Clinton New Era, 1876-06-15, Page 3Ile, "Now" WS, Tlie Imago of Colt of the Indianapo. The gold in the ults of th V4 a Dank ot at the preso"t The (110covory of 'ham *no on Wolf' be Y rQIlqjOU4 JI)e0tillaa boo tone ill "Ight . in O"Ier wprds, it 7 7 7 11i. Uleatres gives the froa use of it to, TAwrorical Orson, a former near Usirmoro, t - AL Q. A. (Ol to pod, 4ollid. oil $rtt%r4#y while hoeing Vot%. S -1 welglip about a$ raiioh go 20 lOQQj"OtjVQ 1111411 near Kingovion, to crootlas. cotlsUer- on 1, Aftel"noons. 410 int0reat" �fllQ i"atiAmo are those 6( moll onglues of the first. isizo. What were 11tev. John Uotloll; pastor of tile Central 0 C!i Specimens of wooden'"Utnu-8 and 0 7 toot 0 Inches blob the treavurve of Solomon or CirwAge w Progbytorign Church, Ximiltou, 4194 oil W0- Xr. Robert Shannon, of Richmond, 10 tile wooilen hatin inado from tha" 0hartor this 1, To trace tIjQ pt-ocusa by wh ch. th% tell 06 polojilooro(4,0311whioll Is oapiploteliloover- Oak, are exhibitotl in 4be 0onnectiont immonse tuass, up, 10 were,. WEEK' lVelliligtQn. County COAn011 b44 VO oil with flaq vl'QOI, th44 offopiting, 14,110 rv�oeptiou roolil, at 010 ColitenuiaL �91 A G PE .'M, Qonts liar day to tile YOIUI to, Pula, woul4 be- pQ easy, task ltoora of the 00"by Cow. The logo are t'houtl, lwal called out d4ritto the present joar. -ot it iA little Uoxloan, 12 yous olt.); un(I .000'weigbs over a ton, ; 47 L 6j000 000 A, RU R S T CLASS CUTTM) lily 20 in6hes hi 3111 in 049 or tho okirl- would NE T 17. Last V, ri4sy inight a child of James Wat,094. Ilan. L4%, )))Mug Ilasaigulfloa his Intention of 0 i-thol-of9A.0, Nvoigh 600 tork$.. w-merothliiat- at Sarnia, 400140111tAlly 1011 Into 4 ji1jouating $2100 a yotirfor scholarships Iluriq colties now oil the way to, tile (lenten- W110 M. VOTES IM TDIV14 TO AND.11"ITTING 0XIN. olotoru N04oh was left opon,,and was drown 10 t ato Tile chbilren who are rd to. pA oipgte arm 'of 01100 us Chanoollor at, Tor, Standing beside Tom Thunib, in 010 out-of-door concert at Now Ilay nother lot of those Wonderful, 9boa yard wide WHI and GRAW -COT- On A building near Sh4n_ Univerjulty, to. )VIlLiall. PQAitloa ho,wal, roo 0y �Sijko* P1 on would -only oozao. up. to llio.blbow., Danville, which Ila wits fingaged- ill shingling, elected, the Fourth, �are to be drdssed AS to ro,- jj� '10111,4te ` Q4.­_jjj ,W�Q , (in It ip oft 4 0110 thera Avill be go,. I L)resent the American rOX0, at 10, vents per. 7-Ard. Now atyl t'E *FAXGL1811,' awl receiving injuries witioll, will prove A, convention waglield: at Guelph, 94 TuQo- gag, aome beiti Or I tioli I t thei Coil- aj�j'red in wIlite, otliora 11, retj n t fatal. daye for tho. choice of a eform oandidato, f 000 Otioles oil exbibi 1 4 4811, we-havo r era ill And propQtly arrangoll. liew CASIMERV, CAPUS And WAVIiEls, eceired a,. fine assortment -t)f The fopt; And mouth disbaso lihs. broken out Worth W6111notoll, at whials t4ore were eighty. tolinial. Whorefore if a I)Lersolj� Jyljo OtIl -with groat virulence aLmong bliq WSW Lit 04t. two 4010gates, MOO perfect 1114rinoilkly pro. y'"Its tile contelillial to Boo OtIlef. feat6rog Of tile will b lluildrod,4 ard dead vailod. Ur' 1). Golirle, Q,0�1 was the. chits on overy article lie Must dOvOto five hOul's the party of naea 0 BeltUtiful Styles, in, LAPISS' ZIN9 11 ra 0W.PUMIP8. Great'. Usguised As t1fe It'l, A!,4ay for five to do the job, 'Ito tbrew,tlio tea overboard I Ne w Codings, Tweeds' & Cloths) V. 11. FArnsworkli, of Pavis, haa invested At Batlen, QU 4),josday, it yovuIg Couple wero, s w . in ueA io I pioning, along N , vith a gjLV$ng OIIQ-Ilftlf wiuutO to thO QxRmnat- tbo-Bloston harbor, 4. alloon Ragonsloa u DRESS LINEWS, At 20, cents per yaifl.. LAIDIU4 $and XISSES inion ore eendt noll, olyjeot, onoy are soon- pilrtoW' might bo. Appli able inimbori of you and trionds, worQ dancing in this case, at the residence of the 'bride's father, w1lou illumination of tile publie and. soolo*pH.' PARAS And SUN and fireworks, In all variol A Shocking ortino bau been 40beoted ont 25 c to -to $4,60, each 4 grand . s. intilres ia fire vato buildings stii6ble tor botli busities.0, and diOss suits IV nA requisition hao,�eon pritsentoa to Sir A, the Dride suddonly *dropped doll(l. beside )ter preprod, to, turn 4 this Ig, hint to allow. himself 0, Do rin$ the jaQts out work itil:ptyle and nish Sam" TO NONE -put husbad. The 60rDiker afterieti, in tIkO noighborilood of G erardanos, in The Queen 6a wen, pleased