Clinton New Era, 1876-08-24, Page 2$ale Iforlstor. CANADIAN No WK SUNKIPAL 11901 loto-0. t, goal Otto% Furniture ofUr, W. VOX m4r; ­­­_-__ r the Count of bliti.4440N 00ro Are 0.00 in k4 7� lie, scal T -0 4 Tbu44y,'N1h` lot. I At 04 4r �,, - k ra a] 140041cm pu web 'bo —Yea %pATera, q(vities.. e 4 tOWP8 =w=� on Sunday Plus OANADA—HoW "re, All lqoatlts from 14I)iAll-pox Itilt Vol# a $04 r0k lots, three f1wolling, bouttep ,tlio I)OWi4joll 'are beeoMing' plore , AGPIOULTURAto MUTUA Etonull, Out- . t_wex� quiie�,4061" &not Oil Monday In connection With, the Twout thrqq� 111, ag., Capital Bible Vhrjstl*U Sabbath sohooTllworlo W to AUGUBT A 1870'. Over 0" no -al to from NP 140wy at 0, *"1. , I The loubilagOtM. All 'rho I IQ71.N _t covered tho 4 PIP., .both (of which Weis % 'j alloiss in fares and fast In Morning % WN ;0114(14 ont four loti.. At Loildoobovo, vik !I?t 444,ever 4im-itiorted'Witil th held At I P. ill, 110VOOD, Auct. plantir", at this q0j1urUUjrjo`N",1.0'4'Z-' %"R )MT111, CIIANGE.—MrA I . X0143relis We 0.44 4 01040r, AU4 $be . . . 0) qljobtrul time uoat.100 witur." tire, bat, fixtures, Mont, of thele flilfkv�w muira'reolisi V sii YTH, ot Maitland Ville, lips rented flio, QtAeon's on 11ousehold furitit 4 to *of 11j mly walf tax t4lo Own. —The Ot The St.. 04ttlerl000'JIVems V4144 00 IIcXt Xr4, Houghton, QoWs Octal, olljotoul are InoreAsilag s4i4 tontlo, Autuotiv !, 4u(I 1 aboill 090 IV1, X090441WO 10V Hotel, find, will tA�w polgelfifoll, Oil the Dal 'Oil 110141 there. -or Ids aerval tile fAct t)lpt gloirbliplens or on my btob%11�0. V0111401" that ail 010"r. pootron's oulwand Mi. jamov, Tornor for prii0n * IF-Allilkil, _t. 211d, at 10 A. 01. 1). Rap ill ',Roy, F, Alga u4jg mAtle XoXII OP, torlt are he frutt crop in tl 40100,1 paxtid as Itool, w the- usphl overage. ea About Rollie jux TOV pis ovloksoud, , 0,0ANo-sq. —Owing ta. . Mr. ry. Xorrow HQU9,10N.for ".11ing liquor on So 0 114 010. coatirse moro 1.4vidly than. their Allity to aotot %flat this dat�qrrjtor� (TuokerwoRb 00doorloh. of sort. kro. .1 Alriet, 'I to boar tbrou ig day OV -014114 his them, and are castilig their PY to III 1�11 to 4 out OxPirl )YOU400) V14000 ro Mr. t tile pownion, Teio#� liva U40 of J'Anglinop 1.11 o. A 0 va glytog il'. "Roney, ior tera V 0, . . yo4 Aj I b sifollows, "At a of re, those *be appear to j3ps �Qou no WAD (,'a., hero, the 01110'a lies been A QovoorvAtive 4ein ustration, to be liald, filul, it posOle, some, itleall I acted by Otho, finally, djIlPOSO4 Of b0f60 We Ion, -Will W To- ly#O, were not t kopr�oent.$Inlo t1io.greatinajority loqk In Q.,10"0,0101by of %ratFord, is talLod of, WOATUIX�TOW,.—ftl CU00", On tho 23R1_ I R( ) .. - sellej anly authorized went to press. �ving themsQ400#1 oil lit leasti of pro gilt p, couilptianco of their Past 000=04 PatIO4900- moved to the at'gre of Aft. Xall). IdRlaul,18,1 Twon ""a., , upon A, 110. .1 06 _gqo(jjqke, perjury as A Oritatly ever 6W,(X*bgoIbpeH paid by this oldRI sa t 'B1UTT?.jt.--Q(k SjtUr4 -avg houses, w soy last 0140L hl)"d" vore, Dumb A.Point u. inst. 0 tile wife, of bri I'Vort OR Cola of pOlIq to his C d car I voutilln, rarthor iner S�, In Aloutreld Any In full of ownts" qoso,00a 41 via ou Novedues iy, X110 103.9 14 p ly . 0 . L Qla tou doternmout red $.Ad twenty of bfitter, oil0b, weight jrqv VU4 A �r thip 0IIAO., T. POY1411"box 4, Owen �4 jUg over Q0'PObndj, Were shipped from 00 Mg. P. XQT*Ylsj -- 1wi-MR,­014 tile Iotli can., 0040rioll T'pi trjokl, soamtiqn. A ormer. 000 lie meeting WAS, hold f pUr i. Ulna.. ,4, of SAr4lhi A f '!Pit,. P W z -1AArdever t, Pub a for oar. 41.1in AtH010 Agent oray, W400 and Moutrela House of this placej o i, r 4146 t, is hero for A few days. Joh" Couslos, of Xog Lane, thromhoa aij 00 Vo of X Itobork the 7% , "j.4h n4 4% mo0l o m bushels of excellent IV 0 .er, proposal heat froin, I pose, and, Aroon bushols of Nvbite# of A pon, lian", This iscortainly stroglangatioe) more will $0.04 be aq0um4Iejed.* !rjin vjArx of Mr, W. Gr4kelok, of Luck- dead. there WINS one. to rying Out tilts oil CDaerlch isiting her Acquaintwour, ea. hero, lo. Aeverth W Id be 10 Ope Tho,Teourasells, Of London, whitow W. ejess, too trup, _4cw, is v ashed, t4o have the city 1 %naged, by I' ialaricd gentleman, a fow.days since Will 4143j, MARIRIED- is At prw -.ionic dogrep,, an Urm, T, BROCIC lent vigitlq$ big T0�06tos in game of base ball, on Friday dpor4olis need only Colin, of Latu'Roola, board,ins.tead ofalderaten) 1:11114,01101109 Since, the letter and OIAV Xenlarjca %bout of the Published V00n' lists Of the home, which is "in tb $core at —At Kitibum, bu the, _9 County 17 to 0, )Av�y, ppri �,bejj, eyes Ajj4, use tileir femoning The lists for Clinton anit HullOtt , Ala. 1. Glitsolf, Who -a short Twoho4di 161)1 inst, by the Rev. R� j: bile J;oeoftfa. td "devote F411 01elt time to this matter, to be fouind in. another column, by ; irinle BIU06 #1 aild Afty hQad of four year ij, at 0 d ]RObt, Grieve, to iSZ A Are tile Moo! uniform, neatly g Ila Tobus, we have been told by,& mom, foultics tq A filiff! ierts, -prof. of a in type, upper'lakeel-Atm gfors, 19149011. woronto-114fo its _t1ke collection �­b Wwl befit prIutod,-Qf­,Any_(A-fhe *Othe the 9ng4sh mar ily tha I'mineral spoolme1j* bow of botanical'.4 Oviiji oax—OzAitim,"At BI I ,, of. so the Colin ty) AyLtj areoorq -6 to. the y veived from JOBSo Wild, tile R14 10 W a A" NOrrY " Wearly'every, weight oubmittod to yth, on the )on I I )roperti)iolder are ver -o and priiitej." j1hey �eje priliti4 A4 ttaws, Normal Cqlleg'ei has, �, the In. 170 Q 1 -say, been compeNd to, return througn later of Weights an4 inub., by the Itev. lt� Pave�,. .141 r anseiArgo, to ter is brief, nd only tile Nm%v EUA office, ivi lei ing the. object, ou '00F of Hiilleu, to Miss no his, bond, bu t 04t Ulne Ws becon;j) Arid all arid, 4lixteby, The lotl ill-healtb, without accqmplishi Xne-guttoboro gliC. Sun4oicookj lye Clerks, of,Blyth. xbouts, for their stipeklor style. an been seAtortapa t ft imprisortmenti for robbing letters -AnIcing t.110111 loas fiti, I�Ilb doubt gives the infor ligtion of hift wberQ; of his ioist, At present lie is 09P;119. A colerli; namod Itai)jiill It' of of past on . tile Uniti14 IM(LU .