Presbyterian ministers. would be unanintoos n their, Them -wolild pledge $50. On* akcition, a com initt6b, - cou'ejatitig of train los�o G6derich P a Nov. 2, and cal at all intormittlisto stations for the Cahteninial match between twelve young"ladies, The prizes were art elegant silver caka liasket a agreed Would give a good majOrity. . 111e oubjecit I efforts in favor of, the Act. Ile looked on file Art ai "prohibition. -The Meagre. T. Greeinvay,'W. Mallotigh and Dr. Worthington., iias Appointed to.appor. What the ftire will be wo,hayc not jaarned, bu -tinderstand itwill be low.' solid silver cup, atid a. silver napkin rinj­ bad been'up titIntunicipaleleCti one and ive to do, our beat, Mr., T. C. practically only'aigu ukents he hears in opposition to tidnwhat amount elloUld be c6latributed by parties fu:towl Are in the habit of pirdetising *ith.A revolve This is anothee 'of the 'in any ways Pickard -said they had a trial in Goderich! tolynabip agine-yeera-ago, -when they had, a , it. are -as to vested interests ; but ]to thought the Government had a right to prohibit 'Thei.Report.os -T g Qolninoi6? 1116 X6111ina An tee was taken tip seriahimag follows, and ., other firo-arms, to obtatn,profioicncy�o or C.. I'd the t; wn limits. , This is. ckmtiar� Will, Moi a 0 adopted to. raise men for indi AsY 8en't M A .5 to I; and',they were in a bet. ajarity f tile use of whai' deatre a Botil and body .. I carried -,'For President J. -aliller; . R, S(jc:. to - lawo if; s0iiietinlQ8 dan&rousi nd 8.11011111 l5 church ause to ber,position no;* And would surely carry. tD 1, he.thought. NVM. Cooper, Find had'no b.ifaineas t noney Out mkb i of ruin to th Filbors ; retary, J. Thonipson ;. Treasurer, Sloan, Vice Vietaideutti-to wn God Unids be stopped. rR4TF1tTAJ16IF2;T, .-The moinb6irs of th exclaim Whither Are' we U, `�gllvil The age profisse.--il—be a civ! ized: and taro Would now stanWabout the Baltic), but k-upoon-iQu-ille national scow ufi act according- gqi,.*u4 -she of orich. d1FU Callind I tusoll or -, Sea - foAhj. lag. Beattio Exeter, John no uton qb�t-Jlullatt, intnd glivil"! n ontortainnictit, consisting of readings christian one,�buL we. are iki6lined' to. it, nsede�.i4nvassing. aud-then-would.carry. Me E', Lowrie, Of Howick, said . ci 6ght t i 0"theibitt -; eAl er t att'. -ly- Aud. 6 bt, tleL att er, end the evils all exist whe re the bubiliesip does' , Bs Biuisiili, J. _Dilif6fi ;_ Wrox6ter,,;Tai., Ort BIyifi,4i. McQuarrie ; 811indha D. -Ale.. kil y a suppe 11 th d' al' on hlt�so noil the eyon, ing c think that in the wy..of raising, funds for Christian j ity-of'.3`61 that if:well oftnvassed.a majorl call be had in favor of the by?UW. 'He felt and.there was no oure butto out it. tiff to� tolly,- -He thought fi� coilnection: Should ,BI DonaId;Gorrie,-,N.Ldwrid;' a' old�lto�.v. 'T�Al, - objects, the spirit of Christianity is being for departed from, was safe e-g"At till uib6vurs- indifteni- q0tild b i VOR'o�iorby ipetaking to blisth; be nisdo With PoilltiCialis Say - �hst 'W ill. become of the Iteelitle? -If they 12 " . : W0 G'­JamiqsoIi4_Ash W. Wan allou h anoalf,' .. Gordon. �E. . ljoll,$F, was, 6iWi iiined-befoke -,and The sooner church -and ' Wroxoter Willf.be diiided'in . - 6 think this, we inust put nien there. - w'b 6n thdoituatry, with' R idon of I. a 81tiatf - Colborne,� J. ItsPeace, St wart ; 1 Willi e -tullott, J. gi At Garva A. S. lf-18401., Justices of bb on'tho char a of feet foildoll all such queSti011able ineans of getting h- I],* W. 14bech agre ed with t he IflabLapoker.. lie thought that end[ of tile '- can ca,: rry the affairs Ut out the Assistance f what couics fiont',ttko ,I, C:,Goviulock ; Goderich Tip, T. Pickard ; Aaron Earnest. 110all, nd aftc tarlqg consideit�bld, evidence, lie was coultnil money are abolished, the bet terL Will it b e For Christian society an(! in in illiIjiud' . the . if. County be Ta favor. of ' Aotj properly explained." A.gr eat many did not, sale of lie vyAs favor of &6.0'1100 did Coulic, submitting 'tile act to - it and. in way - flowick; E. W. -Lacch ; Tudkorimith,- R. Vrett u6borno, J. Allison.; HAY T,' d. to, God crch to take his c ' - . ' b , 'S TItimE appears to havV con �ome inii . g6neral. understand it. ;R. A.-Adaifia, Loud'esboic) c9lild. not � I P the-strongth of thiolklt�aighty,wocang'o Oil fearleasly and ac4uit.oursel . vesAi4e men. 'Yates ; 1. , Clrey G: Wilson .W.. -Millin Turnboiry, J Leech. ie report was then lidopted. 98� tin derstiuding� about Prizers at our Uto Show, Miss Bessie Slarte TKE EASTLAM JTAK.-� look as hopefully ills some do, lie . illought they ould hold'their - own' Slog"" of Mr. said thit-Undee the Act, 110i license can be granted, . .. t, - . I -as a whole, , I .. . �., I . . informs itis that. she did not enter'for tl becial prixe;' but batered forthe genera ri;st givo no certaintY ;A: th -Mo ryi8' also. said it 14 worked- f6r'th' when tried before, and they Were then :Mr. 1360#� thought inland revenue Offi- cers could, grant licenses ;' lie. thought1he On motlibu-i it Whi.direpted that the ar.. 916oted a's -vice -esidents be at. orico' 61V priiits, for 0ich _09n on She tbok first an �itcon iizes. ateiiher pe 1104,war, buf matt6es Are rather .-ket, 4efeatod ; lie tli�pght there, woule 'ficit, a a' 6 Act weidy. cut oiVthe retailing of li4tior comintfUnicAte1wit1r;.to -kni if illey� will ork,'And if n6il, tho�.ekecu ve donlrelittao ti Blisnirss Cirmfo.