fo *0177 assortment t6 choose frow. RUPBER COATS. PRUNELLA BOOT$. ank&, Count, and roopeotfully ask the fittentiou Of purollaagra to. our fine And � select in nomination for South Ontrial' oonsld�rod'aai. inquest unnooessary. the Vosges,' France., A. oWld- three properly Snub one of ke subjeoei�. Tt , As. an stock, which we tire pr9pared to. 1114�6 to Order, on very Short notice. dA frantic the Unitod years old WAS; till young an catnQ over eAL to an jjIq6ceasbIo,:wA5 0 116 who, seeking IiW- paronago foi if ow Stylea in LADIES' and G 'Sl vaao in WT�S, Last FA -1407 oveni little girl Agoll five fttog the other day to load a lifontroal fair pait of the mountains in raidwintoi, by a addr plica. RL Chapel bazcai essea his -art onti-to tho altar, forgetful of a Certain, � jj years, dauguter of art I ox, her uncle, W101 the consent ot. its own tion to the #� Empress 'Vietol !ho a ' 4F Blob; wkilled 4y a rualkway-tottar-ilAW110 40POratOd creditor there,Inho put tile bailiff on T, 1DRESS QOO1D% No ulavIl. woni"', or Child 0 over ]ter and breaking �cr nook, tile track of tile VO lble to go Iuth, who ws unt ��Cp!y was to the efflect that Rol- xajesV A Montreal A - rill roceiv 0 on 'Wodnesdfty of front tile lo(Iging to Church for fcAr of Doing ar. hungerlind cold, osirecl to acknowledge the letter ad.- good$ Until th, have been, t ey 0 Boo tho'iminonso variety. of rtIR871 SiltiSfIACtioll dressed to 'the viotorIA" #,nd A -Tri Soliel ed tee.d last Nyack, A quantitI. of sainplos of J4,pliA toa !Osto(j, lind, despito, Ali his, prliox4tiolls foil Will into tile Dallas of ilia owleor, and llail[li)t oon Tile London, papers. inforin.us (ifial a which left Yokohama May'10, thus reaching t that It thd titlaid not app '11, able to. itott.lo the debt qrntl ball, lix) ex. wibel, of nlo4bars, of tho Rouse of 0 85Y licab 0 0OOPS 'ud ih9.,wO'ndorf4I 1 prj�os that city in'tiliQ marvelig.usly ollort Ums. 0 0 at pootalit Wile was phinged in g�iof,':Akl $100 Confluono )I% o tboi,33ritish to the Quooli." The nub direct thus worth Of jowellely whA lie YO, wopasod given 'to the first filankey . eillort of this ONLY OUR PRIORI! ho W.'J. Hall gave Government to 1106 at tbolt. (IN ter, f 0 ttawa, Ims. heart havo inot ilia little bill all Which I a Ill ore OPPO 10oly, denouncing f roin the . pullit Alto theit- lit, ter futur -of-war r urlko�e of pliyIng kind will probably 'have the offeQt of 777-- Ch site tho A edmaior t 10 1) leaving.1for Majest, in so far aff 01 S E dancing, social card licti visit P iladolphiti, Eshibition Ca h to tile P & PAY; NANG iSTER HOU tr, -Illayiligy orio an�d. horao-racling, ta examplo for. i1lg Dr. Douglas"'of ddrosoing tile n quiet on - oil or. eductional moctin.& of ilia !"Ondoik conforepoe as proof f Clio, firieudly fooling �xist-. Britain is 'oo coined, to the' fic 11W imalstoA to fou6w. joyal6at, of h('r L Qld7f;lsbioned and r k at 8k. ].lob Thurkiday nigilt, refor- jag between tho, pooplo oft' W]Eti r x. in tile accep�able title. ajority - it I OSO �Of tile Uni 041NTON, May 31, 1870. Colin Soatchbril o red to Lite walit educatioi ff orth, Middlesex oil Thursday, by L nl� and Ifil 11(1 tit t Ilk j�r -y of, tile miuistors And, adlibrents of andi6 Xg't 'OLINTON, MAY jj the libillit (.1huroli, of .1.06 over Mr. Levi, tile Oonllo'ivative o, date, 'Cho total vote oust -for he ada.011 th a 1,676 ; fctr o irlyal of a-circus.at Sb. JL,Olx t-ved ty,-t w d 1876. ;k report is curront At Toronto -that Profos- W-e,46y li won i tIft.-I N, G. -.- ' ' - - I ------ ity of seofu" in s6ja libir OnI h preservem, Jill Opolto of skepWolsol, sor o y stdvo to from' the 1'resbytibriall (11iiii-oll, lit col)SV(11101100 ill t)_10 FT040fit daY4u 06iM11,8 Otil-. _rAjSa_tlkO'_IjjOI' -P ti6y, to T mebuod of travelling. wits lly means of 61a 6i I Charch to s4 younditiallyiWith. N Q. 00LLEN.