Clinton New Era, 1876-06-01, Page 4A x4oblue UlAt Noyes, by Void, A Burglar Rilled lit Draulord. ,YAZT01N1,+ AND LOAN, AML V -010T4440 .401 .0pling a14 Autumn. NQVQr plant; VOWW thoroilgh kflowled 0 of the slaturtil cabbage ortWQ legror in 4140000siQu oil V'roul ilroultitudels that omyd tile 04 -WeduesilAly Aight three nls�kgid lo.kw4whioll govern of as Qotiosa T110 cbbogo foinily is a Veil Qxtoll.- tb( If, nl.paroet land, They ore, exhausters oida walk r the w 0-t side of Union nutrltloa,� and byz a caroul, App tootlQu mell entered tile Aworice of Mr. 0. ocIV. 1-1. G. 0,O L I- 10, 8, Brook, g4rdeller, on the Ila wiltan, r IONTLYANORIll 60140111103 IN 014ANON11Y101I .1.
Attorn lulty vourts of ITO OgA4j ales, at nearly Ono thousand, 4 Xr. Fns,'444 vrovigl*4 our )ro4fto tables a!vQ on a Dr. LWONY rockopea the of coulw, for they contain 4, qQw York city, many are At. ofthe flooproperdeo. )f w wo iniles front Branford, by -withis, ewIrlQuilla Agent). TAW, rslfo� I require muob "C"Itd" ly that is iii. abotit t and as,thq plittht, I)aS %, great teudersol trao U a small Wa6hino 4,11 cors.6tAut motion, bit withotit Any visible breaking ita the back door, 14 save as Many heavy doctors' Mo. It. Is by r. 13 rool.c %Ila 111.0 And 0 0110rol to, sprout w4d, th i adioloto. use of auqlx 4rtiolep. of diet that T410, Mill 0141104 to form hylividot n , v�l Lock lor fjp.; is0 het For Var$ power. In front of the lustru- !gayo battle to the thieves, ' Two of Law 0; produqa� Some may 140 grQually built. up ZION" 141 livignsuctod JAI 4ougglotiollWU arIQQUr he it. place, placard Axerring Brock down and wn choking him, Nyliis gli"aoo, 11un Tilde of 'subtle maladies, are thAt th --can . Qn, observer is, ;In, 0 Ewpointe4ly 310"ey to Loggu rIVAP funllol And to; Ilabno Oval. _o said is A )y the radiouietor, the in- Kro, BroOlt Can)0 a0siSt4UCO 0114 110Ktin.0 around X's ra`44Y ta"Att4c It Wherovev, I)c,bls gin( Notes 0
to, E Qf tbeoo tu to bit4 -the, vall On 09. menti, which, is I a, frout win do W, is A theill rot�vatedl b -It tile otbet, - Ono go J- AND` DODS
Joubt their tel0iQuo.bip. Thus Is 00 there is A weak point. nay coca hepe gentleman to its who bad �a little ex. vention, of Prof. W croolf 0, F. It,. the common cabbage i q uliflower 'a 4 fatal pba(t by hoollfsig out-solvoo, wall, f9ru- Anill ca' ed ossst$ as be S., f London., The claim is AU Qxflg- iftud0d Broo,U his guii. The latter fire -4 fl,, . I collsiding of the bestvallie in SITAl Ar I ' _eing bur4 I with vre blood And A. nourish, B1 are dis I 'I in appqarn�o as chalk.. periessco. 'in is _(r. gelrati6n, as the radiometer moves only before. xisinj to his feet, *tile charge bit- ad Fl e bu eir .origin call be viewed 'the sconeof c6n0ogratiop yoBtei -day morning, ,If my. at ro ar It is, T a hould take when struck by rays of, light, find is tilso the thlof in tile body. If o t led to Ili Pookets labollcil! W a n4- A m4i
�% i 0. OT
j. t w 841 � - I I 0
ra p A t1ifit all brarsolloo of the o4bbA 0 fa il with clu. defend itfrons the iesitTall0e than, is A windmill. he instrument of the promius. A doutor w a sont'fer And 170" Pioeadill�, London." thanks to Ilia num pass r is ora its the surrounding town"hills and, the (3ver oirked to the ' mg�Ne$',b� , - . , but could reisder no aspiqtaneo, ThDO WE4 UAYU BEEN -a SU11D AND of anything in the shape, of 4 fireman. and publifi generally for t1wir libel I ", "I -itio not. 0 aphAtoo and ond"would furth!5 notify thom that X won . Id be Willed �out than. power of light, 404, by M04110 orra"141AII.I., Wheeler's CompoundUixir of Pho -a as. to. bQ visolos to man died early this, morning, Ile. is .& 'for tLregs years,. rill, from be 'made to strallgar 1.brot I our pq ... L
tqd , r , ately ad 6i in Ito- 0") degeno, .e , is. o I ,dednio8ti portatit! prov4nentsto. A OT OP T p, insured and if mv qate Scal* aid, Me' us sonal, knowlodgo,of its merits, have much, Ili, tile a emistl, r�iys of be StQle 0 t, .06 fts gave his na, Ilia lua now boiler 91*.W , , , -t t 'low but it is Supposed his name is, TA366minon 4 firo 110 look, the, door, aa� wiiighligb, I 0 the osio,millloutb part Of V104800
ding it as thorotithly thi*lasit : 6! Th6 cabbage s an ao� sro gets i told the ji�gwq harotoforo used, and,,by
ircliable, and so le preparation, It in, other iin ortailt improvoine0o, togo T-111 etable, T rveling a, giiiin._ The radiometer cOnsi to Of Smith, Ile wft, d ts Most IDeautif U1 PRI NTS p69 ' A leier'llursi Such A state of I ot,-, tell the I iontir
