Clinton New Era, 1876-08-03, Page 2TwTi
14rad farad i (PANADIAN NBWS..- i A sitoov of tile sthi)iV15ion, 0ourt will
00" at to -bpi $likw Y,%Jk %ony 'U* ball M
owo" 60-4. *�Ula iikkil 4, A, $oil" total fotuo. Po beld ill Wim"'Ilaus, 4.11 Fri(juy. 'tile
�,Vlch a feuto per 40py. 11)4, A114 olk WkillwWay, tile 4)rlth (,tf 0
Albert 14140t� I Xr. wirlio. W4P lately u4sleat. The Dunkin �Q:trrliutl iii1miubton. a)roung wome
dill, Unri-I it of Toronto, tob(z
94 fo; liriberT by qents, )iaq been re- AORTOULTUSAL PmSlox OUAT. --Thio 0ourt. was bola Aroliblollop. 01,011011y, of 1141ifax, 4114 alod oil, !JI-idAy, frokil 11ijille.ica Inflicted till
014TION, OW OANA1)A-UQ*d TUR wIFF, of Rev. A. D, McDonald, �or at -own Ila While 111AIMUni's. circoi vi
Oyer 4,0W 30110104 to fore$ and fast jagremilig, Copito.1 in Own. on, rriday.140tj but tile cases were widnight, wn Thurm4ay. her person by, her tid lit tho pro. 4% v�aradlng
electid for Glervrry by tile liandgOple -Jomliary st. 48701 The putillo generally few And none of Public, latetoot. On 811444y, two Allan atoamers mought ppronk , out of.4 iniscarriago. Tuowlay, theoloricii of
14, on A, visit to liar 014 friends hors, throligh lfalifisx 011
Split thet molutiqrg, at thiii coin ly patio.012, Vill tile 13411k
mq�jorltv of 281. rje4so note &Ust MU, OHAS. grl i mou DUT'rZit —On Tuesday last One LAke,%1- 1,31.1 steerage Atilt 90 cabin Passengers, to '.Vbe lost lot of M0nuOu1t03,. lvlko rl",eutly . of Nova, Scotit locked tile. boilt!l�
X LTON, at 11 4YT11, MR. 1). -0AvAx, of Houghton Allf,' and wout to's 10 thoproless-011. Dur.
LOXAZoll to� 400 04 avy vay, for this coin. parlor, wid brother of our to*nOulan, is qllaboo. arrived at WITAllipag, brought f or their nj
oea not, 10119". kuth huindred %Ad forty kegs of butter were t. Ing tbelrBhort absoneo.
his restilt, oertisialy, d osponk'siblefor 1.417,rjoo was jit6jou.
'4144, "rthorAlist .101144 0200,000 in gold, tile proceed
'on Ad$ Soto After 090. YlofourPotrol)s shipped lFgal this. town by AtQviiing. here for a fow da7o. It is reported that tho Govortkinant.d6co River ft .5 At tile $nine tiMo tile
hold out much 006aragement to C - through, Iny Huxon tiorritorr (Tuokorsmitb 0040401 way of the L.
M168 ANN,& LAVVOoIC$ - of Woodstock, not intend to heir ro4lostato gold 11A 111186,10'.
ISOR4 tiny alore Dominion of t Oilloo wag entered anaft, ( 2 talwv.
Holes 1.rQ a expirlug. go well go
siervatives tljAt;L the re-ootiono, 96 nluolt, 'Wlu*uUaltt6to#)iu*408qvl)lil�AI=91 "01. l . And daughter of tile lato. oeo,� Leyogoirs of notes of one and two dollars. Throughout Ontario them are W U141i
t1waswiaospi"r tobsyo boon neglootedbyMr.Xinall- Itakilaxotts.—The quartotly services. in I - JU101111111010k 4010 1874h,
i6g such dimensiou, too, will be voito4ou forreliewoIllurluff onn6otlon with, tile Mothbdist Church. Tur v. Indians gather saboon spawn, for fon(I; 8011001% and from tlleoe schools 1,676 CAP-
tv s, ljore didatua trlea to pass. the lut6rojed late ex.
ljkad,1abogt,, is assuni this Place, spends a few day -.10 the F r4sor River, Isoniobody pug4t to PrOvIndoll LNITIb2tion) Ifuxiillwll, sept. viii 1.4, cip, gj
friando of Miap B, E
Bolt or cluly. autholf"(1 gestitgat, W hen w97hopot%IIg we,
as. givo. to. them, hopes. of soon regainino 11010 A cootlutisnoo of their post 0406modlistroull 06 bors, will, be hold oil the Ift inst., Rev. -et
Orly of this Place, will. iregi . to, learn gather those Indians, ailkinations recently established. Of theao o4a
Groatij over 660,9,00 lisp been paid by, this old PC er J, W. Holmes, of Exeter, ol"Olatiou., WoUrn rail,
the opoolle4with
� rains of poweti, Durlug the, contest In cow�oil� in too of ololmo. - 41160s,1100 4 that liar health liao, not impimyed since. bar 1,1G76, only 23-1 were 00=58f Ul. Tien
1870. holders,, The first now wheat of tile sellsoll. was,
�SJDAY, AUGUST 81, INTolullip Gliveramel)b for 0001WItyr of. Iloilo Wo Ighlbitioll, tillolpil, ()et. %,jenj'Al,
.(11111AR FARL It. Ave issulug retnoval to Toronto. From forty to. sixty hundred weight of .0
therldiAg'anallow t1im, it is ovor� A OH4941r. DOYLE, Box A, Owen Ujn4. s,—The 0 sold gn the Mitchell market, on M
IstrIet A00.0 Groyd);U90 and Ifu -a outlay fr( Woo 11141ok; Hlirop, smit1j." 11111,
ron. tickets on tordayg, At sinolo farel fu"i Aft.'GEo. ZyTZLI;i, of the Toronto Olobs, lost., )jyh� is the daily averago landed At 0on" 6dw.
Prio0paid $1.00. per biwhel, 000
groutdeill buis been- said about the in i Ilia, round trip, for Go4priab;' London, was, ja town. On esday Ing He hag trails. J4ito.twoekti#ocArloa4ofsoutcl)cd
. flax fitim the mills At oredition urs,110h, Nylaghw) I, �;ept. 09.
111clIX, S�,,Jijot Rev., NY. Stialth, Baptist minister at Now
jbience. that brought to bear, Stratford and !I amedi toplaces, g9od till
been spending sk, few days *wIth his friends wore s
The Jess.e Wild Xyster�y Monday, 4tor in -Wroxeter, and came b ury wadjik W, Bryd91i's drug to Mroostoi, Masoilchusettia,bringlog
04 Woilnesda.y� morrkili�,, (vouh
Under the no; High' $4001 Act A the q Ipt me no, that was uoed,-b.y the Oro to write up. dropped 4 beart ipaetdo tile proprietoW hanflo the i6'itt MARR r6
w the recent 40volQpments -hx, the WiU case.
Impaoir wirENT, — A large a4d' disease., of
manner of Government, ill "endeavoring to eloct "jg,j9U3Q X ition"'.1.110 1 —011 July by -tile R
nge has bpen, 144de in the *X SAID'TO DR WANA -0 � 4*4A.-
�y 50 hDot, two atorlea high, is riow be- Mnadian Goolo, W, Davis, Air. Jullit's Qw-rio 6E T ri
4eokng. government aid, one fbatUre their andid I J)PRING IN TUIR XMDUAN 5 W A. r, a P.. Ireacheral 9xialulhatloh. Mr. B. Vannotik, of the S, T, Campbell, -A Moti6eal loather mor-, li )berry,
-Ate, which is a� I Slim no!) g inad a to the rear of ,T,, W,, Aoss's I
in. Of -vin AMnT,!
oil gloat Survey, writes to.thQ ciiZoe�t_that- t1AA-
of job is that ago 0 owing are v mo'ilfli'of August will be a
wh ji School sliAll re, sense, as every, w,9.1. Now that w _pb,,'wijt)x pthe� T
, , improvements, will &Us- h 'ia mea of III old, and that the aroi;ljr)k-
-The-, exeAtmenk-.Ahi_0h_ agao-la this it lose can 0. Property to defm.ud creditorsi
VF& _ihcb�i_lot' Cox is used it is A TOVY difit-- _i;e_ig`iiQWo6d ii6m ihe diouppears , when completed, one qf the, Most ro.orily 41dateswho'were guccesstpl, An obtalialug oei� 4,utumn will lie
OeiVe � certain _Am011An`f_f �FY_78WVeh 1101), of hotels in town. wagm, . It, is al1egged that be Inortg000d lkii 'real j'j.:is DIED
-own, tifloates at the recent oxamitu*,tiou of toa@10101 In a disisioti:ven —In Clintou, Olt aoly�uj8t, Margaket,
at. has been ixttanding tile. school and. cu% nlatter for A onvorted into wife of Ur. Jaku 4eys, i , a,tho 82
govOrhmeat. to ef. Jesse Wild had pretty roll quieted d for this county dared by Judge
Boy. d, of estate for $10,000, whiol
when reports begati to reach Olinton from ItAmFoRitigs.-The berry oiap (bia Year Toronto, on Friday, it was.lielkli thit the 141aglish exchange, having decided on, quit. her,age. kid yeor of.
