Clinton New Era, 1876-04-06, Page 27
Ng Axot vmj$04 by ptotoodim torte wouid 40, 10tTJt44.t,4*J, T " J,,C(j A Ink 04 IA
.,4k Of w4o 041. A?* st I Vol A DIAV, NMI; 0AV
;to 01401 , OW. ,
crease OQUOUMP
'it it ill Two Ilu on in a
if At J. 4, NOW$ tion I, but aggrently he did
n6t'soo, what, would cortawY hav4 boon A The Vonaa!44 Free-TrOors. can oat�ar. It id reported tlAst ParmlintA 110 press n4ro(l Viij 'Alt
0 . Mqwa�, J. 17polla 11 livy Are am 04 by AU,
body laRt, weak. ppera loft Ilam
k All# AT**k ry lvgi h 1,0 toctigillot 11 has re, roguo(l Olt the I., th, last, ploy
-0% vo cal deduction, thO high prices pue isit well 44 qInt-voto' It -0 1 0 4 QQ AND 11104,n X146 X vans, in the Town
a, And, - spring show# for 94U4 otook 1VIII JI ll this turned to town for tile' practice of hio pro. Am4loau firm..
WANTON from, any otbgr ipau4o would. peoeoiarily In the RQuo nt 40
during the race sod to buifl 1l, tunfiel 1104cr
A , Qrs.44y), avooing, It is propa
Pro4ucetboaameef)"Oet: Notwithstondius Won a onto to the motion to lie hold Ila follow$. fession, and will bet folln'd At 1114. Old OfflOO IAWVeUoq bVtWQQU jvl�ntroAl alld, M. 1100114 -,ra of Lou, -
A Aft amea4m, 'k
0ento r-AsT. 00440 'AMST, ES04 Nvowalwall, PODUArook W6440044y, Ara is. Tun Swoozo.—Tho, Bighand .0ounnon oulluronitreet. Alt oporAt.1061411441104 1 li "a Other v6c.
tho commercial depression in other coun. go into committee Of8upply have succeed. stand. 'IOU urofe" A wish 0 be taxed,'J
'West Surou, at i4with's Hill, huradiLyApril 8. 43 - VO
U00 AT, At. 'the schools of this town will (:logo for th Best, pvooiptIr,%4oad4Dil- to .1 ple, .90,48,to 6i
tries, which in mAJ4,to have, �booa tend Cause oVwoz 04in stophou and V40"o, ot Xxotero Tlitlr40YAr AV01 Is'
'I. . wqxUnois a04 vrlIUv4- evils at t I "'t hdli4v,�i oil Ttleaday next.
00 xi rl an AV 14. a to, filsouis 'pu�slio matters Ij
ion) Our ex. 31doe 61 t a po toy of hursday, smashing
10, 'R.60 V. - Pretactiob.' The f%r;. UR'sgils, Wrautriv At' F 08 -r -lib aro'no busy 4vory, Belleville, QuT #,$5001 � especially tho
4 the 40 r9osiou ill, tile. Domin quor trAllio.
1.00 Ps x. ullot At 6046 K IUNI(IRATTOIT.�—A Oeotivo.of ilia Huron marking oir nrId selling their pow opring worth sof ouottra nuk!
in price, not mois, A thoif rapt 04, 4,4 PrIl 10. bagglea,.
Porto. b either fallen ofr esentA.6y4s, are o4peol, out I QTo .g ta naM041, Admil 3401100 -while,
9.40 P. 14, 00fort at fox 11 0. Immigration Sooloty will, be held at. the )love not liad time to writo I A ividowor pained Napoleon Prevent,' Of rock 6440t, Toronto, i4it4w
3. cep in A single lostance, 'Ally loyel-hWed, And emphatically 44300 a& Ina a , goods1batthey eatlomp
k of as their policy the I oat truths so clear that alt. VII 01. ItW1114064 mmitroal, shot himself through, Cie lu"940 on "" " wask set U oil by. throo ruirmilo
a),) IV ote4 chiefly by the lao 84
natitit Oil lot
whi a ot Un.ves At 2., Pe. 111. i
t appear, however, 'but !it the, meantime, WOduesday. , V da 111, Violent y boatoll I'lo-kea,
is, 40inand in th V4ite4 StAtoo. Thip ohowa it, is inexplicable I At people n A 'sale itegistor. - - - - I , ilroquittod love wpa the exulle- kuy, cluvooinlauot', F,
at *tied that the aauso,, or caulles, of the should deny their existQ44-that when DXS�Txm -The Presbytery ouritoulers will, find tile 777 store wellsup- Earl Monday inornin4, a braliQuiati. namq4 and robbed, aud
to be, sough more olleaply than you 0411
Va%. m4ed, crisis Are t for, ititernally And �Jr. Gay, one Of tile
yoo can buy of Huron,`wIll meet in Willie Church;' in 'plied with goods. Ajax,
V Arm oi th, a bdo T. 11agyard, lot 20, Istely balk
allied, Gay,
twright re m4 port, And it Tups lot.) NIMIONART AURTIMI.-A moctillq IVAS "("0.
0 00 is.w 7 011aq, not ovornally. - Mrs Car nufa Oslo firm of Ir 'Co.
pture, it in better to !in I Ith coo,,, Hullotb, At j;ondeoborp, on �16A, this., town on . 44Y 1" at Olip'tbAl.a. w. 05k a Oil the"(4reat
7 0 7 00 lext"the
olthor this, or is u ell POO-, days. April 17, 4,t t p.m. Alsoletissaud A ing for
'014 -1 held in the Presbyh;rlan oixurgh on Tues.
]3Br1'AVg ...... ittoo, the responsibility of nwise And unjust to tax pinata Ia at 11 a, in I f
T1 I ... .. 7 05, 004. J I OWSQ `Wroy Hiou Sotroaz,--�-Tha, trustees or day evening, ill connection, with FronQh Admitted to issui
910 for th ple to euxleb, the twentieth. -N. Y. Paper, in L QsWiiT 44 If 1), Aucl.
IMlibiouo . ...... 744 tile former Gover'll.mbnt a inflation and There is r�aldiog ill 0olliagwood with his tent of, 02Q,000,
........... and the diott Farm stock, 4%, of Mr. A, 0. Ora�on, lot 24, th�o High School
00 29 ooif that, in 7 Illave followed", Are. calling. for t944ora,-lo Canadian IQ4vailgoliz4 Ats, it youial; iiiall nineteen yoars of Agoi taken e9ftlast him,
tioq.- T
81 A . he attendance Para
9 Ia 49 This is, ind9od A., now 400tri Q. We bad In, one of his letter; from the 19th con., Hallett, on 4 th, be received lip tonoon of thq,218t; inst% was. not largo and was. 'only, Well developed And, ivell formed Ia bQay-g who 0 Z,1C 4
.4 pril 0 At I p. ins
-Addressed, by U, U4, y me
0 00 r.w, 1410100P.thought; that the Government qf TAg. Howson, A homas O'Con
1100 J.5 the r4oy Ottawa corresporldQut of the -HA, not, for the erection -of a, now, High School Rov,, X. G. Manly, nearly an the local luln. at T
tli� Do inion, as well ni all other liberal ffiiltQn Aq�les gives the roll WvreSir. VillagePr6perty, help,& a.-bAll lot 21, oAAlf building. iaters being Absent froui tosy;i. The Roy, It is understood that Mr. G. Brown U40 sue- (lent of coleb
NQATU. "Win orend 0 goo4qd in selling Bow Park', atJWMA Vd, and ter, 04 her
loveranionts, were ran ousible'. Pot 61317 4ohn to leave, public lite, tiler" is no, one lot i 21"j-444 IoWll a4d. $, in Lon4caboxv, on, GETTIliG 1�1$A;Oy._Oft Saturday last Alr. gautleman gave An aoopgt ot-th
is for t T, 00004. Of these on whom It Ili orgaill;Ing a joint stock company I% carry side, He
, r or %
heir acts, but. fortie a Tn. an Straith reraqvp th oil. r,.v4ts, and %v 'k done by tile Society, and at the Con, the busliteov of short hora brooding. oxpirqd I
4 OOF,44 7 4110.14, -tIe might, fall, except I)r. W04 esday, 11th, inst., At 1 one Qlolook,p,
, 4 . 0 V 0 ol
010 11 or, act$, if tli6, operation of Any particular. Toppers ' He. might be 4cepted As londo in, All are cligibli oltuatod, auA good pro -
EXETER ........... otherla ianQeo use4 in the 'a,
0 45 It 00 01inton Cheese clusion a collootion, was talc n lip in its be.
