Clinton New Era, 1876-07-13, Page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
saw V144 psy bo bul A 00 1pook CANADIAN PTEW84
10 Tim 1,109 XWOV108. Fox.—To 0114tol), oil the 'ill inst., file
V .
wo-iiiii. A. NOW �044 C A
Flov.—At sitValock oil Friday toornitig,s
In comfiislittug upon the roconk meeting -01
rain oil the 0. W. X tan U9 X4000. ill wifo of 31r. W. FOX, of a daughtiv,
The elootidne in, Nortli 0114 S011th tile National Board. of Trade, at XQw York, Are Woko out in tile 01181110 1-0001 of Nvatt it
will be foulla the All. (
0qtAflQ last NVoqk ro$ulted in therrettirn 0 go �,,Aluorouio steam planing, litill, 04811 Anil door XULTas.—Ill Clintoll, on tile Ith, ioal,
the $00(sish American, of 014 city, gives the bit gallojauffered the l0000fluitfineyotling factory a entirely oonsulncd,� to- A f�almon U004 weighing 36-1 voilliao, $1,40 Wo -wife of Df It 4, or a. sell.
J. A. Ifolle.
of Wears. W, X and T. N, a ibbs, by A AllaliogtUrmo Ill 014 county. stallitio, Young Sit Arohy, which died Of gothor with, all the rnaoblncq�, a, quan4itY of recently caught iA the 00orglwi Day. I t.,.
IVUAL&Y.�Ja linton, a
Q on tile '0 tit it)
Q� 1R. I L3 �19 , Mai oat.lon, ()It T684ay 144t, Bad), door$ nuil lumber. Tim proprlotora
ovity 080 And 41 respeotively. At. H"vouthoproponalWo lialderthorg eirocal Q. T. 1A.—Troy gn� 0.; hould, Vona ibo� A,4. infiall A farm of 190 Acres, vear Stratford,. wanted. the svi(oof Mr. T. wh4loy, of a daugll-
0 have only been a short time in the placo, still cont,11 gol,1 fo 00
roturiled g164 'of om trade relations. ot Canada and that .. nited vertisculout of tbQ 0mud'Xtuilk Asilvoii4i Ili this loiulv- ItAug Sox,%—Xr.. OiDoXcLaughlinbas . d At �jr $20,0 , %nil tbQ puralmoor be.
States Qv4o4 A very awe Its - t1lo thaa A. la
, rgo qliAutlt7 of iiiDik'qu,
you Tag moll'the p4rtle 11 Measure of 0144- They mo Offering t0toti 04 gro�tly rgdu4 rates. q90 be had fv�,Ooa bArgun. GRAY.—On the I
sold, Ilia farm, of 86 Acres, oil the Bayfield hand This will not only lie a groat 10 ath Cilu., 1111110tt, on t1lo
posito cast to tlloso Who Occupied the i4som, an4 produced Wilatnia4b, prQyOL A very ou., to Mr. John Wooll, for the P.m of sq, to 8omo, of thil Toronto $abbath Schools Ave 7th, itiot.l'tho . if 1�%r. Stephen (4yay
op a ortivQ resolution, It. is no use don rAnAt von Ohopparil oftom % farm'of 0 them, hub a, drawback to building Operations ,
y1ug tba 90 nores on kho 14th eon. oo.441glt 14�owllohll)s for oplo NOW,, i0twhia owislilorod o gd6d. price' in tile village. Loan, $3,,300 ; insurance, $1,000. adopting tile plan Of Supplying t1i.eir scholars, of.a.soll,
CLINTON NEW IERA sel'tts aurlux the last sessiont Itisnot ral fact that commercial reciprocity between tile 0, Mutual at pion A
on XQXY a ice, with milk, 6 n stead of ten. -114 Dlytb, � oll tile Rth itint., flio
k�vo oolinitrioe would loo via advent 0 , T0001loblil terms. YOVXG BRiT6'
a ogether lialookca-for result, . Ago. '$In a 01twNwA xc-A lodge of in the Manufacturers' and Mere), tit, DODDs.-
� A :stloll of tile old . A thia society, to lievallad -the Huron Truo ol. 01111.41 do, and $It(100 lit thoNlagarx Alutual. On Friday, AYoling loan named NVIn. Olivet, Wife of Mr. jam, Dodds, of a Bill)
t1to Abvog treaty tile tra.40 of 0114YR1,14n4g, Or 110i'lel
A 1;4 Agoolilippa.4 14. to Totir ftlopilo. ;.-A job Of grAY011410 WIlt' oarpontov, imit. Afro, Ifulb Taylor' were struck
While the, Cousol,V41vo journals AM the United Stateo. lin -line boan formed on tile liase Lille r,
0 suf[OT04 in greater pro- outbobolljtplaryllilo Blues,
-borshipalready.. �A.'B. Kilte of Ill$ 0101intry, by lightning and )(!Ile( instantly At, Lathe
rilailifesting great -ploaailre4lolt the result, per ion WAX14110 Of QAAada, XW Dominica botwooli Norria 4ini 11,41lott, wopt Of what Is knOW4, as
and has. & fairfacin
can allord to. do without. reciprocity VoIntQ4113POR X 'a ruanter And. U, Bur q` ael?"ty' At CoAticvok, Qno., on the let inst., Mr village, MOLUOu.-411 aliotoli, 'ink tit
fur a osbitt J o 1201, illat.,
(As it is only to be expected t1lay.wo0d) than, the, Union,, During the Mr,'Barke, manager of the Domlition Tells.
period there boa been a steAdy increase XT MaAter. - A16'Alburnal daughter qf Alr, (Illarlm
longer STERIQU$ Oolb�? M, P., -made a'opoobl% in wliioh lie -graph Co., London, latt. Ter liarts unknown
And, oslling it a 7al 'an, oil 0're port. and export trade Of Calls. 114tu&Tuu.-I4 our report of the Oplincil 100, W001C. SOMO money b0J009h)g'tO the McLeod, aged 4 yvarw, anti b vionths,
long t Ali She ookot-boolc, list, proceedings Just wook, in spealiing of the Wkoil, of the. worits. of Canada A place Funeral will �fi�ko libled
_alk�ea of 11 6 li-!Dlot,4� trio in, present time it r WON On Monday morning a p of residonc'e. It was, so much better than company? left at tillic.. At, I p. in., romajixe r
v1,dt;0)1tatt1i(111 vigot in its finance$ and 0041, shirt front, Collar and ncQkA1Q, woro found potition pregot;ted by Mr. J. Bid4locom-be Din -Jug a- otiong gold oil Wo.dileallay, A
40, an oaknow1o4g9piont, front the Poo- m,r,Q than, the United Staten, It is. b
nil the'railroad. About two miles east of this anil Others, it wan made to ratid: 44 -for a- the ordillaq orations whioli Ara delivered
Oung boy, aged nino,years, sort of Di5nald
PIC 9f Ontario coulAy at least, Qijt they ing, therefore,,& matter of toraparAtive indif, place. .,,,he 'tit coo,, (,,oil
bitter thrie articlei appeared watertanloon tbe'eqatoide of Albert Street." up6l, hollils, ))(,low DoE,44horn, lUrkfield, wail literally cit to AlcilAalmobi.0n. tlie, 10
I to, Canadian Statesmen ind merchants y Occasions f platwegivo
4.9 if Tiolelitly torli-froln' fli6 porson of 06 1 t W it- Vp"-;oll the 501 inst., W. J, Ri�.Ilftrdjjig
M.acd.onald t ereace , t should havo bee a of tank,
usiro to se.oSir Yolin A It whether or not a reciprocity' treaty be renew, --- . n . o . inste . 4. i;n 4 xtiaot. from It, whial fefors to the pieces by a fAllilig tree, talon proper. . aged 4 years Ana
wonror ; the Airt front boing, out through
tile )lead of- ft SVDDUN DRATIT. -0ii-Sunday last a man �41 a ghastly optaitAclo. 111011010,
taira ag.411, W.0, Cannot Boo *oil, Yet 'even in Canada. there is a dispost, It
tion to consider, the question dispassionately in three' pl4cQo, As it with w-knifei and state of Canada, relative to othet coull, .1yalklog. Oil t a ater lathe, latest feitt, -,no- -:K1,lJo1rT.-0ll tile 4til 001j.
altogether ifi that, light. Both tile io.�Odgos of t1T, cuts, nainod Thos, Donoian, living At Alma, aud� . 11 - I
it slid had, a conference been hold be.tweelln. slightly bloody at tf trips, Since tile, c0allse, of Actions vollioll, ep'nipliah6d. At Ot awri� T114 Other day. 4, Ship, oil the'80i inst-'. (if ooilu'llnipti(
Ile who formerly rosideil here, oomplililed of Ile, Otto. David Elliott, aged 2? -1 ypnrkf,-
clecto,1--ofies are well, Icnown in tb �ommittqo of the Board aud. the. . Canadian 4el. and the collar having on it tbollrfto of 10rouchintall walked halt way across t
o4ates w1io w6io present. it ievot unlikely tbAt Jesse Wild. I foolitig'anwell, And, his feieudo, believing Here is lyliatbe Sala
n the were let- Wf( River by the aid of ii pair of' ouryoil cork
county in wilich fltei.liA him to be suftbring from orampi, 'adinillia- 0.1,kather
------- ve, 00 o advAiloo Wuld have been made W the, tore a dressed to the sarne name, 4ulb of this. 49cline In priced oboos 2J -feet long a w, !do.'
