Clinton New Era, 1876-07-13, Page 1all UPON_ 04 U T 11 N thie of the inost frequept Itabilitios p. puth ivenno iaxi old, ropoh count w4to flint, 0', %to loss takm wadally stroll tholto for over years. I'lis. story, is its strango A is any thAt tile lit, years a, -,w I �,gu 110 WAR cayo into prlml for tating part Ili tbo 11olilih, Insurrection. lie was. bo. At the, office'. 'Isaac -$treat, 4oarlyi, oppliolto 0 truilled to a yoUng woman, Bud silo, vieitt;iol this Vogt, !AU4, Milken, out, look. Win frequently in tile pri ou and choerod '0 hisumith, tile hollog Qf speedy rolo400. Flu. Advance, at, it psiol, ill al)y she 06voaoit 4 solopouto Mat would Ill - two tilouthil from time of oulmorlill .1log, or 42 at the end of tile Y%kr, oura )Ila froodou), Molloy would be nocca. oary�, a great delkt,of it. 110 )o0swoodooll. gli(lorable wealth, but 0WIng. I Tile best, Job, ofrlcq� in tho ("'Ounty, of 110 rolk lo Isivisitustiqu ill, oorklietition. Work executed in it firot-cla a could Ito, 6 pollintand lt.­ sh0q.tiggo sted that A tho shortept, notice, 4114 at Ve' Vol., Xl--No, 28—Terms,. $1l;60 Z, 110LMU S, SON, Puoritizapus. InAlionor. 01 CLINTON2 ONTARIO, THURBD JULY 13;, 1870 reasonable ratca,, r7 I it worst in liar hands, Milo woul'. use at if) It it the country together, marry and be ADVEIMIS160 UATEp, NOTlIfIX0 14 LOST. happy, Ilia faith ill lior oltivotiop wsaTory The Grangers, to and, aside frain that, I find. !II MY poor Arrived' one day and oloacil, dowit. upon I ve'll c,, Tito propudy that ivait. ilia. became AgriQuitoki Muttial Assurance'� Agoolatin th, admirer more oiricorit I I ionda wore at work First insertion, S cents per, line, oulisquou t where to the olaqw ? _y, moro strength of everything. lle had- boot% runnin his bors. Herinfluontialft 9 ItSertiola I., cents per litio., 0)? CANADA.. 'Tio act long Ago purpose,' and a groat.oloal lose vanity au4, jousin . We copy tho. fvllvwlu� exti ots from. A 0116 said, and lie woultl ];a released very so 0401 titil --It tiovorodthe earth with a 084, fur'a long time on the Strength of .4 t to f f a I tiolfislitless t1lau-illay be found wrapped 411) Ologedit, which his father1ad proviouHl. 0 0, W "0' not Its footsteps sof y letter 4ildrosaod, CONTRAOT RATE$. Hoed 041,00, loolldQAt 011t, T, ORAVEY, U.B., GOADUATX OF TRINITY it) Clio 114tailk,u 1,111ws, Soon. -lie day hor usual visit wa A, 9 College, Toronto, VIliqatilau Surgeon, �&_qq Illy'LA, it waq in tuamoral Ag t- u lie who IS ropreHontQd by ilia po4rIg0' ed, 4d. Another oile colut'llIlp one. year, W we "car, loado, A00016' (lily pt%113 Yet th-110 4. 44 ....... $75,00 oftleo:-Opposito sitago'g 110tol. New it halivaulp, a a a Ir As ."t$Stlr'].,Y'yotlwt)Old,.tiotb . Jail blished for ilia liouBo tbrou4b, Ilia busi upolt. ilia ab(ivo subject, by T. 0, Wat.klua, balf 40-00 0ANT0, (Jon, -lot, 1070,) $20,990,07. Cott, 0 oas tact and integrity, Tho next morti, 11,114 alto did not come, A week passed, 44 allyth, Jan, 20,1875. 4. i� otatnoolere 0,144 (lour, as to -hur is at r timi I tied that 3months,. ....... 25.00. In reoree, 111401 soria op. rojoct Art wl: ig after that ro.inoub, but to soula, ullox. a worollaut there. Though Ito inay not be twd- tile t000)y pi a car 11 40.00 proalioctivo wealth and rocomize , seat Ito I -lid boon. docolvoi I is beautiful ill. Unit, t, TO ­OFFI04 AND RESIDENQg-, itiore is the treat 2 1 pocked failure, Arthur Floyd wits found quite correct ill all 110 says; yok 110 diacus. .. ..... .... 04 hat( 26,64 0. 1 11 f B ytbio:_ ol.ill tat Y dietinviod It r. Jamea Fair st '.. I M. --I- at W Hzim" ton_,� Q I It I r ­sut 0 it 'Pont t a wit _0 Ito (IiAtop 10111 it ory t, ispaosiouate Bull 1-- 11',- _ 111- Ji: - V . . ..... Id- '-11-111L 42,00 .0016AU I mail, is, h nothing but I!$ gOO4, t� las to cash and eloped with a man whoat, .,sea *,losing Agent for li to Qy. IA I bill own deal . dolly appoliatoldes' t4a Cally ly Th; jiotuxes rare on Q a arrays d when ditipov. mud 4 Oue,-r6urtll, it, It. 711 one Year, i. X00. this old established Company for the w9vinantila. at d; qatroo.eived a call oortailild n tier) , lid Ilia statotuotitu, there, al ways rogarded as a friend. A yo r f tor. Illoogillo 4,!, t o I , 0 ro 9 sy, Oro ;all a 4 fA of ha 41 �j. 12,00 TUOK4RSMlT]l,, Tito, toss . o , I so so Ali ill twoo; might, utility. , A young girl in, Some. from bar mint, rp, adat , 0110, When ilk hsprisoit door Qpouool, �aold Ito. walk - 40 .. 6OPUR10111 UOLDOUNN, .0itsy, JAMES STUVART, ill, D., UADUAtrx op, t is HULLUIT, MeKILLOP end MORRIS, 1 .1 0 fore, deserve a colon considoratioll,. 3 months, 8.00 vDivoraity, Ale physician, Sur gen 444 a a I A Oil times suppolioll to consul ' b liar heart rather Slid news 0 iodfortlttofrocolool. A fow brief inquiries -otid, eightlif -one-year-i- - ' ' 1 -.1 f tile 0 i do reachod. 4 recent article VIMIshood, q(L1d1JI_ "Itt .,%Q and, liar 00. as U. ., 0, 01111 8:00 t 4 IC1011 ilk tlI0So 11144090t, V4 Where sill I have. been now- had I Z Hamilton, in good isil as tholi, policies expire, All Nnuaryil,1871., Oro to the roilix Ovio liar At b' lit Iparts of this ta"itiiry will bp 7141to(k periodically, go 01137 surely if I alloliv my bQart, to have a Volpe -Accepted the- pearls IF w�fiil '411 - t6i etilw4l, over trio oigtnatllro of 110. (1110 US cf)tnplico llad� Inado Chair way across tile f3months,, -0,00 one dooring hoolatance - will bit called on by addrosslug Pattering It Game; atilan, Surilaim, -0roner for Dancing alolimith A. marry sound, it will ifiloalt most potently ill 147or of Said, lily assertion that, oltion call bouoitto octian. Ilo dotormiu(34 to. follow their), ,tNvclttb, oil 8,00 him at Illith. All business on4usted to him will ro. Jne e year . ..... i .... 5�00 yountyofiturm A gr4soyr boot a the Aside It found - l.0 solve prompt attentlon�. Ovat 0600,00o have been paid Albert and Mill Streets, Clinton. Harry. wealthy �'and ititollig witt;ut all other and cattle to Now. york, . it wits months 46 he ibis 06oupan7in sotiq!ntloa of. lossoq� All honest ugust Ill AM., 7-tt EvAgh diop came on,the root with glibotuad. Indeed, deary, you woro iser Chalk If "it I I b7iuspromptlypaid. Tliora Wall-, I blive no after all."i oolifes olasibs partiolpatil)g iii. their prosperity, and befoiC he got any ttaqq mf thori. jil, theol, 3 months, ....... ...... 