............. law or in party, 4o. Howson, Auctioneer. Ppl
BRUCBFIELD� ........ 7 00 12 26 P.M. st4ution hag proved Oiil or domagA of the Opposition, and lit his way might do Mr. Then. 14;omoll, of Charing 'Crogs, hag A
Faotqr�, to Blyth., where he inton4ii c*ry- Leloostev owe lbat ban had alic L hambess Within Mennonite
......... 7 80 'r I 45� ing to tile interests Of the, community, it is' IT for he is howl find shoulders, out half'of lot No. 3$9, Albert streak C in. - on t
very well Is 1). 1 m", . being Ing 1. he morinfo4gre. Of.@hQQsQ, a year--iftat year on til
. ...... 8 us 9 lao surely, tile bounidanAnty of the. Govern- above th; nonentities, who sit Around hiln, ton,i on $aturda at
q. 8th. last. o 12th of March she ba, from It of 6Q,
lid con- 'th. a
roPLQrtie$ has been maclo Wtwoon Mr. bad three, and,this year on the, It, lie had, familtes, whio
........ ...... 825 to. alier or raillove it. if that be not the `;,-It is. well a rPRIC a of St. J?A Un. to V All also,
. ........ 8 50 A U 0.1 but were the Qonn ever to have need of one-eighthof an a re ATxvz,-Tbe India lills 01 7
IV RYAX, L 46, J41s Mahn , of the Loii4on i,oa. 4 RV
.itraye .... 11180 writlyolknated, D, Dlqlinson, Auct, Church last week presented the Roy. Dr. ... . d, An thr.eo itioro. arrive, e4rly in t 0 13344; . And a io� families
tr1.1 Mr. A. M li;'14cdy ; the former glyin Ilia . About 4 fortnight ago Mr. Peter Xeffe in Dako
OsSo repponsibility is 4 sham, anti the I% sery I party to 'Von
QtA lie mat or he . ices of . th onse wall with lis Purge of $1;0.0, ga A token of settled Ets will joi
NOTE.-Mixod trains run: zio;qi On 'sooner wo, Undei nd t It It manage its affairs, it* would, hasitat( hough 11 forL.the lhour r
day,eand wriday. p h LVllg And flock, Alt faKm, in Taoltersolit; 11uron there. n their brothrort
t botter, ThcbAnl�s, now t1tey have shown' 11alickoly and Fatal Accident. affectionfrom friends saviod fifty cordo of wood in five hours, and a
ur y, Mail,every day. tha time liefore, it would aacelifille. dinebarge but A short time hare this. gontlemax t
And oa meal, mill bQlonsiug to t1aa @sta,
t they can And have abaiO4 their pri- a. has to of half p 'the farm of Mr.'Geo, UAusbill, lot 15, The do4th of ilia Rev. MrI McDougall Ilufl
1, X
of them at the, hands.of the member for Oil Friday, last a. most lamentable a the late X. B.. Rocey. Mr. 14huffy ',has couk 6, Grey. The wood
vilikeo:; have -no indefeasible tight to. the Cu ri�orlalid .40 lid scoured a host of friend Ind vYJtiQj1 was dry, was the recovery of the body is condrmQ4 by a
cellar. Ontario would fro- Reloua, Montana,
nee of their obarters. I nor ought not, listen. . tQ. the propopitiqn. Throughout rat I til awident o6qurred in this, town by the �ppdar to. be well qpplieoitt.16 as piled an
11! contil d taken Possession 'and, secured the flor�/ mass tologrAm. Tooeived
of Mr. Erwin, ilia late lessee, Ao oarr Mr. Alchllist6ir, of 40hall, recently P go, was lost in a storm About
01"1111011 Rew era they lina vouning Away of @6 team bQlonging to Mr. TY Farix6rs and others t � I . 7 On
der any qiroumstance4 to, be Allow- - hot length an4 broAdth, lie has "Illost 11. 11, 11ousms.-I -doubt a libariil share. q - _nt off wm 25tb, and
twitivao. i because be would 11ot his body recovered tWWee)44� afterwards,
Goo, Miller, of,.,Gbderi Township; It shouldi without fall, -tie their horses whon The first PoNVO Of'hift 1030 reached Ontario
ad to rob the oo6itry ofthe capital Allich fortunately for bimoQlf" a�quirdkUe repu- ell. a, tra n on the, G, T, It
.0 1 through t I heir t . tion of 0 is� At patronage will be accorded him , pay What a tiolcot-picher demanded, has had, ug
jq9§osarily Acoraa4L to tJIoJ_ appaim they , first storted near the sta, it is necessary to 1006'thafil, standing in thro
a new 9 rookless, and axtr&VA- Itioni but *ata abopped,- And -than K remittQa Alto apology sent him by the h Upiltana, not Manitoba,.
J1.HURSDAY,! APRIL 0, issues of uqtea; If people profdt banking gaut in his statenterItel, And VeTy little Con' while i L he if' this is not done they will be F. J.'Aagarty for. Ilia fare
no a profosoion, let -them loan the! Ing some arrange Aue, and as we nic - off I of the r t a stated, tllo,loqal p
trick! inent about the sleigh liable to a alyassistant High School, teriollovilem, lolab oad. in _a�oru that A oaa
r own fidenoa would be plaoddin, him, Buttliere tiley have nolir a very
became unmanageable, And Again ls3iOW'b7n'W'V-16'T'f6 Win town, and inteh0s. Mrs. Rank p, of, the towtship. of Wainfloot" of ki nap in OoZurred at B4 iperson, Alanito.
c-ilil 'Depression money, aml not that of the,- p4blio,- In POPQ active constable. they will hardly docape the
i,$ ;ib one to take bispjaco� Mr.
Facts R U11119 to COIllmel' free froul, the sleigh penalty if they oolcmj� tile offello"' ton which � has laid � thirty7 aggo, 04 n,
0 '- 'L . L. . I - * ohly Ono 111c,Iof issue, i4.ftrtod, getting with sppnding the 'Raster It lidays among liar Monks 00 AY evOl3ing, Ali Amerioati. do.
Ili the Dominion and ower Countries. 4Q4. not 4inount'to a row of pins as 4. call,- . . . 0, - sine Jan. Isf, hatched And brought out'�me sarter no a Sobillo'r fyas Pursued And, . CA I P.
th.e wbiftletreeo attached.. s they. were! numerous friends here. r m . 'The American of,
and, that,is strictly linder V a control of at,, and n, in half a row as tured at the hotel there.
Qt Uoh more than MuliTwo or chickens, which are 611 Alive, and lifts cc,
coming past thd'post ollica, ir.sleigh, be-
ial tho, Government. L I -To now. bank of isotie �Afqllower. *Mrs Langeiin is is the West 'thin 'Place
entirely too., tInstead -y editor. of License Commimionera, 'to Oc011l)i0d inanced to hy. a'gain, The chicleo are.three 0 - A
Of Out Oustomat 10�gin to MIT. John Mnroe, A Tuoker-m
an be United Kingdom,mte so the pulpil of theilletropolitittl ell'
0 tartea in the nks R tlip .,Utah, To- wOQJc6ojd. hjgid� Revolvers were used;
Rdiing,Are; rr
matter we give place to tile following can the-isgues of papo'bo increased.-' in which. was himself, wife and son, to meet for the p
e . people. :Pr. Robitaille be ible-t ilij-,36ir-ind wife oftting in, fronti and one of gr ,, tin cortificat . a% to los P r� ront6, on, Monday evening last. A Tofofito man named ordap wont,to 13af- was procured for. the arrest,initbo�
latt 'r,- ft om X� vertheleps, �prioes do increase, from other guide� the destiny of Ft dish.;fo�8terX-JIi5. ids ta, ill out lie noes tinder tbo alld 0 L foKo it coulil be served he had escaped'across
forcible And well-written 'Tl says ;-Ty1r; 9&r his
4 going It,
63,stains of credit, wbi self ori A -stove, the soif driving, wit oil e Myna 1. talc a tow days Iagb, the Roo. The affair qrc�ted considerable ex.
all Jo an incalculable lit be. art inet., Clinton on P, S:, IlsoL boon c mywinics,ting with 'he friends received an intimation that bei had
the poh of, Mr. R. Suiloy, which 1111- digestion being apparently goo in t1l.6 opposite direction, and the youth, t�votnmunity, a onjild one hand yond that Ilia abilities ate limitei . These. 66 an gham, on the 26 h. Minister of Eduoatoiou.', Hen -Adam Croolca committEid suicide by p6tooning himself, an
Advertiser of it adulfts of profitless undertakings, and . seeing1lio team Approaching, attempted to . . I
peared in the London are the sole leading sUrviyols-of t to slaugh' t I& of -the by -turning hisr horaea1d -go rranged, to hat -he had left, a will,.and several letters for- - Xf08001 eOlnillitt6d lit Warwiok
PuBTo Xpnwxo.;�At therequest of ft and the latter ritleman has, A
on -'A' preitplit.o. C uraption b� 'tar'. of 187A wl' ofIt- go bt th tis Toronto Wends, tovisnihip, about seven nilles. tiorth: of
tfi� right, bill; uhfortuilatcly one of his number of the ratopayors, the Myorst, has
.a Huron Anger at, Waitord
iiolt'relagated m iy tion.
the*greab t4as of �opple throu 11 the N. .81litling liabis �of the party t a m6nexb session last. Thuraday night., At about twa�Q,
. I . I I �.4 1 its in Clirit6fli May, next A.young mail naui�d Qoorga Barnard, of
oreasd of prices, Xotwithstohdin 0 it shades horses. partly fell, . and so prevented his oallod� a public moeti�g. to be held in ilia O'clock tWo Poisons, WOPOG'94'to,be men; ai.',
the sentiments Ileroin expressed, and tl'080� 6fpUrgAt9iil11-puniahiUeIIt, ; I '� to -morrow (Friday) ovenl4g, at London, was 4illed last Fridaybight oil flao tired in female clothes broke in the,
I , lig'sufficidtitly It . , Haviner seem rumors
-ions to. gll,. the 0 na7 inovi, 0, give the others a, Town Hall, of tho appointment house bf
facts, which are obA ort Stan way,. near the e them t,) all interesed in tLe' -so, � As goo lar's horses halr-pwf� sev'en,: for the puipase of discuss- of,,T, S.' tb the''posi- London and P ey iiii! mAnnamed Xonahan,'lt is stippos 4 With the'
commead clear Cole Crook bridge, 1b. i d. Ill
Indefinite "If more bf Bible ale alities were reache4.tlie ale attaining -to the erection of tiot dgo of'Weatw6rth, wo in ... 0 suppose tat inton0orl of'robbery. konahan4i
ra once arose.
