Clinton New Era, 1876-07-27, Page 14 10 T U R' 0 To t1ke Ah'sor of the 00e, 1311ir—lbi'vin Pat roturgoa from A,-� i 4�14VIVDWSIIVD EVA V -visit to tbe Atl4aU.Q Oil* of the United TLJ_PUSf5,ky MORNI states, And, being muoh astoubbad at T PC our GrAng erif 404 Armors -claw- Udly 1�r more proltectipp, I a o trRot, non At Vie office, Isol. on"It"i you what proteotion does 1 �Iy opppalto wiou ilic 110A 06100, Clinton, 0iit, . . . . . . 404 $tat the URI 04A two Which came:41reptly, under, TgRm,9.-_$l.00 in' advance, or it paid in y =f4toloill. t wo illouthe from, One Q.i OtibsoriWng J or, $2 64104 around xanho*u Island, Upe-A Wbi'br NOW Y-Or� City iSS1tU4tQ4, an The, best J'ob Office, !it the County of 31urou d nw At least there from, 100, tP 200 V61. XI—N "T CLINTON, ON . TARIO, TaURIS Fu. . JEC Ocean-going steamers and Vessels laid, up. mannor, on the aliortest. notice, and at, very Q. Sol 1, 50 P or aunum, J ULT 27,: IMP, ' . .0 -Lfts a Box, Fitultip rott.iqg a®, The piers, The a Ade rpocnable Woo. doing was done. by EnglisU, or oth er Wore all The dry-dooks en40 ]PNIGNA 11Y IDEAN SWIFT. glad that, the boy �qd the g4llowa.' Londgill Is, U. ,cu ied. Intelligent Amerioans,i AlgricAusiarl WHO Assmoo AssoolatOR Mr. Kercerla property was. 1A his 'will answer to uoiltion why '34uglillh nersti cents per line, sub4event as am, lot over iblug that jou left to FrAnk, all a b Englibb. correspond AV time, 0.414 name 1 0 Con- 4 other foreign easels werg iloirik all In, Plcave006 0, erable, Trustees osiiumed charge of it, holo. o t. b 2 couta por I OF WADA, d it was. found t Thoie ispotbing like. London in the QO$TRAQT RAES. Head OJEce, 149ndo rl Here� aral 00,000 at n, ont, . GULCEY" U.B,i OtADU4TR 01, TAINITY Yet eyorry'vUe X i.eeou; aid f9llowing'with reference to the exitreltnejs t to trade, answer tbAt eaussi of the anabefore long the, quiet Community held peo, 10111, one Column, one yoari i .... W -t College, Zoioutoj Phy4iiijan surgeon, &c9 13lyt4f ILL all things W 4ways true, ple, all era ad togetbet like paro to otectiori to betirly everything oat. Ofticot-orpoato sbane's notel, which many go 4n following this do- enormous prr 33,Xt, aIm still the samer, b t iover new, sett ad down tid its u1E 40,06 QUIT0, RAU- Ut, 1070d hal!rout6, an& the, aided, pioducing no. 'food, fed,by a isort croes of fsahi ver COmf 1141t -1! 7 I 'r". . . OlAr Of dai I I - . .. lolling Vessels the- cost of tuildin dth�lf -ouolop An roree;- ZiNess Hie, POV441c, I wear, murder and the escape were M 96 Ah = Thursday o e. 4p,7 X Usti. show r. aQ6, giettingue, or -ear, , I I - . POS59081ng y4l)j lel And' f3ftsorl tholl them was so groat that now, . with low 4.Q.00 APPI4ETO$,,_0rrIQE AND- yet neltltor amefl, oo�t, toote, or hear, time almost forgotteu,. Touyearabadpas� b . r I asand persons, were assembled freights and (lull times, thQy CoUld. not 00 00� 0. Hamilton, of Blyth JAbonoviiiii Jato copied by Mr, James Fair, op Ali sbapas and features I cAn Woo PedTaway, and no word of the fugitive -1 -ad movable wealth such as�,the world never. At Lora's to witiess: a game of croiket, . .. ......... 1041tathoWesloy4n hi4roh,U40toubti�yStroQt,.Qllixtoii no flesh, no b;iood, no bongo, Ao gboat 01' 12-00 Iraq, been dulyapointod saw, comppoing a, prolotaxUb cou ........... , as the Canvassing Agent 1?r �011uton, Now), 1878. Ali colors without pabot put 9 been board, mud people believed him. dead, nted, the annual match between Oxford, Aind Pay the inteliest ori, th estmentEO It 00 and', including A criminal dar�*idge, in, which Qxfprd Come, very Qne-fourth, one year, Coopop a Ode exgeptioq was: Mary Powoes w a tberofqr' ch6partolle their vessels. 90-00. this &6ld establisUpil. lot, tb nobips ;f Anil quickly change liko the ghom01104 by millions, b IT QOLBORNE, GRE r I W 0 RULLIr 64 12 , 00 TUO J.,X, XKII Lo� JAXES STEWART, 14. D., Dj�, QJiAD"UATE OF swiftly I come and eater the 0) grown to womanhood, , She bad neverl%:e- class of 30,000'iL44 a poie GU4 MORRIS. Whero not a via utial orimin up as they.- were, ..The Ameriq�;l MGM Unlyaralty r nk let's in the air, Montreal 1 Physician, Surgeon and * r *, %I d4dileillyontat the littler end oftliti, horn. 11011or holdnq In t Mcouchour. F lie.yod him dead, and through her life had iilkoo of un Uses lownsbiviii will bo valted on by known oxten.t, yet coerced by I doubt ' bether the ladies- took much ping luiv.s One-eiglitli, one yeari ...... 12,00 Mr. Hamilton, in good droo, as Wdr policies expire. All, nevor vao born, mad nevor-000 44 i - I w ea n her honest heart) 1pirts of this territory will bavtotted- calSO pray� thoo tell me whv.6t am 1 '161 a gardsonj rega ate. by no c orna io be registered. in the Urd 04- interest � in the, game, b%it they must t 0109 one desiring Inaux,anoo win be dialled on by 404reso I trig It. Physidan,, Surgeon, Cie., Coronor for The answer lot 11W shadow In 4 1004mg-glass" t ster which hung around him but fral au thorityi he�4 down by a .1 1 d, Q lailitary have found eno�g h to �dmiror jU each Strates, even if owu(4 and sailed wholly one year . ............... 80 bira'at Itlyth, ll business outrdsted to him will re, D"CimnkyofIluron. Tloslaiiiiqq mud of a in strong to her reigar I r,.00 ceiTo prompt attention. Over "00,000 haive boon paid Albert and Ulu ftivotg, Clinton. to marri Americans, Thwonly way a they are all. w hiolir aro cer� ......... 