Clinton New Era, 1876-09-28, Page 40 iiiilllililtl!�� No.. 1011 Ill -I or am, 4 4 4", 0 1 . I = t 4,0.1 � 4— i boo."" I �i imp" W.P! , -, . A , i 14% 1 'an wK for Itompa riva clittle. pello. "14ft WLI) varlipis all 14eroro 111111 a thoorforigh for okowlelip Off tile roatorut Oo I fArt;1thfull Iddi"'vatilla 01moult'll'ovil mat I , V -NEW" L 1QV .0 STORR so (0151TAf tb=wroot 1.1114 it; ro la'ellly Tholu)), who selfii froit, alkil, eoufud- It ! I , , _% , 14AVlogr thoI rtki;isea 1,1901145 a gild 11141 Im 'i r Of,tve lille lirlipertiva it iNt-11-selcepli uo�,04, 6*04 1;; ollicor busineq, fQ W 41rovelty, solt or '10 U041; tablva boo Witt 4(ollstontly k Jal"Up, Avoio well U11.101:14 tilt Nke. k'qi1la halt provitle.i, our hupti ! !a# !4 of 111(111 it) tlaltp.. Oar N,1g(3I.pIIll Mt ;.Ali ey# t tili4k 1, pillot look'Ovor it," as, Ow -,-411 tev r I'Aliq which nlay TOO', NXII011 llo�i\cll A011 6101" witliffitt, 6trimly to With Ito roluan. boo Y 11 mwi tile polilie gellfarall), 1-14461-4 pf the best aud moot reliable Bra y 44l, all. il ta the a III, 114411y It iR b To it) 0111,1 beg Wo, AY04t I 119ye.pot iller 1111rolIKII Ilia a gato. of I lie to ivlo.110 Nfliv wAli till$ firat or PIAL 4r ol$ol 4)f,4aI!I1 aftiviclo (Of olit'i th:44 !.Whleh ht� CU'OkIl to thO 1)01410 At thQ TIQM Agent rov Q.140ttoll, St. (too: of Atlaml, Ilet:oxiislot It! It 0ou"It"Licoll Ilia%, h i" pall lift, 113' bolit tit) III). QearfO A T04-000, IMPOV01`4 fit pure Medicinal Wines, till the I 111611t, tilt, yollo`k$ and 010 111114110 generally, that he h4a rerolovell 1118 was the (it the I"glik sto t, It0, are Itilleteorl, flow gt�leri ol Ilto attal.3, wlik-rover 'k of Groaerle.,ito -04na and GlMswaml %yeak lJohit. We llmy ege4l is mallY To) tile pronflooks latolly ouquplod 1 Onlect not this 1'4411. U0,41wNt 1.411 a tole by Jos, A. Vnill, );-nown Aq tho American Expre or anti Trade, which have he3n low, allcit MO (NIM, allil Illolke'll, the F# sbaft; by clursal4s woll forti- where he Is, preparedt -o , r'ollocial Alq favoring 4111% with their patronage, siodlig, 110(t W1044413re blona Ivill a. pro )erly noarlsh- on, usk.1411, Ivill to "Old. At ety. qith fraul, AI CA 'at wIfUl bt, noldell for it front. life Iluiso illatle, by tilo Car% it was LT, A�D INR AND ffiw, cl,krtlill , I. parts of prett. WLolt thtilt, wi�4 beill- std(l Naarly every nitta tolis his, syMl th,,ro luly 2f)", farmel'a 4(porld VO4,18. kill UiLb It wfts tic grt,:4- iutemt Jo, Ilie -yoling is alloiller 111411 ill to.w.n. losel 110301111)- anti 17% buialoa.' itswiliter food ptiplo. :A$ propor allowilIA0 fir who is fro(loeiltly se -011.1 GREAT SAIRGAINS FOR, C OR To ]?AYIXQ. ie3p is' oils of the grandest attaintrients evei GROCER— 1 40 te, i1a voriolug oitt of 4�-Ioonx, we have lielivo.1 of di -H ba e h),19 111119 c0l' all Tito heas, lost.