tally nutritious veg !be drip , iames Was Own, perience. But four -pith discs, black on one side still of bis accomplices who esoll ed It I in, high oBtimation. by physicians and tile- 'oil to todared by his ex . V I 8 'I'll' $Lor w! first -0 ass milloro, 110 tbirfy�Avo - , li(I and the demand ii. oQuatautly. iuoro do firut-Oaso,work in Ve _ . Is a on. the other, fasteubd at tile ed reported that tbayl 0itered two.' other, HINUN S. 0144BX 00-, NVIIOIQQAI 0 now be probably did" ot re4lize the wliole. whit 4A,1111, cent of food E ve, r broiight to Cllutov,. DON'T FAIL. i -of four a that are, connected with a places last llighotone Xiss Days, in Mgntraill" ING) &C, 9 G STING 01102 —and in this respect, threfare, is more froot of, silphs a,ourno if pursued. it. is rms Ighto opy 4, , insure your prop, metal or jewel point in the oentr6, 'Brantford, wli.oro they -stale $35 in bills ITHALTJJ 18 proYeAlt or oonquer veigligid.b6ind m;q itious than any other vegetable, food,. easy' eno, -And s - m e, -silver, Its e4Q- Thi%-.paiut DpItigi in a_91a 0 --'I �410111110F_Of the other ahnedAxtby 01 ]Ur all's Pulitioniq Wa- thoin the maino day'. lood Ylour and Mill taT1 X OF ested in a cabbage- pays for t4is burrit property 2 The in- top, t -a rod v, hicb, -its fasten ad- i is Ilot kown, ye . , Jay are 8111), feral, will do $tire care tioahig, iii Food ig�lways for muloat 10.0deralis Place
po AN SO that a dime i4v complaits, as UAIRVA be'tid'would furnish more nutrition for a purance companies, of course.. 'Not right position fil Nybat thli sod to, be Ai4cricans and Werp, 'evi- tile tliroat and pulmotfai� RD 0 OXF ORD SMATING - ?ainily than in tiny olfibT' f6i r604- dently-g Oing, eastj towttrda _11j1T11ltonT,:. FFA, or atteuded to sooner or later lead to bicorablo ri ast Colo b4hirsess to make woriey, E ery time tho interior of a glass vessel shaped like The4roan. has sinpo.boolt iclentifiq at �oi have s0ell for- yoars'., a114 consuln�)tion; and tile Al,ongth of, the Strongest 'The,, uba riber i ould also inform the pub- COME, TllpU; ,�"Tlie laborilig man knows this froth ex nako -good it lose by fire, the get an invered or very- fat, tbettioulotriogil John' Plemium Is u. natlyo. of Ilia I Apted, Tile rowliest and bor4- I . ic, that perience and hence boiled cabbage. is a tbeY'x soon fal a it ngla lie Los A, large stock of ininbor of invalls known for tligs:ovre of those pollipjallito is ors, The tube, 0e felt was a soldier du�ing- the Urbiont kinds and Fino-front 10 t mong)y from 'in i (11
athir "insur' r discs. revolring Fp' Ilia Wafow,'� whi WNW Of low, 'and ing dish oil the tables of the woxk, ,be U .
stand in , I the higher bulb fi.� the top, , The light striking On civil. war, anil ato 20.1t,, Nonilock, froal 10 to .20,; Oherry, ore frequent - their losses, . lately one of a. dosperato ilkoroughlytrie4for t.11- �J ing classes. Persons of.sedental'y babits. the vbx*te Surfaces of the discs iitb�Acis ag who� live bout Middleport an Lave never been known t 1;i, W114 Aitterlint, White Softnud Rook do not need cabb tb rates of insurance. E very inpen.� gill. a U. fail. i ago and, are not Apt to, . e . a� L�lm,'iq longtil" to suit tile liablio, AN'llioll an. All the diary, every man wbo"Aisures nd them, asid'strildng on tb�go baolt sig:160- public, speakers will also ilerlve'�vreat liQue makes.-an.4 StyleS in t njarliet, -at Very JOW be fond of it, but it is a bloose'd gift of a 4 near the Udiart, 'woods. . A �coronWfj froin.the use of thor 4,blos biln to 1111 all orders that lie wy, be he P r. 1 c e s. You ouan, o SEE. Tun. 4�ind Pro v idenco� tothcow�wlio-earufheir, r Pain th6m, so that the four discs revolve, --1-tfq t, thq� 'returned Joalero, at. 25 conts por box_', favored on the sd 11 tr Me eqease `X� p e all� 0 0 win MiA - speo which li 'M 1)1, the sweat of their brows. n -11 a Aibli , c iaye to pay in o OFP109 CU*TON, -G)l AND*D I ILY �iAi.r
P, Pitiaton -ty toils of g a. gull -0 U 0 KS: 0 R1 L,L S N I ,vild evall tbfl vreen Wligin firoo ar an'con, 6&- strong 'sunlight, they inove vith Such Flowing carne% to.,his eath from
e froquent. i10 In b AND T caubage can be raised front -an ucre... ford �to, leave - his property uncOvered. - rapidity as to be,udistinguisb]ablgo-;-irA, sbot-by G. -Brock under oixminislance 0 E OV TIIE Isr I Blyth, March 6 1M.. S41 V, T An endless lot, plo did muscular force such a crop is cap- When' fires are frequent ovary. man in reflected ligilti their motion is. muol wbioll.jstiflei!l'the act.". ONTARIO. I wzsTi slower. El *` I -- , -,;- " -ED -W ' .0 � "Inglau 8
