Clinton New Era, 1876-05-25, Page 4.. -
Testi I /Mow there are sitting on my carpet,
'Roe tracee of *Mail nulddY bsotftl
PA I 1000 Yew fair tepaetry, glowmg
, Alkepouwie, with blosainee an fruito
And:1 knees that toy walls as disfigured
With prints of small lingers and bands ; •
And I :noo that your. OWn.luMnelield
' All Imola in ita purity stands
Test I. know nay 44 black valnat" is battered,
Aud denteamy many mall heele ;
'While your own polished etirivity, alt pet -leek,
lita smooth, aldning autos) Meals. „
And, I know that my parlor M littered'
With many odd treasurer and toya;
While your owe, is in daiatiest order,
I.Tnharme&by the presence of boys? t
And I kuow that my room ie invaded
. tattier boldly, all heSIS Of the day,
.hile you eitla your own unmeleeted,
And cireara the oeft quiet awe,' I
Yes, 1 kridw I have' jacketthat *oil': 647—
Alotuttous that never will stay t -
While you can embroider, at loinuret
AAA lo.aLn pretty arts of " crochet."
'And Ikea& thelte araifinnens of spelling,
.--"Whiehl.inust be patient to hear;
• WlillelYou may nit down to your novel,
turp_thalast magazine hear
YestIlt,now there areIehr,fittle bodsidee
-----Witerej must stand watchful each -night,
While Au may go out in your carriage,
aua Ilse in your dresses so brigist I
Now,. I think -Fre -anent little
like my house orderly, too,
And'I'm fond of all dainty belongings ;-
Yet I would -not change places With you.
Note—Keep your fair home with its order,
Its freer/era from troub/te and rods° ;
Arid keep your own fanciful leisure ;'
ut give me my four splendid boys I
Farm and Farmer.
°- A Suleidett Lefler.
To the public --Would yon like to
Ictiow Itow a man feels who la about to
commit auloldel In the first plaoe, he
must feel so /badly that Pa matter what
is to tome hereafter, it Is more
able or not, be cannot help the not; that
If °van the futuro is worse ,thap the
preasolt- is unendurable, I suppose me-
dical men would like to know Just the
meatal condition of one who eau ahuftle
off this mortal opt!.
It id this f My nerves and senses are
as Sound-osstlsereversivere,---I-ean et-
tcod to bueinese ..,aa efficiently, and •as
fully realize that the chietend a man la
to gather ducats, as 1 over could. Tint
eau also realize that without my bet-
ter halfIstinressasperfeetsengine with-
out steaur—useless.
DOptQrS of divinitywould doubtless
like to know my moral status and religi-
ous ideas. My =pal idea is this: That
man ;Ionia do his duty in apite of ob-
stades and consequences, and ibat, so
doing itstbe only thtng Wiliolt will bring
the peace which passeth all under-
standing, 1 candidly.acknowledge that
I was ten weak sole do, in regard to
a future state, my reatiOn does netlully
accopt that there is 'a future (or etern-
al) state of which we will tie really
conscious. I believe in the iramortality
of the seul, or the life prinoilile, or
what ever it is, as I believe in the
mortality of a bushel of coal ; that it may
Change its form se OOSOntiallY as to be
unconscious of having ever „sesistgd, , be-
fore, but that still, as the-eciat,•it •ig not,
destroyed; but"sirnply changes its form,
My heart May speak differentlyto
lieriatezi ti Ii,1i,ro 'Mitt whatever
is, in inifiVitable;:a$7.4" nillat. all proceed°
from one great original, and an must be
accoydance with his will.
Hewever, I shall probably know more
about it in twenty-four hours than ail
the D.s living. • I ate not crazy. •I
know that the world itt full of good and
enjoyable things, and that. they were
put here :for our good and benefit, and
that we should strive and wOrk to obtain
them..„• . •
— But I am Unable to care for _them
without the love of my darling. I wish
tcs state that in no way,
responsible for my having loved her ;
thOalmoirt before, she had gonna for
thinking.that my. feelings toward her.
were. more tender than those, of friend-
ship, she informed me that her 'heart
was another's, and that, while idle 'es-
teemed and cared for me as a• friend, I
could be—nothing more to her. I3et she.
was mitteken'ir: that, and though I could
not convince her of. it while living, she
will realize it When I sleep that. sleep
that knows po Waking. A sweet geed
night to Zeuis Globe.,
A single field in Grimes county,.
Texas, contains 13,000 acres all under
one fence withoutla cross -fence ifs---itse
10,000 sores are in cultivation. -Near-
ly the entire field belongs, to ones -Men,
who rents it mirk* tenants at 02 per
Some of the honest farmers of West-
ern Pennsylvania have been discovered
in the manufacturesof wolf and fort ears
from calt hides, on which they oolfeeted
large bounties from the local treasury.
The same result has been reaohed in; a
different way by the honest farmers of
Central Illinois, who, before the bear
movement in bounties, used to purchase
wolves and breed them for destruction
at five and ten dollars per oub. ,
FitozEN Bins. -The freezing , of fruit
ia the bud, frequently oceasioned by a
few warm days succeeded, by late frosts,
it is said, may be prevented by Spread-
ing &thick layer of frozen ' messures or
of ice or snow, 'around -the trees -in
February or March, while the ground is
firmly frozen. The buds will thus be
kept back, since the ground will thaw
more slowly,. .and the roots convey no
nutriment to the tree. .When frosts
are no longer to be feared the covering
should be removed.
