Clinton New Era, 1876-09-14, Page 2Tawsh As olifem, ShAill roforulq. at the 40MA
ag-10. 'ku lv�at but pbyslojal foroo
lAil 1,01obt 44 to the mog"Itullo Of 01
g. 419tators'
-On Friday evpAnIg Ja4t, XothilAgao,41deq j*l%ps, bgv.ppourrod
Olt' Is ar 0 tiWitl 11018410A 10 now at Ail 0
at 41"4,111 At th me
!no, to 'Wituealt 00000 of *N?i XVW XAA, w1w im 44 m Chi Poor Mr. IV. Kilty, of Owou, Bilrops, for two, couttirloo. sui such is tile on
of_w't feel stork of, 444ro, Av. A, 1 111 And 4, A, NCO# 4, horhe owitlea by ro 0_4 00yora to ti
oqa a pot 4orty. t loh Met V ii*,, 4 w 4
the. tnoi�ner in 104oh Mik px'4 pkud otuff p -which TurUi b - cry no0la 4 hiry and, to me
,Agring the vilght. by #omo unstoo , on the Turks t4ok VY )rag they 614na 14 ( Ora to W001% AU4 coutri
kintoble, AVh
dlocum,tbe Tattoo ueotions tiot arise- 1101.1 OALI�tt, t wamoged to brook one of its logo sq thols viotoryby Ito
ying t, io� Ob rlitlan ( .4 or. Armies?
that it 3144, to De $)lot. nor alive. The interooto of Boglm
feoM..df ba3lyl
the look of princtr The roturin motoli botween the Beaverli of W-hou loot, tho- subject wA4 moott(l in the Seerotory tor Vorsisa All
N4W VATtY, 0*QD%--,TbQ. U0400, Cal,
"'Ple Vbi Moopt yo,_6n4, , 414crod bafore 4,1 things.
0 mony kljt, %%r (tho, Blue stooklagil'of 01,10. Eugliqh Ilonso, of Commons, the 11remler 141m.
lattleg Oro, receiving their itook of (411 stud a
won of oil ft"d it .0owered 14,0110400 Anti out lip AP U44OV, question b wher In doos
"Pon Of their Artido.q, 'W91114 1944 U4, to the to ) t .0 Winter gQQ44, WbiQh they; $to. prCilgrin to 8ecret4tytOVXplAiAAWaybIo rovioussrusers. gnglnod oanqlot
or, .64 X V so i Tep
Ung in a vlotory W V, The. Under-SeorotAry lirpteloop that, In tb Poes
aquelasign tuat thot are the pro4liction for St. Tvrs!,vs*hl4by17 runs, The'4004, sho to their coatomofo� ondl intend r from In$ 0 nations of �t
d4o to the foot that the" of the
ing their opovin vvy on Saturday, the io ar4log the. xnaselA-ros with leiity;, tho,, rro.� noo4t to think it aid not
ot ibs, hosvid but not of tho heart, Is, wailply hist.. d � f( i
m or was 14 daily oommumoAtioll, with Ulm.
beat pliyerp in ITANp 1;q,;Uxtiii).�Tho Other day while A on tho svlbjeot� ' That gtadleu
a Aspuratica of humanity ? he
th' t�a the QUAton, 14146 were =.. , fate, Q1
ICAPTATv 1 0 10 mra not,100.410 4voidably Absent, their �Iacof being 91194 In fully porquatt I art from
is Christian women of Bulgaria. wh6,-h*,,rIng frelft the g011arldiAtOreStli
)TActice, th small boy=me4l Humble W4.q wwo not have 1)tsen Very full Of comfort to thO tried, to pursue. their op
suffered the last outrage, were, sitting,aratait to. seems to.palat to the
ligiAt Qoix. thoin. -with reforonoo to the 4isous0lon of *by wato who, hovo, not, hod, Any V
seqilqn"Awiwlw� could lu%be 0ipeot9dto tending to A 1ATSe nbig iniihilie, at tho
m Trade To. !Protection Inatt'a Pf do much, Defore, comme . �ingitthc, gatuo'.1- Hax tilill, 1114 bond boomild entiku*4 , I the
Ott P the corpsos of their husbAngs., And child
444 Iran 44 4UR frolA, the experi,
:plus $tock. 'toothi so'd po,# of big thumb a4a fliuggr tbo rai5sof -their homes, BqoAlly full of gliqu, d1say tilftt
tUrquo'h, colia 4, to, troAtina the matter on Its rest Daloxi(Or Nrtbf I I . ... Nil
tr#14% f.00 A trip rtunatlyapralft4140 wrist, w were torn off.' Cotargrt to them will bo. the m1badquout pro,
liTesp.pativo of party boorbq, the aub. logo, . fol the only foreign Valley w
M40-thopitchin rather weak PrItI141iomo Orr, 00A RX4Am.-Ut V. -Spooner, of clamation of the 04mo Vqdor Secretary
Arf"* pf, Jn4P0ot_4;1'S at% 04444004. that the end, iscuobas
a(, U,
j�ot, bs$ beegmO a 14 election the aide., 'Tho,StA m ofp
04040(wip , .4 � go otrengt1i. this, town, ha4 gorle tQ'Suglantl, this weak Her M+4ty'4 90"aria 011t "004 the Porto �hof� all nations is huma,
g lilgrioultufal in ie4 with a new P40110r 4,104 "tel"PT for the*- 6 make o0angimont4. for thaple of cattlet to treat As PbriatiAn, subjoottltao the b1ohome, fy lonois strong. - ).Vhf
t 'ro
iot 907 highl). 010i, *0104 at plank jbjp�@A from this Cc
Irests'. #44�"Vrsre I_ - occaslon, besides playing untry,' -In our cotn� tau RubJects, Of IKOV Uvkj"ty AtO, treated 14 0jectqd to horb4lug fliv
I ; . ..., . 06, Adman at I briottatia. of B4 a the FrouolL, Vt
*Z, W)�jle India, The 0 lgaria, hay rool;
el &�- jy,'44� they o but 4 -rs!' in 00 r rAl .,the Be- com ad of the boat- players in that town.. niorclal columa will W (00 an, t o.
Poll found Ali A411111441lle WOZ44000 bQtWeQP tbQ perjury and Massacre, th
�qla4e, f9rolers, in the rillilln, adbore to frOb The following is the sq6re Via Oslo, of Aineity osils,414n 9"1'00 'A the theory of British Influence and t1lo-practic'e.
ed At the Or9gteaa 'Which hA 1*4 iarouz 11900s. -London ma*ot, sit what we should think A. moiality which woul4 not
Lot tis bo, thankful, however, for Any tribute ess, however AobIQVe,,d,
4040 '01" A- t ri 0 lY for' rQ lip- -vory1ligh. figure, eighteen cents a to hum, quit), extort�d. by opinion from what
.,os.s.d9,pgrtmsn Vlit 4t, X ff.; V0411113'VIrpoo Imur's" 0. A, P'o.
t �11e` Ono OA 0. Vird, 2D,,. 2 dr6ise4 w1eiglit', They are looginning to the Looltiou Spectator, callithe lea 4 In- day Soliciola. I�believp
beillio tile. case * wo(ij(l be A, Gibson, 04 914111310 0 a �Tc
treal, J�tr. Novell, the QoinWii i h it . -.'a � , I find- out -that OUT cattle Are, q, ry Sunday, 89bei.ols, 1, boliel
seog T Dollar% L.V e i earner Or ..... 0, 2 0
to 6N _V46 equal to difference" of thi T romier. alone uhristian� but 4101
, pQ9t that tile eftnU-4 find T: J40,11p, 2B .... [I I � I Oddy, U ....... 4 8 1 their own, notwitbolmodin$ a long -040 suppoose tint oil th
from Australis, 1010 us. in'. 4. 404coh, W6 n'atuml 33.Aojtop,81)_.4 2 0 014tiorh&M. So.'r) 2 X ,�og Yott. ight a Arrival of nosist'villothe'r ludivi
i contrary. If '0 M at
bo thquglit of 0al444,8 41*jpJay at alej Of 4 ill the .P.,.5 0 0 Xns9nL.F ........ I A I 'v,@J%diqG to tile ur, farplers such ti, ilioa a- thrill 'of horror would run g"e:-bieved lernianentil
oth'parties would foil Vanderlip, A -Wll�
0 Livings QV,842 1. 1 Anderson, III .... 4 0 77 -1044 0- r0op .411 the a0antAgeA 44 this through Aglandt A kllrill*�orrorffid rim. the 60& ef the Freftioll
viil�o of t1leir leaders, to Romo exteilt, at- T:Howxob, 111— 2 vis- Ford V-, - 0-1' --
2, through the better part Of
L. 110ton, 0 ."::4 2 a 4TqrN7't' now 60ouing ofters, they will have to brin 41�4, seemed,, dazzling as va�
t ed -Vilichwl . 11 be Seen b- Uot- "VY -6 40 not wish to bo-und0ii0od Biabop-of the -Stats-. Church, Mail 11: ser, wotshippers, of 4ucccos,
their-QAttle `to-arroarly maturity; 4nd ia- a Qp , rA
tare c1n.arti 7 Total, .17 Ik 27 Oi' Arst,olass conditiori, when sold, The mar- of NalWhaster, has proteste,4- publicly apillst
tbo follqwing e:Ktr4ot ai B4TiI?g tblit. this i; OgIlt, bnb only hh$- a Policy whiolp upheld$ the dominion of the lalsiacd"by the event.