able of producig 1 r3dille estimate of it the cobirsiunii� wbo-fiequgi.ntly gone . TO will be pleased to isQ- EDS -.-T S
%rfi_Q,r�a `rmy S OTICE.— 1
inay property riowetb "I i 1 TWE beform6d ?fom this statement of: hiw .8 YTIAP. 0 a td Is repoit of cost Red SpruciA V;di�, thepor, lar tQmd(IY for all dward Smith, the English atitb6i. incurred �by I Dr. E Ires.. People should. re- The Nev� York Lfer about -1,50,000;,000, and brings in w affections of tile threat An' lungii have lately Tremendou's pileg to' choose from Over. 150-pattOrns; this. -Ib ih;tlle whole communi- Vow Pdrol's visit to St. Louis rever�to of,X5 000,000 a year As some persons of Igondesboro� are.clirculAting ity Oil fee",, who says :-4. Tell grains membol , , . I , I . introduced into. Ilia market A f - - d in the body ro.. ty; not the insurance -companies, -who, He-giftAirarid'went to the 'new cuskotil, lrger oizo o through the country a roport. th6t 46 uudor�il Y6*6 MUST SEE THEM,,: Yibm'60 cohts*poi rif cabbage consume Tito Dupdas.B.an4ordo§crib6 th it signed -ill selling not. of his own Mallu- r ard tip t '$2,,00� at
a grumb" thohrtible, to moll at' fifty canto, and 0
Ipay the ldsms by fires. If there were 'house,and was riot little amazed J9 holds-aearlythre6timos the quantity ot'tllo duces a. Ilower which is equal to I Mrs lars.dt thoinew license law in words that hicturd. he wiahcq'to say. Oat they lillow,it to 884- r);Ilnds one feet bil.b.11 nf Smaller , size) a considerable inducement Is bcHNTIRPJ,-SrF�&tSH. 11o,_)�oIIIdaIaoat;A;te o r10 insuranc( Gilroy's N464 Map. Cash S toppdoit9 'th6 Pos# -Office, ire's there. Would b ' 3 ; -finda-. s6nsible,people Airecting a rnawte* -will fit tiny locality: Jf*youputabr6wery 6froved to cc It sliould ))a understood however, that if there the numbpr of an-d'co r eta—M wilole- n9umero to purobAke,it. See that ,vere only half stly,st u.01ire on a mud* f9prida- license br;aohcSl po-cli I th lit lie hasnot ceased ill the 10ast, but is stiir CLINTON; Apr 1, 1$76. Y,oa got tile geuine. cabbage, like other kinds -of food rich in fires've riow ht&ei the property- lrolderd tibm, -Ile, remarked in 'connection with sale licence in their vobf 1)ookoto—a grocery -4, aoturing a.largu stooU, of A Inuft hoses are not so. dy,1avo to pa rib this, snbje Id ba;ve been license i:ii their bdots—a tavprn liconso.iii nitrogen, when eaten in large. quantities NiOuld Oil v half theprew at that it well rare as inny suppose, not such great �Urloal Ies sraeNY!s6n -a citizen wit-. '�ery-much� wiser tp- !)Ut- lip n iron their f! swAllox-taiIS"�—a domi-johis of Old either, tbeia are many, to be foun I 0 o lei* is difficult of digestion, and is apt to r8t0s of aahs�a bottle* of' ,ts of the rismember that he building for, the purpApse. of a custom p4t Qountrabist, we doubt i the WAR tiveness. -ence the nesyes. a fire lot hi;n, pop in. their -Yest poolcats—and. a brick" ever prbY6 As plum o to thoU evvp a as lie Ono .-Pro . . ;,4 , produce con If �',00itld be -done at Goe-fbilitb exhibited b Barnum wo in iagine 1pricty of the collinson practice o� e't will. -be �%dlea upon* in.'part. to m6ka. house, whie in thbii hats, y6u: couldn't' satisfy, some-. theie owners. T 11 cabblige together with p;rk, bicbri loss b -tO. f0W7tl,,t the U- CdAnwissioners a good the y the'heavy.'rates he. is the cost. Wlicn it was *iugge t dense f would con.sider them more valuable withoutthe: other oily fo6J_ guied 'projiiirty. Ah—lid6lile. North- )WAL-worth- hil t' wool, for this r( ate of tIlQ haLr s to,,grease tlie_ways Paying On jis.ownini ried t6 da -their inglicatis that the llorse,'Is not in a healthy 0 t T U RA NO RIS )ugh andwpol�ji C U; Ilia Majeity� that the A.ijiaic
a S'bigpr6perty.'and, built'for a tote posterity hi� Majesty duty fairly and jgln)fti� eOtt! RA I St. 11MOV-0d. StAgS A G and counteract this cobstipating t6a. Th 'man,w 1_4�jre It can't 'ditiori--�probably:. bida:boungl, or suffering from dene. . On this point Johnston' m kes then'lo6s. his. Aooi abA17 leis lai'burn," rdplied'if But an -iron Wilding wolild* done... 3i6na this unnat;��;i a some fl.isemp which,occai Y earance.;-all such cases use Drky's Cbndiiion And-warrautodto,to of 4iorilughly o6as.6nod P ,6nemy last for 400 -am publishes a Iona ihis sensible rem -ark :-11 Bacon and reflection perba s, is. an T ears and, you gi� not mean The Toronto. Toloy� owders and, Arabihn - Heave'Roinddy, it Vill to'tell side tbat ibere will be w Ach , W13 that the total -ify'the blQodi correct the 40 . nce, , Are- greens is a conjunction of viands, which! to the community," any dusto.rn array of fteireg' 'I sho pqr oar. Value of 'Climax Do Th e hing M4.chhaes' - ------ 01 year%" tire does not owe its popularity either to old housesta 0. property in Toronto which Is ex- , -411 obstr.lipt;04 uble Cylin er Ihr 9 0 from t1AQ 1pllg� alld"livor [IdVing nee d the sprvioos' of A' empt from. taxation A and of abd give, to the coat a aleelc and shining appear- I'l abit or to the more taste of the epicure. There, is an office in Paris where . ar� .