Clinton New Era, 1876-03-30, Page 44 T ....... ox, 0 49 worth, 0 10RE 08TO TAX Irluta IT4,W419m is a ham. axpoirtod $11,316,3 U101111 0 *I.p SJUdo th 0, tat 01 $Illy 148t 04.11(otAiA letim V00MA61' 10.0t100001 OIL 1 whta 4#0ply In WO W A VtYAO, 0 Do yoli know *1 that girl there 1� 10" YOU KKOW ANITUINO or rr I -sow, XT is TIUZ 701T.ViD, 1woald AW#y3@,;#44,r to P10400 heir, She NU064 hot QQAOftot� 0904914 the Isom x) WOM4011 $10, 00414 honey iscattoo Rho is 00 4414 XlRyop X9#X9s1%*R- lose 4-yoo oweet. 444- Meg Oro; butlow, preporationt of 0, loin of t 11 Jio 100: 12 11199 AV oup, *14 Which Aaps withstood, the low rquiring m separation of their Liquor devikrtmollt from th0r9oory Ii N1 Were Or 0 Q, rAth b6olove, .11 , Ia " . I f�. U .. . A man out WeFt, Who OjerO bail for One tho ilub�orlber# NA -gut in heat V U i V sh6e is otom , yo losop-41 pad opoas4 tho . ptigg q9 0# , oteetric 011, 2 afan;.14 A jil vi CA50 1900407 rely a pro- WAY of , roproot-44 9 ad -400 ohef9ilowing We, friend? wv asked by the judge. if he parofiqo pf, 4V of some of the wroila tAasarf, Promises forldaerl '0,u, by the late J. 13 Z ey,, oumbralioe Qlihis m"Oh k4own,, ead$. one. possos$n pirf4te m1669, V the find obat the decaP64 Was 0, 14(1 fta, nJoc pied , wifo.t� WIL� ICU U OX HAND 4% LARGE., AND, AU4, QAoQ W11011 1 "V* Von hardly Afford 0. To 6", nid. be—,, my ro- his i141404TOW OW10 Witlk Q`Qr x4o4qr4to 1pw�t0l but muoh, to tl� T lut, If n4rAes meaus ailytilip4t the recent vortiono reaterower and rod N t And hWtgd we ought to bo wiser, PQ III he looked. kssouro�0%03 Wi pin 4 miss And f lilin an quors.. er fell 4own a, shoft., a.' of dient, Or in diftrone in A TorV J a, tolous 2018or I occasional hisa ohomie"t Change Stock of Choice JA CHEAP CT ODS 8 ("ealsisly lilue. marriage 6f Mr. Grip which V0111filewr fl, a diatalloe of 110. feet, but ws�s only -exit 06,1 Clinch jives promise 0 Select gain, houlb Apron P,sttwJ#h1;1 too -R, 114 insi*d' in lively, v . nial,,r. -to, .takeilyce"f U or uoqR or little abou( the head, aptrimo -Pninu a compo, nawhich. couldnot All Qx4er Prmupt1y Att6nded to. so a T t or pleasant 8 I v go, pr Q. to 018bor worVitig out'the remainder of his $1 Mnuo, has been to see. me tc,44y." by. anyliossiWity be madofrom any, other cati�� 2 U49eg .. 4 fq49, unation, orroportions of the in 0 4to to o fr0 41 01 o q4 to'lalim, edien.0s, and on0roly dVermt [IQ U11 t. I ro U 0-04100-4 -qjd little five-year,old, 14 and slie, he. 10wa, 04 V 0-045t� . I . like a little lady." ($ 1 hope yqu or out of temper 40 lost with the lux0lQat demo, I%Ti$� Shglton of Marolialton, 1!-oyn anything ever before ntade, one i .0, _.0hich, pr And loglius tho woman was greatly to could, not get dama eat did, too,",aaid her motheri " YOSA III- d4cea th��*O$t 4aftishing Towlt, and having o The. Grocery ad, at tho old stand, as f9rmerl7, corner of t�,lb.srt To soold me JusteadQg oaxosstpg; ea of her reox Dopartment will W eontinu. miudeed her speech, 14kq a Q%m�l is 1 4m, lover in 4 br�aoli of promise. sl wider ranqe qf qit$ deed, I did I turned sl.onlorpau applicatiol; than any �Modioini Agd, Rattpnbory Streets, where thOy will keep, In consequence of mo.ro'room, by tbo remoyal t ever before I diilvovared. ftqontain.sno.Oo�holor u U a other pre miocia n 'a A Ibar 94 the, of. part of their b, si see. t larger a d tp4ok go ta J1g 1d "4yQr 4 -ea pep laid 24ra Yeel'n itea blessing," and did, brow i. p. or n volatile liqiddp, collacquon(ly noth. t roQm. paper says ougel T I ROT 0 -R F. R1 E S hi". eyos,aq be weat out othe cour A London that .44 the inq t1w benefit Of every dtop; w4eregi wit �,. 0 LAS 8 The Ar ea wife. Spoiliall General X-eriones reatea bis. thor In'plaoesN%,],Ieke..t.hey.4r�4igging for WE W AMERICAN COTTQNSP ions nearly all the Qgohol is. lost in $Aaj The oubsoriloors Are thankful lai I?asb fayors, and rospe6tfully AONQlVA 0006MULU.00 Of .,Us arm m I . I I ­ I . 1. 0,111pbur at Stedoboat slirjag y for P, few 619 , onto, when n, the preparat It is rare that a farmer's wife 0'amplaing.—, way, get only $he small of Oil" V on4go in proaacatak a inxoh"up for goods.. e ground becomes novlfot. 'at thedepth Point of, attack," The point of, 4 tack' which, they 7na con eir go jibe ally. bestowed on them,, F; Yet, in some aspects, her life is as dreary, and 01 NEW AMERICAN PRINTS,, isix t generally consl(lued a, good place $.aid by all medicine dealers,, Price, 25 ateo SU PPAI-,,D COOP, �11. common -place as it is possible for a life to. be. 14C four or five. te6ti th9t, e workanon Perhaps the homestead is several miles from ba, 6 -to rat, qvon for that brief period. 