,on&, resided
in Tile ud 14� Aiwool tisg01 %biblO0144 1101', 16476.
)AYP JUIL a 4 . having done, nin�li for its gterial removal, of difficulties, and in pteparatiou for young man bearing this name being well tared brandy to bib), biltvilih6vit any be-. and over,production hione branoli of nialln-
in Ali, TBordeu, of Winnipeg,
future amicable arrangements.. The gentle. neficial 'efract, an lie died t1iree houis came down to
aftO. facture, a recent New i t
Kingstoll to attend tha,4ottb.boad of a kit* or, aid tD,
-ENSE asonrible to an moil who represented. Canada bad the oon� �w,);yn,'havingboonin tbeemploy ofMr. W. knills tviia-111 sail NGHtcrn Fair, T40TUTOR,
0 Rud while thorej, on 14jdity'�-fdce
proopirity,_it is. only re. 0yo 16�IR44 - wO41,01i,
lifthis town, for a length of time, - X _' o -in
WOULA �6 It t to #1114, lost, tte alone
q At
V. Pose that t1iCy4 would be returned in ill a his Western MassaohtI4 w1licli ar Intelligence that Ilia 'Wife ba. 04,!P, It, 4, and 0,
4 suddonly
These eliotions. 8 q 'Id teach. the 00' compdtont,to,diselies, the qu�itioo Lww4ou Moore,. of the Base Lino, oil Haven, 11)(Aer" Oet, 16 anil
4idence of their constitatelifs, .1tild ,�var pavolits. , residing in Tookersinitb, Mr. now Wle, slid have it -ofit fo 0
All 800 ladb no Tit
'a oommercial. relations and political lid stable in the morning, found
XlA , - in thl Candidate " lie w F4.vT'oy07ay out 1% mile I th-east of tile Spot where - r the Truly silliotiono seldom. comes Singly 001tiding Huron,
a . IN as . a . V pAat'throe years, What is true'df- tlils,in- MUM 13VAT14h, cligtowl, 00't. 3 On'I'l,
Province at least, a strong and rapidly , bearings, the articles wete found, At whose roaltionce 1318ilil"Ithille, Asor'vaut girl in theemploy of'Mr,0oIomsn,,
otrapgor, except in ninue. The opportunit7, bowsver,, was horse, Yodng Dick Turpin, which terest in equally true of other important iramiltoll
he he,(! Spent t1w SAbbitb provious. Infor- waa, twd in a clos pl,
wing 'the. p lost-, I pked lip Aravolvefthat
a, Stall, with one,of its. intaresis in tile United States. Proci,301Y, around looso, and I'didri't knowit was,loatled"
mixtion was at'onco.conveyed to his parellt` broken, How,orby'wlisit
gre n's, overs of this eplintr should X h - would like to have $Carl hill -legs badlyz A), OUT'
no is, & an inquiry nialle as it ent 611*; the
and ufact the sint JUST 4P N1r
The Roforitt,pArty. of tile, diw6very- an 0 o classes Are sufforing there wlio li t Dying with
on an I
be placed on ail equal, equi!�ble, And Mr. E dgar 010(ltod, -we, lilust protest his whereabouts in town, Mid it was Soil means this . had boa), done is, not known 21 IoDdging on the tom
. I i aifferhore. Aswesbaredthuirprospority 1 o of Colemoli'l; A Very fluo assox-tritent'of -F�xs all,
footing, in their own market, with thQge -bf . ... I but, t is supposed it had kich-ed at; we partioillato'in, their reVerses,- bilt in dalig I .
Aji'driat the policy of.bringiner ill outsider That the Reform'Viirty. should alWays. be learned that lie had not been Seen by any litor. andprices. Bamboo---'
the United $tatcs- The horse ha� to be Shut, as it was heyond neit
blo to boast the 3.iiajority it equated in the one in her case, ass I b9lieve, to the same do. Oil Monday iftein' 1143 b�lya arld:Ohk Walking Qano�. A'iiow Stock Ot
town since he left Ilia boardi rig hlose- eon while two lit
tiainti para-, candidate$, for. While -it is not 0111 an House of Commons after ithe' genoral. election- the oure ofthe'veterWary surgeon. ree. When their matiurAotulteri-folind it until d S ith woreswinging in a barn, about fine 'MoR00010 0ARD The above is 'the conol.. to �isit hia.lRaronta. twas itt once Bug- 9 0 in
graph of an article i injustice,'to some extent,' to the-ilersons if 1874 wall not to be expected. L at washard.
peete4 that behad,boon foullk dealt with Tfiz 12,vir -In codiiaillielice assary to unload their surplus Stocks, two miles fromSimooe, bho 09 that
of Bayfield., no'-' DUNS, m., Just, the thing for 111-08011 t8r._
n. the Soaforth -Ex- lytobadesired. Xtitilcvkaintitiestionswere- and a large number of persons (about 200) 3114 Bl�th "in - thi's-6action, beibg chosen they Iq t', t6r'�ed th6m, bp 6 n by allash of lightning, and the other badly Don't forget the Change f; stsild t
siding in, the 'county -svItere cc test ' V I turally onoug p that have jusk, To settled a large majority was -absolutely neces. bvrnea. Stiailge,to:oay, no other dainiAge now Store on o,corner, next 4obr to it
pogitoi� upon the elections wera-i ediatoly collocie in whi6h to colob markets so far as ihey were able. Our tit
d to, go in search by,the Orangemen, rate the our
taken e e was done About the Qallandcr� 4, Cu'si�
til The Riel matter, for ciample, was one
y sure 0
oiling till late in tile afternoon, nit
-place n Vorth-A f of the body, if that'was tile case, illis search battle of the Boynie, most aft that belon� a iariff, constructed for & diff6rent condition'
a h of extreme difficulty, and "only's part I � a ffikiia .1�ufllcicni o resiat-the aud. Daring the excessive -oat Of, tile, - p
it,, to. that'socie �hi#..Aown o-th set
ottong support,could venture to gi-apple with _t
and South Wellington, aud.ii 'is' With 80,1110 vote polea a' i . f the ndi4ato hi p Kegs rils urerwwore drown,. -
'it, Vile Noix Brunswick solloDI-qestioi '1� le'e, 'D 'a Ourinanufaot princiliA -beea a.lQ al Otto.. the belief that' -any 6rhii -IlAa be ad out. in their -own markets ou"od Three death`o are roportod� from, St-. -cup cotem�` 0 on corn, morning.* The Young itons, of., like milt.
at %y
-turned 6ut�in force; a n wh DIO flooded�`by b CatbarineWd ono -from London. In -many
ly, shelved -now, ina the ordinary offs ra -of mitted.". After the'rturn of thb searching the Base Liftei ki el The caung-,
io� WE NTIOS. dov'�rn . a in -6.6g poople* liav6 bion prostrated, but ro-
_ �aqk wat�
-blinded too *ith their anners ..was.14p -without. -If-
pori� y being garried find
PROVIXcio jOr ment ban be. carried oa*wAh a fair party -tied that Wild had piar- ad i most instA To Fatmers and Others
A, good, Ii )f carriagos,
a ufacture Uvoltild' their cevarY 'a exPOct Won,.
if he his written Recording to.E.Wratidual working majority. Tile elections that have' chabed a. carpof; ba(; And'sidit very flying and. their fifos Arid' drurns beatirig; our in n W �C"
This Conventionkas hela, atTor6nto� gope�,against the Government "indicate thflt� Into on Saturday-Ovening nd that having The it Lalco On.