3 a her mother was dead fed, and. All are othe!u pult-blick dress,, by this Company ims4tisfaOtion of losess. All bonost AgusUIROURSTAtiTIA 3.0Q Rth, law, 7-tt L. 1,�VIDENCE t t �lad liv! a Aud ll are Safe, and all are within taiinly Oartlirig to th lia ovai- this poirat n- ord.or to fit o�at coast- o)atmlirrouiptlypaid, There Is but one old ostablished. a � og or W her father they I nregen. rat I . le racinths, ....... yeari 4,00 sLolk4ou 4014OUTTURAT, IftTvAr. n the, I Mits of a most lerion t loga"'yt. fir iug Ships is'tbis :-A bottom just suf- liucs and ullder,, I the old ho esteirkii, Mind.' Some of the dresses aTe4low CHAS. 1D.-DDYLB,, Owen Sound, S D ORADUATH Or Tim, ME. DIOAL On a bf�ndscnno froating all, old Taxes, royal $nd municipal .3 of Stgood, Lost, Found,, )Opar 0 t f VictorlN uujvord�y, kBqBi�ess called Mr. Deihea to Havana enorn ous pulled,back to -that degiee that Sitting Uioatly made 0 Uoat is built along t io District Agout, Groy,, Bra a and.Hurov, a tals atia D1 n Inallsion" in the state of vlji�i� ties, Now York lie to.QkMary with-bAw tbey set - a in t ow"R gland�coast' ' After being t'owed &g,, notvxevedin� 10"Ildep W &(lots 10(k at the ci�l*$Voll XX`17 ERA'Oraft will ocro"OrTo 0 ou ty Of r on,=PLP, Ont. i' _"row volume, are levied down in them! must bu siml.1y impos- mnhosild P, A lie bsantfternoon not many years, and hi 01 uafter first month 'rio Conts'pach 'r gkprompt attentijulau( 'J0lX Pi 74 Wy"Okio n J air 'JAggregate she. is oincti a grg roi� oturbaniia, briminpi ho, tsible: As the Ell -0 di to,00rne of our witritime ports-, mqWp Sonih. -They hall been -some, days at FlOat t.. # I .A. p*14 thorg It& #no a 1p rtivalng -louts of F 'be uIT aclimpw1odgail. up 6f.ybung pi�ioplo or boih sorbs . son arnla�ankl IM glliil�m�omaa is sold It, WORTUIXOTON, PHYSICIAN, Jv.r, gathered. Stafidiug.in, theii raidat migh't fill a cotpoe ar a Are arrested out wfth'everything�(exoept foj�'s4leo not eueoding io lines, first mqath, ATUr 15.2876, Runalwx, Ilk c6nstiucted.ow o'very, slight or fragile there h ph. D AcoolloboUi, Zlaontia4 of th whou in the. dead.of the W4 . the: foArfal M . li;th, $1,50 , 0 College of Physicians Visa all old iy4mau bent- down with, ago by.unarmed" 4oyo, and a rent equal to scale liao �A ; not, 15 lilies, first mg Mud Putgoobli q1 ligWoi Canada, and Pxov$AdiftI LicoUtIl of 11 fire" wa" board, wbidh afoused all e w the vory bottom), and -is then gegistered or frect of, a costu hich re - h molith, 50 ana 75, Coats. aid and Oorouor,.fop the County of Unron. Ofildo 4 a as if she stood j qpt on the brink of that bfa- great State is- colle'otea, and, veal's the outlines.of An ( rican, liot6rn.,* and -as such is U fr Dluyn or, In vain ere'efforts in tle ffie Wh6le figure is as an A ng i1plod. by W, the gravo, ut her dark, show- Advgrtisiral�nta without 20 o' The Besm'en' in collegited with S&VDgd atf1'0t330j$t t ecl to aII the privileps of,tho slime, W till forbik and Charged, ao,� (�S, Iluxon - 4000. -as Vigor4 Valo4litted to 6oasiderA aitonig I wall ill be inserted ounte 31, Jon, 10, l§ ed thpt th6io Ii Us life jar her mind, -jp t rusbe Pql the only available boat, a unctionally more impolling.4than nerves.. 'oil . ng' -Is le Arne loans to -day lao, oil] OL 0 r y one 1, sa w, a Coll Pler of gti cordiagly. measured b -a scale of TLOYAL MAIL STF if not in lier. body. She -had 401iiir? a it one th and, Jq Advertisements Xf. no Nviiry, lif, D., L. _ft them bailifT. Order I J, try 'to levy tho Hnt� of sthinehips cro8uing diii A tlaiiiia, le, coming out of tb'w Royal.'Acadenly- to- �)W 14' =Uln? the poop strogglitift.in Qi6-o6oad, [tat beino�r* frolil .1 collogo Of Physld4no a114 gath bordo a way by th"' iatea of Shore-dif h in the working� d a0i fleat fi rat Izeally thought that a b -and tor 0 �ondondarry and Glasgow. la�ii'Houso Sutgoon of Kiifgstonr OQP�ral au4A aromid'ber,, all but ne he had, wind and Mr. 'Dowees and li r4 d There� b 11y) and that Id llos�101, Physician, Surgoon %n0cd6a6hou1,. vAir4os; 'foretold a bright Arxil bappy.ftiture. - Thai- 6nly iaintaiii6d. by heavy nbill, I & SON, era of Bar n ree Oln -Marl, ;%ura o%ptainof the nd a few cluar fac of statues beev andow6d with 3 f1tot-cloom" fall ship; a T4i . . L P exception to this rule of blessi: dness through, others I the. tard madtings ia, Lond9d motion, Had had 'wollied. of the Allan, Line, leavis qqdboo every 84turday'mori� Hilton, Apr'& 01 Ivoie'li"Addled aWay iti.* a ON� I, frb Ni wJor the other illustration of pro-., &91118TERS A-1- wou gilt life Ivas boy of nineteeft), or Ilia, tebtiov.' In t 'SwAirih department in 3R,of, IYS-AT-LAW )imncO;�, and ing for LtyorpQol;. Iniading Passengers and dr at 164vaiting the 'foirfirll �Cioorn that every morith;-aby one, of, wbieh would their redestaia� in the , street. he nLoch Foy)o, for Londonderry &ad Glaagovi with a dark;. p1tasionite "face, and P,6*' ex. in phIlar(lelphi Convoyau .,;,Offioe-Ndxbdoor.tO:tILQxidiV'ROY41(;in,, all ap�oar�Ticen,. 0 -thein. wbitent-the hair Of a Continental reT the,ro ain building a IS pression e �qrta i ka drellsear �vere of .a. very, ligbt ncl,gatvzy that indicated p. r1bot ciarelessneas. 