Clinton New Era, 1876-05-25, Page 3If* '14116 -01 vollappy rn, Missouri ere aro over U) 10 00imptilOOry 1 -eu who 00 -7 7 kild ijot go to q0bol if Children are "engaged" a 9#11101; O'd., t t:FQ yea" old, 11,110 girl w1lo IV" ignorAlit aq. to where lIer A defill4toll lly Poke, saya ono litip. they wanted to, 'from want f sellool and novor bay. at ything so about it. 7' hidred ("hislothillis, wore ua of school Ail- 4 sua _ fo*'rdaya ago oro4 by rooku. Only four 010114131' 4jury in Carroll Co., TurkiJu Boskil , I y now b of*., t1louglit it we tild be A . goor joka to 1311 t lat Article in But Much a Oil PA(la W i��Avo orgument that her m3rdage would ball. V, Our Persons died last Week Payid NO of P bring in this verdict he o� Instances are s0dom Pufferoil, to. collie In colitAct vub the eyva and oard of tho. lover, to b1do all frotx6viollium. a"( Several sillool to (lisagroo." They I two4ty rehothe shoWill& QUO, Of INEST STOUXS OF 0110IG 0406 Are sioli; from bo same cause, ritzQr to a corn, on bis t* did 80, and. Can oxeQuto a; .,�A. Brolmqld fiavbeon a "' $Orn to Wool I lillamillously fAnQ you fil to NY of the girl herself, but hole falAlily iy, order on the in, the 00"'IntY' and OPENED �O U t H 1,011 ;IiQ11tQat_ notico, And in the, illost 8, ill, totlillud oi- - lookjaw OlIgUit, lazy, oil St. IJOU14, for cQuaterfoiting rallwlty gUICION. Ji'lVilt, if YOU loldtlIO not mily beneatl .-Vok0s. 14 lis room $10,000 worth. The DoNton Adverti'so IUM4, OUR FINI Do IBTOUK oil filf'. And arm s4* By lazinef;i; of the tongue I ans coupon tickets Wre found, There in A lady living ill 'TtichilionCl, oil fly the prospects of Chinese h a dno40, e p. AU0444 lot of tb9pe WgIntlerfuli i0ioap) ya, rd NY, 1 X -anol COT. jourritit aaks Cho world -to, MIX Vrioa,-wholl thar, trliql-or-tila"oy-bi most �Ctses, very good , but I A Georgia f years 9 ag When afteon yers, old mnclIl olicap labor, tot- as g9od H. And t maMlow timl soft utteiallco ;,a sort of filgh. i -0. , thin a TONS, at 10, Ara-. No be fit ohoo qidob, an Indiat qh Wit 9 corit$ per in, FRPAWIT, :Q S j�. IOU, out of the warclo InatoAfl, Qf tW' _Cllildfof sort r of letting . 9 11. tire, inade-obeap inore poop), will want th"'; 1,Tabih, biB wW, rosidi G tIlki outinds fAll Out " if t IQ Party ling in.. rt- canee(I when thirty ber obildrou"nualbored, them And be able to buy their. 14 be. AMU10AN I I NiW CASUMBRE 411a JACZETS, 11 was sick Itt the stoul"ll. The hatl cou�y, 4iro ed' respectively 175 !111 had the worms o. -ollilliciatiou of all induptriouti persaitia �6 IIOJDGINS� 4, io 111glit. of bov children are noNy lievos flitit tho, whites Will M61`01,�' V'$ nand 130,yoa ally (Ittick, distimt, ool tile vilivo, it not 41,0114, living, Ono stop. !it the NQQIUI scale as A, yun fit ill, LADI SX- - UNE N and, POST'UME, 0. Great. A pootiliarly Ainoricau Well, Las boon flille it nor IA, bray, but Sonator of lowa contrailtor once, put , it, .." W13 noat 20 LADIES and "o Worth 40,000,000, atia Bon utond to do lAarCl work valuo. in' fkrd� i1100tiou with. Clio Arnoricaus (lon0b i 'tate, . said o W11013. We Call �hiro 8wedon to 40 it TAI LO, R-1 G It" AILORINGill 1) 0 o I ol liiovo its ollosou Orator to Apia, Jones, of Cho saillo 8 is .0 0� - - . to'Qu the olicap," Tito drift of is PA RASOU, and SUN ITADES, 4 illout'lled mall !it bakl nd lie is PIANO to culiaritilia �oqd for $30,000,000. They arb the argument froill, 25 couts. to 60 o'o b n of this 411sorlpti4n nta e A�adv 0. Cho bo 0 a lazy man a AVOW, r Q the (0 �Ijjo, hlah'Oror$, inSLIoatl of trying to cola. in addition to ller Moon I)ecome" the nitAlst stfiltq. disgusting of lrn�q .11ol(A theroi money out of the -rntrm' LLA wms AdPOW with We Chilloo will itaya to AWrtlikent to choos� lm0lfll currs. ig thloil: of XiMilg a liouso fit AsIncro's" tvsv 'rtl of, havo.it Clug for 18 hutbing hatof ul tlj mi a under e of% I Writ flow trades, to become profial—elft 'Vests,, obby I . 1i barlilles, s Sty NOW Cdats, Nobby. jaNy moving lazily 1111 luld tlowil, tiad lottilig. out burglrt;,, finding a sot of them, whioli i the !U occupations Wh r -i . r . r u dWAPPIPIRS, Great value. in,r P)ILkS !b �trixlg of 11.4f articitlato stituldn. It is All iob _. cIlairw mor tgame, InArki -es8ona, Iling Bull more. skill, in. pursuing. Wobby Twe6ds," '110 hini ny mpirlt In cool flat dowit and It —PantS, for any woln, oiIll: Obitil, tL) ]Ivo hf�jqly all), length Of time, wsuhTbe proceskma L and Blow tIw0lulv, Or Obild Shona imobby Coatings—--- IL woniat)T­ Ilook, itooj MHO.