Clinton New Era, 1876-08-31, Page 10- 1 P N 7f
TX . A rjrotevoj�# PAM.
IdAdV10106, h10 frionas 04
h1ton mw
-inatter wh
tow 44yv agd,' SirJohmu A.
at opinions a,
ov,14. . I No
hold in the Past so long as be we
for protactio.4f4ragdoultural A
faoturing intorga.1%, ho, Joh be
a Joh
a Joh .01
�,t tbo tolme
c 'tou,.. Oat,
at MOP, oll
Sir *Qhn is" Ii0b: a
01 41101ir io the
-0-04, or it rat a tues of VrRectiou, yet be .10 willing
Wo laoil any man *ho"will.
, 44 oonT40 boot �ob oinqqia the. �Qoluuty of uprolk Why, I Does 40,44ppope tha
AR o1=)ATo ..AUSIUST 81 11141111104. an the ol, lad at very L , 0 ITOLM-ES, 8 XZ—NO. 35---�Termsj $10 per annum'o, ANTO91 ON 10 'THU the c
o r,, �wlll help the b m.
CA b w .
0ountry Vub of ito deprooqQ4 stoto
Lot him look to the Condition of thlugo,.
AXkVrX*X�*XQ JiMWArAs 'in the United States, where there ij
'ouft.jarll in fr goal -of his -the he.,graspe& -.dOOr!kjiCb,, Turkish Atrocities,,.
of %0 pro
f prolilbition, slud
pov The, ox% Vurniog `4uickly, he Stopped down' ', 1 - Th him, tell us if the statovt t
�vrdn& lot
totio of-tho"'hotise Adome$to assert the lik, lie r a thero
V -dnil�r "at opped., eall out, f4i. lie bad taken t
AR 19, G. yow should
through thin ? . * thick a corr spondefitof flie London Xaws
A OV khtarry 'i't bp the g9u ivOAlth anit a mPhilippopolls, as follo%vo,.— Zvoty
Ila oolimiu, "olile y 31', Physician surgfiQli, 40., Illytll, ii,1111111 ilarrow sawed mlse; 9 a6 - W. 04 collbool Toronto, of their iumates, V1TOU14 STREET,, 40QP, A fdot'Cf which -he becatiie pam- o casiet, than it i With otir
hoIf 40'00 XSR. �0` zvoltx THE INEMB.ITAXA OP Ozlt� Ofllde:m-bliposlte apd yQt.the brooid glareof ligh y use Cue, oil g
W aton, and farmers of the omrpuud� thFilgit. 90, 4§75.' Ohl what's In -adoll in t 0 usiness. depression is far were
041 ar , . liarlor *Woiv�.lud the soiiA of laugb-' —cliing on a 0941 heap' at the oot- f:
III propeedin6- generally, that they have opened a cavIlAgQ a., W!
-v verely 410. than. it is. in
gufShop In the BESIDE fori mingled with the stemins of a piano,,, 0hort'llut by i16 mealifl sof.b. fli-lit Ofreport that uotfoA�er than sixty illitgog Cfinada, yet we"
6iie aD' AVPLETON�OIMICA Xilowledge, not W alth, is the in ality controllbr T�WQ]Irulos,ia t are told by the leader of the Conser
90. 99' froullsoo -formerly. ocd.UpWi�y W., Ti *Ooltnei A Son, i an k yppanple . y r..Ts as a soome. o indicate convivial 'party A el'o burned and 12,000 peo*
o0 Whore they 4111 be pr . spared tti fulfil all orders entrusted I a 0. @#Is U hurg , 4 top, y $treat, I have juit sqen ple killed
M 0 ;zaft 1418 itit Lho tive party. th4,t noth
-Fill 666 1., - - the town of Batok, ing but protection
� , .0 t� � anthe dust whioixydnifool9tops, bad trod, rather than a� romaio meeting *ith. This. r4pid'.transitech4lie. 'Coicludea
00-001 RUATAINO promptly-ativattou 1. ' But genina 6omen bitiolit from the ralut of its Malfor, -1 torb. tile prosperous t!
12 ad, And for Palo', JAMES STEWART, x. D"A 0. X., GROUATE or ao4,. � tbo town on flifli, there woro s h I e was. at th,
hki, it I tbobjeot of his dreams. ivioiula biluO !down , pile Y ........... 00 . the houo�, L and it 1, 01.0 ll, what I omw :—Oil app`rmehln will Ila
nitro 11 Phyawan,surgooil and knoin, ready stamp9d, from the hand of a; 4 0011 . ntey enjoyed when
00 ortio do -s.,
McGill es1��#vor, that he was to, la quaking with terror � at. the appre- M
varfkll�teed, Accoushour. Ron w1avoin -4 , I ' They rau away, and we foun 10, to restor
One-oightlil- one yciir, .......... 12,00 Irlirsot oplass 'wo*U 0 4deno adollary I! won$laplulug Irani , 0 the,, od -old
call, at.the basement door, suit -noticing. bonded ariival- of a - number of 'epect itllio� oa. thries, every citizo
.600 Horops, and cattle taken r
Aitl bags for thfititelp Ila hinallfiltylb name
J; that it at least �rai dark and , glo toro of his. equivocal -position. But the Spot a nuftibir of skulla scattered al.lout, n �Of the Doininjon
Clinton, ;uly �0, none -but the dine to deny Only 5,60 EVE,'Phslclan, Surge �stc., Cc or'for hi.h
celerk O'bis movementi seetri'd to and 0114,gliast1v I all= from ton to twei)ty cer4a on
ne...... 8100 enough to Suit the mostfastilliops R,'omeo,, e
Whft*in a4ouar whoq,nalloup minmaborad nu ho 4iomissied his doubt and advanbed iioil�o, for
Ai 41 sirpotp. 01. ou counted from the sad
have been equalled by the! -the niore for every artiolo he buys
.......... 0,00 I-tg io forages liave slopt in the darkness ofnig to A J 'bravely forward. . 11 no sound in- 1.4 picked and liiikod 94 .99 $100 !vqm the toil�opv,in which they have olumber6d i time elapsed it d, yet' litiliored skul than lie is now paying This is Sir J..
