Clinton New Era, 1876-09-28, Page 10,00 imalmirp oRM
'A. 4 0 1 0, --1 wood op
Mom pip. A!" W
i so 0i i
171 X its.
I 11nowledge comoo vat wililow u4
toil INVW Strangta it May AftW
, , 1. yet it is Uon$
the le a tru
p, that never, in the ��� I ry
of the wor14, 11
T]K"U:RS:DAy MORN five; the " IQ boo 40
ING) generally 'under them oo.Ullrof
of the. ai.
vill�`y so coin tlJonlyciillod I ski
At the of4eei lalltiko Street, 'M '11"y opposite they are to We hosveo befpra U0 2A
and. Ont, awful- Tiow 1,44 slicer of oo�to4opt, the
sip-,' 'the 90burot of exteora I Is
-------- — — — biting oaroa.
Ivalloc, or it paid Ili
tiou 'With WhI64, thie votaries of the
XI fit
.m time of oubocrihing or 42
does arerwout i
04 the. end 0 tliq Tio.r. 9 assail at;
ono.ligh to jl�otea a';ainat tu on,
0 fJWAY of
'Tile Not 001io office lit the county of uVro -whose shrine they worship.
in., qOnnoction, � Work e-ecated in firat-OlUSE; the Vo er Art
It seemo, however that the, time, Ila
m4mier, On the Shortest notlooe, it W at very V01- X'—.Xo, 39---!T0rMlil'r $1,50,per auunin. CLINTONi, ONT 0 TgURSDAYt. SPOPTEM' .1 S
BER SON, P now come, when it behooves every right
Wdividal'to pro
V W I 1� thinkill o, i
I . 0 test AgaWel; tho
dominance which appears to be, over-
0Ll),1jlRx!$ TP.UST, of $Tuve, r@oQrvgd seemed Ini. be blained for ridillg,040 OiVili=l WOk-ld, alld 0.-<erting
SAX92114.3w 96 z 3W Lwt*al 'karb,ols - 1� . . 'Prese4ce, giving Such prunioliment, qiitet. Wor1riers In toroi,, tile: 1�105
tion 0 cents pat, I spirod b dme, Aleep ip@w t_ baneful � infll
'irst inger I * I . . , , interest in, his Xr. ]PArnatte, to6, was tnisiiihiovously fond iencof over ouir
you think I'm afraid ot,slylu!.
n4jortlQ14o, '4r COW or l4liotioll tillie, Bettoot I Would katbOr live, Of rof0pIng, to tb4rt Momentous llltei.�ipw, The hilillat,
f.11jent jijCi(lont to "Iflunern, OtIr Vil$tonlq, our lijoralityj
00 44."v PuTas, ROYAL AIAIT4 And hang on to uty l000dWable chances, -from departm
W T. oucft, X.Tig QUADVATI] OF TRllqlTX him 6ut to* 4apartmeni in bill after heartily accepting Lucien's consent tile age jj�xs r(,,e6ivV,1 its even otir religion, F ro.m
0110 CQlAlmll, One year . ........ O'COUVE;Q, Tomato, loysiclon Anil what they are likely to Siva vast, business, till . lie h . ad a . ome.ifisight, into to pill his plans. tile roollarbli
do Xivolvool, I In this wa* of 800d doatial and. drinki'l,
rry, alosa.010, Out. omcc;;--Opgoodt� $1 But he has IlQtr Yet re s tbroilto, down t1irdugh Ali file
one's uotol'. @ry branch. El _,vo
liftlf ...... 40.00 'Tan. 20, 1 7r tippli'llimii aild solExii.
With so, ev o, go, . him coaddential gretted his off Is, nor tile po
sition he has till the low.
3 IllontIls, ... 95100 Audb%viii1to eaupinwinter, Q Nybitih P"'Itiont, alitl Mon-' inallifold gradc-s of societ
The first-class, full powered, Oly4a,built, Stoamships business 'to transact, and p4t h -given, Lucfeii,nf fullpar(ner in his lucrative
Ito ill h1o;
ARU 11 Otte YOUL . .......... 40.00 of the Allan Lines lQRvQ Quebec eyery, $a Like a bear, with, the airliest ollow coyunting�houle. .,An4 01AD 11111,11own, W ofit, krAW. it; reached, till Seem to be gov.'
A turd -Or- nil. APPLETOX,-OlTia AND RUIDF.Worl- bu,
d�o.otj Ing, for Liverpool; loading Pasootigovs,tioa(% Cion, *or orhers lia�a bvol� the
half - 14 91 Q� f king. business, while every hope- of his loving
&Ito at A -P, The Homsto lately a Rpletl by Air. J'amica Pairs Qp- '$o, Sir, I tell you that dyin, ever br May h an,
y end Glasgow, onland Qj% 9 th a tj tt.M-1141s
I months, 12-60 pqfAto the W000ler'sl Is IQRVIRI Vies things that wet line atrove� to. meet every 4 , ed by the home to tile erilett oqnall by Fasbiou,
01tuveb, RatteliburyStroot, Clinton, wt a UPOUL I rt is gratiR, bappincoo , 11 ill fj14,
One-fourth, one S OlIntou" Nov, 70, flototin' out Into Strange wittori Mad his b;�&luorarjoj halide, RjVitu,; OfMatel to bcs, ail(] to, be fasbionablo ap..
year, ........ 20.00 JPR ,% who remains with him, Lucien days of �iiiloatoxi; Isvilitt, Arins�,rjglit or
All dark, above an' bolow.1 ever r Peir bfifiC4 Qfjh(t busines, the. clos. gladly ac'epting the proposal to form one
...... 1-2.00 .3 , a poar aH if they ve h"I I keer nothlal for Now ertio'lem; tep -
=1111111POOL 131110 I'MES STE lir. 3T., OHADUATE OF C 0 1twoula'soom, live hulat oat itteutlon, qntkotr There, are two rosy chililron ju,
3 months ....... aining every power to fAmil
niiiall upon 'Broolety—it was 'Sholy
0;46 QfAOASSIA ............ Ora they, olendid n at a ID111titude of our follow.
-011e a............. repay faithfully. We'. confidillice mposed in the 4 nuraOry, find already the fifth creatur N'llom, no
ij SARAIATIN ............. Ivthings so Pe ran of tile . WhisIr A3socilltion
h1871. leThey don't dilsolok poor folks come, lao meetingv call 1111mber.
him. Nearly two years had pa Beiiij when PluitTelmory- of- 'May'd wedding. dalas pao- tj ................. Opt. l4th. . ; . 8 r I it T djjj�'be bQld enolighiosbIQie
$ in utl sj-� But, Oh, -if the singing In heovon one illorning Mr. -Bartleite dolled Lucien ped but there has W 001�t iventors and
on no regrbt. yet in tPle Ifit-COMPas"fith"01Y 0 ............. UZ, Physicians Surgeon, Pto", coroapr for Woo the hunt of the Wind In ilia piriollt homes as the roatilti.of M t
0A4'twelftlIj One year, 8100 ........ Wilt, D. Comity of 11tilion, Itoliddeuee and. oftlao into his prlv�oe oitfl�c o6joipg the dooroofter trive wero' otintilating one- another itfor lliMsOlf a NtIl it, filly way difrev.
