Clinton New Era, 1876-10-12, Page 3r TrAill'o'k 4 X11001tv 90 044 W10rOd O*UdUtOr Apro'suovoA.-O on Is rsplar Iiiiiso4ser trAlu in tho '"Y a thorough �,aawlodla of tho itaturol "Off ITZ I& IVIII04 gavioxii tho C1101% jous of diqostlklu� _LIQUOR. STOREO P;tlo of 114ro2oll lrexag lull4ausv V111tw statoo Ils the out Out autritions. 4kid by Kcilroful who rons thfil Nll toqk ou 13twunuo btleet Clio othol' tr4bi DetwCou '119'. Ckville of the tintl likortlye A opollod'a Mquorblivitiosvia glor rentisqu fornierly aso(Tal; 4 I hid Via 100410 pt,y (lily, alld yQuA0 WilitillikVilb, Who rAtIler. QOUU. N 0100wo wlitnd to riykneol lice l4 provii.10A our brcaLfikut tablitiq he will conotAutly keop oll hand A lorgo na wel) Idectell Ltock of 0 l4lug" bought Nvitha ( clicatoly bqvQr8jQ IVII1011 ulpy, tll*,�yedr,l j�W, - � - -ir 'he � V IDY customers gua,� (Ito I im!14 boglo tbAt I Ji, ju'66 V%, ilumm't ailharl dVX Greilt0t Tojkl prided Oil 1113 r tho-bogImling of "O.Ay 114, dootors, W4460 and' lolquorA, Of t est 4ud Most,''Vellable Bran aye one, Ifo Wwould bo o ploa-, rp vo en 0QuStVuot0dA thu ut�v UuQh aiti6lco of' dict thko *1441011 .46 offery to tba V0110 fit, the loweat rorokinerMbrq prices. A Out for Qti6ttou St. -opened Ile Xiiin% unit flettinipl. find aMallis, W jlroW lia e lit 0,11 balits off (ice llollso—. Saul; to trai III And Waoll him. all conuuro �Xoajoiljn v0V Olt hovs Allno ump M Tificuto, importers, of V ,,so 110 hd 1111ii, ta- 411forill hill p4troPo and the public Oquorally, that haoa remove(l bik sorte of littl0h al"roug onou ll, I-) resist very tendency -to 110 would 4.11sa be$, I of subtle, jul, or heprnItuJilk tidies, X40, t; got der riewilep pud der Initlablif to and a3hird m6ro than' III the 0orrespo a- , Stoc of 6 6 erles,, �Clxina ad Glassware, floathig ArQuild u -s w1lorovor r C gootl CAW of 111d), ing p4iod in there 14 a weak point, ANIQ may QS.QP,1)0 Mail -lie prom '11, known ask the Amoricau L'xVrQ44 011190 10V the V, fill Mill to bo (Outio with him. - -After t1jo To t joes lAtQly, by Jas. -A. Ya a f1tal iblait by ourselves well fort - Nvll gentle 1�110k%4 to liermit III$ ndlans in t-jjo B. t pe lip is I)r0pitiveil to offer special illailcomokats to any faviavilig hitu with bought voryllwiv), 41141. Iled NvIth pure bloil properly 11 -j -Its, lialial" will 10, Sold fit very oil, sit. dot vroul Ito "lla-V poy MAU 1), C t). all Rllj Cluing, stall Him, wbito mod'aXid At a ollort dio, oi#w CALL AND k4 f7ivll talloo it W i1pposililo to Vmkotq 4bolletl— I�Irp to J11111p ovn there and aV70 klWft (10V 3-411. U311 14A alIMITI. froul millers. Under In Stan. al(Dop.4thle houllats, 4a, Whit, clinton, ill 0, VA111111 to sinlill 2 18"0. are easily accoin- 170; Piccdilly, mEAT BARGIN.$ FOR CA S"' f14 s-43 atile I tholl)"ht 110 %volild Ado him. A0 itihoki 0 the Olt To COOD PAYING OXT, flh;0480 1,3 one of the grandest attailikaouts e"), n,kt; nil filifli % tolbe.- PEOPLE98 GROCI Ile V 41411a, [lei, .9 few nt' Z 11 pf A -Otti 0 '1111toll, 840 ingtall ftirrie(i at by man , anct 11 14yauls rulnionio Wil. ot four t W I N 0 1 E -fit n, fiirn" will iiquire cure coughs, T, :U n11 tilloll tho at ly 1;Illilig Iiiint becallsothe yefilth, in lip runoi-rASEW VIM alto C'Elly 'T OF 1� Llaeo 01MA a pleco of water-molon, And I the throet, and pithilioulfivy. complints, as val, thellhuoineso Sheppard & Ooopor, w ndvloofl OeVn in Clinton). or any, 90jor town �Vhg vf�l it ifilta 44 thitit 0i: oiahereby notify I -1111t it ni:4 rlding 'Suit 0row and peatilkinco %All Seyero colds if not tou� and vWnity, tbA Ike vill coudoot theame; at 044 old staild, 'Vaiil ITO boomue 11 raving mliniao a Attended to,400110 or 1�tl,r lead. to blenrablo F,L A N N E L 8 gottoll con-4111liption, afill tile. Istrollath of the Strongest 0ORNFIM 011' RAT all prices, all q nal itielj (�Il I al� dolio dings A_ttejjjpjA get few hotirs Afterillo bental dead. soon falls If he readie4t; kind begt TENBURY AND. ALBRUT TSj M: '01to at 4u, All 0101,g) very low. S01114411 y(wr6o, baekj he ab l'ut slic t j ury ligg awarded Alm.' ineans knowrl for tire 0111.4 of,those complaits 1,f WherO Tid 'Will keep on 1=4 4, large and, select' 0 0 T, 0 N 3-F oil Lite mli.44 A Vermon Volnabno (1144 1 filiall ril vilil 860.66 �& Branig Pablionio Wiffers," which bive been tTO getillig into tho HIdille 1find 0. L. now, of Wit 81' 09 OF ALL. KINDS OF FAM Wit 110001% 0, thorJuglily tried for thii last twenty yenrs� and Q1, ILY:- r, A OTO 10Z CO11 nd qi%lffies Vull VI"Ala Vewe plore I Coul Lift toot fndAnd as he Intends selling exclus cheapest, yet seen P noci In tbo busluosap he fools liltiv fo 1 ..... ooAQ, At D COTTONS, fine, 0410k, putting 110 Niel. late iho utrl. oval aiid iigaillfit I)a niel.0irpen ter, ot'lloedaboro', ivoly for lie will be in a posffi�jj TONS ttt altv price, all widtha a hnto the boyg. holding - injorieil regaived, by being t1krown 11 great benerit the Inive4tremitnerAtiverfite6, So qlllpt aa A- confident that lie o4isfactton -to all f"Voring, I'.,, TvItTi ut Tell lie %'i�S IU r. 4111 dressing, Inn go, They did left Will -riage. 6ivea by bor hilsband Von, tiInv 4equillp ly, Del voired Ifinywiffere Icil Town, xawifob, st 't jilrop be, 'made men fired '0 WAS dron Qn,liqn at -.0 cents and tile firs 0 or flirniahed, by D R 9 ry! 8 G 0 0. D 8 Tle'didn'tstay w1leVe lie defb4ftfit. borsQo. are not so iL+- Lit- S T.- VEER, i oau On rinytil ng- gall 8, T ton, now a. e o'4 4 )�, t, and _f4itin _ f 'Will ither, there are man -to be 4 in Yarlou; Xiine, 7, 1876. �,onts per yard, allot to orkil Omit eigh� fco Ilartfor(I is e(I and coIltained, by a 'e LUSTRES, too, am very low. vitli me thiS IE -- parts of the qQunt7 ut we doubt if' they NvAll 11ave some ''really choice gaixPat."'111 lla(l 1) broiller,welit to, prison 01aill milijo �tj)e wome ier 0 a"griters being the ever prove as.valun these gonrls AND SEE. THEM, the walkiiiig beam oC q low pressure crew, h his %vifl, died gvo exbIbited, by. Barnum we itnagine their qwnerfr would consider hill more valuable without the �.O 11 Rk -deligbtr I goods to The following is the aottial varillet or uddowli go fist years; ago, there Was, It, debt of $7,FOOorl Lih and wooly sta he liair so P 'ALLIS'" C"O", III TW I) 31ANTLE4 S I JiAve' ionie o Choose from Then ' o wool; for this roi til. of t tills season', all pricesr, niak 6 uclt:7 women have indiciates that the borso is not in a healthy con- and qualitior T JES tl)q. psel, but'the Ill st6bk of LDIES tSILL 'At 6. -lie air find ikind d.�7t dition-probablv bile-boundj`or sffering from Wish to callthe special attention of their friends, autl tho.,I)V141io, to,fil that: off, is vary nice prices from 12 stoolaoll. 