Clinton New Era, 1876-04-20, Page 4OR
It iTVFVt, Attf) A& imam
that rozaers it jhevjtia� thorough of the vatural
rfo4fl :LaWr M00t i girl 601pItlythl III it PAP0 -it thu rj)brail EW LIQ ORE6,
And employmento and the eliqloyev Vr4taold, Blass., 411ircroa a SM Attlivk lAw8whioll, govoi 40114 of digoil
iTb�re -io6wo to lio a 004411104 t just roeoivo i; return 0.14iV410t,to 110 of wook, ll W41 dilutrition, and by (w
. g The, were met for- noarly tW� IM& T110 Of the fine prollertips� A lit jr.4 tbe prgsont orl0til Of Our olpou!- upotaf capital. anil labor employed. 'd providea Our breakfst tablov
New, - 4octQr sa, oliqpely 414vot-04 beverage wit 1011 may [rom
York are now eob.14 WaQ the vasulfiot MST
10, QQA0q(lq9nQQ of the 14W requirluo 0, 06parAtion 01t.heir T4.1%tior deportilill
rtl the Grocory,
eaiof life, T40 nations Of log nore f9r their labor than 71a. Aa. inveterate babit Of 0110 saV Am mony Wavy doctors' bills. It is by the subserill bays leased And opogoil out in. the A 33EAUTIF-M STOOK 0
0, world 4ro"at, onil , wars, and, te, 8 Ok Met that - F
11411 In ities ilika tQvvna s9vou- iouls 11ave, tbo juiliciolls U00 of sliell artiolo
ity of -labor, 0060 Wye 111to R cloiletitution rally be graxluAll built up un.
904ka; now Premises formerly occUpied bv the late T, B. Racey
onalots li.4ve for the prva.vok to for1be fialnQ Apa9 hanou
fhio resist every toudbilipy to
their Attention alild, 0404" the, the coots of living in the country is otive for the protection of 1111i'llal,9 11unt roda of - subtlo mal4dies are
k-wItrever '�A WILL RNIR ON 11 -AND A LAIM4 AND-
� TUr
irs-reatly-to-attac . ___ SPRING AND SUMMER
won The the onlighieuoaO wqrld are re- 1111.110W�0-1901i fifty pqrpentless than W,ljj,6Qd tp, toaroll to thn 4ourld of snili-. .0 t )an, the. usual I dogrea -of it vyaq A ow yea%,$ It by, k4ol)w iq ors CoLsifAlw U the, bbst V
mot (I Nvitli pure blood, And a Vroboil nourish -
ago, and. the pro- tary, niusio, and. have aflutml mootill's rat4l sli. I � b
Ae d pri5ductiou is, so far goinin kluots of the (Al"'M bave still forther de-- �at the Int;1sle Hall.
re, An
tion that 04o, markets'are cliited, ill Packets JAUV44 E41'Pli kk CO., 116- All Oi�,ars, Px-omIAly Attond'6a to;
'And IihrdyTboy are rilaking st"Or011s OffOlt T '01 0'
W H.
IF V 041cl for. a i0forril City Government,
ovorywhero over liplied, $took* ore knowleaged that labor abould be less
aocumultatingi and nisqesi not be re- - ATLI 170,111ocall illy, ondonll
ty prilo.8 Prosperity in Q.UrVountry 00 1"' or to tho 'peoplo, 3, 3 E 49, U A
1*1 ro taking a hand in 6te d
�Ug, capital �na genius" in- anniod until agricult4re is, mado, reniu- -Collyer and Others Wheolerlo OompollindL iixir'of Phosphates An
a 40ing or tierativo, so that Capi � I Invested, in oul� th& fight
d T baorbi 0n PrOd of the' oWth !save been Making specolies Clieaya for three yo4re, Ana, from ourpor. 'Vito Grocery Department will be at Ore 914 as formerly, corner of Albert
in. rnoui, b.
means of destruction, are'do, tivating the ooil will return roasonablw lodgo - of its lorits, have much oud Ilattelibury Streets, where they vill keop,"in conlielitionoo of more v the removal LOT. OF TI
in the ward. mooiings ; find last SUnJay liolial, vo There is at remarkable. vqqOition 99 veral clergymen preached against the pleasure i recommending it as. thor6ii iy . u- ofiart oft fir business to other preluisvo,'4 Jill aud-more select. l of
.tea to the iipproverzjeiit� and elevation. I - Il
I W tits of Qf things exist' old
ofj� And supplyijig the geriera Ing in our City Goverfin in bigh estimAtion by phvolcilans and the pnb. A S - . 1 4' - country A, the reliable and solentillo preparation. It is re MO8 -RINTS
-o, the gre Capital is . abun F I R S T 0 R 0 00 K R 19 t Beautiful P
to �uhjild. A !ultut at source proBvIlt I Officials, v The cry -to the ljo, And the doiliand is, goustantly increalal z,
gri( and prosporltv, is. iiioney is plouty, at cheap rates, crops. a aill to tha per! k11lu' Oo., 4rug. The subscrkWill are. thankful for p4stlay:ove, 'and respectfully solicit a contintl4co of the
citizens, is* 11 w .10, And LYNNAN S, CIA. E Vol' brought to Clinton. DON'T 7 Air, To. -SE.,z Trzm.