3-00 -.a labottelitioldoBtoibliphad Whore IN the rain? Xthatitionthegrounal power to control your Xro,-Gladatoile, �wltb Business Cards,$, lines ind under, 1 y6af, 4.00 1VIlat'good hath It done, decision,", responded Mrs. and thon, Shye 11OW ruatly AD trqivLvuiu.LXulxuAL. ladstoriot sigii, .10, rrood that Choy had gone westward, and in, STANBURY, 0ADUATE. 01' �IED.10AL OqlugRW&T open? zlli, . . so thia'world bas'pitai;W h 4 1 pursuit, They hold Advertisementi f -Strayedf, Lost, Found, 011AS, Z DOXLEi Owim Soundo Department of Victoria Uuivers1q, Toroutot. for, mewhat im�ationtly. P I can only, ti& oil throu, to n wont to St, it &c., n6t execeding I firE DhIrlot Agent, Groy, Ilicutio Land Huron. marly L of tho Hospitalo,ound Dispe ' searios, Now Xork, Evart Avert PralVQLrot 0116 Clotau ObtaillijIg the alioQ11deltoy gf)no 0 lines, t mouth, '�11 , W Orders left , atitlie'OLINTON ; N"A; SooA'ohlop Will Coroner fox, the Cott Out boat endeavor vise ih� best. Yon are; Imperial J?eoullArIttes.i if) Now Orleans.; lie followe theon, uityo Huron, BATrIULD, 0111� after first month, 50 cents each month. receive prompt attention, an Seameth to fall like the malted onow'- of course, your own* mstress over other classes !it Tliio lie Seeing; to wiwb. Foo� over 4 bar lie continued tile chase, A all mentep paid there will - July 212, but you We workod (tot our thought w make your bed, go.. must yod expebt to lie." Advertisements of Farms bud R041 Eltite be duly.L . . $1. acknowledg6d. We UOW__�Uroj Lit Will Iqelj. and slow oolj�ly ill a colitradietioll of illy assortton �Wthw turn almost overy city ill the for sale, not exceeding'10 lines,, first month R, NVORTIIINOTOI�,.PHYSICIAN, Tha seed not grow; Thdro, was but, little more -paid Upon the �Tloa democratic instincts of Doni Pedro, wlidivoi but it dous not follo. w that, I SUR a it this Mardilt 15,1876, Our hopint, our resolve -wheve do -they ullitild 84os, but never overtalOug them. 81 ; not vxceeding 16 lines, first month' '41,50 1; Accoualleur,"Llbantpt of the Oollego of Ph Waiiii L . I a -go? Emperor of,Brazili-in visiting' the Uxhibi,' period of :civilization And. brilightoinno0i At, last lit) returned to Now York, ;Old ill InWlat dotlo remain ubject, and that nfiht Susan Wild -a wore each subsequout mbnth,­66,and-76.coJJts_ antl Surgeons of Lower atiada, and Provincial Mool and pain - ----- vabean truggles, �106a�,tb -for tAo Odanty of tit Wfifterobe-iiistead of the vearls. Arthur -(Intel 11-4 Area wook lie otlet,theill fooaa-to-fdcB-_" ate anq Coroner 011106 Slid Advertio 8 toment withoutape6iflo4itectious X0 do* 0111111 23 -knew of.his di8appointmenj in so other to. obtain anY ascendancy i oresideal building formerly oe apt d -by: Or'. Nothing,is lost- tile scarce of interesting anecdotes,, several w.itil oRqJI will rbid �ud charged ;oo- Thwaite8l, Huron: street, No suoly nor f'020 ofwh or advantage oeil'alla -a to B adway, - Ile upraided the wom.-wil And. be inserted till fo 0311 send in his'excuses to Airs. Gladstone,, for iall'are vouebled for a& of Atitua ow this fierco y1hroh0d th man.. The np0hof,.Qf Clinton, Jan. 10, 1871. That cilmos to enrich tUq dairth ilgalla; 9 thein,.wlion,�tho,;,Iponing-ortI cordin ly� - - ­ - I I� th �usau_liad fetar-ried-his-presenti' "r lice by. attendalfits -in ilia MaIII.Exhim grand,Doininioli­ Of lurs Wo are all born ill. s was proposal froni-tbo 'Wc itioli Building.. Being a free, bountry, Use a I nil eol iial, - andJhe t:)n ly bhsis of olfar Ad tisoments mea pr6d. by a scale of - -with u. -th 1. 4 1 go M, B., L,R.c P.S. over the laill'and plain, a propriate declination, early lit t $h eked tile count �tbat he turned 4%vay Toripareil. 1 of pollege. 99 ph�stahms and Surgeou otoutarip,, ag ' h prindo from eartik SMAJUL, he after - solid IN W. Agia LT. plates t A I llat� w a It() Until is Stipp sp6cobless. Said the Boo4ndrol, in aub- Lond ndoo-q mtd.. Glasg� late HouslaSurgobin otKinjoston onerAl on Ali' her gBe4to Claim move t1notion should be our conduct, not ourpar. H SON: liviorpool, 0 1 idda'I'Sin good�- U466d, Arthur bad'p rights ­an4'.privilegea, than. belong to any Hog '6coutillem tared lms6lf,that.'th6prof�renoo'wouldbb stance Toilto liar if 1plo, 114yeloiam, Surgeou and Well, b ticular calling*; and 4%well lool 06 ilived b t,; The firstoclaso, full po*arod, Clyd;-bullt Atbimbaps. Albert street, opposite yeirla-BlUlt awai4ad t leration of' his other noarl,, the Enoporor prefers to visit- blaok'sh4bld be respected, while tile It to. I don't want libr'iin1QngPr.'i7 Xcieo� despair, alim VIQIQUS of like Allan Line, leave Quebec eyft Saturday morn 011atim,'April.2t, 1.875. lit colialt AIALCOMSON1 WATSON, 13ARIfitlTERS, 4 w sag Divappolutment beer,' wea -not, its tile ruler of h vast and mean, I horn oaiii. 'Two -AT-LAW, sonotors in, Chaucer)-, %nil for Llverpool;� lending Passaugel 0 lie cotint never saw t TORNEYS Ith and high aticial'standing; and't' be ilia Exhilifflon �hlau0i'princes, should �e sholn- Tbaugh hope talemeth vain, be itatiout still. 1 0 all al UP y1a, for Looidooldqxry and 01"gow. Al ono.so greatly his info, - niong men. "Is empiriii, b6t as -a nif This nd and their v6s detested by'all. " Al- years later Ile bear o oniiii"I death (Ionvoyancers, Office-Noxt door to the now.n0al Celia- Zoo Thy dood littents God- will fulfill. thus Set vido.f( d f the W dian Bank building.. Thybandin weak; his powerful will lor Ili a *orldly point -of re hoi either' to be phs" goo '09110k9# by suicide,'and be prbeared 4 deqatit burial 11, View was a Santa ae- JOE tothink &rbs. �o ]IQ pallid not do: we' Aell6liaillts tire 1IONEY TO LEND ON REAL ES Is 6ompleting thy life -work sti of d6p chagrin An(! bompanied by b1s suite 6k to wear a tkiilgle to far mers'and'looli: down on thein, but .,TA%l mortification tq, tile no' for the body. - What 'became of her com� Thy g9oaandoavor., LXVMRP90T J* G.A. W,*TsqN. - - - j - .1 . - " ­ . _­ " L . ­ - 1 1, `7 ItLIANS HOUSE, CORNPR OF T at ?