Clinton New Era, 1876-06-01, Page 2111� too TITO XUBDER10104 088,t JAIL, 0 o a 918 Ito I DIN 01 1, X Irismi Tvalwk #401wax tlpo* r0*19. 04 In 7 400umu. -tit. 000. WTAVIAN NEWS, ake'llima more. VAQUO Nyowloh.jt to bq 4igtfu0t) un4erst904 lbot wo �49 not On Sunda tho Th ovenhig About 7 o'clock, 'rho Qnoon has croAted Earl 13tilrorlit r 114 is It Just 1,4014 for or QQ11"Vol him to lmlpilhto money 404 QW041yos re t 04114 Aer, I us 1490"ll"PlittoneWrO009�r inbabitauto. Ait worostautlo4 511t. T. XV, �V%AD will 840 tly. b wrot., 004M Ion. TUPOP13140011, jUAM11101411d, )PATC (1000, WART6 11 , Open 'A your corr4spo lufol and This Q414 %report that John and"Jiltoo" Williat) Rnight Grand VrogR of tile order 0 go, and ill till ilia essQU041 ro. 17 To X.Slir SUB$047110BMS. --------- Mlobaol and St. Qaoroo, An ho'nor 0 f st, in 1441111fil'otur X A, X. sined "mo singing tioboolhor 210. 01te Aldito?. or gto. Nrew vra, Voong, ilia. lying, under Pontonco. of.'diliwi. `Rfor* (111101tes for Nooloa comfort and yolitical power, X: 2.30, P� Mt Is too 4bsur4to, bdeatert or ato - 004(8,, 1�aia in aaj,,a.nps, will oblain W. A, tha, rod, on his rodecoosois, Lord Llogor, and tile pomiuion 400 Advanoc,l ill greater ratio t 04 $=,—I think your 11olmog for the inurJorof tho, farmor, Abel Blao., Viscount, olick, M At, and ?-0, s�ll the almotoro of the west Rla� villo oorro- C thipic that two. or I �oualdthlaqt, Noyortiber, had 41' . an mos, other coloviov, (it tile Britigit gm. go V ull, ly proper C0111700 WO thil Xow A of ran 8 7, 7 , spondpnt - must noro dared most mur. th 410 11 a apillor and escaped. It appears Tile Po Qlatiort of Wingbaol, no shown, PA10,14.0 Sucioty, Will be hold at 2 wrOgwill x1gut" He wilys, #4 It by tho oft a 1 141 con000 just: taken, 4 1713. oltion. N 11tial ptatoinolita of this kind aro wadq 0119W, -Try it, oil fil V, 0. �1,po8lays. on 111.1 Tuesday nex�t, lu­t this ignoramus of Porter'.% TIM coaU read that it had been goAlor &'Litwiropools ous- ton tho It loalwaya .VoIt to have at Iland evidence :R 109 disposing Tito increlise since January 5— bkj*ment 96so, GodQiiigh, tom to go Into the pella.ovory night for ilia last, wl, of RovI41011, t h4 May their support ; and. f9rt4llat(,If A volume tilo, "IlAQ SMItt cam prlat�, be inigh, �O,,liotlqed a' Statement census vs taken for school purposes 11 w 1009M the, Awpo of purpose ot lool;ing tbQ iron shutter of the be r I ustl, 'MiX0, 'Rer% 11114crAtAlla tLA Mr. inRlid'by thi cajjoqpo�daht Of thflit pl#Q0 -night lie went ea: Whi 'is leg mople Ina. just beep isaii all, foill VMcm4m. V 35, *.nt 1100 A"at" dogs liferent bonavolout objects Tito Court of 'Revision for this town sat that a grango was going, t 0011 Windows, On 8,111144y s fully 200� tQ'd Er 9 0441 fordoing this. It 40, t, and as there were litit few win, loto of tho. I-luron Mills, has )eaged o orgaiifzW into tile Coll of the )rIsoner James for this A w4ggon conta�enjvgtr five porsong w . . It is t4 fourth volutito On Konday Ino, there." ZTot not ; our own a 40 Of tbO Oollfalll of 187 1 y and boa , contains a 4,jgeste4 820 12 155, twitit, will pr%q",tv. the interests Of so- to prolillsoll lately occupied by Mt�oors. orroopondont -To founA apparent- being difton. Across the railroad tr4clA at. 120 a ey we fopg04)a1s, th re quickly settled, Tito does ;tot profess to ku purpose. oyerythln6 stAtamout of all tile oenougopr Which. have been Poster slid NY, ill,opwi out 0. flonr ow a Yorything before ,1011108111RIT�-: tiso -A V,Ta� I)o1luotit 4 -'a log Montreal, on We4nesda when It. woo ran taken in the count 915 2 90 wing a.r6 the cases o the wooi)d it tUkos place, but'apeake 0 hounds, ly right. , The inanaolop, on prisoner 0 andfodstorotheroin, bin rd from 1065 to 1$71. The �601U=MLA.6.­ � - Smilingly secure. Lowrance proceeded. to into by 4,locomotivo'lin one. of t . a art 04110,41arlohave Ila a long th"O to,wait for A* 9 Be 2. Mr. As. Alahaffyi. Assessinelit being Ox- One istartod"In this town in§ide of 4 trionth. I am– Sorry v 1005 405 'f Alto ol , our 11911ileovillo. correopondeat look the obottor as usual, and while. doing killed, the remainder badly Injure tin complete record of their, �Olnst;4 - butthe ya We do not, j)y any means desire it cossivo on 4006unt-o --atills"boing do. wuld take oughan u. ngentlet-A%nly Way of 701) We Support the Was loworod by a, rO4 a 1tgnovAL._1v1r. 3314djecoi4% has jtuit re- -trying to correct. his bin the 0140 of tit" wl ma grip lu panic HET Immu, VWXly 1149 to t so lie received A viplentblow on Fl" be, utlaersto0a Choi, otroyed by fire# 90 has'gotl Aggo the head from sure'lor the inooliveniono 91NOR 000 A's, the assessment moved to his Dow, splandid. and voinmodi- hold of the. wrong l. behind, which stunned It men a at: the achly, n their voting t emsolYeo t119 Of QUO, leaving $3, dat by the wrong end. tin-' Me, A.. WAtgonj of T004to, ail arnatour It is generally ad lit 4 that the con members I He romptubors 06th m 0 alto of 1871 11161011-14 all it Gus pr6inisos.6a Albortstr* and with, tile *1 am not1t4e chsfi Chat otolQ the robe and Ing farther than the pedestrian, aqooi�glisbod a clever feAt on wits Very dolective, ARd that ill =any cases LONDON, 4094A.- I - be() lis portion of ilia property,.nnd 03DO ou 1080 wro%sed t�ey 40101181168 that bo was, struck on the thO,'Qtlqaqis Birt Asy,' having walked to the , indemnity but uo%l that, belonging to Mr..Raooy� large addition to Ilia stock, he makes a fine know nothing about it mora. than hearsayo turns wereutterly unroliablo. �1310r ........ 0 that p6rtion _�e lojellt, KIPPEN ............... 1120 7 do�, us. NY Uoss. Mr. B. Corbett's narao wAsplaced on tile Show, auA is an acquisition to that portion With regard �o tbebridge he refors t6, he Lead repeatedly and renaorpd. senseless.- RAmilton in less than 11 however, are foritishetl for a. fair cam - 726 -hmgot�ttjottliem � , R 6 , hours, 4, distance data, 33XTJOUPLD 1185 04, coming. to himseltio, At- Once realized NTO . 00 11 in tile room bf Me, T.. R. Faster, the of tile street, making it well worth a visit has madQA, misstatement respecting Who ofover0miles. lie avers that, ha,ts able Pntloon between the tWo periods named ; Alld . ........... 2226 7 Boo has done, and it 4 fqtk1r6 session repeal rQ the state of aftairo, and; though he 001114 to walk Clio distance in 101'hour& - LQND'9�8110AOI ........ 