-Ac-e6rding toltbe London Spectator* tile expense of wt;Al once, Re'rilember the name, . and see that, the Com1bination and 'Vibrator Th eshi Mach* nr n inges, It is in reality an admixture. which conw ticies, found -are takeiT1G_be_-res,t6red 6 natur6 of ard & Co. is on each package, H-0%tS.E--SaQE1tJ .1 P J , Zrtbrop'& Lysaan, Newcastle, Ont., proprie- f A CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. al*ays, ii1r,owners e X I - I I . And -all kind -it 0 on-bauil., -61 experieric6-Eas -prescri 15074-s tars for Canada. Sold by all medicind dealers. All work An. that line, aud all kiudd6f Ufgpair� stituti6n T PAS True Jawyers into troivoie, Ili. a�oaso be" cliurp �es rooreselit $777,9U; tile I(oman as better fi ttea to the aft6f _&ih'f6rYbf' _UT_ 7cer rS7 of w -.-tel -application catholi�#$724,240; th6Presbyterian$392,-- a_den in Ing' will be promptly attended,to, a
er' kind heard to call oft, Three umbrellas, one was made, to k e 705 ti We1 all Methodist $299,798; 'To most the large and increasing demand for our celebtatid. �Iaohinas, from all n w hetber, as 'a writ. ,say Threshing I
the alimentary oanel, than eitb v a workmanlike manner. -Dominio I I the at 72,321 ; the Prinifti a Me- N 0 ,TJ C E -PaTts � of the have, by the introglaction . of the' latest and niod - approved, of food eaten alone Those who ridi- wat6h, two rin'gs, one Pair.of boots, qnd would have toile served on it German. CHARGES MODE, RATE.,. . we. nal $61 - JOHN BRUXSD n ry; into our worko,greatly increaped.ou ma . nufacturing facilitici. `Woare Aereforo bout livar -five ba the ist$8 541;tho.-Congregatio N culo cnbbige- eaters, and talk a' bies." -gentleman.and Iiis' wife, Of Ena�' 10`5 the` ible Christian. -$21,018 ins on leaves like caltle, should remem- The:,Pritish Trade Au�rnal gives the lish,� birth, in 'Nassau, the w which Diicilyle Losideaboro, Alarch S, 1876. in*a position A a$]. 01 Q '-,'the Reformed Episcoliall WE beg, to ndilso the Imblih that we lilvg�*Ju(t 'rate -mild. n.'sollati Agirk9t &.10 ilik. ape -outside,. the of re eaving t a q op, an w..drrig�ntq to &d. eatir s of ffiatakind,. a Superficial 048�goe untaxed. a Satisfaction, bar that tbore is an instinct in hunsaw followina statistics concerning the.s iid�s _woii_1d th, p YZ nature developed in the common prac- -into G "We re-- Kingdom, -should run in the name. of 070,051.".All his -Itain-4. , .. tioe ceive abol Inidiii," as ;Well as Of 626' SYND 0 brought rest Br li r-- ` f, R ,w,hfdh uC L00Q,000 piDunas of,cinna . the -.if Empres's of, philosoplly'sometimss fails toperceive. nion,; ab6it-the same weight -of cloves "'the Queen of Great Britain' Ana: rd- Lot's Wip r, ou-,,D.-TietAenaAAt Cabbage and vinegar in not stimVIate -Chiijeallori declinbil to' his voyge to h Deati Sea found a huge pfilar e.nd it can be found in all firsi-el"a drug stok;s. cou- 4IGN-OF THE BIG BED TEAD., By .000 pounds Of fint- Is The Vice planers of this ' § , . anga 500.,900 t.0 -.7,Q0, � ofsaltonth share, And the Arbsi informed.him -S�! B'D 4) the as fish-ana wine,'buE. m . e order' on' his own -responnibility , �n . , �. ; I . . (L BLISil ,go .; of. pepper, 6bout..20,000;000. Y that it'wlia I'dot'i Nvife; foi our parb we argiftinob cabbage makes Stout inusoles, and -these e., clus ige of -the fori'of. Ole writ in, is I,OPULAR�REMEDY Y OR THRO,&TiN e -bz§ elsewher seful fo?- Ciroularg, ad Toitoiis, do': pquiRds,,' three-fourths of' 7-h Sue, inclined to doubt it, hoiigh wo have no. liesita. B fore ordei .0 0;l early.' ich is x LUNG DISEASES Largo, stock of good Household -ilurnitu'r'e, i6l in. the battle ol fply I liewfjq� --and-reftilred4li4laintiff's legal advis ers - that th� boat - thing, to cure colds, re assent r life 'bi nextralgia, bowel com-, will WA` t1-Fe-.C6Atwe-n- "; - hai'lie.manufacture, madq ofsoasonedmateriAk.
