Clinton New Era, 1876-06-08, Page 4It MIN to Q11101% fit The 901bitioll" 'OATTADIAN NEMSI, CANADIAN Njaws, V340TOri MAR49,00 lbo in of Quebec give a banquot to 000 1870. WhIt all tho, pom 1,11110:111, oil file 210 to tev. Vallou 13aldwit), of Sh, jAmet" cathe. WheatiTrOAdwoll, V , - . I OXV44is that have boon 7, P4040 about -A want 0 00III106Y mad 1u4I)AgQ- Lbrd D fit, .00 1 (46 With 04 tile I)AVb Of tile 041fuldlIX11 COS -411110810110, drql, Toronto, died oil Wednesday ovonlag. 8duloo, 00 1 00 ore at the Centennial ji�xhillition, the ]),)m ThO Ar$t 00901011 0(the Snpr9mil (Jourk of The %,,a to jaak6 thO, RWAr4v 8pring, oq$ a 1 00 TA A L A''I display attracts as mitchoittont palloda was bold at"'Obtalirs, on In tbo Valiallitin, 1) -linrtitiout of till) Couten, fIts, 0 20 !on is nuy piwt Monday. of tho 1,141itillition, 444, Is Clio imports of the Dominion for the month Will LUbUtion. 040 040 potout judges C5 be blghlX cioditable, if 'lot of May 0040unted to,�4,700,30.5 P. the Oxl)OrtO,, Mrs. Apkins, of f5arnia, was throkR;FOTA 4, 4OR$- y Q 0 '* 005, 1101 Co. The Plan adopted y 000, 0 7 Vanillin, RICO . VVIt gQueral AI)PI-OVAI , and diect, itafards it *216591271. waggoa oil Thuroda I re JI; injuries which 14 certainly 61140 tonded to ensure 971 births.150 nod, ISS 4olilths, I-vill lilIoly �rovQ teltili. ititter, 0 16 0 10 A barin. Day And woro rog 0*4 lin L)aijon, 'for, the lir�t ilvd. I TheRcrohauts of 01golpli, ?otfttvas, .0120 1% 000 FIR Sr"'OLASS ("JUTT"R, " ;t . linvo boon soryoll. 1",g) 'o OPENED Out TRIS:WTIEK Completeness, ill the disIllax. It was much vorandabo, 0110, a -0 better that the oxidbitlon of Caultdian. goods ilia r000llk ye4r. with tioticoal to remove All thol 0 00 a logo 1,7901 Pul VOTFI$ W8 Mix xo -OVTTING AND FITTING ONLY, - shouldboll.ador the gusple bore are now 00 . uliordhi and awaiago under ArOcent by-law. Pork, -,ea. Ifit tile (love go nx 4on ran ea in Caun(la, do .4to,illido divi, 6 50 a 700, ment itself, illinin that nny judiyidual Who, u6tojulug a, total Vio, McLeod, an old lady Ij out ership of " . lying ill ljtarofl� 450 0, 600 A401:ler lot Qr t4olso lmdorftil, lobeap, y e W111= an4 ORBY 00,Tz OUQ60 froln Any one of tile rrQvIAqOs should over 10,000. township. was killed oil tile Creasing, on ilia ilidod, 3 0 a 400- ard w14 WAID ally display, which might please bill lifist lVeducalitli a port 110por, while Cut, Kincardifto aide of Luckno iday, by sheepokina w, on Vi fancy or gratify his taste. With ilia present sliootlug with ut 11almorstoin. Clover 40' cents per �4ra, Now otyin Ili 01W Noff, ENG1.184, scram collipalliolls, ato, a chip- tho wiproso ' train fro TONO) at arrangement the Orevortmiont has a diroot rot. mtrulk TAW, at% of a, tiollar, 0 Tito Crappra in tholvioluity of 1)14utford, Timothy il,, flue assortment 9 sporgibility hitho matter ; and tile object of Williant 'fall about 10 Midd 0000e, Paton, 13fahtford, and Groy, o 00. ARBIUCAN MILLINERY. Now CABRUERE CAPES Aud XACKETS, the -,v4oI6 to. to luraldli. A fair idea of what years old, whilo d Cut S 4 ir respective licadquarteis flabizig off thojoin at tile il-on hall pi a t the 0 76, 1 01) nadr vilat it otill. produce, aud of ilia britigo oil loud, fall ba Btlalitfill to. t44 rival tend. vilioltalla, 12 INEN and 134T 9 progress it ball mado ill Agricultural and Ili- drowned, od and great interest manifested in them. Wool, - in, T4 IE ISTJ;1 CWTUME e dustrial pursaloo, . The , Dominion 00vorn. 025 a 0 go Great 'd dwardloicaill 1ludQ good ituarUoV A 4 nd was an Friday last. All -were lanippro aqly at 'Tw e s Prince B A most violent ba0storm; passed over Sitruia , ;t 0.10"thsl incut IVA$ generous Ili �provldlug $j00,Q00 for Or oats ilk France, ui DR f to which cofinPry 00,000 district oil Tuesday afternoon, lasting. About 4hibition. Hoch Of,tIlO bash, T4jNEX$, at 20 c rd;I LOTES and MI$8E$ the -purposes, of the I!, outs per yli eso Suits. Wo are provinces readily followed the example. it Ili. have alroatly'llecti. shippoll by two or twenty minutos, And flocompan'lotl by than. In all tile various malges, suitable for b $ I three Oharlottoiowl;llou . $as, der and ligWing.,.; Fruit troos were datinqed Whoat,�147411 $0 95 N 19HADES, "fror;i 26 cents to, $4,00ealobi a ;grand, his alcilig: up A like amount, i A addition to piti. rnand 13TJ prepared to turrit out work in Style anil �li An, -Obiawa, onsfilorably. Thd bo'ja, had a. liAlf-hottv's. 1 04 1 is)i PE QOND TO NON117, ili t Ct vat@. outributio.us, Tito Powhilon, tboreforo, Woman huilg,horself Nvith 0 By 441; uI chasers to our Ano and sole started k'ou . . tug, otrooto. 