—Oil Thursday last, 00 whotbor. 01104 a board more W1101 is ill, tile on of London, oeqola, with afriend in town, anti 4rocoyering, 0 To year) in 7, fuld tbobligItt ro 1-0. n0w well, though lately re Hiy Aldorm, ill the 8b, John east �t� ka, great -11), _or. and, POOt-t) ljoO. E D. t4c proolib Bystoin, 0640red front a sbort illness. INV woro by 9, fe W. of tile, oiflz6nfl,� w9at to Ii. Cakio, brother of W, C�Aig* of gAlrds.fQ ArlItIl at 0to titlic is I that ho, prol"1803 A f till YlocardinQ, via , L, F1, Oil A- gpo tile past . Fresh beef is soilt.froin Qlan4da And 1IANIXANf_;_AbL Toronto, oil tho.220 inst,, oil to ull4orstaut ollo of tile priticipal two YqAr4, boqu tolicheii of thw It d vtol"11�11y ond Miss Esther E. Baullam,- 01 goose hayo UcQn "Onietlling. very. Th� :�ls explallatimli of tda ill a, futitro, let� train, whers. they oojoyod. -tholilsol 0lit in th 84410 way. l boon tile VOrtalmly (10, bit $Ntl,l rday, .0turni ng by way of tile Wool, sell College y) f Pacogood was for,a Short time employed Aatate-0, so, ter.. Tbo publi) of this place coil leives this (Thurs4a Seventy, . 1, , . tenoct of quoh show4d tile Iltilmst Victoria, coboqrg W Ism lie p In 031%loid0j, sl ith tO4, front am. milliner in thoostAlialiment 'of M t with syllich licoplo IIAVO 40 t 10� t 1), Grey Bt cars F tioloco" passed. vor tho'Calladq $oUt1Iqrn tio y tbu Aev. goiltlerAitin, is., "be orvo tbato" t, rf 0 nod, b, 0 of aylnpa� ly,fvr blul, nd his fatili 't We'd w4b, excursioni4a froin. St. ATatys poocigoitig through A of stu_ pro, Hudgins Pay, 'elrlit. ivhilo hero wado '00 le'Met Odist. Railway op 64ardayi for Now, many, friends by her genial disposition, they tho IgIlt. lie had booll fc1I ly W011t 10 COdorl promoti sTholl oh an, Thuraddy, oaroory to hi", onterilig regre r Nvllioll is. day �svo trainjof ar4, frq�j 4 , 0 In this A body o4kitned frojit the burying 36r real Ono ground ',Obo deeply regret bor demise. 17 and 19�qi uring, ne est tiln0.'7wh4D1i t ellaugo., for EXT4,i. . thig, bott6;- 11lit tljQ cjjjjn"O SvIll iever. -06 cir BOOK D1 tWork Of �Tailrmds ure, will, jS Vjtjj us;. vieb,* Ijim evelrmuqqqss Alex, Walkor,, a arye wbolosole dryxoods A 'rile of 'stis; n be , is in or to it. Vallandei 4 cog Busir ition at merchant of Alwitrea , who h, riod oil, SCHOOL V , pay ailct interooting, ga in Ilia landable -p6ralljt, � His R cliued, are loolking -,fr lilt 110.1ghb6thood, lie hall, made any Warm. I Ali-rearof (near Uitubell) 14A to be foutlit thosulmidizilIg of I ititormodiate � : ho', japart-* we-ok, wa;i feund to hve tqtno(,T t here. Shall. bo ataq place, rnbrouh . 04tinda, whiull A 'vei'Y 01090 Next 414 yoar Illen farmors pk 18116 unIC84 t.1 ligbt, oil 010 Agrto tura Mr. jo Con- buqinosg there since.ho 1 solvent, ;0,11 ing tileir plao6ps-Of birush, stutit 8 P 4., iuter- bat t'Nursday -last,, between tbe p luk to ett ter Loaafi Audel*� .1 Gtrjull�-A While attempt it, is -quite atidexit Ahat beroob uta nioasu'res are talwii to stell, tb iol,refit would-be %urglar -nain- I -S4 �rq qx­ -07cy N*Vr VE: Ir 2: - RM labdrillg, t9.1'_Q-1.)_t!'1ri' 139avois, 6f j9ft Difirys, and the Blue S falloith1q. t a' cusbotn, aq th% a v On. TUAii7 NdioICES. of'. vic6, and iben, even'. strv�Qum PC, bl-A ViOteo b ea, Wynni we cap "thir-riii6ii its is rowir ltick is the. C, edit 7alley thp lattori vr oorts lyiI.J. have to beo. ptit f6rtli. i4rits I)& �y- 0, r1foo ( 0 no When the Cant -as, Ole dOes fave. juerican golley. Botylit and Sold., Aloodtay It ight larike '066 could t fili: tbis yearl, of'this excellent and use that 00,11d of) (ItiolVed for tile gania, a4rge, _4da girt lov 'boonieceived, As� $. n 1111 it breach of fIroiniso.suit the Other clay, it I 00eq Avuerlehait'Expkess Co. gt,pAe4 Rua one. f fill rowd, t ing this 11yu cot,of orinat ion - i6lat ;tills, shown thta young lad wrote to her tile or �bo half wejo ladies, Head in, fire into -09lds, 8 ciall, in 'to flooriculb brt4ged Y aroti, and idl. intoreaVed in�thtl lover 6ighttivies or da. Y. 8un. . . ..... libvAti ll�!)Oforo we C, To. J. A. Rn intore8b in tile grkn wl r -Indeod. -.T play was calhid tit 2:14 o'clock,, Clinton 0 ',a' Ion the Beason bam.',baon lifino ture of flowers, should lia;ve-it, to sea vice. and. vivb4o looked upon in contractors cons we 1. Whea Ud Seed as it� bits beeli'this, ;is. tile Qat risb' Vick is . considered Oto xtithority'in these they will havo th their proper light, or tile abotiorslof tile the wallt,of g to 0 thirty Wiles )run stan still t4lairneigh or&! b of destr iu�� thq! tuettorm,'. Oubj to 01 ropet left. of the Canadian Pacific. jItallsviy, emrttng West: 0 bilruic Ono and the pursuors -of tbo other OBLV d.: w4 tbillk jile1v s revoy at, me 0., Ak ti 4go.;Vick� Rochester X. from Lsko'Superi , hi000lis Uutou reti or. inatea: �t -their tIllb. it Will. So. I.waiii, 63 HArl-rr.'s MoNraTT for Sept lies 6en ','On We ob flosol, near ClInfon. tile 11�ld Of dnesdoy evening a farmor lvgs* sobs wit is$ to hbold Marys 10, ClintIm 'I). n-thiKillili0ga day evelliog-last, �rqvjauo toilto dopartU4, and coutents th ' a usual quota.of bed by twd. mou on the Reserve near 'staulo Atia- 23. 