Clinton New Era, 1876-06-22, Page 3however, In some i4easure at&Ujil it. by dOVJ' TvJISI, S�,V%Iirtlhnt flio blidstitail.fin vitich Ili 'Shetlind, wlilell . is' the pairt of oxiiinplo; by excluding torel$a died, ITA'3 Or tho� 11103t ele., SO,) t I As n(I whence Shotla9lid lionloo od. 41 Stu in or 169 or to dindribill, tile opptly, And 80 to gaut constructioll, buiW of roq(twood, &�Illy Clime, Soule of the witkisters livow pro4noo. by tbo 4gmo of the 1"u lie t�roo nud '4114 11111,1 wit,, 'Old. W% .0040k Rastlat.) j0r'41j'� bellililt'r sciiroi y of olot ibi I - 9 ey Are 0Xpooted 8 r-pron; the prewh 014 (Ili 0100 a, year,, Th - as rial Ily n®r the roulea, and to 11yo Wbich is best (or Aign And, for society? Mro mightr PA.011 lit r4iiew '411 tho%rx' to There IS A -little &110: ill, Ilittallur"', to Ix "144 Alinudaticoorsoarpity? NVIltatlitwillboux- prodtilitivo in4astry, Aiad,wo would always flud two yearo and c�ivpjj luontbq Phi, I". Ila elloapty. One m WhQ bus, A t olailued, chil them be "any question. about that the producore, as.'Suollp. have allti-00cial 4 t 8',� take 11part wife taid f6dr obi '$126 1(1.r NJXOJI jiy ldren'. g M 4� Man recontl 1 siblo to maintain, t1tat scarcity. is the founda. "Tho trader," s , Aye Alon ill 1'9rii,wljl1Rt 'tile woi" of it Watch, hat? 114a ltvvor'bopa 44YAncild, U It livito vlawa� ' no, tion of tbo woll-bolog ot mail 7 YOU, tbAt 440. 0417 by tIlQ 0%04VIi."Anee 3114 WAS � Ijutting every 141A and: wboof in itl proper for t ofulnoos of A dled� In who Z a4 A biety. years Toado, a romarkablo big H rd Cd YOU, that hill tile youn ; the busbandipan by the 4oarn000 C=' been 411V41104; boon mailital; - 04S CUT _R @04 A 'FIRST CLA`l fool of IthIlfielf Whou yontig be fell to 5.4. i. g t 9, oil ; it is, mithiQuod every clay, And I am net of corn, ; tug arallitat by tile r4ill of f4ruilles, p Ito 0 'm 4, cc-- P" .6 4, '01 justice by the law oults a S.A"q a New York papel- :_1111le pro. in love, and then becomit J�41?40­ afraiLl,to assort that the theory Of ocarolt, 14, C= V is the 091cors u4 ;� 't ft -, I WHO Dr, ( Urrol, of moll the respect and revenue of oeosion, of foui,-iu-baud coaolles, drags, W1,1110 in this Condition lie ofren;le, his 2 10 4VOTI,48 1-118 TME TO auTrMG jN), j?`jTTIXCr O.NLY. by inuolt the most popular. 4b forilishoo he '04 GO-) 0 it H , matorialo of oonverostions of of tt 144ils0m of roligion.are 4odvod'irom'our tandems, phaotoils, lanolitifi, and landirtu. swootheart, Who to puniali. bin) 4A. boorhu, of the tribune, and however strAngo it death and our voloce. No, ph�Ofolal% takes leta ' which, daily ulakos US )vay to swokir that. lie well I h1c for 12 Seem, It Jaeortainpolitioill economy will Pleasure !a the good, health even of bio, friondo, Ill not a )o Fil 'to. ro 0 *1 "Illy faiAllod, its, taalg and its mission whon nor ooldiorg in tile polloo,of the Cent -vindmee of, iriontlis, Ile sware, ftt she died he- cri 4 . live it JtVY, And jeroulf) Park I =I 01 1 shall havo vulgayized and roadere.4-irroNtable so of tile root. ff6no nd the willingness fik the twolVo moliths, olopgod, aua $Ile, 4, %4 IV to at it the in 9 F-4 a it follows tit onoy, 14. the city it 1.4;0 We have received Itt-fins, osortniQlitr of The wealth of secret wishoo Of each P Car wore realized, to lover conoludod to remain Aumb until this �inipla pri5position Spend itor 1) ineu is Mali unflaloo of. iin a.", Q. Act Via world would rapidly retrograde towArds 0.4 I Z v ra 31ow aroho nniverou, cases of �uj. bo rejoluet.1 her in tile next worl4, -3110 .04 2- B ar' da it a, go barbarlsf4. f9ajla would proscribe steam, oars :C= 0 -, . i IV, N ii iti a) ZiA In to inundat I eir r (I at$. i would proscribe sails, and -would thQuisgIvell oido to, be accounted for ?. The undue his word, and for thirty years was W, a ulid4noo is ron a(]. not Jr. St. soon give VIftoQ to transportation by 9 Ne Co Vor hoard to speak. tings T ieds Cloths wa$ons,. hurry; haste and arabitionfniodom life 'IQ 14 we '10 said reduction 40 Ott crabundarit.11 that Again to. the, mulo, ind, tile mulo to the 0q 'Ilan lie was: afrai of a uild11100. '�Otldlors inlau aid exclude cotton, . Y WIA r TUR Y 8.4 Y OP, XV, -A low wit 4avo Something to (10 with it. Wool wo little 1041 apood-11, little more orimpos- P t !Z DO n9t th worknion, broAk tip machinery? cotton would exclude wool, air Sol on A for 02.0 W few Pr4 n; in all the various !