Clinton New Era, 1876-09-14, Page 39 oil 00 Auq6m 111111 CA OW0641 Topical luly -lou'416oil Pork o or our CAP IT x OF 098�4� TW411904 nw Inou, 4 11,41, 14KNKY WAIRD rill otberaoll 014141 not, Millinery. 001 lul h9d 40, '019111 allpillica, from our- A dated 7t I ill8b.,froal. 00op T'w --out (6th -om nocovsu. Root) On Improving the Will. D Tweed '111)(1 his A, Fislizi, 8014oam, Twoucturw JaillonzwlilkT, were boys thor 1. di when morao of us uej$hbore: Th�y 49, not t 11111i'111114 oril. 6OU14 ton of it—Aud but A . do sQ frQnj choice B 0 W R ,ALO. 49*7410m. Us not irriprovQ In 4ii V464rap, 11094 4914 laoroos ng the vvk S�U I I -hie,herds f he romt, day Why know q. Pooking Viv, of �Iqxolj, Can 4�vj% ihs"I'l6rb'bf jri�,6, b,,.l tlio Spani4h r ',Ito A In Ia. B4- L'ONDONt 4bQ41d we. 14 0044* ry *4 itf .4 Any- 040 lb 490, by 0hrietMas. That pays, give 00lety &049 01 WIR4 0 iprm IR I WA thing I 6010004ent him the peas. Refloot a little illy r these johantmal), eakulou. Wood Was Du4ing tho FAlar WE9X 04 fonQW0; 7 thfjtr)�Qr gerrOV111 "tor4lQt.Q.t tll*QQqntrr alattera, a 9 rilor of fQoqr� r ur, 3r.ozr, oWIxQ Valzu I I d and I have jig doubt $Oil will COW ler the na "I - T. K i id upon to 400lde the questio I _ 0 trAvillling um tIIQ 0,11 Ga. - O'll liell-WO ZAVIP mp woo 4 aasur, to the ootiolusion. tbav Any countervailing, re. Both prisoners llave been lodged in the rup less I An AU.4 1119no t Ztt" t, '- 0 WT. 0 in 1U APM, 81101VIX4, TO DAY THR ONTONT$ QF odly'boiritherieptivo. Witoroquivormoutsof taliatiory or prot is not Olson. 4 CAT y a on don a ;Q Vour future progroso. Via% Tfie de ork"T0104,49ro, ov Dotive PA411001 fortroas fit apatch 11tv Quiroolintry PeyoAdA revenue tl Folinot to Coll-' Wk Soo'. tory. 040, Countervailing or ret,4%, down ArrYthiog like retrogressive logis SWCO been confirmed. Jigtory 1001014ticin Ought 116YOV to grace Our wake uP. to more ditTLIVITO lines of Culture. AN bitiou , D %situte bQOk, our roo Owes will safely develop The, road Is o K EUROPE, ae�,orvott Sp.g. Unre erv. o a ES ALE8 and tboro is morio In 00nonol 8 ­ out #CAA Ion TAIN IYAR. L Stk%yed or Stolen. themselves without, retrogression, The gbr 'Doors oil"it at 7. zeeturo -plovoinhOA) Wror(4 r a o'clock. Tlokolt otgoo, Ilirgoity treaty, was An in put is AO OF' Ill UNDBURIOXV D Rus.10,8toro, Vuwbam a gation of, tire Aeo Tile war in'tho east still coutillues �lth i )leto'4, g*#urk real ogavoloielieQ to us At the time—wo were not .$t4nit rol tho Truth, �varying aucooso to .11ts, but if DV r two your 014 HALF! Parties should secu;�-- 0 Jy4l Cann Corialtion' Lpot"PQ $Oat$ for Either or both P r UR such 1111041m0lim As will lea 41 ollcos AS It 10 Oxygotod gal the zooervold the conibato, , 454P' prepared for it. I do arof 0onsidee it has they wore left to, thom4olvoilrit would soon )Joel) , 0, 11 osultall! raw ell boQrQ a national logo to off "140% 'V'ro'ja Obedience to Go to Ill .1 1 soiN ve �Ile IV 14L -Ift (1, 'whom we Profess to lovo, 10 tjJ4 Corrie to'44r end by tile strongerr liarty— I R 441 An l01011 ill) 1049 bolero the djltalj� Ajipljcx� 14 ivitu, to pqWJ$ljo,d tabular otatemonts, 1 gothqr thAt wholit duty of Mail. throo mlttAJiQQ)wjjI 1'040IVor jo-orript ilt� r" uroll Ana. Worthing. 11 It it be go, our 004, whom We, Serve# 0 Abl Turka—crusIling the wOA1,,Oj,—SOVvia. It n Op U urn" tra T1 a et the. totAI fore do of tho, PrOVIII003 rose tho. order, 44 nrliuvatiolit; are rcedieK, to deliver 'is groin the. burillug gery f geliftco, Bad Ito Shoji 14 not likoly that this will be, pormittedi at, 4ollyei:uqoutottbi;xoAand,o)iitig, Iju i0o, rg previous to the t Ifilak be It anyvato not by J�Iloojm lawso]4 Wheat. 'GO 0 per eonit". in' the 4roor yea i"JOWnuntO then, Q It if silo Call provolit 901494 iID40Q 0146 of r Turkish power III t60111.31 B Rfb establishment of,t4q troaty;. that during -thou )too s'ot The extinction vou-111,17-18, Thollotaroo lolls. and 094-teAring ITO. (?Ile will Inovt likely be tile reall 18 years' Q011thluilinci), With United beano, who vqoro, carttvqo Ia allyhou, TIM13 OUP418 FOR SALT, A QITAI, - whole, pue jUlea Subject of TJITY Of the Justly polLbratod obANYHOX Wilt, Vr Nil, it r Tile r OR 01' &0 11 - rllj.fl� , war' uflation of. currency, rot, oontomplittiqu to tha Itoopul of God, a tile vv�tr, 0. oaluilIQ at Which c4ti. be even at ilia N11w VB %L 001� rI1AI(INMTiG,(-S Tbnqron�r T=- im. prices and 1 a, reprosautili Art ot the time, the average annual the groaneQS, IntogrItyallar)(noQvIlraugo JOHN AUDDLUXON, tl%IV.'b71 is? (;IulttIl and $ 1,1111tyt that be bell oXiii velloill, 8)301111 thlroill, vil atrpAffio was but 25 per Cent. increase# ill Trip grolob, on ANO 10114 con", uViI41,011 