Parenthi- increase of money. The hpologistq for.the I or ok the'oppothinity, on meeting in ired t 0 ' tied.' but *-ithout,effe
Well-being ot the cauntry. ian bAnking law admits eall, i
I igh they, jump. d Clear over ng matters p i of iNinty Jv the train Nvas passing the bridgo'be went
-preached, we abould.ilift soo'so many switil- it, striking Mr, Munroo on a side and Via proposed High Soh6o. Ev y Vote-- to' out and f,
that M.0 of' bank pupgr havro alwaya.. as. ter payer pon the platforIA and fell off,
callyp we might here ramark' lers brought out of the Mothadisit. 40 Qt1 at, ll& eb;li, lodging in d
per thanpld @I, silver,, o knocking him out, breaking i ii side an should be present, st, Cathatrines', on' Moriday,, of' onldirill'a They the he lower
sumed, that it ii; cbea On
0 -erwise so injuring him that -he. tiever- Smu.-Mr. as. Hunte for soll)a as to its truth, 'abd wazAold t a VorX,:aqT0Yg see; irt of, the abdiinimi Ho.diedjau�-fwur.ilfsl�
-bad -wag dent-66cuire in x sawmill At. DeilQs. - Mr. Wound, It
think it would be a Capital idem *if Mr. -b6mise; asJ10yeaid, gold'and silver th hat -iii. t 6 having acocpted the-appoirt. was inflie ad.' No clue to th
This is thd'scoighing language of a pro moved Again. He carried into Knox's 'time einpioyad 44Q correct, It 7 . a par
tL0 to be ptichased by the exchange of other, was, Waterloo House, has oss was. engaged in attendin one of ties �who perpetrated -the crime.
Sallpy would lecture througholLt labor, which wittiont Mothodist-olergyman,mado in pre-- hotel, where 110 breathed his last in A few start ment, . The obunby sustain. a foss, ill
no doubt, is. -true in certain ad for himself, in ther gromy ;tie, in the a*soutting some logg,. Nvben. y some,
Province, on.Political Economy, a, 46nae, of-Ifis clerical minutia. In jumpino ovoi tile sleiih, the the building lately. . econpi t by-31aasrs,, Mi A Hamilton lqdy lost her ��piqiia tho'other
I . cases. Biii-they'sbomed to forgat,tbit the brethren*, ila directed - �! but we c4nnot meaps oii6 of the glanks, slipfied, shikinglilin
-well arA arglImplif on them Whetbqr lic)rseisestrack -the atoya and i6ashed it to Robi & Le6, here be 'help cc lqting hidi UpbU his ejovati6n� fil,tho 6he � A' re I . day; containing a $f bill, tow strebt oay.
ell tilb lip will keet�..on hand a ek lid aking, both ja�s.
jeot Upon which he Jto tickets and some loose change., OnFri(layalle-
11unt- to thd Tile long, atid extensive
-vernmeut--was tho-iset; If pieces, frightening t le horses of Mr. un- select stock o family groceries. Mr Ozi Thitrodry zkfternobn, as Thomas Heard
,or of the paper. receivbd a letter b
handle's in a-m-ist masterly manner seen ;. but, Rbv, Dr. joe, Cauging tual to run. avvayt alld As the at' is -Wall. abd favorably kiiown -in this practice -of his profession whicho.,has an, y Post, returning the lidiso
in any event, be 4on of John Reakd;-of St..Thomas; -Nvarinsidez; 'd,,OthO)�-ooiitento"'(OxceptiYlg"tli�6badlr the baii.ka iss'ue it., thpexp6nae to the com-, an
Adams should -not'rest satisfied with his lines bad boon - knocked front youni.KUU- -neiglibbrItcoa, All oulyt Will joyed, well quality hiiih f4ir the dfit!".es"Wat
In taking %it extended vie%y at ithp mtinit� is the same, as the banks take a ) d we bavd-nd d alarge brick even, whieft: theymere -building, -with the following -note, writteR in.. -good
flist. effort. He must agairi shako iiP tile. -act guide hozii.'. They do'-welL a a
present condition of the various couimuni- proportion, out of every'* man's pocket. roe's hands, he could will devolv upon him; lie was. n9arli,oruslidd to dentli by Ithe top of iiand MADANZ.-I picked tip the- a
But members of the Confernce, and shake them 'till -straight for thin office,. And as wewit- RornrtTy ,TAn Copeland
tiA of the worldi we seem impelled to the this, its we have intimated,. is the least the , him: He Was got Out -purso. on the strdot �esterday,ajild return it to
th -abu, yet agaiii, till lid oces the proper fruii nagged -their appioa6b, llought As colli About toli'minutes. roboery is doul - th
univar Pfthoevils, ItAs 0 se of, their pii; up Olen hah purchased, the property known as the t on, less a .$4 bill found in it. For o pres.
at- two Y of his'struggles. Iri dealing with 'the ser- Wit ortu- �Brewer farm," situate in. Dinslay Terrace, ant I ke'ep-it and for the following reasons
and radicilly ivrong in s8cial or political vilegos that has, within the Ia care; h it was unavoidable 'butL.they
I of the Church .86rvice,,Aligr ust 'One of the Halifax bakg which bas'severil- Ih%vb bberi'dut of t sinaetho, first
caused Pn &-tho- field river. emp oymen.
arrangements ; an so uiliversal an outery of An lot mense,'nui�ber bf people to be zing Pot nately'veared sufficiently to the left to ikilins4iately 'boiiin ot'Lodge r
0 ention. of bur�lari
There are f Y house! sta- a 4n
Rev, Dr. Adams argued that the style of' lear, the building, And ion the sleigh,part- holdit nual session here on Tursday last,' times qx0origriced th -,att of June, arid WAS to tally out of money to sij�.
hard times and depression in trade could oqd�en tleres with A,
ic tinle Was. too I ei&t lodges beingrepreseutea. �Afterro�tiue h PI
-a happened under any other cir- sands of bankruptcies. - Mr Cartwright ad- h an, placed its v:auItFj in communication with . y familywants, z It may be a4rov'ldential
hardly hal, preaching ofth iigh,imd in- Ij into an7 bid. cellary Where thpywere stop- ble, and sn�illl orchard ..illerbon, -for wh'c buijass, the.followiti resolutions Were adopt- the police sta 90
lnitte&� in "budp% spp6ob that the unroo and )ter sonwere here. tion by means of it telegraph with natome' I will consider it'no such auT'as
a. Surely with all the inip ltollectual" too full of icleaC6 auil plliloso- "pod-., ta.,M he:paid $860.0ash. It is consideKed-A.Very io,do petition the Goun- electrio beMI;- and he least ampei:ing with sooh- F8 I'got into, employin6rit again','d - ill,
qpmstance rove- phy; � We shall not controvert this point, �4 :-11 That this. L6dg . I . - I
inents in machinery And locomotion Tn'd banks were not wholly guiltless, yet they thrown Pot, but not injured.- A jury was olkeap purchase. -by-la,� to the people the safe, dodia will bring -a lip of police to'. rat possible spare earnings, send,
zy Council to submit a W' but we -mays.say"thai clergyman. who desire 6inpannolled by.Dr. Aeove,,Corouqr, ind
in all the methods of production, hich had -boon welbipanagod, and of courqe�AF Mr; lolin B'. lea has sold* hi's -house near for -�urp6se of hdving,.the Duncan Act the bank, you.the sum for th
Oy 0 1 th6`
style would -d6 'wall to .-all inquest.was held ollon Mill, to Mi opr sent k . apt by me I .,n-Tiaz
prassecl in th.e.C.ounty of.Huxon ;?Ialsosr, it3zliht
have takell-4.1ace within the last century, r6 not to 'be interferrod With, They have. to quire s good 1, but ilothinj further . (ho, Wb Cantelon, ar'-v -the Campbell diibroo case, which has been
study that. of the, beat newspapers. The than what we'llave given above elioited.- for the stim of '$800'pash. Mr, *Boles in. wo, comrauili�n,td With all sister lodges in. the
the econd'inical condition of ilia world no doubt, most of them at least, paid to L )at influential newspaper writing of the The deceased . was An ola,settler, and with h us in o, gen- before the pouria for three yeaia, and -whioli A p4per lit the lower Province gives ought to have been iiinch better ilian it their shareholders -very handsome divl m' tends rprao.ving to Forest, Whore has pur- County, askij* t)iond tb meet twit
daylo:�Plhii;, strong,. clear, andirecti and a d' 4as just.been. heard before'. a, parliamaptaTy. luwfiiilas a news itoin, but *a consider it as
ve brothers., �,00k Up: a large block of, lan . dhaoed:a store, !A!kd, "Fit -klo -Vitit bu8i- oral, convention with, a, :Acw to agedr.taining,
appears t6 be at present. If, indeed, we, dends for,tlie capital'ibyeated, ind some ; I committee, han' been thrown out A a Pretty good yarn: AffiannamedLa"IlgleY
have arrii r of then), as our n6khboro woulds, no6 eAst of`trucelield i6me-
,ad at that opoob. at ihioll labo a,tbave it airug. to brini. about pra6doal.resuits. It. a,sh6ri dista . .1 1 . nessI. as far as possible, the view of the temperailee 0 ampbell, of NVhitbk, clifindd a divorce on the Ojit to .0 an Ing.