6bul Ills 1ro'.ilkill 110 never 0..AO'$l ; In all, tbe,tilow designs for 'this, season, ground qtiffl�ged; iind the. sbook was some diseaSe whiell ocoasiollis this unnatural ap- 'Xi0inel. isber of LaAcaiRr, 0 10# ill Suel Cases tie Darleylg Condition 11 numbers. CLUBS, all sizes, t �riees to suit the tim.es. L A C 11' nwblendia Assortm6ut of, OR ERY1. C.Rix t1jouglit - the Poilers and an I-Icyo rxei'edy, it will CQLOltnD Q111 A OCR A OLASSWAR.E. T Mr, Cqylms, 14ml, anil lly�il wyoie: 'flow mve t f oal" nnA hay-efidlet-Loff"the 110of -of X wab. driving a limQ iiiifify th flid, qorreot the ap1plearaneff, re- Trpi=os, DF -Nims, all at their usual -low j) ltnra I bla Wool, CARU lipivq it . 11 , " on Saturday, w -hen The wagon upseb'in njove 411 .0 ttructiong from the.. again '10111 1 1 unV ntliug be" mn fDr, P.6,0d a new stock of BOOTS AWD_SIKOI�IS. : Having got rid of 'all my. 61(l es of Tvater, alid give -to thq coat a slook and fjhinlrk� as ­68t IN he stpo nothing now. but, What 10, new, styligh and fr whieli we in f 1' , ditch NVth about two inqlj .-IBOAnt -'Co $4 Qr n(I the time St., ace. eme*iber the, xiarae,. find ads that'the esb, in sizes to suit.any or NVA t a %ked; burned a oa et 7 eoultU_ 'fill, 10 M-�atu�o of -Hurd & - Co" jS.,0A �each �paakage. t'any, tit), �rthrl TJYI ve a ant--liow. is --for yet, --to -Como. and-* inspect' 'my jj(,Qbj�' nan,'Newcastle, Onc, proprie, 'WW, justrecet d, 'a large consi.rimmit of tam; at n, fill er Sold by all inedicine torif, lid see for you�sqjf. �or C. -fore offered.; GLASS SETS,, GLASS PRESERVE BOWLS, CLASS CAIM STANDS, 1wish �;oti, would pay a']Rfle al,tokl- WWI whom lie 'had ifilpor� John W-Ademiref of, Rooliestell m'ar- fUGS,,&c.,,Ao,, in pifilless VArletY, CALL AND ZXMITNIA STOM B, TTER. TAXF4N 'AS 'ASE. 1111VIIII!g tinle to OOD to :611L fill) t; not� law 0xvisparatiug lyibneM. 'tho jisnid I virter Sixty,. years bfsinglif ]if ff ye 10 well C. GILr10yP''PR0PR1lnT0lt.­ tile aallil .- fftl- l.:lad rigid Ideas of oollomy� 48 S11. LINTON, 6opt,i 1870. flin paying lie 12 CLINTON, uly'l% 187�� 5�6- I TV 9 SOD, calm., X6147, t -lip fror" the 1I cling Ills w'With'throe *eolits to $eb -WEER claillm" tf Ph, wa.i twcnt;V :feot, Mot' 'ijie. it a it is," s,ly,4 ti b aril - 1001, (;6 the Lt'for'dinn�r,,Rnd five cevs, for vi SIGIT OF, -THE PIG Dti DREAD. lie feet Or All the tirne his bank account wasi.large, (.rS'V;RL1SuRD'-1454,) TO 1110 Urs- NY OT AV-aj(j6qjjro. boro ith, hili j)onur, on Ul: lfi�e, ill the k Il rt 'of ires inontl)st-,andt�lion part- -A.' IE PUBLIC 001110 1 Lrge.otook od.11ousoh6la VU N rter tell lJonva, .111i.. anu I . . ... is tirad f0lil :�tlll!t work, home in, facture, made ofsoanouctl kfiatoril,: .......... TO, -k 01. all I fl The undersigned bog to jiff.prin'tho inliabita its of Clinton aud,eurrounding country that they liangad him, A an assortin t of n 1h,rted otic yOUr I'l U( 6, hate erkL6red into Co-Partnershili for the'purposo'of oarrying on the businosi; of manufacturerg it 111'r, Recola �j I I)y opol lw hiti AS soon 1,4 Ae I'Voild aild Callo Seat 01mirs, Sofae, L Inaud the, Xz�y A to, itring 0 e r,� 0110 0 -b69t 'GEN—h U Ah If0niain sleigh -4, cutters, &o., lit all its various llranoltes� at their ta aold Stand, Qlikit6j) o style A d, Ir of ill i�� till 8 theni t � sil scrib' f0i It vould he t, rl* ic, flu talit, till Ilis wol"41; ollelay.. oil devUbuictrteki, I l -i .:..C'a'nad&i It, gi-Ves � inpre fics-h loo. 61, 4. In 4 time Ilitui v at'A:J;cC6ikt, eb If NY61 or is not, 106hink, w V , 'in livell iwxt bilt 0A, 'A man ilhattex avery week-, thaA aaly other oo _y ho hfoked tho Incre -to� see , tire Illes TV 'Ll"tt. '7' 'LPor' 3X' _1B I X -A ILA hIts $01ectionS - ilre