06 coftnty, and reqpoctfu with R great, dvntago in. having 00. Monday, "Drink was tile o4use,- .6 00 4,; V 00 assortment t 'Cho PAkio to' orkri-on -and aintAd fund small chililron ose. IrQm. SO bra Oats BEU POAT MUNUL4 400TS nd� ,cry sbort notice. vorum And lo4t behind said they argat excitomoilt was created throughout 0 25 A. 0 26 qtook, whiob� wo are, proparo� to int it is , out p6tronag 1 , 'a moraol ;a Cat far four days, tho 1?iOV1ucQ last Atonally night by the report r(,AFj 0,60 a 0 6, New $t7jea inet slirprioing not only tbot 11 Canada hag A cc tliat,thq two 000ttliIid.niurderors. Young had Barl6y , , , 0 LADj10$'.eqd GIU14 Great. Wiluo in' Pat on, her vary bost­,clotlid4 for the ux� at 9141104y says - - t 4 Tito Itoove of 40 A 0 49 Quit, ootoijaporaryt V boon man- hav6 boon Watfora�iias, faia-upon. 0 25. our-tabe an York Still, oxf)Tossol should 0.99, measuring 81 ipolles in oircumforomo." captured uo%r that tvdi, but it'is not thought Buttor 0 16 a 0 16 and U t it, but. that it , 11 -h POW Reoves they are ilia Cayuga fugitivoa., --Xo-=U7z=.WA4r-o hild sh I IS 1048'. until th6 lany mQnse, vp; . ri , et of 100 8111'1140 every other colony of ilia empird. 0411 accomplimll's feat like tillf.i., ;17 o rial- icite- fil-edo-ly, Gil. tteeo On Saturday Mr, Killon, 9 A Ill oul %Till even many of ilia, forolon nations., A OnT�arsday, in tile township Qf Staultopo, 0 00 a 10 00. special feature of the Callaillan (104tillolit is. robbed ot $3,400 qu � tho, Q While Mrs. Jug, Vittzeinvinotis Nvas passing Pok, 6 60 le i Q been, to .008 the. im* cjA35,� W.' IL platform, its. general olitaructm Ibistlot-coo IfIltulltono while Waiting for the traiiii to start AWIll XARU�ETS ftotl to a portion of the wood$ whioll bad 14 06DA particular br to any siocial. subject, traod ofthO 111110YOS, y 4 failing G06D8i. anill th wolidorftil low At the. for No she � c. prices There Ire ropr000ntativo articles from Ontario, almost instantly 41110d. , Whou Juno 7,1870, Quebec, NO\, was made to. one of her body wo 06 80 05. a '1 00 bred prl� 03, yBrunswioli, 1*)Iova.S�otiap Prinoo jail at Montreal on Thursday,byt fou)ld port! ro. burned to ONLY ONE PIA1114 . I Columbia, A.lid,Mani. Boilers) but it llseavoroil in tinto to pro, ar 30 iPAY, MAIWIXESTER 110V.. toba andtlicso articles f urnish a fair criterion r) '00 5 00 -777' V011t their osollpd, olilo of tile prigonora being Largo numbers of Canadjana.4ro s6ttling oil Cheap Ca*_ktQre.: §P.po by which to jutlgo of the resources nd capa abo�M" CIA of.-tho, 7- b6dinA is roportetl to ]lave rooeiveit oil hor 0 02 a 0 63. 'ontoultall, who ran. in 1854 0 43 it 0 59. CLINTON'I'Way. 31, 187& Doluinion fig a whole. tiles S. fir8b trip upwards of $100 for froig f - ("Onsorvative lit -0 IS a 0 26, rip - r alldidato for! soutb, jArget- W there tire., diod " 0 - -­ t int lit tile geologic, ol- 'Speoilhails of illifioralbroi of different afiocieo Ill 114milvoll, Oil 4) f ant traveller states that the 9 00 a 10 00 "I"I" ligont still obsory itlecl by thwo of any -tire Y, at4or-hi-law of Mr. Charles TF6 was f, 0 16' 0 17 OLIN MAY il 1 and Sto. Marto itwell-kiwwn barrister. 42---- 0 other country, A solio lunil) of plinubago, 59 a- T5 sixkat-by-fbltr'r� -tl$ Ow, 0 - ' . n4xtaorditiarily. 1� -1. 8 7 fl� a. -ever inined hilab lto roll 3,50 a 4 00 largest picoo oil Itobort Pattorsou, tree was ant down, oil lot 20, ill itio 10(ill, coll-I :,%Nrood — - --------- ....... ... grailit6 front Now Dranswieh. is oaliecially (Ia- Over by the T6rolito A, Nipissing 0 )0 3 00 ro measuring etin� Atontioll, Tlioio are Ptailway, -,tud luting it fright.fut manner. r - I BOO Fi 6, 00 IQ '00 sorviag of, Tfic 611ild is said to havo been QjfjjAQ roll fid, t . o t1loc-outsit1p, n(l. flilding I` 6� itiarbio and inar trom Montreal, ill (16.1 1�ficy. of Jill 611 id boatity (if IL NON. got Inside al 100d TUIMN'ro, ulIC CLINTON 0- OLLEN M l�jil jIV6 inoll OUttil)., AWRY JVjto;it, 10'soillo . ilia best piod 114VIls. (if .1 tolillit [IF;:' 'bi( 1 12, tists. -olloware of tild OwilialOu'rividil 461101 of NV I(),' tit iihoaula fTho at 1j,61filu, THOK i ACKt. putterics. 1 1"08.: a 1 09 that of ilia stafflot Ili Turni The inotit destruotivo lir, 55' a 0. 1513t gVIIOral ina. at h1wryidaliou mar New (;jusgow atl" a that GaI'0 .13 a elthiery, �otton nd woullon. hour oil. 8a,tarejay T Ott in Hit, 0. THO $tJBSORIBER WOULI.) TAkE J�HIS 011PORTUNiTY OF THAW1UX4­HjS­' nivritilig, ;kt tile 1-1 IT r V W T. T� c t furs, ill alu-10, firo'begun ill tile 0 72* it .0 74 nul"eroits custower for their liberal patronage in thii pkisti. and hopes by close - attentio at ago IA86 Ml to sr0*18 a 0 20 h t -(I,)- lu'all I -fit. tillia usluesst 0 still secure a large pbro of publio, ponridenco. - Having Atted up his. machinetry ovary lir a Ilow pass -y., lift it, finiahing nd Ylavk- 9 1.2 style'. he is'now prepared to Iti, ililo to Igo foullib it I in ro -a ass CLOTHIEM, -AND Ou�'. jfqvb� CI, . kiladiall I el-ritortu, S1114,11 olleps'aild the c6re-roonk wgro alivol., tiollal� , . t 1, 1 taTio there, is display 01 pdav )list lillk, that of otiod in, viw -ill aglu I- I lltiur� frotat ilia 1,11 oof tile I, -I )a "lid vi