Towmhln 111trii0i 9her, 311 tile Now Promises, them to-oboy And tiellot 41 in at an times ilia under it,, -eit conflagration J)rL0lCO 0116 W,;t —140atr onjaelos�root" S A next it,;or to V I oixwhat It stood'at'vl1iiiiii the treaty went jut Whe'aho "Ill N I 'B-0 U HTIT C AS* K, F-411" r C E during Tuesday eveninq �jj' t1IO line 1161)(1y, j),08%14, to sorvio all wlAQ inay favipt Itim foreign operation ; that jince the wjtbdr4WaI of I trbe olUkratile of the shletlest ndhoron�o to primbiln, mill of Veit" thele oll"tvm- - E41MIZU, 14114111rolling, little cutting, the gimeattrustinatia. he fire,is still or 8ale, and. the tifladioalbalt: at t1wir bemos,dolaq�jv V I I 'alloo. T treqt, 18-07 to 1813 incluslAre—the. lat, ItrIN, ?I 9f 9011, act uil In tile Plain of Dura� 1Xo tile deateation. TI ilia lw�:t 4tylo of 413 11ro fba$1611. A trial nollotod. �or ybhr being the 0001m0no0rufalt Of !'Ilgr(I Of this IM09Q 911 uthe 6XQAt Man of Bobylon AXLE 11,01-9 $tun' 1PINtRIT baTO boon, callod 011b to its. IRON IVA 0 o 0, b all OOQAgton tlutttypuld toot to th L a 110ar4'. 01q, 1 Mll Iron RyrTUXIS 11ty 40 aw, Cluilloe ulth tholo ; I gal of Doribla IM, times" �Vjth our noiglibors—it motel than. leaned. W414 Wile h6b, I[Coilaoll, and fillst In 916deing tile flampa, Milily list. 0,11ilton, L July doubled w aring thii treaty's Almost the troo 11 Shoal '�s- 'I IOU "Old PleRal) for cash, To be soon At . bat it Averaged a the la"Cinat. lives, nre reporteal. 14, zane"a Imilway Hotel. WAIWE 9.--2 CoRt - M kOr I palit "Iflijerrea, And wait 80 per cent. bighlor than it till, Iniluense 161bidpo, Aug. 40f IB70, he king, antl gInQUIlt of prol)ortV (Jestr.03, . r I . or #$ale was 1p. 1866, with zil. therooll of commoditi a 11PPA th�80­ A . ��­ I:— . ­ r lorthlast "noth, I A WT M beforo its abIgi and uo. bLiANd 11 across the How. oft N VITI christlau, 0 At tile Dortilillio,ilitiflo 40SQCiatioll Itincli HoUee TQN hopus, ropetJ, for Sale'. 44- 00ca 'I'll W44 'evOry convenience, hard and soft lialf An Imp of around, situate on Ar retiewAl of the treaty on its old basj God, whout 4( A1111ile 11rit rornior 0aid StrL t# % jt� 4P lit Victoria Goa. whigh Oawa� oil Woollesday, tko, P ()T4INXoW Oct) near 010 Q; 000, FRAUR xrovsru, IN -some localities— g of .4X six rooruo, An might be a convenience to urildn" gory orm".­wo are 1)(10411y,prolid � collki., varitry, %Von, a atlior and more,thot; A convenience to our neighbors, he), gave the Our Canadian nationality, - No n4tioll'is Cannot will be sold on oltay tortus, I)arb,oredit, ouvoui* Clintour Bray 01, that ha was 1870. Highest Pr Butter. especially were they again to b I r at], an t t�� I ice' paid f standing tlkQ 110111; silo. Cultivates a spirit of Ila, it. mLp, FTUROK STIVIM (joNjrF Wria's power and factor , or jiliddlemou, over them, and the I)ONvor of this burning Aory fu�luloo ITO had always ondeavorod to 0114fon, 4W. 14,18701 1 I\T riers in chief, ro, r iloolne out oar�, 4h j ti -114 0' AND LOAR ro r ugI . ied on their God woo Able to 401yer thoni. And to make 6110 mlw�!ftlltty- Act, xcy 6F1110F t H1 0 DG I N S n - dayar rontJortboydvolarod, 0110 droIjil %It 9VOI. y, :MANCH HOUS& tl 4 whose histrumerittility We Carl XgItttay. still at that prolid spirit �vllioh mado i BLYTIT. PAY' put foreign -trade. as ir gone by.' JJ,Q (or 149 will dolivoie. 1118).out of thina hauil, 0 jitug,,, NVIdle Roglatul . tho'. world. " , Seed -.Wheat,, a4ptal --corlivilil . - I (�ce*litl I W A- W OLL oil -of 'flie -the, -illineogi, 80ernol'4 111) judges, 'IT �e­noW-PoyondAliat-j tbe.,completi a ' nil all'the ruloi r�Qnt$ in tile Channels of -0, of the oralAr our trken, iniprovorn 0 at Babylout toundMiloi the$Q jLIJrOU nuin tile OrOhAr(Ir man . Wes Iba gitg told them theril Wag no escape, Sibiltetl nt the foot of tile inciantfilir, Ile'. n vantage of by: the great Amer(o and And that a dreadful inmisloneub, would be the an Louatill noad, liefil! V. Iirt, Lujild, Loall, find Elstato Agent, L%v, Lila querico of their disobedience, Hear the re.L1IytJ!M1QarA­ ( or Ally -P low 11aniffidli,, It uj�y Vire Imaxalkep'. OIt Ir kilt Bud ol lt'ia a clalmo to �may-a so- eeomo-their-faetorsy-Ilic oil t'he th Side ok ilavostIgated, And Law B11101- i�b tl,,y r language; ItIlut, it not, be nto W�ro. nial WIT forced us to bilild, tIll-nugli tiled, Itill, To L tile VrLs, yvhjoh. Waijt to Relat' 9, QuAlt WO'AVJIl -110t Servo thy gods, not: wor� ed Ing I., their�parrow policy, will furnish us Willi. in golden hilrage Which thou boot got eposetl to tile burn VSL(IfJ:ljc a Illf and' 'd, P� I In this 4114 Poftl Y(1109 r�q�ilolaco, ollingoo tit SAIALL 60 independent winiq ing 1301363,; 110 IBITTIVII