a st kot will be unlimited, so there noell be no Turk. - Mr. Olaidstoue, has Also rilae*d his, We need not blame t),
I tj kt as A fact, till the which oways, and,,by o
ffhau, , � a rosillt, ot Ott "ll' 1-kou, fear of over-stooking it, Voice, As 9 is too imperatively bound to do,
lend continue to away
Viaw the oxhlbits of 04
r-ul-rit. the
the ]Exhibition, I w4p very much n ot theories, withou t being 0 all SA LIKE XATQ;f,--ThI.g Match'., for his po, ticipation, r uotaut, as it ovlaonq
struck� adoptio TTAWOMP 1�� at As
with them I w 'abod, be came oWat Atholcot, rAngo, in this place oil was, in the CA
privileged order, h
amiss. I bela -tiot idea, tvo'm ifte inforillation .1"quainted withthe practios thereof. Inla-4 war, is the darkest spot to human progress and tc
WA-X'Tx lvgood hsivy,-Tueadaylast. The'attenit was not as in ;in illustrious life. 00 shrewd tob,,rwara .4Whioh pbgtmo 68 to UMAZ
m% immediately- Ance 1 1 h ''
I had before, - that Canada wd", man4"-, I. We would.haTe surposed-, :hOwever large is ttiukl, but thei shootin�, wig excel. say"that the attitude 0i the wealthier classes
t rvan,. thrown,
turing country at 411. ]gone dfuoja 0, -1'. il 4 i'rally ia,tbat at. 4pi%tllyi-*�j At Most of
that flilere Oil I;W"% iii --'Oil Mon-diy 61ATeiqrs. Hearn' 1�nt, and in advance of f9irlpier k I
eats. The &One oympat[ilz withXhig,Bc
Colony supgosed.0anada, had mantifactur, durlogity to, see tluf mannerin Wnich t40 Turk
-1 1- a, - War.
L & be Aeiira.d; and Ig.,b i7aWg6d0i1�0;s "thij
_tt0i: load& Of-) ainbo she ._ -1b a-4 6 -s- -
ing lnd[ a n era -.9 6 11 y o' fS -�f SOW (i - papero-, L Fiance, mith �layery i
ustrios, u 4 it . u raise PlIf t.461womd --watectrallipped three t6prevolit A fair toot of the 0.
e, , - from this placb. days of WilborforcoAlairk4aq and Howard P It lookd'd withdisfay.or- o
wheat ozid *took, lalid that, you. imported td 4tlok, totlIoI_r._4VoWq�1 _pr_i,_nC4pj "35 _11,_ -hig-wlitios-oftIT I �,I- -'We are nol able since the days. of Wesley and Heber;, -since
all your manufactures eitbor from Groat Tif r;. $,-Our Inulliciphl to, give tile sopie Oil's. week, I but hope WO the daYsof Pitt, Cauniug,-afttl Ramilly_ 9y. tion the temporal * dor!
Bilti%ia,or Aniet-ica. - My obsery4tiolls at r opoct,ivo of thoir political loidors, Tho, atllloi$ are Cak iog time by the forplpok 11 sholl nox6. IV . who, by the way, so.fa
P, . . I.. I f lie following are.simto of the baritioulaud cynislombave been very success. fluenco-in the prdlianb at,
Philadelphia, - 'Wwavoei slid 'mois es- Con ryAive pre.,i,.s i and �attjll t Its in order, so
5 always the g lie wa�ter tan matches : Officers, Malch--48t, CApt. Shop'. g down liublainity. After All,' 1�ru -vase-
fill in slicarin a W the side of
racially in this i0i r hotys all IhAt should Another fire break, out, tivey 'p4rd, Clinton ;'%dp Capt. Wilson, Sea- there is something, ititbo old 06sipel. doctrine pra$aut ocen,61,9r, it h4ppe
........... kown me to' raise, a oty -about 11 indepelTdonce of
th ou a' III a othisr dobutry may, be of suitie service. forth ; 3WI Capt, Howa�4, Exothr ;401, go,to the offqoh,of -great wealth tipo4 of-sraholiloo. " Ava need
1 you th6il;,bb'. free'doni 01 expivsSiO13", &I
u re At T.-0110 night last. weeik a mar, All Owners! heart, -lot the now social philoso I t1Q
9,1 048t(i for dotQwhat self,
180" our but Ahey are also.. 06 .1 1 rst CGWORW. _040, blo and what all CaStba bayo t
II U lil, ti NY. Hatali-lat N., It9booll - �tid, G. W. IMil. that-dotAtine As it way.'
1! do are cortainly�battar; There. can,,of.course, -b-o-but lid
Ile Ore. 900 -time I :�6. -clino-toboidontified-)rith
hv guell duatations. ------- s4.rvitin rnvn1k. miAnah ItuniALL. hilivirfm-tw_ A 11-1
04 i it W00 �,A 01 ok
do bim so twit to - , A
91 Urd Mratfora. 8took ott lin
1plements,91! T.
folgo Oil- , Noxonziolo -cooperage and XoKoy# is, ocu, 7, 1 ljHQtt, 6n the 18th ju�At.:
tit to allow the shoddy mills, DuWas, burned dowyli on'
Via no Aoll on his 'relday. X4�0441ariorq. ;Fifty VII a w Find park lots, propprty of 11.
Gtrolph to bid4ing for the l?,rovinoW BXo 19,ti on'tho 10t1l Jb$t,, At
he potion of.11%4' bibitibu, for next yosr, and Is obout,%41*Q_L1
SAYS tile 17 of 000ug it'as, oRiton.
Twenty-twir lears ago, og the ettl of
:0, Must be QQa:*. r4ifty �rostitutoo were orrooted in Mont- September, appeared the 0rat number p&j�
real On; he Otti, A44 their IfOOP00 were *tk .
o 400t, but $be 0 Orst pgpor published a the coulity OFT.
Q 'real intoreattif sent to, jall for throe, 444 sit men
mobt In ostmV9. ti"t,
-a? Urd Dert�y While workN At a'tht�L4))'09 4140hine th0%.aqArO21 &f1l1rd MUL T40YfJ11Vt boillow
0= lt,bo success,- Noolory, age burs a 04. son of John tbat'tlaiQ the only paper$ published 114 mo-,
I goneml interests 411" ro Avia rtoatly� torn district, of Iluron,
itums which have froull. his body,
a interesta, A art A Cape Breton pa or oys a tea Inatlo
111moulty, h1tKor.. roill t to common ft rl t, bwooieuo4 U1tNiili'-'Ift Clinton, oil tbo 7111111
, LIU )In plan
)Ogitf) 0001101118i:0111. ith, all , r" Olives pulmonary vifo Mr. :0. grly in, of A $oil
a Of history., Ve The cure ta,�kesfrotri three to six mouth".
ad foreign policy, ; Trl the Vounty� of , P6ntlli�' there is on- mApjum
4 can prosper in
forced a by-l%w Whic 3DOAg_Bx;9.,m-IY) -Clinton, o
!is principles that q. ., lk makes, it unlawful to it the Gib
that worAll. start -�ugh fires between bythe Raw Mr. Wit
and the f , 11, Ate. J, T,
irot of Xuly
in I)o
wing In England oAchyear. ;x,,, tO Miss AdolI4 Brown, both. vI
into the Arms -of TheSt. lohns this town.