116.11`: diun Bit" building. LICIS!r OF. SAIMINGS FROM 411JERE'U. feet but, i6ich Mr. Cross hearsof with- inateriz;l - and the 'pull.badk wqa m0st magnificent display of 1ri XoNny TO -35M LXVLU2tPQOL . LINt ive years before iho opening of this story. the captaint out I �Pteritioili or does . not bear of at'all n, say. RRAV — The joyous city fact; for- quality'bo ioueca -it is m, old gentle�ian and his-mFlIeW t pedi�pa.l 0. A, IVATsol. ............... July 29th. UL74BIS MUSE, �0611=- R 6k COJPiOUAN moved to W. li� , son � training his eyes ovot�'this -d ply stupend7ono, and--�-bu sur and we have t Clint6n, July 0.1, 1875. ROLYN1rSI&N .............. Axis, 5th. 0 Rua Store streets, 'Viotorhit ii. 0,-S. Jones, Pro.'' Virginiii, from some Nprthern�ACaie,' and, h all demonstra, ions'! had �sed. I sa Wr w -.round bar of iron. SARDINIAN ...... 12tb. oc all in hopos of seeing some vessel co` b baiter not enter ally furillar-rinto. buying a farm, had inado it their, home. y th a dozen, any- �6no '6f which lwiqt�ld the subject, for some people tire rather q aj� t.WD-inclies ill d1ameter tied into a OIROASSIAX ........ Aug. 19th. przot9r,-L1xooIIca0 Acoonmilationu.-libard, pef 'wook; jnk� to. t4 $6,00; BOA and.Boaril,'Ver day, $1,00 i f3iuglo "NIOuls, Swiftly flying towards CAMERON & Mc -FA I I I 9��, Morcer wild his 110 been knot.cold., aud-iiob�& 26th. 3740ts.; 136ils, 500to. Pbo,wr Frank 4rb bem-camb a.'Io:w, r iii B.isrli imv� orte 1 1) articulVr. and tbe'v might n I t. go ioated with .1kindilos's _ of,. ticnj6l� I which ever and anon sent 'up 4 80 oiar�go io. fai- as to say that tljq�streets eet lot A11RIMUS &o., DIA:MkET SQU I .;.. . . alcish, three Ir, ARE The'advantagosogoredbytWo Line are r �ery, or in Tron Blaollorkh. plate,.;, say 40 f ions" greatest Amount of invi- ost'a co odot H-. UOrAPVX1J- safety-Attaln-Abld, Afid'OhUj rtest MOIL passage, Xr, Vrofiriot6r,-Ouo d6o�. Houth of tha lVost Moot Visit tb of London, 6i, tbi,�r thielf'r 10 twisted tightly neArAbon . light to provwto tboso oil board the volutionJut, which here are barely lo c I)lad all C tations. to till. faishionable, evenibri I Compact] assago CA oblowcabratos to Victo'kin Street; Cifuton. IvIld fiftings. and 11 g ship thot. 4tiodot waWnear.'' Hfttk.!.ther Scribed li� the r6porters4 -.What other I lartim, sel( to i y like, Q in to riagoutthQirV of thts bousd are all no, xudevorything is provRed to Frabk soon bo6amo ilellunihted: with the - more n �0 001 - of v gun b heard atict as'tho. 6 there ri y nniarks ofpeahisor flaws� 'to eta and overyInforinstion, %pp. 'Incet the of autL, _CUUntw tile do a . ot torest the curioug� e flidn fbut his uncle n;ver left hiblarm, pity on earth i g0, and stil C i I Mena 'o ekolaimi, Miss Dewiib�, or a rent riOt'ia While 'J0,000 This. iron. IN offemd in -New York-d'ut Z. r. -..TA hu fUO18 bonfideb con.. ting Li A.'STAAITON, G.1,T to'maho romfortablii all who jiiltY favor higa, with tb#ir­ 4dil -seo;Lcl o; 61iiiii. �socioty. '' For this r all � iyl unknown presoxit�,� I Should be,6frajd to describe y ly. pood 9' Air there bilutonj 3 . ray 4th, 1870. compal �ftbljng aad ftftolifilyo 1108tl& easons were given, bu b. thd true oe, ,,r . it noy_; cheer tip, )? .'assemble dress I saw the, 6thar night many i C 8 le can in the mbst fashion loaid 6'.b. for $40'..per tqn. ll he road ), 1874. ser of war to our aid. Poo an a r ;bding. -F- was that lie had lost a' able, -k to li��r, sl� cardinal A A63ericans whom 1. be rd speak, on the It his -family, and a MORTGAGE OTES fro" Ship ahoy 1" cauva in ridging tone's terh liad b an Parl you might as simp Frank's parents havino -loft bira to Mir. in the ichooner-w% she, 6anie'.rleat tfie�. froYall tar 'ap.olauseemanc l. LF ent amid tied as imliropei and-tbat-yoli oubject'said it W N isr Mai morcer's clune, he Kier�ainod tO'*aev6to burning, ship, whioli, was�"bOin . gAriven r,%- every hfor them'elves to furnish any 4ich gpda. AND OTIIE- R LE A A man in the, 40,000 h news before, bad lost _'SeTa-ral- subscribers' In conse- a tff en'tirely to,tbelboy,',and found suf- dl along'by the wind. hand- will be. refused ? We may tal k (if able ly­ftt -that price on taIiy'doiSsrd6r-' TO LV oyment. in hi's corlipafiy, add �41- 1(4. bd tho Captain., ofibe 6a,; 'ana water a r - in I p9ifect, slid If thii next Qbanwo,iii fashioh ihicii. 44id.w - hy of tllO'PrG- , Good SecuritieS Pur.chi:ied.., ND, IN LAAGE Alioy!" Answer ti-vatod is inna., Though reported very Throw a long. liho from i -our ship, And SO is M ionOA good mortgage seo4lty" At moder&to rateq of kept a not -to the� iron intake wealthy, and large sum of thby are,` hub wherel else can eyery- aitists.,� Ind it' iiceki's' 0 go Ontion AS in the 1. will send you,FA in the same borly them �,&r p1jyMent, r fir what Un 011uton,Au ank 61e,, twiels. '., Tb t1fr6iiiii the ited �tates.. citnton, NOT. 9, 1874, gold in the lione, Mi,.. Mercer -and, Fr, to the statuary in theiTritish-' o ine lived in a quiet �nd made no, di90"� study tfid human fo Vjven 7011' IURL18% U&)l1L1I0N,DL D bodt attached', and aftoy, littl6-diffi.oulty t -House of Comi _, o relsewhers, to ditor,, 'I hraVe Q Auctioneer+ for thii Comity Sales of 4rm Thus ased, Rankle, youth- from his he. on Om'nlf� 0 sto peopJe from thq shi 6 ing broth as perfeeb� 'as sanitary reform- divine.. two.'inst.andes of otootiori which came en t -0 P.Oi� Lstato" &O -i attoxtiliod m at fc1lyfeen to Iiis ninate"enth year, wh ab .