"00tPultv 01 Or tile noise of thie brook and the river, ur.not-
CrD� Albftt and Mill 9treets, Clinton. tote Test 94 4Wr OAllix TxeXETS,jNjjtT DT , Whore the brook and the river 114res, him, ill 1119 froril that pursiied by these fashio. 3.00 BE j 74f prprilotipp iljdwqtv� ancl fillet 44 ATOURElt 91:11, if the birds was to sing Italleluysir, I amabout to Make a itralige disclo- tible is It once 1.)Ilt 3 m6lithe . .........
Offered by Wil Line are verylow rates As they do In the bushes all days %tifilering, It ltho valley of the
L , I
Basine4o'Cards,$ lines accomin6k ations, greatest #mount of comfort, -so Jr -11t, STANBUAY, GRADUATIl, OV THE AlUDICAT, Aultito little browu oblppioo should obatter, Sure to you," he said gravely, 11 and you eitliar If fbolish" 6L, (I '
of Stryed Lost, Folin(14 ourityaud. safety attainable, and, shot "clent atiol Nola ru G reat #Aj'ro�,(V1j-.';,�1_,,'
-L�F Do the IQQU$Oes ohir
-test sea passage aitment, of.Vktoria Vul:vorP14, I.Voronto for�' Xup Away. must weigh well what I say to. yen. . Ul)r
&a., not exceeding 10-linols, 'month, I Propma pallsage *001-tificates tatinea at lowest rateoLto, of the 116"p,tido pintL -less Now Wrk, : I J, of oblivioll, flifit have known, me Onij as a
after first mouth, rid cents oil I' �Porsoasxislilng to b4as out theirfriegolo. or�puer far the Cpmity of iXuron '143a El"OptowS klyot'04 With ol inonth.. One IfovembElts evening lastr YOUr folInd ill the world. of t
For Through TIOk to And OV071iiformatlob, %Vp a ShR404 With vyarboadj Me failhioqabld
uly 2t!, 1814. business. maii I speak to you ae:
AdvertisetnOntS Of F&I'l-911'alid Real Estate 'With leaves dropplil' down In a solipwe�j me) an elderly Lobdoilt*lawyer st4g4ing-jit One niigbO as ivell -bd
a, pulse: 411plicatiou of tjI jjOt first II]Qlltjli 'n It 1. friend, to friendo � I but �l the end of f ilia 011g'piers w1iich to, thti ail of Tho i-noLexe . -A. STRAJ�TON. 0,T. "JR. an 0
"Clinton, 4th 167a" JIAN, SXTRCTI� ,,an yellow pue co ol
en6ncoe 0 an iinportaut p(tokot
,or t I -W t of 1yorld its mit of -1116 fasbion,"
�jl_)F Aotcouchour, 1,100thito at the College of tons1 rlvpr. $1 ; not exceeding 15 11116, first ritolith 'RUA XgOQaR of rovipolal Liu 1 cogla go all alone to flogj! haVefew fri6nda, Dicion.. Gaylord ru Avord"
each subsequgut month, 50*and 75 cents, .$u Loar Canada, tond, 11 . 1 .1 cotlut,you As one I's tho tlie'lillies, . I port. on the South Comt. . I
n and put a
Imail -filtered-j Oyer, "tVat.ohill, damp evening, wrapped up to
Advertitionionts'without specifte direOdoiis fix myUat y6ki: ter was llot there wattors of dress
will be -inaertudil1-forbid,-,ijiVd -ollarrad ac. ...REMOVA-L Olin whoalmed with surprise. Iiii
Tbwal tlp,c if, 1"ii
. . . I � I �� - :, i !illy cars, In Coat and and Shivering �lltl IAQ1110 ill- n9c, is per laps
-Ir I mMr..
cordingly. tons Jens 10, 1137 A*b U tho till -said, lily olva lyiah itildda. it III' AdveRisenkents 'mea;ured by a settle of Xidioul4know orpwaSsOmethloiltofollor,- "andinyon] child is a dritu gliter, whose V - . Ill Y CUSTO311311ts AND T1111 Ptrl3LXO GEN1411- 8 VXI Al D-, L'ItIc ld Thatouldn't be likely to fall edowa.frolix,towlAp n%eet to solid Nonpareil. ALLY, VIIII010116 "hio
10 take notice that I have removed of college of Physicians. Sold litirgapus ofoutallo, future lias been to ilia -a pubjuot'tof returnilly
MYB0619 AND SlrATIOXImv business from the old otapil lots cusp Surgeon of Kin; -al aml Lylugi a And Vol lay doWn my head, coi4tontpa pr illy seec aueo of
E. HOLATES &V 7ston Qanox o�rful anijety. .0 of it -oil, It;.;, lildnotl twury iito that.nowetore, oopit 1, hyttiolau, Surgeon tmdAoqoucheur, QlvyLvl�l To let,tue moms over mogrQvo a fearell tl�lt actc4l ; ands tile b As it doall*011 the tretto in tbo forest, iihou I die, the %vealth-I ]live duld mako beillgr late, tirlimw sI)ortoll j)j
I load, �Valkcd out,to tho, eml (if ALCOMSON & WATSON, BA�LBISTEJIS, the piou to Strain, my iniceustoibod And say I was wIllile t(s go..
Comer' f Hurop ad I It the Lord. has allorts been with me, ter lave feared that u throtigh the darlillowl 0 Ap 21 hoir 1110,46fe of Some plausibld to I'm , 'I j a
ay b6silless-would 40114�) 0 1 atio
TORNEYS-AT-LAW, Bouritoft And he] I a .. mq f�tsb lt� 1ft4j,
ConTeyancers Offloo-Next doorto. tho rely the fall to ruin in incompetent hands. Often
than Ban4pullding. XrXTP.00n TO, It. OALLAi;DVR STOM.- the forkivared tip the vallays, quickly-gai-boring night for t1ke lights of tile Itru
Iould also. ronkind them that I have jundo large adtli, And Ptl look the lay of ilitt land, U have hoped toy meet, ht sometime a' Prbiasz; Hilda. Tito lialo oution a 01.(-.�tv joilicul ilow, wid. ill Lolistiquouco
NST.Vrz a t
MONEY TO LEND ON IWAZ tions to y'stooli, and have now on hanol a A -class And 1twit.4 safe to trust Him yV
I Could,
-f-'j11LF,ANS JIOU15B, CORNL .01" conloit�NT
G.A. WArsoN, trulit Him the very )Rat
S, MALCOMSON. assortment of 4 .6 ;44 -it 0114ton, July 21, 1875. iiia, anditi; old Nitli'll olit.