#11VII48 ark intermediate examination. feet any resulb'in elections, The Gov-, SECOND QL081 . T1113.1) CLASS.
all the neighborhood of Kinburn, to the effect seems to be i very goo4 one, j udgilik by inoomes. of offlolaIq 6f -the Dominion ativ.' ting, the country stid4only,
f tbQ. trial papers being. king matt at Granted on 2a clang pap Goderich V
In gonsequence o a n' *oat were Charged with Oellilng a t bm lately been, noticed the large number th, iia�biought to towil. ernment, were exam VP 9
pt from ttixiktiolk, Niagara, Falls has. been Avoide4 �y toni, W., Want so A
P111 At' Sarah Clark. 11 of �Tr. croor
=rioz in the big Swamp which adjoins Eight cents A quart is the , general price, iota tills -soasOA__QW1Ug � to. -_Uw_�'extortioll_
une;itpeotedly hard, but very few Student no of "�ho� departmontia'at hfaggie G. clliyor"_ During the fiscal our ending Jakia,3011x
clerIc out of'o that. village. These reports became so. fre:- paf4 f.i than, " purchAsero are oboy at Itobort xoi4 Sarah, A. kowell. last, all Increase of �212,460. over tile pre- W41i A. oXiell 1, agell, 8 months,
re capable of pasaing_..4s. -Alkla was. si in: the. quent and apparently so wiill 6tinfirmo
-01;tawa, to Glongarr Y, to canva 4 this. paying that figuro, -ke.eporo. Thiki'should ba'a
year is paticed, in tile interual ' r. inen. And hotel'
vook, tbat'on Tuesday hkat,tho, piieikta of ouoilpoople to Make reasona 0OX. odorlolk towns Ill
the firaf intermediate exalninatiOn, it 0140h, was JU1464 $Pioor. venue returns for the This ble oil the Ist inst"
at OfAfr- the misstni yout4 determined, to go out to dughto,
intere J, of Nil, �Ilobt. Cooj�, g
was looked forward to with a good deal ted its sootl as mad o oha,yge of - a inor6aso, is almost wholly on �1�rto. charges in future whQu they hope to. re Q4 . .
contradi6 a but sup, Kinburn and leorn what they a uld of thd ssatilt, made by 'Peter Steep 9.11111- 13,yearg and 10 months.
William. fwwironce� Thomao S. Mokkaroy, publio,confidence and patronage.
0-ainst Goo. Cockralle,.was tried before. 1) - W -Walke James T, Parke.. v ath ul, �V.t T,'13,tl
'real facts. MV III addition to the prizes given b, DODDO.—011 the interest qnd tixiety, especially by. Wild ont alone on An Indian from Oku, Who rr! e4 in 6.V -
posing they liati, what anign, t.of bene, S. Fisher,'and the evidence- not tawn recently, says his tribe um goin to v the infant Roll Of JallICS'Dod(j$ ,,org
Mondq. last, and his inquiries almost led. at Wilsor.- ohn RQ
thd&e places which depended, in a great be�iij fo4n4 convict, Was dis. biri�on, Oentenuial Commissioners for barley Ox- days. d 11
fles'any one s him tOt4fi-firm. belief that -his soil was arbaia -Duncan, John XoBi ide, petition tho-Diiininion 0overatrileat to gLvo,
a' goveknment, support ppose be would, Wt full. unused with costs. `Xlgl�RD CLASS,- t ation in the Northwesk. hibited at the PhiIftdeIpIIiaAXboSiti6n,-tbe aupon Ill produced ? sdikreel� 4nylibing, ind wanderer in'the Kinburn swank.p. A hera 4. , resery Malotars, Committee have,,pf .01114011, oil tho 2n
whither the Are desirous of e!pV-riting,
4�4 ibe did, r� investigation who m PUALIq)ROLIDAY,—A numerously signed a numb T r.
they received, for existence, ado on, Tuesday, =IAI) bX;ASS rAPERS, -Prizes, among which.vill, be Ila- . 4011 of Tolln 4knnor, nly noC.hs much as. thi. In oGiI1iv'ray,,*th( at of years. -
corkid - -but v to; say thfit'thQ Teituisiti6fi M 'patch
papers- being .-a 4ye aro's6t result is having been presented to thii A B Catherinq Walker. one, of �945 for the best, Canada, W`4t -bav- lvfaLAGA��. —'In
xcessively severe' --bas-- Bs,and'; toretint4priding nof so, stisfact6iy, as the MR. asking that. Wednesday next, the. a t.
o Inva lo4d parents Sarah 0 Wirgins. Illir acres in extent,1 is fairly groaning lo.�, and $20for the boat Canad� East bar.
first believed. ', They called -up be a M n�aboth rowll� By. t
-'the A dAUghtor of 11 28t1l Pf Jul'
J o9 public holiday 0 oauseaconsiderable di;oussion illion had on al pro ne Me. wia riPe fruit. It is'estimated ilia unia, JOLIA )IcLagfk�,
for SO doing4 Catherine Oob,, e., ged 26 year
farmer named Marohy who had proviotis v claime -Business, there,, John M. Best., nearly a hundred.bu4hela of fruit Will go to
matter. 4 the Same as such. ay fternoon a rathei amusting. &can
sLatod tbate had meftbis young luau in fore, will �b.e generally suspended on that Sarah D. Dickson. Jits. W. Campbell. whate this year for want 9f,handa to gather 0 DoceaSQd.,%vU#,A pers6ki wjj 4,
Throughout the province there was. a 11118 !;AST11jjX TRQUBLIES. Aba,sw I AMP, and 1hat after. ""king a., f ow aElizabeth A.- Dy4sis;, Yobn Oanneily-, was witliepsed af Satnia, near thb 11 own in this
lenumber who
word� to him (Marob) he ha� - Rebeeca'J, R v
-ad jtt. Hugh Daiidson, shore. Some y6Und.n_)Qil_waroia batlking,� tondod-
total-of-1675 candidates ffir xaming- I disappear abi t -of Tat, art
ha, s7hipme
�_W_wablcl -'suggest AwAlle Ddirmice. - 4na, fliir6ci ilvil:chiplised vagrants attemptea evidence of th6 esteeili jil whul $110 was 11
0 �Olinto Uiodeptlis-of the swamp --Marsh ad- AX -ox IT.-, . �. 11 now, being carried orlytensively by'ohip- S4 W4'L",_ . old,'
lopector I e.propriety OLAt.vilbe aret Faiguseu.. H. Duncan to 0eal theii ifio� were inthe , feN� ille ths 'inoo
-only 204-succee4ed- 9, ntinl]Ak to
tioll, oull of-whiall Irr ' b(,tb bero, to this k�ry,`kla he.-had,-beenviesely Mar in - apparen i
ad on. -With varic a C, ari Forest persin -Montreal, The SS,, Dominion n
a, One= 11 11
removing or re the 'dilapidatqd Tfi6i- J. Dinning. water 0 The ba6ha laigo -and robut porg
assing, boin"g, a* fraction lags t iin one questioned, but for sondii�rea:doli seems un, pairtng Aiviled with 116 head bf cattle and, 20 horses,, I to rushed out a agave on,
p be 6ia there is. willing to a boards composin the si ewolk from, the I.s4b(Ala *. Gibson. marshM It, Elliot, cise and.pnly.roco.vered their ter consumptioij manifestilig itself lik.1jer.systo
In our sclio -there were is, Sides) bat it cAn. 0 aymuchonthesubject. Agil ando"n'Thursdav the Ss. golifia Ballad for.,
in'seveu. residencof, r. h t6t at.of Mr. Coknb6 Elizabeth Reward, Samuel A. Ferris, a harYstruggia, soon confined liar t6 liar home.. aagol Emma Hicks E .ol tingo in ilio �alktfive: �csifioin, named Abbey, who is oleyen was delta drba�A.oxestorohartoll
any I As they are in a an�gerouo state aild-might William Forest, G asgo,w with 82head,
candidates, -and ouf of flint number five then called upon. $lie is intelligent ElizabotliT, Hyslo Arab. Gracey, A tovel match took place at T91
. Greece ppers niqro.inAned to-tme. ill) t 'possibly cause, a serious accident, P4 � % For Ilia month, of June, I -but", , out avil,
Assina, which: is tuoro d apparently trutlif ill, - She 'gtated tha BaflSafa Houston Robert A. Hagan. -`., ! he amount of 'Friday, on the Two In. but were borkie with Ofirlotian
succeeded in p o , -money paid out by the Grand Truink'rail- all
but -W-140 -she bad. -frequently niat this young man -nvxx nooli. Xall Jr. Hamlirl; "ay to at Stratford,- a n uw Wum tile Irvine. will emoloyees' diah�,,Bkbr ile and Litt1d.11aWk war
P',—Ork Sunday fore
than one hundred per cont. in dvalico Goo, W.,Jackman'.._ ad agaivat I
aii;wIll, -talce it is a whirlwind poissqd ove bree trotters, Silas Rich, to die Was gain."
