Clinton New Era, 1876-04-06, Page 4. .. ...... .. .. . .....
d �,
esr1w.,montlis and a weak ago the five- which 04altle TV, L-1 U0, "$I T-vo �mra ago,, 0 U1111100A fArMOV011 014 IMAGY TSRM,%,,�. itaughtet f Edward 0abill, of p t1w the anhQno--`po�vwl ot. seed, p4wo�g and, Xlqla was verifle by 4 will bocome it T08137, be7rppall-41 lot JP hht erdep y Worthy, hat tjtjio� until yofiter4y thq 04114 boo fron tuq OVO4oryj .r# hAvo letwoAt an out 14 thq 1111�, We XV310111 A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF.,
Say, At hero JiIaojust been sold at. Atiot (Ion QQ or ton. it, l 01 opotiod.
be t Paris R k40dJiAr (A 99rk Of 11WOrd) which a, were, cmla ullio4. in the early, off A'QP rk PMA , tquiattly, gouero.t. dQubt. Nvas 09. it had 42 notches on. its Ar"T to resso, marvollQua oguld all cOOPOrre'do it' that A $train upon Qr4dullt�, I4. r"u, phyatoltln by bel,QagO to the hather of the present lotto they d'PRING bludg, all Q. , wiig it 408troyied tit@ ltk�.�cf LoAnuAtvi A 0 -MME
away, and tbat it pit broul; lql 'O COUSIlUg of t116 best V oucultivation. Ilat. no, Tit o0h Y lop li 4ho uderthe to thimble 42 t48-40 ;Jnst. 20 cents irz 15 1, 0 Itoweve, an4 it 4iii 19 agrioll, All ' I I the pooi 401 qq000 6, well, know' gre harto, I QJ I
4y" Atwdo to late and gardeners indo A peries of care- could n(4- dro,w it full breath, and con- coale.qf neatly ft000,000, drawn most- W H I TR C. fill oxp riments o deterinino tile belI& oeequeutly cov)4 not sleep tit night., Her ly from public -revenues in one way or. OF 04�NAD. fade, brol;Q,out itiL great sores, and, tiler.0, ao %6od Qlific' ever offerea to the people, B lli results Otto oolild lie 9bt4ined., -1-1, 0- qthor,.au4 meiiibera of theroyal, f4tpm Q1 1401140111 00� Y.t heading the wil' 4 coostant. discharge of ptitrid- mat* ily are pAla a�4,t 'The Dubose -t t1jo old-, sta'A of Alhort Vqrson, pf glipwg j rite Ornee 4— Deprtment will lie continpoil Fitearin, N OAPITAL, (Jan. lat, 187$,) . 4
ter fmm the no aq tQrmQrly corn", lidt with- I 018 pounds, This yeAr, strils,, GraiiiiiiyellowAll of 04m-6r1'ke,.$30,000.; Ptiagess Angus. Itattoltbury itivet4i W��Ko th i -leA417 ey Nv�jl �oqp, iwoonReqnence-of more rqorti*by the rotoovil A LOT OY TH the ir boo 5,000 - 'Duke of (lambrige; -$10,- of parb of 0w ine3s to, Other promise 6 larger %ud inove select 044 of 'lly 0& 9 yl kn foreign MO. had .114 liscome convinced that there waa no 0430T`9111008 of Hamilton, of B y F I R 8- T 0. L'A R. 0�10 I. R I TS
prince , R ' , mo t
the pfilsioiarls they had Pri lary, $16,000 -Prituesa C, 1 th
it), (he, friend 000 �'bon 4uly appolut0l 41) tho cAuvaspillo Nr s Beautnul .4 ciline terribly Alice UW of flosie, 06,000 F. S,�.