�._Z_Tlle firm,�f critidal, and eveli.if hostilities are not*41raidy cornmenced bobviaim Aussixand'Turkey, we large majority. either WILY. Zi Yc -the - Pang, of Pkla;ch6stoe, thotight eeiink gad not'thomficolesslii, tgot _,w" al Do. U:liuion oaej ana.conhivie o, utaiio, Govern- rdd--,(o appoint othbrs, in Illoir b o po;e st� otkd� i. all 14erli�iee, Of tIJiS'LtOVij'lIaS bee erty hatigl fear it cannot be long delayed. No matter what may be the result, either peace or'war, the was in. favorf the Act-, although a. great many said they would go fu for total pro- ment pass an Act to' romody this i 'K Wyark, .eiplained. that so far as. local mat-� h Mr., Flagg,.of Mitchell, sai"likViliety were trying to Work mp the.1junkin Act ilk B. Whiting, of B6wmarlyffic,'-Au henceforth the Arm willibe known as menzit - lia*o. prestige of Turkey has received a rudesba6k, and she will never again be the "poviier she 'hibitiolkil.atid if. thby',thought this Would, amount to 'that they wo�l v6te for the 'Cars weri concerned, Ontario could pass any law o6ming muder -the police re gdla- Perth; and eriI, holding meetings now to. &�Wliitlng. . We no doubt but th etl new �firm will continue to reeeivo a Aii 611 it was a few years ago; she has been, all Orn 6f her strength, and her pride humbled. Act find carry it'sur�l. Mr. 3. Murdoch, londeaboroi also saill done and hence.on this point.. The great difficulty formerly Wis. that. when assed feel their way, and the -,people .,seem t6 be strongly, in favor of the bill. All our min- of patron ., A Huxony TaAmr.-Ork Frifty evo�tb American kpee Traders.' ...at the formor majority against was only but nqw things' we're in better Shape. theremak..ho'okke -to see it cirtie a o&, but novi IWO baiil 6overnmont oflicjalso 1nopec- i,ters are. assis its'; and the prospects are cheering. *. ' T Germans are going to . some 6ne forced, -Un entry laid the cellar Mr. A. - bodswoAlt, by shoving in this wit: The Boston Free.Tr�Ae Club call upon fr . ee. q24) 'That time the temperance question was not thought of, iind besides', they'did not see tors, Who viffl. seeAt. is carried, Pub." Ile vianted At to know 'that they Would, have support us, aud'also the Roman C,aktholics. The Report I of Comm . itt4e 'appoint I ea . -ib dow, -after' which'tIley belped.themaelv( to.a jar of pickles and a thirty-ponnd-han traders throughout tha to organize- 'its- the use in , trying. it in a single township, driernies in this mattei, the opposition levy OJ)L the diffeirent inutsioipalitieg, mak. AI! parties Would dd viell'to. lo�&Liffii"�i sociations, and lays down thb. following plot- but now.iii'iffil'whold Gonnt�,'tfiere- Will' would fl6h*t,'anA the clergy had a wor�­ -to: ing.a'to.tal amount of $520;,was received and brili their cellar, but their, other Windom for* in in. that to nehip of a good. be A, certainly W ' Ar go-,o� in the adoptod;i ith the unddrs6duing that each -do-his 06S.Well.. First -We belioxo LAC no nation or. eop 6 ever found thei to majority. The chairman Said the Reeve Of' that toiinship, gaidthey-would righl way- otherwise r Small, Wroxoter, said we ilioiild Vice-president will beat to raise the am ount mentioned, And More,' if ebasible. A(,r,,ID P, -;T. -Last week While Mr. NN n was*dngagod in �aliling BAR frot great way n - li.i idin proglocority tl:.Id System nue hit uxorbitAnt taxav_ joiity. AV.-, 1dDonald, of Alanchest4r, thouLItAllat.townshiv would give. alargo prb- tiously, and kii6w that il�'.petitioni. Wbuld ballad suffibi6rktly� largo togo to U le The Chairman asked the vilce-piesidents to orgglikizd sib. once, and gef the iholapy.asked, gtapletorri aid � while dorning'up'thd III! near thiirc, lio'got Elbivil t6 bloit- tho wlke4l -Sccorid�We Mkicvd that that Government' ,wbicli interfLres the lea4t with i119 P06016 And majority, now that- matterp ware biiinii� Worked tip. County Counci ould li 66 that the7c not re� fuse; He fears(! 30 voters could not b e had as it will be required very soon.� Lot there be And also see that thosa P'6'ti- in(! had just' put aitone beneath one them 40 Qrk the W'sgaork backed, catchin their pursuits, and which takes, in tile Wa of taxes, the'amallest amount con Distant vvitK A. Sloan, 1%lorriti,'said lie was not Mitch throngh the to�nahi -he thought the forhispli ,. ilhicipality it that n timber was ne*ed- � tions, are at once proceeded with, it, fatP' let us� till' w6rl---�-every man, ftiudu a nd L "'a gers, which Was badly sinast t, I thq6by. its legitimate one that governs Wet. gr�at difficulti'ivas to work it up; -so- that the would go out; lie thought a ma., Oki, 6 feared everi 20 could no t b6 had the Reeve bf 1V'raxeter;aAyii that 'there I$ no use "'trying child, for all have- a duty to perform, and let us o on in fho� fcar,of'God, with muoh. 8 niwAt;1C 'TO STAPLPTON. -The grouni Third -We believe that the highost rifht of orty is the right to freely exchange t for people jority could be had by properly explaining the County couAllnuless they are in a position to foree the matter, - MrL rely P rayer, ing 'for our Success in the', God -of-heavetr. 116 referred to illo' woeful state has 01 been graded from the cornor jm beyond the Manso to the top of1he hill I .th, Propr property ; and that any system which den so or restricts this right for' the purpose, the Act. - Mr.-McQuarRe, Blytb', amid Nor- ia, lie thought, would keep its own well, ' Somervi 116 said tliht such infiriende will be brought to bear on the ratepayers that the of matters on'the other. side of the obeah, the mother land, where,oiere)0,000poo- mplet6n, slid. the boards for the altlewal ar e ready -to bo. laid, This will be quit of subserving private or class interests, Iran. just, and should not be toleritted. hild with a proper canvass a majority could be -had. X6 waki urounded wittigpotiov!, full uumber will be had Oen in Wroketer, he. fillb sure Wrozo.ter would conie *out all in pleare anatiallygoing d6w.n' to a drukkkard's 'then, �ark advantage when, constructed, pattla larly to ilke residents of Stajileton. Fourth-Webolievetbata man who con. fesses that he cannot got an honest llv' Ing by gaiiizations ;, the'Reeve Of - Morris. is in fav or of the Act. � Mr. Jas. Wartlegs, Stan. t. 17.1, eqq Gorrie, had no fears of any Lot its, lye do all wo can. It =ca the 'hudience for Iiis posl(i0i as . Amn, 1115T. -All those who wish I 'Go -ASD his own. exertions, and therefore calls upon the community to tax theinselves to help to lei, said the tempera�'ce peop:1a there ould be up and doing, and he would guarantee -part of -t 0 north so -much as W�Ox6torl - and was lo'know,the chance of success. President of tha