ciltrefully ilidde; �so t-hat'nathilig. to V :ft.thb o Uh. a till Li'll al po i... 3adgil't delf.61.1 11'laii�umellt ill, a . elfteldo vi,orlg equxl to- -any.in. the Domikkl�n. Their long experi witili moderate priceh. I roper fincls its wq into -coltiinns,. A� dojT 31 tavii! t, -Im L them to fully- understand the litiquiremokits oftheir critht6rder" - .1 and �,omposed hipaself W*waieb 111P. - a, anc - 110 fla N felv'llightS go, It itioli'to business, � -to gi�o -ehtirp satisfaction to all those wh , o may a they luid ful! the ilox.t ui,� tw, riatiobinl; REE -OF* POSTAGE. .11cm ith their pationage, find lie Caught llaB no foar 01,7111ii,bointy nt 6p Couched biai o the "1 w $1.50 PER YE AR F favol� t w 1:1 , . ' -hand. - Ordirsoxecuted blittles. lio is IIUW CL� I to CAZIT 010 I Aw A lk�rgo and poleot litock. of 60 best, 4csollod material always' on Ott 0. yoll be hanged.1'- T wifli-d'espatchl.. ilono on the sholy test notice., man w1lu, throw 1b. ly Bull snty ancl ric(I :Iiero.1' - �Iolli 12, B&I, - -4, 2LESLIE Vim - of 61 u-1 Lidi ativo Indio, tbo sport, kind acc�in ly- 22, 1874, 17. 9.w 0 ?1 to Coo rj .0 '0 4 41 of -CM Iff It'll In I've boon wa�rlekl oil to- thill of in American jWr--Vas ib- 1VA6 tC= t4e Top])% Of fibuietiklICS upo A clorgymAll, recolltl�y 11iii Tile of the 0 P4 9 - E' DEPOT -he If U N 6E,R TAK I N- G111 c' 1, O 4:1 2, of bequeathed Lim by bit; MACHIN ILAIMU011. to -be 01 �Ie6jjy RLI(l by it- (lid nmj I very I ihe 811 IVJJAIN� ii�b Cal). l!'kill CIN1,18 at Loaded —.6d "C' S of lil:tit-plaas. SEWING MACHINES always on 0 0— C� ;A large ato& of Ouirims, 6ouldoill ulk gbt1oId'6f`-A` b ri ds fudiori -�190'� ilihilston v iD _1411101lia a; rh1wilt h.; Ig on 0asio y ald ilvell. fuiniiiiii1g* ki�1)6 in Stalk han11 0 P �9 0 - ­ -g r. , 'of which, U16 old lilaill, always all ball d (brialmed. tollit) :?4 R, P.'A 111. 1 X G S not hooll cilb down. ofie th a 12 ol In, ft4 I 1� Who altole-ft quilt� 001n. the. State j)dsou Con. —0 and neO i-farto kept oil hand. Htving onga . ged. a -.1 W- eNAII, a0iiiies of 4jiii liartily lie beZl; .40 q .1 How wlleallil sidA eurblikl� ol" the congre- Remember 01C 0 J�q :5 W cb, iiiaclinlist, all worl� (Ione berc is g o go(id satisfaction 2 - V �, victs. It oliened'-w b--couTi ng dc. s6 goei H. Nj J 6 R !on PC] not ni�l i Oil . rL TH 01S 15TB V vivid pictur iri' ofW Iheparnon surprised ir—woost of thiii colifluipreltal E -es of. f3 dZl j, 7tien_11 at once Cligtoll ' ' �7, Aiig. 20, 187 3.� ,0 lives for I Chit CD 0. Ci Co. :-: V, � — green I)eadlic 6VIiaeri for the cleitieficy-of th VCV- EE 1� a back to :Lhe littalhom maii wilo ha(,i 11 it total 11 of Go 0 killer. laf, of.Oi;tobor roach Hum of nearly, I UL)g along 0 by"011, find wllko�cfakliot flind the - ,-, � . - - lo 101b Qf )Jily to the nori'evorybuo Qfyou w, Uld If, vf� ;?�. V�, 0.),A �. W4 4) max OM t.11 OJA fiNV0 P �.0 M CIM N 12 -h ra An Iris ijuarter (!oil, 1-t 4b -.:I 1 0 0(56117, roniartcilc, (.1 y po igions are `seiidin�g oil A. a tow shilt.olork T -WT a d. After tbia oflo v . V1 -,A ul A L wo R K 1 av 1 o buon 0.1forpa Yinic, %vas ar� c6(luter A, set of bu�udd- w-4 Sir; and I may A roaifs -tl.' il . � ain here, t6gav . m6 t4d7ti lo- wt6* inst �CIJT!Aianity. In or!