Clinton New Era, 1876-07-27, Page 3cut New .11oport TP44e. Art 4 III Wo biAsl Tim UQutrei.% Liver Ql on 5atarday. U944 having libee A Atirkey droplied from a balloon Ark1or thn a Dom Pedro, 'of Brazi A height, -of three wiles, alighted in Now transport of live Aonk. 119rues, too, which WE- 1sx.s. Bedford unhurb, lialre, for Own- past beea in over-04lipl Cttails, are shipped in, like nianu or; hty tons. of frOsh meat frona Now b4 fox, thia purpoKQ the geneml run of horses -a now sold in �hii 11"est ork ai Vind raised in U'Auad Is, we presume Poor, %egoQd markets, LOU40, OVOfy week. horseg Are, dcoxandvil in Britain, and liadox A poor hot -so could not p6,T v train oil the Contral -Paoiflo., on ulaged, and JUnmaro a AsSO Friday, raii over 4 Wan, near licieed, thQponi4nou ran of horses oA owl S 0. Truokee, who was foun4 to bavo. been �; purobaso� here at that price. ThedemAlid for the United States, during the war, An lashod to the track by- parties,: on.knOWIL (luring the groat 01-4 of rAl Way expansion, oto.0 Govarry, 81"coille no, Urge that farmers round &V -00-v PURONAGE A portioi� of tho town a( d FOR, THE S, OF ne Ohorbtirg, France, has Won bumt. a paying uiarlcot forp oortef colts� Tliig. M JNT IS,. PRINTS. A hijudrod houses bavo bee I n deQtroyed, demand, having ceased, . the oonsequopcii is . al much 1,argq supply of ordinary Animals than whereby 00 fitiallicii Nveie renderQ11 �Iloro. is Ilse, fQ4 The first- t6ndquoy. of the Do) 44inarld will. be to, coutlity4o tlig pro. 'William Entwerson Bakeri an,ecceu. coes of witbdrAwlag the bettor tiort of licri-o While many are crying out Dull TIM '*e, on the other Naad,, ARE DOING A from the country, but, if, on", iho other hand, ea.aud Nothing Doft3g," _y 0, �00 it ohouI4 prove thAt it pays to raise r HOISIR19 NO R.. .0SIERY lionaire, on )Mday last� placed n, LARGE TRADE, our cash al I .. 11 0 e ea in advano '3$- per, cent,. of the, correspoDdinif months of last h)d herao tboa, A poor, one, it �m Aston of go( Now Yor�-, and four other truslees a lone be the, mous, of elevating the general ini aeres of Ian( and induce a pqrpois OtL Of CeXIO141 college of cookery, rogrbt at I present, that the inuoll-rrizod , brood Aclian onion is Almost drained from the ­'At.ameeting r tile erse.03ity 13. ard O can efttAM f4rm.`CQnta ng f standard throughout the counti A-11 ]Down to 1-1 rd.1pa:11k )P�rloes nfarmers,to nd retain -proyido t4ommelves.witha $00,000, for tb a of f6u.60hig, a good stock aaimolo� It is a subje ES 0 mand for,them, and it in is k1wetion whether aluttioatioll was read �61A lltayO Said- that h4rdy race of horsairoan be rdft6red. And iaf�o"r'Aer to do, 90 We will 'DIN 61 7� and 8 BEA-UTIFTJ14 qU4KA ES lei-, urging the Board to make $011ie ar- 4 I(Ind Wgro tor Canada.- cents per �rgrd 4�'Wdfta Od fast dolors ; fine qiialities GRE -x AND 13LACIC- LvsTrxs, t 15, 20, 25; SQ, 40, au 10 conts, per yard rangements; whereb the thoustinds of P .1.1 d. 0 realleed,15 per FANCY WRITAND STEI S per ANI A W Ho T men.in ' the city stariing- for Voilt OT enPB MusLwa, at Iess thqu ordfiiary.,09t prioes F.KNTG1" J)-PXSS- 67.00PS read, could got work, 11D IN PRICE 124, cent QR' R A formerly of Canada bu now located ii, E UCE E AND 13L C� X) COTT' re'&100a t Xroduoa talon ia exohango. Highest price paid for 94�P4 Butter. At Pottsville, Pa., on Nlbndn� t a 'Virginia City, I Nevada, writeii to a contem� B ON r) I.O.cents per little son',of Jqbz% E. cameroll jpw.eied porar dvising Canadians, to stay awol n. ru" e have, made �a. I -?e ase of IHODGINS PAY.