- anoxer E P I sIIIIII it alliald I 11111noula AV4. W I Nei ESO t Ill 8 11.1 otlik of feedilig fIll-in 1) orfies Ifty to, tt,11 N,oit (if Illy g;,eftt re-artV is I fflko*i0hn whose wife woke hirox tip tho t 1) W! 13s sure care 00111,1118, colds, ticiAllug, in- THE,' NED, HAVING PURORA!8EI) THE GP0CPuP,,Y DE PAUTUB XT Or' FX:tra wide and scoured, at the l6west,prices opork III, Clinto or alloy other to�TA to Isayllig, all rom She pparol a Cooperi-would. hereb7- notify the inbabit;(Ats of Uliui, other night, dorifIg A toulpe and puliflonary cornlilaint,; as iv jjo usiness f .zonside Ilay is Wrectecl In( --ttir, liRtial- 'b the frilit- awl wao - W1.411 to hear tile Rereie c;fUlf not ton and vicinity, that Ito will conduct the oafno� , -At. the Of "ta a, e6rn !.Co 01011, bov, ttelaka to or ll�ter lead to inearable d F L A N N. 1Z 4:0 nrecti (;Ill! farol box -130's or6 given ill ill(, in The IlMst; infallible wily o(preventing the strefigth of the stirougeit 0011 NIR Or' RATTUNBURY A D� ALDER -At all: price oloors, very low fl,011 L.Of tile pmr N T TU 4TS) s, all qualities, and poll c .a kho�hen doov i,'vora - creaking to soon faik if ileglooked. realliest; and best 1 .1 1woportion of fiftY I[cf POUTWO Ns o X I n.) tbe` the care of- these. complaints is 'Where lie, will keep on hanoldalarge and Weo t ribe to, a a at 80M ItInkt; girl"w6pe sweet- 0 0 "r T '0 N 8 all annoveci toile, jinil ivaying, in in, trokeafut for ofleng 9 NlTaferi been -OF twen% �FAMILY 01ROCER r, AOTORY COT -TONS t any price, ill IV iveight Qf. caruota poi heart comes to tile hollso to see her. thorovighl tried foob the Ift4 STQ K 'OF �ALL. KIN68 1F.So and qtIalities, cheapest yet a Averaq; ,not allowing t1wi-A 0 -to side. years,- al ex( q it it - -so ha:ve 1104%, been t6 fall, 'Ingirs kn(i Avid ftis lie Wends. oelli 4asively for closh, or prodowe he will be in a position, to Nell at T will, ako great boliek tiie.loi�estromtiiierativerates, Havi Beautiful AMERICAN B W H, 'I) CO Tom% firip, thick-, find NY! Coll- , '$% 1 had 6onsilersb16 experience in tile business, lie feeig T botemporpry says, ith their pati, Wan 'see tile 1480 of, Oluto Sold hy, all medicine confident that lie cart gi 'satio I dressingi at AwFVJT4 LOW. PRIC II, the till NV -f th; a. louble." Old I rolp ve otion Wall laybring him w ti In es more' Iled'. 111, at 1.1.1 cents I)er OvIlIvereklif aiqrwherck . ijgbbr Sava doeo tile smi. 8 have long wt E:p gU101104, tell to tell yoll C FD 11 Illy,- - I 05.=oapm are sliced ill the 011L t'Qr ikre eveikythilig UBI= WR 9W aUrg— ana-' bandsiiiiie, and. raro ATy stool- t1ii year is-Ird 1tv price�frqnrW-t1y d the nov?e4t colors and makes of the seas. loillietc tit llsollce Illy cliall" ill, describirig.-A galp Of wind, swaliN, Ilot sueb, great ouriolilties o W, _1f IfLNJ 75 cents, pe&�ar in. xgst are gielt NNII(do to, till, I it nBLACIC colintaliAly wh"ilte (lot', while- Attempting tllQl.(3 Ire to be fouirod in -vArIcals -1'] 7, 1870. of are a of tho lkiiii we doubt,if tboy will LVIOSTRE So too,' ftro very low .,have some, rell choice in their racks ; wal ith ibis Nod tilt) the, galil'. was cugh-1, %V1,01 'D k. , 11rov bargairts-in those AN 11 �Nltqtl oibilified ive itnagiop their owners f IS lie OkAt." without till, 'RAWLS AN]) MANTLESi'l have some deli�htfril goods to bh of it PA. hhtSo LLISER CO*. 