it WAS with th a povt As or lately Cof�iftoc6d near :PALR-Sl1RPPA7tP7"At1 tboresiaeqp of tho
were told thAt, A bride'.0 father, <),n, the 13th 1115t,,
? homage to sno- 11114. Vkt regultell in i a An4ing of fifty 'A, I Ajjllike�, Mr, t1w
Cloo. Palkix of
thing appears to
I fit only, for $un, crls'; one &Y
Q' * 1'� Rullett,,' to Miss Martho, Sheppard, (if
the morolity of 0 to lidloinaLroturli �40 00detich township.
hat It is, not only ter --At tile residence of tho
strong, And that, Thoo. Qraot,. an old man of brido?4 fatber� on.1116 J,2th, In$
-t,, hy th
I or national, can villAgo, shot big. grandsob,' Aged 8 yearsp Uev. A. Killikou4'Ur. Goo. Killft'll, ". t to)
l0Q00rWAY_- 'In on'Tuesday. - No cause is A I Wily, thir(I � dlll1ghtdt of, Afr. 1101-lik--
irp- , " - " I " . atignedfor the
�Vul$"AAL As it act, other than
ili4 the old iilali"waa an StoopIL'a"l of Goderich townshii
a Splendor t6. All p,
eccentric �clla[Vitctor, 4nd4 -tbQ boy *�S '11, th& p t 8
hello( Vi"ah UsIbit of B he th 'Svpt,,
tensing him
by Roy. J. Sieveright, Mr. Aotit. �tqr.
Tory aristocracy Last Tuosday night, about It pan,,, two row, Goderioll. to Miss 011arlotta. Kur�
will ralloo west of Tilbury station, L 0. S. R, J olin row, Qatleriall'Township.
ppearalleco, i I ipL I
inells of griglirod.: MAJOY was found olilse to thi track Asonsi- XruaAW-XxLLmt. -In INTorth St. 4)Totho.
actively opposed We, with a deep out in, his skull, oupposect diet Church, Gorderich, on Oth inst", by
cry, movement b * I
y to ht.Oo boei
ft struck, b
I y train, Rev. R, Uro,V; Mr. Alex, Mogaw,
rogress are over. Liquor w4 the cause,of the'accideui,, to Miss Mary Miller, both of Goderich...
4 at Xapldp with nituied LTL%Tql;.4 TPAILISOLIX
mqtkm� Grantham, near $6. Cathirinep, met with 9)IF-Da
myly%d dq
IV rovoter, 'Oil $kpt,
lie United States. 4 y. a wan. eui�
ged.abo'llt �threshillg -machino-aild-by. res
l, upon theaboli. go. 2., At.thw Notice, of -her br -in*1
other L AW"
jolief the PoV6,. some mealis was caught by the. tumblipg rod Ad% fourth 4641ter of A.,W9rthjng,'
116 46 ally in," anil had both' afts koke i,,.one in, two 'tell, M. P.,.Clinton 'd 18 y6ars alil(l
1 1 , , L , Age,
glo, oppeiri.16 ba pla4es. �3 days.
i, though oil. the
to be also theside Tjio'tavarn koop6rs of � WAtfor4 have Vmnnnt-lil -COlboino, 0 Sept, 7th, b
a Is ruqU upon A, plain to'roattlot drunkenness jaher age4
in some dogres . The -names of those wl years.
salivation proulpts to
o. Butwomayde. ate known to take, too Muoll n4il6k are post.
pcilie"Otolfttr POT--,
-3 411 A.- J.- .1� I- - _ . : 1
77. Alit
164'r,ii froux,the people of this Utiltvit fttes won Private J, ilifa spootive torotia at rume anct 6ervia, nesicies is s;lfisli, And solfisliness lead to
Arrangements have, been STOON, COMPLETE
4 1,00 Tvders, an Uclvur-A free leloture 'Will be given iu'Bgypt, and, it:. made.for file
-and yoursol, ves, your prives are lowor, wbils OI� %�06 strong r whijoh Turkey drawo al. frb
or ine. in Lowloa thelown hall, next'Tueoday evening, by Hills who also. sucooeded1ii wiiinhig other seems, f rom otlibr, regions of Islam not under trausportatioxi of-Maititollh surplus whoat
rinciplo; at 111, - . Paper, Fancy 60'od
Your goods are cirt than iheirs.. whose odiiO4-p arc7'.suih in p I �Ir. prizes, to the amount of $iC Tho ofilcers to froin Winnipeg to lffontr�if 7jr
V; Odium, lecturer, for. the her direct -rule. The yoke of in 11 Empiro -of tile to,
better 14
It has occurred to me tilatl c*01. not Atp_thp: L tars 6E On- f.tile battalion have decided upati- ty,wid desolation," to use r. NAPTARNEW15. New ork not to exceed forty canto a, oItt,
Uuited mOnce "a
bauelit, my country better, sod,beii6fit. Y�u a L0512don, to the Western 11iftot the plitasia, of this Toi-y writer iii. Blacleiv Wabol, thus establiihink tliQ f4ot tba6graln
'Caloadiati manu F taiie" Oil -tire subject,of "TelloperaticO..'."' A ount
also, thein. by tuoupin ecss "d, or a Association can be *transpotteld froTil tbdt. c ry,,at
.go ewmatch, hic LIS will again, be Ortalk riveted on, the Christian
cordiki . itivitatioli ii,akto
itir Fli arobants, to taro theit 0 theso Wo ii0y advocate -be) caitge weeks. eommuniiion of Eastbin Europe. , A eillzi- stituenti, to the ii'tiiiibov of 1500, at Wat- tea
4 1. . . d t * I son4ble ratesi
tio ral to, . . . . t I 1 tiot which, �if very fintlerfeet, as the Aviffiaw ford, .66 Friday.
d of tiou of the sin The d AgeA
isregard of an o9th' pro'vald' ts W42A60"
o it it appesiva that Canada 'is R a %yo%,6ulljg, a vo always must be, is at least
Thel"rilice Edward lolajitl 00vorlillioub aniongfriany perso�ns"is really alarmill" -
considered An eminalloauthority on4his spread flaxi t ..the w5rth,.Of the tqvytl�, IVIR. S. Awpirxivs; and son leave. to-mo.r. Christian in its principles' and its. upwa�d It was rei 801ilbtR ORDEHO'114 OOPYING AND EX.
already a mitatifeloburing coutitr, "fidt" I some burning stumps, and to has resigned, ana, thei OppQ81 To
Ait fire Iron W on a few weeks visit ta Dakota. tontionows,'will again be crashed beneath tile .�Iari - I installoo of this disregRT4
b 6 Iligm, which nitckbs called oil to form A, neir icnQ� in
a e�, der arn or v - 61t, whon a convicted liquor
sort" f h* a
withst."an, ding- subject, slid its publisb�� 6ven,yst an a large blazie. A nuiriber Of JAS. Fim, after an abso mon, 4 good commissionilil Va paid.
_Jho. -as protec�' 1108 ()f 0GY-
, , L! proy td. lvotust Anti tyiAmfy haift.- sworn f4so�' A, L S,'O W,A TN -T El EF
f M (0 buys frott this'pl lifesed. to
outts:�UA,Oiit, 4, Ace, it tThe supposod St. 11yachithe itrocudiaries'
ti031i8Q_*1Jr1Ia1S1 0,4d t110110 is t13 1266d of-, weeks In'the old country, has returned 6 hazard Ivir. cuior'8 have, boa I . I - lie did not -
,'There' Oc,u i n cominitted for'trial. 'The citi A yonuglady, to attend to r�,Ocvtida rooms, &6 1
of the other. o'o y"but, a ad 11 that
ine' Sir John A. acdon'ttia about two 40tes bad been - burned, looking well. at in T : * " apil B, 6 n r%, And ligh -to lynch Wro,
building a Chinese waii, - iu the -sbapi Oil a page 0 ig in a li4tior cT Lily or by lofteri to
(who, woo it -profbmeid, free trader -were. ton acres bf it in the field.. 1�-rv. Mx; LXAi3Cj of St,' Helena, %�ill zon arb inclinod t. bave recourse WAIDE'BB0%, Photogtaphorg,
pc�. oving all accotint, of a murder at.Caustati. wA young. lady, was hor'riblk lualtreated. cun''i6u, Sopt, is', 1870.
of increased duties foe �46xcluoive: bfila- copy, the pulpit of the Pres6iterianch-urch, Tile "Sule.
ii -brie. time -niell -1
ii; ada�ted the'very foo. -by--fdur rufflawr-iii -Quebec oil sauid
tit, for the urpose of inditoin a -will be-isgued on Saturday.01,.ori the L., H., here, oil all klgerind' Arab; And ther46re h titift-ni.0665 4tif last, ay
�bndAy MOrtling
& Aofa;i6 for the 1"Iffludelp1lia; the slilgle, soull rote wasi evo,�ing." 8ho wiis.golug hompi acoolil. ed.