- m;tbit-rogion. Storlos,of"'bonan his younger sisierlrito bu ilig lime' 40 , zas arg Am aniple HATS40 MEN �ind CLINTON, July 27, l876- Ir . ilu for it ride, I but . wr I ke unable to �.all. fire. yery fascinating, but wl)ezi� they have ancil the.' filloo..­ Fifteen,juindred decent idle man on'coinlotion with Virgiiii4.0ity they are the Leading AMerlfan IS rieS e the vilcket, up, and b,ot.h mother were.rburned all�a in If0i e -tit, ,are,thel.0 t',dftyl. and from. to SAVO the girl. ext, k 0 Via Amount Of we,ha�e,purcbased'these goods dirdt,fr xn­a-NewYorkh . o t A. wor : uots, goluton, it is corf.ain that o'. use,, at a, ro etion .of 36 p'er cen and are ithin faiv, 11,001W Inany. hundreds more'. In ry ne -en and B6 's StraW Hats at'cobt oatt.: of. om p oythent, The �t debate !4-1 the 1-folise O e at, ordina Vanadi Wholesale Diic so M rice"s Lords* oil the subject of interRpPrfwco,: will.'bo thro U. -M M E R 1876. 1=1 pfi;pera riia okyndid. otiough to adviso I1876. S the Bishop of Clirlisle producod go"Ir6 laborers to get away Qthoy can, I Fok ihooe M sition, is not P elt� tW(DntV n Ifor a j . .1 . VbO nt. ..The.liavo to perform seveii days' 'TS. J startlin, a a had bee'a whoaro at W'cirIc tII6.Po Re.'.-kneiv-n girl of D -T TE e n' GOO , so U V 0. O*4 Irlip, drunl�enness thirteen'times since here being no r000gpi�od Sabbath,-. ari I dalloldep mlld� the penalty for' consciousness b ei n mismiss .4ollai in Can, Peg) 1. W _V Ladies4j-i od' N di i �il, Ono Ida is"worth MAW. Hats 'and 13o Jackets, a d S. JAU e'Mr. Oillies has confoired i d four in. Neyadft. wit,hift,the a me perto a favot upon Such Cdhadiat'18 as are easily e as, trav, -oil Average that -coiun� 0 T S; ever did. . He b alled try 6 ma(lb a' large. pure L has of Cheap. ella Dom Podro bas done wb'at no Yankee enticed aw4y by fine Atorios,- :The�.facf`is We h v �LA few are I so. goo �4 180 Iniles 0, (lay fur 180 ditys, and d. 'Men must'weiik for a h L living, %iywlier6,,and liero they -ar *0 tioler. iae,qua i Y; style, cannotfail to please.i: ��'qe -AND. GENE. .0U, ours h or p 111(l QLOTHIER, 4.21'rorked at siglit-s6eing.sixteen, invariably at six an&. ire- if'they are vbly.gure of a cli;Anm�fd work aof W]a villin TbatLID' more than can be. said A it ME _NLT T OF- biring at Aeven, !I.e b4S: 4149 Shq_W,R­ mmt j;arba ofilis UfAted Stat6s, an T 'CIIAIXTOW- 0N'T.----.­ 4 -appre is iation. of good things, b b7 fill more than, can bd said of Nevada., boildred Eliglish the-ptigitlon ioldiefs in,M iwr irse o Ank: spir�ts ust opelied Toeeday,- 6ne: Case AND--­�_.GENEIRA., GR ONE IS 0i aiid-pa.ying for it. in. A cribing ofit-real !-Journal­of TE A S-4- for the Al The London Tiqito�' R, f the oldsgo-ii mill workers ibboo'ming of mult i1quor, 4h-ect'; from New '(Witho"U worse. Oq Friday twol i_viore is t California'llas, , pu up. 2,500',000 W bl) .--owners intimated their intiati66 to. re,; cans of stra r468 this Yea we, feel, . 1i C i1#61j. �u'ce the i L vages of et�ployeef ten' qualified ta"I -put 0own" �otpe oft., heseiL ed ayes. -:o the Fhaest Goods: eor:`S'hown I teant d it I's fearea ion f4 per cent an. the redu�� n�excitem'=6 w% in 'will, become genera 9 CreAtea. hebimployeeslof e ninon y spedycouple b �Tasliville, a f0v,days ago, %� 'the ap-' M " T-H0.,JA:CKSUN -oue large firm-have,struck,. and thelem, Pr it' es. mar,ket' oClinton, Jun 29, 1876. jmarpLnoo of all strike. 'The woman or- plbyees of another a dry goods1tore. for' ............ r ­� - . ..... . . .11 I - - I . 1. . .� I 1 . A061C of Ili a q�ed,a laygo fixings, 'Near I I Tues the man She then ask�L paid ror.,� Wtishingtdri 0 ing.,the oil io"go r a parson,.a . It uPoll.. -Parties w"anting Cloth.