�!t�jnoyor. You Linen u Ili, sensible merchnt would ente S. ITAWOMBON. IA i �ng' disti.iietive badge, for public curiosity wo rtain any panion lie nei'ther knew nor pared, Clinton, July 21, 1875. S AMAT N 0 Rua Store streets. victoriall , B. C. -S. 80011 got the botter --good sense an. idea. I -Very, largb numbers of farmers 7� MORVIAN .............. July Wed. Reur Joy'L or" was opublia tat), prove f$0,00i Badand Board,porday, $1.00; SIXLg!o Mails, ght of ilia simple d I)L 0 ade era, -the ccoinoilations.�-Boarl, Jun wook, and tife-volnuttior (lornocrait vN)ul there'is'n6thinc, to lit wiffIle of then PERUVIAN ... L .......... bostlilo of hill) iness at si an4 b as int6lli. CAMERON & MCFADDEN The advantages offorell. by this Line are 'j,.Beds, 50ots. -whito r6so a6L mode4ly a6lil', y I What Others F)`IOW *29 87jatii� ad upon the 4 a' rQrW. Regaing, Think Of USj 'bdit adicoannodaltioitis, greatest ninouni �oye t, -,i"6 Ant iud wealthy " any It in no�-barm; now an again, to t liomiloi .1 imil is well,as il�66gnifion,. he tr�- ARRISTERS ko., MAR ET SQUARE hoinvi6g, base" of t1lo-folill �6� ourity and safety atialualild, land shoitest soil passage in Oother class hat-� was in. a t oop..qti -far as respeotablilliiy" Boodarich. IBIP, RATTEX�RUIO: E in what b d, I *;. ggg- repaid lidiasage cartiflonitesihatied at lowest.rateg to' :.Iioartls, 4114 'lie foult'd opportfl-nity ly0 ever; 'and as M. C. CABIRRON. W� H. 16PADDEX4. poesonsialting to bring out tbelrfrlan Proprietor. -ly ell 'Opinion indifforent or,di�4iiit d IJajt;c§ at, 'Victoria 8troot-,lelitil tier atint fatt Ila!], for an aniparor, a complete onto berappliedto An3 do. ' 'Tlie fittin, all! was­W�rkingr iiI ilia courati'tif thij ovfciuing"t6 :her . - ;r) tertain of Canada laild owiddia0a' NotiorlculghTlaketa and evoryinfoi-mation;apil. and'evo emoon. of la 1-yt Ing 19-tirpyid4to' an onibroidery,,,patterfi at't)L i not ."t(;i,y,- 6olyond alaft his Lamle tire all 01y; Ia OPPOSIio'e Jnto tile 6611' _vAhiLt iff.tho _tm Sol tile' resell Of t_to- the. S, ill to a lie, land ... ... I- - Ql ean)petltiotl A. STUAITON,l meet the wiulad aud well Wo travo Ing - , w Ito voluntarily lent . 0 Ter wi Clinton, May Ah, at of tho-r5ofil. -On a: stand in front of Susan ltstelIOTT, 9081i faiej of the.G0. 1878 ohildont', frouil -ovperl(ilace, OlUOLAble allothlolor, with, ilia 60ier nations -of to till w o ma favor -,at 0 a. RVIA slid A.0i'llple 11 lbe dollo bbars'alvay ill Stich a competition Ile loole 6 with their 'lay all plot. 0 G wl tt� !1J,191 it rip in ilia vilicli thd able. They are both God AppPiot0d. T1 ear.tho paiisionaiti, story of Ilis love, lillitig itof tMUseii, which fdrolaormhon 'doom Gad 00 t, n,)t ho* feeble, Until ilia homr, held ever been 8116 may esteern. Ali honestly and justly. welt, ilia pearls wore each.ac- hiabope Of winning Stich till chod.hat Shading bill, forth to t _Ud r till Value them it io" tlielr 11-tylivit te� , June 2, 187-A - ----- 4_ ile i -7- The I -were now, alill it "Iqu so exalted. prize. -wa tied"II csp Ing $OiII6 oXb,JJitS dn-1 NG 1491 claoliess of the competition, aniftho.21111q., A� AR had buth'been praiiiinto(l td )lot, by. special as'Arthur sent Build' . With in tllaL forill �f agriwilturit hatica the thoi MORTGAGES' -NOTi5S, companiod with. a gopara 'a note. 4 Tlit)YL '"fcould not afford such oyes,.bisMajosl ol-To- i)f t kO Ooeftll 3 IV I 0111(l I a_ t t I�y ling intently qxa i iav a coutan. w4rth. whioh' must CIJ;) 110 IV -softly' #- M.OTIM ber 4nd.standing of the compot, a w. -therofore, I had scarcely' dared to' -ho ovorhuarm a 1 lady And geritlornall nec�ssity of gaining the bolst poq4ihI6 1100songers within. tbb last half )lour. whon I, alidi toL jLV V ovod you so wildly, A() egn, t tll§y, had,failed to Bee the be tllfiu�,ht witch Canada detarmincol, to be repro. DL 8a ledge of agricultural sciences, 9 Good Securities Tiourcha'Sed. PAR �Will you wbtr this rope oil 110l)(1. 1 d1notl -ONLY TO IJ1ND,4XLA1t0E OR SMALL lady olacniated succolIsiouv" a-aillst tile aentedat tit& Centennial;, nil exidbitidn of -tile able to 'contend 'an (I r -x -there is Joy rooin madly, I . should 'Ila*%, World's proauctst indunCriea tipon a more 1gage acourity, at filoaarate. rates of your bosom, this oven on-gbod a hardly verittit It _d de*e -that IL 0 call olijoy a rARRAN: IntOrOot,- 11. HALN. for hope for.ona' who, loves' u:VruTY im o ounke the bold proliosition. io,' llything till watiVel, the �Qtatoi �Jig, art Worlitr you 'tIlK 7-tf IL '' , ' ... . . . . gigantic settle 11 lifig liver boon atternp6d oll ton, August Otill gut a k6od 1.10k at him,",and her escort 1;8 canton, Nov. 9, 1674. 47 a-'votodly ? did." the the red, truck, the Canadian JOY, -tctibil. f ol,e; that ilia would have been *to to QO_ R cautfortod. liar ivith the remark that lie had _tia4stle'wrod many other agents of d6sh CiIARLE'S BAMILT011,11LYTIT, ONT,, L1dEN§ED 4L a0follo I thought it a pitidel of'inanly 4olicacy, too cupy Atich,a, proud and exalted post 1011 amo Auetlooee� for thootoilulty of 11 avonj -Halas of Farm. n -looking for tho. E, Inpoi-or for a'. Jvoek o thio-orops ' f the indiratriolus agriculturit. Btocki He to The socond'rea wo. and cloveriwas;l" responded Sunni, blush- tst0 a ilow. Mile I' He a ingond pergutting him to squeeze liar hand The most. of � ihsectl�j if:' not all, thgi;do, e * 3 liar rivals for'bonors no all no Nalcolin -Tagg' rt; CaNnet. _ceive tialli6d that lie' had -.not, been at, hey has been i ftted. PIIINOvArom, Juno: lbom Pedro th6-ground' otMISS WX�DE.­41f'yott 'feel tlu4 yoii ..t -bibiti( evid6titly in it most donio'nstra ilvo'niau W. be In. vour the cropi, take refuge in employodi and no Ainall'anloonnt lof labor be- tl 41 _!�L -1 pity 'durina, the winter, and' no doilit' wlien GLINTONot ONT.p love -me with one half the- ardor- and in-- I felt myself very nighrin the c6ridi [IotliAi it they Should longbrVasife stb;�ed, in ordbll tq* this, 0ountry-1 a is t at a in. a f ruitloos soarcli, and not a �al ag'riculture is bettet, unaer4tood, wealth, to ioul plea4o acknoNAedgeLthe t, on of a drowili inow, Harry, Ili a 6i -cei and capabilitioEr-known to' J Allf4S HOWSON, CLINTU' r tint to chemic �jDF TION9om feJ the, County. of ituron.. Ito prepared to, ng osoni Big 0111d. We by,4 the pearls, and ty, stinio-fariner, will, most likel�,-d­ Is", t,!,I Or.. colloct it crowd b evealing his id iscoLvor a t to entiorpri, iag citizens of other lands, but if er C -0 -1 -It C As! 