Clinton New Era, 1876-04-27, Page 47-
GI '04 -for Isro AWL
Vaira awl rianner. I scraps aid eawags. jfj9jj-9N0�t-1,
mvA , ,
Ww 'LIQ U 's,
1"I'A1100, — I P r T ORK
ry duel took plAca
4,ccor�iq tQ U, T41830ralld, the Alia"Oulkila A UY-1 184 X1Y WAY i Or- ZQAX�
GeAertil' oT AarI day. hi 0, licatW political 413.
the C
liasjo:j. 1w, bloji Walk glygn, by CuuIIt.djUX,__ TlIFA �xx, ox- Vi m., TuouliAxv DOL.
I Ater, tlia" -Duke of Z-*
will YWC -INAX
Tallic of ft!A111vers-long r000g bu, pultPoSm 11UH R 44111
Vic WrQ to the o Duke didn't rq, ia,� volt T
mill, xAu .. Q 14 Q0400quou" of t4o go
an turn, tho blow; but a few Winutoi 14tor, UPINTIONED.
jon� the farilaers. �f B1,1181alta choose, whon, the Imus are, set Ili U IA� i9i4irloa A oqar4ionof their Liquor dullartruml- fr III Gr_ ery,
At Approcia(va blat in spirkillent wheie tW. towtiertilrois., ]lot fluding himself alone with the gentloinen, A)3L4TJT1F.
)lj3.r,dcg. lr� Eth wlfl�ltr.,ks, the 01bitoa IfIgh
w4o to. act its his seconds, lie took an Sollool Iloard has WAds
emuro by Aniet. bl$ber thil. who applieAtion to 014 itlu.niolpal VOIAUDII at the TOWEL of ocoupied'by the late U
ThQ reason for 011s ia evident. The re- 'Xile jnil� of cows soon after they, ll�ye 04th novor to see his wi 931111L DliAton, in Lila ouritt of fjoroll, lot tg Oulu Of Vivo Preraiaesl formerly J. B. acey
�t y0b exhAust. 09, - s -more bufte -� pta he had waswawiy the insult in the Thousand Vollar, for t, 0, Urp'.)OO of tiurobeplug. Lulds,
of the floll are no I If, ed -Wiltdin rand is much name —X,ots numbers Vrity-two, (02). Fifty-ftia (080, W3KrAAF4 THEY WILL 14ARGE AND
bloorl. rog the Cotnit. -TIL4 next ilay the rjjty.�Kur (04), Viloy-Fivo 03) And (00), 19 SPRINRAND S_
ca -, thpilsalads Qf RONG Of tlIQ Most pro, -easilY churn than it is 'f`11, diol took place, The Duke wap' w9ade4 011illoxist' itow. survey, In tho'saia TQwa a: 011i4pa, ova
ler nwa Con -blegt
duotiyti $.oil LINvalt the getti the b f! outhl after Cal twice --in the forearm And- in. the 'right
rdsj_AQut y seOiSting of f1re. Vec y
western AMOS ana territorloo. But y)u -alilk undergoes 14 cininge, unt! sido-before. the Count ball recoi 1 4 kd: 0-ho'ce Lim
ehe to resolved to ralso
i -44y fitl;;Iers, who have, supplant. ta heless in quallifto scratoh� but the Duke, notwithstanding the Ilia, paid ponEat x4oneY.1or the purposes afQxosatil;
lrQ cream.1s nut only nvdEA", to wul require the sum of Vivo 9
ture by labor- 4�4 're stua er. ingan All 'QV�46iA I
04 010. olA metho but the butter H T E NT
Lis of eal bules A C 0 T T
j�o � ad I'lity Dollars to, be ra lied annuall by 6110001
.1sted oil ctlntlnuln�'tbo light. �Thodiioj dkqa a
1j,A0 reason ivLy milk frOtil- 1 is,
ichinevy, Lire beginning to 11 rate, for the paymerxt of th; q (I Debt lkild, uteveo) fie
aon; the Duke,. making a.superhoman also )ALKWEAfter 1 ev* or 0, ffered to the, people."
tealizo that, they can no le, rip), 0 1
figer-depeltd, that, �yliea lo6bel is, foymedli drove Ilia- sword hrough his.advor- I P BR. SU B AM) �,an the ral �ard for the meapq of' on- sugar of lilk efro,, Alm wavarils, fhe gutolint of the Whole rateable
sity , Who fell jifolops. Then, p4lid, a% property of tho Oak( oorporation, irrompootiso of Any fit
ten, to -a of Any in. lit will be continutia at the old stand, As' formerly, corn" of A lbor6 %
g T IQ 9 - hshaken 0 be, Win IuQrOASQ 09 the Radio, and Irrospooth
I I folentirlo aglj a filain , 01' death, bathed in his own blootlt and ivith ('0moill tile linturo of tells, And gottellbitify Streets, *hero they will 4cp, in cottiequelloe of lnoro rnom by thq.retneval A LOVOR TRE,
culturist of to-diiy soes in the phosplitttea,, f this froth 0�istia,to a largQ ex, diffloulty sustaining hinis6lf, the '1,)Ilk
f0ea fromtho said property, ai)d also irreoitQotivti Of WRY f partlof their businosa to other prexiii4os, A larger"arld, more aelcob stookof
And otier kind od fkr0lcial fOrtilizOrs e' t;"butter will not come, and the milk drew. a white hau.06Jrchief from his pocket income to be dortyed trom the tomporary 14yeptimout of
r th; Binking-ruria horotrI mentionaotor any PaLq
purThe find bouding over the Cuunt!s body, dipped thoroof, acqording to taxer'last revised ssonMent 11011 E
the 01117 remody. for the is, ".5(,W for Churn Fl S T Q-'Iss A 8- S. Mbs Beautiful, PRI N
the handkerchiefin-tbo blood ling f rom for the yonr One Thqu� OF,
A COW is nijl�ed after sand Eiglitt'llundied And WAS V our lxuu.
of' his 180i), �ilur.vejs bayo thia of the said Oorp�ratloil, behie
hi ildversqry's death wound, and turning The, oullocrOers are thanliful. for',,,Vast favors, -,%ad resp46fpjly continuance of the
tliv yield of butter, and the less 4 And Sfxty oqvon Tbo"and, Five ITundrod to Clinton, DQN'T. F
VArm proaue e takett, !a QXQ
to the four see oheplished, by. the Ilse q ess io onds, i4c, look a AND Jilin Patronage sp liboralli Ilost4wed.0i), 0401.4� llgljob for Q044.
