Clinton New Era, 1876-03-30, Page 20 0 ItAl 0 P 0 Y�D V S 0 19, CANAI)JAN 0ANADIAN, NEWS.
'10W"04 Topicst
#TAWS , QW, Iva W10h It, to bo 41011101!vriderstood that We do liot ail 0 Tho steamer 01ty 91 Uidueky lwa$ borneil
XT.m in Militia before the Ur. orpenny, of 3outh Horoo, lia% 0 14
04 bola ourselves rosponsl oIQrth0Ql)1;Al9AO9XVV04s.(0d At Xclo6alliver,"Unnitobs, Quo i to tile Water,# Cage, at polb 8t4illoy - n New Z
by our on,pri(lay. go—, A 4000 of the interest tituou by"
lWoU 6t to., votv, l.Lgalgathiq party on tile altro0ov'r. woman Who, Ung oaten nix pe'roollo.
q9;sq 1148T. committee, lApolft '41 .4 a of clint9ill, 9114 ill* pub
11.80, A yoteof want 91 colludenoo in ilia Ne�v tile peop lie goner.
7., 1' 4A: 1XI: t nd he is meeting with �Si PAVVI Dr. W401 paocoi. s#r. The Eellvso, No fewer thin, 1, 18:1 Ineals. ware diatributed. Ally, in the irlanufaOture of orgaiter-la our own,
.40m[) 2"00 wao Uri A. Q-gilljof W01104P. Maoter or pro 'a' , t �. Tile ;ioq otlka,%., end 7 Pa., sul;fty; 04041 at, A;* P. at the Hamiltou soup kitchen, last W094, dAy by a largo
04-his.accoutit - . majority. towne wo send you the fcllowing,,�jtiu all in.
the Ord pm in, 04tArl. voting .,against protection in-) servloo- eiorl w0aosden At 7'-00 V.1n. To Oe r1ditor Q/ A 0 X ev Era.' t oil
Q, who milre, fact of his, Mr. X Baby, an old oitiz6a, of SXVQIA, 4rov. 4 � aertil4ii, Ualned J. Philip Xolupf'oplia- Yltittion to,a.11 to v1*1
3� sop. M. 9.40 r. or of Gran light not taqg4se bi!A.'t.9 be qh%rgQ(I with 0,4.VAV4k UETOODIM"ROY, T. B64,.,roikor, socirlea red 4oad Wt week, wIlile - walking fcQW his' leitted suial" in 1jilifelo on MOSiaaX':bX hA4g4_ the firot "Plhttoull Organ r WArorcollm and Nee
At 40:80 A.3tiq and 0:00 p. in., Huitda ; Betio* 2:0Q, 011t,—Not long. Ago -'01-10 reading that -to his Ii X4. Ill, Iliv pinrouts: realde in the toi�llehlp bt It hall CIght stopOx
moo .80�- 14olodis,
did tre"On to his pvty,'si It would b ViQlA, Vluta, Celeii
xtilt that the f4rMeM 0 04444A - o' 4, *unfair, V. in ootlyr4l P!Oyor. r000tlug, we At 7. hmlse ft,
Wobratod work, �ntitloii, 11 Ayoro Ameri - 'QuPler, Sub Bass A1.44
X., P. against tbe t000kany mAn to st�jreudor his ri$,ilt of m., yQuAfl popplo 0 Prayev 0100140, Fq �t 7: 0 Thovotlinatod cost of WellAtut North 9� Asthopp, Pe 0400C
'Want protection, especially Can, Almanac for'1870," I was Am qang . rill. FO
OU with , .1 Pon- is- for 0460, oil 11414b rt ; walnut
thought and action and b.ocomo o, were tr(kotolo $6 800 of article , tile Can.. Price $260,
QQZNQ SQVT9. jI04, of 144i 11 earn. As Ur. the * VQW.U9.84 of the'liberty which tbo ,923 , there, had been paid up Tho'Clintott
free. ir organ is it$ QIYU
,4 unit, in a party, ly for Mr. to tennial. 344hibition loft. bloutreal. oil
Volta, -4 but unfortunate DocombOr lm� $%084,00. "RhutsdAy, and 61111,041t 00collium., Be,
mail. 91"44 * 0ohoolat5;0Q Americans have taken With this year,
WINQUAM, depart, ... 6,80 A'.11% 700,44p, Mr. Hill, is ative inan, And Greenway, be has giren roalpa to at'least p,=. 110i %huradq 101:1 Two cowo for Philadelphia. Atiother eight, Or ton cam. 1) ton#. Rua O'd 10119 40 It can be 1111p
a reprepwit rayormieu i
8Q pm, roved in
7 00, merely because. it in the 044toon al of their accidentally shut 111) in an ullujied .44Y respect, howey
05 DIALI� 0n4I8TXAX.—,Uor. It. T. COUT1108, pqbtor� agg, will leave in a few dayo. or trifflug, it will k6 09 im;.
DEL011AVE ....... atly, it ill, suspect him of coquetting with the onality, I stable in Ueaford ronWpeil fix. durance ter I noved, Its 5410
T11 . .............. 705 ass � ox- 000 ot, 001 The oarriage oboran4 foundry of Mr. Thor,
speaks 1pr a al ' aso, appAre and jbis causes hill, to �bo iaolioa oil with vice at 20;80 Bait" and 0:8 m... Sunday; so400l wit L atry, . They were n onea. with, 8� at present, are VX9m1eiui,
7 06 510 over two weeks, ;ilia wore starved to deatlZ Ina it is oonAderttly Pro
8 940 1045 peat h illd have some botving.365. days iu;L year, but tboyinust go swani Mount Forest, were destroyed by fire, SQ4to4. to, tho public an
11 2Q ad, that Lis, wor4p o 0 suspicion. For Qur par. we preifer'Nw-41t.! 2�4_ and pti , At in aucither this year, ' Mr did 14,149. Newoombo.. of Toronto, who left on ' veritable trium 0 3a
,,,,, together w
joltUONFIELD ......... 200 1 � ith all the ifook an( portedtion.
JUPPEN . .......... 9 is 11 60 weight, and recoite tbat '00481doration Ing lor'furtbor dovolopments, before eitber -ibai� place for 13all Francisco, in a waggoll, md
Go AND hear %144nusll �Qiyane, in'the their pat OgentlitY, t apim,
, , presumption and here ; they! so m4ch usso h . : -to the noblest u$oit
RUTAII . ............ 909 condeniming 01 Town vening nex. . e, lat. iucreas6, the dpl�ghtb, of home aLa 44.
the 0ortion of. the q9 DI eday 0 Q timo, since, hag arrly4
unit whose in, the safely at th A petition for divorcoillbo or in
LoNDON, arriTe, ..... 1100 oonserpqfiro. also, get.411 eclipse of the sun, Which. wits to 4011, duri )once, the. 011joyluept4 of social gatherings,
I ow, h001 of April, She, is W41. worth hearing,,. have ocoar tor Olty,
001110 XOATI1. . * , d toadvoc4ts do red owtho,'�$ih of Naroh, Now, thp present session of Parliament, by Mr. R Clio product of leMixed. ore Ayer would have us understand, the wh.M, fcediug a throsbing machine At it bolongs to
mat!. PRizx IlAnNss.—The splonaid Act of as r, "e' *aQkenzIe, of Uoutron
The Chicago. riblote says �Ot the recen
...... 4 80 P.M. 7 80 a.m. serve if it can, be shown that his 11 1 t 1116; Kr,'J, Todd h.Ad his arm cau txwhose wife some time Art—it covets
10 1105 reduction of the harness, made b on the e,%rtli skn,4 v the honor wbiZ4 is. the rig4tf
LQNDON, Prooi%ioutle as --Pro- y Mr. J. Twitcholl, lucion was to get betwo since olopod with yollug Bry4gaa. due of astall4ishvc
0. or 11h, is d , m4ohl cry and so ba4ly I acerated ampu- I w0rth�QxPects,tbepattau.
