Clinton New Era, 1876-08-03, Page 1... .... ..... .. .... . ......
TH 19
lie lit
-a V
Le.wisfor 00ton, woll know Avollmon
f letters,",* yes I I W Sensible
44*0, it would
TIMRSDAY )iORKIXG) be wall if farmers" So Ina ro WOU14
13 rulit,1141490 luvrorIv
oserloupley consider �_gt
You, g man, dat
t tl ofr -$treat, rtearl� 9p.pQa1to gistkthos insituo. idex Into your liftil, tbAt
tbe.; rost Out, y000ugbt to go to the city. If yo%
A lees, Isaac!
hAve, 4 farm. or can buy oak on4 know
in a4vaticer or if pald in 'jog I tbil
m9rot About Aro
t� we 11104,00 from time of Subsoribill$ or V 0 Any other pro.
M 46 eliolot the M. fession, 84014 0 Tbo. tr4des are
t re
ovorcro.wded. , Only suporlor ' tsilent
Tbo��t�'st Job Ofnao in the County of Huron Pushes Its wa� up in them,'
m0oultoction. young
m3num oil tile sloortest notice, and at very V01, XT—No. 31----Tenus,,$1.50ye.r auliuju. CLINTONo ONTART02 THURSDAY, AUQUOT $:o 18-70. B, HOLUB 8- & S0X2.,.PA0:pB=T0A8- men are. Apt to got grwor n0lono. than,
they are c
apablii of 6ack�ljg tip. I)OX110
.'you would do1f
botberto-tilink of what
k YOU WOrQ some OPle.0160. YOU A
to, Your.
AVYVIRTISINQ W, J, HYINES Moot IFIM, RLOD ITIVEli, ]Ally apil b6w much, does she �rs. Six Allinths on A +�)Dyhlx jilke a Drutei
--------- - - goiuvl 19
'011) . I &OXIfte"Q!, III tile r 0100* solf, find you, plon't, be anybody else,, so
'ask 2,
it 211 ollyo
isertion, 8 Cents per line, subsolliton't AITC93, Y -Ata -91 "Born bila vork
usertioup, 2 cents. per liaQ olicle thus. 10� WAGGON Mfflk _ _ I . ""'Reporb, said, Ave hundred thousand Connolly was a 90, tO I
CARRIAGE AN . ...... In 1809 John
R4C4Y, U.B., GRADUATR OF TIUNIT�j Thelit'jaht dollars' b"I 0.0itain X411 11,40: been informed le mouth of JQIY, 1070, all -English bar of the -o
V AC ll$. ff ost eyes, liollugst tuq villoge 9 1 X11 0 , onstruotion gang of tl;o Jiobest of your ability. I hnowthat it,
z "V-0io-port-of
. _ ___�Lo# "y"j; —!.!-
13, one year ... r, to
0110 001111A I loyo,17ao r, Yea i4i t kiTN" - her, a a
0. JlAlf 40.00 WISH 'VO INFORM VM� INHABITANTS OV OAt, OM00-OPPONita 81411,14'I'm 11001- You see, I wits driving aueziginot then, small dollars. in. won6y, the rest in housea. No. woaqtlo Harbor, in Australia, Wand for He was a large, powerful a and, s�
Olin ton, sad form"A Of the Purrourtain cioulitirir Blyth,,TRu.2014875., to.. it, o there must be some eattier WAIr to, got A.
64 �0.001 gd71QrAII7, that shox hayhWOPOIRAd. a CApdage, quMViggoit 'Xhoo bravo little Thirtviltuo, and lots, in Kelborne, Valuqa at: ninety HongXoug. Either through the, ignorance,
a - 4stinots that be boasted of 0 tbaou by Aiming, but
Half 11 onomil, 40.00 Op, Intlio rAll. AP14LJlTON.-OrFjCIit AND IMISIDUNCX� thousand dollars of tlx� captain or driven by 0 winds, brutish in his! ' . 1�0,,.. ,
444 atter mo weatoing usage qua 1, j something A 4 '3
2 g, and
64 64 L�r The Ilirliso lately ocaliploit by Mr,olamoo Fair, OJJ�� his swill, in, Uilliu� Q ratono,over fQ.n
l 9 Piqm!eqojfqrmorly octalpled by We T, Holmes Son, I I Ali 1 well, really b4 these things 40, the Isabella. left the regular route, followed o a do,
half ........... . 0 NVO livett aloug, til" 1140, is work: _rosieer pl
04 3 months, ..... 0 Whore they will be 'prepared to fulfil all orders outyustea poulto tb4VeAlellan Church, liatoubury Strvo.t, 01tutoil. spread, )$,a by ships on this, voyage and the. World. ovoir Ay
ojinton, Nov, , 4WO, t to our. matter, I guebs'. Miss ran aground otDQd P044Y At ally tittle to Inatch biiu�
ly,kept __-7, in latitude 19,deg., I mine., %alf
Is she worlted in ilia little home,
'ght W -d has been
One-fourth, one yoar,. ... 00 tothem. WAQ0q;i0 and CARAIAGM00hoitant wbi Anna, you had better have your o�.rn way,", U. POT) some reefs I you ItAlre ear - bro4bt. tip on
1 00 to ith dogs, . 'VVOI b
1,2 onliand'andfQrsalle, REPAIRINGIoromp WART, Me Do. 0. Met 01tADUATH OF Sho'll. itianago to k0op an ewe,
44 64 halt to, at rersonftb)e rates, rAyIs STE The hours of that a vening dragged heA. 19 sec., Pouth ; longtitudo' 158 deg,, 27 received of the death U this Whit a, ithousanil'ti6os be0re. you lea
8,00 "Ian it% St.1
11 Aud Eight the train As it. thundered -living,
inp; 14iii�� -- , - ; .
3 months, ........... Vily Al o -n,&,* Au d mim, 3 sec, i east inarkpol, aertfieF'Bra it,,- It 1 will-- ),oil a,better
F.Irst vlass worU Quarano. "a., a- Aght.