,ovide sufficient food, raiment, from time t' in not a nire,display of rhetoric, erudition-, wh6re about forty years: ate, t one pp- w gee a
Boeing a moose on acannot pi: 0 tim &-iva tered' their stock, to. WtLCO.)JE, BUT -DOVZTLt3S U99.XrZQTEl) , people 6f the County, with reference to makidg- 'ul' of agulteiy, but the only'crime, proved the opposite shore, he flied,
0 the temperance p,;trty a aiistifict political party gro I is rotei�!A
logic, Or Imagination, for their oWn ake ; r'iod he li4d been:asailor ofi-aur- I gainst h wife won. tbat she w.. poolly" au&j At the game, moment; a porpoise 1eiped
and fuel for the inhabitants of the planet, keep'down'their dividands'for feat the pub- �ue ta�as Nyack- a. lady, resi' -as th6bast means to s4oura Prohibition." - A. otters �7 1. . .
I is not all exposition of more theories';A0 taken, having command6d saveralvdasels, deni oi:i place not far from here, 4iad conceit-wai givda'in the, evening, �6y to, a young frQm
then there is 'no hope but in the reduction lie fibould think they were somewhat too ' - . Aaln..- .. . , . , Alie,-wa�er, And. the bulloWltilled.both-11;
object. ii not to put pe9ple to sleep, or to cotisequ ad
of population, which in a Christian country not, have bedTi�,honestly hot -P ation whiW daIftege, udihigbt qnce was commonly -9.411 casioi! to tako a trip on the' CriiiIil(t Trunk -a of tlr(rB,Iytlr eadilig'Associ i -of-the number of rupt stocks -Tlle.p6rp.9lse. ficitte(L to- 'the—
of e 'the best. n shore, And. the hunter used, it as a fiftio p
y take place through misery and �emhied; Tile folly -a Country like the bei� ,a '�Pn ows-, captain,. He Ieaves & large family,- and A Railway.: �Arriving:at,the qt4tion she wad well ttended, the performers b6ing *rap, sol&in: Cangda :during -the past ton months Ado
0,Ln on, inflat �' 't dle across to the moose. herobe lonxid'that
on. But if this be not the case, Dominion attempting t6. f—oiter'or- force ys�per 8 bound for* glie.'alfidlited. and startod*to wallc, turousl,'r6ceiired. The next'Isessio. oftlie- mily .1ogleaned: from the fact �th4t oub�-firm
rit,ng 0 is in 4 style that Iiijo eirole,Pf friend' to mournlas'�nt'ma T*
starvati re U ures, W 0"1 -- --Mil a 3 6 1 . - , - * the *bullet, after killing the moose,. lia'd gon
and the is still. plenty Of food, fuel, etc., trade.II4 man fict with P I _ ofWr. I lei's horse had it wn, but 14& only 'proceellud. a short
b �ofitab y ithita, a! lie,
so few, bdvan:o District Lodg� ell 0 into 4 hollow'tree,, in'which wawa store of.
Ia I, n all artery have purchased itselvent stoolis-fr6m My fs�,
to be obtained by the application of labor, tages, is ii1moBt'toe'.-absurd,10 b6 seriously Y Y. th' I a' d Under distance islieJotind it -ziocosoary'to the 2aaThursaay in une, next,
--IF Ireatme �Th 0'ac-: wli6u 'id1oney which' was'llowing thTough tho
Amount of wl
the evils that exist must arise from the lack advocated except by lunatics and proround- a i1riTIV nt� it v411 rGOGisei. top into a housil -APse by'L L -in 'loss. than has opened A 1876, to March 10bb, 1870, tb the
Ole. L rbeent death'of a youni aident should.prove to. all.thatp'thy.cann6t N.Uly P. RftIt h hole made by the bullot Veaelling for wht
ofLproper ecanomica']. arrangements in inoralit POO. 16. call only be., a' In speaking of- the 291;006, every dollar's worth ofwhic hc,.,i-
a-, ten minutes aftef leay.16g the train, alid;be- Bdot and-9hoe store iii Rooney's.old At,lid. IlAr�: '(11gposed of, ", $75,000' We' hpit0b, was otidk,'to �Jdk upi 'the hele
The co for by the . ex . wO rtli� of that
tile ly admin at Leslieville,' by the be too careful inthe nian4gematit dfhorges. iluI understands -'Os' h6 cang b % rabbit by-ihe'log� . Raiiier Airt.'
distribution of the nece3sarids of life. etho mather of' a line. h6althy child,, -.Ila is pyactieal int bu8i-,
-�od amo.unt'ivero purchased in
statesmen of the present day appear nob to and grasping- after'w4arth which seems to, -Montreal Slor has the folloviiiii :-The sp��. " Dec buried,op Mduday,ln th
v4liell 'Appeared to -be TiOIIe:0lO;-wonocf ness, and will-attand toAhe woll-bein- of the. lbd,,�'he throir it violently 1tord him, nd,
duced is irrevocably cond6tilned And ostra.� Bracofield cemetery, and his iontaina were being born, Under such Unfavorable cir7 $Olt's Of tboTeoplo of Wa nelghborl�oo sm&l1 congr gation. of `rd-- of. eigliteen partridges, killing
be p6litical economists ; they are. morls be the oharaqteristi6 of modern. tinfos. If, Who L be
his 6d, while' the betrayer Idsea no social folloWed'--thither b large, number of ventiots at Toronto, -]loved fit the'pro-
politicians that work forarty ; they ]now' through the pandcriiig to t disposition, el; y ounisiances. We wbuld ntildly.1itnt ffiction that the world. was obrili , hg to An am a
I sympathizing friends.
JV0Rkkn:8' oat iip'�Lll night until four oclock Saturday: the fol Ir -tli4. Not.
little or nothing of -economical scionce a country illood. appear prosperous for a positioif, atid�at most is regarded as a a dies that they" hd. �est liot travel, nder, la*irig oin� 0
Few of them ha�e probably ever read a time, she -will inevitably baye, to '.pa dog; iindArresistable among the women, 0 6a t1jey morning, w the. as . such cirbuinstAnces, -.ire apt to-placp hon the event wn"(1 I A
single volume, ancient oi modern, on the through A peri6d of adversity tead'� of being rated an ,i 4ishonPrable )iving to the unsbt, 'o Stinson,' of Saymolull, vomited
-as -a punish- "In themselves in a very -delicate, and nehviL. Akl). COLDS, anxiously expecting its coming. They' RWgie,t subject ; or at least, they h'a vo -not -studied undrel, unfit for asacicisdiin with decent paitiop. 'iled. stato'of -the L weather, groat nlunlie:v 01 t-d,,on till J1VO(Y�JoCk'whCU they dispersed. for undor fli6 most painful eirournstaness, a largo"
ment for liar folik, and lit the scO able
the science as the most pal"t of deStrdyL mora,capif people. In solnecil lizard. On the day was �41sit�
vles- there aid 'people.- 1�e regular bie�ating of! tile Town Coun- p6416 are a ad wfthOolaa and fevers, . their honigs, One of the Innnilicr" rather. Was-
al-Abau she: had gaitiod'
'whd� look Upon iidyentures in ilia sedVetion oil, was -held oil -Monday evening,. all'the J31ne. I QkAXOr -�-'14hoio 1@ serioni talk of a gra ing her.sick brother. (who dicd),and
tile education of a Many of by the process,, And if tlie'pioc6ps.. b& r6. are at, present -thking the'assossmont�ofAh�" Inge plicniously reminded hii-felloWe tbat.).it-Y,
-them know Absolutely I-. uf its' first pe wleonqhestsil�0 ba.plaoed to the' menit t. Minutes Of last ineet6 a being est;&ishedill-t the ]at of April.'. This is a, fact,� coulpl4neid the
line a era pres" ated,.hs in the progress of humanAisease, with a painnd sick
read and ridopto heart, accompanied
principles ; how then t!wy advocate the pi%tient grow& Weaker at ovary SUCC edit'of tbo 66h4uer6rr�-of' female vi town. :Just whell Thei, Onter, a place � of `00n, Of this A few ('liys ago Mr. N. Dodd. went out into sad- rtue "ing d" Hari- Peas
business or private house, 46proprietor o - oftba in. attenipting to sit up she'.