IN' T1IT-1 lonoy to oan- no 11 olgilioiio A Coutittea of nurall or Bruce, A1114t have good ilault;8'. NotaA Callatitild, A .187, r'Outlet to the' seabodrd. attempt to do evil that gdod. might Come, rivat% funds; and lop P F re that, the boards: ofrAde ao," Ito subinisgion t '00 clijrro(l When,we Are awa 0 tile 11 OffOta re. v'AtOr, "011f(IrEttlilo buildings, pud Ila and do4merce ' of their chief cities hav a do- to Mal I'll It is p1hin to be soon that Ia this case o,�ho llyth, ZSU Ulna. Addreso waining still to the eye 'oil. t ool oil over Of renewed reciprocal iter.' powers that, be" onaer"ed it lit* which Conflicted with the XI)o �oa Bidq (If tllo a to low of0od, honoo these nieti-kilev thoy W . 0 change, a d are backed b YL the loniltrig liberalr bound to obey it. PP C, BOLV�, OultinsyMLI; r. 0.- Cornmorol ........... 'I'lley addressed thoking*lth all due Se R prew of b6th shades of uldlitillo of tile- -Toronto Corri�,E or Olitioal rdol)oot, yotwon1dilot ;acrlAoO One VarticlaL of liritieflAa. 0 -MILLS -Said those truo-ow.loplary- 7F 10 -70 KS -opinion -in 'their -countryf-it--;wouId--stj f I -Old —011 T,-�Imy- JA it) be cast into the furnace) our Goa, (not yomrs)' -unwise on dur part to place the blook of re. = to. deliver its, But if An 6E the Board of T11`31311151T la TlIll X5oAfXNXON­FPR SALMAT an COAMODIOU9 TTIngn.Stoily taliatorylbgi�latio,i in the Way. Reactlenlxaq not deliver us) we ivill 6 Ovell it he aces appoillt*dd i tho hot obey the PoviiiAtina.11 This .0 fix: the standards 0 a -Clothier ad in with tlfem we cau'afford to -wait, linguago'secordg v,,Lth the. Nvotdobf the Illops jobij- of grain was a(lopteq, as, folio, On Rural' SirOcti lately bdoulliqd, by M�% T T ilort, anil M 0eneral OUtfitterf, and " Theng Vii0agovablo terms.' Tholloug000tannin; P0 in the. meantime do ll we possibly can to ex. 15, �ghrt 01VLY mo,yetill I trust In him.11-Toll xill, the, following '�Nveia`IIU be aaoptbd -,�In 14 rooms and is won aasj)tea. tor A� lirat.abgsq, boarding Unroll Street, olinton. sing faith, trust Bud tiourage.otoknated Abraz giving the itan� tend 6ur Wreird Commercial relations with built, w holago. -Ninc Qllio x0orno would be let V, hon. lie drew the knife.to slay ilia son. Let us' ardcr�f barley No. I not less ClIntoll, er ci 0 W- 0 T the. temPtatiort the), were Undor.., Ij I oth ountries. , A large portion bf the ilonsider &-moment, IL �Onr 'I great )hill of Baljylon, IT No. 2i not, less thll. 40 plies rejected by sighbors ill. soon fInd They were unions tbOVI6e%u( 11. , tile gVeateif kin ont of the voildd Around thern. "a less than,AA* 'Agent for I? - 33. 8 trailly, Buigiii market, - in the rdturnlng�priosperity 6f othar t c -ss 0hai! o.greatost eX bitioil Of�orioutslmailulfioonco, and bpond,- TE, NTS 0 F , - P 1 1 �, b� nien r d by Im *41 ge. THI'] �CQA lands'L Let'us� Aic �ourselves up for the bual- his Splendor woo not ther We . , per 13jildildor of g, UArbaiism,, but, - -- I as since- 1873 ofacultivatedPOON- ige.bucho(Inozzhr,%,ai;igthopo.4- LEAVE 'TO NOTIFY nqss, and do it. -The hard 'tim sIto fullaDitautIl h7ligiblq. P�op so6siefi*of an ivory throne, thol, goldon kno e nd. vicinity, prevented -our American friends from liorchas- Its and I)om6. rty for 9d e. into I)tMobase�10rib th V.A iog no granateB, tho'earved work and the - hangings Once foutia IfloutiLEIM. 0 ()ONSISTING OF IgI joUn F;IBr, I -CASES used to do when on their anatial Visits to as ; Here Wag tin exhlbition. of wealth snob as th . iivorld, had. BUSINE c' TWE, HATS AND C -S' much eipentiiNr4 dry goDds, &c.-, as th ey lit Salomon's tQmPlo, and also thogol(I Bud BlIver Togoold� FLOU1�� ND AP 'to Street, and l47,.n6rt1% �iilo of Townsend -nover000n. the int Of Onts' o�er importations by their merchants. lowered Ago which met their I view was'llOarly -Street, tiont4ining halt an 401.0 of land. oil the Prop r� ty Choice, S"Joetiolk ronby il' and, no doubt, Our ioarkeWr ML41 Y, ig ke of boltrin'q fruit tro.'a c I e'd ew ork to represent the power and glory of the king. god it all kiliai. situat , r."I'd lair own, MOT& Ono hundred and ton feet In licilght, des ZVZO prjoqs at tl trade may veTy quiet ton N'UVY o elaac Stre ImpoTt -ing-too, busy Iritli fall a6edillg,to real- "be Will laniflarto the sending forth Its flashing gieunis across tile plains Of pr6pare'd id dating. Lmi return to us next season 5�6 L, AI)ply Slve. IN willkeell on hand 'The position of our agliellIrtristo-irl the Babylon; UoartiLainspirF�g�oiin(loftho.cor a r ring in. grain, is MILODONALD, STR d 11 1, hA P, b wlidt-is brou0it I 'quickly - J�F OR,) tkinati (J 4 . Ildreo , such. its Valuilyi Pastry, ind qaokbut, psaltery, and fill Vads ol'inusle, 'tanding in, purchased at tbp prices, Potatoes. are mQ011 1870. 