�flkes, suitable for.b.otil busiossap(ldreps suito; We "0 �0 -inartia.4 no-. of ineWclaes ivAlch have, ilia i. prepared to."turn out work in, style Thou tiley are fraid, of tao excess of prod. oosion until the. scarcity of all things should ure-li little niore oontentirient—W little and flujoll, SECOND TO. NONE in this tion, or abundance. have made man himself disappear from tile wore trust migIt'bo"all, iu(191nent of the people jor an� PreaVleny,0A of I NoJecir,; 0i Our 60 and $0160 Did not. Xr, Bugonud pronounce those surface of tho glQb.0, Ulna, one, ol sheseis Dr-Timnas I andrerapeotfully. ask tho attention of liWechasers to tho d to make to order, oil Very short. notii;o, words Lot broad, be doar And the agricul. it now we panic to consider' the Immediate. stook, 'Whioli We aro.propare. turi5b wilt be rich," ITow broad ann be doar interest of the consunior; we shall find- th. at it T110 Now Derfora Nocury Says can aftietca only because it is scarcQ than Xr, Bageand i in perfect harniony with the general intor. ((A d1t1jgliter of Mr. Stephen Itioll, of old ndod the ilia N heralded. scarcity, 601, with what the -well-being of watAind. do. Did riot Mr. Argout make ail argillout --mo-nds. Whon the buyer presents h4leaelf In sugar j�iodttcjng iitdqst eilb at bor fatber's house on the rkot, he dosires to fit Truro, inet with a singular 4nd ffital ad� to ha�e ha" CLINTO 7' WOO. LEN Ml hove been upon 1, a very upplio ; that the oonsous, are prop beat -are crops of all kinds, that inventiolis more WO11- i, wit$ open, obe fruitfulness ? Did I say; a d itiorts for niorg� ing'of thb 2nd Passiffig by a 4nd A Soliefted.- il.t root lifts �no future, and its cult tot 'thin ]lie reach a greAtor !lumber stovo,'tho door of whiQl 0 oxtonded, because a fair hootaros dorful put wl cc tri elf, I.vAhi A gavo 2nntediato Struck- her knoo directly on the Ilan oX Y. OF TI1ANjuN(x:' of land in each dopartincint d6voted to it of products ,%lid of eafisfitotioiA; thAt Urne arid relief; and ?4 E sullsomEn WOULD TAKE4 THIS OIAPOItTUNIT 1) Itave srw would be sufficient to supply the whole con, labor are saved, that distances are effaced ; (sometimes Called ho � crazy bbxlo have h1ed horses n the,mag of Quts, and nuinprous customers for their liberal patronage in tile past, and olose attention to sit lilptim of F rance.') nil _ual1j1.as#oodforh9rso No business, to �atill Secure a large share of public oonfidenoo, up his mach! ONLY ON� PRICEIR Thon.pii his eyes, good that the spirit of peace and justice per Rothe with, cofls,fdpfal�lo foroo against' a 44rli. 'think, it eq 2Z aConsists ill'sterility, irkfioaoity; Qvil in fortili. corner of tile door. Medioat aid was 6j o c4riet lit, thanol he taxes to be lightened -, th%t bar- X'Araybeo, Warktoot-th Style. lie is now� prepared to as isof , �ry $art are broken down; in 411 this V -HO-DGINS & PAY, MANCHE' ST1431 UOUS surnmoned as 060d'as possible, bnt She Oel, it has done wort4on in, healing and relioring Do not the. proso, ilia comI;roo And the (list, interest ottlic coilsumor follows P pala,,00re andis ard., Spin, Weave, Full.and Dross.'Cloth;'m -nuf Q.� greater part. of ilia daily no*ip4pors publish exactly the same line 43 tile "Public interest died before it reached C4 8ops, " Xwas one or Several articlee; every Morning to de� proporly under a may pils aine u 11' Itiff '00; Ag weded to trii Thomas' Ecljctrea'0i4 for a l . r ets lannel Shirting, QlQtb,. CIJINTON,'May il,'1876. stood`, H �how, of hondoil and Man- t 0, Blank monsttato to lfi� Chi-oiliora And the Uoyo Prot wishes Solar a cohimoroialorabsurd dhesta�j ..a, well. klown , firm � of -I)ioturo Yarn' Stoc ja Yarn, price ithout t: I Me - to the ai; -cat 9 C melit Mat it is sound policy to raiso"tbo w liBir coasirig to ti'fAvora de4lers�ana of everything by the oporation of tariffs,? , Do WelffG of 11113kind. I -To may desire that a Of PUMA, publicbme14.11 .4. JI.- Kqmilfog; not the Oka powers obey 6-vory tiny this - well supplied tnl)ld,.rQof And fire, instiliptig fdrmer iroublN'with in n recently bought a portrait f a Anoyed ilia b _lyr and- ratoo the price of',tlringu only, because they J altht shall lie obtip , inod without-offort, with-. 9, duead to try Eelectrio -OU, ant4 bofore one blottlo -was A larger ass m.n . 1 10 . for.,910,000, intending to exhibit, � itaddlivaseared; Itisarentark ort e t 6f Tweedso FnU 016thso S t,M M E.R. ISM4 diminish the sup�.Iy.brought to xn.irkok� Out la6or, and Nvithoub Wilt, liko'tho dust 'of' able in.edicinc.'O jhirtin�, k�nnoj It was calculated that so muoh-bad boon Sold lay all madioino deniers, Price; 25 ate. Tbero'tho nowspl)ors, tile the roads, tho water, of tho torionts, the air Mankets, StQckin'g Tua90ray lFlannel, -Striped S. N, 7' 110MAS, Phelps, N. Y. aid of this portrait, arid so Ministry, put in. praqtloo the theory. -of ocar, whloh-wo breathe, t14 surr9i1nds d, high the A nd NORTHROP e light which & LYMAN, - Toronto, anne city, alidl.waiii,!gLt-ilisa),ingtliat,tb,tbtl'ieory ui And the realization of,'such, dooixes., 16idd price givoil-for it, tb,,l its exhi�blit:in lo _4._-Flann Optq Solo, AgoiAta for the Ddminion. i's by ma�h tile mat Ifow line, it, not b� opposed to the�voll-bejng of society, the hilliiiit, publio� _Wola _h XOT'j?1.