0 "P- �n - priotor.-Ex0olleub- Attilonlodations,-Doard, pox I�Ook as 111m all of the whIV -might 'succeed to my business. .1 have
41-001; " W!Qhout Mill
A flne solection at the late . st, $0.00; Bad and 130ard per day, $1.00; Wit& ldealv:. its ruby.�rfod eyo,.polishecl it tip it bit, nMcFADDEN tile
CAMERON prayed: that. when I die, 11 might leave my tt Lit to.. tile' 'I
- .1 . ?-1 - 07jets. lJods, 6060. now'. looking the door -.laid tittrime -a lojig jjA]d1;ISTr,Its &a., MIMET 5QTjArvEj L-higilsh, Cattandlan -dt Atmerleazz b6otoks,, at 11 ek c e ug Care' of a, ]ilia oto stay( r niel %vas gping U. Ilia toa I It
A -P Oudorich. -ALSO,. hand,' who hi ug, ii It icl I 1�1 I t 101. lit i do.
rj1Rr, ItOUSE-X, IIA had' not 'sought hoir for the leaving file all alone with diu-4-tigry--lo-orkig iA t:
to 1, ojill when a travellet Wealth,'E� Inan u , pure heart and firtu'pria- X. 0. CAMERON. GOOD9 LN J3XDLriss,vAR1ETY. yjcttif� or ' The 4iloy *awyeb yoti -o � -thit the
W-jr. ucr, 0DEl, r�;, Proijii0tor.-Ono do south of tl 110, `Iii'o it Street, Clinton. 11:110 fittings atid Itivididtings Dictiefi Gaylord,' haiise otiud the set%, tipped here awl. Ova . ith wh-ite, I'l oli
aonless 'I L it loses
no; SUOU'Re (if this hopob are till now, soul is pro�vjdbd to left thqiritin at. tile ittle platform ..and less distinct as the gloomy ist) ly ti, A casom, 1,01015. Co egPurses, lsvallotii, Cal 1101111 loms, &a. Inbott ilia Wieltc-H andW4121te 014bb tZ4N(!l1i1l, pUbliO, "Id at Nortofi, and, leaving directions aboui his -day you will dine'�Vitli. ",�j avallolille tho O.�,� . 11012 Of the i00 uhCam6.on vvith rapid AL S is t Ilia
4leit receive at' he fools'conildout; A= lo me, Rild be introduced to, Miss .8urii
. k - I . to wake apatiorttiblo all who favor him With their baggage with tile bagglige-nuistor, saunter- Otte." While I wast- peering intently into the dark, it, for ptli-1�0808 �11`sty .1op 170- lOyl' 0 o -dr' as i Sr.
A ea I . . 111mense, stock of IV ns, �11L po cooloponly. Ocllt.i�tirtly.upthLdu;.tyroacl.. HoliRden- rles'i, i mi;� came tip and stoo(I beside me,
ClintimisTulill'.2, 1874. Tile cry broke from Lucien's )ipsi in such warded With. filleces., l)Itl,CPL tell qars aro
gaged W in iner- board. -by lettr, and �as - 4,13(1166ked�ut-toflea'-
69VIfe steami isn't, she ?"
N jon.- . ... - - 'Ps littl be to refluce t llJ�eme
OTESo e 1lat1w thought Ili * ing hidicron§ *
an(? Ball Qoodsj vew-2 'seeking. his d catin. t' 0 WO1111 tile ext
l']Oolctld at ca-Imly. Take, for in-
Stitaight ahead was insane. :Sumptioll. of fo6l to
R ill 1171l.C1016 7OU oolll� to it dream, or hi4r employ *01 I laid I Of
AND OTILE od-YOU !" Was rihe quiet ausw�ar. YOE as delayed in start�t 't8rl)re8('3t
likerlevin Mney 31011 00 ;W4 This w4a the Station-masiar's. direction, c a lt -atiobs-lnado olliwilig the
straiglit ahead Lucien Gallord prodeedod 11
B"NJ), IN LARC11 OJtajA1,L 8 UAI�j, But it is all. impoiiaible,?" Lucien Sai, ill1g., The compaily-have had a telegram to carbollit: rollmin, til'o illolco
Good Securities-rUtChR ONEY TO'LL WEit t IA ye' ra Ili- 086-06. Al o1bwly regaining his self possession.' (I 1-04j* ill(' -siich'a radical
Oy� c f the -Ity, at mokleritto r ktaN P, till lie paused to lbok at & 'tableau vivaut,'! 833,r so.. . Slid 6ililit'. thougir, e I.ioro. by 1'(1 QV
good inortgado seem a or I
AV, trained, ill flowering A girl, s4ted Impossible 7 1 Why so"if.1 am this time.,!- und 6ibbiIi6 W.ould 'ill tiliu'k iu(i 'rlgo Its t4is ill toil ya
�A'. 1XILL W ars ill any
1upon I -aliady porch, s-holling peas. ., Her y6ti ungrateful, Pro- , "You had bott0comodntoj our,wat Clinton, Nov. 9, W4. 47 Clint -011. Janp�2% 1870i oh
OUARLES, IIAMILTON,11L1711, NSLV� broad hat was sumptuoua, but 1 cannot accedor to, O.��gen vi Our 1iur m utter, I This, too, hcj'j;s oi
pushod�back, le It your lIOUS6 for & bit, air, said., lily. friend it's living expos- . in hany I I oclitics tile.
Anctimi"t, foiho County of of r CL 3 -Faitlitul service,' 1111d7 e.Xli.l?.vagaIIP6 tie-
-ga aeill .0 0 -1011, 1 'Wn "Oyes,'r� M' tocks 'lleal 300statc, 4a, -atteia a t ab roalsoliablo,
V L pu*roly &valj delicaiar featured, nqiblti,; 964rous panClose by.". igglested tbab .1 0
P. soct ; fox the -lelvi
cTA rt true,fRondship, I call' give you gladlyi, aste Products.of tlic 6irnixec, w
and del on hai vawli simpl. Ack in Wav- but you mUst, Book another heir,. another Said 1. barridd off to from the busy the o,f Lbe't, world of fa6biconl"
UNIN-G HAM E nowsox, cis, 'is in" band . a, to -Aoii-in-law. 'I not free. Iho, Sir ;,I'm a -Clat6n-holise, otu- IIII'M hi o. 1) '-it few hor-Molital lluci:of J111 i g vur a about, lio, at no'tbing that! ias
it y
aresl to icar." And ho bropjL]I4 me tq abot-lookina
lim-on, Is vrop -damilitek VI
FOR 11,1115 'b gain�
ty TioNi call y wj6 a illy , liboral patronage besto, Yod 'durlt6g the sonalolp rates, thd'hiVrl-i Ilfe"'aiec, tli'e-arollddr ve-and7woir
tIENDS or th , at' L oat. uiAike rustic Yqu'rofus 0 U,
...uitirr)Eli ot- upon hial 11.1-halve-givoli My -lo time he hits belm iii misiness, woRld. repoeupily Intl* d poso, but I Could never betray." chimiloys Oil it'll-illsido,ar dis4tut t� oil Soeidty 'nor IlLy..
