Clinton New Era, 1876-09-28, Page 2---- ----- ------ .... ...... --------- "ANN" Frio Avars 0 0 It U Z S P� 0 X D 30, N: 0:0 A,Y C!014#0 01 to-dsvlo NAW E1lA wail bo U0 hl�ih atok A )JAP VXA. PocrAiw I` ft %,� it to Do atutillell Uzi, erstova that wo III) not We ref"Cot-diat im llyo, to "ay it, Wit ile 01thee in 06111e 011t, of the IwO MA16t6ftY it,, that the sv#y pornor oil llits oontwore, al 00.4901, Truvloo Noel 1111r, IN 00t APY0T18ING 00111114114 W111 be Tq 1�* Itit, founil floildtal favins, for'oslo, oo that in A 1gyn . *41 olof the settbP RAN .0— P,�,�E�N Ao I wito driving alonhe Albot,t htreeL 0110 4ftvo, ullwitilligly wo belleve, but none kliat flatly hdUtuldtly ovoulllgl Prosont, day this wock, I notice(I quito young 10,011 cligage'l lubaso'ball Illyactive. lNow Garva 0. 441no 11r, wbt I to vgard to this Inat. tho -1v6s I lt the tletm 1110 (110 001111 il lab sahall shown us povoral ouctiniboro �growxl b� tha 11lovality., jold even QIQ Social, toolli; try U4 its that proporty ws of 010 Itwalsolov0dand Carl ter la tile pliftl rg, ilk SArPURDAY, SEPTU him, of tbo.Wow California Variety, tWO of �i 80tho that Mi- take 00 01441r. - '1110 this exercise, of tile I'mu4cloll ITTIUI(Ild bo, tit'" of illis I)OWinion, in 111vitfixg Ur. being snontlowi and topAl tilrowli, out of matter �f tile (or U77, whiolt measure 3 it, 11 in., and 3 it. 4 1 WAO, -thon intich better omf0d. tholl to oxoroloo. W11101,13 an lull"1141 size for. thom4olvey, in t 0 r rospilotivQ U814 tA 0411. . W. 1)ecchor to,lovtaro under tboir otuploym. cub. ilk Consequence 0 .. a Loll up, whon, i t wits moved by My Co,Atoo. AN a ARA, 'Or t.bo I coun #qo. by Mr. that W following Z3. this section ins. This mattor of ball tossing 64 0* Pill). Wbatoycicertaill Of t1l W 01111064 for 0011001 AlUrl)0300 fQr Of the Willa lie t1lorgughfaroo, Booms to be oil the itiorgaga - f late$ 444 at. ap o'firs to; 14*4 that,wore. our- - .r4UF,SD-A,Y, S T. 28,,1870- V Au'astoro, has been tile coutro chief constable to � oQk lutil'this no ornallAul. 0alling theilloolves. 01144tiall may think tr� by tho. present Government Wt in IRT IV. (jav R $2000.00 of attraction during the past few days, the wall rary, th,6 great m -o'o 14 not - ))a oer. to the eon( ajoriy oi the Tuesday's issue,, r to sauce to pedestrian$, 110, pow". CANA IRST, . Camtalkq, 250.00 caus(X of whio is, that, a -horned owl, is eogt- his duties, It frequ�ntly bai, ens best people of till denominations in,this Atono ill Same degree for its fido asser* wood,.,.. 100.00 ad therein, Tho bird is w 11 real boautyp" a WAY be liatioed Orman at P aces PA. r 40.00 4to their inconvenianco, fit or or to avoid F -I . H 24ava"M 1)F1 Otir country' Should be bur fil'st, I)OIninjort are C Ito d was obtained at; the forka oil the Malt- muell too 00.00 -land, whoro it bail )filled `olitoert chickens. -coming ia. 'contact with thought in. all "politiol issues. As. mt- t guilt� of Al the Nastil Chet%es in,.,ito ed.1corial,00lum 09 treat roug1ta'Ana, 10 119 up, in loaded IQ 200,00 Inoball caused hy this'soomitigly, uncalled-for ter*$ Arenow, shalling it lie- ZYARV, ASSAULT. —Late 014 wilooday night, Ivill bo prepared, td, s1low .Otte of tile St bi: by his ))a or, 'flat 9Q, all pol-Soual pmrty stivire la!41 again In sow friends, prim that fully 0-ots'forth the piosporl. Ill .... ..... ... 10,10 Till -to . �Iirty of rouTis woro ar9gting a, noise and, t �.p ------- 8330 .00 was, ill calls . equonce, samotiblica by . xr. I G. nis-, t lea try, �#, . .- g I �.s 'VO iat from- Win& what ty of the couti AW that in toad, ot orwiso cort acting thomedWo unirtaf, find -Sol 300.00 wifeile. expects(! tQbe, is state of doprossioll" when folth inuo Lose. Govt. Gr4l�bj about ltgutuo�l, the. hight wat9liriIiall, when they as- 0,giea of,t4o I)GOI)IO Should be diroted, Co"Mrs. -it w I I I. - I i "; � , M —1 towards evor4ling ill, ill, make oiir QbQvosuoplolon. Gainsay it w4g'will, of the 640044 00li-ditaon of '03000.00 Waited him in a most brutal mantl4r. AS he To* the 444for of 0he Clinton Xclo oQuiltTy &64t aud, goqd. At present roo?guiaef some of them he. laid'infOrmatton Is. t�00oubtr7is, auting, and property. Silar-As our natue islikely to is be. the 640T of IA nost biding, with. that Carried. agginst sovorA and yesterday r no Of them) E" AG the attention of tile wh6le orld O0011WO - S8 0 L X. T 11 N TO W, N soc. by-_M�. Me- 'X Nowmaroh, was'exAmino4before Mr. Y( gel," 1V1rs,,TkIt9V, (wh a beforo eing directed 9 by can, be. bought. for, a s.ong, it otittes the _9yQ1 towards our resources, And Ian M Jb y Mr. Coats, Garva that the following aqcounts bep&W, Gwva, J�. P,, who colsimittod, him to take ble, Q40 0 her Majesty's Justices; of :,ency of the tbatno fa is bein' sold Pun, j' d commoice, tbrough the ag the way, is oilob an 4400 in. n. , qt.4bab farming property I viz,�,T Wailes, '$4..60 Watta & Go,, trial before tile a by a go.. Peace, for O'broachof 0, Ify-Iftwoftho town of A. Ciluton, and for said on going an He offendo was Read 81 altil FOA THr groot international.eihibiti 64re of $,100per,acre, and 33 eta - Infes & Son, 03.50 ,, Searle & angelic vice of lyi0g) Ancl of 11 true in- At tile bigh XQUESION TO Offort public .0 r to, offer to the iqL1a3r of Choose —Carri 0 st ' w"leem it prope u)a oil to that tha -, nu tilber idtey, $2, 0 num- Geo, Ch log made to gt upA-a I nobistof explanation of the oircumatanoo, �oot aldairy prodiieta, lias