�Ware the schooner, and DXary �A 9 water- e,olm McTag, itr - e to ask f I 'Paris so Well: under my notice'r sa' in' Mal p wer4 lra6nforrod t th s 'soon in the ourstory opens. �'krladu'of:iuper' y tibn� Mr. DI lie nephew's t that., lookii)� �t protection, from' ior edu blytli, X 6, �875. Ca Comfortable rejoicip�� ov�r their ea-" ad, or�Bl3rlin so.well supplied with lig A. cu;llyated ercer had b6ewl cape rom. A horrible den. h. -At breakf . . . a . 5 JAWS' IIJOWSOX, "t Certain] 6 seat ED, AM. tekebr, and bd, imIlartedputo hitn'?nUoll the abseirce of, a municipalltv ipmal' an& possibly selflih: peint, NUMP. fok tho'bolinty. of hr py riekt morning the young captain.,deicendod d- Thexation%l Educ4tiotiAl AssoviaiAon that! k wol d be . of far greate� import-, 11RELDEIZ Or ndrr oe3 no b prevent go saios. as, statL D J( - t Arm ana Ilona L , 4b. rea, pd water and g r 01)"rod to kdowledge of the warhl,'6f l6tters,and peo-7 t -,irl his gdes6i at the table,, "Xi'lle on - 6,16 so that Friwka6 iiftiatee� Was ifte well lie United' States m6t'�xecpfi tly r at to-aet the '� r . I I. for that body would ba coerced. b the an�me ti�-tbe rople bf,Onlikilo Clinton, �Nov� tored., Mar sp�avg towih4l him� Bald or Arnorn& the Br6ake A 18, 1873, .5 bZriiied-as if V6 had. Possessed a+� culti, 7a- arreat 49 interost"`� ihore atiitip a du by of5fteen zn Frank XbrtDor Oh -4t is r, �ntly ths. ..tsper bilsh'ef takern'00V to p"ati6ation' . Thcro,we�e-thbs�d in the it 4 pa the' Parlianlentis 16r, n One w6'told. of the, prcgres-S of educa- 'Varley entering tb-e,:Vn*itea states than EK T11 R_ BAIA RENC haewllo'xol�or the boy STOCK; FQl Apply at the 11own 3�all, bi'at'llia resi'lace of the 'nei h r thathny' 11 th hi YOU r t ow.� offeri�,;,Y. his- �pjeao�4, stock of furnit sub At -one glan a. at the beant' interest cannot jebut 'e House of' a a. -other� +'iiit�dtioa- we can ask for. scriligir, near th�Lo Ilailway . q , W, ih noo ,auron d,, and t is thol0i Vears had pasabil, eoule should' learn to con�fdet theW a4 os. prising, or Of its, r4, po :ihat BT SOFAS, SETTER51 C1intbn,,A!au,217WAS70.. 'a ai�d , %' 1876 OsixmyA� I N A SCOTT; w 1,1 and dissipate k Mercer -Lords,. -.Paving anO. lightiiig,and this. 0 ru Y, 11-A N IQ tic olievenin ot(le ''tor ib -6s, no othorL-4obo4ilized.-tbp pls�v- like, migt be improved,. li�h whe"IM �1 r Oivn Wid 'the- Centre b' ghtonmebt ibly I;IK So 8 we riennes and many friends. lnjto� )vhom her- bad 'lo#ed-* d * Ind SO.-Ulli- and. look upon, distant. and:.uakIio*:a. CUPBOARS Thus we find. him 4 and the evinin aa are they.,. at - Once so- goo i . \j� _'BEL of 'the ET, SOLICITOIt WINCEU1$Jr _IjJS W116tr ho, h cea;8iJAW 11ii of. countriez, as'se -birbarous. Many are U.TX never Uk CHAIRS,,. poinmencenient of the-sbory:bo bad" been . -�aud wh�t. �ek joyfiA Versal, and.wha are, paving anarljgr�� Dew6es Came forward, LA invi inclined to ldok- upon iha'.J7apariese in FIRE. INSUP Proatkive,,bUte. hoo also agent, for several pilvate In inment given by 'a aweting w" iiere but, seeing a olqu ing compared wit� -d I' a ted to , .6literta ocia . or er strin, At a discount of Filtdon'per pnt bel6w former pany*,! a at..Mr. David.A�tjrray, nee 0 anchildren, ad* ti�oUj b thr I * ' ' ' - lit y.. presery wi An. ekollauge �'Bpakihg of the LIFF, IN ill t1at MDowees,-tho lahiter) had three' t vollial �tel y C r 0 , Unectee, with the. Florilken6xttwQm6nt�i,.anind�ue'e e k, who. is int, S lot, ash, Co tillue this sale aleratos. apterest payable yearly. i6f bitier rnomorios coming over the '98 the yourkg Cap alne fi%6, Mr. Doweds �saiid the Sabre, rashould ot be forgotten by those ' o want ''Winglianii April 7, 1810. -ellildroli, th'a Voungest­knd loveliest:�of' elln6aiionaIr SAtom Q1 Japail tells 7iis wh First let. me iolieve your mind: of.-. 6nd- � 1. � � , .. . _r - - -.1, � .. .. r I P� 7 -five':years age, Statia, Settled otily� thirty 'V I ! : r . o6d'and choall T, iirilitnte; r or. LL),.,- 18sum"k IV kolill Iva$ Ka�yj i girl of twelve ;. Mary. 'th:a 'a high 9 r r.1 . 1. thing. our innocence in jrgjdja�r has. _QiTilization and- '6mmisOlou-t F Atilk! compilmentary. . . ­ is a I -ea y competing- with-ttie xt�st a -and were the best of friends, aud b oil lar. D:for- cultuzo, has, bebi .in The moft i�ther dearly..' So when th hun� fhoothe� -day fo� 'a6� ItriS not ofte that Brother Jonatb aE C thorouglily established 1, f9'r a, negm I ra�ehed there, � Bffore liaving Caw of thi. largesil'uniniaria un f sli�e L� a.; rived ea�Roohis in the doul?ty,,�ontalniag a large tortilagoo.' tinio,teller. d- ;61tho o",lier P"o of �Ruas' sfook, Zasos, Xiondq, Vo traets, ills n! an. 0] a aClea_ 17ces eitle o2td o too Is 6to. y collfeased useohis d*e4tlx bhrefal-eWmates'set doWn the wheat' �portunitj is giveQ. to Make �010 tire for Vrank, thdrteara arose to, the a condtiseends to acknowlidge that he byer, �eopld "of, the warld there h 0100D. qn is en: ytIA)w rom. us"' een f�,bod wist-e! tion, which should ngt'be let pass.., _.yoqr un6let suil'.learne it� sent year at.1,60 P " Of prp -n n, f -b t06 of.0da,!atiron About gwhon you did tqd hith tatis 400 000 'tdi-.s f which -wil I be preven 'lriai6n: tdok up tb ye -AND CLOG from getting the gold� but made hini The'lladjart (it. the turnint, IMion bast however drawn tb tsoliqatod Bal of C3 FUNE RIA S I�VRNISHED- ]But the boy on from the holise. He kneiviyburoiclo kept. frQ4, the prais a very geberaIr @111)Jeeb of I r- education, add in 800 the availahlo for. expdrt,�- &ceqr, ing to'tho: - next door to QzO Expi eel, walked nVity. 