- lA Eliot labors of wiliol ovable- -lAqj tan' AL,r1BQU-kt1Q=t_�.W IN I I wils aboklt� tile -W tile tooth, for tilego correspond with the other Ago gayo- With r to five Ordinary oUntil. $be, of the I lAd Vv� hntalgrtiQu w dustrial Aa_ goods It LV 010 okratioun of Choy left, sige(sl, licaltily fnavo b9an to'soo, tile iallnense. vorletg 'of.' I ol ASEl S Ira Qltick -it 0, (Illicit at !IVOI lit the Buffalo 13oard of Trade, on vantage ai;d t)hyioal betterment of Clio Introduced I lambs., , This is ix.'Yer fine owo find has I(I lw�iwy Noistil, in tills most Weanoudity, resolutl000. were i wbitos is cortilin it is foolish - to GOOM"Urid. the NiQlAderful low prices, at th iON nation of olll-N.alld never lvas� a LY ONA, PRICE,-' novel, brought forth,lossAllu.n. two lambs; and stand-in the Ay of al6o—vorolintr V�11 I, Inguly adopted. cndori3iug__tbe� w 10 is as irrmtililo as i iiiiiaturAl. and belke� bitt this has been )let, highest 'number ()"H,(ixtl(litobliuqui(�ic;ttiiieals;tliat actilSil.or the Rouse Ot Rep -iveo on record. The whole � fattlily" Ine 11 Yol c4i,ry ou the iffair of oatirif for tonding toward reoillmoity with Canada" - fiVer lalabs P Store, o osite ,�o Hadd. HODGIN S, 4- PAY, XAN�IIJESTEirvllovsv. - fil'.11 sit ricial, Much objection is also ruaderto all hour or wom. (I ood grailious 1 Whitt Ave Ing the. mQther* and Aro 7�77il�a 's , ash' PP. . I ilotsuffvrood,oll thl"'accullut! Ifowever, though eli froli-I, Portsmouth, N. healthy, and bid fare to talco par the Obitoso oil saiihil and 1116rafjr6nds 04INTON, May 15, 1876. A report Coln' t iA, the she 'must sit aslong art *tlio rest,, and though Oie. (is well as indutrial but it. soeins, to bil oin in (for it is , IN rdtil perform- Chat. 4 woman living. oil, mutt Centennial celebration. the passionate prejudice the pill] of tito last * abne, she camidt Nose Ulan alu, It' �Allee) until d. Isles of Rho, C%" eonfdsB A, agoi Ofr more V<>Sripici 3R. hetvite. character. a novel mcription, An anyt ling c186 and'*6 -doubt see's P QfttlI 4ca that Abe, murdered- slid must suffer the slice to linger �n for, made and dooided recently art 31ary, itro'eigi I ij tllQ Q Jecti .. I A on oil Industriial CLINTON, tile aildillwit - 1110ce the sliplAy Woly III tllo'two men in. April', .1 87a! which borough, Queousl 'A p or unds, 'Which.,ba aiq& oider to fil!.1p thoitinle4bottvifolli sU doesbito* L. W,4gnex -And, The local 1) 6 -baal n' Cite' L' Was In You be assured if lior in �io: riash pdokotlipok coittnining a X,10 note., was odiouo Mine o,l Papliark),ent last Thursday,nig.11t, prov id- thrown. it, M. iniddlo- , of Clio street, thoin We her fo( if �111e. so deal NVI -to ....... I . Atli it as ffoilsory. bdiiailotion, � and' th' ing or,.co leave,yol �ft Its t6 NVIlet1ter 410 Inpailm fim- PQB't6 the post Of .10tel' rThe bi' IVfrA T .1111.61 Y $A Y '0Z IT. ocN—_QT X �C E �'TO -T- ally to adnilt orre*A it, it she. deal %vith itthols. ntIOU of a: child being employed at was that 100 jerions would pass by for are but -felt? Prep S Met her dawmi, 4s..1 ,� inlet, nature,lacor- preve Cbe Age of ten,'or bo6w ea notiollowork, the taillboring, the'r r na r pq 'of tl lab6 before. it lip., Wholil three, ended rsonSpftS8Qd, Out Of 1; t Las att ad A LA N. iiiind Life: plo"s of fine . n - without pieking -One-bundr6d and- ?f CdJtj)Je8r johjoh-haVo �,Jtjthlijood tho'� 1p rual -CLI NTONT ORGAN rigilAy lazy, Novqrr le teilaud4burteen, nteosd /Z t of site 13001�10 Tor �qqf preat if 'R worldmado by her, hooldl. Go to.seoholr;it 15, 0 at least tMO red, clus '?r'y f iiiiniei�ye an old man, a -nur emaid,- and Bect a folloWng and be Bob' 011'01 f0I 9 neIV. .0 Um Ocntre,,Ivrites, "IAdvebecn afflicted Dettlers fix STOVES, and -manufacturers of all kinds of, a or a bitef bread the year for'art least five years. IN' " kicked but did -hot sonCopper, Galvanized anti Sheet and'oheese, and;.if she deal i dill these, -Y quickly IV Qi .. 1. towailim forthe lass tKI years, and holve Iron a -generally, that, tiley have. -added to their . 