Clinton New Era, 1876-07-20, Page 24
.. ..... .... .. ...
.9 ftw L'IQTjeQR ro B
'1114, 1YA1
JAWK Or T110VOOT, 10till ROW% #Cw.
The worU
040 of 4 'I'll IN to lo at t ie Sr
Own, -4- " � R
11- —1W
4 004to per 0Q!TV_ Tl�
1.�,Avoctloniatii Would cou Ider for_q _TLp_14'jutp
mqueation appoora t awo nle6, t Iroatorl tu
2MMOM� V . ro , mi4 hig slowly Along Without Inuoll $7 Isom". 'ils Rim It I 10111 prvljii.,�va f,jr;I1t!rly utivil 141,ss ;rautsry,
moment tile eo,.tbat they start' drags iix" ILLir is 4011ing,tsu tho. lultrIset tit come to a dead look, owing to. the action I'llo Ilaviti"'. o1wried. it 1,1111wr I
ti�,Clr fAll wll�'At 0IN w44, W140,011 of tile ("Oulkoll of tile III u1sWin'llity of Stall, )lit will con4tailtly koell till 1141141.1 laigo And w,01, UPIuCtk.'Ij tjtv(;JL of
0% text. oll"ill f M,000 was Ali - ilrolirlaWl W
front they ii, ould Arit vo At very di6rq' oh%nge,or %&Arstage to Ojt� unuallaur early. ley. Thoaunsto
1 lit Or
13 a 0, R-1, 03 a, RZAU tile advertisement to Ile found'on ow- !nos a4d Liquoyis of 010 beo.t aud moo
;6. ajo 9 ad with gre Mr. , NY. 0. 81earle by PAYBARIOnt t ot religbje- Aran
conolnisions. , The Xal ofitor, of last, Turh Ardatho cons so
tit cirueltleol, Ad Aght.han(I coraor.of the. third itage -of thege. works, oil the it ',Which lio,o(fors to tile pUblio"At tile lowest I-Clinjilerative. PrItees.
ndorstanding' that 11tilit for Quettons St.
W06 6( 0' of Rots -10 1 lj�iq but this Irri.iy be done to gain qmp wl":lls a pea, stalk about Ag
k, in, 41% liters a, �doii Aby this is,sue. she W Yould be Uoorgo a too., Tortnto, Importoro,ot'p4a 41calOillti, .� It(:$,
ivolk Tag eiglik foobin. length. is ihat-fQl, 150PPIQuiselltar amounkof$10,0001 , vi
has sh train of for SeVyls, j .11 cipality. JXI -10 Would, alsoboo toinforniblapatrolis
.M4. tile o "Iti; vi, provided, by t so muni
fAllen Into a yery fooll ther 11 w siToatx on the carrier of OlItU 0. so worka., 1 4. and Clio Intlillo tl)i$t Ito ba,4 r(IMOVva Ills;
and 410or� atrocta, intended forthe %lea of
After copying a, p;lTriorsipli vinoQg. 'till prosont8u. I I, Wore duly commenced by tho.0overnillout,
Trill I-mvitovEr-iliNTS 4s)ir being lna� 0 0 ar, progrosioll shtleflictor. asi
IN L in rapidly Approach And )lave, thus f, Stock of Groceries, China. and
CUNTON FW111tA GI �ware,
ilia jouee, svill make it the ily ; spill Cation IlAvloig' been 1114
from ail onti-proteotionisit artioli of the -be ill 'lit., eaoo,'oo. tile throlle, and it Ing complotion. �iug buildIVIA in"town, wholl r Own- do to tile. To thu 1)rotaisos 14toly'000liplail by,J�js, A.. Yuill,-known Ais ilia Ainorl"Alt, U4pross Odival
is said his bra n fillost launicipalit'y to pay ill two Built armillod )y4oro lzoia proparca to Car allociAl ill4tIcOmOnts to Ally favor!",,, hirawith their lnttroiul�o
K to,19sur F404411. is s9ftersing, And tbat c. W. U.—Wo are 01ad to record the plotod
Ismilon Adoorilser, it says, ,If tile usport, thist body his
his brothor wrll soon )lave to, assume VOOQipt of $100 front ilia' (1, IV. It. And Or,- Onour rosoltition this a doohirod by formal
(armor, as 4 Admitt0l, will set a high- itics, WWII they Promised to Aid. lit grAvol- I [Altr t it is inoxpedlint tp�Q*r
�qud . . r
table, Alld�, lilcq 411 its predecessors, couttisitli; ilia silorley they 1101(j, for fliat purpose lultil I I
_L. the reigns of powor4 It is very 114ely ling tile road to their station, w. ROSSON,
er prioeL for his cattle and barley." Now. papura that give information, interest and the Govorninelli'voto,bo oxhausto. dintors, J'ufY 140,4870,
1, It is
tile several BIT, -8 Vill .4001, )3. 1 11,11111801nout to every o - t underat _1141 OR w4at just ground
the article, never advOted anytlilug.ot mpoart J)Osvel 3�—Qlilltoa an(VBrusuels base ball u that poruees thorn. difficult to a
oil JT
Intorfero lor tbe, of establishing Clubs play A "Int011 he", OR Monday "ext, For 'k 0 by A A.' yolill And S. A; Nolles,j tile inu
ON tho-kIna, 'but made use of the state- rho gaick Steps of Clinton, antl AQtivQa of nicipality ootria have rohised to pay Tbay bad a wedding procossion in Brallip.
Won 1111? IV Godei-lob, Islay a match tit thak placo oil CuAK0 -has removed ill tile mOROY voted for, this apeciflo Object, toll ilia other (lay irs. whialk.wore a! bug�
ment, that that makes cattle Peace. e vD. Ar, N, Robson I
Cary dopartisiont (if his'llusineas to Itud we undorstand.that thoLiepartmentof .0 1
till, Oftall COUtElinil) happy I �1(
Iy -cupled a;. Public Works liti-vo Was murdered in Torbol� 0 lkilig
slI14 barlqr I at tin 44Y CO. f)rlcq 01034troid formal , oc A lbookstore, after repeated expla. willialus Mooro
Sol, AD
Y) tit() Ana it, his aid st4aid lilts opened -A liquor I a on ilia Pobject, depi ton township, CarlQton co
THURSI)AY'. JULY '9.0'. 18 70. -goo tIA Thp '04§11loss oullooko 4;. S S 1114", ic,—To-ilay (Tbursda -I Ation ded to, 4iseoo-' untyi. onFlidil 001114o.
nayla be it. very .1ug for tile 4rra in connection mith ilia Xoth,
f6u.'4 tinue thaworks until f1se'proller quota, of The contracthas boon jot f6 ill
will be TI r 0 Wilding The affait, imikers ri�purt, Clint the'
-yourly o1roul, of Dun, lyi- of, this town', !Ylill Ile held ill
Ila t of ",in iNkstratioll of Ore of- ��Osn Clio 1;alf 'jis ,
at-," .16 r olsowbore, . . I O.Xilmiso. is paid in by ilia Inuiliciliality. of a Baptist churoll in AVinglialn, to. cost pmjlidico agailu'A their *4 rea is dying
MOM appoors that tbo business fall- Rattoisbury'a. bush, opposito tile roiiidolico 041IRIAMA X * �1)� '-3,500. - , . -
toot of rslisiolg� priocs in Ilie,-country. ki�nia.—Ily ndvortisoniont 011't ill ",I -a arn still.
tries 11, Canada during, tile ilist half' of Clio of Ift..Ilorrbr, it,will be soon that 9088ra. W."T U�nos 't BY playing with matolica,'rk son (If -yotlaild, thoug14 -. tl)(!L
Rarely bas 114botroosorlotirb,tiluo A" $0 sensible Person will ass6rt that - the 13AN mi —Thw 1)41)d will b0ii TUX _�resbytql:y_'o �Jtoron. Mr, those ill the 1.11ral districts whjreftisn� to
tyea amouutedto,.91g,7Q,4,23Q, Tjlla,� . . Co., have 0 enod a' wAggon and carriage J, TotidroAu, New Liverpool, Was borbod 8tay �n 01,111-ols, all(l listf�
glance at ilia. markets, at;d the busiiiev prosen , r of the. scilsoll next VrIdAy wook, tile , , ImOS13 a ThuProsbyt4y of Ifuron, mot in �Ioaforth *to death, is to theill.