00,80 rom bis roligb. and �tate of the hair 'TIE, )rl _il.lk coll. thisseasov, ill prices, makes and qualities. Aly stock of LADI I ES SILK that crrolti givMt.-As food'to bors(It tO W bVightlFt Whell, i tilt, lairse is 11A. 1 W�lblk. p4blie 'for this season. C, '1116 yollug -tilan "llook' hi$ clawas fre, This in -it 'Nor), of froll) wices from 12& c. 6o $1 ; ill all file new desig' are tit I'sarg. q is vdfy nice us this is y6thqI16 foloodatiti Ab I wrbilo ilia girl &oil fsuholy, it will HI 4; QLASSWAAE; 'bONT11OLLAXDsj CoLon-rul, QumTs, TABLI� UE 1 tban prejudieci sjiult 'dot till- Off 11.41 sr did Asaortni,e;4 0.0ROOMYj 0 NIA Flurify tilt) blocul, corveol; tile coliducted ba%'o provvil 1110. hat. Wooi. Dzximi, all ab their usual low pricep. I hawagtrin opoliod a new 9tock.of BOOTS. ANI) MftS, Having got rid.'Of. entiroly ill,- - will pil,l trp Ikot flill Any off tits, a, focA blo (;gtf ro -�fj h- i gixl, and give. llva'y. t;�, i iie fvT) 6 ala. 0013 witli'llic." filiaistnuco of i;oiling, ill i4rne is on, each �niakage. person, at till price. All I want now is. for,you to come and 1 0 .01orty Ito Out., 'Allip, just li.f at prices y t xuy otocy, kies box uiy eara, like Ghe diol tore for oa�a.d: foeSETS; P11, ESE, RVE WWLS, QL and see for yourielf. and lie kept 010 Toll, li leed 811111111011 1 3�, if I' bayr. year round, upoil pr6illlco of an, acre k ycott.are. fond oV llGOOD. BUTTER- TXEN—AS CASH. oqf lapil in ContS 061-00 0.� 11 I'Viglituan, all b 1, a vessel 4ev - J. 0. 0 boy Raw'by tile Oe1) if NIThWesole and Retail Grocers, BricktDipok, TOR. 187 6. e otild w-ske filb was on Ob poiro ot twiladerh3g, be- TON S tlla� � nd moved �be waj: e.; i, NTOI& 4uly 111, IS A Detiko load *ith Ute basket. Ing desit-64 to come gil decki us sho Was 'The young filat, �golrjg dowo, W t -be -had 5JGj9 T 11 33 1 33EIDSTEAD., 011e of tho.-moRt of th Hikili I witil bis-4yes merotb604 -Ile bad 'tu g( London polivo is 4�ruiil ;clmit drowrotd, 1,9511o) in0 ig T�z HE' UC :Z, IS v 0�18 imit waitell fur all, alla.wer Large, FAuv-k of �96d 11JU60buld 1 lie' 0 and ratber (11111(lified 3 port, tb; o. Ilonle lnguaT4 you've Tio ildea how- 1,1 spring 6iok 0 a rtivent of itrol orte suspect Iiiiii.of Ob,. George land. 'mii6n'tba Intl A till sso d worlort, $licit YL!,w. Erm� fu tid detectives. Ito. is I'll fko itie, by y . Our aoNval.. cles of the iavr tire as tireii as if -be'. bad an,wood and Carlo Scab Chairs, Sofas, Lottil- co-PrtildrElhip for -the purpose of carryingron the business 0 fitatnufacturers 'I, appy, voll Ina Alattrosbes, Spri have outorc, ttip. c I , Cr4d.lcu, Illein to, qqbscrlb� for--oun.--o amr,, Wi;,gom $loi-hs Cutters. &c., iii,allits vario4a branches, at their -s old, 11 Rn;w t6t I cate for yoki. only, find V1 . Ck I - -ou fledi, Crairked.Brackntg, Rustio; Pranioa, .0 ycal ILL 1001s lli� I'a I h (A r 'y b�oiu 'bang'lug �Oub-'fof the.'Ivirldcow all '.s too ;y his tQ603. iNE 3i,APr nada. b g" Str linton,. uncle the stylo,alia hi:uief 9 or Rotionyo ii�oro froh lo I - old Amid luron. Ole r was D.11111atiall. If fur- Y?d �w, ts in C, ill Hills Gilt ilia � 'ei ovOr Tbe FRPL "illy Of 1391,11i'O i$ y week, than ny othOr country,paper.,. Midt od, orialn, lie 1-1 y alwaft. B the Its seletiong :ar.6. ea�6fdft and that n6thi our Ill It riot)- Good valit-o given to xl I who ni�y jiurkthase, y made,' so. lig oto execute equal to of�liy ill -the b6minion. 