liot beell excer.; wo4nes.a" towards Wany otbe;s,7au4.of_A1q`ft go( sonio of our friends -raight-W 16(1 to-mitiolude- t t 'fnalm a party large enough for the a a bat,price is much Jet- R. 1D. to offer to take them to the. dyet 0yell b -out, Alnerican colisills If humbling himself before bira (Tilton) f farms i d that we. had ceased to be law abidillo citizens, vy bail storm visited this �Iace oTi About, a wook ago.wa doolded, to 113aka a die. taifon-o�lr' best. -.04 1 wish, I cor than mos"t people- suppose, -with as berdre hs 004,11 - and.of TuesdaFhtsting IWt a fw momenN. Oentennia and return for aboiW $5, wo play of our.faii and wintee stock; apil Ito, woulq rquo4b ill who --desire to'take ad. wo 0 '00, Nvoro and of the. so on thousand It also states.. that it believs per 48co to with tile A styles of tile $Olson ady,all6cEl tj than W110 0ANICT IT ?—On Satur4 h trip to- give Or Our store, Lal$o 411 n L, X -C�OR ay last vintao, of such a q, cap illuini­ atioli in the. evening, J - 1 a re I ra above tbo, P arly qE OI. -Il Cup (fislilay dollura of linall Molloy paid 'to' Tilton; 0 13 10 �JOW a Goderich to."Alp farmer drove ne 'Ace at once, and in doing so wo felt a desire to in k send in th6ir. names to this of ak no aseventy miles with an ordinary tofl of nd, if found plenty, further information little attraction !it tile door, but know bf frlilt Nve linvo aton!Aictl thow ili.,no. qfilistiuk,in the nostrils of all' r-vood and' av0r29`e price. The trip Would bo. about it waii,contrary to tl a by-laRs of the t would be given., 11r, thiu� it must ra This is good driving. I small degree, One llbrses, cattle and be _0144tokl that farm lie it fox, 1� wom6n, every timi$ the - - - - I , ustouseany at the 11, pure, 111011 ant the 10th or 12tlr of Oqtober.' public sidewalk, wxoe;t farming imploilhonts aro hi -911151 crodit� - � I . - 1. .1 . � . _w ofthfiL.11payfeat and most acceptable 1pitthe tabe- here farm - property., brings the. i the two feet, next to our building, and ,%a we C L Alp XAM i 01tIn 'HAS�'NG,. NJ) t dat­ AL 1. 'WILL -L' Ve to I � I k . 4 . .- I . , peqs Rf tj,)in oi sliowers.of.rain- experienced ihis�seasqii, MISSIONRYMEETmas,-�Bible Christian. ba.d: gone a a gr deal of ti-cuble to dress hristi4n pra- a t�ie�l, *in 0, country wher0thO Produce nday evenink list. Theip lifts: missionary.,anniversarie'i � will ba held as. lir indows wit 1. WILL_, NOT U14, UNPERSOL% vigbt.s era who v., ato(I filat,young niell -at. e No h y4y., -nicagoods, - wo -could PONV o isit -this Vf0t colloo, tioll folio of the 1varld's wealt1l and,progress flitit foosipits, a ).T a I from- thosd farms is sold 'At nioderate beqn considerable f4il since. then,'aIs&,, ivs,--�-E;.ermonsi-orf,.�Sal)batli,'04t. Istp Act entertain the thought of blQcking,them. f ol I I t an prin il le of Chris ONLY ONE- PRICE. TERMS, CASH `OR: PRODUCE Clinon, at, 10.30; Alma,.2..30,, anaHolmove UP W i)lacing 9thoi goods right in fropt of Canada oedlinjo' j,io .-.incati position figro,,tbe jecipie have conflilence in its "110it"S TIXTs FOIL ITIGIT long - I . L .. L. L . . I . I il - I ia-A positioll'un(I we may hopein Charity, So mo called btpn1ho In�.Veefor nd Ville 6�30, bV. thp Hoop6r,,.qf anlong -tilic-Iiitions-ol th-o-ervilived world- mince lthoro-- -vosidod: in this town. three 0 at d 01 tit n permission for hat special day,to Oil are to,take I�ien 90 01AR11146 A1140196. ft% finalloial. COU" Uitoball odg( R oin . ro, art i 6 -a* As till hdvertiseinent wo liould plakb Q . youtbai, all iindor 21. years of age phoSe '30, 1)y tile Ilev.'W. Wade. Meetings lb to use a little, of tile at.the outside . I Id dition i&s at 61. I die, patea, neodi; the Illost of thiq gveat 0111) Y. (t like under1li' qngo�!tr a united weight alliounted to six, 11.1111drad (Old 6dgo; - instead of that next the building, qs )G,l vAll'be. held, 6il Monday, evening at Olin. . CLINTON, 676. tariff M anipAlations, other ise - I(pro�, allowed by tile Council, tar which he RolmeoviM,. W. per y, (we think) consented, as it Iva$ just I� is an occasion Nybich will not ocoul, go fk­ag they call CIO so, hohlologate his on," fo it ton, Ttiesday'at edneaday eIInost biding," anil all tile rest o AYS theiotor Taney ;—IINVO havb justlat Alm%, �Thnrada ' Mojar Ile()* �,O *a, ? at Lodge Room', tO special eir6untstance, and not onrliabib, 11 of. filing thL t M. V,, lifetime of I therefore, with that Understanding, on. agecl practical printor;" by whichl.and ad4cossod by Q a perand, did, 'to� 'Butt. SAturdily.last, lace lour. neatly Inn,& twee(I Tf this. is tile I;ind, ell Jil cil and nicely, arrangQa with Oil 'invest money -in an to. infer AWIS;TaA'�P�!S Covirr', Te tollowing wo-RhOuld, not 11lr its (410cD 1, tile work formerly do Nye Suppose we are pian, ideas of politicit 0. A l are- No 1) that it Was fionic, other kind of coolwilly at, Oil, good, cheap twoods, and labelled with. neatl t1cal va("Aries 0111, g6vorailleilb sliould know, it. But Iva hope better thtngs of without lie sees a reason- a �rintcr th6jr had previously craployed, y cases wer� disposed of durifig- the'week by T 6 fff Y,-% d ni- I I think) inoffensive inscriptions, Olt the. outs,idb" the other dXy, a span of. horses were sold, labori $2 and costs ; W. - Smith, statute Is" edge of ilie-sidowalk right in front of out tried expediertts iii order to f�nd lough.NVe tIlUS from it, and, therefore Nye will linve; to ti peak, JVe,ar led