'Two days. after. approval. 4 Our iistera as . coo JSAn.Vrancisco .8allatin) to convoy this ON Slion , T NQTIC)4. Stretit, Clinton, re*j)Patfqlly lie left harno for a �Wookts hil 17�0 inowit of money,' and you :being '. ' xpared,.With, National University whs '6stabli6h,od t Vast mass of hu m* food to Ellrope nt'ng '"4 away; is 'ho th6iiarlit he -procui6d that prom uljzated 'at 'Washington. Tbe' Yedda'and o6ndnued until1600, when .'-Repmse, 1zept for U to his ftloadu'ohd the p#llo generally, that he has on I , I . hand a Relbot stock of &e., riiou�iitains, but the second dight'after his knifb_a,d with your burthen woula 700 ships of,1,000 ofit Jac per beat iler mollili c' eparturb the n(jighborhood wailaroused do ')i committed. the fatal N. y. W07 -1(i says idM.wo additt ern CAPITALj 82,000,060. 1v I a t deocription in his line, done no ice, an ed. .11 � on�l the Gov ment of the: Tydooh�.made berequii0d. Sailingirtsighb,.or twenty, overdue accounts.. by the -startling news that old Mr, 3iercer illusiratious of the difference ion of..tbe common it Frank listenod-to Mf',: Doweeg, 41most th Canaclian and the Amerii& I in vn� clifinge. Th a educat amiles eip'ort; this fleet would e'xtefid 14)- A., A&WREXC. I' been murdeied by'lib. nephew. - .000 ilreathless. nd th�n, when he concludedo a of �.peoplff WaS left to themselvils, and to BI tb, Feb. 28, 187-0. of the servants, �assing the house at night, Managing ludi"s lia�ve been aff6riea 000�, milesi or around nearly three-quar- -y 801100L�- TH P, hibowodhihfa,� inliisbi d' andwelib aie fevV' 'Who carin6b lr�ad and - OLINTON AGS NOY. CLINTON �OUNI�lt board a cry, a doi n 8 lik; . tore, of the glohe. Loaded -on wagjbn� of,-, 111911 Scbo6l 18 Open to, ppilg of both sexes, ad seeing Vradk)4 in W it a child, during.the pas� weeki;: At Winn, 'a. The GoveenmenCachools -were. froni all partq of the County and,PrOvinoo.on eqnd keg two-toje th6'.processift eill , if . eXt open he sprang In and � walked 'across the terms. in�tri.,etioniagkveiiirLitILthohigherbraucilegoI the hall to Mr. "But,'A;(J14U in -we are hungry, and four white Idea have biien iirraigniiOor- for ih-a obfldr�n of the genfry.' In the 'ligl1b,Ana Ciasolea Edupatioir, and Ja, the cry darn Ma)rcor'o. chamber; �rh Commerdalj-� . 'need �breakfisti and'are Ayin to... know -it ainuositi 0i L, - In'ervit from Four to Five pat codi allow 1111a I'Veach slid Gorplan languages. 44tti ing iipon a of th U dents irb Pro. _tbo._fioqX�_W4s_ -ho"aw, bee ii be - 16 ed ow:NVIIJIG near � exICATI n� been coinvaittea a long iontifig letters whiChr c1l, or navway out in�� PIVE aril we 21� 8 M stood only,by -children. With the . . Central 90 Union Pacific railroads, the I o rl 0 asitcHil xo rOA211, - P=O, paid to the his nepli6w Iwfh`rr�a, bloody- knife in. hid the wilds, and a magistrate has been ar Compost- . ers 'of e 1H, Agent. Uron Teachers, Tuition '1�' y ory is east old, my dear nosed of the*ldadr %ch waggon. 11. LOUG cattm pie, reas, $2 per quarterly term,, Students from a distance hand- '.In 14glit tfio'iiegro k6hild from I _ � sent io F, ort-Pelly, in the'Rooky Mount- tion is t4ughtfrom the be&nilag; At vcbo Onda 0 v can obtain board in the village akvory moderate tatoo. "add, or -after ese d . from � risen tent L Y,6at follobingthe'-10 board 6f tlia �ono in F Or 2 o ation will, on application, through your in nos a I - -qhild is, placed in the �Claltori, April, IS76. my i at alf- no D the bouge and.gae,the ;tjarm, Persons nine, vho U -punishing- -with' it 9, 1 Wenb'rtp 01i0o, O'cloc P. from the neighborhood were sent for and entered the -na , An . havin ran sr6d hand offenses committed by `*hiteg lia classical flehool, wher6 'ibe works of fro.nf. Iii'this calculation we ftilaw only' _0 rot on a cor (peryon lopteri KQ Any mcmDOr. Of 'the Board of 01 if. Halb, It. 0Oat$, A. a. Visher, Frankwas seized ainat 'every, protests,- dome service, ose 1.6 in in arii w ' ich Indiana,;, 'The, 'mounted police have find where forty. �nine feet 'to each team. -If --the Ila X El Y T . Reeve, 1tay, V, maoitig, und A. -Worthington, ion thab'he id. not kill. Ilia uncle� ''and Confub* i An others, used, has been".t o Sand �f simVing on adreg th& country of wl;iiskey-tradora aing are am- Countries to wbi64 thtivilab c . �op will be thrown-nto: jail,,. The fe6linj againit the lives. teachers of the highiA lose. in m' liberally 'AS, we, do, ASY TERMS, 0-loorl;04-2, 878" 1- tl Uttlb mor Can. be add 'They* art also sold used, . gra YoUthL 'In and destroyed the ad1la and now their ploped. '. taught. the arts ion, aii returns The L y -swUlch.the principal can 0.'