price of Or, pe6dkpo o"an be though 4 very largo Built, is a 'disailliShing P111111 1101) ill the- PsPrS. He look, viotori
asrd;� a -ri,
objeut beitig to ralse, funds forAllo 1), ATr.13en -it g(lisoll, Ind" noticed
farmers here, at it driao:4110h Istro0t, - whora they intond to. itranufacturo Canada Prosbytorlats Church, on,Tueaday last, � ]I, �1,
outlook. for emballcea 4Y a. protectiyo 'tariff, if that . Ono, And oven during thQ Big. months iadioa� L�ok 011�t for Tho-stoartier Champion, of Whislaor; was. a iargo sualm coijea Itrouna Clio bough
. . 0 ., $01110tillug wovth Att"t"1191 Anil )(cap such Articles for sale, The following tire some of tile itCHis of busi� burned oil Lalco lit. Clair, oil, WO(Ilierlilay,
everything - indicatelilosq low, or at least artl q*�asltitic , beyond to'd.tbe falling off towards tile close of the FurCheryaTtioulars in a (lay or two, 4 Ross tranaaoted,—Afr. 13arp was elected Aln:
.010 is produced ill 0 NEW I3AIl1lX13,S1X6P:—Nr. �. lc�yor6tino of all applo trc;0 ill NvIdull a pftslovo Iffas,
The Crow wore saved.
-derator for -Ow
s-modderiate pricee. The home, con4uwt)tioti-F-.,, tile caiio� period was Yory parooptiblor While the tot MA(;JST.K,�TK',1i COU$�Te�Ori Tir6dayirJ4. I= Opoil 6aW-1$11#-z-tIw0 - builat yolag._,Zi7PIOIRTIP arl" CV
Von of rtou inlialiltants Of Iva Itoutioa,
WAIR0011, .111, zoi. Of'botb, coirtlllell-�
Boll w4& brought up before Mr. A. 8. Fish- isog Colo's Ttimpor a. ow that the noig borls.oud (I in 1b, th dovo and -]lot, brood were
*beat upon which most farmers look 4o $7,418,030, lid 1), Roy. ance Hall b of Douslybrook, uaking for cod cutting fAll wheat, Oil tile 12th inat" an 0
with. Ileifly everything that tile faliller, of failures. far ilia first quartor W;
quarker to, only $5,,4 er for� anaultiag, W'Xorrison, a 1) its, a
it amountod, in tile last us, town , a well ouppliod with Censorial Is. nud the Pros. which i5,reinarliably early. fellud still alive",
raises. artitts—tboro being three ahaps. in running bytery agreed to
for the largest income of -0 all, will, 141, ilolda,j�. supplyof proaching, wan root
276,206, This is epoour4glagoo ordor—sione of' our malo oudcavor to -give them wl�nt ilia I * A,boy ai apparently dro H*
and costs, All(I ilia latter was distuissed.w th Mr. E. Lawry, of Undon, a br4ko'
most certainly this year, be quotod'at a Protectionist advocates, alsoi by tteir' opulation will upply they call for a nionth or two, �Tr, M v Ing but Clio amount is at 11 too larp Its, oil the.0. W, It., follbetweion two cars, op. tho Tdisaissip
COE have ally excuse or goinj' arilund wiih Forgil tl'Natchoz. low figure, in cougequenco, Q`f tile. large narrow I viaws,_wo lil'utterly dqqkroy the 'muo sets was ApPointod Xodoratoi ot the Wednesday, and I was horribI
lie ul4ion or enable 0 a o6winunity of. 4r. 0. with dirty faces'l or—' I unshorn lobicii, sesi y 111titilated.
u ongr(Lt R AVEAL C48C li$n of Wingliani, instead of r. Dlcl,oau, playn=tc, 9w.itai. to Iiis rutscuo, �was, At-'
production in most parts of the world. Very interests, they pretona to aupport, to foal that eyerythi;g_lLho Stu , fluo4 abort timu a!' ce far who dQsiTad tor be raliovoa of it. Westmirtistor townshiji'(Middleaox)roaa tack
_qiLMpitircial di r- Cole, who was R SinrD.Epw-g 4 Ours.n.— rho Londcaboro A c4ll was 1 d. ; Ila -It license,, choose. factory made a shiptilenr of a largo, sustained, frow the congrogati.onq of 'Rodger- inspector is.liaving tined all who negloot ad by cralIVS, 11,11d In -California there is an . unprepede led balloe ),lea passed off. 'Dark as the prospect is, Ville Ana, Exeter, In I mor of 11r, Hartley of tq Cut ti otbFr boy fkNy�vr� 441loio,. snaking ng Of.
ste, the t. their premiaos
I d wi carne lip before Jud iistlosin or abou I
Ito Ii , , T go IQt of -Choose yesterday, at *Jiat fiure wo. forb to save the dying here.
enable tlitit'abu gut Of t6o ri R tile .1 t I Dangamion,�and 4, special Meeting of 111-68by. Oos�rect..
rstry to 11foirover, when viewed in t who hustained the haeIoar'no
yield, which will Varsigrap lldOlyDriny to show-frow -thoF d, but sheuld1hot thinkIii6h.;
------- figures, it is not much,'ifgny, better in 'the appeal, Cary was api)ointed to be hold at Cliaton, a or than 8J or 81; as,tbu- ritahl tile 18 Aifroa Brush, treasurer on the Moncton Y
. a,
export something bver-200000 bush.- during . 'thO t of August, to dispose -Of this oall.
irstoiewts-,of the fariner 4re ni'llrOd bY Ualted Statipp,whire the falluroe IT11 'JANDXN0, tile a moda(tto in a d1vision; of the W'.0king with liis Wifei aud. afi6t4br In( y,
els. !a India, a country.' that has never. thues whoto it is all Pont-, is n6t'gioat, in Costae- Mr. Forgusoslwao appointed t Wercol6nitll'Itailway, lilts
tile fr6b-importation of wheat*fov grind. siatho:porlod mounted to.,$10§,4i5,4209 It all ubaicanded. , It Wrxurnored that Ile - was shot 'by. a, wortbles,.i"
any d. 110 money;" greatOr-improvenlents, afo� quorloo of ilia being red0ed 'Wi at Wingliam, when tbopooplo- desire it, i's
heretofore produced this d tl t tli—q— being mado in this is tv 'than�bavo- throu�h Clio. stgnatiol of'busisloss, which A cohimitticre 0rssl filulter �Q,a, coosidorable ext4lit, follbu� narsied Boad CrAwford_'4RZ['die
ing fly tho' Messrs, of I should bo-bdrile in Run , )A coulmor 0 4ing f Msiqsrs. Grcey, F1 n iq a -fa Inillutos.. Tt-is, guilposed isl
amount, there has boeu.a, large quantity Xr a ; been for several vears there is oompols, tile 4orativii to'cu aisaar4r6ud.Grdner, wasappointed to 6ow, George Quatillor, �r
cial orisik has opdurQ4 much longer - mi ngs rtail his opos, C sis. of ill .'Goderich, &israth and.A�ontreaj, This. let indication that -bu*illeas will be bz!R�,.408 as well as Ilia I Sider ilia MillarlCial, and Statisitioal returns of Dadoriebro*cirw 1va:3 a 0 ford IVII.4 to 4
raised-, safficient to materially affect our jsolgjj�oro than amongst ourselves, bajng� e's UtIrlop.. ccideritally killoil at' 6 Hal -
the past yeari ai-
4irmare- grinding,, about 1,800 btit'hels after harvest.. eaq 8 , I ail. y go
as in. r 'Ira thereon At next I] a sty mo of thlo latterI8 oru�mies.