fraW v�cre induced to experimptit �Yith Id 00tablialied Compall thethe ti varieties, and the 0- ftlnrmba., Vill-Ally oalledqu Dv, of Wales, $2,00,000 of WaUs, GODIMIC , COT,1301tNj�, CrAll,, The tL3111kfal for past fawrs, Bud rospootfull solicit a, continuance of the it, of,the. ai�uie i -Vor Vrn-Ut to'011nton. F A TO BE li, TH at they ol Bergeti, W .10 Was. a4 � Duke orF40itibilrgh; $100)000; vollUTAbov snil 110111$114� lltitril*lo Olt 010117. 3�,Arm produqa taken ill oxoliangofor 0008. 0 sult was, th. Aaine4 betier ro $50,000, We child Prince Artb $45,000 ; prinfle8a Ur.,TTawllton, In 400(I time, as t4eft, . polialov� o%plte. All suits than bad evgr Leon .recorded in 91`41ioii ale. otbot, physicians. Uri towUtipa �Vlll,bo %Yoltetl oil W 10, �on tioupil to gr Qw worse, however, and. Holelle', $80,000 this country, M, Leon, Dafaure, of L11 of Lorne ports, of his torritgr )All be visfte(l so tin), 2, lli'76. t THE ORE' APR U X OF one doertuginaul-ance willb*014 on by ud;lrenikur. raising 1 -,OU poundi of on- American morning bo had the little girl '00 ;. trinep Le�pold, $45,.000 hint at Plyth. Alt buolliess ontrantal to Ithu vill w. nFrench cross, and M�. W. Brom- itand tboie,, Priiic4iis Imperial of rusai by this compally.J4 HatisfuLlon of Gloom. All honeia HARVARD AND - ONFO' BID' S111IRTINGS and ken to tha!l fl., 514,0,0000� calve prompt .L using 11 needle 10 a Pl'olle,� diSCOV4�ed 'ley Davenport, M. P., produoitio 1,082%, 9upeo; receives about r245,000 ad, ofaimpromptlypatil. hore Wbnt, one .4 L lodgb* OPMAllso "LOnaoill CoLurany,'!—khe UVXq4h,. oil a of di poullds.of tionial per Annum, -tit Du6by of T, Fast Mors, that,you'h6ve seelifor-yeai*,� COUE'Al D 8 E.B. I of back of bil, U. tile same Pl6trIet Ago* Groy, Bruce and an(] 63$ 'pound Line. V nOUSE YJAIA, w1lioll 6114041 Aster and, Stiow-fluke, each from. one pount ba -1E, WARE11 alloped flashy' body uspended froin the a(tuberp) Seed, moulit from the Duchy of Corti w iddle. of tho 164;6r border of, e- oft S of No .-DRESS. GOODS
But ti Lovoly'. to awards for the American -Means of rqjft-m -ds competition oflast year, throw the re. pilat(t. It- was .,,L. dVloql� placo to now b7' IF �W-ANT A INIE YR con pu in o opera, Ybu- r4aeb, If itbA41[odgedwher0t, cQ1114 11481 b t t tion in-.1iorwav, suits obtained both by the Frenchman a Ayles in, %.;I, arket, very low
It, is..y.ory slid consists in,giving YO.0 UGUT. TO Sn P,, Tiud- and by the Englishman into the shad have been cut 60n�"Cie outside, th 4p A, tin unusual, tor*cotild have -druftkarc Aii-soino persons of L6nde$boro grij piroalating a? . -fill-med tile the little qu�ntity bf Tile . Mode of pro- 0 JJ02 tied. is. selling wor The premiums, aniountiom to $500, were gh the .country 4 report flint the divided As ollows NAlle I I k not - of his owit i .- fill 4s: lur DUCKS, DRILL N[ N 1. as I eq. ure urits o c —The pAtient is -S A D F., -M 8
13 U'b, that tbox.lillow; itto was insensible . �Iinuro, lie WiAligo to gay _P lisollarge . of' carcerated 1A a' iliet is lituited bo'E NTI)TtPLY 11 L git ic Pounds. Priza N�as, !),a, A ALS, 134. llowouldal8ostata -yahie aud�qw 91. I An eiadless lotogl!g�IiA AQ J, L, Little Sioux. Ia..... never be wants it', but receives -no ID E'D DS 40 of her Romm fo it i's first stooped in the wine CIO.,. -TWEEWS P. C. Nvo�l; Esther, 111. 50 choice tile child to deathi if alto was not Whe I A. ose, Pe od unless in. the . otive, 1)6480'asion M. bf. Ro#,S,' Point Yan, N. Y.,.. I 145 So 'med -tho� dru, k4vd )ve� i5O, pattern 2.) The. operation hail, to bo pqrfor t%�i hour. . At., first 11 Y-1 , . - -, . , . , . . 1. . I W. Treniendous piles to cho a, )Yra . . , . I I 4. , .: , , 101boak.and Retail Grocers BlOok T ta.k6t tfig, piifurdt lid, with , great,j BqQk . 11. V. RfK nN. Y.. 1,0661 .10 Ont tile ('so Of ARMsth6ti0F4-. -6 Was a �YOU MtST' S R THrni. - From 50 oei-t's per �ard up. to,$�..QO) at pairif I ill op6wit O at metrinoe�t, and, calls 'ra�,burously for TJ1E lot). Ile )lid t c thn-Ligh the 'uvala,' inse more. -But afte it is IeRd grate P. C. wood, Her, Ill .. ........ 1,417 8100 rb h-W,pincera roy's ap Cash St6ie,, oppdpi e the., Pos ,Mee Gil, .T. L. Perkins, Little Sioux. Ir "I T -d men Its assistants. ' The �lit -10t tell 4 of thid NTON April, J 7G.' and draw oul tile thimble. He. had Mill, and At la's6: bo,ro6o'ives i V'wlt 0