Asso�ciatlqn, andpalled on the ladies10 work as they did ifi'Lambton, boar something tlipt will,bo both profitall' And interesting, should., att haAawrthal Vol support Js a pauper in every sense of.the word, araL at the time has a o to stop the people of Stanley would, d.6 their dky, Ad his opinion was that th wovild carry ey gin Mr. Wakilefio, Varna, was glad to see -the , temperance whore the ladies were thanked for, the cf theworks 'X6 leis than tan all the evening of the 10th V. when Pro Boll, late of Diiblitj, will give an a( dress on the 11JArt of Iteading. The talking about super labor abro and see if we cannot gel Along without pa: or t4bor at, it, Mr. n, MannW, Exateri said bis opin- present position of matter s;hd Wall &=n in the Zanse, and used,tO taken steps to v*0te or 6onn. lea h I the bill, Lot usnot be' behind, lint-presis onto. gentl, -man is a justly4olabrated eldoqtionist, all home. Fifth -We believe that the sstatia of ' pro. ion was that in U16 villagoAt Would be h ard to*hold their own, hub they. would d 14 not dgree that' Stan alone ; lie di the iniiiaters were to drive, us. `buh we. to victory. Mr., Janies, Somervilleauggessed that a thb admission being only 15 c4ntswei prosuii. he will. �Avo a crowdea house, ' �9 tection as now Caught and carried out In -the United States is tin -sound in theory, "penny i w(,rl-- ha to thought t hey would be about is r' ' I Von, Nlkos, Greenway, Stephen, drive thint to tho front of the battle, and we will keep them there till they slay the delegate be sent to the Pohibitory Loadue fot aid, and he felt stirs they, would.lell"Xua A. Parcomo YOUTIt.-A boy. khow as Bud o 11 About ten yeard'of ag6, is fri wise and pound foolighlo lit-polloy,­ A-ii,tag.61r. iltic to th e interests qf all classes, and there. -hAt taken interest in thp mov'emantlat4ly. At onony Tho'Secretaiy said the Act said So kill, ines of electors Vere reqLuired'for 1% helping hand. J". Thompsork moved, by 0.'G; qtl i6ritly seen on our streetA.elitfiet with pipe or cigar in hit ino�th. ' Oa While fore should be Abandoned as e(i4al-Vy tutiloAnd - - -bar indefensible. And, so teiin 99 W� pledge a meeting hold in the contra of the townihip the feeling was favorable we mu each municipality, and: at be carefril in order to be sure to be on the right Holmes,'that thig Coxwentioil. NIFy fec6 - 9, of Ladies morninj he caused considerable amuoemor by hi's uttique.appearance. Some, porsor ourselves as a club, in the interest of abuti. In- Ia Opinion WAS that it would carry,- lie know irk, the Ntlp busitlells wh6 would, vote aide, to gob, at- least 30 names I a every instance. nize the influene'a the of our c9un. ty, and wold-tafoof; 11oal.)ecefully urge our expressed surprise lind rogV4 0 4eping all 'Ing �L#u OfPceition to scarcity, povilr�yau d discomfort, to do all lovour poivor to advatioe the rocoi, to] �Aho by4aw; he heard A hian Rai that as soon- as ho got a chance lie would vote He sold ad to the Qoun�y .00uncil f -he felt itureno veto would be fiken) the yeas an'd a Ana, sister's to extima a- helping mothei hand in this cause and ask tbetyi to , form, so YOUVIndali fit Such a roprolkelasibi liberal Application of the bud nition and JORtIODAI Adoption Of 'tits priuciplio of free trade. for a by -law -to ffirow fill Away; with plro� pov assistanoo and onjorgy, the c6unty, is asys *ould not be taketi, onside pressure would forbid It. ogganizations Amongst themsolvac-Carried. On motion, Mr. J, Thompson was sp, would do btless be benefleial in him, case. u 'A. GoO"D SJf0T.—,()n Thursday last whill Mr. David blias, ',V.P. for Bothwell, 11,%o si�fo, Wa look to thiff*�J 0. do Waters to a great deal, bn b wo mhat Work and hot leave Mr� Thordpopati Brussels, Said we Must not depend on the, eAs and n ays not being pointed -as dolagate to Toronto before hpreparations 1?rohibitoij League., wdre being made to practice I the target al Atholcoft range, a golden plovi been ofrared, and hao aacepled the sbat'll, the C&billot viac-*kd by Mr. Laird, ill to thern. Arr, Rogers,, taken, but o on And, get thirty names If that i's actually re%iired, he felt it Would The m4ting then sajournodi after Mr. Oracoy benediction, settled 6n ChO top of ietreo about 150 yare fecim . bite, butt, where a few poriong wot L Ron. James Skoad of 01tawa, 110,1.- , JUAC sue. thought st6plion ot line out, righ 6 ; he Irtido many wild w6t.14' be haid to'get 30 narnos hi.iotud-ninni. pronourkedd,the 9 an4ing, whou Captain Sheppard,,at oil( t took aim with- his rifle, and broUght it dowl needed in compliitig ight. car loadil, 61 t1io best qualities of bui ding oldingg wIllall g to 0 vdti for the Adt who woro in tho - liql1or litIlf'1110l R, mit. Doosey 5�1 Id lie did not 0144,1t he. A VAVocl satit to 11anitolis recently, was ad. This wa not only 4' very good shot, but, happens to be the very first; bird that th Kelbourno, Australia, Ate, IV. It, Parint, Ullatiln, W4 Cho oil%, 00sary to have 30 namois or afiy. number,' but any the Council dreaged. f, Maulto Bxy�ll - loutiol mo. Town C I hat foaa marksman shot III )its life, Although b The followla oountioa in onlidria 'Alld nor? preparing for No legislation or the bunkin be in fftvnr of the by-law. In Olilltoil goyears agn a tomporaildia otan .10 electors call compal fa subinit %the by-law, 1161olt suro'tbo it Strattora carried a tion. to introduce a by-law to separate the LON vh a- resided in this w . potlau couritty since t1i d;'�- he was bakii, Act: Karen, Bruce, Brant, Oxford, L46rfolk, Haldimand, Porth, Shalcoo; 'Vor ki Ontario, littil little clitino bt 16 'It was Iffilleg, &II(Fthe to(Alog, Was present Council would swallow woliij and it' riot *6 would settle the niatter the from the county, . . House tents ar'� about 10 Vat Conf, abosilge porson'of h1gli'litarar atbtillulents, living fit the east of this Pirc Glengarry, Stormont, Dundaft And J�allark, Lennox And Addington, Groy, lIrlijad Edward growlill gtrqog � tho peoplo *bril -bollinu b 9 to noo t tat liquor was truly f1rat Monday