ST it I a half year .20, con. 0, Goderich'township, sondas a Walton, was formally.received as a ministor "ThO.Court of Bonds, llai7given
prices. In Unglano it is� expected th� begun earlier Oars Andl) n 0 0'ag. et I Wuw Mr. Alann, late of d
6f wheat.'slaily at,.Gode'ricb, this principal IST C3. or ill -kinhurt's Nvilo and family,.,
diarin the whole perfQd of Its '114 i�ii� 3Cftb, tho: number of births, splefidW opealmors, of barley, whicV lie coq- of'thi church. Tho,'Uqm� I Oil in the loitll Iligh,8011001 CaOLI'i
somithinty'above the' safe,, Commit., The inland rovenuo'collqcted at L' don
yield will be good, an . b - portion csf��;W�h is brought, froini06 Nor allould, it b forgotten - that there :Am marriages andr-derilths recardbil with t1lb itinced Cutting on tbii 14th inst. It is too -.vas al�pojutc and is a reposed of the -year' Oil average. . It will te seen that iliprp.,iP -State I ... .9 . . a, . for tile idill*q ia�lor 6k tile 8chool Bohrd., ThQs'a
101 �- mistoms of light broakingthrough tlIO cloud, clerk oNiis municipality wore. askollows, as Willi ail it'can be, and if it hadion left followhipubusbors s. f g,du ty, was placed fillon. tbis BY (Con.- 'increase of ov(;i, N9062000 of whe -have I)aCql in'- tile therefore no prospect for'a rise in prices, The depression, which was to 'a, large extent �7 buarriages, 10.�. deatliA, 7. '!'has(), on the. straw two or three days longer would. Young, and Matheson. violas. year. And--yot they -toll us of dull enerhl
wheat'tbe effect ould be to shut will reirldinber re was. A g
W11 'a car a till econsistiiigofMO�SFfJ.GOI(I$InitlkI times.
d q0' return 'talN I i dibata a. gro'syIng and, have- been large'and ih coin 'tt.e
-theresultofpr ossfaAbiGtion, o..u--Pnly bol in I . rr, Thorrisoil, add Carilochav, was ap_ 'inciplo (if, great inip6et0ice involved ill
and tbsi, tritiMir, leta heie are now, -ovi aP'
thi's and every other large wilt in the by state. dflq�cty, this secti a very good dne I anxl- if -the Bit is A.
C�itistesaoted by methods di&motrio t a tricating of Trainiltort nlillistdps in., the suit,
present- pointed to make arrngements fc4r Aflasionary
Yery chary -in. harkdl�ng it at In weather should'be favorable forbarvesilng meetings, and to . axight
Country, w�hich every mill -o liar would caj�y opposed to those-,uhich produced this . ArDwadventui,oti"oilths,raiigiegfroi report At next moLting, Mt. Anglican, Methodist,. coliteri'ded th�t the
ights - had nc�t been us n- 12 to 16 years of 6�go, Isirsre fitted Thompson, 0onvetter. All tile I sesijor, Baptist, nd, Con-grogatiouill, a to asic tho vouil,�il for money to pur-
fis lf ire' ' tip a tont-, it will very�matorially add to,'the'w6tilth of a,ures. a Over-tradin, over-productiqu, -
admit" no the most of them bav6 been infl. tion. ing.apparatus �d -g ods i tile Ountry.1
usually low; they could not bav6 Afford- 0 R. all disapproving
-and _k the bafikai this South of Iluroll of mving futiort Is, oil Sunday
aover-opqg0hI4, hive all received a7whole-, oyster can," cords of. Vid congregati I chas6 it I AiW and erect a new
it was unariiiii. usl'adept9d. Iiiii1disir;(hereon. ThoToWnOouno' 60n,
a been -erectest with the vi6r Of Oiiiin in g a largo, . road are,called foe boing,exiturined. at tile 0
ed to. give the prices they hav .0
some oil eU..' The couMifi. uAr of the Maitiai4at Deninilldr,Kliore. they meeting., The..�ndxt plebting of Presbytery tontled, that 1ho Bk)a,r* d, had' no power tp
share. of their wheat fromAlre States. 14i�. W, MoHAFFi.i, of lira�tford, form- A,Iittle boy hamed gh'atforion' of Napa..
polled to edono is�, asid the mil6facturpra int6ad to `.rough it" till they, It ordinary)'is to bo hold t.0111ifon oil tile 211d, corill
g, and it has, therefore �been for k tire( )01 ilia qouneil o furnish. funds n4t
atIOrly. A resident here, asintoi�filast* to cease.producin in a Qorrosp, W, Sda-Y, of 00tobel dently got it piece Of' I pruno ate for farmers that there has been a, a coulanot be, con y In factt wme"' f..ibim Ellidtilg ratio- which will likely be as'soon'rss Wifi'S'
�!! r, a tic in 61ioo a roa y
ihof edibles'run o6t, ourt has 64
a -b siness is done; Yq at 10 di' mo
veniently. suipplid it iarl.wpeitt Although lea . u It" rothrnOd wits obtained, al �z inst, in'the hope that
railway war about freights.' �VPATJIFR ptill"6oWnues. hot sl�d
here, but, a 'ji6 to I il I IqLnbitll�of us they ail si'loO.-_ -The, grindi,ag of this is Of"A Safer and wore satia I fAqory' characte . r I ; . , f1`1011n, a visit. to Clio Old.Q.OU ty Front tile afL Lie Be ttlement intay, be, arrived a..
Up tor the present moment. no'.ind lear lit . I . I , if ;)at
'ere favoredz i�ith sonic �Iary ref.mshiiig �. IWI. DONALD -AUDowALv dfid wife re la 114(olduhal,4"abaolute, wheat'into flour in this country does not. r fifSlea next tekal.L. tionka have been given by dealers 'fta'fo The bb.4 sit- showers Pu Tite'd ay,* and there is ever), in , - visitin li�ial.br6tlier-in-la%v-l.ioreI Mr, Jos. 'it $Otto' On WOdues- -b
. y pf Alphonse Wation (lay.
Affodt ilia price of that.article '=atom S
ain fall a short Whitefied ' and appeal it, he,was sold At public nctirstrat lit eavilla -paper gives aurrany to
to, be enjOY4V S1 is most usIbeamble—ther. ;A. q,ha
the possible. opening And, ruiling-pricei io Iliavo 6een W4rAaypd,, Ivas found. in tho, dicatiouliat i dtatallco*to I It.
I jouth.of us: L 1gothing Jig for tup top, �t? Friday..
now that the or Va'-dor 9 0.4 " L , t 'tile . tile' 11 Idr Londoi�i aird knocked down to - ilia following strange if true S'tor�
-fori'we either ship itpr that made fro Niag;iia,Ri is suffliri ngood,health.'. radmater front 101' to 110"in tile shadd efor i�'S agpli L
for barley, but we do k op . . I I I . . ' the want of rain roil .1 . i4ge Onq
our, own it bas'niado up big mind to t it (daugh- since T came,. As' sooll 'no, Mr, Sini t ther6 at 75 12iS. Minghall, -of How,!.
lin �vcnld be very,aei of.Peterbo the 'Its day last i�eeh.