7R T 00 you havea pretty good security for that activity O'tid the relics to. be exhibited at sto?p to handle it, Jt 'xiiia,lit have re- W ro�, beg to infOrin find the ptiblfoi DLOH E & OStove apd, Tiaz business, and that stirring in iuotpX, wiffitrut which a wife t e. 0 C . tennial is trha pulpit used by alained unnoticed for a much lon&er. Dr. 2'homa'Ecle jeand since then, have h (z an is a 1111 no" instead of bein -a "help -mate. or OROANJ$... in Wilitefield in his 6pon-air meetings. Period- had 'not Mr. jCe­ NANurAcTua3m.9 As to love, it cannot live over tGhoneymoon rinel ' ly's dog jr West 8, n 'up an-d'do ive itbled loot 6 coniplaintforseroval yeans, ang Clyde" picked, it' FARMERL. AUIL ERS' W A P�_ R=9 the_ breastof A man of spirit towards -a -lazy- 6_ _1_t_fS of pi 'a- wood and can- oil I Ii red it aV tr� VvittiLE-B LE AGENTA Wit this 1pif ND CIL nJeL little Or Ih7. mazi. a-Cluick E ire bd taken to� pieces. , Fr6m Pu the bar -of the Pdsb 0 4d will Iteep 0ontitntly oil ballot a geealassurt ell , MUe 114Nry. lid, alldwing that Toe 116 till-Itried icBelectrie Oil,,Wkicltyw�c t 'Ir as 1_DSrJr_U"V ASC 40 'S 4:111 IP Be, oiis in the fields ofE Of local -foob comes doWn with a hearty good -Nyill ; and overr 2.000 rm One'or,.Abo most- strikir otly letin a little forNvard', rld the land, WAIesj t erro preach�, history picked up'. by gleariers for e G�Sj, aiior Amot,'Oa' tAlrn�, iPill( cull -Gadm h1s.. 7 .,all4ii1ol And America w III Acovtrted it oll hbrs4in tiwea�wbuf, -Cc,i and -byes koc),quito ote4dily.'in� tl is r roction, the. feet re, golng hecou'rit given TOM, S. R.d i .. g, sonu6h.thol, bd Thp'exhib the i. n,TrAct Centennial is the better, for these discover.earneptness to arrive 845cio 4 . . . r . ; . . . at' the origin of We tile, intanded Point, 1.4o notlike, nti. 1, -never r �Y- . * usually lco te hl'& S4)ro,-ttlt t1whibli iloy will y -r e. C was. e- It het -1 (1011c wondersin TiMUd wid relicrin.4 C of at ver Th Aso'Of066k:vs. aviS r Baptipt01tilirch. in. Phil A _P S. ri 'their Patronage; their motto 11 pr(fit W --El 13 1111 ]a ]PIL&W-40s, didUka d L.4.0. favoring t iilkli; with 1, 867TO V (sts 4-C undio looriby Pf the �refd- I a and quick the Pa*nc st)210 010 - move as if they Were �otall indifferent ed in 0 U '$. pistrict, Court,:at A niarve Ong e7clample of tit wa in 12, 1876. e Us Clinton, April result; And., wrtatlioloryej;art, ofthe stilryi who.-' FililadelplAin, on -Wednesday. Yer- wbich Divine -P id rules.:ovil. �;Pov -it f6ra ?ame OrIv Once' 0 21B I f "job -too k.' A�s to 6e excellenci of 6ur Organs, read th following., TePtimmilalb expQcts ardeat affection frorn plainti oritykiwear in. B A VD, 0, U(, W G TrA girls, Nviii, when too latei Aict-was renildibra fdr fflok.$500., 11 The first Baptist 0IlUr . . i Its'sagreat lads -6ecjded in a find his mistake. The ch4racter runs the solane Mr. Cooke-is,.L.00101'ea clorg�man from a joke, ;y be Vila ug QW IllItned ihi�lic A, Al. 1741nittoo, Warkloorek, IR48RS. W. uHnRTY Co,' CUNTON.: all the way tbiough, and t saw Virainia, to whom. Davis, who is owner Keach Arrived fr ` London it, 1686, nonl.ai.evey yp WM A large supply of ''milk Paiis.; Straffie�s, and� 0 . Vbry-."r ion of your first Orgail, I� 01A)Ultoing girl -who'did not make a "'inawkisle' M . I LES. -You ask lialvomuch'plessuraititell- a : n: I71 me myopia: f for annbtleol ic rcr ni 'cit. o i ing you that I cousider it a great sticoess. The- tone is very, u r slid cer- it: Oil, and blifore one bottle itial; ri citlim"hutiband Or ttnd� of 0 lor�. 1ras' ite, dthe'lio i* f I slid rich Vife, 'and a mother , car of the Bingham I -louse, kiefulsed. acconi- and passed Ili dtierd. to VA eity of TlaWare,: at a DUCED PRIOE:- -kind its there -is made ifi, Canada; --to-day. I 0 ..1 S r 0 it e' tainly it�is as good-axii-insitrum cilarse, having.no store of iliose was- call 801a by .111 niediQiilo isJUSt nly hope that you will.meot with libefitl pa;tfonagei'and roap the nNiard that. Sour tq-. cal. 10 deolors,- Pri are the natutal 1-644 )urces to pply, t6 in aicknesli -The Belle4ifl'o-Hotef, East .9 Lou d' r �kry of Spades, Uoe�,,R sit 'divino. W. Xi MLIR gp,SUP T, or-Iis ft'. Who -n th 8 N, THOMA8;.PhoIps#, uterprisd merits. Yourstruly, -built on spilcs - driv�n . ihtq quicjcs midstof his sernfoa-he Toronto JOHN ILANSFORD.' A r paitfa*or, rosp(llctfully'solicitio�c . outillilance oLbo some. I take great pleasure in givin my testimouy';X, '�X,ailenco of the Clinton life, it may be of no, importance, in, �,� more veou- bogati.to sinkrart Iliallti after nl6at of the Y million. f U. i ' I I i The stillsbribers, tbanktul fo Indutry, and though, in the higher sitititions 0 iddeal renched wi I 011IOrsci. Oat,, ole AgbiLti forAlke Do d with tours c6iifessed Lig trick. lie Lnr f Organ, manufactured by'W. IlLax oint it is, even tllefil,.-qf bilklort- s -II, 4'ent-dow and.s%#eetnesa o 4qoltt -.0k dherty a U a.. -k"" .