CANADIAN THISTLES. -A writer in an
American ekeharige says: "If I had a
farm covered with Canada .thistles t I
should ,plant as. much .e's I could with
corn, two year's in succession, or fallow
after corn; I should thoroughly work
roy corn. !Occasionally a, thistle would
dodge the cultivator, which should be
grubbed out a foot deep, with a' good,
long-shanked grub hoe. Do this for two.
years, and the Canada thistle will be
dead. To work the fellows I should
plow deep and harrow, then would have
a shovel r,loughshare made three- feet
widis with a loop through the niidche
just right ,to slip over the point of any
common ploughshare. With suet a
plough me) can plough five ecru; per
day; don't need to be ploughed more
than four inchesr deep, and jusit-aesoften-
as a thistle can be found appearing in
sight. I should run my th'rough
the fallow.' Of course thiscannotbe
done where there are stumps .or rocks,
but thoroughly cultivate lend in this
way two years in succession, and the
Canada thistle cannot -stand it."
TuRKBY BItEEDINO.-A flock of Well
grown turkeys make such a agreeable
additon to the receipts of a farm,- and
they aro often raised with so little trou-
ble, that we wonder at the seeming in
difference.olaomany—farmers with re-
ference to them. The rules for breeding
are simple and easily understood, and
failures are due to two prominent causes
—one, the weather, which, at some sea-
sons, puts at fault the utmost possible
care; the other, negligence. A hot and dry
season is well nigh an essential for suc-
cess with turkeys. This is so impor-
• tent that it is of little use to• bein Trade
to got turkeys hatched early, as we may
do with:chickens ; though old birds aro
tough enough, young ones aro exceed-
ingly teuder. • If brought-toutlythe,
• first of June, it it, in most cases early
- Ilenough. Even if the-y'llve-through-sueh-
chilly and darer weather as is common
in May, they . wi 11 uot • grow -much-tilt
hot weather and bugs come to their re-
lief; but, let them hatch out in June,
• in weather which driveS the breeder to
the shade, and little turkeys just enjoy
it; they will stretch themssives in the
sun, and lay off' with every token -of
delight. Damp, chilly vveather is t'heir
'ruination ; rain abomination ; morning
dew a poison sure to blight the hopes of
inexperienced br careless breeders.--.
Turkeys must be allowed to range very
freely to insure success, but not while
the grass is wet, --that is, during the
first two months of their lives. 4ftez
that, one may not bo quite so particular:.
Early turkeys not being advisable,' th4.
firsc litter of eggs from a hon may he
reserved for a common hen in.May, and
the turkey ben be invited to lay another.
litter, which she will do if broken up.
The earliest turkeys do lietter ittany
case with a common' hen, as she mama'
less and °tho Chtetirbecome more Trirc-
table, and the females from amorigthuni
make more- manageable mothers next
A Salt Lake Citypaper atiserte that
the recent gunpodwer explosion caused
100 premature births.
Agreat physicial change has come over
Brigham Young within the past .feei
.weeks, and the doetora_think_that-Ina--
bannot live much longer. 's
The Carson (Nevada) Tribune tells
the following :-" A lady was out trad-
ing at one of our dry good stores the
other day,when she -ran short of money
and aaked the clerk to put the bale:ace
on tho book. He cheerfully agreed,
and said he would send the bill to the
husband, You'd better aend it to nte,'
elle said, as he figured np the cost,
' I've got a peculiar husband. If that
billjeadsill for sugar, coffee, and tea -
he'll give me the money without a Word:
If it reads for hnlance on flit,'gtiOde
he'll see you in Arian: before he par: it.
Mahe it out for groceries.' " [Some
parson will lautit at thie story end
think it smart, but ther s II Metal
ttertheeted With It tlaci1140ald wit bs
kW algid ntij
A betel in lianaite Ime the following
notice displayed in the bedroom;
Gentlemen wiabing to oomn:it auicido
will pleaao take the centre of the room
to avoid staining the bed, linen, walla,
And furniture with blood."
pauperisro, so long the • bane'
English society, is so far doclinine in
Bowe parts of the country that Boards ,
of Gaartilautt aro begtnning to talk
abont amalgamating unions, and taking
other. :stops to avoid some oxpenso in
keeping up the ostahliahmenta;" and
yet Protection iii not the policy et Eng-
land, as it is of the United States, where
pauperism is on the inorease.
• , .
Ne NCO Fenistraiiiits._
The Irish World, a Fenian paper, cif
New York, says :-:••4 •• •
"Ireland has a s6re to settle:With Eng-
land s but asCanada is not a party to the'
quarrel, and as O'Donovan Rossa and his
skirtnishern intend to do nothing wanton,
Canadians should not feel uneasy-. Canada
is new practically tedependerit of England.
Canada is the- only British coloby in the
world at this hour without British soldiers.
Whilst gnglancl'a redats defiantly trod
Canadian soil, Diem, was, it mustise confees-
ed, a strong temptation for 410:Ameri-
cana-and for Americans of other races,
too—to dash: over' the herder, every now
and then, and shoot at England's ensign.
England perceived this. England perceivt-
ed, too, the possibilities of •a war between
her ancrtlie United States growing out Of
complications arising from these raids. So
_England withdrew -her -garrisons from
oda. For these blessings caoada is indebt-
ed In the Fenians. The raids of '60 and
169'were failures itt a militark paint of view
but it is a fact, nevertheless, that it was
the Fenians—who might try again. and
again, and perhaps succeed at last -who
obligOd England to dear out of Canada.
