Clinton New Era, 1876-09-21, Page 1A A Gen Noweltems; .......... Novi "Vore"spPs V)trluz for Cato) dogo). birds, and othimpoto, t A wliw,�rt rsay famer has sent t I IS we vo T31UJUSDAT xoBXXXG� tong of oartants to tbe'XoNy York war. ket t1do, 694004,.' WV-11.- ­1 At tho, OfAQN. 181tao, otpoet, a0firly Oppolitte -r—WiTtiv e7ml j�,.ptrhgfTDTd Arlupr invie cano T lilt I ot* Water, so that 'the wilk 4#0 C -I 1 4, . *4 1 1 114, 1 1, P the root ofilow, but% 04 Al.. w I � ',,0* arm autl new. 1 1.6 14 AtIvAlloo, or it paid 4t WO 00 iix from time of ubii Ailiving wheat 41400 to1jivorpool tit Meaty - eight conts. per b(Arillol. 10 Wst,Tob Office in the Ca nciemanne r n 0,- To. 38—Tetlusl'$140 por 4:11111011A T ott and. At very Vol. X —1 ill rol 010- 9UNTON, ONTR10v Ja 8DAIr. 8EFTEMUR 21, 1870 ROLXV�S4 SO�X'. PAOPJtJL,T0RS# Oflnflb Ny(�eh�, report rtl a tP111% is roported '04 1 wlih voulil draw -ilia Returnin to. VoglArt W THA $00 14180 84ari, a A corlous, C450 of llydrophoblo. already begun. Jt is. vatimatefl- that AlDVERTAXWO RATF-10. $OT $11 Do pottalu I ul Thoexogis era are as An rtsiv rOcents per line, subsocluen dd ao of forol-n bo,n Joseph 00. 000 liae, -labovero. in flao city. I sortipli, go heart with rala; is. hood, Wherx 44-ptogebt at the men iin(l Wornort I th and the adad Witt' I on t llscents per. ljut� eacli tilaq, R 0 1 GROZZ; X.P., OR I or tiiINITT 444 it tfAuw. acarl-10 busineSR-Of butcher in. 56 , 00 0 colloggi Toronto on Surgeon, &Q�, Ill Of thel: 4444 got oil- 4 b Tik, ilia tellep prqu-6440WO t forged. abstement, A. lid uring th, few the town of Guilford, iv few miles froln. n .01 0)kd 910$901V� Ont. 011100:—Opgalts, a, '7IFA 'Ono Q041400 OJI& year, ........ 17 W Two girls Attempted to. 0iiiiimit �111- 4 ' 0 017derry, I ! did �pg �Cqq'by it 7.1)e inquired Week it has consider -eased, In Br4illordi Conn., (to by drowning 1 O'tor r Ir at 4Q.00 ci cc 41�. 20, 1 0. 4 3moutlio, 26.00 Wbego -my br"st# alIt wag .4 successful Aliddlebtivy, 'Vt.,. the other night, but , * .......... * , qeifig' the, yovog- : izon - s4ai;ply, — fact, the steerage g000mm.o(fations� of business and earned for lilm a lyid6.1-opil. ione yea , 40.00 Iftbilf I I lately peo I* thol (lid not succecd. They tied bomFelves 20;00 J) The , upioa by Dir, xames PaIrl'opw no. L f�llo�r ZJerkgftVajt m6 io get. Most of the outward bound fl half e, Houoo� � I ,� 1). . 11 � , to tation. One morning, during tile stim- - the I'VeoloyonChuviij, lAettQnbury Otroot, Clinton. Do not. at 0. 'Ju Nouff ARMA (It is fvr Lis PAssonger steAmers' both at Boston And mor.of the your referrod to, F4virrtk; 3, 8.1y togetbor with a fi, and jumped into Ono NOY. Il 1870. aif -4 in *Val rth, one yearl ..... 20.00. LIST. OF RAILINOS JlROX 4:VXHVC- 011 t �*J yea -foul Andray4lo thinouxomr, must surely be mistaken., at Now York, have lately been �tx6d 'Wits making biq. us' tU.0 water, biAt gotut before half, ZT, We ;Wt4 �jj ual round, With & J;oIO11ADUAr4 OF Ad 11xA' , Ing fait Ava Wit, you utitil tbis Carl, be we I t- -was done, Oh 11 up to. their a 3 months, 00, ;sAI ....... I... $opt. 23 d. tP Dicala u 'u, 01tro, Ontud JhO Owes Ott which is re- wea Crt, whon on approac.hing- a ft-ttwnW the teller ar*d 1111 npreeedented -vircum. z 4. a residhool.' lie 'Ohin, the beat has been; so Veat RCASSIAN ................ Sept, 80 b. Im a wreck Of t 0 Oman rkable iind u *One-ei$htb,' one yee, MOO A UaVy ga- was attacked by Wrower that the that, o etc, rose 8�W 'At'tho weary looking back,$ lied. 0 keep An. eye' ace ill Amel., 11 coninleroial history. Savage dog ot the DIOR& ar - OD ininthe hip evaploy,or I unt6r, the dog bib, l,.77 Ito 0.00 PrI.RUVIA physician, Surgoort, etc., q0tollor tot: AO the obb"god at tile 44#,' s- the enco 11 04 96. Ild On the otbet^4and, otitwiir4 -degFees ill the sun, fit' 0 diz, a cabin pa to IGO one year, 80 �­O%gsth, County of Huron, lleoAdcare and OlItcor-CMer Of t 0 1 gan I sip, Tinton" -k,bbi - songers have been very few, .4 h true Evarts-in, the left leg, itilli ti g a peri u became use - Ott 414 DO D", 1, To low candles MQted And ."i 0 no sing that sees again ATIIFR 'Rumdo., I Thero'p.� tear in its reft1u; ed ever b ov i g' Proportion Of tile steeraga sF so CAIDIN Tici= Fu , 14 low.'Aek 0 n 0 8 - t Wb oaqQ4, ...... 3.00 ThopAvant as Pa ongets flesh wountl., Soo� afier the Attending Ivs,, a nigh,t, )A�fnflre4s Of J) arop4 It b4oge kadly back the fln;4 110111, ftADVATJ3. ­ or THE =DXO . wh I aithood,feltitapilme,; oung N7061'0u, Chiefly of tile tmtter 6111iroorts learned that their pationtbad Pod' dclld in ilia ffroots, oil I J�.usiuQsj Cards, 8 lineir and under, I yesil, 4,00 boot accotamo aliens, greatest amount of comfort, so STA10VItY. 011 In sip. ad the, other Clark re� Aol� I When th comrades tUr a Ad erdsomeuts of, Strayed, Lost, Fo idi curity and safety atta nable, q144 shortest sea passasq Dll[�)Opftrtmont of Tyitorla I 1 4 _ lags of domi Uidverolq, Toronto, for - An animal snfrerf;4 OrG "Of"86d, to NVOPIC'in flia 600 alli 9. 