watOrbig the horses Ili the Addle Jenkins.
of the province ratio. Ili G ase Or Shape tile, W Ii-tho border of the'swamp; that r. "the - south- Alarlara Jelij. Johli Jam $19,241., During the month the7cirkhpi"
loderich there morning 0 wastern pottion of this town, J ohA -A. And, Dolly Wiifte, tho Indians MoKzn't I`-
bUt fortuna wore closeafer it week, ad'had they been Tuok*orsmlb,'on, July T. Jones. Goo, L. Johnston.,
ope me een illoreas
th fill a U 1 g call gal sh 9 Alice Kilicaid. Michael D.,Loug. were 21 candidates andonly three- wore 3 to Say,. _. !�Othfta` - has b o: had- talk with . him repeatedly ;' that tely without doing any Jujury. R0411hill Maggie n the a � Uni would have"b were tp� run three, allies, cliah.ging every Thomas 00 years.
it is or i ell, it Plek"" UP X496; E. K6rnlgham_:Riohard Lees.� 'd by over �2,000. Mile, and the horses were'to trot aft :an ol( 1 1 . !eside ad by. it -io fai�i iiii(I th-o 1 seemed nielameholy and fearful of dirj.'.j a " I half
uol.orler- : , , , . lot s, near nd . i4ug The deceased, was
successful in passifig, thus showing its that he first gave ills Imme as a eli )a -of, oats, -and a boy. who was - ree- vas sa mischiinging every mile. Tile 7r
Logan, - Mol3ert Millir. The Winnipeg P). Y - 8 an ivon by over a mile, London road and hkyhl� respeoted; Ila ll�
brou-Iii to an and e
the biltti_r. SinlHill, from near Bruceflold,".but Is Margaret A
fely, his has admitted that lie wan;1 I jeik07
ratio to be only equal to tlw- wliole� 'abtlle�qidqofit, carrying,the �,oy*s few Sarah'J. Liviiiiston. "..Poter.'MoKintion. Qntaiib gentIbmil, now. in'thut city, put, Early on Friday from'th a,,,
been huMilng: aome-ninki �ean
Y. idgldnd seat ering CA every, di- Baibahoba Land w6ek,' the fiffice disease. -'
Whether this severity will be. lirroducti 7 esboroi, Oilbort A. PowelL chased,a year ago.the Queen's A�tel; din t qse of,.tbe kiflneyf)
8ho-gaid she had askea him how
Main-Areet for $2,50.0, and now receives A clanged hi death, but lie wasable. to,
The General lie live'din thq awamp, and that lie replied, ti a A., lvloffatk Thom k Rogers.
It eb6cca Lovett. John Powell. he Mitchell Advocatii was barglarlouBlyr which
of good or- otherwise is vot. to be tound XA Id .6ptered-1hrough'a broken windoO be abbIit 0A
CH)KA11. E oditsiox4,;L-Porsons Idosirous Lizj4 rental th6refrom of %joo 'i pi�ettv n,, -t ilinost the'dAY of Ilia death.
oil - wild flesh and barrios. 'On. being le,A. McGee. o No pane i6i thnk of Zet
To person.would ei
out, but it will most certainly either' Bitioned a -6 -matchbehY(le,111 Akliiio-J; McGregor, ting money from th a drawera of an (�aitors
he deprosiioyi"Jil business is, general the closely T!o lio'stuok t the main of witneising the base ball Smith, return from a small investment ill
d Tecum,. t
season details of er wonderf 61. story, but partlz' tile Maple'lGeafs, of Guelph,,'an -'sanctum, but by t1i'd appellrn6o-,bf ilia FQ� DASE DALL; CItOQ1M-T, XXD,CftICICr1j1
compel greater efrorts to prepare'sta- la May 0. O'Reilly. abort Stothbr a ci
OL q0muldicial prosporltyt but; it. is soie]Vbe-- -fro I in- some- ApI
)aroht, contradictions sells, bf Londoili-at the -latter pl -JAU6-S--Patt6rRon, Zaino SCAL Goods.. also Fazilly a6ads of o�ary j.,judi try
dents for tliese intermediate- 0'xambia- cause -tile GoveTutuent-ifr-Ung�giid-lii-.r-o-o-on-.- and A cold --blooded murder v�as �omnklUted oanctum of the Ad' � a�tp office oil Saturday.
rordea, an',opportlifilty of so dnniaRobinson. too
pardy* from a degree of confusion inAier 9th, will �be af James Tisdale. about four miles, South of Brantford, on So-: morning, there are p I arlties fool
trucititig ail re�,tori IsIrenoif0i to J. A.:,'Yuil -' Book Store;.
d b3gyLt8t pablic'norks de.
manner, Mr. -and Mrs. Wild became strong- koffer excursion '-Taines E. Whitely. turday night or Sunday morning., AnJn- try*� TI turned 6ver'aiid ransack -
tions, so -las-toobtain further govern- r d 'as the Gyand Tviiii Elizabath Ross. stroydd six yektii'agii by the- Gqrman�i ol�g
ikts there and back, 'at $1... An'excur- Naq H. Robinson, David W*g;lnsi Just received a fresh and largo.'vai-iet4
he school it-otherwiad, that,coqutry Would form no c- ly suspicious of her veracity, although on than Woutaft n as, was bt.,1intgAiw-er`B 1 6V
0 - 110ohg, Tila, Mont aid for the sustenance of t n the flame Ida V� Stratiliel., Robert 4me..Be0sey Thom, ad,, u valuable was found. cheap. - New iozilIvs. and iiser
cep 11 being shown vi. photograph' of Wild she ex, sion, will be jiven to 'r6ronto, o White, nx; PI;.1 a 0 V U
tim! to. tile gen6ril nile. Aa it is, I a shot tllroug�h,tlie cheiak� the ball passipg received daily. , imuljL
number mmiirants - arrived. t t1lopeNilptok-0,
of 1
-y'*Iow ratio of $1,50 for -the 'raalbw�oia the part, of -it the depot at Toronto during the manth 'of NEI- 1)64� To. Iti CA LA I N PE I t', C 0, S.
or the -local aut-boritiejs will bavo.tO PTQ- numbers of the. Working classes tire employe -1, .1girned 11thatis him, -that's him Tuesday day,,at the voi Sarah 0.. Trqyei,- ahn Youki into-thabrin. The
Clarm Vbspbr. Thos.
-and the wages A expind, mornil9l., d lible journey, an, F. Yong., L
'a funds for their support, if iey receive and keep Blk6rtly after sunrise the girl watit 0. Emma Volln ,:Woman 'named Gieeii. is suppos 2
vide mor od to be -July was :—Of British, people, 135 Englislili 0011ner.of Al ort"an Hili, Strooi4.