ori hot, it is bo own markais, anA had they also j adiciously Puring'a gale which prevailed rV11E UNDIM,9910N]21) to NOTHryTITH
conviaticifis, with tlie foQlisb ide4g. of. weather bbing v pod no d I d Paddy ladt, a yacht was uppet, JL'frhouds that About flie 20th in8t. Iko IVIII
Vivo- will be a nearer. approuch to equality Of: :roc6ived $�00 fjoirt 0q employer the* fatal corlseq'llencos ill' follow the, march to againat' dver-pr., they, tario,.00, Wedn, rifills for repairs, sail 0
" J 'as thaii. could, haVe'beon expected go iooi. gusr near Brenta, but it was so ro to bovii the scale In 6m,
Thilrbany last,'1with closei., door, .00 U�Rru . . . w igh a ujgli that no help Xpooto
protection, arid that to such'a cleiree'as 912 1. . same day, tho, opinion soon began to be out h ve done well enough thus far. Vieto rulininooraorbytibout the first 61 Septembor,
jau-th�t In..this prospect there is no cause for slafinj our most im- ad, And'all bu'board are a ito cause him to ten so much t4t,seariely nyihing fitrilier tli entertained 'that lie had takn his dopart- The lumbek1rado, alsoollwof could be- render
bilt there is a plain hint that Reformors must )n Thursas
ExcuilsIONS, y a largely at- posedto.bolost. Wallet knowh hei6 1h, Godorich Tlp,, as -to'the neces- look about them and calculate as fine] ure, or some other locality, and had play- to ortant interests, fell froi.ii the height,of boA�,bolorigqd to, nor *ho,werc its-oc 119, 1'870, ,
&diicu's'gion'toOk place y its sbiwool children cupantg.
in-suoll a, brief Space.. reading prosperity to the depth, of depression, in Jr .
possible their weaknesi and their stre ath ed%a, joo'by leaving the articles whore of 'The people of St.. Olin, Newfoundliind,
atford, pAss6a through here
paragraph, and many others similar, sity for,bruanization, nil "the establish; U) found, neiQr.Wspoctli3gg that Such a others from Str oons6qu�nco of, the cessation of buil'iling ..:,I' solvent Ac't of 1875
To lose a few,aeats is a matter 6-f-Jiniall enjoying an unexpected pleasure this 06i n
Of afi execu biio W14011, Without -in ment to sit'urltil.h powerful roarRon would. be civatod for Gode-richnthe G. T.,R. Oil,. Friday operations in the Statesi combined witg ing penned, he other general Xn the Matter ot, williallu Kar ell, an
re' lead L.; H.�'& 'b fifteen'bunilred: foot
that are. now be we a sets in'*voudd be, Supreme. folly, kor6 than 'Oil Tuesday hi;jathcr,. niother',% brother excoriiiii was given or -indicated. An, immense ice, erg sonts,
iny pu�poao to enquire lior;aia the to
'to the, -degrowinterfor1bg W th the B.. frQui'liondoli and Jitteeme4iste ofaii 'It 11a, f height has gromiddil, jilst ilutside the bar- qns
conclusion that�works: upon. ppliti. the slightest that, U be ail Act of treachery to the pn.i�sioter,and two of the daughters of,Mra; . to. -Xincardine.. Tile. trAin. mperature of the town �h
ho 'T
ifidep q4tton, _a ulil beat irtt6gestlliof Canada. Wag liter041Y , whether -bur Govertiment should. -have ail- boon rd4uced thoreb, a delightful oth e, of NOTICE. -TO. DEI� � ORS,.
oat economy And writings u on trade Shaw, with whom he. boardbil,*, ivore wt- -p.adked wheuit':arAved. here, and quite a ticipated the inevitable decline ot prig'?d t
p Miiiimho hiLvo,given close attentiouo thin Amined- before:tho. Mayor -and. Mr. W. W,� dlities which. can only political eveuts'of the lastleiv. years may *On- Farran, for th _,6nt numberwere.added at this station'.. These% IkTDIP11TED TO THN PSTATO.,
and commerce have' alin undertake- those f �'findin" he-Uniltedt9itites ari'd imid6ritly'defendel A of the abi
nost all been pur fog: 6oap excur . ai0i . is on both railro*d�jlnea are our indodfri Wfrom itsri -4kyoung-mauname.dCametronj QfYormouth DYQ-uOMed. Insolvent, are . -ro(inestea to
n do 1) a to, 'or -a iliju aecolint Will 1,0
be -dis-charged e' tr'l what they knew abou r'Ous Ofracts' while driving a mowing machine ?n
y a, c n a authority."- dor-howany constituency ca be . i iniy up'witfiin. thirty days, or theil
publishedi �e timeor t� aid in bringing b�6k to'p6wer the Couserv the object -he hail lit 'view in thu� becoming dry'populiij as they affovd, p6iw No ar' keenly Sensible of oni own. misfor", Friday placed 1p ouit without further notice,,
Arrangem�nts�NFdA ma4e to, oa�rry suddep- sons . an opp . ortunity of visitinj a being, thrownfroni his seati his wrist- lzedMi.-Mattentorecei�e't�-iLin�"ana thought, is tredilto the rives'tigation ativopar'ty, Ce*rt;� ly tskiif� his depr g,placiiB Of tllneo,. nd, pay lose hood- to those,- ot our
Lure an t to in or 44 can be remitted to my address, Boa r
deas into otil,e olyeratiye,,.,�_ lt,is all j)qpular confideno6 in� eithdi tile honesty or the 4b. atte was pierced by one of the steel gdards. fo th P, 0.
nits e apapnIity of the loaders of'thd �irty now in Tidy air app6aieuto neg.
of these subjects,, notWithathriding'their I iad. the, publiu,-- 'intOreat at vqXyr#As6nable oat. noi�,hbord. A reflection, how- this way he was'diaijed'arouna the fieltl bn-. OE' 'S. 41611TER, Assig
-t At Reformers Opposition. Few"can be found who-repone 911"D THF MATI�15 Tirkm.� 7
ery well, And proper' h obtaightforwiiia .'and fr6o: anowem to -For-th� paat�6ur ever, will-waure Its Wat ta Americans til the -horsd,it length stopped. His -arm Sekfortb, Tfily 12, 18 6.
importance %ad nee of tlibr'oughl� v uestion( -wi have made Ours a. slaughter. market, simply, was nearly torn oufby the roots., eafortil Expositor, Mitchell Adi te,'iin4 'ri
ou:I(I aesemble: from, 611 o6etions 'of the conddenee in thiiategrity, of Sir John Mae- -every q ft to them, thout rO- or hve,days the heat ha,ii eauseatho ther. oca xodcAch
understanding their workin ms to -be, able I'll. because their'oWnOns worse.-. With accu�, popy for one month.
g, doliald as a politician. Dr. Tappe.rby often serve ; th�Jallowing.bei g'ahout all'the motnA4 to'iiae 'higher,. and- oier .4 The eleetiond.-rdAti Wednesdayi �resulted .'as
W more
o ifice-to dispuss. the.diffe �_qlles- ropeiting a 'tissue of ended -tract of country, than has, been: initiated stocks, bankruptcy stailn
to speak or give advice intelligently 4&n pr v slanders 'which People facts �lc, g them followo"—Mr, T. N, Gibb9'*(0ousofvativo
ren pmed -:-No idea was ovitertaitwed ext
Fa'r m'
know to be � unfounded, has not Added to his 'by anybf -them that h6 waa: gclino away known for several years past. Inthispla6e 'in -the face, and no. adequ'ate *home mark6t, iiiiijority'in -South, Ontario over
aw tion's that are brOug . lit up before t.h�m;, 'personal reputation. Both thes Edgar- Mr. J.
in dr; are b Ilia life for $2,000., inisterial) is 41. - Xr; W H - Gibbs
the subject. . If we awe inerror i . .. W.a ingured, ; 110 ap, it hag ranged lit the shade between 85 they.were forced. to piesa:their go6da-lip - . . .1 1 1. LPING - S.0UTH`I?AU Or, 'LOT 6, ATATTLAND
th#.wilbiji.any r affect the interests. ku wit to ba,4 yielded to -tem a.bion when. -postrod. to -b� vr Their case was worse han r Zativii) is returns
ing these conclusions, arid: that the Ry pt cwhonsi,and. nician- -,95 -.01161ph has else, (Conde' d1on*Noith Onto. Coll.,, containing 100 acres"more or loss; 80 ftarvs
thi -Y ,cleared and free of stumps;in good state ofcdl(iiatimi one..boale arid the coil bgn,-' 10h.oly. he 'took with. hig is would not hhve happened. enthe ever Aft.. Currie Minigterid'15
are more or prosperity -of the but. that v from home -an ri,eg, fiq ;* Rout;eal; from 96 to 3,061 Pht.-, 86 votes. Ili Owriters of theab paragraphs prorinoo,, tile ot� er. . Neither has re'- lie started, for 14(jolphia,'. 110 ,, And, it -other .-secti . on lutbrie (A.