A ippe. 6 I . . to the �-L-oreQlia-nc rAt I s: . fin;l it inere, pro�iablo than. the other kxo, as it GLA�GOW, MACPHERSON & CO.y. CLINTON. The cabbage crop is aiso exceedingly at- alli pJace, 20,000 to 80 '000' Mindred plaints, &d 'is thp Min Dgstrqy�p,,Il .. - il . .
til0s tlio quahtiti. uch: to be );ad R all,wedichle de,�fglrh tur �5 4onR a A rine assorim an". imported- work, s valuablo for sto bt, .of vanilla,, 600Q to 7,000 this kno#y pbin't. nRY-WTSON 00., - a , 11
ek. * Cattle, sheep iind weig bDttle, Try -oh lit, `Woo�l aid, band Seat Ohaiia; Sofas, Loun- a$blii Propriot0ruiXontroali gas, What-Nots,'Criidles, Mattressas, Spring swine are foud-of cabbage leaves, and pounds -and- of ginger mearly."34,000 , What - - ---- elements, beside inspiration". Beds, Caried BrApkets, Rustic Frames, &a. scarcely ay kind of food �vill make. a hundred weight circum6tanq, go -to -constitute flip -7- �- - - - . I % ... . . ; . I and pictfires rdator flow of milk or P la fmineglN�ith Gilt or ItosaWood',juid amount- don't -perfect pun, say.s-the.New Yo Gilt AfoulglingsRustiay�iimcs,_wood mould-' -vi lvaves can NE TV '.-OR. SY ORE.. `v I b 11k F, , T -T-Tl.: T TT -1.1- Os "TO 11'� Around the it.1s,not- ga"y. fo's'aiy, .'but probably this IF' F etf )nd pork. - The'].,N% men to Ila be pickcH off quite eady in 4 -ho season t In, It �d i plain 5 1b. Cads. D611ar.Teag,,for, $4.50 given wligi.nlay. puTch 12 lbsi 04od Cuba Sugar. $I.OQ,. blisbed .�'boli 010 8 -doors -at. the, close pf tb6 geivicii -waiting hitfierto 6pui a o0a v&e to al oa'Cho'c"""OY J vitbodt detriment to the cabbage heads, with mod6ratoprices, TIC 11 lbs. G o I for their giils,� and iis�orts tbit it is very char'i�aing confusion of the dull pr6aeboll,, h ftrla-kfk�t .31clorto RQ.o Sugar, $I. al..k To 6al :
0 I aud wk11 supplemen't the failing feed of . alinoy"ing forA lady t6 run the gauntlet the inature.,ox,'Und the; 0 lbs. In consmAxenceldf the law roilisIrIng a V dir.Liquorilopartin the pastn res in the cary Aufursin b Etlar offifteen or1wenty young mers wberi 6�i;us ptilpitor�tor, comes s ivoarpery -paration of th An -L froin: tlto 0rocory, 'Tust ditocirtlys, 'WINES AtND Lrqxro , all,4f receiied,a large and varied stock of Ellie
than corn -fodder. Some object to e a e opened out in the dv, icai attra he gbegout. The TWIddit'im. adds this faction. aff may be. It was 'at a 11latho- AL.AA �ibioh,,will be sold at the lowest roman five pric in as. Q- late Bi Rab e Market re a. set, Glasa Geni"Frult Jain, tb a Beat In th -cheap, . Sto e Frult Jars,, Wit . b because. they make the milk and beef avice If Youni- men, -if you want to �;iot.eqhferenc prem;s m e e es fo taste cabbagely, but there is no necessity go home with tbe.g1r1i'bemanly.about:- m9n had"liepri d6livered 'by a- infinister r Y Ia; and Glassware, xiy.stock Is large slid Well Selected -Cheap. For Crockery, Chin
WHERE, for this if the [leaves are only fed it �Do not on ak Around , lik'gi: ivilpped named Steer". who t1fough. 6, wor.thy THE Y WILL ON HAND A, LA'Rdl'� AND. Diniter, Tes-snd Tollet'sets, Complete. mderately tit first, ats, Was- n R IF, S PEA C LICITrED 1 - and to milch-qows u I end t * ' ' ' * as ]Mitui'arsd 1�q C cuta,lbutgo to tbe�&Wslio s6 or m always immediately iifter milkin . g. o church, sit 013g Remember th6 1) ace, odulent al a . ide of. her an a V. E. - Scott, one ck f L I n6ot doo? her t An Is 'Writ d short are.1-Th Ray. '�V 'olliest,6f Cant h ar sto* C ittfe are so'fbrid ofthisricb, suc e." .-best known abd I el. .0 oke k Al dianclordythers, was present, and. was K N. Adt 1* that if lot into a pabbage patch then se ei -A SON -Artif lauds ef�snsoke are often All, Rtlo U.N 0 E RT I- N t1l , gorge themselves -and become as . 16al c .031 . din France and Germ ske& his opit soanUPtl)r. Att ded to. X. .13. -Agent, fo I r Quetton St. George Cc, i Importers of pure Medicilial Wil' 6' T any as a pr( A rseforllirc.: Aquantityof n o, orc,nto tho lighly saturated with the cabtage very fine Shrouds, Funerals attended Clinton, J0 teQtion ago1lisf-frost. , One plan, Which sermon. nt! all furiflsbilA,,,,% sit -at roasbnable.. y flavoi as an inveterate moker is with- ii�- in. riover.,mako lobace but lot tboin become accustom- aA large -and cai,o6lly'mixing. gas tsr.;�Itb'sawdu'st 'Whdr a Quillard sc6amer -is to Tile Groi-oky, ])a n continued at the. cit! stind'l As formerl corn f��Ibcrt Plain, lih�ays all Lnd (frinlined to $]lit) either Cd fo th' food- with moderate iAEkIno - - AFA. ', _ I. . - I rations at.- _T g * - - .- he. or otherwise, trects, V, or�qt f�Y111-0014 1- Me first, and they are not badly affeeted. ina pi ng t is. Th ix �jU be. wi N in consequence of or in -large licaps in the vineyards, . When. on.boardi a is mado 8 r ememb-or the Stand-Albort street, oplid that cabbages 4m c6m late inspection of p-tirk business, to other preini os,'a laigo aid more idle t stoc of - R ilk dealers assure us p LT required for use, smaller,'be6ps. sire dis? of ever); part of the -4ssel. .- Tile crow THOS. STEVENSON. vineyard� and these� are'r G 11001E R cmi. bo so fed to ruilch cows 'that their*. F.1-11 S O' U A S' WAOLES�,UE,' ANO TETAIL D ALE R . I N 1c, nsected,-aild. g6 through certain T ES a' ustomers never know it, and -a more tributed about the Clintoa,,Aug. 20, . 1873. sensitive slid faul will burri freely in & fo�r. hours, and proo drills; so, -%that ill case,.O'f aocident:w1lich The Pubseribirs ar -rdspectfully solicit. A contingilangbaof the t-fluding -set- Of ens, otbankful fot.pastfayors, and n in exe ange for g duce patronage, do orally bestoNvod on them. Farmproditcotgko h oods. VELLALN1410US .130OKS tomers cannot be seared -upi--- r .fiLtRqkq, Lqi� Lot -I@ Y_*Pk� _I!hi would req_qire the use of.the b in Cabbages creiis -every 1=L -12, 6 the radiation and p ovefits. frost, case o. re, - man. would'kuow fii� $11E#PA-1U) COM R. aio a specially gook food for yioung and. I . . 11 U RE ]VIEDY growing stock, lilace and. his duty:' Every liu"'Inp., atia ENG SN