lov. branch off -from. the harbor into the sea.. AsyaGli.oe t ' for fShip �Cllntolpjli . .:. a �: ook b tho.avit rasults of this crvino,
to that *he has removed to.the new nntl moro commo. Boo to
-,S -1124aylask whore?" lA kind Ji;ts. 1011(f a _ I a
dious proz LICEN81 hi�fo hands, the self posse On th6bon6has round ther 41to Were Lthroo 11
atfi 4.1 qu recently crected on tile yet tile dress wan quiet brown calico, �with bepo
While Ub. err mercuriaI
I'M k in' ibd' wife is ;Uo.,he e Iploy6d fashiollable oout-is - betteK, s#pprt
ALBEIR f ojt of
-on Bruce It U 1 WE il, i
T O.Z*�T IttlWaY wh4o aprons ruffles and 0 lti� Iressed III unii6rft _.pflL
Subscriber, near tho. London, Hux or fOui xi�en
E niajorit o I)LO
-47bbd-bbrt I Ila wo L
0 0 P 0 Ian the
STOC Statldu; Mui SCOT�j�, P "11 will let. Me 'a 'A hat of tb
vA her'eyes and saw him lie'raisod his hat. sC lin om, April not I a- over's prall PvP' ;noes, recruiting biniself �or Ilia turri.b �ghf -more worth� of
lie Wfil kilea alit hand a select? ck, f IOX I
With 4.1i4l i care in. t 0 newo8b tyle is deerued
-X IT, SOL1q1TOR, 'WIXQlW 5 trong's 71,
14&S ()all yowdi.604. me 10 MIS -S Wored for twoyeatp, with 0' IIOPO bf dutyb ea liotice thart.a.'polishgil intelfect.' - A' F A M L Y Q 0:00 E R� 1.A. Agent fQrtliq Colordal.Scaurities Cqil�, Muing some poait_ Ila bua le, - 6.
�01 every 1coserlition, which V :pRuy d E rogolawl; he iis.aylo, agent for sovai�w privato It is Was th ans�var, W "I �Upposo �ou ilre-.*611 usect ulls niless Scamp ith'a newly &signed sui6
lowest rates. A large ass will be oaia. at the . or la4th,, toffbtis a home to If you way in All; horiz6ntal B 1-ic 11 1`
now goi (a e, Lucien entered; montally,con- sort of i6asthers, my.ifion, Pot! f
Or alon't "' DdS are now ca lists of Toronto, ho loan money at vary IPg Cot, I ist" i of Olotlle� Oii hiti back,' is counted as&4
FIRE, INSURANCE, b!ppim.d aclamt6s;. Interest payabla, yearl. Pluding 'th' PIATM R suei, a t U -*ill win f t- . . I r availablo f6r tho��usoit.of: e �srjijtj
'art the Way, andr Will Inaf9w.days. At the !Ivory Sweet voice Won MV, � . 0 opening aconvorsa 61011 - ;.. . . ... 0 �.
Wt Ill must . not Again, the disc'
A TRIAL SOLICITE jui�o Soilq1tot. for the St. Lawronte. a jmnit. my. V 8 Pr Aebr iecogni-tioft 'on, the
winghant, April V,1875. Aeliciously refined�as the face. They'ech � asaentecf to. 'this, anii iae=4 overy, uillin 41 0 s ving ,I qui
TCE, y.ay a Z ifer "Yo�n: have
LIF13 INSVRAN I_,:k-,QOOD9, D;MLIVZriItD ANYW=1134 IN - T t1ii 'k f, tile Bad it the idea tht ihEi .-not be 61;6bly sav d' more� p6blic stractit. tbah an lionesthan who
OWN.. I am Lucien Gaylord' "'he said Withr
J., 0. MOINTOB11, BATFIELD, XSSVL OF mil yallobld U year agoo,
qiuton,- July. �0, 1.870. �OL k1lUU1 111 made. too the I . . 9
o'Marriolgo Licenses imAr the nowAot, Comt.nioSion- accustomed to exodption of tl at yilapipatio,
nr f 0 11 ly a�i's cloth eS are ne:v� ajid of
er for tAking A111davits, lit t My Aunt. AUri arder I Y�u- It y6u, refuse 'to -be my'aon n'-law—my A fifie night4c should- than" n' h
lie QueoWs Bomb, for Coun- a's new, be or-,smugglJn`g,'1
ties of heir e, , and he
Well On. Who iiuc eeta iii
U IoUrl I r refilse any 'offer that makes Me a 6 oldvising au iirtificial.
lrotel .19
Hutton iindlhnice.. Co veya�ncloofi dome, sucli go rch, before faucy'?" Ir Wont to is be -
'fit H,,Doeds, and c4TOCTC Blyth, -01 i(P Masits,336ndii,Cantraets, " t had beb�cr upon the pro tile latest -c is -no fear f b
LIV E Will$ a-B"d �some wWk 01a
air, in imes it would have method U prepitring 16 w 6' truly. a int lidglected No in' I k `Wbat the'
ass Stock and 311itual CompAllidil OUIY,. Boyfibill Sept.14,1876. bWid' o- '"'but thereW rio'sihi'
I' SIONrX Nfi�ln tho itation rai ill b �atte
Ili oF16 a pure heart that trost's
hcry t0r'%of the, ac
Peife'U y va4y, with j uA �aufficiont cor- -it harder' b a trump behofite al r be
Nr; A subodriber bogs to' toiAlor,:his most I- , . t . makei X-09 4 P gliujitlowdayss to, speak of—,. j us r c. Net, the. least character*of t _irldiviatr inay
ANDCLO - y in" cy" -worth aluable, aq it.-lifis been 0.
Clinton, Diarcli ITsiniiero thanki to his ritilimerolia custo- d jility ri n r h, t But if 1. Inuit;rt least ao�teept M V1 a ion bit 0 C ",;)w and. then, hardly him bo.rogue, roile, dru�kard,.What you.
none- for wel-comis, .'Lucien I aQr of ilia most.