betweeit nortiern Rive V* the -or-Irsi together k Lano Card:,ftin, WeAV 6."Filll nd Dress Cloth, niain u'i ftc- CLINT etraill 1jausiul., over Oil stupdUy. South of tbu foondly, Nvere ill ruioiii. ludin�11 CIA)% I�robability of..a A Sh the' prlost,g hou'so )Ind PIT OViowing tile coin ti.at, e, apd, al, awl tile other tUrb 'Blankets, 71anhe C1 h Works'. �f iti't tile possmiol.) of g, ot 11 tia".Yarn, Stocking, Yarn & gollias, goot-IthingsJoit. tile moilling 1W 0) If ilia 0 t ille worst ens ieai�th Concession, his'Tittle, olt Coll. of b6ing ailcotod, by finot shut our eyes to the fet I; t6c"with uulh y the Otures 4611(l forth ill pro y.fo6d, look,. the rapid ditininatio minance, tho bafte'r of oil(,, of, his horscis which was. roliglous tanin, refilsorl to eat an n of the stock -abroad.; HE HAS AtS a CONSTANTLY ONjTAND,---­ . ii? iltily ninition. of critics,oliko -foe a, hrano-h Tieketus-to Foit r I)i iahocomo. rostiVc- whe,ol.4- ar-o­vnil nd Idukod o Ilia bounty, �ljediodon, great ltertion -ill the present OA large a9, o ''raii ooth.3,:shi A, S()r nd hake Superior' 11ite', of' Stealnets;--­ hea the boy -so savdraj ilia 11 M rltvnent� of -T* and is notlllre;td� t U to few I Hattirda ovenhrg last-aftor having routaine(l ln� in'oui,marlwlt will i a, all. 1)robability, w much, 80 is oilber. inilliltes. Nvitllol!t food frty only in4jits of n 'Yaria, Gray lan & Ay'i Blaikets,- SOW r nel 8,ri� Ci lenAglij or 11riii It art, there is Palter ilia heading of 14� 0,11tc9mial SlIpli6l C being'.h little cold ater d6 9 tile attention F*mel, Cheeked—F a�ael, 0arteriiii Per tile, forin tiOl I Of .91,61, It Topics" tho..1r, i4as th 1, Ilm is OTHP LINE, arly and -ra is female to nd considorati -thosewli, PER THAN ANY ou of 0 RATES CHEA 4R ittid.fair pirospeol of its 6, -f'The l- . 5 - � - 1--� al- pro- Iva, . 3. -There lins been aniore. —NVI1XH. HE 'WILL' TRADR:PO Ll� CHEAPI, Ft OR'. CASA. L 100ney 11ITF off t6 u OS lstealin engino whidli. Nvo one rks tile 16' r loonis �YOOL, on Sjg is it ppr6ou to native deiii,* aud variety,. Al, and t4d'printing roaq in'the livolil.111181. ravil� coval and f(^)r 1wool during the 'past reals 1) 1; afilisist without food, Nydek, but -ilia salearhave been Confined. 414 The subscrib d sa 1`1168. JAQKS0X-- most Ovary specieCof anand Other cc by Nvoinll I I in lig 1i be gien to th.,.cestola roll ioll"Is ran- lit brown er's personal super.i0eildence-wi ;%te reprosoated, solne"'of',tho ifloolmens of alres. The inaidon's wtino inoAt oiclusiviily Colifoj,�ia. tisfaction may­be�relied Div.. Poradjas ii 0, Ilititon in y expect to get ni t ving t o, distante fromC a which re unsn"INIsHeil-lyy tlloiloofotbefnill� ie sSI 06-Avlool, is-srhall- and -mot- -their wool-ear(Ted- wbile-tboy- Clinton, MaX 31, 1879. Whilst advanc wait ol; 0 a- AT" go desirable,.but tilosupply'is fully equal Ia In'dians Extra Ohi6leeco sold at -%Vvklltedj� 20 -000, lbs of good -fleece W.00-1,, -L her agricultural pro,. givist mill.ol if Ti Ire il the war pal; to the d6marla.. �auots that canada,is pro-onlinellt of I�arkhill obal. rthwest determined t' 30 t 38c.; choice X Ohio and-Pefinsylva. Itspfidttlins to the gneden and'tho farm 'Aiddles6x, she Ia decidpilly erges the couhties of.4 Michigan call bc�116 (111601611 that' ki 160 ida'fleecbs-at40 to'4%c; cliediOi h e ighest-mark According to- illtd, ot pyice,, in cash,. will be paid. 'p Iligolico-received from - superior, Ali iin arnalsurvey of.the whole from, I G to 28, liolliuds; t6 be thrown ORBETT. S. It sources there or Bilroll, toa ifiatcliputtilig the stono; weiglit an d -Wisconsin X fleOC6 at 33 to-3tcr­and For'w tell th' 0,RQA of tile Ctufaillan 'exhibits ia� not only CDmpli�. � good lintis Of IaOdluln do 'at �5- to 376 GLI NTON—.'.:, n-sian the'plgue -is still nigi C l the rules 6f.tbe Caledonian 8ociety of.Tii:� Uonribing� and;ilelaine CLINTON, Me 2VII, '1876. Dols are neglected mentary'-to tha. country, but instructive to ro *t The Aiatch to"be heldt )?nrkhill, and, -wi.t,h violence Ili Where about 70 '4 O� 0 gal,)& lines of domestic oombingkid.. at, 4d ApcOthtOrg, %iitllotlt doubt that,the it, lob fl,*Sido" "This: asos..an 40.doaths e gtkkes t6 be from 8 are repoLted daily, ti) 48c , delatne do at. �01 to 40c.., intwashatal lenge to be taken.up, oil or before tile first 6i A. cable 6oni Melbourne, Ans- and uninorchantablo at 1 20� . WHAT A -HEY SAA Y few factit ill! prisone ars, but.jew 13re WVUF (annot uron's thletes t. k DO RK` Y. C '0 t4l' prosperity a�d 'wedlib ylily, .0 tralia sttjtog t it rs at. 42 to fO. � Pulle'd -w'68js are dull'anil f'r 1?1d PeOPle-Thero ce. vast ;I and if developed at t1ta pros6iit ra�ii of "ill fidratidni , . . Ndti starch out of thisfiJilow. :Ilrogress, nd with the ilergy con rified iii-Wqtilrn Australitt bavL caeaped have been in lituito.d. doilland, hhave withstood the i-pipartiaZ GAN;3 ve Of U3ELERS '01F OPP which 1). lat ars, 4arnoterizoil liar, O; think- tile -folowfiig U" softib, from late al' with In Ur'g -il'411teilt Of the peoplejor'any.grcat - length of A "clAL PRIZE �%7,L MANUFACT a ye tlicro,iii'tho �Aznorican. IVI Ifil 'stook Q.)) the.r1larket ;choice Maystiperfines 'Unie. *'Oyle,of theseis Dr. Theinits' Pvelect Kessre.R. Oullaudor & at the fall ebowt fl to-, Oatalatirt. ric OIL 'of the Hallett Bravoli -Agri6uittiral Socioty, forthe be cocoa a e :0 1p)(31. people, there aa dertain. prospect that she soldat 0c; do 2:Iasterftu AND ORNERAL NMOLES.