-is they bound. in mus. queen, 7Y ietoFia, the olporessof1iiaiai LIXTOT, Margib 2; 1676. cle-Li-wing and , bone inaking-material. will -be amused I with %,bi of news from wator-tight, door is. testod, tbq supply of . MR!E WALL APERI WINDOW SHADES We ever desire a young ani al to put the Asiatic 'kingdom. of Atiltaiiii6n, roelc6t9--and, signals examined., and only "170-YrS, AND in on fat, but thomore when evervthligg bas been found sedure WILMA11 We Call I)Ut�illtO bins t)ie better. . We of'her East Indian dominions, and is NEUT)ENA8. AND ]FLUft, voyage ig midertaken if ibe sm-41leat, do- 0.0 once asked ;in Irialiman, whose pigs we wonafoh .$here Ali, with rd. No 'bones and muscle which lies on. the ribithwestern'lion'66r WAREN 0 FANCY GOODSig VIOLINS AND 0 ASBSJ' ruled by the . ake passengers- faceived on boa GO. TH E, or 11 onstant-odre is aue,. in part, the - goo Before Taking. er2aking. NG- UTCRELS, ITCI'
noticed were outstripping our own, in fact is discovered-. To thin nainuto, and- the title of the A' b ., Who t -he PICTURES AND FRANS1, 'TEA RM
1 01111h from the same litter, -what was Aoi.gil Tit] i bill Wau. underronsidera- d ; � I . f . .,
the secret of their growth 7 Ilia r' -11F YOUr"WANT b On A FIN JALSO, A LARGE ASSOUTAMDN eply Lion in the. British'i PbLr'lia ment d sh6ri; . fbrtnne� which 'han attended this Ion& A I FRESH Orli 00 in -d; �thwpr�`a. I tell was characteristic ostablishod his" f stea or Cure anq n SUppe? PaUCrIA9 dnd Berlin- Wool. (460els of his nation; 11 An- time. ag6y.jhere, was A. good deal of out- awtd the title that ought Debilit Prostration in All Ir6lirnign knows the virtues of cabbage. side 4�sdussion' ticalruld of the company 11"ev t or 0 caa*sra produbcd by over -11 th6 inottv any k wn risk, begloo slid alcoholic spints;lInt tile sA latest Papers and Periodicals al a on hand. Also
a) 3d _re WEr
Come into my -shanty and you'll See."- to bQ assumed hei Majostj lo' indi� no ore, Japan .Ageat or, t to F V a Yay all coniciongled tig an unfaili "ICLY G1,033F, es, Thebatredof raligionwhielt cliaraen 'Ile Ykoakaikes.,4, Speribittorf We went, saw, and were convinced. cate her authority n the EastIndi A14b, MAlt
The 8113011 of boiling cabb!$ a leaves WftoL giijd_Mn_*tiller4 the 0 Liental' spholar., tetlizod the Red %jiblicannj a. Inipgatency, nnd allAlocilaos thitHoliow -A -A . - - Its 01 'I . seems -10 have lost o res n e a rium or o sggeg I AIT f BO ITV�R:S_ oil g a coffi,'fE "fre-9 4 r 'Mulneos or VJ81011,11Ak *W RtUE11ftA TIM NAME AXD PtACE,- We do riot advise our readers ate ubject,'ooncluded that the'triest none *of its intenSifyL.1nAh"indSPf. filWy or on t a s, dineaveg Oid 111#1 our Irish friend's example, and A NEIL I S_ nd oil- ttiiig title f6r: her would be-.FadiAalt, politioal desoandauto, t6 ex6rame-.ftadi�- "of which, off R rolop Are nrat raosed by gloviating, from J0 cabbages for stock in the hous, 'he sovereign of the ShAlbs, oals of toAly. Xot long since M."Louia a It ; 'ti, the pat), ot nature tinailvilmnaoigence. it UARXET 80TIA6 io. Blaffo gavlo i . til. lLdaross to it gatherifig off art a Qrgsgserso, D many yorita of ex -eating thago aiie dia, is a place for everpthing and the- s'e �or the bead �of the soVer6igbs,. Y rick nlook,-- The lit flie result of a lito'd find I I 9 ILINTOT, Oat. 22, 18"74. p TI 11111T L.. � diass, and at one point had occasion eulatii in our panaphlet, which wo; do.' for boilifig swill is in the piggery.- toria, howeirer, when she made -her this CLINTO 0abbages, however, are benefitted by choice, preferred- to b& know�n as the to mentioil the name of God, but)* says$ The 115poelfigi Atedicitio ill sold liv lit 01 A & big 11'ps��nob that be N OTICR TO T! E PTIBLIC4' lvintlwr,buf� 13Y VUE PUBLIC IN G-EXURAL. enticed that the Anseer of Afgh Rl cooking than almost any other vegetable. Emprogs, Of Inaia.� But' now it'is ftu� the report, the word seemed to trenibi o, of Ax padares r,lf $5, by Tli(,v are like applAis in this respect. illistan, on himself was ADMI ED 'NJ) APPRE CIATtD
Ind;ed, we have been inclined to be. who �must have been -followiing he-dis- afraid of it, bu t that -be t6ared tbb eflect. I . . I . . . lievo thnt - botli cabbages and applds cassiciii i1i'Great 1§6it by The OSDORN�d U6_�AL SENVING aw"has Ai�sutssed, upon his Audience. 'The nioment' the The, tinflorsigneA bog to infovin. the lnlia�ltauts of Clinton and surroundiiig country that they Drug okvIorywhero. Xavthjro1)&LynAc%n0Toront
'fiat" ivhoro-ovqr exhibited. The above machines for sale by Ila C gul I . . were better fed raw than cooked, The for himself -the loftk, thlb of Padishall. name - was jwonGunodd, voico' cr edo ve otitered iistti'Co.11attn�rship for the,purpog'o of darrying.oit the bulsinosa of manufacturers who 08610A 0- Qlinfon,.