1 u -tillva asissuodatlowostrates to y of tile Hospitals 4 eel No QlQi 1) vina-4io 6stics, with a Sprinkling of been in. Contact with T n a n ud Piopepsarl Rkopsd passage cot A &,a., not egeeeding 10 lines, flra,b month, 4 poon, wl Oory their fd1endo, nor =j, 4Wdaa, #R4 kk from tho worst Wi7i,. litydrophob!4, A 6 ovy man was'ticd. fast i a wagon low, 0 to BI&Iltville, -ICy. atter fix -0 moth,'W cents whinollth, slip 5h.14 I been dirmi out 'cotild' -4 statv or' be said, .6 I �61 01'. Cili A. SwtOrM. G: T., 11, GTO-,4, eS# h4just �60elved for. his. 6utlAV'a. the depression of tusiness and. the �lj It t a JAL�.b ad or 0,41.0, �ot exQ004ing ton, My Q11, trio, it, WORTHIN m Sts econ, wos br.Q tit, into. requisition lo drive lie yellva A;b Joildly D 0conchour,LicentiatQ of tile C011effe I)o not sing that This thd,.qmpl��er cormborated; QIDY Of tile 'tiraos. . Faillillosand shl�le' tile poisoned vi�lis from Evarts' barges�rnn $I,;. n9%b.,e.*cocdipAJ5,Jincs,. first month, $1.50; Of lzoW�al Licouti, . . �I 0 � . 1. - LU a toy wearl br In', tit i T&4�':h 9 atox-al Coruagr choll.subsequent moll.- -5 an fortbocouut�-bf..Uuroui oftl6cana'" too well uIao[ itnow 0�146 faW oil A was ar- WOMOn. bati-mostly taken final leav 63T46m. a' ultimately n. Elvin. of6acb," Me fowaWy Ur" it, I time for, we to go,, Q r6coyor,ed, do -hooliers-,AR Advertisements witlibut spool -res don buildin;, ilty Of or- this roniise,h. and Wer Ii -T-ficii -OVA Alia quil ou a I.L6 And:Awov 10i EM 0 P will be inserted till f�ibld, and 014rgotl Ito-' R 1141yaltos, 111irou stroot. And to leave to youngereyda rested, triedl I all a. of. gel 1011CQ. gery. is PI 0 stay.. 6�ihe Young and from the bite, d' wont o it -0. v9fdQnq,,p uth000 I' bf__ R lies Of lorne t we -trona, . ) , an cordingly, And the inlv4ty world 11a I Ing frolled tl;o borres,ilroyelone to. the, raeiinrocP J)y -a scale, of 8 And tho grander ago,ahesal. course, Went,- for,,notbing. , I iiddle-aged men had very"', wellt,to- JO -LIS biIiiiiess as usual. A rely yers Advertisements JWY OUSTOIERS, ANb THE PUJJL140i 6==- to me deliver; 4 h'm e1f,tip. 0 ego 91 Wall'o, Zd,suru,o, no ofontarlo,, e I S solid Amx, wIlLpIpase take that I have reramod Of - mist, on the river, --lonj term of aeg'rad- do" a�pleAranee,. indicating, a�. pleastip. later 'lie 0 0'0 etc House 'a ners, and.L tug -in removed to, Brnford and oa- nvaX AN 13TATIONEMY n f I stgn 161 OLN my Bpo 'k so from the old olgd' I ur On aod. econolieur. itricz ovit, at tbi end, of a t store, And there's ble I I g im gaged . in the moat 0 b.4i.. Ifospital, 21neso on the "hord; . rip 61 1 LO SON. And in,dreams I aso forever, 11 prisdilmatit,,to.learn that his -be- OWO visib to tile Old­-obutltry�l Cido rprortod..fr6m lsa,ee. A man.. lieft To t ?I watts . ing oer. tritheil I The ad vepturo, 0 o i e! majority word" Obittlics has beer clin pr iad fyova4 its false as Ili' aover siuce cartr d 0_u t b, reeli, " ridd1be ' !g-tho-unmistal ble -,with the4 _II`av0r_ .)plied a lighted watoll. to it.. The- CornotoffteaO h4overi:mar one wild I iAorc�s. b6arij; ceft -gotten -and Tqla�d in Chancery, tiud 19LO I , dg-waq � fox And al 0 new RQvAl Come. -Colo -gTonu lCUL' RELIV, NUESS CREDI Oft -_ I wbQ-ha(I evident. alluded to, froul the fact th, Nn%T 1)�Km To R. QLr oftoted his i , whose motio ftt'tl)o con- per Para uin Ds were marks of poverty, and' ot bead and the ilp I would also forainit them that I bay -go 11041- n9w Under ly been --driven 'a way -from American dition of his rhiad'iind w6re so un iforin. of his be a ;nhao IA1 ',jWne4. another name y wero blown into a thousnd XON9V TO 11Pt tiono. to Aey stock, and bavo now on Bara Norton.:hold. his,htad. �hizh by 66',prei rd " iines nT. ly -uattir in-adistantlaiftd,.thoex-conviet hiirler&� I al Untir about six-�woahs aw, as QrtlnorltOf 4),, pprwrt OF CORIVToI4�NT The inan'tJ brain, been. f- IFOU 'TUly2l,1875. moDg.dio merchadt.prin ea.,, A finan, his disgracel.and succeeded, in time, in thO Want of oinplIDYmebb, : Fall r1tvor during- the, heated te C at.. and store strootd, Ariptoriai I):. O. -S. !Ones, pro- -a Ace �tati6n'qry, rm., w lion hisTriendi footed, by tile! beat of 110 veather.