�fig Millin6ry, Boots anii-Sho6s, fina he-.neW6st go I od . S, oxie: 'o'f O.- -4 o t drew a pistol' -nd Grorceries, .&b., Will his arrival'Aho rustics'wera.- married yliSL C.L1 NT "',-0'R( :7xA-' sliot and. killed EiU, who was afte a th6-16fgest.aSsortmiants of goods:'and 'the: most t, h, goods At the�._Ixowest prices it the .7 7. We. g I a. lie �o inus ins, calicoes, And Wthe,fie LOC *ils. 'at citice Arrested-. re owe -goo, 'and. 6hoice�t '900ft. griuning,'gfollp- of uently our st c ys filled wit the n, ewest- exi goods, i h 1.4 e-i&ry-!w6ek,`,bonse4, .9 Ic Is -ah�g h 0 gaya� lit a. r ­ih th 't too,.grogt intimitq e%ist6d-- beivdeal )3a. ne e.o p o. are a n n is -to -thei: 0 H E R.. Y a ditizdn U'Laming'L 1nte esf�-to'do' eir tradingwith­ us, hence th-6 largo;Anc a ie in 6tu- pdtronage. We respectfu ly ask- canon Tor.the ,sbooting �.Gtv "lar ables us -to do this. The' :p le r i;"g' t t it a-by:for itnese r ae - sa os :and read YL li� re 8 ff r in ail -7w bTargaAns we are -now -o _eri:14, 'WE' hun4red peoplO took Lee fto I, ilia river eac and e�ery one. to,come, se"rid sedure�S'61n* e of 10 ALL� and his wi a., A mob of soveral whil, h 'Unn 31ANUFAM' ab tha.4 plm, the body of be ly Iy and Nng lifit the M OLliSALZ AGENTS 7011� nface upward on. -the bottom ADVERTISE IS DONE. T E Tlib\,Germail cboimbekn� of eounnerc,e di was- to His first impulse ye. r_r -y4-"v dud.the\Wboloof the class Securin 7.77 40 11�4art riee U kv tu r 11 ppsite t it ti. into, the .W CL) Ouse 1whic IGermap�4 re takiftg1fitelPs, toirif0s. 03)- the body he, &Krri(il it ti'll h ssifilill ar y vilotigh. 11;iplidned to, be tl tainiii-Ta wtio'n of-.tllo tint t 1, Q, Sion 0 adi C LIN TU 111Y r-9 1876. jo, cam antil, tbo of the Stranger sent gor" tkl for As i is M I reslil.oliko f ("Innillil"* . .1 . , . 1, ).q (7linton, April 121, 18-,d. ple. ith son lj�opo3q ob taining' a n(kw I ILI w, 'our Organg,yead the follo The Way was CLM,rON X&RUE8 �s to thce.\Celloncoof wing Testimonials.,. which would roduce'tho period. witbin sin J__ S9 OSTAPLTOXii &pr.j1 IOU, which legal a, I 1LX8 July 1.7 t�� ii now. as 6 � -07 V V. -187� 11 after 7 1 sr. ItailtioD, L years* to: one, a got Wheat, wo a _. . - us. Iliq nc�, cipib Kj�-til=f , welt, . L. ... . , . . . . . -You. ask ion oi your first Org'dn, I have much, pleasuio in tell- tu -ever' 0 95 a 0,08 es. 'The tons! I p . very flill:And ricir.'and cor- small ti�itdesman 16tito gi' c' V . 90 buka'srs and safe remedy for business in the preiii w ealdrinerly ure a.x a Grocery itig you that I consider it it gicat �u�ce a for -Female DIM. The too long a time. in. Sou Ell io 11,13got taiuly it is iis guoXan iastrument of its M44'as thero is rnado, in Cnalls to-day� I .-O-20 4 0 80 cultlas aud'.Obitiiiations,ftoin4uyalLuoo.whaft, M aorwtwit)y lcepp,ou hand a large i6nd wejl-ael�ctlia took of 'rile only hoe that you, will meet with, liberal. patronago, reap the reward that. your,, a' 0 50 over; And sibUtitigh a power Itilremed 'It 0 �0 OOn- Win 6' Ifid 11"Oors- of' the-. b68t rill in- .eas, e iable: Biralids, enterprise mtrits. Y.6uris t 0�1 0 . Aciallt' W98 I taius nothinghurtful to the constitution. JOH ItANSFOR liess depredsiun. iq Hoglund 110t: Oil y Flont� .5 00 al.TO MARRIBI). LADI Which he 6frej$ tO'fhO'pllljlio ittLtilb']()I$.e�tLrf)nlUlieXLtir.0'1)ri(:Lo,----AgeL.Ij fort*4uctton continu'V, but bacC4.1iing, ittid poigoned who 1prud not poispood inited'L. It jT'Ill, in e Lt Co.