-`,A1LL3. da K k at Ilea ion, al p tevery CLINTO W out tboro;k I I I" ulpiw a t xo ap- wa consulnea S 0 0, A vinTidlig oIlli'Duolo4, till 04 pollentis of (his Class, another in wituejosing tbq c'nt'oyr-. resident -of Ilainiolly, Uttellipted yiujl�ido by and. on the,shrtest t fro t 61itutiont, and- 4 third in: rofiirning. tcutting bikk throat., Ito was ill foraloli-timo THOS. ACY6- IT, Wa tile NEW ERA ojlice,. F 40ilities unsur and was to dio. Being- poor b�allflholl -and fintill-ally accept tile following, 11aplyy and contonted tbey' arrived at THE, SUBSORIBtR WOULD TAKE THIS OPP IN(I 1118 anni alkil lionght to terillinitte hit; w1ji0h wo flikitill tbo Built) paped by any office in 0 - lint ur(yw thedl"itoveloss houle, and V( ted illo cir. tile wast. rideroug oust tu ra (at, their liberal patronage ia. the past, nd hopes by oloje atbotlti�n t life. transported 0 A] Uslikess, tostill socure a large share of pliblie confidence. Having Attod A - by tile Alitliall(I �.ms tile tjio�, d Ovor wit- jml� mashinery Nvero' a first-class style, he is now propared.to At INAl oll two boys vr-is GE RAL alla 4"aitill't know it Ns'. CLOTHIR R, Wits -s gr .10sity Was,folb by -tagoously invosted, plityl y` oil botqtI, pai cat olki loadot'l w1k,611 it 1), to tile ac;� Card, Spin,,,, Wb�;*e Full -and, Dress Cloth, cbarg�ed,'tho ball Jk f orb goo through tile train that thoy Says iho� N, Y, 61 joro liconm lie 0 D till Vo�rs of his r0overy 6f file _111D84,4 'a floi-ious quon ioii arnoiji; the r- fi ed A tt t el Sfiirtin ing Yarn, ription, The, officialti thereupon ;0 WIN sort on$ claslios (if tit Community. whother tile, -7 At lilt 11 8 Jut wt?tjlc ill LC doll'. otILI key revival was it 'Tobli allil illotlion lililloqlk" AvIiO JOUIC,at tile It 13 (Lit b4iik'bo �.It t1-1113 HAS ALS ITAN glillty of ttollij lidign th'i've nud futir. f 6 Iung Nvith a bIII lilili hiii, time, l(�Iltljusiltsln 0: COMTiNTLY 0$.' -to 611t ri oft -mack-by all. this ph Ticket I I Thtiougo s by tile. My" oWhig 'Plan liho illqllolof outlay of IRTg 'Assortment. of 'Tweidg, Fult Clothii, Sh L aa1, Ils"tad Iwkn! fartber informed.that" sor, and Like S erlor-Dim of. Stemaers. r-thanggivouit.by t'hu press .,Ai4nketa -StoiAlIngYarn Gr6ty-I'Ll.9" it:-wlis C!aught 1 fiet.Striped ilen It jiviliffloult to Flart elf, iR) ii,oitlt Qf Tho Gil itiotAtor sturgoouilrlli quite finiall. 'got 1jand dastioye(l tile Ulliiro of -ilia �Llllgbt near eold�llalor lact weak, till tivight to sLaikd tit) bo-couritt'd. . But. 1101v tile 5-lbu:, its sb� feet tell it ialioll tile gluiv : . G .—WELLQU jlr� WILL TRADE F burneil.outaro Wlestrli, was 13� OR �Vdd RATES OMAPER_ THAN:'..A Y OT A LINE .03t han Cooled alli, there is it ilup) AIII, Olt J�, 011 BELL C11B F About 9 ololc& tit, 1Of allot 111-ongrolioss 6f L.-_ Canaer it,, Gr jitz and Bittic., broho ont.in all ilutbilil(lin ilk ilia roar (it The 8'abscriber's be vatilti TIm iniAlko(list o illug, anda. stuto, rhicetis Are6t men hro quito A5A Y', 0fiT Xjv,-Xje?V facts tsfaOtiou m nElorso�s living at 0 dlitanqo'frolzi Cnntnwitaratione it. full the are bitiftiv their wool cgrdadwhij� they wait,' fig moll ooslloit'd- wiL - prep vl, to vento the Custorn roll, ('Ili T Q8. JAUK80N.' Tbo vltio ot inillorl,s.titi blontroal' last 110, "y I tile cormalload! Tile total a 4,�,t, Uild it intkirf6red t till 'of alkilrell ljor ally great kogth of. Clin MU -1311 -ML valike of linport6 ill. ill firitt 5 alonthf; of the -*i,alo rter. Ubo fire,then with;th 0 Terguson'S 1311.1c 8 a 1) Rdertric 04- WA01 '06d' year agaitymb. beell- ittrilet -itill aLly.1 vyf Ifie f , r. ed. decreaue Pied I)y Ila (11 . 'Itionli, L, wrilpaty( thl, andU fleece Woo 9 LAY Iligney, gro6r, g l'interoliby kill Created .1 bloc Ic of f aten (old Ila, Q price, in (yas be tland %i To tile wo.4t bf, Foot'n battery tile tile eatig Ib- rent Wies without iiny i�elief, i�ijtil r tried It D E T t P, II a4i obliod.th ca ha re had CLINT A�AT_23dl, 187 d4loti. lit thotAU11,1611 distriet during 1,110 j)aq heof which, CLINTON RGAN�34�, 0& Aniol aud it() atturk, of it; r voitid 4o all.R-j, year 11t6il, ill 3,�i accepted by Gortluil, grooer Bethol,' (161litru Nverd wi, 1 ilia iit�iifids of the H, 11tirl, 3frrst'shr,6yard, tv�itqs, Kilpatri6"faucy. g6uds itcoli iea�s, and iIlleflicinci'vith little or no bentflt ponflolt 8tipport -oil all blAo I Oil own haidwitre. U. next rcao& I)riaos for tire Y on t1to, bu Oil,litihieh R T; fiiiva iminediate tendency, In rd,jrf, and uscd it ivith the best cffe�t. ilclivA. blarliii �r(icor Cool�,- other grains there i. I io Change, hart: teled it oyi 4orses in tfie. -c., ak d case of cufs,,d. MANUFACTURERS, rown'is till. aft 1, No AND 'WIld ESALF A(= Von-, W( loing.o4.beyoml.their expecta. of Eclectrz'6' a6d lirodeod-a to. blow cliwit t4o sit oy: lo, whe.174bidd be witAout14, A,Afcfpb by Ilrwf )of mrkot has� O�Oned w -Ulf but 011L thii north side 111116T 4_Q1 tiuns,,ftyi theirehargo of wasso gret at present, of any advance, t 116 &md� U411illp and ivMving. OF ORGANS, 'i Lr 411i"! it!cY1(`411#as as jorl the Albioll.31001 Sfra- In some, lilaces they any pa�ihg lie high as 01. that it blow ilia whole froitt out of tile f Y of the great- sore will iii ittorth 28 conts per 1b, but tho-saix las tluk�t bring arousing tho� 11ightorh6od, corillpolling iva itcatij in good Con- ps prLaQ are vc thoul7fal f1be to Bailey, b6n!"' -store, Morriubiv flinir 1141 t6 20 confil por 113,,app'uars to be. THE' U-NDERSION.ED, HAANG DISPOSED Tk8'G1t0CD-RY-bL'PAn W NT . brakeimAnainod TLm(,o yas hill.. an(I pilovisiciiis ;Uoulcloy, tobh000 store dition, yrtat their b oil 4ir ad. last Friday the Canada ' outhern saddlor Wilto,i, Ead(ilor ; David, . Unim- a as. 