iniTanuary. Rev. Mr; Otacey reskd the Aot, by which 80 wifilds could in Toronto than they were two yea.rA ago real estate about.the same. retolved a, Vince, racentl copy,of the Xw -It V t and Lanaliton hav� �dr_'Thomas Duckham, 4 eirs not� * woull r I U) bAt f6rda the aloik of a niull'i 1palifty to gubutit The �01` anso toaabors are honoorw- I it'll monttly inaidad Ot 110fti-I 1111; Ihood And At Car. perusing the same, seirt following -to la goritlemati in. this noighboi the of cattle. at the Contannial, GiftlidA. Kahas boon the Me. net, 110 10a,4 groat ollatigo for t 10 to lit. Se Ell. rAAA min Like JlOt AN to brewers t0ia-d-lb-ill are, Ing 0 whe Q., For a coantr weelcly, the alit 'edtionegiogMa guest of i(sne, at Guale, And on Tuesday lie inofpk�otod Aft. fokilo, tav, Atri. Turtiberey, "Old is alltmod to sell itt quintitios of 5 , alloils. The Hattilitou has Ono of thong dtitrageoup $can. ofalwlkllowof. its's nows coudithood, its orlginal lmattpr apoic -'4tc`nO'6 or (I and the Model fornk, Atr, Duck- how. who resides at Daysham, (Iottit,. 1104t targo majority chvo; pubil oploillit WHO fit tavot, 4 it ; Ili Many 1400. quastioll wait could the tuaroli lite and others couttilloo to do 010, 1 (The ispeoLor 'Ue Hattlo Jeffrey. apil site is now !it the hospital, donvorea to rattko, Hoss, Herefordshire, in welt known As a 8110. conafal farmer, but bao attalled roater entall. rity as the editor of the Herd W Oak 01 Have. tlunlf.tlitl Iuatitr hholild bd explAikled'Our, 110, rectly alld a periat, wo4lil. b(r, oh) d 'I and others guaworodio go,j Couildered he vote how bottito� tfio convention a- (Or mid Cho aborifontot, I% 11JM11 Pavoy,lis in An (giawg' okrontir recently W004040d to one to All, rnoftnl�y 011Abiauls 111k*10,4. Air, I g t1iti WeAtpi'll Maws during the 110 thought, all Clio 10101114tors tiou t. i a it If t.1011110 by brillgille this Ititiltor bdkrd Pledge, OvOry tileillber slid all tompat- 0 ONO to work lith! [it (lie I' rious foull(I iug In tile hold on Inq0A, oti � man y widdle of the rod, Whetilia,hat got his ar. Wil)oberf,', of thand'o.Qn, VRot Waivatioull psist Weak, or two, hild is Ilew go, In a' flying vkft to rabsta's Willi whia Fia I g h(diol( they, bavd boon re, caumn. Ro 11"d till Iftinifiti" *Oci d work 114rd, bilk they needed good dri a and v %Iipfiffabs filodut couirtot6. ilia 8111)joct oalne to lift Usill', bild ask' "wIllit WAS hit it's Ilion has mold lie farm bf 50 acres to Mi,' �Uli Armstrong, for $1,000 oftsh, Which IN con expresses AG, highly p6asad. The Kingston Areldl (Collaoivtl V45) Mys I- That so much roporty no 14, OX -6 J in this, OrMOY0 id TfAllons", iltillighl, tho Act would oatryfrota till 1161tiow I loid strung, 114foem" tho tilonsibi 011em Ivas Ally A greab, tuopotti*' but hoavoll ad oil, Age shout," Ito had been. denil (Ittifil" Two gontleinteu wora Wit Olt tho mWels U willulped to x good figoro. Atli, W. btallafly, of (Iranian hast Pitt 1lid Port Provinca-sknal is With ontAP10 2161 t 06 h1wo spoalally to do-shoald he *6 S a pooltilto oil C. bodl� 40, Wits L0.1 611J411 ItIA It Lov"AtIld * doAd. 11AU0!lV, Lilt tior 4140 slid wo bood 1106 �Wyl t, I it. (Rul do, till vight it all tocilitly, Ilroparod. -Irfooib almost hnykindo(WoAti 011ase(I Alberti'millik'For se'lia, Whig A fritto over $500 loatithan Choy wor rage *410h Should not be much longer Colee. At4di Politically the quitalltin lo oile, whi(th T -he 011,00C WA8 tbatit witt� tho hilt life oil our Aldo. , Tile [bill 1146 #onto lip gloriondly tor tho.it"fit row years, 000 wag arkAY04 III it NINA16 oviltooA Alul AtTAW hat, atia tho,ltokho� W014 it fue eali and bought for at Auetioui a fo%v woolig ltgq, Ale. Adaut dookt, of 'file 701 'Coll, UO(U should U& so far sit P6581ble renk,tVod ffaLftiChe otlgeet)Ua Tho thoo was whon tvialfilitor cuuhl hardly 110"I'l d"AtOr, fowilgllip, has hold his (Arm of 1.131 sirens of party and Clieteropa It, should be considered froth a Aftitidpoint of ,p# 0orly, laid 010 110o; thtf joill We ple, A (116joricy could ho 1(ov. darn *11thillipaulty"t" 001110 od So strw1gly ttud f4vombl Ott this question, Iva -how Mr. John ("Ataotoll, of 140chahaer, of ),',set Williallift,, WAS exuglit by tlto tollishlig fierce, for $8,500, to Ue. ATTEill"fur) ulgh equity Alone. A Nyoot6fik 10'. oblitly suggested the &tiftbillky of t% joint WTr, hald gg W Ragc Wawhifbilvi 44 h Aut, it WL(ndil bo -A- wallf tit 44W Cho We , - tire in omflW In Alld WIN stoillif tits rod, Of.& thregbin luitoldno A t6w days al)(1 Norlotisly Tho illell at work witli last Sawa one broke into the L, 11 &11, h(a tiou toy opoulog-pno of Cho VlAiloWs. Thb, Committee of the Legliststak both tho 064braftiout And prl�fjt Allocalti; I tile groat 1114tiltif WAN W41A Wforkor,14 Ito houglito JLJoW ib 46400 111111 h,%d 131a nIng! 1 but Obly 16111111d 11 Wall dont iou A pointed tb dondidet, thd whold ItIAMet whiat Is An eltolltrit coub, itibil woll 1yorilly of do sttion. fft'fflil 11injorl aliuld Iia find lit that towll�, 41106, U114A beou Nand Iflopotalblo to 110,411i. g exile 08%vto 1101,1dirilif milya Tho Iiiiiasti to lay thent for No Mtoinp wits to opon tho oafe, e the burgIA Aofidli Ott ifira Robjol Itin, lie No t Ioe4 U0111 611tibild 0 49 , Oki �0141 ONA lAoyo oiddlotaillo 110010 J Ivrartl3l AW1 lod, likil iiher p #Nol, Ily 041401 111JU1144% Atli U10111 1 V 14W whou 14004 1 bol; pow we 11ILVO 144040tm livid. lilt ibble Way, �tdi Igo arjujtj (Amiam [it JAIIA414 Are, Talghli; I wrlh old AAUW ifliks 0,131111 killd i%rd illsol III# Qati. h r t I M14, Q10 4AN111, Allptirdfitly* %VAN only Armed with 4, dold, 6111 W11101 wag loft ift Cho Ohio#" Tho 164 doolieto Atation, wilt dutotea tho same night ma blip fad to tka AmAd rtlyi, n fhotig !is Aft h lit 4h t Woott tian t, c to 11oh Our J11100410K Wintry. Manitoba, 0orreapondenoo. To fluk lip q, Cougorvattya, paper And T044 I . 1 110'of she 0114on New -em. willat o said about the (Alovornpoutia About as TO 146 Ril unnuw outertAikilm to, a Alluietorlatiat so it must be POAR SIR, -Ili U UQW quifo 4 lionsitlor- atim for'Noy. boa ))son re. crag, 04 0 plontQ`Turupo ITATIPmN U404V Toluelallotes on Able time since any, oorreepontlonce Appear. 