od. yJ
Ono-eightli, one year,. 12,00, iue,� I 46_�w ar'ojif, ffi-
VW Horace sad Cattle tfiy�n the mapg;'-`-�T lff the a
AolitQn."o litianner became mor(md-vore, ton reefs upou. -ar -4w-y�' an any Ci
$100- -As, �wikb. a btillillog lo that placo, on Ille ft
:7; v I t OAO flay thoro rogot oughou awtal storm; ship-tvimsarey
Oliutou. July 20, 1070, 810 formal He left, and Annuls war"to heart i4th of J4u]co lie n with, -you could get. into, unle
id y, 1870.. TI
5.00 U. lirll YE, Rhysloban, -Sargeou, otq., Coroner for 40 s tmded' S$ you
a months ............ The wind blow florae and strong, illst. It seem . that Connolly, pal
.... ... -7 D MUN4,11,011. was gold as sh� thought over the. cool Man- alio And 'consequently all hopes have that Superior talent for them whi�j
ortraliol Mill Streets, Ojiutou, Tke lightning flashed tilt raj eyes were dazed, Again ]lad to be glyop 0
Alb nor and the coolar. partlug, 0 intoxicated, entered �a, sdio n' kepi; by
64 '44 Noolleepoatue ftsottingheragtJ4
half ...... 5.00 -jA Tit But still we rattled along. tip, The, vessel h )1zad in bi4 Lhave referred to,.which Jrobably,bave
69 3 months ........... 1-4 0,00 August Oth, 1.869., to.her eyes that ni lit ad to be Abandoned, but one Way, While therphd s(
A X0 Zoo 410. XMXX 9- Yl�cl
naif, tix", was eriongliz t not, - If,you billetto this Ability �O. -�.qqki�
R. STANBV4X, 011ADUATIO OF THR MEDXoAr, -00 to the mouth of oie grsuito� gotellb 04,0:4-61"'Ato said, tdlfd aelh theear of all old bound which wits
OY belatrimeat of Viotoi!%Vnlvorsl�y, woronto, for- Tgere thio tjoklish boulitoro hung, satiol 4mos; "land yet She load besides, the draig pineteort 0hip6se 6100 If master of tiny professionAthon,
Advartisomints of Strayed, Lost, Found, poll"grlos, NONY York; . _� o , � Iq � . I ituoustjoibiso . ' ontheftor, and,' raisip-3tieTyOurse
iltb,.sjj..___Tt0XAL MA VFA wiion sudden their gi ad noro4q.thq track nor changed almost from m7 t ca aboard, whot In gq in to -it, heart and Soul,. but don't
ict-exeeeding 10 lines, first Jai MSRIPS� After ha"'ng Pass-' dogp
-Orly of the HooPitals Lad Dis olli. ilg him of passongai clegar off the floor, shook it 4 wkile'
coronor for the County of Huron, Out., I
a fort so! some time in Australia,, were returning
(tQreojjrgt. moeth, 60,centa each mouthe j ly 12% 1874, The light from a lantern swung. Nalluie, line." :,. and then let tho..A'nitual 4 mistake thoi wish
d qsgo not a III, ).. 4y"Ating, lag iiI
Advertisements of V aims -and Real Estate. Livtr�001j, LoNid04*27Y. lalt 01 W. With a inighty tit'renglih And a.throb of feav The, next night Charley Wits 5 their own country, 'Clio Captain and rql for the ability to be,
-"R. WORTIUNG-201j, PHYSICIAN? SURGEON,, 'crew aban happy people v . . the ca
for Sale, not exceeding lolines, fit -at ulontb' The Arat-claos, full p6werea, Cly4o-built Steamships I slaolconod ilia ouglao's speed�j, Usual Place, and tile next. and Btill. more. donall these tip 6"d re ofT, The dog ran howling, and Part'"
,,not excbeding15 lines, firstnioll:0, '160P J_F Acootoolieur, Liaoittlato of3he College 01 Pll�'$Idsns be Don't give -up's certain means ot,-
b $1 Allen Line, leave Quebec every $&turtle bout.& week Afterwards, a�shorb note in.
of the Y MOTA stAdSurodons of Lowor Calia4s, antl Provincial 4eltsoutt-' At last, tbani 0041 we canto to A'standl.9 A Went off in Small boato to an islandin eight, bleeding ciuli' o0he rooni. a Connolly
onthi 50 and.75 cents, Ing for Liverpool; lauding' 1`40�cngtors �sud Malla at ate and Ooronor jor tile County of HuVon. Office and formed Miss Ternple. tit gottirig it, livixiff, for, thei. sake. of trying'
ogob, subsequent it, Mr. having lo3st all which they have . sincq,' discoyereof'waa chered up the ear and spat" it out on
d" ctiOnS Loch Foyle, top Londonderry and lqsgow rcsIdonoo;�__:I,he.buiidjug formerly Qoo lea by Aktho me At
ties, Ilium street. tilt . An . do Ohl . on re The fbiloi a tbe.floor with the roi�iarlr, call chaw hich You tuay have 60
Advertisements without BpQQifi0 . ire el his saving's in it bad speculation,. be could Round -island. day And i4 2 eij)6Lri(j0ent'w -
tl,2.Q rack ale 'Our wheols, bility:. of priklug ii succesq, but , re
Not ir,t OV SAII . JN�" �RO'X' 'qUE Clinton, Join 10,1871. not think oiieh'fier Passed without tho'erdwa returom. 'list Jikc
ill be iusertPol till forbiti, and charged 40- Thwa 1; ,
0- n up any dog in
of holding her to list tingacrei ant, this iowh :1 All ate' p
cordingly. struck doIiXt by-tho Drug] gajo, ChineBe Uft--4,6n th reefs i At. have liot.
Advaitisements measured by. a. ZlVZnIoOOL�LXNZ DONVSLEY,.M, 3) W14911, Fo,.414. -bo pitt QUit-powerl.k mut. ih�& for the a . 9 1 , P
scaTc. Lat.o ille, A tl�,'fi Ie4y Usilgoo: iq Madge; and-furthor oil eon--, -ltfter�vard -A.e j
..Porylq 13SIAN ............... Au eapdflate, ten.b the, otter -Aw
t, bee'
Collogd.of-PhysicLign 11; ' 'coming
aria -Were 11V - - __
-Nonp- U late House Surgeon of Kingston, eationod mud T;� I ifio bauldora blocIdW ralL w r- w o9artv"'Woon. Fo-attvownidiiJull--
'g. -4milln-Ate, Ia yeitia., _ To-B&Y lia, did -not f
solid who orsoo t ie far I for t,e city
CIRCASSIAN_; ........... Aug;:19th. grieve her, would be false, but it didnot finUtied into the* ' ate and ere drowned 1 1) ea
Hospitall-Physinian, For mobiiio hn It u th . 1 1), MY,
9. HOLAIW.. & SON. Burgeon and Acedatolictir. 011WICS, a passengers, air, 411-d I ily-,eytry itiat�noe the7
',in attempting to sWin't W tbi bloode(httiglisk as in
SAAMATIAN ............... Aug. 26th. hys. to teach bar -that alto re -
'Albert street, opliPsilaVair,", Mill. require inany d' ' .. t- oland Mean, oj.' It' w of
I Id the man ppened At notfild island. i grotted the atep
140DAVIAN; ....... Sept. 2nd. Worked over my Qevo lor yo wife, to, took, it
PERUVIAN, Olin baanotlov6of Charley as she sho -rensive,-afidspentmost-of iti tiff nd :.would
ALCOMSON WAT136N, BARR18TE11% X4, rat the lightnitit 4rQke, though it tooz her Pialli, have been glad to Ile block"wberd(bey
Solicitors in Oliftne -PQr4YX1'1SIAXj_e.: gopt. 10th. showished to Allarry. Again, Our tv�o� The captain, together with the second mate When. Connolly entered
8ABDINIAN,, Bout, 28rd. Was willial' tq Opera her life.
oyali�.a%� . ... . -. I tim Vav� and -tjie-�pfaoe-i"as-do wero�, with thp l6sson their folly
Conjeyancers, otilco-Nexii edbor to the new it 011WASSIAN,ee,'.� ... ..... Sept. 80tbe' -young men met,, -This a oti.BroadN hot d
t1lejutentioll'of reaching the ebist of Aus- -to. seeve theia'as it warn,..