9 trikv
is :cry off, r.0toctioll to'llamilufa6tureu B. R. R. araboul two
I at sing nsubject, followed ili St,
ists to invest, their fiieiiuo� for: their rea;_. trades of tea united, and both very respectable, won by Ilaulou, of Totdntoi, B ayley, 6 pavied by. a g6fitleman, xyhon theywore got
Ot, Of h trip, This vill.0 a. great oledomadaticni io JILYT111. r f ...
essiournag. avo tated their ',,that of a.dealor iulidf�fds antl a Johns, comina in Second; upollby four roughs, w46 kno6ked,tho PRrisps, LOT 87 0 Q N.
tiou, eluct that they are also capable' of. partitis wishilig to, visit the principal places. iuTarkey JQ 12, 00doiloll Tnwnabip, throo-hoad of Cattlo:'bolug
so, in, tboo , ry a I 64east, Tb a jlon� theAina'fo . i the gurpose of, igpl SQLR;'-T r. fra' C 611�hsg sold 'doil
%'I H' ra ampb er in womou," Wu One tw Afm '-Senior, the. yr. old Hogerl-mostly red, with a 34C
cessfully ' competin with T inew wlJO: hired- a horoe fr . 0,, gentleman insensible, carried oirthe young one old Wear, spotted red and white;
sue oosIves i�itili r
a "i'lout ccouom'st and' Wfiltb. 0 four- Milos " and And ofto'lear old Uc
I i JMg i hi; fir. lot 20, 12th Call. Hullett, and con. larly, and afterwards otitragbd. her ift a tle 1%,Ixite undor tho�
t4, Mae a tic 00 not usual apt y.livevy "to.driv belly,
Press scarcely. over - aRy anyth, taining'100 acres, to Mr. for the administrator, evork I have ln�lltioncd,. uor,. 6potted rod andwhit;
of other countries. Thi -truth is, th4ro, 1119 shooking Mannar.' ift sulailYwes. theft dtov& to to, were Ined the irilblali-J. Q. bra
u(jea oil the nigh hora ot onab ant.
round oum of $6,M, sa cool-boadod observer if'ov,a.r there as -fraud-, '.Intelligence has just been received Ain- W t_ _t 'o -f d -f f ar"Iready ff vaby, �ft 4;VPr llel 6Vibl31. (Thursday) �Plrl an roe -lain a s ig i es pro ti for -the por etrabiqw4f-t.har
that "site ca is golden," While ill thst, celebrated Tecumioh-baie ball club of Lon- Woodstock that Satiluel WallTcd, wlio'ior. 6,. 76..
lusinufaeturers iu the -'Country re. .13 tbis'', laceleavels: this week for the'Centenulal avor. of Christianity, When in'Turkq he The turaip &OP is-silia,tq, be suffering �mprlY kept hotel a f6*'wilos`f`r6m Wood.'
n, will play all on P. Bibi ition, whore* bd� intellas spoudinj a fULT e best qvidence,' And' thtro' from'thG iavages of the turnip Worm, which
th Advocati sbown that, tto exhibition game' th V , h4d auedso'to tb �016 in the Dine Stra
res, and that any stimulus given 1-6 A �ripultural grdulida,, here, with th 'Blue wooks. ' Wo W ish- bim wobIlindiii thuoi 01111 bo'ili doubt that. be r�wrdod it faithfully. 0 ock was hl k. Hills 41�out. y.. -Pig -
qui is Cory like the old',wire orm. It -is 4oi& t
th a giving their sliebi�n to,a pyg-�. Kckiti s, of Clinton; tomnionvitig at 2:30" - 3�mo BRoImN.-A bay -livi.n neat.: here'. "A vreek ago,!' saya One of filax it week Ago.' 'TC aplieara thah ecessild left
-lair 111ro SUBSCDEVS
them, either. in the obage'of onuol br .6y rc th�6--sowfilg Oil the"JAnd will deht6y C Lot
'82 11th con.11tilUtt, aboilt the, beginningf July;
a Greek womaA �Vdg.ftiund inurdered-noar AV in on a year
I -net ahe00 stm� fogi: th old ifte8ab t.
o Are ted from sit. oame,wo 1 16 j
f .1 The owner
ad e� -�stayiugft6rv- %ZBE CK SONY,
d d U ties, W 0 ad
brollft-t-_ _�d&y" 11 been
cn�R . . 1. 1 . . I I., �, Thi uin - il
a 'in.theiri "ury, in the course of We ars.isorry- 6 see such a sitato all A-golilier lie. 'evee sluc to a Si;stford and .0oderich... kdmiasion. Ox- I
I t a of itbiiye Uuj6t;d6reh, r6y tong of p6por is wookly TVO Ot ter Millers we kill" 4
things as flio, and �vould -gladly cents .49 0 0;—b longitict to, that liattory till. tho.(floba office, cosing 8ots.'per lb., from ilit the' L
saine. time. Iruvott, spot, is, liao,
dit me, for
sonic i,
Aort time, as it did in the silit iuto,refit _i%e -pinevioug doa of the coat of cnducting . Ira be. pro�jqed. ring aud ;which
8��vicos i4: had a long struggle with'all. nolihmicA pors6u. miny �bo forined. unib vboa fiioro in4ppondence i bit(
when a duty of twe ty-fi vo CUD to he 1"JI037424 . f,'I A L:*11;XUi1AT1O..-Th6. Ut arnig wor4covered Mt if, he had concern, to say, nothing of salaribs Ontario Agricultural Aosociaii0il'. dard of ks.
Trunik will, issue tickets at singtil faro for' counectfda the, Holmosvilto Nothodist 15" Ile could Dot A00olint 14 16*101016( ting,xp"yro4i4ellb. of the Agoo�Wibn*
rel was imposed, for it caused -the sink-. vNDlftRsiGXED DESInE
portsub pWlcr.�Iattetg, aii(I particulsrly�' the riovblcihl� ExhibtionI at HAtailton, School, will bo,hold URL felldWS :-�On Sabbath, ihno. d tll:lng the Pi"OViono Thort), ],lot a toil of wild. strawberry leaves' of Mechanics' Institutes of Qntarioi. Rev. S �T6 caJL his sincere thanks to those who iondered such of-
ing 'Of fair too many Wells, cuou llilt4lo �Vill ll� dy-sbippd4 from Uxbridge W To" -fitlant sirvictos in the raADvnI 'of -his stock at the lato
gh for To fioli� thei to the'.00,01 ifid: Sopt.- 17; sormous �Oitl'bc:picacliod, 'in' the be little'd6libt 61 hiq guilt.. yvere 11, 13urnett� oftlie-Fruifi- Grawers Asbodisv.--.,
.by the Conservative spbak. the, g by -Bay carcli'Oja to, forthe pfirposo of, being Inarillfhe' tibh� ito.��t-?Iiil6dolphia--se-k--cleputitI ' -fire. and,,6 atatethat his hatory to re(llra by the 23rd.:- Special tvaiiis Will mornin 11iold,'
g9neratictua. to. come. Ife.manug"O
truith1riends, whether, 0 a ip We Ovatihig by'llov. R. U.' Waitlad, of der -of a Royah..". 8.61 much' fur th c 'luoral turoa into. bxlraoti of: wild strawberry.,.-�� a Frovinci6l Agricilltural 9; TnAOWLU.
will not support itaelf against, all com. YOU bi -1,101010 ho r ' fin'oo o to connot the. voi b representing... th
U. N. NV. R., which leaves I-larniltion at gh'im. Oil Aratidak,.alp me COM_J Clinton, Sqt, 18,1876.
or 070ilsiltyatly6p), �RyI4 Win _ublia toa. ineating pivilization at the As, 4 their ffito,. Gathering those leaves gi MPIOY Ilt 'Association - -and have� called on the.
petition, it is folly to bolster it tip with 40 bot 7 nwill be held in, tho%shed adjilining the church,' 641 civilization we find thig. Mitif the bat. to man"
y ohildreir'
4:2,% p. in find;paoseng6is ill then arrive
lon'g'ell e a more echo. -'Wdrk fov. the tief , 6al,9' Partios purchasing ex.c'ursion To& toba-ser*ed10 the obildeen sit 3, and to tleef Lepanto and the ��ays . a'-T�ronio ; Many, FrAnAoi Brazil"Ohill4I 4pall Eveilin Classes.