* cial stOrm came,'�but -he declined to take aiiiaiiing a � tdrtune.. At Jazigth b �flnd other fia, contributed Ctory tOWJIS notice([ PeoilliariticS. A: fine selection 9f,tho latest, tok.00; mcall; hAbis actions. Ilo CAME. ON &.16VADDENt :)7lqts.; Viduj000ts. mate Qiiei.atiic OccurrF(I tile other prudent oab& did-. For -tblo inin*6 of Er, retutnea to his nativa countr WoUld suddenly appear 6gitatod andL. Eng.,,-regntta. Two MRS &a., xArtxET 9OUARni a'-tinie ha Withstood tile: foroe Of , the �4eii:�dloavu'e(lthAtfiiiaiioiaI embrr68s- 116 secluod -to T it. T thiuk th; t woges in tho moall'as if sufrering bodily I) NBU RX 11ovh-1. it TMBURYi ain; Again AT'so, temi)est but at last sucoubibe . to its Inents werollanging over the head of United States;�zonsidei * t . 11 �n fell of� Puddle box Ono . XICRO FANCY-C"OODS _.d 'of he Wailrd j��'t7p �an -gro I I like a, etirly -act, plintoU, 1Xbo fillings- and iuruif;hings HCOMA. anito;ie for presets, s�cb. lw� f4ry. Dut'lct-rno� drop nietaphor. -It hie�perfidioua friend,'Nvlio-haA"eeeme-a--Ii*i-6g, *clit thi$ 11011be ttro till neW, antl oyerythin is provided to to ar,.poizit. disposttioned (log and 4adlos, ComPkeiOn"I meet We 1481108 and Ob U10 04YO11 Ig publio, ar(d hild 011']ILiM shiRS, four waistcoats Pursos, Wallots, Card Cascal 1 11 Mr.xorl ous 'morall.ant. - T� -as dogs- do when 'first' 'ovprtak�!n by fam� relative y lower lban Jhosd paid for the -i- -.-- - I erg? 110 Ofbolug-Ole, An . f ast radlycd, fkn In '6tith th6ie On�S- a,% 1110 and IiVC p4jL'S,O pan ts, oxplaining.. -that -e comfol-tablo all who may.,fivyor t as 'a, bad -7 onet ' we;4, watched his :opporfilnityi and kind of skillail labor Ili tfie old ubies. . Thbs'e manifestaions.lasted half' ' Ah le Wore ton IV 1; the A a y"and that the wore in. Ali houi -0 ll�s back, be-. nuiensp stocir, of ip aus, cheap. core tlers, I , r.0be on allo % . cents qn, ollar, ittsid� ti- t 'Ili 0 es U heavy claims a4airisi a b it, atr�yer, cuu, chP ?I . . . . mate, of the aracitht his assets �6uld 1 W r 'Of b te'ing lace'to pdt� hen -the, crash catne, he Cast him into (tv _ -a r, Evil an o at r aaiti=2 -M Arts woula be 116.81;01114 die NO F Bas- Ball Goodt;;.11�w eel 71 1 8 nk bac w; MORTGAGES, T -So Jfr�tnfld ticks (I C"llict" Ui'i�cl"f id,miny of Ilia' creditors- would rlso�, deieiinirie L -iij, L violence, th ottell vo-. 4iaxi� Puy an urti� . tica sbi —Fe?v tfii�y increase J9 have w: misod for. ten papar. TJnit6d 86tos papers q6�lain of the Trili4o illingly �onipro AXI) OiV'R there� for behAd-mo mean" to pay and. p�tition,:ana are long Ilia. friends were ]go ught ile ., . and Sold. lag y in Xy �.cfienbj -Si Edwirds--I the. greditor's -was relentless." %compelled to acce pt tbaL terrible rep falling off in the nun) her of A Really. 4"NLOVel?, Inewout Was me a Jefrkey Ra f thc.Aviericaa Exp ymodd-l" ex�claimed Xdrm, a raving. maniac. f at New York. Offlce q NIS, him Sdouritiew rurehmed. ONgy IR LAPtGE OR 9MALL SUL ver but he enclosed th6se Good re Coo moitgdge'so(Juray, at,modoiat rates of YTJIT sati toyi"Startiri w -i ilfilat SiX JU()ntll$ of 1875 tlie"' IlAm . . sfadboryretaigor held the'.heavi t' �h it wild, despairio Worse and Soon W,L IV. FABI* as He gtew, worse And "'. I ___ . I. g 9. The adage tbat1ru th is str6ligar than. mti CH&om,ffune 1870. An or so ituexpliiined reason, 'Shriek. fi Ilia.' claim. in to be'. tied F6 his bed to 'pr vent hirn reached Nov., 0, 1874. Clinton" Wotion,receives Tsnp t�e had Hought up nt. 0 Tho Win" 411011 g ONT�.IJIOB 4 large. amou the young mans na 'those in a4eod all d6. 'Even than .101"'19 din' inoulln tbis. y.ear" 'it hfis. 3R, X'0' A- L k). AvLotionpor for the County of Iluron. Sales of Farm )I as the bovu only. 44 ODD,, L A fe w a I, M6rton!S 4per on thd eve' of IS' bswere& 6diar,'toolry but thave tion, in a 8tovy'received via Alprad' video he would hr6k loos'e, 130 great lq Y�ftrs sine the I�st inail. Co stwk; Iteal, Estate, to at XV . I' alcolm� ]K�T. 4go-aft thriving shen mid,he jisslirm -the banks of tlie pa,,ahu, 'lie ar -ninscillar powei-w4iob djqe�o cn_� thl-srip,mber-'wero u.sully t.o %vn on faiure at the very timal inde6d )d-gnothor. H6 is called the UNINCHiWEi -myth, eople were 'beginning to loo -ynow -silai Fawaras, now. 'Itsjunction with 'P J ing; gbl�d him to ex'ert,'.:nd at times, tile WNTON: ONTNJ the aragtitty, bas, been .�Ojttd. 