44gr If they Nvere anxious for in -and hii crime beooni6s Ali, additioriul ao�.. -.The report of the' Finance Commilitbe place; *hAa gob'-tho jobL of putbing� up �boiit -the *,,Od, wost of St. Thowas on a hunting
wise measu I allack ; so will the body politic be less' - command . h-ard times w6rth of barbi ftn(I houses. _fAinted. ortunatef�, Dr: 11attergon was pro,
on the subject, it might easily as are. follow' the promises is aying tit; $3000
1, to recup6raot"Itor byery succeeding -it Ha in apt to be re Ing: ill& payment of the a . t where be -gaptured a foinale fox ablit'at the time, Who
Ing acCoun ,L'.J%,,as read 'lit a greatly reduced the -val'ife. 6f proper- John 1AcDQug%l1, ashort aXp young foxes. , ifaving-,rainoved or-,
t bar' immediately administ,
looked upon obviously in the clubs, and and oil . otion, . I . , . ).''' uLjUOtjotL odapoweritil emetic, whon-tho sufferer dt,�.
be obtained, and thoy might find in books crisis. InAhe years 3.857 and"8, which Or cotirsi anintonditig time ago, hold a, tlioroughbrod Dufll:km bill ttiem to his rooldiinca lie placed t
p Inted even one hundred years ago,such war the more be -is of A rotto� the hi'khor 'be is. ad9pted -J. A for plary, come to 'Mr" TN!ooney, of.Clinton, W94"weighed we of tile Once Volil'ted, quantity bf matter,' having
ri a years dUaltuost, univorgai bankruptcy, pifischaser enter the saine'placo, iminediaic-
0 11 The real timateAloybisfellowi. ndcloos-1180. tery� deeds, order book, &c.�' $59'39 - - J
aphorisms. as tile fullowing the United States qufokly'Jr6d6vdred froUI -as L , '. 1 2020 poundo. young foxes tinder th� care of a Cat, taking 'a solii And unusual app�arauac, irltioll, pon
appi In. Went. Q)a as. an 3ty" look with 4; �condeming eye In Ociii Crolly repairinw town�hallj, James y after their departure, and he w611.111 bo:. away her kittens. The cat does not
It Iftess and prosperity of a country is the shock, and te bttho.� aiscasov's re orts; Goderich 3PPOAr. being examined, proved to be a I dead zara
OCS aa atL the -won deiful:riso in property, p
not to be obtained by the possession of though nothing partjctltarl� had happened; the. man who. is a bit of a libertine ? D Fair, timber for streets, $2.60 urpripe pays for folu. hundrod-auil tell dogs ka know the diff6rencd; Anil tr�ats them -as her of no ordinary 41Z9. Of a ,reejoi -color, rLnd'
-9 inches in 16
Cameron. law costs, $5 ; Runiball & Los. "The increased advantages ossessod by 10111P own offspring, The inalo foxicontes to Mr. ftb6n Ingitt; 'fully developed,
silver or gold, but by wiso lawe;-affd well- but, what is now the prospect? 81' a close her doors tpon hini, onift Ilia t Ali', bitolies,' lulding 841r)r) to the Dodil's house o�ory'.11igllt with food for, the f; Ri
-is. for so ve. n ind from the list of those whom she in: lie, repairing street to.ols, 05 Ots. W, Coats our town, you know, havd-caUsed the yalilL, unds of tile - t0wnShip Ono fizul lono if; f,.,a. in ip tole but in ai aliglifly decomposed' state. e , AM
directed industry. Natidt the third year of the ori0ic, there It- 0, of property- to advan�e' 'and really, I coul represcuted by tivity, anti the other- iligbt a
rat centuries sought after wealth by thn nearly eight thousi vhcs to. her..dinner parties, exclude "him ch.'rit� to Sijuires. $7.95 A. -S, Fisher, glad to lelyu tlkDt Mrs. Stinson,' though -Still
nd bankrupteips, gi jar- not Bell .it Otto cent -less'" would likely be one of Mr. Dodil'i 6h ieliens, to food them with'. CFTI
IOU Y . oftl', Jan; a lair dition, id gradually improVingIl".
discovery of 1 trom het. assemblies,, bid'her daughters Charity. to Squires, $4 Sheppard,
low countries iIi which were 'prov- ' -a-- `
ger number than in the' remark lie would be mbb with. The. The Z e&drr'staes that bit Sunday during
Houses of Imid standing aria, lo�rje capital avoid'him,* counsel her, shun his charity to, Siluires��$GAS,; ii, Shop
mines of gold and silver. The Spiluish asseiaors, however, Understand th9i 100c, colluell. morning service *ab St. 'Alichael's, Toronto,' MARRIEM
a i his-vi6esi, openly dis- charity. to - Horaells;s. $ PAd' r
and Portuiliese 4116cooded beat, Pld, th company, frown uporl 0iIpin,,$l.,Th 12:25.; Knapp, alli �jjl L L. L I - I
or'ginaltyi been forced to sU a doubtless Porf4rhi their duties ill Achbishop* Lynch told the congregation that MO1i01(-GltLU4.VIE.-0n ther'16th ult.� at
.ectimb to coti&QUanc"is ciampliI 7 As-& rule"aho Mrs. .08-SiMPB puran;1TV to�hcljolzrlirdeld Al yohn. b,
decline of both is dated from that very the inevit�ble-,Ii- di6ay of profits.,: Trade creditabl; tO-tjIoin8ojVC3L arid to Uenibar� all in future live cabs at the real
-oduce of tile cannot support 'tSolf any -more than It ..- - She' seeks Win.. I in' 25 ; U. -Brown Y den�d of the brido's
daX. The aunual pi Seduct'& Routledgo,.$3. " 1 00 llpe-yp In Via
bfL all d in .11 tores4 of the town.
mail 'ing the in. of We MQUtIdy funerals, of pool, liorsous. Alidtlit if an ddi. Y:*
tion can be in- .8110�ld'be looked,,upoil as the bs6t W. Ross, board: and lodging Ind tile Rev. R. T. Courtice; X`j. Goor-
11ppal -numbor tland and labor of any na 4AI- lift himself froiY0th%g;9A1_id bi. tile huir joy, !ter, sin I V sitho, ratepaymi of 8, . No. -1. was dcairedl1hey ill 6 not be "MOrfulk, of Minto; 0. 1116& Agnes GilIcs
at means but of base Crimea, and the Adducer no A sooun-' Braon. $1 ; L T. Read board nd Bvsmnsi, �-Duriug tholatter part of fli I , I
its value by no oth sod, but the'smount; bat� would baVo
creased in uro is tlib support. to divida oislit ketissn iato,two.�'Lald over u to be Pic, of ullatt.
by incradsing eith& the number of its pro- andjoundation of profit, a7ld trade is oiily Aral who. should suffer the fulleit'Lweiglit of' l6d9inj to 14-or-sell-kamily, 82. Z. Holmes wits Vitnessied a marked i mprove- r, it tit x C119011 -if they -weio'..elliployea inuab-be
oat W 1111C I"
social ostricism, tolie higlior low ia 'the printing, $3.0,15 ; melt in business, o*ing, doubtless, to"tho froin tbL of t1to Trauteng of th. L., 3, . t
woductive p o*wers, its. hand, hA ded. in. to the prieM's'toraFrths dead Urblild Purgaliory, Ila ai�o. sta od thab in
ductive laborers, or the I n6di ',The Attempt 6f a nation'to dxcellwit aleighilij w then had,-botter 01101inif Loulsono, theme s
of those laborers who had been before Otll- to.:. The da0ger -is, bbweifor, exactl as W. 11ailey, wood, etc., $14.1 111vild
profit by an excess of traffi6 is a apeolacIQ �80a- I der
We have pointad-Qut Societyltmay haVQ The eport of the Special Committee on. than A tha'win- tI,,go t.111 tit ef a,u,, 1810. Lettcr frow t1so 0ctIE fitturp, that unlesg the, dead'wera, brought to WA�'Ti41ki ('1inton, Oil the 4th'itist., Sophia,
ployed Notwith9t1111ding'this. latictuAge too ridiculoltis ioi the prcg�nt light of poli. I , . t.Any previous time Auxin
ioltb; Q1 anda-market -building was ter,' -but now that ilia sleighing"has'disap.
xinis sonic view in.the abs�ract somitwhat- simi it thochn h in the forenoon, thoy'wo'uld not got wito of, TUr, AV, R, NVatts, aged Go years.
is nearly a century old And the ilia tical soloude. ' tatesmen rhay, pan4or to 4 .. . pennealtyl,lovt i's tvilglilp ou tile boutld.%ry N210. I I
ilia Ignorance and cupidity of selfish ifiter- netea 0116 no punishmant. m Iread, -reconimanding co-Haln Improve- peared, and the roads being in a �ery bad 'ralittin, sen. by Mr. Reys, Mint the tbo borlefit of'. holy ju4ter or tb9 blessed tako,plag,fror",
have been fortified by the sanction of all Jar to this, but it�t P being do#o. � .11ovv- Itesive ing Wstractoa Uapukehafto $r) OUO vk)rth' Candles.