-, T'icnto, impor -eaL pleasaro in giving ray tostlinony as to the, excellence 6f t�� Cli�t�, . , I-Ja questri�ji Itispeetillarlys , . I tke i I .. e The bring 6ifthu �monthlypo Organ, . Ufactured by W.'Dollerty & Ci . P, in Additional failliras ar' ilia in'power aiiii 4,�eottiess of t6no, -titore alarming. Potatoes, I 00 rind *Ith rogn U1111 with 6'youlfg NyMi,10 w1n),M 41 q9 �ivdu, a also be,; hiwp 'rons an' lil .0 10 At d Ist he bcis rem -repried und. other$ are li,61 to bd it 0 �Tas' 10 I . . . 1. liflekii ss of rosponsli to the tonob, as well a:rin its mech�ui'al internal arrang9m t I io c on 0, Iulla�itamiaiat.Nen�oug.iLud,�ip�nDA Affect n For her-'beinefit-he I00 �g )Qc f 9ft it is and in samd Prqticulaisy 4'.Atrument,l have ox- , 10nding" I'll the iron fraxlo.�e C:il, 0 � __ t 0 IIISU Ve ;'11�eso hffigs inI J�aya IS Fatigui O: hy; J as, A Yu.111, an thd American E.jpre.qs 011ce. 9 G�Iny. Y@Tt'07_0_1_-�4 : . alight exertion,- P41N atioij *of, t 4 he 13 I for 4* 56' -a' -0 00 hoart� Hysterics; fholz` Headache its �, Tot a pemises lately, OLOtrpwif it eati"'W611 be. Allow.m.6 to say tbgt I oark. chierf ully4econam.eall'it to, i -that iq ici�s a�nountlng .3L50 vlaore he is preiiared to offier spoc!al indpamuts to-. any laoritig, hizia with their patroliRge. t ogo to pro.va in this a 4 00 andallthapainful diseases olleasi e 'by llla� Lill intrument, ab one III every respect. well rit ad to ou the nt, - L'.1 . . I ., require , . ... liply the in theii-gi ate t 000i J?6�iding SheepliL-illil' 0.25 it 0 X a ma - Dean ovqr-pr 0 1 1 - CAL A -D. 9- 111 E ST ill irtry, thef,re ',bav oduc- disor4ored.sy4em" these illivill so aeurin 49 'GCXi �ND db21P_1UtI11 of over O.f PRICES. ation and ovor-tradi;g. All q yment of fim ' when all other ni R, CALLAN ER, l6der of' all A .110 a 6 30 1 D the.0 hurch dhiir, Clinto u P 3.150, View Pills. have n been' N. fir4 ra. inns t I affectionate hug. .'to' faill I -ft CO. 'rid, finallco u ([a of these y Minton, uly20, F.mls, W. DoRER currency. 6 tsi Among the riurnorous Cabinet Or. �:T- hav'�­rbdi! during many years 1. have, ban.1 waa talcou ill'arld his attiinding 0 50 55 thoditeotions a 2u page of 187 BRICK BUCki gans CAIISOS will ot. explait! a deprepii�q s* Ule 'O 75 A I 00 ph] ot, njo wel folisorve not goe,q any Superior to i�o Clinton 01g�n,. The after a oareful.'exAmination, Vor.frill p4jil-didars, got aamphlot, free, a been teaclier of Music. I have - R. � unusual as it. is sevole. .'.-a 12 A 0 15 character of the tons is both.beautiful-And q�pathetio, the iliffaition is peRbut,,ana came to the contlusion tht lie bad Uthen, IVOOI,, 0 25 a 119 Vot Sal the totich easy And interior to none. The workinaliship is botit. solid Ana eiegtipt 0- f Course ho wife SF_i1?0R'1rH NARKE0. �iE MOVA L� A despteb from Eureka,, by way ,Of 'that is la"king. W. lOrSIP WITH T R 'Us tcrinjy tbOL dage Ilostagoi enclosed Afitted up wa� st-ft i Safi , r, rancisco, iays —About niA $1.00 and 12i cents for IV, -DoUFRTY CO., CLT',;TON. O?OlOc1c last 11 86, And the itisurat Northrop& Lyman, I ' ill Y ND rtl8tta ond;ay� night a-clond bur leo aaftts hand y cancel- July 20, 1816, ..�,Toronto, Out,# general weig, wit1half an acro of gr4nild, olt.00 (a Vleti)114 'i� Policies., In �'a fe diy h Wheat' Fall i. agents for tb o Doilififlogj' will insure a bottle 8 treat, nottr the 01, T. It. It., &Ioply to Amz$ will Ideagii tako lintivi tlest I have retaovo-% all the doairitbl� improve, on Diamond Rawyo Af w a 8 OW_ P, - , - ng to obtain an instrument that wftld., do 0 ountainj thirteen "ad the Spring 0 85 o90 containing over 60 pills by-retu rn mail. ruy lloolr_ A,?v busltL�g% Iroin Ube old stawl i niles east of.bPre, whiehrestilted in the ever, 'the -busband recovered, an Ella �-5 00. 