led 1, t IL� '11D` 6ke raised the blood-atained cloth to the o,
urea, Iltit nowbION has thOir 1111130st 64rislitilent is�there goutain d Corporation to as follows t—ror prinolpal, the
m1rfEqjIlQiia etileot been more' clearly milk. 811111 of Twouty-Four ThopsitiLd, axio Hundred 4, Ulliott went his. face and said "You will tell thein, gen And intel-ost oil Vour Thouaftua, One Hundred D911aM �THE,. Q-11104APE ST STOC4 Or,
shown. il a In tho renova 10, Judge Willia s 1.
tlomen, how th.Q. Duke of Z- avenged the ombor last pastj alL.d on
311, of the southern shitod� Ashing on Caddo Lalce, Texas, and 4 slid- honor. 1 wash away the in- frntt.. .....
-t 'T 0
Old f tile old. den insult to his �7 11ARVA. AND 0XV-1 RD SHIRTINGS
NY . Well undor- g�le upseit thei beat, Tney sWanVtQ* suit witli-%e bfood of the one who -insulted arBarren uplekrids, AxD paying the lntaVoqt� And oroaling
it NY' (-olimbKinto it.4. They 1))e.,, 1-19 thou paid to lis ownt seconds, an qqual ytarly oinking fund for paying t a eald Suill. 16,
time systenit�.oc southern . Illow, Uie Itn'd , 1. 1 1 . I
�,ero ab�iA two miles'f rom flbQrQ,.And their "Take this hanilkorobief, wbir,14 I confide Five Thousand Doilaril And Interest, as hereinafter Fast .0,01ors).tilat you Lave Woo, f6r yeamo Cou-m AxD SEE,, T1110TV,
tice nothing blit ybitla prod boat was blow. n away. They spent pearly Honed, It will require, oil equal annual opeial4l rate
to YOu, to the Duch'asit, my I Qnjon of eleven and throo,quititar l4undrodths of a equt In the
d a few rcattered WIN of GO TO 'THE' WAREHMUSE
Qor11 All three-doyajil, the tree, intensely heFas,aduty to place it among tho dollar, it; addition to all ratoo to, bo levied In oaoh year;
liciolls use from huligor, fixtikhe 'nd uonng.prestall'is of my daughter when she ND'jvj r1me.2 of W
A �, wed, Lowly Asso No' ad Do, ')ES Go
sickly cobton. litly", � by the ja( It to mitao nomeary by law to A OD89
6f i)li'osl)llates, been,inalle to yield equal Occasionaly they fell asleepand dropped off 0.11all be. married; it is her fithor's gift to Point the time P-114 14aoo fox, takIrw, the yotes of the d,
I . I a qualifledEPlootors, aitafor appoint naRaturniagomoo a IF,YOU WANT A FINE) FRESH, kll tae
to tbe. best river-cottoll 'Xile, into the water,'_bxit the plunge quickly ihcr-the puzatv of his namil'" The wPT 3 to tae the votoo-of that said vloators At the iaeoung newest xna]Os', and styl6'. in tlie market, 'at 've y 1`6w
jjrowt4 of tht), Ilia atif whire ot plios- awakened them,, -ana I *3vgat, back, into $�er `whert the Doke fell PnCeS, O'V OUGHT40
o hardly spoken BE IT TnERBROBE ENACTZD bj the Corporation y eatures looked of t4o Town of miltion,
haliapic,witil -tile inbreas- their porches. - They were W lapt rescued back dead; and in death his f , I in 01A county of Tpl��TL
by' friends who CLDAP� to Rook for: their ., %. 1. T aalm and proild, and almost were ExAT it oliall Do -jawni for Via Afiyor'.of the 0
in Win -ters of the Vapan
f qua I Corporation to rolso byway Qf.16au, from any peroo or -1 Va
His honor was sdtisfled, F.W11flavored
country -Factoviem bavo. beenestalAish" -Tony be illing D -V 0 -K S' D R I ILLS A' -M S.
The Dresden News declares that the vorsoas� body, or botlaes oorporate, who N D N to advallect the, muo upon the orodib of the Debentures
tons of tha for- 1"nussi4n. Government. spends too inuoho �Laroilloftor montionod, sum of money not, exceeding
in the wh Ile the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, and to An ndless, new 0vo0j,8,000,000 invested in their vAriolis cause thl., same to be paid into the hands of the saill. . . .....
tilizer are now anixually -exI3 01,19. money on the arnly, and net enctigh on. A 40 I
stays the
of iho most thriving'af these factories is instruction. "In that kingdom canton: high Gehool Board, for the purpose and with W
othe Objeot aboTo rocited. C) EA LUMS '19. TWFjED*S 1� TW
eye. 0 oftuse
q acres who learn.,hboolut0i It* ea 0:6,eaiatrD undsf found .15,000 Ec DS -1
�Alo'.- The -gre bo
othing,bo., A Pbilad a nYr that
any-namber of,I)obontilres to be made for fill , it sums
theiii houstisi so'as t void the overwhelm- money as way Ito required, not less th no' undred 'Tremendo-o s piles to-'ehoo'se from. Over,igQ p
this ottizills Pf thi6t; city a selling oi re.ntiu'
.04ust) no ni4sters, not even. bad ones, are ar
very conybiticntly located for mantifilo. . I Wholesale and Retail.Gr000ro, Brick Block
re On, _%
them. About one hundred Dolls ah. And that thdailia abontules s all ba 'CLI TON, Ma�*161 Y -OU SUA' F 0
turipg purp Th di sh of relatives and d car fr i611I 50 eattq'per'yard $2,00 at -
oses. a buil ings cover 'and iffty thouiLand pupils are confided to settled with the sonI of tho nald Corporation, dsigned
an aree, of bot:Lt twQ . co. s, and in. the wollien, ior the. In'tist part iguoraqt, and to xiiect to quarter on thern during the by hMnvor*d]aLf wroasurer hreGilroylo: Cash Store.' oppoWe the Post OMce,-
Noted Cheap
various prodesscs. of Id'Twontyyears at furthest, front the any hereina"011
men. are riaeularly emplovoil. The. oted by maBters'of other mettiono 4 Ily-law to taka offect, at the offloo of. CLINTON Aj?ril, .187G., Hrrs'sCocii .-GuATHFULANDQO1
more are instra, . 1%. the Troa the sai(Worporation,'and Oliall.lij
solifloNAllautfibiro;6) wbentimeandeir, N 0' E T T IL I L E., LIC
element which v a thor6ugh k,aoNvj'qdgo of C onc(6tt�elLodtoib.oili(loupo�olortito*vgymottoi)zito.raI onnistancespormit, Inalarge numberof, the enters into'.tbo; cotppoiiitlon of this for- , t* IV TEE xT the sald Debantorns, sball bear hitojes
the Prussian schoolg' it hits be' laws.which go.vorii tho cp6rations of diges top . , - 6'6 The. undersigndd inform the inhabitants of Clinton anti surioun(ling countiy tliat they
tili, on foutid ne fid afterthorato of six percoutum itarannum, front the
zer is b'ne of -lime rendbr- and nutrition, and by.a Pareftfl aplicatiou anto theroof,161all interest shall'bo payal)1ehiLlf-yearly, have entered into Co-Fartnership for tli6,purposo of carryin4 onthil businoss'Elf mupfileturers,
nd t6 3uggliis, Waggolls, Sleighs, OutterA, all its variotis brancheq-, at tll�lr.'