'NEW AMERICAN DUCKS V to bandib ibe Sulphur with lonX, WTRQUAS, Vhelps, N,,Y. X09h 9, I&M a village, and the neighbors 11 few And far be� The husband handled, okpretty.lit oolmaster 664 to ad NOUTH-4 LYINTAN, Toroil, -to, twoeu, has his excitements, — Ont., 8 le'Age4ts for'tho Dominion. They are not extreiiie, it is true, T6o con -,.VrQ'rlew blreq�s of .s.heep h4ve been whip one of her pupils, a boy'offtoen NEW AMERICAN,PENIM Nom—E electric the other day, but.w4exi'shecowmenced g seenea of the convention, the operations, be coolly threw Ili ONADtS coap a- R OABAT ri Exk Rimy, N14W AME RICAN COTT ... tow"Onyoutio of South AJuAr1=--.Dne.ia+. T v -with fourborit g 'a — i ai(iiiii . � -i -- i �y WA tests at the club over the onlon que*ti0u,,the ilxtroda6ed into England from thb 0st n, the evening- VTO THE'. EHOUSE ---E k r!o grocery. stove while waiting te—�woollo4 it no for the mail, are plot calculated to prod the, kiqs, She went straight back to her J00 N0810 NEW. AMERICAN" COTTON WARPS, e otbqr,,a,,d&1,k browA--,voQllea speoiea, -from over-exciteme4it desk, and horfa6e was. "Just as red." Thi morbid condition a cross 14mp; and the alpma. 0 well. known medicine is no imposition NeverthelesS, 4hey furnish vaile IV YOU WANT, A VINE, FRESH: ';A beautiful stock o'f NEW TWEEDS 'and orsted by ;. And the 11 Thw0er,"I mid a, War, ru edy for Female� D�ffi,,� -A ,conviobl the Chaster c6uaty (P4.) -osupowhat- farmer and his sons roam, At will in oalti4a and iAptruetiona, froin any C oat gs farm, and there is some change, study, pro. jai], has educated a mouso. If leaps rAllmaid, telegraph station' the, other ever., mud, 61though, 1� powerful ratioily; it jou nhe tains not , hing hi gress in their work. But from one year's end over the liars, climb poles, walk's back- irtful to tlbo.00nstitutlon. the other the wife goes on in the same,wo. I big bridge I' flav red an -,-va," da,O, (4 The eipress traift's -g�he -of t F to 11 Many killed ?" sbroam- TO KARRIED , LADIES -- -- - - 11 o 2 . Jap in all the very loest Shapos notonons round of labor d'ja a littro. ladder. t a it -will, In amhortilmo New DRESS. GOOD! and the men becoin.e. o4 tTi 6' -by, a ta riders, ".Not a one" re, bring rly suited. It -so accustomed to seeing her in it,. that the Owner PirtaNd it.to,i0due its spirit I . . I 4 on the nagnthI7 period �with rogularity. y and Styles, never question whether she would be happier and-dt 'of�co]14 ;�Wbdi. lied the othei, She just' went on Iu"all pases"OfNervoui and' Opi nal Affectloia 40 with more oftheir attention or company, She laked -it, in 4 pal 'ono end and WeAt off at.the o' colits peir. The when it was disobedient, with thwabov6 P "ns in the Baok� and imbs, Heavinebs P ft N T S [ atigue on illghteg(prt;ion, Up! parforms the drudgery of the kitchen AlOAe,1 as usual." itation of the P R. P R I N:.T S or with the assistance of a help." 4 q art, y lick RAdsolleo,' utei, laundry work ; and all the rapid -andl,,e�iphmiio robital of the he 9 ptorico, k W� , area of the house. Irk Waco, Texasi recently a niule at- and all the painful , diseases . o6easio4eit by a following is said to, be an infs1lable* curb disordered sys _qrolyo qp-Qn her with far greater weight tac�ed yehrIj �alf. very' savagely. The tom, the0e Pills wIlLeAe9t­eaurc Brick Block.. than they do upon the shoulderK ol her town snlibs-und' Wrou all CLINTON, .31aroh 10, I get btit--cold"'iiot csff tried to` Theae.Pillo'have ppveX, been kildwn to fail sisters. Axid,%v.lielaticirvvorkfoeiideEl-.:-wliieli Nobbs HOWL -. bobsi to Anobbs and lo 0 H� where the, dirootio4a oil the 2nd page:of. p C. --G RO YK W it rarely ie -she lifts no social rciourceB r BIld Bt last tui4ed on-thw ul 'which w and . am- ! phlet, are well obadrved.- public amusement She is alone, save' in. the *asi- bffiqk.anA kwking it'..and butted �Nobbsl - Hbbbi-nobs. ith Snobbs. id is," - says For 1411 �art oulars CLINTON, IVInvii-M 187-6. couppanionship, of her holisqh9ld, The re. hrobs NAN'� kobo. 14,Tbi t, fiee" of N squarely in, , tbe forehead., Th6 - - - I, . ,got P. pamphle f Nobbi, w a ' .-Hobbs' jobs," and -agent.