'alit a at rint. iy trianilo, ` Thb,faint hope attend to OR ofarni i;took an Raols, L t(jnekf'h Me of winuing you front such a rivili 1* hu.pointall'io )its valet, who stood b6t-&-re- -is doubtful X ever so soo'catisafal a-mothoddif sonablo rutes. woniing1hem at Glailatolie's eon aitgent, perhaps W manure-, IV Clinton, Nov. 18, ISO%- '5 iertisting. waS thoiighLof- as that of Sending thig 6 coniti augired-i tov-e� not vash� rnlr v 1 9. voly.'s lak- BPactf 1-disi lied with -a princely featbeiin batlqpi n h irourid, a Thorafghbred Short PH C M16 Artliur-w4s the otraw, ffi;uiati AU,hIll beraotting'of na� LXMItE N CE B�Yl JUL IFICATES.- ktod: thesetwo ltmsai V a s- w -'e -re -.-th grastibil, andJo I it buoyed his military hat and said quietly,,," He is ad do 3adAs hibor�ate 611119 Cant NXIIAIAGE LICENSES. AND CRIIT a source ingl.at which I . I I r I I . . . . . wa. to vill'fiero these -I ilia 'World's Fair at Philadel- 'Nvn ilitti-or fit the residence rif the nt -leasura. nal introduce. your. destroy therno and tre and 0 turels,wealth, to Apply"t tile To of the quandry into*hich Sman Wild -,the homVen o lily a the I' their, I :now offerilig 11ii �Iilandid -st6c a furni., putnicribor ricii'tho Lawton, fluton.&Rrutio Runway a. .... a d Be V08.11 The 0sitors, fearful of losing the destructive ra. We were all prepared, for the ddmira- the acknowledged belle of Springva�e, had' 1, ir S San darling, yo, ture, c6inprisil1g, Station. JA�IEH 'SCOTT' U.-dottitt i, io..-tho 11 a_OL 6611'she* would ekohd in ri�gard to D long -,sought opportunitjr in tier agrioul- 6or of in t1 US, red, �V ST R A BU -RE A TA I IlLh -9,:' oFAS;,. SETTE Arthur know lie* h4ppy, the 'Rstonislic(U servAnt; presented' their Britoil, toriol'their occupatiou ban - I N NT E a natur4lly�and iniiiiisibly f allen. your, swed pr mine hao ntoxi,. I Floyd4llo'of tile .-firin-of 11Fl6yd:&'$ono" in is one. ado"Ifie, all U., few, indeed, exp6eted that she. SIDEOARDS, CUPBOARDS, eirdsp- shook him' warinly by the hand, arol or and 6 mfort,. one which t6 most otob`16 would oc tilty, hplace so conspiptious in regard T Dr. LLE, SOLICITORi WINGIIAX, Trs+ BREff UF goods merchants, while, Henry Joy wait "You koo w, flarry,.11 Said Susan, quiet-;- ritioll Smply a salaiied-oltwk jL , the.- establish. I invited thoinselVed to spend a week- with aildbbstof.tvomei�,9)arbolovedo�o-nVc- to�ruany. her industries, especially those of 0 appoiptial AgOnt ter ilia Colonial Stich that -1 have -alwayn ainied-16 be a,son- to , a follows on a­ INSURANeE, At aiscount-of Fifteen per �cut below fqvic in ill aforesaid f Siblil aid steady-rainded girt. him in. Brazil: The valet could not cor- taria lie miahinery. Vill English Judgest-who have piny of bugland'; lid IR laso agent for moveral private ant �( a irm. 'The young ftlifin TchoSc a lots of Torolito, who loan money at -Ver�' reitgonl a raim oiterest yearly. olul I, 'mail w you, dearest, I did' flot do it without -r root* thb mistake, but r4ther',onjoyed it as lit, and r have never al mote in sor generous a manner, uoiderUk a dif' pfl�es, foe cash, and. will o6ritinuo this stolic 'capit 3 era about the same age, both intel late LIFE INSURANCE,- forthe next two' months, an inolutapinen't that fail iodo It, 1, 1 h --- . I . ­ L �., of Wig ell ill ank.- " : r' " , lectual well-odueated - aJI4 1 3 saw his itilliCZAft). in. luxuviant-and abiindarit crqp3 in 'I ficult task.of awrding the, gold meilalivym- --those who Wont Also sopoitorior the good-106kirig. Ilectioti. n t q fit -at place, I was ffilly lrould jilet be fftgbtte� by They,had been classmatowat the,same uni- set4iblo that in mtertivined Ilia iliere, ��v inKhq�n, Apill 7, 1875. other direction. �. Ile yided by tile Glovornment for the'lliest ' deserv- AND d cheap FUrnii I Id.ved you ilia beat aq best - liaF,dould until lie foinil aCanadian exhibitors,' liave 'spoken veraityj: it is worked. Acc;rdinz to' the u6st 4 proved itIg"Of till 0. AloINT08H. BAYFIELD, IkfSUJ,,iC nil young. Joy. owed, Ilia present there, was. more, ill fact,- worth loving in, I ­ iiallitilial Sejejlae..:� :_ '. . ill . I . .-, .., -the establishment to ilia influ- our -character than ift Arthdir's. - 1.1, ouriouscrowdaisonobling whenho-hurried- the teitiis:of our'liliullu.- pas prilicipll of ag Having' one 61 the largest Purniture ��hbw Or for tal Afflativits In the for Conn. . ly. excufood -libuself and took miNge, 'In flight. faetuvej, But lit 0 loth LIVF, STOCK. INSURANCE J.- Marriage Lcenses finder the neWAct, Wall in in � Jim f. berex its doe -31 of Ifurtin.and Bruce; once 61-his7friond ,uld-loo 'n d dxActill" Buk, notwithstanding Clio a less Stock and Mutual Convoandilig done, nuch Ate Arthur. : Both were 0 0 inch -uioro solffish an shi first -o qa�paiillos Only. Ramos. in thii 66unty, itintaining a large stock Loill bonds,'CoutraOto, and Mortgages. 13y this. Iiitle olialiceuvro. ilia haCall no confosscolly pre-eminent as in, laayin love with giiiaxi Wilde, theboau- with a wife, ktlid - far 'less er fafllo* all opportunitj is given to make a go6dsolec' PUI io(;Iofl IfoJOI. ;ad a harmless joke., that Qf her *oduoatl6nal appliinces. Eveii th6 mr loan I and arigi�_ tan yo thu.SOIT'll"t rtal known what crops alle.suitabla. to Ilia -par- Pennsylvania Idurnhis adniit this, ana While IONZY .ticul 0 p iebe f*, iftaltb' a ; liesiolog I have been Uiado no- 31)3 "ation, and two beaTtS were w. w.. FAR'LP'LAN, :Agent. tion, which should tiot Ile'let'llass. OX.RtAL LATATL. y March, 1876. ysteld, Sept.14,1875. cratic.Mrs,. Gladstone, who came to reside "quaintoid-with some things that do not re- an improuiptLu Ila made happy it . is to be hoped that- ilia iWh asserting that ilia cii3f 6f Philadelphia IS PrLaUdi )ringvil after the death of her line- ]left credit upoll Ilia character. For ln� Cos ich. aurricultural atioce q flOV60y agill justly pioud, of ber schools,- some-dof their VOWL9R IVATOII AND CLOCK- at 0 'IV' I not lady an out. a all I r4a this urti- 0ur journalists (rankly admit that t) c Sys am U R N ISH wIlo,was reputed to be . w6rth his .Bianco, I hive heard, oil very good author, Chi their infancy ill Chn, da.' in N " band, are bit, Cousolifild Baft of to mi cruel to reventgene I ouly*iecoatly wked-up to vupuc in Ontario is- far of their X SHOUT- NOTICE, - next door to the Zxproo" ftebt Albert Ilions.