'The A. 'devote -their., whole attenti6li" a Liq 'he rango' 6f prie, s'ia moAt plal;. � Hawilton., I.. to' li a6y'llusin 2s, crops, in most all sectio'ns -of , tho .,cduntr Warkivorth, . �.: -: :. - . Havin loaaoa and opened 6fit-in the' p a 9 Railway, about one Mile was,t Of I'v0duOY. Norilsg4dal6r ; Wqqtlako: -want back from �wliicll'will,llft mucA. 10di in-, About tell o'clock be the on, tailor r ; �NVihnot,'s black- proulls! Clinton, April 12,.1976. grace 0 to, IjUt olit a� fire an one, of the cars, and stbitli a shot), wdro.all destroo Tbd loss is to kpcp gribog doWn. 041, andbefPgovebot0c was- Pt,bmises formerly"t- B, Raqi -As to tholexpellence of our Organs; reall ihe-followin. TQ'stimoulkils glk s� 'lie fell off bi ilia dark, its be had 40cd r -W eyl it upgbsed estimated at $U0,000, TreAdolli ji� bifali,�I. Q is ii� renzai e occupied by the late ..J 8ola by all moaielliQ 'STAA&43�, 41) il 10th 1-8761 110 lantern.. 116 well found shockingly Man- Boules a 1 06 r25 cts. 1 00. THEY WILL IKE.B P ON HAND glad, two trains having pasqed. over his body. Philips, X. Ir.' ML1,1;8R9. W. DOAFRTY do., CL'Iiiozi 0 95 i. 1 00 pring, And NORTHROP & L Anion of your f -been no. reprieve s yel grati ted jYMAN, Toronto, A 0 suts.-You ask.me my ol trot Organ. I have much pleasurdliv tell. Thdrd has General News Items., dats 0 25 A� 0 4-9 -bnt.', Sol' J�, :91GE AXID SEL 'ST cit rep a Agoi-ts for the Dora'n' a that I consider it a great succoii.' T6., tone is v.ory f All, and rich, and 'car- to Ward.; tit 6 wild mairdero?, lit jail A Dramp- joni ing yo '40 iN(,'j,g.-Holootric-Selocto(J-1t.od Elootiizoa. tainly it A as-goorl an instrument of its kind as there is made lit Canada- to-4;i3f. I- tOil- - He has been -visited. by � ;overal olergYl Tho: -son of.Abdul: Aziz ia-roport9d to! 0 60 '0 65 only hope that you will mbet'with liberal pabronagoi and-roap, the. ro�ward- that, your man, bu t tb,oy,.m*o * no , impression on him, . have follo wed in his- fathok's steps and coin� 5 So 5 50 Tf IE GRE AT FEMALE UIIM appear ei-rea iz oral r 008 'to yat . . . t it's-Pe"'t'o"' 6itted stile do, -0 1 i T*Q EDY.�� k�/.11 enterprise its, Yours t yo .1 j3u# i JOHN. 1ANSF 01M.. is still,fiold, ciat hope that Ilia B6 I- . I L'otatoes �O 20 a �O 25 -JOA 1110SXS PiU10D CAL GereSandy. the well-known fomale' teilce Will ^be oolnifit6d. to impOddlinont. 'Tile 0. If) -:a 0 11 I take greatpleasuriiin giyingity testimony -as 'of ilia Clinton Shoijif"bilisi put bn�oxtra furlik6js kiiii guards� novelist, died at Paris, on Thursday. She. a 16 00 likipiosition whidli-they .9-100 !Vhis well knowli, ni_"' offer to the Public at the low6i.romuncrative rates. a, In power and -of to was Orpo, manufaqtured.�y W,�Dohcrty & C sweotess� no'. ill 'to prevent . s66ohd Cayuga eak;9' occurring.: us to the last moment; but. 93 a 7 0 but 9 sure And safe romedy for' ITemale Diffl- All-. quickness ZIf i6sponso to the tou6 . by tall well as in its mocha�nlaal intern alarrangaments, conscio 0. The execution is fixod for the 20th inst. unablo-to speak for s9m fu-mb I 6-i ltf-. lloot � Pr tl'j�-'.'At foifiiOU 4 50 .0 Itles fl�(l Obstructionsifr9pi anyoausewhaj_ tonded - t9. u al, fitild in oolias pll fici 'Instrumentl 00 4'L _4 -On Saturday afternoon, its Lido a,dvices frok�a Clana, that it e ha ox it is decidedly. ,.,jidperior; toaity- a- -- and although a powerful reniqdy, it. bork. aminCLI, of I have had- knowledge. ' It seems to me I that it is is near porfectioft.. it, . . . 