-I ell ciiija think, p rr Pee a; or lei ants, iWo r res t en is well as -i its internal OCTrAligig so -fast. t xab1bere was -barely etime t �74� w Ats" Ptl$t 1011110 Or Lb q aliness of response to this t Y, decidedly equal; and in Bo*ipittildulars-, Auperiorjo-any-in'strumient I we- baptise or ain to ne 'lio toi,p. o_. ove a ive toiva�dg a� Black, Albort.Str6e i 1. �rkbdd]y�onb before its.'roof fdpee'vab man never sees tlie;de%v, never behilldallie' eve zt or. ad knOW104go. It as' t is -as near per ection a o preao LINT N Im inp.ol,. of whick P 1, b ioja April 26, 1870. O�mofid it�tdi any who, rising u ciNistantlir comes. rdetiv left iii, Big t.. Pe, proprie rmullolix .0m. a rC brealcfast table, an all sin-cerify. as it call well be.. Allo.w me ta 44T, ihat�i � can cheeffully race h w1plig bed�fti'tbe TI ��nd feturnlid to Phi ad'i 'h t' ieip e. b ildi & b t it of that may e an instrument, as one in everyrrilspect Well 11#0 qPlY WO.Wallt Of thrci-6 cliews about� �Nvithouf appoftte, thd choices ropes t6 his �. nir. iq, a This well. known medicine is i3.0 Imposition .'No ice.. Another of t e most faiihionalife' ilp. but 4 sari and M�fo remedy for Iii'amale Diffi- Ilse 4nd Lot r al. the til.s. orstilfl.olf. human food -tile, doctor - will'soon be it was but 6fstgi�t-Ilbe'fxg.rd'morning.. .11 r . . I fo R. C-ALUNDER, I 'Llet)A6 i �Church Choli, - Clintou -for, Anitan'int, town ­is:to be. :brougli eader of the.... called it, .,perhaps, endure this X Cooper Wh -.been at J churches,. -6 under. cOties aud. Obstrac Lions, from anybausow.bat, BLAUTIFUL COTTAGB,ON RATTrNDURY o ha& Solarium, - 'w ' a It W in 6 A SP401AL PnTZF, WILL BP OrEIMP BY Mrssits. W. Doluiol= &CO. for a niontlibi fwQ, without being disgusted, but hauctij"Or!g-lianiiher, it some m0'W1 -ever- -AaA, firlthongif q 6i 1 rem dyi it -coxi- house church Allesors14 $80, ct file Among the numerous Cabinet y tai - r I- -', ­ . of cleavina off its debt be nob found by a 6 onsiti In tion.. 4nd.woo4,Rhed,,%-IcIA. stable 20 x. flulletb Broonell, the beat 'VO in tho iniildle rank of life, wl�crb and a a fit�rlt witlll�-:ahotlir 0 wat r. 'Will be. sold oureanonablo'r collection of.LiNdIoR'Fixotcl, WaAk; Ist, 610, Ord _Qrgans I have seen 4uring the many yeal"'i I he that is ain ple allowance of time. As ty i5eople 'burg, tilile, redentl hid us ixothing hurtful to th f th been a teacher of music, , have noi -seen any sn orior to trio Clinfoar Organ, Inaill.111 Which lie TO MkURIED-LADIE9 e provision for childeen, is -to be sought by labor 6T and xuli,o, -cau be- hold, at worliCed. I -To then shot. a mair this first. of -next 'mon Ch. Its clevg ANDRr_,W OUNCAW,'.High Btriioli.. the atorti of 31posrs. R. Co character of the ebuo is both beautiful and- -sympaTeW, the intoilatioxl is -was suited, 1twill-iiiiii,812ClIttime 'the foa4h easy, and inferior to none.' -The workmanship is both solid And clegantilso' tail, hud Nym there yei a:n, early made his hundi,edth appeal to' Lis brin risingwife npLineal: Groudeman, Bud wenfA6 Iiii gonthemouthly.porind with regularity; Clinton M&Y 0, 1816. Nelles, Sceretur) 'that nothing is lacking. who biod bemi. a late risiiq girl? Tfliii6t1glit-up ljoaroks, on the subject last Sjunday, as Ili all ' 3Rd, - 1plinton, Aprif M, 16' , 6. roQfn, r6ato in, to kill' any 6g-9 Nyho. �11,904 of Nervous anol Spinal Aftodic, W. WAITTI�Clidton, tolAterlsing iewill'likoAtj ILC.NV,ll . lic, h Vains xa.'th�o: Bifick and Limbs, Heavileas, I never %%,it tit 1VII011 Il 4ttempted. to r oked from his 'palpit-ul)6n th 4atI4AAO on sliglAt oxcirti6ji',. Palpitation of the oy, Wanted No dcow ex- Or eWhiin, A Constable, B its. W. DonEr I.Ty .6ofted walls, stainod eass. window t cuses,for Indulging in -the habit ..,it first alleill lit to do so iflifili. ho'wai; shot through so. eart, Rysterics, , Sick Hoadaches,,Fhites, ANTHD�A YOMF1_,x6 'I�t�hN,CAZRIAC Dbsiring to obtain an instrument that w0uld combiub all t1le provo� VelVet 011BIlifla d be.indulged. ivithont-bounds, to ring, and W ie costly' and all the Painful, diAetises'4ceis on�_ one Who ban been a yolir or twa-at.the rFl= TRUSTErS, OF TITP.: BLYTIr r,13TATV. mouts in power, fulness, and sw.patuesarof tone; I Clin.11appy to say that I aV9 " �.he braiq and ins an . I . . . 