dian Bank building. We lo'lkillQid them
!1V mir,.t1ey glu lier a prcttx plie Charley; gall� sauntered Along, bailed Xe*d nds, 'And
SARMATIAN ................ �Qot. 7th. V air zErip table. Gonnolly got on his lia
'a: XJlTATn- MORAVIAN ....... I ......... Oct. 14th,, -a' b life in
MONEY TO L19ND ON ift 7orsavia tralia, leaving,upon the, it, A farmer"i it tb,�he lt
xj,. ........ ...... Oct 21st a; in his old familiar waj.. -o"aud.,ten
S. MALCOM A. WAvoox. PE)RXIVIX h RLEANS ROUSE, ColtXmt OF 0011MORANT . Bet where's the gold that can'�ny ilia woqu. poles na. ----.F r provi-Alons they. left them _kneos:aud
fourteen tootli, and be-Refis fit t -it act,
Clinton, July 21" 1815. _G ROrYNr1,§IAN ....... : ...... 006. 28t 0 and Store street$, Vlotoria, 13. Jones, Pro-- Nvell, 'old boy. .off early to-d4y 7" 4 make
�I've ounds�of bread. The was ab%e' ad one of , 0 . I
QrCAI6XTICj�l3Ts FURTHun' 'Rizpuonp. pridtov.-Bxcelloint Agcomodatitent;.-Doard, poi watilt Of her lovitil opos to'mq? been prom6ted,; and -am not b re the doa' ears in his There ia, Ito preoression wbioh can be
CLI �N__ N N-1111 1��R.A�
$6.00 Noa *Lou iiiu6i4 Meals: 0. God I it liged to 0 �soluteloy Ito -wA ter, and for el thes all they d.ravaod.*tl.ioani'fndl.,outint6,.tlie 0'eribra
and DOW, per dayo was. hard when the baby came, work'so, late though I do often C
CAMERON.& McFADDEX, The advantages ollarod bs,tbli tino are vorylow rates 87jc0-;4odD,.500ts.. 'Twu than that she felt the blow, Possess I a they 4 . The of tile, n1adelucro Tleagilrot aula' attractivii, if
beirfaccommodatious, greatest amount"of comfort, Do-; -of iakiing'a ride in the Park d �was what bvial on roorrot. , The dogftried to geE away It,, -Will 'i,ead' un(i study'llow iodo his"
and saictrit ,and shortest sea p I Ila then I Ilifilik shipwre6ked C110W.4000pod their fate with but 1064 w(i ti�llt, find liSing to
:),ARMSTERS � &C., MA.IiIOIT sQuAr OUKIty, assage When Elio otelced If 0 to chl upon h r b %at my head Ached. mucit. of late, and I atio,
,4 llull��Iiou6i;Ie hvI!Tr,$1lUR I. . ro I n
110 Goderich. - Ia Passage cortifii:io�tesi�suedabloWo6t.r6tes to� door mouth of llic'Itist, 0111LO" -Waslikq.toloorminorno. more noiv',otis than -formerly."' feek 811601C the'dog utitil' 'its. w�nabt
Propq realgilatioh and 1fronlised, to wait patio tly work- Scientifically, Put Alle "saind
M. C. C,0iEROX.' W. In. MCI? nz�.. persons visiting to bring out their friends. Viobora street, 'Clial.6a. Tho ilatugs a furnilithines
-mation, apji, not, for'some passing, ship which, would 6ke t of braipAjilto
ForThroughTickoto and overyluf6i q -Shotild'i wbrk so h" -Cie. do re. -0
4. oftbilifioueearo.all new, and. oyerytiiing Is provilled% Shb Idid liar hands Ott tile little fecal' Ili le U111' 0q. �Zllo
no on0ve had tile v I arson ly.-aroalacil, made a sava"O IS soicond10
7]* h for. its
n't got a ')Y- proressiong. "it.
X -Mr. r _V wb lbasure of con
but to bo' all. lit I p
to make comfortable all wbu. mety favor hini witti thair I O'hockoa thid solis back into) my throat, Miss Teni,plo. a turns lly none of then). It i's th m6st nolile work
iailjwt-�- ��C.q
an '. C.0 I . —
ct an I the han'-who nuitsit becau
I , 111, 1110 Mrs were It " to Boart. 4 -wi -tile (I() -
At frov- what's thift 7" was ilia saggor, � not doceivo themselves 1, a tr'ing toe it- handt; antijbiqen w cl knoolcea
OFffgo,On;:j no I
And wlieii, she found that xny choare iveroswet, lie has got.0 ad that it
ill r6 i 'they poly at
o no eux ill r6 10. dog y ju idP4 into bi§ he
sole oil a' th, awav with Ills -flat. on
Poll. ell I i kely-1 see the
lrWoll a Xiis- Sol.nobndy Tat ple 'hail eii less
C_ �,Hliq lifted hor faca� to 3uq r �cr Prborrmtflr ]lint - - �vill v
MORTGAGE -14 eply_ iin alld, (laught Ilin by Wo rove -
I . . 11 Don't worij,'jolift;'ib lit dark boio n
LEARIN A LIE wl -froy know ofootirse, tliat- will wi� 01
'D OTHZIt Ur, " deliver t1lilom. , or oht, 016n. tillie wlicli'lro h fie bad Jje
I , I a. houdrod thousah, I lva�god from thwrogular r.)ute.
=WPIlloollow �; . % they- lihd di
But Ili hoaveli'doav Ill SOD." )out., i dollars, left, )ter, -arm, lacel lit!,
ty little fri d 11Ycbuld ell
it. wasn't, otir izet 3ke ibloose.. Th4o. w-dre hastyin giving ill) wVitt, It v qpulcl- do for,
'ND, IN LA114011 Olk SNAVIt, Stills, T1 i wqr6'iiCardoly even.a. f5w 'tufts of: W - -too I Itte
Jere 0
Good Securities'.)?ourchaoedi; -1 heard !Kmethinet' ho linds lien lie
Y TO LT, two mon in the. phice bi�sillus 100"'111y, M
good mortmitgo. Decurlty, at itioderato rates yoll wero.very . ao�t ':It'vel- blush wood UP04 the islailid. These served -C, t
some say bnga(,cd. c tntlob du iv"tl. And if lie gets,in o a,
W. We FARBAN. 1rALE. Jusimy' ]ire omennED. I ill ey woU6 about- and they. ivatio- it, it e
them as it Bbojt6r, Ant ill to fittorrore.
741. - -T4' a no Q lixig, lyllat might havo
. - I iero' t Il
10 . - search offdod. The island boini, too aniall 'Fogaety eXclainied, to- Lot. ]lint alone busin6ss be bas ii.o sp.ocittl adaptation
Clinton, Nov. 9, 1874. '47. heard tl�ks_ilbws aboub Miss booli.but for thatfool of an ultele, lrialjiljg�
(iiuilr,ps :tTmgILero.N,ll,yti . to-() I. wl",NISED to 11ttv*0 ally gaine Upon it, thoy;eto oblia-
AucCle)accr for. -gulla and ti) go . ithe of ladder. 1*;O,� -ijuilto Sure you
the coivav ad to* catch'sQn, Will. kill him., Of t le... .0
. W-0 C/ loclk, 110PI ratiote, ek�-, aLLQttdvl I u at �xWiOu&1,10 )Ia Bauntered luistirtili6il) C ever ii�w,' You know thA I'at loash. can't
V doi Nod V -aiiitl, Chiii-ley Ashton,, as 'a mistakor in iiatyk68. Ifo,woveie, it's � lk, to all 'I Th,-.'mnn's to blante and I iiolle t'tio do-, for, I lie njiis)t always retoain. ut'the foo
Ob inel to tile dc�sl whidr, .38 Sol have tafent for Ni take be.
'11 01M XcTaggakt flah. Food, snell.- as It was, w f A iliaet:ybu 'unaor
r:0. "dward Fior4l:im- oc' -ilpied 'in arry a pdor wotnitij,- iio matter 60i fter, severoll. attenipts to fas en it n -
c Messrs; afford to tit. ouily,-�btmdaiit ; thaVwas not thegrett, fore -you leave the fiarl n
AT 13inith &Jonca"6flice on Wall atrol6t.. if at f,
wis,a4lleti.: I'lalow that You. colter- aelf On conlioJIly, . by which , the lattql.
