Clinton New Era, 1876-07-20, Page 3Oil I I 1, -of the c I Par= nd Farmer. UAIsaftesburyl's Aolvicet, Varieties. oollottionolobte feature Om ng Michigan, '10
I!4�'11311 CCQp4V,, What 0 at which is the 0064bg of, �20, to be distributed, This distinguished otOosoman end ph'! , CO I I f4ir of Hillsdale .09ttrity., peoloo.9flove is th . t1w coantl under nov-or reolprogotod, I A nourialgio 'to- boys of E,,S H.,,'"� 0 0 D 8 Vi4yery ooOo, in a while some Ivor fol. iug of U.0aglitili laborers, , said Above ars of a e,f4�_pr9qq �!Iopg 4404tion Of. their Well& and the public to their J1. how is turu. .0put 0 all things. beware of Awt-b000co ; above -all 60", 104 9 -IV_ AQW an arspr4a thinga"bowaro of drink. It 14 the great, Why is e vogetw lies raised by thern mul:, 611 � vet -y te6l;er of music noose. P the bcsottipg Qurso-of III Pee ut X 0, W4yl.a attocoiso, some One 6rio SrleucUd Asodrtme Of '000 Eky UMA 4 04ASSW working VIO sulli it good teacher 1, Because lie is; A qaalititios. AlWays, coming -or AnOtber. � The figures rl) a6ktouish- of these reallus. I havo11014 Pot b0ore, pound Instructor, Talk ot the good 61(l tl�ys, forsooth I �ng.. Ile; 6iml belieiyoo. what one and �vli toll 7oj Agaill, loot you forget, tile
A opeople, of,th" three poro Why, in Queen Anne Ta TO THE done. itilother can. (10, 4nd'Ite fact -that the %Vd1Rh% oil Beautiful Set fO'r $44 usleg. all ico.orea Q% sign 010.U(I.; while she the folell! , for 14,410S. to, wetti the samo field, only to lose, kingdoollo, of England, b,otland ind Ire And yet It. is true Ia . dresses, 9 .nil oNpoukl upon beer,, ardont spirits And Is.wPiking"'witli 4.00tJoinan. r night -yells, s they WorA Also, jua rtcoived' A larso c0481gulaOut Of Self -80411119 JANJARS, at price" lower than -or in tile 4�y time III tho offered; GUM GLASS, 11OWLS, GLASS (JAX10. STAT
that olmost All the best success, Ili farm. it- is givoll. on the authority Of a, New to eity It– It() lose than I.,60,000,000($325,. 9verthevisuald WATERLOO' HOUSE' CLINTONI W Ire$81 A nice 1044-ing, 0.1,46S IVATFt Roo &Q., 1,11 01111103 V444y. ng or garoidning 00 Qs froin cl000-ikt� 00 t paper that. there s in that city 000) every year of heir lives. by, Orleans dr-dros4 they must been partioll. 040QIP� to soillo one Qroji, cspeoi�ll and oilly conceive what such A otom Of wone A bog with, )III; ears. so, far backthat be Ov' larly Auno time would be Ili the packets of the working, caunob bear bimselfequeAl, -1 COT- W11004ble And Rotioll Gyovds, ok, 1310 PRIN S1, Ask Colors,, for .7 e, -o t ; I U 8, I
Above were all rostiess. sloopers aii some oftheir ok R .1 ' Bat go won can, t oply conceivp what' such Isbest for him to grow., Liven whou 111' This is leap: ye .ell another wbat is, men . ar, but young J adi, a d Under, tile T'AdQrp, night- TONS, FRE SH TIOXINGS, I SS 01OODS money ould do, it expended i the, in)- ro Qor 000ludauto. the 400 loaf ground the Olin It 4 a and gowns Vero worn' of oilh . ...... E oeniout.of4hoir homotl, in tile odaeo,tiou k or velvet, so ioll. is specially adapted to 9, certain crop,, P, their olilldrou, for the Iqnexa),borioR of 1pake remsr. 8 Avto how' pretty was required. - Anne there. -exro all the littiO details of practi. Of the that no weshing FR SIRRY, FRESH GL,O'VV'4S)
to be laid, till in o4vii1gs banks youu� men IQok as they -passin, and out. Bbleyn 0 itightArosswas made, of bloO- NE4W -oal oglturQ .4a mastered ;, and even for an e to vil ilay, or the poriod,,of old ogo, toIs, your master up ?", asked an early tiRtin bouna with bl TIE 8 and RI 2. SPOTTED and STRIPED.