1 kIEPPARD 0'0 0 P r, erfully recommend it to any, who a, hijilry-rospeoted Ark '1 50 tain B nothin4l.hurt u to th as it can wall b9. . Alliw me to sa�'f�4t I Au;chc farmer of -.at rioeocl the 24th 'of April Stfootaki!ts- - 1.;()Q I, a constitution.. CLIXTqlf-, June s 4oli,,io .. . hired"injill, J�alk bitching a span of Colts to the in dballig XingVd;'ProviACO of SrZolillon'l. 6Q, a, 0 30 --may require An instrument upply tile want *.of MARRIED 'LADIES -rospet,woll fittoll .9.00 itis'lido'llilsly.suitea. a shoift'ime h passing neA0116 bousej avis, hearing 0 So a. 0, 55 rill mouthlyperj6d vrith regularity. ]E*ftMjnatj0jjL odist Church Cholir, Clinton. ed, and Some thr6e hundred-housoa burhed,. Anuhl '11, CALL Met' tside-as if to stop them. .,A OnO 111 every were Ab lilt twenty native Chrisdins We aggen, the.iluirnals rhq. away'.* Aithey C ro kill- a 3 60 the times. Mrs. D' b" I .. HiJus d Lo for Sale. of 'lit art dsifos of'Neivons And Spinal Affections, e an tb6 noAc, Went- on -0 76 -I ob MV8811R. V. DOIIVRTY,& 'CO. an 0 12 0 15 IEE trNDrTtc;jGXrj) olprEltS FOlt SALV TUAT' Whell oppPaite -to hor.,.tbo reach'aplit, and. A duat'lit-as fought at Ri.voi-Bon PAins in the -Back and� Limbo Among the numerous dabinot Organs I have seen during'the many yedre I havv,' 6n,Thurs'dayL betw6ari A D 38 Wool, Fatigno on slight exertion kTzs T. House and Lot on Isaam'Streat, nottr Ully -of musici I haie Ind s�eu­any'.'siu peri I elftiton- orgati., he running into ilia ground threw. -the hind part 0. 25� "a 26 1 Palpitation of the TUX MOML BXAIIINATIOX OF CANDID, been a teacher V or to tU and a man -named Davis, on heart. Hysterics, Sick Haaaaqhiis, Whites, , fox.Publia School Ttisollers' at-prokilliat occupied by him. Tbabouschas sevent00mg, io, the intonation isperfoct, and of the wiiggon against her, Crushing cragam# jad THMI) 0 * 0 good cellar, &c, On thol lot. w I character of the tone is both beautiful and ing, a Winchostere, r!Ao an 0 and gIl f h ch Is quartar of au acreo tile touch easy, and interior to none. TWO P=fii� -is both solid and elegant,looi., thohouse, brdakinga jaimbei of her ribit'and It-na.v pis- hollaWtil 41seAsoR o6oasionqd by a P11ST, SECOND lu Ck Togs I.' wilk, I ex- alsorilore(I system, those pilli will effect a a P thprltlrro�a indibbor of -good fruit treaty,. well L�nd out - seriously injuring her internally- Me dica . Col. a 'killo t o secon 0111no 18;6 are . buildings? Terms ro4soitable- that inothing is lacking, will. bd hold, in GODE191011, commolloing on Boon olfter the accide&- change of, hots, wheat -Fall 8�0 03 1 00 WILOL, till Olhor Moans have failed. 111MLTAUDO17)1�7. .- 'a itext, at 9 A. X.. 011itton kay, Y'& . CO., Sprin Thoso.111119 hAvo novel! booll'known to full loth T ly, 6.1870. T. The United C�naylihn. Assopidtion mat' Tho'No Pidlef6t so;ya,of tiia Col— 0 95. tic 1,00. MESSRS.. W. DO11911, 11, - r) 00 6 whore the directions on the 2ild page of pam. Ithy Indisponsabla thrt Candidattle should notify the *no all the trols thu coil trade. Wo Desiring to obtAin an instrument desirable, improve- Toronto, on IN'lodnesday, and.decidoit to take bination tb coil 50 underollmod, not lator than the 20th of, June moansto discoverthe rottinins of the -celebrated Oats for- Salel that would combi 'vO of no one p.owo'r shorb.of tile 0 it 0 Intention. to preiltint themHolveo forexaminair Two Dwellinj�s- Ments. in power, 'fulneso, and sweetness of tone, I am happy to say that, I have. agot A Pffiplilot, free; of ThIrdClAss Candidates, In order nee Qf, Tecitinsoth, hnd then to po- ol, of war itself tillit could OX6rbStlCh A 0- Go 0 realized- all in the Clinton Organ, Evo4 one* who - hears itj goes away pleased. D-MrIcy I . . I obtain one,tbW of the total marks ILL arithi tic: FOR SALrDi-TWO AND ition, 11ho 6cal doveraminif for P1.1-missioll _v.- 01 to, 0 rutiat rw 'so which this Organ pbssessas� are much appreciated. It is I & i -y of Is m spol4fill, and fitty per conb of tho agdre-' land attactiod, situate on Alilry, Street, weat Of The valuable qualiti Brook it ('1110pnot 0. �0. a 0 M K SDLF ItodillklEoon., g nj or and go general favorite ia our family cirGIe-___ r .. This conibinati6ir is to -day Lind I4001AS for PORtagleIe enclosed to 10i Butter 0 1 i-) a0 16 e I I [IQUI_ tre., Icurse of trililand'ibeworitofull b 111te . .1 L4fi - ortbrq),& L ma, r Tjll� othAvoll town, fil ISM, lliti there E'gga'.: no! a Ul oil Ifavirk thoroughlytestedthorherits of acitirod-li; W. Do. 4. 