era in. theturrdunding townships and. the Wovldlb�gJewp accep ei OTI.- t dinner, and my frienilshil.11'' Will, i i hb. can 'Pul act 6
0110r, �c , 4� I - t I the ivitation, and started a b 0 ki dressing,thd 'Suledesiftill of iiid`works' of tho B lighsh IsWell be is,
age to the j9XV1,06 0 rb
jililid generally for their libel, 11140, AIW ingr W 11197�711111ffq)eio Frank d
al patron nton, rospoictintly intim%tos.' versation,watoli the da 6VIerillm , en in
p W10-8trpot, C11 in-tr finkerti shill Gladly, iratefully �,maa. OPPOSRO.; t , 'I dill; ilf.s. been the cOrtaily. lit to lose castd auioi�06-11r a
CON -Som T) A'TET) P)ANK �'C, A,-7,N� kD, ;andvauht folither-motify them that he ha� tb,�is friends and the jublie, generally, Wob he houl oil 'Ing peas,.with, a tolich that wis'li�rht yet ffAtalk. -theni-Ishall!ex
lately iddod niost im�.orthnt imprbveinents to 'hand a select stock of Clookit, Watches, Frank wUh infinite, disgust agrood to a"tile ion0lo'!. peo�le,—nay,, he will rather he
ing Ili a new I song rm.. Was he &wake P Lucien' asked himself s.�Jlauting of: the ci dhon,
11 Miss Stronj appeared reqiirty�, as high6io Dr' a a scui- daiariptiolilto hisliub, done on-�littaloortektra and took her nre1w, boarder to- -his'rr -slope" -thcr- - tT14, 0 go up te�
his mill by putts Aoxible, Which ba'olforo at reasonable ratep.. Repairing tho'question. morb than once, he pored ' i!�rou sab itir "I he wianton to me f Wai
aQQM, call qravag6s of 1 ri lery Maid. in: the. rieweit style of -'hat or
the power.'hereto , for� uatild, an4 two run of rat moderate rate$. asking-.her''Illeeb.'to, csr*ry'her pan to* -the over his ledgers, added "long columns of- I " G�tt sects
firsti-oltias stonq, ivith a complete. set of Did- Clinton, Jan. 17,1876- poUiiei%U%�oonCUttsidg down th6tariff so ' Th Ponliet, tkimn2ed with the newest tint
kit 9 'that t4er$s n It the t6rPoi 6f th agrl_
UPITAL, $1,000,000'. chen. fi �Ures, and i4tote business letters ' Had othin,; left no`w; JuBb cigars bave ovenr'bbo
chant bolis, afid, in lact all the latest and most John. Burnotte, - the millionario, of navy blue or, cardinti.L. rea , lot hOr
I raproved maellinery, fojetlibrwlth first-class, IGU 801100L.- THE CLINTON OOUX Iltr ive ill give ail earl YL dinner after ramllio, and- spirits, and so on. XOt but tll�t.�O ntile injury-they-inflict.18
'0 eas':Containing the quantity of-�
y both 0
PlIlleres lie isprepared todo first-class work in H.Mgh Schaal IS opoa: to upils of both's id hospitabl. 'made him the mAgnificent;proposah Still' al'
from all Paris of the. County and Isrovince Your 01)gwalk,"she Bat i , illontr ladies, do their little bitar of. Smu iten incalcul ble. An driewy. of this WOar
da equal you ringin� in his'ears. Wem the III
to bring cool water and fresh idwels. !4 � 0 terial'laid down in tha'r latest fashion
CLINT-ON AGENCY. GRISTIN"G, CROPPING, &c torms- Instruction to given In all thhighorloyanebes of ilond doeWy.they -loves -it, too. Wilyt: Sir,- class c rried oief from -A movien threat�
'Rad classical I sane 7 His,,hoad was still whirling.,as 4 a I
a Comingritial, English ducation, and in SOII.t your truiik 7 - I will have it br6u'aht to tbio day rf e aI ' loves b6 'of tl�
0 Its 0 , they're wonae' ul clev r in con, ler, _q, & If
Gristo weighed inland Pizrtiel in a, the. French end Geran lauguagoo. Stlidelits arc pro- deeaq6d, alked to plendid Aned some of the inest . vine _1 ob
fr tip as soon litnielf &lid w the a siva and French gloves, 410 '4n,tlie son In 8 0
g pared for the the learial profession%- %tid as Comes avenue man -don, the rich inerchtint c4slang .1 16Ugh. in .8 o bedomes even &a.
distance' can bave.their grists'and chop I is
antilot plirsuili, special attelition is Pild to the Mayo" she. told her niece,. there"s been M for years..
be. is 'i his home. ''Every uxury s -to Five per, cent aliowe(f h 'thtliesn'the'aame day. G otadiexroquikitefor400mmon School Teachers. Tuition Interest from nto W1 cool lour called Mon Four Fees 2 or at- or fi-not, entleman, every inch of him. nd- -6,0-u his.eyeg in Sale At 31140.4iAtC jcce4.1 it t T, la comman b -b renown ; and Ili a elfut'sica meincill:
find Mill Feed for _VK_ alstRude t sitfoon. -and is raisca hiany, many. degrew
-don o an tVillago at tery moderate rptoo. 69 nt Of the drolowifig-room. Pidurei trunks, -find two, 6r, thro�e pair of gloves in 0 al)p6ftre i4,. tbe chil sdale. If,only a Vomah I a-.,
Further information wjWba. givee. on applib%tiou, like his'nianneisit, k&y,r angill'ared, e orsomes -lace, perhaps, Sewed recontly'pablislied, 31. Dumas: I SO
LUMB3E:R do LUM lier poas'at t�o external appearance is Cot hiodoi, J3o
TfG1-1, Agent, [Ott0r) tO,Aty merabor of the lldoord,qf of priceless value hung.upon the Wallis, 'rare an, old Worn.
ril, 1876. 1-y The Subscriber would - also inform the pub - Trustees, VIZ: O"XR.' washing I ;ink. Shall � up" inside a PobtiptojLts, Wo nevet saysany-, -to have- resolved the difficult - pro
Clinton, Ap Cie. 1. 'V.F,jjOQmijg, UoIa,rA, make a custardi Auntie atatuary gleamed against; velvet Curtains, ell their
lie that;10 - has a large Stock- of lumber of Worthington, I OR in rich thing, md- they go, iveme an&, And patient invostigation, m�tter what. her moral 'or. intfillectua
At D.1,or to the ead Braoter, Air. Im as Turnbull, I A. Ifyou %vill' dear! Oh; dear, to think the visitOrls -fe�,t i0ank 46 car-' L ' '
.4 War& - how' otilever thwy- have' been and This ntist hits discaIvdroid 'that the'�L 'A� t%xointy dollai
and loniths- Pine fiont,10 scie obaractor may boo
_: of the done�lstom 0,3
MONEY TO LOANj ICynthia tllkiur;- this d of.all 6there f6 pets, the oiors'of o6fioice exotica- filled an. , many
-to 20 ft., Hemlock, from 10. to,2.0,; - Cherry, 021!2h Ry air. Had all this really been placed with- -h U 0.0 sulpbooarbonate of potassium in*'dilufo bonqL66-vill, o6ver Much, ignor i Cc af
Butterrint, WhitcAsh, maple, Softand-Ifock said another irran, who had been blin in letigtlis,to suit -the public, whicli eu- .0. CARTWRIGFIT, iu� his grasp ?`-He Was still musin.7 Of this, oil b - , , 89111 Lion,. folfil s 6very, conditionreqnirea-
ON EASY TERIVISj For Cynthiii, the 'onlyzaery ' to, had been' 6rJtUi_UtjI JLJOWLL sAw"o, a -bib of, U -ainin q $ L OLOC all ' Buriieite' himself Crosse the r 2 8111038 . brr-a-n insectiside, destroying the insect gi. r. A fifty drest; con.
hich -the principal can ables him to fill all orders that he may be C biwPwitionT, OF STIIATFORD, WILL BE d tea in the act of passing eptjons from when Mis, d nowassfil then. � Last yoai, sir� twelve casks f
By 6V fvored-Withonth shortegbridticeaud,most at the Rottombuty Trouset Clintono the fitatThurs- window to a villainous 1o6kin m -of pi'tch came over in one of our a a -ilt j�jurjng the plant. Th o coal much iffimoraliby and wickedness.