Im. Are oAlrorly 13trotching their hands t Light
ndler,lyear,,. 4.06 nlf.�STANBURY, GRADVAT13 Wi T MEDICAL dioated the appidaicili bf*ft- all..of v�qmeii 4nil Macdowkid's panacog for thabar times,
II LLOJit'�.jr D.0scending: the stlips whicibled, -the ny one. I
AtIvortioei -of. Stril'y6' 110YAL D, Alt. STEAWHIR.S JU'Department of'%Iotorla Uieis14; Toronto Ao stilted in pli
I ork, A town, On every torms. �Can our armerfi.
Nfor,, hi What's In a dollar when duty can show, tho the r ed stillness tered 11
Thy best, nololeaf iulsoloA ozi earth by a hir4selfaiidde
&qF- not exaiiidiug 1012neii 'f .8b illontli, $1,;, merly of 'the Hospitals easurod by rolong
Coroner for the County vf'Hurou, And, Iriifd bar oad thousands can atillpiAicif out-, to thee to Ohmilie pidk6d 'himself care. iip,'
kIf undono, oor,. he f9un nly brought -tTno
1�o?kdo;derry and G14 d I i�, AvriRLD; Out ac fAce with a maiden, whose face' manufacturers. see liow.
after first,mo, nth, 50 bonts.4iucli montfi, ;ool, Tuly 41,111874. sound, the souls to be won 2 botieflt them 2
The #oe4 topq leg
g aud'Real Estit or lying Aaverbisoments of, Farm The powo�odt Clydo-built atb`ii�h as seen through the-6ushroudin k_� clambered painfulli up t6 stelis, andcl)y
WORTITINGTON.'PUYSICIA, SURGEON; Are Ilia wealthy the happy, oror
Aftst aeAlln Mitts, leave Quebec, ovary S orn a they the great 2 on attainod
a Acoaucheui-, Licentlato at the Colloge-otPhysialang to-thogtoryTourivorl4bas to -toll;- ues�F proolaimet,�o beoup ofthe street, C, t
for"ittie, ilot Qxceeding 10-lin6, g dar of this,.
gAlin Wben
Cailti thoir
-11, lot, LIveifiooI;.Ipu4lng Possengfula and noisf-Liceliti. That her irrighty in pulpit, in field and in state, ith -owji' �o:hh's wise obsorva ions.,
end Stirgoons-of Lowd Canada, end Proyl car. the kitchen in safret
cents., EOyJo,sO*9n�doltI T!Pgow. 61 Huron. offloo,aiad Ara.monwho thodro ob dust girls lid woel"121 bi haii he went otib of oflic'e tb�
its and coronor for the County roolde go; -Tho biiildl��'fgrixterly..ocqiijiled b�r fl. a chanacl with Its spell, Witliout! Throwing bith elfi b, I ktills, tilprojalp, ere ala universal
Thwallog,'Huron ee00lazolizinot.givethoo the tome that wouldlat b0vat - ia WOM and; with -her fingers -to recuporate. ilia lla�lftu - ooti.ten�, atid stisfaction ; every maJa
dyertig6monts 'without, ispeOirlQ tl�yOat'Ons LFST or, NAL1116ING151 1"BOX 411919010C, ed the' Tlioro tbeso remains
will be illaorted till folbidi -And oliarged 40- ad 'a moment
LIVERPOOL LIE Joo. 1 .1671, Gold cannot give than the bliso thou would1hV bay. held wATningly*to tier lips, she 'seized ore 'More froilt t
oordingly. - . . . , 1. Gold cannot write an the page of the fatlire,, lent, tintil tllo oped for the 'futivr 'And felt tbat the
AN : ............. Aug. 19th mental: distress and pbyiical bardsbibs. The name and the stori that never can die. Charlie's co4t sleeve' and. dragged him -ally govet 'o obillitry Wits growiti inatren th. Three
by scale.of ."ARRIATIA . ...... ;,,...Aug, Nib: 11, DOWSLEY, hi. so, ca' Advertisements measlixod me was litol. 9
MORA.IAN .............. -Sept, 2nd. rdinab Suddenly, thro h th dArte ye. passed and all,is changed
4 college, of Physi an(I sutgeouti through'a se4mingl inter .10 Ono
solid Xonpareil. "I
'hagoton General and rtf; PERUVIN ................ Sept. Obli. into'Hounesitrgaim ogfi,� a soft whisper bodlei in clotIlfriv,
Hospital, Rhypiciau, Surgeon auxAccOtwhour. Cession. ofilark passiges, nuenlivened by
POLYNESIAN .............. dopt. Milt, Betweell t1lo'cliuroll nd tile 40ho a Con,
AII)ertatNeot, oppositaFair'sNill.
Sept. 80th. Clinton, A.V�1121,1870. Charlie Morris was what the young Ils Cha il�;,Was �eginn Charlie replied that Il -Ws bpap,J. rule*
iiiAngle gleam, -of light.. Atlength,j-qsb Are yon I tb ere 01 fliore the iriferenco ii- that this
ALCOMSO' : WATSON, 33ARMST11111S,- A' ........ 001 7th. ing �o,thizik that he e thoticll so oiled of
01% in Chancery, end young, ma 'Sir John cannot. be 'blind to the fact
31 -: at, ladies would call a nice no means sure hethei lie was yott
TORNEYS-AT-L&'W, Solicit SARM ........ .6 a, - "' ' ' - . , Tho wl,616 ilhurch-
'no ay, e was, a w -in
that -s-
ays Wired *ss ushered ii lott 0.111ce, bu�, lot that ass. --He is old
Q(inVoy,au0ii8T0f1J0e-XoXt (1001:to tile w;�F(,dreaming' some horria. -visioiT,, -be- fliat t1lo lift9d times liad set ia before h
PEaUVIAX . ..... f�to willit seeuied to,be the 40"
2 �OlAi�T .. ...... 006. q8th. is to
purple and fino for tbro (loop r, JIB -Y TO,LZXD O ESTATE'. 3,liiien,.parbod in 11 I'm so sorry,"' tl�
MONS rt URTHER REDUCED. kitchen. The. faint glimwii r. aga, w I e1i efiough to- retuotilber the_orlsis' of 1807,
WCAnix Ticitrs _r1ug 0 .4.
,ixs M new visi ant.