­7E Odetric-Solooted and. Elootrized pol t 015HOS' 0, N. hap ollod that Ill tile eyes of the woi-king-trin, It, will be SAW, poiliaps, that if, $40,000, 7&. great HE ILL RADE Ft O)X: W�QL, OR �ELL CHEAP, FOR T -Ac K 09 1 of Z publicists, of the statesman, abundance �Wero granted tho. work. -6f. the producer would roity liono- be more 'boon caused by tile picture b !rbe stib -will be given to the CoOtorn roll Ci�ding, and ea. appeau to. be f6rallaabI6 itticl so. 'And moro.rostrictod and'woiild �cnd cotitly ping ocriber's, porsoual�siiperintondenoo ficial 2 1 propo io source ot by stolping draAwport. stol ii, ric rew rd acti io to M66 d to ti e 11 7-o �oll way be relied. on,. k-$5,000:boing of-, . Veisms livmg, at a di from Clinton, rafty.expeot, to got . ..... .... this illusion.' BatWhy? Becausoontiria'etii-eme suliliofli,� fored fbr�i6s recovery. Now air w h 'fait. s, 001 oar4ed w ile they. It is soon that 4 inau is enriched inpropor. tion. IL11 4 �innlila and. desires would noro,for his work, that A be t'on, the olloged'fli.eft, sai tion -,is lie rcceiv6s'n oomilt.1y oatiolio& Man, like",tho Ala R: I -K T, I W1. CLOTHIER, ANP­--GEM-i RAL .-OTJ.TFITr to say as lie -sells it' a higher price-, Ile sells -inighby 'crything, r WIttiftedg At a high -,6uld'oraato ev tho moio, 10 be An advertisinc; do4gei, and j�tj 1, ;99000 lbs -OK good, cledrui Owe WOOJL� or Price i3i proportiouo, the - scarcity, ol his Nvill. Will anyone toll me, on'this aftying -"Come onio, 1 no hlimk�jg typry-Atisoription, :exe u ad' noatly, tli4 deartli, 'of t46 kifid at pioduct'wItl(th Oflij.0auOtivo I t I � the abortost' not' .;L hick 46 highest market* in casb,, w Go'objoo4 af ice price, it is eon.- 41 be, pail., 'YorkL J�J'jbUjjij, Says tj fRC tin r. W TT.. ogle a ivo a awber in wltiolv'& The No w 0 T01 - , -Ili' cludod that, At IcuBt S to arox y on� 41 inam- XTO f4y 230,1876 richosim, thls reasuningstlecoo. )01� should consult �Xoltxojraly 146 it"lodinto i'Before tho,'opofiink Of the pa�sed by. any,offiewin tile" west.-. EXPECTED� IX A FEW TWO- CASE, S LMEA10AN, sivoly.to All the"various-industrI68, th,6*t1a4bry titortiet'6sacenournerwould on,4jq systoni. wm nfiffently expected Exhibition it CO YOUR; 61 scarcity is 'Tho practise follows liberty, tile 8 N C11 uppressidu� of all restrio- t1lat 14rgo numbbiS of,Woaltily f&ej IRE r n F UR HATS". D c oM wE W_ BliA the theory, and.in order. to favorall prod ticero, g Y D Notie. Notice to bbtbrs T 0, ove�tlmowing of all arti(i d0ailloss,,scarcity oi ovor�tfiing is cial barriois, word, the realization of the, 01's 1vould avail themselveS of tho oft -THE NEWEST AND RosT.rAsHioNABLV9Tyj4V., ojj� sup. tboory of biindanr46, --tti-nity to Yisit tile United States, and' S URREby GIVEN TIXAT TIT VNDERSIGNPl) y ,ILU VOTICE Y GVVXN TITAT AM AC.' npro to-accoinjilodato'thelu -he. will not be responsible for - any'delits In, COUNTS due the lato firra of Spooner & An4'so it is of bundauce.. t6.qolis!l Irtl his name without his writteri authority. liping adit 0 4 It is ob. It oxclitsiva-ly the intinediato. interest- 1-rarle it iltib, steam Ship facili ties- would' must be settled before tbs lot of Tuly; 18761 otherwhio I:Z—::- Only Hou1seAn-.'Town. iniportirig direct .8011�0d that whon pr _,is LE .1 . WIS. ItEAVIIAME. the will be put In Court,for co%etkol loll sells at'a IQNV piiaii ; tlidit. tilts ' 111)"'n(laut It' of production 'a to coust" t ' 'ill ant'-0001al ill: hao Vy b'0 in�6resqd. This 6.�peotjti 41� fiom' NeW York. lessi. If all tbbl)ro(lacei-sax-oititliiocoiiilition: to ONchlAvely., the inmediaie howovr 116,m proved ullfbillidda, at lo"ist TIIQ S,..TjIOMA to., Clinton, May 81, 18" . 0. they re till poor, t1jell.1t is buildan6mbiali. 111tMA to Consumption be uustilt, the- -tirl- -,?� Ijj7r r"o Flour' g7,?y heand YeOtf. 4ulas society, And as every iutorqst., T�kCK80W, 1 1 7. 11 . werio 10;155 cabin put9s0iigors dtiiii)g t4o to tianslorra itself into.ket, N%'o Boo ili'mauy Allow ate. fin insist firtiler. Upon t1li:j point I , bL TINDERSIONEV HASL OprN f ED A VLOVIr 22j-1876., t of ropQatiog myself, 1.11.8 tarid Vaod�otoro fix the building junt ionth of the Notice.' Clinton, t n tionn , trici ilia 168va of well or view tit thc i five 11000ju --of.-thei year, it dl wheZaho ivillkeol),�()ljmtaiitlyonbi4iid this, of ihings.. 1; *$ill between tho: -1476 tlio minibbr Velis 11,30.1 (1kiring tho OXEMoal, Bran, This . i0pWaill: ate ia�a radioal.alitagoill and for sale, Flour Shorta, ontA,hanit SPECIAL PRIZE,NVILL DR' OFMEDL 1,10*L gonorallykoptin sue Alt 'A olothodin a golleral fornij porliaps.indko- 'sellevandthebuyer, "]!Lie former desires. that,. qOrrespondinn, - 8 Oreg., Dlcosro.,R� Callandor & 11o., of $00, at the fail phow 'HullotfilranchAgrionhural Soofoty.fdrthobeRt little ifilprossiou but xppli�d to . particular ilia object: if he liar 0. byltoeping good articles and Fittillugat -a reason. oi. the wbole, niunbor iii, 1876 tljore.Nvct.o olily able rate, to receive LL share of public gultioti. collection of Lddi&rancy-Work, let stfi, 2nd sio, fir L order T. of faets, to one or another'bratich a i stnaLgupply"a hig4 price. to I .70X $5. Particularop regulations and rulos; can be had at 'to a givdil'class of vorliruLiil,� ib 0. it, to ])a Abundant, a largb atid tile 1870., the stitio of Alchars. It, Callender & Co., or from J, A. tjornalyLl . I . (I . . 