M,;�'S 1101YSON, CYJ�'XOX,. LTdRXSRb AUU- Tile warin blood colorm Bonio,pq&
A, est cause of their sufforing, What Ilearly.
of foolish n a' tioll whr6t.lovot:
proved fatal to'diam. wits the dearth of wa-fj)adty tOrn, tile. dog at last' catight
.V;,,rjON=t for tbo'tloul�ty ilf Litrutt" lit I'l-ellared -to. , spite df tilt his siragOeg to provent it, aild 'ota,; will d6; but. Vs. till boalt.- - G ive ilia . I Ire ill
'for t1le' him in thp.rIefoo', shiptilder, anti 'sunk 'its
DRELDER Or, Per Cent il oul
uttend to SaloD of I"ALM Sto0i,auddical Etai;to at rs: L- Watei,uu;l thr6o of! thout perished
'sortable zat[D' lie replied'-, " Nd ; I hope n6 harm." tho.dinies, troy boy.'. Whea-pAxerty. conics 00 uld teet t 79,rieties.
want of -fi? The brilk'water i their' full length, Clew 0 . .,
Wlinton, Nov, 5 �i'Welf guess it wasn't. 'Como p'at up in at tb&.'windCw,' otc.,.you know. Take It o uOhii1ci tile ti
-a was
-hanes-an"O.CoHilga ill 11nW, th ��iicol 1rial=0.our. n"-se—
ONSE's ANi) CEnT 10,%2W - P M
U, WHNCE,,BL_YTK Y 'it tell my oidvice AK& dro -all. such-foolish-ideas;'t. �procui -ff sl
ThrouWal Sliort - H ..Cattl rain-watiste several times fty.
A IF 4. ou.*r booi, and its wb-go up lowai I passic At
vit . I ly could not bieak. ConnpItV-ih tiierj �cpiid wife.
1 Q�:t SA,�E. - Appty at. tho T.Qwn Hall, or afthe ruo,146aze of the Ashton nught just uS Well haeste.rtalked to. qo�nch their, burnlilig
STOQK�r nWV7 6 ring is- splendid "took' rut , Y it op thirat. , Three or
�N b c U subscriber, iie�v- thd Zoit(lon, Huron:& Bruce 11hilWay ":XO Yet..' 7"llave'. no� %eized tile (tog's '1&esljoulder in his Tbcso,iq6k'J.T0r to' roil't (he:P,,"4fi4b6
tut comprisina. td,the lamp. -post for the liciaiing Farnaln' 'four iteleii they saw I
a, Station. TABIES SCOTT -1 finiali�d rny balatice2i 7essela.,Qn., their.. way. a . in il daign roads
lasne'r' of Marrisko Lleenips.- paid. I.. Wli, di month, Iiiid thoiClor ovel illutre the way'a.penc 0
at'lle,wais t�inking of. iv� Cannot it) Ohiva� bat they wereat. t grekt a to -
flay, but did nq two cliewed end anothbre; the utan bem , 'Tile early risers oii�wadays.gra the the'r.
�,EAU�, TABLES 'lob, , I I on.,can fin all that to- )L*go �q'tho park th'�t. After- tance for th6ir sigtiollo.t. ho.on"Oticed.
I Y8 U A IDI" sort As, SETTt- rlSs* Clititon, April"276, 1876. ps, law . v
'BOARDS, CUPBOARDS, b6forO' �,Ull lock. I wouldviT.
morrow. O�. C After cacti one of those disap, itmQnts siejes. strikiiin, �the d6c, with his fists.- 11101notof
1011AIRS, &-d &C. -313T, BOLIC'ET011, WINGUAMi-ITAS BEEN noon, but the to evening felt ' no! himin 6 little aud-tb6 lv)use�fiy.
T X. LI fottho -cob I work its ba�rll- as you do for any twin living, parlor which- had so. often been graqod,by their-deiipair grow greater,, and pth6l,' last 'of a 'li that an -old badlia�
EY . aiiotoinf, >11ift), SocuillieS Cofo- I jl,UC They.rolle(l ar6und 'oil tile floor' and Tile neiireat appro c
IP.'E, MSURANOE, At. a discount oftiftiBan per o6t belaw�formmer It less these - bamlx- r
F or haveral private, 8, W110 think -all a Qharley!s prasou Co. Ere the ov011in 'was these to ithappy beings was pe�rly at death's Iqr Over makes to -real,, Ititlipioess, is when
-uTt. Qnoy DO very reason. a 0 tit flowed from tlieir-wojund's
nt ovor� lio.had- expla, -,his ic
..Pri S.; for 6'hib, - an d will continue this slue' caJ)It;a;I1Dt8.9i-_Tor..t; ;fe low iv�inado fords to work -,ilia inak ined )it ell absOpcep -door when folte'thb ROW, time, 4 ship WAS tile 00 a ill
hoi di,3 ins or imdgfiies himself niarried.*�.:
-LIFE UNSURANUE mofiths; ail�inaucdplont,tbat` si)! se JOBS mixed With tbe.Aust and coverbol1h6n)
for the'llext two Also solicitor fo t1io Sit'Lawroue bauk. looney for Clem. - 6nie -along.)',., 'cild.of Ilia batterTrospecti,., and offered his . in Big it. btit this distanc S' �L at 'last of Ins
Aharld, pot be Itirgotteil. by those whv walit, Wingkq�, Ae ot go.,, at' 'with a reddi& mud.
NQ ; I canv. :In Paris they call mosquitoes c a
heart andliand.- She,asked three weeks th%n tbe.�prdo,.din� dues. ;Hopp Began 'on. a6ount 6
:good Q43idZimp-Flitnittir ller� wei. e. arLl 1beal f! their
e. Welftliell tile tale in abort, is, she's -t6c,,aider, and'he to.visit.1jer as oft6ti as. to dawn in the survivors of the grew -of the this, brutish il
-INTOSH. 'BAYFIB LD. m--..ISbUER OF an disgraceful 6xhibifioni tr rg
7 )ill - P.aky miniature tuothors-1wo aw.
-hadmVgfortuno letfvher, s6rnii, s�oy :ffvo. lie wished. '-44.'the�.ond of that.time,lob Taabella, and, theirej oy was without bounds the Sjjoetato�S. tried
'aviu ortortakingAill ( . I I avith it for Coati -
it liaw Quoldn's Banch, huotdrod thoasand dolln-les." hCoupted,i anil, Anna, learned what truc 'wheii-they 6 aw, . Q . to vtassol,`-a'scho�oiler, awa�y.` Th r -
g one 'of the .1armost Farx�it�lvo Shaw I �I the aog
'TOOK INBURt NCEj was bee, i6i stock, ties of Iluton aud Bruciii Convqaucing done, such as. - , I Cy tWiSted itQL & *t a Troy spelling down
-Room 6 in"the clitulty; coziailling a I An 'involuntary sigh eocaeped No 'ght '0114 "'k � pL. 'Ve have heiord of
Leapescllondo, Obutracts, fllls, d:' and lova was. ' 'Herl _ZnV atorV pit 6. B mme i - lo� polutafleons'."
In litilt-"!119s StOc`k aud xtltus�.Compiinlos ant. , 40 Coaji,L." And. Alger f.6r th 11 oil pajitafocn�L
-en'to make, 4 good Bel I - I—- - . ., aboUt atupton 6red-it., An obleed.liot Witer Oil it, buf on,-
, t xoreoio� a. seq-uh .4-iom ell tile reef, - If Any of -the Aneso, were still liv-'
ailopportunly'l5giv Fdoakunall.L �lo-rathcr muttered. than a ke - . -a,
po I O'�tlo'ntiio atf* other girls sittnig doi an
Jol uoi be let past. EqTATE, -of I . i .
W. Iv. F'XiInAx, Agoint; tion, wbiph ishou . I I � I aill Borry,to. all to'no. purpose. It - maintained its .1jotut spelling bee, oither. - j'L
a �iditld probably tell their
D ifteld, Sept. 14, J875. entraoemout Mr. Smith -tapped Ned oil iug� there, they
got i I I iolined Moore r)v
Wily what's the allouldei, alla motioned ]Jim to,ithe deliverers diat-the creiv hadLfj ' oposed t�" .