ttentign, the wol-14 over bavo. been bountiful, our storehouses patr9rij a Re liberally bestowed on4them. Farm, produce tAkom iu.6xoh4n90 for goods,
receiving ul'Oro it itliquitibs. of the hour." The Yory serx--
�ce, and intellbot, Aire filleV with grain
and forign n)Ar- hpublic goncrally will -be Pleasoa to. no! Noe -that the ptbpriot�rs of 0'ray's yrup of
f the highest order, Are, directed to' the kets are open to. receive it, There is. n, o CLI NTOW, �Tarch 2, 0101 APB ST STOOX OF
Aleyelopinellit of the re4ouToes of theoil) iiijusual inachted.noq. And. no cKisielin The inople, of Vol Ited �proce Ourn, the popidat rowedyfo 411
heof tile tbroat III) a lungs, have lately
ad everywhere Agri uIttire, 1. eaving trilde, find till is 4 gonaral sfftnd� enjoyed a, rot0l, .0 intr0upell'intb Ill. market larger siza of
A, 23
on not �eforo linowil: IlipTo- itill in, 411 brauqk�s of business. There nilylit. kn amateur society was pro- tho artiQl.p, to sell at fifty o
0 . , unts, And its it
gropo Are fod,atid tter eetterb'anse-* assigned A, Ten Ki'llits in lk holds thr e ti 0
ulations O'l: the drilina e �, rilos the iiiii F ast col. rs,. that you bai,,o -see fbr 0610, AND id
I-mns . inducemalat - led than ever 6is WAR HUU3
00 Iligli, D141 U0"-TnW'.-. THE.- ifflo 0 ON H
IQ 11pot -icils which pi-c-vaillid irantediately %uc- st6kest, bis fat -r itli it Illack, 1) Se4that . -1 1
I . .1 Il. W ottlo,—. I . I . I . 11 - . I t. I Oy Assortmool, of M. ond e W.' - DRESS GOODS
llado to Droduce, 11�4rly all 010 bottle is generally.. used, and" �A kv
(4 for those Comforts and ie04PixrioaOf c6eilingt1to go- Lynch ill
I fe. I our own Qountry, . 0, im�rovii -)ortij Chat tlwro is an the. blow is struck down "the., side of the '114 � I in
in Cooturera an(I frill Its Voyage to the soa found A litig IF YOU WANT A VINT!, r 5,H) -makes and -styles. in the' -market- 6 '�Y' low--�
icrioultur6 is receivin mod at�teiiti6p) lloquillul liewl fiirthest front the audielice�1116.c of ssl� on the shorc, and the Arillis'informeJ)bill'
a, 0on oil the inarket, !it conse-, I tin ifio men at�o coutri pp�arhig to thlitit wasLot's wife, forourpart-weareninch but, (1110ijoe of a.greatly, strIcing tile Yotf 06k TO SEE Tnf
0 inolinea to doubt it, though we have zio on"Mm
linj to aid and develftli'further inifirove- growiogwit. (if (Ito Inability of thO SPOffitO n tionini:ayffi;-thattho best thin -to curecoldsi
Ineilt. New En'gland-, which, few farm sore throat, �boumtisin, rcuralgi,%, bowef com- D.VC K S D R IL L -S -A'N;' 0 D E N. 1, WS
ers. to Vlought to the oocasiou'vorerred to, George 'Hazen:.
buy., It-, may be t
Clio -n Deqtroyei,11
yettri ago, was co�swered too.. sterile be" too much to attribittie.t-d the tillers who Was port of'1hrank, be-, plaints, &,c,, is the Pat
to be laid of all in0ldinc dealers for 25couts per
Andexhaili9ted to-invIto ento t whoI3 t1ia.t o a Pad, lsslXir'�' b.attle-,- 114 Ali endle s
rprisv, or of the soil, bu lirps n(r, inlit Of M q lot, splendid, Val e ana thoy Constitute bout 6no It oil r old Slade (Wili. F. 0 lark, -Mitor of the Wooiy libusEs.—NAl'ooly horses are not so P to call ftirth. 6filot16 iip�ovenm t alf. 6f' n rare as Inany Suppoe, not such gi
now taking the leavii , ientific agri, in Xezvx), struck him terrific blow full. ii vat ouripsitios JPA- ED S TW V44 .14
entire p6pulation*, and consu lions T W e r, there ari
efins. we call see ty. b41t,_NVe.douht_if. t1ley"Ivill
many to, be foiind in via o ulture, a is filraj8hizig sonic of' the. to, head, knocklilL
e nd ritian to th
e -us -pilpq to.'alloose from.
8iijW5TI-I D _fii6 e r Wo aivalua loto tlieirmiiersa,4 tie one:
on d 6 Ove .'150 �atter
igfjq a Wholosalo and itotil. Q rQoers, Briek-Bl
'U'Met constiniption And um Nyo iinagii TON, March 15, 1- i..roin�60..�ents.,per,yar to�
illustrations in practileal inipilovemot ill -illust gt 11 ito ne their owners. CLIN
the past weeks a man -has would consider, them md�6 vittluable withotit the
ol, for tbil anflwool;r state of the hair
L 4'
myriculture of it.ollelits of trade It to- been -in. oconto,"Vis.l. N44,ose actions Nvo liettilthy Coil,
140e, been' sorridwbat remarkable.— ,Gilroys. Noted Meap Cash Store,� opposite',,the 1'0'st Me.
8,11 parts of. our Country -are- becoming' till who havo observed': th inaicates that the horso is n9t. fir a
ition-'-prubtib lile-bound or sutforitg from
in. ent, ffiff "i acqualn lie I I QLIRT0N,'A,
Dressed its a be -gar andbogging, from somb asions,tbis unnaturalitp, pril, 1876.