1) rdfc IIQ 11rijor'ity 9f liaoille-living cou.0gil,01.1r, Ay . VrRg 11 . is bf Mr., X,: P, MOdo�ald,`aboub thirty of' d' ey knoaked,hiin �ub)of 11' 1101110 �ory yrqtty do � by tile roe Ing matter. its firsi Paper, Sarnisi * Th Is W".. t.,holiesty and upkightilar 11.111st. Nuother that soutletilan's f riem4o adescription-6f life at Long Brenell'.4 gum -1 gon aild, to6kitbout $.150, and lef b - hiin in. '-$5-00. ReWard. it are beaching ­jlvu)e;taamj Ono luau %�tls out and. rae ce War resor -well,lin wu Zd httho reDiden 0 _: . ..... act tq) to And not, dill- bile of its. CQIII- on the lab whn, tile atrikp nt,tbe BOW b written bj, tbo is prof ust 7 now': Or evel a IQ )Iy ilhistra- OST, STOLEN, OP. STRAYED,- rizO.M LOT 5.1, tbrew ik.to the zud vilittry bo,w.aa �Stsyjug'foi day or tw t4 ogan t tile t author Qviia A ton of INK ijarks, rega b p-peud d take farowoll Of hit"- ted, sixil' also jnstrjctivo-. -The. RditueA .-iigin'dats, isthou h4.1iories got frightollitT, '6th`Auo;, A BLACK HOUSE, 16 hand h. Is hl ` a __qj�qqyqniIAgau ;Xi. .01ar s011Hug it-th. th Ore yVslt� re _b of'iooa. jnO ran away. - He fell off, and'tho*hoielts oE onorehead, s'nd white oik'both bindpla'. bove froslituents ad oDray.6r also"; c4utaina a number Lot Oil. liiqo�rjur�,., 64 outiauds: of Ing two iii -all Ovit givati, ly, spent ilk .,Will Oto bunal ry plqasaut� _Oru"lIjIjg'it rewartt,will bOpA14-to any poraou or porabrin'thost 'edted as 811Z gLY6, tfl;lll. 11 tol'the boys f6K.Uteir exetillatit fieldhig, At toveningwAs ve The inagailne can ba� obtained' at tk4 wtiggon papoeil overlija hand, 'r'glyo infQrmatid tto-,to tlto wherobo4ts of return a eTf(I,Qf, tjjo�sixbb juninji8t; Marys sUlf ocial hitOrcour's-9, nusib, Istuglullf &c., the ;r of I I The '0 6 tario Xews to'ajel]Y-� 13pon it are.dtor,ly a the cach one appjraljtl� vioing the other ,, boo6tores, A f6o rAcewa- kshow your opposition 19 bLpqme XIMP but tho boys got ompavy, Cliffou."' t a run atAlcaford on. Tueshay Tile Aitiop of villages to led the moorei r wo. - inittili -011 -of Bramptoii. and'!-! I�P,; and thern so long its they remaitj Such In- in- in nialiiill� the.evening no of aujoymouk" lietween Gdrdiher, ollryo Clintn, Aug. 28,1876. towils cities, -'rild citioaI6 brticb. iii it bcoin,4 oiIly'fiiirrod, by tile Vegret' f0. stcad thoh-` off to %V.I I koepil�q 'the Load Iof Owen: Sound, the Askes. being see was. won, close %V hipwayeeparai'd- WHEAT f0f lidei" Ina jilIjing the pitit.ch by 9- the loga of.ed high ly 'osjoemod, members: of G 0 RM 1- 9 P 01 N,D: E. X. 0. E tbowdistattiod half; 6 niilo.� The ri in1l' ..... g(4 Seed to rilu, tip the Our collinitiulty.., 0 CO a'by'Girdiner in 2,011,,. youninufl, As RILfibat ovary person, in -our- vicinity, courting their had it gre Rditprot�hoi New -Era 1119 t sogfiablo hour,. a are ly d6he, 'thereby coil Ittetalijohi their. dobt ud hlaeaKe The iascoi6 Mr. C. Whitehead, -of 11amiltou, ii%ilo go Ig to attend a fvon0al list wook. '' *it u Web , It'an eRug benefits fill AIAUyq. U, Wrolig-doing, �givo, thoul tb tljb OLIN�bN�, 0" jolainly I favoirably I; a Ili by. ilia girl Rooident which win W latil. � His horse, a V low SODIO PIL10 a unde'rstaud that their 1-06lu ili proftirT 13. Hatton, Sr4 11 ...... bas organized class Boeing an 111mane kicked him' squaro. In the face, in, I t,:IjIpty OlAbel (�Jbsun, q.r ...... 6 sitr` IiI noar',Xitiburii. it ha' uds. I seadj- said 0 sTerage 60 bu3h. per sord in localities, has stood the rust, and Is liev d ot tile A . been liresatia., upon ilia 'to a�k idl friends, of On Vr!Aity fir* defitroyed the bteam flour ;9 W119011, 2ad.13.., .9 Which "loot atthe 16ugliall church i@kocl titan tit a ait a dieting horrible *on aear Ilamiltob). fair 2 twih, tlicy wbre T� i Ab*'and,others, as to A. Fall HEAT, 2- 4 Oddoy, It. F, cions:'one y ouot!4 red to cou1j)qu T �iugstouei,9.13.4 lit Ford, Tho are 1110.4 lavish In praise, 4 Clutherhatu. Ord hunlittlity'.Who can do'so, to join in a rog. 0. Lb rU7 buyers one of the best grsluoln tilemar. ay be hard lines to followi it 011ditioij. one dollsolation 1.11 , figakridor, o(-hiu) a hStmynor, loss"'S4,00O.. The ulkei.' mill of W. Booich 901(f at very reasonable ratila. Partloo do. .. . ..... ........ ular solirch. fo, r himi -oft � the � first shitigle fabjoiy of. G.. Baker,. Markham ;loss, th, Cal. t.4 jr fjohool4v is� onb Was Hied nhouI4 order at once. Samples can be seen if ilil tbis��_thyy have 14 smi golitilsinall Initkos to 01 ative tlli they oltould 4 1 September, as locill efforts havio aq far'b' 181ith.the subscriber Also Turkey Tied and G dIdWedst' Halton, 244 W, 0. 11aftlitoll. 0011 $3.500. - The stoam cabinet, factory of E. Wl,,, 0 -entertained that, therefore, will not r6peat tile,. L. wblch�wlg�tl be tgkoii a4vantage",'cof, Viz;, - - swamp, olor any hope is to be OW -a. t1ine, 0 -coin 21 25'' 27 .16 half the proceeds , oftoonce a match factory,.- &wa, was partially 4catipy. folly 1! om timber and' n uridergiowth ilftioung tr9es, ti and, Oc I r6l& dio batio- fraftless. The ing to- fallw -Xicholo, Ingersoll 1 4 IN 4dy's fol 11 3 4 5 0 7 Mr. Youmans requests 0, change for the -better is shortly to,. taker� a- fib of our schools. is almost. ad nothing but. vast ad ; loss 03),Oool.. clinion-0 .8, a 0 0 10 2 1-25 us to say. thit 116 wo4la be pleased to meet 4 0,0 2-16 '$track out, Clirjtoj�- g, st. Marys, 1. Left on bi aHow often do ww find persons who. a construction of costly' chdi6hes and j, 6. 