9 ssary to rioduce the -studies to half a day, of the - fine properties . A _Nvell-selocted cocot�, on the ist an a of wannary nod July in each yatir, at of I
ed soluble and prccilift�ted ; t�e btWbr ) eq of sald'Trogsurori
it account of the"'want of �IatIoro,' a a4Wt'tab16s tIlb Om U.'r Epp'has prbvid6A our bre old Street, 04-aton,, Ifader tho'st�le And Arill'of
elemerns popresented ftrl situation of these becot' es �htli a delicately flavored boveragb which may , Y. TjrAjv for the purpose of forming a sliNkilig NuA
..Pjrof. worse daily.
ne d,%allcalirlo salts and aeamo �s iiiany heavy Z1` It is by (or the payment of the said pobeaturu and the interest
rato'gloresald, to becomodue- tharood,an,equal
at the t o n a in ta,* th� adibious use of that iscial rate of j�tovon-Aiia-T rirei-tcjdahs ijudlieduA *1
says of this fertilizer on- artioles. of 'aiet 81
Liebig . - : "Ito' to-,bo,'Nkorthy of .A. ", , . 0 R K S:
tains tlIG nlosb: illiptirtali -elemen ot 0 ducted so -tAilm may,bit grAdually' up un- ik cesitin. the Dollar shall, irt addition to, All other ratox, expdri-:
ts for'. $11 ild b 0011 that the rnalare. a cdotiqtit No pains will be.spared to execute v4ik ID61iiii6n.
til �.rong I raist overy tende be raised, And collected,lit. oaou year, upon 84 once in'the 40ountycnAblos'thom to roluouts 0 f thbli dustom P d'
bis applielf. to noug., 0 nay 0
fertilizati 1I in all aval a I I .. y '111. a the Waablo propartyinthe sAld Corporation;during o reqim' A
'Rbl-, active form', made on the (still ma tile. (Is of subtlp maladico-are to', coiatinuanoo of the said Dob=iurefi, or auk a h fully -und!crstand th . ors,
f them t ey hope, by strict afttintion to busibess, to give entire satisfaction to all,thoso who may
and sliffic4ei-It �tilnnlus to iliaurtutatc,n produce'i"very beavy"qualtitity of son?e
�Vllerover Vt. T;iAT this 13y4aw ;llall takeoff oat and come WO' JAvo*r in with their pa ronag
ai lic '11 -the t e
-for cattle -or shoep ; thus, t ueready to Mt escape rilpy
A-apitl—rowth 6f tbo-litiltl' ated Plalits;" nutritious food W C poir oporation upon the First day of Ode Thousand
Iv �)t. Wo illay
W Climtl;x Double. OvIbider. Threshing Xac'Wnes,
owth a fatal s"f b by', keeping ourselves woll fdrti� or -A large and stilech stock of the be l]%to
Tho peculiar a6untago- wb ich'the pbos, tile conyeriiiig of, such amixtra, 6r st soa.s6n6d n Vial always oxhand.. ordorsexecutcd
'fled the �1666_pf the tils46'roof tbe said guni- papdh 7 R airing (long on�tlwshoitost notice. 'n
perly. n Combintio'n a i ib o ng
f6od into dung and urine, d V1 rat 'r
-a of veoei;Ale with -pure blood and a pro burisji-' ith ties
ph.ate.pogsesses over -tie common yar Oh)il erice Gazetia.-Sold only elFalify sh'01 be tak64 on thig.jIlly4aw on FAIDAY, the 'MAchines,
hat it ROLS directly upon t1lye again- adds to the riWn�ss of the' 'I ed frame'" Uric DAY OF MAY; One Thousand Bight IturiLlred
in anure is t in PackoisT.belled-li'dTAMRS E'Prs & Co., If o- Isoventy. Sir; contlaituolng At thallourof 141no o1oltipic RUBID&LL-1 LESLIE.
Ineiliate, so that a V*otation qa pormit.t AAnd,411 kinds of AQrRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS alwayi on hv,4d..