�LU Mr.. I., by Air.: John -.P a' tion- among tiles at 43.Ao Read the following an� be eonvi-nced ill ocQupy -I �posi - , a, mo, - of Parr collection of LadicW-j'ano7, work, lot,$Ib, 2nd $10,8rd' 86uthwold, is -worthy -of-tobico'. AL three Wer i C,'olollv vc, with.principle salets:bf's0peignes and son, drnham Centre, "Ihave been, qVilicted of the, crtrtb�.- -With every ..reason .. 7. 1 onil-rind'rulds, cith be had at tg be proud �Thpr past hifjiovem�nts, as illus� yohr Ilm ; it tbred ydar: ola cvv� 19011 th A' el ca: has ill four xtr-Is at 33 to 37 allauder Co., or from J. -Ai With f-heumatism f�r the last ten ­*,ears, diR hae th;.t.r. of I itlout (�Itisirightin trifol inany veznedi6 without until Dried lt;�'21 Dr, Thoina&'Eclectric Oil, dnolaince then harihad* r�xhibitioli, a ie may vitl 000 by ichemwid Wling otrate(l. at' the it.., Ap-11 20,1876. ;&ilia no, 19 1 bs; �othcr, 20)j'lbs. A niftcli'lile ling Well in ail vain as a yearling w tlicrs . r a suitrilltion.-inti6initto wid prepare aiv . or vpnted, afte iia, atfack ofit ; I -would tecolizmend 4 to all. y- two other yc. r1hifts (cadli), Is -lbs. The . . Eis nobler things in bar fatillyabistor, df t fleecos wa 19,?l 1 �ttldy of tonjers, f0i tiiakinLlr�s�etimloss­ ff. JfurI, Weitt S14prd, wi-ifei `1 hare becil Hou6e -and Lot, f6r' Sale 'go be-b6st six ba., and of A T. Stewart's will is to J)a Contest- lirer complaintfi>r sA-cral years, and Co 4 1 . -18 lbs. oxes. IP, IR 1E theXest ton Jlooc6s just ever ed by sonic of the, r6l tives tv 10 got- p b 'It rolls tit 9 1 , Oin frOni the tHed, direrens modicines'with little or io beneift,. lin. UNDERSIGNED ITERS THAT wETjL- 4eti�politaa Anal pulp� and will 00. all hour, 210 'titt I tried ihe)0ii1ectric, Oil, -which 6onedfate To house and lot on Viciorin, stiect, near the CliDtou, April 12, 1876. There is no SoQttQt in the BuAlffing . Tito I Of Montreal, is in nothing oi� lesg than tljby ' 0 #4116 bn The house IF; 96 commodious thaf surptis'ed me am,. mndh� as the. Dioluni -difficulties. ' its stook I'l to be 'reduced arid IT aewhotlj,�r thei are large or Small, relief, and Ihare since 8cd it with the best dt. r for sale. the following Testimonials': 'i' Ws alivap thas. triedil on horses in ilia case As to the excelien al our Orgap., :feil f Canad. Although I bad such kilo ivleko- anlalgamatioll�with same ot�or Imitill: is Prol round or square. Of CUO; and and comfortable one, and thd lot contains one acre of -A&sa as.fopman.. of -the resources of. the lbCaids north of its as 'po thinkit equallyal; poodjoi V0. lsnd`� Apply to.. 'Aall 10tb, 1876.- 0 sed Serious charges ar'o made agniust tile niinW�h 0 1 N, A ad ip Somerse, �':)utll- J�JrS.JRS.' W. T)t)IIFIj-rY Cli.� CLINTON tolirist gins, :1 liftiluo c.oneoptiolit'. of tLho in- diricatoes; y Mr, Ithodco, of QuebQc"who u A,Araybee Warkwbrth, OIIN UcMURRY. J., who to6Y; chlorotbrni, beforo-stit Y' b ust con b. released from tbe i6rites, Sill, _YOU , I linattial. notiV,ty Clint -and of e tin bein to as f. me ray,opinion. Of your �isi6rg� lifevails'thero, Ia' a $1,0;000 ilftmagoi, owing to his a doLt of N�w y6ric, -aftor; Itanitirelieving- . "t ollial.fitioll. AL fCNV. iii., I hare niucli �ple�811ro in t�,Ij SIX 01, it has ing yen that I coMider it agroat success., The ton6� is very fall and. rich I and cer- Abo extent And variety rif'the iiianvkfacituritig Accoivd4, into buying the - stook,of tile ill ini ore throitit;I 4-t", and io worthy.q/ the (Ireal- 1E ,,c dditors. tainly it is" good in Canatra to -day. -I -illaastritis� of. tlia'oountry, - Tho ainfild arei. through highl� colorb(l. ainnWissiled by woOka ago,. hawevok' gince 1;een blindi- ven' , �ouse 'and. Lot for Sale" , �T. Russan, Peray, tile 'Board. aid I I' liccomo convinced that if lid. bad Prrsuadq oil, fora: only hope that. y L qu will moot with liberal patronago, pud reA the r6ward ilia your the produts of ilia loom, tho f6l lie also -charges the'diroators def I, wint). taine P SURSCRIBER OVFFRS, THAT E LIGMLT vith 'aging the bank'g'raoncy for their V "to boon, ralpased. three year . a,,o lid, could ich trw&cd -nee f0years, andrwilverjould Y � 11 11 ` Ali old ldy -oitnat6(1-tW6-storey frame house, lately occupled'by enterprisd merits ours truly, and the �jrorkshop will, 110 doubt, give to most i Tur anyth4nr) like i1forcurittg lameness. HN RAWSF01' D- as -to ilia, a high or ovilliatir al ' Ids in amountq owitrary:to thfit law. tboui in full; andotboy ielease publie beg4rt.,P A. r. It is a griat Mr. X. Whitcho4d, on Rattonbury Stroot,'two lots west a goblet Hamilton, Warkicor4h. of the Methodist church, for sale, -our n6ighbars tbah. tiley have Ili therto con- '611001 'noar Nor- e coul(I ao, filled. The trds tob.4 a � a certain L r in tile hope tlillt there I take great pleasure in givig My testimony as to the':�'ic6llcnco of f) Clinton. IS still writes, u.