% 0 tfitaf ine Thr+eshin chino of coini gain." 100EV, ng Il ug it bj(jj.tjjon to fully d Climax Daiibl CVIlinde:� 9 A nowly-nifttlic�fi�illltry 60ilple.fitop-, cr:tj �A�uck t lfa.L�ro' been sent to China, to ex' Lefib Witil a Combination and Vfbra...tor Thre.0aing. MOPhines,, called for sqiq wine. Whou aolted with labor, 'for . inon'bli, .40(1 tawol y4ung nien have done. to Eagr alw4ys on hand, of� U ails -of 40RICULTVIIAL wific th n form f6w dayo' and tl;e� groorn i,11i' 'dertd tO b Soil to a ped at a hotel a. elt: ws -or e Chi iiie, 4 of" Buddiiisin X MI L I Ak all ki' athd LINTON' Wo. 'Villf o 0 lvdil 1afid After the whai- kind he. option to a� (Ino. y go to India to, itistructionst IN OULD. TAKE 'XIII -i in 11.0 ro to TI114 W. . itTU.1ITY OF S To meet the, la ge nad incro our'col6biat4 Thr6shing M - . . . , L . i L# . . TIIV,,, 8tjBSUjtIJ3j0,j1 t, and by ... rg demand fift 0 proved whor� tho'corlts popf6ut, tind the liquor in the Iuddhism doetrilio of thab 11111110TOUS'enstornors fifr Walk liberal thj�ljas ixats, of.tlio' Domillroll, �yo have, by tho. introduction -6i the latest In at ap n lasli'Week. , Ayonng gid� twelve . . ; -n' - lose, to still a i cut Close attention -to busu e -a large share of publib cullildence, llavilig,fittcid 1q) his boils up U-6 soap -suds,. yeam of ap, was brutlly vilkllated,, Conn rtfoatoltwonfif of 146 T t pa6lilne"y lohikkfir� into our works, greaiilylncroas�d our,mqnu are tbet.,eforq. M. tarifig'faifilltiea.L We firs 9 tel bo.j4*"4( 14 _4r'Ok' A person who was lookin" at a hQUS0 then -thrust hoad first intd boiling tar, At tho consicoration- of"Grace Chapel, in a position to -fill all ord6r& prom tly. the other- clay, said ho co 't afflord �jjd��Ljltjs -.1-fer'body Was, .-Now -Yorki on Bishop Fbbtei�, ull nd Dress WOW, to pay so'Blucli renbi* Well, look t Card, ;Spin) Weave, F. I a md ifac I ro 8 a Sillop"Land arr floating in .water-.. NNo 6W to the of the. Tisc a U 'Church--,' delivered 1i�cry.m . achino is ruii. an(I tl a ug -lily to tea.bqf6rai I ivirY6 th' an�qkl to gie. ture'.-Blankets, Flailnel'. Shirtinj, ..Cloth -:Who (lid the defid. 'address satisfaction. hneighborh6od," replioa v Joh he oppoed with great Yarii' You can bot :0,fv ftt-iros 6,tt, (100'r, TlIC'8jjj3j)lLy -of Indla�rubber is'said t�o earnestness the. Custom of sustaining Scocking''YE &C, coffee and tott - across the Street, 1101111 eourches -by pew renti.. The : bishop 'Tnr Each tree-cark be tap-' -PiLts rurify tija moolt, coireat, nil digiirdfits of HA and sugar and there's a climed that the system, f pow -renting: on. tho oornot,, ped for twenty '&rccia4silvo and the:Liver, Stomach, ItiduoYst find Bowelgi end SV6 if,- 8 AtSO CONSTAXTL).1 big pile of w6l belonging,to tho'SA001 W -Is ea-Nr-�t%-cr =,Il OjJ;�,Vrjjt if; the only reliabl'a-ramet"il- ng 49use, righ -C "Moe tl-1-a-i'l3ceft spicitilly contrived Nr ese hevs SeW . 1 qj� .0 dan, and Pos01119-. Ordel!� 0 6 -tttrue% f3,r(G_3SJ)6_0_11r lift& A large assortment of Two Full Clo thousand of these who are struggling,for social preced Logo, Old Wounas, Sarear and Ulcers, r f h )the, Shirtingi standA Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Couglisy Coldo, ay tiboitt- a flo& of t,t!k�5.1tav 'been coanted on -a. Gout, .Blankets, Stocking Yarn, Gr elf, Striped traot of and are willin� to buy 1 at an' and �All thin piocasov, it has Ila A mail t6ltj It ofory y ISM' crowa threp miles long find go y6w 1,111(l tlliktX miles long by �igljt %vide. 41To buy a -place in h.. consilicuous Filannel, Checked Flannel, &c,, 65c,, could not seo. 'Jief smi flirough it. - reported tof: have said -t it", 94 _W11,01t IIR AVILL, TIOME v or, i�,00n, Qr. BE, iL r011 CAH.