Cod, especially in - Udliforriia where wheat to England, where ithe lin l3rW qottI6 tho dust And clear the r. 0. U. "0 ' y a, vity it wai like opeing a large even and Step. 3. M. Jackson,L Colored I
lil be in, cept4blc.16 tpr of M der) f6rniorl it ard� in iiii-barn iseard soundA as, mdde
made. Cattle to the 0entennial. Jjo shou� into lt'L Moo
g -ice is ei Cduadialis,4ould stay at home rpsitlent of -this tow 9 -oil, a visit to liar P`Rg refield, was.brolught tP Qualplit it has been gathered in excellent . eon-. vited- to dsisnAdrss... Tile peopla. would I L ik6 Pliospher I. . - P a two months yeti- at le"t ilutiL lat of'Septeirs- In8t-Thfirsday night, . he having bann cour- by,young, bhicleiis proeeeding from QIO1&7
7 -Or SUN.�TRol(r.—Oitiody last
B.6 CA' inally friono. iii this I moir. Be -paid no attention to the matter
diti6n. In this country there has been to� see hisia and heAr 114A speak' orl'ood'. bor, ' Many people are* dying ; -last wee"5 or for one nionth for nialic!
f rm 30 died suddenly front sunstroke, over-licat.' gain,
TIO $late of Tsrhdii' week. &'man went do�yn;stgeot,and every q'If -of Mri..P. t f t, .6sit t1le noises! a he
Moffat and Taylor, two bf thas�op ic't- �� so, a Orly a ra
F, friends Oil be,
spqcts. -took Clearly indicated thatirt W elve 111 elliploy reap irlagill� tilo.cropi of s6rnor6f his neighbors,
ago for emig , C . removed a qaaritif� of ].lay and found about
a large breadth sown, and 'the pro ad in Orillia a short. time.. ea in.thestore of 8� R. Calm ed'and drinking too muck. ioa water
step 4
Iqu rb sent down -d r Georgia say they never e, -,p
Pro that -there will be. a heavy, yield. ---A' leading Toronto m6roban Ur John foot aid would.b. to'narrow for litnder.& ozi. an Olive a from. Southera xn'j. W., Keri,6f Toronto, has boon i& it nest containing
t, Ii or without s1ioense, we v
It of I a84 enced anything- am --going strsul .0
has L issued his. so' aft�� -lie - ak; fou'r, dlyi L Jig ill tile Wiltio, ofthe on(Jo %. like �iib elected Grand Master of the Giand Lo(Ige 5 y9ting it jv�s inip ssiblefo—r
In thits se-Aien it is being gatliprild in mi-anatial alron. . oa to Nrri6 gaol for thifty days in. defaili
ar, and as usual,, it ebutain' home as I- IIAVO 'not Grand Lodgo ])its' 6xpol- 1% ]tail to g&t ireftr t ae eggs; and the proba.L
It assisted to ed'tp learn that lie je. in busin
in d of tile well a day - since I of Canada.,
9 �-much that is psymirst* t4f their fines. 10 it busin a, hi
first-class order, and Will, ai� least'. coin and Iwould luivic lot my exIiibik.g6'to led those brothron.:wllo li�hv& Conliectod bility i� iltat ilia 1-1 hat I
eat and helped -on his journey Ila sid ielf,at Farnl6rsvili6l Co.' of 1jeeds0nd ilia. 0 ling ViaB a re4111-il
ihemselvos with:� tbe'drand Lodoo' of'() '4i( ilia. ordihary... He gives 14alifax rather than risk MY. life ill StialiL .4
worth studytnj�aud thinking ab6ut.. VJ34rots to learn to his. bonefaetor vory.11ad' he ineotin� wit-K-a6coe . as. . I . ( uito a roo overh
L (Illito 6ut.4i(
qu p Ai6iar spot ws aamand the top price. In bonsq Once Ve ma O"Chair p io)'Of sunstroe, (hic)�I'lister No, Jnr kuer a , cnown about the heat. Natives:
Borne useful hirita to Clio bankai advising;qQns. thaf�`grasshopspais ba d CASO ��h iii h ill]
of the depression in tlip S ..where to disojimi . fiate -WA Pit Ottaiva, paid -us hZi-kropidal- world. say- they never felt all dh Chi , a
Oven in t6ca Of pressure,, W� ace in, countlegs till .6aso bfL unatfolre, ill L
visit -oil Monday.- Ile is spending IL few- till tilpir. The Exhibit, A� Tori5ntol: 6vanin.6 while Oislefied t to llay,aroulld tile na�t, and: a'
0 an wnseudr,' td.t.110 west. of think, the, aub�ect will recover� 'h war . idorful�affair. A glit Ion
it,,$ not C11 asnars 4ustd' pic-,at Ro�. George, Hall, of Now Yoricl; and otlic ount of heat had. been g4jIel;.
the bulk of our barley gdes,, tween Is Ildib,aild fraudulent;' si� in Windham d T6 Ir
. 11 i, - YLS'arne"UhiS friends liereabouts, previous a good a
Bloomsburg and-aredestro�ing thii dr-6pa tile ulaoinnor, olegateg t6 the Y. M. 6. AIL atdd,tb'do't se"Imalli as for tl)6 bij)&ds,
ail s6its, witil oclilal. 'J'AF, fill 'fl:*'&-.3'1,-I'�1-:-Tw.�it'�,ili�'(Iel) or ro�- ould give a P
not to L treat rture for thoL.14alto Supork 'ersonau idea or�
likely the demand will be as grisai with aatonighing.rapidity. The Air on, Sa-' 'Iii6.pl4cq lie goo A world in moti' -illagniflootit. t, otic of"th,
as it., .1 1 . - . ., tiiind ire employod in this. wark with 16 1 gion, tow a orv-Saturday 0 -Lit, is reall� on Bolton streo Then he urges wholesale merchants to.refuse tgrdily w4a filled with the flying pests. .. i, art per. Pit' Bet), on
pill eVen if time- would 6d"to stop'by the �61ico, and- anbso4 or t lhas been during past few trucks each,,. and crisch train, in%kes'two, trips "for ilia put 16se of, �ting botilni a
ats ; L . I could not de ribe
to do business withacaleri who hive defraud mit, 31i ObJ n Wg.y6ti.thbag to
—W .. �er, ' L
but they will want, cdol4iderabla, for as�n�a %itles should' be cut down 'bq, rouft5 dornpany's cyra�el pit at Kornoka 'goologi&l -specimens- foi the Provincial, He says that the Canadian �e.
d ora And effedtad, a compromise. fare the.seed fornip, 4 welither terripers, own a litt uhtheir Credit' nd a little.altTlacei], All6witIL, OaCh truck** to carry'fiv6, Roruit&Scliool, at Ottil . wa ... 1fe"WrIa it o L ne warn ybut fri st 'Sta "Otno llu�il tile ASSIluledd rettell by. a 'gang' �f
.Onejor rou;
beer -will. be he last things those stunp, le t in the gpound'is said crds, it follows that 320 are laid 1 timo'-a student of the Olin tors-1-licril So' awo, t
Onlyin. that way can such ealois'be taught '�n-thd 11001, .0 tfule ago, Bar) u any' ire �niay be y y2. in it , L , I.. . , ofalmost iiyery.cop;ltry reprosentei.1-at. the'
9 that dishonesty ialibwt t000zomer4ial succesio.. -to,ba.-a renredy that Will kiii, i,60ii AftPi down every day, �Vbout forty. Respo.c
who are in the habit of induloln cif
applilmtidn& Lei, 6LO�y is yet young, man, and ilia position. lie
a� rem I arksup Ona or.two, ona� "ll6cesso ry t the pit to load*and It ins now holds sliaws,wliat,'can be 4i;complishad
va's it one on Grrigeis keeping store are. PlI1ladeIpi�id,,;tlIY 17, 187G. on The will deny themselves- -of. It A, cap tr, Orr, Thursday afternoon* a, horse and bug -
PPI i pted t6 cross the
and Judoes zi�e
a itseign vii WF, mrsongy Some orty Qnfifb syv6re I�iu tht,
acombine'agaiript thjA -.common. enemy andl ig,'0116t forty. Iftorp al:o ( 0. T. X.trck lod, in gorl )pgagy6sl on'the 'diligent a Cation to-atildy.."
time anticipated that the dein 'nd'at the spiezid'the draVel oil, to learn 6f ilia severe ill- Vessill. b4 sl0ri ; but where- fG wi' do igiiek -to, u`6 s:C04t1M0_IIins' Bay. It was. struck li,�- the, 'ilada's exhibit, -,Ind Col.
The Grangers have h0eu,. waduaiiY push, their'daty the great indjority 'neglect it, the It is, estirriitied. that exoiy Ic4d 1 0i at Mr.' ra I oullants Itliro:*n
-engine and both of the. -.00'
Centennial would be so great as. to on- ]��Pr' O'f ft, 44P �;40 Puddep- tweeti St. Catharirie;I and Thu'rold oil gut'
n thob -�r Aization- to the, front, and.Are
light ins.;
and, hence little or'no gooA.ii; dOne, ;f graveb ly attacked w1th an agecti6st of tho'kidneys day.. Thi The. driver James'F I-yun, 'Vag ill- IOliOY the ecorning -in. 130&e Wits very numersus. a I
hance the . urs.
price but 1hiz w alid all other axpe�sdn, dou stafitIX killed, nd theAvolisaii
itell. nins in-� Orande prpvement,6-vesssel trilde... sense, of what till'o.