-or CoRM ri ati- 'g4s light servell'b'i ' i S. a. 4' WATSON. nRLr BE, CORNER onj&z the, middle'With, the, most kid .-ex t adClinton, Tuly2l, -1875. �, The advantages offered by, this Lino are voryl6w rates and store ottootti, Victoria, B. Pro. itut n, Some. measure 4 This Was evi ITO., �vas It whi �nil had been for. Ahree
beat greatest , Amount of comfort, 08 'pot Nvodk tide, waltzed to perfeotion,'and. was the dontly'Alary Jailfi, find rojected, ia
b soft passagi prictor.-Excellent AeoOm6 to get his beilrivigs, wbidh. had become. S little yoitrd�.tbe cld6f spirit in the Government
il S
entity and safety attainable, and shorbea 5.00 -, Bod and Board, jor.divy, $1,00 Single Bi�als' , `�Crtqphke� PQ4sosaor of, all unlimited somewhat co Charlie was So flattered by tbo'8olicitude 91"'tly 00. (0' iOu,
Prepaid passage. efirtillbatos Issued at lowoot,ratea to nildib'd ; but his- dis ofthreo of-tho* coitatry., -That crisis was
Roamount-o that.fac4ltyotyli bf the last,remark bliab lie. forgot'at once
CAMERON McFADDEX Pd,,oao r ob,,1.u,.,ontthoIrfrIouds. f ad 11 cheek," he'w a aboui t& spe4 to' th
ARRISTERS &a., WAREbT . SQUATLU� nd overyInfo, rinsdort, RAT severe thdil the onek�
BGoderioli. wbb,: was now 'seated.-noar hi'th', '.the 8 oov- thr6ugh- whiob w. have just passed.
a e" "' '01 is and 6 [,Is -with lipad
TENB-URY HO -USE -1. RA'TTENBURY0 wbich is'prer go otential with t a &ir all bi
A. STRAP Proprictol'.-One door couth of the Post. Oman, litte eYed �Oith boitutiiill liair. Tire clinralt
a It.: thti� adjade�t 00orne. int
W. H.-MCFAD sound of a heavy foot, op. th a . Alning-roort), 0,011 Taldlic, hi; owrt�
0. C"'BlEnow. ut, if, Argiiith..1870. Strect, Clinton. The fittings and form Sex. - . _ .; . : ...
still position for griihtedi is
of this bovAd are all nowT an'd everything in Roviaod-W Stairway , proclaimed t tifiva& the uns . een speaker, And
meet the wishes and wants of tl%p travelling publio, and Like moat of his speo ies, he approach of
�xperlonce,'of being able I ingly 'Charlie ffered t himigelf to be
he lost$ confident, from long 4 aideeea bitn�elt, br rather would have oil ith rotting it I'lot"a niout fortunate thi 0 for Canada
to make, cogifortable aft who may favor him with their some masculine intruder. that IM; - b&( of"''
igined . Nur not I the
AR Others 6'aRsidbl, him, -a It I agah4.wd llke.a lamb p* the slanghter, n0v'. , W . . 0
L E I a- auyi Ooocl$tobling�i�4_�Lt$enbivehostioXI6. For a laionieA the youngially seemed 1 0 1 ev. im, o fairs for tho,iJast three ears I Has no
through several apartments. ill tbo churoll. . y t
dehee dictated that lio - bad better . re ing in Opposition -saved the oounr,
ul-we--credit-hisown i�odest asser- to 'trembJ4 oq'the verge of fit, of. bys- Yard and cIM' li, W6 were t6 Ilis bd
tions, be, wasAhe idol befo li Fru
s re W 'Ch "re eriqu while Charlie -was, rushing bithar hold tobacco tb ot r w5o. 11, dio se�l try from a terrible 6 atilb� 41, ciLlAmity
41#trp pro6trato..the fairest 'daigb.bers of the reet� liaksince lie N�as: afr4ld
seek ille ot lool
er in a find it fine building, LI?00 omen tu d r o n' NVP may asioll
AND OTHE- It. Wealth youthand:bda0y6eeoiA and.thith rain. attempt. to might Still �a ellil, It certmidly'llhi; 'if' me'that: -
someo.rhis �raiting fr
somemollb.of exit. hile bli, was ea- bad Jlcon bri ovev. the lle-w�iild carry olit,in, office ttbe policy
remain, and,sitice he bad now.licard the
oung' lady's voice, bo.repo ic Pb to re ove of de"k, liviag he is' now adv*ocati�g a
Good securitibe PurchaSed. LARGE oitsmir' ad to have,attQndance on big nod, ang All
31ON4Y TO LBNi>,.IN gaged in a fra�ti� attain' y Were t66 z4ne .9 . oonos. , Jf� so
ini good wortgago. security, at moderate rtes, at' yet,-'strange-t6-�rel��preferted, ap- d Bug -
Ile W. F Interest, , H ]ULU _p i
C - pro- gi tating.froni one e�iil of Ontario t As.
'gestigns -ad unworthy of Ilimself aud, fol ome of the stout, iron bars whi h kees -the bf, bodits ' burio 0
cuutou� 14406 parblitly, his strugi
Clabi��,,ot. gla*pf exi�tence . its -a tooted the b4seiiieut *indows he'was l6wed hii guide in silence. oiiids-llwn Jou ak'
47 -, 1 . I w boles liallbeen qn`cover�d U.y. b1le: otIwr.—$t. Tilt & rn
c erk to the life --of �ease lib 0
CH . I . . you'll& lady a -second time. o little stre"n'to .0 oleo
ARLES IIAMILTO.Xj�BLYITH!, ONT. ENSED sized by the Aationciar for theouti y of'Huron. Sales, 99 Farm mihb attain by enUo ing himself *1611 Stim - I` In a 1iiiefspace.they reached wht he
otti w . gli mir-with ornotion vl�ibh,miomen� bodi'
Stock, Real Estate, ft., ended td sk reason wasinfori were c vorod NvxtIl bodied: 311itiq eg. 1118t011cal Railway S,
L I thowealth and Person of some one :0. ned was, the dinlugq-oorn, but' peedO.
'01 cad -D! 4a. : , .