...... a 45 11 50, stateiAbrits j�ring fKoip'his,,own selfish- oldont Washington was. paid at, 'salary of :town, and Which t9oka'numberof the sun an so Cause the sun to be eclipsed, hwfollowirig is t1le aill,que ray ille'114pg, Ago which belon
=PBN ....... 118 to VoQoguitcd guperioriti,
12 P, p.m. 20,00(lin gold, w --��Vjsitor, at the And invites 'Auto ligelit clitiai4m e
s, We tilink ben pri4oplast fall, has been , I determined to:note
a dollar Ji lid the pi purchased,by J, Taking this sea (Ac nee Beaver publishe
13BUOUVIVILD ........ 1 7 . � q births verywiiero.
OLIVTON .............. 7 80 14$ ness and personal. interest. Rlpovo, Esq., X Oil Wedpeaday afternoon, Pavia Toad, o. Out' aspirations are LOND98130RO . ...... 8 05 2 05 of two dollars of greenilaoks D,', for the sptnof $95 thSiday And time, Tbatdayllasnowp4as. residxioe of W, Q.. Amoy, Esq.,.. on the 43rd' y advance StO
W -step nt110- k-401dnirch of ftogresa u
a 10 ey -e -not. worth, ap more, if As 'of the COUII_ odW lie has tlieeclippe,. TheeolipsewAn' bagg4go inan, kilt Tittoknow, while in, th� i t_Welght,.unknown - - BLYTH ............... a Z th at now, and �who, .population 0ATTLE.—On, M0.4d. gender lomilline,
popaer p1hug . cArs,-sligp6d. and -got Ido It IA
55 8 55. much, As the, ideas. 0 any total, pot 'a bit of 40 -of OQU ay be truly gai
ELGHAVE . other persoq try was not pe-to4th part, nor t qd'a lot tho'oun b�9ing.,yisible, runqyor, hian,4,411glt D4 ly., A disaRtrous Ilre occurred At Itopde Id that our 094risk aro.not
4 45 f be pr6per- & Mooney o1wipp of Cattle froth here, an e morning I ' 11 only creditable to ouraelyep 'bil
-day, 't - ill it an' 0
WINGUAM. 0 80 lasted Al was t to our town
:ty oue-twentieth, of What they are now. ng whiah.'Were notite very Ano,aniiiialo., Monday; - Tbe briok block, Crag by A. L� and Dominion.
NOTN_ Xot rains run nor amo Mr. H, C" Gir'Vino, lately connected with
dmy, and. Friday. son Tuesday, Thurs a 4uU Sk- the commupity. 'This Govornor-Gonoral of OanilA gets Indeedo they appeArad'to be, the best' lot opowing, and snowed all day 6xcopt when a OF Blonetto, And G. Fiatee, and ooctipled by
tur *11, ever� doy. ng on e- ough that we hav6. oeen'for some,
Will speAki '$48,667'por annum, besides resi- sli, thr it rallied -or took a reak --The suh-:�Vao iu;- the�R .4 Seafoilij, wg(Ltecently ut Most of the tclintou, Marc
-visible all day, ed by Iii0friondr
on accouuC of being eclipsed teill ,And preseilted. with a gold 1129, 7o..
half of fArixtrs in gqueral, dance free and his staff paid byi the QQv- -time, Cha, to'b '. goods it is, the,,vory (by the. cloudc) In my humble opinion, ow
ainmont. The DomhA64, ha4 Smith, tboblalo4oulith, charg6a With loan.
a o w' a Y L ery well that th MAGISTRATES' C esi for eta
et . ounT. Messrs. Vishe the fOIIOW'hg things are facts Talk- The r4f of the driving sbads,'abtsobed'to. slaughtor at the Bliddleux Apsiz
contrary. same i)dpulatioa as thin State of Penusyl, b.
and Farran were engaged fpr a number.4f Ing4-the eclipse albue, in this part 9f the Marshall's live, st4blQ8, 4111011, wall OV11011- bing a, boy with a red hot iron And inflicting
-tiditl corn inx down the Preoident's sa- 4
cutLfatiork of I anitay. is vania. utting hours on Monday with a 'charge profe 4 world tit least, it wap� rather a failure, 2nd, ad in on Sntur2ay by. onow, completely clo� fgt�l wound, wag tris4 oil Monday, the jury Shaw, lot 39 4tlk
�bu'ry, or., again rre straying six bil lary to really less than hatlf'thol value of by Mr. 1, Ritttoi glen and four ootters, T ownell
a xot
and. a' nfiAed to localities sLt J.- Bo�d., -That theLfol.ks who had -.,cry carefully. �ra,, urrhig, a v4rdiot�of Not Guilty. On 6110 7tik of
v , limited dame or April at I Ii, X. j
ery 0 money paid to Nyoshington, A I loss�is at least 1500. P W
money. Aff6r'fully weighing pavea Bud, smoked pieces of gl4ss or tin Robt.' Ron4orsoll" Ot 1fotetou, committed, so.,, Orson Auct,
stuall aros, corn requlraitL when the nation was, poor, foe liht]�L aq d. 3 Arm Of Ibek late T. HAgyard, being lot 20
-distnisse - Vere...0 ig, himself.
r WA-44WK, _V_11�01%lfjl mo lot ates� as week, a female *lie' had a lVedneaday, by hanging 11th can.,, Hullett, at Londesbaro, gn bt
hand 'also in the case$ wthat an eclipse! o be visible to been jilted by her lover, attempted buicide. ;K, had -only been married since last anuary.
Ayei'sny a d , ASril 17, at I'p.m, Also lots a and Io:
mutually adva, Worth, America, he should except Canada, $he goton boaral the. ferry boat E08bX, and x n
1111fifitol, &W llrg the. milist sonthech, ntageous Commercial then. jainped into. thQ rior, not the r ft Loll esboro, Jas: Rawson, pdriions of catta�& WZAT1I)4P.,_During March, �Iiow4thcr 'of having a Liberal Government buL t she fell on a Surely big brief a parle Ce - of married life did
to treaty with Canada is s6 bbviouidy'dosira- has been more'66ttled than atiy other on account 304. cmake, it a.pr6filable crop; --MV, Hill. ; thAis winter, and there is An indicA. and being very liberal w -cake of lee, M Oock,- itc,, of Mr. R, ble that the revolution of the Boaton,)Board ith OlOudO, HOP- W�llot 24,
live ort's, farm (h thait we I may have a little steady ing not Lie have ocoupied-Acto ml,.oh time gets do,wn to the liara ioth:Wa P. IP4
happens to own n At ot Trade, approving of the'appoilitutent of don pan of common sonse when it asks its car- Jan6�,#]�ullett, Qu , April 6th,
The, duof, ff , on,,AqQt.
THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1876. ..under the joint r4allition sleighing yet, but we dQ, not think It will space, I rem&i i4alesex, in t4o case kbipondeuts to, write only On one ifide, f the,
As espociall kind f Commissioner$
y of Congress,,stionta somewhat superfluous. last long, Tb a .4o nowpOnrly a foot of Yourbedientaervant roon, of Ailsg Craig, who WOO m�ubsoript, and don)t write ou�tllat nuiess
TERE'' big littlesoul'. he' kn'ows by two of his gitriolloacro with utter, yo
cro�P!F-bu�-bless b3ga, forged note, ha I ve brought in a verdio 6 hAvd. eomothlog to write About.,� SP4119- S116WH for the 01hib if
THE INALT Vi $To Only a few the oulti- anowi on tho. W1 Alld tli� storm CAIMEYO.'MALIRY.
il'o�.t blig .4 , oor- and Joe vat on cl�ier busi" -Clintn), March 27,1876. Oott Won of ku
k i of ago intercourse with in still raging. '81 b ot be
that he can.§Un Caillatilleg becomes a city on-tho Is.. L
And obtapletely exonerated a iU people, "who ra�st eyj- facilities no other 'ast Wswanosh, Donybrook, Wednedde
Mr. Platt,of Goderich, was before tile rifty, Zrowipg SPECIAL MZETXNq the-- 'Rev. gpp�tl AA L�, April 12,
y West Rurou "m SmttbL a Hill Thured
nolb, east, soq�h, and*eot,,An��90,0 th spe.' 7 pril 18,
We in Canada does, as. regards its -water is
omm 'tu; Thursday, April Is,
alwayq remain cial melstin� of '-'thb - Couhbil took plao'e" on ehnanYVaborl2e, at Exe
House of Commons committee, 611, the -full ranga-of,-tertitory-�upo6,-.Wbioll-�corn there Were- politicians who Monday a a have no 400bt
we ve years ago' p6wer, W Will 0 but that manyof its Morris, ALin1611t Priday,.Arril 14,
voning lastj All the Wembbira be. The dead bo'dy of a n9v born inforit'was 'ty �f.100 Hullett, at 0
Ld gronant inhabitants it a I 21t0n, Tueoday, April 18j'
Mr. ames
a -turd last, an In is attempted to be grownt as- it doe4 4t. ofound OZIX�nday mofiling lying alobgside tbo BOU611-Hurong at Brucefto
SUICIDE.—On the 23.rd i
salt intere-4t, on S ay imAgi-ned that by shutting them out of our ing present except Mr. Doan. The. only no. Id, Weduaidai,April 1�'
markets ana denying our people the ra. Nich this township, 'was missed from d from op. Uri -.To s Allen
t Of COM le,sear -n, Oxford, with d
his evidence stated that that interest business transacted, was the carqi� hieLh6mei ana, after considejab railwai track, near Montr�&4 an Seaforth, at 80aforth, Thursday April 20.
from a Pullinein of Derehai East llurbus at Brussels, Fri a pApril 21�
cover thucl,i more than 06'COUVIO Of'thou- betioA parati'vely free aecess t6i the oos had been thrown
solutions to -Flaps by -Jaws, conditionally, -on the f pearan a.tWQ-Ois8 SE6WiUg InfiCIA11% Cut. 4b cards Of
was in a depressed condition, owing t6 sAD4 acres. - There �re w other qoc-� inar)l:efs of Canada,, an annexation? of that, q f6qnd ollowing moral g d IT, car Window. 'Its tongue had been to
re from taxatio -for ton Will it � , rn from, stover wood in shouro, on'tbo 7th ; 30 cards The directors
10 AULppssild-he committ at C'.ep 16 roots, At,& if'to stop the little tbipgls arleei of t3i@A"JQrJ�.cheej.
eompeti Oil -they g , row corn, country might,be 'aacelerated . The 'idea a
ti with England, and to some 'tions in Canada where yeam of*La' cgtheqeat� Chair factory, and, and ce Ia ia'7 hours, onjite loth,;, aif"7�-d Wa- a0
waA then popular 'sit Washington that thls, MessrsiI)Oherty & M n liad:-been in -a despondin' at of IS _Aotb6found,__ Th 6�404vg, 'Wv greea pui6 O'the 13=6 from Mr.
liong' the shore ot take Rribp abrogati,ozi of Ilia Old treaty would be tot- ever sinwth,3-A Ah � Chia a oitra, on -the 11th making a total of. 123, Robertson, for.$4,200.1 T
degree, in otisequenee of the COMPOtim- such as al onziWorga, -factory. Wijd - ugh or ther is unknown. - '. q lee
a o hey wM 4rry it on
n dud Coming season
patient derniAdfor the pri-, —We are sorry ciao i 24 hours,
to leafn.that the 4 short time 4owedbi.nn'lin rry Gurri A, I Savoi&l. in� T 7cVnis per lb. , for the 'making f ili
tion wish \Ameriaan salt. 1 H9. stated the rNer and lake� -and it
1. vilegies of Arim. performin '�uppn as Oron o; in And- 0heeso
lricad- citizenship, Experi-� Postal authoilties haive ''made ;arrangements gyrtliv t Ruling of th Ini
9 cipatioti. ef'not getting their license a.
pots, bukitis,a� crop- tha on, while- at to coAtithie, car"rying the--imails, by stages 0610liera Rots%' Hamilton; h
that about 25,006 barrels of American other jamall. 9' once has aispolled',thi YARN� a overbalanced
dehisi nre imported, and 3o,000 ton of cannot gen 11' b so tbat tile the same time Firo�ittg thot .full-allar -of north and south6f of'. are completing arrangements to convert theirl.
era y e grown.. 0 .* himself and th�',rope to the floor, A premisps into Qlabs, tb6 mombersh.
$.%It we 'hoped, by the �Au Ii IF, 6f which. DORN,
iticildent to as we m &,B., R. Xt is A G000, Housa.�-We learn 1h4t Mr. diet cc of tIffe tY- ot,. Strange to say,' will be placed at. �a low fee'. Tile CA
the breakm,
atir salt were exported to the Un#ed imposition the onlyInjury Y IIOPU by 1IPBH.LL-�-In01!fiton'ou the 23r ins
-recip- 1. t to tftvel S,, A1 Moffatt, of.. this placei has just he gustained wa
nofi ro'Ql�ty',faili upon -ourselves. y y. singular, to. s6d a niail,�- that ough this means to defeat tile 4joiIii of the license ie'am
.1 , . ing, of One 01 tbaL sitiall. boxWf of18 a right feet. bill.
States. There was about 350,000 bar- bonus to theso locali eg, and have T�nus. in I the ' most rapid manner,.oiiiiod by.& purchased that sple*4id general �urpose, - ' . .. . 11 1 L I . I . pbell,
to horse vehicle piialiel *ith'a'railroad for stallion, Qanixsby,� latel.-6.w.�ed, _:,..Tho.QJow.!bg -but- pointed � commuui-.,. 10USE.--4a Clintotij - oil the loth' lust
rels of malt mantifiactnted Ia Canada Whilst, the Ado, ray,_Trag6dy Compa
91n7 tendency to. - stimulate i Reformers tuay iVell be :pfoiid of,the -seventy-miles. We hope the Post astit- by eAtion appeared in tli0_Q?abc__"iursday ny' th wife of Mr. Uobt'. Trouse of a pon'.* ,
In Mr. -Lander, of the London road, who
brought him, from below To were p aying a farce at Brockville on 'Thurs.