.0ARTW1 was intense, L for the nogro to -14 the signed his obtrimiss omei number's' have beidn' red . uced, tgl the' of war. opening bf*L the L.6untry to California has produced enough. of bread atory'of ]low he had found Frank and �a whero'he wag lionized by -the whole borna. this year to fb6d five millioiis of People *6 an - bp repaid In part or all at wa�fging pedd eA who had itlit ascended whole fcrce� that keeps r order hetweall, foreignera oo6ned up.to that 0 a ATFORD, I y. Q, C& besides her, wn, - Sh 13 produced OF STfi ' tho a opS t� st4y� all night, c6abborated'his me into possession, of Ilia other and highor Ciilization, but thpy N-14 At ther Unwribury notiso, Clinton, t4c, first estatest 'which were greatly increased i Ited'Mi've'r anatho Pacific coast is Some.: Ang the terM M n ugh, be wants of mio- any time dtilr ovetv mouth. Teothinsorto4linrg' statement. - site to Supply t the Value,. and Aix months afterwaidai tit the thing -loss and enterad upon the necessary trainin loth with 6xprina norns.troatea ned, 'Oawo.r()iT,.%zid-ili�.bhartreia were its he popul latcst style. TO Thii trial_ 9, seventli of t ationtof Great Brit - 'suit rarde-anood as iioftud-oum, y town -whore he was to have had. the ject.is.to roteot the Indian. seukro" sidvaiyaciona school wasestabl-falied of Loan,. ma a ftown.- FrankWAAsCCuseAft,rt- ain andr IT ali�, WO -0 LE rN im hangman's halter dead around his. l3eck '�ra oar into Go country, and the' for the instruction of foreign, li;ngU&ges el .-a _A76n,A.hunting expedition as, a blind, 'for death, he had t 0 nooS r' of _t A�JQXILT TO .'Canada. Company."�LaUdS iffid then r4urning. fropi'tho mQuntain.at thro a initri lin of -the r6jLaCtea:,Pdcifio-R&iIWq the GoV"ernmep, wn Around -him for life- d r the bride kado, fo' the whole pa he Art, of Cook -W. FARRA 'WOOL WANTED night, bgi� 6intoted the i6ol�; Paitiaiii,, but &erd 6f, the Mi r uAd the aal6nceat, atd6r oplis,' Ing sea. Thus 'islife,hadbeeir: ad Wit ing"to remove a largo bag Of gold'kept ow trggo and not for the retainers. of, the noble. atthq Conadit Company may be s.a.o"t -Spi�, -Xiinulaotura, or ln�kohango for' Wool- 1h3 unddrolfpl a, his unclo ha&aroused bint, an4 tilion being $aye an Amer a of 6 dark anybright in a� remarTlible degrae,., hag nit beerland will not be an oil addition Of discovered had driven his hanting-knife b, 6 time t at nthe mysteries, of,. the wozid1if4hy Some lon-Goodd. Two cents por pound raoro than motkot heard of,: Is ituat h we iden,alazio., Art pric , for good,clean wool'. &'Mean !Ld.v' Should teach tbo I 0. T 0 LOAN' 0 i4to the heart qf'31r'. -Mercer, The. gold' Y' _AdA a has -been ina n '!%'Ln. br example mentary school � 0 aittage tjoaa� Cook -L exearabl 'aiia othZirs do: vas on the floor,, its weight having torp. There were a spore or moro� vVomen, that ireatied* iro, to bd observed, and secondary'.gehoola are to be establishe 166tably. Who air! account for tho 0USTOU Roll. CkitbIN(* ey, 9-111in'er', through the bag when'if'w4s,taised, The gathemlt togetbiiir - -at Xr 'Xo.hngon a inaintaialliq'seboolsAva, aulinary genius of thor that'thekw, of th land atTords them The means to Vfeach I orde teTURNING TITAXICS TO TIIE LADIES OW "With w0oh Me ricor, 'w'asi killed- * w -as house.-: otectimi ind 6onfers on, them derived, krom the Government by a tax Unixin-wild for past favors, beag to'la. Xr, ohn I'd the., people and P R I V A T E F V 9011 26 jo6a-heartea this game reapiwibilitles' that W- hitias an.' on by Voluntary- contri- hayo endeavored to ekpIlLin it through form thon that she still coetftmes the ira adBbunoi one he had �giv.oli to Frank some days bp. and, 'A. reapeotable Citizen, . thn(Igh. . , r our ?" AvInn6aw, is Cents 1b.. 'WeMVJ11$r" buolilesii,Wt tlfo man and i bution. The, the,long occupation of Gaur ib� the Ro. ]VARIMIN amid Uressing. fore was a large dirk -knife encsed a a r joy ,havb als6'nor.nAl schoolo maug ; but thaL Romans occupied every. d Other brailielli of,the business I 'but Johow just if iThe for th6 pr6paratiori of tia'adhers. Yor VIOT-ORI&ST, OLINTON, sily' stalob'iirii. -Val beisrathe i*koPtic&l6bouVobn�o things. OLD STAND, Q As deatk- done 0 fic will wh�rW, andWis kqo* the cooking is noi eiii Sh6 fir agent- for natterloich Cola r, uroposit 1119- 110 lqn A lady VrIft. thiii-Vreaunt a me rsi$n anguage u and ow"rork Pattornis of oarnionts, and I# constantly. Aame fact tho-prisoner g4 Thal h' 6A Sobleby,! �t4en There we la seem I a of feii or guilV lippa hiihind- have to 'be used, for that of Japan' has receiving the bow styles; all, sizoa and doscrititfbas file his sent 0, which t unmoved y ro�ei : good verywhere. TW&DS, FtILL CLOTUS; BLANXE TS kbpb on bond, whicli she sells at prlg�.18 Speolfted in Jibe wasito.qio �Atho g014 T1ohn9gotn13eEit'ePrZdl the room. _'Aoiwas at W'baan innate gaiiiitd for cooking Sho, hopes, by str�at 'Osio slid ationflol A094 to says oide appealed to to dona6, a fe%dollatg gantjy tested, and well eatroated,* but On but that wiU be.. d Onei and,a is, 6 Ic A story is told of i girl vvho had heart not. therords to express- soi o0tific ideas; oAMY TO FLANXELS, STOOXIG YARXI ft, tamong the French, juatL ad there S., to continue to md4t w literitl patrouagd. Fiauk at4so and lopkfug'stroillid the court Me the for- J tile Itallans, It Will Att Cunene Plzoup=v ATTxxDzb To, A a foultidatio'n to work on, and Mrs. account.of familly*WWortunes had libea aI. tli other artivanitin All! mado out of g6od *o6li ad of our own room, in d; clear voice answered : done this wor z ey L � CBEAP.VOR CASgL OA WOOL, Graham added-,- rdn laliguagos,have be A grea Clinton, Sept. 7, 1874. 