moil ; the effect is shown im 110 sltl(a Of xao�opathioGhorfiists, 48, the xaoi:ning, and frota Mollgo till the hour of Vivo QTINTON, TuIj 22,4874:
- .. I -_ 1. �. 17
pplication, -while 'the ordinary sotii� vaftiable��roil, and the end of! 6e ind'170, Vicqkdilly, Londemy) look !it the afternoon, at.tbe followin,�vlaoqs:
upon 11 in 13,1 1 1 in tho� Tow- To mect1he large all d: increasing demand for on . r celebrated Thr shing Alaollino
fertilizers do not � ome completely as-. term i.- of coursoi will find the lan d better q a 18 STA9150Tk-Topreyout or toonquer Nolles, �ieturuivig Oilloor. .. . - L Q s,
pai:W�f:the. 1)0En1uion,':wo have, bY tlib,-Introductiou of the, latest.and inoit. approvect
similated with ithe s�il and ready for before ;- and tka minuke Enade on isease is one of the grandest ttainments evdr , -Tit in ma4hinery. into ourworks, grgatly indroa-soll, our manxthkoturinj facilities, We re
plant- food'un til on o :t;Vu'season bair led at I)y �pau;'au nPax,Aoturlaiup
o r the farin will� Jiave: iiior�asitad 6causo ain
vitro- cure, coughb,'colds, tickijig�ill III s, ZOXWO WAII In passed. -Another - important iocQm- the from -'Which' it: has -Amen . the� throat.afid - pulmonary coriiplaiyits� it's war Arm silor, oil Ituron W. 11. Illne, Iletutning in a position to AlLall orders. promptly-
ade has.been inore, and, consequently, anti, pestilence will destroy; 'Severiicot1doifitot- oflt(36,
in�endation of the'ferfflizer'18 'tS*C110dp4 M 0 F S T.. -R A -T F 0 R�D
-attendild to sooner or later.1"la to incurable fit WAAD, inCATCT01�& bROTR,EusI Eve'ry InhchjjEo*is run and'thdrqiugb&tcs't'cd before leaving the sho -anl wirra,4 4
ness and thfi-,ease with which it may be oil an improving systew,. h6 manure ocolksumptimi j'and the atreitgth of the strongest -hell, to IAGE On 1874, Succozoomto.Thomson & Williatnt;) of Mite
turni g'0111dor.'
tipplied to the laild tridei oulffiti.tion. will augment in'y.�opbrtiou to the.crops.. s,)on- fail% if nogl�cted, The roadiest and entire satisfadtion.
li6, ilidtistry has lately,sprung up line-sknown for the cure of theselcomplainti; ix in IIUMARUP6, Of U10, ACt
Uill Y,� r
LpylolatErre of-tho Pro
9j , -n
ro!jn,,'int,Itul6d1I An u, Rough Wwk sho tikiott!bly tried Ax the last twenty years, anit -Aot to
uld'Ild. scraped, from. with-, Stibbtaria:ri Was �biit still it hxvv')iover beau kiiowli to fail:, Singers aud' i-oIlaitilig the -d-7ot"Yeb
trees in Cal at, tb (169t, -der earl
grow$, 5very. pladcArlan bl' will also derive �roati bentfit. the Clark of,the said ItAtAielpal CrIrporation Be& C .0214iq7zg 4sezvhere' send 01 Y,
insectia. . Alittlo Nvet will ofien deitroy F.111)lli the we of, theiw Sold. by all 'of (libowri-of Clinton sliall, At the hour oldook Oryjalkg jip� Bro, -it wh D= P-0
what intense cold has left uhii urtifl, coaLs per Nix.' noon, oil SAT(TUDAY, the Uth day,of MAY, A. D., 0
r 1.1 -11He BEEN StLLINT6 '110131BUT T H 0ITS 0 X X, no Lan ; A� n.1. 'WILLIAMS 0., 'ati-,4voll.
nj Thnasaud ElRhbljttnd�,.e�4 ali�l Milan, To*n ow -kA& GLASC SON
Glution of the enjoyment. of stillneis afte the roar of the 6i. "A117 nam Ull thb du or votes gived forandagainat ftc.-TitrAS, J. IIIV. Aj0WA' -Ar
Straw saittrated ' it I. 'a s tb . T, . UQV al6uu boys pickiq?, away at the street, for' t
lime or coalition whitowsla iL i Ve .1iree yeaisI;';aJj-d, froill.our pt!r- Corpora.
sorlal� k . liowledge, of its tion Bholl attend fit, the V)wrr Trall, in Id Town, at
said, been -repeettedly- to to �a� all"gorts--ilf extetnj�rized billf pilot So,L.ou o'elook, -ro, I -oof, but nlor(' 1W recommending as 11Y. ITLIAY;.A.D., Oue fiousand Ilurtth-tal And Sayouty
pnlv ft )z impi a sit, top Lite purpose of ApOintij
ements, as eartfost dt this SupdRY a ickirlo preparatioA. "i �J�t to attend at
tho ordinary 'on bj physicians aiid the pub.. tho val long Rolling On— Add the al 91 An- H'arV*os't8's.,.;S','iiglO:'Reapo MOW anil Combined es, 'T T 7 T,
nT .'.T':,. T In T* ---,T-, I
labor as the ihiiior* of'Ne�ad;t after Lr6ld in high ostimati Johns
-a 0161k,'rP
the Srotai by t1i On. 0011HU oft
If , and the'deman is coustifitly.ittereasing
The Romic Iforlicolc the or silver. are.Ahe youngsters' ?. persons iut�r(,44�4 ]a sadprom6flug, of ojiposing, the Chofee- 211[o3mi16, T. 11.yffiogl, --lb. Cadg. 131ollar Te4
�YlAilevala 4 roa Ing rtt,�&r
practice of W, green 6alerg�could tell you. Seed'Drills rse- PoWerS - gaw' )Frnrlil9t Sapan 12 Inte. Go6d Cuba Sugar, $1.01).
terib - TjYLNjA-N 8, CLAR ODY-Lov, 'B dait,'.$eR.ders,'
,.g tol:0 'illd .1
'st Tow 11.111itio.'Good Porto'iRice sugari talt,
house plants ith Nhiter is They ve, diggln�r out the' bits of: ii:6n T N 0* I B 'Crushers', St3r�kw, u En Risit, xreakin
The PU'b W111-fiO PICASe - d t- Machines, Gr.a4u 0 tterk, Gang Flo*i, &C.. ew 46 lbsi Goad'Actine(I hinwir, $1. -
0 no- I I . - -_ - tllt�.atovo is A, Leue copy of it mnposeau, -Uiii,
ell ti6a tbat'the'propriettirs of Gtay's Syrup of O'Llip sa-'no may be 311tinintoly pagood"thto ilato,of the BUIIdeir,�- 'of Steam E ngilies:snd -)B6
A much better reillt is obtained bj betwe n Wd sloned.sind- brok'
ing tile cf . o or iyxthin read I I, -or horses. ` All. the Rod. Sprace Gum,,"thiiopularromedy for -all Ilklit 'PUbdiCatIOU 01 WiliCh ill Ilia CLXxTox Ni,* Eav a largo itild varied stock GRoorMES, V ok.j, all of
](lost wat dir frorA ihe illoiis il&�,�all si was Thiarsday, - the 29th'day of pril, 'Ad),, y, told wt thd �6_1;vost remunerativti prices.
affections of the throat and lungs, It, d"'P"I"r, IL IV =ELS A D ALL jU I)S OF-jjjL-L- In . -
rk te. qnion squaroyou ivo lately WATE ��%y.from tljb Pa 011e'!rhous;antl.E[Rbt-HtiiidretI add in Mali et-oheal).