5 25 Sold in Clintou by J. X. Combo a Uayal, I . ments n, ower,. falnesic, and sweetuesg of tone, I aut happy to say that I have i srthirbae Organ, posses nCc renliz,fl a Fin the Clinton orga�-, Every one who beam it, goes away lq;tsod, ri-Ohinese wood c1loppors physiciall now lla,g tt fall.flo Oats 028 a, Q 32. The qualities which ses, aia much approdite is a _dged slander t lorthZICL tarep -t,. . pdorlp e. 0 4;, -this, A lhk-t d bably a number of I Klia*n agvne al favurito in our family circ,1 suil-m bis. bands. whur fi,,th. 45 0, and rg. 4ardiin _Ji, 8.TAN d, Stan oy'. ji L __ ! -_ . -,, .. � - ­ " &ij­ 0 otato 'RodgervillemadaU a gc4 tin I JITIR 'L,oifd n R lay'..; 00 4, 1 25 Til�T 0,15 1 0.16 woll,oftilatild farm, lot No, 2.1, loth to" 00liftivit- 11116 "a flimn that T have i"da largo addl- 13 me Tu]P, 'JuBsOn"'En Ot"'"s la -the Organs manufactured by W.'Dobo oil o6 moments notico a Column 0 110 to slid have now on hand a Arab-olass: Having thorouglily tesito�l the ui�rits.of rty With t A liew,fig-lit has rec�ntly, taken lilace ine i loalors. . I . . I I tke pleasure . i it Saying thit, - I 'cotisider them in All r�specta_eqnal ill woth(Im' , E o 10 li:, 0. 10 alinga 4 Lailes Irom Clinton, colitainlixg 80 A"soottracint of ales. Tbo a' 00 I T VJYB I' L.yd I 1, OAV fp� mWen,;() aleared, remiltider good hatils,cod busly, Oil A rnanv Iwifits superior, to any reed instrument iti the market..* The'16ase with throwing all folit 6A (Lhinain%U4 The' C"I'Vel ill -1TU't'i �V' ir. .7 00 Jelly J409 the farm liters I's, Iog 111a tic,tu, art! it va�Or- PI r9ney, and Office st�tiollety, it4air, allpyly is Inninivied ; th6 smoothness nd equality, of its tone';., its ready to, - ' 4 tfio' stanoaA ro A, linouliat-ly paintui ae. a so a 00 for Me people. -41here are but- Jeur prepamitknq Wittig opting ireek, ArrIly ta Itelians i�era cabiped i rt distaildo "I'll of rnedic�neawideh hav# the impartial & fine selection of the lettost, Sliwisn to the tuch ; the oloquent voicing of its faheysto And the perfection of its. 1lition, It that, a fiijIlaor'S 0 25 0 z , WILAO Coon, DE"venriELI) P. I abovq, and As no trAco call 1�0 round it is 0 411,4n;ene of the people jor - awy pecat lengiA O/ Exilgilith, Cano.diatit OL Avwtirlauts h6okin gonLral irechatiism. aln9t inake it an.eapecial favorite C. CUAWFORI)i Music Teacher and Procontor jar feared ll P�Xlsbed,: diat liar dignity was orlienith xamnETtj �imc: -Church, Clinton hurt by 4 pe' r . position React theJolloichigandbe r July 26, 1876. anc Collin, TY; ront 61 soyl- arnh lea, 10rhareteena.111cicd GOOD IN EXPLESSTAIM A little g1fl, aged vight, datlititer df occupying -a'vew int-Inediately in f Tho Contnoid Buhr Ishop" 00cDo. fillitall14 ft01M==4*0 a�$0 bo 71r 0 95' tationt for Me 1 NY, heat oil rlivan dot dQ have A 11aciiie, femily ham d Oil r hello,callsed asereento be erocted between , ' a ' 4K Ithen have haJ 05 TO Vlroltll THE 141.. MWO 3,ffiM was T!fAllITAb;1!fi �of Clin ton anil violuity, that be hato OpEft) �I -F 4N _*k ill—IJU. a JJVLL:lUIU V�Iltuultr-m , , il t1lo 56 5 0 - i5 0-0 oo day last The fatWe .0,40 the -other 1�dy, 'Pilinj Ctlshio,8 on h' r 0 28 0 30 .nq attaar of it; rivould reemartlend it to all,11-4 , turt, bem Paths, OiAeap, 63 noit doot to 0, onto's Irciii?,o, olitipio street, child recently ptirchasoll it. p6werful and Scat to sa0h *a heiobt, that, the -scraell troubledwith; and where he oil berploaNeAl to nome all wh,, way (ator hon I a049 045. Ofed, med(eilles with little or'no, bogeru, with their oitotop. if"00 till hew the r, electric oil, which are i?q�,ledj'aje tied