2:11ase bits, Clinton, 4. St., have musio At the, ford,.And -neighloqring counties ard losing a lei at; Maryl frora.that go w UNDERHIONED BEGLEAVE TO NOTIFY fi�j ilia ocking 6p.'slch .'capital d Iperhaps better -ehier the'swamp, Solna, unkno fi THthe Inhaloltantof Clinton and; vicinity, that ho' ia-�A tl I to. Aeverat-ollurch-ohoiri BU91nes6 C14v place. The Clinton XzW EnL 7A of opinion that St Maryi 0 J, 0 0 a numbert at "naesarolle's, 'will ba;9f - any use. Several of the faimord -in Middlesex, - Ox - Those. coming from 01fixton. or th r&AU64 'hich,has 10 Qly bra on cut jn-a num- has�pujaha ad outthe aro� k direction, And those ft6m "Seaforth %:or the �Useasev 2, ages—tl oabove namea. place, on Mau sy even ng ad many of their, Sheep nown wrong -doers, treated with POorI be Time of gilitO, tbrcs D nproductivoinyestment"must UmpIre,71.MOVPhy,1st,xcrys. aiooliroj;W,.Tidksou., next; at, 7. $0, P.m.; wfit for the bLej of In all u; long the canns, �f the de,� Mays044t TO'ght-go In at. Mr. Abbev!s, The bar bf places. Should this epidemic cojitiuli FLOUR AND IFEI�D BiV9IESS ideratio -air for Omton,; H.. Trac�',.for at the loaft Will be;very ireat to,some fariaers who and consi scPructida. ti thieoiimes the qqwe respect enu.ineiated, tionsy t� ­ T - he the., alifitoil Club h & children hiLve. seen " iti, man ri equal foot- prossion of trade. The, congralga, m8inbeia of parently) and placed on di al 'in 11 d -by the SY02111 a I tanihber Of a Sgrn WHakT.�-BlIt'ieW th t last wool-, -And he answered to Pri4d thimselves pit their finoffooks Lately parrie4on, by 31. w� rox eatsfor he r. In the' litilding believes, eso ro kinilly,pirocure itnessing the, game, but important to the fiirrner as the,ppocuring tho.hame 4 3bss6 WW', when *a Next dogr io the Nctv.Era Opice, ls�ac Street, ing with those who are e4ily u ight lls Lords , h6p Walsh h m.appolateit p oar an InAy ' Able t6.­fin4,-h1mj, -help --th ugustvis-,Was#d' 'Where 134 irfu con ni pr Londoii 'Adertiser. use of the lidift a being con 0 o,theb the most'of th_@Lra-. _QC&X1d_see_ �4-4kprogres4 so'give ti, otlliooam�. Irv�wikeioponhaad. -Ve, we were.iborry to see be parisfi' riest. does.n Orahala� Flour.- Corti, , Oat, and. Pen Meal, Oats, Peas, ere occiioibd by pe Re Wall am- PY 19PAt_bY,_tQ_lI18 efillated family. at Autherstburg. Father Wasseteau is a. It is said thab Ievil -coin mg;lications ii'th a Ct iy of the laaie vation of grain, they a iould, to keep up JOHN Wiltwirg, tive of . Frlipee.and. came t4't h*is 0044try over - Barley,' corn, Bran, Shorti, Tomatoes, 4tutoes; Apples, 41-wa pItIjou UPC ma. er,or,perbap5 suasion, "while mait s were a v , pro- a wax firstlocat with thdtimes'%fid0�ichlIL- D 19 yeark Ag& and honorable. 'Tbia sbould. not be so.. ot our �oteinpcorary 91 with reference t oil na Wil alworm ifitlally.madti 0 theL id a&kizidsofF1 Feedi such as Family. Pastry and xsons of the in ik05 In I at, Getter- Park, &a., which he win sell At the lowest remunerative L-g,� corrupt good manners," 161 it is hs trile e- to infer �tbat � it fully endorses compelled to stalid.,. We trust o6or, inale oputy-Reove. we ar not be. � cure the beatseed t1ley can. Quite 8 Ounl-, Hullett,. Aug. 21,,'1870. i6h, afterwards. for, 14 Years st,Ashfield Aid, rates. All orders. will receive promptL fttfoution; goods delivered in town, PAID VOR OATS. In this respect as in tiny other, foi the What We think there hu -ajr6'4dyV been said Abe in ley friends 'on 96 -future Occasl0n, 71 the sentiment by copying 1 .1 IlAlit, eV&a L though-: they r��y be bei of fiew samples ;f 'wheat live come uiingt6 mooths lie offici 'd iritd time, promineia Among which stand-tho D. S. RUPP' an eyil �oepcn �Wfth '46 Ctold, AJ44RI.L done much more. in rlation to.this, qtratford. Olinton,Aug..22yI874. habitual contract of weno �nd footsore." -Turkey oUtir than should havo been, and it is f till A strange Acciaent; with fatal WSales Occa�- 60 W, U the good is likely o reitilt in t 0 good antime itvas �Otlg T6aso have 4een foqu(110' Yield lg�ed to oblivibi, wi, thor6m. ed to drlin banally of briqol, Quebec, , last WIMPA.r 16 in a cotewor- kinds 'Plia- .6 -a- 6r4 4n,�qli In Topi�AO an Artic 13,&sa tALL.—T a Blue StOc alley. - fare ecoinmend-any. further stepti week- Re wag -amputating the tail of ayining one beim, Stained, as the evil one is' foll Rf.$rja_, rof superior ih�om ch do:1110t; rb 'nse of 'tb-c cow, ton, afid es a- L b iw m6t, of t4e larch. 'It is sear�el lazap, as is. ouptomary with farmers,,wheiti'the rVIIE.UNDERSIGNED. HAS FOP, SALE A QtUN- ary,tho. Adil inak Parties desirous fpjarc as ti) be taken in the Ila y generally Tra bold in doing wrong forth, on, Monolsq' jiA animil, fehling� the, knife,. mit4e a,sprizig to got TjTVOj ihajoll9wingyartatleo ain, ruitable niiderii�g the above, Varieties, c4ii061 , iffidra Xi. G. of, gr n co *hotl� possible that:.Any. Ono p6qld elflqt.� in that (or sew, no, a . 0 Away, This cane Lit to eter 'than the other in doi right,and. if this' d; Lj. B the 7611fig "inanli tiligh, and �eut on f the n Riinday, be :qvientity for sale W R d td Gold. Medal re ftb6ut the ri�'hest jjjnor W� 'EE01.111G.—Ile' - ing In gq�ge' which 10 R. DaLy Will preach, Fulton, or e4 the instruke swi*p for *Apylength of tim' of th ' 0 0 1codAnnoauld be obtaintod from -the colh. pn arteries a lei ..a thO ., a an. ­ ' 1 .1. lie "a ale death. 0 seyoffly that 0 seen for dome tl i 11 tiguous. 43 Ids ars'a the' berries in t to 9waMp, 11011,,t, both morning b1% t good'ki for.salo. -'air, And BoheMlan Oat in equally so ­%vith reference to Im in the Methodist Church, -bore, a ta A tity of Sedottwheat, -'(I Un. i has, already )r�d $56 for his e a,, irne with rosppet to indvidurils it 9 a v be and evening. gins, toad6n. It is one -of the moit �10'4.k %V�TcmT..