01 course every man who desirea to be. a A, coal mine oil Elk -river, WI_ lminion. lass
not been the case. Till some moysiment: �complies- �wfth the 'thO South Saskatchewan$ , has been on carried
about $80, Ithin, with the in
Gianger* caft b6. one if Ili - dbratiou it )3ayfield 'S'ir(ce thAt ti COW. L toll dno,' 1�leasnt reltions an'd heart,,.
on thQ'lQtfi' 110,411 Spar -
0101 me
to 8 0 Mr, Neilson,. of Harwich, on, "'th for s6ma distance,
takes piace C) Cat. 4ifles 61tho Order. - Th�e"c6u�-tt_vj"meL�nd.:E.ti3,.foi,.Qver 10.0.,yeira,.. no Indiana A a 'lie has bacin,suffiring a t p ill, -nd if to.' 00.11 Clio Cofujl-�&
jo-se—ar-c-dy-pjossible,to..givn: - a a �,t rocoi�ved a -painful aiid Uang-orous, tv co-oport,ton a. p inducqd.-to go,oreat it owinc, Chat Mr. oub:d.. ioiiIaly if not CA I ' i �-bred, Aicill of thi's, drll
sG@driot , ob- could cr�p 1-lindirian Barney, well-known in lief is not soon �bliiined, Ilia constitsition, B y inj that iYED21arser".
quotations that cau be depended llpon .. p aymg Y- Borne -m canA a . pitchfork ivas driven, ject to.any portion of the communuy ta some superst4wito notion they have re- ihis,.il-6igliborhoodi* having boon a resident whidli, has beau uniisually strong and v,,'g,)r-. A "Stonecutter Mo'ntruAl, whQ did rigt It is Mr. Alcl)a �411 A inteiltioll'i ba'Core 6.*
at storoko.oping.!.? - To us there a )pgv.ra A suit- thr6p.gli his snotith, one Of thq QO,;n,
it. '4ht kind for a shcrit tini6, K Britian.: ou.ill tfio Peet, ubcom to tile boloog to'tlia'St tforsI.Inion accdpt� �Oturns,
to make sarc�. specting CogFoi 9, g40,4 bri as. Urned his. att wilfhave:tO a iil�f'out AL'theL -back of just I to,�Inaill� tbo , liecessAry irrango ability in everything and it str&ea us tliere exists on bath I sides of the river I ;-it b4plas from theatricals. to a -cause that ivlWb� pi -6-" iLlItell I Sity of ill 1 0 trial - a4y. It the symp . a . . eA - wotic Irosn.a.firn employin, ments for tIlO,slIfPping,'(if 4,'wiadian cattlr�,.
As Our �eas are now largely used lit mar?% aing the spinal'oolunin. Tb r;o,
would be aSL unsell,fitneas in a number of iiiiied ilia k,
;oing, into the. h well, and' is. easily :obtained' ajong''tba. -ductiyo -of jp6rc giibd, V t Moto money of hiii numerous ftiends could, mitigate his f nds�-biit at-Ivss rates t the U n 1j'on ex. to the a arvost field—.where a it out. Vnioi
0 a ;to in -.namely, t st a -a'teiii1joranoo
urposes an :here throo fe t ' I' . y
England, both for ulinary p d banko ; it is fr m on lie WoRld COOR on4o mated -The
of t' a Rien't
they would make Avery poor hgare, andw
for. *mixing with wheat - in grinding; nhsThose acquainted witlibins, will doulAlass 6 witliout ilia aetion of the License 111sped. istrIke, compollod his disol Argo,
sided to him moamile., ihiiywould do it very poor day's work—as a r solitar surprised at ilia chapgal butlit top for the town of'I'c;rth, Mr. Lockhart, J. 14, a
there is every likelihood,. that the deL _nutniber of farin6ra becoming werehante, and Sam' scamp, subject fo y 'ilia, III , I"
stable lead, i reported, fact, lie, gavo a lactur; as served the favornkeepers 'gularlyliscorporAod b6dy, for G ft�]Rft 'n
we think thb ultimate roButtiI ;iill not be much Cotifinatricht; one night, entere(I th 0 &f�thadtviflllla ecirvi lit,ii, !notice forbidding tliq-4
hich is
itablo., prb6pective. lossm- -tit hia d, 1114ttORbnry,, sr., ;4 - -
their sun i -V
Ifarmers will become of Mr, 01'.00stono, in Salem, Ali& col0'mit-' in1orontb,.on ovenin -hrA
mand for them will be good' though
ee iesday, Ed%6ii-EsIo. 'aid app0lacil to ilia who u1slor. thd 22nd it Ono P
perhaps not at the. ptisefitfiguies1fir �thj)L ishaela
own Mal chants, whother. thiough till Drdbr of bighl slypk0l"ObY� 1141
Cod dcprcdaWns� v.r. o Q
hardly be �t tin y or turns _,,ata inordirstol-ad. . Aconycntion0�dOjOC;,
lilty.6f. " 1�0 cat.A 46t qf Burgle, It for wager to hang 50 Ititroni tho Young .9 ��uctioneor.
ir�auy 6ther order, it strikes us Ave trust his coniors'Loll to Ill 1) A# 66bjocb
'thAt" to make $uCoQW� Certain first step
f paper in Con 'a -4 to liquor, and who, butfo_r that fnililq, Alan's -Chriatian' AssMations' throli-Fout
new crop. As the corn crop ill the States, ito I t o front him 11 plsea4 po�aniqslflbai it wap 1 -6 IftSting-.' -PTi `41 to I I urs. le W041
barlitas into I �4uy. L .
sh6nld ))a to pay tip in full the Country, rutir- �. I 11s, of it. in urtno ip ho(I Ilia arre SliedeSSfulL 0 witbin Would-be anlorlitat tile 11
promises well, it ii-mopt likely that'pqrk 1111p6ssible to insko any faithor bot, bulig up tild -last allout nwas.liiild 411 Toron. -.Besides, thoold Ril let Alat lie illtpll�o tp*MPL4e woa�, aiid . ItIrric
chint., mottol; '.'Live it &it unfortunate gaiting -hon. Was OW114t -JY timPtitatod;, witi taina Itours.. 'Aia �jas fa t wqrizl* 1 sc!ul w6usl�
will not folles so high as it did last yQarl live,,11.6uglit n6tto b6lbrgotien. The �y US Ito i*3 al)l" 'Mooitu.—In. was whewthe Arnaor.waa_ Wad to vil . object -of his wrath, and flondislp doa a tilf) lip. this Iyqy ah o 0, D'urifitir thii year tli6'Aasodiation' if�w of
which wilt have a tendency boi,' leAd'fit Ira, light lie wrung fi�r neek:- 'The, poor horse, wball.'Our readora -tvill doiubtl Says the Cyoderich ar.—There is till A. fro lirok�. out rst orio welocic 'oil Tocs. a had bc6rl tile. w' self of tile facilitiewhich ilia maral;laatgraut-� ous 411 day reornill,14 jIlL tile raar OfAllb 14,,Irlpird very prosperous, bQtbL fiflitilei,
some- lly and nu- ugly itroeturoll
Mors Jtere to food less pess than 0 ey did Such a p6ition, Chat it Pliportuni a
tied in the stall' th6n, like' an enlarged pig -of oil tile cornor of Perth 'nor 'ally. Thero aro.704 Associtiori on
edbint for the pitymentofbia supplies; there ;yO, wiliall is 11, miliele districts where, but fat ilia lielp was Inspousiblo to help itself, was next at- knoNvn as the inarkot-hollse. It U by coniinent, are I eye estroattAl destroying1lio 11, MARN I
then, and, consequenily, more tb- sell: thus afforap ilia country m6robant, tY6 'tadired, and his tail "bobboil.'!