1 1 1 1. Nolligs, Secretary. price Ow, ol;ocions, 'And Wit iS easily c xj)l I ig a-ilberaso instead of ail in resd Clinton; April 20,1816.. 'It -is SvIlogisixi which is not bi�t i be neutral, faktit s6rauges. The 'i-lotl ill -t*h6 five"intinflis ersRaW" NN,batL t .11thilf a By a, tit,- Sid6 AN -of the tile buyOr, -d"lle in�ldding steerage, pasoscrigors, 54 - TI For Sale TON .-ORkU Ofti a. produa or. D Y�L�NG r[GUSE WITH X&X,,RQ0XS, ro e up nth 'it$ 11 s always and noafjsiaril� present to th Wd. Qnvenionco, bard and soft, M '4:Be is a negative sci,�Ity against iibtznd- IV X = eartiess '%Ad -.40J3 in t Win w", or wl hod iground, oltuate on Victoria -TURNING W9ANXS TO THE LADIES OF (Iii4lity, ArtabsCut'ViCe 'of NY 11 rt�lliiig, off din' R. Ift. &j1ply to ., .. I PoLstavors, boge1d lit. hic it 19 vory They abb, it not J0J3'-,A4XtSV0.R 0)(4 _L 91lutan and Its.vittinity; fdrm, thbm that Ohd Still con ug the, ER u4i and Bonnet - R TY possible and even very ay to take 110 ad- I , ogioally-on this. daturu: A�Jlati;n jo rich t1lo do t6 lit yeal kevoril Of.-ille wail mdiJAi IFIELM ear th W DL 0 H Clint busindm) lit the ootilIC , Man. produces in* ord,!r to collsom, I' it it is itf 1�ftui-of vio�ytfiing, " For.'thoy 870. wl a ob"310yol. I I , ila sure and safe romddy for. F W10 Dim. Ile is at the satuo thiiii proditoor id consuln- aay:�Il is tbs pro r a 'in OLD STAND, VICTORIA S.T.; CLINTQT-�. auco tllAt inuA be favored number of th t dt! no, from Any cause what.. 1,17 �Aand Obs rit a Ce.,� Bhols agent for* 'UrACtUREIM:. :03P OR-GANS' or.. Tile reaoning. which I htm j.tisf stmod by oilourin;,forhirn agood salo,bf hisproduct. 1A A W_ I w t ever-, and although A, tdriali & co's -inuropt.0,11 &L wHoLE considers lilia only,iii-thir lh;U� of these pollift For th4t purijbso tlio priCeLrun j being Ilb W)JIL9 find Inknan'(10jil' t , -V6,worfulr6mody it con o, ubd Is nb* dto 130tifin, and Now'Xork-patternB of garment 41L a 0 Ile In. amust be, rostrictod'; parties. AN15, 13 AGE TO roll utful to the constitutic, Hying Via now Styles o I . . . S BD'TflX4 AC 0 View. !TIr NOT IIAVXIqOSnTTL Ili t6 Second: it would led tp rai-o tho'j�iico.tlt"upply wookly 118 kept on hand, which. sito Aidle Lit pricas specified In flie TO MAIMM-D L01tR Courts for Lumber, are,rotinestod to do so attince. eforp, each of, theee serids Lt is pecil All unpald'accounton the Olat Inot%j will be ptit into an oppogitel.cOndiuBioli. " Afight it -not bo*oid. slid to rpitrict th 'I auto gc�rcitY. b arfitbil. , -It will, in a shoritim catalogues. Slid hopes, 1�3r "triob 'care 0 Stipp y is to'cr. in'faat, Thii constinior is so� inuch richor in And ol)sotvQ tbiL1 : .9111)POSO that, At t1lo pre�'. on the m6lit - hiy�p to coh"Ano to merit a liberal patronage, 9 in :w ourt foi collection. now"thrbo Ott,- Tlio oriod %vith.rogularity. AL., PAOUPTLY AISTENDEID teo. roo roportibu as Ile buys, ever sent riioraent -wheit those W6'ato in f Lill 6 of Nory`6 -Spinal Affections, Staptiefon P�lt Wortm, 187. Clinton, May lt,'larle. W ything clw%�; 1114a _X RANSF UD lie buyithings cheaper in proportion to . -t icir, 6 Corep"Ote illvQntory shQ4 b6 made, ilat-by ill, 00 number .!of steamera is Vains in Vat) B[Lok arid Limb. Ijca�jne8a, b alue but by N#oights, inoisures, volumes,, duo,, tbe.1offikers Oly; to the gi-e:tt' abundance - t oil buildanco'. onrIchea him.- r, , I 989,10 on f1iijilit exertion, Valpitatic, easoning extended to all colfislinier13. 4utuititicS,-of all tile exisfilig Objects in Frauce n of' the T-ligh ,c hito ili ObLillng 1 froT lLa School,LC. and this r 'eturil lrei(,bts would.le- d to f lie theory of abundance. proper for satlifying ilia -wants aiiii tastes of . !�. VEPITI S.1, N G a . 'figland',ratbor tlmu 010.10, by -a 1�,XAMIXATION F OR AD SI "iden 6f eXchange ifilpetfeetly-coul- her itiliabit 1, iff Of Pailifill 9013 o0olthlonod n,Apr1I W, 1876. Cloths,, li P) 0 1 wre It Lie 010 a corn, wine, $ - clinto ger frafflo. ,U L ef)tn' fflsordt:-rod those IIII)s will air' ot a ilhisions. If fuol,00lotiial produc�, &a. a . fur L livolientlok1which pro'daccis tlios�, Suji�oq t or, wboll'allother oinallavo failed. As to the rVITF, NEXTUXAMINAXON FOIL ADUI99109- TO didellenoe of our OtiAns, read -the following Toitimonials: We consult our individual nterest we rdeog.. tll% Q a arriors:whieh prevent outward %A(l, Thoae-PIRS19yo ioVer li�on known to* fail JL the Himbschool,will be hold In the Iligh tehoOl . t te-morr W 11 Vic b SARLETpi, April l0tbi 1876. nizo ilistinotly that it, is donlilb. As-oellers tho bitrod'dotion. of foreign pa TIIE prodnabg 'into tha sevoral lines ardur' -directions owtbo.ond,pug of' pam. njoh, A I.ivillillg to C k0i6ro tho Ig If a _D0H -pi'llot, aro wollobsel,voil. Tuosad3r arid Wednesday, iir%6 27 and 28 11JESS-lig. W. ETtTY & Co. C�INTOX we have An interest id,dOarneSs, and. coiiec- Franc�ii.arc rornoved. F inully, in order to 31)' tflo amoUiR of -illeir tijill I lia�e jiluch pleasure in toll. (iliontly in so ity; As linybro,O'la. blionpooss, propiato tire result of this reform, suliposothat Sim. -You ask me my opinion of your first'Organ, arel . 