'Their lo'n'g. experl a' qay or tile; J�nj?ro 6r finds it's way,, into its,. -lie Conn s thein t' fully undoiritW the -requ stomers, and I ...... ty enable 9 ii�fnieuts oftheir on 1deli ill �11-0 aadb P qttaiitlity ?if-olti-Illa fo. Ili ake 6 goose wil b It-, A ti-tention to business, to biv entike: saiisfaot lUxi to all those who In k4 hopic, by ri� .0 , t lish detnetivo. Ill 'biq cial Cul, 6ut Wall can wab�.Pi, goose Of IlitlaW iu AGE, ilvthoul w $1,50 FE YEARI, FREE �OF PO. T fvo. itli�ih atronagp. work is aiaoug tile wilo, go aiill lavap conet, �luiil: -tock of tand. Ordors6nouted Otero as it filgitivo froill -It is 0.6v boy cleiiii-od out Ile'.1,11ruod.to. 9k. A large au(J�Nolqci; it the best teaselled inaterial always, oil I Bill Weill, Jacob, -11 "ever oublild done 6n, the shorf;est notice'. gmorally folifid fliat s11611 lw)so�s con 11lei, under'stand how yull"got takb thcinsel�qs to sl)ecial Is- - I * I . . .. �. 1. - . . . . . . . . . . . RUMB &1L & LESLIE �AIJOWU�, � � . . . tatur'st6aling !' Tile case was as clear- .. . . . I I .: I .. 1. . . . . . . . ually they lie Idding for A i liitiug a� 061�n ky. 1 �. have, 'Tyly' 2.2, 4 they 80011 filil,l i itlipossil: as a bell agin yOu.,.,_;tJabob J Q 9 to .0 LINTON1 187 dot ., . . ;* � . 1. 17 z coo 110 to i:61ilaili '.,Alw�yi�eated'moii,ei.or-jotitbit�'AILyb.64y, PI 0 ad 4�p -you tire Just. . slatilved 'off their bonirols if th�lv- had 6ue, 'ere but do-a'i 'ea I doors any longe a , IS Cl 40 f1311vino, else think as-Laho Id ?a got, off, n6t.6vell All'ou e folks think W aw Bill seo;,.every one C= ill isplendid) anti mother - you are As f , � ; C= -.-,j- 4 ERTAKI NG 0 - oli a fal:ie. board if they had go a, of tbe,in yurymert bad '4d som,o! them UAD 9-, tic, 0 0 to 4. 0 - 'I .. An.elegant llea:rse.for If' ntity Of 1EPOT .or puttitig ' 1, 1 G, I VWINS -MACHI 1y -slitived'- ltzli� aIne. tatui _;4 NE I -very ine l);, -alsattended t1 - a) ;-_- iflly:forth,at 109116, iind The y6itnar, inau i,ose )Ilia -itud lift e It 44* :5 (�0.4 -ch MACHINES alwayA on hand. _XRE1. -etrieles'. they, q tily, 1 votnity treasurer Ili. 011io.j tlarliba. ailippliod A.T aolvable A of first �i SE WIN6 4. q 91 :�� I w. it n'llig ace 'P.4- 'M F4 14— indVyery furnishing kept in stall;. 0 .011jitS 9 ttrod Urge �tock of Coffins, 2noulded nall 0 O..w C= E 0 .0. 0 yv whort. lie is. Plaill, 41wa) bha(l (tvininiod toslfit) 610er 9L. 11 (F-11 A bein fit wont Of illey.be- ed the boy several seats down. 5110 aisle" Orlis i sh;r0 i A tu k 7 0 thellis(.1ves -to tile Athalubrii. That_ ancl'the,girl ovyIng.in hev' hand�; his file . a' doiglin't kno Q* Pw R P A� I IR -1 INT G &11.0 IP ral him a, vs cons -inan-YfAnme Is- ow. i ch nist, All �yorlc don bete 14 warranted tq gWe good satisfadtion Remember the -S tit 'z ntT --,,T 01)lto litil t6ni pi;6babi irig ft I W ds. 7;3 inodJusk, y one Color, Went Or the oftlal'n el, linton, 011tt. 141''W1 Ile -1ir don, Intl Orwilinivitz hl; t 00- 1711 H. NORSWORT Beat,,-and*s 4d' 14 w e, two to th INIal E -I g Is e... ot quent Vi'Jitol. 