)Tkoliey in ac6o'cleculittion. , Russia, Austria,. to the place whe'ro she says - she' met him Hipas. gTo the cause 6f the -murder., No griests'hav b on
their efficient existence is- contintied. Itali'and.Geri�iny',ai-o'sulleiingtorribi,�.— while Ur.* and Mrs. -Wild stationid them.; I.Lex', �Okk Saturday nigh b last There were ovior'140 Srcl Qlasi.Caudidates 95 Irish, 40 Scotch,, total 270.: These: re�'
some one entered ihe stable of fqr� 0. Ma:' the* first day of fille ekami n arid 38 2nd,� beenm*ade, yei.
As distance utchbr'Bojt W-EM'Add-
The Vast Krupp Iron Works 04., whiah have ielves i�t son )ff. Slk� 'came' tk�tid ad chiefly in this Province., � Thoro B
T-hrougliont th province there were 50 qn, (in Huron RoadjUst east of this town, Class Candidate o, Not"06 like the' weroalso.146 Moritionites 751 Icelanders
capital to tide t4em over any ordinary trade 1 " , _ , I
re' Ace, have been compall�d.'ta -dis back Aonl time aftbr and -aaia. she:'had quite common, and we, are ploased.-to who, afj -reporte .2 � tile Waintoba'.. VE LXPZT, n
chargo' iind iffer selleotiiag tlie'beSt horse, therein, - -', The--followiligi--re.saigtion 'was Passed by the
Board i—Resolmed, T at thd%rispootor be. re�- mini9t re'awgkomilig-to a'setise, 5QO Mennonlies.arrived t1ris -week-wid
schools that did not possess one success ver' I1AVIXGS01
again met him, that be was crying and that
y r in see that
andidate. By this acmiparlsou'it t,ri,o,- V "a removing a number qqested to grane no further p
21earl all thei workman, andclose.the fao. ads � off iiith if i�akinj his, �xit 16ron era ful c, veral fields arnuts. ; ID TZI�tSLE Thho- 4iiva 'on in England is -ell ho,had gone ack to the, wdods. The place se of holibi: —Aev. John A. Williams, of.St. they will be followed,as closely ascon,vem,. Clinton, Aug. 2' , lirl fi.,
know, 9t whore blie says she saw him- Wai behind. a
'will be seen that the Clintap High lltobe�xilem y"Aiscliuragin the fences-- to avoid .:his -passind tbe.;h6uae.
pron Ilejiping,Natchd'. aeolined-tie'reall. notices from the ent, by over 400 Icelandek - s,. w1io-will be
United States bom' reial.matter§ re at, larke trde turned ip.-'by the. roots. - This Telegranis were serit iround� but up t6 the pulpit�: which he. says should.riot� be lusea sent affbr their'dounfritnien T6 the X
otth-. Bchci
irworst;4ki. orie imal which was a supekoi
School holds a llrominent pf�sition as an thd
so than -io Canzlollt� blade -ii 96'situated that the girlwds out �Of
,present, tile -an a -an advertising i6Aititnt. Advertising w4i. -
institutioq of learning, and that fts anyone -wo.-Vi - S - that opuntry will readi,30 sight for it'very short,timei �but it Was 81- The annual 'Reaping Matolit, u.ilder. thil
.hgi not..bcon.roc.overed.- .... 1. 1 shbuld�be'codfiiied to'the, �our'uais, pi;iiiiaa auspi6es-gif'ille''Hur-0 F ` 1 %jrd ... I . .04 Tuesday,, 111'r.-'Jobn Musgo
a( knit. 11rd
11rd ' e"beeik. informed by persons most..Im�oisible f6r any oniia,to pass froaa: n armpra,audMe h van
liap.(as she k4yo he aid) with- for TION No. 10,:E, stfarmer a-wIIO it, 6. 1 -the farm of X4 age., teachers have earned for tilemseiv, these t to. the swi � knday lsk the: Association. was d on that P4q, JWdil39 8006riii orTbigd ..4oinf -to eliquire into vi�!&. in North . Ell
reputation for i ing instr'uicdon-seco�q� ved by D r. and tile sth of 44 -not. L Appii ally 6ii by letter to'
illag6bf Exeteron
PS they have-the,opliori, out being Ader barn of Mr, Jasi. CoIrriell, o,4,the.11th Con. Pickara adjoUng the:%, tW. Some Uftknown person Persons have St'rtford, canie rizVlom c anc
giv Mrs. Wild.
_t��sinc�ds tnerd ils " de4d,P The t;ouble' Goderich township,. was destroyed y fire., .26 ult. weather being, favorable there AT YTjl
This circumstafice tends to show'that, the tuadi). themselves busy ht what most if tar stabling his horav-, and I t Ilia 6TH1)7,tRT
- . , . I I LQJ; I'lay, to none in the province.' When the new there is Ik:c6ntained about" fiftee'ni tong alltchaakicep und Skeen.compoti- brutailw6rl, During flielastiton iaytwo room out his t,hroat witharaz= Ila then
w Q 0, "11n_V.enW_n1h � h,what
o-.girlran have to inW-Trie-We -0 W ea. emrs--haa-el-had -their tails cut off Ili 'i Be; whore Ills father
a it is in Englapd. * The. f b six coin
scliool house is finished, whic Ike a for t _Ti billed and eight W.1iient to Mi4horroo,
is being Precisely ti�n 00" ng
colIvulsions in both countries ill Ike labdr dIs- motiie tbd �2 . war k was we
a S h 1- 11. done, altliough Re
ra idly ptishe falsehoods (if. such they ar to* dis, fanning inill, nnflothorJArm, iniplemoutB' bo�li the round and, tha. grain, wag ot. th.6- Br6okd� -opelung aig
p d -forward, the. Clint is liar( of_ _T _noik� 1#11C ontlibba6k.' The
,heir qw old Man,
On tricts Iiavallie�w s&ioug,,but not as inueh io communicated With L f, ljjl�
cover. 'It is likely that, further inv0stig? to Some'standing Wheat, most fvkable for this re ac tile Mr. Paul Kingston, *,lie resides oir'tha- �was horrified -'on seeing his s'an a 171
N High School will li�)lkl but great i�duce_ as their will be; mnieso- the t�de takes oatly a, suit. Al , b* Who was THITOW2
ehang;, Therg igh vr6spept in Grat Bxitain tio'u will be made in order. to slmW P . which together with a few lengths of h. rail' manufact 12th line, and Mr. Donald keDonald, ..f d gashan his, neok.'L A neicylib ic-dl)(3110d 14 the �laio of the snininei holiallys.en
urera are manifesting a laudable and
rior d L. Th� Ilia is%sup: lionefloilil competition improvd- )jgllbOrLtO Kingsion, - 'This makes tileie thrust a handful. f feohtbar�: into 4m W041109d&T, the. 16th (if Aboust, ��hen- ftlisrfed (bat
ments to all seekin a snp-, ad ao" repetition bf the terrible days of 1.032 and' gively whether the story is or is not. j f,. feiIcc; were burill ne
josed to'%hAv�.originat,cid tk6m: a porll'O s jaludble 'ones we: c noticed four cows that IIaVoL boon'servai'a cui'and'Pa4ially stanolifid tlig flow.' MI who Posilbly dau.will rrc�bnt tbb9lEqIYLS uthaffty
1833, w)icn:to the I cal , distress. wtre added bricatiou. . .; , - a , ., ... .. , of blood,.::
0 -ing aboi r
favages of . I io, T46 Tompson -a Williams With stilfiilive, but in a precarious
tion,. 0 A thc�pretniies. Lo's 000; on the ground., in a year, in that-lidighborIkood. Musgov4n special opportunities will -be ogcftq pro-
tbe I cholera. Thosowho'ro-
-0 0 paring for certfficates.-
manufacturing company had. a, 2)oNv: kind of condition.