Clicton'Marell, 3876. 1— -hold its eyos 41twing"', tis -
a you ninny ? Ili savaga sa
FU1 1 .1 D, -1 FOWLER WAI:011 AN Wll�, I llaven%,41 r anything,lo. oetalit refuge A gentleman i
er, �O.t &e." day Upon a neighborin,,ri isla, -boat
QAtco, A is' se -in ati iiiinch ill 11111,11 "a �d pistol
odERALS FURNISH U 19_tv_�K �kt length Fdr, a hsdy� by leitto�r, .-.a
'14 'T "'�OhCE S private otoe.. ud� and s.wouI4 i faction Arty draw his. old -she, as�-ed time,to
O"N_ 811or llwrt 1). a 0. Goillu to, inarry my, ni Tfja��j � and remarking that, it was a Clooliled.4fie
oce said Clio be sent for' them, were, � orkyo ". 0
Volit ' consider Ilia oror) r letter
i -'ill tile
Hecirt:-,e - kept for- toh;s frIeudg.sud. the jortblio gotiftally, that he has ton. o Jolla Providence so decided. 10 captain of iliame t6 ..ave to savo Ille. I I words, 11 No'More,6&pres,
)I I end it rolost. stoole (of (31004, Nvatcht-H; Jowolliery, 444k,.; h 'Juater for love 'I"n - My ' e4I am. dripgad 'to"blits Alma Temple,' the schooner, L tl'e Laura Lind, harl noticed -orst brute e
.`L Philadelphia wag,..wbo jostled a" tur.
i,%" Ono pot cent'. per month charged on a -cfforeatycagonablepatep. li&1ring -tot, lien vdrty tit the sir;.and, Ale expect, 'in a quiet; wt�y__to. �o 'ill
u.1lic"D nfo% V d Ctil df` tit ivor� by: talchug tb
CATITA4. $2,000,000. o�erduo -aecoujits.., (1,DscrijAlon in Iti-o line, atone.oltill, she irte,,tL ijul+!eet i no - I o,wreek of the Isabella, and supposing f tile: Ica 6 ominst; -ilia balled Musiulnian, dis4ribUtitig circulars a,
0 st, Ila placed i
don,ib agroo wi donAs sidd and 0 r t
witic qw. vo oe o at the door.-" onG nionth front to -day; 33u� I , that some of the ere* might ha've survived b it, tit 6if4li the heart, few days aim was-iiorriflea a
m6daralarat marricid
A., LAWRE!=1 I' tit afraid In sh thb eNtilama"
t1i Yoll was not aware that she: was yohr niece," the disaster, sailed to -the rel3f. Of t p
lisouss ie , � he t
Blytb,Xeb,.'J`3, 1$7.6. all tIiingq,.bot I havo--no time to di z0venteen Oliffiese--foor wero livinoo ana �en tbon "they had to pry itsjaws loose.. tion :-41 Mast yer sowl, do yez tako we
10 . H SCHOOL - Miss Teople,'in iny. opinion, J, Iter wasr Until b, fair ays since. ug . It no
e` 0I.TNTON' 0 tl;e.accotint of their inimablo existence
-THL K."ZTY -now vould Neit a �,oniiclly, altho ?arly evbansted for it r.tIo Turru.1c I"
04INTOX AGENCY.'L open to pripili; s, As for yotir qui vijr, understana tile, Sir!
Of hoth 'a-ve be a. fortune,to. any man, did'she 40 at I 'during-, six T401,11113 was so P'th Excuso thisbio of aarc�sin," iaidStnitli
filbid'all. Patio of, itio'Conuty and PrOvIfitt Oa Q'itial i Pos and % ak.l�om Joss of -hall not
I (,.tile
'.4 71 fi child.(jf iny.onij sister call a Tnarried' t 0 In ing kearC-
.4 n 'I tortus� IwArnethill lit Given ill Cellt ofilloney." U to Jones but T must Bay that you'are an
- 2 vuelea it water. or revisions,, Uttered one ctk. of' pain, nor. giVen"'W ef
".h W1.4 _Tl ta T 1 0 �_plsq bit (i ill Coding
c%C it, niv 11,0119 ge a to pw w. -b"u-O to
. . . i I �%MQU-Z
Latent 0 1 liled hbr- 01 ind tinff.. vo ear a a on a 11
pltuo lie toried' a to big 11 till , as
lliterest from Foote to FLA -0 per --cent allowed Ircas requittril, ab� their. tal-10i'l. olUiXersit !q,,t lo.'aiail profesq! nit, 1% in,a. tobta. 6 lia. -.1-jilt I awn
't _,as 11 IR witiles three of their. Wag taken
- , I orey, ut'l-Cat 11 -7- ijoor�poo' rkay� Ioudj j I ere W) "fill
Dopos. a. Pooilt 10 atlent oil 19 all to ilia: llel� thinh - ris . lr.� kn elcod bitu.�0.117,81! With'the PO qr;
110tv), Huron litreet, "tudiola rb v1sito We 0111L.- ittlia onlarged have too -many chilolioen to give hot: more it borperislied with. b li or. and thirite but fell back Almost ii.ticonsciong, I
liwAier.ottra tEons. cona�de "i
M. LOU011 'Agent. d -Monday of story t COO 2 ior quarterly ttd, Students from a Matinee tharr a d Several times, the sai ;* the ad resclu- Here is a blo%v at aervan
riquili. at hiLlf-past, SOV0167 in bin board lit t a village tit. verY modermoralen. aii�de I hoard tli6 -news. ecen' wool ftipg�, -Ia was g1vten ft glass'of brardV ii ivbiit'stliat-itrange.t)oiseattiiefrnut ate?"
er ilhotild I and
lack jo.�r JaIdt' Ned did no1 Up le, ri -Ives to on the ground
0-0 tely stretclind theiriac
Agajft�Oe�_ ft� - -]Ila' d the 6kProssion, -scalled. Contiolly'sriglitfode-
Clinton, April, IS76. (Ile voAlibuglit: of &nythingv bub 4. pleasant' toe wa ell whoic 3ias,
33 Llittlo patiell doc
rothrou ire cordiA Smitht tlyL a%�aitiug the,' cath- that would 2 .
7 lly in acquaintance"g go in for Iter now. s face, but -lie 'fJt I terribly lac6rated, tljo,bone young cats
Trutitees, viLl, 1,16for-.11. Hale, 1.. Cutitti, A; S. Vielidr,.1 I arm was diditib wear atovep'ipc hats and
r.1 ant, put all ond to their horribloi situation. Bill;
HENRY DENNISi Ilev. Vi Aloquall!, %nit A; witrihington, [Good byo, old fellow, anddoultliti.rt your- _7drcdq And replied
X 0 N "EY CO LO AN , i w q is r, I.: at tilt. siglib of An easily cauylit ses bird or The,'
-t-2 I. . _ - bein6 exp6sci-Iii!' som(V places. stuol-6-Ligara.11 "Tioliesarechangqd'Sir,",
secretary, �f D., oi to tho, Iftiaid Muster, Mr. jai: Aelf over.those boolm." laver should ilavo. dililtessed he
BIB 'evould roleasobor this moizoont if I throa: Which promi ffitis6lo of tlib arlw *V -whd took a water
on r weeather, sod them largo Sam 3 let in
ON EASY TER Olin Ant 19oll made lie reply, Ijub lie folt as if he find I teiiin& half Those throol `qb' ell
al ty
witer,11to fooling of self-preservation got bitten uway, and hung, by the Skin.- majou home %all cooked. it) Ba
fild lils'lleel"011 01JOLwho, knew all a was an heiress, y that they
Cle CARTWRIGHT;- Would gt
By %i-bacli tbe I)rialtecip , a Xo You don't, the, bettor, of thomi'atirl4boy began tolhope Ui,
I Cart no vott don't, B - - 1�7- .- --f-�be 11 feel hl)16 to -VVd-rfy - along. oil rice a abort
-, , V-.. . . Could speak sojrreverdlitly ofildr, Who, to .4 pu py alass 0
6'r. T� H ofiain, Thanks to ilia position of the reefs time longer without, fn6ling with
avory grace. Of heart YOU L And I -know the Aoio story, YOU Call and bone. His wounds were dressed, any� more
be repaid W part Or all at CARTAVRItIRT, OV-STIIATF010), WILT, j3r, his idea, Combined L go. tilley were bbtter. enabled to see passing now-fatlgled arrant, ments in the
Cool the plattelibilry Houve. Clinton, the ArstThurs- and miod, and perfection of form. and fea- a vegetable
ni da - and Friday to$ every ntonth. Tooth inioertod in the tore whio I Ned lJoullaied. long over :ilia Singular ships than tile -crow'upoii Round i8t , 0
1 and and lie was talcon. to his quarters in the
any time clarring t1le �16. . okooth with c%pn8od nei-vas tvc4toid, 1111041, should inake'up it 'PCrfoct wo. - or'L, line.