General nroma of both, on 80"i llit� g6kifie advantage oftfid it 14,2/ a P1 U ,!L (Ther"&:-ho� f their The Am, us� de of Waggong, 61eiglig outterp '&a in all its vatiouo branches, at Y -virtue dep' the style And flon of. Ary�ctlwr Sowing Mactlino furnished to tder. A -splendid assortment Allwaynon Land, 0411 ends, is dissipatdd!'b� Aiother iesp;h'agid - from 'n it in that attar, God: SESHOEING and BLACKSM�ITHING' 0 a Anfilploff of stitching dono by Min, Norsivottby, on tLevo maellinei, Solving mAcliffies ro-.
As to the varieties to be.. lka� k ' or' lives' th60th0VlEl[d0, U 1*1 :ED. Zjj� 3M 'S JLL':[ i -0, Ingg kept ofi hand, Wtwicb, Now Yor e NogldlesA�tlotlierfurilishl
it4 jL AZ jJ the choke must -4,p 4qtermi the smallest specimen of bumanity, in abolished), Xa .. . . I., I . . J�� . 61111LOW100 the 01600A�Xluroh. WNW, obe doose -ulast� 6( the� Constignotiefoll Xediel end in view, Whether for the ta 10L 0 to axecuta work to -Any in t1le"Domilli r v ria-Vraky Ptynni. iod 6? n& publicatAim is prone-to.,tun to ratal"'o on. Their long oxpori- fur8tock. The cauliflowellih the - .-the 0 it nce in tho county anables thoin to fully understand Cie irequiromonts of their auotomern, i1nd er 1 It of foul iiigdeli� wara V, Flynts, formerly of Greene With such a apirl, they ho o, by.stilot 4ttantipli, to -bashicolf, tp. giiii entire sAtidfagstion to all those who may _-SectionL-of cabllAgea for table us�. It is Xew Yovk,' Rio agil io fbi r ' $9aft an,i ty ana binsphomy goothing,botleAth, the not only move.- deli,eateln flavoll, but 'g, ss�ouf all JILI-ge sk a gooa surfaae, a helf, Ila I favok, them witli thilf patroixiga. U00DERICH FOUNDRY. more nutritious, the dried flower fur. ' In attomp A.lgstggi atil. Nolootatoolc of this b6st flamonea matdrild alwq on hisdi oraorsoxdcutca nishing some fifty par eent,,,of ht 1. sizdd; gilt, I& Is not so large ou ont of " The �41110 0 ''Ale hg Olt$ j Toln'Tistimlilo logo.. rn. Tom -TIumb's prod that he -inorease of"Intqmperindo whereas the common cabbage gies onl' d;Irtigge 110.Woul(l 106k AaL 10130golka ag: iff 1166 to great so is alsorted by the thirty to. thir,t - . _y,, 6 v aTH Youndry ail Rotnetinlea 'objected W tbd%ca uliAo well gon. To sit upoh,opts 41oih Thumb'a interesting gtatist6aii. Thara. has been d that it is difficult to obtain perfoot heads, easy 011al would b6 td' blest what it is' ail inareme In' conslimptiotl of' live bush- 1, URUron Street,' CLIXToX. . to pro'serva thetts. is Some foini. �&te Post, when tit In England in'tb$ doura6l 6ffifieon years, Taff '110 to Ublin 0141i thay 0 I when obtained it is Inorg dl:ffidult 46 oraltuiry bdy t6 p6roh lalson the els of Ws1t per hoad of this poptilvitioll n001409. "He I THE TIONS01 & WILLIAMS X tPag, to ra rtiptlkod to saprl� -can ophoelva wk6 or an increase d 95.7 per dent the bon, VL 0. Tuxtri? of thanking hlsi� numerotis 60foinbrol for dation for fben objeotions, but okill vind is' amisiler than anyone . '�r Rt wotmlil Tmcr, Tirls 6roll. I'ti bW6 allttpilotl in 1800i In Apirita, the tbobq Mud Patronage they hiLvo faor6d him v rIenprgy will overcome thein pretty bt 0�v - S T T ll&X 3MY r1:N3M4..4f& rrnah bualnesir in this tovn, end Tile fivat requisitefor.i'dod 8�98 tile Insiallest,8110d orange in loss, amoonting to �8.5 p6il 1974, Stiocaosm it) Thoivison 'WfiJJ&WQ, of the garha Unte lntimiltb to ihani, end the public gignor.. 0411,bage of any kind; -is purb. thorougho baby hogg. are too.liltigo fop hi w Hi It 06nt'po� head'of the�pop�lftflloll. 'While. allyh that hillicis IcAilde Ouch St ritigdmtnts Ag will atilt 46 pilortl hill ho b61160g; 16 bred More , " Us him to th,f,,,'r Plow# It'ha sim'.Mil1g, stim, shffigl -4Z4 1104ding wrist 164116 site of an axaluary iriall. a, howover,.the population haii only'ip,' will: bs greatly to'thW, Adirintoga. Looking to tba III- 'Vars6of ! Agricultu al 9 E aine 'ik 14roat of hcr hm Allig%gbit tho Aggivigiai of We -are 'confident failnri,.q an) 6coKajoned f�om ito r . n W. o thutub hi's ankla, but &-slight 1110reaho. dressed a pat dent filetwebil 1801 aid U4011iftoof 4041
good need than frorts ally other cause, jqb Ar . . . I .