'1�ro learn,, that Iybonuses or protection blicat4p.r�.iiittpr;whicha4droode ' .5) pogijkiod the "ah(i'
tbe� pul. al(thi Turk i`cal)y 4mazinj the largo'numb0i of lo4yerd atidother countriesian& 6xton �nil�lie interest, riqI; firty nier l, �nd tickets tolits Centennial can leave7the trai be delivered by,Revs. S. Broloy,,Bxyliald, V. horFio.but 'dinjerous Artftbs' -o'fa-courkif6flir'-6 ded to HBEVEXII G-CLASSrSWOONNECTION AVITIT
the bonus of $10,000. offers e Yi 0 n k - A that are in the'oity and, how they all man -
a. by. Mif- 4. "t tho,proviricial exhi- H- Goderioll, It. -R. nation. - They are now degraded by thz a'tordial invitation to. visitthe Proine at 'Ttho 946hautes? lostitate, will bo,opeatl on
haU to Any one to estab lish,.a- f�run your' lab6ra ill - be more `gen�rall at Cale- it, v aTO' Exhibition at amiltot
c y -'P*, $ikion l lolut ex r Trelsaveliand'oth , is. Proceedings will be en�' grovellibg vices of %L nation that.'rolids�.. lf�bj- , It is 4mpossible to -form aii Ii next cok
dry t livened,bi vocal and instpument ktb idea, ofthe thousands that, we' Seegrai ir�d likel, to ice TRURSD A �SEVT` Ithk
Tbidtiib �r ' apli'ioxiti ept the invitatioh, 4m jL11 machine lihop. is not%yit taken up. prQ 11101PIOlf'.0f fielb. dAxi= Culim). B -1r, ;Will'. 040teloo, of at music. e1&fters.for'1N defence., But -is issilocts ti Atg to say, infeot the. city, yetAhey
trade are thoo6best calculst6d'to. advance Goderich TOWI)OM , tialled, upon Vs a I few �iZlifie� whicli oonduce to'niAterial pro%peri. were gi 4 6xch4ngosa4 The, ,season -- foi: When all ishing to join should present thamse ven.
Full Particulars- and terms given on, apiflipation to l
�'Aoon as an opeining is - soon fdr fhq� us how comp Iaqj; y, to ri&oa and tomumberSe I do not believe alt'appent to rpet soWething �o do. dr6wning is liow'nearly Over, and thrisshing TuasbuiL, Hoad',Htsfar of Clinton Illgfi school, 01:
the' ifiterest of the..'Aaassoo, is. a t�ot, doyi'aince. to. she
grection.ofsooli establishment, pArtie W )�e bla 'lower thty. have Much cbaugad.� I do not believe -accidenta-mill be� in brdej f6r.goine SCOTTi At the Mechanics' 1nst1tVLte': Tiollots c4n.,Yt;
taneei: waa remo ad from ohild six ye ra. oidi dauAter'of the niachiae, .
talked of SUVENPON.
in in'.. time. . Lot those who use threshing io�if a,
and-bri hated -a (flags a r. -r -Ing, an'd , it ask,noneto assist thom but -careful thought-
oll. kmon �to. xanny Cofiserva6e sdi- L. -The -C heyPot "ter
caused' him gfeat '8680
will b I Athout Ois, bAt sooner, th , oge*na their � p6 which had Clinton, Aug. 80, 1970
e,$Rjand wi ling to invest v a 13 a6l now than they wero 400 years ago,
'd f it he' OitbiWthe last fifty years that
acme timeti an. 0 A at ut"Of an as
uft &to her 1urigs. Her father ful,rheri keep all blunderers 466 ground';- -
cil WeTda,'they salMeApso prind - The ci 4b;
Obta* botuB. feared thire was no. -cm Th effects of these, q 'as have shown
r B Z a ich he was the lialiti U-11it d
_4 Atia. fake i oha�je for�4 b6tter, and of two yisrd" grotil, and medical- aid was toblc her to Newboro to have it taken out lot the owners of machines sterrilk prollibit
7- RIJ L .1 d d t- -'a we � tow open., B themselves fully. When they first sthat at once. or ore . 0 -Op 13, , rq 411 Jestitig and400ing whilethat machine is
-TAROUA -OIL 0. doll t. for its -removal,* but no good restilt- over -Asia, by Ilia doctors,'Vot'they could not get.1t
lrtwq: � No. 8 and No. 9 *era road and jlassel: lied amijIg �EDWAD ODLUAr
000, �116L( - - ia motion. let- no loose ends o'f clothing be
011 )to applied a plaa terprepariod by.Xr.' Tolin Cox, L country Spodail. Leeturit'l
ell they seizOd on s �pfilous andfollt- :or the Ontarle wil
the opetation
f B'�ddulphwhich not obly tliattli6ioU-owini'�ocoints-be �aid _6
V"Plaes# Nloved by very pt: iTL jo.olilloil has L the re, .-worn -by ayneengaed.. addreawa PUBLIC 31Vr�TIN0 In the
Here as iwall as in"Ameratis oth W (I of enormouk w.9alth.-..Por $50 years they- Them(lovernor of th4i a the duty
7"' N t�jjsora Waff entirely beisf_ labustofi, for b on 06iiiumng that-weaWr and.wearing wilers of Machines to bommand the'.
dbidda in-66AL-64 'd&�conaumoirs* via rabot ana.repairing Crozier's 'kepi commendation ofthe Minister oflEdtl6a.,
still CpAtihue to of. plo-ictibubf d thre' rl g an k. - AU I a Me,, assentati to ho. Men, and to attend to everything
a days.' b id a ' -Bay'. C(5n;, $11-; NVit.-edilholl,'rep. out that IfIA TQV 01rooko
the CeinsAa coal Olt iring in - psylag latgb. house.or a garden 4Ld out i� avall; Illay. ifis ' tire safety, Theib"are hundreds of
-01 'L pinsond&4treyed every year by ibreali
sudden breach on cono;.13, Ana 1 -ishas, his tun for teachers, obtaining- h"s. TUe 19th Inst.,
OUT licial �refiner g6latleman who 'Jollust0ii, dr4wiug gravel on - _`t A, Ur young mortars, ReOTCROP A money; lid' ]�iuit A, 0 fLiop-rcfivo Boards of Truste Ilig sd I ay 1�ve:limg,
as �io- no6irtius is to id Wbils.,so wv'ot 6 led extensive 0 ig l0iii�Dun �ryin ilr6s sent as
uSthat in almost every pirt,of % at Phila.
themia, 616mo, #62a ouspand - and'I 1 $3 r Thomas.. Whitely, - work (10110 On, handkerchief, tied it in a knot, sha Sent it to to visit tile 00, mill rough thorightlessnessoarel the root . $ a th
hent, ofi. 11 going to the other, side," in cons. 5 and 6, $3 ; Androw-MaKee, indigent, tlwnoAi!est,.obulentGreelc6rArineniail, At and inexperience. -Chairto be taken at 7.001).m. The privelplell 0111
--d ,t aoil operations in 6rder to keept up the price crop looks wall, but it peasant is aufterlilig. $10 , Alai. Osbaldiston,L theie days of absojioe'to be qomlb-, n to ikoxedt ind arbitr"I standard. the hope of beiterion; their coniliton. turnp . iking and te- mlasl, having fiveathroo contitiAes and A ed As. visiting days. 17 rk f the order will 1,10
of coii, for viant, of rain. There was, a large area on thbir'capital of things and of men, having. Somi three weeks ago, one.Chaw�aigne, toTon,110 otiliefica And, Prohibition. a(lvaftted. AAlq.