39-1401:1kiiiLl, ottlemetit 6f this' country Woul(I'llaV boon MY- Jamcs sore and a disgrace, A14 tile so (111CII00 of a Iliistll onor it is ro- Houe uIld two fraino 11
a ,The, in�Wj) Prosbytory Ila Alex Mr. e Is"!
From past experience 1ye ',s1spiiId:, thin 8 resolved who Was at 7311,Y1361d 0 Man- inovoil Ello'botter. ay; -nuliort't isimplk impossible, and ;Ilthougluit, Issay-ho irrilingh allipl6y
0 0cCtlJY._L 0, . TJ
arll.711h4 1-1081FOU 69tivenlont for the farnier to forget t1iis, the' to sot iii 14co opin6t. f4ijorAls illicit (Uy 148t,.tvitlis Ills sister, was turned. out of Y, Lvov. of Mo4ors. Ilughos asfarmers would have le Tl�e death at lal Farglisok), to Miss Mccr h-'rtliL I tW�y aza Orictly iorks of aff tibiel by the �roprjctor, Mr. 11. nos , An- MoCarthyj and own,tid by NV: been uitiMcd.o.ji olltl,r fil
till the fact nov6 &ss rmains. � No- also class Ili Sabbatl unless drowe, a chilracter, we'll known in Goder. Ill. , "I . that the holding, of peas over to otlist, ;. ilia tiecosaity. - The residents Also made to. jell bri9k tenement liouse, occupied by In
our country can ao. 10ithout tI allit. neisrhb three Oill 0 Al Joronto
ar orhood' [It. tile -age of owneil, 1)y NY: Oined to refplu, aA f' suitiniuried o
season was great - folly, as -it rarely one is dependent upou tile 041ter for its coin: of,ilio city &to OrIJ The appoArance of "drows i othomprium I . I . slur illif We �4te to, L n Ilia - long. foit'. its cuccoss-And its onjoylliont, and where. as-potisible, frout appointing the Day oL I and a dotiblb statehou.,io, by lia*bad dictl tho- tj t!.
Ong that'n-w-Price is higher than aff'ro wl.ita oogt, or whpt was (illoo q Winito-pat t fr tliO
over the loglitiina 'jstrtolt�ro to qnswor ? a �I� o I
oilithd �elvcs ill tile is 41, : or yilorti to ;a pooplet. of t of Xr. U 0, XOtt,- filed
to field of tile one elass id in-' stfor ilia ptirposes Of Interinant, Alid by ning [1, iaur�uco, Tile I' is �'fatllor
time.. bedonaby tlis means disuoursIge Ald tjMot is� Amid'thist; lla'dtod' worSt to 113VO -tall jilade shortly after,thras� ing -they, f il !do, *Iah fire it supposod glit, ill Illo. ots' 5XV dity, exchanging confidan�o for 'selfishness, iind. -a ressary. This �Ilettlqfl p�ying costs stridnak, stables of ilia Etulsiroi llaui(w '6'01641" very of fjoliplu cal- too froquontly ctirely slijim h4was,so' int'sorly in his habilts led to Rae
Although'tbare is a4argo 4pantfty narrower Anil inor 4bgsWeted, for a - braider 1 4, Yri, proper, slid it io much it is to be dor iiig Clio followilia of his duatIl, Z111),
of oats grown in this section, but. com- and more jq6y, WIlicls, if pr�gscd �to* dIcht; an oxa�ipla a's lie' of Tbe� London says Sired thaeso OXCE To Ities tindt-r- — posing that, ad'recoivad -a sun-str'ke Jus, life, Ife used to kou liii� Ilk Of Ills IhO, At ilia banqu6b given by Sir payatively asmall quahtity is shi�ljea its extrotaity, woulit result in rm6ry mail b Toronto. and Xingstofi have set signed, hovej)y tender iou. our 16rwhatwe said JU11g while celebrating tho 12th of uly, LIvary I hig owil nh siciast, 'his Own 4wyeraud his owit. to you and what we did oh-Ahe evwliug of the,11th,just. Iloy About tile -I It a -Tin, odd recez-
F-Y followed, and the worningot the 121hinst. Wase at Greenwich. a row days ago, be 1)110- means will'be takeii to brin Paris fine othe gteater bulk bei�g needed for holue bnkon' knowiridganow sos"but, a few years ago an attempt wag 4 that one ianguago uag mo4t tuiltioulbible, 1%nd,rogre nsion o inado to 1 -ob hitts, since which Ith of thc Empress o tor of this dastai4ly sict to With a proa* l 8 boloved 114 �.I[ingstou sayiI 'that on MORI Issivingusedit. eeposed thellest' f
- & And. Oak VY*aI it jilt(
gumption. The, last' crop was' -%ve slave no 1LOAL odged.his men dia;, One distinguisho-1 Enenslick. of the E 0 that the Coming business soas6a call be mada day -'a j�irfg 0; a lyllo, exemplify the 14011"And atioll1wraYing,,now that we. By in A balik" rly on Thurday nitornin i, scene Of a have di0tovery Oar oxfor, that Our Iniputistifnip againut (siv11ill
jl)4t ti
to thing Ifor Popop 6f 121 -ca we know, yrnt I)ear an u0lanalshod charaet(r, pondin�,, "bilo tbo other siniply' hi a diwirfatrof-TtF�th; lletwoon -a' laillp
-which rioe. go* tile beat this country biZ4 ever soon 118414 aL.09 -ledtly unwatrd)110, And'Allat no House of Cointhons ab4tained fronf sornewliatri)eculiar character was-i0tricased b6avy one, prOTe9ted*,'p' tolt, that sl)igplijef'still yotir not
ing as high as thoy hkd-adn for manY beau reduced and'issen have learn. tho , ellan-0 (if siallil it) t1lo
.odiseds ha. gg .66. nothing call be 1119fly 401,
for icile barl - drank to Tb66u`aens1' lightol-, and.his fvifo. ' Judging front fla L
youtig lads Wo 0� ;�aior '0� 11MMAY WOCANIN'. It is�said that 1101v store Olt thtl Ilextr dot;r pre tto be U39U h qu�,stfosft Is d e r 0 0, vious years The crop' abou ad to be p.rudent, The circular points out a off Gann'9 wharf, for the pitrpo#o of InAk- TV 1. a IN !anco of things tho.o*ial 1
'a of episoW tit Rawl when ing, them learn to swim, the larger P I 4PCV milsidal entertainment ilia Prince 'of Walosi wh`6 was - preell 6, ieb -inil vo-th,
gathered will be good, but not equal to matter that I tdome oo�i fulging to aog t
be git,on by thoAfetherdist Chair, it) tha has since asked for all oitplanation of ai; ftiiaic6ly go'd for hitil; And wiloll thts
w 0
last year's ; but the abundance of he Ila zo Agitation Is on on toot to kacp the Amorl. clai ing that. any p4don call swim it hit Ilavo ijeourrod itith, r�foreuco Tdmlftdua� Hall, blYth, (14 ilia � 0-110111149 Of, hThe �Rsombor allilded L,. irrivod for ptitting, out tile lights lie
y �n I
in' ' roaso of I uly 260� whan 11ov. \V-.' 01 Iran. late,,
cons fro. selling in Canada. "Theititai tries , but thd-i5quel Was. rather sterioue, to tile late lny�ltorfiiys didapperanco.of to is said to b6 JOhn 1.1right, ' It is I t.
crop will ]lave a tendency t4 keel) . ilia . (Tercon, . A., of "Godarloll, will dolivot, Ills wasob in ,I condition to do But his
()uo� cauglib ilia wharf skid climbod.; tho, I
price of oats down imports from the united. statoo means aWli. other Bank; and would have Loan drowiled Wild, unless, as puoplu have. more tiato to Celebrted lecture on 11 Courtship and AlAr. stated lie remained ill his seat vr� hile bottor-fialf, who it a9poars was Aehot),
t a young man divod ill 404 rescue init and slab for so thab no partiolar 'd r ilia cirouniatnilocs, tlioy-aro Ili The choif sindet the 1611dorghlis of the togst Was being dr4iik.. Wailted
lalidd imports from BrItAlu, Some way pre. I)ij b flig it Ore to Cis Ifill, got vor Clio (lifo
change need be expected in quotatione, Wild to mourn this tendency 'of tiado on Patti- 14m in generally Concluding. that ilia whole thing. wilt'giva a choite selection, in Ing faulty in"a wiy highly credl ' 16 -to liar.