-the ut wh�n agricultui
01-9 intellig ted With willell fniculture thrives, natiod ia
the soil, re hot- prosperous, pearance; idsuch cases u8`oDatI4y,3,OoliditiOW
-better treatment of b 0TICE-4-0 f 'PU
door to floor, he Gbtained'aicos�s - to a
ter supplied with.maolihitiry And tools clijiqs; all others follow, , It'is not �iat Arabian Heave Itemetly, it will
0 e r no' The-undersigited beg to'inform. the iiiiall4ants of Clinton And surrdund
natliber of houses, and hoing quiet and purify the blood, correct. the. appoirance, r - �iu�,6011utq thab they
receive faie prices, je frensive, ]TO altadow b ill, icion. r was Partnership f I 6r,theliniposeofoarryinigibli o,,bui3inegaofiiianufaettirers�
to facilitatct the best cultivation f ciop;, th farms iloes f -a �4p_. inove.&Il obstructions from the hings and liver, have
09111 alla 1% a the coat a sleek wil shining, Appear. � . , ent0ed int6 i0q. 111nd it better system .'of coonomy in labor -Aq Vhred with former tliiies,but., Chat' njilaod.that lie was anything, rnom,than 9 ' to of Cir'dages., Buggies,, -Waggons, Sleighs, Outtors, Ikc�, in all.its various branches, at their C
ance, Winienibu the nanie, anil iee'thai.tbe -pn uu�ia the style indfirm. o
himself., Hti�..woald sit;1lature of �Iurd -4 Co,*18.on.oach paickage. old stand, Huron Stioet, Clin� f
spractised, Abotter-gradoofst Ill jt7 has (,()at too much to pkodacp -h6 to 1 1.
filed, _=& =Qrn .-4n.4*eiJ�id_chjaqw_ii Ile has paid 1vo. linuch for Mal -1-Aylli4iii Wki`wdastlel, Ont.; -proprie-
_S .......
for OTId-, IAbOr-'7=
made, bettvr _...,fruitiv are growth - Thi-Aende6cY Of Nothing has been in proportion to the eoula fro v, u
-�p -* � _ I I I -----A -u R I C U L""n U 8- 'L n gg
and -C�kiijl torsi Sold by all A
nd n timai durinci'th(i day be wA
abutir value pf'pr6duct's. Agricult re. il r - TuEi G:RE.&T FEBTALE No ptdlis will be sparod-fo, execute wdrIcicqual to hily ill th6 Dominion. Their long dkiierr
these thin' to furnish a mot -a to a 1) a once in the County eiableifthom to f ally undertiltitild the requj�cnienls of their customers� and
r theotingstei
dant Supply Of 1111 the wants of man than sunle I resume I pros�7erity"'. 1-4 Other r As io thoy hope,* b -sfiidt attentig' give- 6 -tire satisfactio, 'h*
lie found ille! for w h JOB 310SES 12iEUX61DICIAL V 14LB wto business to all t w
week y
have before be u obtaintible.'
brittl6l es of busitill Also., when valu favor thout with their poetronage.
be Was looking and disclosed bilalself, Thiamell'licinels n6 imposition
costs are niYde',rplativo, when to -Olim'ax' Doilble CYlinder�- Threshing Mao hbie$1
The population of the, world has neyet: and He was a detectiye from Nevada" who but a sure romedy for. Female Dim- Aw A l(Lrg'e and s h of the bbst seasoned'materW �Iwa�s on hand Orders exodut
been supplied with the oziniforts of life,,� one lidfidred'bu�bels of grain on =patch. done on the shdrtest notice.� r
had followed a murderel-j- All- otilties and Obstruetions,-from-ai ombination- and Vib ator Treshin� gdchfti6s),
lland perhaps will not_�be ih the nLav Pke-, the aver go,- ver-, and njiiho�gh a powerful r6mody i
fitrin will not. post nipety prehension albe�vy reward bad :b66n of� 'g.hurtf ul to the constitution. RUMB A.LL & LE KITE.
sent; but as t1w light of. science And tains nothill -AGRICULT 'IAOL MEN
nine -of it, for prodiictlov. -:It makes i Ili rn, ti 1: And Ali ldn4s of, Tj RA.L. TS always On toes are.
but'liCtle' diff6 . , - fered for thi,ce ye capt�r. To MARRIED LADI�PS 'CLUITTO9, 1Ty1y9rjIS7.4.' 17
trite kirowledgg . is epread abroad, And Ttispe6illiarlyguiteil; It,Nvill, ina short time
To'meet -the large and inereasin'g demai4for 'our celebrated Threshing from. .411
men learn their owh catkibilitis' oi- I w,'pro idfid costs 1he litolittily poio with rootilArit
0 V bring db
resources, so Will want.and deititutibn Cobsidern-W6 amusemon, ws�Iulsetl 1 ltest and
Tho arwera,, of Western New York in all oases,,�_Ndxvoua and Spina Affections, parts of, the Dominion, we havo, by the introduction of the I most approv.ed
vanish. iai6d wheat at the Bid! fbia County . Gblirb- in Elag- Pains in: the Back l Limbs, 'Heaviness, machinery ilto.our,warll:4, grohily,i factnii'g facilities. lVearo therefore,
s one dollar por noreased our manu n
othel; day, by a case it, 101ifill: exertion, Polpitatiqn,'bl the
Fifty, years act tcelits" ...a
0 wi3.,;60e1mA(ed. the l f iA/apoaition to fill all orders.. -promptly.