the kitchen t arriers' witho pro-
dqandi7ridayof every niouth. roodifusei-toaintho aiid the piii had been handed oveg Have you th 0
be repaid 1pi. part Or 011 Q reasonable terms. r 6ught better 'f your re. wifi a, hetip of other goods. They f Is this righb ?-. Isit just 2` Is it hoa-
t -late4t styla. Taoth with oliposatiorviii; treated, nuoit' ramp, pbur cess requires time and patience ;.bub I
to the village cc riStablo.. - Which accounteolL fuBal Ill he fisked.. tklie pitch hot the statement 'tied' to, the As-. osb 2 Is it ri ght to V. HELLV, Proltzictor. and made as good as Saua into the,varks, and when it any time dnring the term Blyth, Atiff. 29,1816. for the.fact; that 'May was installed a III oan only ropeatit, s�r!'My,heart, My. Well, sociatioa cati be nlied.upon, . tlie trials 0
anyL codldit's'as hard as at�.ne almost. inO, as being of groaW,iml 644hiin
taut Cook, till such thno as Cynthia could., love-ue no.longeir at my disposal.' there was no 'ei 0 11 it,
Of Luallro' 0ONVEYANOING IJD . LOAN t tsmining this pitch except th Mh WT10 I Is it jast to,
Canada Comp Lands., There was,,a rustle of silk upon he ridis, ke the whole in the vinoyar4 havo fully. confirtned
AIGE NOY: OFFICIV,, .BLYTIL barapladod., . . .. L you took a pick -axe unk'aral
9T OF LANDS IN HURON. FOR SAVE DY 99 o' carpet, -a lady. advanctiollt dresiocl In ahlz?,� tea a kind the expierimetifu of the laboratoryi It despise: people because the.-� wear arti-
APPLY TO And nobodyknown wh-mthu-willbe' tiatikup. But our collector inven 0 .0 dress whicli , are said* to be old -
A t1ht', Canada Company may be open at ilia office -of moring, lu#ious silks, with rare jowclp�- in . ' Eir also Sho'iVa that tile � application. of ale f f r j '8110
W. W. FARRAN W It G. ..Cf- 0 L Ll S id- Miss Stirong, .'I for servantsat.X-orton of suger that, with a little Oil, Went, Tight : wft
th2midersiaded;& � , 'than bid gOId.,F her b airataupotiri her rilill fiishioned 2 'Is 'it hones 0 W
11, IIALP. are scarcer A lady wl -through the pitch in no timo. WO-ftiod artiff6hil, cold to- practical purpoges is soft brown eyes and gold 'None appearing to replace the 'thievish' on curia, who was thefiecaiUsmith this, clinton, March, 1870. Attorney of thaiaw Ittid 'Equity Courts of Ireland, an(1 in the very ceA" apidly.,oxtenaing � tid, with the rand cloa`tutne to.e.ndrel§ hide.tho
st, Land, L9411, iiad.Rostate Ak6at, Low, Llfd' Cynthia, May Was often found in the ki .1
GenattlOg in broduced as : - of deficiency of educatiolly:��
dildTiro insurance, and Coastal Agent. Deadto, Willits "My daughter, Mab'dl, Mr. Gaylord too tfe of. 6rVerj one of them *aaa till -cask with provement of the ido maebille, 1110 in-
Mortguges; &d., carefully prpared 1, Titlos, and claims to Mrs. Beesley, Milliner, chen, 'fic�r very efficie�t -but NdIling; and .3r, � I illo,
05SO00 TO� LPANN' Irish and Ford gn ERtatoo Investigated, antl aw Bust ut who was surelyj surely, Iday; 11s on 8 goo I Oi a a in it -r30.0 Weig t of of morality I To stipply
th First.Cle.; � ][11 1111IT111191-0 LAI)LtS OF succeeding, in Jr.nany culinary trium' —a vor rett h 9 or*uS." - iiitft -desire for fashion,
C phe altoget or �avin 5 of this insane
linion-tinit Itoichalth for ptuit favors, bogs td Ili- Simply own Mayo niece of Maria Stton& who took hil 0 r r animal. f�od from nt co*nutries will
uro aanF1rmA;. omeact lestrace sit a 00 re- 16rryk thonAlint sho stiliiontliones he liat and monnat by, obeying orders,'. an Small coUlf�t 49 hat ws awl g- innumerable .,,:Rf r t6l(l ;160
r. ; Forty Years' o !one ; a all 0 CoOk Of ynq Yet, mmor boarders in a y village. jtUrO, so ",Sal n 0 cat undoull't6dly be finmenge. TheAco inai o
3roney to L a goo, her
Lo -LL A ate I it So an 0 'I'll make d roo f 'hi ii is already employed in . pa debts' .' beyond all hopo ', of Is _X,��rzietto had ioappwAred when to one c s bench 0 n raffine'
ptouieii, Debt a L too a bett OLD STAND, VICTORIA S., 6LIXTON, aunt often told her -. and ohq laughed oldois who
Alyth, Jan. 13, 167 mer' Lucien . mbved - his. w6tiiO r, mont tire oontritoted ; theft8 of,tbo Worst
11, T V A T E, F U N D S ' " L� ,pring L eyes near me, vorks, aAd in largo breweries ; ail(' trbp
She Is agoaC for Messrs. Butterfak & Cie's Earopoilift. fily'at thia hopes; But Ludiett Gaylord, 0 '
gild � %ratelota, - hponMailo face, add ofily We ladj f his. oldringr or Saltill(; of 1)1646 is 1101V largely' kind also cotninitteLl. Ask', out Iner'
4V York pittorns, of tand let constantly 0113oying a, brief summer holiday, often, true ova remained. hich are. th, classes, lit of
ln%tho n6w Rbyleo; 0, a and descriptions tire
'I N rccefv� , el 6 atprices Specific 11 Wh4t is that 7" said L ChAnts, iov 0
to t n and, which she it, 9 In the. viished heartily that he might'lle, permitted conclOctod in vast ellm�erq nulintain
tellotlt t1jorstililiner
OrryCl"'r CLIXTOX, A"ID-arT kap, Yet! will forgive Mel Luo�iiin," she said, VOILI, Sir, it's Vather hard upon Jack which come tho -most bankruptcies 2
Catalogues. She hopes, by Strict care r find attoiotjo&,� to live upon bro�ad and milk, if by so doing fit a consbint
ACHARGMS XODPIAAM OXr. .0V TIIPu 13EST IsAPP$ to continue to inavit a liberal patrottape. drawing him to'k seat beiside her u0on a, there, to, tell,it. ; -but yev boo, Sir, lie ivas f jec�. T110 (ley lilercll�ntff find the. ta"
ho could keep Mly,oub of the kitchen, 06fa, if YOU by thick 0 goods
VIM.' ALL ORDERS PROUPTIV TTVNDED,Td.� Whone think I ha�vo deceived- you,' at & 101 go port in the- No5rtli, and ft ge title -
lit AVESTVaN ON olinton, Billy, It. 1876. vor ohe'ws free she found him .0 till Moro
_Wit1j. ore, we qill vontnto to say, furnik
when, I tell yog., al gR litian-001 L, 0 waitim, for her 1 tirI4 they rogba or Spa w on 1,h p a It or ftlrt4el;
APPLt TO toil ciffings
�&cli,;r walked -in, shAdy laneg, cliFtting ly the truth this linorningo he was expecting whaf he' Called "aL avid eli oof whitt these'quic bo"nintiolim-1. 'Why is A ?