rersation, but -got no satisfactio5on. fro6i but their deceptions woro. no greater. At barn of the tavern: where lie wits 110.861 the house,
LE !at) last. they, despairod'of ever it min, seeing. J1 - aelirious, and an the A. ouiari7rofusod to live in
eilt st
N MILLI sea niado as good us sound oneol man. His thoualits turned to action, and cool
he "Y EVJjQ0j-OU the, his -own. though -Fj or Anna. - - She replied- - 0 was at� times
-eaught-hims. stamping -hi 1. __.____ -L. chrAmby-hirb
Binly by a Bottilo . twitbstpna- their countrk, and behold thQmseIvee;;. con- 11,th lie was RAIzed with, ton"iii 5tons, in 'it, satisfactory. She said the
-A 115011or.V 11 1 ir A ('14 an Field sh— -0 -La do. ddsk--Zol withauch force as a4moatto dent . and a kiss. No . 4 -19 11 Jr- A.,- . 11 . L� yard was Ito
.... . I I . , I � atune _1 aa--.
1164uft -mitk4tr hw, -tot
7 r
Viru 7�1 . a— — - in-d_,,w1iin,, 0 i �_Cj
W. W. PARRANO A LUT 00 LANDS IN HUB" V 011 SALE -BY Smiths stoadY gaze ffixelt upon him. - Back' Anna refo�ed to leave her Aunt -until thd ight of Ian U ti a a -ok jinu. site wli4plt going to break liar neck alioULA,;
;To Card wool., J -1k. the -c Thab event Came, - -saw--thu athooner melitioned Mr. Bright find pree Tralle,
54 Spin, xAnuilot.1ke; or in nxabanga for nada Company may lie meet, at the offi& of me for her 'wedding. ary, they,
Clitit.n, March, 1876. Ion Goo a. Two cents -per pound, trabre than tharket th3ttllol6ilgilpd. to'his W rk-lie tried to bring his thoughts, ti above Adoring I wa tit; oil the dust -bin to,sea what wits goinge
pride, forsoo4o, clean IX BALE, but they Wore not subject to hia will and the ceremony overL, Mr. Smith.called 6' rd them. They.-im- oil in the. next,yaroJ,
-g signalso hich a 'gb t has
fft. in W . glib I -Ion. Jobn Bil AS abo:tL
I and, mo4iately gava distress' T It Iti
lie found hitbialf in great danger of'va 4T.#n. ' OnAho orpe_'Aay -they
ld, , answerea. "Poorboy," said ; lady, 0014
$5;000 TO.. LOAN V ir4n box, Sal :"rb 4 to give tile little beggar Soinj3
'CUSTOM Roll CARMI-10 CP . L 1. befn elected a momb6le of the Boston
Beesley, Millinet, ing the thoughts pass4Vtbr.=W . '111 were v elcoined by._Oapt- Lind,, whom they out liar purae
Mrs. �I She is lost to ilia ho ad hircl and. Free.Trade Club, and in acknowl6driting silver'dlianso. (I Yes, I ant a poor boy)
�0--wlgli "Now.,' young man, yalu're ti pavvifte6-of-praiiiing. ,
% Trr.'�� A 't ,ba,& I 8-presidett,
'8_40 TUV,'-bADIER,-0 I -mover IMP t, -%I'nit --tha fast
at favors, begs to In- ayi�' a rhi and choiciJ ioed,66thing wastopa said the yofiniq rascal, a(Itieezing �4 tbar out
pep#"I�.Xj - ieol'io the eompliment writes to--th
book� put dweny.his pap6ral a:nd with dreary,, heiress; and. a kich one too. A. fdolish, 0' 1 have threw. siaL mothers
I V AT B4 F U 1q D 9. '�Ioe` -i-163"iferpla and Bonnet restore them front �fieir past BuiTeringa.
P R RopolIMIuM, 13' celliAn'lioer 1b.. Wehovingo .i -I.. the nal, as, fu lOw,3 of Ilia eye; 11 an'
le 0 d of a. look,, pai t
a. I at,, far -away kin I�Qol un. brotber*pf her father"al' 'who would go t6 ore generous than 0 ere had., boed, 110TIsr Or 061111ONg, toficipporb'I" Thsla4y utbaokharputhe,
r1jolge, Clottli j
oavery 9ther branell of The business t6 'ej not
alsid 'OLD STAXI), VICTOTUA, ST,, 0VXoi!OX,' beeditigly antiong-the.throng ort tile wti�ay Ausiralia, took it in his hisAd to dt they Informisil'the tairi t at there might
sibloord art of Nd now 11 Laind6n,'Jruly 6, 1,876. fier'llerad und iia koa Badly away;-- -
she Is,agent for Mosers, ButtorickA Co's Huropoan in worl long since,. And left each a blotched up will. still bli aquie-survit to a IJIP i1ohl-, do W11.11ain Downie, Es4., Prosidenti Ini'spealting of tidoal past Irld gone, an
C,FTARGE� S MODERATn' 0 'TS not Now York patterns of garniantit, and IA constantly Charley Ashton lost no time in -impiov- that it ling taken, over six in'onths'io got tly� up6,nf'tho .1 i bi 6. o0apt. Free Trade Clubo 13oston, V. 9. A.: 6xohango remarks One lotondred.years
TVVEFDS, FULL CLOTHS; BL receivingthanowiltyleo; fill alzos and deabliNtlout are ina Ills op orbunities, for'that night, found the straight of; it, We -Wore Ilis agents,' 'the a a four
i 'Won
_e idprisft hfindiwhloh she sells tit pricea spool oil In the nd o It sad 0 a -to
NAMS. STO.QKIXG jtARX, &CIO Caidlognois, She hopes, by strict date and attention, him seates tetit-a-tele with Miss Tomple in and kept the matter to ourselves, because . a woman did, not lose caoto by Wetting
Vilplishmen, wilgiso appeiranoo any4 IIDEAR Szrt*—I (bank you 4or the -4
APPLY TO ta eontinua to m6pit; o. 11beral patronage. - A cozy little room. in Twenty-firAt street. it was a larga'sum and might cileate im, was 0 liar hands in diah watell ote'robbing the
tbjng batpromising, Compliment you pay Me ill electing me n off 'her knuckles tilt % washboard,"
S. MjLXCON8O,-,q, Allmaild out 6f good wobol, and jefe our Own inionrifitotieft Att OADigna Psolottotty AtTiolonegle Tot Miss Temple -was an orphan, and had for pastars, We'soon',diapoped, 6f tfie one Ing ski Vow boys
Clinton, M0 It, 1876. For some time every vestige of clothi
OgBAP FOU CASE 034 WOOTij Ste al.ti honorary, mernber of the Boston Ali f thouls. were good old, times I
aroli'vea with. tin aunt�her fattar's Big- hundred thousind, dollara to Miss Anna had disappeared. They were completely I .