'o r - d: by 4 a realiz,�d all in the Clinton Organ. Every ono'who hears -'it,. goes awity it will . wrong buildingg 'Theourch"was raised.some d: 6.,opro&roii. Applyto �JL, fillend.ii, ill'. -oil tiortlon afterwards would be diffiZolt? Lgordored system, these Pills will effect a ouril, ext; ST t done to ]Lee and she will aacribe it libiulshed have Ilon uniarmlin The valamble quarlities which this -Organ' pbasellses, are ifinch appreciated - It "t asleffie it is aid that. Quieen, Victoria is to be Con all other matins -have failed, 'CI Iton, 31s, CANTLON BROS. of Lot No. 4% in Ito, 4von. 187miariosh, JaWonfi In, 13 affection ;'& quarrel. mu lauband years lit n dipelise. of 6arlV half- 11, 1876. 'Pastura fields. -in tho'niezintanio tendexfi aTo Invited by from at naws all of ouey general favorite in our family 6ircle. nitigtsul)iiilttoberitint,.di-or tllov�r irivited to bo +111s -havo-iievor --baeu- Presen"t. Philadelphia on -known to. fail the U11111-1 Ir least yet Upon'r it, Coinp - .9., gee one'lialf the frill - liore the 4 1 a propose,--Pattles1411 avilto On theirlots, and.)VIII 0$ .4 � TFO-U-icil-of July, when and ortishi . ng. o'ut its phiol 11rections on the Ud, pag . oof paln� any Lands. - TR it bell,,; t, are well observed Having thoroughly toited the iperltii, of the -Orgails manufacturool by W. WiUert y., 19 PAP n -�6- . . . . . . iin women i" it tile onten ial olation.. t lifdy is not N, r fromAll' i �ftlllcu "L Tho. - For -tail particultiors, g;Aw t, , LIST OF LANDS IN HURON FOR SAME BY Koo TTI Co-. I t-tAo f)1-edsur6-iff-ffftyiUg-tIi . art-4--eensider-thom-z-iii.-all-4-cFjpoetEi-:equal, -ana iti 11jesKi -1 1 _1 . will deliver the. PAMPh f, 1k A f tho b gy.., severit of i�o ? It ig sad tbat.i.f.sho-conenui to share, agent. the Cronads Company way be sQoi% atAlle: offlee bf mauy-pDintaimpatior,-to.=,y--rced instrument in ille-market. The -case with which, it, r ;Iebynot, " Oflu(le f ' r memberg of, it ire -afraid to chtilr it., lost, %lullatiridguod. 1. . I . itt 'the 0 LOR p cc )ay, th .13110 ldllavo'tolist�'n to the pitoo I us� JOB NEW Yolul SOii1.PROrRltTOl&. - .. I . 1. . ..... its air spyly is maintained ; the smobtlint%so and coldil-ity iIf its tone. , itsready),c- Mire to 61,00 and I2J Clents-for postage, encloi6d to of in . to Tj . . . I . . . ).a 17,187). spouse to the touch ; the cloquent voicing of its faucatops; %act the porfectioil, of its natural itiln"atga Mal ar illfluence of she �vill receive a I�ar r and nwre'pn� -of the ol sIlAaM Nor1hrop & Lyinail, Tprcinto, Ont,, gonor* Two'DWelli tor Sale..' general mechanism, must -make it an aspe6ial hivorito vith organ ists. a. to- den�y f thi.-i ridviea is*t6l wusici4ic welcome thall, ally a thoughi he.8vad to have n1ino agents fur the Dominion, will insure C. CRAWFORD, Music T'aoller and Precentor in 1'. Church"rClintQn. 1)1' 110 t tion of Ll 1, cait] 1, to ilio., q bottlo FOR: '4L -'-AXD ovi rgeo -Ifl. 40 has SoldIn WING -r before roccivod in, the Unlied r oorotr�iniug over 50 pill o by return mitil, 'itilt(is Of X1 is go 6 -churbly,.. but land a Ltucheid; si tute on Mary Sti-cof, -west of nerica, We, do not. doubt- found it l.,source ii by X. li.'Couiblo and George Corponerpil ItOW premises. 'This'property to be bc-I)VCd it) the 1.1146 (1 Of t1leir livus, nd of perpet " mo ing thol olo of til.)80 lives, u al rtifica. Hickson and, to give them, Cluj Ili that at '111. � . . a r better ollidley; r i tion.an�l digeredit _110 wdUld b 10. Lninsdon, Soa- 8ituxit6(l. and will"bo 401d, oil NvOl4lit and consul Of whieli would ClrrouVrook; Parker- & Cattle Ver i. in IvInrbilli 0 �o throw 'it up, bo,s6ld to and r4u, Goilorich; U. O.T,"I �d ME ppti y Ally; ew York fo Sarnift - 10fw to haa.boon having a funny. field; Jas.'Dontliron,r breach of pronlisc, xasb. Thd Plaintiff thO highest -bidd. 111", COUNCIL , 0.10TIT CORPOIIATION OV.Tlll, W. FAURAN, Clinton. 61110 doll 4 lors. T 'Coluxity'of 11bron, wiIf niiieg In the Court Roonx It% not inertli it Idnebing (10lux dow, �Taro arfo, stroti ith preach it in. a: C Full. 6, 1676. belly, ItuiAl-stripping Was it Ivi thl Town of� ("Oderich, on Mobility, the 5th dty of next, 11,; atilt file cleforidaiit w" a clokic in. the TIID'X.KCFTTn, STALWON t . -. - .. . 'TZRrAD"'.15�e PE 1876. Store wh4' sho used to buy li�x sugar, 110tise -and Lo 'for Sale. -N G pemlifure, antl ei� in(] All I In lose fif ty CluLk.. S. PR I i 8. 7.0 frol" all I,') C1.LXNW0*14 . wcm� ofally and of Wit', anila tin, '11TAT r,*T,'f(k Yotili lit -v of Themosgages ot ltl'�cliiou, which playod UILY I as10s, -tv);ethertlit? tit lifebe ' paribi thoonso, wcrein-� til'o boalil" I 'ellpled fly� high ol. It lNv, 18ome art-, !if(] all important 24, 1876). fit dy ix Court of Revisio Will stoluil. overy Tac-Fility might, hVixeter ced, Marie)), bush,10 95 911 J, (it IblUvillibry n. xridgy Much Itti of Inotloyud sdvillo and Wil of Cho Clioreb, $or 11H that Jimr to get tile ot61 of th.