4a j0pensible Condition.' . . A youtig mAh'itarned Dunochor,'. 1171 % VV.A�g intended for a Joko, Qr wa done while Ailthama, Choruses, Qaattatts, Iluets, And on A rowv. A out.sib
Ili cattle and lambs there at66vd_'v'y. a "i Canadians will tainaill J hootion wjS* 01jiflitl flawdied under very. pairl. selfndsati8ftictory tothaput i . - I, a nnDepalt. groundo, Ut me t Clio uhAdmission 25 Cents, uhildran asiddi the ladder. which her husba 11808 , fat,
lit Lbo Nal;t t I
indipations, that the demanl w ill bo, 'willing t� huy to. tile bo'at it *3 to a rvgr�ttod t1ta6 twelve, 15 Cents, rrocoods to be applie(l to- Yorking,
Airier!- eontposrmente . L putting out ilia lights, 116 sallied foeih do.
dvaritage, can wiltililillfroo and wilieh,6intiliat f!'Ll in rontlectiolf with tile affair, warils Paying for the chnooll organ, and the and Olt Ilia wy h;mo ho wascanoitle biwi4l or.
I t owing to a. - storm Accompanied with, terinined. tha"t tho tftsk should be ncconi.! ''Tile 'co,
anything but brisk, as' the mark'iit r far to thii 01 lgu N, 'resig of. tile tshoit aral. ad
13atit toretst foreigliefs, Wo ro ok,� 'a Heaforth coirasponden of the London 'ite I Ill
these animals has' all but -alosed in the QuS as to Atlf. mia;-,thunder ana lightning, a plisbcd, Whather'It wasllla� sho, nded..; J)P
z4vantages wh14 the Athoricans posaems,over tionalexbiljit-frota.-Out-AridI This oxhibib is Iai; Po Very fIljudol Zairdj ot IE6 sid 'he lay ilia services 8f lier husbntl'to it o14 - adi. The p 4 down, and''wAs observed there on tho fpj:, ffio rotltb, or whoillif L A t I
United States, wh�,re we formerl stay other natiod tritiling with Call A r olical illisatrition of the inotbod. Tic soe. telegraph to diat� Uriftal rLd facta, tile un. of. Hallett, near Blyth, died very
sent jr lie 00 C i111P, 1$
grow the AtAPIOL 'they are thoroughly up y aaasfull�.adoptod aekoes the bordor foe ills s1 lowing morning.. by two rilbri, 116 alt log T if ('lk (it'.1i
in J�ondcd rumors lat %Verb boing cir Saturday morning ast, She IlLN11.1 our whole Ill that country, f you paiAlonlarly with refafell0a to illO fin�lsig sbdrAo&%ss1to'wa1Iu to the timoof hirdeath. wore ilgo-of liar authority must
ulanufacturing industry- i lea 0 on naighbors, but t1wNetv ,surplus. Uiey ire 3,000 Ills atroduell tb, suld Which has so Interest, with lir.:r as a b
Sha'w'orf -or's an eirand a remain in dotibb , btit trtI6 it iti, there is, and will be -for some time to Ileaver our maiket than 4ttat Britain is, they o(l. the edcAtiolialtat visiting our great Expo. of Willoh jdOA ull'106 110,76 Origin- I to a heig it It 'mislorda their Icid,thok, wont A'wa'y and. Plnr� iviro, 8116COOdel ill ialit, will Isell their goods for Cash on Hhar6 cyodit, and sition. The Minister of 9ducati6n, is, the lirisidprit, Abou� sa�otf o'clock, and a b half -p he did not return till aienin�g, when they tsisl� Wj 'all 4g6 CourageouSlYL tf)o L 1, ill jr, W
idea unless, closed out, by a discriminating Ariff 116n,'Adazn Crooks, the former Deputy, Super. At it I a v bit ror, hair
come, compulsory -ecofioi4y, besi ast eight a At% Ith tl,(
Therowastio orsonithlioiw1i6tisho They theR ifil iet ir�r Lcrivii. dr,33a 1101
erg the next four years, fartlisih to Can. intendant. -Dr., 11odgmij being Dpiltybrinis. of that -paper, hpapow I r Plill ulsifor�jin to j�llsia nJatI!s , f4, U,111 there has been an obbilsig back % of the will oats copiest the "latest partioularo," and the died except hst pts,& oldost being OR site strodo, ilia one hand. seLost iot) T� tq Ili:.
�aara ii d. w liusbatid was
adst 75 per�out, of its iraports I lit maki ktr pf Bducation, while all the former oill i ladders ilia Other dragging along.liot lord fop k. we Pve Aos 119 icquenco, was, that even aftol; the affair about Bev thor, who haztonild CO thOlplaC0 And f0tind, .1 into"'.11113, 19, Pilol.
UlAtiOn tOWAVdF1 Agriculture during this r6mir ustaink th �iitretain'tboir 'iVlaos under cons Away from home. -An inquest, wae helcl. by tlfat.�llis son Vds dead; baving fractured ""(I ril"tor bk tile cont Collar- ThO two
at there wilt of the J),Op,�Ttm
be no abatement la 11pir onerky and to de. the now Adi*Wy-Ation, That it is And has hAd b CO. pronourisied a boax, ilia. "Iragioal
the I&A year or two, which he'd Ilowdel Dr, lte6ve, of Clidion, tile Inyboringlirgin a several P146014 In Ili's naturally atEthated. considorAbla attention,
terioration in thoiri4ducts. boost wall matiagoa and that the school � By& givert in -the Vefdkot th0 d0tW*13 cAus6 bY 4ongeatto & 00.,r
agN" , W.. Tile' ybung moo waril tovoral cohilure Ind had ilia hour boon Iat6r thc� ould
towarsta ' the raimufWattirm'g Centre$ Nruch has been agid 6bout making Canada tern of Ontario is of -Nit Lo direct benefit most goligatiolu.1, 111(inn6r, tboroby keeping of t�a bpAI0,' y by , o . . 1. . . . . have had many moro to gaze At tile, to au th6ir slaughteirmarkotV. In easy to goo by 4 , It -da 11t the c0ionor. A�t� through the diaturbing olsiment, of pro. 60ling can be, make to, the people op ilia excitement, whiall It would have Till' tOYNr,.—Th6 following lodges told- spectacle,
the exhibit, Thu It Is bywil at t_loi� havo allayed brated thos battle of the Poyne in this village, At N*owark, Xi `., Thuisday
teation, and now. that this ioutoo ot pro. American dry,g6e4]g chea�or tVallAsperissan Canadian Ailthntiesa havo-matarfibily Agsl6t" he0110 of ilia IlloAt istcation at home, 6 0 'n vii., 131�th, Uancliester Xinburn, Londam, Young G.Ormans, brotluskg, Rallied P11.
houses havo boulbt them, and rip A�iuorhju in fostering ad by thil 011thb- v1da nj r I NTI To 1,,rolill Ifff: 1.1,HADITANTS OF
au4tion has beat overdone, it le,ab hig. h4srsoa W ol'l J'Aftji-y 1 "r country
have Sol doweatic bortiltify1olg.,it, plato l4iiii'a a boro, Waltorl, liag, foe Actind tiiiia Conti ek Coas ii, Cilissag lishmesWof libratlao, sitipplying school' priv been kridwYC' Q
iWil enable it alsoAplirthato they have sell t (am to their own 'Ap4 larilishipgBollool houxiii AM Isavo mot Ali efy.SV Aftof tlihtiep,� tha ptoodpAi6n, followed ate chavadiorg for ybars, vie' tile vicinity oftho village Its n0ural 18,081, which well grown shada� ire(,$, Allil ilia p6§018,46ij arrested 4. Picnic Of
we lry a W& crowd, itawbod to th. a romindo on-' tile Stiavev
Its Own aelotaud this point ibin, the, liet that VW10 not loss Prtso.