alizing thd' I I hAwdsonial? sum of 57. - $6 her, $2.60 and costs, to be paid'within tin find just as we had got theni out' -Illee giyo:every elift.1166 for tile grolyth of in- Haglie, L re - . iorderly, $1 arranged, we wel-6 w all Ill oil for 0 y; drunk and diE alted upon by the Inspoc- froln -.the letter of A, pttbli�ll, conoll0p. that tle wen Who purchase be, -a one f th6 andL �l days ;-A. Duffe f,!;Ig pat or. TillantliSt not'lle taken as and costs, to be 0iVice at d tstries; whather 1191:10111t6l, ilia the paid- in 6n days-: -J. XIin- ter, � who, in a v6ry kind, genilam I I W fr , obi f4roji at the a.bove, nibutioned, pricei, see all Y. - aw Ibl'i 16fi 04 'eli g fuved- the a facturing or iliercantile,1tviiiiih have been ily Wd, 116r6alto Qobd, 's age price of Aockin this neighbor. Itedy, drunle, $1 and'qoits';:T. S. Mclildhoo, courteous mathier, requested us tb taki: ng rc. an aver r In as V -foro '01i L , � I , ' , , I . . ipy w" h ad. all T1 ai I)lante( money. In it, and to obtain �i tI 11 ais6idorl "2 and costs S. Fitzaimolls, hat lie I thought . . ..... 4. literaticeS. 9f, -Alp. baV' 0 eagld,xkdt be any, objeoiqo,� bad sholild 1); guardoa Nv�itha Which NY -ill' re'qu,lee'a' &ud.c.osto;S.',Cowan deunkand, WQ aPTo watchful eye a to work them, ez oNv= 1- dii6rderly, $1 and.costs, to be paid in; ton I)onald llje'Pr6sidont of tho-Toront6 C meati, created quite all oxcAeiileni,' specially ain'onc, ru __4 and ntIA-uxecl with a citreful, hand'.'if it., fuAllevinvestment-of capitai,-alid als6 will be held in the town hall, liere� on the days ; R. Callander & Co. obstructing tit same of our follow (Ify &Oda moil,. ollargiii Association, that, Ais. yoi�ng ITIon of. 24th Oct., of the membe Jilla - with L favoritism, &a. lie therefore ro, is 011V estro to. bi�fld ii`p 't Ili a large amoupt of labor., �t ill be ' L rs of the County sidewalk,'% and costs. - w le C �ca Association, cluestea. us t6 clear the walli pall a could, -V foreig'n Visitors s66ill .'tlle Joronto e ailglati. by. their' to take intd eon- nTempera the proprioty of sub6itting,the TRVELLI OU not Satisfy those 'complaill., thus seen that there is;, in. NO U -ND made Ily t the Centen- I . . : : . . sideration' , 1 LTIi.—The ilded, %a he Tjo.nd6ii bi-etbren,-whe they aoqept6d�g trIlin clue herek At 9:20 an Saturday evening, ants by any other bourse. AW considered. it re4dy-.opening§ for tile,, inv a olinty: rference� and said lial have 6 Ao did nQt* arrive' until i' a.m. 8 rather small into Ivoula 11 echer at their -hands. But estmellb'of Punkin�Act to -thili voters of th 0 a MRS tq- conio nigl'jt at unday'niorn ive OW', To -most persons this would appei%� to n Canadf and the which aliliost ftfi� fttnaufif.of-o�pital and labor A Nux"t6r.—To possossa� pair of bones subMitt .4 fine ratherthall take them in . ow thaVwe'paiinot 'offer even earlyL in the.. af 11re itio now prepared to i,.eoeiv6;auy, orders in. this --'de 0 es of In ternoew we wore served (.1int64 they had stippoadd Was -only n n, ly ri'd 1heibwith keep up -a continual racket, bqg�nly an ordinary delay, lidt'the passen. partment, that th "lad i waste' of ice and snow. Only' tile othei tbis� so i, with assuranee.thak'A good return shall with 4 Summons to appear before. the magis and'surroundii2g, country ma favor. us, wl ars to be the obiefL ambition. of all the gore, oil b6ard'thotight itan 40a-6rdinary ibb, and.wbich we will undor� lip Its many of theraL were returning from tiiaiIi At -10 o'clock Mou&y rabirnini, to allL. ta.kp to ex in tile oateA dud latest fitylowof the F of -LofidQn They ev ently ei- one, qtllto n eason, clay a Pr9ressQ1. of the Agrioul. !,mon- i�l' -ent' biiyainitown just now., Everywhere awdf,to thebo;'r l4int� and oil, that morning ilthe Pro turalL Calle. ed into the thing with a' Ahe.­ few barikxest 16sa lookitig'follward to 0. good 'knowledged the offenbe, ry will in fu i ge 'o'r 'paid lye 11ppo 0 " r 6t�m All (I at ll t Wes they ire heard, 6 11 vilicial Exlfib4i=-and werd aoubb- *6 caUQ4 at t te. Magistrate's officO dud 110n it e porp, n. o e to n ' aiso becomes inonoloiious a rest, when very-jughly, visit and w'ahSu'rpr1Scd:to sea tbo' W. y ture, as it has�'dono this. thae.. 1kiblieb oi)ld be acceptable.: - : .- ' . thby got hoine. The cause at theL delay. think, subjected us to *it Alto of and vanced methods* 6f which :Would nob,siglit-seors t the, y we fl 1�4#0 and let tho' outside -A, Inee(ifig L of the 'Glinton bri,611Y �WO&, was this tile fitat plac0i costi;� as ugol NVO tit 's r, aL Were adopted by our, daiiylnen, Otbor "air coxiie le aid of little ti, v Iva to it'it. 1 174 clobk..- A 0. world,know that' C-auftda- iis in Such fi, '0-0101 . 't­hirdto­waitat--& tford- till L tell ( fully- accord to the Irispector aid Ir .10 (moo foreign Commissioners 'were Ili att6n-� fil raj feeding tb I Pridny 6611i in ordor to t6ko oil two stook cars for-thil's hear ty. pprociati0n, '6f the Arhi�htforwar4. Lollaoti e.owlity cof. Knox's Hotel b ISBt"far, -fiourisWug__�eonditioij- tbat it& fitrmf!� le-horsoa- dane'a atke .-P�ovincial.'' rlj�hibition-a:t� tlia purposo'bf-rei;orgauiz1iigfo which were but a f cers wore elected.'