710 when -he told you illy future jva drtawlhg-�-zoom furnituro—beAUtifUl walnut undomon'strative intin, bile devotees oJ can
&d. 'E'santly, gradually going beyond surfaco a the only dgSi'll1ply
ety of Ilia life, I cannot toll you his wood,' lbe and all 'for a woidding science, are uoattse pc6ple lie to them whole-
(Ppillitim, Sept. 7. 1874. hra k intitally interested lind plaad to jor me ! Whon 1 Itetfirn. present Ior his Sister, who ims goiog to got gation (ind r debts are, contracted with
fin'So much sy�paft of tholight; and woiallipping lovo,f t sale � because
tort, told Al.a]rbl, litttl"huron: Watch--ad...1 ock aleri foolhig that, time Spool only. too.. swiftly eafrom. Not IM of your love marriqd. Would thev�ako care of it I h0d but ib thein which afo- never intende(l, to be
Atecid, Monday of ('*cry -you, Clinton 0 Wdks, nruill at holf-Piot 156TOn when they warp *together. It puzzled for ",a, my promise to I knowing you be so, tuch obligod� Rud any expenso—' ill OLIIOI! b
i , . ovolock P.m. Visiting Ladjen often to fi lid absolutely ii,othincr -of loved ma iuv mysiolf alono,.L with no knoW4 They tiold, Itim tlioy'd look after it, bub they. wi a,. t dy 0
HURON 0 T'R E n 11, Too Telled: robbed. itiore thall otliv Iikellants, Who
Brethren are cordially In -
Olt ruoti6awkwardif3as in this lo'iely Orl ;.he 1040 Of illy Position Or fortune, I begged waretet; allowed -to take anythiog. The '
MV9 TiMMING Ilia MANY dd not Bell �Wljab is node4gary to,niteeb thd
father to Nona foi ion at oncof find next steatiler, - aura enough, the furniture
rENn DE W the prarovago So liberally be4t6wed On him In wag selfliosesood and graceful as if briod of fashion.' This mijab surely
soottat6r he Public gen. Bat next to Came, ancla, lovely aefi it wau—such couches 611givo dress '011,
�t the past, woula hereby iotily them end t in �lje SlIe WR%Lrot
MONUMENTS, 19EAD8TON ES, t0711 yOu the truth,
ton Opts 2. 978 1. tf Orally, tilat be loso tomittlod into JaN DOW and Moro his 6h
dommodlotlA promises Oil Albert Strecti where lid will IS end of the extravIdgall"Is Ols`'�Ilo 0011.10to a" ond, Tile woia ,,,,at ulti
And work of qll kinds in American ana Foreign Marble, aboub but very frank about her illy father. lovell the business: JAO has Wit a4d easy challvA And Betas I Woll, Sir, out -
keep an blind a largo and select Smartt ant of a its n a took -the great
a dull() otth-aloadingoii�, T oloolped,and eliocuted in the latit Style, and 96b rOARO cook and assi4arit Ili the 4ouse. up bV- Iiii own enofgy h a talent, L He Me eat osto of it and saw it yet n itin( i luitiely Agoogainst thi V
able priedg,
011VAIP of 811L wished to be sure that all' elose do I at lit pomp oil shall.
Clocks, Watchot, JeWeIrk, afid silvatwah kleidi, Having nothing to hide, Luclaii. soon un. t would - nob be RlIr Packedi gatoly in tile railWay truck and S 8 - n 1) RIO and those, ovil results. 11 Ili be
rainedin the hands of his acm-in-law, snol -we shoulAn't heova board anything more, sjlo�v, till tllo,,, no of t1jo hoiiso-' Lot all right tbinkilig men anil oWell
Mantles of various Colored Marble folded, his Ownrlife to her, won by her gen- I 00118611toed to Coss, W
plied on Shorb Notice, U R 'Which, he ill sell at wasolutbld r4fdo. Iffoot stock is evident - ilteresti . He, It ill no. small COMPlitUQ116L titteloe".
no much larger and more tatted than aor-lipfora. &a fle sympathy and his teat of your c&pSelty.. aboat it; ofilg at One of tho large railivay hold datit, in- frown (lown till's inspection hi.vited, lepailthig'Of eltiry, description told lier of.his boyhood with 1 06 wefll�hy or him jUnctipwo, Av pro'lugjago tiallik often have conitis tire inadequate tu tilt) *1'equir6s, disbotirago it both --by word...aIA notiolij-
0SjNtrr. MONUMENTS AND MADS!01100 F N I U R E pr6piptlyattoaded too father, who died suddenly, leaving nothing to toll Mo he 16 tiforoujIllv, AjUdiled, mill. to walt fdr a loiig Rme( there ivag a police, heIMPOI1221) TO ontift. ill& to trust the futore ot botlij -his 01111d tIj%UL"wIW_hjjtj'fiOVV6d,jj 1 0 htt4c� We aploritig 0( the,
.7. DIDDLECOM11191 Attguf STUP-t, of a once lititidsome fortune-; of hid mothor OV
wfioLaa6k soon under' tho pr;aa'Uiq of sor. furilitttro,-
ana. his businais to you,li and -ho get Wind of tilt Allk, 'glakI (111y,whiell Aall soo the raw al of'
SW call rOMPaeffidly "01101tod. tow find poverty .; of his own position as a Out, Ntay, are yoctj,�heL Mlog sitcligoi ifi4irntut giat a look st it to hoti �Vhab,00tb Olin lit, thaft, MOM.. 1010 re. I%11L abnapo, tha groatost of' %vhlol% is most
pt)f iWeirk them f6reigneft tifto'l. &)L 'jjj(lCfj
h, wholo8filc Ldry goods holigol' eceoil (lie s1pare looki; craving 6,r k4lon.
NCE� DL T11 EL, y letrof t 411 am. M14,111 hly m(ith l6tor, ho gob oti the tfuelit tind tool t A wit in a etrafit"
small salari., Ofton lid told I WN lit oil Nit4idalild 016 r6d I
dreatlig fathor'd doatli hit ShAlitered ruvibry sualludy �t Aipmitl No6ib waoli;4 W Nor.o. tarpaukin and OxAftinotl the ecuot *111011 Handly adbools va Ilia 0 'groal;
Iffs M'AX)� VhI191qb4 rOlt d mul [110 11 Adwil stonoP fittoll, tinvy I
ostowm,olk him [ft tile R toll, Still IL poiforhied Any lita the to�," Work,, ilwa I in V rance, ViOnt '�seal% ago-
CLINT01 t lit, hag now on hanol orii. or all Q"a to ba &I ole veighbora,tho 1) ugession of it now I c
Author, moving the world 6y hi motild work thuril, excepting during your u -ha to,hImoolf buti my'w6rd, *habr 0 th I t1lat eiltfrt; countr , th6ro �Vora but
tile hope of being -it greh� lAwy a,
a Pon, Y06 it
Uror 10 of motloglaul upoll thell. lace ollv-
lie was bravely cheerful, hol)h1g, to conol visit, ocyllot) there wa's no servant, Uy I boy do stuff wall ovopyonder thoro. ty S11611 schools, 0�r khmere�
L.A It G11 T .0 0 X it 110 never loft her 116LU ItIk*j or -1001 U T ro
fodqno'b� perseverance Ond onq '�.- Not aull ail Payin
lid toil her ain
__; lid that she does not tho ataffs W a , Irt, III
ithe curiosity blool4olsy upon i
11eir own ballgi don
ligs from od abjitt rtvdor possibly six ftjda
A I VitVio id eTfflen 4 did
I& is beret, gdtavot himf d it 0 8 Out to goo if shoor spirit Of rovendo if nothing U101,0.