extra Shirt ; jusi stress, is over, 'And we ha�o a readjusted South. W.ellington 6 linistsrial)
t befb It fields, "A fenced lano in centra; two 'cen -.organ.iiatioft wilt'limie the ef- tnce 'kille- tariff our industries will revivo*again- defeated Mr. Goldie (PxOteotiblli5t) by Ifto running springs of;fir4t-clacs water- B�od
conversant with. political economy han 16, ral (I I ana boW'may well be b ieyjad' to be Clinton -his 'brother- d`a� foi tile Continent it rosa to. similar figures. S. . .. Orate rea y -to perform again sets as. i1sia any of sooner, mayhap, than theirs, ..'The fiflur' d1firin Imildirip, first-class collar, anti, orchartLL.f -
feet of brin ',o t A d el ting, our him, which he said he wanted ft) make sbup The u we ar4 inclined to give them credit1o' ing a n The consetlaoueff had been that many fatal nfortunatairtan - Oyfiej the victim of goo
which they'llaie. been al�eadyoenvicted. The wit'li ; Ilia mother �e noticed his re- cases the ftffrg6y 0 1 n th 200 choice fruit trec's. One of thirbQst farldii"Ond 16eg,
b6st uten we �a've .'our doubts about, moil who are ow,ln tite'GiDverninent-ar. of uunatr�lko lialrz-o'courral _aud-losges-in -severe .0 ]Kant pr6party Ott the Queen's tioni in the couutylolr a faucy regidonce; situated Wit
then we are compelled to draw the in' pe.aranco, arid cities has gresitly, increisea. f6wil Birthdai, London, died o - the liadhig grayel.road east. throo-quarters of a mu.)
cuov -Nobody' thinks -that serve- and- me mortalit� as they'litive. be6u, Are aniall and I ll.SundAy, has.13een
t ter for bribery ere" from Goderlob, and one-halrinue frora school, with, lu.1
they e. fio� - ..Wha the- col!intry met Wli -eve comparison yvith ainitilar dis�dtors,.which considered 6a , e of the most romarliablo� known -and lak6. 'Titlo Indi �putahle. 'A
at -do not writ' M Mr. Mackenzie would'sell a char illiestianed filill ecti but got it r should
. rn to be honest.� 'llchol y '
now tile "N yprecauti6n' View OC town tatiOns. in . OneY like Sir datisfactbry ns r ; Ile had ab '10 in 1 inw have befallen. 61ir neighborg Across the -line.. . te, medical Science. 1if6 -was sustained, ter the ploirletor on the pre3hises.
f.knowh good,A�d honest �r epu ,J'oliu Ainedonald, or fill the ont $3 -oo-to.,protect t is
moral or ratio al donvictionsi Dut-are '9 -the Americ� six weeks 'L inest of the time, ith good, hopes RVNT lt�
is With Lie iiiiatlyes. lllco'Mr. rtl�oney ho-lins two The cojisequences *of n war, Sri
n oliblia deprtzilau brothm.-in ]Orion$ � 4606 of - thcIieat. .* Parties who., i qiir: 04"Tui 19, IBM,.
twithstAnding a Considerable 094
pandering to the selfishilesK and. --fol flicientl-indopendent to be rOO 170111 Lahgdyin did,'or. go about the country gland, ldiiAll�gan bno in fluntitigd6b; riear ont- ishoulahot be i diate and remoto;--hvebeen felt im. of'roo9very; no
y- areeng&ged indoo n the Sun mine an
less of brain kkibstance: Ile leav4i witd d
real, (ill 'elloln" England aThe stress japon,her mills
g ifitiltitudewho: -a, ere pai or 'Actions spi� lieof,we feair, the gr'owin' it' and to Tu�per,4o6i.. d Nova Scotia none of the. long without an. �inbrella, 'and but little -eight, chil4rall,destit H AL L
tifteisesTe'tuept7tti-6�bkotlier, who i abouf 400d or cold water Should be- drank at- one 'to meet the- requiromefits and Waste of 0 iing his �,giiUQ�mi
is no TR —
--by- pul>ilic.q)�o rosperouso V 4f 1rauspiredijx'Loxi- VE TERINSRVIS
want to get-ridLh fi-t-the-expen, f re don' East- on Saturday night. AWorkmanin
dil� V
1001 1.0 yosyg (if aTio t,bbi-lidea that iiiiie w1dr6 4DVer-'ll 1 -,me i 7 ranor-Priligiali
Be o some known fesstoij nd
anu- HUroll Sir66t,01111t-0
one else. ptigqiples. that will prompt him to: lsbpr re its. with tile i t tion be was foullv dealbwlih. akbifarid exeieiged, nb ditilger be tau to(, he
o.same. `e hive no doubt he'will Oon be heard. e44rwkitho'hot'weatlior. facturing,capacity j- go-large-,+indoe ";h
felt extremely dry while'working around tbe
a.i then, that,the Reform, paity, a' erobd di'jitinco front,, plaft;'AnE, walkedj-Q*er� to'wherQ'1heFp Was.
fpr the besbint6restg,of the`eountry,.i;: Co. it'has. far oiatjio�n the iequirements,of ly uction S Eilp,
Our cotemporary writes'as ifur agri� Sbm 1ko-nth
with the best men, and i
with iiumeasurably' the -ad --N-unierous failurs-
ConL Which we ED-FORITHE ]ter preaant�warkotg,L
culturists and mahufacturers. did not respeo-tiv"f nationality, section. of re- beat record-, is.1befug ground ? L' Why are viso litm. not to lisson'. 4`06ast an ice water tank arid 4rank freely of tho-con-
TO RSE, 8 B17001PS,
for onio time,. ftaw-rnany.o e sonreTeis Is I&n has een,recelve& of the first and the'pr6oentL de. terildmof.6 than 6nes during the afterilooll.
servifflivq* candidates, ., 6von when they cc
possess an equita4le Awl, fair footing Ili 191011; have ail recollection of the trmp
with qudstiotiable anteceilAnis'. 'in some,mins 1-1. 0, Thompson, S. A� of.'Qn- preasi0n. there attest Ala facb4- -Ili G0- After returning home he was tftl�elr'suddcllly our own 'market. How can, that b6;. lyllafliarticular daty,.pv ofraln' a Cen- stances'preferred 1 �, Ali answer to that qiies- through the birah for the -dictivery. of his trio, tOL the effect that the following hor- many, too� in answer to a delegation' of ill,iXhich in attributea-to the effects of.the ice Saturday,J ly2flnd,tjti� '10 0
an, za L' p -f6rr ivolves a glance at the mode of waiifaire lifeles6�body; hich would litivabeen nincli, a 'have;been a6166ted ofr6iii- tbe entries tradesilien. who waited,. npon" him TERUS 'ok.Sir.
r thein 2 tj org i tidn wi I " or A,, in fur. Men bib,-othilt, wat6r, frud; about elevoii. o'clock, the poo,r.-man
when there is nothing to llinde carried on throughout the Dominion. , Then more-�,tend(.Irly Cared f6r,11 rig o ill thin county for, t is PhiladelpbiaL day, ito represent U a -fid' ubpr�fitablQ died.. cliuton, Juli
an caught. ion the livii . mod �876.
F ven if it therance. of the ab0e' we-1ail to see, it c 'be seen tbat-the Congerativesre work- one if Exhibition a, remedy, it were perfectly free) vhi& Jt I . .. f. The Ontari, Fru were' AssociAtibri;
,h consequences XaturallV, this town was in' it state of one g, ralit 1 0 ve replied that' hold a meeting AIL London, od'-Tliurs GEN-eEN N 1AL.