Whilst England was in 'Pinup, Canada
was liable to be disturbed by some people
on this side ofthe. St. Lae/retro ; now
England is gene out of Canada, and 'Eng-
land's enemies must seek her elsewhere;
and an "Irish -Canadian',' and -all other sorts
of Canadialisnow that they have effected
a good riddance—can go to bed. untroubled
• at night and sleep undisturbed till morn-
Our contereporary-apparently forgets the
troops at Halifax,
S•cralis and !Meanings!.
A poor shoemaker at lliort, in France,
is the father Of forty-fiveehildren all of
-.whom are Mill living. Eaali of his suc-
cessive wives preseoted him° with fifteen
children.' • -i '' .
At constable named ',Tueker, of the
Devon,-(Engr)--police,waalui pairsuit of
a girl who had committed, felony, :when_
law jumped into a cabal with the view
herinto the water, when both sank. --
Their lifeless bodies were recovered an
hour later. • The girl was only fourteen
years of age. - •• -, •-
For the first time in the - Official his-
tory of the State V New York, it lady
• has been nominated to a position of
public importance, and Promptly been
confirmed by the Senate. 'The • lady is
Mrs. Josephine Shaw Lowell, the office
is that ,of Commissioner of the Board of
State Charities. It is an office of a
40—responsible ;character, requiring
for its proper exercise abilities of the
elms ; • ' ' •
. .
s ' averred Oa( Tupfieldi Mass.,
has a goose 101 years old. She -remem-
bers when the Declaration of. Indepen-
deuce was signed,',and hissed the British
when they evacuated Boston. She dis-
likes the goslinof the period, and gays
moiiraullY, q.-1-2--eur o, I'm aPitamed on.
'em. How they trilli• their feitlierkind
sail around I -Degenerate oritteia 1..
They.doal do a tit as we did- When. I
was young." • -
We tender our .thatalts to tho Vermont
Judge: who the other 'day, in prOnounoing
upon a divorce suit, laid clown the opinion
that when a ° Wonsan marries s man Of
known intemperate habits she takes ' her
happiness, prosperity, and welfare in her
own hands,. And ;has no claim for riddance
of him thereafter." We have •
the wife Who as joined to an intemperate
husband; hir.we tremble for the fate of
tile woman who marries an intemperate
many If these *verde reach the eye of any
woman 'under engagement of marriage to.
ouch „0„,inair, we most aolehudy appeal' to
her to pause before she iMporither Ivo%
being by accepting any suoit riali'.
Of eath Million of children born in Eng.
land 263,000 die'beforo reaching tho ago of
five, 84,000 are oaritta dr -doting the five
following yeare, and Apo between AM
arid fifteen yearn only 634,043 -attain tho
age Of Z, and but 421,1.13 that of 65. -
Out of tho whole million • Only a,150 reach
the age of MS, 228 live to be eentanarlans,
awl only One attains the 108th ychir The
lest I:teddies' °daft ..the statetnent OW
females live 'longer than Italia; and fur.
He&eoule longer.then eingle titialivella it
6,1,its. '6,11Ats tusk ja*1 live lobed thith
A "
Nurses should be careful not to dis-
pirit or frighten, their patients. By A
mifitakcs lady,in Loudeta gave: :her
husband', whovas sufterIng trona heart
disease, a dose from a wrong hottlo,
labelled "Poison." The knietakfi Mitts,
itanlecliately detected, but there was no
poison- in the bottle pill:: patient, box
ever, was 09 frightened that .110 died gio
same afternoon: o .
In Indin.100 dialects are spoken by
the 240,00-0,000 of people who lielorig
to areatnamber Of distinct meek and
wif9Se absflt are essential-
ly similiar to tlaose practised by their
predecessors 3,000 years ago. Three
hundred years of labor in that.poninsula
have brought 12,000,000 seals 'under
Russian • sway. • Tho English in • ono -
third' of that time extended•theliii••power
°Y.„91.42it°60°'Qr°pCtroQcQeQsaio‘ a...entered .Dayton,
Novada the other day, Five ChintiMen
• eriCh carrying a. big stick -of Ord wood
Quids -ahoolder, fliltrohed bp the:princi-
pal greet,.and a White inapt . shat.. gun
in hand, brought up the 'ear, follosving
-the men_ to the 'calaboose. ; 5elie white
Aran was -,t116-1Vateher. :of t1e. Dayton
wood piles, • and having caught the
Chinamen stealing the choicest Sticks,
roarehed them before the authorities
with the evidences of their guilt itt their
possession, • , •
LaPlaudnaothers aro net in the habit
-Of staying at home with their babies.-
The-,Leppe are a very religious people',
dtae "IbParrS '''''' heat° their
pasters.. 4s etiOn BB the feitily Arrives
at the wooden churChtand the reindeer
•are.secured, .the.•father shovels. a Snug
little bed in the sneer, and "the mother
iwraos• the baby in. Skins and deposits it
thereio. •• Then the fatherp.iles the
inow.around it; and the 'dog le -sei
guard, whale the parentsgo decorously
into the, church: ' .Often. as • nleilY•es,
thirty babies may be seen. laid away in
the Rio* about a ohurcb.. • —
Some things theydo'not manage roneh
hotter 'in Franee: .A. young American
while crossing one Of the.: Paris 'streets.,
.not long since, endeavored • to avoid a
passine'earriagei but wan thrown upon
Itis back, - ancl'beside other Injuries. re,
ceivedinthe fall had 14s right;:arm frac-
lined' neat the elbows s He was convey -
d to his hotel, a few days after-
ward was waited upon bysilie. officer's of
the law„ brought before the court ..atid
finedthree hundred dollars' foral)ewing .