Malcolm 31,t f rily1hreatened--to,4verwholm her, s e
'iVe,iiumerous lovely lieir* h Winight have been tho t, Black Hojo'of' had, -to, Tutar a
Blybli, Nov. 0,2875. W: 0 re led oq��adri�litod friend"bo alit 6111d distance of-thifty The toWirbd _T le'followin-are the highest outhen-: -
2M T. tlo oloset Cal
GLINTONs 0 lentlizosly pursued him ' with- - -their too outta" for all Cliarlio's.optica.c
:.7 : lir( now remain in
P1 in 11OWSON, CLINTON, LICENSED cqiat ning 6neor two barrels --Oria' Cie.* Stnces Of7high railway speeds Witfi
Bur �LWRRNCE-T TT J TiONEER f6r the County of,,11urozi, is prqi�roa to- fond attentions'' ail � �disoer: III . 0.. .
mm Or L' large ond'*ell selected assurtment,oif 0 t rn. Which: W Bruna); with
attend* to sales ot Farr state at roft- a
wbat'S'0017( sat down e. tire acquaint d
A Stock and Real E A impullie The invisible'liostess. ziow 1 ')00'. Tlany'wh bi6ped had le u
ved 'Charlie
is noNy qfferinghis-spl�ndid stock of. furni; . , - %� . pots, kettles'ana, emus.. Pointing to an l6co ti
5 me ivej ra n 13
inton,XoV.I8pIS78-- to.this -erratic do e Va will not ptbp n what seeml a nrl our
taro, -'6olaprising cl. urs ea to'be a Calfig to dip empty 116ur barrel, sbe, shtit' the door, Aheir,ruined -bOmOS7 sorr, wful. 1111les in. ten miunteii.equal, -to 78 ml as,
Cuss, but, since4e. hlve -now &e Piend,,�notbln'k loath,' followed he'r'bx-
or n er
i ibe Town Hall, or at the residence of the him a su clout f,t , er . r * a tL red, ample. After bbilig to Id that',the arda milo off. 'Soule an bbur,.' 1%lr' Patrick Stirlin- 6f tho,
SYD�-BOARDS, 0UPBQAR1>S Apply at ffi rcc ti'otion, we will '%ilosa'!bme eeniTsoe at)l
STOCK FOR SALE� ths, were slieletons of la�lea. great Northern, �iook, two -y�as t%4
gubnribor, near the London, Huron & Bruce Railway -cm -*= t, � 1.
iioula be as the pany iip: Onl,
I Station. LTAMRS COTT,. proceea at OlXce with tho. borrowing What in. the natioli r6 j6u,. joilif -woman was sitting, ovell 'kteeii
-a si arriages, 1.0 miles in twelve,
re age Licensev. stikirk had departed; !to a, yr A oown I thred -small .9,k'
I N U RANO b 0 'At,a disboulit of Fifteen par cont below forblor Clinton, April 7,,, ,7,.-.Is6uQv Of, M-11. tal of his wrongs , by a brief adcou , nt d here, Mary'Jane V �Jxclsimecj the to I miles an ouri'
prioes, for will, colItinii.4 this sale ihij-6tents leading to on� meli,ndlig1jr closer to his Wr compnion and afier ant as he . P �Vl ich She liad i1i 1heAre n
ng .ady spar or -bo it was, 04refully iping 'tho relies of'the, soap I .1 1 � at Pritai , Lord -of the -Isles
for the next two'niontho, .41, hidu�enlerit - that'. 11. Lff ' OLTOITOR, WIN(VH&M, HAS BEEN narration. you w
ould. be'f6rgotteu. by, those who .-waiit IT* appoint d Agent terlhe Colonial Securities Com- glancod,�rouna at the'disordered furni-� Nylio didall Lhiii, 4011t�o(l Ara; bas' and IrOu. Delta,, broad gauge ongineo,on.
sh at barrel &01-�Iis sle.6irp"attompted to
F= INSURA14CE go zigland; liela also agent for several private 0 WbillibWay eening; Charlie,. ,C an open wifido
od'sud chealy Furniture. pariy of F -been proa16ted,'anil'is.-S' _r
I � . ''. I W.- till. ov )f th Graht Westard RaRwayi have each
capitalists of,.Toronto, �ho loan money at vory reasmiI C ornor 1
hilorrillhig oVer.'t6 LoullorX, E ast, on '.a it joutwine his arm around her ft ry f6rill. herl
LIFE'INSURANCE ablorated. Interost payabI6 yearly. Cluirgomodersto. Nothing, pa," 1nno6eWj' This.mude I , .. . .1 - d 1.110, 1dr accounts riiii with'f6ur or 6*Q ca iiik a from'Fad-
Al.�,o 801,61LOr forLthfi St.-Lawroncolliank. S among 'his temporary, lolons movement was, of course, newspal rr e
Having one of the largobt Flunitlaro, Show d, -affedtionate . dan bier.
ngb�hm, April 7,1875., 9 .�ingtoti'.to-Diddotin-471-�niniltes� qla
his w6c a. beitatifal -and richly- amount of maiclen- at with the proper. bo�.- .�Nlo tod ill tretne run -
J.' 10; X61N . TOSH, BA-YFIELD,, ISSUER -Notbin', all I What's all iftel 'cbAliror. l.y - resistencei, but. harlie, )i6th,hig a ur, or an e�x
v n to mil as uridet the nowAct, -yung roolt was I led
ke goodgelea. lady� the. 6xtractinary cri b Tinikisli. fe- 'to G6 miles n he
Marriago Lidens deffimissla and tbic4 tui&a: top�y;tuviiiy, atid dau'ted thereby, ipi6irsis6d in the strug�.. oveii 'ning speed bF72 miles a
uon, i "t. it1*011ililittot). D. hon't. The
LI -V r,,,ST0CU1,_ -INSU.RANCD1 2 . I I . I.' I .. loeliness of,whosooco ud fb�m madei
at, for takiifg;Affidavits In the. Queen's Bench, for Coun- ' I I 1.
mas of Hum). find Bruce., Conve�ancing done; suebas r . - .. , . . . glo. So absorbed waB lie with bis U l3ilig here ...... treat car, Foull, that window, wiaoopen for -bbilio4 litiro' boo and coupled 6xpress: engines
th6usand. low lidh
'Jane, 86 'if that lie pailt no'heed to the appi�eaclling since
a vivid impression. even on that hfirddn.� _' 9 4 .