� CORE Tho'dislilay is riot only wich, Loing in wnt-ol creatw, lld With telispooft . *4 ght tile IV 1, Some Iwhich Ine, Organ, manufactured by NIT.-Mberty & CO, IA powor and sweetness. ottonc,'in* litabld to ilia pro�lljds. but it, is a1do'gomq. ft rot' stop to be takou wirs toadv6itise. -Ifxv. churii6d,buttev breakffist for kness of response to the touch, jj� well is irl'itirmechanical intormill arrangemelati � ' ' "0' . . dWd to try Baleetric OU, %7idbefore onebottle Toas --- lJoSt of.LV th",,� tlja� ill �Mt their':pIly'. �mitn . uporlor, to:any instrument I havo'6x.' what- Ilattoribg to out, owli poolile froin the ing 4�uo this, they fj a -,p X., rid Lot for Sale. it is decidedly equal, and in some ptuticalors,,s recoiyad a . . itton. f4wily fsi annued, of which 1 have had knOT9,16ilgo. .'It o6em snear ll�ifectjbii- great rosoinblanno al, il 44 --of ilia Articles to applicatios, aria tho jitexttove %vas to. ain- wlio has liceii-oblifineilTor alix -years will SoIAj;y all modioini dIialers,'PAce, 25 did. o-ta, me that it is at a it to any. who-. -innufactitres of bilig countly. . Tito Vanadihi'l pilro ilia vai-ions liam1writinp.- - They I the city ofAh'xi0o, say gliidly obiploy Ili!; rebovqrod freedom in A A UX, ag it can well be. Allowme to -say that I Can 8beerfully recommon 14OWso- 'L . S. N. THOMAS, Phelps, N.' Y. bn COTTAGE -ON. RATTENRVAI wilrij.,6f Section in Agricultural Ifall, is i6 its way fts Gen �Alatoiro gained ft. gnat victory, on, ilia And NOItTHEOP & LYAILIT, Toronto - ones west of-thoVotbodist alm may require an instrument as one in, GYO Y i0ollee Well fitted to 6upply ilia leCtOd two or thiGO'Of tlidboSt SPOCilutul% and t)L whoin lid owes -his' .4-A. Street, second h roll, r. � t then seat drequest tOL their eutho bf Alay, in 0axaca,'over Itavoliitlo' i6niainizig 7 radius and wood all d, - stable 20 X 26, tile times. Inctitolious. as tbat in tho'Ali it ria for tjleir� 2901 11- Out.', Sole Agoits for tliti!Domin�eh. Nine with, licluenig call be an& good well of--vi,stor. b gold onr�anonabla- befter from mitchinety -arid inil ph apbs. This having b6a readily coul�, ary,forces, tile ltter lat nearly 2,000 lfill-. -E cleotrio�Selocttdd anfl Hf&tlr�jiff. terms.. Appii to R. CALUNDIM, leader of the Methodist Chur6h G entire hall, ind- this is saying A, plictogi, I Vitt; io* choose 6( ANDRZw! foulld ill tile with, t1luir I and wounded, 0overnnicut caivalities DU�qCAN, High Streot, Mrsmis. NV. DonEuTy &Co.. British baronots ]lave fi,equently Clinton May 0 1676. etgreat deal-whan ilia exc6ilonoe 6f car Amorit tholhatillsonlogt follow. amougat them and ivoro,000 kiffei find (len. Ulm- TI -M U&B.&T.-FAMA '.R]F, Dy. Among the numerous Cabinet Organs. I have soon during the many yo ave is born iii'mind. - Reprs and W Ila' did - ----- �Q tira, W thilt they (16 Pot, h4ldl' to the nii- M. F, 0411 Iliaellinory. gentl foe him to ou-� a been a teacher of music, pe*r to tha,Clint ig In The -mawarg -from 'it balf-ilmunAlffetmit Wakera,' --th6jr-unbouh-dOd s-atisfitation. cient th-col'y of.. ill e' disb6n r' of JOB Moar.9 kEni[661OAt pjLj.s � Hou" se and Lot. for Sale'. -0 charactor iful and Aympatlict ic, the intonation is porfeeb and 'grain- cocped of the tone is both beaut 4ry "'A'4 0 heoident oadurrbd at �St (I hi tbesLda s tro-bankers aAd This. *oll khown; medicine is no imposition 'map All is both so !d and all jjlaeljt,� 'Onunittell last A work fAjgllt at t I crushibia, cultivators., hor ,�-darlug the touch cas�, and inferior to none. The the residence of Thomas Altdit, 110gital, London, Epij,, iin -tho I)tlr inst., Merchants' ;'Ihoy. go upon the but T that nothing is lacking. in. 1196 Ott this sidc,() tile Ila stugo,.. Ila tile, sure and safe r6moay for emold Diffl- -Nouso and Lot oil IdAso Stradt, near the G. T. It., e (Ire exilibiliba Shporiatendent of the Ontario Ca� Works bi t Ia giving w y wrac plays. But, they culties and Obstructionsi from anyeausehat. fttlireson&occupiodbyltim� Thahousahassovenrooltas, n the lot, which is qPartor"af an nero,L,. Bi. IVIIITT, Clinton, here, arid, with scrca4y ail exception, a wark- -otteet, London. 'Vito fio�se ws top Of fly. of tho: watortank at Clio bilar, to. 0 AVaterhio - mody'It Coll 00' W. DoiltERTY & Co., CLINTON. oil il�jrco f. excellence in tile nianufacturo is coml,letol I,ausackcd, without, 110%rovor, ilia- thobuildifig. Nuarly alI the patients havO IL11017 began 10 0:00nd their labors, Over'-, and although a powerful re 'th .. 