- T mote farmer's wife is secluded and alone, as rs 4or OTICE TO TiE PUBLIC no other class of women are. Her sool mule staggered an4 f4i dend 'the cal JOB ROSS S, NEWYORK Soxii ropla Snobbs! ,sobs., IET01%. U01011 .1 is well nigh hopeless, and her labors are ex, was e$1.00 mud 12i cents for 0.0stage.. el.4011.940d, 0, 'Thcn'(Jera1gned'fpeg t6,ibforxa ialitiblrAntirbf Clintoji a :roul�aiiig'aoun67 tlialb they -a..ne.,%'phase of. tremes. It often happens thut after Ids gra- * Rare,$, ' Me, -Si�j -you.pould Northrop*&,Lym, - "T' r oronto, Ont,, general have entered inio--Oo-Pirtneiihip far the Vwposo of carryffig'Oix the bu§inasabf mau'afactuyeze. 'nee'tq A. green 'Agoall I-Didn,.t. y9v_Jbelt -duation fro!_q the district school, John 6ld tt plow V said a. fart foithe Doininioil,.vill insure A bottle� -of gar Vaggolis, Sleighs U. When two Toung'Chinamen, now be* ing riage's, I Cutters,' &a., in all its vario a bramahbo, at.-tLeir tQ work i on his owrk account, and he Irishman'.. *honi be gad take oil lrial.-- containing over 5Q pil)s by return mail. old stand, Huron fteetp'Clinto'n undet'the sty 14 firm of -------- seeks in marriage, Jane, who is attending the educated in a'Lowell fdatory, made ap- lip Sold in Clinton by 4., H. comlie a' ud Gioiga Ums 01,4, Jane, and henceforth he hms ii willing hodse. Cut .off their, pig-ts,il, 'I -.Parker a , o�n'l hel it and t Vo f 011 UIT-1-RAL.VOR KS singing school winter evenings. John marries p1kcation the o6her dayfor permissi6n'to Arrall, e 6apy now said ra;tridk. Ohidley; Z,'Richooa and F.' --Fd ' Sea- How.tlie du IL A Pbr jes�i cp�,their orth; J. KlAd',, Carronbrook, . I &tching r�hu,,st I. -horses -drawing me B f'' " a*P. J6ida Goderlolij. E. Cameron, BVA, No keeper and friend. But liar life may be d -in , riwa.y.fkom. I U a 61*r6d to execute work equal to, paius will `4 anyin,thb- Domiaion,. 14T one, and yet not lio shadowed by any.,great give it to me in- -tbe" barn,' and be j abers. no -a County �nablea them to fully understand the requirements of th t"mer's, and trouble. It maybe sad from its varyinsallity bad to be first forwarded to -the authoO- efu th . ...... . . . — obie dealers. air cus 0— and drudgery. -from nature, qf his vo- Aies in Chirat. I'll hold-itith anybody I" theY hope, by strict attention to husineas, , to giv6 entire satisfaction to all thbAo 0fo MAY Hence favor them with their patronage. s A trar I eller was lately boaitl . ng of th . d' '-'Epps�sCoaoA.�G!tATEFULAZ;.DoOUI?QRTX . No n cation and situation, the farmer owes it to the A manufacture bfa novelbbar'acier hi Climax Double Cylinder -Thres woman of his household to enliven his home 4113 6 agoned material always. on hand*.' Ordcrsi�o been ry of arri y a thorough knowled.go of the natural a- A large. slid, del.ect aback of the be t so .0 and to devote himself to them even 6ptablii;hod oi� illb northern edae of llixL viog ab. night, after' digestion Oti laws which g6vern, t1w �peration 6f, billAtidb1 eshing day!s j ake of 0-y- V�Iid dud'.by a'oftreful closely than his town eousins. Too often the Dartnio" re, nEngland. A*aerios,bf shal Jo!Yaey1F-to-,p4rt the enj nutrition, willing housewife is permitted to perform In- ha6litof a well-ot baig and th6left leg of applic4tibn RUAIB&LL LESLIE' LTU low tanks hre)oharg0d with water -fibril the fine properties: )f w.ell-selected c000a,� And all kinda of AGRICU RAL IMPLE�I:b, M 41ways.� on Ii 9, tLud bore beyond her strength. She churn I Mr. Epps has pro' tbe-granite� In t4at elevatedregloli 4 a o0se. what is the videl our breakfast tables Citswom, July! 22, 1874: 17 scrubs, and mops, afid makes fires, and splits kindling wood, anti milks cows, and doe, slight frost produces &4 j, 06d layer of"ice,. iecul ar, Juxoty,of a, left leg V 14 Sir; to with a delicately flarored b�vcrage whi6h way 6 la, hnd iticroasing'4oniand for Our c6labrataO Thrioshfilg RachinQs, fr6m all �Ry ro Mee other 1%vark wlii(;h men should do, besides will' h is collected a6d -st n' ive §�L a U ran J"iw- .