*, Mrs.. Gladstone Was Still bf a ity" that 110 si)r1lotillics drank rnoraAlian olo,. as t wont be . . rs, Governmelit,liso tions yet unborn. frq , boastifi that sot 1. responsibility didt rest'd owll Streett Cliptoul respectfully hatimlitus matriagett.ble age beill- but a trifle' over was lle� Boe Clio tretioendious do of tg,) 'correspondent oU 6 Use friends and the publio'gonerall, that, he has off , good or Win., that lie preferred asso- Rearse kept ibx� �71ire. 6f.their, cogti)ra shook ]Jan a' -ith all lit, flues- ilia To rout; lail may be quoted'upon this. healthy aud"yourig piating:with gatublors aild rougli� to sober, -am hand ii selct stock of Clocks, Watches, Jilwollaq, &a., forty, and rernsikably opoll ead, tile van it) hski &_ CI 8, in our favor. I-Ia says 07" One.pbr cent pei m6nih cbafged on all vhi(�ihoc;fforeatraaisonikbierp6tog'. Ile Irlifyi4toverY looking. Mr. Gladstonobad.loft his pro -k honest young'inori of his own agio- Una pLeror. f 6 !go Said by thoo who ought,to tiona Of Nature, and tile resillfa to poin(a conclusive ell CAPITAL, $2,000i,000.' overdue accounts, description in his line, dome on thu ,it notice slid Seldom tak, Pennsylvania takan vcry� great pride in its :1 ! portyettually'dividodbetwoon herself and whoni that sot characterize a's. oldfashion. knbwi that Pedro as alore, Clio public for ilia -benefit of tIfonce, Pit Moderate rate$;.' - Clinton 17 all'-stid-I have often heard it whispered than fi-vit bourn' Sleep- of iiiwlits-i-audibit at- they 131 V schools, still ilia exhibition. of its rtodelol A. LAWRENCE. 1876. stdp i6pllaroicie ill Harvard, I , have establi' tool a modet farm to 0 1, rollout LCL'Pdita^blC,- an are those -BI Lb, Feb.,23,4876. Susan was home; ho frequently vialts tFiliPabliedepart- 'duct y all only child",of till older sis-L tfiab'ho, too, 114dollgea in that pernicious ha. - poriment upon,'and if Only wisply can. froin, tile other States. I am happy,Ao say, Y-TrL U.-SCADOL.- THE CLiNTOX COUNTY, for, volholia(I died Battle, oars before, 1047- bit of gambling. Colisidefilh; those de- .11110iita -early in thei.-inoriiing,. to note, em- iid anA managed hoarding to true scientific, CLINTON AG Y. �JLJL High. School is 'open to� putills,of both flexes however, that the Conadlin exhibit in the 900 . ployeas who ate punctual at 'their pot olt.ble ' takes theIthoij ont- ef CLL'm from all parts of,the Gounty and Province On equal ing her offspring to Mrs. Oladatono!n care. foots, thointriusto worth of your character 'Its- principles, will prove a gre saing to atio oduc, , toal, wiy oher,biAnellea of Hdr father "d left sonib pro 04 several (locasiona lie ban sorit word to ifirouglilal-014 - thohiR party, which -for I -havo boon -assured, by tholia who the farmers, and', r)f Clio Dvl�gtmant at Toron�. 1U 11 ' I --� - 0 vern, t p )lag deria inutm to rin I the French atia,dorm4n lauquagoa.' Students are pre- h-dr.ffiotliVf;- through- kiidw- thit your ropbe 4 to somich6k )ntarest from Nur to Five per cent at aterially increased, an -thill niont itiatituti `�A "says o'0if ifib "ectiun Of tile Coal exhibi- pal f or the UnivinultieXi thallearnda profeii1long., And L very JUL oil supiportod, I L Special a(, 0 1 . egul llviollis more in 1Uj littintoluAy-emianly-tititim 1plp-' too many are a cla I nDepoSitaL Yed arly at isidifi, mercantile. pursuits. Spacial Attention to paid to the the thria of bar' death Susan was left quite ination. than all -tho tlio-- world, tftX) that, oil it 001ttlLill,dity lit) would pak in and th6 country inust , I o t tiol it tfio wall which lie h:io boon permit. tolls qtudici4regitioltefoi-coinmdit$cliooI Teachers. Tuition' tBoll, nearlyoppo"Ito KE rtir quarterly- toxin 8&udontB from a distanco tto M. LOUOET it it liairesa�-havirl,'g iiii.7tifilrocumbored farm associated with to. tarnished naind. tho itiatittitiom a Visit of but bel thoiin but'does tint every (4ang ted 11ve-orlictola of.1 if) by 30 foot Agent. ofel, 111iron stroot, on the I's IL Lit throlit 1);. -ttd, Mondity, 01, -ever cart obta It licardAn tile and at) itiou, could be mande be air IL iii), bigh,,piorcakl w a 1-y kec y ars tit Rooted tli(ob Arthur, with (if 'm a- far:iiiorkno.vvtlixttlioydoiiotgive.st yLl 9 t Clinton, April,l ton Further information will be giver on-appliogtion, we fo r or tivd ith6usatd-od-oll f6ro any lortioar, ubifial arches, bas ;f it" -e-ratlY Me hinol'to niako A diaplay of the various ftirin pearod in thu ki tchun and in -towards tile stippolft fi.......... 4porsonally-dor-" 4�ts, -, member-of-tho Board of lof till) yf,?ttng mail hail 'oJoss 'and oxtravagatic roll, Lk -Any retilroil tire cordially Trotaittl6H, vi%' ffisgla. U.-Ilatc, It. Coatsi A. S. Fisher, concealed from ilia Other bi-L4 �gbsion for though rich ;&lid courted. no;v, Inight. 1). jrdor to, boy 4blo to satil"fY hitusOlf that l6ae anything. by,theni slinuld they fit. Ilk kin(ts of 114116bitc; w1fich. � would h-wo, boon loevo, M,D-1, Rev. P, MoQualg, and A. Worthington, Susan -Wilde, and rouioning between th6m- 'poor, deRpiand atld dograiled tit, lie dirstalot put th 11 �jllio linithe bacilt confitted L' ' tile Usual, M 199 N N 1 '1711 a r t a Mr. Jet no a Ttitiobuil, B. A, everything as being coitlocted according. is the wilblesale dpalera.wh of X—OXEY-20', LOAN It, or without'gl, selves that silo could matte but outo �f the day., and tfien �Aat would it prorid. tu Clio Itilliorial reydraitionta. Athomolio lou'alliesa, who us�pally l6sto if they f whoole of thi3 xaot.iroa is.dolover. secret ON EASY TERMS so limfor?"'J'duly. is ntivor,idlu� unit here Ilia time is ito fully orcan I C"Pton' oat. so 878 Iii it two happy in RL noo, they. Spirited woman have AS far as tba,0rangers ongitg