-- -lamiltolli and it i§ reasonable to expect biv years 'ago covor- when; the-f6flowlig 00i ()o6tounial. - JV,ililo' at sevoral duties, havp 0 9, been be kept c6iiftantly-on. ban(I during tllq season. -1 11011AQ 'front tit . . -i therof that the i4ressi�ns wbibli, they, carry tilhe do honor to that othov*- If sullbring'I Arhuagor, C Gras's.16k. o Alaii. A.T. 0, Cameron! aladO to othetil NIlloth er ro4f.a with 'Iyoodi, lla,got thbooli- paro. JAve for b1'd Strict tab bra to tile- 1AW), 310"opartme are I'" 41�' Godiii L 1ger, Ti Beecher prereckeltoil -Ir- - - away-)yjth them.vfll ba of untolc v It angel" Aln a 40. .. .1 1: . I rA r7i 01 thiapllblio-tq hh1,110. art , I t r.,: e arges andi -t1i6 great. drawbacit-to'--ol-ir advancement a�socidtion W116go that ftjbt "rhnliffig you, 3 ditp for Clic 1))otik. in a aod ic.011 cr 8"Ittlent tah, I iesin tl1wrot, that Canqdia�6, as a rule,," hme-that rov,. Ir jt, Alas for tile clitiatidn- given by theni-Aast sea4ou woro. ro'coi.ved ad to, ye bavo oecupial with f1tiff explanation thdkaorc' 61�6411tly Solicit. orddis, for thQ r"itil an(! tin ter.'$eason. _LVI ot a for their own with uaborinded pleasure -and Iva think freshaici6t.roomo, Wag Choy 1 0 O. respeatkully. 4ufrloidilt.. will tqll the that-wh6 vountry. t6 say-Alle !of. ib I iby of th'e young vien of. Load6h'­ his farniing floutial —mechanics year.aaJ. Oflo Pr and Ill 00 oldatitimo le�_ Scale, . $ � , , wanu- they will 49 -a- goo4 d . R-. A %yn _Ilae is. a saulple at its -ii 016� It,= aboard. A'. FURTHE It Tl2iRTICIURS NEX WE is unpatriotic a 4 foolish.. -moral pr6dilot several niW_molubera have joined and new tile ffiii n i&rs an4l��ks mon are, nooded not a proper apprciation, of OwIl., 13 115, 11 sceil.or has. been ordered for' the. first, per�. that 0 ivbrth;� We tit, aftel- -a- -wer- prer-yeaj.-Wo - 0- '.and will -flourish too. .'V% hioll tatts plaeo ill libbitt I've disadvered that tlioj an d- was, Em, cannob exl)6�ot to' lieve,* tbati-Iiis. res, naturally, soulowhatprovoked. q blunder was allow -ilia I; SpkO 11 Prosperityla being frced bill us tl'o traii!i Piocoodod to MiQiell,. wlyOro , pai�iifto illf, Orlit ilia putlio Ilow more tlie r,esult'of vraut of lhany B& Tim LAbott Ri:qi710 D_ -9 tural agenelie's and we shbuld Instead'.. 0ANAD. IAI�: NIBWSv �. I Ilry vs. -Twifeliell TwitaheII -WANTED, of heart. .Wo' ate alra ' Os -cerlain persons i hink that ;11 ylifollb, of Botl: of sitting idl�-'by and tile rG. tile loftbolliu,V wuio boing.fient ij�ho;tUX.jolla that Should ALLAND kUow, but R. "0 ting typo'fora, Aowsj�al;or is vor fy wollh,. tl '"Fidrd clighlo, to oAcll lit) to it'. Ila (logo not wauL theol,to k116%v tho S1 X G GOD� S EWIR sult, bestir our4olves 'to'., aid 0 ]]a. that iqiiig �Beeoher to onii�n poifil front era obi 01) 10 a's ill ad to Buell rapid. U. -C - I . - � 1) a idea. that, rin ters aroAL 11" being 'Led --is still, tryllig to. (Jeccive. ab W,_- =Inlon Hbus, t art Great Britain by tural ses, -iidtalrej Ather"than boriouslot. Uprovo-tha tit -is 6f. it"oll this-oci; cau rilig r�l -a1houghtloss n ' ' � 1, its Ivan require pub rd 11- - calqy�_ y 31 - Johil Black,.. �f Ferus. � "I'lle.-vonture agiv a i0 1 ia opecia. 111.1 itio, la�� I trnili " broke dow s -Way hve ilredy-bed -T - n intentional. ins to christion moral-fis a now one, and is lilfely to be eveii IqIJ It. uino to U,botoro it Ilad: We cord,, ndorso the above" and borrejuired to Iially.0 re profitable that thoshipment of cattle, 1)(Ibli:01 ill'.yottr yapor, I will-slioly Wat -tITcy sop'tt 2 71, 1876, I and *6 are genet. uply' dispoijed to' noorffin� cd6d onward,- whon'tuo Godorich-WOWL- a -on t7i , : agi6'& -aly cc The Belleville Intelligencer says -i Cab- ary column' 'TtA, contains aboqb are g1hd to �geo that, at m this tiin igt,4 we *outa of ice W6100-SQM after transferred to the rozi - tocontradict Tw The -MaMtoba, drop reports$. show that baga'a a ourious articlo-to imp Htat".Wilt where 116 trouble 't)iat. turcil. Give, it j5lal liud'don't, insinizate'— prvative journal, is sulliciml (ly free fr in art Into this 8,500 ieparateL pidaea Of typo ; to IRA Oae,, lar - trait), NvIliell, Nvithiiiiub further incident, Uluib� Of thatlIto 0 take the IiVorfiy'of kindly wartibig till' �onatry, 'and Chicago is a still inore unlike- letter fit. its place - the lid rations, nucl I)Clellapa , T. jildges'nia,by himself I lil, the yield this year is, one -six tit 'less than' it faotious spirit as to pormit if its. pro- Till travels Itbutit ilea to its dqati4ation, vori nitic tl' VO PrIGG001 h to $2,000, ow iny, vrialat ach. assocititiob.1, �.e ilip' obristian-�r, -IyP1Aaitoim0brU6iram.' Yottliodrought thoieforti, to 1) iVC(I by ''I i lin � was like -to ask if iii;0aild, Malvonliores -evidence, expected. lucing ensible article Y_ _ - , thirty. inches, ub"a c"Itlln tile relief of tbb bolatoiltravellem, w4o, feel jk.t,000, njoijoyxcoo sail. Ilf)tL a' such it a and the worm. have wrought such havoc together, tba.corupositor's'limud han'to-gu a- �ero wholl it wall proved gro as -follows: that lie Swore lalsely ; dait dill not bothowaro that party 'IlWitein ., Oi of LITY, Othot, social Colnplox. amcmjai*c4bbagqw here, that an outerpris iched �f Space. ' Taking.18, 'falsol 5a of. gaining the, School 1000K� IEPOT I unoture', while the I ader'bf i ._ . . , , I . I L I . - I over.265,000 it y for tIIOL Jill qP I AhAt'any v, of such. vicioiis 11,11 . resident of Chicago Beat, ar car of call. ooluings as tile average atn6unt, of ro din ------ i-- ia JIL re, gain lot, . clsolicitor,, NeXt (look, t) ItL.' ana anuiliber of his satplit evoll �Nrr Ill 9 ba e—about 5,000' good hos,48—to this mattfir in tin issuc,.4,590, . ilicholl would. W Toronto , ltil(l' UUO to court t1lou"i 4 Callander &- Cols, fol as haiiiironin the Be6ehers and.. 000 'h� that. Mr, AL-dentrisan was cornoroiAlbr�audIlur . 