tnia aCeident le happen. There' was no
reeenrse,:ik waS French •law;:, and , that
was enough, ..HIS 'landlord, :in • endea-
r:miters.' to :console him for this singular
• decision, remarked i --•-•"Why,' Monsieur,
it . wao only •last year that- one of nry•
gaosts got killed and Heed. his • estate
two thousandslellare to settle • it With:
the Piefeettirin,g.:"'
'The 'Harrisburg .(Penn.)l'olsgr4 ph as-.
seit'S that an Allentown couple got mars
jriedson creditese -fistr,:sdays 'asiess,---Th 7
called On i'clergyrnan atia had thama-
trimonial knot tied. - Whenthis was
done' the happy husband -hatornsed tho
expectant priest that he had no Money
to give''hira for liis invaltiabld services,
and that he (the minister)ivould have
to trust him until the ,condition of his
exchequer was improved. Tho clergy-
men,' who donbtlese realiOS tho truth
of the Assertion that ..thanks • will'.not
keep the petboiling, finding' that ha
had. been 'vietitnized„ made a virtue of
neeessity„, • and blandly - informed: the
. newly -made' husband that 16 would
trust him., •
•An nct of civility Doff:hailed about
fear years ago, in 'Colunibus) Ohio, has
lately met -with a liendElOme towaTd. A
Ono cold, rainy morning, art old'
gentleman, with a. cane. in' each hand,
and 4 basket on his arm, was going „up
an alley between Town and Rich streets,.
The pavement Was one sheet of ice' atal
'suddenly the .old ge,ntlenutit's feetfleet
from under him, and 'ho fell quite
heavily.- A lintyrilpeing him fall, helped
bina_ttp„-04-guided_lam, s plagaz of
safety, • The gentlemen took the trouble
given to -him, and made honorable•inett-
tide of in his will, which, on: being read
after, his. (loath, which occurred a Short
tithe -ethos contained , it bequest to the
lady of several lundeed
• Florida has 'roason to .boast of its
Ortinge-treell.- A Aoksonvillo COrk0S,.
pondent writes thht near the village of
Sanderson -there ono is *blab, measures.
titre feet Oee inchee, in circumference,
three feet abovo tho ground; is twenty-
one inches in diameter,. and boa' from
fivo,theosand to, six thousand" OffingeS
per year. In the neighborhood of.
Waldo there is an orange tress which
'Measures eight 'feet five trachea in Cir.'
comferenee, just above the ground, is
thirtY-seven feet high, and the breadth
of top of spread is twenty-seven and a
hail feet. ,The tree divides into four
prongs or branches, Measuring respect-
s/veil-I SeeiltYseetells- tio4
Abler: forty, and fortrtlarCe. Indlee
eiroumforence. Six thotatandsix hun-
dred oranges-itife-EielirititEeinnid
sold from it in ono year". • ,,
A yew* single gentlemen in: 1,6aVen-•
worth °(says the St.. Louis RepublIcatt)
latettbluehel And. hung Jiis head an
Church, He was sitting at his dovotions
.While tile service was itt progress, very
meek and mild. A, little four -year -Old
him,. broke away from her prom:at:pied
another), ran down theaisle and apt:mg
into the young tnatee
"Oh, manualat here's: papa r' in go glet
tal,and ringing -a vflico that, tho whole,
thurch fall of eople wore startled.
The mother and child were both WoIl.
known to-roany present, the former as.
tlaehinewidow,.and tho latter ea an
honed child of a dead .father. It was.
further kuown that tho yottfig Malt had
been paying ardent attentionto the
The devotional 'exercieoe were
Stopped perfortio, and the congregation
indulged Itt a burst of laughter which
sounded toter to the piece. The'
young roan* aVotion was knocked out
,cf Mint cud • lin leFt tbsonstosty Lit
instal.* . -
Girls- who carry jam of water on tbeir•
lloada ov loads of .wood on their l-sek
aro said to develop. the finest forms.
Girls who split wood willfind the IMMO
result,. .
.01focke1 ant astortialted .verger-
' You bad :and wicked boy, why •don't
yon take -oft, Your bat in church `1" Bad
nod wicked' inCovorcomo with. guilt),
-"Ryon. please, Air, MOO givbu
A, Arsoyman married eve wives,and
thoy were all red -heeded. explains
by relating that tho first enee clawed
the spirit. Out erhini se completoly.that
he didn't care after that if he niarned-ft.
It's.aitonishing what a quick abed.
mination dogs Jift.Y0 in regard to the
Obaracter of callers, A tree agent cal-
led at Spilhin'e house, the other day,
and fivo minutes later the hitter's faith-
ful dog cow and , at his master's
feetsostatterestremunnt -of the, Visitor'Si
neat tail.