-Afr. - S. Notley Two hun'drqd andlifty-four patients have nf�ab of loaves of .0,A 411 P ED, — pvefl4eii in at havo lately come, into inomi. fited, 7tm son if takon� in theL swainpor its' neighbor. These are v4rlatlea Ito constant - numbers. Sonio'may ball tilts Pharlsai�, Of'our posid6on jo have todual, so . ' er br�ad confisem, been hilmitted into the Lunstio�Airvluni auperfer na n hood, and if Bit. War*ielic thinks thatTesso t notice on account of, their it it is:Of little ly. with a; paper which has not the miighl6st 16ir London. Papers. a - "' ­ ' at Toronto since January last, and. 657have ., to I jill hi 'OL cal remoning and cant, bu considered by thorouglily.comp dggo, t a It s no- i6o6i,o idFa-6f Monday, 6wing 6 ckn search a fifids'and got died. Th large numler of6athsthatoc- Iiindogrown. They have been ortafi!UQ0q1nL&t11iLe farm of be d. of weight. 140 VA51 I no woman named Foley sregard for trilth.and e wliab,tlley call i *hoheSt argument O . 4istributca to 'tke reward.—ED (,onequenc b, or they fair or e�ng in slandat in day evening as ilia was rospal E are. attrilitifed to the. fact - that a d the b ring to ilia sub9oHlberigIvings good yl6ldfar the amount a roe ol gteab nit mbor of thoScadmitted we end can be obtlnodirant Win. Pilcoofwheat, 9 re.tAken per buohol,, ho, abosoofidool Winoulm. a, few from tile count� jaiis a d otber institution' cannot deny the promises; A -ad. we think tile leamb'd goner us in, ai politi cal.op-- leav for Buffalo.* She -was the Wife! of a .45 no other con'clusion-3 ,,an be drawif and. pone Shipment; of mail w no . . 0 Ov - amount of *hero thm ma tion i 6 , - Tlje j s become so W1611 kn6wn g debts t6 theL Aig, 22; 1810. it is ro�quisite, if refor a . Xpected, Mcii Ila le4y1u, Ora Pr'F'S8NT* Tqis44y,4fbo6poh. the me place, for the eas orn 'llearil an. Ie,tllftt Z All tMe a to WA X T E is il�jjgbt roKard-for- trut,11,11 its Pill encea tiyield $900 ofsl,6A ijilla6h crea�t -scholat,is of AI6 iich�61 �oregiinfiod evideno: troubles qo that'those �vbo inA6 professions- of Inirkets,11AS omm bi mc blight ware About to push fir. It'.V, their toaoher, b, tjIg, who ij I�Avj6g to :oingly,- reii 466 16*11 g: ti in flair and honest and its not"bo as largo as ill. former year@, a a son 9 better tb colmillailled oil a hand *6ar,knilgot itfiother gian later the ministry, hantiscoine witing fr. I). 'Ja. Wood, of Mecklenburg B WANT UELIARLr, XNERG2TIC CANVASS. ings", than th SiTig much of Ille frAiiii Co do'CaY find fall the deesk, allootapsonied'by the 16110 drajd_-� CQ"by, Suicide while temporaril ING AgOntil in OVOry town ill the Doallula, for gellm,0114 to. a 1) t Cal t6 help him to run it to Clinton. - On wing Ad W 41 Oli i ., OP being, from the tMe"i Assaulted, fliti'man, and-hg�d biLin so Insane. Two weeks after a danghter� beilour; thonGW'1ZT.V8TRATZD 3149TORYor THE Dourniox OP of, sbould be held.in Zteattr estim.atioi, a bolster U14 Drs Tmiozkzrt,m�ou behalf:Ot tho%'fou%�!. of your icg dararoged front. her lhobhor's death Also CANAVA. TWO work fir truly magalfiffeet, -coutaining a L f ponon avors't Way "I t 11 -its 6de badly Foley k treAzd in a different manner, an 0 �The'Soaforth P!"ePi);Ltqj,.PayA ]lab his' I a Is I schUl, we beg to-prosent you with this deaki kektoken (over 9,we double column quatto pageef and OVOrL Do() to nA i . it fide Ilia way' d a ur a - cornmitted sidoltle, lifts last ro. superb full ragaporayf ngs Thoork a published in its cap 0, Unit tile majority of- iiersons, f 1, ent to ilia to Ballitio. 'Tile ton. or our esteem for ion persommys and n courgo placed on &'big] S 0 - COWL) till ioveolation of your arduous laborg,. re t y4y Celyoxintakligenge that another son, in Ar. Paris, gn a plan which. ausuno Its welcome to every ter. level thn - 'k, 5tillilds wild were sent 6 sciye the balancO your departure train smonssC sot if., 'tev -ill How reading xam0y. o energetic young man or Is �,b Ili e gabout-half its 10C914 eVOIT WOO . I I kausas, hs betia. killed by tile hillillt; of a tf-ea. lettwe lVill Ild'a little su),pri 0(j a ),,in ting 111) to- y on 6 9 6 * 9, who sr� wWfug to ork, we vill giiarintud a those who do wroug. look )lUld of Clio coll'60ts, iound the wife ppwl *I lit A-fbie-tilan ft th6lisslid T'oolauddrs have been perinanant p000ttloti fjr,two years, and audn Vw! Do .1)11b,wq thillk ib "would a ), t a race v bey watched her otoVoingnts; -Mat the rupile roe ol atoll like tbe abo'co, from �i� it,%roroo to credit 0 follow him to say ilia least, if from you. We asauto yon lot the onoile '41% &c. Tbis in &,grund opportunity for school tcadilbra to Wo sincerely hope till interested iiot and trackid liar to this city, arre4ling:11ar .. z 4'IT'stica iflotta to 101pa'.6 to cmyq� -olauiloba chis season. On'tho nOb fall Lo wkite for oursairiglepagos, izlvato torrow, t4op-thRijarnmay long lie xpare III passage there wore four birtha and eight make moro than double their ralarleFs withoub int.orfer. ib any inore, a lilonto . . . , V, I I&tlll. up'tio n' now$ Afac,, d asPied, find taking 4or back to Wit (leatho, thd lattov I)OIlig cnoed by glimmer Ing with their prafasAlonal dutics. The Work 14 bailig only in the material welfare of the 'I, of the lebolooro, manufactured nt a coat 44 oyir $0,000, tot, thellfarary, 311N.,flo UfOaD, 'Complaint intIncort by tile hot. weather And Artistic and zaachanical work of producing the platea try, but also in its spiritutil'progress, t us ail impossinlity so 1011g. to, hLrs. took Pike') 01, th03 jll ingt­ 01) tile lly fire complaining of tile dullness of the SAItAK Lvrls, AraVortfrotrilfauitobaMs 0114 W04town, relf luting ana will'. make this rnattee one of sorious now fqrlli Of 4Alr. Lovotti Bate Ltuo,,b�- by the in. - 1,41A pble Loell Pi The Liverpno ,tit, it is refroibing to ii that tonitlibilik offers 11,0�0.nlado to many of t in �u hl a Co., of Moilfreal. All letteri from ogents Illatl PrOM - nd )I s. Craig mFtdo an lljip�tiprifitq reply, stAt. it -01 estthouglib and netion, and do Ill that lirB trade ... the e7i)Oftatioti of linrlim (rom tile CllainPi011 ufacturod, tit tittles at, tile singlo Inall tb remin. fil .Miullosota - bo ePublishers' gone) I - glat.sortie buoincsics,'at lelist, ara prosper- in&- that the elf � 'WAS %I'hdlly unexpected, Rod follows..