t4ea the, questio. of marketing enters lack tilretao', and . visitor of A, n4lemaula ylklet I 0 Yes adred with velvet -color.— largely into thb, sucopg' of the O'Xperi .$.craps. and Glea4ings. of the a.gillo UUSLINSI g RES PIQUES BRILLIANTS, FRE SJT
"The butler a it velvet trittivie'd With silk 'O R'E Sir," rejoined the, valet, with innocence. One'Of Queen Blizabeth's'night-goNVIIII L I Q U. 0 R 8 ,ud I oarri.ed, him up was qf-bli ok
It is often 'a intitte COSTU r of envy %v A mad dog �iiearr Hartford, in a run about tliree o'clock," lade and lined with foir, If clea NE S aud. COSTUME' LIN 41NS musq UN farmers, Of acclitAill 010os; that 11101-0411tilt of tefli'mile- -it tbirty-ono . I , . I I . r �, 6 Dowl make"s., very pretty,' FRE SH PARASOLSOnd alQrs @bould seem to make. mot,6`84tis, There Ili T,ur�-ey over 40,j000 -,,Tipperson, from tinder the bed 41 TArps Ile uext,to godlitoessi nothing mpro is factory venturep,than farmiug; b4t it I vii.h. you Would call out to neoideid to.- sbow'diAt the. f1gQod_oId T 171 B UNIM, l!1$rGN1r-v11UAV111\1 IV oill pritiou for do)i i I , TJJV diie the 0rovern- time" nevep existeol, and timt. tile pro- thoi btisineos,.�wlll it ftiture devote their whole 6iitioa to tile , . : tile r9bberh down a S7t3N.7UMBRr�,LLAI�!,-'ril�ESliT seldom thought overt how these. yerx tairo, find toilPtiterq WE
tire co, r is all pit - seiat is infinitely superior aq a_ time to sacees$flil �Usiueu' es. tablished.- j,�Ilgjand iron Is ro.iiea�jllw fAiieeis that the oilvis -the pawnbroker's Ifaving loinsed slid Opene d ? I of r live in to.ihe 69 ]E�W CAT WEV WXRPS a v11 colqrs, FIIUJ5�1 ,,since he Mgt Th eia I%, I) bot and that the spoons, ro only x)lated II's �r �ie s r M pr torn, pkshokNi�mwu has succeeded that of the, erly occupied b the 14te B. Rca ey,
ocesses may I ot lea (Q as &reat pit doe. y o
es on the land 'as in. the store , indeed, s are greet) enough now to dyer and. scoorer.. WEI VING 'COTTONS, FRESH UNDERCLOTHING) Whe fariner wbo. ues, only fmi-table o6nd the small boy will soon Ile �golng TREY WI -14L Kr,,F4P ON Ht�N.D; it is e6elloe that it is so, tools diasppa across mmnfences, Oita got along with abojit half the aroundL with his Ila FREI 81-I SOCKS, FRESH TIES very- h6fidsome, F.11ESH Hundreds of 'men every year make noe"01at is required when his� equator, lookingas if be didnt care ----A-'M-A-RG3E: AND SELECT STOCK 03F TROCERJBL8'FRES,J:J
C .money to their eatire, satisfaction out of -"By a thorough k4towledge of tho'ratural PRUNELLAS fbr'Ladies, oilly 75 - . t. how soon the Dominion went to pieces., laws which gQvoru the cl . )eiations Of di agricultural or bQrtipItaral n. gootion A recent biography of Disliop.Thirl- Ics WhenyQ11refloot that at. P1,011 A. anduutrition, and by a careful application CROW :110TJORSA 10'ents,por P all( a JUA I They are' not .so woll known_�_-do'not 4 I- elected cocoa, Mi r, in fact,. ev&tlng tiew, fro wall shows, him to,have been a wonderful o -s ago it was'thd custom for of the Amproportie )f wol, s und Y,,ai 'ke'as u6li. show as -lea of juvoirtile precocity. . At the the girls to stand up in a MI ma in the store keeper specin V and let Mi. Epps hA pro�lded our breakfast tables -agriculturists are too much, scattered acre of three he learned Latin , at* four, a dolimtoly flav�orcdboveeagowhioh way. WXJk@h t :the tit on kiss thismi all good -b he offerto the public at the loiwest 'Pentune ye, all this iany heavy doctors' bills,. -It is by rative ratio, to make this impoging. appearatice-biAt' hoe read Greek with 4" ease and fitte'ricy -1.1 � :. -,. ., save US n I I I I 1 '4 sou . . - . . etitliusiapd(- t. nutiorfal progress the judicious use. of ouch artioleii of diet that All Qrde;rS P3?Oni -y I . 1p,# Att. n4ed see A. constitution may be graduall� built up nil. G CHBAP ST01"B l;he profits -we sp6ak of are has� at sevoin, lie.; began �0- Write. sernigno, I L 1? ii)o . . grtive &istake.� D surely in the one case as. in the other. atid.fliq were so i 11' coniposed t, kroug Orion telidency to ID we hat� It to'te4st ey.ory SHEPPAR -&i 'C QP=,, - any. you I ng ou- -An he _r ths"I ibeaso. -, -Run rvols of subtle. irtaladies. are 1876. These successful businesses are sinip rate . might. del . ivey, th . ew innoceirt-old 6mer.weiv cl d' CLINTOX, June,64 IO�POSIT t 11 POSVOYPIC the result of st,series of experiments as butterbe sold. to his,, groce� with pound Abating around_VCieady to� attack whereyer 1,1woduceafav a inpression upon what can -beat be. 6ne. Hardly. a It( botrs..of soap tbat lie bought of hini�- and, there is h Weak point." Wo Mayesclio-mally. L .0y, well forti- txly-' Offlee-fbr,,90rvants. 