Unbleached aches lia6 a in ost.m ark., in trod acell-into. the.. mark0t; 'a -larger sizo ot Glas4 Gem Fruit Zara, the '�Be1t, the k ..Stone Fl`u t Jars,',withcorks
sic tbein, down on knoe-ina' pryiiig of -Aho said Municitiolity Contra-�Ior's fak, let) fai- 'll'itter loi, cide; tfivvws all, -Cheap..
pli6d. 1.4 A -da t r thdiatiole, to'soll &t liAy cents, hild wtit vrill be taken thereon fill Frblny; thelftlidayoflifay, - I Foi?'Crooice3�7, Mine, and Glasswd;re,� nly stock. is larixe -and well: selected'
ca effect urh6ii, *aj� o as -6 v* a F111111y at the oinbeddod met -al. They 6a.lIq 1P
onions partly grown -in fact, -is ..One ("Iteege ino a holds nearly throo tiijio� the. quanti�y of fbo A.D., Oda Tholmana -risht Mindrod and lsay6nt�-six,
-r-rol WardF; in DInne and Toilet Sets Complete.
fi I placbria in ev�iv block; smaller. a 'considerable inducement is 0 the idgplaues in the not
of the most Valudble aliecial fqr.�� Lila Nfuttlelpality, owit*-For St.Ana
in ADDHISS.) HOMO.-& WIMA121, 11ANUNACTUROG GO 2 'TA In, i�. a faqt perhaps' not gtnerally offered to consum drsto,parob ado it,' Soo Qi6t; the Town liall: fny.66 smeg_'Ward 11olmos sonl:�. 0 R D' ONT. 0At14
4`his crop; ana is wor�h f6i Clirringo Stepet; for ..Tobi�s Word, ILL. eb. 9'. 1876,
known: diat there is a firm doi6g busi.. Y010 9 Itulaboll0; LVA10'a Cal -rim ?iexl door to- 11c si-s. 110el�blS 'Pay's B;I,j�k
dap.-.1nakers. 4 Sbop,lTuroji. Strobt; for St,
n WiFN In CAutelom DTOS'Caftio'ga S)fop; Albert
eeafn San,Yrancisco irbo
A lierso belnyin-lo, 31r. J. R. Smith his vdyago to the Dad Sea found a pillar Strootj and that the poll will be opened at the said poll, ri N
0 orge edicinal Wilaa Toronta
Clinton, uly 21-, 1875.
a few days -ajo Ais& we arti muck '& CO., import of purit M
.thousands of dogs slangbtered. by the- -,.)f aij 6, the sliore, and the'Arabli4nfornied him lug places At Nine of the oloak In the inorning, And ra. Canada Compony LandR. N N. B.7--�Ag4mi Set Quett' it "Ge Oro
was 'to be, pennd' ast . er 't I tfiat city or Nye of tbo.olookiii,the nftornoonot the
0 that' i�ay that it, was Lot's wife,, for 6ur part L11T OF ZANt)S IX ftUILON Volt SALE 337:
aick.' I -re, gavo'him rest -and suclirould., Inclilled. to doubt itIthough we have no lie.41 Mile Canads Company way be seen at the offloo. of
baire been otherNAlse'killej, forwhich, Alm TAXV, COUE1611 of tlio.Cor�nrx-
flTes as he tllou�hb *Obld rolie've ial. heti "'a -saying that -the best thing to cure tion off the Trwn of Clirfi,li, have dj)poink6l �IOXDAY, at -j unaoroignod.
pay 40 cents each.` Tho'carcasses , tin, 01 Coul- the 15th day of A.1)., Ono.Tli(illeand Light null.
ore. throat, rhatimatis ), neurhl�ji, bow H IIALt. 11 begito Advise the pubite4hat we have' just It thou'ght lie I The other day 34. 5frlit are cohviiyed to' their � manufactory . t 17 dred and soventy-Six, he the day for flual y cougidoriu, ailuton, Zan. 17, 1811- pla,., a in t
market a
It was a, shorb distance, yet he had not, Franciscoi Ni0itre, t6o skills, April V n tannorien, W1,)QLY 1101t42S.,-IN, ]list sco
tire �enld eda' d. sold to the b-,WC7 W on tiviv ;p
mo of Rod N 8,
gone. moro Hiah half wa� whoa'.)NI C. M.