- vprulig tip witlifil Ill() last Rile% t1joJoatu"on hathat ib is ulldoafrablp to �vwl Ca6ahin emi. ItAVIF*4 31. 11IGNLY 4 Co., 0SI BtossrA. Wit' IIIg. !P11c.cono to -which Aye rofor just, Ito* he had on many"ploaaant Assobia iiij their power to itsfutbbar- s, lkn(l bids jail. to lievar;-jed ail under 11facturad by i otiudotion with his. laborg at 11olmopill1a, thob gr4tildthrougli 28 efid111 at. few vreel -If %vill ellable. it to becoulo; a of SItratford. After 4fa:Ir trial 11r. IS the thrCATA09 IllaciliuO NRiusk Of 0 spread. The 'sul'oet, is Obe, thab ssill wbi( o- placo, Tho c could not forgO tboob lie wall 16AVIng,'were durlosity ff roachad Ibs brattell (of TrFinsatlani hst tk(LDt_r1,.: 0 2z %I Hl Woman groat that to go Inelincil". ost; lifaft, Oil Wodu6sday,. lit Niont'real, . vdater by purelmailig it. ILLNtsi,—Uer. A. Milliken, bam - Won �juito I ady boing left alone in it Atreo.fcar bit a, Ili h peimil of n ' tilmost.tinIftlifted' amount 1jurlug the �. dailirpid for fileiv Ill 0bl if xo� �eamer �Aloydpljiq. ij.oau liardly moot; It.' ThOY expect to of discussion, and we -shall Ila pleesed to arriVedat Mierpoot in the sl thi 11 during',the pasb we Adjor lrioeo averqgiilgX01) hh/ inacbmes illin,yegr,' 8;idla ek, from diptheria, but elevation, felt impelled iq fpc what-w6id. been i Or hs'LI)TIP" if she shoutd unloosen the"brakos, are wakind povens, behig their buslobt, It; did �o. - -No hoi-M beiq attaebed thq, 6ar. each,, Those axe moasuroa (or this divigiolij his Just io- .. . 0 i 41., . 1 8 sac other minister4-taking-the -inatter in I,6� be follovecl. b Several Morrow, the of Weights IUV AUCTION SALE eating of it witbout fear, or largo 6h'Ploontr-, - 0 r hand, mid tr erushed dolvnAbo -hat Oil its Own 80001113t,. 11a 011ie_ coilaistiug of coqrga)-�:, one dsy lub wb�k. air -0138ritualyr, 'Flltg� AT- celvqd, hin, teadug-instrutil I . — . I r I.; rely injured its 0c., lie. tC'. L0111. favol ronto Uqoie rAlIg upini ilia 'to Bmaibiad a bhgky sind sev ini 6 40. cef Colada. -to cutabine Vf,:w6igIIto, 811%ped) f4`11.17 Of Own gl)ijjg pauti, TliatliLdyikl)ONVi;upi)oabd'tolnow IP urnit I Pj to jol� A very serious gre broke out at Brussels, cul, tvx I it, Canada (of a11 iInao: a aud aslidVill an ule underatatid, four W�oro are about lo, qo isat sunaaj niglit, completely de. 1110rdaboilk ille. value, of car brakeg titan Any tog 11011KNE14, BE iVISE 1 4 if. oil licatio-0, an bliall sys. wit. �Iorrow vill-soob�ba, IU'w tbis week This lQP)ti �ilra,busilless, has rooiived irostrilationi 1rdnl Urg. sootalism oyate" cap$ 'Fastating a lifte, ortion of the business part IV. .0 . f qtirlg tolir; ovdry bilaillogs ritt-shows jbiot Canadian, Ina.fire tip- of the town. Tge Are 19 supposedto lift, Ilovbfion. Uatc,mrs. rattateoll) of the QUEEN% havo f&iIod4jj twactice mi(I mlist lie atarthig. an Ijis tei yo The folly of strikes find 010ir, ititol- lio�posoegeanta ula� may Or"Pea a vigti from biln -allortj I . no sp, er,tNTON, to Hall by Public Astetion, all dia 'fertile ill I Y, t)recjjjoq ott, tile other sido, won W3 work qf lb started ill T; on the once bnay (Irand Itiver, In. the 116gb. - noticholdFuriltuto, liar Vistures, &-a,, on 'oil ag AhAll Bvsixzss,--S1aturday Ian I bwati a day flimt Ing 'ZDA1110ff paiiij ulisrr� str�of, 'drove borhod4 (if Cityuga, it; ijow very quiet.. Old forenbo in the U'81) of labor-sa-Ving fill- to any sa�odrata mchoolfi ia,old or"now g (Ito biglj Afy th4t hal to b6 jitif4 j4 "MIA and desiog Such legielfftl West from'jush. the Anglish Churdh inhabitants of 30 yolara Atalidiag, point to Satlirday, Svt. 2l, 1876, pleMents is very clearly'M qu3tion -filially for thO W1101P inadetholiorlAg ofour business titan bright p3aces.thab once withtho blint Of ScOrO Conalstilif of the following ittIOTON, 6104, 1, eleared t6. 16ftigion's furniture �.shop. and from Libe marUal; heaps West; td bf sla, street to - oil tip. Moro xOple were in. town on that a tloog"tilne, and 4 Any tialrous (if of taw wills, the vdllsfl� of 6faimers, add, the table, I oung, 1, large fitap, 10 bcdoteadm. 10 w*Nb by the course of trad' kb the pi-48PIlt Do,mill 'day than hav3"It fo vrill,Uafforde If ��iqikiug`loo.l 11arker's %he entire Ice$, is estiplinsoted, morry $ongsof hun4rods'of lubibethion. Now ftauoll'-i2loo irg 1,14saos, 10 mattfosson, 10 pair.of pit. ji s1h"14 10 pair of woollen blau. �asses in which coo 4 Sit ohn A. 0if wildl- tki to tirne ill Englaud. In that 06(fliti-Y statolely a da. tile elor�a in tbo, reotmet"Vo PI& routop, Iflagara &W-, Oli T600- be ab about $106,066, deatroying English's the at4oarsilcuoa -provailm and the stdgusni Ittaodonald's orj�n atTorouto does tot, in Mre kati, 00 qyI s,1 feititax bsodsq. 11 *ash Intog Rud boardo, whero coal and iroti, Clio baseof 411 :m' jer:so liar, day, j�belj tickets will be -sold frotir: all ots- c&j;isg, shop; Ion's 4woral store. Al"rhis, sluices, Aetaying looks 'and drumblitig danis 70 yards aft*oom sarreto 30, 7&%!dg of hall ca"tf 18 once 9, or legs clittillet torms, tail the.Prew 1y, 611ol.vitirA �oods alid quot, tions Oil ilia Oraud Trun, fit grobly re- 'twd ljo stOray, -not ooeuPied cane bottom chairs, 9 bav rowit chairs. 0 parldr ohafrat 0. 