Dually at an average 'cost of 72 cents where other crops, * bettor. an, the cohdact of. General will reco.naid(ir the -matter sod weekly I sea that Ham
r6nto. This , . I I ang, Mrs. S_A. Nash,* au -ah -ft -61
marked difference bet -we' I . I as, day even inst
their leader -and that. of the Tory leiders cadie the malls. to be s flooded With deg%61 th
cAfried by the cars. ' animal is rising -four yeats'old, and' -stands tn 1, The.faTni t] ks
Listow6l, a a, A112 tejr�
Hr. Phitt closed Ilia evi. �6 comp4ny, too
per barrel. N We are glad to. see that -the We li-id. With rogard'to-party tyranny. Mi Green-: The Hamilton Thiaes�of Monday, says :1 16� hands high, andbid girth is.7 foot.:" arm in the rieighborbega -of WtW�=, the pool, actross beeAnI6
dance with saying that -deatitute-,ollbelpl ah,theso men are,&f employ- PAISLEY.. Clinton; �bD 'the. insti,
a Save, farmefB-1-ave--yot-to 4 Fl more, ancouse
-he hoped to see 7r.ribU,e calls the attentio,ii ,.Who waWalected for South ion$, RAI
of the. Gra Wa� HOrWAs- There is w.witiftiteaa and, we h ment tife ni alit she died of the. wifa of Mr, W.j. paisley, of a s
-founded fumov in the city that Mr. j. 'ALRIA. , , ' * ' . . .. . ogers, to Mr. Hffs..Case, an -expects that. *Aga;bYfr authol4boriswo4h.` Morris, on'tho
a duty of $2 per ton imposed, which he n xnember'L thought) proper well th STIL�
to -vote against Sir ohn�Maodonald a rave, lives I - -- - f.
S. Sinclair,- Q. 01.,- of Goderidh� :*ill be the is Attempt Mr. John Wilson, who 21stinsi., tho
thought would make the busineis pro- as that order was instituted f�r the' 6- title, incidentally protective tariff,inotion.. :i , " ertaitient ing to got a private bill miles from X6TWi A)out throe QfMr#-.Jbd. Stile � of a son
passed through -Parliament, "whereby they -is� sh, fitable. Mr. Platt admits givoif in-; tho- Bible Christian, 0hui6li, site Preferential a evidence talren fhas been-rnarri6d,twico ; by. hi�-Jirst
that thq salt 41416upon-Sir-ii-d OT Organ eA'E i believe if 311r. - Sint- *4
str6itor 0 sckit w ewas blessed ith fou'rtoon children 'MARRI9D
Inanufacturers-of Huron command the nda-1--'oh:dtteV1-ofthcA& clairis.4ppointe it 'will give great 'smile- Alms, on Thitirsday evening last. Ther6 before the bill coiumittoo Iasi Weak, as Wife be -
was a goo bgsocondton;. maing - altogetho PER". the residence of. the
moval of all obstacles to the general.. in- uiinis*ation, and said he had been bought fAtiou to the members of the Bar of,�the d oittandatice, a�d After the- shown'that the'ooncern had suhU. $109,000i t YOUlf G—.006
obride's father on the 22ad inst., by thd
trade throughout Westein Oskrio� as terest of the public, lie will. be dealt up by'the promise of an'offioo'in Manitoba, Co'uilty of Wentworth, and, his nu- wan 'Of the inner man" had been., f Ana that thealuo if tlls'BtCCR.bAa-got twcuty�four. a oldest, baby is fifty-nine
Greenway yestarday'Valled attontion Stgn'aj says atigfiedi Re that $1,000 worth'hadb�on sold for $1,','T)%i8 year, of age, andithe youngest onyeare Rev: Mr, Watson, Mr. W. Youri
far east as Toronto,and can defy comps- erous friends. T46 Goderic Y. Mr.'Roberto..gave an inter-. t
s91 0
0 the Charge, and, an will be seen, he and he disiiiclined ti? accept the office.. esting account� -of his recent tripA0 Eng. n ry
with accordidg! Y A
Y. - - doeg,not, speak very fk�vprabl for the 3ucoess: now�litira child was'di5covered in a out. Miss. Ma Cooper both -o
-tition witbin that circle, but owing to The Mail endeavors to Maio t Mr. XmiclieDzicf added tl it was grati- L� land, of the t 2174 1. house of tile. North American I-IotQl,. Ing- 'nurn I Call iith appreciative inteipst. --Aboqt'.$30 ZNNrAL. —we iyoiii-a On Wedneg A
its bulk it cannot be sent further eaO gron 'Ministerial j . oil . rnal which was attentively listened, dayoneofiberail yeinployees wood, bil Raturday moriiiD TI out Qf Mr... Hill's 'evidqnoe, but IlInt'no attenti�)n of all those parties who V t I IL fying to find acapital i=�, had made similar accumatimis against, edJor-tho-church-purpose, or A..
1�'- inten 'Ina
than that at a -profit, the consumers be red M d vilted,'a6cord-� to th 'Luicknib`w', near the "he closet nearly
that *lfon thb �'pl 10 d o exlAlt stock at the Contenniai-;� -"era Ia! s itiluadt Hve 6y,Lthe Rev. Rebt. i9wing Mr
we feel assu )10 nisfitirial- embers!who,h4 W., G' Ue t allbour I lli
a R. -R
ina able ta obtain it from a nearer 'A lei t re the 10th f V,5(Lays, anxi Waz. at t1i; H a. Ki6kley, of 0
,rn ,all eireums ances. conn pril next.- lenwilliams.
the Qpoosition. a ar _VfepAre I ...a, sizes She do,'�s breech.
soure �ori
L . . ... . - 0 1 Th Al"
in: OLANINO MI f fov.� or, and other articles: Jr. fact, derieb at
of supply. Go
ns rr iat s,
P Ivi a rter had'ad.