Gi 1 0. Bid'
169 to e-maelve cu 1 13,
not -ift ftirthef than'the isBuing.of p�irljed -r'*' often, even,if tli ok IS re�ortad t lit,
t ey won il moift clirtiinly be should. be 2nost 'dislisir,0118 to, th aIn great exclit:eme�t nearly. E., Mason, Clinton'; Simon Pure J J. their case, was -his ow for that his estates general budindss,,'whea art interesting did
it J.L Me_ mutiorative. at present.- sion. are `6 on the blight of Ilia fruit treos ,It
a more advantageous positiorr--td. sell er f6r the itiatruaeon, of -tte eleoGrs, ontark we'Aga the Conservtive party riding we believe, as I�as n0er before wittiendd, 'Borimillor &utclima were villolly, unre 'a
t.116 proteotigitUbliby. Onli a minority tf thd Caile Combined,
LYL ' 1:es
than a foreiptir. * It is impogsible to which is li.ein� continuall dono'-by and w& earnestly hope,,iii3vet x.vill be again, Donaglip-Lord Fergu�dn, Alay we -tot then fairly attrib'uto our d6'- r sent prevailing in the country, - Vario4s
y parl are really in favor of protection, ' : ' I (;it Suspicion of pressed, conditioni in a gr6t it;oasuro at Coiled wdre suggested, but thi matter sedut,
cr.3 blind Res ive persons were arrostec - groAt. doub b, an se�ur; on a of 'thef'4,11
n n being "i:tlib mur4orer;" but as nothing FjUV.-Fanny, least. to -cauoa,s. andexternal,iriflublices a jib doclsioi2 33ef* going to ib
4eir Allegiance. Anybody Isponsable coinpauious, �htt, Ton %.v4au and
benefit an agriculturist by r makes it possiLle to �AJJLA; faMF blifthe ilit'leral M'arcii and
protect o i wpress. Agek edinv6lved in
libort Orton, Exet6r and t atr Philadelphia � on'
foTmors swijigotilt �ed io exhibit cc 0. . . . o thjulabi-milttei� out could be proied', thek� wero of'scours(i scit S., KoDonagli ; Queen. of Htiion, J. Swin- which ore''boyon4 'our control If wd, are was arrived at. The Society agrk IV ore you #10400;
this country, tirbere he prodn' s il�iorb of illo takeg the trouble t samples df Canadian A BIG 111V . L. Y' ;Jessi6; Jeriny Fanny, whirled.abdut in the eddy.. are wo, not for -
everything, except corn's thani tho'c6lin. can'seeit'is not going to pay all classes to coiiditiou increased grant of moticy from' ESPOCWI� V41URble for LadieS,. .
raise John Ulon, Carlovr. tunate to be upon its dutor cireu inference) 'the Government.
rices. The law that makes cattle and
try requires for home consum Under this beadine' th wha cAnnob possibly 0 e NValland bailey sell at enhanced prices might be- a very Heary Drdiqhl -:144 Q 'cc and not within its sucking.vortexI May.
p J., h'- L . I I . . 4 At three o'clock on Astiira
To wo not hope -that, a manly -pull at tho. oar
Thab Corn should be free leffraph has got 6ff. bitrye canard fine thing for-thelarmor, but it would not pay y6ii, want.
allio4s."Young Pe Signorina Spelted no, common the townsman when he goes to buy his meat Oil Jday last -a &Fekeb match wag play- acock,.J. and good pilotage, ilL-bring'us out of its 0. D. MCTTArtb�*
f s�nse person will deny. It (Wh e e al papers' are copying. As &ld beer.- So the regulation that raised i�o ed the Clinton and Ilayfield i1shox Beauty bf the Dominion D. influence And into the .4;tfo watets apin. of . t
Ay Any ich,. s v . r _pretty foaturd N'o. 807 Ararkot �c, 111;114Y,' p. annin L g
a is ance
sobdr trutb). about the recovery of a prioe,of Stoves will be mioe, -for the inail who in a vipiory forblinton by ri iaher,, Goderich. But'Wd.1javeinliiortedtoo.rnu6h -rope 'Pt th ri
00 (toii 3f(;).e. 1 rom a to. thd, ea -
h t Of.,g&d th t W it .16a G' d'
fArmer to buy corn to feed'his hogs in- . . . . I . 750 fee cross Ile or it
in the own, a foundiyo will,n6t be pleasant Ono run, tvit i fourwicketa to gpa.r&,' Tliah� however, is
nadiali side, directly o lie re to
atov& : Those iiLga could be made plain to. bowling of lVr. . Howson,: for tho.,01intbil, 1. Fisher; Glory of the. Dominic havo-livea too fast ; have rapIE16, 200 feet b low ion ridge,
stead of feeding pbas, whio: awa C 'P- , to the' farnier ho 6uya the now'cooking playing was oxhlbit6d on -both sides, the , pieliffil? ill, J". gion th6
h he sells, es �f -((I -Pat'Malloy, J. our own fatift, Infected with* the coots- 110 'qs 9
making more money in the transaction# okL daring'the last war, I the electors, if the - Rdform pary oh I o4e to set She mode a graceful start, walkin the entire
recovery was said to be affected by four' itoelf to Jh6'jadk. L Instead of doing 00, i 6.iub.beii3g*,,Tei44r�ca'��y..gou.d,. -Th follow-, 19svillerion.. spent money too frecly;'havo del)arted too length: of the rope inthe 8 4 -ing is i jo 0 a. - . oat; approved. rop
If the system of prokeotid* is -best, Qrb Reform candidates have Ile . scofo widely front pritiiitivo W`o` must walking fityle in u few m, t
And whe o of, it�. 1�a-of--. SEAFORTU. mast, koe
_kn_1jaubfLo iinpouched, trugt'- qtspicion having arisen fliAb tile 1ro iti hro L ok. I `1W((q)r.'
ana a.restricted trade is better larran bosen. to I . save the (allapi, wavvll� 0 Z. Willivilsou, 0. 1111floy, b. linrlaad, ouilay within tile income -not the in.
two -feet of mud the'two gentlemen in'g to chikneo or soni.6thing'olso to Vring them ir. waAh1ligjon,1;uj out, ...... Coryell. and Koolor Jfousc,'Lindgay, on Tile'
unrestricted one, then, it is' Nly to go J �. I... �� ...... -at SeA� me that was, or may hereafter ba,.bitb (Is TIM- TAUL�l- l,IN ST�TTOX.
IfLiho':protectl6hist And a part of tile. T. LiTb b. Hillystiti it Therb was copsido Ible'excitement do C TON
........ fotth Y Ilight last, was tile work nf tin incendiary,
lilloy, li, H - G
that disc' overed- -it-.pikt-it into their IFtiggy- -a part yu t Yriday, ovw- a content between Will, tile ific rho 0110 Vow is. This in it, wh6le- (Jovilov was'instraoted to, holil nit exami-
on. expanding -mOney ill -opefl1bg up': free trade vote. A far better WayL will ba. to Aralh 0 Ootm )Y. W&� WoUl 11. Atoyq0'. of Alckaylo'cabillot shop, Godetrich, 'Wag and after off. Nil, Lilby, C. Knox, bJ 101"011 . ......... , 11
d some lesson, wilich tile whole world in nation. -Thig dolle, 7.35 A 'AT
Avenues of -trade. Thebetier d rove It coiitained $25.0,000 take a side and stick to it. See- �A. Al
:at do stippose th 2 - pru-tiping illion now, to the manifest noniber WiJ1108960 wore, heard, fix d
At p, majoritylu catill. gec A, 4. T D1016490, stumped lltljury A e a2,30 1 � Al
whi* Only weighs 675 poundsi without lion had faith in the particular Conservative fortlu --,Ott tbe-Otik Moyne turned 117t 'bed, improveinent of its morals, ail 'thout broupl vordict to tile effect tl- Awl'
be to close up those we now. havew 1 0 # i it ill a it' the 11. Al.
d.,bugg hoGlOvor'.11. HOW110.71 ...... 4 ....... L' I)L 011, Ott ]Vri(lay., building was. -wilfully and Monlou
-the iron chest. . Goo y trong n6stinal chosen for.that locality, and that Sir it q , .�osts, q.latgo Wrowd looking derogation front i to !real coin fort alld � hap-- Sly Pot fire Alixe
Also if home production is the cheap;, Gardluert b. lloiysoik�_ Robbs entered oil )lie work. tho crowd still in- d.. 41.25. P.'At. Mill], P. lIl,
John Afactionald found himself at 'the head of D.ItfurrayoL not out, ...... 12, pineag. If you hae followed nio sipprov,_ to by tile leaseep Measpiq, coiril slid -Rich 111 creasing and the excitement intensifying. ngly, L it thei await trial
. .......... Ito tilriled 18.
I posts With,balf an liefir to Will
eat and best, then farmers should rettifn A majority in Parliament obtained by tile r
The decolt must yo ilogrit. to tho propositiTj, ?'a clinrgo of, argon. on
-6 Ineanaie, is tr�ing to use. hit .'I!hey yrq_nRu� Ly.e Philadel
to-the-oW-way of �pinning iheir own' CIS Thisia conolfixed. tq we are 1lirough_a..pN-.. The insurance companies in Condtla aud'the lio_wouldAad_ - -onittil _ Almo!