0� GI R hVs-bearevo.. -. �' ` ' s a egis a or ble I buiiine6 that we knov�. of,lliat it tuinea.6ub that the; bultir'fell short a. fatal shaft 'by keeping our dive may be 'Xfelle�i wds"acotimulating a fortune A d �ointod"ot as illustrative of great suc. �ut the gro:. wltli.pure b1pod'and a properly nouriall. 0 1;—&:, 1,q�antlty of 14ss DR'4y' Wooi) for. sdle -ebe t�d ramb 11-0Wervice three ouncestq.thi� pound ; I Gmette-891d. gill), H.. ACKMAN,' STATIONER., in tnitolor, Cal., brrobbillg e. Aluice .41 cot. idn't make wpublio'row'about "CLINTON 'Juine, 1876,. cess, achieved that success .in 019 line boxes ofmiherst , El very-niglit fbr years di in Packets labelled- 4 JAXJ3, & CO,, I Of. mo3opithio'Chemi4ts, i8,33iroq 'Victoria- stie6t, 1. F 4 RIOR IMITATIONS marked out forit at' tbq siort. 'A gen- You - mustr cultiate decision dneedle street, Begs to inform the inlabitq ns of Clinton, Ito vl(!I. -he worked faithfully, and. had tored dAnd 170, Piccadilly, London," that he has openoda A , egistry oftice cir 'Tifil eral knowledge of some one thing nifty It racter, and learn to say. no,. and X I I servants,. away nearly enough money td.go,to his: 0 a Istresses wanting servants, and sorvanti have suggested the ,qnteirpris6i but on6 home in the a.fathior to his son afterward, L Iring situations, will And this the beat means of ob. �04ast'nud liv,6 upon the ra- soon, OT 8, WIM F OUND,-LienteAutrit Lynch in Terms of entry on uppliciatiQu, -17* R T 1i E N -A 17'i" G816 after another,, as 'some parts' w6uld be' when the father told.the'son to chop his voya�6 to the 1)o4d Rem fOutia a March is, 1.870, won sult of of salt on the,�ohore, and the Arabs informed lihn I huge pillar ae,his entoirpiiiie, when ho unfortuw ",', V9WINS.. MACHINE
0 nately ran:'dg at. wi TG bettet understood, file le"t-profitab) art )d� the boy said 'th. an em- that it was Lot's wife;. for ourp weare-illuch ainst a oord that 16 liaFe oMendid 4ssortinerebf i1rot-clasi SENVIN IVIACHINES always oil halod, .XR, owe a remo.m n Aro,nbw ofrerea. evpty furnishing kept in, stalk, wo.uld,�U_dropped, and in marly in-. tached to a gun, trall, auYvA`S_ Instwir Phaiii Of pc. ihai the b tion in "Yipg est thing to curil'oolds,, AGE, NOY OFFICE staniiies, firms that began, dedli 'l, A .�ore throat,'rhoutnationt, neuralgia, bo-ivel com- ELYTH. ]FOR' TUE ng ly.killea. tile lesson. A -_ & �1,o 9 0- P A 1'1:t I 1-T 'G' Si -1 0 L001C OUT dozen articles wolild'ond in only one.- d yer fl� the "-Canadian Pain Destroyer,.' stice Meaebam,, 6i Nashville ren to wkseM, mon?" bawle atti's - rpp
tgbe bad of all'ukedioine doalers for 25 cents per, owing lVachines ake �pirqo, and ne%v parts kept gn band,: Mving engaged Mr,W
We h&ve frequently Oointed out the fact mocking bird that, as beqtieat�! to. biawn� Sdot -to w.-Coolioey who, wa of -ever 1.0 s bottle.* Try one ONVEYANCER, SOLIOITOR IN CHANqERY, Amn T -ANi)ERsotr, it, pritoticamacbmist, all work (lone, here is, warrAnted ts) give g000l matisfactiop, C At�ot,neyoftholA�ventIE4uikyoouitootIL-alan(it and- urged on cultivators t6 t.tbis is,the ed to him by his daughter. Alice, ho murderino the Scotch , diale6t in 'Home Charges Xodera*e- �1. NORSWQ�M�Y. HOALT11 Is Sam;Gtir.--To preent or conquer Genealogist, Land, - Loan,. and E statd'Ageno;, La*,,Life 0_,V THR GFUXNE.� 49 one da�or only way to get into the special. crop, died. abo t 'two years:ago.� I At her roitilings. , The r6ader's ivit,as. better alld Firs Insurance, and General Agent. Deeds, Wills, Aurion llo�r(" W"t of the Conlaitiir6fal Uotel, Cliftit.6n, AD11t. 'e:, ndisease is one of the rallde,5t g�ttillnlallts tiver Fortga%U' , aqQfuily prepared; Titles, and claims to matter death tbo- bird ceased to sing. A few than his-eloctiflool, for.h mediawly eclat by inah; ill "Bryan's PulinolliC Wa� Irish and oroign ustates investigatea, business, ; hub we-. liave th and Low Dust. brotiglft to our mind just itot.through diiia'a ;ro lie determi will �s s�re curis cough, colds, tickling in rise" in Europe trannactod in connd6tionwith First-clitso Blyth Y.1011rillo. a history of a er tied to take it over rejoined, Whyr, you've . got it," and the throat and pulmonary complaint9i-as -%var European Genealogies tra'cbd ayid. Pedigree pre. s 'daug I er a g sl Experience; charges'moderate'- y.. wealthy. farmer of to W I t rtive* 'and there to. th6 audience roared, and pestilericeivill destroy, Severe colds if not paretl; Party 1VIassaohusetts;- which, is running the attended to soomi or later* lend to ineumble Money to Loaw�-prlvate funds,,and for )?PbIkQ In subsriber begs. to tender his moi.t lease. it. hnight the bird- com- i, a - I .'I I —_ I . . . [ 1-oiih-d-s.of-tb"�-p6r-sand--�ervis- -very. mqueed cunsumptioTi, hrld Jfal.