111HOS. SlIEVENE30N. .44 1" 4 P. d 'Onotin 3. l't his n atoll 87. interested I IAli.%, the led, possibly, n cotapally., w yonlig, ady, 11 9 ethouglit ts aro, [a is woiteli- he boy; aftee 4,o 'o' F0 ing some 0110 individilill ill the andiifillie' -kicked for a fewl Odd J-6bber I'wisb I'd the @pot where lie wis 0 wi 117g follows hini whem lie Jpavea� etnutds, went on 1busill'465 -in broothoir on.' :thiw likeer job., with MO." n P uCtp� ignorance of theJact diat he had: quirink Employer Wh�; my mai 94 o4p to bis hiding 'hice iiud tban OR to -find out w -ho lie isiv Woe. i,� t;w tin broken lip, a meat ii�terpik�lvg and happy -your- brother eopeoialli v odd Jobber ye see sit,, , be s:g og,14 y hy be on Ilia tmil. in.littlt� ctliano. kip, tit' -br0her W �A Al: R 1, C U LT U* R-* L `-:4:0 R K S .who really. is ft C111111nal 'it J.) 'IA. h, h _.q for 111111. baa all extraor- 64Wk. no more of asti ng 6i. -S clu ailt 6ver sdraps d-, Gleaniulgiii ...' . m 1. 0 jqh liko thia —tho,*t1link P4, P4 dillar inaral ilAtielleli erin to .14 IN ILJ)011 Itri-les fit, d --with tire dies'im to', DoubleL. Cylin&r.. ThreShbi a:bMAes QXnbinz�tio­ 1b 0 eshigg Mo . Ines, -1 ines not -hr td g6l -h fel yebesides, they, ar - liah a to :saratr . It, chastanibe coilversationi asked 0 1 . . If" r -ate it -refit "Ot and. r6t r Th ehl -estal I USID I's krinwrl :Jit China as stilltiethrill, a�fulboiw- or. feifflng "idA :Ili armed all ' d delipet fllfoida r0 INTON'. .-WOOLLEN MILL lcNjl� rnian. I h6 had fieviir a felt i diaep all And-all.1 'nifs 6f"A(fRICULTUR-AL 1; IRNTS lalwas coq hand. lie sticcumbs. efigbged' itind yearEf ago, in'a Ili 1 is. the. doctiine,lof I ife. lie saia"i o bad, on ftq RTBP-.P, WOULD TAKE 'TT118 01'111011TUNIT'� r, '.To inect the large and intiresing for odr, calebr ted Threshing Machines; froia'a'.! 1866 Vital I'Wine I I-icr I ce, It w a minoeiolis enstoniers f6r th6ir liberal- patronrige.in tile li.W, and hopes by elose'attezition: t' %Aen 'he was In"tile eocimtryo'ancl thp. 0 parts of the Dominion, we havet, J)y the introduction of- the lateA and 2nost approved xnerchant, went to Paris hBout business, to still, 5 ;(T Greatest Wador- of Ideril TIM0. ecuto A large tiharff'of public conliaerice. lliving, fitteil, up,lijs in, 1. ac lin.el f doctor Palled it cholexu­.wrorbus,:.arA . . . .: . I . - - - . :� I -Iriiicr�. -into our works, greatly t rdy"f E, wi t lit filkst.(Jass style, lle� is' liow prepared jo Inaour rasnufae uring facilities. We.are therlifore lir6 for asoul . . .. .. 1, ; ill a positign to MIMI. orders -promptly; odoitor is cilkrgeol hith. $4* vf� Ward lie weii% to. Lon ordel* to escalle tile' consewpenc6s or -'a fr . 4-1pic 0.1le (Illy hont-week), still 60p�' a party of �llled Card, S-Oifi; Wea Tan:& bre�s', C loth, m ITIPAIA Vell U anufacm. ped; aeaa dn tile wa y vi of el bank.