FUN Alky 4� rotting. iii the aujiling in the.usual course hiM been
In firat-elmrs Stock. and 111tuil Campania I a ERALS� FURNISHE D t,Zouds,Coutmeto, X1118, Decae, sudlfortgagc%�
cm onuilf. -opposite PallodkIm Hotel
Rosidontoo - ed, and, call6as moiiibeir tertned' I�y, our k 'I g to. the fact -that the! roput f6otat6ps" till, just .33' bo had gained his upon by Th -c liav timed 68, 70 and4a miles dn'liquir, The
MOiCEY*ADVAXdMD O EVAT"'MIT" hero his -heart. on it%
NV. W. r, ARRA*NT, Agent, OX 81[0t�T' NOTME.-.': just awa onin is l,;tt
Clint' Bnyfield, w` a 'a' th.efields. rrlidoiviiersai�ohitlie*oh.Uvoli- Ca. in. �xprass*owthe Great Northern
on, March, 1976. 4 was all, . a object,'A Whtch struck
kept :CO3� The from, teedd, Nye- have
Hearse FOWLER, WATCH AND CLOCK" L.J%"ekingany authentic account. from strange. oat in hero,, and'. I d riving midden applied to the gas, foun Win
hi cattle haye ll�cn oetimed"
all k7 920cun, Workbill Jowelle �j 40" -the ytiung.lady iij� vegirds hQi. behavior her t PF
next door,to the Express Gill taktin by the Turks who refuse to rcw �d
r coat per moiith oil a . found to be running mile, after mile
Alb - erb
o OnAhis m6morable ^occasion"' t thcv�ntre of a gro,�p of laug,blug'lailles'
xe6tj, Clinton, rospactfull t Well gdesd you'd -better bavo left -Oro t om.. It. is'irappssiblo.-to get in
BaBI, d t in it the rate of m,mile ih 5a'secondaJ, or
o dn oNl)ded o- it n t St y- I uu% as St b ,
A to big friends and the'publio generally,'that as on 'accept "tholugh wit t a slight, grain o as 116 'Pat with, his arm
'baud stock of Clacks, Watches,; 0 it -in hove br'l hoar the rats in the and gentleman at 69.'.2.inilos
I . ar4und a- grinning. negress, Feb. 0, 1876. 'allowance, Charlie's- narr %%,Iioso oou�
of a or o
offers st reasonable rates. Repair! ati. n of We closet now," said the old gentleman; as tic acQus ivo as atteste(l her appraoin, loll
CAPITAL, 2,000,000.' descripti6n in his linei 49nebrat tbe shortest 4- 'encounter. t'.
0 he heard a slight nolse, - occasioned by f alighty Prophecy -V ulfilled.
0 dharne's advances. N, 0 atteb4ts to
U, -TOLI51 According to his. statement, 'he, s� Oharlie'd surreptitou's
710: was his' wout)'qommencea a flirtation. Thinderstruck -at his �ittiatioii, our
1166rd unconscious V Wildeilaing" tho v�611 kn6wa.- a'
There's inany a slip, 16wix d'
:19 10906 -to- pupils Of. both sexqY- withbig fair Companion, --to- -.which the till Jil
loll Sollobt:_-�.THE CLINTON' COUNT crawl into his flburk hidingka-m. f
CLINTON AG-E-N-CY. hof. t1to- second
us. compai fter pohl of Vop ofWales,.Pi nee GBorge. 8 CUP an
Hotel, -Hur6n streat,on the b
'a Commercial, Engligh, and Classfial Education'i and in were, succuml)ing to M-irlie?i "i the lip,"" a' 46 is
4r6m-a parts otAbe County and.Provilice an 6qudi e'e'& I 1pTstairs to,your inai- und - help :hek laiiglit6r, hom the spectators'. some of NUT ry-A relabeil--b: Greek-_
at first. paid no h At longt of
terms. Instruction is given in all the highevbranobefi of 90 1p-,10bUT17
second Monday of every Varied to
ofessions, -ana --she encouraged- his advances more awed by the ma- w ractical.
Studimtgl,aro*pra�� L take are of thatcom 'a' whomi were uob, unknown to him biought riters which lt� least has- a
n F our' to Five per cent allWed =�htl%!nt1tilf-papt Seven the French and Gorman langungto. attractions, . _ p uy of,tvicks; and, no
lnterest froi eolock.p.m. VR -Visiting pared for the Univerbitieg, the learned pr T6 young lady 6�ediantly- departedi himo hi Caaiing,66 jeOtY Of his $OvGrOi�n than ml�4 fads are moCal�A king 6f -Trade. bad . planted
on Deposits. oution 10 pafd:td;4h&
A$ Brethren are cordiallyla- orcantife pursuita.. special att to such art e tent. that�.,as- she ' passed, j� -t 5 Blouses.
studies requisite foi- conue -a ahet i-eappoted'oire pank 1 aineyard, when One 6fhia'slaveB, whom. .5*
OU -001001 Teachers. Tuition i4to a chair ilig colored boa 'b * tll�ill �rudmother. He ws cion
by fcom him" in, disgust, Y
him i 6xit -from the Car he felt
DiXNXS,, Pooi, si por'quartarly.. term Studonto from& distance ll he.r muttedug
11, LOIJGHF gent. less amonab be hAd mu6h ppressed,in, that vot
secretary, son obtain board fit the village at vorymoderato rate he rose'to his feet, to to disciplino n few years
Y never get aemea esi
0 q a Oct. R. 618 aemboldoned,to whisper the talismanic Blast it an cliitoi3, April, 1876. 1-y I. tf Further inforniatio will be given on application 'Then - ansiited a u6kiiu Wyo;ld do. ago. than 1e is, now, ndn ona, occasion, wOik, proph 'eil that. he hhouianevir
(porsotially oi�b letter) to any member of the Board ol words, "Aclve?-tiso)--Person.als--�riri- do, ' f an evening to hive a quiet It the (b taste of the wine produced in it.. The
pi T Tiz. onale wno Charlie, cover6d. With - flour, bell Staving, it -0
H. Hals; R. -Coata,A� S. Fisher, day." se.tiption— �ou. Ab the*
N Rev.* r,'Aloquaig, and A� Worthington, smoko, but every Tom, Dick and Hairy, da rch disregiiia ad the irediatioi, fina.