the hair taken off au(t resold to plater- aq lliany supppge, iwt �ueh grc4t. ottriositio5
ern . , lite 0 Aail OR 'Teas TeAs; T e'a s' 'WROLESALE AND 1114TAIL DEAL . ER IN'
Smith notictj4. ib�t one oE tha horiie's Jjid6t .8to �,Jovos ;Pitlter, there are GGS. nfira-einqa drag stores; -ned upwa tho botintry. Lab %Va., doillit if ib�y will, fora feet had* tat rd �id froni, and sold in'tho m'arket. T11-6 doiluded CSIt IN FRO31 THE
*LA' r I np,
OIL I . V .1
fie w'd'nt o' Brand6rd T -Compan -L join -t conic under the ciI.rcass is thQ6 throw I Ill inte ever r Uti E PAID -',I)Y F0n'T OL-- BOOKS9. Is GELLANE OUS BOOKS'
let�iug the p'asim exhibitedby�Bartium; wo linagine, their owiiers i SCHO
ground n in this way for a ron. and,boilod until the bones areeasily woul(I conxiler thern -Tilore the .0. CRAWF.ORD S GTAOCER, S r ev 3: C) x -T. W OR _Z_
few steps further to tho, witter, drank f0;T this rough And wool,.y state of the hair joptosITIP T11P 1I1wTj!1rf)T.1lIy TrOtIV) hatVia erit
separate frolin the. flesbi. v4lenlhey are rted WE 'DEG TO 110 01151 T11E 11VIIIII0 �Iflw, ar.ud sta - On the retil-ItIl. Tho otlitill -liottild', or suircrin VICITonm A,,rxtk,.Er CLINTON, TSON ALL PAPER
r rand sold to the sucyar refiner- ditiouI)robably hido �.froxri W WMDOW. HADEL
to A Canion YIZILY IVA CO fore to' -14 same-- - I . 0 111
ot turnod.up i t e ground to it pmvilor 9qlo provEl tor�, Nontro TO
, wReie they 6r Noine 4isedso which oecAslous tlij� unnittural al) Mr. W1. Marten, Pedlor,,Olinton,ig otir Bole Agent YS AN�
and the horse was'unabld to proceed. arnce, in such cases
Being in the i treat BIC ssrs. Le8tdr- -a L
Aild.used-to olar'fi sugar. -1bo-oil1hat- atid-Arabiari Ifeave-1.'entedy will -t that we Are supp y- 'FA GOODS, VIOL -ND OASESo
�jnND -,11 ei.abll.g Teas in big diftria, si�d T I
nd. ri�es to fba surface of the boiling, mass purify,the blood,- correct the re- OrPleP, AVb OUT him Will the finest Tens, imported, vatiing from A
Helms catild, and' tlie three lifted tho move all obatrUctions froin the Wig atitt liver,' rl to 90 dents pet pound, olthex Week or Oroello %VUr-* CONEUTIEN 19 AND FXXTES-
- . r,mlis anted irrom 10 to .. 1111c. 111% . . A
'is skiminad fiff. and inauufactored into _01;, or its cents'per. - lb TOTICE alkd ive to the coat It $1061C and Ojlljll�f lippeli- tier itistual retail prices, quallb� donsidertitla
holplass brute. to the sidei' where lie aneo, ReriJamber the tiarne, aud sqe� tli�t thd E
would uot bq�. in ilia ft)rAhe piirpos� TRIAL, 11RAJI LIN cod liver oil, and ba emainer is used IN QXTARTO. Ito Is uov.prepared to fill -ellarderg. (+IVX, 11 -GI A
y of passina K Co., RA—VEL T ATCHRIIS P . . .....
of fattenitili Ifurtl & Co. 4 on, osdh package. 'As some persons.o.
Walus lore Limad;. NeWcastle, tors for Canada,, 6ld by all meditilue dea ers; pazt that th r: VA L90, 1 CiR5, gSORTi
'Ab6ut this time deformed perions and through the watitry a ro c un( e
Inents. Doth. his hilid feet lie t;n=4 other curiosities arS engaidd for -the sido �07 signed is Aelling work. not of his own inhna-' -t Wool, 8 ' 'er Pait&ns� n__dB&1jn Wo'
Bdrliq 1i 01 Go
in the -sanlia way, and ho was, u4ilbltl to shots is that will atlontart out fitr th'o ijea� faottife, lie wishas to any that th�'y know it to 0as
Sicilrul man were callod son , with tho'circuses. The Clipper has. th beEXTIRELOPALSE. Ile would also state
stand longer. Bly 111buriji M1181k
strange 4dvartisentio . at$ in that line. " A 9 that lie has -not coased in the least, bub is' still All the' lat4t Papers and Periodicals always on hand. �lgo Agent. or the
to Sao the anili al, but could render joll, �voqrg xvigHTOPICAL 111LIFA Vverpool, Lohdondurry (4,)41 Glas-oror
horned man" offlarg himself, and'ratintions r subscriUr begs to tontler his most maluittaturitija, large stbak of. 'GI,033.'E "'AND MAIL
him -no assist-tilec. IlYdeed,, all who IL111L
that he has -a big painting to lidilk outside This well knovni*mcdl6ne ig no impo'sitidn Tha ArAt-eWo, full poworod, Clyde -built Sto mObirs sincere thank� to his nurnorous cuito-
'they hEra nevdp 11(falrd AXERTCAN MON143)� B07,70HT saw hini, said, the tent,. botlides-attraotive, or�j bao remedy for V 6male Dlfll� of the All an Una, l6avo qut1,6 ovory anturdl Inorn illa, -f6V frig- for Llverpor,l; � ]a" iling F races in the surrounding townships and the 1.01 &
0'"lup Lodi Foyle 'and Mlails t,
nhything'of the i ina b6fore, I -dt- handbi A spotted 6ioy" xan be hired' kfoTLonLIdndarj-ylLiadGImgow, pul�liq generally for their liberal patronago$ Mons, Caitriag&, 4W ItMEM1391t �nn NAIM -AXb I�LACV,—
.Were utterly useless to him, and daug- atalow salary." , Atadalpe-Siltures the froor, and 516hougli a p6worful tomedy, it con'. 4nd v76uld further notify them tliat lie has.
tains nothing hurtfut to the constitution. S�
riled lady,"'gimply advortires her ad. ately Addliaillioat impdrtant improveme,tits'iti d abo ' -0-_ N A. NE i
Ir, ub 68if Vley were I , jclj by -the be TO MAUIUBD LADIjL j 0. k .,
skin oilly. tar satIsrVing jjjnj,,)ol,f dreog, L. NY, Robinson offori'lilia wife, ........ :Apr, his machinery by pnttin�* in a now boiler 'CORN
HATMIATIAN ..............
ethe.po*or here CLIXTJIT" Oat. 22, 1974.
ittifore used, 'ind by
that tlie horan was itiot'111fibl, ra[tlj who veigh 500 pbunda,'and-he will -go bring oft,tho monthly period vith regutarity. X011AVIAN ............... j)rII '.,Dth, milmy other iin ortaot improvemontsi foge,� .
along'ag a "-door blower"-whioli ther with first-eTass mi ank, he is propired to iriercifally had lifin hill'Ll.' The' feet luelill" '111 all cases of Nervous all(I Spinal -Affections, for Glapgow Dy line.