1. Vor fullilrtionia orhat comes to the same thing, in a�undancc illrob months after 4 neiv invinitory is'mado. rot (,,a L a padiphlo C, fij6, of at E) IL. in, t a is very frill: and rich, and a ing yov,that I co Sider it a; great suliceos. Theton Ca"41datoo for admuslon must notify the nniloraign� oftrd�moditics. '%VO onfinot,11ion, base An 01L],06.1ator than the lust of Ditty, of their intoution, to tainly it is as good, an Instrument of its kind as ther Is it not 'true- that there -will be found Ili Jon mo a is Madb in "Canada J6 -day' Arguinofit upon. one*or the other.'of these'. in- Franeenioro'corn,-. 66ttlo, oloth,.Jinou, ironj thenualvda for examination. only hope that you will meet.with liberal,pa.tronagot and reap the rewdrd that your 81.00 awl 12,1 cents for postage, alicl000d to toreaw without having first ascertained which, talol sugar, &a., at tile time of tile socond "Ilk form 6f application cati, her obtainea from J. Yours truly, Toronto, Cut., goneral Turnbull, E enterprise merits. f a a hb I � if that of tile first inventory Tortbrop & Lyman, Hq,, )load master, 0 ilia t*a� �Ild 1 identie I Wit)" t is That ja June 91, 11176� ag ntsfor the DOirlittion'-Will insurd'a'bottlo no 00 A 0011taftling.aver 50,pills b days Must Proson6 thimselvas tit this azairrnution,.Its general arid permanent interest of the human so true that our. protec6ivo tat 'my testimony as to-. the excellence of the 'Clinton rdoo till' these - thfugs. return, in I take great pleasure in gAving I a) I thQrj will be no. 6thet exathination. till tile end of j)o. other object,thai I Oo by -W.'.Dohorty & Co. Ili po�,or and sweetness of tone, in, If In, ry, if he labored from.'couling to us,,to restrict t a Supply of S in Million by -J. 11, Oombo and 6aor1go. combor,1876. organ, inatrufacturdil: VA. a fioliti fi liring, :it 1.00 Obidim, Lin�usddja, Sea- A. DEWAR, Irluieknoss of rosponab 'to the touch, as woll,tis in its mochanicalL internal Arrangements, exelmiyQ1 for hbr, 0 If if he t5busilined direct. them to hinilor their. doprovixtion; -their Oats it 0 28 y Pablio, 1r, in, a. %Vbrd, O[A-O b ohlb b 25 Impactor of T laps orior., to. any. tajip instrumorltLl�ayo sXcw T ask, ttiath.6 po otter Ib-sooms fo iie-ifiab rt-fs-a-fi—noa� antl F-407rdalt, 0oflorich; anlined, of whic I ha�o had'knowlodge. bAealloo Oamoron, Day. -IF*YOTJ HA*E, TN' LAW 0001 's Lnajdd�llo a st, the tllQory -of Scarcity, toil under tho OD11)iro 6f. tlioAo laws 90 As it canwell1d. - Allo�v.mo to 4ay'tliat I can cheerfully retiommend-It to any who, flCIdj1as.l3onthrou,.Uod ivilloiinaalLinedi Could %66n -introduced. into the thdro is'lass. broad, niot, ana'jnigar in the tv jj() 5 may require an instrument, ad one in, evory.reapoct wall fitted to, slipply the want of iyorjJ-,- It is' tO6 Emunintion iAviablif tll(Lb' abundn"oo country? Are they better clothed -because. I Ito 0 10 -IY901 J)Q , lJene-101at 6 hilk,. frinfi_WbAtevex _ihorot i 4ass-yarb,' -Are they i the times. 4-tlio Ilethodist Chilich 0helf, VrintoIr a lineir, and, cloth -1 -R. CAMANDED, soured it might a -6or itwae the re. Are a Biltcffiedr s fo 7a4le MESSRS: W. DOHERTY & CO.' sulf of'his industry, of"itiputous fools -ral 2 LOAA6 Nop-bl r poule 1) 01) A'10 0 :L got, Vublia Schoul Touch', they better aided. in their labor because there 0 ave seen aurinf] the ninny yefirs I hayo. cry, which lie llitd. Invented, or is Iona iron;' Copper, tools, and niaellittery? VIRST, SECOD ana TMRD Olass ichn0 tile fertility But 'it is 6qid if foreigners intiluldto- us 4 0 0 0 IFr Among -the immorouji 'Cabinet. Organs I h - I havo uot spen any superior to he. Clinton Organ; The Ito was indf-Itted'-for it t' Of the Soil, 'to th 7 0 in�40 1 1.1111 been a teacher of music, 0 �1'1, character of the tone is both beatitifal and sympathetic, the intonation is perfect, And 0 liberality of naturo, t5r,even With -their producto thity will carry off cti�r Ifidus, A00 f1diti-ly, to Will be hold In 00DU Itron, commencing on - f the touch easy, And inferior to none, The wokmauqhip is both solid and ologantilso, to a myateriong itivasion of produeis whicli NN'Ilitt Aces,thAt signify? Aln (100en't 1 00 a I ) 1) Cithiol, HTLY 17,1 7; 31011418Y, 10tti Suly, next,'at 6 A. 'Di. that nothing is looking. thaiwaves hadbronglit from abroad.and thrown catniondy)lio doostiob clothe fiiiiii;ffivitli gold.. Olovlt-r (1 (11) a (1, )o A In indispensable tbAt Candlilatoo shoull notify the NVIIITT 'Clinton. uponhigshores. 