— the iind have th -its coxis iqq- Vails boiwevn. Frnco all H'nglanil. A wreal"I . fjqi arrdtor$ 111 you're a 'Mia subscriber's parf . fonal. supatintondoue' 'will bo.givon to at �laoe itself title, to a toad 'of good gmand in fail!, anndition oils ad 'might be 'this 'Wag a the Cast6in rpli CArdIug,.an( -AL- iTi� I E -a - Stranger, nd 1, c to- however, clintoll"Ina expect to gicit certain recoinition, vbicb, tisfaction may be rallcil om Personally, it -cligbince from hewl, rffC�Do`,9I1illihg i.0 -Londori E with yon ; go, to please Yoll,'I'11 tMIC0 and indefinite it might be when their woolLdikr(yod whila'they *ait. XLlj It IN thjnncs� nd a -dozen of the vxtra qttality ff- quarter of m mile in the orre -a ndert6ok to'analyze it, was not in- I dilani it imy duty to Asti tbat'lify Pmm mtti 0VT- HOO 0 'I sterlilm 2farl-etgardon- - , fisitlier manufactured n6r MCI in'sny part of fle, L �"o '%'%Too] . .4 are worth deflinite iti *2 a stat6p. on jj�. L BOOKS,.. 311SUILLANEOUS �B OKS ond.11 . its actuAl results.)) t"ITUM2'S VW antedg 20 000 MS. of 0dq e erg on)ploy, them to keep down ansec.g. Zile ot and Box bearg tbg BAITISILGOVEANUMT D'ye think the baid times are goiw;- Ali 10 S'TK5ipb,'�vith, the Utdo HOLLOWAY'S 11LIS AND 0 IST :W 1. 3,:*. . Xvisitor at the C eh tanTfilil, dilliUgAt nglish lady of rank Las j net di a 'c 011, LONTION, chorivifl themon. On the For which the highiyot miarketfric Sam id one boy I-. Tho_ '�e 6, in oltall, -will be paid. W1 _tp. meekly intimated, in one of.the astern counties of "Eng- label Ifithe adftcass 5'.3 OxV'oji STP PJA61 P E R DOW -SHADI D I r.T, UNDO% ES tho'. land under very distressing clictiMk- V116 Anil spuridus liulEaflons, .one TdId'Le'ased 17-1,44e. was ha110110way's pills sleeve thoughtfu ying, anil Oratirfent" stris manufactured and CIAXTOX, I ay 23rd, TOYS. AXV contained The no. -stato6s. solatind6rilifinarao of Holloway & Co., then responded - vehemently with her husband, at tho'hims,6. of a pearj- by J. V. Henry-, our- ran &Co., FANCY GOODS; VIOL19S AXD CASES, lite waiter said that lid would ]I a lie IXevr York, vltb in tithes gone I ot by� Sight I who was her brother4n-law. The man- 61 4 . 6 -NEW 'AND bill cok�reotetl; wid sopn'r6tttlied with a Mark, thug— Zn Cafinda the prin- 'I H le Dedlore neDII&S broke his log mank.,thretens te ion was full of company, and tile, chief a I P -A n'OW' bill, wbioli the charge of 30 8 Counterfeits -fire - Lyman, Clara & Co. nts' for had given �Iaae to an 9110 Ntirthrup & Lyman, &Lyman Bros. & Cd AMES, TRAY ts$ Intl who Main thein fit very low prices, rwra . V. Henry, Snigg's lickedinine yesterday, and To the coniternatil ofhe household, 109 item orGO'conts for chicken, ourriin & ca., of Now Yor, null thlo Lrdah Is* supplial ALSO, I A, LAIIG14 ASSOTMURNT OF tore 'my brifelled. , 1-14rd times Icer suddenly disapp6arod, ors, who selithasameatimy run away; sis iii -got the gue; Bill- st; was a Member of the royal family, U' -0 S- T P'c URE ULM SATCH site and hu ofli All' D` 'rl R gone I Why, yer fool tho"Y'S ust be. Inicroseditio: watch haa genuine RIG and ointrients whicill fire ij4er Patunso a'd 1�eijin WOO GO011"s $ tbe supposition being that they had grinnin' I Ifeell plesclited to, Tifula, aoUahort by C only at oijork street, Londonj ii ruay bobtain, �lopeij-,, After a few days, however, the oil from the follbwIng firins, viz. - One of the Western, papalls i . Ves the tim lady roturnedi . bat%hor lius and raftiged '9 . viing, Tdoyeiii & Co" Montreal. All the fat6t Ppers aud, reriodioals always on haa& 'Also Agent or the it is.ro roiall tbatto tell the hou E -All notioeo of mar- to See her: 'She left the IfIvice by tho' Bfessia,T.B. Darker &Sobs, SUTolint XA). BV,. ANX) -MAIL following noticel of Ifigh maghifying powev is need- R It milottaco., Toronto. riage, when iio bridecko is sontj will be itext train, and; deserted,.