14 'Oat, and Pon Aloft], Oats, I Peas, Y�WVT, the and Dominion is not so forlorn 4a their protcction� i loyal'and. Patriotic, $00 the Grallint Finite, Cox Ana.?val 'ehow'oili, &A TURDA Y L every way tit make me]; enquired for-, as the supplS, does nut me6t the 134illoy, Corl" Illost, Varied stock. ahoion jet friends 'would - l6d . thbm to believe; -and groat ineii fail down before tharimago, in liony og'thqIr to., wId Ill for vateo All orlAors Will retteive prouslit Attention; goods But soo..do -those mail bow down,! 'hey may 0 in na. Sale well consi I der tl�air present post-' cal. It DIt6er is a Wile flymer, 17 Oli-Ile Will, sell at the lowest ramunei-ativo they, should bavastood"botorit ffin briago, ol� havo oboyad, th,63drig 60 "'dilY for it. dollv� rod in t9ym. 1�a-o orokna son. S IaSr D. tion, -and hesitate, eir th y led brick, by far'ft"5L c6-t0­o7&lstonIy, but bow down�navorl el 0 and IS being I H PAID FOR'OAT vorilp, a MOO notes, being lot�gj, job coil ALL t V�E 0, W1.0 N X.Tz D any action of their�(twoLial discal,ded Tho�o g6djy no doubt.thought ofthol I lit, Tr"dw.loli, 811,00 85 06,07 r . .... 011a oil, Aug.. ou as'. go 0. go Tile vies. ot a progrbs*6 li�go, a . by go doing thou ii,alkost through tile lire, the'% OULU not be burned, oudoni, Itoad). On the farm- is a uow liler 0 85, 0... 02* houeo 26x2$, With kitelien two Iramn bru,ris nd off6ct a Change from their pros Crone Oondi- neither "bull, the Ilanips kindle upo thoo,".1go. 6 not lit the load moved,by flattery, or, J)y Any Or 29 atibil. A. long Q -o oiitbuilclingq,good-bcc,4ngoi,cl)ftra About8o Cargo otpi a on. with, but acres clearo4, remainder good fended Slid ill u kotia stto to -in the minds. ofindividuals, a. �jt WOUIJIr 'ilia king';And if they bmil-DOOIA timO-8OVVOrS, they would Ilea$ '.0 61 0 62 'half mile from Brucollilid of cultivation. Situate one- ibLTABLI1, lit onr as Station on The and'O ANVASS, 0 'a Agents J11 Ovary tONYll In the Domintont for' have yielded once to rmSq4f6rth4 . Terms made I.ctow W-1 slight i6nIsiohij 'oftentimes rod ccg� digeou- They had boon treated ivit-li groat xogliceb heretofore, by 0, -a 0 52 Ash. All W N T: E D b.q1nore t P liuman tb suppose ill-. �IiQot the ralli But no; th%fillo lm�.lolilln 5 00 4 0 _q I t. -.1 - n to ill( t' . eging garroo hod no effect 111JOU tbO4 the 6 17 iL 0 18 On A) Oatid This work is f - - - And- Rory-farriace. lth6 heyl -or farinihg Commimity, o be en irc �A exowp UttOr, 'WESTOOTT. t; containing 7 7 . -oflc6ti�il Optic Towillow in were Blain, Nobatch Potatoosi froin suoh impulsive feclin,,&-i mighty men Who th %4- - . . 0 Q .4 0 50 Brueeflold, Aug. 2,1870. *41 double Column quarto pagoi;j 41V novzftr was ant0ni8hod oil beholding tile thr6o molt, And f sul)arb fall pagoongr, nd over 8W will bring the Acdossary lVillgh Tile Nvork Ispublished lit igbt As good as our 1i It fourth' in'the forlu � lilCe'tirs Son Of 024'r,3vii'll-ing Ill 6n.a plan it-biob onsures its weloarret6evory Oung men ON -or family. To energetic 31 0 TFivits humbled, 7 00 0:00. it reM liq Sig] i 0, . tile zaldRL of.tho fire. 11WIwontl apTr 6palar phrase, reflection'wou d be unq And Ile R04 glovy to thii God of nemyo G 60 00 are III Fam or Sal , I- , n, The to 'w&k, wo. vi tial I 1 0 -by-bbu JiTidllis'subj eRIn all- LO' duar C �Iahnod Woul( Ito hiall before hail beorl.Bo. grea -t Wag th 4' 50 vorythin� wo hotolwith tionteiiipti 0'. OVO ya ren ;l tile Ilebrows froin the llro� 3-40 a, 4 Ooi- T rAITLND er. a, C ats Nver Ot &a. This In a world opporrunitv f )Rose copi, cantalulp ocroB"more, ;.80 acire to �eioaroa 'Wit free o1sturaps, 11). good Statilet Oillfj�jfttlelq ]arlesi n a .-.and have to tug _gjQ-Q­ oross as �nr the,smoll-of r (14 0; A 0 Jilin (1.011140 their, pit led i;l or 0 ad boat iti, e on he wor Is ng accoiing to our. honest a %V OIL ,all 81 -of timber; 411 opolosad itail..well-rotifted, into Q611, of truth and justteof and, he it wIlif dv 'Binothy 60: 50 11 esiIt cost Of over, $20,000 for I Cnada is ca4entially anaknoulturat . u t r' ',\ Jitand,for the truth. The, bliedloatWhO may be SOIj-' tl ]$Ito hi,coutio, live novar-failitly. literary,. tunning slit 81A of tho ara e extei 6 tensed by loan to PaRs tile" gory orda reaso 0. 60 a farin binky of ArPt�class water, - Iloderntli he ng a lates, itilaill d 'nowlis �Thatlnt�etei good y gal first-class cellar'a 00 Old W411-1 -roliabl& Lov,611 reh lit us6f her territdry'sechres it; all else are second- tee; '(Ila duilgoon, oil' Scaffold, may not glway� be a -e 6, 0 75. it, 2nO Choice fruit-trecoi, � One of the Ill ni fittin 0 nr big Coo., elf Uontfml, All letters fro a to st predominates'; 31 0 55. yoiluol -0 -T.