Clinton, Sept. 7, 1874 88 ter, . Ali income df four hundred dol Yroil,.Trade Club, now living, have, ovor� a666" their mothers
I. accept the* boner you have, con- gro an junig %an
WHoLESALPE k&AIL- '10 BIDDLECOME larl! a- Thompson Temple, but the 'contents of nakod and muoh'aun,bornt, They were sy rod in the face, d d dowa'
up., t,
year had been.Jeft hero which at least a his box, one huparod thougand pounds in �d on the 6tif dffannary, afit monthli c handle of it 1 0 0
Any kinds of Woollen Goods madd tO Order, oTit 6f Yout plied all'nocosaary wafits. She was not , adratilly *nL ' * ragout
Clinton Marble Worksit - P W consola, we need inorio I ses1lIgn' Aftee;thewre& The captain treated them, forredupori we with much gratilfication all th
own woolo,as cheap 1:10 812Y other phea, that don t Oka ashamed to ussiab liar aunt 0out'niatty ing find in the Couras of our, invespigatigus). to was mi applidant for, tile, posiltiott at.
nTjr.OX sornAgT, ati ad Cloci hor, 'ijith, the same kindness be had treated the Your plattorm, 'admirablii—the I
shoddy, things some would call meni'al; and in form I not only found the rightfdT6wn *r1ting. teacher in one of'ourpublicadhoold.
s i0az . h, or no per Clent, extra, or of our Chinese, They sat..oall.,for Noutildo, thired: paragraph- especially 1,166,96a MA,
Terni And feature, lipart, and mind, all her so- truit, but the child of iny only sister � "Sir They -gave him. a copy -book; and asked
JDW:OLLER, &c.,, which they roacha, on the 15th of April, Protaotion he$ upo*a it a taini of hial,forst specimen of A41 lie *could do,
MONUMENTS,RZABSTONES A. 0, VAN EGUONP. SON quaintancea said, fully. Buataitled the high yoit are wortIty. of he�,,.ano:LwAst. i's. t less
81161 It is probable that the Captain of ille Iasi great wrong of Slavery, 1b dooig t He, took up the Pon, andi; In A handwriting
And work of all ki7lds IIIAmorlego, jina rdxtign. Marble, gdaforth,oluiao, 1, laid. ' HILD TrIAV=NG His moixy vitrENDS %eft optnion4o have aedn Ned Farniam. thid of V41#10,* hot foritinia. The noorhing papera balls, �jith_ the second mate afid.iomd of Sgol tfie'labordr, It says to you 0 '10 thXt
a in the boat stylap solid at reason- W -04 on him In her- Ere tho,evening, was over, Charley. will announei you as i -parttier in Our. the o6v reached Ali Auitralian Obit 'It it It ulti- that looked like'
dosigiied suilexecute -thit patroriage A6 Illocrally boat( a -a flash of lightning
able prices. vould hereby notify them and th public olon- iksht6n. had succooded in -appearing d6eply" house.,, vator Of thtlL -Floil, 'You Must not ex- had mistaken the direct madi wfoto as fol.
t1-1y-,Atmt he badoiremovhd Into his new and tudya
Aida dibud retuis a on Albeit Sit -act, where he will jalo,vo, and not Diatoy days had passed oto impoosi,ble to explain -how he coold. hayo —,I Sorrat doesn't kill folkeg As fast
ujinties of Vericous--Coloved -Ma;r1;il6 SUP. Was accepted, Of� been-a6ignorantof the laws of humanity 6hanke jeotir quatter ofwbtiitt.,�r your, jaws,:
keop on �taid a large and select assortment (If Ito bad proposed And oburys," nowaangtomployed,
bArrel.9f 11dur whk qq
_Xtjgjj4bmgjj. for giben gooa
p lied on Shorr�,. $46 . tioe - Job alfilindg, all hot maela lacquaintancoa, Miss Tom ot,�immedlaie We co �io' following advertisement el
Clocks, Wafekoll. Sli' lewailiti Of P10 taken to save ilia remnant of`118 crew. It the cloth or the. -hardware lie 30 1 Py t,
il W OIlly from Be 140
WITENTS AND VZAbST61198 - - WhIcil ho will Roll ao� reasonable rijoits. U19 stock Iff is true that It is alac difficult to understand you, for it you mills --I' Mr. Johu
G81XITn m6N had Always preferred the two,youbg men W. lealand papei,
ft give
It Wag'tr'Uo Blia had rather Ift of - mate to tile 'party of par,
tMVOATkb TO ORDE11, . now much larger and more varied ilisit ever before, An moiffioned. the andintor of �1816 three man living how 4, whole crew Could coolly, Abandon too -With an American who,wilt-give you,k* Gow begs to inti
inspootion Ji� I ited. itopetring of every titig. wha are in tholiabit of helping them,
tiosoirlption, 'lea above the Fills, 8aw'a boar' almost sure danth-the 17 Chinolib passon- m as fo-r-it., olsloVot to, hill firewood that,they'fittley pOW
leaned to the quiet, steady Mi"Fa-teliUM, aboaCS mi
rVoln-ptly attended to. but of Tato, fiaL,coased to visit her, while, awimminginthetiver. Thinkin 10
tiW A� aidi iii4ictrulli io&lf I.- ";' g he Would gets of the lasebollee. — Ob P. Pari's A'jaro,,
ft. 1100PIA, I had boon Almost be -it capital priz , o0boo- It wfl,& so with us thift years Ago, -wityetho-Axa, 484o hall n6 further fate for
W. nID)joIjt(j0jjj6tj, AfeeElrd 8=11T. Xr;' Agliton's presonco a th6y at i art6d, forehint, ill OL
Clinton, Zan. IA, 1874. It Ug.01
conttant'L Henee mile ha(l persuaded her- it large, Substantial log Called or d , U6.11 'Out weatera could r1ob exe aug6 Vith. it; He hopes; that the tasto, Which they
"Iftat ateieff 011itton, Mily oil 1870. Tobacco fil tile 8110k Itoom,
aolf that gho4ovad And had accepted him. When they ovor�wk him ho Roomed quite your farmers tv piecili, of aloth for a bar. so strongly displayoll for beat may� be grat-
CLI BA Alft CLINTON Obarlay Urged a apeodir marriagd; why Obliged for their attention, and' quietly ard 6f Pldlbg 'bedoftlibg Flo rel of floor, but Only With, an Englisli tiflool if not in thill 8#11ord, at loyisil in the
'bring in a convorpation Joc long for MQ'to PUU . ifig litla Pawn Ott the aide of the Calico, We have lie
DMIler in detail, whotobi it appodred that Sonia of drewhint000lf into it, poiLwithatAnding'thit inuoli'diagnated with the odors of tobac. farmor who olTered -him half a barrel. next,
Wifelt thojr� cij aboab tildfr physician$ that theV disee So_t1job Pr6teetiVe System 1106L inLi't much At the. Contotinialf ilia, philadolphia Ia.