-Ill swoArkess. * Nollo. '().92 bilyi blitch fegq, inittle Itittl t1kil; Atouldi 10 holn(16 Ill li, in tl�ihiod any. Inarriadd, 1'3ro- oat. *41 j -EQ V, T 1J? 11UR7351151 GIVIIN TITAT TIM CollT in Cssn ges, Coll -0,31 vith poa bunli tona uterelo. wejghb;­� is not tot) great to be o% by a -ex, 111100si howo0r,. -and the defoudant Barley a .0 *) 0 EN PLANTS. 14 L110 LOVDF,81I0hOJIOTRT,, -in, 441A lvaq �irt-d by Ih, nticr; be by G AR al a U SO' N N05 Revision for the Towrinhip off Milleft, will boo wiLlijoy at % dcti1W haiogmadoone, Tho.plaititiff 0 00---a 0 W . . 1. - r . I r : -_ . . ..... Lorti-legboroo, fit Elio soild 6f, Iftileff, baRket for all aild ll5 00 a 6 00 "n liv by thJ 11:3rdlVA IlluilbIc- I being t8o pool! to pAy Clie jury foo, a Sintiardn.y, the drsy*407 to L4 rilerl. The dant t-1 Yiluxig Nocs a lull. TO 11,41ol '0 1,,, At-thil hour of1l) o'cloolo, Aillf,, for I17, dozen 'tin000 it pied lawyers inAlto court I�.O 0 23 In. the tbll , BeeviVelf "Jouts slid revi"Ing file 5, f,,, t'l in iu,d Lady r 1voultl 11l"ll'tell room �oluntevrcd ibeir I ggre'. - 0 10 0 It sesointabRoll (it Clio n0IT.Vinshillfrltiol prei.esityear Did) CLOTHIEIRX- AND GE NE RA OUTFITTE ell clit. compenskilion, were UawW, "After oo a 10: OW B1.11AITIAWTZ, ownslill). CILrk, the &rand. . of) into Oita sho. woultl Ultil T-140MAS' oil Moo m0turtollieworId- Ima 1 P E "a AZ a h r (In e o i vi� t I as. 0411 0 She it the w all I Illy w wi �e t touts h Vd s to a"I" b i,ed. -or it, "OIL _b i�h, e 0 at to la salt, not 3 1" IC g t It. I"T he60 U 6� (I e"tAtint Etc; lobIcAnaw.of ordinary e.ittte Lit tho 0 all, IVolprietbr. )let)' - vi Well Jt. Inay Ink ri-gat, a 4 00 1 60, shcopshiag - Rol Sa or Olt .411,11 list (Unia ni, aud thot detandant linnicolinte- :ISO alld - Lot for e. aa. tbe I mell, wealtt;v. too, haver been ruffied and y fendered the Saw iti-opcit Court.— Clover It 00 ich School.. Clinton., 0 I * 00 a 3 50 .1 TTI 'If Tl' lThe plainthr r( r thG G. T. Rq -T 7p SATIV AT Jectod. Clio sum i Mucci and Lot oil Tsajo Suretv iielt OUR Q1F ii 'di.ig u s il 4-i'vislov- tili.4 tb* G 0 '50, A 0' 75 l",XAMINATION V0nD*M1SStW openpied loYlifin, Thoholli8dions T CENTENNIAL TWEED halt paid into court, [Ind tbe 4 cot'(" and it was t Turlcqo, 0. 75' a 1 00 0:3P of uppit-ikuw JL the 11fult SchoolvVill be held hi thd.Ul�h Schopf buildings. Torino rene6alilit. SjUIT. r . . . Xolileoiali4r4y 0 , I WILLUU TJoWPV, town -I Cd t- III b � I, ME I,- I C L E AR,,, G N One limidred Citizens of-PittAold, IJITO lught; 11166 weo)c 1401110 Inlltnowl) 1 entered. :tburial vaul't in GaIr May �I, It 1W(;,UJlht0l1J on Tfliesday andWildnes: day, Julib 27and!28, 1870. 41* IV 0 14 1 it 0 ofte ttm.or,, 1it the solid Tur,%Ibn Mrs, teeslp'y, Milliner, FINEST TRING IN THE XARKtT.,FO1UTJ1E JKONEY..- root-iltlypledged thornselvostilat 1'er"O"n f veston, r4ag, and Opotiffig Cho collinift 'at—rall $0 05 a 0 98 W11L Commencing at 0 a. in. rantliolAstra At'tu- h-twtthsitilm soveawo;)ck- P.U., Ar the pur- TROS, -IACXSON, they would ciido,�yor to stop tbo sale of int it that town, Oil oxioating, liquor i 16d, which iv�dvtlggistwljo hadlAtollyili slin - ug 0 03 a 0 06 5 00 li 6 00 for totnilmott nvmt notity, wo tallerotgri. ra nrit int iv ibin, file alat of Arcy, of in.cle Intention to lirt,ozOlt thorilk;Ulyto for mololation, '114 IM MIJANINO THANICS TO 'ThP LAt)MS OF ruse of holating alliterohl an.1 To-tioling the Assessment %clityetr. 'TIIr loarnitig their wishog the, (loalors vottla. was Onalosed, Cut from his right lilkall. CIAO t1lattiti afid foreftrigor, Great indig- Oats' 0 10 a: 1) '11 J$cas 0 60' 0 63"C' Blault fiprni 6r,avii Vatiort can be otinineittrold J. fi Turnbull, Ilitoi., Load into;tcr. .L Clinton ind its vicinity, lot vniot favorol to In. 11) form thbilt Clint, obti still tiontinutin the 11fit 11"171 01111W businosit, the A. I�LLLLS, Town Clark, 0111(611, VIVY A .167M ..., ­ AGENT FOR Wr.MgOn AND ROYAt. MAID IiiNISOF 13TWIPBRO, tarily gave, uly tho-busliless, nation is folb at this liOrrid no�, bub, all. B4,ley 0 45 0 5 0 Coondi'la tits vlstiln4 to olltcr aftor Me slimmer boll - dAY9 must preacnt thowildvt it tit this as at OLD STAND; WOTORIA ST.,- OUNTOIST. Clinton, May 10, 1870. 