-ty and rel Premises' formerly, occupled Y,BOVGHT'AXD SOLD. 8* �Vha Import diroat, from )Able. i �.by the late J.. B, Racey, set Up in small t le,_ tn yl d, P-Dlced in au tioils, died it few days -ago I" obsolive HoltowkI.. wbmi this' -fairy jovoll wita Ijanded. to the 4V IttrtUMBER TU� XAXJ9 AXD PLAQn,_ outlandish corner 6r AVIlarr- n Otte that, this a street,, W. d., 'A LAAGE AND SEL386T lodgings. It now till STOOR OF ndhancestor- lkdy was 1106 ac-: tililla .11, . - * --L a'bandsorh piece of is 86C,16 ;III, ttITORN 'A NIM XlYk tilat p, 001MERUARXET WA RM be put conspictiouslY in largd Criminality. Sho, indisc�ealy rall' iox3v, Oct. 22, i$14.i;' I-ly when gloves ov otlicir bvido favors a*. of l'iliputian rlil . �01101nek-rs offwith, the; officer in oftler to! cause an- HORSE SHOES' and BLACKSATHING C Q CE LIQUIORS16. C.L Avill Ali whim' added, a place Of illti to her. hDaband, Wl sho foi, and wrist; studs, which Will, b1i be giVeU in jjoWeV(1,k'j1 a rc-ifidyin time foi: (Ito of 1878, ,ad no,61been. living oii,v6ry good Vvill'oh they offer to the pablio Pit the lowoA .41so, 6uwes,les Porteo - Bass's, and 008(jmve't Bliflet; Ale; Arlenta-jo�, Lahall'* Last Thnndliy a lad about I afol Aalf and quarler barrels, bt itfood,, Waitta Prewory, I-Aanallon and 'GOD'ItRiCH' FOU Ry -Via. editor iittellds at the coroinony fly Ilog (aulb reapid'a bittet expiation. in Now ti, and kisses the brie, it will Itt(,,Iy landud 1 "I Ova of hin bro. nied Pritnoia Van- Dai-rigae, especial noitica­very lat-'ro typ(s, and ijoarch I the most appropriate 1100trY t1lat ean be thovs, whont-ho had :not hesrd from Sole At7entafor ihe-Goderich A etita1iva hi Windsor X.,Y., '1111ce thoy left file, old Coatry, . 0110' ged, borrowed or whose 'All 01- s Piomptly ure', tpwfo�jlittlo boys-filto, a b fthd Attandod toi day, suld he was going to kill ill Te A Clergyman, W116 was clonducting, oul. I TIEPPARD & C1001. public worsbi)) lin the 01) a works, lia rrived 'in - t�on 6 of a large stripped1lid olotbig'fr6m the youngest MXTOV, Jail 1876. ell 'I.' "It(' I' butler oil which was prititeil, fit let -go oderich FO"AdIp"'Vy oad Manufadur'lin -lits: atirriod off by the -ohild, and beat the little, foll'ow potdoil of 0 itme 1 of 1,11(al 1111111 Val h6'aftnotiond diat ho-wuid now pra. .1 from logs of blood, Whiell. atteamed NoIn exclahlied, 4.1-111trall 11 6vo 1 ( Au iVhW4;h It! I . bell(I 61, diviriion, of his, h1o; boail, shouldora, andlogs. But, tbb; ab taut. 'Pitt all' Ted 1870 11 T 11, the not, onough, an(I while bid Victim 134C>Xr_4V1XX ON Imitily turhing over bit; not;oa, nil HurmStreet, MINTON, 0 V SV Pv A I reiiarking two or tbitoo tililea, 11 Third. y wwas still, unconscious lia. attached the rTjfi,1 TNWITIMS OPP011- (ar ly. ou�, ftn' Choy otil T R 0 ru D. I rywatV of thaftliffig 111a noweroliq plistoniera, CW IXG(y1tP0nAT2D 1874, SUCCO'S Ill to ThOME1011 &I WilliAmS,'of U3011011, ly, iDy friendsis thirdly,,'? or whiell ll *41) to�llis ilock I'll good hangmaWs the vari libeW Choy Ilftvo favored Lila wIlt Ok 0 q'Ilo