A 150 To save, M.D. UMfle,'16yed pretty prank. She ln6
MONEY TO L., 3 D.R or to the Head Monier. Mr, James Turnbull, B. A, X11 that evening Pharlie was coal-dusVillnd soap -fat; with'dishevelled
drFiCE, CWFTbN,,:AXD GET a- in the neighborliood, comas vamPA62i hairana b . egrimmed featilrego. glowing ilada solown dinner, at � which a grand when ab all'ant6irtainment; he held a
ON EASY TERMSt ONE Or, TUB BEST, PAPERS State of'. Fxeitetuent, AnA. fermentation. i n to carollse arounil'till midnight—ho . w. - with. superabundant persoli (I . Lce, INIr. Gladstone, find Doan Stanley glassfal.of hilo owla vrine made'from -the
"TARIO,.' If ever it he ration - pa,
]MY "Thiclik. tile 'Pillicipat can -IM WESTERN ON 0' CARTWRIQ4 a rm continued, lighiing a Pipe, isted. Ab'dessort the children were
am - al, n o th - arks
-g!%Is _Lrj _;9 2166 t im bpen, , t terfamilims silently seeking' fo.r his walk- ss grapes of that vineyard, he sent1ir'the
rl& h* 0 44 theywou'b come here, so III make the ing ok Italy X Slave and:asked him, 'what
n I he thought -
at CARTWRI0HTf OF STRATFORD, Apo,. complacently sent W1161f tbey Caine in George
wILY, -1111 -their free criticism as the -state of his best of it,2f Sti
be repaid in part or all. oditho ItAttentiAzy Iloqsa� Clinton, the firatThhro. sluiling—her mother', casting threaten- riotous. Grand-lilamma roproved of his prophecy now 2 . i T ch: the.
dayandFriday,of every mouth. Te6thinaortedliat'ho moutal powers -,,yet severe as were their'
any time dF11111111; tilie. tarin lattat!style. Teeth with exppoodliorves treAtodp' A d Deati silence 6houoilp unbroken save ing glances wa y; - G other replied,." Alaily things fill 0A
actions, -they fell oa imngears. b a- rustling negro girl, who seem- him, He -went on beedleiisl rand:
and noade asgo�d as sound ones. oUthe old' fiidn'o Paper, on thectip and the -he bhd
ad to be iolzed with conVulsiens-rr-all nia 1;� Opened
of Loan. a he shirp 11 tick—tick" of the little these made- up a sqo�e 'better maginea mmm was agiiin obliged to in erforo. betwe.
00LEN-MILL' Inu, vilmomlithe endeavoredto shake
lad t AA last The voonntev became very ob. Boa' vaely.delivoved this. singular ria
Q�nada CompAny Lando. Off spathy by attemptifig a game of 0
Arp 0 hi clock on the mantel-ptece; mitrkifi� the t9an described. steeperons, and ho bad to bo'sent Iflider before"thd n6ws 'a
'billiards, bit after -Clos!Q a sierieff of Waste t
L ig-minnies-otour.friatLd!a-i:mprison- --
w. w. W010 WANTED =11011 0 - a
_VO_ W"I"ble, Irom Wilance 11 w 5 11
i -h' -A-ific atiniA a-014AIly may bo �kfein at; he omoo"of the cFsi 99toni B "ag ment. emerge until lie lail., confQsErct his All; favorite vine?ard. The'king; in, a Viop
a footL -,".CIO
Clinton, Mareb, 1670. To Chrdaplti, Maniziedfurat iii In Exchange for Wool, iiii undersigned. � L and through, the ioonis leading to the
g On n the cup whidh,he held
H 111LE the --'-k I in his
. Amp .ezA .Qu He N6s ver
-than 3AArkOr one about Ion tb, After a short i6terval-- ter,. Aoor� ind close ab bid hools follw- 11 napro6ised amendment. pub 4ow
len GO$, Two cents pet pound more e..Was brougbb face to face with the
for goodl clean wool, be litind and, hurried oqtwith his people to�
'052000 T0 LOANA! pd began to nod, and soon his mef di- ad the. Irate Man of the house.' It-aell. quiet, to but, whe�
harsh realities of lift), tind' an I ui- -do' nood
ous nasal welody re-eohoing through the ft attaok the boar; but, -being, too eager,
hig, the, door, the -pursued uutorititiate .0 Ji soured.. his i
CUSTOM U(>11 Mrs. 3desle�, rMillinero who, drained our spartmeAt; Penetrated, even. the silent the bdar rushed. -upon. him and' killed
graild-mamma tht he wad not yet qtAto
Ov frioA4 I 6--ilob-too- plethorie-po stood frantically f4mbilng at the I look,,
RETURNING: TVANNS Toin-LAD ek him, without his hvlrg taiibed of the
in a 4 A, Polintiiia and Its *1olhity, for past favorgt,b vac gl6om of Charlie's ietreat 'hich he did'nob uz;dorstand till a re kt la I ,
Alwayit done to take bolike thl'qa 0 1 W . good, but,would 'bo soon, it lie
IF R I V A T E - IF 3� D IS form theta th0glia still dontlattat the; Hat Bannot in collipellsation f6r, the disfigurement of The.state of tfiet uFortuate was, ininaor front th"uritier itlnnt.. wine.
business, at the 11 the talile. "its �satinftecl witfilhig own condition,
SpInIIIIIINF 1.1 1 d eimergaa . o- � -n lip Was
coloiringo Tiath Folling nod all as. na w o
he _Fy__ of byAraplid.
weiiiiji"s, truly deplorable, in the nar.