-will recollect the uprising fli'ClOicitool Ekanihiationg. Recerit despatches from -the Xdrth-'wdsb Clinton, 4U4� 1876.
f that. *ore fre4tiont—inaced, machine on the grbIlud'which N�ms'totd jnL a MeLachIfn;oP$t
DEVRECUTIONL02' ";jjjVER. and distufbakkA 'L 'of Wall* OnErsu.—In consequence of the bxces- match for the,first time in that d' -that.tlio American :Sioui - 7,9.r.� Archibald I
ftom, thatime of ilia fall'of the.Dake ay. say -tribes ka�e Thomas,
ingtork Xdhiiiiistration. in� 1830, Until 1831. The following is a list of the PuP114 hotweAther L 'the make. of - obe656,: In .1� hao a. go6il record in sent deputations to the Caad ian Sioux.And appointLd Registrar -of tile Counti �.Hous'
'PaSaL 'ation 0* Let -
The depreciation of, silver, in conse- ad. the entrance exaniin 0 the sorhe cdossi'during the last month or two-, recei Bluokfeat Indians of the N6rth,%west-.s6ck-- of Elgin, in the ro6m. of fho.Ut6 Xr; UiiI
Even in Indix there never was suoh'it Alma yedi higW '64comio otators rV . im coizo . D
qw-noe of its* iapid production, is calls& of affairs mat present. The immediate in.,, High School, in JUTIO' 10st, with th(i num-, has not been as good as usual, -and , it. is at thia Match. 'The following aro'the prizes ing an, ofrensfv'o' and defensive alliance McKayj who. died- so suddenly While ouL -F gtTITDIX(,
i a to tile, IOUS,TTTjjr .I, jiy., rr, D, Porbep,,
AIACIIINES.�-lSt, will be rontedoil, icaflonable trmLl.. hoope eantaj,,,
tare is, not a happy'okio; go far as we can Be bar of marks obta u d by. each. feaiecl that a conside'rable quantitj will Collwa Johnson lfar- again��tth white rftce�gen 'his Ifitirfiey tUntle Mr, A. 'on Huron Street, ing a great commotion in financial air- a (�rally,-and when eta lin Iad beem edito'
into it, nd that View isborne out by corres. uAllics., NAMES". xAnKt. haie. to be sold -at a.inuch reduced price. xoster,. Thompsoh it '2nd, that offer Was rejected by tlicloyal Indians M . ch I r and proprietor 14 Tobias, awl idweu a(bij)toa. for
6 firot-el"i; be araing
-ff anTa-hiin 06ro. ...... 032 William a a OL 3ra, Standard, Noxon ;4th T. & of the North-West, aproposition was rnade ..of the Iliorna-,1116me 7ougual for many spnlo4f.the Mile let seprlitL,17, if
Cles in d&.rent parts of'the woAd-aild -p-diT(reiits from all the world.. ana- . The� h as market' even for g od qualities tdows
Henry Straps- ....... 831 AMID, OT do in.
do seems to'bo as well off ag'any of the coun. y L. Crawford & Co. 39d is a mail of -ability. and -6 w� a the Sailthern. tribes in theif.'wat ars IT, ITALY.",
well it may, as those- countries -wilich Fmma Itudd .......... 824 1 r 265 is mu ell "depressed and prices are libl' 11 to joitk' --'the Uffitod Tills Was Also Na
tries on the - face of the globe, . Vbathor we collie .... 320 Maggie *.". *.'.'.257 SIXG 61: AfAdnxxrm"lat, llarrk- against all Qtor anc Ifai for Agent Dill. Strilthy.
paying -figure, Tliapros&ctsfor'factories C! fhirty-'years taken
1.1.j54 I. re Ili the politics of possess the most, either as a circulating ihall fiee a glicealar return ta better times f1jaki ThonmlY ShIlUngI&W .... 315 Josephine Fair ...... o 2nd, Dleadow� Lark, Elliott.; 3rd, Job"- rejeefed A)y the Cand in is., sha his
AV T. Magooclo ........... 253 re rather dieary, and holders of stocks -on hLiberal
ilia others,' or.mot, is a- question not capable 'Will,,, .... 814 son S. Reaper; . Thompson. & Williaib 4th, No� battor
......... A4 will side. medium, or old by dealers imthe metal, of any satisfactory. mov ......... am Holmes ........ 249 will baver to submit, *to a decline if they W 'hui a este L. 1). Sry
hilo.somo young men were out�j owxnfg
dsmopatration., Phucan Campbell ... 291 Lerane Moore ... ... �,.240 j, just SL rteirin.,-for wish. to realize. appointme�'. could'havo-beenjUd'de, 11�
will be the most- -seriously effected and only hops for'the best. The Subject is not an Jand 0. bi-tho bA Guth of tile- town -line, It Ilia ion,.0anadian
........ 278 HsttleSmith�i ......... 234. mondtor.11shi -from 'fifteen to, 010�hlkqmx
Most..! -.Question. r'on
S at con ......... 272 TI atoris. Pollock ........ W about a foot and on.; Tucki,
I so i he In India it is ir ......... 278 Minnie Oliver .......... 0.32 IrIP)IA!, T 0 Iweilby feet in length, and,i an, nd. lione t:fnember.j 6floo 1 F jug
friviting one, but as I "misery 16vbo conipally, oining, nely , The r te6 piovn0lot
believed RGAN:IST.—LaSt weak our I
:there is game relief in beln�; able -to jipill A1108 0 toWnW.WL&voTeA with- tile presence of Qua
'$400,000,000 worth of that others. Are m6st of )a Peter Ate ..272 -Carrie' V ifkbcr ......... ticross tll�jlm the- otcarria-es-atr-
.there are soMe, nuen - . ... �akld So 0 ,
Ybiihe ��r 0 itpheli 18.06, to frame b6139 and
in i'm About 60
.271 Llvay d maderat the boat. Tile eme 1.0jil-paper giVeS U. 1 1( ood t;nrl]3&
a kiodb dcal ii6esir- tbenall -1 in 0: VAI . Hawkins brg�n4rikiaarq . li Ali A
liver -in eii, l la',tion, and id Germa The names of those wl�a p ' a ose a k1v I y principle has alwi tile r ., car- edo reinaltiOr goott Ilarilwood bljob. All well
8 follo�wing this means in this country of in Stit,Progrego b lys boah boat was pitratte following paragraphi which :on onstate ir� lie *lie ieIII- ing it living. -He Was, accompanied by the watchword of Reform. The adwically of to flib.shor6 J)y tile fish
there is said to be $ bra)AMOL F1TinU78_' taKniediate Examination are -,Robert Y., wl;oll shot gans were. procured and the, Canall. consider i4ll. a I r 60 1041 st`lffin 0111110 100,000,000 thrown riage-building,frie,
a protection 13iy Reforrodra--an-MeReform press nds shokild
houlso William 0. Hinik%.Rector Bale little girb certainlyiot triore than six years 18, to my mind, a retrograde m6V niont. It mong,ter lived at but without effect.. It. _tbo, varlops-sectitins—if; well ro. Iout of circulation and offered for sale, old, who seemed to be red that, she,. e
William 11. aok6oli and -Auna Bond. so ti tied until dark. ;1%1r. R. CoRina'and, presented, that is, in point. of ifornbers of 0 is not in accordance with a liberal, Policy, Ile. -could scarcely carry. herself �alqng. Some ing selfish in its demands, and detifillontal to Others w n a time, a'nd,' Vol!
in consequence of it being, in some The nglite in tile World. era o' the shore at t1i dclos'pr�sentcd. , ,To sjjeak. candidly, 7
bne'sb6uld put it stop tcv small cruelty, a eour, Cauadian-frioiids are,' in ill
measure, demonetized. Base Ball tho progress of thb commonwealth in its of. saw the fiAi-4Vhitby Chroi ide. ny In the United it was inde64,-cruel. to compel the little one facsDivinity, -Which shapes (Air ends, at least, one docado, behind, and in. other
to-a'sBist him as she did.. What narlioly escaped being a fatal no. points .it least P.- score late, , It seems to be
StatEs great efforts are -being made, by T roughahow them its we will, has established a identoccurred n the Grand Tr6nl,, afew
Ali incide tAidpliencil in Machinery
Hall, says Philadelphia. paper, Which he foll6wing -is tfie score of �a match 136LD Tic . EFT.— . A few dlty6'sinc , a while a hc)rpdalo,. on Tuagday, after..