%44", Oa V-fi -biouth "-d .- work, :Each was. timed and only -d-o el-, qT1(,1l,)JJslnS'g_St��,_
wool,, making. their. wn, clothesi-4hoetc �Ststes-lbat-t- -un infb inxtricablo confu- X C. Wiloon, run Oat, ... * ..... .......... 4 R d
-in -AW urfi, d,
be at ones a( dismt V, men Nv 01.0 11 a
of May,. The losses for the same month -last I . imself'obligo to -i -tin, idn-;- our cou'llitr f married mam, the fathet'of,a U
slon. The d alul acting as an itiggrallee
gri) V11-11 Alul Y4
)jor in n ario, it or i to egin f6 Pinch b, 116woon; ............. 0 61 at five, on aeeZPnt of.beiiii th-t it inndl a"good. cotintry to live (in
dre. - A - thor I ough trial be - i b , eai Made of f1scollaod with tile wife Q('% neighbor, ftetiqlr6 vitkotg to
ill rotee in the Unitod destro e wild 81 ...... n. W ,
go r atioad. obbs in jubilant over the, re-, p�oBperi ins our systo l�O,Iping at half
la C
-thi n 3.161,700; against riII834,800 purchasers, with'high prices, And from. the, X.Lubypb.bleOloy, ..v* ....... atilt and challenges tile United Stated An n. Xorneedwelills; I
for t e so V o t comparetive pe o , The �would -be very diatastefu I to tile 4QL�le T. 11ontlettgoi D. Ifo%vaoh ............. d of - go�errimbht that it. lit any way ro. tchav, be- nit if for inclithit, during rellntg,�.' Skit Redliced Rate5l.
-.-result is* only 41-, er 0 ir a appear e A.T. Robtlodge, run out . .......... ; ........ 0 Dodifiliou of Canada for a (lay's turning and
States, and the . what grenteit, eve tak6n population of the Maritime Provinces. Ill, WAHlaington, IN, lJoWHoll'.." I WIll Stake $100 on the sua Avero ill0*00, the might have been exp4tea—a thorough Place in cc iesi n net In 't a order of Protestant majority lit every Province buton"d .11, 31orclRooi b. Howson . ..... 8
destruction 6a a hotelo. - . I . OArAin jig tept verx Plose,
would not sit - quietly by, while the price of it at" b. Howson . .................. 0
prostration of business, and, consequent- �What pity- Mr. Blakeis p , A y sup I art in Qiiebee wag being pa I id Thos. 01OVOrb rot Ont, ................. Irtlown
a Ay from
ic�guilty couple doold,
ly, an. immense amount of- suffering -beli va1mliavin e le� I
Umm4rily by,rduning.
vine' o6aldot�hd it to set) Domin-. 18 Accimilir. -..On Wednesday
'euds e
ing rovine r0-
mong ware otk oney la�nded over to the Naritimp Grand total ...... 83 afternoon a'oadacoldent occurred, which
iplinled-that in unless they havi) no fri eon it promin n� mem,.
or-money.11 The above Sentence shows the I CrITNTON-Plo4T %lilUX041 stilteft in the death of it flilhermall named 'A shop In Sarni I A two Windows with her OfL the lJohid of Selibbl: Trusteco,
their wages. p�cjator takes 0fre. Provinces in exotan of their just all
Goo..;ynox, b.'%'flIIatqqAn0 ...... 1 '0 - set Sunilay evonm�
titean way the Hamilton S -cannotbacolistrue NVIlliwilcostie. He,withaeoMpalli I fe- Masuling 164 inoheil 14 P Rdv. Mr. Hunter, the
Protectionist jdurnslk-fitei just now pealtlif theliltitiderof an anonyinouscorreop6n. ly, the Pacific Railway ted', F21
delit.o theail-that Mr. Blithe is bribed vilth safety to the Dowhilint, any faster than A. YoUwatio m.WaAhington, 11, Uoutlaago,,:, Inkster, wentiont fighing 41lout 40 riailda Oom nowihinister of thdQ110011. stroof ellurall, at,
turning their attention find efforts to -1 to commute capital sentences. Thigisaspeol. the pre nt in procoodingL with It, J.1IOWson,e.]JoUtlO'1 1 ted, after' giving out it flutullex f
go b, Willianagon,. illore, In tile Heather Vall, ' They hid Secured Daring 3uno 1,012 emigrants arrivlod at the
patty,of gentlemen, UlA L L Ca, moil aq# of thq1t, and. any attempt at lindue; hasto would sobli J. Harland, c, Luby, b. a, good take, and wore returning under a full emigrant Shedd, Toronto, Of these. 282 wore congtegstlotial notibes, that Ativeral Othars hila
lia 'a hands, on bohgl?
wards the agricultural population, know-� 33, J, Wa4e, c� and b, Ilonflodito ....... 8 spread of canvitog when they were caught in, a w been placed tit hi
*Jill esand,6n make its prornoter'linpopular. Should the It. Wlinii, h., liontledge, holiavogonot63 nitoba, of. VA461111
A eotreglioudont lacrose 0013gokvativ�g gain power by the talse.pratencts Thos. Joalin, it. hiavy oquall,'and the boat upset, 'Both men associations, but Ila Wi4ed, it to Ile tin,
tley� are the r ash & Co� � of 'Toronto, who linvo,cArr's"I detatood thaftlidt I& wan not to be
no' U, ...... ......... fi woILlery tiloinegai. are ill
ing that ost ntmer0u"s team -in�England clogas a letter to the Mon. they are putting f6twardi they would fl lid P. Cilvan, 6, Vaby, b, Millamgon ...... 4 w&a thrown into tho water; Inkster could 6 n all extepaive je' turn.
0_11 swim, an ed into R in
sosEnglaiid a d Costici who could not, wells 'Ora a. rortising mcclitun, Xxt A'RGEIMBINT.
A. 9 The
and if they succeed in converting throm treal 111 . god to trouble.- Th6ir liabilities &is over"$132,600, nbItGuowgpaperg made theirvay into almost
young mail 10809 no caste by indulgence in fice, Anything but a bed of rones. ......... 'keep himself Afloat for some time by clinging while their asserts aro.moroly nothing,
to their selfiell poll their �ty ilamateur athlotle in ............. - Tallied Cragio, in the oveiy home And they sinDnIct be madii.lise
loy end will be athletics, In'fa( The Reform party. cannot hold office antl 71ono Wl'
gave the countrT from the disantots, that fof, to a small log of wood, gained. To effect this tLey tire distort- England is p6sitively ireveraticed'if be distin, Hlingt6 Followeraft, saw the stoident. slid want to Atuskogon is gollif into� the buzhivsa of ship. for advort'121119 ; he Wdultl 011IV gi-00 Nit from
himself. and the clergy -ate among SWOND low,'recklen ru a, unless they Are wt 46 OrAfim -before the pulpit, excol)t
b. 'WillUtilholl, the rescue as quiukly as possible, litit
ing facts, misconstracting the effleatif of g1l'Shog work for tpe cause. Allilivonthusi ana A. ping lumber direct
4 their Warmest fri� 'Busineme, upon y congrogs. NOJ.
trade, itinkfug mia-statemellfs, and.,in whose heads hang responsibilities of ttnfold energy ratiet Lq�t ho on the other side. If 0, J. Ifdrlapd, d. Luby, b. WillIarason, ....... G.. Ile had roaolled the Scotia of tile disaster Cootie a . iv6rpool,. It
a 6Ug 6 1 atL a its 'trouts ill
........ 4 addisappeared. Iakstorw4otakou6n.�,qard to full And 6otioida htaCaMp# of the qd*eral D' Idecloy'ru'l out, li stb com all tion. -Allot Vorfectly tight. ar ptiasible way mdegto lit A.1611wAti, b, Lti V .............. 4 it? busifieso than. stb
every oth Pr�Ater importance thdn call belaid on Celia. Provincial Olga ol'the 00inseiattras Is ke t " and brought safely to 14u4. I . lot the lakes
io, ana the Actual polloy of tki D.P star, b. NVI lismaoOl ............ 0. 0 Ditqwgrm-Goorge HIM, a y' I o . t. a renoe. an arti.