9cho,610istress sued.6no,of rt, Hyliteriel Sidk 31badach*ei Whites;
nual supply� of broildstuffit- lit. fodr, bush., tile afrgre�
and inudu* better pio�ts 'in . I, occasioned by. a
= -and all
for .15s,'4(l. for the tuitiorn of Ills --0 -S- T R A T �F-10 R.,D '4jihorqiu0ly'ifst�dbefbre leaving the" And, warrantod10 'give'
Ols per capita. A fe , w years., later we gate than when, they itave, sold liot discraerod'systenif tileaePille villeect %oure Eydrymaoltinoisriulian
ren. 06" beifia, asked by the Judue- for
ar.fitty cents - and 6rloy at M INCOAPOUATED 1874,- successors to Th ooi2
allowed five bli he a ; now,.we- estimate al- 011ie doll wit meal4s haie fail
(in all!otho OM ehIlege pilisr
the consumption at six bushels., This' one dollm�. It' i4 not -the ' larg I e figare !ier account, 66 piainti pro*duced have n6yor been, known. to fail
co Me
r-ei�ber ing the, Attendll of ra 6rka:7.
increased nsurnlit giv P, 91
tonils to other nocessariegi and-. is.11 I p lijot,froo,'of
W'907 fatme)�Qv 6.,*..t1le tividearritin, but the got 4, Pam
children, and 'a 'piece, of er wit'it.
ly increased above tbi I agent ar
4 111 w ItIt are 'balance over costs. We 'are much in- IW Bef6r hem send.fiar� a?zd -Poslw-4. 6rder'-4
e e4ew
a 0 10 0 t ok-markT�hb -'tliO ;013 NV YORK 801"i PriorRIETOrt.
teriqed luxuries. As' t4o' world- Rd'- Assign, Ause of low- price0*,. 0,111 .. 11 -b - �* CTORS
ultned to IjRE
on vances in erlligbtenmeut,.� the. onjOy`- thai the West, geow! so.w mutill, gratrL#H't "a ey plaid., - She told. the 0.6t; irb ST.-Oo ah(f42j-oQnts for p6slage. enclosed' o A
- 41 GL wbwo.--Aa IpHbisog .4,00,
sortbrop yinan, -bron o,,. .4 RMSIDENT.- . . .
merits and wants of life are wore equal -could nob - ivHte and,' tbelef6re, L -M 0 t.- gon6kal 'liOBERT THolfsoti 'p, 7icv-11iigg. ALEX, -GAANT,
ur jj 111, A
nyi.rketal aro fioCabd;' Thisl:'.�mny be insurer A bottle I)FORD B10WAT . -CORCORAN, W. M RSIXALL,,
oblioed'to'-keej hot! accoulits , ill this -lie zieli t . a
nma --------
Tito - -Juatro' gave
ly distributed ; not that 1; 011- true to a �litnited for- may orintedaing, over 60 pills'by re Ur
sunie less, but the pooe nna 6bofing lifanner. b
rilise go inuch Ila to influence tile Mar- gold in Clinton. by . IL oom 0 and, 'TiTRERS or,
f Qip world'- but while we It in.. on, ea -
a 0
t. hrronISrook; Parker & attle
P ql'l- surplus grown rl coun ry, of �and rt. Goderichl. FLI catrioi, ill D71 single h I lowers
classes constime more. The -present. kef ave a e u 8d
d Ain' ' r T T kodiiRlon _6f as we forth' ainotifib-claime, j)ut' 0xpre§sbd Chialoy; E. ljiok9on a.4(l F. L T 'T
ron to a so orjl,, the- ralatre., - . !o 0. . - -yestels a
child -jobst n Hat t S M and tombined M os,,..
C. -fifty years ago, havo surfoi -until our population and all modi- a wotildi iced
sh;ill alwaya.bave field; lao. Douthro�i, Bodkoty, -yune, Iffysoll Dalrar 4.
wbiclivould not Cholle'111110
n Irealkifilisit W6148" 111109. Good Fortil
the niarkets of the world. becionies. greatl inct,eased, it'is f ills, -Horse`-Poweis,-.SjW1 g it jujinvo
Broadbast. SeeClers' Yrikkiral 12 lbia.'Good CUbo Nugar,'$Loo.
'Mae in.., n I a, Qutters, Plows, Giffig -Plows, &c.,. 10 lbs. Good Refln0d I inglarl*$14
-Dut a few years ao lv i it t wile A iietyro woman wai'-relathig bet-, C2_
i th�t the West rauses n16611 Grial Cru)
,ed mill' fit��e fore Co.ligregilltiollL of'' h W Real�qn.P11LOC Webs.
one or two hundi iqn� oflinsbels. or Co to a.
lie Ste Sr '�nd izes 06% Of:GU�Ejtli.T, alto 14
0 lar�ketii will. con
Of corn ; now, from ten to. fifteeh bull- brol ours. .,The.* 6ornmer o'betwoon '�ofo�,qnd aid 8 Tizo-.rAsl E ott a ]Builder� -6f 80 S� Tast reeoiy`Qd,'A large shc varied st, -AV1. NIS AND LiQvc4s,
io , C L 4wougotbor lliiuga�bes lartner * ':.
dred millill Then we raised Jos 'than In ifLL vhich WIII be cild,.&.it the.161VOSt. - Te 0 eti.
Europe And 41mericais iinate,that had. been ineaven. 'Ofid of the ladies' it wiim ELS. A LL. xrN 0 IF PXIC'
at'distinc-. of color . asked jlei its I WeightLI, Glass C mdrket7rziteap. Stono'Fruiti Jaj�b, with corks,
mifflions of bushels of wheat e,:cannot Tnaintain any'gre Jais, this Best in tb
a hundred Sister _:di& j6ti Worth. Ten tnow, thre -ed millions Contr(idlors for rist S A J1,orks fdr ciiiis, to ioio wid Ches Flov Cr6bkery, China iigd, Glassware my n stock. Is larig well selecited'
_e Iltindi And we tionsiri viiltll We' calipcit maintain so iitny block folks up.iii* Ileav . o' vil&zgei, oy the 1jolity' Cheese ory..31achiltery a 9
shall go oil increasing is. the', resource qstem. 0a, pecialty. liner, T a And Toilei sets Complete,
a -you E'liose I go in do
isti'dtiou, only as tariff duties prc� 11 Oil, got out I our pre re- (jAILIA IS SP CTFULI;.' SO`
of our country or#,, more fully developed.. Witour industries thiler sent kitcherl when 1. was dar V JIlis ADDRIP), I 11A. 4'CTURING,09). 9TEAWORDi 01T, LICITE'D
sore lh�00. hodle, h(m
neall doo to, .3fessrs., Rod 2
pro- �biindj% Its -a atiecdoto''of a colored F b, iY, i876 6
The vast Jivoilticts of t-ke earth wbic ' h its bigh geale of dtities - agr1cultural of' u... . . , 1 1. . 1�e �V:
Capabilities render, possible,will find 11 dacts brought intd'our w�bo -was so convinced of the low� an ON standilla J.t JM03E380N.