4trength'_QE_jj OlJV "prepared to Abe sppno-of=4i.4,i*4i-,dedy,-�trr-ilti,ry JA3"s H Lic=sEiy xua. and s6ke t ir 3.6.gtb - ea a oming Raynionill' blo nAVrIC 0 SON,*VJ7fNTON,. bel h d tisly'at the F Olt - T liberal patronage bestoed uo)i him 4 joilr= toi- tho CoOpty of Huron. is Durina, Faim, . Stae . k ArnlItoul th6_ great mer If' ' Vs-nime,i Ainued-, '-Ini—aig6nized pi a A —19 g ficient to hold a spagm lie arllh� provdked tiree-the has been-in-husincrowould i0spoetfully-inti- ttend 9. an 'to have satisfied the ad"ir so, n1u.ell But Mr. Di dwards JIVA in -A remotg pardon.the- foul wrong.1 M era of tral15- a gnaw d1o4o promises recently onuton Nov.18,1876 yon d would teitr the bedcloth'4 nd bile that at Mate that ho -bas removed to tho now and more commo- soualAo =t0g., An . ontine melodramit. erectea ori the on :06tint.ry-to.wn,aildLh#.Cir�'6thbi3,amemes'�Ds' show miercy to y, Stricken. lid bedsLeadiati ffiannekfrigbtfulto�bebom. didlial'.), two it C)IOA, tile RIAGE LICI,'NSDR 4ND QERTIFICAT4S.- ion pro ..observa;t- evenia(rof the eighth'6t'july Vollner, OZ. ALBERT btff-TAIRTO Mrretsp Appy 0 qti i. U, ne er f bly 'donee Of the hl-_A3Ah0_pr"bW STQCK'ri QR S ; n bv -a ve d N Xt tft�L 0,1f to orl orr7noak- -L it, Huron`.*� P 4rddn ym­l cannot Y igoi. rich citizen-. Hardly had 116L fo t'L QI 0 h on . 8.e of biSL[notlle�;b ' t 1101s. t of� 11-Aeoitientxf the, .-by tit) .. T .. I iour 11, 1 be. lik a- re&iruanded tbd i 411 the letter enclosing AMM $COT a tb I crl!owin� ei:ker and -sgid 3 l"Asfortriercy,. h g u d JUA, S eel ACIC where be will keep on hand a ' sof* 40ek of erd�.-evidej I a ten& it to y'. poor mother, t a Summons, A -YOR 0 0 E,R. I 'Of. -did yotil L 0 ly:*t�Jive only tilne.11' igele. - The in for,having aggr,hyated 4er ills - I N F. Wi I L E wbWa w iight of two lnen in. maks, when he fellL. I .. * 0 �bia de*nd. :;1' 606 sole sigy I wa,so and :wh In 'loy . affiketion s u1l6ubtedly, B i 'to t ha band Of every' description, wh(oli ill be sold at the vce T "AL LEETi SOLICITOR, WINGHAf, HAS BPEN nantweriTiletiijeat whi 0 dead, transplereeil -by il -1) 1 Wri Mortbials fifflurel. �d ed, to do Lof a broke - I I . h' U �0 � OVO. L 019nard. - 11iish g lb�ves6�ratos. A large assortment J of now goods are now ej ., appointed Agent for the oloidal pecuritles Core- cirbObstanbes of isgrace &us' n h6artt' 111,710to 'tile 0 v hia. corpse,'tbal res'ult of tile' bit.0 sixteen ye $a 0, an ..,Ontliov �brdl privat 6ightful trn�edj FIRE INSUI�AN'OE sy pany of England; he is Also agent for so a Ye terms *1 ich the 4olher' creditors Were At that m6hlanta niesseng rriterod, the uttandari*4 pb�sicijns are, Of. the en, place i.g reagon- retty A TUIAL SOLICITED.7, capitalists of Toroutoi who 49au. money at assailants mpt_his cylitar, it, P, at, ibistdro in Franap. -A-7rnan-sk OfLfiftoo 'stpayabley.oaTiy, chargesmoderat pris6ner daily irl f ng to acileptil. and -advised, my.olierit, the:same,wh itiiowtbat� R a CasO IRWIN ablo rates. . Itore Willi a brbiglit the r r000in Dm. Also Solicitor loi the St. Lawrence Bank., to n ears a They Seized Wi sudib'll fi,� ofinadnesg, s4. fire� to - ad Lydro�jihobia.-' The linfortUna r 0 , 00 S Ae to -them. iffid footilibd threat- Clintop, July 26,1876. atidings, of 1 is wIpAim, April 7,187.3. her, tie bar hand' 't AND 'I hav given 3y Instructions," .-he. ad him the b6�arer, of, sorrowful,pews.. '�n6d I t, t h TOS ISS 'It IQ! . Wi. I un egg a age, - flumarrie : - VIBLI), " � I OR t �aaki efil)dr6n. The el,lconsokun-dorthenewActt . missio, wro- 0 -In. pbssibld, utl �saua, I I I - & t at gently as b Id am - t��4 d or o Vag shal1expoitthem He bro6j W 114 , �Wbolo family and when. -the: Or130* and in -.Lis carried rvth rlia tic[; Ireton slid nruce� Thai Poor girl gavo up Wretiched' al condition 8 were, discovered they' Ve re" JJITE -STOCK. TIn MIN to pliyii In first.blqi StQol; cn4 �Jutuftl CoMpal I I OhLduly, tQase�, Iffondd, C6uJr to, cc a a a, vu U tluu. tioni its. to his p remain rd. -ebi And be mi6crealits, left ber -to go -du'ed to ;ind i N Otel- W Your *1 . fe ib deill !'I presses himself AS - 6onscioii I that. tile C els. RH,subgeribor begs to. fe,ndei his most� Feed'small. 'Rosidenco-O t ersonal,.affairs . oincere.thanks to-1ig, i . iumerQus custo., MONEY ADvAIN031930 AL as in,i& daygLtt�some of'-rus arq "Mortal eff to thoplacp indicated. As soon a , lie the I They ?611 v A eat '011 tjj6 a i) f, A I I t ::�.v mers in +lie surrounding &wns 30.Tileld, Sept. 14,18ra. old,onou&h to theing- 44 ceecded oWorfnI as, for him, draWs'near. Al - ra jIton of'r -Tilton hing eecber not6ri!!I_ hi�,s and was alone ety,'ahoports lierself. by giving mt ic- punlic, g6uprally for their. -liberal patronage; NVATCHANDCLOCIC- any rrian who. owed money -;t rp :kokeii apiritof th4 crushed merchant. . ofrort., in wilenbio'er tile. bonds' Towr , to . "ADA and woul(I further ngtify them that he has S Nt VorNing.. iller &x 4 dt. off� her CA N tnight l5e arrested and: impii It Pilor ;Rnih b,,i(:k_ C 0XS0Lu)AT-FDBAN F no_ -x oor to the Express , I . _., ; . to,�Ihe drawer .,where ]tar. holives in it Atileb Way in niportant improvements to oilloo, latbly added,most i oil Clinton�, 1,o , octfully intivattoo, ing, the' pleasure of the latter.. My 611. in"geniq'iblek 11k �Oklyn �it his mill by putting in At new e 'to '10 fiends a ibepublie, genovaly, that'hobaR-Oh fathor'kept his f, hap mother, and, has m6, nguiej dou"bl' �tl a, revol verl Wiifitsl 'very long. - This - - oneff'instruoticus left me in t- ' ' .1 0, . sbuilely to Speak of, . Bossia, T�Ilrrler who.. olleq, omen ary tromor agitated my" follo %vad the� j b the. power Aeretqfore used, and, two. run of hand a select toci: of clocks, Avatchos, �ro� . .. . .. 