P.Popla, No lisetter.evidoneii the W11016 4)hla of these of a filro tbab given'bartuty raid 110406 b4446170 for dis0rds"IYOO111111OL fimily in that township, more 119111r�y to 11tipply I 'na4d hAve. oil 6*044 'It� *4 roillisils. f mlarly ace"PiM bj, W. r, (for tboy will L6
nshade requires yonts of'grow(h And voted by Itova. Uessrs, Phill) 11sud P'sindero As the march theni diod persons wore pr6gont. 'this 8901111 101LOAl.
for animal food. ' -Xi fg.ptobabla & mAA 01000'pstakAgoo were thrown apil ilia ' The HAMA* cannot 'boa that Amount of labor and attontl(,11. To pro- 11011, aria several pr6missont, members of this oiT tile meh drew their r6vOlVe And blago were all thu deacondan a
X8W York Auction niAr,k6t, for raplitoryasie, Co. of 011a, ba han'tand for 4410.
ket for cattle will be found * , protection makid the V;Itdd Ptatot il,gdod Barite these. troeg front ilia multitude of ordal,
n land, tile priisoo reall:te el , Daring tile speaking koollobtion w49 shot officits., 1,1184011 ill thclwad, mid
d wor# with it �ronl A J tog enemies by which thoy are be Couple, William Shaver and wife, who jtrs� W, at 1017101611io ratdo.
Ploi. bogntry to, Ilia in., , It flildi 'Ell t set, it necon. takatup to Aid Itoy.11r. 01siffilquyin his; work, Dedltorgosr, 7 to Arnation; from (44tillatil, Ancl, but not for lambo, And . * * a fatally Wiltinded* n"ACAP1, 6igo gd6da have usidoubt6dly beeli. sold in this week W tnesool tile fborn Of lAtia7ur,11T128 alt -tea Ali unflagging wittellfalfloAn A-44 oa which nalounte(l to $18.40 Darla the day ng 6A!P6 tolllig couatry And settl,
�) *4' 116s-09 alul Cattia taken in ax.harsgo foi V�ak
Oldifig 011 to them. ffta44 at A.Vory greA ssadi4flbo, pstrtjonlarly of POOP a V q hive found the t1wes. -fihr4- labnr whon At- voty little drinking WAIS tlosI6 *an aft W from n
think farmarg tire h i 1i the 66fiod tho 'rn to 06, 0,1111ton, U), 24046; MIA
li, for thi ton fAtfoy dram goodo', nitdd States than in Conadiv, 11 1 mont th..t poot, least sign of T)Awsonla tannery, whom, '11`1 lit Anestater its IT, E. Loyalists 4bont 18
'6us - currency fit stilly iiiiWsiea Or lit the �11 Almost in one aonptat�
rather too tellaal haying toosaft talieu'ior'sitorling,; but thfit *As - Relati0ely,' wai'ird erf� rolt off, in flid'Uhhotion ApAnksy *all for the OrAugardeft of this alstriat, f6piner1r orhog, There tho�oalled Ott tho farnily lip
Some " Act of 18755.
itioveaabd to A6 ln$61vet
e -of all kinds Of 60A to tlownw�rcl in. simply the r6gult'of oyar,buying, Laor
'merltd Of thadd goods wom raturriod to 8 Ahip. time 40 a 11f6ronto, Pyb, 0416*t And call,- VP g tilt notilbor of ilia Slinvor family aro, tIld'vJitt�,
price, and It no vdmf6f g6rvatifO, it lor offts No than It 1140 dono r OlItIdt, 14 foUnd for lambs "to �046� a charged tl�bm' I btit ')lot anding. Was, scattered over other Pattit of the cotitiftyl
Andifib 10804 suiltAhled by American houtes fjpting' its aDhesitioral Waterloo, , If Clime Art Was t1iAt NAhats; I at present figilreg, they Will h&V �t&ja�l (And we presume isihi It in the' 60toil6g: AP IIM7A troog about thelt, firOMIA08 Will Ur. Ifilth6w they domin.6114ad tin in 'gori
Ipporss) InU401 lisv6 been -of Irk (14 tillhato Ar. and wore too far away to sltton(l tile piortle,
�Vit,Ti PV, vorybeavy, not 1410 will not be rapastod'at log oil tile abols, wIlloll resulted �Ilt It mufl havabaou 0 Povot AS Wall as Pimp �,t And shops Inr that ally Watkni6sl' vedfo '2166* they %Vill find that Clio Rloth died it low davol Aga ot btsaitrdlta, UP I,
IGA6 not thit oi�ming gaiLov. Xonis but blin 4,11sun) a Ing &tTaIr4o. ilia peoplo, to )lava -in, lllany,of" Yorlho,ptit-
1111 permanently ftad$ but *6", 111181t am, h glitig-letil t)Iq Pupil Atitte and gilyor Armitagd stuit intAak t& t6mate to Ing Wot4nb forollinu, and rolsalotta ' �l . , obj%go (,f tile Plwk in trildj (if ft,(, st.,,
At this t1mo last. yiar th6 prid,69 word, m would ir aftfi 4% paliis , ill At ligis pstiivail Ass , " Tf thoAe ('Allf6tilfa, a li assttling Ilia WilnistA with W01ijillng W6 ot t1le �vorlcnibn 'The Aroudil tholli. � W I vatseyA in the d0larV didastroug, hld'tho Preckbility Wit Ibi 411 , fig 4air bm . V Wag holtl ill An . plall T lo -
,Ail fall6*4 .—Wheat, 01 post Naw'Yotit filAtkost ll be; darlog 4,01.1blud To fact, tit tiny but it is PloAd6f "Arp whipli east ba dlo)io by ' Allop, turned out oil: brehtlr4 .............................
bushel ; �0 of t1io mclitive; t.-TI'tttv . .......................
bsotl,dYi 06 PbAgo 19 OM, ; 640i 40 1 - , , t14 V14 6AMOrlao, ft, will he ill- 17
ie Y fn 6 Ila il WA that. Old 1142 ilmok hi, this Ally% CV66f, pf A I)istyl, 160AdAy, mrsage" and p1lasoa vfr
. g Wbio 04 ', 00
lit ift (r. mpslordrif OVMM Wasting to Politiolaiia to kriow that All
0, Q1 worktilloll tile 8114ver firally, with very ff")%V
1106 *4116 04n be ibld '1(� AdVA11- arto. take POr tAgils, 0Y 4OP6 (if 014b no fra, biiik , oil 4firl in 'd I
tjq6l 001161 4n4 �rjlvos, FILI
0440rid 6 g Th thoir owti, alidis ia mla tlin MY after & VARt t1cal xqipa tot Me I Thm 1111th0e f"',
stOW14111D tit Aiioaa- by
A CA (101100tor of UAW 114vonim, Als th6f* fA losisird lile III thily Ono of ptur lisisalug Ybung ffi6ft 161b 4' 100, 141106rerg 96vortl tioloo, mar
Opp Oigk tot tilonatab of ,4totpi To to Pion it tif
mr " soon
woportica. *111,bd by lovl Into tile Atto
UOolti-1. — In. 'tra,
G wifo. of
0 8 t a a
da, 111tol..
bI c
dthis ose
h 0 to
It araby
tit V
ItAtimb, 061le 114no 114 that M44. 11pa W14 Otwo 'nine ft)11 614 Militia, and ft y6ang, IMAS
G0d6rIslr1z,' And A.� 1vtAiii will lid flov to
algal boinclixtosis
WM1 All
sitsidd,1poorso t
".t t Ill tip Vill aofft orb'd h wo. t�. 144; ftkj. iii2hplal'.. wisuld Islip ilia I I I& vumft ab g
0 � 61 Is uk, I Ahay Wi, elght Poe. j1pit t114 $oIlIq roolti lot Atata ul t Mid ii
tit IN Dolt, 4
- - --------- -