the wviters on ptlitical economy since that Cats, exaet-tho' penalty. And there are few'vletimo who have d6urage ments, provided tile lititchera occu tlie c6pditi6n, but little is 0 UX 4daturcl;4 tt % vion lis coLveLileattif t�oy ean Liu
-from whichAbere aongo, Itattenbury, at,,,, (Tiiuradayj.
time, yet,we finfl n ' ough to. bla2on their. own shame in hrder atid wAs- adopted" ever, theto: is'*ovety'indication flint with foollable ft 'A gentleman of the village of IfAstind a it . i. Olt 4 olclock� p.m.
pretended statesine in no escape. Nothitig but parmaneub and
evorywhezi,�following tile irlsills fittiws of rfitablo industry chn bobefit. a nation, to brin.g down. th6 power of the lair upoin - A Committed, composed of Messrs. 06'r.. the sprin Will cotnon revival -of brisk times ,=t by3re. see. by Mr. ltevv;'That ihoClerk forms �ho Norwood Reglats), of one ot taose
nopolies mayJavor1be accumulation of the betrayer ; few fainilles- who daro take bett, J 0 as themendy stringency will. by that tijile, 0 nation 'n And Chidlays was appointed notott Olithe philqs'6�her's stoue, or at, least they are IllatLITA Of lm!l Stanley (AIT the roll of 1875, it) remarkable occurrences in, tile lives of human
y .1 T.�
be y* well over.' mileff's in dry goods tio,
following a purouit eiluall futile by seak� ibeir wrongs to'thd Courts. 'Tinfdrturia'. to wait Upon ilie, btitcherd and sea if the A pro" hPittga which vory seldom happen, Air. Cor, It frou., to Ln.1,11 by Des ttall,��
largo fortune'sin the liands'of ind viduals, h ve been very eauti6iis dukhtg� the past carl-led,
ing to) prZidude capital -by all incrOaso of. but if n6t oarned by prod u otion'they are a lely, Also, there is tooitiffibli of. tile -rent- c0uld-bo �orgu4ded to rent 4tid occupy the, iielitis A, Ilayelre, ivas born in the SlaW of
nant of the t.,.&- stalls in A�ho nit;rkot,,,if they visbr& suitab air purchases, andb. is wall, 1dr. Xeye,� Mint Ont ew York On the 2001 -of Vebruary, 1705. %:R9 i (10i)l1noit I 8enae. in Aid.1ro
money,., If a Governmentpould transmute cheat nd Ia fraud on tl brutal. idea`�,ba ly'th Thwrapbtt beforo to comliainity, and as lhove",Y-i metals into gold it woisld at least are notest of the prosoirity of Lite inhabi, but a chattel, and �omp6nsitl'on for the' irrangod. The committea to report atthe thati thin - has bion tho edge, , forVit Clork got 11;0 ouples of AudikprTa re ort printed for 'dim. raMOV01, -to o me 1�rm till within the basis tendency- of thu-peoplo to Purchse out t"04tion.-Carried. Ifat
wi it balances, and CIO
INLY a, q-6,-d-ou-bTiris thought that Ell,,. Valud of her iervioes'-is a01fiffioi-ent ratlirit nextinooting.ofCouncil, iii 1608, And live a 'tit * $a necessity of borrowing nioney. ter Injuryi however irretrievable, AIL this Tile Miyor� Iteave, and Mesa vs.19tevens, what is really required, there is- IoAs-liabil- -a- III
. y Atoved by U-, CiLAL146, sea. tAy ire, Yceyo', flant thplloovt a short period. hotel to'cleath, Which took
cap' land presents*a fine example -to fellow, but place Olt V10 29bil of Fallru;Ary, 1810, 1 What I
as A,,th6 86016 witli tile Rodw of Toehi-l-woUb, iiii, the boundary
0,4#4voriinfent is apparcintly like that a is druelly wrong apd. degrading. If wb Corbett And Jamieson,.' 'wore 'selected, to ity they cannot pendl crum t hor -condition is ce t inly not, to be en*i;ed Uoml by Mr. Coode; sad. by tit,. (frabarn, fliat tlj�. �;)110111!15 moat r0nIftrkbla, 19 the fact that Ilia
0 French Bourbons, who were said I ver peri�ft out women, our wives, -moth- composoh Court of Revision, extricato themselves, clouticil do itow adjourn to ineet ft t Vitruk'an the r as A nation. liar ora�feast,Aler 0 as pring IsTO11daY In MAY, At 0410019 birthday happened on the 99th of to lEarn nothing nd forgot nothing. Fo are at ..liar 'on ivory, bes,'sistorg, daught6is,,to sink, In, 'Our an- I A petition from Mrs W. DXarte-n,* in Ire- A. -,T :[N8txcE ol" I-10NESTt.-L ' t, a' his death cocurrg. that gill, "--Yrdwage, go forenco to sidewalk, Was rea'd4nd 1 MUNIMTT, Vlewl,;
notwithstanding the adverse expepioneo of sit t66ai, to 'begiri to rate Otani onl3f %lit - reforrO, whorildr. Smith, contractor, catn6 1119 n.tbe $nine A fr�e� and Sol0j.
And a only by.extramo,vigilance 9 1U�Iliontli of the present y6ar, loaving
it i gh ilay of to -iho Street Cc ittoe,, of`St. Goor e a here to build the L. 8z U., many per.
former timps, And the knowledge that all And on on the: part'of Old governing rkind of aiiiinil, -that momentwo will be. m.9 hiul&igl4�� years of ago at �his death, jinvin
0 wd can- Whrd.,* Anti.tobacco aii;ociafions ire being formed. billy JAS. -1, Yt1ttL's9
sells considere(I him a rogue, -seheemar, ittlidays, aud that lie should, do. other countries are tit present limiting the powers, in Adjusting the great load of ttL-*- giU ourselves to retircigrade, This . 1 9 'afford. Our duty dleiiito them to. MM -lough applied to rorit, tile dillee in &C. meively because he was a 11 Yankee portiou'3 of'tho Province.' parl, t�clla I on that particular d issues of paper money, they still allnw our atioU And' 6ther burt not th'a I
antaniount to IlOng td*tjl�� 1504k Of a still more gacred posalon than that they � tie( a. cottrio of tlidt goAtletnab, in All his )I�ar B�jCi Ayt it/ lie
banks a power t. anindefinito that pationt drodgb 11te publie, that alto is the ruarket building, and but'th Tho.�Ddncan lar -only colue.% once.overy four yottro, increase ; and thereby allow the I)eoplo to ; to more than ov Z their,. tbo, caratakoi was in4tructea to tot him Idialings, I while ber6j proirod to be week 801(1 byRuction.- kept plodding on, Why thiln-should viat becupy now ormis - A nuIlroilob
be taxed to t ko extent of their i8queg, for *Lpe bor oxgnililo,ill the iteelltalulatioil of a honor ours, and in. elevating them to'ad. 1106L it At arent not l6s than $2 per strictly honest and fair in I all bit was 010 at, 9�5AO. It pronlow 0080 Wag efica
the bonefib of the banks lone. It Boeing national debt, ohd ilia unneoessarr -anti iarity-of life and thought. fleavall tnoMh, silicas tran- At ilto MiddleAox Assi7w Court, oil Thnr4dy,.
Vance P -ottationsi slid an incident, lie& recently beeii- —51`4 RobiKTbiskott, of Tt,'xc0r, has in Ilia Jh, Madle ( lonibs r.' Nail iNfunroo To BUilder
'brought -to our notied, which f ill oil. 0 1.8101 11 Ill a -pipof so expodieii� of d bankivg cur- 'k jawathO are surrounded by enough of It wag.,illovoct by Coun. Stevens, ado. Ily Ur dr a '(11114 ill Tiolio Townsbip ,,v
almost impossible tu suppose that our burthanooio the poo0votdowoAll. It 8 given to r. ties rest , b eq n
Statesmen 4an be ignorant, either of file rency. calculating scoundreliarri, and it is the duty Calms Cooper, thab werchanti dealing in firm's hfitupright it ass, When lonvingtown keephtge dompaiiy eight years ago, -and.fre- WA$Trny, A 110UIW� 1,13VILT 11f, �AYFIVtlj�
4110 ill a 0 gross 0 of ovary. lionest mail to plo6o 4n interpog- Wt be,a][16WOd. to 16301) to last fall, 'he pol;Qed, ag bo t1laughb, all his orp, Tincla'6f Har4l'ott. -it is Carefully; (viontly mob'at singing sebool or %rout liolne in y o tjovn & p1l all
vils of tile banliing system, or of the 'ill gold, And a front inocting together. An a 0 1, 0, ol
fact that ilia Englialk banking I . aw was in.- arm, and . an interposing opinion be. twenty barrels Olt- W 'qtifot, iii fro�b of nocountsi but 11 few days, since Ono -of 11il 1copt lit it silver box initid Nvi She became jealous rile tn cring vVill do ao ab
STILkY two6n ilia ooloh tr to hior hnd their stores. glad deal of eit.riosity, is she n ragardhig Its of-otbor girls.and & rOAV etlsuod. Ile refused t 6fr o test, vr lit not 16 boned to tLeOPPII
framod for the specific purpose of limiting who are dot former employees discovered an emission . I o at roved,. Toudem Will
and reducing the batilc issuei of tho United Make t; Miller, Buchal in 6*pay-gheet; The Ilan. hidge 1-1. 1,. of. Quo. illo lowo6f or an tend
During it ttip, lasting. three Of Mur days, all that in wrong in society and life. Otis IS= Ian, whereby. it left Aft. $Aiitli a. to niI her because f her joalona And diS- bb rdeelvat tlpto.i
agreeable temper. Ono nightsho pressed him 11,
Kingdom, . and finally 'of bringing tile saotioti;n-i4rime and, treat the gioducor as -Doan, 'Sheppard, Stevens, 4amieson, and considerable sum -in is debt, Tlie'mattbr, bee, has forwardlzd it bottle fall of fliog-to �r,
' ' $
a4,,far as St: Qatharin'08, wc03w drid heard Lofue bf tha Laval University.. A very gingn! to marry liar, antl gavd him chancos,' N
whole paper currency tinder the control of 0' - A felon, place temple virtue on'the kighost, 06oper.- 8, wAs Inado �nown to Mr. Smith, haw at La jar p��ftotuo , ocetirra(l at Iliviera da Loup but be sahl-ho -honestly couIatilf do it.