6 0 throuighs.the, country ondeavorin :to �g t Q, and .6, purchaser ot ;4 relaun together, '6r a 6i O�.botll W(,',!O Illisfaket]" Jo L rma' to Ill. ill ow crative be ttavello(116 got it' 110 lyi, are sorry t6 looril that AIrl T. (Ifilt 'g. it) ly. yeadily. foil tic utof, Ile s find �Woodhullg. of .:Prooklvn rftte*;�98 nd As ilia cabbitgQ a 71wilkit;. � Ouiroadors,will therefor t -Tilton, L adict produce U hof or, is'laid 0 C.031]PLF Ity ty1j'JIoid_faVoil. )VO'l, 1, buttor 18 T idly Jaking its way West, set) that It is Ito lucro 'Cl ild'i linto 0� 1, h tilat t1lia sthe advice given) andf- I I . 11; M r, :U, ditor. J ant so n AnadA of on a, will to a lye all, �, party woul - . .. I a -AILlikef wiWied to liavo the iattor f dttall(L tulf IsIt ly OVI)Ialaw FJQE)II ot 1113 POI1VftL0SP0l1Ce,, ding u r one-" isuuito ii� Ilil p the. 1111atokit As vio, woutiollid. last. ooki our worthy me soil otlhvi%; t flat thoy were gtolell, be allownd for resulaq. Thanhing Co. n eotjVo or from tho pul it. U' p terests'of the o fr' I hawbucti colifined,to his house by a make's it lot oi � 1 .109,35), 0,111.1 that s -a -aro Other About a webk ago thoriiI.was to have be a Porhipo uuthiv�l gi% I?arbyibm, there W'oijld' bo 'It great doal a Marriage it, a village Aje* lailes fro,"' St. bettor e*idonce of the grolving prosperity I U 001161a illu6hs� WE 'wo. aro 'iio%v glad to sman itatits; Now, mr, Editor; I havo not THE COMUfTION OF SENTE�NC&� Thomas, he expectant guostAwore-gath- 'of.. a-praco than ilia incro4o aitd 6xbonuion, state that bo in rcoovoring, though olowly. bearIL'allollpod'by Oil owtit anything -for th sTus at the Nvifo of Mr. Uavin I more harmony tho'country, 1080 alored together. The bride-ftitred.': The in its fieighborhoodI .4 marltqkgai-dons, as itoms 1, Ilave not (won Mo Wanted,,. 0 that acrinionior spirib �nfl. At the la, minister - waited. The marriage- foiet )at the *Ektl14ih1(1 WO.ilth Of ilia Johripoil, formerly df this town, but now, f 'Is there any juoLico th�u; at moh:lent� th' nistak of' they allow tl Y (IMSTIXUAN AND WIFE, 110AUD IN A ity aro'bicreagip �Nloatxua territory, will bb"pleasod to loavii was Jett without till). ivas in roRailess. kut'ilfavecrearib love' and hrolio childron. Ad-' attalso ne :ia (lid columull uvering rom air "To -h t found -doael in hild trfoi 11y -r roc X561 rehlis with I)artleulars,4e, Care t ones -to vio]AfQ the slig",vestion's ]love ].lid induced tho G6vernor to Commute Pohitea thao. The' day passed � aud tile luxurics.'" though.owall. Xw, Nlr. to regarda (lays iigo in hit, huuno oil tl to Ottawa Flats. itpur provit j- fatal.. 16 Seem ultbrati -tile .%Visit to Itak Tito body wits burica in'a pauporli; grave, lt i it, this light tll�it we dro glad that tethe . om h& be found in ihe 06ns6rVa- thosentebeeof aMeOL-YoUn& Ilight waned avroi. ., The minister wout his to notice tha6 one Of our - iiiust, proilliuoII6 that. her sonic, of her oloothilig- accidentally would ally that has uouitnon setwo,matiat - , 1, 1 tL and three days after his wife, who is -a Winted. Itiv, "I � I .. P'tO iln' way home, and the guests departed. Nek fiArcIp�rs,:Jos. Allanion, has found his do- iaugltb oil n Shaft in a mill (which revolved Bite Ian iv wotild Ila lit) of In, rations in the bookawi . Tenders e press," Instead akin C, Dada Pri 'lohn Bill of nz;Dun s wILL =p unarp -liv Tim f L L tll6y. t ' t s6nnIont for life,. and tberefdro day the minister rotdtfi6d. The bride, wits j� too sinall and lias',6tdridod his bor- at the rate of one hundred and thirty rovo�' uso to Win in any wly. ,\To%v 111 TI� was married A few t )Iaeo -itcho Ill is well.4;opt lutiolls per minute) and in an iustan, ll, � 111111CO1115011, GaTCOW, lit ana Its intbrests, sti -waiting with anxious expisciation , and data by SL large adilition'to hi days, I)rovious t6 Ilia 4eath the -olcl mail Tiamstfh;rp foil Stoue-alld MIA to bo deliversift ill' ex reme, or tho, complained to ilia polica-that Ilia wifo. had itill. tba, lagard came noL The event. haii garden, Xotvifthstandirtal tho'dryftesi of as wound armind 16, and had made abaut 'Chancery, to prove flial; they Nvero any use to �l on *1 OF TUE Writ OCT., XZXT. Irthey would*hofiestly aido"by the murder'of blean deferred till. sor:66 future' time, or the hid garden ItZproduced ab n- dlothing gave I all� Oi the tampot g1ent ar, to NOO. penalty �f tile law, fat the' *108 attomptied to poison'bini, but as'no ovia sot her dooluot bluil-blinself to ftteop.t the low - u fifty,rovolaiians before her ne,Or that I used !act figut tot or tiny tender. accorall daubly, , ' I . , "I of ol'tJ00 that I claimoil froin I ZAIXES TTJ NEIlo abovb toachln�s, nn4 cease UoDonald., gh's act of the to � take. its place among the ufi aiad e have no doubt he will give way, which saved her life. donce, boula bo obtained tile caaa wits drop- Govern- p ished purposes,pf fite­ But it would be 'to Ilia bollafltfo good evidence of what can be done In ilia pod.. All inquast-will be probably field. - Ciffiton'Sopt. 20, 1�70. v therft:Ot- meub haucalled a largo'jamout of dism Ail ake ilia alterations in the books, tic as wo -erize 461 ba a charaeL t xchan'ge "ve the following* do—an W46 -V of gardonlhg, in the forthcoming exit* A coad of tiaiii-wrooking occurred