advancemp b Of Aub of this place, resulting in -a vict farmer. and his f ami y, iving in 16W. A few manufac. down With iron-wor. ..One half the iron. CUSTQM8.'DEP.A.P "T
make silvgr a legal tender to any amoun , hibAAL 'I I GOatirich �'auffering for their egotl - "on, or, individual noon.- It seems that d farmer waa� driving ag as
weil worthy of recording, as t it CK' Young Actives of Godeiieh an4 the junior w'thont the country, n% Ali their vebicl
parties interested, to got a.bill passed to is ploject"here on Friday last, between the law tbdt canhot,be alterid.or transgressed ail inherent feature wiffi all4unidian, c miles from T
cry townsh;p,,nearGoderIch, were out harvest- turers for a short time would reap the hsalu. -near a 6roising as.a train came alon" Ili parly applied would, allowor which word enable debt6rs -to pa'y their American geniiis ii'in for Goderich by. one run; the-zagh bein Iwork pro
I . * some one, -supposed -to be tramp, on., brios benefits to be derived from a.protective the wagon was a allowing Machino, The 'afeat things. While a laige, throng of : very close- and. idtoresting. '-. purposes. OTTAw.k. July 1&, liabilities( off at a large aise6unt. 0 tered and ransacked. tile premisii, and RE. policy, but neither they, nor the industry whistle was soutided,'blub no attentioru.wan
isitors from all. countries were stand-, GOVE111=1 CLISTO',. tar securing $40, departed, leaving no trace UTHOUTZIOD D �COUXT OX AmiantaAm-ae
rotacted would deriv6 AIIY lagbing9dyantage. 0_4ilnoy.
a 'should v P Palo, to It is important that Canad NAMES, nVXA. NAMES. MINN. -A voters uglirt
—This -shoidd -ba-z waniog; par.., the. do., gon. le Innn was thrown out alJ4 raceiv- oftizong. -At tnapy hoklap
0 en npp lea 10 S f6o cloth-
refuse to take Atfid-f�an engn 'A. k 2 'tid�i, arly, to those in the co�Lnj atum or mono
except at .......... _
ve 11=04- wore -T-uz- y le, Watching its gigallitie movements --volume after.a heavy kncke
'Y9 AhOff;Dle%lq�:71 � I ".. as u'rivar itioiiasds in I I
-a-meta" a 1 '11' " — iiii-I= 1AII iies Wftli_66t ibin I ninji red in
p� B.Meliougall ........ W. Sbiw ........ -.2 6911?01 'DIV g some t the wittle guard, ing,'etc., tire made, Ili one day by -men,
.X, NotAn ... ............. 2 A. Diehl ............... _4 0"
dhlfi no fall of rain, No mistak would be greater, no but w and tilachiria was Smashed it) woman, 4nfl'ohil(Iren. These beggrs hil�e VOTEP-S all o in chikrAe, as famps0' are abroad, a
not keep much of it in circulation, Y,Of gentlemittily-loo in G. Salts ............. 2 R. Dinsley ............... a who are not particularly adrupulclus about fallacy more gross, tha. that protection would pieces Iong hn'd. lat . !fill
afterwards , gavo� is. W. Iloilo .......... F.Turnor.. better storles, g4uertilly backed .,�ICIPALITY Or TIIZ
a the cure a ving., _4i�j�attiig Whieli rficlaimed ri lin
salossmay be sustained by, its do ohn e, Who means. -they take to sib' 1' condificia of the ;voiking man or
* ...... -the line, . The VFench. (Catholic), VO
Crease !a value through 'rapid prod Ili be,, written by clergymen or chritably 'ji 10% C of
name aii address as Levi Taylor, of mechanic. Look atthe other side bf pit�era oi Tom, of H
UC_ Indian 614,1o*, joined t1w6r6wd nT bICCAMPED.-LA laboring man, named where they are protected almost to death, and report n.number 60 Miraculous cures; al' d rl OTIVY
Totil, 17 1 believe they have more idle workmall than to 11 disposed Indies; � le nuill r, Iq 111111r�BY TAT T113 LIST
tion. The means that are now used to' with t1i" IzvAtd, who has resided in town for some Ave taken In
wohave in proportion to their: numbera, rind one "instance 'a, woman,. go badly Affected reat disfr�6 �throughout the city is not
Utnplra"R -Horion Scorers—fdr. Clin-�. Lima -psst- took f0hatty- and
�2ine, crush and smelt the, ore are not quent-homaga to -the, wolidt-oug ulollAtbr any totalforary relief they'got from tile flue. large. Genuine hardship Is be sionall Mont roll o thrif
Ith rhantuAtisin as to have completely lost laill fullul"11,11ify fro 1;1, futitIc"I 11) vatli,
Jackson ;' Goc wx y
ton, Thosi lerich, W. 6 some unlinewn locality a few tuatiorr gilven - to trade hY their protective .-the Useof berego aria to, ])a uta met in the ease of a man who Iiii-4 no *orlr
befe�ra, him. ' After - watching the tho-, lathe said ratInTelpitlity lit Oceflomi Lirinonjarg pithe
as crude as they fomerlywere,010refore . Rr Slame odays-sinc6. '� Previous to, his departuft he policy,, has recoiled on them, and their I) dt BL16 6eii
tions for few momentg, the gentleman' The following is the score of a. lll�tch llunlfitotktionally�)l forgot to pay several state Ig,worad-thark -their fi ' last crutches, after having attefided divine sbr- and asks'f0i sOm0th. 9 LIS ct of 1$7u%v.iS laye h on'Friday lastj between tha rat, thisisrarp. Cliatol, onthe n1v (trice, at
there is not as large an exponaiture' of Same of our. 'Vice ieturneA.hatriq iarl'tintly eured, lony. 1 111,74, passed arbuild 'to one side, and extract- one f Which amounted to over manufacturari; demand proteatibn on their lil� oWr t ro for, 'lle WE ings, of this towli, and Ifide- Itter Lhows �
labor to produ in Ing from hij ljoalteb I% S "tar" "Ili' amounting in the aggregate to lant industry, their capital being too. Amall,to Ing the crutches behind her. . ainitib taid lifit'.411d It Orly iven amount as $101), nd' ex, -to work, Many ofthis I ct 111,011 to,.V
.9 tin-casej ar other errors are
pondo Gbilerich,- resulting, in a vio. obo re women, who would Analler, fall found therein, tu talm to have
consequettli it is not wo th took from A what looked like a diminu tile 'It o 'ill, traordinaryckiia hag manifesteditai .
014 times, r torjr f I We gro, surprise(! that busi-� elimpeto with the largo factories in the be, . elf A cl, Y. Stockings by 10 runs -, fiess men Allow such*porgolis who Are only boring Republic, Ton, 171, or 20 per dont, young girl, crippled for seven years..past* falsehoods for money, open it in isaid ott(,rn eorreetoll lw,
as much. It is not 'improbable that -tiv.dalc6hol-laffilil and$ Atr;ikltiga�m�tq , nd' 'slid leave their families to. take n6r- F Dat4i. this Avst dAY of AWIM4. A;D. 1870.
CLINTON. IT. A. started, i njiniotare flame, nd placed Ntmts, ArM. NAMF41 ItuNg. oarningdaily wago0j. toron UP thoactiounto will oat make a, fortune for thepi in two or having left the church 4ompl�toly soil themselves, than Make an hatiest, cUort I
Horton I Week .......... �1
0orner oof the plat- ............... I cash system in this rospectj tN Says a telegr what is now taking placel as� o silver, tt i oontrivatwo on a they -do, and tile goonei they adopt the three years, do they w4nt to he Iijotebted. -
, And Ate to walk. or
D. Mobley, better will they want to'got the market to tbamielveo subsistence. The public woulcl bo soinem
will be followed by similar effects upbn f0jol Whjo� _dm from Quebec. whut astunished, if it know Now many
,11, surmiladg, the nii team A. ....... 6 it be for all concerned, without that oompatitioli which regulates all Walli oic-X-R for Pidvancher. is becoxhirig
L, Irorton,.,. 4 PrlebArd.. I honest commercial enterprise. The medhanio children in that: City are brought ill) 'to' ry %br
gold, which is rapidly acclumulating, in giant1ronlIthoAalsial-il, At Rillrialytg1landO T. l3&ckrIbr,.:: 8 ArmAirdtig ....... 1.2 still. wore ho�el&d� insane, contrary to t1i"Z be.,, If those Who are troubled7with til
............ a Rouciman .............. 0 SINGtILAR DRATH.—On Tuesday last the who has inle-ded, seven years of big early, hopes �cf his friends,, Hiamentaltioultiei.