-Y delivered, ),at Ilia vl�tory will be tile Rarno, C addipspea to thti­Xlu�ligher B� R ary, her lumbei Mahone,. 1 00 tions in the county lor A. fancy rdsidene S'Sdneral, a ta,.as r And other.- I a only I rov&k. Ilea late powar and liciter'.%.They feal 0 ]2 a'.O tile loading gravel road situated on ton mPO from 6 01106i, witl east, tit Wool Goiaekidil, and one-half-JOI UMN B. BTGNEI! 00 Adding t6 the further development of 4griatll- a ' ger of In sing soruo position In churob. or stnto, or P 6W a 0 25 roe-quartio.Wol'a, ARQANS "limini Ile doillo iiotty,�qalti U Wile-r-ellut-little remueration. t 19ANUIPACTUAERS. Aurp—Befo-ro our ion ja c. '1!0n02VT0 MAURE-Ts. vrow of town and lalre; Title lionflp tab a. -8 ind 80 9b. Orando i4yi ea11 often sacrifice prinn! u. .1 � idr bived. They . - Aliply t P nees wereistrdoted in their charac.. Ills In bold� the Proprietor on the promises. AL -becoming -bar. 'tcj as ib wgie; aie d IlAtter themselves tyoy are doing. 'XonoW0, TOnN eight. Hence they do not xender 6bedletiol to AGINT, the, vrovi : S FOB liles lJositions, all U d 11b lo cad to became unpointlar, and to'b monlono,, An me s6a8theluteroo They. �aloltonds'aregrad,4allydrAwntig-liter. "Eadh 1 4 tti th t thapadpla Of God are case of these lovot.1 u Barley. '0 7,0- O��7.t Ity the Will Oats 44IS111. es other. Providdlic"as- go Afho bats a lie callca elogglar, tria, ow lit is necessary to the er� 0 Will N 0 M orditified"the union,:Of these PiloVincial i9i, Ing quotation. Atthe sign a t n. s-0 73 0 20 0,22 0 dMdual pr"6teciion The -former- is well galilrostratio it - a fall And strong, expreabi6n of E, 0 the.lirosumptlon to a 0 -ELI C� I t-10 Marl; Site* ad aua.theUnitodStates It, Three loan ortly were, seen Bliandirig, 0 io" KARLA ]33E aware that b6th Can bipiod the, image." TherOw"on6aill Ter. bats -T. -they are now lintiOnAl and aded no I Inihoes, go Berton captaing; fell IT- A, -X-47,�,4 5W11 nil or- L I, n produce more .*beat than thoy.require for, =Ihn otill OPPOSMOR. to .1 Rite( ON T01M., AND Clinton, A. ril 12, 18"D fit least go would '811OP, CLINT their hems wants, and tallt too price igdeter- W As' -to tlio excellenjeo of 0 f pr.Orgnna, road the.ItIllo*ing Testimorda a inmed, JJYL thb necoisities of those ;beyond t�r mail hlit a Strong 1)ropousity to 0 1876.' the'rnselved. - The imposition, of a duty 'On go withtin Inq1tit And It re4uiros ionic thall. ordite. arlcet� but foii sAres too - 0 at t a-manlet AS last STAPLETON, Apfil, I bb, fino cattle oil in k lo . ithatand. the oxionplo 6f the Priec THE 1..ULR me to' w Ia.1 D wheat wool(! greatly iacohVenirenoe the miller many, All Are, proal\-ato on this occasion 011unTy Co., CLINTO"'t That% Stand. BED so locally sit;stiol'that he could not. li�btaia one, ling. qllrsn-r-�Yfin ask in6 Iny opillidu Oj ��Ijr irst 6)rg.�, I have nitlCh pleasurerill tell_ his 'full SlIpplibs othcr,%ige than from th the'tIneo Hebrews gltxo'tbo rialcule that irig y6n. that I c it a gjeftt­SiIoCeaj. 0 - 0 would. be oulployed themout of their ginga. JUL 0 :on. V6ry,fUll and.rich and cer FAFAblaild ST --T neighboring re ublic, and although ho-,After� lArity rwormarthoni bworilds nil to Volatile if ortinint -0 nu they'know tore than everybody bnoll" -;-t fro.in 60 to' they till may be qd6facl it 100'lbs, it 14 , 0 its kind as there is Made in-Cillia(lo, to -any.' 'I d-io-tbg Publia toy Sald),y Is gooil an Instrument 'wards oAytl exclaims Another "they-tbink they tire Whine Ta drawbaekon the manufac n y ope.thit nieet with liber I al r pationagii, and keep the reward that your V Neir QX t I or ground it in liVe weight. 'Very fow. sheop at oil the Ear. P. rpriso merits. tore(,! =11lew or e(, tba�'alili r no d gre nuila­� The have Fiat them. &N -ate to doing So *Onla Add solvewn ova t the average from:$2 to each' on , ho knows our atatbomr111 At Above our octors at IlrAI) AGENT von XIlVBO NJ) BlIT70 ttot pArt.: lvirdt TO11X RANSFORD. d mit nox clerical duties',of the Customs Do it lainall iii Y; VIIA f ......... .01falitan eatRe Loll don On Ctured. by W. Dollorty In 'power and P'weetness tQnO,2n h&V I bollove idolatry hi tho Bilk to 4' we �HPI!9.,dn Woliday perhaps the best allimals"011 allow on the stones Wor6 nin6ty hLad Of ,Oxen iOH it IF; I 8 in its in a icalinternalarrangoments, 6 to Pay big quotb in'soM6 shAT)c or other. I ti q -th- it Coll ris-ent c1reuxuRTond At [Lily taint I have The same rule appliei to ovoiything in t1i Merr no notion of going In advaile )ublic and I nt I have eit; same 0-awory. The (or knows that the j1,Ink a man is Porto, bly I n from Caumda ivIliell