-1. ellors, Yorona, N. J., . 1. 125 f� U 1QE T
'-';alter, St P BLIC
J. 1. (Ioud, Alhin..... 1,090� 30 W:ge wa diet have been wn to,brin- 6o'such 'n Oder, ftoin the a --so power- -At14 warranted to D6-Qf thorboglilv' oeapolloT A. Rosp Penn Yan, N' Y , ... 1,0864 - 0 , - . 1 - "so, flilly.. t -he poor Child's'at.the patignt.-would. not touch I _1 : . . c , I li. . I.. I .. 11 bog to inform lftolnhabimixt4 of Clinton and IT. V. Ro 10 A jig, nd, . . . . ... or a country, tlxgt tlley I -bill struggles under the torfui ped'atit * Twooty-seve) bushela of potatoes ri e slie,tvas Bllf� ble �bllt � now 0(ti6us MIX, lift-vo, cl1ttg:cJ i4to fox, the.purposo �of carrying oil the btiai�esa of lamulaoterers itt*r(�, a4. patieutg froqoutf ii . %viiig-ozooredhe scrvlq Of % ot Clavvidges;' Sloifh outtero, ih alli va�ious.braucho$, at 'Wile! - r it piut of seed is it weasUl-e Of -fiVitfUl- fering were s!Mreat - that. the tbrpe�nien I y P., t4 0 grgo, o starve ion 0 11 orth tylondfirmof elay be-, ness that should satisfy the ibost -6 act, bita to,i)-a—silooeed.ed by a freab, h the'y f ..,uron.Spreol, li ton, und. os 'tit there is iio reason to believe it tile possibili ties was safely completed, and -It Says tbd- -Bostou - 11" 1, 11 eople-w ho fore the operation -was concluded. rirst Class; 4ORS.E.. SHUR
Aliy6tlrin that line; Wfid all1k iaiTs of Popa"lly- U R A No ' ' ' I -" RJ, C- U. L ithb-h-rat, tim aiiir O'6q dotift betterldoking, too,. nine in ten. -ing,,will be'p�wnptly a-ttblrlo�l to, nud'done,in .1131118 will IW to o%conto work. bqilaf tb aliy in file IJo4iinioii. Their long oxporr habeen evLti 'f)proximated. 14�1 very in flo-uy inpri -1 slept ('110C In the Comity caablios t4em, to fully ianderstan4 the mquirentents of their 6astoiners', 4nd conipetitoz is dss.,C4fiod with the re. %�eek, th.e liltlogii so4indly and This if ilot logical; �Adver` vork miliilbr, -ion to. bmwebs, to gi' � enti V 1�ope, -may ULU� vo ro oatisfa:4tionto, 41 oso Who 7 ro ge. sult, and intbods to do bdUer next, year.- uninterruptedl?. This -me isun ication. cif iIr I -lad ihe 01'W Yielded uniform tioli bettee, and Ind rG:Q, S-, MO 7 7: Machinb�'_ g- tO'L'Aho I'dadin- the b�`st'seasonWiitatorial always on band. -ordcrodx-Qc. -Double. Cyjin r ThOShing and WWII Climak, de results fronA,tho aped ejual to the best., There is no%v iq doubt of h6F soeedy, re- eliwhti; of giiod'16oks'. A64011 eveililql lZopairilig done 6a Oombi Vibrator' Threshing Machines', lie would hava over 6,690 pounds to co very. — Utica. 0bverver,,X�rcit 10. the worl4 b�jieve in &* oad,who !�Ul TIBUL &.LESLIE,, showforope pound lie itplarits it do'llirsin'their Aneali,idnas pf Aaa?d(-,,uitr'CRAL IMPLE ME N�S aliva�s, pn,-hkud,, Colultionting Oil the result, tile Commil. Curious custellis la .A' Inska. 17 _,pockata_ Sucli�iir6 li've iind,,�lf. ,d,m:iy Vp:wect thelarge and incroalimij dommd for., our - celabr6ted'Threshing Machines, fr If ailts. anything tee of 4,wai thesolive'dayd, nobody W ora. a a arts Of� the Dbmitiion,a. we. have-, b the 1iltroduction-of tha lat at every known inaliuve, and the quantities who live in th6 wter, lusprid.sickni.ess. woiqpn. 00 . r a: avice., to SICN OY. . . . . t 'Y e p enormous than tile and. discs, a., I 8 .,hiachmery Wto'our works, gr"tl�iucroased.ur manafaoturing facilities*. We are thcr�sfor'o, apliliud are 110t less, 41), -, EAD,: Tile f� rtili;ters-lied comi)risu nearl Tile ltldhins I)elieve, in evil spirits. I o do with any �)ut yoift-r livi tile. peopi Thck e6eptlu. ilatrimny is, to Advertise. .,a Mon" in a po �ition to proinptlk.