by4llls Une are verylo
Tothibg unusual best ficeammodailmis, groaltst amount of 6mfort, no And warrantod, to be of thoronghly soag d
word then dissected. iliat lie will stand by the tant and glibly jilno In lthoi Back and Limbo, Ileaviness, Th wralog do flrat,c work In n
Solicit Patrnage. 11 AL good-lookitij, in- 116 oil slight exoriloll; 'Filipitittibn of' the saI1693AV.41 G INGo, 0, 0PP 1rbP
was discoverett to be the niatter �xcept !Ili iant" isi irantod, analiv is pro- "Hysterics, Biel e0. Rr'A D AND -T 1)
to 'gont L licar'l. c lloadatiheo, Whffos, 1,1opsid, linfoago 6c.aidelitag IsAued at 16 a t r cc to RECU E
oints vero perfectly dry.- lylise(t good salary for six months,-- quilillthorpainful disonses 6ocanioned,by a to briug nut their (dondn. w om a
that the j Grists eiglicil in and out, Parties ir
This is a most singular one Int, thood Vills will offect a curb WorThroqgjco�kas and avatytitlotrination,7app (liptance can have their gript -'h in with traving Scourea-tha g6tvidbi; of a PUBLIC IN GEXHUAL,
Dwartq aXa, also in danistid, but they intist disoftiered sysl( 6 0 a 'e 0SBORT And ROYL 8DWING UAW INES, both takfug thti lead and first prize
ipha hou'llil other meting have failed. A. 13TROTON, 0. T them the name day. Goaa-viour antl Wrill 41C Th
whiel to linfipllb (lin be ilauclially attractiv6� and whoze ovir exhibited, The above mae
skill of out kor-gale At niodcrato prices. First Class HOME limes for sale by
to Al'tallutiattill, hog These 1'1118 hav' n"Ot been known to' fall alv;ays
svientific men Ltix neral
wbera the dirooticons on the 2nd page of pam� Norsworthy,,: Ge
prollo- Ag
SAJ n1al-tilcV. to fne -pl;rin course) gotan and one phict are wolf obsetvild; on b, (31tinton, On
9., advertiser desires 11 any sort of monstriiat- On ad HLAMMITHIRG U3113E III LUMBE R. All work in that Iiiie, hnd ol kinds of Repit Ah Ine furnished to order. kr� i Rhar Sowing 11nabi
Wil out Intinure'.1 t 'fig, will bb'ptomptly attended to, and 'Et In, lei,
Zen we are diawing, thinks Ivs, has discorh6d, H SHOEING K I ould also inform tho, pul;- Ed, Xorslvorthyj on -these roaallifieg. Sewing machines ra-
Irt tho hoys to tll(', lot, y", he,Stibseribor w samiildg of stitchilig done by Al
intifit in the way indicated by.' file follow- JOB V�
iity� , OBER, NE NVY0AX soix, Popiltpo's- lie tIfA6 hi3 has a lapge Stock of a workmanlike manuor. paired. INeedlesittidotlierfurni8hingaicept.onliand.
ed in the ynyd. becallecl I could: Tut all ing. atitiouncelnent :-"I watit to Koll. at kinds and lengths Pine front 10 01thInUZ UODEP.AR. Remember the x1jace)-nurolk strect, oil' 410or W st tot thie &.00 and 124 cents for poniage', euclosod to differe I . . 0. .0
icrEy, 1111tir .1, .
hrop & Lyinati, Toronto, Ont., general a0II.N XSDOX, have ft.; Ifemlock, from 10 to 2G.; GI
be ter load.- Atid the coNft i twenty-gullilitill L to 20
t Ickyi proctittd, afA � Tt
Now thip, Rit"'Preg of the famnus Kentucky meat agents for the Dominionj Nvill insure a bottle l3attornitti'Whito Ash, miplo, Softand ROOL Londesboro, March 8, 1870.
to give, inord milL
Mali is an active, .91lowet, ill alcohol, in twolify hoparato jarj containing over 60 piliff by returti ivail. Flin, inlengths, to suit the public *oh on -
ablog him to'fill Ali orders that, to itkay be
ing maruro in 60, yards, his cows giv�,' urk6i Cattle
ble terms, whisch I will. G. 01 W for -$10 per Sold in Clinton by T,. R. Combe and GoorAll 0 RY
'dley;,b favort(l with on the shortest notice Andmost D OUVD
.(,111; 1. Hickson and F., Lumadl5ti, Soat
forth,.J. Kidd, Carronbrok;
a perceptible increase lu their 'Londod; who has the ph SEE& F. Jordan, Goderichl'.E. Cam6ron Bay* 13. RET4LY, j33111011RIETOR
Why ? One of his handsome e
ullu"'ena field -,Yas. Bonthron, Rodgerille: and all modi. Blyth, March, 6. 1872. 9-tt or, 1310 BEDSTEAD,
ishort harns. that lie is so StudYY 1`00lantlY said, o1no PdQoro.
-'Go e A 0
ing, him aroyind, goos to lilth 6as tho teftfloncy, to Astraot lood frony, EA ]LEO TRICId v- L� sof good.11ouselioldVitrilitu", -1 ufactu gi,X6
ndTh6 d h Rundry wid Van
its plain as it ob wl Qin say, 11 Mve Sleep' '__ EX0jtjSC4 does home mnufacture, wild a of
)(3ok'of bay, and 110 to 11:0'r-- thi's bocatiso�'thoolqowertb 'tile St'red; it. o'Quiported. 1. work, 'such fokiii ths oulil . fil that they 06 �r . opitrail to supply
N y r1t)d assaxt, ftog t in
An wettry E GLISA &aftfiairs, 'Sofas, Loun-
thor saysp Steven -5, clon't you inupoles, are 0 rest the blood �ushes to It Times i6 Weight In Gold-- IWAMT) TAkr!, Tiffs olipolt. its Wood ait(IMA
no want'. eldaill", out 21i topilt floir loss, and , mrnTy of thank hig big 1111"letollm ouBlomorp, for
thi It iliat rack I e 908, Wliaf�Xots� Cradles, Nllittreis6s S )ring' SW3M. �&JV -WtM
'hg he finda to his;urprie Pabi cannot ataywhoro it in used, have f6votai'lifth with GMV1 04s; �k and on looki Carved. Brail:otg, nuaic Fram'
ed by them. Di�ostiou and IM drifikst white olift Infr on litraltivis in this town, and Would at es, C,
the gamo t me intimato to terat alld tilt PulilIC ROIlAt-
I , that there Is R lot Of ditt,, "a Avlab bay produce tho natile7result by dr t,
Te bloot.t. supply Amilll)g the it g 1100 elteaj)(sl e&er made, * 046 Ally, tbot be Ilag 10011b Rurb as wllt still Wilt Nfoultlingq, itustia Fraines, wood, niouldt,
seeds, and rubbish at� the bottoin. I rom ilia brain to file s to� tureg eammoll 36re throal, - 01w holtle line further trtitlix him tij� theft impport, = be billoveir if, VIdiMi,, rist wd Sg, 119) Stavo, Itag wIll be preatlY to their Advantage. Loo'kilig to tboth.