N.` B.—Agent for Quettou St.. Gc0fgo,.,&-01o,i1mp.ortcrs of pura Medicinal Wines
zvla�ket fit the increasedoi;sumptiiin of coitntry. and sold i If ess, or hi& thalabol� poSitior),
CO rillietitidij �Vit I domipaiiy La)ids..
the p'pople. Populations will increase, outs. When beans, were worth t%io dol- natural lot, that lie von -%vas'in- :. . I . V T I C #,Toronto
-tuiiQw ron siCtr to, July 421, 187
and wants more abundau Y Increase Icid twonti'-fivi cents 'in* our market, oifferent a6 to the ftitra state, believing ell)-im neck, hilao?"t, urileal. A 'LISTOF LANDs iN r Clin
JJL fbs ColidVany Way be seen ftC the 01110b -of
u Gernianp shipped cargoes 'of beans, to that I'doy"JI)n
but in the absence of any.groat' cimv I ake work' CP r 'tr,,01ah of da, 7nairlts.,
nA�g.,.- WL I-vic io�.ad�lso we hAVr0,,jU5t, 7
Iz M , I
sions of nature, we 1111ISt. ilot 16ok fol' liftipsi al."I, QrI 177. ally York wid irold at a pr6fit,,, bp go'blien.." 'A trieri, j In 019 ra t a fihy-eont a1ze of
th-,r-- - .1 Clirkton, ;au. 871. glike
n has been. . itir,wheill't wbilil-piiiccs to.arl;6�. 11iin'-Qub of his ophijon'., 1�y 1:6.
oe I
course of seasons there will lican abun.. were high 6nd so -i W 0
t,bis not to be the ouse in- al It f ROR,
Como, it iiheely-t (1, 0
t -,�duld o 1�0 Is" worth htt# ear NR, there
dance, =d file nations that can produce*, our. markets sl fed aW 8 wag, alisrol �IyLjlo work Qn �wd Qooily cheape2t, will have an ad C.Irn, le 'as -x ha8 D iL. �E ALE 1�
iould Iiii Van �I%0 lu't 1P thoscof*Eurolie. for-himtodolitheaven.' -His answer jilt on- A
market, I Ih (41 it i.q. le, It) HILMOU Of 11111
ws nT ''BOOK 0,USr.
to 'r the Old And N6w- World -at ws :.-110b, 'you &`sl massa,'I kno lo atre allY case"(11, TOAr
)TTT.A We -need- not look Eorand 6ritriv, the preselit time will soon, a*bolisfi most Oott6r.' . If dero's' no Nv'ork for'culled xcoriatfd v1pphis or inlidlard N�C(td. !,DY-- r, Oil-T-HitoiT AND SCH MIKEILANE BOOKS
other country, for an outlet for otir stir. i ofthe distinctio n 'ales' that now folks up dar dey'll'make Am 6buli do br i8es, i Brantfofd 1 -ca. -Com ny Sr 4�L. W Ir C)� 1�T _"W'M "2'
plus grain, butt f Ora and I bottAt P win nua it woe tI n the other mfic, not,
er or clidese,-unloss we .�istjj in all articles of Inerchandise clonds along, . on cau't tool dis Chile." Islig Itref 'contains nearly thruoililics B =G TO 11�1?011X 1XIM, PUBLIC THAZI WALL' PER 'WINDOW SHADES
Olin com tops die pabi "5f (i bitru as ocion ya pete with ot jor nations in prices. capital and lab 14'. P-ROOr. On Oje- old stge routo* 6oin ]3 and W PA
angor gedfq,f, bolts, 4nd Corns, ERUT NYAT14ON CO.,
We call maintain no nionopoljr ill sup� X. a 101
4,ligland Mr. W. Narton, -Pealer, Match, is our Sole Agoit
plying the wanufacturerg of r ':F nine, there
to 1swortli, Ilif TOYS
stretch of dense fbitst, through or selling T Ld thdt wo are oul)Ply-
unless we can offier them t1i 8. N. THOMAS, N. Y ' CA" In hill . custriot, ar VIOLIN;§ AND
1 �iodloino dealers, 11rice, 25 oto.
by, a] Z -i It.
a cheapest F. A. NO'"t GOODS) OASES
�craps 'and Gleailil' in vigh bho finest Tom, 'importod, varying from rates. We have the advanta a of- a: 3gS, te"llers used to prefer to pass by dity. AtidNOILTI111-01' LYNIAN; Toronto, 30 h.190 Come per pound, either Black or Grc coxr-.y&TxNA,,4 - ANjD FILITZ15,
9 liallt as there was n6t it house to bt - I
cheap, virgin -Boil, in the W�esty but -'w ft �VLtg_fbc poSi rikiiiiiesi rivin io, to id cents -per
by 11 IN
OcOIL In 'zod, abPoiclerpA. . . %, .
a a 0 e -twe ve bours' rida. yj 12ciotri -AMES' TRAVELL
Alifiadille _�Ttku ffo Is now proparod to fill all oriltiro. 6:1Vp1 llibl'A'
have several thousand miles Of trifns'. Jion Chosen r. logalls, �f San yers ago it Yan-keo, nailie rRA'Nic I& Co. CTUPS AND-., FR
d wnisvvu,
see, in which to corilmit *icid6: thought . Wa good plan to'open it' Irillf. 4.0 J-41 z4titfo - r"' 1870. As some of Londcab6ro are clicultiting 9At4O,- A LAPIQE ASs6RT.,nENT -OF
_...-portation against us. _We have dear Franci ,h, the Country it report that' the 11ndor.