the dressivi of ladleii'ligh, p their liontoo, den Avage -bul 1 -dog wbiell WjS kel)tL all ain ed viasi rendered, remained mi 3,ototoa ase I in.the yarcl fbV th0%protection of his tras of the littivition. Growing 0 . ill L I U OR S T-0 .R --P, 4 - I tirek I -lay 00 A 10 00 reU4, and1hare since. used i6with the best dW, the 110"t styllo 0$ his profelilion"A trial hoUctoil. propm-ty., land tile Child, 011rattempting bo v4totj p6rch, She hit Butter, 0 10 A' 0 17 -e., and' cunt 0. Waver, of bee ele, 8" ill the Caed Of CU18`4 �d Act Ve il'led it on 110) on, gilly to caress tho brute was fet'Lotjougl flishing the Y_'tt- Ul�oli the design, of derm 6 50 a 7 00 ille"AmeWaa 4xfii-en Co. ton.antl s6rean alto ;eiher, atA accordilig tacked And seriously bU ly, oll'a S 50 a 4, 00 wrika. 1harejohl hpudreds of boftie$ 1E, cleewe TA,%iES .4,,YtTIM. Ifiden XOW ON TIAXI) M TH19 about the fitce. The anGal timtoixed -coavonieht occasi�'h, she ho�ipd ibilown Wood 11 60 A 3 00 r' 014 it has done icondell in heatin THE aadrelzm5i 7 Clinton, X11110 92, 114711. tz, e., and A wart ty of Ad grea -- OUTTR G AND J)RES UXt. r. its tooth in,thel ghoeic of the gill an(I with a The sereen. was, on '600 cot, coun J. saLv#, "fit Dand in the IRteot stylo,, Agent tor ine D�rhorestfd Prii,mises formerly occUPi.ed by the late J. 'B;..RaC()Y, hu on with'a partinacity chapacLeris- the 'recomfoalidatiorl'of the, Chapel an- RIKETS. ersuaded tortry Thohias' Pilecteie 00'&r a fame reliable patteraft. , All s1zoq Kbd i C. RASK! CRASH 1. 'd be lite/ f3le.q, with 10, 'Tho*.scroama of the thorities ahlirneverf-owid, otyationa add full all ot tic Of the'breedi restorea ,. an ro, fbe'the the lot" IELGIE Al VOT STOCK �01`,, ;rO;4ONTO, Tilly 0s'1876y I ajiylhin�q like itf6rcarlog twireness, Itisappe44 Atid boot in,every departmont 'of TA(UPD, Itud 1,A qD SEL sutt6rer brought tbe hired man to tho moment, the matter rests, but the 0 t -,F, I 81 06 X 1111011dro 96N. A. -CALL SOLICITEP. _ y a al I 10 fiuyW A. JA ltamilW, Warkzvortl�, I child Y1.1. Anothar Chimne icoup, ;who wag ctually compollecl to -berven of tha.,congregation -are -kept Con- 1'08 *a. I 00. zoriles, "Vqrteeck�t was troubted vitIt a sa-elted, Rziltnuelt T112 py.it-K.- Barley,' - 0 '55 A L 0 So 41�4-1 which annoyed mii,tic Much. I ivas bt- 0111`0 . SrT9 TUR CO3J1(l,r.Cf.kl, ThArt, Itt'a 11 ST put bla hands in the motith A119 stantly on the strdall'], and noona kno,�s oats 0 3$ a 0 �34 dvee� to frit 90fecerfe Oil, and"tfore oize bottle vas C/11TOICE, L' U befor.be could ralieve *froffi moment towbment whether -the pose �6 (j 70.. a -(),7Lg. Moro Brokon On% 0! ' S61A byallmodicitio dealergi rice, 26 pto. thwebild'. In doing §o tho.man�s fin,- set -eon will b allowed to renaain�htaud. Illitter' g2L.,. 'a fit the lowbii� . . 9; iinpre8gion ksh*x'- et Boar. they oft6i to, the publi -remunerative rates. ero were litorally,stripped brfiosib.. Ini, the general being that Eggs 0 11w a 0-1.1 S, X. THOUAS, Pheips, X Y, er r a it will be down a- ig before long,. saillsh eiorxi Marite't, AndNORTIMOP &,LYAAX,. Toronto, Teonsigurtioub 6f IfJkAlp CRIUMS, %ado by the Also, Gumeilses Porter '-Pas s'8,'Yoi1pyer'1ii, and Coggroes J101tted, Ale, Agents fo)! L bateq Ont., Sole AgelIts for the Dominioti. 