—. IS run ,u ptcy. olne t bi Ild I la * 6fS F1 iN cry nifial.Abio and.tho.r uglilytostod'If tile shops 'and warra toct to give, lent banki u e 'B nk anhel Shl' rting, ;016th - 7 entire satimfactl6n. - A -A 1,60 —Ing herself at the insurance 6 ice with" the Pbristianity obtalneYf lboibolti all 61tifig -affair to:� friend He Tn, fficessary legal -ow there If 0011 but the boy is ki THE I?ILLq PurffythoBloocl,liortoet all cultorders of It. sure.' n docurnQut atto�stipg li�i ata in that Is- I Aft: P inoment' the T11"er i(ldney", 'ad Bliwelm, and are IT;. hitsband!s t1cath. Tbere was nJthing la;,l 1,206 ind. 2C -00 It' H 8 A LS 0 CON STANT1Y W ITAND 30' He's, Then aftei d Cb, ulars Poolers,- Orde I I the m6ditafoll, contlnuod.:, It And I WIV !Ft the okrkiv�veiizhlo j;olnieili for ore oidm,ing­ e1*eio)orM sen' /07 C and r ectr 2141 hippe L�gki. 014 Wound.; Sotn fink Ulcbrk, el hoWever.long" * -lar assortmelit fiff Twebils, Fall 01 tile company deto-trained to make. sonie wish I I kobw jusb the plaab wheVe Vcn to othsi-Shirtilti auri I 71 e The mon�ntain 24efidow'massaore case toan(ljug. For proupbItIrt, 1) lit1wrIti, Vonglkn, Coldo, 1P 1) * * Be. jabbers' vorfltlint ogut, lchounuitioni, Kwl-ifl, kill b4A no, f Stockng Yarns" Gray Flimnel, Striped in uiries berbro liandmo -over tile aloollut W, Blanks G�ASGOAV, IACkHERSOX CLINTOX, t, which has. Well g6ing,.oft for.sonle days en a. .long wavA Irom the'-pla, 11-- .6f Ifisurance. soltz �alldd 1.11 Clity, Ito telimillatt-d 91L Plannely ..Checked Flannel, -ft, &.1 and he ascertained that on December 11, in tho olotivictiol.of—thli -prisone . r Loe, WR I icff Hl� WILL TBAD11 FOr, wooL, or, BELL CHEAJP,�.V`61 n 18,60, some one narnerl (]I had of I murilet, in the first A'portiqr�pi6kpd tit) ft stlul of Ifloney ill Plqiq. on - tile streat `01 The slibseribei-'s personal. ituporintefidence, will be give . if CUStOul 3!011 (�A . tdill rogistrar's 001c 10 dAy 'And d i. tie INT411 Throle 111011 Ifelonging to Terri'agEou, tisfaetion nitay.bo. -reliect oil.. to roons iiihIg at a distance frorA (JlirAou, fray Ilxpoet too get risfeied (ba dattli'of Dotiat, brtiaed the-&ct,� '�,Trt On da:ys lie was Norf;i)k, J."ngland, seizad it litt,le'lloy, V. Utah, t.001 dar(led while they wait. and 16'wa'S ZlItOIT11 to 11011l't I" ifted, by Isixty-oni women, boyb, WHOLEALF, AN11 IIETAIL DEA to�lcoffjlis *boots,tiod hs hands alld .1 "d, fw Iiii0em lostitto - b I N - C - .. . I __ I - I . . -11 1 1 ease. ' Plruslro�vit? fouttill. Out the I All clairillng io )lave lost 3two, na, iwil iltor'lwld lit (A*Y part 01 taker I feet it) 1,11011 Allug hilu, -ilito a' ttie Irnitetl INS,. of 001 SCHOOL OOKS) MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS wria I till crinducteil tho runwal, molioy, rhoii gun, f0iiiia, was ouly s:�, .1 200 0 00419--fe eftil. fie. ee* I 1� * 9 1-0 e Up Ivil voko, rhe jittle rollow was 1161, and BuX hestio the Ill. :1 0 1)(16 to 0101 visitor Nvlio called the firodor with tile word,; IfOLLOWAY'll VILLS AND and learried that overything had "I A, I . ., I S .46 IR 0lNT3Xt'%T,- LONDON. eugr"V44 tllkercoti� -h the ularket lit cash, Nvill be 6rd boll It; till aildronisr, 483 oxr,41tp 41 no,;olT, -I, ,I)ug. laltil iiill fokketi, :-*JI (lid 011 the otP f t1lo proiuptly viltil.sklia ApIll-1011A jw6l'yquot of P1118 WALL PARERs WINDO SHADES I okilit 01 tap AV, love Atial 'May 23rd, 1870; TOYS AD tonstona, A lwalidbiviit ipinisti.l. 6f Old dolit till it I U6146 of Holloway co.