Ruskin obeerves that as a rale women
havo no:eyo for color. Thiammlains
why a wolium is cdalisierfa sporalthW
quarters of it day in getting the exact
sbdo -a 4 ribbon to trim a areas, while
whop it cotnes•ta mending her husband's
pantaloons she seems to think that a
. yellow patch is just the thing to match
. „
• IVIagister Faanilias '(.parting with his
Ifore-is the letter, Finnegan,
I can conseientiously• say you are honest
and attentiyo, but, I should, have to
..atroteli a point if I. wore to. say -you 'are'
sober." Flanagan- Thank you,
scir, but when you are Other sthritchire
a point sor, wouldn't yen please sthriteh
itn, little fernier, and pay rm often'
sober?" .
Onnefsthe eitizens ;ofDarthary, Who had
just returned from.tha West, was telling in
Illerril'a grocery store of. a narrow oscape
he had from a terrible death=lle was
creasing a long railroad bridge on fool.;
when' lie was Surprisbd° t� see a locomotive
comingyound acurvo, and tearing toward
-Min- at ti tor -tin -6 Speer -Vile 'bridge -vial-
• teo narrow to. allow of escape at either aide,'
and he did not dare, to jump into the
yawning sham below. In .a. dash he took'
in the sitnatien and binned his plan of
notion. '11e Started on a swift:run toward
. the on -coming locomotive, and when with-
in a few. feet of it lie concentrated all his
nerve and muacici into ono effort, and.leap-
ed straight up its the air. The fearful
• Menster shot. ' under him, Mid he " Came
down on the bridge, saved from death,but
eerioe sly shakenup bYthq,dencerit: There.,
was a moment of deep. silence upon the
(Apse of this narration. 6° 'Then Ono a the
company. sighed, and Shut *up his 'knife,
,and unexpectedly What's the use,
of presence of mind, when a man eanlie
like that.?" , . • —•• • •
"By a thorough, lioowledge of the natural
LAWS which govorn the speretione of digestion
and nutrition, and by i careful application
of the fine prOPertileil af Well-Seleeted gegen,.
Nr, Epps Imo provideoer breeklasit tallos
With a delicately flevored beverage which may
save ila many heavy flootore billa. It is by
ibe itnlioione nee of SIVA firth/len of diet that
conotitutiott may he gradually built up uo-
til strong enough to resist every tendeuey to
dtseese. Runereclo of subtle malielieo are
Iloatink around us ready ta attack whilrover
there s a weak point -We may eseepe mans'
a fatal shaft by keeping oureelvea well fort: -
lied with pure blood and, a properly nourish -
04 frame,"—Cieit fisYvice, Octzette.—Soki only
1E1 1'80104 labelled, ---u J.toss Erre es cos fie,
eiseepathio.Clundiato, 48,Sehreaarestelfeatroof,„
and 170, Piccadilly, London."
Wheeler's Compound Elixir of Ehosob ates, and
Calomel for throe years, arid, from our per -
(lentil knowledge of its, merits, levee rouse)
pleasure in reoomMending, it. OS thoroughly
reliable and scientific preparation. Itja held
in high estimation by PM/miens and the put-,
lio, and the demand is tiOnlitatitly increasing.
LYMAN S. CLARE es Co., wiisissais drug-
gists, Moetreal,
-1110TILifiSTIUDIGTH.-..TO 1'40'04 or comm.
(Unease is one of the grandest attainmenM ever
aimed at by man; and " Drytin'e Pulmonic Wa-
fers" will as sure cure coughs, colds„ tickling in
the throat and pulmonary ,complaints, as mar
and postacace will destroy. SeVere colds if not
..ftttended to- Beoner-en to-inourable.
consomption, and the strength of the strongest
soon fails if neglected. The readiest and bat.
means known fertile Mire of these complaints is
"Bryon's Fulmonic.Wafere,7 which have been
thoroughly tried for tho last twenty.years, and
have never been known to fail, Singers and
public speakers Will also derive great benefit,
from the •use 'of them, Sold by all medicine
deale114 at 25 '7;15 O
8: Pe TO
-T re vitae generally-Willsbe pleased-to-ne-
tioe that the proprietors of ..Gray's Syrup of
Red Spruce Gum, the popular remedy for all
affections of the threat aid lungs, have lately
Introduced into the market a larger size of
the article, to sell at fifty coats, and as it
holds nearly three times the quantity of the,
"amaller size, a considerable indifeement is
offered to Oonfitinters to perches° it. See that
you get the genuine.' ' • - -
'Woovir Hoossit•t4irooly horses are not so
rare at Many suppose, net such great curiosities
either, there an many to be found in various
parts of the country; but we doubt if the3r.will
ever Prova as valuable to their owners as the one
exhibited by' Barnuni; *aboagine their owners
would coon/ler-there- more valuable -without -the -
:wool, for this rough and woolystate of the hair
indicaten that the herso is not n fo, healthy cen-
ditien-PrebablY hide -bound, or suffering front
some disease ivhich occasions this unnaturalar
pearance t in finch eases use Parley's Condition
Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy, it will
purify the blood, 'correct the :appearance, re:
move all Obstructions froni the lungs And liver,
ahd give to the coat a sleek and shining appear-
ance. Remember the mote, and see that the
signature of Hurd 8t Co. is On each package.
Northrop te Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., proPrie.
tors for Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers.