001yod, 4ild 40.4taluo, its customary quota, of 7,34 'or lor an. Amorloaa to stu(ly, he, od in Tour poludins from this. PrAirle Pro. 'IV ON, vinool, there.fore I W W. 0. or ulo do Iralloyratif V, interesting reading matter. 'Ja, Juo a of W �t a vs. im, grea difference to the, solf-matio- 4 morits, Quo m4at go I I through It,, w, tall,cau . bout orciptil 40., thillit May Interest soalo, be done by purchasing I; cop 0.0 led It li, alk. w1ketligrUr. Talaoo4mirao of your rooders, The hiii . vask is ov"! it' py of I . al I we. ito jan hople or not, nor will any, Ankerlpe'lu this part, and it iis,tbe heaviest orop dealers, or sending a years subscription. t - that 044441AU NOW4 Co" Clifton,, 011t. e be, Induced to. think that the UbItOd 'OtAtOti has boon gathered in. this country for W411Y does not stand in the you of oreatl9p because oy. years. 14'rom, my, P OQIQAI, �QIVANI%b A It the MA .1404 1 can count About Tan rualls , NO, 8019N( of the r(luto finds few signs at olvilization, woot , Oir Hx,�kma arrivoo Ilcmlik full" Of Matter Atlautfic. The'Fronchatithors have one hundred and fifty stacks, and they, Are ortaink t �14 ealt ealthaullpleaqure". probably given their honest ideas , tile, calls, not 4niall Size vary t waint 1" 411, 00100111 010 TRZ WftgB, diau Opoosifion scribes, have. tried to put (1`01004 t4furtY loads Oacb, its It and 94 Itobly pernood tbingq in the worst possible light, And the %ialli Z 0 of it$ It ro Although veryg�od, is not, so 711a, Yi h. all, 'll - 4 Ushers, New credulity of their readers Is, frequently tres- expected. Some who, hav , o thr 004 40 this _,olls Q81,04,in Or neighborhood give the A.�ertigo yield Abolit so feeling ot, pity' -fox the poor follows wh000 41, bushels for wheat, atid foi onto fift powers of,itivention have been so sorely taxe(t bosbel . a �er Aare. PAY0. WINGUAN, vourse, Sonia nix In one issue of,tho Toronto Conservative have. considerable mor P041'WO find bilift0tiOrk taken to CllQ APPOilit' others, but that, is 0 to the Apr*, thAA iNttempt was road went of Me, Milo to the (jabitiat, because "Ile the general yield, - IT1.1p - e last Unrailay tQ rob the coot oropill*Arel Most splendid., and railw*ratatiou at Wiagbom;. About, I a. m.. Is a thorough supporter of A trade policy ospecially ; my nearest neighbor a Xr. Harwood 11 e agekkt� who lives iii tile which nille-toottlii Of the. people of thiseoun, , tb ', 94 by ponie, person 9 - Verse an early rose potato that building, was awaken try looliep, if vered in, mu5t drive it to Weighed two persons effecting A destruction." Other- allusions are made !it Poull(I'l and OigItteevi Oulkeesi And I ll�ar It entrance Into. the waiting. t there are, Porkict'about Winnipeg..w room through the window. Hearing some t1w PA4io paper to the fiscal tfuestion, illo. bur. till' ho ona moin yory bad in have then g itiout in the whiting-roolik as if in 4411 ofwhich is that the times ara,N I. much larger. , Cabbage 'And, stockinged fee,$, Mr. Harwoods first impulse Oianai!14 and they can never be better until the beets -041i hardly be beat,, I have soille was tio get: assist - He 0overfiment to put out and thio reign of Con- beets in Iny garden that -elill. once goo I y Splendid, - _At once raft acroltO to the Mighborlixg hopses, find waking the it%,, servatiorn and piotootion . begins. - JVo are I moasuved 6114 About two weeks a(yo mates, was reinforced by these g I entlemon, told that the UllitOit �Weg 1"4 All OxcusO fox' which Was fifteen inches above. I t W The party were at the station in front of the 4eprossion.in the eipenso of its civil war -, that (I don't I-, now h6w far Under) A d fOiind­ir__ wailitigrmit ab tes- from- the wo.w-the-riolt-to hard times by v; eleven inches in circam, out-61#114--minu a et, (o be, at the ti 7r1MQ Ur- IlAiwood left, and one of them aug- iting off'of its American inarket, for tprence, ancl at the geound,,olght inollo,, eating that more Assistance 'WAS I manufactures, but the terrible times !it 0ana- 1 have Soma of the tilrnil)"b�et much large -r Ratwo ad started necessary (1% Are due tonothing else than the elevation r, ` for Ditioloy's hotel, a in ciron inference, Onions Are r few' e .rods distance-, bnjwherf,�hjd�*tjs, of Messrs. Alitollteuziq And Cartwright to the ally worthy *jyAlleburglar luillped I from thd . About half, 0overnment. . Fow� a railledy . are to stop of notice, Mr. Ralotoll weighb(I twelve at,: -and the Weathoifleld, Whitlow , we escaped. Oil entering the. statiou it was found all importations from the United States, tlierc4 and they Welled the that the office had bean " ing good prices at here for our I Ann soplea at nine pount entered from the a do. . The sanlo'goutle. by oeaur walting,room, and two drawers and thQ.t!Qket and factory products, man Also.- Wei glied some turnips that y�-61-o Oase pried open. Operations bad also been 00mo better authority thAn the ipsic dl.ae of of dimensions almost fabulous,. twbilty.tw(I oom*nced sit. 4rillifilthrough the safe, a Toronto paper will be required to eat4blisb pounds a co, mmou weight amona Some time durin g t 6 night an Attempt was that nhie4enths of the pe9pho of Canada wunt ..them. Tileednot'llabiltion any moronbout [made to enter ItWoU to increase the taxes; , Nor is It true that we ey's Mills, it is Supposed our oropsf, these, few items will"itioly-y6u.. likthe same. p I arty prqviop§.to ep.Mlit to 019" have terrible and -w-ide-spread depression, _what;may ba. gro-wri-in Vila vountpy­ station, I The oeverd doors were trieffout the -iOrWi-v6uld 136 'r-e-lov . ed b, y� An Increase of Jug con 'tax e a 6hattea is -giveri to top orQw. dog 41116 -mill mak Q_ 1, The- weather - for the past f�w days haobeell likelff�qstrgted further ofildrto, tenths, We haveour doubts if olia-tonth of the very cold . and windy. L farniers can be caught,by the specious pretext Rat ni.6lit.it siiolv. ed that, ike higher duties woidd-borieft -them, The utmost that caii,,bo, pr6miaed is a fiotiti�ni Will be more settlea for a few days, F �11 increase of values all around. By Jiceping ploughing is what the farmers are now COWICIr, NXICTING.