111. "V. . . �Xnion -will Insure it -battle in th 11poubty, for tbo Game claiia of Certlilestil. very easy torma. Appl to i-) o a 7 vo C. a espectit roal itA 11�pros t 1111inil, over 50 pUls I)y return mail. for-FIrAt Col in too Nvalt 41) inteii -carry out the sioll. And !3000111� Class C(lraftllt(39- 1. IT grirtil Soldin Clinfou VT. H. Combo anti, George will forward many points superior, zo any road instrument, in the mrka, Tile Case with bi liows f ilia Assaoi (Ito repot *j Inkulvil -.1tAltKAfTs 1111 Clinton, at the The war oil western hound rVolklit tates, cortiflostilik, Of sluccUlli In. Or to liv. IV its air sup f Hickson and Fi Luinsdon, Sea- Clinton,. Ifleb- 0, 1876, ,yly is maintained ; the smoothness and equality of i a tilt iIiellic, of ill 'ocicty at QueonMon ortj�t toachlyw, and oil are ratitilroil to forwazd certifleattia of its re was, immigilrilted. by the Evio Xft. oil Xidd, moral charaotor. action i 9 Lad ly - CarrorkIltook; Parker Cattle Spouse to tile touch ; the doxint voicing of satarklay by ilia P. ADAIIIS X, so %loarl Lxamlners.' lThe iolla' ' Ig reskolutioll WAstifloiAod I)y tho.� lti�wijlg Will g4k In to itirtl6t, (111 Alonda E. 0amoron, Bay 0 geniral mechanism, must ina, -0 it -all ablidels, vie, 1 01 Xtodevicb,Jhno 1, 1870. 0% 11-" inion, all m, ;and U -once"whila ill lZessioll ab next C14113 to eal- S l 0 6 odgervIllp C. CRAWT ;Ina ilrolontor in WORTEG 40111), MusicToscher AI*;Ew­-- la"flab tc in nb AND BY. WILT1111, 01.1 TjjTj, PC salld tit dortain AtIlrignize tinted the callb, iliacoad, 410 3eil __&.-0 031 f Jlinilary_1871, kind Illalle by 11(itor (Trantp airifol . (-- A 0 yw�;rrt oi, 0 _7 stead of dodulAs ;%Itholawf, 1� coats, in- ram, tile liquor braille; ftwl rejoices in Ch(.- vi- - I- , H L -6t -for R FOR ADMISSION. for,the purptsoo,of in 46, EXA.MINATIO. porom flo by tell i I Cooddic. q I bo Sold by publity Aliction, III; ULOL� g efrorto b011ig ilia 0 IS a 023 qjjtj.,, "Dr 7) ficitand ilia friends of. hafiian�by to ilimitilsh- Wa IN -OFIM11S TITAT WELL, FF19V,.NEfXT FOR AJAMISgION TO bt ffillelitalid tl)tltl lot onViclorlo, Atrilef, itear the J, ib6 Utah Saidook will bo, hold fit theifloh School. A It K .01 IV I 1T 1!',, ThA IL011116 is Or Building, Clinton, ow 0 10*, a. Q 17 N 0 T I C r, TO THE PUBLD"M instead of, 25 octita all. ratei to tile west, Xly 01) a 10 00 aeioil tile same -toll tile Oyu" thereof by tile Cttrt,a y r Co. cornWencing at 0 Saturday, 24th, of. no, married a youi 4M wollo Ella offico, 19. C1141iiii, UsY MUM didates for ollmloolod RS ra 0 is o�lu of tile 11103t forrithlal 3 SO it 4 00 Can must noilly theandilrolud. AT 12 O'CLOCK, NOON, rG ok twlto(l 111111 ittirvigno(I loynIty to the Gon,, It. 10ronty, a ularh lit tit(, '0 11 ""a I. 'he contallds one apro of VidAdoly and JUna �7 and 98; 0 in ILL.+ Ap HARLA.X.,D,.B llaot Ttt�silAy evening. The 1 *1 50 -it ,00 dd not later Win the $llyt of billy, of topic tutordlon to t 6 t.g 'Call (If tile gospol and tile IjIdy . , 106 being to illO 14j)l Own, tell and tlio britlo �wtlg ill roallill so) 6 Not! proment themselves for examination.' Thtrty-She (1161 in flit, Virst of tbe Towlyaltip Dealarit lit STON10S. &a,, and mailufacturerit of $ill kinfIs o Ah Galvanized anil moyla olovation OF men anil, wo counsoll nnil 13 .01 stantay, Ili thd Coulity of Huroni antallaing orto and 0 lid ant make Ili% appeara ple lank form of applicatiou, oan'bo obtaillailly ill 11 tlju jr.b.lidd of tilif r ittv d TOROXTO DIAUXE TurabuI1,Voq.,hbadmastP4 , tliA thl.1y earellarga, n A friend lit hi rooin !text nior i Ig a quitrtoy aerea of Iliad, make or -Lot Num. Iron Wares, beg to hi,Tor it their cu..Htoplers. and the klillig WILL, b a 6 jf�)AnTjrug I kOT 9 Ad. .. 11 . I MNO STI TTLED V, Caoldidattisishing tcy- entor aftbr.'tho Summe teve and Till UUTSfOrtimbor, amloquakod to do go at ozkco� days nd dot preoeut thoulactirou lit this oXj&&Iftat boo Tbre Ifundred.aidd Nlhety,Tvyll, 189*2) and Three hilli iiptjif tho bat]. Withatib'gayin,g Tntin u lor, 21116dred. and Nin6ts-Thtot, (aus) 03i the tavt, olao of aud ilia 1;d1lot ba -v, to It'la in, the attai'. nw-tolluts, thillalst itliiv" vill,I)d Pitt ffito there (jur will be no othol examination till Abe ondw 4nepil, Strect, in the Town-bf 01intoril contining tht06 ment of total prolilhitioll. I& word, he (Prduti) drow a revolver anti Wiloat.-Vall . 11 1 for colleetion, ember, 1870. roods and twenty Perilhos of 414. niore or less. �. Also FARMERS' HAR WARE ahot, Ililli'm"If Elio fielid. 