0 soassins, 4nd bl�%v Out 60 mAbs men long; fort emi., reasonablo rates. Ropairing of every anil in, A, Wortoti as �Iient!s f46,� ba ttret-class stond, vith a complete -set o er. whiell he** ro 40 0 , , , , ay in both; Rughihg- filto" tile giopwis more and miiro &Shi CAPITAL, $4-tOOO,000-' most, dosolipt in. his line, done on th U 1;horto8t, notice, and id it passe . avL " 'tin iril-"brain-4 df WAS�44.6 principal witliess in the casb, i's few days, r� d d in destitute ciredm%tances in the neigh - chant bolts,'and in filet all'ibe latest and 4, It in jail Th 1 4kizt; as he' atoo ga�jfigqoiftfty, treeit 'silo -be 'Aid of the abl—for bed-quitts in country fairs. bo;rllood- of 1�ew Y,6rk. Sl�o hasr.the at rao aid rates. a aw L 11, 187 g 1'. fraaments of his f6ftun -cc of ilia dying man. t mproved machinery, togethe SP in bn millers, he is prepared to do flrst�c ass work . 0, ile(if., e� di8k,ict and and his wife, driveh so "he Said, aft in I i -till 0 Cream '6616ris­- on the Wauei.' That ability to act as' i lOH CH L. T11 CLINTON COVNTY ar hearina, 160,91, li'6466 polibdipperinteri eacher. oi- go.vernessf. CLINTON". AQENCY., GWSTING, HOPPING & dent, Nei- accoun4s �br,its Scarcity- on th MOIL.Lgabool is oton.ta pup1la of'both sexes, frolin thdir home,'Ao seek iving - as the last -�breath lidt, li�r �serviccs are Ii;t Ili 40ma,ndi w*eighed in andout.' P or a tithe Xrs.'Xorl� Very little false haii 6 - worn, Tow arties fro a fro all -parts of tile County flna�proviuce on c4ual b t, , . F t1ler N�d ab h0nle, slid tb a. -girl raise(I torresi instruction is given In all thdlilgherbrailbbbabf as b1ley might; - timi- e*" a"p":"ka of ;;oteg in' tile r d oh phig �d_cry. ainong lie noigil'boeg distance can hg�e.their gi_1.3 dn a- corLopelviffl, rnglish, and Classical and In toil go ty. substartep *ith. hei ray hand I Shall Send you instruc. itb he jute are cheaper and more''conveni. V. hat w promp 0 1- OUV :611o'.Frbuch and (4erman languages.' Students are pro- earned Ld all And t 1, to tI-0 from Four'to Five per- home Otlth.thein the same a -for-berself _'and L I scone of' b160 dy ntwgo-itig- t, louned-professionFij and ittle -1 irl w ien. more is -shed. Tboy_w -at, 0 It edle, long brow, Ilse I an are filled with'.terrov abd %Aloh lies eight miled froni pUtgnits­ Special attention. Ig paid to tUo 'healbli �broke dolm at last ---all dL thqb ne' favov.' Kronla' b eroato� 7 er all auk, from the sight. At ast One The'air hrough it 'doliglit- Bi�tb, New- York, to that place. -A, TeYohors. aded, it shal. be fbAhcoming.", - or quarr( M. WWII, Agent. L U X'313 E P- L BR --i I _ a'dirtance of her busbaind, tbo, sank under the ao� - Little - ikuth, the 10'reaved orpi 'bo de than �tho'rei� tore the masksr Off Fees, 11ta n boar I r i would a o inform the ub- .. -b k the Village 41 very moderate rat6o. all I ov , er etiin'dV has sufvoyp .01inton'. April, 1870. 1-y The Subicriber Further informatidU will -be giver oil application. cumulation . of' troublis' wh - had'a bi44ome allowance at one :of tbQ, - the, countenances of tho marderers ind Cream 60 Ior as a foshion1i now goill& and�pronot�ncos'it projeab foagible, esti. cc (pe ouall or lotter) to any momber of the Jloird of 'Aelmaa himselfand those deall-to. him. test hoardingschODIS, and WAS Well' Plv)- Wo elik of lumber of di -Tr steos,viz; assig. 11, Halo, X Caa,6, A. S. Fisher, uld- be iobbarsl. whebi to 1. the ojilax out. Th cut klids and ngthi - Vine front 10 ... I at TO f 613 rom 16 to 24., Cherry, J'- Vided f6r iftdilwardo. - OftherL. to say, Ilitialt.. girIn 6110 mating tho'cot'at about XONZY LOAN I �rote appoutingfy'W'Mr. Rd*arda, W of emot U ..Ort PAter, Mr. James Turnbull, B. A. waddin 1� ion wag reachod'—thpy were re- It will bii, necessary to btiv the, farms: ft ;K en" maple,'Softand Itook jui of style. p senting the agadition. and a splendid' dowry. ay, she *re6efre& coggilized As the tuagistrate and the pQlioe in ON ASY TERMS9 the public, twhich on' -X through suthat tiotliiifg',. could ba -gained 'Whera.the money. came.from, is a pro- Fashiodable shirt boso i remain, plain ran , & cot- who bad been bsonb"f�oin hoe. elleek ivill bp divy a trench, 'in - 'hich Nvill be Sy' JOUL the dors i ,svh lirlimicipal can fil liat -he may be f99 -C CARTWRIGHT. further seVerity. all or see To. �iorli-out authors who vainly aiidgel —r nei-tiblile. . the the short st notice and most 01, too. much. term CAUTWEIGM their brains for originality, 'to barren Sitirt's con4nue to gro longer, by The oxpl6sipa of this ill JAY Ope rt or all at favored V, ov STax-Twoup, WIT"n nt ,I Will CGmQ aria s6o,for" myself,!' he' Pla O&AII be repaldjn. pa, eXt 0'i Turkish- llar)arltlesi, W 6 , , , .