12:commou obsirs, I bar room vietfoeo 8 hatildiig lomog, tho Mini3for ofl'ittauce a fool, ill o Minister of day, ill not on sh;p, "ho N11inn's carriage shop nufdAuring interests, are 0tiedgtA and &Ing Up parce1g. duced rate#, for the fullowiug 'rou to, good Heintar's wAs there," Then ilia: llitges lokig, the I noofg, 8 dretalu# tsblea, 2 contra tablegiA bureau. 10 Oil so swiadler" and the, S"retary of State inj price#, bit t Aldu in W Vs. carj-hige,"shop, Baker's harcese BhOA Pofts' baljks� did a 'inuoh,burWado W average - cities -, toiroqd 2 dining toinn'tableo. I iddaloa�d, 2 0 s'zo of Clint 11 InctO thortilltid t,dp tool!OrOiO, thouco scrosti 0 kitchen tablosr. I ouplulard,,l o6w1ngmAcb1noj2 took easify Attainable, they filld C11661telvf A hcombiOditY. OcO140119,11Y it If"ew to*Ias of th y horot ' spliltdid steamer (#spleabytryingto brana the onud4 thall erg eve, Lake Ontario tli6 tailor. shop, Martin 1,16ore's loomp and stablos now t OY ar-0 full,i)f, alosed-up aborcor slid stoos Rnet ikituiture, I bike to�xai of000fr, T, parlor i oveo bebirid in Clio 1 0 toWby (JaijaclaSoutili. ft il"ailty of 1A A wkedliirraw, 7 barriatu . 01��2 Audersons allop; Glyitu'd conf�oti6neryoo Oar- ,ketv'rjf. adc - -aco.for tho mal )r tho -busilles tottaso, with oue,or two exceptloos, GoverilorAq a piirjii�fer, �Vht%4 onderAhat a fac(i whioh$poak [(tgp, lick's drug store, aive I s4o skore, Alsitail, e r6cillil its Prts�.Fleetus whortlu ft, nion of tile plaue. .1 'itigara Fall" �slla Uu otbarrittarei, M� ampso I beerpumv, 4 cruet An 0, tile Nvorld - ill tilitu -it �railww to :N 6ba teade AGA; 4ry gowls, Oil 6no 81 0 of the of ofookory, gueg el, outlorir ado its prin1jos a aud' fits Occurred in Via Township of' Glailrbfil, tkes a i tit", I promised, '11,10 tldvoti N ft teflill aq or otarst shovelA, rI cow oa the otb Wool, And One of the inosb terrible. heart-reptli faqb, Belgium, toloi-atioll An fairlies Stratford, Tickets gotl t y tiny I . pr Stratton's hotel, four A as ind del �Ir joint Jbroino, on IoYoand. other artiolsoo, all of, b I V ttit of liberl Ing ita way t1iroogh t.hig tuo1*40 bililel;A hill, Wrtuld photograph gallery, art the form of Otto 11' a kal 't6g a aSperitieg slowly, purou, -even America, are j)lao1n(o'jkhoiv. goods fib, will softou A.5 far its tuay be tb llar Craft% 11iii ilt Holiday, Sept, dth. yIt a pear that him datlAbot, Glitistilla, of-liarty strife; and tO this 8011'it 'Till 8tudi. followed by a train of f9ar two -horse Oat- Tog . I from Clinton have been placed At ops. Flatchor's jewelry phop, wt6 reaping irlacoblile, Salo at, 1110" oldlock;i A. wor figure 'as, which -wore being Tickatt'rat t. d a inion ele ra It Offido, Tfdod!s 4ty , TERsts.-Alt Ntua4 of 010 anti under, Hotels; over tht in British markots. fit it lo Ditj personalities to iggi it to losio at 7.85 which wAg at wo fu�,oiib of -]lei father'd l Rim. to AV often, cit. riages and three In g6o a Store, Anuol's a 60 i1boop, Alojimadorle amount three months, er4dib*111 1H, given on juriliT, 1: heAt of political coutro*orsy. titkelt to blicktiow frdift LiAcatif tror Aft" a' w 211 lies 0A 0�1.il ;, r than her own at-6-:4oing. 0giltsidered,by the tail( tLl jl�otjld pot be florbro�lior%'V"Asilitliesainofiold, but 'hor- 11-1c Oun eu!l% ristiirl goo stloji room#, fug.ArvtoTad jolutzoles, tK90.6v to, doptave f.110 toile L60bottol"; ilioir bitilder,"otio of Clio not near liar. AS. RhO WS8 driViRg. thd r0illd The solutioli of -th*zwyAtery- ig' vory porsonilitics.illo I I I � - I in rotisoflilelloo Of nissed. Via Soll (lier n nelta lu.4kes daily anda atnoss %hoopo, Volt, 0, find the stopped thu of'tho praim and, to'dwaff its useril ease, .0). ac$ C01111110110ac um Torbiltu I a tho-rells 111,0116 Small'stallcoralibp,- ty. goods state ilua musio, gotiludor the on 'oil witlitho on's ig Ivantago scoring and dettroyiug that delibettto exam I"A, tile linils gotting, tit,40,k Ito jail, And mile. ft ntiollifie to, get thag right. , While in the, "t Clinton, Augs git 1871L a( 10 it) public -car. 11cutt hall, X r 0 rr� tion which is di 000' ;' I all- -j;,[t41ahoteI of Aouping: down, the liorem took fril hnt And, '7' -16 thiff octs of Public away. 'Vortollittoly, %to t6 ga- to 1ooriltitt) &lid return front flijora catt Jill OP#, a illfill I tho retipiog tjft 110=11go, inconvanion6 to employ' bays, oftelt Poll jyAn d th" broxk!, consists of fivd Babcock fl rd extinguishers and 'little girt at14l _t4, of opportunities lylidu �o rjago aud thon ran' 6 fOr oil 0. 1101 tat. I tjoh, thall tile biablesitad hall. The town'o &d. Protection knockbig.NM the erg to Iluccasti. �, Cnad )VIRined that, purliNso 04 AwlglilliYdr in Bly., 18, "alnd ng Of Clio wIll(Ilutroo Jold fo%'v above fatog'. 0, Ifook Atka -1,06r; obompatly—t16 good coin, wichiko. I brother rus4od to A61) 'the o r foreigilarg t%pl I .. .1 itonad altals, bub before he oplittl do Ito fully opposo them, t strilka for bout) pq Out, (,If ill() ll()r.les, pArAllvely. A. 14rgd 4tgotll wovo toiia6r Itiq %utist wages, and ill Wier wAysloubitneoil the a I note Agbistis tho, utifortattate child wag Out to pieced A, sincord thatikN to his nit --al, tit jilat (site auittiner in " Warto tile M11 ilist!, ft�opoara a otter itived, Wt badly dotilagod, mear t4oraltil clisto. 11,110, 11, A;, XX lig latoly had fori are ostlilliding the'.1 , osibi, , Tho goiiodil were hon they woro stoppott she witif foun( tin. -Tors in tho! surrounding townships And the 16 *its no1ong. as that of the gotitil (of Fralloo, our 0 ithig 10L' public genorall7 for thcir liberal pattduttge" price of production, tilt I allopportually of 111111tillo it juarfloy. Over front Oilo higilifil very little Itisuk4d., Tito Webtara 1/finalao. 