• VOT'SAVIPZ VouNo.-itiontenant Lynch in.
his voyage to the Dead Sea found a huge -pillar"
of salt on the sliere, and the Arabbiformetthith
thatit was Lot's wife ; for our part we are muell
inclined to deubt'it, though we have no hesita-
tion in saying that the best thingto cure cold,
sore threat, rlicumatiarn, neuralgia, bowel com-
plaints, eze'
. is the Canadian Pain Destroyer,"
to be hadaall medicine dealers for 25 cents per
TiTone ' •
- •••••
AOLZTOY °pug, wirAr.
, II v G COLLE „
CIONYE141•10144,1301,1014911 044110101t4, ASO
Atternay ot the Itasyraull Nymity Courts or uvIstal,
Onnealeninli 740, Loan, and Ustete agent, Law, 733*
awl Vire Ingureneti (f
e, anti Anent. Dal
e, Willer
Mortgages, 4o,, carefully prepared; Title's, end elates to
Irtoh asatsonliat Estates invegtheittall end LAW Dud -
noel in }knave reavosetee tu owniserionlettsiaist.ohoss
sfunnesu rims' tionotongtes vssed nal Pedigree pre-
pared; Berty livers' Uspericnce.-sfue, meg ntedersto,,-,
Money to Losu--erirsts lazals,;:me $ur Nabito sow
vealos., boas sad Notts eollectege
BlYtailen. le, 1075.
• .
WEpitalgt111 atkilvelltetrilVOIVky!!katt ;fit° leas jul36
Gray's. Syrup of Rod -4110o Gum
and.Woan-be found in all ilrst•olags thug itores.--don-
, 4 5W310rd of this •
, • LU1sTG DISIOSES, ' • •
Will find it room prentaide than the other sfro, its te
• centains neariy, throe tinthe tho onentity, .
• .
. • " • ' HERBY WATSON et O�., ••
Solo Proprietors, Montreal.
• , . •
In cOrtieque.ricapf the l4wrequiringt separation Of -their Liquor departinint from the-Grecery,
' -• the subsOribers have leaned and °ported out in the •
Premises: foitnerly:occupied by the late J. -13; Race,
• • — ss-' • '
e" Oct Stook :Of 'Choice ::Liquors
411 orao..) .proyr; AiienclOcl to—
'rite (0,--n,c0C3j-04 ,
• • . •
Grosery Department will be ,centiorted at the old stand, as forinerly, cerneFof Albert.
and'Ilattenbury_Streets, where they will keep, in consequence el more% roora by tho• removal
• ol•part of their businens to other premioos,' a larger end more sehmestock of ,.
The subscribers are thankful' for pasilayorir, and respectfully &DUCH a continuance of the
patronage so liberakly bestowed on thorn. , Farm produce taken in exchangis for goods.
. •
. . ' SHEPPARD ii; COOPE.B.: -
CLINTON, 'March 2,1576. . - •
, -
isesinesseesseen •essens
Iv you. WANT:
Mirdh 15, 1
A FINE) FREglif,
Japan. Tea.
S. P.A.T.J14,S3M.. St"'
Wholesale'and Retail Grocers, BiloVElock.
The ulidersigned beg to inform tho inhabitant* ef-Olinton arai infriutindiag country that they
havo entered into Co•Partnership for the purpose of carrying °nth° business of inenufacttirers
of Carriages, Bitgaien,,Waggons, Sleighs Cutters, &�, in all its various breeches, at their
, storid„..Ifuton Strect,'Clinton, under the style and firm of
No pains will bo sgared to exocute,work equal to any in the Dominion, • Their long experi.
once in tile County,enebles them to Jolly understand the requireerents of their customers, and
they hope, bY striet attootion to- business to give entire satisfaotion to all theme who may
'L • favor them 4ith their patronage, , •
ger A large and soloot stock of the boot seasoned material alWays onlanid. Ordersexecuted
•. _with despatch• the shorteat:notioe.
•, ReParine clonf„roii
. „
-Crtwror, -July-22i 18744,
V' 8.7 It• A 1 01 016 D •
• 1NO0RPCIIIA11,11113 1814, Stteodasere to Thor:am:in& WilliaMa, of hfitabelli
rioiaturali Engine Works
P,OrAtte, TROS,MON, Pineitteser A. IL; WILTAAMS, ifietoraus, AM, GIIANT
7 81,1001,1'.41A8. .tri Milan% W., tr.ONVAT„ J. tialttiOBANi W4 unatsuALt. ,
Johnston llatiestars, Sc: Reams lowers and Combined lachinos
broadcast Seeders, Seed Th111g,Ilore Powers, Sawing
•maohinoti Grain Ortashors, StPalti 9tItters, mom, Gang PloWar ,Sea.t •
Bliilderg of Stearn tngines and poilers, ail slies,
NtrAlTrt WITREL11 .AND ALL. IttNDS qi Ittm, MAORI/4E1M, .
Mairattorsfor'firist and elate Afillo complete. .4186 for Irateo j'oP 1ile, towns awl
vittaate, ea ths !folly Apttots. ,trie Moat A4ClOri1 Matltinen/ 306:pi41444
1110111011 4 WILLTAgg ICA11131011/111t1001)111tATIOAD1
Blyth Flouring Mills.
MITE subscriber begs to tender bis most
lancer) thanks to his numerous custo-
mers in the surrounding townships and the
publics generally for their Rhea PeErenaKor
and would further notify them. that he- tras
lately Added, most important improvements to
his machinery by putting in a new boiler
double the Fewer heretefere used, and by
many other important improvements, toga,
ther with ilrfit,claee millers, he is prepared to
• do first -claws work in .