fetehed'& to 69 2d i)&r Ird doeli It The near perfeetion Americaw donsuIer of O'nuadjazi barley, oats, Bible says no ittol is unthing, and N rely tbero Can be uO C1 PrJZOP a it,, r Ior or 15 per great Wolin, for tho nal;e ofkc4piug J, ;Ile it,to any who peas or other articles, pay I,\,! cattle trade to -day, aotwjtlj�' $123000,6ffired tnt.4 to I the want of duty, 0 Whatever else they lo,�y oil it, Ftnfling au unusully large Supply, oponod L cont, r -h 'same manner th that nblii L g to lupdle witl, with Ili0oos, and has contilitiod so C'0; 1,TITION Aq TO A just in tho at lie llimSOlf h6a, foreigners, ilia I) to tho. OPHi P Choir, 0]jnt0U.' to pay in addition to prime Charges and out institutions; wi have w6ehipliud Nr a 'of; flo, iinpro.4ent bedr. The dontaild for choldo and ineialiantil profirt, the datICI 16VI011 and C �,cara, Alyt doefal beasts has been,good, and theso havo, OR in'tha'o-It.y ot 1,01) whinh URVo been introduceo. and. 'Vill* VTI T Purify tile Ill idialled Ol Aanyyears I have ILoTed by Onr-o*n. Government Oil RDY im. o"r been readily la6V&t at (1110tAVO118 all UnneYOd. 'POPt. 26tho, 27tb, -28th 2M. Amon- tlw er 9 b1noli OrgaasTliovo�edu'dariug the r tho PailacyL.- find 'bec"ttm- btt�ac!j JA� L.r. S potaltob, And 1 4414, and, n -it I indaw tal-to Femallat a. teacher long train e4yefirx, alid aril iloatly A)largaintailiOr Of fOr0ign Cattle, inclu(Illia in till eataill Ve nt soon, any superior, to the Clinton ..Oygati. The rted article in Consume. lie kfiows y halat 0 of its! Ila oduc ofat Utile lie consurnc4 obeYed At the l Out 90.,Qanadiaus, have 6onia to band ; the 0I;.MrNT,l,.i ilia only, vellabla remody f�� ad, character oftbo ton is beautiful and Sympathetic, tho intonation -is perfect, and at the pr or 10 at fluf IrellitOW14 not to �Varsllljl tbAt told 0111fe, All. lelagnost Q'I lie 01'.1 Wounds, Sorem Etna ule.ets -f however Ong 4, and lilt) oil. Of' tbor formL tile tonchtidsy, ruA Interior to none. Tile workmAllshi is both solid aud.elligant,loo does not pay it, and, that tlrlo bigher'the duty latteriii go6d, coll(liti Sojjt' ilethat llothilig i,.i lacking, ()no fine to LO11dollaoll I-etrarn. colds the more costly It is to him. 110 iffal ",�Fo aOJy fc-AlAiq Suit. (Veat portion fire ill forior in ilualit�, and oil the Protectio lad: or tile Va (loutp inl8t makes Such a lonas n oboy, (I -ion , neverd, INY, W11ITT, Cli that the barley theso there is a slight ladnot lolesso -London, NIlem 10 il 4, Such Ila$ beon thO of a speciality of Ilia brougbt a higher- price per few ollly� ITill h, trade. tint a Ilov. . Ill, 'lie site Isitlop.trat Imild wilenfin it' Vo to r tarld allotll6r In. bushel Since the 20eiprodily.4rUlty Was abro- is 1() noto III S 'ring to �61 taig M"CrIt that wii�lld Combine 'all the dtoiialIlc improvea gat6d than it ever did durilig it; - Oxistoncc� ilia We r to bo, he iniftireehiblit, 4a,a If, 1S lighly to see L-fittlo ments in ;Inesg, Awootness of'Aond- I am happy to say. that I have and flint it hits been rofitable for hirli,iiii to stront.,or' iiianixelli of Snndfty Ireatilliff, thou beratetoTb, mlielf price'd in tile r. qvlish. mot, nlar. ill ill Clinton. Organ. J!wery Ono who hears it, goes away leased.� May God 41KCat the -loindq of ilia people to the trutbi., b 0 . ties %Vhioll this Ol.gan -in I VIC present -time to grow. it, Heistoldthat, Tlie valtiablo q Ali IlIappreeiAtex, t is a 1AVOritO ift.01ITfAtaily Circle, $8 O.DOL OF possessos, are adly ad law. L C; )reI1TOSII. general tllq importation of Corn free Of'drityrig.8 'Illgivii thCrit ilia slArit of obodlence.to Ills most less. London Road, pinst hill intorests, an&requiroA a protection OP 12',--�A fe?'o fiiefa to Riatelbdt iny PnLa �mly Onn- fro In he is told that tile. al the injury.' Agai WMA2, FERED iii RENE i fell' Are Ill inyttlift Of lie 6,111aetial Mad, Bud lit . IkB file MYT7311 OoMiNUMIT iii, saying that I consider in in all respects equal, find in d -on Which fif-the too any fir QUr-L 1-1 4;t t.11tho PILLS AND tln)r�qgvbly tesicil tile inerits of the Orgati's matlufacttired.byM D�ierl Country is being flooded with'American beef Gendral NeWS IteMS. WILL 13r, IMLij pme ft ttin pffk'L to his great detriment Jere a IN TH't, TbWN or P, many poiut�q tiperior, to any reed histrurnont in the inarket. The ease vi hi h already a duty imposod-but, that all Ac6orttn- to a Philildell)f1itt I;1jp&r 0,it qJ Arlie io D;,, Oil, I ms r �1 U4.aitwlpyly is maintained ; tile shlootlilless and equality of its tone ; its ready is- ift6rease of doby woul(I add much to Ills Read Me lloolity and be P, tough i 'Obill, i1) , tile olo(lyiot N,Oieing of ts fa -5th and et1l, of Oct-. sponge to the any