�ge t�approvcd- Qr�ed ts - of the Dominion, w6 h the Intrpda --1 � Jo,, of such Articles ation, of the latest and ::mos 0 y-m.u-- co a of diot -that ayo, , b Ju( I IOUs I 9 y looking after her culinary and nursery du ti -es'., t i he only Ug that is-')�'ft a" sti 20' My,bo'gradiially built up'lln. Wo are'. therefore purposes, in inery into our ifoiks, greatly increased our She rarely complains, but nevertheless the d Oil tr6 eno' to resist every tendency to i Ill All ordorg.p?omptl deem h1t6wath6r1oar,sti'larb TOR INCH WILLIAMS MAN posit oii to f y Th6ie are, 8,000 paper, manufactories ai and ble, how, - around, us ready are 'O F S T R -'A. T� P. 0 A, D- husband and sons ought to try tc; lesson her 46ase. un r6(U -of '-subtle' maladies nlabors and brighten her life. They could net in the world emoloying'80,000 inep 1. can 7(ou Q1 to attack. whord�e)r, get along very wall without lier, and one day 180,0001wo6ioul', bdSideA­th6' .100,000 pany sik' blaek beaus are Yes Sir ; there is a weak point. ' We way as * ( !. I . . 1. . 'I. Every ni hine is ruli an(I thoroughly-Urm -boioro bheL' many Cape she will have to leave them. employed hi.the ind trade'; � 1,800,000,�; half.'s dezqrr." Well. he*., rainy .4rg &fatal shaft'by keeping o�aiiolves Wall forti INO-01WOR -4p- entire satisfctiop. ATMD:'�E17 Sudpiossers t45.71-, son 00 -pounds iff papef'ar6 jrojuceA an half,d dozen of white fled with purer. blood and.a properly nourish.' p -1116.11 �ejl-yi%6 , �od fia -Oivil ervice Gazietle �Sold onl� Dually. 9 _half is USed'jM'4p Y'! Now. A Rembilsence of Slaf a Tremendous oulfiri bo S, 1 0�u tie Packrotaiabell�d-111AArESFPP'SEIQQ.,.Hq;�'Agr" Itural P Engine' W. o k indef for L howJii'any white be'a 'a ClieiniFtt,'48,,,I'hread3icedle street; sixth. in:writina, and tlre.rer.96 no are there in Six m000pathi '20 le 21CU ails. = -0 The attachment of many oi the emanci- packing� lnd othor'' black beans IiHalf 'dozen if" j6u wilers is a pated slaves for their former a prevent 6i coniquor requent comi-inent , hare, and a eing EALTIE Xq skili. em' oy came very near 6 subject of f exceptionally ki I . ­ . , . '.. - . - . disease is due of th inse I - ey%itde�t attaininents".ever CO. nii SON, P slu . NT -.11A 'GLAM01V 1ACPHERSUIT & ia, alkil th6� orl If I "13 OBE9T THO11 R. W -IL vro�-� um `--;ALSX. 314,N3, police reporter gives the followin sevire in Ruis anned man, j rymu. 9 spulmouielyi. g �Xam The.',' only origina A L�&Jll, as sktre - auto vol&, tickling -in 0 11 A ple-i-An old white woman was arraigned given a pair offurred glov'ea:��&s, -heavy.' of -Be k0WAT; J. 06V xN.: 1hethroat,and ptilnion%ry'complaints, War ()n Wednesday moFni no, for al 'snow, asks as-to'print- his seaond na 1) oy, :'Severe cdf�17if not ilenbe.-will deAr *0 L nonor or later lead to ineuv%blc 0 found ' guilty a" sentenced to seven days b4g. She.. ba6 alsq.kept a great fire effort, as foll6ws, Suggested, by the �.slud-, atte'ndeedt t6 a T rkhouse. She'iat down 'a tl'e burning More the Winter Pal he Wbsthei cofisumpti6n, and'the strength of the str t S in,tbe d n changes of t ace, ed—The-readiasrand beav OL corner en. a Spring jo. he court having adjournet'l, an old i inexis know. n f�r the cur of -these complain of the dock, and soon afterward The lab b a fails� if neglect Dolorea, the op e benefit of these mpoor felle*s� and hFis or ere 'p le Bryaii's -Pulmonic WafLrs;?1 wfiic i - i ve can �P. man carne in, bringing a pitchvi, of coffee d d� 11 b Butbre be had uttered Axyso;. Irea, for $4-3Q. athoroughly tried'for. the last..twe e d Friagrant Jalm111 11ps. 00od lliglbai 'L 0 orS ng TngijiSb larvAitfaist'rens, 11 lbs. Good and a plate of provisions, mi apliroaohing. distrib4ti6n. there. to thom;by tlie.p6lice a 0 Broade'anit'. ers a L It fall fr m,the ftee never beeli,kalova to fail. I Seed. Pr 11.9, �Tiorse Pow6s Saw! L,__to " .1 a a t $4ew Season BjxwelE Ir I 26 IbLa. Good k made bfT A de;Ld, bird wo he, %lso. de,Tiv the marshal he asked in U11 W-firitted voice Gf8bilMe a. 66miorting ar iaohlnas� Grain "Crusliqrs, �3traw Cuttersi Plovs, Gagg,Plows, c., r rom the v A b 1. 0 leirle "Boss, is yer got all old s% hito lady in honey s'd For the muglQ'Ilad f iz in his throat... 186 of them., b -e middle. of . Boilors -a siz sx., 0 'vbd, a 1ftrg6'd-nd v I(, 'a sio�� ts per box., tu�� icoti Df Gmqpnxi GiEb ini 'ZD al'" dar na�x6d Riley 11' geogiril)hy, dealers,'at 25 can :Btflfd&� f -8teaw EnginLes axid li, whiLli w ' 71 be solil t t1le'lowd t'ro cp '�ric WI Some one replied in the'affirmai a, slid -roric J'alittiry, alass,in 4 Ill a munerative -es. v It appears tlidb f d said BEtN -SELLING DR. h HZELB-A )4UL XINDS 0 -tit Jews, w1th.corka the old man's face brijl�tane.d ul� at once.. the time when �11e' Div6m� Act came. �t%n aBe oolomaster. � "What Glass -0em i�uit th.