GriSiur weighed in and Out, Parties from a
distance can havo their gristboom Witb-
then/ the same day, Good Flour and Mill
Fewl always for little at moderate prieee.
4.i3 001111 STOOK Or
Consisting of the'best value in
I ever 0.4ered to the people, 339_,f3li_RE AND SEE VIM,
ost Beautiful PRINTS.
gveri)rptiot to Clinton' . DoieT VAIL TO SEE 94ism.
' The Subscriber would also inforns the pub,
lie that he !has a Large stook On -timber of
different kinds and lengths : Pine from 10
to 20 it.; Hemlock, from 10 to 20.; Cherry,
• Butternut, White Aisle maple, Softand Rock
Elm, in lengths to slut the public, which ea-
ahlos him to fill all orders that he may bo
'fevered with on the shorteet notice and most
reasonable terms.
• ' p, Icr.4ror, PitoPMETOU
Blyth, March ,6 1872. • . 2-41
some -persona •of Londesboro are circulating
through the conottry a report that the under-
signed is selling work not of his own mann
facture, he wishes to say that they know it to
be ENTIRELY FALSE. He would oleo stale
that he has not•coased in tho least, but is still
• • manufacturing it large stock of
. •
ag&,ons, Cal riabes, &c.
, IN :THE ,
Latest and Most Iniprovotlill.
. -
And Warranted to bo of thomtighly soasonod•
'• matofial. •
Uaving amnia tho serviocs of a •
• ,
First Class HORSE SHOER,
All work in that line, and allkinds of Repair-
ing, will be promptlY attended to, and dome in
it worlunaolike rammer. -
Londosboro, March 8, 187. • '
.....SIGritt OF . TILE ps,PDAD,
(Est4.e14Ie1an -18544-
Large stock .e.f good iionsehold'Fiirniturei
home manufacture; made Of scosoned•matriel.
•-•.& fine assortment. of iiiiportcd Work, uch
as Wood Mid Cate, Scat Chair, Sofas); Lenin -
get,. Wlint.lrota; Cradles, Mattressea, 'Spring
Beds; .Carved Brackets, Rustle Frames, etc:
' Pietures fronted with Gileer Rosewood,tind
.Gilt Mouldings, Rustic Frames, wood, mould-
ed or plain. " .• •• •-• • , • • •
' !Good value given td fill :Who n;ni parOlitteo; •
with mederate Prices: • 7
• •
• An elegant Hoarse for Hire. A quantity of
very line Shrouds; cheap. Foncrala attended
And, all fiirnishingifi Supplied sitreitimmible
rates. A large-s1et:1r otuoirine, mouldeil ancl
always on band (trininied to suit) either
• ralver7plated f nrniture or. otherwme.,
'• lteniember the Stand-Alliert street, 'olio°,
sito the Mar uot. tt•
•Clinteri,Aug. 20, 1873. • • •
-Before Taking. • After Taking.
Cure all Nervous Diseases; such ag Trousers
• Debility, ;Prostration ote., which, in many
cases, aro produced by over indulgence n the ttRA of to-
• bacco end akobolle spirits; but the Speefflo Medicine is
more especially 'recommended as an unfailing cure for
Seminal iVealtriess Spermatorrhost,
Isulvoteney, and dislases • that follow as a 5a-
diumestol-BnlIA.busetan..1Itose ser.:111.notor
versals Imakitude, Pain in the Bock,
111t '''' efff4 -of-VisifivnipPrOniftlisre old Age,
Andmarig other &Hams that lead to 'Mentality or
Consustiption, and it Premature Brave, ell
of Which, 5415 rule, aro firoi caused by Obviating from
the path of nottiro and ovevindalgence.
The Specific Modloino ig the result of a life study and
manyy0000 of experience in treating these spaeiai
oases. Pull particulars in our pamphlet, which vo de-
sire to gond froo by mita 10 orory ono,
• The Spoeitle Medicine IN bold by all Druggists fit al
per package, or +dr packageg for "fia, or will Lb gent by
mail oti receipt of tho mbn,r. by nAlrepeing
WILLIAM GliAS 4 00.,
• soia n Clinton ti"'Y JAMES It dOZIDE, and by all
Druggigte overy*liore. Northrop ft Lyman, Toronto
WholesaleAgenta. '
.110118 sllg[INO and BLACKSMITHING
Fast -col -ors, that -7011 ii-ifve seen for Y130":"."-tra—Hil AND JSEE TART:
1","`"'"8"1"*".•"■'...N.1/. •
A. Lovely Assortment of low. and Beautiful DRESS .000DS,'
All the newest' makes and stylsin the market; ,at very low
• priceS, You ouonl, To SEE THENE,
t • An endlesslot; splendid value and. nElVir Makes.
Tremendous piles to *Abase 'from. Over,160,patterns.
YOu musii Si Txx4in. From 60 cents per yard up to ,$2.00
Gilroy's Noted Oheip.Oash Store, -opposite the Post OffieeTw-7-
CLINT011:, April, iste. '• • •
Clinaqa Double Cylinder Threshing Machines, .
Combination and Vibrato* Threshing M-6,-Ohines;
• . .
And six ldnt1 01 AG1IICULTIJ1.1• AL 11111°E111,EXTS alwitys on hand.