earl� I a00%aqa -Correspoadenee. could not got at-armattlament, for the, rColdilht I 'we feel finfe thqy-)vill rdooivo.every Iougi5rvativos, of courge, evidence, of -the d ia, no*' '.bition. We mrning on the Canada late, on, lbe C % T prices Ian otic6d. that he had a large Farm for GZrgo tty I olaiihetj of him oil account oftho iihn, an(l encourajoment and fiom� Gordon, o1cwtown'. quantity of fine'strawbarry plants, -which. Ingin Tdfferson. cout condlbmnin' it' a doveu a ]Argo nita I _, br� A gentlemawrosidl as this money bad"llob bo'ch--put intewil busi. Southorn. Railwayt near Brownsville, io- -1117RON XIOA-1), - , , . ' . I I g 0 ship clerk and treasurer of West' Zorka, are now ready for trAn6plAnting. for6orly of title plact, solids sult�ing in 66,1%eiv York dasbwatcl,"botind' WEST HALF OF LOT 83, 1, 0 u. se us UIO nose, who'has goCib ? Eithor Twitoliall or I Tuckersinithp containing abont 50 acres, 9 aerear formirs thah . o I TO road a bet! at its sapportern state thab they re-, haa lately dispoitfad of his 100 acre farm, �ti PROV19CI[AL, express being thrownlioin.the track and Wared, remainder first elags har4wooa bush, The —Among the following, which may be of intenkst, to our must have it, and lie has been wked to dowifan outbrChkment. tr v Above thrim I a situatea about two rallea from. Clinton. Conservative paper noW-a-dayo.' and gret that it has Sebn fit to do so - but "eall, Embro, to Mri. Alox, 1-Tolmes for prizes won. at the Wovinoial Eibibition'by readers I,— a claim on me for tile nioncy, and has rtflleo(t ange to sa� 0ay, Al,,Plyt Thee. Oliver, of -the )same 0 following: loro for the last Itodoso. Ifxbvaifwlldoo� lie nobinalco none, Of tile Passengers wove seriously in. R&N.,group, Stapleton. Would bo,. led , o' �lf o, Conclusion that; the'y- We think if the ate Cal persons trOm this (Jaunty are th ,a bas becil very dull I a clhn on me, for - it ?. XoNV I defy hint - to jurod. The eu6inoor was badly a ded SW, 21, 1810. wore the onl aught attillion, four yr.,oldo Lora three or four months oi�ibq to thol3lack Ifillb M, towrishipi lot 220 3ta don., has recently HeavAil el y one.q who hadany int0oat* I igiit;M, tiiore will not Ilk foU' allow that- one 'dollar lie been paia out by arid has since dicil from tlio injurie he ic. invest, ' 04 aiposeCclf his firm of 100 acres, togethot Haddo, owniid by T, ( olqulioun, llibbarb, excitement and thalloux Indian hostilities, ether of tio. I- would like him, to who caus;a f N 0 1-1 SdOM aila with the farm stook, ta W X Souther., 3rd prize -, Earl Grarivillo,'2 Your old, let -but Ila the Biftokilillicotintryis- , W, aill calved. One of the scoundrels whatever in the country'a prospetj� any reason to donbt . tl�i WI 1and,'& :nilghbori for A6 round ant, of pirwo, T. J. Bell, Londesbor6';-3 year'old. faillird, ant- old luinarg are mostly on (lie to. whore the money Is gone. . Awl now, lOse the acoldenthas benArrested, Any thing at- mmotiva olujillaring frorn. 'Y,000.—Mr. John 'Murray' (Avonton, filly, lit, Col ififereat would it Ila to muddle the book$ so LEAVE, TO; STATE TIUT Irg ItAS a Ref(irmef ii nb 'once pronounded to T. ahoun , foil, 3rd, T. Cole treat back to their -614 houlas. Stakes: that could 'lot �(Iot Asettioniont? The .1-P openecl the aliop lately oatupiect byUr.,L a $,a , by celi questiolledj that njurda 130VI rm of 100. Ito a to Mr'. Ilahouni Porta, lo steam anglao, for-apri. have prove(I lbanigelvam true for years pilot, P� Stile Register. opposIte the rdarkot, tot, the purvago of gen rallo bing, r wag not In. W ll�nlb ) sold his1a. % I'lle can gee.qa well o I can, wl -0 tile Ina r �00,500, and purchase I 'I- let jMeh a l0phIA139 filtbital0l W61(ing OhOW 900# Ili Zrrayj fo g let Glioggyr, Mgpphqr�. have lurned.out more than an avarage of ni .. C them At vAllidllcu With 016. int(-rcStil Of tonded—Volibery _. Ir ultural Put ose _rj '30 �111 wl doAq Lk of -ilquaV a sea- bi — --- pl . %tent,16VA sCo., I tap, go ( in blyth, find Ave$ not Able to put ill t;jstocli� TO. Cc __y,. ; Wort plough, 3ed, V� y1ottet, !base nitbldfttif, no rnudi fig vor )love do 8, (410dorich township, on Friday, Oct. Iin Ad carrying of,that oitt nuivilor wito Ron, I(wo.no big 6110're 6 first IYORIC SOLICITED. 34tiglied, Wagas are y-efik we started, Twitelfell says, G, Taa. Howson Auct. The Dominica 0ovdmwetit having dd- Hooltridge, Goderich.; 1-Torse bay fork alid the, Present, I will be f Into tl%6 businerig of the frill t1i tbeir reasons fat! inch assertion, Ino thil ICAUIto th6 Iftttav Okinlo'beinj e0m- 61404 t6 assist -Canadian manufacturers taolclai lab, P. Grant, Clinton ; machlnP for Itgot too Clinton, Sept, 96, trig'. stoad of looking. at tho varlotts quetio'nilt i:k1Itte(1,by . . and pradittlera 11h fo�V?Ardlfig to Altatralia -har As follows, with board, farm laborers, $50ydr Warm for ray ftloll(I atid T, illd we had to, Ile. 111arm 'tack &C., Of D T 11, vesting peas, 2nd� G. McLeod, Rodger- nionth, Freight&4,' 10, Ifordbro, $40, Car. ' a ft�ld * Brunsdon- -lot tife find take another coursel" - We hail gooll 18 eon. 11, 11qIIett;,On Farm for -Sale' thrit fitigo frolli finlo to tin16, in all' a I' youogf f6l. which 116 Anch spoaWens all they ma$r Wish -to oxhi. villo. � Butter id firkin, 46h, W. Horbison, penterp, $5 tig day,' with�ut boardo tella noons'for nof going on after lllmsr. 11:1119. O�, I t, 0. I Vlannel,.