scrapes it all ot L and -rubs it Olean With ac anything that od� 0
'OnelLifig. -s of . , r
urtat othlo rate,40, he haft 0119aacd tho Odrit" V
somo all C0,111IX. 00Viliti, g! onto all who vily puroll Iloo whindst &C
is ioulat6a t1te braiij, such as�nijlj§, got t re0aPilt, and prou� 0 'deg
1 1(18, l). Tffjl!� cents' '�j NV t T�Ij �A, �11. - G! 'PO' (x' Aftbii Taking,' wit in, dorate i)rl
waitin anxrety, will x0pp, q U Vk bl. the back, an gforthenoit 1�n hao elf rut ert Ate some Who was formotl In batiltiraq for hirimelf in tfilff Tou;j, Voxt 66A W66deu inauglid, Wlth Stool 0130ardb, 0414 plout", cilltivat6ts
wtlggon, lie, gats it little f0d suldputs it 11warce. Ir ivo�, lluerbip, Wish ro q itua wall attilgidorrA f4 boot horoaghooru I Ic d"Aw OlItters, Sugar and Pdtpsh kettloa, GratO Daild, &do.
in the rack, and tho oow ia;6 it pud fool r, we imist, bogill b haa alro tia Tj-0tatolt-18 of V
refro8hing slunibt 966king, Parlor And Box, Biovot, stloliff kinds,
teXVOW4196aft and uxlety.und take nf. ps T, L, V. a.- �eases, ftto'�voaueea i)y ovor ioadi ondo4i file use of tn.
takes the otirry-corab and brush, . find fjoitit bodily eg 80relle., j�� du.4. S X AD 140
gives oto of the cows a, gobd 61GAIIIng oiflflell[60 th 116� ;to maller Woro at may. be, 410P /)VO4 Whitt Who to About to ntuto to tOW6116: rtAOtled ILW ?1rof0a, Aora r000nnutivided oft An tinfailina elyra lot At r".. PA� T 0 0 it D V R
tar exhatisti6n, With re. if may arise, R alwdyg aoei you tjoad. Sion, AS VIU drioblo hifly to use his 0 11 In, all 1140 Ora to. 0401ilinal VS101101190 , '81'sk, irlaold)(Ovirb Ott,
The othee ows come oinid him, and he doetal ivorlh.11as al Iffillsotollorw arld fill d[RoaROA th0follow Aga go.
OL Ali
gti�igatt�tyo,l'talltlagola#,ngth 4 sleep Dr. Tert' quolleo of golf AWW'As tom at 31co
fea-spoo?o ,/V.l tiolfig tyle whinoi of file prize tot. 1"Aift 121L the 11401F,
sgentlo %.vord and friendly. 1;ht. for holds tht tbo Ito rL i i oach of t1loat. r It. ila 'I& good.] o0kil 01tittlen", of Viattatt, loreniature Old A004
19. alant, blit of rhytlinlii�ixl notivify; U*terml that r1fr n3,rAM()XD alid mnn� other dirloagoo that lead fo Immalittv al-, ail
4ban, And fltaao� it Ilause of applicalians ig vleirranled to r1ure ajij� Add q librOluAtUto fAeWON all all khzds (70hb, Olt 8740h
9 like to 1001C of action: being Wlo'wed by Aq vall uefront U N D E, R T over-Inclulgence.
WOR ( 0 Lila 1 lite, A quantity of
to (411 ljl� Oti(IlvIrfl, M*, U Oil lilt to ( It( III alt& Thuell more tutonsivo 10 thd roaltlt of a life Altidyand
Ing MT, foutj all(I purp6sog R210011, .111 Atet, it very vuntlml
ft soothl 00 Whoy chow, th6 CUA Old All- orAats adilrosmod to tho Cola pan, or bearotiry, '0 1 rootiva
I -ill. Reale'and hy tile taoiliticall will be oft#ad InAlly$eati of a% orl6nehlh 200141 die. Aw 8141 &.0 h) Ae L
cir contaftfuluib As ho gu �;?,; r)f a s�1) IfIll'iflain Oases. Full In ow )LAMD ldt,0101K vva do. 4114 all furldshingg Ruppliell reAsofialiV
the plllls�n Ot the heaki (tra all surkln)6d .,jopti�1ho_ V(
6116" rates. A Argo stock, of .011loa,mouldod
it, Nvill 14 foltud 01I 011re4 'rotedfert bolls' flngv dfid Us saI 4(' AROWBATA) 11ODGI-,
p) 10 iliqles. the a0wif it tiviLy uf)) is ti Ito, Tox,)
Co e,ftr obf, pholl4gbA tot! $9, br0111, a"OnE handU ddit) 63hiat
wA)j6 a little wator. '11itly had ;1,30ps allght houro out 0 J1 twcntp. voullf1s �pf erewy limal, rtau, bV WIT I plxtfohsg� ma a IV roplAGI futialtaro, ot o6hotwide.
not EhotlghG about itr but thoy drink a, r(,ur, tile, filoop 1)cjljg !It tile 46ld by All itiodinine d6stote, PAeS15 Mg., Al and Troahtirat -
W11141 Attontlov to a
US IT, 06=1 god �Ylft
littI6 to And go it govo ou Of ritit.tilird. jjn'c6ljjpAr6d W*tfl t110 61011 And XOUT�f Ito thatNUrkat.
110V & IAMP
ddy, X6 wanddr Jhd powg- buivl of Adaoft of Nvork,. 116tim life Opt., Soto -Ago0A for thd Dbypifllh!I6 Ifallo 666f. tPitlar, oftthfbo 0 Llthiti IT416ftio
I I V Itilk flt nlgh�' hi tho 1011IN vitta Exotiflidd, blifithil, ttavall. at, 167k tAtiflisr. 18IS" Dios 16%
...... ....