stop$, and the perfection of it the Contenicil -will .3,000,000jil 3rd 4th, n pocket 1. Ile is kept in-Alie dark,'however, its Iti-ills, (I(fliettd sliarloug Of P1114 It nil -especial favorite with organ t e . ion Cladding tOL the goencral tariff ien lietow, ((lid hitee tna3@%atuvod @lid intist inalce I is 0. to the intent debt. 2 ot X toway & 1) vlete* Ott, (rildsi0e thill slid 1"Tifty Paptyl Can bo I�rt At'fllo pe. wit) trpaw 'jig diad at tior (IS tfley say,. to protect the manuthoturl 116nee 'UnAs,o oil Stindtigy, (D it Canada tho gin - "m industry' Vb'ch would lleco"'tnt6 (a 'a 't;' �(;') ixged 27 yearg. flarl, 'Weal beea an increase to th6 Traveritive Servic in or(lor in litetpat and th 016PS 00, 'cc. ilatho 4TV v nd trade, and so empty filqpor 10, With to obviate the couirall. wcart-Y ftok4it naLl pig-fr86to to, f.nd ftwo tb & Lyrnal Ortig, & CC the end of big purse filled from the increased Wheat cloarc,(I from. Still F vanoiaco be. till Oil4 whiph yare bitiolf at sJuild fare, ivery low Jorwoo, lroi; J. V. Hear not. )'Oljef, ffllel it with Ae bed 41feet, - 27 .0. '11tynT Nowtork� And Milo tpdh id suppile log and cattle pfod -This Ia Called Pro. clarrat, & rg EVERY PARTEA S31OULDL- HAVE ONE. I *00A ille fIrRb and -25th of Ang I , 111 a 1, t 11 V 401, blin s4rild A in tection. There is, howeybr, another View nit. hare triedfton think. Lit �e, Z bit ab"la- So question, one of -far me ill. It alitally its good Thig Wile t VAII ItrAvO in England dn.r. tarest add lasting benefit to t B 'r.0 than ing the thil Dresant'niontlit, -0 A Alaylite lVapheorih f f I 0 ef- "M the nartow,expedlenoy of temporary count :�, d IA . vailhig duties.' The less we rare hamporad Kt balf-pitat 4 On Fridq filorning 'a Oil, -it has done heatbigand vdiceinel UNRIVALLED SUCCESS -THE rdinary 00- are bvok4�,out opposite the main build. (6id is wo;Ih y rit the preai. Mr, wit dtari , thebetter. Inthe Zama, I ellpations of trade, competition acts as ii-otima. !jig of t1la CentenniiiT,`Phllria 1 410 fill, a aine ity,rindbe etsentorprise. With. al�iabefore it'wiia extingnishea' deRtroya nui. Is a, rer dolphia, '('(Is A i .7mrshoided 11116ti LITTLE GIA 111i to "a An improvometits would 9 To iout it ow A14vanoeaL i ed piop�rty to the.vallie of about, $80 he mitile, Competition Ia good and whole. i'911 A. d1t. OWN)?, lVarkwovill, 9OM6 for the farmer �as,well, Lot him Wake. 000, J),oaled Vit& a aloelled ITIT14 P q 1116 VJ1.1a d� to that fact, and meet thab obinpatition tOL 0 litAt Sunday 'Q ank-le ichleh' a4med me very ))I uth. I icao in. r Sol i, Pas U, veningii tit .33.Ax or d 0 to 118th t6 22nd Sept, 1870 0, 0 DRY961di braftobes of his induAy without dryin ore and bottle Wag 4 'able H 9 4pridgi Xs., a young man ilarned P,�Jljot jmdlicage�qa, ' Dia aiillar 40dtetnd,o T H E E .11N. E ARATOR I. grL 'I . 'Let the men- of commerce n protection.' AuaL Was married to, Alins Cregg. 1-16rdather Bola by, all modlaine dealers, Price, 25 cta� second him, seek out now outlets for !!is NO SL qberataw, -ronto , , I prodactiblis. They can be found being Violently opp 96d. to the In 'S. X, T1101tA Phelps, N, Y, X-Intried must lid matla With the � '90 10 -TRY, some are atch, in or b4filed the Ana NOR'rI1LjtOP & 't N already at ]land, , rom. this da; forth th Toronto, (it ckllfida� A, on hi's son-in-lim 0 . . . sheop"'901no, Voll try, eCannot Complain Sole Aorts for th-6 Dominion. Totbouss Shil.1, llhrilo that her has no market lit, Il obolero 15attirday, )LIlinit 19111, through the behrt, cragg then fled, illia n, lootilsfda* , 161d calm, Bud other F gl-M 11,ift Theltorso contdinq dight Dull room#, wall for his surplus horson and live Wok other clat4it'l q Ito tobtlovally, oft Or bottlo 814t� The great oonsum. lie Sliet irres of witich are Pat not -with tile thiii6oat 61 ttki(6 an� IlIg ptirsudd, fir6djpfin ; thlo last nine y 'Vol! it artat Imet of our aitbiation to tho plalitifodinto of ilia L11116 Giant FUL"Dy X' By, 114 26th, Pot' caril wo have gi than the t nited 'States. it , Ing maw 61' DrItAin is ropon Jo hila, AT F patty, 'The f1L ttlerl, T11P. Gr An a 4 wita, to oduota, tadlos' Work, I'llia Atta, 06,s Pool Offied, Trull With - e11 al, before Saintitay, Pro 0111y' Britain, but F rance. They will takoill. td -ad cvegg wait killed,- 1*lftJ1N I tor lurallb. Comfort ana Saporta W , a , ' iroll 1114m, 01111111](ODICA14 Ilia hlo tho Atlantic, T040%,4410 totVA MO* most I — griAldt tie cutIa the 'surplus in pleats lie can, VoSsibly gond n thonj foryoars to Come, and at Paying prices, Two -yatin girlg, 0 lit tir ouquiro bilsilat Lot hira, food more beef tint! unittoril f 49tin tin risitiou COMMU616101t, And try 111 ato