4er tho machine -wit), At' Atn' ft) (Ito Wild 111W611- AftOtc wld. fall dellylithill temperate awl, jt4il%yayj reference or profitablo t6 inantithettive tit tho then 'y tjt& lutumiloo corapAnios, goverad, And. prosdilting a nost ter ist tit() Itfullilton nisid. Ifechanios' 0 'POO' and would, furth iti,aild-weroi, 146iy atlaca Wait llnvioirtant to ,. ex,41oft tllouA that 10 44 wl t0l -und-, a: -rlsa� was: iralTarittive; of, we ilia girl Abbey, the writer Lova solito )&r - rates, I . S rjeit With a might of Ono tit tile inosLpfiatffl- I 4W by pattifig, 11% _1�_UOW OU&OL, pated, i0i, 0,1141 a tittangee i0illowed to ticulato of tho actions of a doloble th as gii t� ill Onts -god 0vallit 9f n ago Wingliam built its first 11�, ol o a Otto powor 116rotof6ro, uad(j, and two tull of ng an opportun rio. A's wo offiel: )rt.tdit 5 'ixalilhit) our ivardrolles ana our I�qusos - pol , jitiii(jay, 1, in it A. Scott, jr.; Who &A-01968 St011 wl ful com.p6tition,by'Other coutrieg. . I'll would rogitd titan! ad the 0100-dilt PtOO9 0? 60111 tile orpots,of 11ftwiltoill the cars grad d of tile farm of Mr. Tigho, schoolhouse, ifto* there, &to OVIO taitoll6ril letter froill hii's6i�s Toll th A oomploto Bet of 1&r tile lioighbol-Ifoo 09t oill Which 4 having lilcibabod woritoo California Over a yonr ago. Tlly chrt bait, An jA� act All the lat 1811 opOrA. tho,truthful foundation of hill' %judide. Ually ascended tile lhoullt4ip#� tv 4 ipe 4,110141411f 1pttorbdift'l 6111110�046 tho Polliqlatl6p 'manatiottirog the Engl ho largo rosoritolry lattor Ix 4at4d fr 'in Mompow Mill, in Calf - soma r 1it3W is had Of t yous, frota In the latter bo WoUldoi9ti to t90 dbable 1100 1 100 td,1 He is atigagea there as 4 inill. eT I I door. An& the,innuinerablatttovo- Ptilparod todo tar will not-vemt. itd�tiae 6flabor pipe holes' about -half WAY up, Aich. giv.69 uIldlobt wilae, ilia h4ve thought it Was An &t. We five informed of a *Oman; the '0116 he, pry throw littotlif arolwat nori, we *#a s. Garman farmer,-in.tho township of ldIXG� 0 ing machineryp but compola the mothu- and, In the formak to thO (urge tiloccabi jut# of water to tompt to Impose U'Poh the, -good-natured of Wright 46 60M 44 to 06 a 4ay &0 I muffiers, as higilet. than Any building 1ljrth6 Oq�4 bX_ Ipeoats, edijoe of the Xzp6slb�, but we will oharit- Colborne, who lost fall plowo;4- jj.atres of 5 weighed In Rua, out. fitaps from A faeturer to �ohtfnto, the slow prooege of Red OV, Oapt 066PIOU104 towrs." The, tdott Wall, thlof that boats- A gooa,farril in distance og� have their grists mad chop j $4 Yea Ask about the, grand scenery : When (4riit -iftefrogible evidence of out fear ct wintry ablY 4tippoilil that tho lend. This season slid. vao*'ad w th A grass 1600 tin hand lAbor, and q Also provefit. the blAsts whila, nothing W0614 Nad him 0� fifill poit Of antilton 16, Also spread out be- rumors, and t6ok loter4utad that they word scythe fot oiz, days -, the rated tdu acres, Of Dowtilo� volt lot yoli'kaotv. As to Wigoir,- home with thorn the gami doy� 066C Mill reed- for Salo At inbatrato ri 661. - a lifa aj 000 t6r,o you, wheta call be seqn, stirtitehing for with a horse take A04 didt the work &to 11�6 ovqythitl 6146 In this Colin. ithil .6111ployment,tof Apprentices, �only in 11. ituggial, that vo, often W Parts did orch- trite, for bed lid to$ d4d Of' the 4kh 6611-1 h0i he,* vloir unsattlod, cra 1 -to fell you W�lks, larja robidendes and oploh dera th6 tdano IN laid) OP 66h thid6,4 with i thm year old polit which she brok6 tr its, With th-valt 1, din inikifili frotil 04 to 00 A day, yell. Liu mitled ilutsvors, such an they -will dow 01 as possible, and bull thoir IlrdA.11. Vinerielif, hotliouitas, and At& i� evo 6jquitles, ho'would pGver, h06 06tit In Itertalts ilia having be -em te ArAt to put ite a o4o tile Boadh V01101 Its cordon would thbik .1 was mAklog lots of moboy, libusaj gualt 41114i%te he ijo a rttttlj,, d4sting, as It d1d; it rAdhA16, haloness, on the affialent to keep up tlid.IlUpply of hands Darlington BAY, -40IT61 160 loidid ',unloa& The 811bookillArW6111d Blob Inf6rill tho pUb- a .6f tra6i, Arid the Ake Ili thp dlittatioO, 'This I nd tend rd" tit Idur $1 and 62 a day tot Ro. thitt he has A large stock of luililidi of beat They Would regard, Ita at., action ort t�o notioni of ge. �Y114, T o sa inA. t4wod t1i li - f' 0 0 without, tondatigalbg tile demarid tot, ototd, 4011hoata 'With, tile Tr ou Ist "li )f aA 040ing up, *POO k quitod tot 6 ho a', r ito eet ; 1he bosord; And Otherthings (ft D ortloft. Tho, di0staht kinds aha, lengths; I' PlAo frobi 10 Thok frook oomi and tog o91 tired th6misIvol In b It; 1,10V tjj6 re, hilbitt gt. it 1, Hantlook fr6tA 10 to, 96,; 0hert Ad*6,01h, gfid is 4, White Lit taspit gottAtid Itock "their labot at ThigStAto Of $to�jA'PjP$ b6tif jl$ 40MR16" 96 vif, 46n, *44 hollb, Atlov thin Toadad old utdoided All the grain find hay la ate, Prot - a;;ll _j allo tk tho nilm R on, mtortlihinA0 to We, sh0414 041 with tgg&�d @661fivial yollth#% of ths hoir hu4biud' falon! title Neudoft, hdtill�l, but A man VAII find :41att, A dati tfl 1611ger ba 66A. ONAZ howrinloAdAy billolks'. fflooh 6thor similar workt, " Thl his lifs, 4tid propoftY, Nat At hato hera as lit &A, In lingthi t6. A to those 'Who Wdfs lidan 06go W44ti tho the WOO waitothp ilha it ha 4601 lid con no drawbAolt-o' 6 AM may be, but1tild 14bortiolo lid 64tior what Nag it 96ro, 00 dto#44 oirilat by It tom byth# r4441floo to tho Atky 6th'st 0664vt. 0 4 lag hbil to, fill All ti dk u V. t roa;rk Wd gre h ILK hop, 11 wh4itl-vl onvilb f d in h tbx w h i a � .11 of b wigo, Owl submit ta the hhParative 0144 14 10411, 4004611 *# 4 Volk 0 boo Ailledarothet daly,tait, ts�*06tod� jt� lxtt�* AAA VA40 A at raBod. T4 tin thio, Chi mithot Am 4via*d bette 490101014111 lit, ttit io�ply Afid dillAW1, ilid NOV01i lot, ... ....... ...