I abor in otir country Against cheap Iii.
way house. of on the
There fti)A 62'552 churches fit the tortaiiiinenc it' I '11ca is selling- work not 'of his owil nji;nu- Berlin dizi B&UW, WboI �06.
We OdO
bor in Enrol -cannot control United Statoo- with sittinus - for� 1 wood,;, andso bought a trAct or land Ito tut o, It a .9 ay th at they It 11 OW Ii t
the pricesin Europe,. but they.oAn And B urhig t' be ENTIRE LY, FAUSE. "Ile would alsostato
Country Llic) ON; Ldlmt�jliilerrir anct, Glaisgow.
will contriol pric6s in tbis the Methodisti 1'eing tiler there and MadG a c1paying: But every- lyth Flo All the latest 11apers t d. P�riodicals always oil hand, 'AfaoAgont 6r'the
ollilination. totill Illat Aln- butisotill
'co' Athat
we have it surplus proauction, so: that val. body went by as befdio, large stoelcaf DAILY AND WE, EXLY -'GLOBE, r AND
sulisgrilitr begs to "fionder III mOAC' MAE
Put AAjri,-RjC N Afollin, y
whatever the farroor 6f oni'c6intry 't'70st d an T'shicere thanks to his. numef6us Cal
it, -of church property 'in placed At pedler got Caught in a storm., and 13OU-GIIT 4XD -SOLD
roduqa, he must %fieeb to c 6 19" 180. 1 ip at illo' Ospod 1-foilgo.- -On callin,,, of the Allan Ljno, lAive aturilay Taora iner8r: in the iialrouidin# -towli6hips land the A
p Oil601; lan(Upg llas&pyers aud M&US Al wao'blis Qa�ria 0*0S c NA
pll� iarrie'd lit for'lils bill the next rill ]to was, Public generally foi�-tbeir;-Iiboral tmfronage, REVE31331VIZ. TH15 Xt AND LACE)
with the product, of r . . . I ; I .
surope in all rot, couple %�ere ro.pokly it ji,th-el: notiffy.them tl�at holhg
, Wayriesboro, f6ld 'Chat- the,* Charge would0f.b.0 $25. X,14 —
eign in-arkets.. OtTIMBEND. and would f!
.1lig lately adltlo-ditiog.tim�ortantisnprov(�mbnts to
It then api rs evident that enipfive an(] the groom sovetity-orle, The pedler demarrecT, but was tohl.thai Mvpuroot, Lim inachinory, )iy �uttiag, in a now boileir
� . ........... AprIJIM, hi �
The hiter had never been waried be. it wag impossible to malititain a public double the -&�er'heretoforo used; 'and by
uro remunerative ........ AriflMnAo r. ................ Apr,, 110th
0 th only one jillny 0 xer important improvements toga.
l country, we In foro, and 'lie was so overeot; t il - Most Im r vad tyla
aer agricult in our Ill Iii ordinary rates, w!
ist pl-oduce more cllallp� ihat he
ffttl Pagsollig.:tol for alargo* bittr(41tool Hit(" blier with: firstwelass millers, he is prepared to
lofore. ' Prices * may be fainted at file all yearg.
ly than heret - conclusion of tte cel.e customer in. fl The this Liao arov tes -'flrat
Maintained at 11 Molly, whith , incideni led the newly I by this reasoriing, the pedIl'or Wadc no beta aceemnio(lations, yreAc-at (to -class work Ab d, Ivarrantod to be of th6roughly.00allolled Rr
resent riltes in Europe, sea Pagoage 'GRISTING,caoPPING' &0 A. 'R -APP JU
hub -pence l)rev wife to exclaim, Is Poor fellow,' further ObjAOtiOn to the bill, butavaN!cd D A'V I D
and the aneirgICS, Proplil Impaigo va-611ral laguistl ra lowost rates tia And out. Aarties from a IN OEM, IiAL.