Oroon, t4ekI 14, antl 91sS: but n, s aro and eafe rompd:7 for. Voiria e DIM. Mal am 0 t lilt in quality' The 'Old 0611titry eon. Shnttloff� "tr6ill Ally danhilwhat. to of thd Little Glaq� we bayd to, aged 17, toolt sumeto will choorfully pay $6 a 6 it POW61-falrelhody"It 0011. al' 60313nos Bud, be able to iow Thuradoy, with Buiddal hitalli, 11figg' A9111dultilral atidAlIp A0164lat all- t-itlia t1ko of tlitLittle diantThfaslitr a good arl;io'edr �Lot him doliond less upon Itti In q linvilit I to the 4611%thil Lion I 110-1 . thoroultura of wheat than fornforl within, foul, houre. latif Singe attalliod, as barbir the boet,rarmc0p. Tbroollor e the 'its tL "pill XoW Zealand'#, and Australia are hd( oil -to tile ftlivo, but 11A, 011b Of lidarotcg ullielt fire X "%W 8�jrfug ndompettoei Ia that line, And it seeing call pro. danger, Two young mon wom pragont, lit -frig ell thil ,"�Jqlrlj thonitichitle to tun %](It fleeter w-gulailty Tho odbatnittion Jor our DoubliI Goofed dited it alidaper theta ourgelvbs. .90ills MY hand 'be tho lighiiint Bull Wb6bt Pdr.hot rouning llow,: Arty wo bavo not tbo Cerra to, (colt With - Ole .1-Villeap. Pull .,Pa riling in tlla; llilol; lih(l 1JIjAbR, Ila. Or ,w It '411(t onilok till film Iliv.06009 (it pro-'eut mdae. p6wtit, eamid4kIng lit Ofth' Amoricaus hob. arid it w6A pay, X Viltl I LA U 94 1 A. and *Ith any macWna NVIllell, a fallfte� *1147%violl to no alsotowd it )Ills pn,,(l thil Mail of Xow y6ric and VIT1 N*0 W 11ilthong I Ought t1lo W11010 thing hoatt, Ifyntotiox, Molt i 110046114g, whiteo, tilreetlyto the tylifider treariall %lilt todo 'tind ayalding the Ilecasify of, 1161119jitok or rungtand in tile past, to buy out, aliture, Ivan n jolcts itit(I n1l tho.pAblial &641464 6583110110d by WulGvd, Ilava gni;Ngod Lir a WL Wifuiul,,. t, fi5- A,, any Other latrillioalato reaking LIP luorcane the Ya haVa Also made Pomp, Wry 1114terld 1311011960 A114 .0 J�Jjroilaqo �VoKtcrlj eorn'tft Illfairkltlf,4 oyntali, 016oe Pilln Vill oftoot a bt-ii le4vo oil �lavntktilig Anyway vh&tevery �4ttoll them, it will �&y. tin t6 (1611kowlso. It kit Ullor itieaili tO tbrAf iI PUICOQ7 018AtIffig ilia. OtIll 4;000�000 to f A 4 all pill. rAn%tAy1#6 411V 111011 An 9'k6ittl ussidtag, In mb aurplusbarley i's not ItIolith fg011i (dfto Sept. IL&III lt"�, 0 Ififid thg� at[,, Jr.[,, 6116 ffirJOVI the too T, I X o Valli, Nvm, tho above mouffolloa-Inirtrovemolito wo At Bover6 tafN of thb. uhtute 'to iriaki good bqat,. (I kiiow it Vfljsel��, 111111Lcl tim almoki(mg on'tha and PA96 01, P040 Af, %1�, vlot Elio Abd 4114 VAl"I 1011 WO boot lidgal to I to flift'4111no JIDWbr OVIJI`100 buthole of wheat OV400, bruligig of 0 mallea APILChilid pork)r sell, 43' -4bq, of- bailoy 'ilitt tho )),anolna NValve by obnevyod. - � �cn (Lit kinall of graing at# ii�v%gbs of 06'Rolonion TsIftnilsi who tillwlt�g Ice V16N011 I thol M-1 rbr day, It will now Lht,6qh rind 0,104111L in fftA4u,'bb(,wodft 000 and. 4QO busholn of 060, or 900 Ailt thh,vallta rd L0441i Ily 44;f -to Jou Wid take 50 lbs ol eqn. it, :,Atilpay till Iforalfty, gal, t'lin fliol vist, over, (10 have Oct At 0 Ima, bushels of oalff per day, Ana %Vill 4190 v6A eually in Fill btlior kilias of grain. Alliefttaloie, *6 Will contl6u6to ptifees hao ruled folF tomb fiino a Ilia, e *Ith )r ll)ply foluil' Of tVV %ho Wf�lr It' ilia X.Ittle 16TI6 with boublo, GeArtil Pftar, to b In look td tll lidjohillig iqlaTA, and gavo infor- aopNro All orld be to Ifteu iin barn 9001 bolt, Wo, foal d6itildillit IA lAylog. fated, t1l t raaid uo\v 1),veDAro-1 to tbotntril a Joni, w6witig otuot lmiibiloli W ludst 11' 61 lft6ro ontki 8011MI&I till do go lif 'yind tint 111111, -if, e,4tra, to Philadolph ftfoti 0*601161, y Other' tr6p hst.114 and follud- tho Pailol g NvivV0 A I ill 114 , 116tilar 45patak6r on tia Ana( [ficut, ftila *0111(l ob,31101196 A comilAdfloo both gisel an& I lidgla to, thilik It n 0 %9 lllp,�uet Rf, Alglit 1fit,it to U11A )10 44114jf thn 1041104, so Wakil U? fAtmers, ljy oy6v 411 ililla b rotaka Illall� at and 11014006 Of dfou b1l, MIAMI Use of hitkallod, and hidy. of Ton, Nont t6ohnstille tha pbtfootfloag of throslihiN and t1baning All, klam, tot IttAld, Ima iltillil it will itiftlih, 06 boat., The lutorboloblal 6 running F, 141013 014 ofama It Wltll Ile lamw . 11ftifo tho-ollortoat cut to the bill world J Ill 1% Allort Mal blaU mij ilitorod hem, will mall, AT16thell, 01111)'a OPLOW, J)",1n 1.91ad, QatPoxibrutik, VitAt in J�,rlglilhd, Ifti (16 Of tWO Weoltgf ALT DOM, LOCAL AMSTS b I Ia d Wil 0,1000111 1.1" (101lor mi go Vol Rot& Tim#WAIA all ;)li OL11, ONAHMAN' 100614M 4"AtO6146i J404 hAd pot b18A tolANdi h6i N ,"&Now WBWAY,. I !R f U; M, GIDS "y 'ro