Tile cauliflower, baing the stibst advAte. 084dalts, fall oaib like a nia". no. 18741* tho Ilumbor' of dattla tested, In U, it W I L L I & At atanda Wenty-tlstdo 1316hea iri his, Aods, th 46"i O'llr1tidir � iftlets hig I'sio 80sted. 20 . C ' PrOYOrnmt in tho'oabbag6.h%wx1ly,. arid weighs, 01,otboll Ila ll� , ' a CA '$&I# donAiderid tto b6igther V A1100L rib Tntedigglar 01%ttefg; And JP9tahh Xattldo, Qt6tO *dll. ifn " Who VAN fortntly in bciltlems fok"Llmobtfin Wit 00 Ott 16ug of W t a A , t*alve Gerst, � sit dmis fig niudli, bam, An i blelbiv, , tovest is . ire 1140 4146 111646 Anch Aunt gamoitto V th ling geAt fdZidelley to revert poutids, Thid is the most"116 ever bAddqo 1$early tfflfba &I hilIat' 1jutter" 00
tj, J Ulft0t1b, W. UMVAT, J, 0OWa0Aq,, W, Find tilerefore the p4igrea of the oeeZ W�jjhgod Ifs hli ll'fj. Stift b,# 10 1% 11VOI. 11 1, '11PSItALL., V. 9, more thati. twloe at rdtiah ched2o'sild, 9 600641 81 pat ,,t Asr ore U4Xt7r, AOTURR R8 OV 111490 AAA will briAblo him to, und big #k 11 In all rAlit 6tisp dvar at any price, and aure S A L.T. PL A X S
=0 be exat7flne(I with care, Poot. boyfvlery 46tival.ollsisibin grain. T 0 0 DJ@
p4di, into, dust a d , tting dolon walks tbr4o timbfislo fnany eggs N JJM time$ AS r nr Ali#, rtanistia. Waso NoUngd), Aga 131il6affillh wa& -grflo need will Pny at high figures, around wil hig m2dg Wit of'bl muish rido, 49 pot' allb More I Augary thd *11inor of tho PtIgAs f6f snkleh Jesl d . r Johogton Hatustofs Rni 8 Ram ad 00 It is of no 21sojo try to taige cab, 6-lika''Lig gratiditts;111. Alid tg'lkg 4da Ati me 6 dW ach
b !rhey raqt1lee gooa IttaAbir gria JLd, 1%§L OUt6 Als an nr6ado&ot PoWar, ITAILIZOWt ngP,a cm thats twida gig wath wltd word! imporid Poplukro hxt 011 - Met IvWdsgs
%nd obtijiltsted pat. begsd in _t% ift or 10 milhtifigliam 4 st.pong ciy loan, and plenty -of ro ye6a, 1rh % lio lot, W4 of 130 U46111fleg, orain Straw auttaig, &661 AupbHoAty ovot till athbYs', Arid *oilld vfAti th6t hig 1(i 1,01 is best adapted. bo cbeir wbarl m16 y6av 61d, .. Vit pardfitit havo 18600 Although the number 'rsonst 100TIt W thcIft 611 At IAuth Milfg) ekkohikivii t
6486AA6 will bil wtbialt YJ growt1i, but It mu4t not'bb so retontiva taken him to tho 0611toii 1111mlAttrily 4641t, with for drtinket)nogs Suildors of.'steam" Mdgineg and 130lersi all gizes, DYJ Eof rylaim,urn nuo koop tile toottt a6akdd'o Vllota Ito will ba bXh1bJt04 44 a full Ilaft. 1"drgsA$6d 6$ Pbs' 0611tL diji'I'lig tll V � rs Wal-extfol-t ftqlliitld� in gr4wlt "AthWulAft ut abho rAtrAorti fifidoillord mhy tbit ishautal plant. or, aill Ider. th# proopit, I" Ybot 016 zmes tomoo to tile I A.A AID Aor:DO:C bT 0-0
0 hT AY
lVb 11
"g asCd to th. m a byi
U, t f'eph�cio. 116 WAfor Notij �Yflj4jl h 'tUt AfatiAtiag are lits tiltxd 40, lid fOP WOH- /0-0 161VAtfttJ isi tha 690tibef UnAtti ho *Ili tmill*6 that RGAAR -tort hVdAbil , TialAntly lit -watert t ea 'r ti Y �th# qL'd0§J Otiv *601 got bal 11 106d 011thiltisO W goild *6A-Ahablid 1401t, A :4(),DnJtT :4r1;Li0X P66:1 TROPUR TPI * 1111plitlent t)f ft (1), ll And a hill A011). ro 1110 446 MAI Gassict Yet# hillp, It thrilfos kont lit W Noi. dAYA till, Iiiii