-6�4he council inet'pur- 'foreign grain 'out of the -cou4try-our own indstlybusynt. Somehaveagroat4mount, "Suant to adjournment at Verna, on Oct. l4th. farmers are , to charge oil I- . 0 to V1611ill, its inuch as'2 . 00. acinis ; but they wa consumers an. Membori alf'present. -.R.eave fit "the chair. �xtratoaicq a per bushel 'for wheat. AQor, have mora'force to plouilk'with. than otliors, Minutes of Ignt Me ppru`�ea. res is to onablor I think, M- eting.rpad and 4 1 l6nitanufacitu responding.,\, Mr. Castle, that the shoeniakers' and 'cabinet. makers to'chargo. 0 enough at 'this time, hopliir itinak. Moved by Dr,'Woods, sQd; li� r. Editor, I have taxed�your pa, Astructed to execute . a (qrmern all extra, dollar on bdota'and f arnitilre. encourage Any. wli� wish to OQMQ10 thiii the Reeve is hereby it tionc Nled in terms of by-law�No, 6, 1875�Cartied. D dt b* And so we are all -to become-rioli And happy. province" I remain, yours, &a as _ixeouted fix'socordanoei with thp a Ove, If the, reasoning is sound, -wo,ntitst keep, the and the clerk instractecl to- correspond with field for those' now 6gaged. in farming. - L t C Olt Rrarom) r,.NV� Me Faltork to fix A thus to pay,the'Arice, Of no more Iona be oloar6d,-. slid by all mell"Pili- Burnsidoij Got, 0, 1876. rok, . . - I . i and receive dood. Moved. by r, Gi a- stop, that railwai which is' to flood. us wifill 1!6 liam, see. by Mi. Castle, that this council iti� gTain from �lanitoba. , Hmy can � we got- rich. struot the treasiurer. t6pay over- toiJbIln Me. _Sale Register, 1 $109, being the with: a duty,of-20- cents to-kepp,,ont the pro, a r a r, to sum a duct of a cortutry which rahleFf 0 bulghols td lis 0 u oil' cents him- entitled- the acro, if Nye apart the door'f�r the free on - a a ut t 6 FUal,stooki &ot� of'Mr. Sao. Qui -ley lot to x eel a, aacor W to the commisiioner's try of, whOat froel a colln try. that will,produce 0011. 5, Hullett, on the Nth flist., J. re r ;' or III' in a to uship hill At Varna, 4101 -a - in I f ull for all work. from forty �o fifty bushels to the acre? If . *$on, auct. .14 lie 6 a r, ce` friendship to the fariaers retlifires that a QIOSO Farm stock Alousoh6ld furniture, &C of I 64o on. said , all -Carried., --Afoveai by, Ale, �,mark Ot shall -be Occurild for them, the duty fe. Mr. S. SKawj lot",>8,. 11tE con. Hullett- Castle, see. by Dr. Woods, that the. Ilo6vo aut to.Waintaln'tho on the 27ih'inst. Jas. Hows . on givo-an order tc; Alex. MeEwon for the dum not half enough. Wd w. naturAl barderagainst Alanitoba,gs )veil -as to Alto of $1713, being the. amount, agreed on, for a �raise an: artificial bairior against the Unit6d 11onso and lot, bclonging�tci Mr. �01. Steep, Also that the' States. Why do not the hones(Conservativog 13 .road allowance add*expenses. linlon I , 6h Saturday, 28th inat., James. Roeve getsaid deed rogistored­�-(Jarried. Mov. agitate Ugainst Manitaban 'oorapotitioft ? "Veen , Auc6 ed. by Ali.. Graham, sea., by 31r. Xeyo,' that Proteatio . n iinuelis is fio thil following'gravol accounts b6 -paid as cef- a Ilsensier-1 do- ViLlage.lot No. b9, Albert strbob at J, IV. i tified -to by.pathinnatcrs, viz. ; James' Camp- mand, f ol� the faTwors are not a sufrei Ing clas': Ross's, Clinton, ''on the 28th.0 inst. D They arc'to-day just as pro9perous f6s holiest Themas Bairdi '83-157-0317- ind and fayorable doficlitions can-wilict bell, and Dickinson,,auct. ried, 31ovea by Dr. Woods; see. ustry ii I - !them. 01,1861141C of.-Rov., Keys, that, the Ucdve'is:horcbkauAhoriz;d to a in� their ba�u s for I liba6u, nd they keep nothing, I ack G at Day -field, oil thw 3rd. No issue in order. in -favor of'Mr. AloNair, for the. of.customers. What class 'of the population D MeDougakl All, outil'ol: *11f3, the . I J . at,. purchase money of a gravel peeds to -be protected ?, Who -are the 'that Fairtit, stoOki implements, Is- given- Arno When the lease , , . , : 0 * a ' , Y f Q00. BeN. Moved- makeito the nhl&tontha9-m-tho believers in .Mr. Castle, se6. by Mr, Iteys, that -tho ncitt, lot 40. con. 7, Goderich iownhh, ry, , thd inedhoval creed 1 A glance at tbot corous: . 1 9 �. I Pl�.` Treasurer notify the auditors, iO.havo thd hd- returns dols not onlight4n us. Accountants, , I, Nov:.7_611, 4r. HOWS'011, &flat.., (Ur, - -adirocatm, agents, 4ieiiitedgi-�notioncL-rs;--b&T�7 Viirnr�at&r qrinkplo Monts �'-&c -of, ar: rica, .Mo�cd,bjr 'Ali. 'Gfibank, sea, by Mr., bero,. bar.keellers,'balikers,', booksellers, 9-uild-. On 1A 21, Base Line; 6-a;r'ich t'6wUship, lKoys, that tl to, Iloove loo-j."structed to isatio eii ers callmen. chemists, clorgym6n,contractorso 01' A-J'� I ObUy" NO, V. ordeliliCiavor of-Pilttor Campbell 16r.4300, court olficer�,vileatilitsJ16stimak k�-_kq*aiin -68-IjOjin6i�, and 110. on tUrough* a -ver -a_bridgo-ddr6ss-tho-rtver-om- fi;rr-1-6fi; 'Lot 20, ('oil. - 4-�-Cafticd. . y clorkin-tile, tic Moved by Mi. utiordrous cl�io, Will not be b6fieAttod, byrtin, Q "Wo Police �Voux W ttawa-19. built. Uailtte, sod. by'Mr. G61tam tl*t,- -the clokk 'nor'gt of the. prices, of either food or mall1q. fho land upon 'hich irticles.* Thei,buy lidth and sell I notify the collector to deposilb bis1oudd with I at. , �tlie Iteove and- proceed to collect as soon 7 as br. It will not help "bakers'. tip raise thio- R- S- TURRAY I prepared to fit up poll lie btliltlin&, churches, ana private Niblo-Ca;rried. . Aloved by Mr. 'Chstle, price.of 4ouro nor blacksmiths to. raise the ictid"oea sec. by *Dr. N,%"gods, Chat thia'council " do now with VELVET- Qlitj-ET�, :BAUSSiOL9 QA�FtPETS. rrive of irop. Brielclayers and Makers hive adjourn to,tn6ct a v. TAPU9TftY'CAUPZTS, ALL--WO04 OAXPETSP�1110u athe last Monda o injurious orpign compe ition, -and� the less V, in iNo I if , '", at 2 o'clock 11. AL it, VarfiaLoarriald.. broweis aria,tlistilloriti have to. (16 the. Detter it CARMsi Tuixijc4iiy, CAItPHTd UATTING and; U, FLU, 'net makers * ENGL-Jilit 011"CLOT11, MATTZiSts, FRATHEi Clark, . �v.iill be foi thb country. . Cabi are . . not in danger.", The fi-ratprize'llodroeriaadt- at- - Ilib.s .