'llaii niatabantil, coubteriatiod'atbletteg as one. before the publ. hleg -
TI 6un4 man an. Jh'to mislead. It only r6flairdo a fo* ot the beat chooka, upon the -demoralizing life. �-Gdo. itiott;2lolople ................ ...... 2, from the towablilp bf Usborilo, �60 'Osuld 'to Ust week CondudtQr Rogtwlok, oftha Grand
eadv,polut - ale on the progross,mado by Dominion dar.
placed in contrast' 2hon-ldhnson, no otit, ....... I iffilhatioll, ring -the nine years which have oldl�ad since
spealous -and-06phig -fact -that thereneea- bano fear of defeat, We doubip, -41), Oodoriall to attAd thd teachers OX T k t4q Ail qvpr as fr(kirl Datioi
Among *be most Suamliful 'litialness moil In 1yag, 6, t409 lly�gjs WId6#(4,. i t to Bugalo. tile acoompillihinant of confederation, says Tr�Dpltq. To TIM sre-
- w m agaide4taq alovirrea on �tondq *81410 -4 djotqdpo of 250 m Ice, in seven hours and hope, is b6tterfittetl to'obojv Of Ntrorkaj anti ondorseil 11 Toridu
V), to the' durf"a, All tankil aid thousands of thoge whose enor .00 he, with geVeral, otherq,'Woot 'in that nothing, per tau wornwall Cu
make protec it: there arwhonAat a0pantoo of protection in the 4t, I;n at lcirly minutes, 11 11 1
9 3auing twenty-five stoppagos, the growth of trade, than tile ob lalt" will be reacive4l kit thic offiu
Was developed in the cricket sTl Reform party, but there Ate more honest be, until t, q qrrf 0,
thialter, ressonable.-bandficial jjold,, or at 1ho Oar. - al lievers ins revenue tariff filliong e tile east dad -of' tbo no,4 lire4k*itor, at wteh one of them ton minutes far connection . tit tistion of the - I I mailo,
Ivily it should, he differ. Mr. NV, 19mart noted as timpiro for Clint' place tho, water in very deep a few feet from -Post offickvDapartint"ut, - JL the XINTH DAY OV AUGUST, next,
But there more Import. act-olle P, P01464 of twenty, five mifthfaii sbout-1,80(), for the f if UA no* Outykilob-gouth Of tilo alrablo - but it would roquilte gaged, of eat in CAnAdA I Uullot 0611641VO, tives; and to these latter it is of ion, ATh", A new post offites haTo been created I gon 060L
well d .,Ara 06me o6d Isspong 0 1 is to have a revonao tar'ffL,tn4j,ntaliJo. than In to nivini, 4or refroshmelits atstratford, h" the loer, end of the aftnivall chafti, Om.
from the the number of letters carried has Itioramoa bl,ft IV'
it is to ties their sofled 1doI;'S(i.J6hn 114odon. Jackson an adorer, for Clinton, and* James and bologunAb wits -drowned be. 11a. About 140-p 603.1atructlOn of Ma I Li,ft-LiDekar, WAatci-
OldVorll &lid this in One, forii big o6mradbe could render him atiy opolp, Naar, Choallgidg, on' NVednosilay.vIA V to of 1 &04
4 aid no r�orq In Office, It protection In to Btim§,,for Dayfielil, �erboot,, rising from 18,000,OL %V
frAtianil to shoW t1le, f6ily of gadh a Thd follow4 lotter written fly Ur. titeltL T 'a Th6b dy *as' r000varaTihoirtly after. 4�,00,000 in. q year. The number 6f 116wo- 0
A p 'h� 66fli'Afia lthisiby were attempting 0 Lot
61., ill be let lioha.,Will ba of
boitay, mia unravoi th6 we Anil ilf Toriltita, to- the. valtbr of th6 6floN, wards. to OV659 tho mont1l -01 SallatiglCy crack In A papers carried bag doubled, and the
both parties. The ;0ai I PVt Of the libel Ville
ittat body of 06noorv- atinual fall 6how of rao suddenly disappooked, ill U.)
Intereablo our 4gridultural friends, ifires vill not fqlloi� Sir John and Dt, Tupper the 7.1ullatt 11ranch Agricultural Soolety t venue line boon increaned, 50 per cent. Sidi, lan n 9 001 dationg of tba- Vailo a wok A- eAn b0
that had been: spun, quo dafi�,Ali w drownod before assistance, statistics are -the best 1?pook tho could be Ad. coo
slid at, thOlomdo t a a 41116t.
and #bould induce tbeiA toL Prrflt ad, after Jbil't JIOW� 10 than i W.
. I . .. f willbo hold In this town on Tuesday and - ndere , Both the, owners of the ducedofthematatialpro egalifthe or w 11, a 61111 After V t
Oue litiodtod ydars ling Atpg*4 nifildki vlo& He Says I -X rejoice to able to,gAy that they followpa ;pom t1rough thb-niir0i of J?Adifl� coulltry, I,; 4ULY (I at- oil rr
SMI&h L' to hl X hava no boayd, the steamer Ustilloblin I 90� t L . Cd 'I blot oil the 8r4 ld dog to 6 of toil
'Scandal, The loil4srg 1111vo' ab6wn gron fa On
Wodrioad'ay, 'the "rd And 4th of October CovRegf, U�9'TINO,- alibi bores lid a barrow escape, from, drowultig. NAre mag add that while tre oxilonses of the 01 64 o obtafric
AdAlh WN g 11 Worille ot noyt, There Is the lixoni k4va booll'onormounly Inatealied by Coll.
had of f4t oattld, w6tilling on th go ollity at turtillig tholt doato, tit tho tank and - ingtqpurguAlittoadiduramotit, Alombersitil NVoiltiogd4yadob Ituolitoti, 0671frildt0iff 04 XOquated ib 1641, in illind tbai Tana.
0PtvorAno6_ fils, AW the 04 1W In tbAt the till thoTtize proseut ininntas -of )set - thoeting read and living five wilog, ortij or , .1 t y Ot, 1116, Ir 010 ioderatloh" as ociAlly in yagamd to telegrams,
Nations", whiah to tine 0 Vr 0, yet. Oar tali show will W an 61tra good n P dga own,, ;�X Ore VUFDO b0.6oasIddr6dunles# mode Atrictlyin ae-
001 Market, 'Ve 'Offoro etin e
list W th6 bolit r Ilse, Arid
4n tftithfully ot Oiltstio, aba destined for Uver . ill �o Cho of pAglied, Walter 111061if letter, folathl, to putting Oil tho liairl �041` a allingle mill, x raot Met ini I
dantravort, �dt h1s. fdrollilb arglimanto, Wo f Reform, oatty baunot do bettatAhun to inbat . r .. I � avl or I corAmil with tho Jointed fdvmil�ftlrl In the bsu ef
latied theiii 0A 016. gtoAmor It Montreal tilt), CallottrVativog iiviitym , shared Fl ODii M06 ato difteh8d, the ocluilf gigbAtur4s,
wn wag ro44 and eineagnitont x led, Ord In an itiAlliat It the gAtuticifthe
ana, The fasue fAt,JdrV0r4#C f, -0 9MJ444 out
1hord On. their o 111 1�0xi Adh incilibor of the NATA6; 4 -lid tirkbot, tin 4440pted
04 1 ftlinlon Day, 40 gind'ifitutrationo upon tha ku4jelit be� pa, although It iaf6ry hot it shoulder 'And
11 itimillorn of, tM Clifit4in llr�ap I atict V41"t 44 A0 14 '4 14 bAnk 011606. Or othdr 164dily AvM1016 Aecutitt, toy tho
an4 b1doo tbo'aPttl6'apVe4r to be At fillit and rit. John 11aaaalliala atial Dr. Tappet alitill or 9 _ iiiifl; no 4 ter ailt0bo (11,00yorAl feet, Ito diod, dorroapoudont of illo.11,3116villo J�Jtf111. hi t1loir novel ild4ptord. -41 v d" .406 r 0 i ' i Idd A Ain'OfIlOUR. THOUSAND DOLLARS$ mUst Aetom-
11tical'Ifiandiny. are kll6wn and tinder. it houlp i - Mr. Thomp. Abaltnal be potmittod to'misloac! the 6164tara nAda4 Ur, it. A.. yttill, 640' Of iheir-ritatil. ation '�Vtig roAdo, a a P. -'A xero real eg iii the raqo,)- pin amh Tolplef, whith. aball bo lovioltedi is; th P�1.
stood but by 4 T06atO, will MOW iA0 -all TudIda f CA444s,"f hos) let" AfJOIL ahiy Of Bangor an old couple. who parted ilva or ftilit to dator l0r, dointre'a for tho
A wAg doused At tile Won.