�X6�ietS rP. 0 At the Ratio, hwilfbt`rhurg�. RaMored by the n playwvight&,madly searching for a plob� a tog of lien' miles long aud� W- llburynousl Clinton daylinarridayof otery mouth. Tent0noortediniho re ion of much trampi vy ter. we or any tinie during thib tern! 23 181d Tooth with exposed nerves treated, filled, My client-Aoorx &llowed ti; glVen 02 witb fraSh si b . Cots . I ... — latest Style. ttlations; to people gegerm upon them.. Wide, lvhic� will b4fill CONVFYA1TCIN`G 'AND I4QAN Ana made o good &OL sound oueg, Ilia appearance struck me forcibly. -Ma letterst of the fearful atodities perpe- ally whose btihlesa it is to Iniake their 0' latesi tri 6f..tbe Ana aft 'the of Loan. tratea bythe aria, but, tile Th Imiiiing is fly fring&j a Turks in BaIg heighbors"114jah Creep, -and who fo'el. that wed. The fly filing S farms will' be'where is, ds. but marked -by a look of,' teranags following extract'frorii'a recout idtier lj� they ,a old' style rene a AGE, NCY . OPFICt, - BLYT features '-were handOme and rigular, any Lan 0 APPLY WO 0,%nadal comp Ve eif _60 L t. H S,. Counsel, co Worse everything once a� year. and thcs 'lako- where the"farifis Were.— G.. A BY which har�l� se6mod natitial to thein the correspondent of the Tondon'Nez0&-' Aild bb given ban—Try the' The choidisette i's revive W. W. FA ER, 90LICITOR- 114 CHA$ LIST OFLANDS IN IIUROX FOR SALZ _J, . It JS Very NoEity, 4"L . be soon at the offloo, of fandi'enough ior the wbrk hae nON'VnYAXC He haclreacb6d, middle age, Etna Care or sutpasiis abytibing. we. have ever rea , A Attorn Ofth, .1 rgentine Confederation, I asant. tp learn that peopI6 'Aic� so already been: subscribed, s,44 thtalatice 1and, Lem, andUsts !h3 ruidorqlgueilo �7. Writing fr Clinton, March, 1679. 5 Law and-Edulty COtLitR Of Irollindf 'ho-onna"CompAnyrnsy to Agent, Law, Life L-2. trouble livid gravell de -o' ' I* on 'his of,:for fiendish bratalit a 00 Wills, H HA shiftless, as they Were.' can be easily r . aised, 7. and 4re Insuianoo, ootid Couaral A9 Clinton, 1871. face; which *era fit team softep-Ing,its Batak, in the Balha Mountains, 1, caretullypreparea; Titles, and claim" to X Law nd of niThe baby bonnet is the rago it- - expression. -At his request, I . cc sayb ueill tbo J?iJi conueetionwith First-class Be6sleyj Milliner, squalling tiling ill Zuropean Firms; (IoucalogIo4tracod and Pedigree 'pro, Mrs. UANXfj L re we were Paris. 'Here It is the Ilivotioli. -the eavelessnoda of ad him to the priidn,. who The n1lbiber of children li-illed in The. gio"at efiort'of many parents seems th Islands. 11 pared; rorty Yearal rxporlenco;. charges moderate.- TXTUiaNIN& T TO TITE L"INS OF a itteaL Ito th up the, bonnet at rages most.. , I . V bloney to Loan-ptivato buldoi and for Public bom- I'Clinton and its violuityt for, peat; favors, begs to In- a M a artment peoupied by.. these in��sipzes is some thing, enormollu, to be to surround -their children with facials, measleri iverwiniroducca.ilito, I)obtg and Notes c6llooted. A gwrist want and . trouble that egtay is the latest fashion- Oj -.16aed I V T E T,,X VS form them tbat E40 Wit continues the Hat."Jad Sonnet Mr. Uoiton, i, was. abookiia'.'st he They *6ra often spittwon'bayonets, bill the ialqnag, ;tticlo -tilo, aiath ..or, Viii is the, beautiful Shade - 0,000 b6ople. ribu- :,w JmA a ay' pa a wl babes cArrioa on, socks ahor throe , . =1: 1-1 a a measure - safe, front, a, nto 6ove nih6nt, oa I used the slapab ."9 ldrgO Par r2tte ills that A r Blyth"Tali. 10, 187.5. IJU411104ff, at the. ey tuay. Able cot *9 a O -LI) SIPkNb, V-10TOTUA, ST., CbiXT01i, Ifiadnobsernhin and we, -hqY6 everal strrierfilobi eye- th war s a Thi tlami tt before -since -his, Arrest.'.- attNTOX, 9126 la ogen& for Breflarg. Buti6r1ok & Cc's B11topeAr, bA­ abbut th"'treets on the p , oiritt -of - bvyo�- The -&t 'heathenism of a largo nambor 'of . 