-ops ra 'm. Most growers hold cominnnicatidn with the It is.sure% to return largely, '�ereaso your. 'G T R,A-T .01� D -'p ci ised with tlit so apl, 7-d go t -flieir gorcgrbrs, U _1 .0 F have inado�coinpounds of various tuater throtwh* q , u, not w r, ,reputation as a bitsinsis man, inake maelime" is Ida and'thqrqp&_yt
r iials and Owe scom to have ritit in co qlli�. try t @Prs to la K tisf4, ti n. sgor incil of i mpor. M .8101, entire sa,
plicated formuls, which the jw - a -ate.-theth'with. O' orks freting, witen Ko- of. iiiiewd ind 8eneible pb6ple in the its adSofag'4 , A ': a. I oull .., .W -1 , ' I R E, lid "4—r (I (W i�h -t 116rd h ii 1) V 'y6tbeen. Cradles,� , . T with the aiceura.Cy of it pljysiidiai�s pre, 'It' , Its, over 5pi1jig C1 I Beiiptioti. Al�out the vAluo' of wood monumentPladod'wbere the as cura P., ine an Btock. d...has aro re and lastet, however, buried. bopve — -- ----------- ore Po rs, ashes,.ben inatin Spitit 7' framod ea,11y. p A passage,.-, -in . tfio 'New-, sle 7;4V 119 YJ I R ",� _0T —OR S. there secut., d lives;f6reVer� but ba:ve -,iio idea *4 any tic -I to be no doubt, it - lid we.fiu -U-Allincl eye a�'And . , offenct tnee Sul- re 1-1 r vir tLein used by at large majority. wi� d fo, ttie or, abinent , f4jr od or plain. puni. A. P , WILLI 1� a 6ut- &lid east it'fr6m: thee Uon: icv, P)RE. GLASGOW MA:0PHFRSON 00 �CLIIiTox. rood Ntallic ,tl I' I J& I - - V . 1. 1 I .. sed by many. Tlyis y1qe, Accordinr, to -their beiiefi stri wl o jii4y. pul i� 11), W. $11ALL phar hap tta the. I inei -h 11� Refilibliosif ith itiod substanco do�g not enter intothe corn- distinction of rank is'proserved in the said,to'havo . d e, ;ratei.y elibi 1 osition of the potato, and it- Quld be other wvld,'all the chi6fs being in. one ag it to. WN troyed his -lef a when be was a b9y at f. I T YA C U R L OV ce. o ru offee't, comman so tire IS. M n actually increases the % iLive ex- a 4 tb J4.008;* ad: od I'a h' pipa, 'orner. by hemsel T T T. int,Qqrestincr to know ir i' -.i opplication pla e,.tbe common peoploifi,.an'other, `
sebool, if not exactly it) obedien t th T
T tile C IRBY ves. Only when 914ve -are killed at d� yet'b a h porilm: is to Oil ra In W I aor -liked t�. attia".. it% bici 0, "' ` _A� ji ___ ---IQ . - --, �Lbra Seo -d - '6* i)owers;, Thp fact that single eyvs atid. eyelets fane I of "theit, 6hief their" uni D Ir Hors SaVing...; 1Fr11g*-lk%lt Ja1w 12 lbs. Good Cuba Suita*4 $1.00. this manditei viao oriiinally :;�Vitten,�_ rills, .7 w il 1, w i ( h good 6are, prod nee large cr -oil 96 "' a -
PSI 0 souls remain in 6teinal attendance a 07 llkc,� Itoll Brehy MR, Good Porto A Z titters, 44W �k New eaSoa Altick Tea6.- 10 bfg. Good Jk4eflued..
This cruel c was G.Knibetto: hated Gfi ek) and. did his tit- 1, , gar $ lias been alifiliciently proved,., All the their hiaster. to-ilov - I . as izesi Tust iocei ed,1a.l6ge.a d. varipa stock -Guocr iQto Leani )Z, V�es,-and Bdil'eis,� all st fims, IVATINES AND L its, all
a 0 -r. the �-Russia :A v n