-18, 1875. TEsincere thauka to hig numerous casto. well t6 illustrste the doct rin: . e we h to sing, and fias� been -diyj" ittla a Tennessee paper,, s6on faus I if ii�glocted. The readiest nd. best n- the -surrounding th singing at mer , Gwilohips,and ave intervals evbr since cc . I. inba nsknownforthecuroof thei I r'liberal pittrollagc I � a8tuian; -of Pouglikeepiie. imp' and would ftirther.a6tify ra he.,.has so long taught.,' ln.OiVdPr10-atteX4 to some business of -.GREAT ubgonially. filt the that e y-''.ddodos�i):Rljortantin%l)ro,�emai ortancein-th9country"' ' Atprecise- R K S. This man farme4 as.othosr men farm- thoroughly tried for twenty yea Al R IC ITU RA L k, should have what wd call its to New Yor ENGLISR RENED ed, butwithaneye to heit ,eye, ly,five,minutes before our,two Iiigfi� have -never been known to fail.- and his machinery' bv'r putting in a new boiler ence of -anything that his 4nd, Recently, Ile mexi'with hot guns, c4lIed. public also ol kreitt be-nitfit cell gave toried looking double the power heretofore us6d; a,ad by his 500 of t@e.-streat boys. of that. city,a fronl� he -use. df -tlien �96ld by-ull inedicino. inany o er-hrip Ot.rD - -11' -an&7Wafit6Utjy V where tbei' editor ealers,at 25 cents per Vbx� 'DR. th ge- knowled his circumstances. ipgAt- -�ateacbi -with tis'rdmarktible legend. _�_�NVooly _Jiorie8 --tlm-wit;1111*s�Q ass millers, lie. is prepared to 01i '05rlWder Thr6§hin suor est. �F�er, however, kept'in withall was.:, 'Wooi, E rso -9. ch 119 posted inside ---tlfe! -Crowli, on't iare as zhAny suppose, not such great euriositie,5 WILLIAM 10.0' first -clads work in d66!t smoke,:,don" t says b'at 'plii los� -consoles a l'in TING'- CHOPPIN,G & Pombmatioh,, una Vibrator ThIieahh!� -M iines the routine of farm' drop in the mean' drink, don't swear, Pl�to Dpby, either, there re 7nan to be' follia r e Ila Griots welghed it, 7 out*. PArtiea f time. He found that he could woik hard, study nau in�gll tiials .; but we, would ve, parts of the couiltry,$uL wo doubt if thoy Nvill 9 Pw w b Industrious, S .. roth a small pickling oncutubers better, th�n 'liked to soseYlat6 obasing a Idwh. mower ever prove as valu4li to, their�oivners As the orle B Istance. dan ave h It at d, hard, Add,,you ill never b di nil A �jA exhibited, by Barnuin,.; wo lixtagine their gfbia T ter Taking,' It t eir grists'. home with s 0 .��IVLTURAL-IMI?Ui NF�INTS I always on hand. po*lx� ba�l A Lb"Ilis front yard and trying to V110- It . .. . them t�ioi safile diiy,� �Qo6a Fl ur -and , gill his neighbors, btit be�'did not therei� s o" x thvin I hout ti 0 S wooli'for this wooly IV �fi.e.besi, wi be. forout would conside
ant all his farm -witlicilicumbeig.. 11'e wdfilte.yp F 64,41wayslor sale it modonde, prices.. dolce plosaising im*pregsidu 6n thoi- pr� state of 481j,_11.01FIC' E I meet the la.rge and. increasing dQmand for our celebrated I' f PI in'dicat6s illat the iorsels riot in. it healthy. con- M , .. . f , . — , , I .. � � I . . .. . I I I ... - c lines, rom A knew that s-tich a businegs� like -the. crop, girl itordsthe.wayabou the timethe parfs ot t inion; -jyd have, by, I Olt -of the, latest. aud lie'.'Domi liide�bourid,. 6r.'auf fPebIJJJy;, pro% ER . _ I Frbd. lal&� t ie.introdticti
must have timoi t Ilia firs ys icommitted, sincide. machine itritak a itolie and the Undle ise Which occasioil ill M,�y ANA BE LU.N11 P grow.. caus, fire prodinea b 0achinery'Jutd out, wiliks, erreatlyincreaseclur 0 eifore The :crop: was was on Aout an acre. t drop -Ia Chicago- on,tfie'5th, ill sii,--different sorne disdi this I atuval a y ovei Indulgf.-fleei 11 the ilsoof to. inforinthepubI, Inainifoi4pring faiflities' We Are th' took him in.the pit of thc'stomasb� pearance; an such 6ases m�e DA ii(� thii lie has a large Wilk oFluillbor of ill all 6iders. prqniptly 5es ii,�e tiltecoatid aleoliol]68pi'ritmvtliiittlieSpecine�ilediolne-in in il; position to.