To moot the large. mid increasing demand for our lotto/mated Throshind.Maehines; from all
parts of the Doraird6n, we have, :by-Alic irttiodnotion Of the latest .arid most approved
machhiory inte.our.werks, greatly increased our Manufacturing facilities. We aro therefore
in it position to fill all erdergploiliptly.
vky machine is run and thoroughly tested before leaving the faipp, and. warranted to give
eutire satisfaction.
• ..
. •
Pefore • ol'.4ering el ri4et. sendlor Circula2v itscl Posters. " Otxler
GLAlQW, MAOPHERSoN &' CO., ' Cx,INton;
\cnotevitsioyuneY. • lb. Cods. Dollar Teo; fo 50.
s• Frvagratut Japan, " 12 lbs.. Good Cubs. thiltritr. 01.0 •
Englfsh Breakfast Teas, . 1,1 litts Gtoul Porto Rico Bogor, .
Sennett Black Teew ." • 10 lbs. Gooditellued
. .
just received a Inrie.and varied ithelt of Garlanto doodynos, 'Winos itiiicons, 'ail OP
. • which will bo eold itt tho lowest remunerative priees. '•. ' •
-Glawtrom-Fruit Jars, the) soot in the asarket—ebssap. Steno Fruit Jars- with corks
ricap.--For-Orockery-,-C,Itina-anil-Glasewaroonr4tetele-to-rargerntta 'Won delecteti
. • I. Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sots Complete. • •
jlenzetabei• the place, atext door ;to' 'adore: 1.1ecluine Pau's, Brick Block. •
• • . •
: • N... ROBSON. •
N, B.—agent for ,Quettba St. George & Co., imuorterS of pure AI edicinal Wines, Vorcnto
Clinton, July 21;1875.
pA.fiyay GOODS, A.
. -4 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF • , • • • -
Berbin Wool, Slipper- .Patterns, and Berlin . "Wool Ooods.
All the lateat Papers and Periceligalls always on hand. .Also Agent Dr the • .
• (CORNtIlt MARICET 8•QUARZ, pet., 22, -lint • 14y
• • .
. .BY TI1E l'Il13T1I0 IN GENERAL. .
The OSIIORN and ItOYA.L SEWING MAOHINES, both taking the lesorloid. first prize ,
, Where ever exhibited. The apovo maehines for sale by -
JL Norswortb.y, General Agenb, • Clinton, orit
Any' Other Sewing Machine furnished to order, A. splentlid asiloitment hlwit3rs on Itand,qall
and see samples of stitrichaiiiirogddN
Mrs. Nootrhs lyre r tf uhr yn !soh? n",g18thesekpint oa cnhklaensd.. Sewing inacl)illem"
September the Phkee -IlEttrozi Street, one door Iteet or coo siOnsillercial Hotel
Huron Street, CLINTON,
frith BrInSenTIMU liaCtir,taKE TIIPS OPP011.
aviary of thanking hie nmiterouti ottetomore,,ki•
,tho very liberal patronage they have favored hint wfth
while earrying on bushloge in title town, Ana would at
the same time intinieto to them, end,thelmblib loner.
allY• that ho bee multi_tinoh arrangements as Will 6011
inithor Mtn to thole support,. no ha bellovee It
Will be greatly to their advantage. Looking to the itt.
toroet of hie patrons, ho .Lits.engaged tho borvibott of
Who wee latently in business for hinisoltin this Tetra
cca *to coastcota bond hero sheer ft poseelemi:
itt has Elko natio finch arrangements with
VEIL aonx uvsit-A.Lro v,s..
Who is idlest to return to tew'n pritetke his prate:-
ties, AO will enable him to IMO hio eldif in all matter's DI.
- !ging to injtnleivend diSOOtidd di horSOW hau, •
&Ina thoulatior of thopriset4
tis bait With conlidefice,alaini for his riiiiiiiskottira
siiperiorityiewor All others; and *mild sister that he 10
411101 10 miniefeetuto there Ott .0 me& teen) extennive
Abele, end by the inclittles he nonagon, will be bnebldd
to'after thentittaltV.TVE unnucto PitiOBB. •••
rerinerii itintothore nay rent assured that their order;
will rboolvo prompt attention, Infrolees aro hiddatidef
Mtn the Subseriber trusts lawili rOOOire that patronage
tarist tottulthat te Mailman tad Along orpotioneo
004 geltrentob to goVitOrk-thattlit Itteith
41.4.4!• Wittman, none skein
Widest artaoholtsTst •
, •
Tho Goderich 'Foundry and. Mtunifitoturing Co.
Mon to inform tiae pablio that they are prepared to toilVIAP
S;& 13{4oxx4Ext,s,
Piour, 'Grist 'ma. saw --mins stive orid //coding
Teo* tett Ntrobtleti, 1410tittha, MUIR tipube, CitilthlitOIE
/Aral outtera, vt,t0.4 BUENA' afiit rote.ah Kettles, Grate BM's* 404
Cookhat# Parlor arid, 13o)StevOil, et Various kinds,
SALT TANS. MD TO oltnXit •
Ironstild. Dflot CAsticgitilitui mu:6mm Wok,
Boitera afuttL Ithia$ 0/ .elone Slanit
• Mesita* addressed to.tho. COmpany$ erbeeritaty, willroael="attantionv
AIICUIDAIT) rtODGEI*) 1101tAatii .110Ittr011s
Seerotary and Tressure'r, • . • .
• Preilden
llonraT nttS.CIIMAIsit _Nto#111Attitan•
.06;tatiottl odotettlber Cad; lift