- not factory -Tal hall been exectflb(L- me) t 146 literally n& -bit '-t th 9 - ltion. to be held there in Goderich, township inasons, $6 to 136ok-keellerg, 8 1 g5 to, $150 re, 0, 11owoon Anct. partial,and pattloti'd ford anit Xellc3 throw it out the first thre, F aim Stdc.k.&c. s,o f A . 1r, W. Phipps,, lot 21, rnE al"n8dInh WAT 'Vo- flag giveti 14 11k. Althotigh J'a, adinu exhibitors ire rg- made, 2ndi W. Harbilgon-, W. X, Oross- oil month, Mipors, $1 to 8r) per (lay. Afar. n orimns ran sATn qu6stod to forward, -_ because the book Ivas tampered ab they abuld, sp0ldia farm being tho With hlf of lot 310 eon, 0, looked ab front it party stand point, an(li on or before the: dth vre% -Soalbith, took six prikes for -paintings, tets, 1171our per 98 lbs., $5.50 to $6 , Wheat, eon, 8, Goderich township, oil Tacs Voting Alded And In tiffs grlmo,' not arrive at a, In6t, verAiabj-And wo agioed, to d . tty, tat NyRiduash, eontaining loo ikercs. of aravel si,14 of 0Aqbia43o-Ae Minister Ofgr1oultum, 'and Mile Clars. Monheastle, Clinton, 2nd 3 cents po� lb, ; 13atter, 40 cents per Ili. ; Eggs ation siul the, reason 1 (lid not It. 9� itatimaut Of 016 articles thOy dosiri'to -lit animals train life,, gad in flowet,or fruit, 45 �eittg , Biabo, 25 ; Po6tocs, 2 cefitaper lb.; qr�# in fall whenti. prindpal ouniiner (allow Sol'116 fall sw iit ofingot ba mid . lid oatum4ttorl mordf 'tr 75 acres cleared and in a yooti state at cilitivation, If a second arbi Oct, Bra. W. Ilddgion Ad - plowing clone. Theta is &11 the place a goo(l ankinithe oad. That thin In ijoh tiht, to Astil th in send, giving a fall detorlption, of tho name, liddift still life,, and let for portrait, 0abba a, 5- cents Pat' lb. I have receive 1301tim. b Twiteliellto Shop, anit bo- got, me that lie, barn-IMAD, with kablesi root hPitia, ite, under; a omil rq degree, Ant h6dfare, aught with w4htj bulki and vilas I also stating A( letters of enquiry from 11twed 16 lionge-90xIMI, ldtd= 1000i Well alloarph forgot himself, and'told its that lily privato StUAITO.Sr. In Clintom� an ilia 22nd Ina cioge to t a Itouse, and 2 aereg of Pawl bearing I l6sat, 18 quite Ovid all t, 111109t Canal 110t tax4ok tile puntahmalit tot, jbAt whathortho asuberifidtfoggbiptoonton _ PA'9qr,!;TATIOV..—SOMO 'evenings Since, regard to thdadvalitagea 6f this-oonritry, If I I ledger was taniperad with, and itiontioned tile wife of Mr. obfiervor, nitid that thorigh P11 Mr. 040. Diehl was surprised by a number tin -, it is j hard question to answer, but, A, straiton, G. T. It. 10i day not Id, or thau the 5th, 6F 06tobarl wly certainpageo� and ,line referred to anotitor The fartu Is woll fefta,t With aa& 15;10 convmfont fly with the abovo ond will In. ov4sr to snable the ovarawant to do. oftisfrIends, from. Around Varna, whopro'. tit yoir peimitalon, will do so soon through, grampIrm-1 . 4istwit fl-ont GoderlemhH miles, Clinton 14r te"tAiligAf hdido . P49O 1w to plyty 0,kanobeoo - r3. upon. thil boot siThtlgam -flonted him with. a pukae- of -046j-, adcoil;iI )n) mal'a RoW9tt,—XII Toronto, Oil the 23rd, Sept., aia that I had given hto OHN CARROLL on tha the" f6i itsinspoitfition of ths sa Allied by tho following address, for will lit to, Alai# I the wifb of of &son, plemlsta, of If by =411 -arnN P 0.; or to the$, go tendered thieth his sincere thanks credit than I ought, We then Iva At W13 aetha coalsou'a offlee, and ask ed, fol' , my ledger, and C.y1ARILT0X,Auctlon4drsR1ytb� VIA totwakial wpravaO tho ul Rig of nmrq 11196tllig� oTIZAA A favr 017,11ir mqrlv Tito Dunkin plot *#a last; week carried got 16, Mr. Lawrence asked 1vialconion if fti. 97, 1870, IR IkDd MAIF Ni N[W I t U 0 hfTi6faitton on Vaesday. D to yopi 1%pr4asing but heartleh in Ole trilng. in t Is county. of Gray, by &6 arge maj6rity, any person Ima access to mV booki find lip, the jo dneo, of telils ftrA, Wconlin tL Mild hioro 11C111144*0441 In WhIth -1 1111VOM11 014001- OUT' The centennial prize 'span of Dominion 0aidtlicyliaduot, 9 tsxt*d,� 4.4, �odar 06ptitinin Ig not tit oklirio,y ons. Tabdftpli�041 brad, llorses� ownoil by Mr. Kennedy, of, the brida's father, bago line, on, the second ifMc, nud tile answer Wag same. I aftil r64�611010 In their littok,11110M, 1111,10, Ilia Ant'lan I Arl instWitas dorriod on its 6114116 Sal ment of thopo thingn We took thdbook lionio find oxamined it, rind Inst'l. -by I thoev, R. 1"Coartico, Mr. 0 Lond6n tdwllbhipj 4aVo bben 0014for. �$1 moil" Would mov, gliully like I to -rind It ovoolng alikillot its sda6iditnoe with tile l5ro. tot' w1dahTod have Aa long Ital (AlthAilly, labood, is, found ttio tmparad,figureg Twifellell-spoko Distloy. of 11olmosville, to Alled N . . Indeeat & gma talrortwis, not; a4vorgo, it aft-ditia- 500. P11blighog, gr% gtAtlltvler Vill ighest ottondA1166 at any iskidso may qP000, they might'have bom a. tiveot dogi about, on the pa as taelitiollod. by hini. . 13ut daughtorof bir., . A�rra. t- Ave could not tin. arstaild then *ltat the book' strong. 6606 Ow -for nalkmitI6#1' T61111 fl t tIC110S Will be OX- I.-WAO tit Parl0d"Lft NVO found but, after. �rowtll in Elti ti()n "thAll oh6, InatitlAd Wo 104 ;11la l6wilfib 13 f the v44, H94' lit' 0116. of Yolit hilrdhor P01211441, Ab In' rumor is afloat at tho Centennial tlia whilo Wo (10 116b O'namo all varage atioull4ude for tho 14010 for th ftsis the Am in ou4h unfookoil nV MA PAV A� lvt�aaat Ioo# b4d Wen -ire 1A . . ­- _,!I_ _ I Avm; Viy VIVA J�CVOVJW, 13uv. st-m-dent, wo bellova thay, firer doing all �AO . 