12 55 roperty having be6ill. transferred to tile for the pleasure of seeing it. !said, Let. your reAtters re o these embrace a 96 p ad for thonloqlvo�, A , trQtob. of over ,)Qo yeArit S 86 scarcely move at first, lig ult'litiately drawled it r b -at one the law, Which we most o'es'Arealr hope usy 55 goo, former, I claim. that unWs. there is a grAn a organ, A own towards the hall, And gave the alarm, Air, N, �0, Peterson, of Sarnia, has com. O.oeon Q 'what rapid strides ilia Ve ...... 2 00 900 a U of. A%V, A. X1169 wiis Ilusmrss QuANctiA.-Wo understand that ized at Wrier's gill, nd ill built otod 1 has taken. 'Rho. first rogtflitr constlo has purphased the gro- Onlia Boos and other inmates, of tho prl� fifteen. days qontrAot for toli n1666, t Which tifuo tbor was o, WiNe villb6dome.' Tile alloesine t Me, Wi 11. 111ne, P1 copies 0 . P'da Nmw HnA insy be and m the Be COO to - re- overAo Maitland this summer, you car, tons of- bolts, and nots,' and,five Iona of 0 of RR�oa Was rQ, eery department front Messrs Sheppard & oon-90109 upstairs, 11; Wag.discovered that' pol?.ulatjon of*3,'215. In every succeeding con. ctatica-l�onAhe p r the Tant cAtmot prove his, notAorW tr 0 yani ana .7. A� Xenos, respond, Ion Qx� steet. Price a cents per copy, consequence of ilia license 11 ' lioth- the, Youngs Were gone. Tito acetic in castings'- to be us 'us there Appears to IWO beep a steady in, essrs.iao.'A Coopor" 'And will conduct the boginoso in ad, on A0 COAtraOt Of 6 Alb. nk it Would 4oced $300 in Xr..1lIneIswQJlkriownbere- R. $I Sifton, ard & Co,, in the comtruction' crease, until, in I$71i ilia VA-ovirio hedmes' empty cell disclosed whaklind do- as of On. being withdrawn) leaving 614100. Porter 0 Hill, may 00" 1876, of the'llridgelion the Canada PAcillo RU11,, tarloarld Quebec alone presonted a population be &be contrary,, and an evidence Qf`9rOAt Tito personal. proRerty of Mr.. W. Ma, abouts, and will, no dotj�t,. succeed well. �urrod, The hackles which inol44i,4 the Mo4sro. Shej -of visa 00 dif- tin, wars. r6duced to, �100, -�aving b4l) Aq-, prisonerfs'lege yv�bich,.%Ko L. . oly if they -Kn —oldmaii Neva 809tia ­Ifai C�iaently been opened wth med Wicli of inhabitants in New 13run4WIok whilst walking oil a Si 4 olas Woodcock lka� a false key, which 14 now irf the bal nstitu wns t and the other provinces which haye since boo' A the do- Several dogs were a a Qff tb(3L roll, IW4 '-Oil Friday list our permission I would It herifr, and' is ids of Trunk,'at Bellevii, 40 track on the 037804 admitted i�to the Confederation, the total ere tasoossod to say A few words with referencer to the ilia $1 manuNcturod out of le, on' ThUTO&Y, was t.ry to recoivb, parti6s. to Witold they, dQDY-- Fernpudez, tile coloroil POP"Istin is found to be bolit 4,qQ00oo, pri., i P., dorin a, gave B, R,R .;oklq n by an. origin .'almost With late QXOJ1rgiQn the L., H. wlitit �looks. like . a brace -or-yelit lit knOO404 dow ' ered them, 40d the conqti. Ing ownership. it concert here under ilia auspices of tife .4i no and f population there is to xThigars Falls, I think tile Company This must )lave been done provioup to tli�. instantly killed.. The wheels passod`dver santed an,equally V It r en'rho Court then adjourned. Mechanic leasing picture of -to ve . tuencles t sgriti to pfirlianient sl JustitutQ, but it w. ry Poor in rence. coming intQ Ids logo, near the body, completely Seyr. refuae,19, - deserve pritise for tlio4 proinptitude call, although Nyhon. once to land cultivated, agricultural ly nttend8d. . fks a pianW (trid singer this, t' hat d IIn tb lice, fit ith a o rie in t. a Opp _kt s'.9y t am. only such man iks Are satisfied _FpAil�i nienta, fAr;n prod manuf0keturing prodigto pm , anotbari___ir�66 te, up Wealth and comfoA er excursion, over T posed QlAt,'s(�Poori AS settled curre�t of lightnin struck tho, and tild,"Senoril of the at any rate not ]ter ouporlor, and'. all& -ter"ili agn J'Amoi; is roally 4 fair picture to look upon reaspri%ble-amoant'of inde . was of such a, disappointing chrito , proceeded to'John's call, small frame house, occupied' people. . . .... The cricket match played oil 11"Wriagday, ellualll1olly spoken of by these who an In rnxpy_�p1%aWLAhe__wi1darnos �nit fo� tbeir were consequence of inferior cars, and being a with ilia Uoyiwhioh he ba4 _po"qssed ory-Delhij--on�-Mond --und- the 24ih of 4 Services. ay, among members of the good J11q:96a Of musi og.hut hall. TRURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1876. M 96MY a fruitful field, The. I feaared�- -hiaiself­q- Tit the floor, daWaging thii h0bc, given place ey -to a aud for the -so then"LQPen6d t 6 iron door conti6qtIng With to a consider�blo extent, and ii1looking.the Y T� Jackson and P. Cavan, this won d be tho, Same, but they wore evidences of barb�rlsi�h,thoro are- POLILK resulted in`� XRE�DZ%­4n Speaking hill, and quietly stepped out, b ]Ro,4s'S DONATIONS. )greeably- dslak011, as, they arrived at the the wlAole family,' OIX6� of MI . C4r46r,S f- nosuppnea 7iotory for Cafan's teatn'by 1. -the, trou. blo oaus4 by the Licenie--Coin- Qat the fruits of eiviliyatiori t;.ud--oulturo. In the their destination at. -the advertised time, rear, j giriping the fence and landing ja the A -number of journals are 'rejoicing wickets, The following- is thil icore miasionera of the County of. Welland re, t, - - wag burned perfectly black. history thus recorded theie is found'tbe germ . .1 1 abitridaned of opportunity' ourt, -House yard, . obn'� shackles' w"cro' fusing a licens t lor0y liaving 'loom was �Ast over, the anti Q_ -of - future 81-battloos ; ad Canada, more than - We think the stritures of the Bail- o, to the Clift6n,Houso at.the of VjeNing.,the_wLondors�,9f-n r + ,�6 , Ion the joal over a late, aeiipf the overnra error of oap�, aturo -at. hat 1efb1yih"n-asof.