in aiii; of various kinits, sorno'raised By tvh1oh the prinel#.14 CA CL CARTWPUGHT, had jilintly hit Upon - ilia above novel, me- colisidar%1 all these things, ad wall till lily Occil'Viod-thit ho- ill tO Xefusi). tile pursuits, their System is tmoal% aefiti� ed Nvitto tit alid ium; plain platen to illustrate ill* ilAtnr so, 8 B A, 1 01', T 11 thad of ascertaining which: of ilia two might decided preference for yLlui dii(I thu ro8oll. ln*ltttie7�iddgMj�blo-retitiL-gtij -WI&II Ito iiilg it cal with that ostablisbilit several years AV �11(1 aptlarattla tit all.kinda: recoet. NV illy ( for tW`0 1190 110 ivas Ili GreatBritain and. the Canaflas, tiod,or tit,,, q lichool i t I be rephlid In . Part or allit. at OF STRATFORD, I&, h claim liar preference, i)romising to was, contrary to groud autity"il advice, otherivialt grant. A.dal , try it, weil a 11 1 one luotaotoot Clio ILL the itattentary liouso, Cl�ntoto, to first"ll"" b'do by ilia young lady's deciqioti, without had not Choy faculty it) ap'plitid to by till artist, dosired. hita tti '.name of Co-operative Asdociatidim, which thMil' tell thdoislud Object5" cry month. Teeklitt t-18 silo said, any tinae during the terna Asy mind Friday of cy loorted lit the ILiCA flylo, ooth With: OXI"10611 nertoo treated, filled, harboring the alightc3t anillity' or ill -will disc5vcr-any ;I tile sit f6k-4 4ut.' . ThiS be doolihoilli- ()It so- ostablighert several at -ores in blith otollitricit tile "tire �.Vpoisc(t nd and made a# good �08.q(iullat 01108- so,buglouara, I accepted cottint, ff)r yoml - xamino" in this. hshibib. ron. t tithoo, wlJoill 46 atlil' cairich ot o, blift the re*i0fored cai�.y to (I lie pearls." erEr in, Toof 'il tile EX —�443'JM 'iml require, but, Willins1118113 J;t0C1kJJryId tat 9 ry, r_6 than do( y the sensible discrimi- diqgust, agibey found out. very Ito Ca ih bavo nnolor the per would APPLY TO OM13 to sit for they till of whii, ria -da D Sid no especial piefoierico for one tile b any Landi 3ply impress, ,_A_X TE buy-go0da 61 pvr�,L 11 it Illuut L_W, hvo boon LIST OF LlGi N_iIU`i&( lioll S"S By hithorto seemed otiOalty welcome to ilia' dt'satpohit-youxt your hopes. or I exile Majosty'n disliko* of osto6teitiort f6vt din- marchallta, who I r buihicall It 'a Atho danalls Otimpany tony, be atioli stnisio oillsio ct"t. by tile foIIL()%ll_iU t11i4 l"rovillue, tholugh the ctl Coll ragemeat Clinton, MariAll io7d To orittExclisoogioltor-Wool, thi uuticralg�dl yotifig, lady, and thov wore, !low both. all- 'tions regarding tile, it will be because I play is well illustrtext g I it. study, anot who could-Illiny cheper and Salt 'Iliac I SO. 11libitora re- . -a it given to wold;uIon. by the late Ion Goods. TWO i0dritti "list pound were thRu. market it ILAL . xious to kAw *hicli7 wan Ili tit *0 f aturo to lackha ability, not ilia willp to sustain, ilia eiilerli 8111110 of tha French a chepFr the Ia col� op"erativo storus coulL price, for good, clean wool.. CligilontitamI7,4871. I . I . . with whl'ah. �jur Schools are 05�000 TO— LOAM" be dio.,favored 'buq of tier .role I have ruiti-ked.out." dInestod the Zaperor to examifto flitoit, de- And Ill Earoo'casea tile siockholders wore AN110 opiTfloott competent had. read both of ilia notes carofull I "I have title most por!ioct fidepoo in Partniont in the Main 131 nildi ng. Ilorepliod autid and. a, edby Iaw to payforflio jil(Ilyos form of 0114 Hea I tiola. of ilia. -Cmvidian y, con ltoup, ithig ut 0 lag CUSTOlIq JR011 Cil-IDING Mrs, Beosieyj Milliner, riow deeply.po. o show yolt a wonlit be there Clio lluxT, )nor oods por t;il, but not It.'Jid for toy Cho was i lidering. They load our ability, dear Harry ;*aoid t itfy booglealled ieouk�tllo following, tr, 'I clistati-ina Ito victil for pastfavoro, begs to in- -to onter and 1601C aeoutiol iiuoibodr�l likeL PRIVATE F YJ N D S form them thitt Abe still continues the Hat and Ronnot 01111d, genio of reflection, and she saw that noy little irturio-aorno Can. or twelve the Gi�ugcro of Canada hv.cntulh�i fliciv own N )ir Ubarics Itaid vis led the E-lucationar' SpInning, -13 cents Or lib.. weavin;tv builtiosis at, the Se rolust decide between t1jo two. "hur thousand in all, if the- farin-can be dispos- tiny Other visitor, and particularly roquast- merchant fa fraught with -b4portant issues alit and till- groidest interest. Voloirlair, Clot1l Fisolipolig niftfilLpireftioligooW. to out wholo I Ifutefflainvalifortwo liouq. 11c,oiol after and ever3r other-b)ranch of the buslinefifm OLD SAXIC), VIC�OI(IA ST IUL&TOX. Vloyd, aside from his personal attiactio6s, ad of twad van tago--anti rely com- all that there should ilot be e JVJOJI� ittenet Poll Shbrg notlee. to Im" o111t; vish"iwo ago he expected a good She ig agent for Motors- BuIttrick & Co'n EtIf0`001th' had abundant prospective- lVealth, to il�ootn- rattlid,'*hich will onableyou'to ooMidwidati Pbaralloo Of fornitililty in his reception. Tito tb(irimglt iolfal (�IIARGE, S MODr,,iRATm, and NOW YorkL ptillfalla of g$fuoants. and IN constantly next troorning lie appoxrod in ilia eastern I so thaV both aides of the odtlo�'at marod. him.; while, Honry, ay. hail only )its business oil- your own accoulit-not 80 01. Y. bub that heibsexpee, felvIlig the new Ayles,06,11'41itutalad doRdriptIono are I and of ilia dep-artmon6 preelely-at the, hour be Scott gild fully litiderstond by the public ;. TWEEDS, FUU. OLOTHS, BLANKETS ' It slid sells lit prices apealb t 11' at, boatity, find fitio-physical powers totiaivy as tile Floyda to begin with, Of' Clio �', I& t:kt.iou and lie took IvirtioOlneg fit several I kept an hatull, whill! old in the in a a it) FLANNELS, STOCKINC+ yAltX, &a,, Cat.1cginia. She hopes,tby strict tare find ittentrov, to plead for himi With almost unlimited course, but You will giow to it. The Inan but, to ltfg dismay,' saw ll the and I have too ; fear ill., ell a tot ordee foe Llmdon ' 8o'improng. APPLY TO. to dontiqua to inctit; A: lilleral patronaiii. means at his command, t1jo formor could 1, tonirtyis vot:to ba Cramped in his aspi =Inllal and, waiting exhibitors arritypil. coullnon with littother 8atiaible people, will sold was one 61 the judgea in ilia OoAfon of ALL ORDERS PROMPTLV AtTEND11D, TO. ira- W000f on, in White mato, ulmot Alloniqla but of plabd her in the.. nt6at exalted po8�tion in tio'lis otx�acc�,unt of illy fears for the money one ilia extreme daingpr of tr of Precision and Research, with r 00L, S' FOR CASH OR W 'in nnMay It' 1870� 'expecting their Imperialguest. Dom Iadro 'the prilaoril; order of thing -,s and CUSA Society, while the lottor, with no pthei rb I might have ]YIng idla in some savi # (if those in tile B'duo;A"tionl Doopartozeint,, Cliattin,'Serit. 