p 'Xnya-0hidiey, ohnson, Piwid, Cor- Crotso, 4fter
nly is this the ne-- !`K, good de I l ab6ilt . the de res" 4 Wis., by'llia fatirfer toroman,*Xr. 01 stea P
the Goiernment. �Zot o pinbaple of litlivan -respect, shitke, so�iot� du-rino the livolicasib tempest of Monday.' A. muc4rouble tbu arbitration wais hold -iii the. ump r,
knowledged state of the case' boon fo� , 'some months Past out ot'ller mock 'modest projudiopo,. flin betf and Menzies.—'O.' I Motion carr
in tile United toxisting loci. Fin'di atid, on the� strength of tljo'stete- a), , r 6g flied fell vith tile allows boveri
ilowe ug it case, when. $300 damages ware awArded the
0 this nip, sultftble for thoege f ctory, or 60110k to.
Kingq in, bot in a Vite discussion. in tho tit away the prudery thit deal witf Property Committee, ware Itistrupt 111611t1rayf'tho latter golitldmap,' the anioun�� arpents, They ate by tile plaintiffs bat *as DeVor paid, gad 16T�N`
and At hai pri A Ott
roglioA file Dominion, nd from All we old w6mcf, bd to find out whore' mng Over the 'snoNv. without 41),- ioit *is brou*Io compel payments, The in good -**iking, 01 -dor, will id ell,
liouse of Cominons upon a aid's issliq "We, flagratib a and purbr in I all t a cc a 4a:x forwarded. to This is 0 'tcd, on tbO 'ground that -4
I Could firhi- ncouldboobtaine for%p6und, Ing/bblotd-fty. Ilisbpo thoy resemble -plaintilfas n�11041 Aoft
the bankin fluestion, it was acknowledge- Willi. g-taeo tile -world j)ieco of lanA., Certainly commendIablej And the more peaTi f Mr. moselilos, but Are -considerably larger. - -
od on All sides And by the leading men if ed in-ifio-ophlion we. ha,�o ft-equently cX ;and report. at next niq6ting. worthy of notice, ftorn the fact tlIs the'Intor(joutee was Of t66 old a date. both sides the House, that the Govepri- pressed, that, it in, Iluely he resulk of A potitiOft- was read fr6m VXessrs.
Smith is so far front this. plfco. Would To circumvent by-law that lias 'ust hoon A Mau hamea Solin gL Upon -o, n �fonday, A two year old dangliter of
ment alone should have thdp'olvar to isue wreckloss a-trava�jaaoe an'd-,tradm Ransf6rd and -J. Shipley, that such inoldoutt' of.lionesty were of pamod in St. Catharin6s, tl�id InAf4i; bno ClIg4poldo, whitq playing wikh .6kat Owen Sound 6 Tueg4ay,18tll ult, bEffig—ration Aid Societyss.
credit, T)iia extravitgando hatt"iftexted a, oil to mako A 8idewa'Ik as far As the eastern In hown 41eir abAliisv. The Council' orieted
by-uiv th�t ii ;T,N,(+ 0V Trm, 1tv, rto�T iitr.
oked t6 doatb. D. Vlofboa, who anAi(w -Aid Sodisity will lie held at
iTionoy,' and the pvcsont syptorn of tile Eng. gniator duh Ild for mp onto , beanS got Ono hei, -wlndpiDe�i and, Oro a l
lish currency was generally condenined. ridfacturec wtildary of tl$0 town, to ioitt Ono tit y zll�il be a mi8t16 ' i charge of gtoaling A pur§c edntaining $250
1 1 1 ell 'Q , ii6inor to stand from Mr. Charles n farmer rosiddlit Tn, ANNUAL mt]
Yet the Canadian a n in eveii woro J than tile country was ir.,u'Vosition to -pay propose'd building from talifeton. upon the corners of strootq lit companies; tile i, the South part of Sullivall. Ito will, riding BURYUOUSE,01intonj ou SATtRDAY, tho Isthino.r
yate Mr. S. S; Fulleri of the Stratford It wa� moved by'Coun. Smart, acc. by hag for sometime bobh engaged in the Alan- oafers verconia ilia difflioulty by standing at twky 0�eloelr,
than thai of - the EQlah, as tit *era is lie fur, and now th4tr f�ayrnenb is called for for in A sleigh Nvith Prker, and oil prefence of ni., for the trAnsaction at budnaar itt
pea 0, bate of dressed flax to Coun. Cooper, that the petition bd received 0 nor, As the enninotinn *1191the irodety. At Poll nifen,3000 Of till
that portion thatr li's been used ie cannot ban Olt . M It, Chester Homo, having it000ptod. a positiin About t%vollty feet from tbo or wanting changd', got Dhu to talte out big
A Ireland, no a sam riall,
safeguard or iogulatin power to caullo, 1 30 d I
the bank .110, file debiors'lloing compelled to go ittee instrlictea to ar- pocket book, when bosuat6hed, if, jumped, out
Taft UCXr ple. and the Street Comnit olsewhere, was last wook made the recipient by4awsincranse in nurnbot ngitins MI r-lblabet.0 Is requested.
Under. OF course, Clio dentaud (6'r fiiatiu� This listiow o4tlet for CAijAdian flax, rt4v.
sties. Tho
a or to limit'the is with Mr,, Rnsford. ft)t tile buildin oIlia many friondg of aociot�, so Maroasos tliolts Y to, of tho sleigh, Aild r�n off, Ire WAS Ape"Odily
On Tt&gday afterno . on near Eversloy, 6, range
Committee on Do-prewi,in. haq here, b the resideRco of Xr, UP Irwin, overco 0 0011 Vc5ttlotiOng Or 0�040 thOlt captured, Awl , -pover decreased. throwing nuwb#ri' of 4 0146WA17 I,- r"'I V, rate lid Possible qt1gationa, ed to this 'state of., things P oymssp't. - 'T'n t, yo . ung Women Uillari. qn WflAtipsdy 6414ing, -the follAijig penalty. - committod for frial,* Ile wa000nviobod,,and,
inestion of the infln0neb of tho groO in.'
crease of money oil tho prosent. conditi as and Hanil licon -bail �be met hun- dead fyom oupponA heart disemb, She Waal. Doan, Stevens -and Coopor.--O. odizim by tljor teAchei's tvlAoftb dili�lliiig blouse -were -sputenood to three years lit pouiteniiarY. At 66��otolii I heetrects of St named Martba Wiley droppoa -Vea.,*-�
Cathaviii rom Was praiofit L ceriso Coinmissioaers'l
on and,offio6rs,of ilia 0. P. Salibit . h'SehPA Ininted at Venolon lAallg, onVedne4tIy moth- tile same t1m6 ho'iras put on triql for stealing
out of employment, 4u., th Nhys xnii na,lni) 6r 001V1t189r0NIMq
of the country. Lilco Dickona' I I Girotvm - j ., ", , I" , , '' -L, , "f �ey tA, v been iii.i.arri0d on T. A easti., Chidlo, Johnson, C r1i
aVe, , lit) wi 1119 o accept it roll 110110"i0ij. Buchnan, Sheppard, aud it Ia �wlth icolingg of doop ngret thab we leArn thIlt ing, Comprising the following luatill's a horse (Lila outteir from D, J). aMe
Itair , for i1to Woot Riding of Irnton, till moot at tit(,
locution Office," they have beon try ing how i fitmers r of the bott I yon are, in 66 tow days, abont to-tilM your deptirfaro tocety storo, Henry Austla's butcMr shop, fng hired tit yiiati lid
Mrs George Iffpsoir, Chief Engines Cut %nd then trade(l them oft. 110 IOVIIIR pI(400,$;, OTT tlJeL TI(Lfef; (IQ 11,
eL it. ],hey haye who olFbis them wages that arfr. in keeping, Lonaon, Hur6n &Brace M74y, ji nf now- amtoson.-7. brotiofi lost, for tho Rai from amongati Us, )VO&VO nabtbig ovolling spedleill loft - *he filtend ttx 01W
not to d examined people. to eativa to yolf ol)r 1164tifelk 9�mpfttlly 411(1' j3. liapimia,a. drug store, At, U %obgot�,4 -pleaded guilty, nd wqo gonfolloo(l, to three of izt,,antivig cortirionfeq tss wtit
of various trades And dallings, who Icnqlv 0 6 �q dapfiroij,of your able it( tept r g till
ineomo 69farm busineis, To give constructio ouAtuC4%PP, p4oln (
In, of 66. )md, I lot i6t, Onow t U *t gtocery, i�. IV. �Tonrols,genarai store,. �olln years ill ponit ta Y all illia chal, .3 dlIio� Iq DAY, the, Wilt Ilkst." AU4 At
little more -of the subjd6la of inquiry Oval ' 'thitJ QnfLI)P; 1;ojVi40Lr ot.i CtANTO, 6n 1�%10,
worte, A,i blibor wages than on, on Tuesday, for Detroit, to resume his. CC# air L toaelt)r of' tho Mbla Class in our Wulell"a bkery, John Nogentf drunNi T. tnaltiiig obt lit all. t At
thoAloarera � nee4 6 aliolit
the goods they handled. They riliht, pro. they cah undevordivary eiroutugt#11402 new connection the Detroit 4, Milwaukee Council grant tile mint of to a i'd Mr. 80)Ntil f8blio6y, and not only In ollf Re.11001 liavo VOOX.