-i-n -th'Q hall,--they-having Illost'other countries, I as ning .ant which JACKSON'$ THAW� .0 noo" anotho , at p6i( perry"by the'annou , Shbuld there bb. r-oxcurpioli rctained them VT. bably'vith ilia purpoho. of Paifecti011 scolony of Grcat)3 forth Zcpositor apart -6- -dMaU011a_-Qf- 7 Oosin� iltat locality'lies Ili the bounty' -of P1110, merit Of"& PIgn 0 � a death last Saturday i lit f line, at U'fu itoking al�iy Ono whoanight Obstruct Mr. -Adam Gordon, ilia m L ornbe North Geo,;Kuo-9, log before Wiokot,. t6enl,. they."pa 0 u ow- Mr.1,Aoss, St. P. P. for this riding, to h-Wenthworth as' they opell it Over the si ture day, I brust �f att itanlike move, le of thio'loodlit will slio1v their os &.out nobso ed,�.h ry 1it, whIch,wo fall to see A MoCloy, E Harland,, 5&'Sinclair is the. jndp of that tba� POOP y Ontario in the house of'Comarons after'an 'say t se ever, and nothing was known of the obeur-,. sle- tb noq B, J. Wade, b. I'larland, a. 11 of io the schooli, and branch agricultural 8001 ia that ligh 8 0, 'county, and lie conducted the enciniry, into appreolaWn of the Compqnfo. qnterhr only four days, tl d ease bollij the Kingston Xows p�o prin, ranoi; until: 1awron6o kegaffidd'conscious­ i T. olinstont b. Cavan, a, Grassick,-_ 5. idea and liberality, by as lar t �Ulop ittle. cart ; how we wond ,ose of-prizas,_ -are not the reason, of i6l refiisal,'And alao.deci ge, a tum-ou as itfiamiLtion of the bowels.' spkties, for the purp I nd crawled down stairs 4here th6u- art. "Much. , wp Wish thou, iroj" 'of petty op'te,&'And will�poquniarily affool; T; -Jit�lisWb, *b, tic that thellohiso,shouldhave wlioonso; O,r there ttid crew of the schooner Aldgara; which w.as on,the recent occasion: loi4s A only uncalled for and ouk of place, Vat Aysou 0 1 - . . . ulds!t come h 'Some of our ovitt people its welt AS the If.. Dennis, kun olit, ogntomporarr should takdone, or two more James, ilia One who battered ilia gaolor, arrived at St. ay L ro foe 'the strectsiara'* E.-Dolterty, b, Horl -tit awhito cotton shirt anct. John oil Fk1a, , 26 days and, 0 - lessons in rog had hotbin gi on b also unreasonable and incono naive. America It appears tourisl�s, to the raphy PLEASURF, SnEXIM. from Rio Jagfflro, lost two of tboir,'ni4m;' . Scofield, b, C&VAnP 1 2. a pair f �a�ts, togetilor with'h a shoos and As Mr. Ross is now in Edgland, and W, ackson, b, Harland; The Watford'Advbcato says Clinton,, May. 30, 1876 . . I beiby ycllo,� fever,. including ilia gtoward,, wit Will jok�o even at tho! numb from the MerCL stockings. John had on a cant and Vogt or of abdut'..'severity, R. Dinoleyi b. FlArland, Sutherland,-- oiiO bf the leading hants who belonged to Portland, St. f6liq. * -The exPel)[10,ofbis gallaiitr�.. It wits cannot give an explanation as to how as. well, but big 8hoe,o_arebad,,harIng-.been- -at-Rio inciro were 80 L - oril rolifid tho, f L", Un* of Forest, has left for Hengall. out to allb . favor oiced st V J. C. Gilroy, b.' Cavan, a. Mcrawen_ 0 1-1� Was doathw bx qtes, b4 a boon irx the habit of w the fetters to meet ghtonivho- all it counc I L 0 and on what groundo- the gifts are made, Ali Sibs6b, not,out,- for it, number of Years in - busin6ss tL 13 Ware ' - ' "WIGre going , to -Ri'de Lake in tb summer sea� OYL 617111 In ber'own eyes th ng LaWreiied'ittnibs' that t a an in. tliobe -of ioiorrfor the township of 'shacklos opened very easily, and a key could W rld, wits' boasting'tbat'-�She. ha4-: we will speak for him, as: fara we an burn in ill* t ' id, 4ppears to have' sort for tbP,,purpP§QL' of -:And �,s coun Y, 01 an That. Court of Rev` The hiquest.on ilia body of Mr,%,,KoItAO 'a-stio _. Ing for 1�uren-, o�idQpPo'lii.5 Hulltt Wks held .27th. ben, Wi to LH at.Londebbbro,va ilia eqe. of wire that will unlock HAtnilto: _V brought to A close. it eleven Witlep, 3, Byesi 3, mmoval Ong -!1d-Suth.;- ind build q a. -derstand the mattem , It is well, knon," '*hile,. there imused:- th mselves in all. While frie May,' - pursna"t L to. adjoFtisement. All the Wcloc'klaptFrida�ight. havordietwas ..rod. meii� at her fthem., It is not'su'pposed L tbo�t tile prison- ao.rland is a g.�od, pushing fellow,,. wa re momberil'of-Councilprooent except J. Howsonj adoceasad 6anw, to Lee, death, from in., rahr4-:ed in. an undertone, as Mr. Ross made it public, that be the spocess 0 re liad,any asais.tatico. from oi wa shing, and the goTerhWint flive Tot4l, 72 snmewliat: doubtful nit t6 f. and dul,y.owtirn by the clerk, Mr. J, Mason Aside; * AIL- juries-rec(livod'a 1j" . ­ �X �.PfA igh,thol.keya i ands'of her I oppo ad to the inorease of the iVdoranit' ]L ; , 2xD INNINGS. PP n 0 -being' ihol; or m oi�e Raujt4ll. -foaV_tG0.0lOSG?t0 -was a 01 t d Chairman, aitter - organ- -arland - band, i, 0, ' o 0 nt Me. MARRIED. �LL_p 0: lua were: bpad6d could -have boon Pasio itim it Ph The deforlda the Court was. adj ourned, until 4 p. in. j:, to members, but as ii; was carried he bad thatljh�6 been established for ye�rsv.but ized. the cell m4ndow, Which oart bo'�redched b� Rae, waii then f0mally oom'r�itted fo'r' trIQ DAyXANw-:-F6sTn:a.­0n.,tlio 23r4 ult, by for this ptivilege, in. some sense, as a set Goo. Knox, b. Howsori,a. liarlaud,.. 4. 4 wisli the Pla d on account of the Assessinifit Roll not bily- at the fall assi as much ricylit to it as.auy one, which lie � people B. J. Wade, b�. Ilarlartd, qe every prosperity, an 0 noil. meeting 61imbing on to a roof. which zes. the Rai- F-McCuai�,. Mr�'J-. Dtyrhont OR againat -t AL owion, 0 hope the enterprise of its buildurs Will ing be.ext returned Complete, L OU A MOO16k, b. H Just now- it, -I Tho -keys, of- tho. gaol A an name 4 oe-was therippened. n6i been ind4olizi Hoskins, of Italia. to Xias'11144both Foster' both f all must dmit. As it was the pebple'6 -,y -meet With 6'gQL@4 katurl, i .. , a this, �acoiyc from the. American GoverameAtt 117. -christen, b. Howso o� HoWsc 2 1, " by J.'Brittonthat iotind,sotliitttlie-fugitivosiiiiiablittvetakeii y. dLd It 'beat Moved by J. Mason, go,. ilia, last W6dn and 'bit town. H' -Dennis, log before Wicket_ 0 or two hotels, sev0al largo frAmo storo� the arm, of S36or 106 -On ilia -111% wife it, so -that: her money b9fore it was paid to, him, for The lit ciponded on. the gravel thdm with. thorn.;' a manner amount thm-raised would be ab6 7 D b, Harland, a; Poster, 2 ad other buildingii Arit.in Course- �orec- road zorth'of Clinton, to bo oquaI1y,,,dIgtri- given some fivo� con (ables'starte . di doubtful, R - a allso severely bit n pnr-. which he bad given, no good and sufficient. $50, over and above the cost of 80- J 0" C "b. 1�owso' 2- tio, 'a DIED14 Coll' n. a(JL ORD ' n utod on said road through ship, Suit of them, butatiatead of surro4�idiug Ura Malt� "ded sitid. road is not assumed 'prison. sho'go, 6 'tile At %,.JAdksol),, qed Woman, and oi4-that' recompense, in his estimation, he con expense caused' by te1 UNrTID Trxr�,%tw -The fol- r by ilia the'll, It -V�re itmi� suppose the v Arm mura r Would h W - .0. &'Ve -ElizabotliJano, only daughter�o AII,11. her 7 lo�yino'odro, Old- offi6ora elected and duly can 'Council, said hum to'bo. expanded *in. era had gone ill ourod 10 the roads. ensued. Ono'ef the policeman, was%dso ggod 16 yap. tion and ot Uri out, f sidered it his duty to return it to them vigilance required'to a at tlli�: law, 0, Gilroy,lb, �Rowaen; 9v'ty g, under. the directidu Of the 11cave r 5 months, and 7 iilataC cy Be pe tb' led by Otand Deputyi J. 0.'Steven. gravelin ate bitteri. by the ruffian-, v6uld do J. Sdofield, b. Rawson, orarri6d, It is suppohod tht had proper eon soidroly in a sba' that be tboug4.p son, in Clinton Iodgo Orin, and the. inovai, PIP should not bo'.violAted or A. Sibson, not out, ton, Sea. by. LT;L 'ok, takox� on the Sothern -Doo'easodhadboolis -0 a length escape being discovered. tit ' Mlo,�ed by J. Brit who 860 f6r6rnan-ou tlWL Pros, -;41. 