7, 1874, as inat retreated, and, cautiously making It ifwriters DIDDILM Eli, Sour '-than 'bid salary, O0UldL only expect bank.." a now system. It would be we that lie wisholt to have thein make. a special WHOLESALE 'RETAIL to support & wik ciainfortably, flat ostentil- 'Xhe* lover could only express Ilia amo. hill way out of the building, disappear. oil the Buhl would come out ovei, their cylubit", The peopto of Ontario, tlog� hold ap ti ously, ion,of gratitutlat by a tender prossu A The Fronch, department is still minus. own proper cogroometiEf so that ilia pnblio theird hicaday at lemt its fat aa respects educa, Clinton Marble Works, of Woollen Goods made to orddri out'of your I to of )lianees, wool this V is thespasablothbr 'place that don't use Well of Bid, Urs, Gladstone, till a the blind an, they strolled back, and once Avula know iiho were �Iitcuoaing tile quag, ticind ajiL erdict in her fa - HURON -STREETv, A_n -we. . g Wath Mockla hat lengthy silence, ,you seem to more mingled w ith the ga Josty is extremely, reticent About his I .. it vor liai 13661 givoll by parties who am not s6tneW yeornpiloij. The tended movementgo seldom tellitiggreti Ilia 41r, only �com oteftt.to. give ton opinion on this LA1)3T61ftS_ _TbrinE, Oash, or no per Cent ektrat, baunusually veiorved oil the subj&t of inett morning hbir-aunt qUeStion, MONUMENTS, -a of I . secretary where lie pr6posoft to'.. Spond'tho gat'ate impartialtmough to.teuder a A, G, VAW EGIVOND & SONS. your morning's correspond once; Cniltyou that site and flonry Joy were to be mar4 'Getting xonl6y,�, dgineltit, good aunty, jaL ally it. This pre- Aying mith, cu. rie4at the expiration of a month, and.pro- 'y 0 a' doglguoa and-fixecited In ilia best elilej end at reason the patronage so liberally, fidstovild on lifts, In riosity. to leardAe4'ontents of the noted 71, parationA for thoApproachin nuptialawero y dop tea to angloU him Tile wait Unfortunate day, in thd attract able pr1sos; . 'L F the past, would hereby n6tify them and the pabllo gen. -i day it Golug Up- 11111. And work Oi all MIAMI t11'1MOrIOAZ1 it.tid Forolga biarbloo one' IDHII TkAN%XNG Big MANY FRIENDS Poll. see that yout do ;Ightoouo jo 7 W probe' eirally,, that lit hall retnovoid 'into his. iiew f1d liters :ookeapconfuge,lly, tL- immediately sot. oil foot.. Everything was ntag "IJr t, study ilia itiatinors i ally young llean is thL I whioill lie Susan 11 Moro adv- act a aof lerie'lls. mantles of Vartbuts Colored 110,rblo 0 commodious promledisr on Albert Street# where he will. Will you toad theux, She askedt. or in roAdinegis w1ten, the time arrived anO a na oustm . An He goos.albout faril there is aouto botter way of� making plied 6A Short NotlaO, keep OR hand 1% . large and object 4#8OViniont Of Very ecatly and se"nsational display was th the grounds quietly 484ing queAtiotio, in motley than to earn it -, for train that feel- About iliall I V . � ": L . . . a search of inform tion, and Jointly a guard, and vison- cwksr Walestietor JaWalryr Add "Werilotore Of all kinds, You road then), deary. YOUL Sed I AM legitimate result, of Mia, GladatotloiS ale. ing arises the mailk extravagant boy,, whose upper front' tectlillAg out a 'tor rind talklict with an ar solientes which are ilidilged in for tile .111 t1lo 1. ZANITN- MONUMENTR 11ZA2)8T6NS0 baby- juat.- now "with Abut uflibirdidefy -Var thanagoillelit. axhibi good deal, further. tit WL requires, Which lie Vill bell AL toonotituiblo rates. His stock to r purpo )f gainitij a, hyliltdodwitGo b Ia,, entered Lit Michigan avenue saloon in Do. IMPORTED TO *U*R. now smash larger and In Agreeable to the ptorni oroverleathimoverbefore. An Plitto so given him be. snail becomes thorough - 'Inspection Invitfla. Roplilloing of avilry doodription, Suaan obeyed, readini alond, %fhat we fore marriage, ties. Joy surrendered all bar.' Whea a young �roitj kept by aft old malif and remarked Oted Witli thig faaffiig, ho j her 11roptifty - ifito )Joe hust6tit.1"o' lianda, Ditlyod oov4i sea abagel roll uphill 10 sW have already ablitnittild to the r6hilef. is raidy- ta -1 W. Z, MI)DUCOM99; 16911ot Oft"t, 11 Wb&f. ant I to do Ill Alto questioned not lie huniodifitely out ill) for himself in a ally. Intialist for Clio i6orn pli"ll Olen 1; r don't remember (jet I ever�aoau such alroton, Jan. 14,1874. bit IS% wi 0 liftlitedt WAYL in Clio name line of busine'sa One of ilia up'town chuielioa ill No* 'Lit a look of ovidont annoyance, although toobi,00t dabinot Xaker) 11bholate.6fil minion, ugly, of is ftc! If his plaui. fire irtis- things or not," rol4iod the old man. I I Wall, YOU COMO Out here, it YOU *tint it Was plain front tile blush that trated and he is foiled, In hill a its upon Isecant. as the Ployda. As Susan ).tat! proIifiasiod 'Y�rk wits fillool 1py it fashionable coyog'roga-' 'itio flattered. botore t1loi., e sitarriago, hio basilicas grew, tion abont it weak ago, (in d a sio of the very crest of the wav') *wit all lie ']Ia.% sea me naako is bartal. roll up, Will like j ClAyroN. B CLINTON that title foa not A it I oacit it already mowitqd, and in full vidw, 131110 streak of lightning," iy, yon silly little innocent," repliod, ond it NOO11 proved it licalthy and ptofitablu (1113 marriage Of it- well-known hocloty.girl Mra,� 131adot6uglaughilig, "ItLia'againat on6. �tho actors of a tehip ion to-crifflO, to shi6la"him front The ola man went h! t4alnieral' W1611" k. in five ears Susan's twelve . then. to ilia man 4 liar' choice to to the door with G :P L A QLX. all ruled OF propriety to keep two stringia sand dollars lied Iiisiltipliod to ular 11hilildelphia sugar mchthe disgraco which he thinita Must inOvit' still ilia boy pointed oub a, barrel of malt, B A K E R Y - J'Ifty': tOld *6 Harry Joy was fieginuing to be spoken of POII tbankil to his toden to your bo* after they have became A6 iin� f Springville. Probably not a dozon. persons, present knew A61Y f6llO%v in ilia k a Stick on it, crociftod th6 street slid (LATE OP OODE Rf(lll,) tomato tot papt, favors olned starting tit Qllnton� live 0 the most interesting fAet in ilia history of 110101319i and 016 61'st be realizes lid finds returned, and wont arou'hil ilia corriord say years kgo,vouldintimate thathe Iditt the 6141itan4oloid ortunate. 