-And-TILLOAVS; -at Abort - notice An& the'Westerii'L.Vair, valued iii Canada -.at-$600 very& moderate, priogoo, 500 ends oil Olath'ati CANAPIAN :NEW8.' not- bo sold in the United Statd, at, loss' , cost-, 500',aUdir cdepet' At cust. - No -i�d would -than $1,000i according' to 1he evidenco of the- Dundas stroeti 1.25 Carlingstreet, lidNBON�. do bet- Ontario. '.maker, Carpenfois and coopore racently o.old`by �uotioh; it §ISO per scre. 'tor after a isvivil'bf th6 lumber trade. pub, �sentcnceil to be banged Oil thq 21st of.p.ccoln hi that, branch. . Ugo t�ol makers in By- coin- TYLER.�At Kippen parsohiike,, oil -the Mli bar. plain of competition, but the *hole . numberlit Only _185,.L . There _is not one in !nab., the. wife Of the Rolf. U.- JT, Tyler Of A Ontario - is son. 9iiine Of the' . �oluuteior of I ficers at' -Montreal twout 'hole list, as giYbn in. the CAble D- ard tal Ic Ing Of raising a regiment in the, event -t 4 y, in the iy of ikh.Baotern wai-6 0, Deoppations, 'thatcouldby any.possibilty -77- profit from the. adoption 61 preitootion;'And MARRIE ii. Acb-operative farm. istobe straited in'the yet we near cooly Asked. tQ bollevo that LWO. YJELLXUa"GABLB.--r M Hippen Parsionage, f neighborhood of Toronto, and each: worker tenilis of the people. want to tax themselves for, the 3rd inatq, by klev. U. IT. Tyler,' Mr. J, will receive the fruits, of,ldilabor, Wq-bayi the barleflCof t1lbse who have been' indiscreet 'L. Zeller, of,Zurlch to Nliss Lavinlo, G�blei If doubts as to its success, Blenheim, in their choice of business. of Nlarmbraboys quarrelled the The people.tbatsuffor ftom depUssloh i�_ , I—— li'� . 4 1 '4566, i -6 i4ije. a gunpowd little Chow 'SUAN I 03gps Iwo other K �psox.-On-the 17th Just.,, by, y or, and Q�e anada are fow in riumbet-if weexe I. . , L � �1 le 'U. It 9 R oZELt T. T v r r to of ussion culminaik-im �bilo of 'timirk, shoot- dependent.on the lumber int6rcsfs�-but by the, to 1liss. Elizabotlil the Cie. help of some, polidbal newsVipors they -have aon� of Stan Ing the oth . or . I . 11 M . are 'Ib . Art , I . ti . met" -$1,800 -waa the hum be.on-abld to ma�ko.a good doal:oi noise..' Their anbuitrilied at the dedication iibrVices of the journalistic, abettors have done harm, fil two 'GOnNEIM-1311*.-At the residence, of tho. Nalv'Domhii�n 'Methodist Church, Ottawa. ways: By 6onstantly., 1) . rating of hard tintics bitilboa father, on the 1801.hlstriby,thallev. W. IL Butt; brother ofAlke bride, nadka(l K The cost bIltba church is they have dia6tiragpd, iminliration, loved T Courticio anil. W. Wa-do, and art hiri( havo bNi. wafted, t L J as. (Iidrrel 1; �f H-01 Me NIATY, Se�� wrsap, after au. absence of six troubles, tha granted a its from Mr. Andrew (J. the Slight to Alias I years in� California, About three weeks ago rea connirles where there wag real dopreaston;- end daughter of Mr. Totilah Butt, of Code. turned to his Canadian linine, and has bouglIt It"towliship. By pleading , '0110 political,party to grantprg. r -O 15101-ni near the rapi(h$ fit 'South Cowar, tipon tection I , they'liavo l6d manufacturers ..to Mat 'BA"— . jl1kXPp,_0n, 00i Ifth" at ill* . rosb" wbiell h6'*ijl;viork, thuls showing hip prefer* their oars fix exp4tation:6f r. -lutura chancil deaee of the brides mother, (I .a ieh 1;01111� once for Canada, to put their own, priaos oil goods and compel ship, bY the Pto�. It. Lojob; lons, It, hus heart proposoil,' and On proposition is Canadian consumephr to buy t1loin, instoador It. traily, ginlo s,'i 0 Mary Ann, youngest t being recoiyed with favior,.tbAt 41ter t o'claiii 'foradking. hit unprofitable lifiailnD1116 or seeking erof the I -Ate R, Baker,, UoderialA , c oftheContonnialCilli6ition ab 11111allelphin, a fibreign. market for surplus products that (t1-1 W11.91111t, I p. the e;hibitq spt by Qntario sliall he trarafer. coiffit'not be consumed -at home. T0WX'4T1XD—VV1l-TtAy:�- - On Oct. 176/ Fit the red to Torontb And placed on exhibition la.r.a There would, be hard. times in (Janada. in. - - short ti realdeneo of tile brido's father, by,' flev. I X. Me, (lead, if riiiij. fentlis of 7thd people had cotifl- b. S�ott, Aft, Isaac.. Townaeud, OT'llibbert, r Ila" dence in the doctrines daily set before. theirl.by son ofLAT.r. Wit Last Friday night A poor ol(I mat filed I. Townsend, -of Tuakeirmnitli, sarries Scott, of _Ws(ford, while fixing his the Copservativa to Jana, eldest daughter of IN a , . 1, le, Will, 111W holses; upoet lits'lamp in the stable; which set. Orsmith" ok 71-r"01-6 ts;a.' Aaaw., "-wit; stable ind bay woo 4.jyord. About caut1das", conspoied, and the fire s�read to an adjoining DIED. atabie own�ea by lira, I fill bone NY4i-,h was, Before this autemin we bad some kn6wleag . .ey , I RIOTT.-In dalt, Oil Son4a�, tho. 15th, in' filled �Vltll Illy. of Canada, but ib was small. Wd Awl run 0.1 at.., T - he following is a brief synopsis ofthe busi. errandll'to INIontreal ; -Wo had visited, for curil. Alark, wito of Ale. Tho/Riall, late of Clin- a ' had never come into ton, age�j .70 JA ness done at. Brussel atatiorL during the- year oittyi 0,tkiibec'; but wo . y ' eats ended laab month *-Grain. shipped, 170,000 elbso contact witli-th-o people. Nlilo bavle coniti WIL,36N.--on. October oth, at her hu',ili.Inctin buslicle;butter 199',700 lbs.;pork, 220,000 lbs.,' back from our brief L ViSit-it inelft(104 Mort. �e�*14ence, Point L� Charleg, . Montreal, lumbei, 174 odra , cattle, 5i950 head ; sheep,' treat* Obtaws, 'rorotltso And London -with ClArIM14 wife of �,Orltay.- John Wilsollo 6,775 vlive 11698, IQO. A. -pretty. good 6xhlUit % tealingL of admirWou for tile 'Country Slid -MOthWilit- Ulhist6r, And youngest sister at love 4.