11 It- bw arrow itate that, his child. This arinor is to ploage the moil. O,*�15' OF TIM BEST rAPrltS; rcc0ivl9g tho,uow iti, eyes closed aa if in troubled nets. The reason is simple. When Er i�n should atrit. the ItI -Converted tribos in to into-. I(opi, on hand, whietL she talle at prices opoolded In the 'lied a certain num- -gle. againsb Men like to have 4ti armor-routid a lady. 1-1, IVESTPnX ONTARIO. CaLlilognoo. She hopes, by strict tare sn, Attention$. Mohammedan his ki 4 -j, gl patronage, 'ing odds as he has done, should t6il aild. viory tia- tholight that tho"dimasia APPL7 ITO' to C011tintlO to merit o, 11b6i reelrovidea with long Olwpng PAOUI-Tr ATTMWED TO. 6W days, ji�-, 114h bbr of inddhi 'hils sure of V�Ara4ige, no plan Slid economize and right as lie has. IS to Sa Maketa ate "had. beonput ily introdtlood'. in order ctintoti,xitll , 1870, si move of this ktor vih4b biasing may be, 'MahOwst had to do,. find lie fanalos' 'that invoot. to I 1 A,f . iatha-atforialtht, 0.8*6 stood ma: 3till perched on the rudder of the dposs. oalcon: tho, tivo stkongtb, clintano Sept. 71 1874: ll106kirtg On. -the'worn, pallid - face --of the Pf6bpbIY intOndO& that Only avnidd 'Loll merits in real cot 'to and a balanoo-in- tll� enscaused a very tin IL, tit-stato of re -el;, Pecto -regularly at thel J. 13IDDLE'COMBEY Gontlam6b�a ovillh have 4 ptisonor.* �Aly Sympathy' Wag deeply, should.oaduti but the. ordibary'Muggill bank will be tb&bot inheritance he e4n, , 240d. iug between those lien, on and'thair 06,110 Ube$ out Olt or, rotiff 'A Still Iftoro 00 in. Otel, 'ton �rcot,031116 trio CIA I ti Big Ora. I'd, On of every osalon way 181 va thelm, frayea oe tit- . b moved but thote wa"One in the , look nian takes the Precept ill . ita, bidadel. no. So he denlas hithablf in- to bit hb Clinton Marble Works) ent surveyea tho o. ceptaincend -womori aiii hild- re, eilizaA ri sSoicu ti wilic �my all, IS fooling was faunat �nt IV -.The' advah6gb of hilling Ut Watch land'- Maker,- t�iit "ll ' 4196ces inaven necesary filings, V1144 Tht Igiting sult of his harshness. In spH4 of pro, ton as wall*.' an muthorized Ago ts a PIbAJ Jo. rat tC M cot Ally in- Id may Say a malco for his children' 'ealt NVELIII, &c., . fogsional loyaltyo I Could, Almost have children is that it can be. - done ithout ememl$eUhg haiv irksoixic ids, and IIJ81104 tit an OtIbbi vItod. Hand, Sh0*018- MESTS, IhEADSTONES' ho inother� f . . 'I --daugoralid that A Chita' Counts fbt�*AS It' usdhold Mika were to her in-lier girl knd work� of ill i1ndA In Am struck hita for his I nl� attack. upon ome Christ! n vl- 0 orlean and Foreign Marble,* Ills MANY PRIENDS FOR dwitras 11 1 much as an in 3�atak uton, tbo imtropago so liberally bestowed on bim, in hood, permits her daughters td load xk, bhina, every yo�r Witnesses Oud� lagta. Tit tbisi raid eighteen' wonion aria Aisignia and exetut6d, In thc� boot style, and at to, ion- 670 41 this is MY client, Mr. E I able pnooll, the ftotj would h4rcliy notify, them and the publi6gort- Said- addvmGg the-iiivalild, whose neither -childtati werd killcA ttict oatan. , Tho root, the bailti-"Wo in o'raev to swell the, lives of aomoatic, ahso, and in'dolonce, Ong sand abol that he hast6moved into hia now and motb Mantles of various Color6d ldftbld BUD- commodious romlon oil Albert; Strocil wboc he Will 109B is 'murd howeve I . 9 , and select somortmout of slulbbet had boon broken by our vAnt, -ripped open Pregnant women and thinkh:4 that in so dohig she makwi, the cloud ndt"fog in the sky, 0 )1-1 11;iva been. 11 pliado 8 Ott VotIC64 )Mop on and a large trance. it 116 - had come to soo you." killid, the unborn infdrits. A, best in all power of ma-' ooaioalf vislble,' Jo6hing vtory mu6ti as and firtooti. of. them, executed, The Oil . h or ifestatioli in her ittle ftitthor Wo came to an ob' 6; Da glass;'- The Mocks, Watchos, Jewelry, and Silotware of oil kfniltl Thoprilgoner looked.bp larijuidly. I U00 WrIt ternal love. Aa'anatural Consequence *herl aeon through sinak, Vhole trouble, it is htiderstaual: is 116V Me stock is -I Ulm be will be- uloroi6tl�'l lie a Allod Us with p1by and hpvror� 16 Was of thvviowt bn the part of parentst ko. air is ..Alled with a , fine dustr.