ducing hill on 14th con., $25 ; Reave, selecting reduced that rich A -Ad woll-peopled. country to '.A .9ret broke ont, in , Cummings, . bain, an old man; who was a Collections mud s�baorliitloln; tAkt.n up
One bundrid ijk�usxud dollars is "id to be getting, fibb, fWatex than 4 osw in Ca- Nowd, 'at Ono time a -ViOrY 1,%V0 000- jurors, $4 ; Assessor, a,):; $4., Clerk,'do. and , mployed as engineer t the close in aid f to)acturo inua,
ject ;and, Vii, a
pidd out.by4he ring for this ob :6d, and these, zpay, even yqb, the ddsorb which you lmi'sioiii they find Warkworth, at,1.30 oft Id a on,,theott Nolf, Montreal) failed to re� ITATcliprj., RtV. A. Zt, waft promiF fArnlahibg lists and duplicate, $8 ; ATch. Ron- Y aftokildbli,
rnsit 0 . crop port at hid boat, L and his eildd[411 dl Giulia Sgirctitly
mattow.boarse, the PtLblio sre,com- tiada,.,thoy would do well to.,�Idolr. b8- be a go* d f rein comes soon und-the nody, opening side lines, $2. -Carried. Qiiiti themselves poor. They owinot dig, to.beg An& 14orhed from the Post 0111de, wb ich- was sappearo all
once ause:l some comment
49. only this sum, but, also If the VODt$ do not turn An amount of township busin�ij'was intioda- they'n're'sahamed. � They lige'libe moob - inist. f Is among. the
. , JW,,,*ot fof,6 they leap," as w� foar they woul(f fro.atleops off, on iie several timlea, to the Method" t
the sddlil�i,lti. the price of oil, which the . I I I if hay' -will ve e r' large covering thirty buildings, hands on boaidj�as.well-as among those
to 'IMPOS , out wall the consumption C ry 6otl and disoussedbat as it -would-�not - lie -of chievolls I am'
equenco 11 "a it is n- thi employed Oli ntll6r harbor bdats, by wh
An sto 0 in cons only go fixrthcr a a fq4-. worse, 'W4e miterially be iftateasod,'whi6h, fortunate. any Particular inter�st to the publi Dy kill their foulale, obildron., the consort - tliree siorea 110tel'.and Cum.
of or- sfrucflo� in produbtlon, In consequence Of noces8ary to glie it. �.L The Council t1i tion'takeg oil thi ear, is' balt6tyL and V6 I , lie was well Iniown. Smile plau§1610 ex.
they -to make I chanjef particularly at lY 'was 0 heavy crOP- 14orlday In Oct The only memorial of what Afty y ara ago tu. The 'cause of nian1tshbsX& bub
y forci. j9uruea to meet oil the first'l 09 a oss, outs was giironfor the E
the drouth poatuies are- suffering, and it. 1Anrs.?4Tt6 Clark. the re is unknown, About 9300,000.
vu$ ii 'alluali 0�11e# the piesent�tim%_ he wheat. bet. Was a populouO Turkish village is a crowiled , it has since transpired that he died 4'boilt
The Uld iving letter- vjill. also be detrimental to t uinaliamed ames W
woro the American. LA1 ground, now. unuaeds" onsell" who Was two -s'ag.o from. injuries received at
'from tr &rsotl noi�� in tli� Statesi� apper- ILON It Ash indaical m I saya anpilloV,of �Ir_ workingat, Little z&otlaud, Burford, took
en ad. a matos aud, tlioy 'F N1 T U R
ty*'the ring�rauat be mAl� Vjgovitsioxs -No douli Cauglitillwaga fiy. a number of Indiana. 'Ib
, 'i Sealorli informants and perha
a mselven bf the okournion PS, 101,17, poia6ft at big brothee-A house there bno day
deati a ian, iiii producers e& in the Globe$ and is Vvbrthy of, ser. many will av it tile a
ennitl ter-iftorroi *day) fro in Ile actnAlly sivallowed AV11019' bAbit of Visiting . QUgl1nAwA
would is bom" re h to the ceni r �Vri SA!z or Itoq.�-Thd imlo of lots beloging knOW w1lat - crime8 are committed id th appears the Champaigne'Wid, bdoft irt. the
.P t 0 P40 0 olit" Turkish part of Smyrna, which looks 80' ga, box db the dose Wng toQ ga to, goo a
_0 qqt�4#kjLtion
en L 11 boaring as it - to Is-fr, Wheliham-, advertised to come oft on y of rat pois6, b
1ALAtcle to 0 0 It Stratford)* which leaves there at 4.30 sor 01 entiments that have frequently it would b6 -A good itlea. if the Thursday last, -did not comoiip to- the afttioi- 'Ind smilgig, as Its�,pidturosq 0 large the greater bor . tion O,f itL squ&w,r4;%ota.freq�qr%t than the Indiana ,so abantiou the fiel . In ciount does$ a think bosomed in garad and cypresse, thOtight.prOPOV, and one ii:fght several got A. Ilway authoritias'w4e to got up an a%- milch as IDA11, He wAs removed'to hjs� father'a house oak Vd so WHILE TnAT ICIXG WS XA14Y F)IlrNDq 1'01!
plitiopil of the proprietor. _ Only one. or two
mexoressed in these columno oursion to leave itillnitlifittly after the var- Burford, near Prinpot,aiij AfiZI' At 1Asb ac, acandalougly inutilat6d, Min, making him a the liberal patrongge bonlowotl on him In the
where theta are only a wall number of bee 'I avof - in, Upon him Ad kt, 04 hifti down a
wors sold, And theaa it figures fir below what rise up the hill, (1, its
manafactuiera, and they protected by high it was thought would be realized, people the TuVillb, hous;s, that'l may not be cogni. 3io no hopoo-of 1118'recovery. onneudb, thathilaied a fewdays afterwards.
import duties, it isquite any for tom, to I ties by thol Chicag66 of a re. lolls fall. shown were over, as by that. time 48 it is a , an
manifested to desire whatever to invest, and Z'Ant Of thaw" Soet'in I - . young sc- counts there w4 n PAsts OU14, Warm them that he hall now an h a
outer into a comipiracy, form a ripg,. and -cent date that a grea e6rb is fi farmis'woold be,mbro fib libertk, and it wits qu!46 bvident that the time wholl per. c0nd WI(O Who is P0i0O tod by tile older -One+ -Joalolizy,41is wife is Rssio bd as the e`41186-. The friends of the deceased, do not desire
. S . 14 'L, RGE STOCK
thus monopolizw the misrket, zn.d fit an la�i - d6ubtleas have a greizter disposition to sakatimes a famale o ild'whom the father A -LA
madb byi Aii&ricana to'itiduce. c; sons were willing -to 13pebli to in village prd. St. Oatliailnes has. tli6 folloFill�, -that the mattershould come before Conrt_, -
party At high rates, had p0sed, for the proiebt annot be �volded, as it is Wly
�ised, and the ior to opite the' fAttior, Infanti,
arbitrary price upon their goods, to LW. �MtO of llshriien we aid of the opini6n that wivo one got up, will, not. bring up'; sometimes a male killed. 'a --A colored Salomon but this. c,
I advert placed at the A�OtDp- r. .4 the Mott 'fe of a Mexican jitleakin , at case Of murder,
great detriment and at the expenge of the .4 _0a NIOhtiAy_1agt some of, th; by h the *I
Western 8tatco from 13", aide is rather the rule than the excoption.. ohnson cloVed wit try htllarom is a 'LL
people. iTowi V�ry lowest Vaying. figure, an Immense emoloyeeo Were at work on the L,, a kell by the a tow, dyt ago, taking $450, of III$ wife'a, :orking ofhe Du kin FURNITURE 0 'A OES
air; Although 1 suppose. they 'Will all crowdouldbagobjlIptogo.' 8ybil No inquir is made, no notice is ta . , 1. 1
a -fairba ahor; distance north of this plate, and a 10 - i hat a with )IT. I Ono of the city police , Speaking Qf V
We oli� the above from the HamiltonL 14 So the sat, thoywore uging,was left staudliagon the Wait, Police. r� rowel Act in Prince 9dwattil 06,, a correspondent
P a moolvoo 6bont comirigont bi�rlo, have been greatly reduced during tbo r widbw,
correspoj�aence of the G16be, - and. hope and a large' majoriti will rat4or bgieVs soggon 0 we believe they could.cot e yet r( tho. gravel firain ou'ddaill - Appears iiPIVII0904, wydtoryo" vayA --In Milford, a -village seven miles
n ow. when d list not lip aotua to borii he had been, paying attention die" from Vlcton,'no liquor is'sold at present.