* ir indeed, "..the rted and hospitable A. S.. 1,18hor sq,, of this place, in.tho b Do Iple, 33th I r age, 01 Tfieliondou BoAra ctfTt4d9 144 11huraday I - There is not it fairer.Alknil. on v;Tuah the still 3 night passed the following 1`696lution. --I 'That shinos than that pare 6f Canada thpugh which Clleal). tile -Based 6f Trade of the city of London re- -wotravelled.. As afarmingeountryJitis alm. spectfully roqiest Cho President and Directors WALL P APE R of the piovincloiI thibiticii to extend the time ply Wonderful. - Alldlong tho banks of- the St. Lawrence; from Toronto to the Western YX OnDE, 110 ITUAim 'no n, YoR rmtvv nr� ,oviucial. t ffirr-oTtlieXorninion jib is one vast succession JL r in 0 of theirnext Pi I xhibition be held I a London from -Ono to two weilko, or anoll otlier 10TATI R4 frorn England, 1 *111 for A few *40118 b- length 6f time 4i may seent Judiclou.4, And of admirablo grounds for farming, v4ylargely otter V OJ'QL Of ray large otoolt- Of 0-sto JPOSIAGh e the�t' gog; Board of TrAdo and as citizens will cultured and Improved. Whilo in Undan wa' g use their'beat oudemyors to make It successful. -Attended the agriculturalexhibitionwhich as At 0 T'tTAL 6-10ST. 3 inprggress-thbre,allaitheigiltoiiod our im. CAItL AND ZE CONVINCED. The Toronto'016be relates. the. following iwk pressions of this grant farming oouiitry�,Ikortii young Man of U!3� 'Wo thank G04L for-. T 0 ati%uii6,of,"friglitfutcrudliy".I Two' 'no- P1,09ptn" 0 were *ilking on Cho Oraud Trunk trick on our neighbors fi,� thete, Ave used 0 t�lnk, Office.Ainerleario XxifIrtso Co-,' that it was hard y,%vorth while to P1, Sunday last, about two miles ea8t; of the Don, live the and passed two lIO 9, who Usa �J dog v�lth two -.:wktfoao,'.and * that Clftna(la had bettor 11 g theip, loitiormgP Ja eoal'. On t air return merge with ug. 'Wo think so.lio longitir, Mor Vjst'.tlJQL 8�.ob it sh6tt f into aift6r, the oang good Will be ilone by having Chat LIngligh. Il - Farm for Sale., 'ad to , '6111iii1s Of ihO 469, whic I had -tion on the north built,up. It 110, Donarylidn =ftcund �ho 1 T, qL rail'. Qruohed to pieces r inn TiNronnsraN.M) orv*fig 110A SA A.tralrx.. which although it differs. 60in its ill 7j'alilea _L farril of 98J Acres, boin; the cast 12AU-6116t ',riorth that had PAA94 1Z a side nayfield, gravel road, statloy. The sell Is good 6A fit thd interval. TV o poor and terms is SubAwnti Ily like us at, ther root, boast had m4desuoll oftorts to, cocapo that the They haVe W*ork,whlah is Ilactili "clay loatit -, oil tLA 'Pt6misdo ore a new ffaind hoose, atly/ thoil�" fratine barni Rua otitloulldings, aniall orchard, outil it flesh 611 the fore-foob had boon, torn from the ow,�,,n opaning the wilderness the to 1 70 acres cleared &bit In C6 &A th oplondid'vroll. 6f water, 110. 6ific Ocean, and Oft whiell,they// 'rapck rtctoofeulitivgtion,,rom&fnderli4tawooal)ttsb< Terria not W n application to Tho'.11amiltait 77�tr,,; says dilgagbil. -Wo hail the indj�,idft-lft and n Particulars a dastardly ftAlit, e, Dy OUL14U- I) tional-citw§611-6 1 .0 rc oleo in t Ole stfiroloy, Oct, W401878, the past wook.143011 the piopott at its, 011, roe acts ; we rejoice pop) I it tho appar. toWnshilliofOullor . utin 10ra a co fr at onb growtit. and strbili 1 6 hristian it ( ift th'OL The, Contel ni tic Make. . Solna 11, 6 its ato 1.4 OX ottalArIth o 111to if V (lostroydd the it 1 11 the 0 r a " I,, , 1116YO( ilifror6b'denotninalioni" in to r 'dat, AllaIr VInisevio - all the cutlery, to In utta a) III— 61loy continue 10.0 protitor' lor ialkr6oly dontablotTon jurad the tables, broke mo dam- any Ilaut to their gLro%Vt . lie that is for 01 pariiiink doing bustatisa of any kind, and Is Pub- lished and sold, wholesale oLnd retail- by aged a knitting machine ; in fact, there was no xtupomosdc(l is enough t 11:0111111if a -A- OZOn akl:bf the, PtOftllbbll that WAS not Visited, hit tiono. And still in r lid Jloo It they. a ity'. un ion, They ore gr I W a Oita. itat Cho sevorest punialiniont the law atku inflibt, will.be ourlirothren, . a reab brothercountry, �ltloll sylilpatilly Is felt far Mrs. 130114114 hOr Ana WO Shall need no I of defono6* On our WS15,01tition of Partnership. who aio ludilatrious Andfrugal peo. liorthern harder.., �, LL I t . 'that Wo had on our L' . - .1. _� 1., 110 Lied, Orin J]Ltd It,opUb, IS, UERL-itV ialyr.124 TVAT TIM PAUT- oduthron b6idoro' it x wmtstry i� for some time vA 0iorri6d on by Attors. An ttsOnlobing afrair is ro lorted fly rt gon. I [ON of South riem anythink, that AD. AVIIllaro 1)ohotty end. Dolvidl tletilan bololiging to Clio Ift Jobala Proallytor. pro4ah tho, 1, ir �d noighbors that We MiLkers, UrwIstlirtivo, aled General vAdetthk0so Utl4olt havb oil the no 1'. tho pupo, style, Ithd Arta of Dougioitv & UUNZINA at *116�JoWft efolhiton, In tb6 Colulty OfLn"ron, V`e; (III$ ond of the tillers Who had heard it looturo darAloAtill-MbY MalftAlciontiefit to, attond prayer mecting, he fitina, it wig oa. 'j,' WO OXI)ro.aifad i ouplod by an unknown wotnauor� di8itputil. in tho Intr VAted thig 171h da of OcIoQ, Is -m Sonia 6001 of b ind be p UO IlDn 11 0 �T"t� 14, � X—Il blocharAoter, Silo stated thittr She had 110 1111011tary thorights conotirning, Ca. DA. MANIns, I n0a, 061( to us, with peouliar looki, " I aolft Ore placo ft live in, and 80 had takdullll IIFr qttor-. Lr �T! 'I, IlL I J'o , Ott %will Jaroko my audit things wholl tatio - tltor#, baVIA, o6otbd aft odtra ice ft a 161� i)U homd. Woll, wo have SAK thom'; pr6v161w evening t r All tine of tbowhidowit you ;Iyi! and ja6vact III doloo hrtiolea of Old tufoltut'd I Rud , 1#0111d no6haivo said thom there itwo, oTlCr, 19 JJJ,,qrDJ GJVVIN TUATALVID' It, at been roAdy to rb )OA them llorm-, N.Stlettz1git, of flia Tovb of Minor, 1114rd P&Oee 111t, (livrkth'I& V`llton. (loakly) of the toyll of Dowptialille, hAto inoludi A �ad, A fow chaffs and earn She W6195t Away lc;,%vhjg hot- biloctoill, Uut y undeftlid 11001f kk$16 WAtchmah was left to giiatil thoiordrufaag Tar. 4**4jk� I tiad WAITIN6, for the V1*036 6f Um� 4.1— 0111A ..Amm. *A&.t%UAA /A wAmiLft %eim,%A YAi4khtt. 4 J)qeJWJk t A florgo from 011potind thi ilrovo oil with lb� Silo *w loam 4ftofwArdd drIvItlig It 0161hpillat to 110#0 tho got,