't to eatilbilell a i9oprO1116 ('atn't, " rot 001141111tifittors 'Vila largest itionibei of to4ching ittoodrigk 11014 by Uily 011a illAti. thsit, Dail bd IvAgnuably expeoteil 4(ow 0013A tot, 016 1�0. luildoll, 14til.�i 011'6 hy J114 f' C11fo W -4i got � the ftA%0I#%t onalbat. ers " tho Autal utpubde 470, In, 4n. ikyoraga or thoni to rAdyanoa thc'Intoroo(I; -t)f Oajia4a- ftivi loo#g upoll whiall 01a 411 I�tfarly 09 for -660% 4%1AM1116, .14001-Itly Norilo NO doalflig 04 'forin baAW011, aud 0 loll- ft I a Any 000fillib the) wokon and �114 gillity of' ti, r4littl -� 4014 'Iq 411durl all ago Itito tho thd ratlok of a, doing thint chall rmelVil bu hearty A`11PA Von, , relfloved, 0,�d thq will )ill potapellox to :I(wAt votl4bla lotoo 1� of tlift Nwilithip tit Will" Ill to grw ooftd6l'all the ftatiouri,of auy gnvorillinont frivr1lit '11homf Tt ORO nlq'�Ara fliAt 016 '40t hpli� '4141tiob thu 0441.1o, Win, Clio pooe (plirnal vvithotit invaptiptingithe QW111?1441ag 6(40 Allth�lv�ftlOg 40 f00 Well ftl'011900; Ill *am: gloyitt oxhiu*W ftbbi b'm of bloo Vesgrip, Itallefor(I .11A X@Icl, 01113 futoulpt t (s I)rovoft (klipoill to ilia 1190vy wl IIA4 vs 10&44fill UAA In tho no�k$ 0 '.�i 94Y flially of Vill, (;oa4sVVAbVa �vjojitlfl (Willitll, 81V fr) call ti,&& 11IMlo liff., o lf� to to 04 41A f4wo IN4,v 0606yor Not We pf� ot 4001 his do 0 tho proamit noo.olulb tor �144 Al)ile i1ropo0fou, and It will Is tooR fillnuill 110 111111, -16110,1 With WO 011016 NO$ d tho In In 64 Atarya,'", hava to do 1JA�tfJr­j1V U14 f4j,"llo, 01114r. thw Intordoo 4 1killokilliy WIA 1101)W of I of, Or 100o (4 car wlielala W194 41k)(1.1114 Ivillbo oAA 11potl 1114 T'llatt-ii . N I . 44 V16, J� V�.ij JJy edi lul J� 110,1rAf flifi6t *Wt tilt "iyant 11 tth a i *T11311 J 0 1 fi, I., . I ri thr't obarlt, )f I'M Wl All (11411go, lJoill 11111yo, NV110'rover 1111 11wilf whogo hoppirlo IfIbt ilayol, to Willy . A, 04tPow of RuIrota J X faitil.awl hlogil" 1411 b 01th Y011 Ill' Eta fI loll, We 11DAY 0ott k W yWi, Wolld thAll 61 Ifiril I 011t R why I vlow 11,111d 0 Ild Vaal) a% for Ill 111ra'A') ,I the 01r. tor flivy oq� 116a oat'! Why I'd HTF11 Via v o0la Vat 1, a to. 140vtow to (iftstf. ko 01t,ltl1tl$.',q ? 0 y(k to of Hilo 11111`0 Ar4 for 74,11, viall With ell WROW411 41111 111lill4h Wil!tW tNvv.r loltl1tillift, fir U 10i lilt, tfdq 11141 oralk ill W4 a 10L. th 0 Ai MIA rqiIAIM A � - 11 -1 - -_ , - ­ I - - it Woo a. A dosliatoli frolli 1,0116n, E t1glant, a cortilln receipt given byllilli to 1 Stephen. soil, for 0U.50, wA9 turnotl 611 Iny account froin Stallheilsom Ur. for batrols I received aqys it is rumdre(l. tIIA6 a general Con- stoill onsou vab.-T to court an(l Swears tbat-A 1 9 Seription has been or(lored throughout 11u4sin, an(t thill tile Atisslaii Govern. WAN not tiffned. oil lily account, for barrol.4� -The roacipt iseilrell ill 'UNVI to] loll's hilixt-writ- t . to Cho fIrm fdr fig' "%it' "a I o0a not acce"ItC molit, llfw� ordertd t1m. prelmilatioft ,Ila Molloy, nor did. X get eredif (Oil it, fil Illy ro""I'Sin. of 1111-horsog liable to beizuro, ill ),-Ill In that'luitica to tile ? :N'Ow, call they calwor war, 7,110 - i0port JS lloiv dreat. Al me 1101V liy book a4t Uppored with while, u malconl.161;�ff 0111CO., Ito, tel Is Ila t1l it Tic, oe�solj had. acceist to� my book, atid, Twitcholl, 11it WeaffosdaY moviling, i4s tile St. whild fit the witfioao -boyL 8�aid tlla't '4\4f. %Nral. leltoniho Times, a UP. Througor,'of Court. comsoll1tad shown him tile booh, but Ito (lid Ivright. attivad at tile 0411441 Southern Vesgrip, Itallefor(I .11A X@Icl, Station, raving Illad. Tho poor Man had goub to, (ho Centennial lasio woiik� adcoin- JOB, 43 thq exatnine(l. it tiloog, with chockq, and WOW 111,40utt that ib was "Lit ffOt tholy, tiiAllie(I by Ilia wife. Th6l oxeltomorit of :pld le L':1,1111yiU611 (1ppottrA -to have overturned nob taluptroil Ivith, 1101V (lid Twitcholl hnoW' t1lat 1b VA6 taolpofea, NvItIl, whollL bii lilt; 11111ldt, An atfoodwit ha�j coillo with hifli 11dov.1lum told �W, Tawref)06 O'nit I ill 1111 thop that it was, qvon telling -us the very pageo and tho, I000lci,tl if piflible Appotoole 48 hotat-lil tile 'tO013 Whoro we, would fillft illo taluilored �gfiroo, Nfr. Tkvitolloll r0fora to nianufA0. " v,lvotiv; 1)(milil hand, 4114 toof� A `til'14 I'lig ith Wild lorm told, t'4060'Wit Dill Ibkbk tutotl . ovidenoo to suit, iny ok4t,�, .10411 bo vor glitl It Ito till fitAbo ally plive"11 01, iitr WdAltda t'hi.h*tfirdrite fult � Ad: Milliken, on 20t1i inat at tile, to sidtince, of tile. litidels mot;U'r, Mr. wZ .761in Cox, Godorieli township, to 1, beth, younnat daughter of Rra,'Chr Phol: Htar4;, of tile saalo plitoo. of till tile Ist, Jan, 01F.Dor 1_1)0.stage� 'r thesmall sunt of' to ,sirn�pAuo. .4n: Goderich "ynahip ;ir tile 25ih ingt,,, Cellfiq,, paild-tw-Ad-vanceo Sohn, shop�ard, ftgod,80 yoftral OVI-n0u. Ity." Ill Clinton, Oil tbo' 27,C11, i'-'toivistlietiiiietogtibseribe- 'Charloa-GrIffithi, soil of W. C_OYW� Vully, aged -10 itionthi, �V tor a real goo'd fit 111-V Pittler.'i Show this to yar 101,101165 alld -thilwe mrho�wilut - U486 uldinq Itutolf, lroalw.16, o4j, 10 R1 1AIII(At I'Vatich, elintoll� Oct. 41 Klid, 4" to bot rolv, A Copy of tho pa- l Al Tnulbefty Dran0i, WbtvTmp%,So1�t, 0. trotrill Iffluiell, l3lyth, Gef, 12' kilq it), Per, And hidnee thetit. W'., Itily MAW%, Iftflell, 00t. 3 itila 4. dakoftffilth Be& Olt, at I, �' 'VokiX 0444, 1