'The only thing you ]live to as one of tile " lionVy 1 Win now. on bwd it go is to- 6onSIdortha�respccflvo ofaittia 'of But during that five years it grant change ihobride. Silo, was a poor,- noglootedwiliff hitligelf the violat, of the laiv, and a crim- into to move in amblut" I theSe -two datitig young aspiraiatif,'and do. had cousa, tover the tottatiol of or twouty yeara ago, and was f alone, ()Ile NY ill- irt tha eybottho community, and it) all(I then 1(10k out for your llhius.o BAXFR &C, Artho I a *hg trial, and it] I nimmaz6him; "LL SPij LE, C T 111 D S T 0 OR aide lietwohn'thorow, The choice cannot be Floyd. Ili$ filth r had diod,� leaving Mill- 'try mo ro itig.6n: U otoor� stop 1`6 -11 &AlonaUd -'It Ito waitt cook a loodtly til -unit' I' all IFTAVINO TIT 4.q , WU Ir V n, tditljo6tfafty Inismo to the NA. i very diffidaltv -of 'Course, whoil you oohqf� In full control of fiig 'exteniftra, business, quarter of - tlla city. No a - the want of 0, little tollik, Arotindt there a long time," explained ill N N Ilia to ber 1%. brought aboatloot Inhabltnuta (it Clintfift 0,1111 V161111 y, that lie futilivish, r their relative P to go 'oil an roritaga ria over found, but the fativilyw, ly firtallegs in the outabb Ot'lifo to prompt eartf,irry on tho above Inatilaoila lit All Atka' Ani too Intivedleloo; bill the 041111t, at ositiond in a Worldly Vot A 'whiloL thillga Soolklod J)1d %Jilin to a polld�tngto- to but dot P ittherall 1101161(la NhAril sollso. qmdothly as twet with Arthur, though prit. fiavirig no child (if their own, took in the him to choose an avocatin in life whord A no more moof Aa my battle m6ofs nolir. which, tot datibiliq (It know,'Artur is rich hnil'11anily is ilant, pooplo obsoilved that lie wits beconling waill, 'atill - troatoolt, ilia little - girl, with so penny, oArned would bring, with it its Atird Von t oomes in Again oneoL tnolro'l fiftat. do tit the dametlini 1 0) rowaid. Tile BAKU, CONFECTIONER, poor, o1aily niorolond of ilia wine cup ani the much care, its if site had been their -own, n let our yotl[ug'frion Sporn Aetna otla IIAS ttl%on gaveft dollara, freoftat it dolwilt 'its Routd, *6411116flic sittloilell thrown an the SoxnEEs AXD PRTIgs, Yen, 101(i the f0rhiOr is bOrthfilly liolit dimputable company of fast inon find pro,. A fow,yoara after an, application wits made the I idea of obtit"Ing Molloy withOUt roll- mouey dra%vor, , 11ow yllig dot-kr a Pitt 4l an qiilvalno ;' lot thath be roady,4 kiviek ill greatly interior to the lattor ht' point of foasional gatublen. Ito lot Ilia' huhicas for lgal custod of' the to oadapy positions ill life AA ke ibiAlitl6lit good VoTimen, find notes nollb but, TORIA ST.A-EET, beauty and, intelligence, Of eourgo you gO*At, loogo ends, trusting toy Chili, integrity child to its pr atootors, and boncefoi,th alto and willing. I Pon ble'.0p boat OcRiondia, material, he can thttillotto Wilitant will aiseAtil, ilia rose for itiorpeafla I" of tho anlesnion lie employed, and they took- their name. '4110 Wag oducatoa thot. whigh Will gi:Vla, them the best' it Work 46 lot o ithlo boot doscript I oil lind Will fidot ififloak. na atill I am Ilot auroo, I lisive robbed hint, Ile pent ninch of Ilia titne �oti hllyy and beeatno A pot of1tho family its PortilliftY to atlon 'While halting 1)(an dia6ot,of 0 'a thar InViliatildont 'of t1t OPPOSIU, THE OLD ZAXX been pondering ilia matter deeply flor the itt. the city, rumor-rohad 8prilig,valo. ogg ly. u: if she, lind boon born into iL int! do good to, othatit t0AXESA,ridCONVECITIO, p,,r W #hd Wall itiftoduced into society 49 lth, natickt Thitoa States latlian Trust Faudl, last ive, minutes. I have always pridod one day that lid ha(l, lolt tWonfly, thousalf In time, 191 Wily we inayav o of all tolatiot to bi(tor laid kolpt oh- hillA. myself tllg� t AuT Roftiothing. Of 4,jUdga, of d6llars lit farto in ona, nigf Mail still itiet liar prolitolit ItubbArld of flobte mon tima wovion, whieb, *ill be A lit It.attfordift old. trijiln, WIW� 40)jvot, -011. 110,11.4 J%.1Af4?t, of goordo Of ptoat 'D XX 'human nature, To bo�auro Arthur Vloyd the Amount of money that IlArry oy Itait "at A fatulli rotmion W, Philadelphia. Now 'ixtA *gsu" too "At find ilts to Chriatilthiti by 0lia Commode YIVL oilhe is potted. and hanored by aociety,joAd id Willitati to the 4019664 All tiftit 8riell, &lid call Invish posriao, Or, even ditt. to, bosilleso upon. ho Wa in eharch a(fing Ia gr go CLI. I a d it ilg b b 001 gh Dili ta d d itIt ill0 53 ,9 tA )K tiloildol, upon ilia laft of Ilia nholoo, but in From this time 'Aahot Tilloyol, betame prornises� to betiotnati, re bptisod, and Willa watiaottin A CALL, SOMOITAD, my knight of tile Niolixto rose I ro'qli�nito �i mom rocklo8a find diAsiliated. thAn over, Who howa Lat somewhere tile, real mother ridutunlr5ft of this in' R may 1166 be 11hore iultill thing 41 luck, It jA a naturall superiority that' wealtli Alone call. and eautious poople b-ogift to whispor,of tokoAting wolha, t)uglit liankrtlpt0y, Aud Auto 0IIOUgIL WAtChIlIg t& oateor of hat:nhild, an(i that, tot- b6lhg� AIW4yN g not cou or, My doeltifoll, ftuiliV, �f dWe'd a wrig givift, a dow 96W rt n -wholly by thq preltolit, it came Noollor than tha most obtatyalit thi)L L 4*0961 Wilux tiomptiluo, mar maka liet4olf knowft�l - and so liara ta �bo rool Whaft tbo gon window 4ha $ill -0A 'QAO of t NO lilr&� Wit Ift 104 011fil UiOA go �Jlljv h44 padidtod. tt xi%*k t00% thff city I.Tkolpt, fliet Ij o9towittratigor thaft fiotiolao, lim oomilit, boy. a