'Itwouldnoverbavoontered 40troigned, not later than thapoth of Jund, of their nor warm himself, with silver.. Of What im- .4-00 �3 Eloue for Sale',. Illut1ontion to present themnsives for ouraination, itry man. to or CBS 0 50 0 5.11 Mrssits. W. Dong4rry & CO., CLIXTOX. into the imagination of the obli portanco is that there is more ThirilClaso Candidates, In order to, got a Certificate,' Desiring to obtain an instrument, that would coin '!no all the desirable improve. giio oncou�4gourb-ut and sootire employniont to money in the Country if there Is inoto broad Turlmye 1 00 J;(JOD 1:11AIn UOITSZ, IN CLINTO' b ('Ili I ' ir,' ;WiTir must obtain ohs -third of tho,tottil marks In arithmetic, dvertise. .ments in power, fulnoss,,and sweetneag of tone, I am happy to' Say that, I'liftya his own labor by breaking'up the instruments in the onpboardo,'moia most in thk larilors, a tells, - A 11, and other convoW. thmar and opollinq, and fifty per cent 0 1-1 0 , 1 15'. coildr, itnutry, wit of the 0199re* It, goes a�vay pleagea�- alizill no fertility of more linen in the closets, and taor 'a 1A, pol on COY term# rb credit. a -realized all in the Clinton Organ. 31very one who hears 2 hiell ayed it; -by licutv wood Ili 0 Z a '70: 'pt rg= �Y�tl'Xcivirlg lvtA- " '0 it Cantildaton who bav6 obtainsil a Third-Claoscortifi. ILY oft trufton 0 onto In other Counties# shall hot be allowed to compete, general favokto in ouRemily circle. gn0118 wil icli if -mig1l't-fiavo brouLIlLb hint. Ifit �StrictjVo hawawith this (Illorairla ��Eithor Yell 14,1070.- jVlIj6A You Ot An Or YOU do not in thloounly for; the "too class of' Cortificatii. -, ' -0t, 0. WrAfilITJ vrould ansily labor i9m If-tou hay" goods -wish tot got .11Y, London Road, Stanley. admit that you peodudo seafait Thile i, I'm 4, Candidates for Fint arid Socond. Citing Cortinotrion rid -o to mA16 i ocnA (fir ir It toe I tth p I k, a a tnd Vint it Ivotild lidAb011rd for AdWif it, you thoreby% couh;�atgint �nnt fla the 93 a 1,06 Warnin Out for know it' alld. Its of t4t�- Organq manufactured by W. Doireriy lilm to rejeU flit) onil-fi;r fcar �jr itIJITring tjl�L eoplo all the mischief that you, can do thinn, will forward- tbs n(fdoroiiry cottlileates -of ou"Coo in Pl* WitoLlOok Hving thordtighly tostod'tto mon in fondling, sx& all aro required to -forward tortificatoo 61 Lo., I take pleasure in tayilig that I consider them in -all tespects .%lid i Sring - i�1 00 many points atiperior, ta-nny reed instrument in thq market', The case with wbich -nicano, He tiltdVI'Stalid that, if 110 dQ- V you dS'210t Adroit it, then' you deny that Flour, rs 00 a �5 NOTICE ia nnn�iii T'IIAT 1U, moral charactor, aised the 0 wiltnob be rooporjoible for any debt". iaminers. at4 0 25 a 0 20 coutracted In bEr name, Aft0' this dAte., without A dotlerlob, Juna 7, 1876, Of its ton votes U6 Lear,; of the any to proiridir�g for you have restricted the supply And, r. Boara E. its air aupyly is maintained ; the stnoothriesaL.and. 0 its ready ro� his every peieo, and consequatitly You deny, that yon, P.m - () (;0 a 0 o,,, wrimu ortUr. sponse to the touch; the eloquent voiciagof its fin sto 9 aiiii PC fel . . 0 ribOtIO11 Of ifts' -tility, gratt ver You are mig., 11,, -, Advertise. niltal ey froneral mcclianismi muot.make it an especial favo ffgla ORTAftA litous gift, Ila jiiattdi whaVY it, -�fuvroi,od the producer. � 1 0 .10 0 which Saves Ilign nit hour of.thap labor, %lie chievottiorinotTectual. Youcannotb 1) Godotich towurblit"Tatio 0, 1879, bid dispozal, and'tht he can devote it"to im- 010 UJNDVrt� AND llY'VIA1ttlE OF POWER V Mini; h1%. well-being he wbnld undandin Now rwigland inefitifilobirors ate divldin'� 0 16 A. 0 10 Farm for Sale. Aftlo contained In a tortnth Blorig4go dated the a word that; the saving 'into partit)3 nd sending ay, 9 00, a 10110 11th day of Anuary, 1871,.4nd made by Peter Grant, on hard Vid4eid to P, nev store. Lot You 6f labor id4lOtIiilJg WSO t 10ir ri on q&r, TrrAT, W9r,r,-SITXtATED rAun ok (hlFj *fin JoInlopr thoritJor for the purpose of barring 01 I - 1114inds knotir *k6ro to find 'you. f them to tile Oontounial for.r we In 60 * A 7 00 10 Afrestliningitarkollow It hU412t1lutinaltoud dower) fliers Will her Sold by Public, Auction, at the 25 a 020 Con., (lodorfoli Vpt aboot-throo mileit from Clinton. But,oxeliftligo dolitaseq SO [Jim- arfram NOTICE TO, THE, PUBLIC 011houno and barn oil ilia phitoo, Also about 80 PIC a truth, lit tile nocial itntl, aiid with the Oil f rid.ty lrnira�' Street, tho A will anitintio to nett tho ecdot by the itero, tin the aia. ilia production and consumption'of all al)j,j, Advertise yotlloeqt, dauglItC-r of Itogdr Street, was Jnno 21; 187G. 0 Saturda, 24th' 6f ju�nb, are not accomplishod, bf ilia same individual. -od- by Chriati6n Motz'sit youth Wit cat -14al I a $0 0� a 1 01 loll ROTHERS - Mulldoi Spring G 03 a 0:08 Clinton, Alay of, 1870. _AT 12 O'CLook, NOON, IE'ath and is led to So# lll employment net a froin the Afal'ylalld Itou'80 Of 11P.fugef .1� - being xneanbuf an enij. 11Nobangq creates, rala- - if b�� Alf, q . F Our 6 00 6 '00 tottlght-(8) In Dftuiloy'g Torrado, ,it of employe EVC06 aj a froj lidud.