_--The selfighneSp-of life calve entries, and, will gNLe all needed in- or !a t at would tn4ke� ti, burglar's'kit. Rev. R. 0, - Resoamp, Primi bivo Metbodig '',,Streef'Motlindiit Cb6rqh,'on
wisheii protected, tile y on other matters on which there.were con� formatin.L We wguldjust state that fill -ded to his eatabliBment here, i - planing 6 R state of gieat. ininigt6r, -of Foregtj%is bh.argei by a yanng wo.. tile 22nd inst, bythe Re . W�jC, Flow;
verbial ; to thera, no matter who suf- y will give it a vat scientious differimces-ofLoFinion,". L This is 'mill, and othei;rnabbinory,' and- will now. int
expenses, Will be borneby th.e, Commission-. able. to perfor on in; Tho:.112iii. A, 13enjdalin .14'a
diffsr6ut eQnstruction. M is 114 only t man with accomIllishing her rn der�oi, M,
trtit) ittoraligm. From inslance peo- re urn auid 'r ubFad 1h. dinphatically denies it, and a, 6hurch.coni.. of Be
�IL t' , a era, ending carriage there,and m, all w'rk aq p of Brooks, 11 smote,,
-whieli, of"the townshi Pa
fers so long as their.. I)nc'cetq are.filled ; - 6, 'or
A coKn grov -it d featoi.d a 0 0. 3u go oil side it that line. Attoo h f G
ver, but feed for the SJ601t. L mA. with i vecy if is that tllo.Ltyrann� of buql� few, (lays
rinciple aiid patriotiviii aro nothing since. It app ar
tive ind ida of Mon,*ck, aiid' cannot, party ia*h Illy ex- mss.�Although Messrs; Anderson let stateracuto- lgnd $come to
rfere Nylth h1i aness pros- i knitting, llg�d OCoasion.-to att i�p,pome are tof the ladies of Clintorf and vicinity -to our t110'regildende of th6,bride!ii fathe
ercised,-.Wamiltmt Ti es. WE D�951iifo call, the "espocial, a tention. & Elder are 4 Comparatively new firm here,. a s that'Mrg. A�finett, who Was �hy of the Pe6�18i U
hey inte therefore, he expected to give evidence they have mivag d,'tosecure.a fair share ad to 'd rap aV .5 up a: purse -of Money to en4le her to r, on
a .
n. -are continuall ting ncedlesnuuing�, into berar,about� three,
sets ; the people 6f 1) and the in accord with --the views of the inen Speaking of the tithe when one newspa- ndw arrivals oi EcrAnetts atidjptces; Ebia a d the door,, silo slipped and.fell, two of, the knit. proseoutIt the cis of public patronage Y. inat'. by the Re. 'It..
4 -of Cana- S., and -other iddin to their select stock... inches ; and breaking therein, Tho,pieces loelan4erg`.and Menn6uitog fron . i Southo Tip per controlled 6e public opinio lace scarfs scarf Goo. f . Brussels, to Mini
aritime Provinces, who And it t3 tbbir. I I - 1 9 1
now in power fiew shadea,,in the libove gsAl. jo, e'L Gen MgINsvRA24cz,---Xr G. Hailliltoh' since 1-av and Mrs. An is in a,
ay, of Go4eriob.,%
4ai and thii, present, yihen 1he country. b ncfb ari) oultivatin� ,.rms in, Manitoba,..
avantago to obtain' their salt from Eng- our flow Casliptere capeo,and m4titIds,'black taking uphis residehoo here, a I ppca r Overy.
as ablIf edited as the tile; be ftilr w�y of rec RUIS.S(Ilt Camdiins, balf-breeds, AWe think it is time the committees cw�papeis or& no -i
ad, must be laid tiader tribute to the tropDlitah -Ones, tRo London .,Adve11isor atill 'colored. silks, new-,nisios -in dress in grdat demand, -oithor in. ronderiog -his D att ompally covgre� DIED
ng he. past, threq,*wceks 'two ftiIiials. servants of yC
upon salt, agricWture and dipp�ression in keg thb Uldwing,truthfuVremark trimmings, black iustres, *&a.. Read �ur services 'as an suctionceri -or in. making oV gite round the old irading posts; whilo �at! on Ow -tile 25-th inat,, in Tu6k rsakith,
uron salt manufacturer, because that Ina angQlj$tS�, 6n elderly lady named Brown
Time *ao,when tho'novi advertisement.naii. week for full partiou. 0 An interestitig'young lady nain L ed Mason,'havo trade - cloed theiVJittings, 40r- al-, Kootenay Pass, in: ibel1locky Mountains,. stirroys ibr taking insurances. Th men. Aebt. Johns�!'aged .71
too distant to tie able. ings, ofour' i nievarietycifspl
anufacturpr is r-*exercieed- a mighty influence in t1i lars. 1111100 Chineso-aettlement claimopjotect4
ce e.- -repiesents, the Agricultur!�l 'been laboring vty industriously in Si. Clath� ion front the :It be. remembered th
go. great- and small,all over -the Pr6 Cash Store, Wright.& Fon'OodS
tbough-portions of,the, eviden � 'ai' L Lpany that he C4na4itiri uthorities.
ViiieD, and 777 Cheap rMutual,,�'ia qne in which arines. athe aammunit� our- weekIlL ftg6, fro
In &UL
and worthy of attentioni ther,e has been whe its spher6l. comt6mpoiary had only - TaH ENDk TIfE.WQRLD,.-�ACCoid!ng io have great confidence, and his business is house-ta-hoilai.' Tisitation during the day. Durbag'.Suiida� -evening service at Holy apopletio stroke, whic
ssfnlly compete with big Eng uring thaCtfnie they ITave made, a ififfered, about f
h. has. finally, reilulte*
h rival. Rlarge amounf of nonsense uttered, that to peak:�o have its mandates inslaniffy Me belief and ahnoulloomants, of- the Lis- Vinci and in the. evening have held speeial sei- Tiinity, Church, Toronto, it drunken ivan on. in his death. 'Mr.
rapidly increasing.
That the eluty, if imposed, would re- Obeyed. A,ularked revolution has been f6well prophets, Satilrdoy nott is f0i wit� vices in private houses.. Their4ffprta are'liaid tered and ovefe'd considerable confusion by me,to this
e- -notice, ntty-from. Ell yearff
_*fo�ght within a few years, Th6"Ontarlo, ness the -final winding tip of thle busin6as of 1.oNK)VJn01t0. his boisterous- conduct. , On the'sexion unaer. Agd, Ana iftetresidirli different portions
is not worthy of to IiiiYo had a good effect., gland about forty
It lit any good, except for a very short i out-Bido-of-Tarm'Ohns made ad va�oes thin
. I . . There is one eqnsplation., and, that is the YpeoR 'world yAhe - adven t 6f Christ, --whicli tdking,t6 tackle him, be- refused, to: remova
rLOd equainted with the bust- Fra. Poell coniiatea of shooting the horse' his hat train his of OntArio, for %,few years, - lio, finally net -
,,/no one a in ability slid it! interprise of a. most gra- is quite possiblb-, buTliardly probable, buf Messrs. EtibQ.r of A farme I r bn the Thomas road,.wns head, -Protesting liat the tied Ili Vickersmith, when it waa nearly an-
sq.qare S. -to br -o Mr. Jnstica Aro�rison, at dritIlz� 1Tevas':fil)aIlyporjuad6dt6lO
session wi!l 8000 b' brough"o, a ?0�1 -tifying kind, so'much so that 14 might 49 it wouldb7if well for 'all. to have Bro j at. their Thill, cut sit largd logo in church Wag a salbon,. nd thnt.he wanted a
3sXalieves for a moirient,'&r it has oug-lit tip befoi bush, -whqra he resided till -bin death. He
whentho farcical seeueaL* transpiring be,- wiihout hesitation, say that 016'Piroyipcial'. accounts whenever "that eieni does take inch lumber' in ihirtoen minutes, wlitioli. Lquilon, on Friday;far sentClice. - Th' A�e tke.
tried, and insteld of being pro- bil abruptly I a ar,d building q letl leaves a large -circle of'relatives gild friends.