a Having drr4hge Powders a xv ore� esimeany recondneudea as oil nufailing- atiro for a ail his maebi-, nil 4rabian Roioed' it vv good, but the -sales were bad. For -these - I 1 I IT, r lot kinds and lengths : Pine front I 0 It An igporat Datchrodn', passing R purify, tile blood,'dorrect the api it �,e "I e tie I'M6611telicy, and all ai%e%t;eo tbatfollow as.ase. to 20 ft.; Ilemlo k; f rout lb to 26., Ch . er R b - ig clotl — 4.1-, " 0 specialities it is alw�ky hFt 1 Obstructions froiii he'liii liv ry., er -inac Line is run and thoiroughly tested be ore leaving the shop, aw warranted toi'aiv 0
Ii , - .. numI.Vo-Jr-f railr6ad.t a it e course zndvd a ,rd t6 find, a wj ry a , '�f o rack I tb cillonco of Abdoo; a 1,0,4,4 hit"IfiCesnory � IiI White'Aili,_uiaple, Soft and r"OX matket at first., th razor, set, oil- n sa-. jVir Butt4ronit, the. next IiWbi.d -aha give,to the c at-asl4k and-shi it u!'tear- Velma] 4Tw%%Itu4Ie, In. 11AP. satilsfaction; t of a day�s . j ourney, and- never- b aviiig- t5rai4with alco�ol r the,nailie, and the Mirmikegs of V in lengths to s1tit the public, ,which elt. less'difficulty in selling, nd lie ventured ance, , Reinvillbol, Jslon,. Prentature Molt A --c Mi fill of. poison,,shot himself in -the h d seen..a as 71on-plussed to -siallature of Iturd &-(,'o. is on each paekagt�. suilmany otlibr diseases ibat Intl to -tbles bim to fill 41116rders - that. he. may be T4y beforej yv to'in'cressed the acreago. :' 'Ous h6 "hai ea cotunt'fo . their use','. At len'gth after ex- Kitl4l! Lyman, Wt., lirotirie Consil 11311ti 019. and a Preinktilk-6 0tsive, all' f 'with his revolver; and'Wen ell ini &vor6ol with on the shortest not 0 r ` olvhich,asit rulo;.-are.firsteaumodby d6viatingf-ro icil and most gone on till lie -has- sold. 6ailly ana, at tors foitanada. Sold, by all. inedicine ( ca Lrs, the path of nature Ina over-iniinigence. In. reasonable terms. bath -tub head doWnw-ards. - In a ong amining one of them -for about twent ng hid good prices the product of 8eyent-fivii minutes,'and =46 lie . ad Tile is the'rognit of a life stnJ,7 and, P. KELLY, ordarii elgewbere qu to �B#Are-. gend.for Posleiv. Order ear7y. -161ter. which ho 16ft saidhe aid this Blyth, March, 1872, ZY , acres of cucum�6rs; I I aiia.liow that he ej oulat'd T' lit cases, Full'partioularsinoiirl)aniVhlet,ivhic4 we do.'� ERS 4e� is safe witli noi other crop but this. ."'..Chkago begawlMlie'liked the di-ty,' bald, a e ey mus pe AY THIN CX GLASGOW; MAOP11 ON' 'O.,� CLINTOI�.
and wanted -t6gi+e it a s , ensation, that iron clamps m 'rho Spe0iffe Mdicine. Ia. kid *bTall Dniggifitit tit sr o keep der ertqti�kes fro t or $5, or will be sent by - Now there i6-scariidpidi�brialii' the per paolmie, or Rix. paekage.13 I whole O' ntry. �ut. is able to gtbw.sonio would �tlnock th.6'spofs oiff St. Louis 1" pfeakingpil der road.. mail on x HORSEMEN. ad oceipt, of the money, imlilressing IVILaAM'dRAY 4 CO,; he :Dean 6f'West-. 119 a little better than another' Once- upon'a time,� 4Whidoor ont. one thi Ou H as .ol, $lire;. Sol . d I n OlIntati. by. JAM 4W 1'�, �. . of experiment on. eVer farm �a enced. run rig in ?Paris on ;or s tohat `30111111 % I , . - T r thing. It should bea continual subject o wit out ft it by all . . I I - I .
. ro.- A l000mptiv It jrn�c irti8ter, gojil� ic�_Ffio Abbby; put his PM III OOMBJ�1, an
,9 I4 Ili �one'of gloves .hito his hat. '� On returnina bottle T T T. _T . T IT -T T. will grow and thrive reffiarkiibly well ; the street railwaye;I - It has a * reservoir after his; discourse he said -to his wife and having found this*out, what wo . uld f superheated witter'which ffirniglies A it8611nebbw the 'congregation sdemod:to, cholecll�oeynne V; Ilysoul. 5 Ili. QuIs. Dollar Ton, for $4.54i., 9. 12 11)8,. 60041 cubn 811A;ar, $1-.00. be !bq prospects of I a good market for it. Constant, supply& of steam for movitir, the gaZeL upon mo� tod�y -with peculiar. inr -Fonglisla Dreitlillast Teas, Goott rorto Rico Sugar, sli 0 - Nclv Sense _ n Black Teas. lo lbs. Goo!d Refined $ugotr, $1. vehible- On., anotbor ine 4n ordinary teresb while I was preaching." 11 I doniii. t is -rare indeed that any one whoxeises RT wokic. it -is' like 11 wneri" replied f, for just exactly what- his iiVig Lady -,Stanley; sidx bv THE B14 BEI)STEA.D. U uues,- J Juqt� reeeivild'o larg6rand Varied s� pfQnsrw4h Gooklars, lvumg AND.'. fTQUOIIS, -all.. 0 .1. -of during your entire; reat s YJ & 13' and 861rmionl��r ever makes ft trikain t iiie, Coll-. es r fass oen� Fruit ars, the Best in the MaIrket-cheap, st Ulf J�, -with-c