* orl"M r', 0 30 Two Zwelling tor SjjJ16. ThItty-Six (um in the First Coneognion of the Township Dentlers tit STOVES, &c.4 and at till kinds of Tilt, Qfol;Ver; (latyanizeA anil heet tively to bach, 'Qbjt%t, two fittorest8, th, 8 It you me at.the old stand, ithd new ktores 0 ustorhoro And the public gencrally, that tti#.V have Added to their tj t af6 obo of tho largest; hild Pow, of Stanley, in the County of Iforon plus and h1we mide its front look din u will lbAke. he poscQuAftillis Iron Wares, laeg t 'inform their 10 ptodudor alift that of Ilia consumer, arid quarter, Acted of land, more or I A, Also, M Nnm- 44 0 % if you ADVI illegal 043 a 0, 41, FOIL SAU�­TWU AND bar Three Ilantirdd and Ninety-11two,. (3921 afid Three UP thd I a i Steve and Thilitts tficso two hitarcits Are alwyff directly 01) ry- ost in, 11artford atoe$ 0 IF - 0 25 land attachod, situate Ott Maty Strooti we'st of Ill"idired and Nfhbfy-'Thitce� (803) on tbs east aide of A t . Quaira Strebt, In the Town o alififinf, containing WrOOL site. County*. Migs Street' was -Oevontoc� -Tray 9 00 a 10 of) Cofnni�rel4l Hotel promises.' This proper, found , lit FAR E RV BUILDERS.- HARDWARE �jt fil Cootifitial JoL allsly..1a them antl to Sta(ly years Of Itgo. tody i�as 'j Y ratillir Knd tweaty petobeg.,of Ishi, more or lasif.' 41so, 0 16'a 0'17 and will bo sold oft L167 south half of Lot Number. Three It imEnre. Let us take -,producer no OL 10 A 0 11 nadred and ruattor of NVIlitt is liis� iultuchinte tile foot of tile 0.01lairstairs of the liouso !,19 �ory easy terms. Apply to tighty-rour (884) on the west sido, of Alb rl; strtttt" In And will keep constantly oil Ilan a general assortment, 06611 As %vith tho bead 0 60 11 1 r)(1 1). AIC . .. sailtowigotoUnton. intermt? It 00119ists ill these two, things., abo Oclock TAVISTI, Sarnih, . . Adve 'lit half ' pasV7_ .3 50 it 4 0o. On tbs lots an Quattli end Atboei Street# &to d -good 1. That tho sinallwb fianiboe of persons Poa- n6nilk soyorod,frora-tho body, and',.an Or to Clintoii an 6 arid 1010knuilth hop; jili a 3 00 Clinton, Fob. 0, 1870, -Vftmai Dwelling 110 sible attgave in 016 saino employment S hin6t- ftx% -with wbich the dood io salifiosed, to Bacf,. bo fine young Oreliard of. aboloo fruit tto6o. tin*' lt5* 00 ord�tw nilnY a N Inegai Nahs, Glass IDtg OHS, Carponlm,, Farms'., h� Garb T ij. eThat ilia Is Amber Of' pi3nontt litnitted, lying 'near by _Voltowro mnymr,4. Torins =46 known on DasF of saiM be in watib of thoproduct of t1do hAVO boon 0011 MISS E. GA.RVIR For further particulars apply to that %yltjoll lialitiCal t.0 ­ - I n'oleo usuall omploymont, covorod witli blood, Tho. Victitu'llad 181t . And dthtir arti kg'Vin a Hardmxro Stake, all of W111611 they, will disw)ose of atvcryrea. earn(, Tono.-;Toi, Julio filetilitoolit, Auctlotacier,, "th their patt ftnd JVJ"At r ­rAt6s to all favoring t till wl -onago, their Inutto being Suit 'Profits And, quick "Only been .6ligaged till conigoill & WAtaten, sonablit sees inore suegine0jr Ili these CUTTMG AND T) returni' toruis - Tliat the sulipl'y Shall be very Ifinit- had gone into tile collr for. Somotbiligt, wholt--spiling'. 1 08 a 1 01) rionein LIAO Intent htilit, Agent for Vendors Solfolfori oil- and ilia demand vcry�fonaive -or Ill still Barley ITAX ord inany i%n Old Bdifii 4. 0 r)r) pit 0 6(yl reliable paticrtut. Al Alzu; and Rtyl000 with large ljjp� 'alluttin, irtme; 1, Ifild. 'toil holl'aho was attacked, by tho youn.4 otrations and fall donoriptiona, comprising till the, l4fost BA VB RO UGHING T1Y and GAIVAN170M, MON B 06r(IN6, 'and, iTob Iroyl, otlior words, litaited. compotition, unlitill Otff 0 3 a 0 .11" 'y fcd-in q-wor�-tnanjihe manizer 1POAA __ , 0 it 0 !1 What in tho Immediate of tire con- ad blowri, its by several gdsll- ..0 1 Childf6ti'# 4JO9009, A CALL SOtWITED, AdvertisinIX 8 i0`20, Wilt, ftxt�&- A large supply of Milk- Pats, Pailo, Stiners', and ovory aunior I ThaL,tila of tile pro(Illef ill Vs on tba 1106k of Olo Qorpao. 1104 o 11 0 1� Tilt CO3,13tEncat. 