obtaiii, it fow are calp, j.owollery, mmovoilEig n(l NVOM TOM
nfurnishing material aild CPU- p(irloncotl yout, worth by yow, Ability and goal in tha Ana Che
bably see the efl�ecta that immediately Con- womt unAgooming ulanner, but we havelikawlRewitneou. fire ariginated in a balf ancUlf of its catalogues to-Win&or� (h). April 01 int crying ont, for prnteLilon,, but We ard, glad Nfr. the AtIructiospo, sid6waik-threa feet wide, on the 16a with ploaltirbF tot thtl f6td year.1- thit- 76a liaVo IlLea W. 41100rf& stores ilia gtopk wkig All lost. tft
carried themselves, and their own appam Aralt, is n itic imong8b us# untiring. eilogy in. rio and, there Witilea titan, to per8onq in
I to 0 f, comillonal e�;ers: btitinadn ' I einterests, bi b of the eausen that pr8dijeed goo that, nlaiiy intl�oto cities, even in.%- a Ontniio stroo tpw( IMid tho 010. ni* sming. $3J70 by' tile trAlload.
ar� zulflfolontl� vorsed, in p0li- lit the east si( a of mast siroer, aft& p,nnial v4tl 00616eyf u4, We 4,70 no 401, 6t but la'aw aged oonditiou, Total loss, %0,M6J lihTfiti: tierl, br ch6 tiug ill
, about. to. enter all Action for libel 4gaii)sii tl r., - CASIX OR EGG'
those effects they knew nolhing, and Of tiMl Goollomy.10c to- linow- thO ou011, C. gpg- -conduetorsof the 'rho action Wilf, lot data I surod. . . " r A . 6 uvaca itates rovDalle, I I
course could gfv,) no intalligont advien, prpliably'lie, basod on an article which a 0,16t half tile Widt walic to Demo ot-youtr solour Womorgst Its In Cllnto* 7ou havot I . r I . atr Mile call it, out of that arnou;t, 1110 TUY Pr PAID
0 io b& iwntinea by Tho St, Uaj-ya o�Aui)lains Oat tile, cliftrao filt Vilat 6 4, , 1-6411
There ate no doubt !lpqmal causes lshort ti m only intensity L.'fii IaAt week's N'aislonv under th of him to Staplotoli, alid saild ,ilia i2dinpid itown oeoa whiob doa, in irli nowil As'OUbird ellsq for the *111 0" rvni� bless lionoo; And
tho'evil; It Oral ftind. riltilling, of the traffia, lon, tlkd flur6jj niattor" in the. Vni end sqtAieq is, folir tillo .4 01 - CA W RVS
conduct of the but whero to regiolotl6n 9nd, 4polistipli," pintring 6 the, grant, to be pitid. out of Ile- gon We$ YoTir In ilio work, *fell to iLssittd . q A. ro
seek them iinder an The� 01111119Pable weather, cattiffig bad- V000146 oil rrxy with yon OT boat ViRitoll anti prayorg & Isrupo 11.gilwAy dowl ll'iyt, mit donnoctiona is alvirged itt the
ell strong rofessions -stock bill, 611( in wijibl� the i. W jpu ndfoy'd, law �xnfty p Winfglgani� wli6re it touches tho Into the ta I.*, ITT
!on Aiv: ohn 11C
for tile public intoreA is an.elligma not 011 thay lit, ohat. Wwriml 210 'doulif )Ilty& *111 A00tr
incre"r t
id Lila 0 A31 her A�
'If thle do to defiAlld tile ainiesom'-0. thorlil"Ntousion of tile -NV,*, 0. & R Pail- cou"Ideath easy to be a?)Ivod,. Is it the liart into. usid. wfill Conspirac lild 'many, tritc, IrioneIg who *111 �Olv wm- 1,4611 mu)Ally. AIRgal ty thovill of who ib,Cjinton whore it croases IL110 Godorich adreO tO '04ft M41k. Mher'� mail without APTIT 9, rests, or the private intero.Ats of inilividii- I toaming is done tbrojlghuu� the oral Sohn4ou Cor. vadr6th ta ?16PU4104 lit ilGrand Trunl;, 0
ale, or both winter, but this winter ReAl,00ly t11116, M4 a 111avo ft
together, flit provent this Anthing Te is WATered Ift ILL Ot. Wet and Ct. valulloxi: in ROAV.011, *110rd
)Ing 1*611 anno, it eros�ea OlortWil lino of the romtklykig obilotia. Th,linitc(I Sfat(-. augl. OLAIRVOYAN
I er and doo inquiry ? Are the feel 000AIII t6tr 96 t&wA thilst MI ilia ied, is anknowns. should retlizoo for tbird
rttofIr" '100, POO, joy
banka to bo allowed in rtin another Ccle A-30ii As nAVf9ftd6r1 opolkh business' will doiflin" nom. 06 nintioll 0 .:Nt tbeir lodge. room 'on $'rjday ovoll*1115 Qle thla UOVOntV.rOur illilog take five elft$a llljtt�r b) OtIr nfilli(Iftril, rJfof4 11%, 0 Y
vivo, and by tile cilumit i ePromiiir. t�jm 6 A of Tomper1406 104go; eg 'tllL
hat I)rlq beti given mbIr, a >VS
of inflatinn withnut lot or lifildrstneol Aro it", Voopor, ew6ro fiveroapoil lAst y0r, A114 in vlow of.mcent
not the evils of art indeflnite ipernano of Will Oottl bo il1JrUA'J' Itiol'o ilo-yelopil)(01ta ib callot Ivy tox;
es trav CIO Anlrtvt, AT IMI, to to in(lyiire fitto the faftlibil-- -progentod him with & hand Isatchel, no hour, 0, speoll 110 will tilit for a i'll, tb
ill MAckell2lol holv6vorl, do6li"Cl oil ity .1 "40PINI t, r
money patint everywhere ? wid has ft not, �,duylditiol) Aq overibWas" JlJo,gr6aL of loitshig tit Aelling the peOund in frout companietl by rul adilress,,and oil than t(lualled, Ivy the OR AU Of fifty liarah. to, shy wore in tile
nd that the td8ent financial J,eprea. f, th 0 it r , f ]its sabbath sellool Tile ia we I built ImA very interest of Ilia q
6joll And 61ke AVOWO(r policy of tj Markot bulldhig,"for �ha purpose lit t1i I along with other rollios, brought oil Onto 0 Oman 046 carg ag()I
]a uoy*lsil� W11011or 1.,
of actual or incipient distres, 'at variotta Nyho, foul, Yom's a bseatia6awitti 11101A to lidopf A Awufs� of diano rarondli, erecting stofoa thareA and report at tho ciags ga�o 111in An inks, f(ev'0i and we Cannot ihlia,�ill wh " not' inthoge tl'�Ya high postal way, and andit beautiful
tv, Volk stock went ubxt Iiiebtipg of 6XI1101 60P)t
times, and ill all countries I Ats. Oftrb ft so ac6om pililedby, whell 01too 011811t; o be morg
. large atildimb of d 6t alloir him to meet His Lgoll 0 of 11urns? P00140 At to IIIIOM rlitltoill,4, AIR ought 'to bo
icot arroafed ill L U doll, 'Withesy tou ell Council thalt suffieloilt. �jjfttolr, AI)TU wright admits that all inorciao (.f pi brokers, has, boon Oh as 114 dfabcd. to (Ia to..
uly It ra
'a Mute I Ap
",'a di t a a t Wod
IL 0 d y,
TIT 11 )ab 0
Of a
. ...... ... ....... ...
.. ........ Vs� . . ... ........