11ovs X.11. Carroll of Wasbinton tho,offotts �ioW making have not'revoal- Potatoes" 0 20 it 0 25. Ilutter 0- 10 It 0-17 there will bn ab 011tel till the end 16 3)0' f toluba-, 1870, �hqtla agont for 3radatil. Butterlek & Colo Vurcirt'All presented to tbo Ar� �B'.,Uonfovencoi #it Baltimore on Tqaf� day,* it resolntio a tlleliorpotrafoi�s. The-.onlv..ex6_1,dnA-­ on that can be giveno. ginco tile jowol$4 Eggs,. 010 a 0 1 11 Hay 000 it 10,00 A. brWAA, Inspector bf Vablio Solloolo.' Cli�ttln' 11", 11. 167e and Nelv York patterrif bt pArmentg; rinif to tionattinUy r&010119 (he HeW, 06YILS ; all hitefftind dcorh5flonf; ate or. A a h she sells At prices alleelfied In the k g ej h udo ivhld that i� oraer to'abolish ibe use of tobad. eo the Gencral'Conterelicef'do IjAreby On the deaa inart were not taken Is that t 'the a't. was'comititted by persons ho! 0 w TO"k,, 7 50 a 8 00 q0DIP10011. ,11I1kAk.ET-5 r- Bukne'zs for salb Catalcitualf. She hopes, bi striot rare Avii CA*ttic Olt, # to continue to werit it liberal pattonallo, Att otturno; kROUPTLY AmrnulDra) To. MANY', IX�, 3� . P -101t I I I I Tx- r X Ox: S e the fitillual, 6 recommend aad advia on. f6rences iioh tkrdooivo into filll Connec. 1 0 tion, itor ordaih -dby preachiv tO` deacOrlilik 'ge Ybudooism, and who wanted practi rS for 30. itl* t1jeIr InAgiCal the membe it ritQgi Wis knoWn th4t therG Some Mair 2,11, 1.870. ft�a t—Tall 4 05 a 0 98 Spring V 0 92 . a 095 On T1111, ftALr n,,rpnrAT IN AX'Otb IF estabIl4bal boteh6r sholly, doing a good business.— n Applyfo AIYR TLE -NAV. Registry Office for Gel�v,,* y A rl �t r I,- I C L E AR,,, G N SALE or older'd orders.1111168A. ha abstain , :3 04.. tirely from the'nso of tobac4r At a mootling of lirpacherg id Vewark, T. X., on 10'riday, the discussion drifted N F n, ostion -whotbor it wa-- ,! liten- Iroudooists in Galvestdiii whote. they have gone froni Now Orleans,: and they have been detected in, reVatting drimes. A negro thief wag capiturod it short time w ago in Texas, upon whose person ag U Ylour 0 Ir3aloltisa0zle, i Hay 5 00 0 so 0 02 0 43 0,25 0100 it 500 fl� j(_) 0 o 0,3 a a 0 30 111, 10 00 $3 2 4..1 V.LN , Victoria Stroot, Clinton, . I Its viell )]fly, flint-hollo Clued 4 Ret'llitty Wee for silr%nta. 1 nallo ANgtorg notil All't"(11 sica wanting servants, allot aervantio, dedring glitiatione, *ill and Chia the befit rueltuRof ob- taining the stme.. Terniq of.Coulry on lippileatfoll. I . 5 Are now oltep6a.., L001t OUT lioll. TRN OTAMP 4m 10 it . or House �11d' Jot f , Pale. ttXhnB51GNED OFVV98 TITAe'TVULt. THTTVATualiduso and lot oi; Victoria ail , vot near the A I a, chlld!� 60, wbich he said U it - rv- U -10 lot salti. , Tho, houto Ir a 60211111011101IFt Amr.401U.- oun 0 11 it 0 12 TIM arxUrm to do wrong in -order to aceomplish great I'd 1.0.1t1n. one, end the IOLL cont.m. Ono acre 01 pod. Tho questi . oft grow out of the made him in�lsiblo wheit. outoring� 6 60 a� .7 5() 'Isnol. Apply to Pork, . To - Debtofis.' 0 ­. - 1� __-_111 4R -A -N-D- 0-_P-"_N41W­7G_.1_-._____ Casqof 11,11mr." George X Woodward: hozlaes-10. Steal, Hides a 60 a 4 00 410 X7 J4 Wo 4 9 50 -a a 00 Will, UNDFUSIONM W0tJLn11IrRI11nY.STOTIrT BIT ST PRICE. r T lie k6l lowing,- -from tho'Dladk Hills# Beef,, 6 00 A. Alta Violet co This person lately appeared in, Xewa k JL all pilrdes Indebted to hhh, thoit sit secoll a6-4iii hgdht dr -1,10 tothportifid6' �)bflkor- will ShOW th t t is not ou it Not be. 1). PAId Within one nixonih, othof*186 they 'Will be kllo�dod it 1 1 oh a 1"I Do- voltor4*0, IttAWKETAft 6outtlor colleetioil, h6od, mbich in countenanced by'most of rad.0 its picturod'. Ofte"Mab Weltes 111,1111V13T OIVrN` TILULT =9 UNI)PRSIM tD vot6rulittySurgbom g3. X WaA to elatoL TORONTO, 3&14� *111 net, be reliptinsible, tot Any debts Cloutriletpil In Clinion, Alltil 12, 1876. THE 8,UBSCRIBM BEGS LE4*Vri, TOL INjoRU TIM IMIABITANTS the clergy. Iliq business r Arriied hore,*after 0. hard trii, but am Wheit-v all sl�ba a 1 11 lag thrild IWIthont hI8,.wtItJdrI anthoritp g 1 03 a 1 03 RZMWALLZ� of Clinto and 6urr6nodingdoontri (and morchatita eqp saloons oft ' Sunday� proctwe' driplc, afraid to. -to purpose, for I am nearly Whcat_,Skrl1I Preaching eciAlly) that he has, de.. 