large yields were grown from v&ry small s, id 6 bja aboiishei& undL. most to -get ocusbdfrom stud ing dt.— ,s of re � ft ILALI, : Erly, which 'will be sold -at 4he lowest remunerativo priLes. divided into ten pieces, and in one in kept uip to the preserrkday- -tbtougli,' ve r le, but it always Jilis. exiRod and is aets. In some cases single eyes Blit.wbeirbefound that his entreat , ies othe were 0 no avai .;,kith* his'. fathi, lie'. UN D E RTA K-1 H 100for jtlkder 10)"7 0 "Gam, 'Glass -Gem Fruit Jars, the l3est in the Marks' stance 240 sets Were lit tfiteatened. to destroy bis'.Viiion. - An clega�t lroars�foi tiltailtiEv (.1 .110a A �, f-dheala- . Stone F��it Jars,' with c . rks, ade front one ceremonies are performed: mit �of tile ' - - .1 I I ;S fo).' Mies, tqwnh aud --clioup. , For Crockery,, Shrouds, eb6aji, *il i, 11c,"Y sj�*111, Jr, China airid Glassware, my'stoerc is kifte and Well' polected betta, stern. an'd,resoltite, man wo veiy fine 1?1,ic .4 attL piweo,ry orachilli'lly qs'. When w child. a specWtY., poiind, nearl all of which grow well.— reach of tile autborld o thwa, t nd. all frilishing8 . I I I .. .1 - Dinner '!Vea 4rici'Tollet So Comp
Aeemed'it a wise father's dilt' t r T STRATY ORDi, ONT, RESPECYUYULLY The sets,- with few exceptions, were is born it is cariiedand nursed by., i , he rates. -A,large sto9k of Uoillts, "66�Meil hiiJ, Ithe wbtmi of in obstinate. boyi. was im, ,plain, lways on hand'(briraniod W SQtTCIT37,D planted singly, yet we find a product of mother until it is able. to crawl and . movable, and told Leon ho'c6ul!l pluck silver atedfurnittireorotherwi Remem6o�the I)Zrida, 2z'e�t door; to xemny., iroagins 4, ras, Xriok j�iQok- 070 pounds raised -ftom fifty-two hills, munch away on qiied. salmon; then. the. 0 0 two sots to each, nearly nineteen pounds -66anty clothing of fur' with which it Was lit bivey6s if. lie , hose'..�cot of courso foe Re%$rnber the st*eet, op 0- ipogs bushels per acre.— covered at fir4 is rdmoVed,' and to ine ibility of site theMarket., AND GET ROBSOR,
per hill, nd 677 1J, b_,:4goi�t for QucAon St. Oeorge.& C porters Of T�ilr6: U0dreinal Wines, TorGnto who y THOS.'STEVENSON: Wheiber this large yield is due onily to strengthen its pob4titution"the child is such a ihing.* - Enraged'at thii 11 ailqt9n, At'ig; 20,187V a xip6cted answer Itie young Gan�bebta the very favorable soil.they growin�a immersed in tile-Xi'ver 'or sea. every tore his left oye,frodl its socka-, �a'nd in- rich black loam, formerly used its a 110 morning but as their. own parents forujad his fatier that.* tlf� iig& lqo i�tle ma I rtyrs. to'&i0pline, ith-the I u should go to keep com�any wi sdape froth, yard—and the inimense quantity of wo pitootis LEARI N ON I aahes applied in the hills and ustop cries of the I dressing, one peck to tile hill- or, to' tk thtudaty is generAlly- intr6ited- it there wga no iitlier. wiy of.o two set syctem does not splAar. It �is uncle or some. Other relativ&, *he 'slope study of ill"ataa language.. A a a' France,. it.fatlier recognizing, t,.e WI.., bmfo ailvi.00 tile pliblio that We have Juib WJIO1fUSALX1 AND RETAIL DIDAILDR IN. to be regretted that one part of the plot all weepiag* and scroamint, th a li- TOL b YU64,r TEr lAdt;ad fit the market. Afty-eenh size of .was not planted with Otte set to the hill beral application of tbe'Zitch, '. The indomitable will.,of . I . . I . . . . . I - " � . . . I S ANE
M1 aii , C-ffOO1 'BOOK5-, � Y and tile products weigbed so.pai children implicitly. obey thoir'paren6 it yieldid the pof t. Brwitfo T Y Ygo of I'd' Spoe Gm-. OU BOOKS.. all c,ately-- Fd n Co The planti'ng, in nearl U"s W -as all ages, and greiiiicara is bbstow6d updn CaNnet W4M —G"TF L:=U�To TIMIT)II0 T1rAT ana it ean 'lie found in 411 ftrzt-'0106911 drU St C.ii- done -between the I Uth and 26th of May, the old a'fid diaabled, �',O�phankt are, 0- EPPS'80000A. ULANDWArroitTINO 0 Oros.