� 111A Chni-rh ('01114 -1.1 14 thiney ptemige, Tito ev tbol awl ('11by Worn ItIO11(vt td by J. 1-1 Only, dr4RRJsW Ri.11 )full or v rtiF ANCY VIOLINS ' AND CASES RA, bill, Id it ill (". .. I I I I riot aRkilig pam r '011, . I . NEW GOODS 41 C41111411, the prill. -iAs - -D dit-eat W thf: ep. ill. l'orlifino to'lwbal Lilt) or Idooli. ties a le these Coimin A,% In ipill of, t1lo towli, As A ' i P — 'y flillod toy 'if 1, Io o':0adly hf, fatilt lill Lit tfibimn tulno ot, the nanin to (-$I U'A of' 11111d. r MUM, (pill thi yoriall, Olarook Co, -tymarl. tot Northrup & ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF tR Tleath, Ilvxt stoll wli tu ollfain all; eA It ljr� (kit-, 9 to0 Tjio gomulara V a oiul Wiltidt,,lot, w tint 11 Id tur it ordor rur and Clio cofflu be- If Or llvf; yolla llaye, BSPWF'Wool� .,61i PAS k6r, 0301, ;Illootitig star be *Illy at Un, oi(0141 gtreot, Lohdop, g (it if and-: Berlin Wor6l ..660(70; ing oilmind 1.111kra Waa foltilid'. We Ito WON, Of 01080 4`1 frottolholallo'wlog 'v —0 tEva All tile latost Papers #,all Periodicals always Also A t or the bntly of Vital Datwtj lin t a block offnad.- I'mul all Pat [go bII6 talfro ox1jeeially from oeedgiollis a 110t.1kollt, pasted & Co., Italltdr, I's% 8, tm) ackv i�, -,go iv ON 0AXD I Uiry ill ltlof me Furtflor nit i0i DAILY AN Wro J -10 Xr-4Y G;tOBE AND- MATIk. Tho Rebrow Implillatiritt hAluvull d Pren-liges formarlV'ooloupled bSr the, late J. B. Ria'& '.01BUICIAN MONU Y BOUGAT ANI) SOLI);� ITIVIlf, , . , ky," Ztor a wit 00 Clio I IV :0 Lo-Amoirlas' " rtr I'lin 1,1111lig laily ttt A A 1111 I A y Y) ftwhollco lit) t411111114"'l hi�i wiro with tha %.11ilf Ili wat; 1,141*1 y0ara kgm '111011 they -STb 1W ItEkrzIEU T11i WA3111 AM) )�tA 09,�_ Wo-litioll. to (110 fill'ill I'lloodoilAu .1), A LAUGE AND SELECT tsCT t-611 (lial got to tuallitif, 614 so !l. ,Intl ilttlal& CORNEn MA VA it V tilrilod to Wout to Atitwei-li, Ili Inktow or aw city, limi ifl�fo III 1. . Mttall I . 1 1-1 til her .1.6 uft, witit I% lot, 114 111#0 ih ,I t 14 HORS LS HOUN10 BLACKSMITHING CHOICE L Vo a CLIMAT, Oct. 29t, 187-4. bouglit it 1i Joint dowit. 0 RUtAily woi* toil - tb'o of rtibbigh, wool lit, gIlJlll(I%�'Il*lI, li4N lit M111,01% a Ilaw WAtr 11�1 NVII11611 they War Lo thd pfflolia, ab tile JoWast'retnuncratiAte ral(!g A. OuIpLitill of 011 .9 001de.4 Ale; lony &Now 011pulloal k400114' 61VU1011i WhIM15 W1* ba; ti�50U DRY* Wag vNitell 41111-alh? 911arld; 419i if$ Ipaod; I Witt iqlu�iiftttly brokil, took Iiiii 1,106 borit by whol I GO D* H 1411ro U It wlw fliv ImIll lift ("961111113011 Am*(,q;ro), the tro 14.1 lir 1)onat : to it'll li'littlo 1141401 1(o told tI vloo. All OVILT01-A' I rolniltllv Attandocl to— iniliAsonnio to of i fttill Ctllfl#V-� �Tlltl Ilig t1*111(i �V;lj ft) Ito 'Itolifi, blit'gilok# t .11(litiolk troat)15 f I -if riot' !PII(d undev all ox tud till wass tP1 )II, -Chrl, litkig -it The pollul hrvi at! 611. 