-C )opera are -49-ably ediied as -Moronto pa- place th�t Would be on an a-verage of abOut 250 lop gave him ode yearin the Contral-Prisiin., 'As ui
vis tive'of good to the manufacturer it fore these ommitteen will; parB. � Each important,totiln or distijob. we shall be'found, . betw6on 3a�i Di , ioll Cdu CIA Clif boj). All no tO Itiouril hi$.removal from ilielf.midst,
.has and this; at our office, ready to re- in 10 hoilig.' This is quick work,�and pyiqollar was boink condnct�d back goal
Uoa 4as,AW_ liiggina,�Of. terminated, and the- vb6le. �mattd.r con. itli'oW organs ; their cl�culatiop, and nu. beive,allilbbii due us,aad -*ill givoreogipts spoaks,*Well of t
res he working caAgity Of their
ultedinhisriiin. -Veryahortly, Q than thitt of to p stairs an(Vuscapod, out of ll'o'door. : 'Th. Con. un� er tl�&Toinperatpo Act of 1844, against
. sicrued to Qblivi n. gi�rtf is considerably groateL rove that they, st.loas,'have not cheat- mill.' 4, taVern-heep% to r- $40 fdrhaing.
t6 discovery of salt in this section, * 0.- tile trop.Qlitan nowspApers., - The. bpin� ad tho p9dr printer.", BtNblen chase, but -�npl til. the prcs�nt. . . .1. 1 - __ - - lecoro
0 0 1010' itkx6Ens. —The 'open Meeting h6ld b 'given- iquor to her.
Ia raingers. h
ty of twenty-five cents it barrel wan' -ML VREENWAY11 y hear4l. of him. husbaIid af ter n-Qtico A P., altellor. bf GoWe Bali tw
Of' the GIOU, Arall, or Leader ire no a longpr takoh, up I ec W. Doherty his on t ran writing not to dose. Owifiglo some objec- :,eelto.
&14 re-; hood as infallible although folr some unknown r.ea- An irliportnt. caR6, . illustrating the. respoll- tions to the faith -of tile complai
osed, and through that stimulous exhibition Ad tile, shop: of Millers. Doherty o4ij, taken by ;1g -
As we stated last'week thought & Menzies, tile first organ manufactfir . ad 1'�eakera expect6d, wero n6t,pro- fendant's counsel, the cas b;Ld Rorls. dia4 K 30 Celli
goapol--��-i'li600ftil'eiugiiry, as it strikeii, us, sons 16 0 sibility of corriorationa,' 16s triad at' thd d to stand:
V1811101ava been sunk than call be. for the palitical future of the country. the Assizes it London, on Saturday, in the " r until next"Court.
improbable story'that 11r' b himself, and, -consider sent. ]told, ovo Lit -S of X0qdV and six
numbers, W. R., Plaintiff ??k
it was a very. T ing the disadvaii.. And 111 society is gainlilg� f one LathAP vs. 0 lie of the ptil 80 Cents. 4
ed to, a profit. We' have., in this A Chicago paper pays ,�The Ministry' tagoo. -he has h*a& to work,under,. the organ am 46ts of the Dondag Wooloyan Sermons of oo(k-dilil $aRZey?i 75 Cents.,
book-, 4,� I of Canada, aftirpatiputly is truly . a good one. 'In p6ini of style, fin. chooliod it truhlc f r _' 'kYoo4stock to Londen' Cell6ge,�nnmed. Chile. Beaver', whose parents �by ilia -D n a a few joined on that. evenino, rk%rihg at figiadmi be seub'for itio' the -sta.
Gree.away was bought over !he* inlax tio
a well that kas been lying idle for ernment by the promise of an ofAce. enduring the plamor and denuticiaticitis ish, and tone, it appears'0 be fully equal BiGPitrB Loc;.-�-A fow' dnyg sinc6' Mi. 'AFn and 'was told it -was nof residoin Chatham, bag been committed for
in Manitoba, and now w6find this ide or& liigb faction, - refused to reconi t6 those manufactured with better facilities, . Ao Tambilyn, of Hullett, took to Huber trunk was never found, -there* , Tho trial At Hamilton, an a charge of setting fire TempetancePecite
a Bros, mill, a pin aaw'log that is worthy I The defejadanto to the C61legoL11aildings tit tb6 former lilace. Proldlikion Speakei-, it? cegj�
ough Mr. Platt is interested to or to purpose to Parliamefit to r6jode we.., claimed tbab the trunk was atily �ciqried to
,a WY . Iling Anoffier one will be. ColnpIe6d-thj!J of 'native. It Was the sedond le I Us fire.waig discovered by the sm6kc, at tea -
confirmed by that gefitleman, 61 Ook 6f ilia Canada tara uliblit a protective basis' and, we have nQ.doubt* Mr. ngth froui- Lndon, and loatt.hrough no fault of tbe'ro-' time On Sunday evening.. A few pails of �va-
degree in the manufacture of salt, Dollorty will the stump, measurod,15, feat 3'inches in Mr. uatied Utirrisod, however entered a -ver. ter was silfiefint'to cAinguith what wo S. A
the first opportunity"6f diiiying the Aftor the long debate,`on it foribal Diction, meet ivith that success in disposing of them iA ktrL,q,
is opinions have some weight, we 0 go- the Ministry ivas - sustailied by -near A'two a3 will warrant his goiiig more extensively 'dik mietor at the small end, And is 14 feet diet for plaiintiff. and %63,28 damages. 6. L. � L'ula
usatio "Alpre, floor ofAhoL 110USe, thida f4to - into their xnhnufaoture. inleogth. It will out 1004ft of inch tim. 600-4 have been a disastrous fir Exprom Co.,
of thaTarliament. Tgis In � lea6uro on.Afor -4 Street, Clintoll,
111fideui Otat dere are partie's in n . ro"Onism, at Tor6tito, last At Torotito, la9t week a mulatto girl named 1876.
which he did oni 'Thursday last, the slot is creditable to the intelligence )6 the bery and is equal in weight to 2010 feet week Alat�fo GaYlorldi the locta'iror,ohid _ Clinton, iiarck Tnu Now Licur(sic ACT COMMISSIONEAS. Of liirabe�, which. is Certainly i latgoload -()ill- rovile b;gid9s.FlGl�,ga_ Bariy* died through- fin bortion performed by
ction, who have more than ton Canidiah people, All the inaidesits.6f 0 ily 6)jlst in MOrman' herself.
premier endorsinj his words by stativg —Theappointment of commissioners. and SpeaVing of the
V rtarift� to haul with one team. land, f6t� murilar'ls of 7 v6ky frequent 6ccur4
the amount of money a stakb insputors un4cr the neiv liciinge.sot for the L 19, oo� t by other members of her fhmilyl 'a -Toronto Milch
that he baa not been aporpitched in thi's American goods ire varr�cd over tho'bor, 0-0 . . . r6co; indeed, slicthted thatI rom'in forma-, -ago ,.COWS,Wa
Whole 'province has 'been do, and the W 9S", papor says that, !a Id give a very differellb opInion tion, gatberda,-og the'spot h -was bc�
der and sold there -cheaper than (Tau�di gVrllo mother was murdered by Brook's bush ANtnD TWO Oit
,an, list reopqet ift a shape ok niannero 3tiblisho(L..The faillo wing. amAhe ap-� Ily . . I boor thial, u itiqnea 110VIO th ail) gang -, to , r ther. tt-li�i wag drowned in a must be obad. milkers. Addyosg
rO' justice io 'id�, rmn-way thid, do tan be i!�Xorte b ottlyL . Clillt6n, 31irch 29, 1 ll
e advisability of imposing a good's can be produced, and oho findreds of an, skeletons glisten. W milch UVO,
p English goods i _LAJad_soI& polntments foitat;�011 SU101M.—A i; wits ]laid -ill, the boneatlttho Waters of the Jordan' L The lee. a vat ; her ot or died sh After con. C., P.O. nox 92, clintov;
duty on salt, therefore, we con- Fit, SAM! township of EksE Wawanoilb, about sovlon turerrelated the stillatanco,of fi o en ;� - 70.-..., .