all this, and 4, little later ho told liar a now at Alt rAlize, how diftbant my 11
ES love death detild (told My life'Withr hbr.11 anyone 'was Conlin I *nIe and ro ' *Vow in. 0 j X) TAicn ILL 0 C P Gr 'S droam, a now hope only 0 C jrho ext, 1"1 0016 rApilo ; antl thus it
T 1, tAY ((Ana YOU, Who MU86 806 do I ft
r fakiv to eAmericallism W thanking bin frIbuda rind the imblid n6ildly,
tev the liboral On ort elztended toftlIdEl blal It lliq OR Will, you lot Ill 0 take back- to lily drud. ,ra, e, tromuro on4 pulls, out, to bill vrondIpj 'bacoy I Iblo -for this, and it is quito ti'llie to I'llder 1,110 01(y 11w, no' cri.
jyPoIllil I Irle 'bilocys; S& tiley salkod Lila Vholb lot, - but, turn
otfla, and wouTs., at 116 PAMO time, Rtmoutito that, he lovo. 11 Xvuy Ut fWas brimful o' excellent sposi, his leaned from Ur. Ila ttortooll , ffia Ito Ili lailit litlisortoot a lot d Ill; SPWIFIC MVIDIOINEO gory the liopo tha� it t call tonquor fon, tlr, 11161011, love ill a backwara inlual.eoultl ba J)Wshba -without
pisalillser Lalotly In the 601101111iol" '01 Nit. Oinks L(I.1081 Sqjt6i ()/ pfp tuilb,, you, Will come to sharoU 711 lie asked. took no both tinder hia.rula iIt illaw sum. la" What 0, WIP0 it as foe our men—, otir niftnliOr of liVings V ill she IllivingL Collft880(l the erilne, I'MPUt
Doebillitty) I'vo irtatiosi etc., *hleby in tany st Will you bo -my wife, love,. Ili that future
Proobjeed I )y Over the'llao of to. -apt to mn),.analn6dea of torture Ltjro Oft6
whore 110 bilk rind Isaow When I hope to gather bout tile at, lefifit mor daa ab Writ'irig YROIC jh)DjO and big j"Stoo jtj own. banki
Ovy with, no, Wbilld I of1114 EojO'ajL by 411 *110 bactonnil sy I . to papa pf'Aunt Rari&W boArdol, jili'd Ila oj'dly. 6L tjjlj�111)1)y to., tonfossionj n
refd6lanIcAde ILA An linfallifiRcuto tot comfort -for a homo I BUtcom nleisolmntg swell the, 11.1
loping and feating'.for MO. a till
lie bad w000d flee in a persons auftml doath by broi o1jeto(I Sul, deasethat follow Roo ii; an-
Brettd� Qtke8o Crttekergs UN �I tua way, 6f ftj '"e,.Vss and 0 NOw Ito tile library; and, toll him :yet% 11two
g1jingly Ohoap during the filliAna Wittiott. 1116 stock 0
punrVol. manly fashion, find she wag not surpriecd. confessng to, eriinfis, - while under ter-
S=f lillndriodnille, Ill 111g, romial g 11110 (it $611 Abuse, 4'r ]r�6XOI of meso r3 I or And ltailtry Donal., Do D.,, of Scotland, mbnt, ovoll wbild illsolvent, is look6d
recondaoried'll 1101,04
1.110 boid', She �Uiir her liand- 19 the hllthu! of solao of the 1110a upon witti diStrilSf, and' tile m, tilo'y Wfto, not gnil6y, This
nil Vint keep hb� 0. n 1% Unknown lady you i`efuged so poilitivoly, Who I in '*lie tilro) W1110h
b AIDORN, askea, 11e, ivotib backo ilia doW it! ilia
TIONARY, find ail Other artlot 00 lU pona mally other Ma6am that lead to U11111tity or only, this mdrning.,o beautiful hymns 1J.01 poome in the; 111g. djxroa to live ag.ha thould do without 16W hildf PAOMUY been AbOliRbOd, bt it
Great Inducion Eash Pur�hMbrllv autumn, but, ittilya weak later pas ofitad NVAS, L110.6 j%tiothee toSt" fle6niff ftff t� g6j) forWatd th.or
1 thongh
BREAD DDLIVEDRD IX TOWN- avillehoilia'a; rules Rro �l ling Ito'n' 4, bolsto� position in tho, ciluMing houid obt lish laugottigo, now, *tsitoa u: regard to, hig nox6,410Or 11 gfitolo�
IIXdt6fftik hocking. I Until i '01i ha takes strong ground agAingt, did
aty, Of ti IS the r6kilit of ri life gftltl� the grb#t merolinfit pilaae, :Olin Biltn6tto. - wo "hothifig, A whi bob a gooa ogainple by atildyitig lij; own badkVard, fol
qualill . mill Of Lit- adme 4n hout-
'ta for I ovitti would Infloh many yearn of Oltmidnod in- troatinj%thood Alsoold did, Xt is 46 Attpingoo" he -wrote- to - Btay dingL umbid, Wogrigg tho ,ofoSt fig 4. Aj%t itlierbata aad livind for Ill's 0%Vnr0onjjbrtj hooels of notikation oftg 4bolition 601108
UlcgfittlOd 04 ter of' jj6r- fit it, tho� yj�o
thentat omld 6RAds, Fall lato*'hl8h we to saraMr. Iialionotta. himself, jeomd Intotoa tput ratutil, bf my, hinaw. botial isdol-ninolit' Ito 00"I' otile 1) '00
log 111, me, fhoig1l I am an 'antir6r attafigor to
t0ol till, w I dthnk The spm1fie, �t4aldfti6 It ioll by Wlotii 10,100 at if 01%
go Vould also ttifilf '' M too by- Winning your tErotigh tho romo%W t hig goollo; Itit tb ttokage, oil IN phokAgai tot $ by Wil be lout Y 11 "Itt againa
. 116 fbgsln ploa
oijiliotid him in e WAt011dA Mol,
112 Dia m6n.govylt ti 11 h a in, hat'
r4 I "
LIAld Ing to
tilt PTtooet 06., Rob I h a b [is,
ZZMA92ft hat wA Illutily a Awy ouglit, InAteAd 'Of try ti P y
Ito (dat AN it Vftft 4taftj, of thf.
aga I
66 Itatht Will
1haks ht-hitt, Af6uh, A6. .1 kqi ai Was it. torn %I fDaling It this' goritluaiij itiltrf tho'*Qt1a *6A14 'Will , 4 11JAkAft 11,
1,11,10row - I kjj*6j%,%
14 W
lk . I moo
Nr- N
C L 0 I2A 1�11_- A
r d
mo017, at a
W thL a a wh
Ely I Wj
th ilwil to
arme t
again 0
geill ev*
d P dl ind a
....... . ...