190g. t& Ifildlitil t'hb Itublio J� %hioy ate I?rop4r 'Tll IP110% 1A UIAPI-- Of Will IS. A VICTIMS 90,11 S L ultoet t or 'Iluron Streot, 'T X, U M, i Uld IllUlt'litt, 6f �110 L1101 0 Iflialt f'1;6 f4thel't Lila is lift jitli Ili -IV f4lula tuq 'lid ligia L, it) ill' 0 'r III if , 11 wit'll gau mv, oki to f, IQ. 1, WIN inig fit), IIINITV (or QuIlillifla 111" 1141try0hollp for 4,111r4till 1"ha 60 AW 4k1`6 welf6in Imn ravop.14 W *hild luic oll t1.16fa tolylly P It L ,yr f0 Ito to , Ilooll 1witat) ITMO II'A K � 14 1 till i I 111"I to Qr18t and SCLW Njill StltVe' ShIngle and neacung lit, V 'r d �'Jtjg lit till prpliftbIllby a i;111 lie it 010 oil MO hilil toy tlinir A P pl`f,44' 611(.11 e fork. i4galnl' 1 U t )a Lolyftlf;114 4011t oftiall To. 111YO61161111 too U140 h4VO, t1l, P, toOkIna I It fl� s;tt wAv that III lift lo(or 116 If ola 4 glory, ftna itwe oatintaition, by lit Apatiking 4 row tililyi girloo it thii; O'ho tonoti All 41118. cl; tho ilplupnety of U, Vy Ir T GA, TMIk' .*Ud,- Wodda� 111cougrbis, *lth -stool go&fds,' o6 '- L L 111rL Flouirbol cultivato i the Condutit Offlle L ItilIg '00' kilo dgarr 4 . rL Illollidout hVikhriou,11 Its thla Towho ni Cuttollkso2ft" Lild Voofthh XeWaso Grate Darol, &dl lul Aboar ft lWouland, W1rfL1AMg VIOZ.Vitlig I Al,#TU .ART, r' land goi 8tovem, Of Varlduk Wilds., JAofil tong x 11, Oboftfnir# rorrlw%l ftilgallitely to hISO MOAWAJI, 1, 21 firquod ft MOM611%naltln Of 46 o1mmAtAuc U4 bill Cold rkda loubb With To 'T. 061taonAX, jW.L :9XItSUALL, groug kA .. ROWA. the Uxt'. I101IN 0 0 R D..F xS. X A -D J@'r 4 thfou. f tint 0 SA L'T PA T ' at, th" of I lripi rI'Qq4 OP ht thi. 66t 6f ilia reglater f III Mom' to W081111111 tillis to ivild" uhtl fil Ovary a6, 111411t out, arid W* W 44 144Y 41440 -1 Ws, 10 inst., bl the It: will 041ols hh* tef Itso tot I in Ali truit iorg N. 0 . 90. -fill U0 P61144 01 V613 'A oftrpl Witt to IllAtioll 4144 44#4191 tot watook, toil, 0 4# ployo wits, and Combinod tWtw� to bo 6 boy Pl 11pingthoo 44*,� whilt 9 Wflat tho tar Stan opro olL Who tka the Mort nomitl Incolit -�po:lj% r4inistwii o'tielli tr4 4A—t#Aoh tho., sople JUA140NO ItAlatow. f rAA;'qti'itg tn tho bittm, owl, It rvill , y to lfojj�# tat, hn it ostttluly w Aot 1`401t,o* t4ft'"Ho UsA 44 V4146 6xild t to ciaahotfAo sitr4w otitterA, plowli, a4ulf plawor, &d.. 416 L JOL Offloultill)# tilit 9414 1 tit sittiholl" BOJIA All 444PIA44109104 Ad 06fdrinyto 611, gerftfit�j will rotdolve �mhpt attoltlokv. lilm, ThA%vopqtafitig cliub It it, In Z104 plioliq hos to 01111.140 00 AIM, A 9 Suildes of -Steam' ilgine, 'ra 1,,r % g4h to, V t0t ht NA *1th 00, A Val- a,, and all sie, 4*4 �* 44M6 Ili thA* bhmo 4 P filatis fivolli its I il thile otdoltot WAUR AIND ALL, 1=10114, OPUILL le Iwo lionmil of W61,1 0 PAOPI 14hit'III) 4114 Irilloil. U0114CM 11011TON, at it. 1 461 Air 'gil" kit WON% W Ohion "iffory Ar.40himP a, Spoid0p, r.?A 4 h 1' $1 '41 W tsms ba UpIwOR ta Unt d h6vo. 114 In tWall 11114 iff wt .1 1 -kit 0 UAL C ro i -e —n. runn ea