'are a number of good -Irulk ul,to-th"onstitu un� to, Desirim, to obtain an instrument that woldd combine all the desirable improve, naticcablo. The ploughs Art, of % fo, were in boil at the tiuw-,' -, The trinki-cull- 'Only tho ormt . happy t6 sliy that I'll. 'liar to molic. Curbing tilo family. Drawers were oqrliauli othbidwy; IE. 8 %�IqLWAU 130WEY. inents inopower, fulness, and sweetness of tonot I am funk, -tit f. having oJ, clothing-searchod for valuables, And tile t4i)iAlIg- 1,000 gallons of water, gave, :way tile. parisli 6f li�lan I TO- M"BIED 16AD al) Willi a al.. aill JO toi, 'Itia-p culiarly-m --one NOID, boars iW gor-timr jagly. long shoit beallia, null 1911' cl; a bavondt itea, . it will, ina'short time - realiz-d all in it litoilloilt's %virnjng,..tbo-,iVa -the Ch%itOa,..0Lrg.%TI,. rsverj Y�t)ldasca.- Offered bill'Self Its .,I candidate be the bringi frithonionthlyporlod, with rojidli4y.- The vhluable qVillities which this Organ posstfs-s -mu& approciatod. ICA a 0arroW It is blainied that this alinjic, t%varo (,W*o.fc)ld ofticu 'of cle9k a In A611 oases 0 Nor 1tond, toi)k nfho-haas...bOfOr4O- general favortte in our family circle. has bripolltilint tile lov"' ilians- in t a V. ago Oil tI4 tin I ad and Libibs, Heaviness, —va6a­ntTh(j 'object of GEO. RURt �Tiomlou anle OfUlu ii.thor th the witils and Clio rPHF,. TRUSTEES bV TIIX MYTH EqTATE a�r, - I " I Wero 8 actioll -wits all, exoniplary.fitio. Tile, Fatigue onslightexertiont, Palpitation Of the 'JL intend, next spring, to hAVOL iholinourvoycil portion, 1111111lick kilol-o' its -1080.d'%Uppl� ivoral patients heart, Hysterics, Sick Moadfich�g, Whites, of Lot No. 42, Ia the Ist'dort. lVdwaroall, laid out In ------- ontito -buildiijg c Az Wo., I tak With loss A'pa- o ploagure in saying that I consider theiii. in all respects, equal, and'Jut )DE: YI1VOIVfiIg fifig(A'd that of liquor.. Otto of tile uaArroAtait, st.�craly injured. '.Vito offloo inentio"llod ig wilt is o11104 a free- autiall thspsfuf�l dideas6s-'ooloasioned by a ho moantlmb tenders tire invited bi. a mrket. goo with which 1601,14 tind in pasture lields. In t many points s?porior, -co any ned instruffientil 40. ill - Tito 0 out -of tl�tl groulla, 6C-6file(I to tutfOr-of it liold, and olice ej6atod, a Clerlc.'Cr. fieX-, d iiiordored system', these Pill thriless and equality oflits tone ; its ready re- 6 ill NoV.crtY building isj),aly wrocited, fall I'lSt the undersigned, Iron% persons �Aohfng to rout pasLur- its air xupyly is maintained ;. the silloo thiow tho root.x OVedL vVill effect a dare 90, StAtIP9 size of field Irequired and forms�hol, be 6fl* lCoall" Propose. Parties 0111114 teal ill have isIng of its, fancy staps, and the perfe 0 eif gr. of"IdlIkA and injured is 114 1(il 3 Yet. oil a han all other means have failed. '' sponse to the touch ; tile cioilucht, vDici etion I Ito iiinnethfil"t, but it Ia suplio3ed to be to fence their ben, nd vcr� large all(I well Theio Pith hit e uovqr�j general mechanism, must make it an especial favorite with, 6rgnni8ts� Iions on t eft PIIJLO:!�� h d McC&RTHY, as as W i�'N'o Ar, 6n'Hiurudn� 11 -1 to lcce# ilia place.in good 31ARnIE, Onti �q.,Xoachor and Proden,RF, CZ CRAWFOAD 4aying ill Al as cantle h drica I o. -it in %it mi, 'Q ft -011 fa to'bo leer6itodL J,OWeV (,to are all() C- ,ty, difilvirciit Otiog tit(. for ffljo attcwj�lt to g tlrf�allpartioulaid gol apampulos, tree, of aTwo D,%rellinigs' tor 'Sale. -tit tk) ill followinge tele"'fraill, ao all E lisli jofjI`J�tjL Trowark's, that tile Oil �ro Illail which 'e. Vill 1)0 Itho lat. 118 all B 'let that TIL 1.4jaytitt oll Kil- JOB =80, 10W170119 801,19 PROPMEnr6ni igtoni lallut tile f, , isitillill. tile I -ter ljl;td6 in ClIv60 hours tile stfjtc�d 1111twilt has thollabb it Proper to duotilills (it it co',Ivtj-y that owes alle llco. to tarqlay at bellilaut all( 0 $1,00 itiad 121 celatti for postago,'eiticloBed to' FOlt' SALE WMELLINGS AND Till -1 Very cordkil n(I deputy sexton j fo?it NOTICE TO of tile ariatorrc 1y WqUld Notthe6p; & LyzAart, Toronto, rid attaobedi situate on Alarystraot, wegiot Britain alA noftv the States.