-Be.t in� tiio kark�t�cheap. Stone F r I ' 'df' he a�shed. "A Turning to a numbd'Lof gentlemen who int6 operation, o 1873-, -5,418 petition's- �pilq of Callsava !or* three years, and, from olir.,pgr-: Contractors Jon. GrUt and- Saw M;Iis colnptd�. -41,10"for Vatp). -Cheap. For Crocicery,,Ohina and'Gissaware, m'y stbelcJs large and well sQle9.te4 top ot ihe -io�hl knowledi villages"On the claese, �60tor� wore ata�ding-near, he said for dissolution of- :.Mln in. A ciKcuSj oile. on a of its merlts,' have mitch mar-Aage, judi- sure in race . mmending, it RS. tllorL Tea Ar�d Toilet Sets'Complete. Gernmen, I heared dis inornin, da�t do cal separation., restitution, of conjugal other." 11 Wbere's'Egypt V 11 Where -0 - A reliabid'Aii�l'soientifleprepoLration.- Itialtelyd 1,11DIM,-THM01 & WILLIAIU) NA11UFACMUNG GG,j SM4 LIU lei V A TFORD) *ONT. . . . . . . parlite had 'rasied, my old misses, and I 13, _W_hero's Wa i- big], 6.0 mart-lage—were . ... ... Us, and nullity 'of All Very tirn�tl6h by. ph�aicians and -the pub. 'i 76. er 4.e 1) a0e, next bor Jrc ins Z, Pay's, B�ic 'BloCk. cum here to see her and day wouldn't rig. 6Ver tb� 1p. al8 emme in. Dat Ole lady., gemuxen, was, , presented, in England, making an aver. well said lic.'and the demanais con increasing, the, SdllQdl-mdster,-.E-9tay­th,em till -1 LYAJAN Co.; Whotesale *drug- N. FLOBSON. age of 888 A, year. ATnong the pat woman onst, and I was her servant. g;sts, Montreal. he raised ate from a chile, and when I ars it seems that 4yeiy clash,of sociefyi-s-, w you a.species of.biroh.­tfiat; girowi Canada Com 'Sa' il" pAny n a.. �B �ent for Quotbon.,S'�� George'& Co, importorg, of pt�ro,.Sfedioi' a!- Wires,, TQrcnto. - eared of -the trouble she was in I felt jest r WobLY ORSM-Wonly houses are not -Lao ab " t eflualLy re ' elted i a.1 I ove , this country. ": I , N Oy T Clinton; July gl, 187C' oil pres n proportiop; rare .",moy,%uppu96; nO t such great curiosities "T OF LA'�Tl)s,n; iruAox -roR sA=. By ike crying ; and when I cum here an4,Aey Zo of Goshen, R.'11allts floek,. althar, there are man'to be Tound. in various 'A Uoanad% oempanymaybe se n at the offleall of Mr. L%ut 1i;(er, A-ilxember.6fthe Rev. ouldn't- lemme sea her, se&f; I sez she Parts- 6fthe countz, tat we doubt if tb6y ill 7- i me eli- presuming 6n,ble weight and- i6fluenco . - .1. . I H 'Tl' in't had nuffin ler eat, nd I took all de- is another man Who made b s n Over prove as le to their owners a the. one 13 0 ilbllo- thaf 14: h0d us in the, bougregation, had Ciilled-'Upft by,. -Barnum ; Nvd fibagino theil I I I oney I bad in do world and fetched it to titled to a plac on . the immorto- roll of ill. the Wsrl,'ot a llfty.CLUt Sir.0 OIL He then- advanced'toward the dock, met ing,of, ih- I m 0 r frequently. 'or . more- ful Lfo not M( foe this rough anti wobly state of the -hair )je Would cofisudor, them - m6re viliuble W EDALUALU DUC fame, by producing. so h" 11413 `fxu4 took --hi' t' task ly� � �Pkeadbirik, ih,lioates that thehol.se is ot in.ft TV 0 - S. Syru'jf Rod 'b 6§12. trififog away said, "Old riviasus, here's suthin I donor While.oth6rs a a Prede� tinkiion," which he hoped would dition­�­Iirobabl� hide -bound, or autforing fr... T U,Tea- Tem, aq her by name, and when she Appear- comprehensible betiefiC.to in ukind, Rm You was kind to in, future be referred mlight for yertocat. v. - to. Hall, unpatural �1)- d it can, be foutul Sn oil Arst-class drug stores. Con. onst, yor was, and Pso gwine to lie] I p their li es *in bidIdinj St"raboiLts or , . Cojiditif") . . . I . FRoll TYM, an. . . . .. *SmiperS4)J't1iJS ' L * wrMirg sermons, or doing other foolish thwID'ost moJ rate and cautious otweii 0 BOOK 8 11100-CELLANE.01i as was good to ine abian Ifeave Rome ron T1.1 C.4 't� D C on thi% �lark quoiti6n, was very iudig'� puify the blood, 'correct the appeo.rance;- R 4fi Ar' di, it 'Will boa succeeded In constructing rt�rd`Tea'Coin any 6 old woman burst in fairs As she P S rr �6- ry X 0 Z%T I., 9 from the- lungs and liver, nant. Ife looked ate ll,to iVe 6117bUstfructinn %ve - a obair into wh at his:Oenscr SUL.] shining appear- lited the bounty of her former sli ich be" has, wofkea,vne .lid. 9 d' At ", MEG TO 1NrF0Jt9 TIM 'WALL' WINDOW 'SHADES subseqdently she signe'd the temper- -h-undred and one different kinds of.wood.,lor a time, And replied any. Y00, ance., Remember the name, and see that the W PAPER9�,, ature of Hura. & Co- io'()n e4ch-package, . I