-1 havojow!LA1LAIong_LthPA lie ootil egill )Ay fi-g-in-Tillware, porgong *1011iolf io Whitz oub their trio] P distance Can have their ists he _11NES, bortli
of the ndiiong are 111 prove, dr"It tile privil f " r laii. Grilits weighed in
ITImughTlukets And overyluforrniatfo�),&� me with 1[lavirigatdarall the services of a 'the OSBORN and ROYAL SBWIN(� lqj�Lol taking tile loull ilia' grso X6
went in nigrictilture in the filittire as in stand i t, was gral teforo, the nox A, thont the-slame day, GOOT Flour And Mill whore jov& exhibited. The above machines for a
iived the o ad always for sale At moderate p I
closed., TIt it, Fe virst class-, 11OPSE SI10%,
past decade, we' may rather , look for it A, kind-hearted YO11119 IAY of Raleigh inost, be truo, rov Osefood tells it Ili, G,6ner�k I Agen b` tou, .0n
decrease than otl an a K.. - Norawort-ay,
iorwise. E no" d fin o recentlY visi tod the ladi�s' depart�. self. W Itaptijr, �kny of]
LUMBFIR, 11 111R. All ork ilf �hat l6m, arfd all giudg of liv.$,ew4ng- Maclane flirrifsheft to, Order. 'A-spicildid assortment atways Oil hand. Call
never bough t oitv wheat ol� liol'j r ht. high tneinfl' HORSE S ING And'H[ACKSMITHIN6, 'It be promptly attended to, and'don ardi4es-of stitelib g do e, rd -
prices, and thero is"hub little probabli. old', Tfi� following fiom- the O'liarlotto
of tile insane'Asylli III, -and,a 99'Oa The ubacri and see a ne by'Alrsi Xoisiyortby, on tit e. mchines.- Sewirig intchi
tty she will." ThO pool- Of. El urope can ploreft he in- Rebublicau will answer 1or Mora tha fli4&Tie-lia-i -a-1—arg—eflo-ok o lumber of
r to give lie Ilifferefit-kinas And lon Pine4row.10 MARGE S'f1oj)EnA, tWe Fince,-110ron Street, otio, dodr. wcut of tke 116tol
just one kiss
.buy bread at high prices 0, they Inust that i to 20 it.; Itenilook, -from 10 to 26:; T0111V DAVNSDOX,
one printing office -:-,1 011 ,yes I Borne -
,6ij niany. a day sit,
have cheap food or go hungry. thiios�we have Courage t voi our
Mitternut, Nfliitia Ash, maple, Softand Rock
6 looll k,
They r,of'youtig lioi had touched hot Ago. ft) ion-ths to suit the public, whicli en- Londe . aboro, Alaroh 8, 187 . 6,
hill not thei mewns-to go-abdVa Int I ty be
dindry prices. paper i;iftor we get it printed, ol
'tlie or. lw��fnkl�d -cheek. The 'young lady could his in , is. ibles hiiji to fill all ordois that he
It is only, not refillso, Rol bei� irresistibly g'nash. aur teeth at i gavored with on the shortest noticb� aid inost G01) CHI,
when Govern- QU' DRY
Monts are suliblying lk'g' hlt take andpull our hair tit that O'no, and
firalies that prices this started the whole miurd, land, she -the F 1A N roasonable telIftid.
in, got tight up.aud hick ouriolves: at, U
waste and filad t' may be high. Now 6 co the o, kiss,Ah tough befdre sbe was a P. KELLY, PnoPRIETon
one I next one. But it"is no llse,, You try 1879.
(XhAustio" 'of dut late war haii'lloon The COntOnllial Oklilbitfoii costi; Sli it a while. Jam around throuh thick SIGN Or, THE 1316
restored in all the various brandhou of 500,000, ille, Rajount chilal
od to conk, and thin us we -have to beto
induattyrr,wrditie -on ly left re to
the nation's debt to pay to 'to' ze Is press# wit sorne vim or g - 10-8, GR Large stook of,gooC1711ouseliold"Ptiri
6 ..G..Oderioh Fo-im&-y- and -Afanufactur I
_'r,_it,or,eaI a The-
p 0 e i in or or impl. i
I aceisary fi�r 0,000,000 another Mai
storil us to. stlin it will be no THr,, g.
hig to do bs-home manufacture, made ofseasonod material,
'our forMor jyoition,. to n tr� some
e At, thd price of -for . Copy, and H "treet, CLINT
people viit'at One uron IS EN A fine assortment; qf importeti 'Bog' to inforth- the pittlin thab they are oil
with us, the dlivil calling ON. ]RIGNET)y 1'. pply
In Pursuing the businosaot 104,1b is admission, 50 cents ; Its time is Con. Pilo trying to do soveni;oon,things atonce SUBSCI'Mril wOULT) Zigf*f , IN 6PPon. s -Wood Awl Cand Seafi bliairs, Sofas,, Loan -
proper tir "us to ask, 11 In what has the fitiod ia 150 -days (from kinglike the"' old edeatell", to �et TUMV of thanhing, his onracrdtis ellstontoys, to)
ei;her have favotod lara. wit1t.
former -changed MAY 10 to e What-Xots, Cradles, Matttestes, Spring' grjV]M in folatiori to 6ther I _&JWON�o
Noielil'bii 10, diiducting Suildliyop oh the paper tut,Dn time And ih the mids Mt. relds, Curved Brackets, Rustic PraineA, &a.-
ing. an baR tie.
wblTe Carr qA,ln this tonatiil wouldal
tho oatue LI'M6 intifnatii. to thera, -slid the InIbIld goner,
braiiches of busineaq, ai ho , me or which it will be alosed), it will require Of It all a lot, of Proof - comifig d6w All Pictures trained with Gilt ornosewooa,ana
nbroaa I" We have no better' h to Itg1l that he has intide atioll artanglimotitg, nR Ivill g1l k-960dings, ituatio rkameN, wood, mould. Flowl, 4riat and Saw Imil
markets. the dailv att*ndall�ile f OVilr 94,000 Peo- bomaj, f6i'w1iich the foreman is in i entitle lifin to their ovipport, its fid b6llotoa It RaVej 'Shijigle atd goading.
We have no assuranod'ofliettek dtbpd un.
. Frotil these figurai the regidebt will b, jrr4tly io tbr,ll* n0anfago, LookIng to the Ill.
less we farin better; we car% buy our nup- 001 harry, -and goo.if joll ooUld get out, a terej of his lie I . nt, angligoa the soj . I GRAYS Gdoa value givon to All Who flity, purallail Machines; Hoop Alaellines, &0.�
citigdhs may 'form solivis iden of the paper withorCgoms raiattikeg, We hate I
plies no leaq,, Iro-than, 66d �Wd tbd 1106 crowd find Vitstlain our cit during the thooe hiistakes-iyogra�h , 'eal or otboe. N1 III NV I T., I, 1 111 G R I G G), Taking. wl des.