ft of o your. ea "eattli. 115 �niaT�siitit .60 6 The furnaco'ig on r e targo stock of g6oa Rousebold i7l,_Irlitl�o, one'Fr* orks G rk, �4 fid -sigb*t, and fed.'with I o6ke and. 611aroo hottiLitlanufacture, madoofseasonedinatorial. ;0healp. Vot, Ordoker oblilne, and Glasswiirb,, jb�yr sto f5L corn, or L.pO v7 averagp, �livipg .:_.Adqordinj-; to -a C61oghe . . .. . .. V) qk large and lk selected. ne . A 11110-asgortincilt of importedworkp su& a �rojlet Sets Complete.. W O.DS price ; apd if a litbI6 more intelli- 'The, drauht of tlio 6rnrico iS�L, ke'6'"' that oiiya'booth-in which- bt -Myou. lrivn L (40 and'Cane �oat Oliairg,�- sofas, Lo- Dinner, Tea an
P. U P6 as Wood e -1, Street, CINTOX. -RE 8p� E 0 T P IM 1,Y
a os'sbd air. Hurbi t;
gent than sow 's:s to th esf cul., a 9upply of c6mpr, A --L. L, - -,exhibited, a bearded lady .4t "Oso "erholles, Mttrsses, I S(D LICITEM. the a rackets, Rustic Fraint , rut 1114 91113RI THIS OPPOtt- tivation I be inay make' nioro than his lVofltid' entionilIni&othoburchof clitrance i's stationed- A girl to ake 5.041s, - C r ved 11 8, ke. IIIIZU AYOULD ZAKI embar the pliffee, 174exi doorto Jllcsq?�.. rodghis & Pa�'s 23rick -Block. 9 i a, L T TuxtTy (,f I hanking his; itirrarrolis Lustoniers, for nei bli6t, ; but the rich krincria,be who 2067.'membims, 67 'of whom use tobacco, moni 'Recently visitor, haviq& by careful observation and calculation is LOt the .P.00140, know it Gilt they hift favored him with N 903BSON. paying for it, annually $845. IU4 on. boRitteso In this to Last year feas-ted his.eeyes on'the strange -pheno-- the game timp intinidto to them-, and the public nor. - oil oiplain, we 0111 while ccvrr� W41 atid woold at or, Quetton St. George Co., impoitors of pure lllcdioival� IV ties, Toycolto
. . 0 I B.
able gradually. but sure to�� get out of- the Dbat churdli Ila L congregation o"ont'ri,' m6non, thinking on departure 'to. V"Llu O given to, all �dl! that, he has thado stwh arranKeinonter do wFli a till beaten track. Wilitmi, 1gly 21,1875,* -L 0 -y, missions ed' a with 19 butea for past ris salai u- eye a joke with the little -money tikerr. 711,111 be greatly to their advantage, Looking to oces the In. catjO�, church extension, fieodmen, and said to her, fondling tinder the bin the Faritter's terest. of his pattonl4t he has 0�gggc the services of other' be-nevolant L causes 1, litti-a olier; I 0 $81L. One while, 0 Wel usthe M 11. W I"IJ 1, I & m G r. 1 (4 G, Inkliber gave 66 cents fox'!,church exten- -bearded woman is your mamma, eh P" was lormorly in bo ionom for himself in this To L*l%q. Doring the months of JtIly and Aug"u-st sion acco alYa was -Longlilered tho best horso sheer ft and $145 for tob anotlergave 1.1 -No, Sir," replied the child, 11 she is 11
Ito has also made such ni-tansometts with ossations from labor on the farm will* �91 for'tobacco: and 81. fbr� Jhisswns,. my- palia, Advrt Z -be Tevo ana brief. - Tht� pt '&d ` if d- - Are tiose figures such as Cbrietiaris WROLESALE Al D F Am. ix rl o ay X RTAf L 36b I8 of or b6y iof a man a the bro0i. The biciji, no will onable, It m4ttbra to�. bgt will be Jong ; but.thol bours.Of Ia- willwish 6 m6o# bo will' toolude thoad Cif the dm�n and lotting foJit1talea of beiges' 13 MIR NE Nis . 9 . : . , broakfastLtablia the 6thor moriiing,. After Im,to tt�e hN okill in ail 00L 1001 800K. S