differeni commercial Contras of the world, could Ila discerned over this Thox. Doherty,:. ihg;skiIIed*lkk art oetra& custoriiets will take the trodble, to LITTLE BiAN'T'Tul'" I E�,,
In Moorebouso...- daughter of Mr. Robt. Cook, Goderldh manhood in bac�mi
la�mp` litif; it. small excrostence, ullich Us. Hoson— 2 Garsite — ....... 1) 1 might as justlyAk the goveram have become ifi no -way Improved since his AI] IPARATURP
In three or four banks of Europe there W. 9 ................. 0 toviiisbip, about thirteen years of agel diid ant taimpose they 'will find that. ticArly all of th6n.aro
looked more liko a very juvenile hitm- 4 tar. on every emigrant atrIving In this couti. admissio'h to tile Beau port, Lii natid Asy�llrn-
are already stored some .575' aftei h-brldf; illnem of three or foiar days.' so the ji'torloa gre finw, and small in fact, tile religious Matlig, with which professional beggars, who fitid this. disre. - Vol Ilip. 4t nind
01000)0001 ToUlt 97 T j; 1 8 trK, becan a ppbablo mode of getting u living otgullitite
bale .4 emanufacture . tile wto Vloome 3�ens ve�fj easy, wholl compared- with TotrreAlterntalnuirl, t8uoparatatj nod during afat tinnu we are
SchoPoltll Scorer for Clin- some insect, or poisoned by some herbs op capital), U.ntit 0 got a,bigher rate so excited t6t, It has been doomed advis, gleato any thatithas; Alot with r01nj:trkaj'Io suceesS and
It hwais that she, was either stung by let(, he is Was e a t
which so far as actual worth �tir use ill. inspeation 6 , a . b w at Was mis- in Tat employment, twhiell is Ill 6flitated caused him at tilne
'ton the fook' while -fahtithgaround barafefit'Otl &0, and-prevcht that necessary, supply to most able not to allow him to be present in tb6 wherever it Itaq bron
of wages, 'honest ex6vtleb, A point-blank reiikia
concerned, might be represented by so taken for liliplitian, -wings wim, the fly- Inuinj 'a 0-teept in cadba Where real diptrem. is a ig —t 2 3 4.5 6 7 8 0. TburodZy litst, but as'ft occasioned only' vi- Introdnooti. many gilt pebbles. The quostio whectola petfoot steam engine, And- the dol"nds of honest, fraej abd untrammelled cfia�el tin Sundays during the"celebration, virwo in the Domi6ion, and lit
Clinton - 3 00 5 5 0 10 3—`27, slight pain, no notice wag taken of It t1hati. manufacturing. Will-atiyof ourextreme pro. ' 4ailb, is the only way tot'lirevent A ilabger� the balkli of ell dill6ec-4,
n Will porsOn's wftlj'��xfra good eyes cotla, aft"r. Godericil, -0 1 0 13-0 0.0 3— 8, of mass. Nb, hope is n0w,ontortaluef! of of the farming romllitinity, frieladfliff howe of the least
soon be proposed what good purpose will A day or five oftor� howevir# it began to toctionist's grant ail this, or will they, pay to his Uhl' 1 06 ieeov or. Owl dlass,bf maqdidanfs front. grmviny tip. we are not.
bit In tile it close txamina�ion, digeover $6 e ' of I the Mvell knaoinflarne. Medical. aid was b'b� the� Canadian'ona per cebt. more pay I u 'initle in4tance In %Yhi,,b t1t6lugelliall hd# )all
be fulfilied by the acciltrullati6h 00tur, othq� parts of the curious of t will be rath, given unqualliloti. satisfaction to the the
Piece Tim BAND a6ir came off tainea gild t4o swelling lanced, but it bad, they will to the fore , ior V Say, forsooth, it . I Or a ttaggLvOr to 11104114ts On'Saturday� evening, ton matt, who had thousatidsof ugfrom all
more I The paper of the Bank of - ttiga, nle�WLsw. This engine has - f6r its then obtained too Much holdvilpon tho I get, without injaring and to ChriAtian peoplaeno"AlIA to learn boon Working in a stotto ilarry ab Hani, parts of tho dou%q Will testj!y. . prom the time we
on Friday afternoon latt. TOL Merely Say all of figman olitt Chinaman cotil of Me Little Glaut, w6l%�Irft
lat;id was taken with as much a9suraAce f041344#01i 0, 25-0011t gold P1006i Rud It was a -success, is a MIR Way of putting hYstem, was beyond the es, their ttada, he would be. -the man r lie hic that 4 regular prize fight with all the 61d, 11johAv X, My approA01164 the house (if
fl�, tali as many of its parta �ra so tiiiy_ � th,04 _P00(irr-Ancl th"Oftir� tl� d to ofteA& 404 14 L69101atloa of tUs kind is time adjunotgo took place in the city ot.To. Wnto011 Mallatt, oil, the back road four 0 thA Rd selfish find d6raorali7 SL�t noeo"ar N5 with tile 01116 Ana boubla to
f its certainty of redemption. wich� - it osulted in the under 'Ing ill Its offelitil f1fat I tonto bil , thill tile WIM0 Of the Little lli�, best - hold in this tleighlifirhood for till it -r ;girl's death, utday morning. During the miles �wdst bf Hammond, 1101tr, BollAVille.
Of tile long Rinbo attaintan being the bost Tbrojibor.
only held 10,000,000 of gold ae� ii 4s. glagg, It 1198, the g&Ugey d6thatimepatt. fidilitandfineowaalorg6p the wast, hop 110 workillf matt, will bo hoodolukoa, by past week a spatritig -exhibition by, profes. Tlke� stint Vo 94tig ahead Who in. Ajonal Land amateur f ligillata hag bbon, th a gutted Mrjr, th Site 8000ained,.When the to I _oSell in r
and "the umi idoa wore uh We haV'o flade(I to the knilobifio, aMon(o
i8omonto prov, 4 , _ aUoft em a 11 now when it Ifoldif 061A %-X30)-000,b00-. ando'tholigh e, 'ail Him Sonfiot.—II, will be ooen by nd- prominent-fatut"WI& in murist the Xr�'Ajjjfejt; j�ho. ;j�g working it
omplato in evety parti. - -ill and varied, them., at& ie^to enifah thomoolvea at the country z
On& IlluetrB11611 bf ftr field, And f reproved ruwtwg� tigixt g�atjjjg To hold move will nob- make the batik lAri ilia entire �jipaiatua weighs iinly 7 vartisomdrib (1180*hoto Viat thd hfgli sclifirif W "ic 1% X'Un As , 0, came to list 40
4 selves in ther manner boat anitod t 40if 01600, which a reatiirton d our. gmtanbb� The man who in. eArAffig the jullehino to run with An&
for o
r1wbild t1te, engine proper weilgbt oil thd. loth Inat, The atilt d X allett Wag in the hotiso, Dowel, tile Junior, Intte, 6 orS hqpS p
more Secure, atid it, ig, tikarofdre, grea�t U ll tatted. Md"asts., Doherty ad citizong have exparlehileaflotbefidost, now variety Allow., 'Th; Aara havo been Vom a to 6yonnooR. The nubst, our -
'kindly furnis6d a �Iano for use on the overy no
Whereupon Mr., allott kicked hjAj ollb of 1plgeil to be tile lightest Anftna4ol feet rahilit, a*-
but,11g6im' Itiamaaeof gold,sfeeli ippat ag of this school Ilave secured Mr. It, much had woliq pay extra ter our a6al§ last. Mstoof ilia English bliampion,' Ail