and endorsatio, should &ivo bt�n' ae.. for, The countryi is of wiae-hrenj thi. p had with women in and around Salt Lake City,. a lation coingaaTtNoly, O�Agl, capitar-00tin, Commissioners W'LJ. b9hannon, Miles I rom Winkfiam, on- Friday, by Core. fronvwhich-A was clear tbab�Wbilo froth prin- It r to, aas HEY TO''
e opinion of the latter should be -T. Sceiti, on the body of Jig, Me.
g t tier 0. 1 -A very largo w been caught in a
cetp�o by tllO -a-315T-a—ndo ando protoo ecl'� by law, Court'. Thp deceased Was -a roapqo Ciple thei that their a ild dat h, X,() � , LOAN
in opposition to the former. not, �,s they are now. doi0g, -hound him, Cangain d . give their mantilaot table ygtbm Was wolf trap near Ur JamealkIdThy's residence, " ., . I I . ..
urors to the la* of God, yet tboy * ON PEASY T-Mmal
Ins woll'aff citizen, but. he'lidd been for som+ under. the eight of tile immoral OtIrse, Lon don It6ad, Sarti !a,.
an. exclusive Silarlilot for a short time.' Far. Scott.. ength- from U
because he hxa the couvago and h coy 8*1UT11 AIDIXG; mlwrong.inlio.thind; 110, on atj� alwas , I I
AKERMAY SILVER. taiatoly� liowavbr, th� Canadians had,'thd of noso to,insorbioll of t I . ?I; X1y'1Vh1eh the principitt (C Ia.
to vote according tp the dictates of Iiis- good iiena6 to �roflt by tba.iiielancholy re. Commissioners :—Sames Lang, verAl-ocoasions, t1iiestaned,to put an end trid of the two man Yotilm tit-cay"U01 girth Over ilia shoulders, 27 inches girth, of,
iohard Manning, "llich bad. been toing Ott for tlirco days; -tar - be ropipAldin jparit
ults of fifteen years' proietrtion in the. io hili existobdo; but his lamily paid no at-� `tV f6karTn',"O ibelles ', of pw, 6 fluellea. The Or tift sit
e --t' � to -him. On Thut,bd&y morning - . -A .. . .1
ugh this seation vras long sinoe conscience, and his, long hold a Ed Wird Cash, to the murder of A al � lacdonald, none Cale, record of -the 4oprodations.of this kiirg.among
United stat?s, and therefore avoided the 4 ion onift" golho timb Aineo, 'was! concluaod on ejt.4., is as follows 'lany. tilne. durl"It 'the tidir
large, genli
of the plethora of American known free teado opinions,. ike calamitieg. The people tit Canada, Inspector,, 14st he rose early, in tho morning, and, rin cock atO
W`E9T.ItIDIVG. down to the Itiver gaii1grid evident� other fowls belonging to mr, Silas xelnsle�
pufting on a heavy discount, the coursn'thit Lt Ci A, ofiSouth therefore, will c6titinue to enjoy thit pros. both - tb be hanged on J'hne 91, and &'Idrge googot kille of ttimmol
loncts-t—B. L. Doyle; - ly deliberately jumped in for he was -track. told thom thoY need b ope ter no ideroy. Tile' a at '�Zfr, Arads's.; two lion
0 all, nh&Ve1)UV3UGd_they ha" perity which has attended their commerce. 'Worthington, 'ng herie A PPL To
ionafly notice a few stray piece to ve plae6d thc^marliots of the world in A, ed to, the Wat6r'SL edge, aia,a his -iromains prioners young have fully colitednad their 'ur t'V "' ow"' and Mon setti
er, J.
Can produce, itwora.found a short disoance from where Admitted the eviaondo of the piose� ducks. 0, two full grbwn
that it is taken at its fabe Mr. GraenV �nd which to soll eviirythirig they '�auddt'JLOL pliaul"'i8lit -.1 W w Wi, PA AltAN,
ay, in It lVariL ill6n]AI04o mbo, of !tehleir fowls at Alt, J.
t of
They disown him "Ala Which to purchase everything they rnspector ... q.,;, , Stopken Yates' hialasttradkowereseeti. The,jury re- cuflon, On. a Ift1l, h Atoment 2N-Inqity's.
places not very remote from awkward posidofi. . lie h turned a vordidt thittilooballedcommitted 'thdractions, They-pi-teedoduacdonald,'and id. The law permits thojilt to Purchase- TZ a itchobl.boa.rd'-on 31oh- advertising has become, a matter -of.
e Ono learn that a number of ail one of their party, and gay that they.. eery ra* �mateiial of manufact suicide while laboring unaer a tampor4y in wait tor' hint. ahn struck ilia fatal
area free of AY ovenini,.distuosed ion its to w in and.ju inafiy, too niany,
.the tLllestl
ahat At , 5 should be Eaken'to firovgnt the- fit of 0sanity-, and aftof rifli g 1111.o kols of-theit- vk.� of ear Protestant Churches advittitigo, iatAken
villages in. the back counti thn they., taturned'to C by. Way bf the Of the pulpit to, anhounce-sedulat, fostivit s of
mb" 'SHOT AND Ditzm—There , p 'N. S V 11-A N G E
ry have no fai h in him aa their repregati. I tax, thus �eiabbling th fii to prod Op It tit t` �ce'.from school of a jau is a man how 0',,
-tative, 41though be bas. dooe 'nothing thei can sell at' a dent Ila low as in Praotio- 'repeated a son or 10
ing to murmur at the lqlis they
abIo,' "The people of Canada. have ever foin living in West.WaWanoah who' tfiot]ight to tbo-dittrent* week. -*,Vd wera glad f
_y oft a so olars without, either leave 0 no ice
in this source, and are tirging contrary'to their iloaf 1ritereeta'). hiving facility-whigh tfie� -low, Can furnish for tha, Aoiiparnti or the teachers, Tfic, only 'Play a trick that wbuld to irigh ten bin wite Mr. 1. NY. UdUfAeri at this *M* iAto on Sabbath Imto 'the Rm Mr. Potter
ity pf taking demosteps to, ouli-shovin tin indeVendent spirit, 4red thariufaotarb ofall artiologi whilo a its- o6ticlusionairivoilat was the advisability as to calls bar to- titter loud lamentailons aidetea from & Grand Trunk xposs train, Ott Minister, in gi�ing An Announce,
a"Wadne9dyJa4f, by AlnXelly, A '-'Ucket-1)iek- mout of a nodotiag to take week in
Troin b!A§.' Future Conservative tootivd tkiiff would have tho.offect of to in- of the appointment of I% triant Officer, who Of giribf, It appears 'that he had been
selves of - the nuivan- party AnAda, thot a6uld h�vo,Ahq powor'of '.arresting iily Arinkirij rather heavi!y at a tay orn, and on acc- We Candidates for ilia Stintli 11iding vatigt 6oaoingtho ptp4o6ti6n in''O . r.11 ' Mr, Allister Asked for a ticket at 'arfo: Ihis ylllako, stated. that, lie led stroug..ilblee.