0. Stevenson, -]lave been hammed I re-- 801 that the Petition ofJob.n. M�Millan and others, might easily in Extension) ail( wo prosurno, oil the diffar� - W the Most good. That he has done so infringed upon.,-:. Wl at is I, in, Coln -G. A. Farrawk a Present tirrion Of lie Ii6ni,th6 kridually docayi6g'eff&j' 7, P. turod. 13 there einnot, bardly, be two opinions. bo� gr:an fed, and that the'su in of $50 be ex. Ot.111139 ant lines led, by-the.Great -of oonatimptioti, but a short time ago tliore See. R, Coates, of iajlwayl�conti pou -slid dap been -notified by. the hief -appeared considerable ipprovement'in her, parison with tbegum thLey.w�pui ,)a. as been, h am. There appeara to -i nd* Holmeg kdoil on ilia boundry line-, �f Hullett., Westbrn, have If hiq exampl& should be followed by Tredo. MoRillop; provided'the Qouindil of MoKillop bo -a febling� that the fugitivoi dre. lurhing Or thht-hojes0ei no person. is to be- -health, iind hopes 'Wbkb'�-entcitaiii6d or all the other,members, so mhch in their maintenance while tbera 2, We7, :Total 29 -grant the same�amount ; that,the stim of $70 Ili ilia- neighborhoot. its -is I Tli ikely any-- allowed to aon the track be6veen4ta, She wbuld. recover,'f(s 41le think that, 'instead, of t6xi' them fuk:� Grand 101' Conn. Miss be expended OIL& X 5;6 Con. 1-8 ;'tjivkt thq. enough,, unless they liave friends 16 and also autfioii�cd to havo airibit- 6. take short-dri Veg, Wits e, ng - ? t'- fl .. t : I . I -Z oil a. 1poll I the better, or,9ven that they should go' CAANIS. TEAM. petition of. S.,Slldw n;nd others, be "granted; theiin,4161i o2diing, for if they IVIO.ro d tpno'se6�- walking. or loiteri -0 Dg -go t� romoo -took and tho" ther itulticemen is Would be furnished, so an'd -that tbo.intia of $60'V6 oxponded.�il the a -par tl IST INNINGS. W.L Hofilpl�il I" thereort.L.-.-L lie -1%103 further and give out of their privat --d- th -sc use. _jOnL 12, ne `�rov traotc-im-thir-conpac-.- t V nce , .]ffo.W _b, that more would 66 �an il a 04ndry. li' and-lvlorris� Ided easa: had. so woUd. at once be discovered. TIi4 Maro_ t means A_ideEw.an,yb., N adei -2 tile po�itioncirs. give the same atuount, to.be iUob6 f !OrtinoAns the il Ciro g'rouud be tw con the a an. one. there would bd nD cause for sor� - jr ;''!bat all liope might be' 6' . I Dni. increased travel`g4visitors. to be: prQ-" J, r. rom any. 1�14' I fence& � Parties. aeduston'lod to �usiijg ing thin latter. pdriod occa a* A. Nell�s, ly'. mccloy, eXpended-nudbt the direction dftho Reavol, no so rep6atedly raw, for if tbegiving, of prizes at schools D.M.-Mliss 3. Robinson',,. into fri6nd8, iis the people tire' ti vidod for I Wethin kit a -penny wise.6 J.Harlaud,runout, 12., MAl. Rowell and.itlea that the dfini of UP bo -expended -on lie r6itt- ad ti oliort-cuto huil illagors Ili said alto, entdrtanc4 no hopes of ber is - an 'V. Robinson, idndfy� towards thom and agricultural shows is' good, th G. W. Rdilton, b' MCCOy, the base line Con. to W expanded anything but ft taking. th.cir constitutional walk-aroillid, c6vory, and looked forward f ]tar:, doparb� -p�und-foolis --polie-y�7tho- run on ed'� ' ofte 06veinm unddi the dirootion of the Reeve.-Odrriod. 'rown . f*00is' �icd for'tlio arrost' ill ploaso take, notice. ure with A dogreo.of joy,.. as She' 4' . .. I L . .11 .Moved by . WarwUr, goo -dtionscinher 53yfour., Alt1i6ugh,-- t� -liad o P. P. W., 0 0, 9, at the more liboplly that..is done the bet have adopted in this 'matter, and hope. 0. MoLeod.,'b. Wade, 6. W. Jackson, 0, by J*..AiaZn, elicit pyisoller. Tho-'Quebec'-of-Boatty's Lin6, ariivea her afte, ter. Isamsn,beca6usebol.)txl)penstobe .X.Sherwood, 1). McClby, �,Johnstoil, 15 -A arly: on that the petition, of H.:Walltt6o, and 6ther8 from it a hour - oil wiser Counsels: will prevail,, and tbo'tax D. A, Forrester, b, D1601oy, c. Josliri, 8 Siltilrday morning h -act of Mi. praying for a grant to make A sidewalk froi t a.14to' a member of Parliament, to be debarred Sunday:01 ' iiblo and clear -0 rolting, with llinot)r lfitolld�. to tile last" and is disebyered' to- be on t P . I,. Johnson, b. Mooloy, -4 Fair's, sn" Londosbor6 to the L IWIWAY 6jation, bQ 110 i)L'Iffluflol' la be abolished at.,once, before Americad w, llif, . -_ 1 1,000 flitiFols Aotir,'9,500 ph almost' v 'to'L the. b96 of bar. death, sangL vro donativa:, to charitable, Ere, nd although it. badimade..c.oilsidorablo 91" led. bushola of ikalu -ana bopa; leavin, tile '01, find 80, tons silver 'Ore. getting hymltjT� of pjai 'asoin nieut is that it is the �inost­ whbro gra i.ying any visitori 'd farewell tq. the inbo4pifabld 0. Wbodi, b. J601n; I' licadwayi lic alarin, and response to� it MoVed by J. Mason, see. by pecilliar, f ilia Brithsh colon ial do tt .,After ab, ,AMPERM, agricultural or religious in- N I the,sum, of $15 1b.grant6il tbL Ge I a 14, iystaniaticlly iu:�- tliroug�h'tho'ico hhove . W feeling lipoli Clio ininds of laW Poster n6t Out, ' L 0 'that, at'Duluthl r sbores of Rice ver. qu, his yaugea of ah.; The rea%on oftbis is'that.it is am. he ice for 19"daysp h� parents, br6thof,' and fri6nds,,tliat whirt L4e fore Was so ickly made that its progvess yr4s -who Mist -with I G ii Quebec had- a spl6n4id'tripp, dalling at all all' rasd6iiinedint ion, stayed, and- was to doctor bill;-�-Carrid 0 a. Are OX oil a bition., stitnu whatever.?' 