C X� wora, fixing ill) they vehemently Ild labored him ; - it Cunning V. Now
' Ott tile " atrbat" fols, AS 110 Calln1j.11T on 6,11, . at of dies cry out, I'lant
.G. 0. BLA 1tvIlo.ohotroahily A, cartain stock, And our- padd a 'do two tot _ad oilthervwho of the evil of slayery, f6r tho -label-
13 14L.K R' issod them and employ Vork ladies, �1111t
. . P Into ill ill not free; it is by-f6roo. of, All, how exquawsito Ill
to 'big altil ooloi 0 water I )w superbly' lovelyl"
ton Oro Bloods a16 . Iva of the pian, *ont I on Ireb fr4a Such irritating ae- the'laborer is
lord for Vitt faf friend Aahtdeiz wantod abrad of tile a Would be
(LATTlor 60DErliCirl) liefitilegolisouldint mato tilmho Is at tho Old totiluds,114 Boston ladies,
hold no* on hind ii tcrput� in it. other side, Tile thh-ol, w1io inay be oal- companimentg, Ana.fhak"dW right. faw diminiAlled ill value,
Lonhville ladias; " Beautiful, fo' AhAull
33ARMI, q?14PE, OTIONE ft. A , :,ona Tompid piefotrad a longer tiroo; 10ol V111110r, could not swim, slid p4t"PAIII Tfia small bf a inAn 'who ja ,thoroughly , "This caucenly6xigtht ()hidago ladidai I of Ohi nly---I kviall. I Owilett
]ft Urged that time would maka-thent know Ono,ugll felt goinewbaL ofaboirrAnsed. , -much Ia. Itapl, that 101. while the gooUino Yantiao Irla
PUA03 . . Oly Ka Ut to 1,V 'front. tile Tural d,atriet C,.tCIAjUj, ef af
R. Pattataon, to tile Ml .0aell other V6 �emslrtwt� " __-
1=31) �nl,' flARNO inag WIMIL! SnUMTED S'TOCX his relief 010, Animal dollborat Satt vated with tobildoo ia-litif'liard I& from the ignorance ofits poop
1jFj N N A*.'T" boftar, CAP06411Y in thd inti- to nalti, at cis Ulany folotu#, vll� the fraud i4406 trallopam
�Oy pow stood. Vol fit the bow of the Canoe fo% 1 hi 0
inhabitants of Clintott hAd VlOinitf, that hot Mond mate relation t. Charley doi
61 111106611621 bilat he 'wotild bovor Change, and An. the Jjoj$OL Of tho VAPI(Tj 1knol't lr6 dWam But lord it; a eitiso Mpg. I ll0payOUr,CIabwil1 do, 801,10. elAindminy, but nonb thoit 'ol* A Attl
I ll on the above buB0648 in ell $tit W421660, Oti allil't of the !18041 ,
Aer' US. A 01iiistion, Ia thing to destroy it;' '!Xllo eillstitg, do. '11001#111
Ito e*ka�j that,timitc , Ott , liltlevor develop tiny Valls'lloinindod hilut t1fat the w -6 'in. U106 10 dy'lay on yo f
indo6itf6tttdtfycoynt-)otitloillbu toroitti4t, pual� noAry Vilahor roaolvall 16 ta advAn. her deathbed, IterL past6r'ViSifed her 11 611. your , to very Wonual lit" � it Afght, -to be of' atly
BAKER 'CONFECTIOUR', k If, trade rduab ton
aulfil iii -her" j'%tjo. Pratoobf n Can do to Ago jerL If Slid W
0,111 6110ii,p '064 116hill' Wiirtbloso ittildlog thiow. But 11 ftaid-111hB"Templo, there is aft- tago at the truoia, and %iiall vigoiloualy for And, in order to batotdor toward. her in peopI6 ho 1 .0 Oro to ftate h4i
90,010te, I . I r - i call, be free; the there. Diveom"llien fie began, to �addfo' 'or e plitkoL prosperity Pdrnimiont, and hovv foal ago no Ona Would believe Ijory Evolpy,
SOMES AN.0 PAIM'99' 4;ihor toaton, arid, I thifiL hot vebakft6gos leaned"I itr I
6toa VICTO'RIA STREBT) with YOUL now",. I have, "apont so much of the bear began to grO*1 hig,objOatiolla, on. as It right, to wear;% monstabholl hi�
A.s hot dill0olo good workm6fl, finVullal lift, when opoaking of Jesus And the loopps 'much- it. can do to add t6 tile Adverity,of "An"'
bilit it& 6116d mdAgAid, Its can therefore W400thit 4ant haq no spottee forcing them at, the Name time with tLft can. 'Every woman Who pialCeiL 1%. pudding'
WOf,kj6 �Ia 6ftha best daidriptl6tij And *111nahothplak,, ��tho (46SP011e 8Nd board tbe "W'OrL46' ille preasuro (tom*which intlustry ',has 4 right, 6 blilleva that Abe can moliko
tndtlo�"thxlt' I 116,vano hleaus of' doffoq�ino Omi1lo;qgV1q, J1 f rora
tIl6L ey -they filled to eye for other daillielt 011
Vol OPPOSITE T1111, OLD R&RX BUILDIX0, but tooling their ic6natant And insidious RD. nno6 pt�.Vhapa 6 wholly bet,;er puddings tlialleany othe. Woman iu
and CfOXV90T1e:N91Vr 'ad hgaia to 1140 with every oople"ad thor6 wag a, braith treed. the world. Divery n�an, who oarvoo had
Uut you have the, fortuna, loft 760 by roach to thie'rapida. 1213 tti 'bh� adoided po,
11 t6 oi$,With malty, thotifka to t1ld MOMI)eVA addiolod r*
Ighb to thtfl4i of It,
ot all 'to 6raa, 4114, k6Vtofi An Australian 1111016, nd ovoil if you have, Vat paddlo, llrMfs thoft roillea hiethoto, of. Of t6baedo wl laojj 411 llphelf by DUO 11t;
Ifaoi; alwAys Oil 114nd A litTga stooll: of of yoqf olab f6p thall, friendly �glnejt. 4 tow of the beat bittalfd& Vv4yesvotdiin
not r0deivdil it, your agent disopprobaflott An octavo hii tid made his W111%try, , Ito tobiried), Oro his
'pIC bob)e''Child tho It Prato,
T0'Wj;' C% tjjillitio *,oy.,s rnfooke ail t6L come bAak A j*14bb to thl
Mtr�,Al) RE TIVEDED TV lie 6hj6do, olis goeba jAg *jbwt Q; & motion as imb intoendea to, get ddWA and b4d time pho had pagaied broanbit 6f me, I -Am, with gveol't 1 -6 -
at I have Too flittuno, dba� chailey. "gotor"blin. tiost little baby im thd world,,,, itua it Aim
0 A X Z St. t1lought imlyiV not, however, without hAvlig firSt Npoot; yolirg VmT 1kindproly, his. thl poritest foll'st to aciiy 110i this right,
it wag mitio, bilb the foOtInO *66rj,'h6weveV, roappoitr6d fft Motor o -
04f, §tod that hor fohoral fiel"Vioe'OL 11,Y0AX 33111,411T." ' for #ha Nvould bo sura to taka- It, Nvoty,
11mirunat 1= m0k, ilobably, allule lo Wag loll 10 MY 0611, 01,, *ith A "Ift"d fAU1101 A'
hog—Viftlar . MW you p And �thdioa slahars to '66 dispenood- by o toltuldtot %Vh( )L yeoung lhaep Iths Vitt to faint whah AOL
0; - hiai -Ittim Thpatpoort Tom Ao,, to, whom I oioribloi 111 61111611
111tiodallada you at t116 Illi I I'llth,6416 Ufjjjj% �W414hjdL 1*%'Ar *Alftill'ithhd W I bveathi� no n1cotillo ovot Ifor 00r. Uidftio hM 0 IlAd 1140 to'"Ilok
Otto; 610,0640 lit oil ill, , 9
iqlj� I
Rik' 010 11111r, 1141111 A
........ ..