Judgmeniihro,opoined'? (S� Xf oil have oldgoads whio �611 ,%vigh, to get thiiwilight, Thch-abitsof mosIrfarm-i running Jiis pop �Durinj, tile first lialf of every montb thrashino his oldeA boy fot d d tb make room tot froll stock, It -t the son -when the hay �1' SV46 will, abuse a gentle cow, I -insr, k e�rs during this sea' ple whq ook out, !or ba4a uoNr14_aitd:. PAI R !rA K U N -Wbile nibiloy is plenty ivith tb; Ininoro '0 # I,".."" must be gathered,� the ficlifi, crops oulti- of Virginia -City,' sixiecli gamblilig sai wbiciii supplyim, g, the family, with. on Ho -can with confidence claim f(ir his n1a, PER, WINDOW SHADES' vated, ana.the harvest begnti-9 of th JUXUrieS, 4n bIogant; Hearsefor llire,, A (litantity Of superforIty t fe q%fite loons. in that plitce n e best is only At for the very fine Shrouds, cheap. r wor 411 others,-nud that he ti rl'bYS AND extr4orainary as viewed bythe noVj' ever,close, Three unerals attdridad about to mannfacinfil them on a mueh. P, d;ro extensive. sets of, dealer descrt", About half to n- UGr'06 that, sam-o a ad rates. A.Urge stock Of offing; inouldedAund FANO-Z GOO D." .9, a day and -assistants kwp' 'plica at reatonable age cloand bjeth() faell1lincit h0?0090980141 Olt be imabled He and1is sonsand hired m6n lrisei,be� ]ter t in at �IA�L S). � VIOLINIS A�TD CASES
tween fo tile" ifilbs going without '60' 9 and (trhilmed a I I . . i . Paver-plateit furniturd Or Oth VIP s prielea sreodersto, ur and five o'clock, *ork ,-ab the man thiotigh. a raill fe'neo, and lainj -always on h uit) either, bocame common -for; itstaurante- and j4ma . I I . . si milking or other prelintindries f�Ftwo mod -the milk pail over his ears, and the andthoinibseribe traitslio re,,01,0 t It goo IIhdt patronage oil it
of the bArnyara � was Alack with it guara4too for,go Ikoiap6i X oil have rentoveil, t6 a too*' Ajote, JL Whieh stride attention Jobitair NG SATCR'
& house rs tcl stle tIle- mi�ers fol- debt, and thollarket hours before breakfasting: partake of A i4 lo-Sta hurried me4l, and. frioildg know'where to, and yell, T with tools, hord§ and stollest alods, of cla brii6n railso " u fits vehicles they tire hdrd at, work bero, cliirkvof ther mine cOm. An TH0*AtA§ TIP 0, A LARO-!6- ASSORTENT OV re profanity with which tbab, man *as� Veterinary noriii �hodfl seven o'clock ; thetiae the stosaily, ek., P I Cliftion, Aug. 20, ISIS, Wer . 1pafterns, -and , Berlin - Wool Gooth."
Oiie:s ao-much trouble going to and 6ombarding the gentle-dow., from the, Justices' . 'courts with their ; -_ I .'. hausting contest.wilth weeds- and weights I C -L continues until twel�e ;.fa books that an order was given, to dis�, -'The otfier morning as: the oonduiItai AdVeAis6 &IJ j1ho latoat Pspers and Periodicals always on hand, Alto Agolut or the *nt and sickly I - I .1 0 A. feelings sometimes come miss any man on whosa wages It garni., 4 a train going west from Detroit was. OT.' TO THEA PUBLIC Over the labor slice was *p1hoed. Thid title has hurt Passing around after tickets he came to -AND W-tMr-TY- GLOnV, �ANIP er about e The wadag, tied beg t6 inform the 1nhA1ta-,tg of Olt t1oft-of ','hd din* tile business Of the gamblers, b ' aua a man who. wavea Iiiin &way wit If YOU hre at t1le IiAton ar,d surrounding d6irtry thit thtlY ner hour .81�ppor(B. blin . e It td Mad tb Co-VartAorship for thii v�)ujrpoie of carryin g entho btljoin$# of telLnUfRobilr0W - :tElli 1;A1114 AND PLACV,- the minerstre less reek] Oss' v! th'3ctb eir inilortont air, at the -same, time= %I a its frdnt 141 lo: U gh You will ill ako orIduring Ed last. bourbefbin noon. ;.be tPass on ggies.-Wagkongi wtitra &a., 11a all its vadoug bi�nchem, a . t their L LLES
lool If you wages. Sir, page (313. j.OH.
then walks a gretoor or lose distance so, Ing Ialit Up thp old staild'.11aron straot'Vitoll, .'under. thettyle and -firm of. s NE
cording to the location of th'bfleldo 9wal. An Ainerica'n paper d6monstr"Ates the your tiokeb,!' replied the 'conductor.- IRE,
lowing.his dinners and I$ igain at wor�' Impossibility of "Counting a billion thus y1oket. ?'�you hireling of anarchy," XAL JU 3� S..]C.j XIM 6 Ct11cTayr Octi 22j -.1814. 96 paing,wIll be, gpitrdol *6 eze ,out in the Dominfolt. Thair lotig'exporl- when -the hours jotrik:6 one ;, the mo. Assuming tb4t-fthe counting Would he shouted 'the man, puffing but his cheeks'. 