4nd is he to be t gomple ely, overmentxl was 'tfieir !lossy was liek, gain. 8ho,had '-rWides, 1, BY6 M=J� rit ar__7 -I -Ti is '90 at formei denied the pleasure of contributing to THE 811G6LR_.47tJE8T1 1, 10 axt"'gutillad. One side of file roof wait a sending tboii ads from the ihoro.ports. Tito whgrv�q Dwd; I hosts 9f friends, particalarlyarnoi)g, inuch burned, and will rbquire : ronowAl, AW of $600 be oxpended oil roads distau 60iluirios' bad for their owri conveui- carry,o 'T t�-a_largo-numbax, of- and -bridges duritig-ther osaut­-7caf, as :-fol;7 barn- h the various societies, means to forkivaia.�tha otal, -76-- pr 'the firit beat to ra;able i6iociato 'and she leaves behifid',_ We would have thought eing break tho-4cy.chaing ag: not -L he f 0 Orion 0 t1peir different objects, although he IN, palls and plofity of Water Were imni6djate, lows, viz;. -4200 on th West: road division, nlis�sj6nors, , The goods.,wera pr 'Select- held so' r ond fthepasi. Noratime X I S. ly available, or 'Otherwise there ib no under thedircetion� of A. Monteith and J; ed, alassitiodand .bibitod, fteriya which many. 17grald, Before taking us to task in re14- T, _McClOY, WT � med. t irv.-conuattion, Howson, V, she J[iad/ a a US Organls only takes art interest.in sucli matters, portation A. MeRi6ni b� Josliii, a. Dennis, -1 tellhig to Wht'oxtout the fire inight-1avo ilia W advertise Qvis or that individual fArvi orar- Gibbi tion to the question of thq Im Mason ; oil the soiitb ioad-division; undoi. It, is.briertood that Hon, T. with thb church at Londeaboro, where-h6r,- benefitted thereby, of - fi J. HarlaW,"ll. loolin,. -11 gon6.9 [t is Bupposod the fire had'boon and' tiole, but to give its true an(I complete aPic- In co0julle Ion. wil lee -greatly app�feciafed. but is also inatorij directin of J, Brittob. and J. Mason; aervio6g We re Lied Sugars,. - w0*uld.bsv�1)Q.pted It' D. A. Forrestet, not eut,* .2 smotild6ring,all. night; is oll wa� -thought $200 on the torth.ro-ld division under the dii turo as fi.ossibld 6f ilia iiaturalnd intends shortly to-estUbliphe& a furniture, The funeral will - take - place this (Thurs., because he happens for the time being self,'and not have, sbowd - such. a * total' : A-. Nalles, b. Joslin, a, W., Ja6kS6;;, () to b6 put Ont hen the inill was shut down rection of J. Warwick and J.' IToirson ; and resources of the country; Canada, though factory* 6nYohge. street, Torontoi and that at tw It urerbe, titborizod to -pa inuch lost diAnnt, alid- mitelimmore at hout 0 P. in., andpr6oded to be a public 8ervapt I As the answer J. X. harwood, not out, 2 t' that t a Treab a Y for a lie has paiid 618jQ00 for a' 30 feet frontage, ele Diu* I he -evening Tito fire was, first t1f6 stores u7norance of ffie Wit We -or - an ni- aid *oirk on ilia orders of the ford- with its than auy� othei British"'colony, seems t� the oadesbor' a t or $600-a foot. A lot at land 49 feetfront o orno e;yl diaoovorod by �Irs. I who reAiditson A;, Said. Counaillors. for the'rLrosinctive road. di- to haveproferred tile shme plan." The exhibi- by �bollbl., is to be in the affirmative, then vla_,say .70. fbet�dbao, SittiA �ntional falsification.. To tUlk6f refined. 2 tho, opp6gfto teen -for admo tars of the Dominion do not apRear in their botweeii'To: Cod midway a Goderich:t6wribbip, on'the no honorable inan would consent to be- thne And ltly tunch disturbed.' councii-pr000eaifis wero than adjourned iudividtial capacity,- They -or the. ronto aiia longo streets, 4N Wth'Mw, Alnog; Son 61,Mr; John Gar.. Sugars contaiining­wy to .06 p(r (a L ' 03380(lile are alr'und Adelaide otr6et, south aide, as been sold Ai lii`61.1 or- gery lccfl� until -the. 06th Atie,Xud'Cotirt of 11evision. colltvol of the Ga;i4rnmiont CominissioAars, of come such a slave to the tiblic. as' to Total 26 a. of gratitado foi_;k 10 months. saccharine matter is sheer nqu- ..sonic.propont., wasgain op�pc t J. Wit '041i tile Pomillion and. 'Mr. . .................. P cent of Mr, r(iii-i IFa old a I i �r,,% bnd d whoni I 1wro are tbfae it by private sale to W. Mullbek, b gay t4aj, illero _eWiok, 0 terl,'it'is believed f6r the Dominion shut up every. benevolent and generous seaca;,and A Britton, sco.y u6 it hilrovilleb., Ao BargainS -in er. is that the ippeals disposed alia mod'ordorly display,, facilitating,th fopt. Thia�boa not principle within him, and deparate him- enco of 85 to 87 per. cent , in of P ba EhA tAkeS the Free Prem to task. f6r'orc- r. ea� ful. look much orEsq.,.' ybw s . vlz:--�-Allaix S. Fisher, Jr, Paltermin, (app�al6d- 'spootion to 4 tba.:vJai(o boot riding a few' wooks. Ili the old cotin_ Aitbi In paragraph, regtditi *the first h Ito has ex�eri- The suspension is arinounced,6f Xessis EPERS! tEST CRANO.' self from all the objects that are estall" Redpaili's is to say what istotally false, 8 10 - 0 by L Ball.) Xohn.Upshall, Edmund Manning, ly- appreciate only whei ant of fish ever ilia L., P� A., to all to. in try, riled to town on Saturday' last. Bill re aia, a what trQublo,tho confused.. and dis- li&-hed for social progress. Con as assosswU­C Pried., ' anced t( T. B. � Schnei4br -& Co., whV-10 -that it considers. -ilia otei, TbAp, In8tend. of to them.* Tile The aid grocersi 0 1 ara'about to 'mako extensive Al-, and wb must suppose all frdw,.both rt was then a.diourned to, meet again state of affaim. throughout all tile Montreal Tito liabilit fe heavy, but terations" was clipped from ilia Exo. at Londesboro,,on Friday, the 30th.Juno 10' ='all depar.tinenits Pts any in my. promises, a neigh- 'its readers uttdrly ignorant of the. sub. fruit and oinatnat4al, -for caterpillars, As -dc.d to man who _6t even fill ox illation oat) days �ffa To say that tile member pf itow'allu I t it prdsont an BItArr1IVJ1A1111r, � k. visits Clio Exhibitiou not 'a's a iners bowildorw,� alitiog; . boring constituency must do as X 6 in so 'Ind ter d to it credited. Settle with '�'clock a. in., J;&S. bill r my large stock,of w�lt paper ject, to have the hardih d t: they are numarou �o -rovent . . . I . i . I., : � ' ijpg slion ascurn. for pre, be made of. the atnount�/' he- agsets -will 1 0.0 ;'to, state i . by-titn6lydee'tructioiLllioymtvI ll _ 11 __ . . .1 . butai;� A in be largo, butit is fewe 20, per cent.. below regular Rms does, or else he will be looked If4bere is . any, difference,. hich We odfroin doing much injury" �is our cotomporary appears to. b'rs so 0 creditoral.wi pri NVArORWO, An liont's str011 tlir6ugli ap suffer- a 601181dorablit I a notwithstanding. ))o ' u 't Miss this Chance. 