brt"'I'lux- OLD STAXD VICTORIA ST, OLINTOX, . Had not a kind criana loaned Charlie, a 9� axtvaordin a,
and Other b. -it. otialtiess row diroamistence 6f.the barr6l, which born, Ile thonolA beconia t6t,d6 bet -
and Now York pattern A of garments, and to constantly $he is agent for Masora. Butterlek & Cold European eSTtok, aharp6q6d hiq' factilfls 'and on- bia bas occavred in, Auguata, go... A
CFIARGD� S MOD TD, readvirig the now stylog; all %Jz4b and debari tiong are I n wherioonthil fdr' his.'intended, 'per' tearce held hilt of him abled, him"'at last to burst opon the door ter thati'lik firsia parents, ittA Mumed,
ris, FULL CLOTHS, MAIMETS, kept 01, hando which she sells at pildoo spool ed in the 80' al, these mornoirg, I foar,wola. as Vila his statute, alhQlb. Smothered ingr witIt' A it, *tend in the fkdnt yard dr,
TWEB 3 never haVe been wri and emps.1 o thebuter h% therefo 0, to a state bf Pardisaical in., gentleman from Porb!aud, whtl. Anipii
Catalogues. she hoposi by ottlat cato and ilttq�tlotlj 6ten ; but since he :with. the profuse perspiration, whi-ch, a APPLY TO FLAXNELS STOOKING YARXt fkc.,, to continue to merit a liberal -patrons obtain6a the necessary funds "the fol TIA CW6126ga, of' the pu'*r8l1ib' and bis, 1100 . onee. his boarding hous( ro
'At;L ORD14110 PXtOMPTLV ATW220)ID 0, flowea- rom 'every poreF. and rega16d
Clinton, gay 11, 18701 ell' vor, made nliirked that a fit,
call wool, and 61 our own man 16�fhg appeared. in - the 14,iJ6rsonal" Ith delicious perfutne fvora an ignorancebr the locality, howe oil at be feltAbe sywptows,
R . waa 6 out of I wi odorif- ji- t - j1p on the ghcrt was cot�iiii,,
oONE P Iron CASH OR WOOLi timb orPriday'a Ad�ertpqr:— orous sokp fat barrel on him riglil, and. 1 lin rip Ile , was, - Soon rolling on. tlib gebund,
Clinton, Sqpt. 7,1814. ECOMBE eadibg4rorn- -the- door, and hetlow�mlia IT. BIDDL Wedneaday., London East,' street dar to greasy, kettids on his left, he wag in a sured III . 9 length ofi the hard pavament frobbi e'mouth and bkrhibg like liiatatr Street, 17 Pi In. IVIII the brilliant siate of mind to perfbv�a the mo& aea. to,h�vc traced his own son'sor of the site:
LEsALE & RETAiLl Welli sa dom iv'a person,, attenaptea to hold.
Any �M "14 ei
Clinton 31 le Works WHO Lot, out of your brunette who noticed othii. c6urt�yara,in the presq)joe df his,
-T. kinag of Woollen Goods made to OZ4 Pointe actions" h -.a do go undar'bioi,
'its blitilp 49 Any Other thd-dOn't 11196 dreox, in cotificlazioe, appointing an ELUROX STREN WooliI qMlat6ind' Clocl. aiqi redness of.a� p
dy. lis he was rnsaitatiug A. toup, snconvulsions,"
0 ii "' 9t sc�dr' The bis Utbor when Ito wits, a
Atimso, box low remained in thts condition 24 hours
DSTONE30 -Tarznd,Oasli� br'90 �dr Cent extra, " d,g wea�on.hei couldt�btaln A6 next time he made itppoi'ntmetitg �66y.' - Wfi6ii home for the 13.
A, 4, VAX'F0V2OXD & Sox q. ly expecting a reply a -interrupted by talking with his father, tho ]at r point. aita'Aid not appear to be ireatly ox
MONUMENTS, HP i-4the was ep
jtied work of all hJudg MabTITAN'9ING HIS MANY]PRIENDS VON t ou& an early with' any of the' Colored help, he must
go . -of a second. p6roon. Autorl d hen he ame to hit6solf, 'Ad to-
dogigudd and escalated in the beat style, and Olt reason. Seatorth, Zau� ilia phfr6naga to liberally bestowed on him in slits pridoo. theloo6jit; Would hereby notify them said the publii gaii- data, foutia in the!Vox, much;to his gur. the dound fxwan� 0''hich he intended.
rin. adjohling room. n4ulye 'his singuJ,ar- taste aloewhere, ad to
arm y that he bits t6movad Into his now, and more pri8a, and still more, to bi*ajo 'the akted,� leaving oiti, pulled down,
dommoillbuo, - refolabo'lin Albert Street, Whors he wilt - y smell of fr, 0 1 , 1 0 1, 8(till t1lb boy, 11 Ishoidd so like two or three daya-a
Mai2tlesof Various colored gatbleftp�.- ing little rose-colored 11 Ullit cl=,�Oa 1 say, John, odn't you -a�h enieudemsm dep fier thei actook.' He
to piok,himielf up as beab he
iWed 94 Phorb -Notldd- hard �Wfth t'twelvo yeatd ago4ho, -wag bitz,
keep Olt 9filad 4 large tua select simaAment; oir th fumed oh. yourself smoken off ilown could. me, of.hisfrioridb Compassion,, 'had an
Eagerly tearing s per to 6 to Soo a wall pulled dovim'!
Clodilgl, Willihiso Jewelry, iin4 91verwaft of all Will, atop&, the following mot hii delighted t at nasty pips, leayin, me end - mavy my boy, you said Ills, dog, Ana Aver since his"
h too y
tit6ly assisting him, he nianaged to: re
-bti "Siff -Atdbk 11'
d &LRM moxuUtNTS Alin, *DSTOXX9 oll'Aj -with -those Brp1vn#-.,at@, 'Iiawover, maped atta6k like Zia. Once a year, ruponvEn'ZO -ted.
up, do �6� 9 Jaio all slaner btheir, Tho
and more varied Willa o"f1efoird, An Ills mooF�, and ddiing the bb�% 4b. An Aiperican exo`hingii iowsika Upo
I skit, A-x m rizilog.