11 0q A 1 111) R -*%060. ilia sooth half of Lot Numbor Tlirea ntifidrea. and qvw Dt it(i �'j tWbAsi WsrOU, 2879, X081180tor of Vallid SAW$, IDI nineo I lk ing on the t, -6� took it Y tit(* all' M91AY-FOUT (384) 0A the wOt aldo of Albort Strctlf, In It, 0 .13 a 0351 sold town of Clin tell. Onto.163 bead to whiell to tildw Dialliolldiso said to be Worth over $1.10,- 0 70 it. '0 7 Mrs. Beesley, Milliner,, Oil thO Intly"Orl, Q'i0ab and Albort Streeti; aro a f,(,�oet Man 10 00,000, lv�,rty sont to, tho States its it part, (11 114 (Y 20 TI1AXXS TO TIM til= 9 00 Nofice. and nitiekoduith Sbop,� also, a filily to 110 �Vcnb to St-jolin 0 ohefiof exhibit a0tho a 010iton wid-Its victilify, tot pilot favors, begs to in. Ana yourig'Orifiardof bhoica truft treco. 0 It 112 Glas tsj oilso capeAtors, Faror.s' ani. Gaido'n T00131 in his. lifty'and buil(I ofa, FjOhmill- gkzCfAL PRIZZ WILL, By, 17FEUrD BT . Torras rbado known on Dav of. Sale, griat, Fstvfo tind 4 11 alillsoule - Allow. emu, wero andionnat ' 6 0014�1)41iy that tilia atill continuoly the Ust Ur. ItatlIFIling IlenjUL NVjjk a_ fo%jr tools.halla al, callandor&VO-4 of $000 00ho fail show 111 theil' L'UC0L)tdCIUff by nigIlt ity, f6r the bebt 1`0110111allit 4pillylo A nd ntherAtVi usually liept i it si, Hardware l8to re, :41. 4 wl tich they will dialloot of -at tp- bjiol, oil jinvigati0ii, lit) worlte(l.'all the 01110 lie of Cho t1tillett 35raneld Agricultural soci 'R Ino �Tftyf,, 0, 1). !1, woj V1cvotzt St.; &LINTON. colleettall of� Ladies, ranoy work, lot $16, lad $10,8*It isons Ametioneelry, abjcjj�tes to all fav ri them-Witil, theli patroliagoo their itiotto bohig sinall prolith And ;Itilch eoultl �vf, ill 4lay.- 10oal" 17ILZilillij Av or-itr 1, 4 IV 1111ch, 21 g- - � . I ..: 'Adlit groa iltiva, A p)-cas, ill its of CII(I COV11 trde L #11. regulation$ and Itilof " Can be billit at- Olt TO Watq6u, At V41 ever tile ire. mw N ag*ftl, fiir Messrs. atittorlok & tolog PuropbAll, the store of x0oril, U, Cattardor & Co�,. Of fromak X. . -Ur, prevolitl; f he tranfer cli tho. Its atid Now York patforho of garinentsl and ty Nalied, silcrotary. vendor's sollettotit. jilo oll(I Of $i.X Ycftr�Ljjj�j V(%!Sel wall tioll, Ilow6l rF,.(.fvttl$, I ho new hlyleft; oil oizoot and deod' otnfork6al'ore Olintold, $uud 7s 1870, dittillolills frola tile clm(ohl ]%(iliac to t1ld b2thei 7; 3)(Iring Lite frontotl jitoldou or Cibiton, April 26,1876- 1,1E, 1'B 0 U0111A'0, TIN and L ill tho weather lilloultl give. thoopur ratilif viscir, sho hutwev, by otric care an aftlintionj of (tit lobitts ex #I At that tillio lie VXhibitioll without a ljolifl. of dullblo their. S O ecitted hi, (lowli to St. z _-& flot II;011dvil evei-y he enuld ;�litl I it jo possible tbaC trado Will U11, OJI091ta ATTklilliri) To, Farm fdr Sal0,4 -Milk P.a;nf PR'j OYZ. ry Iflabityff. 4ijd in Lint loty be-- Aral it 0 1870 91k pply-of 3r strai:ftel�S iaftd oVe -Uniili (silly to - cut,! - . 1) varlety, VnW&0, at tL RIMMED Tinyoraft 6 ca t j, vat - ing 3111)rt skllllll�y Of 11"I'lKlish at wi it SAt%, 1p9ktr WELT-SITUAT]k blylkig Part of lots 11 Anil 12, Harou ILL olac(Ty dollil Hoiise and Lot for Sale.. Of an all 091ty ill ("tte 011) clilitilla, (L lit ror liaCon.. Goderf6h t0p, abnfit Illifed ralles,from Cillitork, W ly. 00UN MILL Oita invoulloiii4 o4ye-ebeforo yivoa lilt 4 vesel ot tial ", by )use and barn on 1606,00ttAbouctly Just receivedt a la 0 AUWY-Of SpOes, 110ebo It4kes, Vorks,'&air oiiny hina, wbiciv tic, Moody -proftollo.l ill Ilia 116iy th0or- # aIt r9 Ur. tilt) baokwooda AUTIVUL ClOrTA011 014 HAT. 1111t, oldradl of ileddr till -hillisdif. tfriper ndhieai,i) for the Ard tibill off 10, ill goettad houstf v"t of the Mothodfat chatolif Will jibutbitl6 to sill the clid by the: mitt for ablo, willda havo brought ln�" Vortil of Clall 7 rooftlyl Atkiyowt shelt tith stable 209 26, Is sold,. For plittic woolli W flag tInXii0joi- in '111mrsday ol , Clinton, 0. The subgerj�ara, thankfal for vadf r�upactf.tkllj solicit a Cotivance of lv�ijitjg, Tlko weathor witu it fair litkitiber Qf c4rgova, which itire ill -ally ftwi wt%f1Qr. Will be sold Ilia fatiffly on lat-gly "clial, Aply to MAY81, 1818, of t� ; -, 1"n %v4s: pro .41weially do political Inatfor remain To Card, Spin, Maiiiataotints, or In 11%ohin"Re for Wool. a t0I) toAilAralia, The vot;ild ij of about -stj 'ay atated . ANDUM DUNCAN, Muldgird0t, 'lob Goods. T*o, cents per pilaild in at, ,A!tr. -M, - It triab [lie Wilili.119 fil. Stich 41) tia&rfalIi Fifitte, and Clinton, Utly 0,18701 arid than inarkat tifty Lana burdi.:V1, VX1061 tot gooil, clean *061f till 1,4 na that bility All! Will', Although by 131,10k 73locki Albert Street, 'next doot to P. Cavall"r Flour and Veed. .1 A uitignf,�r aucl 11colm *611k 01106 fil 'roniiakfd linin,ovidmI for. A collect ltile CIj.1;To.,;, Avril 20, 1017. W.A� A waff till P664 storyl In the, building ILIA 40111,14 of k1w or coliti,11311 to od IMIMBY THAT T11r, jTXDP&R8jGNVj) rjtA ofilde, AvIlere hq *111 kildly constantly aft Jiknd lk�; pea 11 wIR tiob bo for any, ifebta contracted ILL and for 11410, Flour, Oattooslo Dtiltd, Sborks, Oats, d Alyist ilont to tato home ilia attino do�. oy ou will linticty ly-y lie Jjjo th' Ur, Thollaig. 