- Y. Ont., general fil -%so of Some persor%�, 4a- agents for the Dominion, I 11 a I in al Promises. Tile .110twil, Veal and, Ill(., nilit. ivau rplundid. Tho recetitiull, Itfio Usa,il in*tboc, # 1 11 life it bottle Cc meraial. Hot This property Tho tinio for lyci,fu� 0 distance contafiting over 60-pillo by reitirn mail. is conveniently situate(j,'. and"will be so d Ott it(] Scotch thwo find tll(,. filditilia, virlim" thil. sill Lit of much of ito sling to bic clubill-Ard is 01 btrollomy"-if liot ill (' i;y terms, Apj mttvi'l; (it It Sold in Clinton by J. H. Oombe aild Gecstgo very Oft to T RS9 -long parts of tho kililitoll. b;lddays, So tlr7it iboy bavo jilado ;ticipato the burial of tbo�r, Chidly, N. Hickson and F. Lumodon, $eaw .110 aue ARLA,ND,B HE of ilia itillutitrial tile Dominion i.3 faitil- ill vat toatili Illivo playelf 'it �kjd ill. it great Rcco lit JIMAl metit in IVI'llb tboy' bodi08 und'& t Or to! fill to Its j", -1 -- -C (AN'll all -�Uhiiiioron; Bay , , r it6h tTallitionn, (14111ala it Ila Bviiervision of a real torthO.Ridd Carrilitbrooll Parker cattle, IV. FABRAN lintoll, all kintla of Till. oil and. 8 7 V Dealers fit STOVE; &c., and manufac building otl'ur I IX. &q-4111do, IALUA T., 76... Iron Waroi, be llJas. . jid-all g to inform thei custor�ora and thzpttbll� geficrally,, that ill fflilis-1 for tho gaino 0 ve ' ry umrjim rullresellis tile On . Tha llostott oit rditiftrks TIJO w6ftlell of A'ustralb; lilro tiot 11 hinkljor tra(�'U'Of VILI 001111ti-Y, iS'Abilit 601(tt playcrt, a *Ito 14'Wo WsL of blue Zlersi form, anti tho- ludiahs (at ti auffioridels should i flIaL�Standar4 Mrs..' 86esley�.. Milliner) ro -not-likely to ut , J ice tit to t of their'gex.'s: advance. to gal -don in, Tito Prince oflor Iiiizinfoet' M ZjfANjtSL le'�;, p4d lotl lie pflik of'politeness, 'Metit ill Qtll�r i)iOizod 00 'munitie% i( tvIRNmal TO THE LADrzs 0)? and Jill vicitiltyj for past favoisi bags to Isti FARIVINERV& SUILOMI HARD. WARIEs crd1IT1011 On No oit is wfic.th6 Anjorioun ex- PI-69noad i'publi had . i.rth. that Alto still continues the Irit And Sonnilt e-lbigham. on 11 1 (1, feet high, arta With dianic- litt0fid Vic, llacr6bpq wittelt, ali'llin Inoilom bus at tho Aii(l will LOOP constantly oil llnd-"euoral huge logq, Satllrjay. ibitays at Philadelphia cokild Stand any . in a Sydnay journal is oorrect; The '04UTIES, NOT 110INd SETTLED THElit Ad - term varyingr from M) to -M inclidg, al): chanco by tile side of their for6igin ;Oil of Australia will nab add anytbiflg� JL coux-ts Jot Lumber, are requested to do so at Once, OLD STAXI), VICTORIA. ST., CLI�;TGX. pearance of the hisida 1,9111.0 Of A frnter air tl a Thirl All unpald safictutto on tho 8lat fust,p will be put into she is Agent for blogArs. Iluttorick & co's Enro§50% saveral v6ofas, .-halt is Rick marei which ib blotherti. �br histance, tile lnlljjo� 401' generations to conio to oOujj or ooljodtjbjj� and is oonglantly was ialpoiialblo to sna,Now York patterns of stermontil, Nails, GIRSSI Potty, MIS, OHS; C onters' Tarino od 011re, anti death )to second thought. j lattvir leading to it toweron.tho now adopteil'by tha difforcub exhi6it6ri 'Ot iiicipiont t1iinkers. - It receiving alonow otyloo; sill 41ta ki4deactiptiods Sri Stolaton 8alb Works, 110 23 1870. kept 00.1iiind.,whith she sells at prices specified In ths toot. Of Alt tho luniller-proillI611a, 8110 howover, wits sit IIYOSV(l to Will f(Tal; antl ill olvilig liotice tht ther goods inro not 'Will 'gro,%v %voise before it cAtl grow bett A. Catalogues, . Slicl hoposi by strict careand AttatitiOno td e� %filito to Werit a libetal psfr a 'fig 'It be mbder- -Varm for,s4le. A11 finalls Paomotty A-TTzNn2j3gt. -Afid other articles usually kert-Iii- a Hardware Vol, tjoes or (Ifo country nfo Fhown, namy of the farroer thinking lirolnilily, -iiiat, tile mare to Ob V tint Yankee ter; Its young wornon wi I sonablu rates to all favoring 1, iern with their pittton:Lgo, 016ir motto b4i -stind riick being of sittpri8ing 011e, of flic, 611 riot al %Va.% oilough 0 load, consulted'a; Veffirniary returns. will - to '1111strato ilia telffitrit 1 ;1 hands Off,! prilitc(T in bql(l letter ately fetlitfill Mothers, buiof no odwr CMay 11, objects she I *ui . if a"d , . -11 -geoa, wlio in or cd ]tint thai lie 6bould -FO AL- _ I �- ATt M tereil, being pott of low It and l2vIlotim Road is it table tvith it EA VC LY and GA1174Y170T) =OX RODLI 1, kor oVe�,. when tile colt thight lie ease, loolts brusquo baside tll000ttrtaoif�f tban tile G -R AN D---. O -P -Pi N t4 ill. wifle, KIIA. 9 incites 0 614011 train#- 11011114'anil barn oil fhA phcoi kInd 4� ttt Ili() alive nti. well, Night arid day " P101w not Or th� Lt ligiisly th-6 ddights Ind utilities. of 1416 Coe. Jy. Y. Tri Ivq� thennimal wattlied, find It fewdays silled, and tile Still- woro, p6lit -Padeilf; -st;ta till th6 1 d f ptofouildeat Views will continue, to sell the OdAt by the iiIefs all A large Supply of Milk Pano,, OLM' Stiaij!OiSt And- 6yt ry death stril4les began. :list %a it 1014 a 18801d, r6rpartioulArsapplyto visitorg will confee, a; fiwor,"` otc� of life alld lAolI Will be. borrowed from .701IN :dOLgES, Clinton, P. 0. arie V tyt--of TinWarel, at it nEIRIOMPA1011 Ittife which was waiting' was plange4 its -Af into hor side and %ho lafil open, but io Wbioh is t1i way the reqj�v8t, j8 wor(jo tbo taces of corive)-sation lozenges, lolly Fralicisdo PerA16,"Cho 0 all Mus- Cllutod,,UaYti, 1870, tang rode 155 miles art Tuesday, -a bel t Call tor at those standing byi no colt was, to