11on' 11vaou S -t. i I r question hemnatiety I of Tlaware, at a REDUCED PRIME, * , . . L 1. IV lnDnll T, 0 0.0 -N MILL''. V fQV6-tbo'arliVa1 of 00 ShOriff and Stilt0s' . rl-11811 4�orll Marlitot. $ane 1876: L Shiba thwo two iutorcutj tire Attorliey, iclotz d'uresssed the crit'no, Collaido With d. said llo� 11, OtjVO fo Jus of SPades, ItO609 Rakesi. Fotkd� o116 of t1lon, I'llisb d rio, hl r killing HORSES WANTED, t reeciWed, a the other lit its review of the earn trade for the wcuk upply tho socint or alld 'sq Street, but, that diarket It" into ft state %VOOL' WANTED The aulincrifior, thankful. f0r.lillAt fAVOfOj. fOSPOOtfUlly 9011kit Continuance Of tile 8 Alitagoilislici Wit, - 1111t which 13 that, w1liell t'o favor, if iudoina to arildr but of puro wickedues A rop6 of calai, anil with largo supplies froill America arno. WXSIMS To PtludIIASE lid Ittlosia, trade has been confined it dumber bf good, Round horses, *eIghi . ng froth n, IlahtitaofutO, or sw rescued thfilly 16 VAIIIIIX 1111AInG89 -pro. ostippl- 1,100 to 1,200 MS... and will be at To Card Ill r.16h4tagit tot wiibi� sarys mat inses; find 11121001 Buti- htitiff present rc( docte 1106 ton Goo&. T a eento par poun habrLhan m&rk.ot s We# busi R ItOT -;TJL., 11ity that tile p*mjeilt tA VA Luiretuenta,. �Xlloro ptt0t, fOfgOOd, is stilri -jnt to 8 11 A c4se jit &fty butinellf. )011 if tho N�Oodf lundrdd yards spoill to be mucil wo6abl rt stroot Cavaii s the qccrot.wislit's of Ition were fulfilleit So rlok 131ooki Albo next 00or toX. tile house. 'The iopo ivau placed priao of whoat Wi I vary to 4yly ex. far a� wo if nunt be idinittod, 41,01111a C110 olld of t1le rope, tent ; aipl lit tbo aboche of apoeulatioit, t1jor OVS110M Roll CAUDING C1.1 April 96, 1910, Mtertitin init-,wdial wishes, Aie At CLINTON ZVERV FRMAY a eadi of iii J)robable wsr�tg of tile inillera Inust fohn the we vine groNvors?' We would'bo, vary little Was thrown overAhe, liaib of a-tr6d fitild Wborobo will be pleago& to most with Always �Joia to (alid hams the otim6 dtt, !ria�'ej if frc�;6 fell 1111011 "All tfiet VJjjC!j Lill: the Ile wjja� I)tllt(, 4.1111411; Of flINVO ro0a 110V90s to diall be of. ihave Shown bilt t1jot 6ECF. A. tMUOTIVOM except our own. TI& !$.tile theory of ml Objected to �1-r gcnoral'ton�� of i f, While June, %P111111110jr, 13 e0jits t All b 4 its olno J;ersons ill, t1fo Oro xa-lc lim (11110 4iiethor liml aof iron 2 (1 t66141#6r, 4�. " Ittla great woY elpt, liffla illeliniti0ii is Shown to oporato for hanging Mill All 1H i and evory oth the buslatud �Va desirerthat. tit,, Ito offro ( Ire 'Y"I ixo6tions, ronij%illil'A nbally Q RASH I Weill 00116,; On Shotirl Itaftib, no'CE to the mrktib thaii thap whiah we brinit, jo, je, fore b-6* wag fritfigled. Kl6tx, ieciug delivol A's THE'PEOPLE'S R Maim flag Iml With but little Attell. fjowevet nitich the prblia jility bo Ili want of that, death Was inovitilble, Asked foi.a j. buyers -holding off in. 110po of a future TWEtt DO, V_VLZ MOTHS, WNXEtS udiciouo vA "RT 01'1 peceiaely bcdallga fliat iiy"int Is howil§ gun that, lid might Hboot bimilolf. lb THE tXDErt.qtGX ItVIXG TRE -try Batinfled coflipolff thom to 0 collempaion, . .- ., � I I " Another, 0himney, 0ono ;VLAXNEVA, BTOCXIXG lotify tho &, 'VIL was t1left suggested 111m. tilhit lie their businoom from 1 6 'Ira, Sheppard Coofibr, would hereby I filbabitAtM of Clin*- 10% atiti lulperko is vmfltita to gjVc toll and-Adfrifty, that lid *111 donduc� tbaAnTo, At the old Man .0 JUr It, A Again is, ilia t as w�tll hit'aelf,' and lie VIC Liverpool (Ireln, aayi 18 Illoula b6 Alcillfully kd theory of Heatetty. - m we fatincri Wo, 01 hi t1jo, tralle� tile tontiho,rital 'Uriumb Ott Of 6�64 *W ma, of out OVM rh6huf4i Its not crowdoa lotit eletr, gild E(ftlle Pain .11 Mr, Lot bf0a be d(lay. CORNP11, OV TUTTMIX11Y AND ALB11111T STURM, VS 'gay wit, do, so, Ita imbod. tho: troo. Thoj)riljolpl Illar. OWS ron. Olt woor" ")hjedtik to avai Inf6f %46 is to oV, sent -co, and the tarniorti will do 11-11roo"1011 folInd kotq of tit() J(ing,lom show it ttLelining poolibla buthbot of 46 la, Where ho will 6op on hand t, large %rid seldoll' unaidea. and plaeoA t1jo roj)o 008to t,i) tbs- Thig Is still tho thooty of 01 To do t tit In the county RATAIL, STOOK AMILY OROOM111801 1104t-di�y. cotton i.ispedk. Ito th(11ii ftortod it -it wag VO- Ate abont lialf awl. soino week% btivo4hittis of LAMP WfUlNEYS, m6da by tha A ny OV ALL XINDS OF., 0 aof' o$6ul' Pq E4 9 A tOro g 0 1) 0 d q cy nt re W I E d. Upon baing infornlo(l, l3ritlia, iiii(I Aa 110V P, Ition to poll at �Atikff 2' dbsiro,to sell theill (it tho P1106 M ljorj� A(Ijusto atont, romitu Of wilmont ititty And na lie tot cash or produce lie will be in 6, P081 O!Jfil 4YAO 64 An* othov 401A 11f 6 the lawo'gt romu it o),ricivd, raw. the Imainosai, 110', foLow e(I that It; Wag, 110 13001-ty Ved tho end of' 111glish higbor pritto thn, for us. We Would Willingly brml�n ) and will RjAq Atilhil 4 high 46&bd ofliost With - 11017 that tfjo, 4ttelition ot 60fit1liner m giva AtjA action toill faforrag, him with thaitr Patron Val tho r6pe f1roun-aL'Itho lifuly Oil �Vjjjdl 4� confidn'lKlial hii tr t 6636wto, the infoidietion of All ri ' i ho' Ff— TRY iNVIII lid direot&I to tho latter for 0011111 fiAodfl pr6hiltily bislivartail, alm;eWharo ilk rk�wij fictures, and d wo dare flob publicly express gAb and saying lAi G, VAN RGUON" a-kil-bit6d:: W this Wiahor end'OALV'of to cftcot'�ita bcniplatd. of tile neftaoll, V16111, was dulf' , at, DA. l000r, PeAUX4101twith any 011anto cl atiflooss A.4 I