14a nifto Withoul, 11111 VITIttely atahorlt ovory, of�hor Artjole kept 14 L iiji0h n Ire 0 hottioll, Her. Will TxW18 VII.4ttt. liors by kitlaping good articles anl, Aplaof olijit, ten, it Ito.. WORVI11*, 110) 0altvillo, Uisj Afary tt to not valled th datl WO(It rg a a res"oft. # tloletfnw�,40001 17ull low fthd "r0#149111W.. � eVelirr totill,ar brilk)"4. . iAVCO'(4 flold tit NO fly for sb a', rolto,to rocili;to a offiaza of puldl ng OAo MoPtIalf WmAbott; 41Y &(licato Elio latfillit,g �,hvrj i,b ia pAd for.L filostly fit 0 to 42'e, tile latter for, We tho 0 Aroliblitholy, 0 441w4sy, 61t Ishort 116tilsid, '1114 (Iraca 17, 1816, S IIV43 have1114 this buil(liag"to allow which is Tatheir acatco, ' Tile --------- THEi PEOPLE GROCERY1 allit nevilig till laalolall prowil gotice to bebtor,-4, TaoAt, of is-fiont, wort, w1nito yonug,, he %Vhitt, tjotiv�, rilitl if ourtrioads lil(o Affich of finooeft il; ltow'(11111,0. X"tjLt 01�OTHS, 'gtAXJtL.'�, DERSIGXED, HAVING TAI ordored air fulder riltoolk, yeara Otago to Ell pay Uld (IOU wo.will, dollio-4tif 9, ruduo(11 iSoilla hoavy Ohio extra Hold As OTIC*018 1t71WlkY.6fVPX TftAT Attr Adt Tw9VIDSO THP, T'N X r(wwrit do fter & Th6tot FLANX&, STOOMIXG YA1W, &o., low A 30C. , In Citnilying Arif dolikinO idiftaf, be Kettioa W 1870, othc I II their business ay lligllt, and if by rr. tv A 1) 'ffiloppard & Coopor, would Im.reby notify bike of,clin- 010 clatrell. hiloboy(Vj, WO liVill 1loI(I to Ill 6 tile late firtiv of from Illooprid. I M TZ9 01 Aft I tou and vidiluiti, that lie Will aoiiauiit tho tit the old ptantl, when it ran tbrougli: tile rolitAinifig ))or- tiltyllt unit .91110 nothilig T)f consmIlu wt bard all? MOO- JI .4 V, b .. , All tiddidil, oni el'06od w6l, knUt olitiWil, trint(Adtife whorcupon Ilia (4 tilde ai�llt tile dolit ill not 11it.0, wo will dolla ; a small lot z1f, 1(catucky oom�iljjg, %it atira f voiditkaj, altulaii 611 N filt4tit flou of tile cougro 011FAX) you CARII, Olt woor" TITORIK, tbo 0. T. 11, 94 Apply to CORNE R 0V RAMMMY AND ALM"= STRVETSy Ordered tile rest to f0lIOW U1086 W110 114(t Just Church Anil keep A. looked up lintil, it sold WCAorn Combing oilinnot be is! liaid foe, If wT 11 V4180 020,.000 to ()tell At tftt�346 tot ullwaillitid ana 45 WHOLFISAL9 where he will kPop on flawl uIatee And select N An ell inist)II'l" Of illo order JO vacata' w1joll tile al dodicto, but if wo, !tlil! 48c, for witalied. ; (101allio, Wool 80116 at I� it (Y will goo I Soto L et STOOK OF ALL KINDS OF 16AMILY GROCER IES, Arobblilluip, jurning towrill tho' Dean til42. fto Ited it 35 to 37,10,, wools 0 sa forL Sale Ila Va. to lot, 0 ItOUSH N 910fir Ut 0,09 sl1ily otbj� Place that, don't tit Ana n; he intontlit selling oiold*b tot, 06,811 or proillibef lie, Will lia Ill A Ation to sell at marriage fjuiffly.IlAld� "'All linvi don't get if, to-lififfit wo NVIII try ibgain to. I — oh r usino lftorro�� night. "We 411"t want anybody are qtt ot at iiia . 616WEV4 AIV, A tile lowest rotunflorative rAN19. _ !rtng- ba4 cond lerable c2liefloftee Ili tbb U61ftedid, he foolir oNtoa, the 41ulell exceptea A 01yr maldli, the T prontitOP6 iltg000ll'blixt door to , _r I- lit xi; OtD 0 to give, U it Its$- lie, 1,0411 tit; to givo� WOWMA ain sit orrines- sold 'ab ; V� on RAMI Tlk gatilkhtatloft to All fAvorlAg-fifm 'With Ahofrpatfoklago� procood, 'Therd VAN a grim Uathtgonlik, iTh h4vto6 oolataliki 9 r6omil, *1 h w6t kilbUithU bilkoho 810, aoiag 4 good busitilIAN.— Tefts Caah, Or t10-.poir-Colut ext ty, c0tiffilont thut1le, *An givo is to 410. horki is o all ply 6f lifid hard *Avbfl #ado Dollar, 06114, 1# I 1111M. kyalllbg� 2koply 16 humot In this "blolt Wtw not approdiated by 110thilM to,kro towarila thia, work unless it 4 d glv&tk tot thi Want any U16110y Olt wools Ol A TrIA1 Pull to PI I h D I d I rk D ell dy a t r r Ig 5 tomaining visitcri; ail,ml;411 as some may given frooli we douit, hf4ket 08 Qan VOSTU, Como frolli thlo hoatt'jy. NVI lit, T1101131 00010 Ito f0tood, tit low pgq ff. - 46dotth, �tkfl# I'll .1610, OrA -I wToy, l lo wl� I ". 6 ..... . .. ... ..........