hitiskif V6; lumso. I feat, united./dilTortao after a weary jou
t 4u or. . . 1161100,11 nu
eall reapadtfun Be 0 to loty in thns adiltdoolng an oft. oata Ills home;
GV IDIBEIL), bonda 'of propri �mbor of wethe Chtivlay.116sa prompt lit pa#400, talarifie god in his'desporato u
gazzT, tire obtain vi'but since your h4o Inspired ula 61, We Voice of tho speakof in. being amongst othei'S tile pulling Sigular thl rapoWdfig the. base of
down of -the Wall and the buildil. ey 1108.4 that 80
Cabinet Makeis IT&o1stsior$ 011niong 91r oil 1976, with 00012611001 oull oindo loap.yealv forta4a. albated*the mlgtress of the house, Jefof w 'Charl ;Mo scores of dbilik-
0 vouchsafed 326 explanation 'to his CO`m. -the tinia of tely axiluses Any ulitialfitt bol4nood hi out veto �.Jtr;h -4hat—whri--what 0 the miattoro in its pill 0 00. - , . . ton, from
1. will ltifoim you 60 4ou 'dan xse mo this paillons of the sudden tornAuntion of its '1101
C INTO -N TAXtRyf Uariir V oJoaulfitea the Whotillia. boycame Itomo and Saw it, tion' uribil now�'Tlavo been 41006voiia Iiii,
oviining at my h6tild ( ublin's Avende)# At 8 itatorview, but the story, soon rouna its
W Your rvooman.11 . Ing fdum6aror, hwiaid 0,14ther, you, 1;eotd1sed to let, vrions patts 6f, the .00"tiry who 46,
Doaldt'44 *iy t* hio-large olrole bf acquailitanoes,
mt bosomont door io 'sivold ob. a ow yolit I Come, tret tip , -, itairs mo, goe'the %vall,p (I d0,,V0.,, closely G t L A-10, WOP wa, All the explauatioll J itud 'thanpaj with many, shaitions it n'rocuttillit thank; to his humotous fribildo Atli otli. Instantly the his for him. , The fact 1w a, vory� retdarkabl&
loving 1pol:1184- a. tegvilla the -entire eirouit' of the burgh,
tomato for #hpt thytito Aluce '41titting in clu a, agitation on bli way home. to 91" aoi ahe 'ea � Tho 6dandal,mon aro, hom ri 16 . st Ign-Ificant"Ond ego ' YIN!
promise, anilwag deeply pained to thitik aud si it . 940h df,th VO
yoatoig6i*o4ldt6tirA4tbtbitboloAt hoolditAn find 411 th I has k ,
an baud A WAva wag xnaiked:by all w1th,whdrd he him'slowly away, much#, Ag It dall thLat,16 seemed lood rib 901111019 Ov , their hritl6ipatea plaisure of c33AXV,Uo CONFECTION21t) &C, 410toe Iti.o6nfik�t but ill angwai to, the bi imAginoa, to Charlia'A deli the hard Of their Was, (bras Soon after ad *Ord. A - h , ippe& that there so 0,
iwam� n6i tivie ta bolobt 111noeo he 'a d6 11 1� 1§6 $ gootl fof.tii al possible, Charli etire rl 01,48 0 (iya but
and halt niT. thatILd Intends parted toy It other 'fields and paltures 'so, Ana I �oaght unt to 11 . av . 0 f-Ifig
VAt(fNd ttf8INE98 M 1 41' M boy
I . mn . &11,819D IrItE, I I "LL'SnUMTHD STOOX U6 XAV rA
VV16 whoin, Thu his lataviiiw
toapootfally 111timiltag to tho, he narrated lid, *as Itabidu av� f4i5mont be lito I aid prdml
I Itg,lirstokbot and And Well VagpFa 1hatande ot ')Ili vilpt0d' 04ror4lly' he rr 4: 'hl' nil )us* larilly attawor 1116 'disbriptloo.,
to Altura ','would not .6.0 b an got
paworovoti the tali-doti ittid. InifiIiig roib tho'bafrali zotN hli�ivor, *Ithout� I t I Amid I would) tub you wanted 6 A4,11ti.o. to tio roatou, -to � Isup Oki. th
*hldh, tot dtif6bilItY ag anothoD ee 0 t 1211otton. - It ig t66 uwnmvto
loinity o! it Igoogi te aloadedbythe Aid, Rita, when be, m1glit
ar .000 t� 1'�all you boys vtjio' vosebibl6 Chuley" Ono 0i"
6t the lards tinit th�ista t6 be In tile yl the d6r&Wlta bf the, racoptitold, abi blossom, orthy With rpJuvbnatod
R ulled .&Njaj, mid #0
cheap 10 1163116� *Oold000. WIC 411 WOW%% on JIM V.
4 &011
Ala" houbo whol Id of -the goup At, Into whioli-ki prefdrria by Aftatovia to other be.". 6k
SOIR9ts begin his interview.
irl''his And lio, actultIly uaorotl the: umsoria, to girle, It Is fair to' aspume that. the total
end long after lid from, t.1 0
saw Chat& lievqibuta- Afte'l. 4 fiw minutes pigi In V006vbilift And inado. tlldtn pull down and rd- uniabor d ; kidpioiotig children) Inalull.. 911vt1lid VIth Wt "t 106118 of b1i big untitnt kt t1tig tho blook, In hiah Wag aituatpa' 60M the' 64acto of Eli' l4ta, draw bt itearly as ing boyn who are aulika 0havloy
gorits proved it timely -watillag to' tho
610 UAXX Abe haTI26 of big charmor, nd, KA tho PostarO, PhaVlid tut00a W leave, Clt
tknru 1. 1 okking arrkbid6h, of woold bo POstsible mi 1e wailo 1u,,.4pP6A11A11o60 boyh "who
1A* one 'now 64106 As 11 1 y I Is of, 411, f4to
-by tho, i- itoation. villiloh wity, w 11 poksoudo 011tort yout%gir thitil lid,' and
S ailid 0OXV90TIO nlolobtg 0016 slowly by.,# one �q
his friends asoomblod 01ho Val* be to 0m); vatknoso that, might be 16 dont ma twolity polludist" 110 a ft onormona, - stlitao 'bby
Wilon thl
L �:NT N...' iN. IFA
2 an
td, 6; Montt W110 was bantorillo, Ilim'Abont. stolen the Ilublid thought the* owurroba
bumediatoly oppoii lX0 0,1164tod l000 'Oltvahw 01no6abi
1) . I a till 41468f, f6t. tha, dapA 114sia 6 bc
tit mootigg, had WingUNII&I the g4i and ho d6pAv. Calvert, ot LIM be Addod soloninl) I I ung wholliv ou
9to thesigh 9 In, tho 0 4F -ft 0 TOM an n1ag . Auh t bolo4k OL166 hbi% of the Zy lod 46t oiaroad a ta hTtildrA, I 4b
41 hbulfig awplebAd, wab to V 11046W t44 voliizli 96 tw�oty on the 6vetifig alf I hal wit k�,*tvlt
itims0it lt6ial, 6MOKMAk Sibs
611 to Ion,