210t*rlotilt AcWdrbigifig - o warlt e4nal to ank (I of hitOV411g,good ort as rapid tit any'tiffis An during-flid gpIIt I!, Sir, I own this road 1,1bought it -Just Ill'ths Coullit atiAbles tY ,Ili% to fully underatana iho g. olquiremolltaof tholir oustotuargi ittla sort of feverishness 'AbJJUtL imo, it would baral� p2daje-drajJjf,. before Wvitfg Detroit, slid, whiie I they 1.4a, by Atitot vittshtj bilo to'busWelIli to Iva ent1rd ontibit4tWo to A1101610 who m4y and a is 'fe sin YOU In Y m_r Ho UNDRY411 Th�'goniatlo than at tile raW of 190 it inintito, At would like to rot rp, P16 9vo 616100k. lisp h6wovar, ...... GOD,"Eminic-1-1, are unktiowia 0 shirka, this rate � therb Could be counted in it, you inust bi"ii2ore. 0XV] or Ashiiii dig. W. A Ifirge And Noted SO Jok of thd boot nalon 4 rnAttlal ilwayg on 114rid, 0fdoodmoutod labot on until hAlt-patt 91 hurryqa diy compelled of ten ,houts, - 72,000, OV obirge you on th6 spot, even if you have. Advartisi4g. ling the everi,, doeri abildrawto -attpp6it I MI must. .their suppor, and aNr do 1,000,000 fil fib'ut to'firteall, days" As &.14=19y 'r if Gyr I ing ehotes;. ihey 11 i tf W, 'Tov a 1. iltited'. upon't, rioh Foundry Mid. or 10oald-6ily bi ;6 he above the Consider Tht We go. Cot
111heo ratird to rdatiparate The th4 toxt b '8 In 14 IaYg) Ok to, tri Obergdol Immediately", foared the irate Advortising go W1JJJA 'S ill CO3 t6 btlbply ay., Abd io on for, nibribbil.- A024 evon if the counter mall, U6 w4g leun t1te track betwe'du' Thor6gls a lJoint at Whldh labor, c6agesto %P6 able, to 6olint bury I two stationg, *He gat 4owli on a log to tha publid be irtuo, dnd that 19 t4au It of tali; Ile Y �Oiy TH TROY, I FACTUM6 is v, I Ili oX. d wo�tld - Ohl pin'hia piper call4r on, and hit Imb doolkivi. Thd -1206311itgo ard tap� shorti dues hifilma to Nomotiling,over 10,000 in movod off iworo.l- worag so the trRi V ST 9 T r 0 n M is datraga wilf Ina Gentlemang thl TAkio two hourg whon it# Ato �41611 Is 60nelladvibly .3941120 1074 ;�Igt and gi%,W J.Jillrj, Shlbgld tLta jt�dtja
'tty 'tg
114331th thigtond bt one. day as a clamiava a wori haggara, iin. Mia0v 31(thlod 3ohn god T JL111L ilona, ,ngAnd, 1),41 a liorgo Whloiig Rita inalrar Aua� MI asti In miy builti 049f lI U Wor tary Matt, Thdir 10de olire *dul4-bd-' Tild tatlydo df lidA adlikidev thi VAInoug Weto ft n6b Ameliorated by fresh rg, 90449no fiiig 1,0,rll th" 40 whiskera 61! it t1gat powerNl plattabst %vith Attiol, Udiwds; mtuf '01604"
dren) only t)nb Of Whor sit, oxardlid, mid, 668dom ft 4 love abowl'. aud blit thorA out t1ijin, 1XnECT0V.S 79994 ottormi ftv Seat& aild. Pdtath 'Rottlaul 'OPKE6 OM lO $I I .,tr
4'r '11�ja 14 1, 4114 t).d4)At0irJ :P&t at 0Tid ':noit atdVa?i Vitriblao k1rida, A, It, WJtr,%AV0J &yap" -avo, Ai it 1di thoir A bur. _0.4 Jotitg &11,sto Atarst they dava t f 040h, Jh I a 0,111MAI tit
mlvdoh,� A'i2d 6nd 01111'4, a A doopyot�thfftj, I J LT. tied ovitlugi too brief In tar VIVO . 'SAd(J0.080 WJJo It Joblid' hA' aodo, 6 Opp allb A bhpl�k� In foillal; itilvortitingt and X.&.D too Aany hisupa, . 10466111 Aroothu II&A intiall h littla RO a gtom WILY hr", A, 1.0 0, It "F4 it, r IA# the bai Von, WaorvAlkln 1dffl6tht P N d I olollg the, �Ioljglitoil- bg Nix or themo oil Ila 'Mob 4 wo0an rot tllf6a itialiths It Is V parii; uring tho fl Aud T11 i'116 �Vaw caiiyf�g K-11110 fdl`1146� 14f4tit of 1878 thwl wero conalittail, for food ii AtdtpioU tki,ld ophdtn,rho 041 thilt fashionable 01t 9,970 Ildtamr, tin aod Ooiihd JaC�J ition to 6%$ftjoh r 6 $6 111'XLP Mi P A pollta WAy 6t ptitting It-Tf 6*ublad 1g, dowyo want' 01611 yor b4i 11 I Toll . 8&VIllor f .4n.v poi, P1 6
thO orragpobding p0lad oil f"'hi n � 1h IST6 6( 850 �gaddoro# 'good Dri lot gam Poviora) iolth a theonto 1nd1q64 e 0 . 461111t �afif Ortkift cruil'Af6paj straw 0 uttarA, %416WAI Gan N Plowlt &I., It "' ' ' , &
uld. bo. wetIJOL oll t hree 61vapitism OhJW,And� The f4emotal pqdt, sho, Allood 6XPOVI. Mol'sty. SoMd tfir6adhildran,16fly-flia of whord bJ ot Viv 6 by PrAotlrd4l h0m ore Who Weekd 1106 tho bArial Xarothgfthalfi fth and- all sizes# " 0 00 6 1 to I olotoo 4,411,10 a b (61 otia & t1launt4, In bt&r to was '111Ado, 264fts $%tldr, *JtbJ t4t tWA at .9D ALT thfob eoop �VATUU �VRVMLS a ICIRVO OP NIML S.&L UODGri, rArtiorl sh6tIld Jift4 Apo W61f ADVr '4 ortfs to b I I tit big 11*411�,, 101 in 16ndad, iiiia iftogis baiiutf� �br M*l rold *110 Itilth vdolpfoio, A h4vop lraio 106YAU ror 01110 VA oidida to th or tliof 11461wit Rion tit Intoll r X GUIRAlwal tW
(91 a ohlah bolt 10prioull, thoir rho JhW bf okMilk Iftl cook War 11 IT
)gq and er,
I g
see t
............ ..... —k-