Vlourh�,'-Wlth Stool Boards, Gang Plough# Cto
the cot of produaftff t6 moot t1lb pro �Vjjo vlir f6raierlyin bftalfttg� for hinimolf In thla Town, 1"A sud Wdod4n
sil, months Attooeeding the' th of May, wise blit they -will it turn up.0 - Tbo SPEO11FIC ME.D10I And was ton6ltlaroa the bo4hotgo Ahodr It possbosed. 94 . Orate nars,, agoii,
liable prices of the, fature ri, the P14,14delphid xodyd)`4 only- cabs6jatlon,'wo cArt domfort our- .31C,ho alAo litfi(lo, ilitch arratitemebts with 011170. Ill Ivervat" blaeamex§ AU6 no TrIonitoril ALAI Cookizim, Parlor and. Box Stover, of varlous Wilds,
Romp plow",
Cultivate molle Allia', h1oh, in mittly
thoroughly and fath! better. : We Must he payli that solve$' with just now is that we are hu. e.jiloa, Aro prodated by ovr loatilgonto Iii the 1106 of to.
6,000 allan bteouawl I � 11 1 - OR, JD R'
Maka every it rair raturilil,' and an Amok' aft protallsof hito devised a ftian &n4 there iitrd ov cog who bi, abotif to, r6hop to towity to pnotjc�lllt plilitolit, to,, S A L T' P AX S 31, XDE TO
every &114 that %vi'll not grow, a full Rabla dentist very fotwi Oi in eaditcolamn wer publish. mlon)As wiWonflibla 1111ft
And all, (1186064 that follow
crop We must mAntire di, good to. gtAgS, 4-ioneo ofSelfAbnAot its* UA9 Of MMOR Alill Itonital Aria nikaitiniah btk,
of a a Very ti A'Ill tite 4`6jot it, UgAlIT11 iq'8TAzioTn.--To prevent bl, conquer 141184itud;R,, P.
-08tora it to ski nolliff the wlii;o 1,46 for* 1kin In the laelt,
to I IV 88t it taillmentg ever of Vision, x1jeathatuto old Age,
-add throagli 01's allten-od at by man I anfill at ovida thd 1041 fo lisganitV ao�
d, lebA6, it; one of the,
Must oconotnife 1n labor 'and time: oil of sag PAN TIM DIAMOND HARROW, q -oft Short XW06,
Pulmollia WR itstelinailtire Oraii;#, AU iry and 411 k4td I? pivt `don#
d.tuni will LUM ag- liguallIll home one rtrao �1,111 as Aut41-01 U ND ERTAkINIGA
[b egin - a I lo � I tjg near 16-- - h I-! Ft - Ilia flirear and
6i by the usbi- of m9ohimy, And we "I IV on tie, anio)
' , I and poatilence �v
have rodaction, In thil cost of labor tis Under the influence of thia -vibrating atc�ndod to A00
corrotpond with the reductiolit fit the Alto tolumoues to ShA4 in a manhor nouliunAlon, an
dost,of living, 6,nd wo ablill be ablo, to W111011 id VaPiOd i1ld6fIX1it0IjV, AtOOrditIg SO011 f4 lill It hN
monlis known 6
doblind In valuo, i,to the nolou of the tUnof,,ab I that, aiidoir 111bryall'a"Pulull
cort-tin conditiou, it will bo poWbia to thoroughly tried
A Is 60 �Waant thing to btoak, ortho. '13hotograph those Movelijentili of the hal never boo
doolino In thb pride of laborl, � Wit thato lo opeakoii
� flapo uid, 'this, of o6urae# will. bo equi. 1,011
UA I Ifili I to, p1widgtop idg kho tum td�n tha
r At deVoij rit 26 461
troy. , evere cohlfy if tot
ot latet lewt to incurable
stiperjortaynvor ap oujurff, Ana wumu awiu Luau Am am
Aj)�Jjt to mailutindto thom ou a Inue Moto tXtabsive
by6the 14C,1111101t he 00$11961914t WIII boioi&lod
attlay fitt I
himy7onritotex 06011466%
r� all.
he strength of the stroll eat
Ltd, Tlia readiest flmb
t no. th I GIM&TLY IM 11,11 GES
Fullpiket diftlarAl
io Cure of thollo. complaints is
Waforo," bave botin
Nat tharimlom
*1111 fdoolvia 1,201YII)t Mfoutloill, Iftopfias&foffiodbrktoo�
The 4pooifta Madidind 19. liola bV all D04ill At $1
ti6i Aek,41 oil Mit rao'kafta for 0 or *111 b6 soUt by
64 lAst twenty And
aiay. tho sabooriber frus(ft he 17 fwolvo tbat pliftoMA&
1.46 g otpeflocob
which. strIetatiftflo" to bURINAA liad hift
MILIVort V041111pt of Clio M
11RA101AM63ILY & 06.1
hoWn to fall. Bingilft an(l
Ila It -.A goo4 gillualitbo for gobil *drk-ghoula 14drit,
Il loogderive eftat b6itaft
8aIdItl0Ihftkfl`bY Ugtityt- COMM kcil bt, k:1
(Ila by hil m4diolfto
Dot 116t,
mittu 01 187o, 110YAO i
I Vhgog-likilm "M Mott Itil Lymoll nia.
V63. -8-4. P.A.U. "�!A . 'm tIL40A.-V'y .. .
find 8hroudg, obeil lhunfirAla attonded All ofdarii-Adbitsea to tht CoulDitilyi, or, h6otAkty, *111rodaNe
all hArnishings oil
I glilidd, At
rates. -&- largo ttock of'Coill
, ilia, indulat(l. And A
plain, Twaya oil It and (trimmed to gilit) 61thor 10=11141) ZEODOti r, IMAM =nTONt
31emembor the 0tAndI,;-Alb0t btraiitr OPV6.
ifte th . olfArket.
nODMT nVXCXU4k -GAR99 4, MaAamos,
olliltbujiMt, 90, 09l, ddadihl gaptaraulif Oita, 18%