'D tlow ptitout in Vritrice, of 6Mo4 oby "A Correspondent writitig, from Phila. -a kept t 11,I st 46U., Iful. lion, qnd and 9104ttizod. eUTdonut, Oil knooking al�out.wltbout the 4-olateat fGat of and Carling'q hajr and qtla,oter bamth, ii uoodt GraAt's $pHng )3nwtry, Irani; A $aw *kdrlc correspondent says an wiiiox, Zuly 21. -The Mark Une Zxpreit, In Its b 0 dAr —The exodus of Ilhiladel� (31 Agii%fg�tor the (76 kh B. delphlia says mly reviev of, ther -BAUSh 06Yn trails, V --d.th ndS, th - *eaili Jonx COCA, ontlhlvlq� 11ilty Om, an Cuss, 6116WA - abou. a er T ill-' lirospects of a good orop now hooracertitin of f d1filment; V III All Ordel's Vrorriptly Attonded to, of tke eitizensr are in the -country. Tlia about roasting potatoes in ihetun.— the hey hairli6entlitth6roath encillentdondition, though �1_ L . I I # it to not quito as 146fitiful its It would 'bato 4oen vrith, . ity, .11'rNza & 00 Clinton, $uns, 14,1876, 111011 bug . not attractions onough ily, it seeing is tboug4 oli might rufi �, triore favori&W spring. Root arobo are now 60671no' CLINTON, Jan'$, 1$70. to ke6p. PhifadelpbiaiI6 within the Call. Ubigfoandry'filib wittkoubsponding a The reolich and, Oersilan wheat crops are oil. RR Iyasolyebt Act ,of 1875,, listhill qUalitf. and cittantity, Local trAdd AND WAGON'. MA ERLS House- for gale, gone bent for coal At moderate bontfulfteadeprillsibli, &,ad Vheat heis deellined ta-law MAtter "Willitun Marten, tin thedty,. The rich fiaVa a1.1libitil I; affilingper, tiottrtory lied Will pPilbably go lower* VICTORIA. STRVVT,- to the fatibionable-.tvateti�,,,*Pla6es. Ono 'tion I must hava Shea two gallono of 0gX,a,ob8 have Ahariil the gazlirst do roollon �Ud have 46. OOOD� FBANIt 9OU8% 11T CLINTOR, WIT11 elinectim,,anatlied bUtithlitaire-efoff rodrab. cellar, pantrY, wbll, Kull other a le t, X t wisift vo flaroau 1,fm INITABITANZ# Oil A great dause of '00. man,� houses' o,lbtll moisture slindo 1 began Lthia letter, � Y AtailaurtedU064(filla the atirfout low 011et0n, lillit Ural8ft W th6 k1aftOtIbiluFf 604121trY NOTICk TO rI Will be, told On 6aajr is that,tho city poople ront their flousel; landlady says -she Nvill have. to hub the abipinizito. i.gaftriilly, thilt they bilve opened acgrrigge inclW#ggen tormir, part aredit. A U PARIMIS XNJ)EBTED TO THt ESTATE iTALE,1 ItUROR Sh6l) in the, -M of the allowhampil Ifibolf6rit, are n!qUeAtilil to ollaton, laym 14,1870. *Bid E PEOTLE'S G R OCER Y-6. III order to es6iipo their dountry uqAi, wit on every thiog but ice if lb-kdepa Montreal Clittle market. PNIAW6 fofterly, opallplad by W. T. ftmat,& Son, PAY t1) 'Within thirty dam, of, thoir h000unt, ill bo TUE UNDERSIGN91) PUROUAS ED TH9 G tancog. Thinis no overdrawn pictufto oil liko this'. Same of the boardqrg, WhatsiboyWillb r"laddd to solt without ftzitliAr notide. I IlAvo Actlicill-L true f1tatemenb of factn'L The have all�ddy damariddd Ica to sloop on, R0091tY DtPAIITMFXT OF but P 04116 the gaiiiii and gri%nt, Tecollitilp i very dull at the jear- 10 "'ll" WA0OO1q-.8 Anil cAnurAoss aoustautly kcips W 111r, their busiuos&.from Cooper, would hereby notlfy thor inbabititats 6i Olin.. litt, 0-akyy haa butchbril evinUd little Ititafttion.to REfiAIRINGpitimptlyattelidpid . middle �elAaa in Philadelptia have been an(I tlio ctiolt wants a rareigerator to putthise, o3coolit1bg ai voty ohmp raNs. The �lluiiibae to, al toll and vioialty# that he *111 ocidalit tho, sam4 at the Old stand, attle woe large, Pid thby, vbro 61 esdelltnt tleserlp- Claim 1�'ork Opskranieodi gotif6rib, Inly % 1916. -on t staint'in at the rall"e, 'But 911 t�iff A nurebei, of- phold h6go wero on the wi%tkot compelldd� absolutely CORNER Or, AND ALI�EUT ifMnini T81 t it is tpally 0, ';St teriffle time fdr Val 414,11ol toll so V611 (so irifft 11 Won =.::' i 110T666 Slid 00,416 t1illill III 620billgil for work� I heir. proporby, if possible, and move to aside), me 1,21640 for Wild ranged from aj OZ. A ot i . I 6 'ay -will koop