by tile 11honch, anti others, litertin no, lid only intellectual in - Just recaive4t, a largd supply. ofsp�ddstf kbeg, AAk60,.Vork8# &C be 96en', The mitre', stifforing"Intongo pain, 0 sprung to bar feet, ancl� went about the a -rod Tile Presbyterian Assembly in Beg- on tile Ileetwood raca trac1r, Now York, all] - tide their poor weak oi N tioe. IS UVREDY GIVEN tH&T TRA The snbacrillers, thotildtfill for cofit:in-d*0rj.o#tlIig $Arab, in six botit and 43 secofids, f6raboutanhout, with her:into§,tipos grag. Sion ilm the llnitcd Stateff, reconiniond 0421 r, 58'ininutes stdt�1101' . they and A fel� will not ba keti0ousible fat, iny dobti. dontractita a ind 17, low to. poka winning the raca, by on winat ng after liar, At lost death endeA her ouf- that tile firt day of the week be- called the mrms) to, his name without hill Wtitteh Itrithority AA1tI:A:XD BROTRrl RS; Seconds, 10-14 tboui through sonic gaWky dance- LEWIS 91UVtALT%, thoSW11 and not tiotindy, oontaud- 0olimiltAllo, gay 17,1876, . �room, to clinter theni'ta I,, neighboring Brick Block, Alliert 9�raatf us,�t door to P. Cittvan s Abaul, Aziz,�Ixe despond Stilton, coill- Several arreottr have, beon, made 16 Quebec ing tI)atitho, latter W43 a pagan ngtrlo.- I" wit" sldftli�g at Clio late Tliecoupon the 81tolarl sbow-yartl, to gvIniado and �wvi Cl.t\T6N, Aprit 20, 1$?G. mittod wicide on Suriday morning, by� -111 y editor of the ggle� and Plour l both arms. . At terrible fir�, 11 sonic oases furniture and, Xew, yoVIC Suit . rolyl inds thor delegate -1; praise era stolon by tile cariload. There to bo� und- as Wiloi dud I as Inst, tlliq, is tile report promulgated in ard ugly, stories told of mail who rathor-assist. fliat 8taidy and-tho are" two fil*yOrty, frivdius as -their ho le Ngw Nat 011460, whore lid vill keell cobstilutly J. 'BIDDLECOMM"I", GAAD,= PLANT'& (,'OnlitafitlnoPlo, tb6lgh ligglaosinatIO& is Cain their' for., oty different tbidg, Tho RIILWli is tin lista the-sakei 6f obtainlug, tit jm; ivill. Jr,6011 evoy agapo in wolis an d &M for iibii, Floor, olktiotial, Brall, shortil", Data, itla suppected. B vet, sitice Ilia Reepsilion in n'tile se�enth day f t6 'week, aits ilvaky 6tha Itrillole onitallykitlitin sildh�*Iorilili priXborial golog articles ka& galling aSPRIMG TRA D.—Hi, WILIF LOWF,4,� 1801 -ho )lag only weakness 'In' der tile feet Oi il� was lonjoin'ell'11tider tile 0I'd of puldid Support, tho XeW DIS_ Ilia offilwiftl gapicit"Y" ton of solving big Italin. K *on. But Nvith FOX" M It Nvas his 0(tatoln, with the intobtl Watd and Cloci Aer to, i6main. in the j6lioe, 6r days �nius-, anotheriastnce, an luoured ii rot hills lit ity 411fititity, itt ponsation tile old Sabbath limed away. Notice' to b— tors. "I"HOS. THOMAS* i While q,4 StIlt6 wa� jart t� ing Iwo barrols of deal all in hill yard', rM04011 Tile first day of tlio'woolt was 66soved, to relndvo it when retiodstod b� Ilia noig Ilitift OTTOV, 19, IMIM9V OXVVN TfIA Att d� others, lie WAR fortppix yestra of Age`� WfIeft they ronlovod it I not as Clio Sabbath, btit in comiliewora- ITME T11ANTUNG ITO UAN1 nruNJ50 Von and tit in I X douvrit and thitlatill, Arid ot a W tho pstrwitge an libritally Uito*bd co him In 4111, tion of Christ, It binal ba settled before thd lot of 31 11OVS11i WIT11 0 14 N* T 99P Tbet-uropmu Poweraliave botyotre-' Aaoh it maner that, a.dongiderable "Jitioti was tho"Lordlo JDa; yj 1876, oth6mbut Ail tho, Fail, would haraby notify thom and 64 bublidigon thov will-ta put in obutt got adlIdatiou. AL Attila ull, *Ith I W _ cogmizod as sultall, but Will was a1\111eill 60fat the promises, Efil y 1121day a tjlj*bg 01' PlIrdly 011riatiall ty 131,41 y, lh�t lie his mmav,A(l InO hit 116* and MOM SPOONIMR, *At6r it0 it D- OftgiRd 1119 TU61 A:% SPIN oommodlong promform on Alliort Afthet, doli6blesq d6 86 Shortl. It ppears' "Mornin VAX soon by A. 'p6licomalt to mont, ftnd to-Joi it dopondsl�e its Vm- THOOr T110U.0. G, T. it, a, Alvly u be -g, itilitt, thil keep on hand a latab add liollin AsVomatit 61 Registry, offie� for Sorv'Atfi, logulag from the windows of 6; house w1lioll , . . .0, 0111, toil, ft� al, 187& 01604. Walchail. Idw,olry.oftl OlIvetwiloo of Alt kfn0, ptobriblo tilat tile hog6fladona ralative Chorify- 'on t[io dustom of tb6 earliest to tile lngury'ootion Vill Wauepobdell vallflof Considerable, exertion oti thd pyllviotig tho A00, of lqouigto Butdhor Busitegs, mi3oh larri0it w1a M 'tutorla 9tt6at dliftt(oA, -do. �for sale MAITA W, 1. 1.1 ill 11,11 At r640612616 VatoA. 1XI11,064k INI until it is knov�ii'- 0�tfier �faraa will night.. �Upon 1%, morAbot oftho fire brigiija Wo, Af 164 Ix Lt, ii I �A !qua 1) TUAT yorst OX 111aft, IT 110 Airlhii ef ovbry 4mripift b 4 n Invited, 'Ato retotrAs of his �OvIn acoord, "Ito oJit"Ing Clio hoald, the Are Was foona to be at, I T a 114flatty offied far 461%fitit. bufnivL ill aria of the btaiodmij and t1jeL Ift.