—"By a., thorough knowledge of the natural AT WALL PAPERs' ''WINDOW, -SHADIES. nearly a week eat liar t1jan former. years. wayn provided for by the c6nittiuniby, laws which govern the clioiatiolis of dige'stiop bllzr,lon, Ptaier, clinbon,is our solo Agol�t TOYS,AND A comparison of the distances 'between and farom well- as anyO�of other andilutrition, and'by a on XJUrJ4AXk. REWEDY Y Oil THROAT bUG i O—VIOLINS AN]) the hills,. wit'll the average yield per chirdren: When a young won wishes of the fine properties 15, Per Cent DiscoMn AQ gives a most interesting andvaln- to yna-rry, be first asks tho, consent; 'of Ur. P, a has providel our breakfatt ables Xill ihil it more rroiltalsle otin the othorgixe, nm it abld. able, as follows the so 4ith aplelioately flavored beverage w�lch ma llvd.rAoln 10 1. oontons neaby three. tintes th quantity. IVONZATINAS. AN U -entai - quafl t , .. . I . 0 I . ' * D .. , Es, etsplonted, his pat drd. when tbab ig obtained, ave, us many hoavy.dudtors' bills. It is byy IANK104 viul, IRLYM 41- U 0,11 1111,1 t XIM111 Co., 213 feet gave a yield cf 378 bushels ad hves*,� and a6uds 'a proposal throul"I'l il�.Oonsfltution Way lie kridually -ETC I.L lln,ir li,)v U, 4. ra. WVL istance of. he goes to the villago*wbere his intend- th, judicious use of such articles of dot: that Solo Proprietors at I treat., TOM: A ATE
ilt up un. bu -Is, now. offering his splandid'stoolc of 1vitiL ORINIENT OF fALSO, A Lkl,',GF,' SS some 11 mutt and if the' g Guough. to resist every t CLINTOk. per sere. ial�friohd,' an. 0 "Von '.t ' . are, ol, 2x4 feet gave a vield of 462 litwhels s*er is favarablu he repaira to the, house Hundreds, of � sbtie, maladies fire Wo -ns, and -Berlin Goods OFAS to attack wherever floating around us ready , BOARDSi'01UB0hI)8 rl I t 1 110 6—. per acre. at onceith'some presents for tb`6-'-par- SIDD point, We way escape.mvly CHAIltS, his moot 11 On hauI.- O A 80 feet gave yield ofG51 bushels per ent and -relatives of the girl, and then ii, fatal shaft by keeping ourselves fivell B A K lil�R'Y aerq.-) tak IL Urtlikii win es firtmediate possession 0if.his � now, fiofl with Puro blood and a properly fioulisfi%� At a discount ofFifteen per colib b4awforatfo, - lei on$,. ousto- frawe."—Citi'l flervice Gazette_80la only 'pric�g, f6r cash, aud will conthlub this sale iti tho, LODE! AND feet gave a yield of 441 bushels chattel without any further ceremonies. towhips -aud the per #cro. i Packets lslbelled�11 JAkvsXPra Ho4 for the -ndit two months., an inducement that public for thdr IiLeral AMERICAN A1OXr,,f B A IND SOLD. A short time fifter,this 1110 dow Bono-! ni,f& thein titat ho hai; L UIL TIP XAM114-ANI) PLAOL I w000paillie Chemists, 48,ThreadneedlAstreot, should not bo'.forgotten 'by those ivho'waitt awl ,i 3x4 feet gave a yield of -872 bushels dick pays'a visit to Ra wife's relatiofis and 170r PiocadillY, Lohdemll per acre. "nod. 'if' she has , lrxttgra prevent or conquer iury by� in a now boiler 'N NAN JOHN A4 NE good and clie�p- V tirni turc. httoly adje(l itnionTant intprovoinezits to in company with her 3Jx4 feet gave a yield ofA342 busheld nothing to complain or iliefi.. pres3nts disswe is one of the grandest ittaintilonts ever .11aving �0116 -Of tile I nd by per acre tile Nvat Room itupravcinct imed it by Mail; and " B an a rubno other� its, toge. UARKT.SQ�16. "in.and his bride, ex. a 0 in the cotmtyj containing a large stock, niusf; be made to lit 17, Lo is prepared to fors"will. a's hill a cars cong 8, dolds, tickling in an oppeiitunity id given to make a good ith Oot, 12 1 2, i874, 4x4 i,*.et gave a yield of 882 bustiols ceeding in value thdgoib6 maile .at first, the throat lnd I riplairit, as war tion, which should not be lot pass. do lirst-olmo work in SLveretoldsifilot �er acre. Olt _ . I I . I . GJ 0 [10P14 N G) &.0 AttaAdW to soonOr or later lead to incurable ldia 24D AND' .-APPRE H ce i their grlmts hoz6o 'with L $TAIME 4x8 fcet gave yield of 89 bushels psi- Lonsum and the st�ength of the strongosb 1a, flltlon IpUNERALS :VURNIS EM r'q t 9' M
acre. a if neolected. The Wjadiest and bost VICTOR . I ME