T OY S : A 1*4 D a pledge. -Bosion, Jo-untal. Sir, t perceive that, you are prodestina- 0 DUr 801QLgent RMU;Y NVAT014 CO., The skin of fruit—be it apple'L. peaeb, to an Lyman, Neftastlej Ont., pro , rie! Xi. W. Martch,pealer,(111intall'is - - - - - - - - - - die -44- -- ass, and whdt is see t6rs for Canada.: Bola by kra. . .. . . :,. I Proptlotots,3buireal. pearp: plui�3, dr grap;—should never be that you are determined to ! mak or solliog ToWnhis abitzloi, and thstwodr0sapply- GOODS, VIOLINS: AND CASES Scraps and Gleanings.. eaten, especially Firdit a your Thi publioginerallywili 1�a pleased to no, ughliftith-thefinest Tess, itaported, varying frola Red , pruce Gain, thepopulmr remedy for fill der usmil retlaft prices eallingand election,'Surel."' ties that tile P 5,0 to 00 ad either Black of Green, Wa ir. skins are so difficult of di;estiorx that roprietorA of Gray's yrp of ..ted =100111.1.115 eakits #pper 1b.. I -more thhu one The stoty bas recently conl�.. to light .�put forth in their prolpeetps for tbatsome years ago one 6f the Xii1i owo papers in Italy have secured, a stomach in a hunared. PICTURES, ',AND.. FUEL TRAVELL G SARUM.' ETC, ad there is probably. not afEbotions of iho th�aat- aiiii'lungs, have. lately He Ja now ptepand to fill all ordats. GIVE 111DI A papablb of Per- introdit ad inio.-the market i largor mizo of NVU, FRANA 00. IGN Or! TIM RIG '.Brs' 'T , 17 -hQlio tfie aPrantldrd,Uay - ME XT- OF year, 19 of lii� illess fafming th4 aifficobtaiik.1 rhe ski" P9 8 i 0 861dirs stole 66: of "a CM 12,187d.�, th 'blessir rticlq, -to soll- -at 'fifty conia, and. A? A y- thr9a; times the qu.6tily. of , Ea rr I their.Vditors,pi-intere,and raiders. to. fruit whii sholls'are.to nut�, �ides �to� AiArch the jewels thal- adorned 4 )Ia- Olds noifl t 'Ber'16t' 'Wool. er P il&m) �ttd.. Perlin. Wool. 600d; sIP ecuTiar bride in La Porte, He owned his possession but 4dorable inducamodt 'is Mills'. stock of g67)d, Vopseliold.Farniture, p 'Ind. animals, abd basks to grain. To obli,ge. ., . I olored to consumers to purchase It,' S donna. � fflyt,4 F101iri g t, the gilaoff- ofseasoiriedmatorial. . All thi latest Papers an(I'P- egiodicals Always on It. -Ina. AlsoAgen i t or the attired in a brown silk dreas a' or allow child to eat his apple dr -pear denied the,theft, saying tha you got ilia gabuille, ee.thalt home in . anufacturti, inado a crown upon ber.head, surmount- 11UPeeled is unliju"rid'wrong for it i's le, had given them to him. There E stllpscri�or begs to tondor-Mg--most- were . o witnesses to dl*S1)iovb him.— l'i LOTV WIPE' Voulll,,Liautexi�nt Lynch in Taincerc thankil to his nu A flno ssortinctit of finported, work, such, DAILY AND GLOBE I AND a bridal wreath, a white lace veil. nZp quistion of daintiness but. of health, , is voyage to the Dead Sea found. a li�ge pillar morons s Wond and Can- f4act 8rpfasp; tonn. The - King, thoiefore, Bent for some of salt on the, shore, -and the Arabs informed him wets in the surroundhig townships and th� gcs� What-xo�i Matt�esses, Spring AXE PLIGAN' MONEY BOUG11 )in the grdtind ; the bridesmaid in a in that it was Lot's wife; , for our pait *e Are much �ublid generally -for their liberal �fttronagcj' Pled6;0'arved Biaakots,Jtustic Frainev, &a. I Rgam T . AND SO . LD. Ro6ish pr.i'e 99�TIM NAZlh AM, PTA0Y*, and the grooin ite e.telrypars. ago 4 woolthy.farmer 'tied to'doubb it, thngh. we have no hesit,� and would� further notify them that -ho hat in pure A Som fsAild'.` Sk6a the 'if there incli )?ictures framod with, 011t or th were. anything impossible for a Madon- tion in saying timt the beat thing to cure colds, lately, dedm.stimliortantimprovemontsto hi$ M Ig,a, hOWelL of the f1r'st fugitives Slaves that "ePPed into a grow;ry 'house in. Son na. They were shocked ab the-queo" L gore throat, rhournatiAm,.-Yieura coin. hia myn iinery by putting -in a neW boile' Gilb blouldings, Iuatic, Fram J01:1N, N ame to Oberlin, Ohio, the vori- Bend, then doing. *business','and present- Plaints -&a double. he power Iferetafore used, mild b r a r plain. rnedi' 250 Y' ave .changea. The her dwnip6ttrice.