that agitation,upon thisivattor will not Ott agent (ft WAU that is Paid fOr tlohl ernd thereby aeoure a greater number of around a ourve-and tho lorry could nottle,row � We are told that We h to4 IrO IlAff i(MAt fraportod a lot of the
to sanid time. It is A
9 �vad fit thUe. to Prevent its being entirely do, by religious prejudice, The in Appearing 41; fli STOOK Before the introduction of the pros6fit law patro�a 'on be jalladon, 10 they have toge tower this place was the -rendezvous of drunkards
a ustiou jo, such k,-aua,ot6i)urs4 intorestoa A tried Is soation, ud wo have n 0 1404tho- of Torlogi ARLOR . rot fjoni Lot a real olionp excural moliallod Vy the ougino of the train, FbAut somewhat curious i JhL
cease tW the i iquitous clowbi ore) thl ualply no otheriiijury wad clone, who are upholding Irish PUtiblighinotats, an, IjaVO4, t, wifo atia.0h.lYdron 16 destitute air.
to the Uumbei lie can bring out �'h doubt %t tliRt 1b'wonld.prqv# very kpteeoo . . . 0 . . .6r' nifteo around, and her street$ wore daily Attk w6u14 Invite in In4podtion of life Aloek by all rho
broken up, wich, would be done by the -an Alylue, the'vety affable -foroing clerical control over edtication-, And trodden, -by these victims coming and going, tmYthinErin thar Cabluot wato lino.
tb�e.ojlatoftl dl1ti@3 on 0i1L atla rathqk than boliovb anytbing I f, station agent here#, has done, Imuch III the way o%clutting, the corpses of Tho . thirteon'th Convention fo:gna fromits bat-roonlo. since the &a
removal of 0 of building li�f thel builiflOgs of the tAilVaitt %t thodistg aba Baptist in the WAY of 811JAZAtS tboy ivill ber olroretl giff-
atla but �1 Must 11110 'Dy PrOtgst tigoin3t t1101r Dtmit or tourAts. Photo are times. I it as a sort of voligtoos for Oiitsrio, and Queboo will bo hold in the of Alay not one single case of drunkenness: Vriblugly cheap during the 10 and winter, Itir Stock
Wks also hops that every one that has coming Out-hore, taaai4e tbore is no- when tho local rdportdrof aillowspaporfews, thin point. le certainly keops his 1! weathbr- awriort ftoin the bational grAvsyAi*Z1q, am 1, 11 0 of killi-drM material, but fO98tbbV 19 A work'
BrIdge trbot Methodist Church, Belleville has been kilwn, unless theY dame from inaulliko w4tradr, aiid will beAr critical thing forlth'oni to-tlo n this vountry; tfill 11 stlignation"'jdat As much nit any*661 41fopou, aud, while workitig in tile Interest not sure that tile councils Of the present
any influence in. shaping logiKlatioll,. t6se illat are 'boro allVady L El&t g'ot olao and the present period is apparontil his 011106YOrs, he doos III[ that lies in his riot-orumiont England ro ca. on Tuboday, Wednesday, And Thursday) other partal - and this hiss seldom.
will Boo the folly of puttling duties 11pini . a L War to fiellitato, the firtoroat, JL in the 10th, 11th, and 12th October, 1876,, 't. Demorestville, surw6med "Sodom,01 was GrOat-bidadements to Cagh Purchasorv,
such., Tramp avouild as he may, keep his 0 the public. tirely free fioi� roliglotts �,Vojudloo
uytbitig to do, aua hOW tioti a,straliger 0 Wit batween Christianity A I lenity bivitation ii extended to pastor 0, IdeSparately Wicked )late, but a lft$,rVel.
Is A oxpe 1 66 to got Work I . It doft�tsleotll rea. o6fliopoll toog-tol, soy goilsip that happens to P1tEsxNT_vrio,;.-Ab the o0olusion 't tho, quAl 11( Islam. 0 A 1, 111-1064 tho jot�t
articles for prot-ootive put-powj 'go ih' [east a nd otli2r 6rdained ministers O(Avangelladl. ght thatei.
about, eyes hiaL all;t jously afrabi.. regular priyey mootlog on Randay ov4alitS that thov, ai!d by fit I ous chaugehai been wrong vicioull systow, not only causillis Aive'ctly 6011ablo ; in this city aloneo of 90,01)u, in.. bo floAt-ing latt, hlr� X. Warner was presented with a goN, negative diolike of Christianity, 11owvoi, chlir61166 to bd present', 414a -to, oVdry Sitb- More nightly orgies, blib quietness i's in, her
to catch eight otpassitig events, hot 501116. . -by V 11 , or, under that stitiets and hot pooplo feel that, thord is a
to, g1liber up J; ft rocking all. ir and sit ca'ue� seated. ollaire, *0 will Let #AY allythillt Rbi)tlt An, ffeioued bath, adhool df flfty scholat
an increased cost to tbs consumer of lisbitanti, I 6911eve there, 11inst ba at tialeg finds ii hapopoible abee, t6 solid ona delegate, and
* . the vongregatfou of the Nothodist olimlobi as 1)6twobtf0bristiau And ItTollainetNil ( Oatritio. II%IV 4 an ad- change for good.. A few days. Ago the
least 6,om 800 to 1,000 out of eraplq.' 6,Vory fifty aclloi�ra` to�psllipi of thol in, this reoullty rooted the articlo proteatea, but giving tojh6 4*81yj a mittk of their appreoiation of life gbjvloqsg 'tilt wo,inay atlemst bodilowoditi Idikiliore ditional dologtO omfeation therewith, it.s; r4louat ground for choice bet o 01lis' above that number, b6'ftot in anyongo to ollb bor thr�o taverns located in 1110 Villa
went, gad the pros set Very blue for or.; t drutit slid disorderly ' Masts his gaze,. leadtr of -tho choir in c go
producers of the artii1e an opportU6*1' with 0, i-00. The ivilix tiou" oxabed four teachors from ally school. of 0horiy-valIey,,,txnd in plaoo of thern
6Y this winfor,eviiiryb yerylughariltilmeei) pd he ratiron to the sanctum following addres aadinaphlea the pro- tia" And molianictall 61 a
it1g. fooling fit it life ad, 110 seutstioll Z- 4 1"'Llgland At loalit,fuidiar bar - Tory 0ovorn *on . train -and's Rood town
tO forw it ting and pratitiou extbrtioii# Vory ffifla luovey tliR Ing flo r
I ollavuls fut him, oud fie,woula I "Afeb tin. X. WAVIN90, frflt,-'�h# 'gud 81d). Illent, semno Vo bavo Iflado it, choW. 81115 to# The oxotiral which. loft St. th oo olluf0hes now As, ' rid, w 'als ii; ntbing tur VIM two eburch,b*4 forilb. go in tho moratlity of ftu 10,
hi )re nor, roaseeni to think -you, Me had Tharnan foe -on 30,turday hall, while the oat
.61068 overill Chia dowo and sIa�Lkj-iga 1110 hollellf by Your fallor In the' Jeolb bistbad ot, vibilitylog the Berlid, nono
bat it wht) will got ho tat excitistim 0 o 114 bt the 1pailloff And 6,makg up. thd coneort oftho ovoflilig, �,la the Alt, Litio lbdlwg�, inot the jil&06 is bey�tid doodrip1lo
you' WOU6 to Igoe a, lit 0 Awl hv,�d lent 444jitoge, 'Cory
hit imir niodye. in t9p; whiob: woul(I 66 filry with. A, ioriOU8 11401401111 At 3,30 SUU4Y� Vt% NV. i1w Spi --of tho-Graild-Ttunk,
norf, go that, yo loft) Ifill be-a-lilb work W olttritoLoe, w6 allogy,' blig iboller! a, circular to his lon, 014 doll.