V40)t f0r, and -we ate in! . . on ob N10 Mg 4,001. MOW h goo, 4rid, agtrjoa, tUAtthegosvo obtAln 0 abo-at a, trifling faroily difficulty. Wotko when Mloit upon to do RO, at thd vam htatet In
-Ats" thil, not ofloq-$ nvitild ii -Mitlon Lon4on, oil Wodnoxility, on, tile obstinalo in their w ya tile t
Mora tha,11 Ono Kdonaim't &Ad filed Of 'Popoilto, we ligh.100 Ivileft his 16�41 4 vice to ardin ;Oth b6flig Very
011116d to b � Allied titnuohollpo 4,4, tom
'611 ig lot sit thatiq noca(ia to imitko tgjos� rii. TOAtion oil go finietia, atill 6aa Vilxl of tile Xontuoky RlAtit; swits, eoillt not to
tali be, 46f , g Upy til'o 110A �wiinj the Novi Scotia "giahtais. - The together 4941�. qatil recently, One ii to.
In 64 hun'dred rarifird hive ever litudi'ad X re,
with 2QO, go gooll 64 the ateamet di %dy 401('41(1 thol roeolloilo,4 Ly any* pieAg t& live T106-0101n6ot lcim
'rig YOUj A lun I
't 01110 11110, although ropoittoaly natifled, And lit 'hot the 246yed ivo.pSMOA
4nufaeturon prosperous, Xcisr
Of -0 -Olohe the qidrs of Ontario, fa. to coil larr A Ifspolor, hor PoRtIbAl 00ii2omy is it RoKeficei �nd tb 4, *616 611 their Jay to 9t, I.Taty'd arid long of past
if Parsons WL10h to ifitallig ObtlotlLjo the 4at �hab our trade Wilift 1:064, tow y6fts,qo bodAuso they could h6t otpro. d6lo Word, o may W4111L be ailigift6d, tho'01) hppl. Vol tilt 4kio. falAlmtili 61 flid, dollivac 81% 9 WW,
gTift Ot this town 11111, ling' TMAgdpof W& thil lo tiosi In the soolety of hot husband from whom Warlit Vill be t X44 611 f6lit, tatikto, OT'by 0 ) tit it
It WA4041tod Into tectioll, Soo vow VAP6#04, to bi ia dififoulticli t id the Dogitioll of OIL all observem Tito, qgiagata, 11'
cop t oolt-kappor In tho log 11606unts T)avid 166ady, $2 ; Chatlas � .1. Is aa.sollatAted, find NVIlo had *oil hot, ail MotlifY, Pali 0 it t to the otaod It# thoy f0lit Abordaghl oxistoboo by, tho'etiga;w g di, their olvil 06,1,, it, tile unitod, I Aiagi those P06pla iA tiv q0) I�Ptf 44 .1 Ava, par eon& bf, tho 1)11 A ot (b I
JrydeniAll. edtions inyou
Apro o(J. V, Dotlov, &, Sonj 6f Oodorlldli ohostou slid others, $22 , C.. H, f th.. Dotormillod to Ive 1,16AC dallttkf, g4to Aua study It, 'Iaph4 ) tio lotigby, thd next bV01141fig 6110 VdliturdWlth bo oa� a6tod ilplko.
test , A two w! let 'Country. will The Mothodist Chomh 61 L a Jfiya Will gllottl�l iet�lovo thullor. ewof&d it la an 81. 85 aka, per member �I Idtf, 4 t, wo 64 lit, to, ho thallk(alk" mpt s 11 tfifin-' her 041100, AM46 LOn to the, little lot
ablitinuo for �il to the Mi
gwtj Ind 141pit, Hinoko, qJ; 11, Utt L , 1, liihiperativo duty thitt . tl;dl JW rovothillit f for the gppoa bf Ltho, Attintfoult tfifailioti, Otro'09.90.; Ift, MbAlfldef, $11�23 IL Ltillig et'l ot tll# ciftiF be arty (a a brloif floto to whord the, old man lived Alono., 116 1),oing. Abo 'DAIl initil th# darAplot
1�1 0o thilt wd Arles through tho 3.)finiffilaft, tho Ilernilldg 111ani, h4A Elliott, 38' did�, I Vtallolg Itillook $801 Thwul
ittly ntock fdriall 611011 Q MILT �66ovnd 'the pilAitloji-Of book Ili Illfoll lie apdako of tho, Awfigual OX061. tent at tho t1wo, the AwAted bit Arrli&l t (Ott 0 t Ph, buy, Ando s6fully oom, ft 6 !Thig 14 thii, 14rgoop to, kao XqP ' Todull T606f talut bil wtothpA thd 66104 Atillk..
pr6vatlifid that g#4, Of In, the oxtbriolvd flouTing iiiills of' fflattoq�l $111: Jamoi 16woll 4180 ; Goargo it's 6 ilid atopit in Ilia parb of tho dolintry. Ing voty loribibmei, k
_pa ty wit i oar,Ama�JaAft Talatiat Anit Japan, 9
ca mill Tin 038haey j _41`6d SL Oup W1169 of t%a 16AID61141bli ghtl aollditt r4fmw, mffloll�
0 Vo tile WQ1111 #ft 0 ogi tio & 1"tuttlitson, TAInleso", 83 1 Damh; 01.00!; M'Dedyeir it being 0 tho - Wt sem6fill lie had- Soon for for him. � Shortly AttitwAtdit'ho ognis In, ail
14110014 0 lativo amminfo go tar fis kriowh� of Arly r, a Of thd Domitilb - M111511 to bodotid A'ArWao lot 1116v --
r $4,441 11664 NIIIU4, oy, flat 'lying 006 bf COAamoll 4*1111 silfVrigiffil$ thilroh in tho world, 14 P , (Iqld,
thig 10 mt, d6lid We $hall bo bvsrm I fourteen yoAts", ITI16fe Is Nettle hopo judopq" tpklag, I 21 �q J�diploi`� 11 0 XJ lotttInS IlDA Yet f6ftt6a bilhof phAy Inirrhis Iiii I r4os 'fiir i� ewjol, on 1tititty, jftfti) 111110r, $5 11tirnit �and yoAr.when t1le v4tille AM to suppo'll's tlAt a alth, a 1 61 advilr. thor llo�,Iliihk till habitilhl toAl And the first words that, PA$86a IN Mlianight dool hall howAyov, bilid Itolt ld
16P Which It W111 bo II)ILPON6,111 I 'Ill the .4(W' 40 1 Xf6ttofil.
lls, 4.1 �akq between Viltitty, iif$d 1161% Mill t4k b Art 1 obilvi*Aoh�- .4141410fi OnOtAll M Were , ditt I helpyou"
plot too. ill( U144 PY o4' Vito Alliklis of A10110041 tp), oay. tho! A 0 0
16, ib�t4lt� All W t mAM 016 J A, fidyli�thg6 Would the afrolita tllo".lpy NVO11' 11fli"I or t 6,14 to ;a 44, A 41AA9, Va likitots to othovaupb6siO The 106 90* 1IM" P136004
X,6WY6tk 6thkO lifIlly. 60)0II)ml, lkaville VO flalt IA, 028 f Hoil jig Aft 4
0 1 T.)
44 10414 Itild otllffl oil; thawl ad, I' tit TY, ftilluAblo pattlou a (04, iloid u 11 AV Watai whiah, pliAl lwsuq�
*611 vidil Ated Ift pilludil )Att a, h0*060i Is, yet to attod, toutit I 6V ?AV yparc 4t 11110 Willi Ila I# �L id" Coan
4610111 lid4doWdej atti., milat be vaty gtillig
We 4 ftfif '46411y. t)4441114�1#Anl 1fd1h Ity, 0614 Myotbovil, talifinctly Ili (AV& of K� Inuoll Ably tactlitt wid rt,
A14 aidli tqVla$go y1fig b6flit; Ill )i 1,11141:
Doi. 14till, Iffiltd. t
6n thv
nd, 3i
and h P _.I_
"11+u aa be
y gut W
ve d
in in
nuirdi 361'� 14novrli'm
gr or
,p aruess after
oAVG" vdon,,
on in
I of b
.61 got!, In 0 (mm tit wIllit olli,110 is ffigot A4411i 0 th firdt.340141 In 4, pq Aida it tha, vadfill PAY V AW110 1 1414114 hAt
low& %
1 In A1601 51 RIP im 14"llan p ON Wlto� Ill MIA; tam ; 0 a RAM to U 't