'Don% forKqt the bazaar and socital-in the .110110rablo, truth loving, an possooea of ji "&IL y of tlieip Bri down upon and called stingy, is to be hardly think to� be the case it iii r3aid guolfa;r6od'nlemory, We Would respectfully tit (161)hTtru L' " " 'Imp3j'as Tho firm has onjoyeXthe beat credl y 11'001D Ion a gives you, At b up -to JAB. A. 1'1r,(LL, sugar L possesdes the ad,- iafollowing . 'Tile Licobse LAW has, beau perfect'an idea of Clio country as if* you had ar ad 'lit for the banks- be. Office Awwritvn E, apreas.eld., talking non8ense, Is it os8ille that the American town hall this afternoon and evoriin requeal';un. clucidation of acent,poriod, -a b aid oLtho funds of St. Paul'it cbu�ch. poei to keeping li(pors in har-roorns, You sec everything, from the go- coining more consdrvative, th A roo , p bouse'nlig It in quosion up. Jai, ItfaDride i#as charged with the above of; grapilietttand geological formation -of the land have g6e.on !n�fch longer. L Di ' Zfay V, 13W.. men are to be looked upon as sheep,= vantage. . As the ethtoments of the There Will doubtless Ile �good things -to be stery-4ho para�,rapl scounts be. - where one goes tile other must follo enjoyed, -not only in the Way of refresh- peared in the Xn*,*i' H U on the 18th itnd olica by the Inspector, and -thO'.osse come be- ai;*cxhibited Ili admirabla ?naps,. to the best ing contracted, precipitated a - crisis, a -ad ma products of inch Jaisito photo- f, w Herald, with respe't to 'the -quality of in Fr(&i of the 4aine Week, 'and as fore onr Seatorth g46tratcs. - IL, C. Cain6ron XZtry, lille OX( brought the Ouse to grio or, are they all a 1. a vAin and weak that meats, butin reoitations'nild addresses, afid tile Exeter PbAeff of that, week' was issued of qodbrioh, defended McBride, It not graph e U L -familiar Witfil the CYpbS of For, Sc too raing of eloquent the N�lv Ep theinabr6nto, , t the sugar ill tit erl waii received by tha� Atternpt6d t6, be pro grii&6. co y at Variance. w th also In the d' ou ica eat h4 had, . d li-� . Mri Jo�d Shork,-of Cheai)sid OTJ—S9 WITA TEN fWir that -he 1164 it lov-FATO-. Tin-M—ngs, tile cliarndter of ilia eoortqr. up with. every convonle irit enough I uqr, -nor over lie ae*ot of ilia leading public nsA A)tN�1aELTT`;G nec, hard and not; they have not independent sp the truth, Which4t can find out -04 On- LADrus.-Xt i's important thaf-MYf�t Want to knoW by What inAgical t4erOL r froiii, which ho made. last year 'Arderfean 4rov liavo* OPY housei r, only Q ircot, near the 0, T. R. R. Apply to to do what they considered to be right,' e got into.a .0 then, was lo*all intents and pur.', As Ali iudmtrial display, howeve 30,$ 'PO , 46 of This extra good skitor, with halt in earn of atoundo alwato 6n Victoria quiry lit any Well p;sLod grocery, the abotild know that priVAtO Oil$, And any, private 0orSoft departmooto 6f Canada and Iddla' are d6arv- Make vait driver% to and from her pasturo; 'tit regard to ilia purchase e$ so that the, Pree Prgsg- could POsOg I adoptdd 4 rule wi Oro rot, I Z�l bufter* V Wil0iL every day, d dig ce of throe A' fter' Qgntobf Xttyuj 1870.�- spective of the conduct or thoughts nafly as falla iay keep liquors on shelves in a room If h I g of notice. Tito Aust I tit., ons drawn are eq rl�lly affleet, olip j+, out It is beyond- our doinprobon- in rillian colonies are. too I that Will rnate L 1 to with th - '-- -CaW lid n 0iolas', �ftnd­ ­ _. - ­ -- -i ­ choose to_d"or- d -said layek Cataor6ui-.:yollugyet-tdbtia'bl'd 6'�Qonlpc a rest ng this springi otwithstanding, of oth.OL the- them. -do., 4nd so Y 6rhea, the inagistrates deoided. This decision of the world, afilthey vary reasofiabI f t at she bado p6turo, being fed rackely duct fifty cents froni ilia price of every rain sanding,tWings which'they know paiinot riv Pon hay, brAn and totten appl6a, yet we We think this is expresssing a very. columns, that our cobsumdrs- -Of sugar 7 1-isll'important one, lamb tb;tris not castrated, 10tor harvest, L JjTmtAlly- NOT. 1 .19, CL nlni)�ap of dettilis have, occurred in. this he products Of either American 6r uropea W men, aspect. are onjo* 1941V1119 of IkIM, '�' �L ". 0 low opin' n, of our g tile benefikof d Evory one interested should 90YOK-11 Chain- Wo llavo rocejL 0.1 0. Club will -t6 h �Ae 6 'to 4=49tlo n 4'veraged 4fA n --A T-h-drexhilft- cdilo%t�-1 eld at the, Conimerefal Hotel; on 11 �otipda of butter weekly. Uondgy --allr-of-the one entr-cotti-oe�teelves-aeo�rdingly itoje vear;=by- pres tit other causes. aluloAk-oxalugivbly Of sPePunb" of nat I-11 Cap qny of �6u In . ffu4t. the rll inst., at 8,o,4J6tk friends. in -the x. A. anr ire�Lioll of a ColurnitJ Qhit6'a bushiewis being done hero, in send- prodacts,' All kiiida, ofrdetalS, itiolisiti r aecultur6l, I awooi),.Stoy�' li��aie laws for us arfa lead us in the of e -s U'r inarket, is as sound a trath B. B. C. -At a, meeting held at Clio Coal- '�oroiito, undar the d Y eotitity,b6at: the itbove Id 4114fon, Ifni, 81f 187M too of1tio, Church Association, It is a jug to -.the Toronto market, Immense ad ira Is OU bo happy f hum-an,progress. If a man is asWAS OVgr tibCored, We. advise the merpiA Hbtel, tiny 25tli, for tile purpose varieties 156ro and. Woods anical to hear fro thowi C March o of, tim Eft One day 14ob Week a party of J�Ingljsil ar 6 at organiAng a barin ball club, ilia following UOILOY Printoctfulio Of sixteen paged, fil[OA 0 gi era is m n duly�tloctqd : `W6i,.Doharfy, fart Of,!