'garg, &0,, And then rin -e Black Hills ttrot the biggest 11arloy IV 6 1� .1, 11,1870, miN.Tw -o( Uoti'dAy Cause Satisfied th at 0 88 1% 0 40 t1io sellers to be prb�eouted The violiting humbug over passed off, on the people,— Clatil 1 -0 71 House to 'Let. tortnined, to aisposo of dit, whole W hii,'presont Aock Ix, Tit 79 oil iould the Chur-,h Thoro aro thousands of men here, none the Sunday law. ' St 0 90 0, 0 22 Qt austain, Woodward, lithnself P, NANA b3g, still they are Batter 4 0 12 TO LRT _YM N HIGIL ST V, i�AT TAI V-1pilkopophI.Q. U11112'. IWARU3040. - Wid -.of them mak"' 9 anyth 9affil - - -'011 1 - T it In nr sk A T '.00ST's F OR... Cook House-lKeoperil and Aot6X'06pera W6111dA5,W011 to avall theingelves of this raro oppqt�lnjtyj as tho Wholo stodk must be disposed Of. to Special IftdiicoMelit's for, -any, -one-Wis Ing go 0a and (Wer dam W111 9411 ro'n OFA81T OYLY) i6o" im 6JUlWalt. All fortilwith, and 806 WON, 06 04� A03329t, R. fa bring Matters to a fooUs, a, Clergy. but Somebody gets ItiLleft Dy tue inctians. — nuot utwa walor# goola ccunv� arick is very pitlamuti;r sitti� Ponce. to Auccungffmr rixut�nvq ..Vkt- it A dol Clid . wan pcosent aslced if, in oraer to obtain , Thily, o6mo -'riglit ihto: iowit and kill LotDOV, May 22,-1310 Atdrk 4 lie Ile- t , AliplY to Trtoff. 000 . I.— I I 1 1. � I..", Xe.is, b its review ofthil Dritialt corn trade, cimtlrqirfty�17, Prknl DY1,101106.30 prosecute. 'and bro.,%k lip a nion, Wo oarknob gd Club Of aOOi`A With- aiya --The of'66 dountry', al. hous6l'of ill-roputd, a milliliter ifiould out dtingor, all& are compelled to carry thoulih not filarmitig, is liot 631011latoa to CO. Great AUCTIONSALE., V* Plour, 'a' nd. Blood; lAit the pl�dft land Con1kilif B* fora armers 11111101i satiathotion, W9111; lands oil Our. guns, *Ult us at all tinjos, The Irt� crops, bill oil have boon 'fairly ProfflisIn tJN`DrUMqfGxZD ilro, poor. Ve incline Eatheo Tipnol 11(Zil, Stilr�ot fli the 'filiMing Juvr86nCh"LfN'1A`6 VXL-LAGZ AND PAAXI LOTS heavy soils crops SPRING 4. P., S Mank ania7emont . was dopiated, , oil aiany ' x ara gottin 9 w orgo and AV diilr� one's faco present. Uov'.- Allf, dak. All the glowing stories You read idekthat, witlitho cospation, Of cola Winds Nnw Em. ho vill,koap eienksthtly on hand Graves albun hall .0 . ourage to-allawer the in'tho-paillove About this dountry are lies, and & little warm riiii, the oropg will fairly and for socr, viclar, olitmoo, BtUshott", Oilto, and T11Z most 0:tttaordluary quost�on. ItorAined lovor, Tho. tottlitty 11141hets Wiltox almost every othor.iltudlo. abridlykeptIn AilehAtordo. Rd with seatably an exception, As t6 thb fef kllglg", 1,0,111610168 and selling 0 A nAoioa. 1'. A� without oxotpflon lloiirar fit *hit cl000 of laot "S"K't,kyo shore. of PtAbIld 14alip V.111ago Of 331-Y _T 19 P hi's voled and boldly doolarea thab 4 Indian Stories they are a thousand timog wdek, Trade in Llondon bell been matkool L1111k. Ox. 0 N N. i i OR ministerial itarksgres3or ,in ISuely a d.t6a worgo 'thah reprosIntod. 'There, ate with itlbsidoyablo d thifleda anol late4dy'dill'altna Istay 17,1876", wo'httl bo juntiaea ; that lie himself hundroda of mon; horti on On vorg.0, of for Continentiol. Wheat 114d imptovild a libit- grymix.0, mal ultat mm Amr, would hoi 'Aoruplw to. sin a littlo, thab Starvation, � While 4ritIngr this (06tor fl� ling pot quartot, Tile of t1lil ox, It oad Seratper's f6r safei TRUSDAYI Juxt It 48761 IS!" grd4t goo�d miglit'a6me find ho'bofloved, man I= Won killed by Tnillang, closti-to port Ifiquittir Anil the Atoaffillega with Which. ALIM aucx Or avifto o irgotsa off 4 to doCi8t are takeit lot cobtinotti, Alt WAX 616toor, A. if. that God wonld approve of the aet.— the, caltip, The sottlets h4vo already rA, fihmr that tho requolib ia batea ppon genn. A, tAnorIN01tru or AND Mtn flo filtillffittlon" And,thia,'16% "irma Road Soraperi 141PIP, IIA11"ta'v" 131rUi B -00TS AV , dibg fe7 Tho. elorgymoft were abashod boforp, lb�b lost by, departilto find two-tbitfig AtiNa of S000na now they, were shookeil Outright ind this of their fnlxabltanto� 40"U'r,"ter 016y 011,06 tmdo havo boon: cofisidetably strengthened find full InforA61104 UAW& *hQiXt' vopmU 0116ov, 146VIA 1110 time lot lolongkip timooK rUnk milt 1111 16611 thtrilby In addition to,thil lul,biry for M thbylimAtboloold, AVplyto g5whoplibrittell 46. 1%11. Dfuffifh6fids R44it kh4 h C10 Whole, sabjeot, was quietl i1roppoil. clalmod 11900 ooulall And "Alk noW only on Old Apot aha opgol tif the oosstj thd do. lig 1. � I MIMI%, blytht1fid tlI0,%1QlWVajt, TO Wittext its vilm IVilwo AnUftiolt Tho topottaro, %vota Wan Lot t6 mliko 200, Uill City hfue �1100 emp ty eAbIns Maild for 40hilUtAl � h#A 0toddild t6 tat&$ 404415A*i 1114 bitifitIOA 4 tho dimostool, AUJUVAA044 NK UsUalli had 04116fAA, 01110*Uot %If 1676f vity 16%, ........ ..