- ontorin IbMaTED TO 0310tit I larger and Moro vried than d1brbofof6. An '19 aliA 9w much 11 Ail 1 pOssiisoed has, liden to, the skel6toti of - al young girl -ftt more t Sw4gog. ace gr6wing up, around us you mon liostri and Otte UV 0& Itopairigg Of every dolsokIpLion CyCsf allltb; oVtba oair profit- 60- -one tbgli fift0sho lying by. the --roa6ide;.ana mid-wonim porf�otly-ugoldgs fbillall. th vaitsing-di tsev Adill 'Opodfirlli 061101fel. DIEHU vtoiniitiraubliacator. ken Surely We a. g4s Tho dust 'Jr. MiD littfO9139i AnzaT OTAVVT, use oe oand, as t) keep, W6 from the bidside of Iny A. he WAS �6ra-b oil i)rXeticil Purposes oi life, wero hpt-ho mber In W. 31, Y. pirtly c6V064 'by, f rok $-the llaople CAI clint6hilin, 14, 1874. D —and from my poor, tuftv &Oluiia,' plants, that under glass und, With pro- 1104w, roddhing even. apportuldiltA Which b vagu voey I0%binet Makers tpholateroil' w2e,aud U44b: still 010 thOd ince1ilia volo0o, quAd, broke down, -the Ankles vveq enclosed in footless par per tUro sea 0 3T,7�9, And in, 1876 CLINTON; BAR, I UJIM CLINTON Vy client's face retbined the sawo:ro- Stockings; but the little foot, from which thrive Ilixuralitly, but to tandot, and to cotho reord the Dehatb of Ooldi ug the 0, fildreatia ill fl 0 yeam nK Cttle 11ti-der, twe, yeara of Ago lelidw look, the show had * bedii taken, w6rd"nalroa, helpless and 14iiharah Id taketi * up by To A t4ett�r4l Dealor in X14�niiur8j Ilato a short hartative'), I he -fact that tbb Aesh, had ityj that one blist. of thd, north wflict god be It War tfie re ind, owing to t 'Whirlwinds, ona, earm ' butidpods of 4 y 110 tapfied, , approa lie Ptisoiaes arled, insteaid of decomposing, Weld `fi3OAr_, fl�acze§ thera jo the core, withero all wilas away. The 011111agd* wf AD) thratumbig thatiks to his Ilimol ous irldildii and On ft I di Benoit. Or only aditia fdoitug 'ties and patittv 'Ve to thia I)WOU11, BdoulrW atiallig A4 ii-11before we op of 'dtheX thAv IY'Verfect.. There Wag a large gash in their activi all their t, asto61 xtoag not nevol mich ill ilia ikull, to vhidlt a WASS of kich brown, faculties ; or it th oy talto heart Ott dour- 666 WOO 06104d, lirdionignod to Otani the, 4 h0llovft an �dfi otittlo bv4caing, A Ver Jai& propor- 13AX-ER CONUCT.IOXIRIV&d. lid sp* I hairneak A long still clung) trall- jvp to battle a4ailist misfoattao, they frow I% tionVAtion that &Y ANI it great, tion; of tho f4d (lattlife(Jilles 601111�blftndl TIM DAM4 ZVONE 1 80 Wtul LvionD STOOX Thdra W 'i 4oraoting iii them that dent i Ili the dust. It is t be ko'niarikod., ate go,ignorant �f the xgo oftba wespoit. help. td lkgrioultltro, They Buy bmidm, litililliol"A Of 'Attire. pt MTEN a shiver -th of won2on'tound 1, fighb gods, yeap of 6howdra, in Ol. 'i 11 tough the tr rumtf the Its. t SL � all the likelsto6d they iaukt bandlai that. the ir *L in lnspotlbu of the: larab, here Wore drased, 111 a Aamiae Ouly)L ag�iu*bb thm, - Tbo real oro*00'of this, 'way �e fertility'. Tile', grATIJ tho saluo (pidaer toter. P(Avl bj (Ott ht 4,uglAllils It"Vory* yeilil thord Twenty Yeats Ago,!, -he hog4��, dij.h6te- otia -this poor girl had e�idefitly been world are 66WA of lab�r. gappy are pr6bbly. frApartit oftlo� 6"Pichill9. ole. 44% *hl4h, for anzabliLty CON arb 411 lilkoly cattle, It -isl blo'light 6 bIL Are tat the Mind tIzd# tipped.to, her olibmise, Partly ill search -m! all - r '91 article hrown on tho onanFECTIONER, mon'61 and jowelis partly olit, of 'tore in struggldo (ilia aeaopt. _68 fh 0 )Gofian of t1la ova? rl,61.11. i�(Ilatlitl mq mercantile house, It t6 bf eowu said iI& PO ............ resent. Otte wat tookot brtitality d in its ohini$6 valleyg. agiblo give uAiiag At, p Iholi: bukagid, and afterwards cromaing" blestito to tho rito 6,Ati 6h '10`1"RTA STREIET d cdtlnixig--�-s , cralse Moildt - fri killed. ' Ve h4fttalkod With -many wo. ppabollt fallen 007�1*tjon, �, 0graid Is the thdg& ohowers laitY bf1 d0fitpodod of land, Ili th" saille y0ill. thbro An fr6nx 11"IRVA b1to ocathe other, Open). ZOO m6n Vho bad passed through All parts grouna for thy sAe in the AW06t of thy broad4pla, Initl 1 4t#" Ilk* h1wilaf 6havers A Votlt. tab$ Gt MA *IXd'WIIIt6t 611TIA.- oolifidingi &a islill The latter love& t% rich 4ad b4aud I Of the Ora6al but. ille 148to and t11610176' bvol# sh'Alt thloa diit braad.1 h0o, boatt fiatidod Ifl the Atlautid siblaiadilo who wag hid 0,641'a 'Idol, 'a' oduto iaonis 'to Lima ba&x wi follows ThIt waktia 01140W. tilgle trtil- M1444 Of t9J;a1AfI lioj�d so—lid mrned, and th6 paito vhb They vould teizo, a *oma'n, sttip hot A fawhor-like aii a b, her ohoulloo, lay'llig hNia lookilig -horad have Willa, from Wads, hAa gookotly plighted their" trot� rallitle—, ofi it! ditmub, 41A RAAD DDLIVUUM hi *664:1k1l usn' only waltilig till the, ydatio, thall"d '01r. ardolds of olothbig Inaka Moftey at."rthe' dauntt ]a '.Z'S - r JOW610 she fatital 1%ido iiatIM4tandooL W0111a 'itotIfy with any and The borea it pallerd, Little ulight LhAVO ' dAn trot 0, Wild in, abodjLh�k. 116181it tit theta W144 opan, alaim 6 , *L he la4yom too 10AAA %ku to t 6 khoW PA Omd'.wopld Viol jig 5W 1A44adi 411 Ai, It to vi A atan thig dhOokil Ida ihd Igo trio d i Ato harf,utid Is k4 i I404t b tho fnk� who Koo ac A�1_ Ut W tit 6#1 it" , shat kilt bf hstu tki sh RAOX tie, k 44 kit 0404 40A1401140AWK 1% tilt TO And . . .........