racing, fileans knomi for the care of thop coniplainta is, PT) CIATED Tile large number of clata, of' which ON SHORT NOTICE., theill illo* 'tile ay. Gooit and Alill 'TT]E - rty=,10 M, d1NERAL. tile above figures form an avoragq, give Bryun'S Vuhnonio. -Wafers " which have been 1,1004 al The OS1301172 -And ItOVAL St�YING MACH11111,'S, lietil taking the load tin& fli-st prize Notorious cowarda have been known Wtougbly tried for th� Issi twenty years, atirt llearsq& kopt. Hiva4' 01TOSITL TIM OLD DANX, btlIlti)LNG 'where ever exhibited, Tfio'abovo machines for safe by� -4heie statistics a special value. It will have never been known to fail. Singers and to 4ie firmly. On thil idaffold, w0rnell public speakers �#Jll also derive great 4eneft A3;' ()no pbr cent per mouth obarge o be seen that although the greatest yield Who through lite were . -shrinking and from the use of thear. Sold by g4 friediome -pverdue nocofints. LUMBE R. A. Xors-worthy 'qeneal'- A b,�. Clinton, . Ont., f g -en inform tho:pub� lrag'41waya on ha d it Jarip. stqok of Any. other sewing co A, lic thsit It(, U3 a Iavgo stock (it litillb6tt of of atitobing d'( fjl)lenditt-aasortment';Llii;Avs on hand. � 0all' froru one grew from hills four feet apart, timid, died b6roints, L The Chinese: of (Iftlerg, at Z lit and bed, sain -Ops per acre were t Wheeler's corn' , Nepdle%and other furnishings kept on hand. the largest ci -raised a (beSwithet' dolta8,`wholac'k1heqUq1.� ZR..: Nylli I., paired
distances of three feet each w'�y, Find ity called co Poulid Elixir of Phospbati8 A14 frorn 10 to 26.; Ullicer, ItentelmAber this Place,_xXurolA Streeto bite door west of the Coninx r I t
diggo, will dio* for' a 'bilbb qltTee to 20, ft that as the distances between cars,. and, from our prer- 0 Ma xtq� el L - f4ar tile se)i� donat knowledge o fla*bYeritt, have 'much libe bills O save a richer Ila tf,*%Vh ito Ash, indple, Softaud. Rock. tire increased ov decreased the yield di. I E tin; in to nidt the ptibM, which'Ptio tonce ho' has vlossuro'hi reedainieWing, it 49. thoroughl ,60 preparat,d ,otg ables, hint iii fill all or(16r that lie may W reliable Rua sel y rnini%li(-s Ia regular proportion. In'tho whotalone b, I eld d� Mong milukind caltill ostau tth"o and luost first case thare remains wated in the of cowardici in high ostimatioa by physiciatis Ahd the pub. , . .. : - D Yt -o) joeo tp lic, and the dernand is constantly ihoroiRng,' ground -which is n6t reached by tile lavirtu, DERICH O'U,N R exectition Ifleo A hero* and encounters an, LVIAN S. CLARE Co,, Wh�lessl& drugo roots of the plants, and in the latter the inevitable 4_4g(mizing death without gigto, Montreal, G"21 NO 11% UE DIEHL 6 1872, latter the roots are so crowded that the -net a fluttcr� The Mahly, Nyho, cannot- be 1. Woott. itonns.—Wooly horses are -Au t I cannot obtain all tile noyrishmont Choy induced or compelled Ect. rgoo iockefts, rare as many suppose, not Kuch great curiosities Cabinet Tdaker, Vpholstercr, g parts of the country but; we doubt it they will The- Goder.1611
are onpable of consu ming. dither, there are inafig to be found in varioas Ile tranquilly as Casiblation, ; and .dieA, . . U0 S I N SA L E The mode of planting and, oultiviltio,1 Elio Chiogalose of tltg co wo, * I .1 � . b.ndi y., an
ng, w1jo will' ovpr I)kove AN Valuabld-to their owners &H tb,6 ohe, with a large number of the beat atiltivs, fight nobody ox1illilted by parnurit; we lin4ho their Owners 11111%. IvIthout tho U011 iii crossing their fields w 0 d6ath ..WA(baut would c6flAidbil them illitre valuable' e D -in F og to Infornt tha, publio thftt�tlloy are p rqtroll to tupply lichea aoep.. The thfit'tho horse is not in s. healthy coh- Ifurrows- six or more i ith niffrinor lialt Fiailop ooly state of the; Mir — I *1161, ler this tough ldof tile old typ"t who WOUI(I faueAny. 1114111tes to idtliningthailks (0 frlaftils md Ong. Dol n0ng ta tile 19stato Of tho sets are dropped At 11,14 ctoffaingg and [hitij eni-thly INA* a (lon-probably bids-bodlid, or suffering from letuAtt JOT f4vorit Atue6 Attkytin", it clitstou, f �?, :e&_31 3�i N C�Xw 3 01 S4 Ar 1BOIXAMIX8 bat, Mate dlAeaso which odeftdons thi's unlAturil aw yakGAo*o1w:b"1 i1111110diatelY Covered With about two� at In stibli cases too Darlu.v'oi Comiltinn probably tWloo its thlioli fear of death its nobee Of Rail or comr-olt. Tile viinoa is tito cultivated wenl4n, endrro: owilers and, Arablan 1160ve Il inedy, it will .1hey grow are 141led lip 1111kiry thee �Jood correct tli�, ro. Ingib alid , � I M , 11, e -P IL -91911e, -Y), ilinve all obstrUot (Pilo frodi'the lung S T 0 R WIT11 0 N dolithby it deadly bVel-atioll 1, 1plourp Grls� 011d, Saw Mills, 'Shadj -Shi