— to be h' d p 'cine-dealri for onto per Goo(I vluce --tvrn to all who Ifthy t X it M A it X ET SQUAAE. ad a $50 bill to - b iian, Ad affirtned a her, im,portant imptovementa, toge- 0L1NTJX,. Oat, 22, ISM IY a -ices. Eliza"'of Uncle Tom's Cabin, P ra tl�it *�ase, replied the Kiw*, 't, I b5ttle. Try one I with mallerate 1)�, n IL MiStake, ana g��o but essed the Ohio' River on tile ice rop 6tor, ma. e canodt pursued by- slav him $20 too lnd6, and did:not discover work' in e hunters, and do sometMing else, '. T Will' forbid hi The DAILY and W E KLY 01RISTING, CROPPING'&O he fearful leap by which 8 Cie e it.- Some few dys age tile same party 195,000.1 died in Qberlin two weeks silij;v. again had occasion, to have the everAo- receive tiny moye peosouts fr6rii U ditions of the weighed itt'and. out', Parties'from 4 ADM D., A APPRE-ACIATED air Is a A� kind of a, bill changed. In doing so. he a Xtfdouna," 39ONTPLEAL 'STAX, dintmnee can h ' ' ' t 1101tio with rimentR in G6rmanyon frozen have now, (it is estimated) an mitdi4kee, of.*OV thata the same. day. Go V lotti and Milf i, The 08BOR-ot aftd.,UOY.&L bc' )fit taking the lead'and first jVrize mi�o theremark ��11 If yon" will do as- it, is related of Pr4derlelt Loniaitre, IFeed always for sale At moderate price 9. a prove' that'the freezing in no HTJXDRE 1) AND, �Y,Vl E TI 0 where evet oilifbitLd. The above madhines for well by me as a. party did ablne 10 years : the great Frahch actor, who racent) rs, the chemicE qfid. then, d composition of ago, 1 will be v ry.thlifilchilp" . val4y i6ox il' A int on, Ont.. dlvd,tbatbo, delib* ioated hiZ ;most widely �irculatad atid influeAtial:no-wapa, LUMBEI Its. LUMBE 11. The change i�-sinlply pby- related the aircuni8tandos., A genjlo�. self0ith the 'absinthe thA he'lilighi Any other gewing Maeblu'a fxbUjs)l0d to -order, j� assortment 414'ais on hand. - Call n even if fiozen bard they 'are Vera publfshe4 in� Caukda, Tho Subscriber woul(t Algo mfortn'tlie pub- overheard, the nv'ir- botter dopi Paired. nndvth6i furnishings k6l)b on hdd. man-atanding by 00' at the b6sotted character',of lid that he. had a I&rg6 stock of lumber of r distillation, or they tnay be sation, and went and in&m ed Elie papty the r�jp�icket -ill �' Iio..Ohiffeiii 11 ditlerent kinds And, 19ngths - Pino front 10 U N D F. R T A KIN G. it'"Ielliber the Place, -It - irron 01 tho Cal"I", t4clal 116tel to get rid of the water, and then er. " -am 10 to 20., Uffierrvj ca LEARING* Butternut, NVhitcAsli, Maple, Softand Uo�k whoebangedthe bill.. Next dayAhe -5 tried his realistic acting- to,such n to 26 it,., -Hoinlook, ft into a very good meal adapted grace'ryman'tuot the party and reminded extent,fbat.ho often'gave roid blows in� C SaLg I Puncralstattolided: I I hn, in lengths to suit tho public, hbit- And, all filriliallings suppliell t g cattle. him of the'trangiictlop, figuring. up ther stolid of Shaw nes in, i. case where a ables him to fill all orders- --that lie ay ba ratca� -T indoo Bible forbids a woman to flgbtq ok plade. On fAv6Jc4 Witli oil thi short6ht itol ' d-inost !)Wil� Always on hand (trimmed to su t) lie 0 U iiiterest.a;id.p�hi'cipl atroUbting-to the stage t(I i 1, . . j , R nuor otherwiso. 'Which the Son. n 1�struggle to oform fie� �GOD ]A..-xuH. WD+v x ug, hear music, wear jewels o 6 occasion, when about to pt s- 9 Sittig suni ot $�Q, eyebrows, eat dainty food*, tleman probiptly, paid. per" gtand­-41bort street, op a- monarch, he applied to a ".all P'. xurt, -Pito1nxrT09. , . 4, . . . . . she theMaricot. a -V Blyth MmreU6 1872- P.tf dow, or view herself in A photographer. 'of France to lo� N" Ab boxed in' a genuine T110S. STEVO.N80N. ,*ng the absence of her hus- has made a, discovery which is of im.%' way, , T4e niati ask�d 100iralle Cabinet TV4 Clinton, A g. 20p 1873, it allows him to divorce her, mense importance, 'It greaj aet6i ;eadily gave, 'but in th ----------- AT no sons, infures his property, is nothing less T aliddottl performance the 61fect wbA spbllbd, for he ='GTdVf than -a method of pbotogritphing colois, LE quarrels �vith another wO- or producing naturall coloxect pictures, the bloo was given with such force that ro the publia that tha ate prepared t all HE DY esumes to eat before he ')as The usefulness of -the the �.Supeil! bello'wod "That' too 15 Per Cent Dicould ENGILI 8' I EJ of photo., meal sciatica 'Will, be inOeasod, 6 11 in bard, X, Lem6tro ;,yoil Oromited not RT g,r p y ebeard has torned .up utidred--foia by, this aisewory, and its el�i�lng to the 9stati) of thd position in h*V111 bo advanced, In thi town, of Hopkinson, Mass,, 11 d Al ILI XJD LATli-.Y. 33, iA-0%Z yn in the person of, Chas. C. -so as to BLY-Til, a