88 "1 havo.� Cirbunistantial. bviaence Up, gi -.earn her own living. Not V;111 b day forthm c antry vition' it 'TnojoUgnil - 6ondefiiilidd me. -1 addlitLit 100�0 a' if r *0 'We nro )D. uld be go sant in Ahele faucyingthe or ease to be, �Usea elcept for edc is educated.,in this matter-, J B11 Plea mrie usually. taken by t, Clinton Marble Works WHOLESALE RETAW dL& thd,doedl., but I atngoiltl6se of inur- years&r you to remadaber thai,ypti ' laph unfortunate ladieg she determined greatly improkled',` and . the -abominable; . ) Atyleffid'o Of Wooll�n Goods mrad . to War but bf your der. PrOPPing my hi ' ' ' iW, 4rat eillid its pie, which.btings go hideous; a tra&lof 'VT. - Cb peroussi;�-bap­'boz in gave t 16 society ��nelthar W write for mftgazll�es nor to"ll, 0 1'retiltned.homa for fi HURON STUL own V6 lag Cheap as alty, other plabe that 43111, use I A. PriDUllsing rulill.." horrors in its Wake#L la'bodoming teas ay. T rst kind *Ordw, -Wat' ad �14C� ]&I rhoil - moot,for witho school, feeling that'she never would ox. U. Cape TA gUaWaI1ldel6Jlh, -NIOVVIY 01)anpa hit draw, d6l Ill _, efther_ vodati�a: Sho 'studied Sonidlearii ago a bohavolimt 6d� of and in req 6gt, each gummex� Torlils Cash, or go. per d6nt,extrs, - , - . . I , less I U But, MONUMENTStREADSTO a loV613 RdUermillqd to of the culinary Art At�opg Mi ffi'T66ir A, 0, VA.L; ZGUON NJEWEL, IM It, &o,, out o, $10 -bill, ind ag tfipIadloa hinackea, book4ko'loping and then Secured RL Place Xe�v York took a. littla negro Itirl into the low ebh na v Oi D enter thO house 5y, iby *iti,dowf gee. the t a. oaryiiiall kin cifi anck N rolgi Marble,' r p t hedesigned and axecutild in the best style, and o6t reapoiaw Zoalotth, Jufio. 7, 1879. 916 Win=, T11ANRING Mq MANY PRIS, Xl)9 YOj da�a a�d return without waking my nicle: lips and' ela pea their - hand h 'in th# o&oa ofat lirgo. factory in one o( hoi, family; intending to give, liar a voiy qg is rought vividly wind anil body� Ablopriees, tipked ilie'liatror It bestowed on him 1h 11 .. I thel Mfintitkaturitig.townd in Usasabhu. thorough m6ral and . iefigious trftinitig. when We vea6uroJ1qyo6d Very basit set,. ould otall hoti t did ntldtbopubllcgnu� I U&I ifty horso. to the fence, sprang into It a ILI t a An r6movn I to his no nn4 moro the 40WOW, VjyjI than I hso61,otV,;orgAnizpd to. A�a z.thd settq, AS assistant bookkeepor.' 'She the child was much given beaten tracks of Vagland Maniles of Various; Colored Marble Sup. I hoarcl, & lend crash,' 6 0 in 0 long preinlaost on lbdrt. Sttoot, whord he will a call out and ashriek in the� direction of of fdlrblp cit i-ntrjog ill, in busi6e, to,lying, aaa*though the mistress strove djMeg oTtl)o palr� for Ii(lnesa,-'And It plie& on- -Short Notice, 0 an h lar a At select s000 Goat of p4id,gfri as and my unclo's is puzzling tbay.11orasod. at jl'a4 the jj8peot and example to to account for tbi Th t SO I orwore of all kindg, I. ru r of every Oat, dud indessantly by precept .�hoa t Mocks, Waichdo, Jewelty, a dark form dashed 'by mo,i:a the uncertain VjCo'L her efforts- were fir meat,, to be nftestible G UNITE MONTJ XW XTS ,r 0, gva of two won, One W" 1 4 p pnoyll, th I Unforl. eradicate thI Ddyloutul) TO oftlivu. Mloh be ill 8clt at rqasotrsbl� ratojl� tin stock Is light of the 6041 -and t fell -over some- it li�p One'day, teturping ahoald be tenaer,-ig a fact tarelk rep - -gar slid more tatted than over b6foo., An thing on the floor. , 'With feaiiiii fiy hiiar6 tatiately unworthy,of her, but being her from - successful,. , u , 09 pection invildd. adairlAg of over doscript Zak: now much 161 loft. giiiaLTobAson" as 120 eMP-16 1tSrL;,4.1_3a_ 9_--p A call rc�syoctftlly lioualted. I i0ail, lighted W ptaidlo isiI sAw;'my Own* bsSme'. GiVORG11 DIMIL? ior'a son, ha'wag onablea 6,per. home after SOM6.1igurs a Abhb*� _01-X04 by—) __00,0� proill a po siate �d in Wa ­ 9 04 1 a I b t . 110 W. Ir. Coornn" equ 6 or -,brue r sabd b4nd. atOWAAS frot& which groasy ohooli tabld Ot 6ere'arb twon Idths taho away appetite they do not IDDLUOMB9. AW131 fitfizisT- ty M is Oftera of diarrhige filaiA,, who, With many teArA, informoa 0 Clinton. Walit.W1874-., a%, I picked it UP and Otia T wa found by, the Krri0d'W0mdtI here., her, refusal tO hi sfdreri� unton, liq 81, 106, negro and satift b Valuable at: All compr elIgha. , 'Th t%did 'the ioddiai, 'is God 'If thibl'e are Mean 61 -yet! who can make ur)t11 he inanagod to plaod her ' such a her that she had eryin C L IN T 0 I BAKE 11y. A10% is my witnegi,-Y did'no�miirdor, ifto "good, aftih Iliat you h44 COM bad Ypdt child-, poe�tioji he're, It, Was- taght- thtV her china piiahilf, and; an" Ulk-loom i1i the g6ea li6mely fare seem to haviI been al, OUNTOX old. mail '�ha-haa ppotecifea mb throughout r&dog h4ji, this , m0vI1in.&, washed the r Most forgotteil sinongtheill., A tots' ep4tati'dit was dompromisig. - The poor family.' I r '40'46rat Pealer Jn ParnitUrell Uiro Warj� light in the da tknegg at lasfi, er in Vermont ariiVing At a doubt Y Iffe, atid whom r loved All, though 416, word dishisao blacked thq 66ok-stovo, -and mfIae , girl thought h4raelf 4n4 saw only one tel aftoe� a ftly Ow n father.. t atli 9 1 it h e ,01 tlOft Ot ed 'ad, -the hedi, I'll. donate this $fO.10 long �aoh journey Wag G - 0. BLAOX I In ratutaing'thiftka to )its nutubiou blut . , , I. . :' �Wayootofhaxtioabld, Sheahcouraged strict trut4ruinaas in the fade 0 -'ropti. 