0 1, SIME TIC I LL frequently to a flijal ).,eight a twelve to �,�Ov . I ei idid; 0've to the! roat,x sloek &lid Ahining appoar- MA011ineg
�,ob fsi�t iollio presehoo- 61 .any noisy . uAt6 Cold A(161, Willies), tillifill utowl. 110OP Ma6hines, &o;, ghteen inchear Theii largip, btoa(l , - Retacillb6ir tile yliun�i And hoo that tile Aud would r6spootially %ok ita bho mrbo, for 1% Ulasi. I - b I dnSpanish of'-' 1006- i (A Hutil Cb. is oft e4oll pa0Q;1 fht! Ift, f� ;tnt Alontbl, of trio Moral, Ovarian Vila I 11 Dud Wd bills are m-ade, using all t o a I �betwepll nee hir11UM r who a of, himself dead rather thah P ' tn, N*ewoAatle, Ont,, prn�)kfo. lr6nj oilm 1-116uphat
the rows. Lyint 11613-fdaill q tuthin LOU NG M. whidt, f1r, durati ut$ .0064A, And dil disomog S with 8topl 11dard, Ganu P16iiihs, oialtfttors Tro2-N. V 'I I 11 * - , khown ag Pern Ott 119AV * And , Zottloi, - GrAtO Y341,90 &C.1 "a. r6f)o torg for I 4161d by'All inediol 10 40a orq, laid 601,66ft, na.Wlrilo Ale NVOakilbi% - #Xboy tie pt6pavul A,dor- . 90 ore Storo Mine rtnd SULWO,l grotost We, ander the porroaAl gapor. A Detroit widow ow reApondibg Story-404ht 'Public" kontmIly wIll to pleagod to no- Um6t.. lit6iri�, 6f no And occupies halprogriotove, of Oray's Syrup of 01 -11, P11810111a Who lift# MAdd hinalt dig. a cottage under the shadow of a church ensign, joitlad, Word this Uvot Sikh cm. rarele fmiltaq6 AM 76TA., Wol Atady, for many, youts, im(I tie, uth � )26tllar remady Jer-01 irarhta6ft, ioul ung fibylo bat ayA 'P A X S' At A'D H T 0 0- R 1) *14 stoolile whiall, in Ruppoeed to be in &Q. paigh, *hO Wdilt k6 hig cominanding' 01. S T affooti6ho -it-nit vg q
rolat, ko V0, litid Wit hini that lie arger 01120'af Igor of falling when a highVind blows, f, ovitiflot, ond D Jul Ibir's Coal Yard �g' Store Rouse, ldopout m shd IaP Old lithl Or fleo(V A196, IrOVAittl Uan Owhigi, nit, 1.14okim1di, MA, At midnight a row nights ago, when tl10 could not, flido, the, Aboti that lio thould 6 article to, sell At Vt Oontd, Atid fib It wind blew fiercely, alto got lip and drcgg. dAgeada, mmselt, Atia suit resign, M th,lds, yaoltly tittgo quaptity 61 'thd a nIa lic 46bo df.11arjor ntrlig R, 111310116t iliZO; A 661$Siddi'AblO 11141166MOtit 1h !, 'nag Short, X Hee, ed, called the children up and dressed ralativei tomfl6rted him kindly t014 Irob oiTot6tI, to donsurdat's i6 putdim it, Boo that airl by all brugghto .96400 and" all In themOtOthon folded hor arma'with he wita only b4tvOug, Abd thooklib lid' You�g4t th6 g6tillinof �OZZTTT oil Prieb, ono box, $1 . Alk boj% $31 At -lit by 11,411 01 t'hen, if t11A had abotIml lite rdllrol but the lad, alt,h h Unit &6, orps, tafn ecuraly, the remark :-it Now t 0 loeswirg It TWO VL,., (MARY) 1:'q fall btrlod from ob.,,ory4tioll, Rteepla falls and kills' hioppoa but of the t0t, - A& himelf 1411 VoYAga:t6,tll4,I)6&d 86A found A hugo An-] In tile confro partWillarg wrlto for blir us, people *iff villAr thn Votflin, Ua Wil Pend Ill a nealocl .know that w(j wi throtigh (lid trititi, iftVitig death ratiser or skit all ti o, obom , atid tho Atab8 tit formai him envdlofta to ally AddrLpe any -ro it rospoetable fAillily It wXwes ;,116; At our pirb,wa, are rollell )t0pbastittap dourago , t doubt It, though we h4vo uolieslt* .01mT'. Sol, how, 0(orge, yoll brush Up yet)? ill, I Ov Ill! In at&r JL aodtotA Air A littlA Morn, And Sara)), you tak t tho best Uilng to pura to,ldil, a 4k livas 16tig liwli bat i little Nore t t4at# Jho tilittlom, Tiallr0glo, bowel 0,41 v$ sal. Tgo Fraer, nill bo "I'Veot, -111bitab Ana pill it blip fool, off tho stora Ad lie it, *11114, ovaly hiiin inty. ba oflala thhtho n A Mfg 11, 16gn, tfia hyleat,
01ir collar more tfj tho left'li 11013r,"UT WINCIMAXI MOM a thilb W V111114) elifil %A, ill it, 11% J U T OPENED' T-0 DAY I1JT;J10N` liO.1 SATX BY - OXr* 0 neon rV the 0140o 0� VM