folly to go on acaumulatIng. and palfinum. The ily-*heel is only jovejal amateur musicians dis4 :K,',Orr* who -'farthorl , 00faiiied a similar yeh�, ovying to th I= Ta�lor 'a 'Uhited Sgftfos bruiser, Ana the dooto, The f 11OW callod oil big comrades 11 ter ell form Put
ground, and I . I h 11 1. :jf*irtnr, o6al p"00 ab P)X�k male. Tb ', oW
thoreop,: Position here, Ai 118sidIT, �ivqq kahatigo �y 66 boal'iffialets of th6 'United ampfonAlilri belt of Englafid for which who at alloo pitohe4. I t jbij,,"but 110 shalt ruirs dirooti through at 61thir
of An inch in diameter ; the- strokd ift PIAXed thair Ability in pdribrining, Wit t*h(ir. 13611 n a 4V lind"Wt4 4 luaZilio *hfoh a farwor may wish 1.6
TH13 YOUN08, 144 ofAn inch, and the tat -off 1.64 of while I ('atraiiad melodious, sweet, afidleiii, red ning his poaj' 'on here lie li�d beatt fif' me or ble Ar",
wild wbuld pottell to Auy atio ho ftyers Tsonaa fought that ill a ot away from thont alla, ditildothii1i
Wor of1ho Coal Ring, setong nean Inch. The waflhinery, which taii till ingi floated on the balmy Air.', Thtou Ing the Toronto t1niviirsify, Arid 00tv witil,nOt d M69 battlej Jim been on ozhibition J11 4 wall il 00alhodfoll d1fobtly, to tilo kindfirioN of Me. 1). X hold#, k- grAt-0108A r4da 4 0ortl5ciltd IV Wits respootfully;. kilown owellot winabw oift Xing� At. west namedl. Sly nd A. W&O juy oiller jnt6rkc8(Il&t8 to IIJOTOIJ04
UnderthenoW not, Ana ij j.graaUAt6 f The quastion is now being dlsdugs64 bd'ftkan %VAM packed in filing of 4 VA" TPA" ill weet. U46 tri4y, evening, � in'the workinlor U41jott, flaila6 to Bat) what was We b4vo Aonitj YDro lb'dorial oharlp6o tri
'dies were saved the nebess t7L Of 0 Pee(
as to what shall be done with the, to mad from tho found, A he rail froo that thititution, And odiehad- hoprif tho*04 Not4b 'Came, dif between Cliarles the trtiu6je. T*hd roligh$ tAkL
of work way ba- plued on oxhibi Onsliffity Of 0116kitig 6%, el.olginctp in anyloqvbgtever
Youngs, as thave is howo,twrAo-to elapie - tiotivoyanaeg all As ilftiinooh, ro, be It, will th4 be aean. ihaf, out filgh gollool. xacdonfl, 4 man W011 kft,ou..4irgund youti me'll, Imookoft them down and stab. #ell alt to tllro�(? �PrAbt
tion illobgiddo of fto'giand wAILAeolai evening 4 quadrille party' Wait ho1d), whildh 11 now'Irt a. obsitlol to affor4 tile "most Thu editor oftlid OrAtigbVIlle AdoefI46r, ill W6001711 Ontario, -AUd StevO bed tt I- ', - rVall, 'all 0.3401102, aslif
GIUSkOVOrill times with pittillibrks slid L sting lit won elooiillva tbc,
probilblir tod " latitito tedeivea, filir #twiltion, The, proalisdit ampla, oppdltill s to olittkin race thn nboV,3 We
before they can finally be disposed.. of. but' nity to Andelit who adtioropoul d :tile Vross Xxonrilorl to TAylori In which, after it liard coft1bot, the knives,. 1,Vdd six cats ]Ili tile badl�. Dill thctilftot RIVID the mlabillo tile, tentA
Wjtjj .4. knife all(I when ho'broathd, L tile
lie taking Stepa to hXvaL the t%ft antr. Mlad6lphla, anys thitt Canadian* are b6t- 14ttor wag victorious, Aaodonold'4ppaus 4, ill All kledo of ia
V. . 4 * ounted b th& highest class Of OdUCAtif)n 41V011 Out- I 'ta
Somepeoplea 5 over '080', Itelow 1# tho.118t Aria wo have to power over It)& bushel
Ithopt V6061v0d throo AttAftl. U VAII tow tbroell A -la t1oA.5, In p6otl girl]
ayiortaflghtwi 14 HIM
o6mPofitovs In th'o gimes : side of ri Tjnivorsl6y, Partteif'deiurous of 'ter off fil farmsf IPVMln atid plimatq thsin, b1coa gashes from the. wolah $1 of* Vilest e5r Clio basbOg of onfe.
youngeAb oin Is sentence 00iftmWed as 'a, jht, Z Kilty - A'
AC 2ftd" V;'L bildolifting toallherif, 1%nd Wishing to up10ye tiny part of tha'Unitad Wilt he 40M, 8ava. otwinen 80a ant 400 baribolg oI 000 to 1,14
atilt I th(jftkjojV'j for thr 9 a
it is said -he' noither cub,. tllb gilcit nor Ab Nnwboog LA, one Milo with of .1, roe l6rod race, 16f, X �aud A aliirgo gltivos, 41ft 4006M"t WAN Udordingly bunhotoof oats per 41 11all %7A
X6�r�f� h rAj ddic$, Will. Ale* worle to
111114dillo, tin, ot 0 every Mlillitonad glVen to thoill that Id Pba. tarol hear Z1and6tLrV, un&, otll6t* kifilla 0, grain. 11 q 11 Xisloforo. vow
ourAotil party frbml gold- T', Nowthal-ab Onio,' . CQttle and ik. Ts; Trelind,, knif go, mAdo to :41066 in thd Q110006 PArk 063it Vallott, aill coyfflillfto
struck the blow hat cAtisod McNil. Witter Word spending ToondAy.. Sixtem; jo al� rAdal.X40 bible to bis ronderb& All tim 4"dL Who Lfftlo,'
6 Intoba aftt marning, 'thithOt 010 f06 hi'6111. U040 Mehl
soon 41 he tople poaseablon r(WiM let. in- knodkoa piI6 of th� drow& down, Thkoe It With boul)lo tAAml lipWo Io ba 111tAthodf6l
ald's death. ihm- *00t.bllt 611 thtl.Ako in it fiAt bObA Uisthesou, 10tifig duting th4 arialltig, t6rall ithoula-ho by Man& And threilha with, PVW to jd�k ell Imt1i floor to.
t itudaply bank, Wine of th� pLatity 4iij, 4,' VjnO, Boy's S' '4t JI., backers, at four f8o All
hold -W h(m, btif 110 ag4ilt 'got, .41or vl;-d *616 bolt. , wo fed f, "filloit In 4A
V!IloOfy it pdsii�U) -on the di� of openfrig t M flikeate-ailtig him '01th dftth, Thfo DIL16a, $it's!% Wolouk, The stakda Wdro at AWAY Alld'iAlj, to tile wbods followed bytho iefamern 4) tw
Van% thu We ftr# nov, Dut we think bo, 10 equally gality with vi#r Xiithelill" 00,00tod him bar mit0h; thAt he �dojma 0 It h d- find tfio two Wdjj� to Work. Tough#. X.h6 JAttorL
d ritiah , P jq*PA40 644 ties. 0 a 0
4d, fomiineA, all e ftl6d , JL , . :put, t le bontolit T, 464L br1of t1lough bl6ody tijal neight6rhoOCI of Mill
s u " Iti, ag he aided and abetted Itoin It 'a, Rad thal tha, 0 Pay UO �ao ;461, A. TAylor 1- gild lotvah(51186. NV4r- n4ston with All athap lit rt r4wilav tlag, bot%
inning to end of tho aritilg,
. let% rindh
ChL 4 flu 006ARM 'Ado "are a014 fy,t my 14, -111, p1t6goidd ha 41410f 1118'MATI Out omfift'*ere nt otice issued for tho!
begl and bb in Sall Primal 9'imiota OhAR4 Ell cl � thno, to 4n R�d X04P.,
9114 loli, obvistl4d 00
AV- 4) 1'6 dily dITIO 8POH96 'WAR' hO' fiOlsidtl. TWO Wore atrosted in liqlanA a on boxamtkoo elf
01'r , rft'h Up oft 110001111i of. M461�, ona'Ift &IOZalldtilil, On# in k11411AU04 Ill, Mad
9tia save 016 Q1146full- Thd MoAt tog, JU fi dij�, Sfkjk% foj�L
VVO&L Ana mut 1#006Y. �1uthaofi - A114611d) 11111 hb-0114, �Otfilftftlll Of fl*4;jjj1lt? &)ill elflollilill 0
our last page will -bo fband is 6111 t104 jjjfttL i%tt6kh0t WAI Made f4 keOr thO Brockville.
Oughttosuffortho fall ponaltyt oil -compt
chriAtiAn , giall
le . b. beynnd
or#.A tip jP A 0
ltow th#1 2k of thd *hold 61 '3'uaT'
oth I be
Ilw fie
,te4gg n e
ntg of
. . ...... . . ...........