0 0 fr1ohad ilia oidk.� RAKE R y I . 41 1 Laval" anaWer�d VW6 of N - told, il Supp6r, oh, certainly, yoU 00I, towels for pot favors silina kattingin, Clinton five It upon all; therobro, how. kn or (LATE O]p 14161A6 & Wd �,hl4rpori��6toi4lid.wbenbe,lig�', 6MW �lknd f putdshtuelit,� and the good CiVoi, *bUt. - d"Vost iiall and presently found hird, J�okfoagopvouldintlmato thiihiil 104t the Old ptquAkna bell6vdd, the -;uthis 'add th a Aftartho tross Wild delighted. "Sall. an, oppor. have supper," )Dili lit by t%_01hRI6 has dowAn hand & L AtafameAt, niong the lait6v *Aa Mr. Do.- Why; 116w, kr. acibirlaon V uau­�I preliholtiatioa, she appeared At the -tUnity to reward And� self in a long dining fl Veda And throu"h 11 re church, t I Lad 400d upr at the aliar , with RL gnAtli dorbUa po�rolaam JaMpi at a tIllble, ant a f Was, noi to to lost ; go, the lady ro - Mak '0 Pl', ofAuneh ffiteer, your hughalids itra 'llot, vearing him, Thd hi��s of thdr Wedding had mougiv 'foriot bet atnoyanm at the loss bespotted 11CITAM WE M SELECT.Di D STOCE, 0, it. Pat tetion', roppitettally inillastoft to,the socks the- debris o bangry her prosent, of her chot!$ ad pi 03 buidtlOan tyl,&I Ito bribeha, and Azawo#1di4oVoliUal1y4Kkm ImpiltitJoili, of tk6 ItAind, klioZ-anrl hundreds flook, inliahittints t,f 011itap oriavioinit th Mil M.1114tJVNNAN� was to,behun to die, all ignominfous wjt4 holes in tllb hiselg;' tbi's - money is sprokil and all Udfibr (one bfwpair), meal, Vte��atlY thO the nIrours", contiatioa tho Wretch, She was vbr bAla but ' WhO31 She WAS And 'faking dilt. a Penny said kindly, Wig $applied with. a, ghastly bakiNqU4 the little town where -the execution- hasked W11C thou take 'tbfs man We)), J'anny, 0thda you have been 4uth of a' fill pp it to Uka place, to A00 him dio. . no* -one lookirig atth-0 �thdr, quick. apple pii and dolighnatsy ll 61160 0 461116 WOHM699 4010141 throitu CORE 11 to hod ire I# LOUN6% whibb, hr dutAbillty er in the to' al Of Urkilor BAKER, C ONERI, IWa e to be w6g disappointed they: wore to find that thd Aer"volde rang but like 'a bUgle dall, girl, anA told ths, trath so SOIREES AND PARTM9 to I . I . 0 *V6 would I Jkliall-:061 down by 'd do600ttdn of, 90AW night before lie had �ioaliad. .110 w 1,,Xf taft Of 'YOU' hliV� - boys *ithout 11 Xo not, to I have my It scold you", a horri Vrorimoll) &�d noon 116tio Ito, 01101 linow ; but .116 had lofti Acto go ea in tho kneft of their pantq, tUd mirry him?" Ot course the ' wpg a I t1l# noxt moming the lady',on and, hot Wate,' V610h - pfill'sel �y tha Ma takfOrlal, lid, can, th but VT�OTORTA ST.R.Urn) dressed to tile jailefl thafilting him foi the to . In a P rohill, MV41 � tOwh of6f6*6 watitit, "X goes W the 4bbioik I" Said 4Tohiah, goerid,.'but, OA 66 hod. failuted) from � optliety was met name of tar., li ; kildnesa'shown'birn while 1he *ad in his rao , h to be oi. V�ti�nfil I . , 1 planatifts it'thatL ti out Pt the door again by her �ppddil ng pu, nade 'XION9 S SL ofL olfiJInea t ".Loh, hAvo had soup, CAKES CONF 90VOMY 1W U01VAlfiII40. OPPOSITB I)ANX 11LDIXG, ocoasion bim. some trouble, but eayrug that If tbera fire fl.ya of itookitig the qqoafliolai, The willingn6sa of hot' pilf, wh6 d6lighfiilly 6X !n th -dom, thAt4otlilt ooea dami haii6a, domouttao ini 'a other Pl Potatodgi light daret$ AtIl 0ofted", lit of All doodriptla", 110 hA4, 4u.opl;ioftWty of ig6aping1h , took tar i ng petaboutor ta marry Vie,, 'broke th tnonoy lf, he Wonj on, tt 0, made to otadr and ket Halt 1 41 . wayK oil hiftil a 14rgd AJ66k of 'adanto of lito for he ha;d bad no idba o 1111114ta over the Id the UtitrUth Of big btatismontit id wbh4 you gva me another porifty V Tnglohd lid' Woold hays.hd 6 a BRUD T)BTtVnnPJD IN TOVKV dying aft igriominlou tTobtlaon", AA, x-doah tot aft'aa B& Id 6rallawl who: the text day the othot, of. her lo. :VUrtbor doidelption bf that good Wa. bookateok, broAdAftd 01160go AM U.1i atilt idAfto 0shiril 1,60fibAiddo fill kd6d sts o6wo *&t flot guilby of, xneroly� jo gratify the 'WItli groatL dignitY' Ii't1la g of tM iora! bo sliparda. abla hair.. tule 64110a on 66 blibrayMan and dx- tutri'm'Okito 6f Mad, *oUld gaping Ot� igaucy whioli lilid foroed� 'no., io, 4661aiil that ba'moiiey 01411 bo plainea tho oxi TO, q ad dd r nd ki; UIty tm u 0 tb H r th 0 y ou 0 igh nd yand p id pa 1IFFMIsh g rThroughT bpi hood, r other w led o "enal . ... en "a 'Or' 9U rto the, s�n In" 'oil I'low a, *A;A 9009t, cpod he would *of be..& 16 to 'Pt6Vs Jill S, An- ADo CA X, Z,8 411floo'by' of 'd it, and he heaoftoted fil �dtsto 1101tilla U116*11.4 U6044-1 WMI114 Olt &tJ06 of Tqtt 11fe,iot, a m644 I th b a 0016taftba her blarriAga *116b, t4 wo Tha Xew Vatkg,, 4' -A 6 : :44 beba doillaed in Un9w trng sit(ppaiii. a yo 04P to 0, 0 thAt th, 9 Jast dX6901 I)t ltt withdroo afta W ii, ptootitt wita the dholoo t,ha ro"I%tja ouitaimi uhlblt it% AM rtutia 11AU lana. $06� A 644t, to 106 of tho 0400). Ilno I I's, the Doti Iiii, wil as, 46"id WE* tot' MTN' 0K Atli, lilist0l, I budo"el sital, A �11 . ...... ....