-& "'Quebedwas visited ith an ON or t of fd64, danna a8t.b0ofs �isit6rs iitopfiitig'At the Ca&jaot no too poor t 've it noaishonor in Herald to ieek ajitfilo iinfor 960 110011 oftloe'ra were witli. Original anil. selccted� mat , -specimens, Wools, grAiDS, WitleO, air a rt L ant d f ThankS. it attempts to lebturo P r a s, .1, A. Schofield;'Capt." E, rWill b'6 Profitable to OV6tY Over'ohiil!16 -bollodmuttolip,atldltai)garoosgp " tile Niagara Fa4s, diArdd �Ltnong thinuselves T not giving, but if'go gives at the possible the subject before i lly, Its is purely ovahoelical, hou,log Were destroyed in U611tealin, Ward, sincere and hearty thinkn to thc,06 �ho so n6bly Sic. -Teas,; Property' Committee, Mesm.4 taw' bulk of ilia exhibition, - You 860 lit a butce eoridd themselves in giving big ninio troin total ad- y expense of others bipause anothei has any one tipd� anj other free from allurch'bigatry ;Q ex- flid estimated tihio it would 8tructIOU I)y fire on the mottithg of tho 27th last' -the sugar, 61r' Sacrider, Gibbon, 'Schofield, Fletaliq And district JApg pout4 of t, John- the failtiloux riattiral oulth �f tile Nil VU take a man to dVoill and ro-crogs the now don'@ so before him, i1b 'is not only dis- question. Vitlanant Committee, Messrs, the hurt a lea dinfon, M4 20, 1076 Goldsmith wbfXhns,, unfortunat4li, obar-' itr6ot and west of'tho forfificatIbn wAll, ginalAiistralasia­ ' !Ind biv "I d ilia boat oil. Susperision. Bridge four tilneg-rillaking a 10, ize'd too many of this olug of publics- The lots is o4imawd A 01,000,000.. poistunities for NorQug1Z`ap)proointingL tfio honorable in eonsequened of the liabili. run of about.a Inilb. - 0hree of tile Morrow, tions ; but none the less a surprisitIg goalus of coldr' ation in, . I �arty X11DJD1;ESEX. L TIl,g: Stores ci '�ioaepli cook and rotor, felt oonfiden't that I npiisi.,� , `, Notice fd Debtors -NORT to of Spiritual life Among Christlatio, As ' 8 )n r, t could be acoot ty of making others suffer, but it is con. 'd a, warp 046orca bi axi SaANDALCAsa.' Aasd which isprovil - it L ad Ili. fivo*to- sli minutes, and in L Proof tomptible its being only the out-br — I . . . is,, in soitla reepacts, tin 4gart Of th larg last Xo'aday nigiLt an'4 17 11he,'d partmontS fuld (Japadn, rl)A�o A AC- -Ppping 'ing.considorabla f�od f6r Clia gosalps, re. viliscopal"Churcho I! Should receive. thai th 4-confidonco intheir pedbsivilin Novx" 18 Rp"Eny Me contest in-Abia riding s takeairainthassfea, Entrance *as fjo�ofgd quite Tifteront'kip of show. The natural a' dotIN119 due, the late ArM of SpoontT & horna I I cently occuried In o' placo not a - great 'die- doqr1fonance and Slpport, (if I made thviftbrto blustbagaitted Wets tbaI0tLof'JrJ Y, 7 /0 of his vanity,'oeekinZ the applauso of a I its adher. re8ources of these, boon trios are not nearly so Time, 0,04, '0.08 and a 4 e into baoh pluW by the back windowai The f r . they put UA court folli 04110difoh. o ish people. PAILI a vigorous manner by both, paetass Cuca from here. It se"Its that a 06rtaill onto, more wpocially -ofthat 806tion Who , fioln the..1)60keto richly Toprobented no the itialtattiol ones, and 5-40, The ineeting titan 4djourlea' 0 f keys of the tates wereAron, are bas eatirea the Mr. B. lost his wif&, by donfli,'about, fout n, '�rtinolit is poorar than the 4q T)XOS. 90MAS. infinow Mr. desire to orvo tile dpatrines-atid dig- Id uid tolreshments. . , . 'I a n pera Nothing ploe In the okores stems to havit beeii Counc nits Ithadld., all 1876, of fioth the., propriat&s ikt 'thoir Led hi on.- the India If our religiouii and edneational initi., weoklo since, She had wareely b a laid ciblino of the Clitirch. of l3inglitid, from ilia 1,4u 1 )(Oaks ail I A Lyndon on 801irday 41ter.1laoir bo�, 'asqua,re one betwegn the two 'ay in the dold.ground before he �ah 0111 foolish innovations of the fitualiats, diiltutb4d, entwaan four all Avo �oicloc Ar firo. broke, JnSo Act, Has 34 pUyil3k his nit dbdah "ladO 'IV In Gunder a lumbor Pita Wm. Nea. Ivent' bf 1876. tutions are not, breaking the sha� it Nye this '80ibition, qud .19 if parties, It 0-ard ter.pay any �ttontiCa Man-comin6noc oiltions to hope it will receive it liberal patronage, The Philadelphia 'Coproapori4ent of ill's and liftbits that society was inflicted t) it a. Person scarcely yet out of her teens, 4 Tilo jyoll�lleil. London, / Xevcrthol�ss, It is bij;,lily Interest. bet's saw inill, dest at the Conaprvative Journals say for J*Une,liait Al'ait recently charged Me, Perrault with roying about two litin. In the-mattgle- air wilitant filart000 alm with through ignorance, and which, iii WookL ago the 'two were mado- bno floilb, arrivell. Thin Wan ever-welconiopublica. having,cornpollod a Me,, Wade to pay him ing frq& ilia exquisito. number. of costly dead and 'fifty thousixti(I feet of 'lutilbar as to ihei caeggi W8 and -now the req:ent *iaowor finds h1tigelf carpetsi silkao and jowele) r prospects of sif . I . y, 010 of tion, cobtai t dood-o'hatnatbing of oirbentages on the work done by Mr. also the gaw Will, and eight d,�011lng houses for, tj Xot let; of ilia Ilindoo skill ill all the im TN.Vqot�EXT mia'ifift AX ISSIGNMEN%, many countries yet compels a Man, to g,.1t),a1d in iiat t in the unenviable and, 466tleso morited I Ila somp r� 4alles of hand work, Tho bn Ritchoy, 6f his rstmte to %no, aila the uotfJ164- )osition, of b6ing,the subject Of the I nacts iliterast to all ellintc. ItsirtialosareVory Wado for the Canadiau CoraWsolo. �doupied by the following -Jo do as his neighbor does, e would lilt P ably . ritteu, to I lie point, and can scarcely only has Mr.. Perrault anteroll d libel Atlit catpots forinint 3 hind-bf 64-grootid 6urtain A, liolag, M. 144y'ville, T. Arnol T. 16 ui4at at Moe, lit W Town 6f Reatotth, in thd-Caua- 6 Levi was certain, Und that Mi. Scatch- and 'r congratulatory" remarks of all the (i them, S. It. against tho Saft an acdourittof 'this charge, of ilia Indion c1partinciii are pfectronAlliag Avnistrong-'L (Jht6rle% It' 0 oil df Ifilrov, on MONDAY, the Ifth, DAY F.XV to know what they are doing? tow speoplej many of thom expressing fail to benefit all w L lie ra; 2'61 nit clock lu (ho-iffernoon, to receive xtatamon . t , a - W., i uyW orej -Mi 1, But ara would have to wait fu another 6p 11 Oe ri fory-po h 11SQ and'ato -Aft (if ilia diflits tua to appoint iLti, Assignee, it t he$ at, Ity. we are glad to be able to say that men. portuni Ah i ng it ecollbetiou wbloh the a tor at a cont of tar and faathrs� or, lt'rid6 on 60. -s Offield Atifila 0 ongo t av! f we Are to _Thor blabdomialf -ougo igit to tile Nabob tafid, 011 ard bedoming more independent in Irougo. ddio bV the a !!,nsrrd.W_od9O I I frro6tyl! sat "I' from life recotit v a a .thought And action, and it thby' ilia Toronto Proollytory on'Tuesdiiy,,,�nd has t a t " twelve t, on I ollats.. or eo fit speeches of the dandi4t6 �Atll bV BuTonArtal STALLS. -'On Mon. There is good gr&96, tlid o6wo rejo"06, an(I it is now ponaidatoa tht tfiodifficuit 1,48 ut on her vary bo6t ciothes to little Insurance. r now olidese factory is regularly tic work, U r9l, 640bms they intotit day, last tile butcher's atolls in the r P io, Make a donation they make it, and 8,L ppbrt6 narket on l,Anable 'been bottled, the following statomoot from to Pit' ave Spent A'sad ni�d m j of b.i Tb altiould of money for hot toileti y accident , 4 tho contrary when their jadgmont al iildin , to Xvi#ph onsiderAle, ithprove. 