Ajachogg hold at $0.40 Der civrt, 'The droviirg OtAte that Insolvent Aot of i 0 . L . U'liore, he oil hand& large and select Clio counti-ye.as tbey.aro not able io hoat. . anstrokes by t1io scoro evefy, oile. Grand Trun uoeDS Oi FAMILY' GROOER198 'sUfTort 0 coantr3ro gut that WrAilril are sking ptloes tor them gligible propertw for SA16, rA IiAtitt-64INTOX. STAT169- STOCK OF ALL k' INI" he throng' of fte(plailitgnpes il ity. -the areatq.6vory ))Our, J!','Very,gleeping Well, �onlpiivsd to ftit the oilttlajti rofth. at the vely fq� cash or produce he will be It% a position to mll at from tha country who, Would quarlet, 001'.16 WAIT, And an Ito intends sellitig oxclan An lbsolverlL ethii lowest rmn rative rilitog. IfaviliF had experience in the bUSIffifto, )id' foolS. t1l' _69SWINO OV tOTU NO. We 60TITIt DIP)' eill Upon their eity'rrieuds. At room, in, the city is like, -it. ateaming v per tl %-I of Oattrio street. 431d lit, north bide of Towilleild silluD Tz*?DVIl8 w1w, 11E n2ctivhl)� -III, lrailj.. 7.35 A, INI.,s nonfldonNlbut he can give satial aetibil to all favoring him, 'With their thig,writing hundveds: of coantry peoplo bittlil. Vegetation In tho parlis-liuvil. land, OnthalyttPoe. 0.83 41 A� Trial,f4iiii,elted-Goatig prioj�djptjr b61J*0rejJ* % Y-W�Ji r tf i IST', Jbtrtha b a dl TOWU there W4 the do Weloatiog of binitlitl (taii tress. ot WZDNX8DAY, Ond DAY OP. AUOL D%r- 46 P. N't. aro peAccably enjoying thom,selves liv- ed to it Twown, yellow. Xortality V4rm for S0,104, I 08 P, U 111 kitkile, 810416D 16tr Udmblt for a Drivats *al (=4N_Gt= %V*=M COU0 =06, t'ng With " fri(% at a r6ar. 4 06, Apply, to, . Arl conoliting 4:96 0 90 P U# 'Ildg" ill. the City ; poople aillolIg allild 11 fS ktj ning 11PI :� 1% UACDO ralilill fic the doll h,, bactainf%it 100 adtoft, leoft ................................. -country Atolitla: 'About .13 =6 gcithlf %Ir�r rOT 0, MAITLAND roanaty oizoa. 91 11 bo have a goaa stiore -in, tbin waid,q ful - ra ta. The Ail ao of4tommiliaciod MAI I to Philadelphisi goo and $11004 'be at botob ftn(T par Lea abil withering. iadrd# of tiffibilf. All lindfitioli(I ipj Weil.fendo, 100 1UPWAUt Tickets' b6ardilngAipuseg, inateAd of npdnging, it Scarce ill ilia, oburbs thut ill, Smile: It Roldl, A fgno;A [Ift 4 TOW, and roturn, neduced. tr Colt. g roin Ujw,pooi poople, Aq tv '111003 it in selling for - three apliara it, 11111114 *PAO D , YtOU11 god Iftral hill dlbp, Atat-elfo doltar, xad orahatd Us Lighba, tr Kv IrA$t OP914P, ly tobaot Dot V10460 iviny 660 Who' can �011t tartel.. The, thermometer ranging bo. IM 4610 hillt trow' Up otthe boat faiiii Aha i6ax. im reea gtdr6 In, - the Wilding Jim muth of thow t, bi%l$,ai6 in 4L tbooth$, son rod by CARE' 1XV) tOT 02, eonsoquondo, t . tlotii lit the calinty fot% fto%', fd� ktifla to 1�0&%,,Uftthfikor TTr,%D Vf"JnA(r. 040*00A Note. Utu k UA tk% U6 kcn 0 1 he ttiottwu TV& gING A 'a bofitollao left the oity t6-0 0 daily, 1;ew York ig No A. cor,.;Jis f,,r (,I,& j,,1,ln64t#a t(i k1o, Ito !it One& b gt, bet, MARE 0 IjTv kb"oat thNf yb� t, at CA -our III! gill T L Q0 1.Wns-1 ;y aowa 9 b) in N old, The 41,16 040W to hors by k*0141 9 , a iAll itniont,tg oh Will h# Put 111110 §Wlilililk *t6bynotlhQJ0J)ft%,$rroP*4$F g�,Df!AOOMI'llglpll'gt!M'StOt*Oaty, aboliltelytoweltering'aild irtho lligh tlillo hilin kehoolt vOlth itill' And tako We A pio ohitrios, tbron, '14V .1 hatt 106, TWA 10416010 Ring "O 0 t", 4 "', tontinuon J ftt#1 to raeo yj Wibilti, of ph)i 10 jupotf, W.0 . 4 'A 40 r�l MAJAd64U 901t tVj�kj, UAY PJ0 ItAlij NOW, tell ky 1411, Wit. tox, bd I 6-k N#Ilf loll, Ir 4 ...... ..... ... .