NOW YOLIt un atinouncea Ny'l,11 tvie, wbu6 oxtrying ofilmallaosa In this folvii, Allil W01114 41 11W wils) stalvoy ading _b JqLb lklig " Ploa� 'Grl8t., and v birn to. a the saviltt tinii) iliffninfe it) 4how, alid the pubhe Wier, is W9.3t �Wiffi III will -of wo- ladder, lie Mrap ovior olibi all, tPaGlip pair ranfla sach OF; will sull Thirdly, Sir d .1-113 plaadc Agr, i Cultur. E n, oks, ronco' men in The cannot 'of thar entitlif 111111 fly fw Ito IVA over the ity r6unaw o the laddor,. and., it"A as to their 114vitilit"a. to to Ift. 0,110LLIL1.0 Son . Ora We, iti.t1jeir old buSlil of tie was in"the 40� of su pendlug. his Vic. ql. tc� Two little boys, '101ting oil Troij SmIld Wooden ploligh, VVIth steol gottrdig, Gang, 1 I; Cot, fidds titil ill the . air' Aff" 160coaryo oo, lif r�. NV 111 51 G W autters, WAd Potszh 4tattloor- Gre6to '0081 &dsf CTOnS thy morollant, tile other tho'son of oilly b cooking, Vemor and- 130�F stovelat of variquIs Aindisf under who had lll*u losesipo, callie upon who A. It! WJUJA��t$ and Von tile In"t Ituaga phler It . I a pool, edit0i" woro walldna up tlju ntro(�t iliffiellIC104, inelilellfal to', and in. blia' nozzle witb sovetal 6ther boys, antli MoNVAx, 'T, no 11110 sallell 'thol P . I , -4 .-T 0 togo . Said t1to ulerebAlivs. $011, "W3 till actual ly ung seiving the youpg,Nero, dragged Mm to At It, 3-0 11 X U PS It A LL -V,,qL A L T A S' 14 D r. a brown. a6lo Ilotiso, we've frojil, iVIielloo MAXtT17,A0TV4R1V14 OF omd Is nb6faliEd retarn to (owl -r Lev. rni'tief'. hfg MWI161 black, lour' boots, Wo, licoll wo Tho fill of fit *aih Ito 141106 a 61by, in wag Bout to I Allit. ijlaokaml�h w6tk, 01, ratIl6v of wom, en alla girlo w1ife ( ampvIllo bilit a, fow weeka. uiti6e, atid! 1 11 1 haiyedots,_ Snglo Roapers, Nors and', 66finod Maim, `W0111113 aliyfliln" bt t, silk Ell I;Tl,, 6161, tell 11010 50 000 in, 1870, wkta J11V pronouced it loxedi- B6i?6ra a�jjjl, all, 7 r ej.] arelgos, whathavoyougC I, Ulan. 63,000, Min erirr, WAOND XVAIMOWil Broadetiat Sooders, Seed brillof 11orso P0 gos, sawibg I naid editorls: 6011don't fMMV� bor of in tho Mjo. il)rjlljg no *an vith ealm for Vila a do, Grain Clr'ushbrs', Straw Cratitbra, :P16Wff I L I .* ONVtot'd gob p6n lind intr, an alo at, -f-Irm-Lito has Ifto v,%lU6 execlift ftb(,nt (4) 1),naafnetarA Itch InOTA oxteilgive All ter boorotary, hilli oy ia'iljo warked. dooline 11, I'll, far al W6 usa it In soillix; iiiiiiiV, will flighl, Ouildors ot. Stoam. trigines and 80florst all 811ZOSIl' we ain't gob in t 11VII) t efil'M ". 11 L , v ondohing. our itthAs with nobl(l f Ott a) At it or to HMACII nOnTO reitping 'It MY* D Alff, =1% or A,1101(113ALD II-01Mr) UO3 AIA for% Whab V' oked tho boy & thoL grolICVatild Of *111 'ol ordile W bu i4i P.11fil ffibil. 01,181 ami Stivy R-1114 compW& isill 065troyot" ill iiabdiling *11ldh IfIrlft 0.1vatfolt I P. 11141116:4 nd Otte 1IM1011 LP6111 Pka Sol) tary nluil Tiollouror, i1ft fifto ol6fllofl. oIQ( IN11'a wollion (4 thei ian I I tilt $oil of a Ifterary I'llillp filitt tati-vV6 at-hollia, t1loy will j.) thu tortiring fialus of n6firalgilli fit "G81111AL ADD '0� Oil iii bu, Nil HIMOM UlTv I it'S'll botly I't Ana foliftoVilig ill Ot IlVety allilli'd front -ity, rot file ii0w8pailm thabort., V t, sale b -all drug SM'"d coun. oil 'toilslaq 11011 1 6 hatt. glia, l' 18740 rM tvv fl�o�lqof, rla� Ott to" -oil 010 otter B1404 .. . ....... . ..... .. . ... .... . ... . ....... ... .. . . .. ............... . .