0 graVolling of illa ro"JaLtoiliaLstation Mr, 94odannell 'being taken fig basis coni happened at Lindsa, 'on Thursday,' b C* Jo.make protbo.tion. one of the plank� Was let it to low a TaI6 on Friday �llat there The Dominion Tteasury. 1144 givon $3 00,000, y 1 100 of lots it and 1�,Ifuronitoad ments fail been made, Wero put uli 'by . over�'otlo of tho. , wh0i a young'lady, Miss r,� Ityloy tates that oSurse, and the sensible por. will be about 800 of ilia subscribed money -41 Notwithstanding the diffiou 04 l, pl'ovilloos atonsidorablo lost doderfolt Viis 4botit thao Wks from Clinton. 'A -and illol of tic" and futdro 4 her life b arnall Itawa)iouso stnd barn all the plAcb, also abont 8a M their pl4iform but we ar6 glad to 490 #notion Ott arl'uptet price of $40, left, fw4, tha ( Mitten AkAos whether to -build .4ding, the ratorW outrilltitiori, in.addition to thn Outlays of pri� ,v drowliing. It a)PoAt that it ia'd �ffiy,,adbai; :­ tO vgita indiVIdualg; it earpon,or L 1108 of cedar-, about tioll of the community commends tile ob fi to the highest bl4dor, 'Ne. 4 wits firstpilli shnioni, I continue. A splendid show Robert A:jn0fiL 'lit ne vorAbly. eceived ll�, the but Witt, the or rotund, Tllbte- Pull, 0 , - mas vwvloyt -gilt eonflytu6 to 3 bf thesoctiotioer, bot th� chors do. bar; thot do*ii 'ad ill.1n, 6 to exhibit' of t1lose, razvl Ind another yonyag- Indy Want on ilia Vor A U611 1 to for thus freely acting.. Jlt6j�' all tho lufarmation we ul is Shortl to ba a meeting of th6 subsorl no AS impli V ago ing not only ap6eltnells - _­­-­­ I __ .1 1 clined to bid; US they wigh6d, for mom . . I 1 'C11 t0u�p.o� 0' todeoidethat " t 'L - rna4rl" 0 current boin Vary Clinton 78. In - --T WA am against the on of it e Co We V;Oulj just ask out' c0to!m�k �%At� "oul6t� Q O�% el Pro oil it Avo over ilia world, bld Also ar aorp variety gtrolle th 1, - Hiftiatea to the right of tile 1'hot ;,itll it at Another proof that protection will not To- at ptoatteigat ilia ifl(Ing. gCow 91 *hit belw"oula aavIii0i Iii. —Roge, Ana. ail ot Mr. ftt�hardla e1gotion bk a good that NO a Solna Of oor Blyth llo6�dopros�ioft - Ili- 110 llouap.&$ Wash Ill, ilia I,iv6r,. Which caused their, boat wast'atitpno4,sliould bi gold 11tat, Midoe yet, jig ladles, but ol to oyA slioll I it at. tic it again, try. to the otbor members who received the oz. majorit. Me, Adams lia4frbiad -it roschilloi �psat. The PSAY had not beau out I itood, ieeowltry willo these IbircullistAnceo 1�o, 1,was acdorlingly for fear he'll print it, 8"C601) Ul)'Looiltago, move than five milluto -ilia U�Olaent Itottil1r, forth it Pondingout-pillog i&tIvAltY with fhoso of the mnity And can well allbid to do put Up, AlldL US I't, pr.�Ilv.od one bid of oung man, but don't try to ati 6 out another, , 1, tile pionnibid, that tharo is . a htrat indo only I depression intillbrAolico6f mein h faohi ring, XOW Vo& and lJoitoly I /6001ftrOd. Dy Aislitanco tb6 othorif woro at It9VOTUTIOX IN TIVR)KEr, 26 canto ovo the upset by M Cowan, whothormorchant, Widower, ihHO Wadch, .,and. cloci hkor, witbout it, sliall do with the amount ) be�amo tliS P -, no t1l* young l3i0i'dany b'ding in Clio butigia .. 1. , ht AIMS. have notoriotiAly lCei, The Y�()JlngL lit Not draw it., but leave itto go ith the T-99' VJLTAX I)ETTIAOXAD. poolto $6. 1 was than put*up and in At6w hl'411Y, Aticyl; "AnoiaOoil, but that farmark a. oat&. Canada with,froo trade- o4unot obin- bo6fs And dies of Dattoll, on - tile CA. riii%ta aaeoptabla, lit pill & Va up to $821 obariGa. and eron Toporfd di 'of anything, more thiti . i tho uliftod, shoos for the wo of thoka filioly 011.1poil Airier- liada .1ouillorn 'Rnilwny" -have formed a general funds of ilia proyin�e 9 The A Itutb" ao "tah from 13oilla. at which d9uro ahof sa "all are flih Chat cellb i Silo club, 411(IL about Ilventy Of thorU It WAF[ knocked down in MeAsrs, Wittlion & Settle of our� mateha We 'gior. section which such a membr reprbsent4 dvy, 900 4 WIA V4061VOd Fittaimona, Xeitars, Daymotit & rooter of waterabwo, failing to blo WOO;, of 0694116 V`ty 90k)(I 9) 011b W11 title ovehing to Imiatice, They the 061t6116g6nd HbOrallV b0AfdW6A'6)l 101ft Ilk Site J,finlonSe tho pa"t W0014 llopoby nolity. thohl quantity of dhaeat*),. bLUY$g.WOol here, ntid paying ixo'hitipli V, j�lllt hEd MM, od wo6ld then oartainly not got -its abilto there Itotil 0arifitit6ti46plt, an lazol thou bid $40,28 tot No. 4, close id !tile .1 tld milideff hii WIN Oil 11flany ltiottiitig, 1114aa Arliales whioll most poopla W011141 fiev6p 114va Oil Albert 8 Met, Vh8ra Ito, %Vill brono'do 9 a they 40 Oil tolf by tile- Aid o 1#11011 &inhoa backp, but they and nortll�,&tltranoe"Ohd got it.. ftwi with himl f 61,6volvot ailpposA_(J hot- eapalito of busy qs rsevadkeep on 1410 b 1000 Ana $016d (OROHMOUt Of that ilia Stiltia hat b464 46*t Td*s. P. 1colly. hax infl1wri'ghta At work ronovAt. of the mone of the provinca, and wolild phht Xur4d rkTL_hdl 1144 bgoft ppoolaimaid lay tholi got. $0, 0 At tha 641nofturo'L XM Ihg lit! ff!libibillf m4AN8 itroady tol. morebatri A, bellovillo '41100maker alop", 011111litted thoy know, )tar to bo" with altitinq IN 6tril to. t of the �oun of tho village, who conaequendy hava teason to 6oraplifil. SapItn 6�*a* put u% totth. work, 61111014b 1by h,%ngl'ng,%mA0l boilallig vpmoh;� tillilig-tho toll, wN br(oding: W s0votwAtb oil but, bb fildflops Wei opond' their biirfoordgi r th pro ability 'Of tile 1,14311 dial)&4Y of furs All(l "Agri- whiol, hivill, Roll At tatog, TVA A66k 14 And, sap 081ng a tla* Saltit l# 'IL flaphaf#, 04MI114" $6 t #lt thofO in �,6Viary` p mein that Is wealthy f tho dothvklA tnafttjto�i hn 11-ttirl'bof C1 bLujoharS. allILI an -of bUd '-6hArAotbr a lot Ills oulwal madlMory, diate Js`nq need of Spotlit, 11 'fig, hydolking, Intfulping 'in 004tad A6W ki got nd! Is ill his fht� 14 Of Jblll� VA liaAsliffig, of '400lot n. rwaivod oalapp�, T r Europe'. and Ir"O L /tA tit Al ion, on T lit Iwo lip 6all be returned as mamber of Poirl ofour. bant rdt. sevoral y Ito inafty UPI t" tho" &Y tit thom at 111111hilaphlo thiA As Jim thd gto(v rdord habdoota oil the bIbIltitcubvi AtIlixt 11410 b 1 to t b to we tfititAldo a 4000OR110 lt1441 C11,111 It 11"agAltato bid b6dolhilli .. .... .... ..... ............ . .