inornint( oil the x0riborp.0011tral U, WHEAT r1ton 1#11ttoffAl tltue.wy Advie.q.-to,you 0,11 io 00W0 0 rjlb It I W`6 don't liki§ ?Ott I � OW) Uf gabldlobt otidonee 14- I- tg 1)an ligyg, 913I)CVI a At -110404 'na fiftdt& Your dude& Ali folWig Moderate 26
tbi# coatittyt aua Stay -a row Illbuthoi slid toul(I 114 solno mio bo isold Met O.Or biall, of-r4wIltd, 'Air W44goaW 26
rdaut, Is dopoomod thetis WIN Well no lst� of 1411in-60146 It) tho Turk tlia worat aupport,'whio?, at 61106 horileg NOVO I -till ova Alta kilred, the. loca- toofte lantly itidutog drowsiness and sloop
porforill oold6thing (jut of h 8 1 tiltl$ 40 jill, but It 11OLS I , Dug 1�060 f64 t4t, Itavilf3li 114ghlou uppif the' r(affirowilofcthatr4ok
A I 1j'. il we oi, per laps a tool-Ildrdy iftdifirstlao And
Ithotigh it 6A guy hto I'llay no loogor b 11 of,tho and I
Wheat will be brought, fidiii 14#066 1110AYre of 014 Q hill. it beddRht a to the poorld.f0f, *U11 &very gondrol And a Me nfile hiblo of 1,11h or t4ilittes An all k onditioliff are
citri uih doutl fig gue6hig, 1. 'Irtegular" oflni�llfg were, badl'y wrecked, 'Pilo anguloor,11108, alifto dangerous in connection with the
this year, arrailgowouts havt bdad tuad4i ktiow gdhiq litt4 that woulti g1lidir le.1va 8&qxv Awrrr or u6ntio.. on I't f6elto th,09ts artiologe not 49 it Woard of 01 r lVarf,tild in D%Ara, 1,11,111,001 tile The EW 1,11t.11 JV111 for Ot III tut I rf Iffskork 4601 tho rotdon,4 10.1whiell boill yout lkitrol g(toritilty o hor 00yertiolollb And Inalh. tile fIrtoman,1(io ' ofe, raceiv6d 'I.(36kalt, a he Ibbs Itto lit111 b W4 fritfiddr thig oblickii,
Ch1bg Ith,elt llo gotil doWh t1le J.11310 for tile g000nd apillAin" Allow Ila to 11KII(dog. tyfir 1,igild It, ly frow of lill for the abipmebt of 6110, littda light aw4y Iftboy 0oli trian ot On big,W46d it boA, ill I oeyern but n4 (stal injorlog, h6exotir. of tllls (ItIrlug In
(J f 'Rig 0809POI t, .1 scratch. W&Y'riervica this ountry, and 11
014Y laek olluvgh bf flid " Oil to od'iAillotb iwove twtwenty-two years 4ve no to 1101Y SO iherso fifee 01",
Werner, gild filso 04 llllnd�vd 1111,11iolls itflilig, of AVIijailt th,gigh 410111
1. 4. thogroater piyt iu%g Nigh lipent fly Sultana
0outitry to Afoutecal oe Now "!fork At. a. vomitig pf IOWA no to bo either ht. 1083 or (411dalabc 1ju t for (ho Drool phl ohn with; which the Ai t" libel EaVloft -in Balling thab,tho groatoob I 'Itancilail fit repro(I itei'ligaltiig tilo. pollvilM hrakog )VOblIth16 tlltLt sillibullt of salety And b
MOW` e4l$o -d cost voG to evead 40 cauts a hughtf, is belief U baso4 up the pr6mum tho."1114food of tho Resler nuill I dt O.J4411 Ilk* tht"Ifill all %Vera ivilP53d it I oth for
labovilig ttwu) olt'44o buLo tioll th4t thd varlotill In ill" Old 1110, 1111111y, lives woulit have beau Ct,:
L6 (31116 4 Wo 111alil, the V64 11144 booll 14110M ill yourselves, Clio ("Ornpall and tho of
kmill' fq itt _110N, 11010ag hD b4 od ue* (okfultiobt9 -stre tb uly;tl� 60TU111 4g, btr litilig tor otsillififloly 1$77' for i
tti bo p1buty of inuuoy to tuttko a 11trif 001.1 to pfigs, tl,114 thiii, froi i i ?sl [(I ne I -r toll rido.1l, Ot 11"riday (h whil hy the linine 16 to bd oblaitic(l. by noe touphing, dbirltd,
bl" of trausport, dianot bo oald 11, A eu rt'o visa that, ho at-Areoly lcm-w whk( tb 3 prnolsi 0 Wn to ("IM611-to boo ai atid: beer, or any of out of tho Wayj and *11011 tilt "Thunder 6111 parti;ltvai rat -f thoo 11:44 about oviall. Irt A" '90 iv 1)[11 111
MIN- ill Other of drink. - Via finpotfano6 of total a�sti
are g6hig whilt) it thd Falls 110 (Ott In"wfilt a Vitt none&
Ind in allowing � iffit rallwoy,
01169tiAliq I
baybranahor, Cho P68196 fiffluigh6d, '11 'Y nwif Who wora ki hi fliti 1h4t sg ey, (it Nyth': in I& Nifitoulapy t ilkikit, t1mvil, 10111m,
06 *boll such sliould ti ko roilud. Till the evolung, 016y onclood Illill cAntioc be over estinlated ;Aho experloTI06 will no doubt, 69 mudlil f4ducod, WIlml be 014 (419. �Voltf th4a %imy be M HMO utylo, givilig 06 11killiarlilla rfla,lilfg. V41C llf it irr, ill41 hag the Vst II)AN1. of it
tho Noikluj, 0111140DO Al io 010 th0tho thuo, thailki Wt -to Wilderfol to, A")tunng 1.010a i politiord and Muml rottomom ubith Waiilit Into A bush Iloar hY, Alul Marted a ifiroo-i bf the paAf throo years has so tonvineod me
V( 1,641- Mod tor wuffe, tsiltj vtry' illt1lig1j. R �at, tligialli, 1),it wo. lieliovo 0111let" it fliti loolloy I I'll lkietiAds of ito by 0411dio light, After 014 W. good o1rects, MiA6 I havo diAonifilod for it f6d good A11111Y liolvs�
ttoy lild U I ol lwl t") 111%.Efoll ith letfln hiln will it JIM& to 1141101
is worth fully tell por coat 11141411of Milt hvp� 061 ivill t�wku illy If, U; ilell Vhnt Iowa IVA;, Wts Vilettitlalig w mr ploAgo, for ktiothoro4r, and
lto�w4ttf� H till; t�i), illo ta conaltitu, Vitoil tit" to 114VO 6 drink olit of I! bot1la I do hope t lat tho Atsistmht Mow th.1.4 to TOM`
grown in this gedfloaj� It will Ild I 4J Ad116-4 msd 140Y wll'301 th(T, talk
(it; wholl thty 4ol I. of Ran 6411 all Vitro- Ispel ilid frallf 010 41tistlailsi, Tho Kolallill whioll Outi, of (ho Rung buil,with 'Out#, 4 uts, tthintilob Y all(l th6traillo atsir.
crololliq litriolit ill' Affor t4king the diiink 0%)THA gnots, ly) wiltjoill we lit ilia IS filivinglag up I(I diat .014) IOU itno NoIllaRl'to 011W 104t this pur� Of t inortilo
how gkibat a r1VA1 I � vilit 40t, ir fri � fib J)ktr)VJJAJJ Ily I I r, milying V1146 tiliv, o (111.1 Itlik'All", t5 next, 14011 'if Ithind 061040, br- 0- AitkInAt 0-0 jjujill� 43" is I11gL Chat. ho bittl rdault 'that fl,
00untry Aghtnat fig, Tri trio 011,41 Vil Id I'll Clalkv w4vol Nts, 1,7, 1#11 tho ly, cl, it., t6i 1110, 14N ,I , (I we hf�,e Ho (1606 11111 thst a* 114 libms 41)(106 o 4 rillill Vot a i4to V0 sinootily a�4 wh10#8 1160t but theo Vilt tottlkillt� bt; pq 11001 WIA4441 ttli-W, Via 11.141 At. -110 flam -o borrow it. Pol))f Or th 0 1) a
ita �vor f will go Along More
Ith oli i do risk an Aftxlott I ask you t6 lid W
freigbt�*jll be (0410 91witobi to iN 440o 60 vef 44114, not*# that thoic% 44910, 114 tat do( It WA viodUke R1114 R) altot'l 411 trio llot 111414gloa 4 Ar I
i it Alta Indne, thenti to,
tat, Willa i a At lf-daulto Xuglillfid it th#Y tril &041 thit 4, �A 114,AWt t W§4 awidi, to 411pp In' ovary: atilt
1641 At A 6N Vow a �44
ot the hibol And lublad: of An
I'Ardl Am him, tots A A411 is r fiffadw*4 RAW _V4
Uillio All p4011111'. Itk 11h ow 01 V a
40 . I
91 i4lwov
0 IPA 71 wt
t4 'w I` No.
ved byl!
uaild to,
t It) u uit
a ax &mod
lqt%l u bal
�If It
Y 1 ly gA
4 0 1p
ho f At
'Aft Wh