wealthy but coarse a�d overshadow ll other branches. The a -certain DeAcen Auall. In 'hip iid. is, now . -0 Ai SA -W Mills, St6ve' Shinglo afid, Redding Hi inglAs. spladid atopk of furni, rman. He bad Imea, four faiiihfulnkas of its 'liken6ses- gave to vaticed age he 6d th" U *sin Grist ',IrLa Sa t re, compri 9 ied, and suspicions hi 9 WITH ave pb6tQgiA`Phy its chi6f Val up -when it wag 'the' rib of hit -y6utb, ' A 18, STORE) DWELLING OYER I GRAY'S IvIaell* es, HOP Alaollino�q BUREAUS, ETTEM -1 )� � . till was not right in one or firob discovered 1, �bUt of 11, penando by wearing a Weed in" A.., Situate ox Albat Stnot, 9pposito reftlif Ills, Before to years �o his hat a SIDEBOARDS, VUPWARD8, cases. His f urth i.P 1vito, man megns have been employed by way full. year, 116 wa's recommoniled to a dot- reated with unexampled bru. of to (0 00 eip, 0sly. w Clutters,, &a,, Sugar Afid P6tash Xottlea, Grate Vaile, &C., �am to -MR 11 an aaJoill- f rifteen per tent bololi;fotmar 8", ing town: The- doatoil Wass, &t mAl$eOUnt.O Coo4lxig, Parlor- an(I Do:z Stovoss of Varios kinds. hor 0, coal the truth reveAl�d by t1la jamelA "n Astride Iibo,, for ca9b, Mid Will � c6litinuo thia, ialb. gt&e,'4�oi�a Rouso and St 1-6 - * Oleo ill 614 br0Wl1.MArb,, Ana o", ar oeike next two, molitlis, an inducoment; that nths has led to the worst that the photograph hag bocorno a8l greak 0 f 4 rj�lng F In t Mr. Tithe, a Brooklyn law- aftligiflox, ttg the paifiter's bruoh. Want 9djointngtho allovq. . tKT6 frontogo oind yrail" W61 baewwid -TO -0 It D E "'The t, Lilt) �idowts d6or he discovered her in #hotla .136t be forgotten by those who Ad6lited (of k%.GdA6tAl or Grocery llaslhogg. more for SAL T TA NS -'Af AD E, g -of Schnan6ria intends photOgMphing of actilat colors would. do the act of turnib geod,- Ana Ae*p Parnitura, g the suds from her d How ifornia, had him arrested on away largoly with, this, flatery. 'Ilvery waah-tuba. �. Se& he Naeoft -4,18 Coal Yard 'dg StorellQuse his 'thr p nurder, and the result of 13imple and blotch would swid revoaled this Widow 1100tier 2 " Yes, sit )f Ilafixlg One' Ot b'16 0 Show Ill 9JI its �hromatio glories. Artifioial wag.thokeply. oolitinued the has still further confirmed ItoomS ill Niiltb a Ifitub, opldnald, for fli6tiffT Satter, ofd.Ago, All opportanity, it given to matte a good Noled. Pork, &a,, situate on the took ofthip 6. 19, Hallwa$,, sallit'y 00 One of coloring by ibe brugh, upon Clio Illicit& am ­111ht little bit of an old ijqn, vrhich shohlitt not li� lot PAR#., a of the officers. n U. Men's nietbods of for- gi-gpl, after its CoMpl#t[bii latit.9 hold g r could be ea i: Deacon Small, and' have Ono I I 1. . . Dopulatl6ft slid ftud tarve his wife, look hop tit) IX detected, and tho camera %A10 tpl 0 atil 0�111, imlig nituate on TWO hno.e of U411%V& V1 alam) to liXOP00 t0 YM" " P10,96 leUMMULS , �,, 1-1 T' TIITJNX AND,010,AT Wl11STrU1Tf Any fal. it � 11 I a Uo a4htro we pour hot candle grease, i� 06rod to its foriber position ng fall I opomb, sit." wildafflo" said ox.sirott.T ot 0110 of the Anost ootifitlod In tha bordu afro to Rentz free �by 1"all to awry MID. n 6 $1 AUOUIBALD 1-101) IXODAC141 ITORTOJVAJ� her out in the yard o fllf &068, 11, �/dld 1ho - 06deAcon, '(have, you, i%liy 4jactiong foil, AlAkOA it A h OST The, ftoelfle Modleffia to oolil'by all Dtitr,�xiA(n t V I-Iftso, 1101ST, hnArAP1dr1?! lammiftit , �1466 bf per fleIrA90, 6V Mm PA60100 f()T $5. Ok WJ11 be sent by .ts. ome time s4go his grgpIling of landgAapeg it g),6116 D, V 106 to going t4lboavoll by tb&-why of Rop. Mrs VO Thb AboV6pteril RUST IM 80M), in orlor to loal= rroolpt of flio a,l(trok6rha s) - 5 t LZ en were burned' to the WdUld ba MA&% wbilo fltd aintin, bf kludon-T� 4111616 at, All.' dewflo *46 Aw� Otte pdrodfit r wanth chargoa, olt all . IT119 ZSTATE. there are MAhy cirdum- the M u�d . Tortais will be givan, groitt Womtera 0OU14 be dopled, in elf the roply. Come in, dowabn4l, ad. oyoraue 40couttv, k �Ah x r !on), fico, it to y, thei Vero watita -6 A, Lyrasill P oxcolleava oftold To -it.. M' RAODY-, EX900TOlt. 00NIV11 And'byhll izonn r1l 1 -IT ing to Ilimsolfasthein. thei Tomito, by thb milllou,4 nut AAy, Zlyibl Vab, 99, j. 1976, Who a4&J4At6nt0k Iy crIN h 4 t"'. la the lk to to ku ld way 7- ------------- aceive k S t .'B y y a ng rity aft ong a great b ind ev 4 ow 41� r I '0, a 11'Ab, '0 1 "" V to gl) 9 as$ A...... . ....