fordign'googs wduld como in and, oventu.; youth found roaibing the'atreets at school hill ret'arn, home he commenced abusing his but th o agent wag qnribleo4muka chango,, so tions to making secular -aliftouncothetits from
Ina all our roadets at once to make a note of thig, -and ramelbber that viao. offered oil the train, The" tho pulpit 646 there wag &,proper medium
ny illy Undersell them in tile CaiIadldyt Mat- hourg if tl-- 3-* yould )lot give a good. no- iiifo, ilio, to eocape front it Weti 6 over to a picker" demadod I I cefits extra, - but this -in the locality,through which No niaotiuga of
ake American silver at a thov, it successful, mutt slitilt their,own Ms. Xdpooplo have In ore tosson'to con- NVp.think this should neighbor's, whera..oho had not been long Ut. U,Allistor very pro Orly refused to pay. the week pt1ghrto be advertised, -and that the
than 40 cents for the lialf opinions and Miss it they elit'sh Witli� gratultite.themmelies upon tile wil,di3m at 66 diine at unce, for there is quite .& numi. boforefiho heard the report of a giit). Vo. as Mb lie wag removed pulpit ought not, to be used for advertisometittI
'no At the a station so
those ot the Itatter of thS Uiftyo mkild' oil - their 0ov6rnme"at. thAll 4xvo 016 poople of 'bar of ilia very China that. need education in aware of his habit of playing. tridlig, from the trai of this nature, Wo ate flad triat ilia Rev. tit Arst-olag". Stook and 94tuel 'CohipA414
onto for the quarter, 8 cents ways b6�r with'su�m1mila'4 to this die* 't itlit willat oncobe 0 a for tad 6 and �genticman )too i *8 lat ill this Snatt6r,
he Dominion of Canada, - They have og- to lift them out of this degraded dondi nNo did not take any ri�tloe -of it,'but after asued Ill I
e, and 4 cents for the half tation, 'they that 61DIdO.111 or nover.Attend an she, (04nd wo hopo the compall lit be anrl,*� lidple-that Vvith idarouco to similar Ali. Clinton, Jilroh
-it polloy- certain to and Ili exit4vA NV W, A tit,
Impact. a while sho returned home, wh thel
14110410 spollation" excessive triZA11011jr and school. , The-- law conipelif -partlan, Atha hU*b[Lhd lying ilio, itove, With it, gongot. W6 Con n thit, o avo lie nouncomentg all other ministers W11161lo
that rate ilia larger pieces illation, have na'ohildraa to attaild tile school, -to I,-
roduaga Pop, One Tinod Clutching a string thatwgs tied rigittto make- an extra charge on r !A WhOU VALAM"" P-Eirl MSTATE"
Ud fifea matiby hid PSA
lved for more tharl fhey Pity towards-thitir maintonanbas boll4ving it 46 the trigger of a can which hi moo to us of tho ead- dollal.
pay off* 'in for Clio' Intarost of r all that every (we , b a Alled in, Who be. Ther nefarlbile gyotoln that tho, Grifia Trunk tion ota family !it. thavibilifty of Aylmer, *ho
rtb, as siIV,r,by !to increased Tho DoW of Mansigors of thO X41W to ir. The nbihbra
sh-ould poolicis 6, inoderate degree tit aduca,. With respect to tile issning.,of dre on the'lJoint of abiolutosiary
York Produce 1.4x6fiango-have g46pi6& debentures which fall4lio thliryd4r. slih to -talk of#oqdIng for 4 c6roner, b6i it tickets, ling made thit'l6sa, very unpopulair ation. The
g1k4ri, 14tely tion, This balittil;t oVoryL,OnC with tkavollots, ilia! it gploparly have lost
has niaterially-dear6asod In il to the 4 committed 04 Cofamaroe ofthe . The oloatioll Of bfr,� it, t t1fa filet, RIK nothing wall soon discoered t1vit Iva Eliot lie bad familyonti8ta of ike father afi'd! s.nothor, foui i Farm` 9nd NO` PR316 lots
hiloh an extelit has silv 0eatill fer Lincoln. for tho, L66A ROxV6 Lao more tfiais r1kit 1 should be tinot, and that instead of being daagllt�tg and two ion$; And At ilia present
er *iialontd. 1 0
i,... . 60 idtfoned aIV
dyed his U66 with magenta, to reprosant time they Are without the common n6ce To nr, soit Ity
bullion value of a B*vrjr an tpolled,11 they do ttqt embracer th*tJ1 blood. M thought it, t rd 'Olto the Gov. oflita, nd ono of the soiis is quite, $jolt Thn, Noduotion, CARO, or ltrciw, on vA Tor.. to take advantage of tile o or* ti 00. 16 14 to Walsh it I he lying, quite naked, on a wrotchad bad of dirtl
Wherasis, 11 file tow 'York Pro4we T&ilab, township of MdGillivray, romilted P U S, L 10 ANUO''. TT MI AL.—
r6 than eighty-four con ton tig'sy4f education affbr4od.flteal; tar: 1110-Hougo of commons, and
Egollange Iiiii on foriner docasions giVen In Sit plain of...$500, dmagoll, onto ghould`-tako, Rtioll, tin interest in th doul Itlion he found 'the tablgil the Senate, Praying for an Act tot the better 60AW, With slot Ovell A' rgtO 0 -tar -him,
neg in Nevada continiva Ixt the det the full amount obaimad. of their Children be 611 turne
draphatio oxprossioh to Ire that extensively signel by tile, y6ridas, oongregm. the fact that the family 6wuA00 iwres. of ex,
longer to be as productive A. U P411hig tile *lres -t* flift iulftoient aca 0 o will keep asking him, What lfo*g�n vill abliby 14ilill
a commer0141 tida�y hii Gitabliollea imi I . ties, tiona ihoughaut the- aity And, tho I)omition cellonflind,
Metid as they Ilave be PIOCI bag,'*r his ton Rugh saoodad him whoti, he rotfias out tII6 Interference f thO ttilotdo a is t goneralli. Tile �abidou, titter Pointing out whatever; 10, Parents have, been on t1le'PlAdf
an a trilly redil between otir 6wn trh,,,,,,,,, ad(lotAtidit ot Xing4tolft, 116 hope thin hint will lot a Villago of, Lwidesboro,
the bowinlion of Callatla . that the aaaq(l bbsermilda of the Lortils 1)ay. for many yearn, dre quite Old poop nd tht
Wo'or three years, we may coutitt dilat'd twho lt Ii, several yolitha, who ate known to be. ab. Thd 06vornmant, hag voted tho-buta of $32'. 1
q abd is 06 Ia vl� th, Fy clejo Is highly c6liduai.9a to tho'nicrility, rellgiolt; children have till grown to mall's Atift wom4hlf wvraoalt�,, living about as it fall in value ftom to, t � Ilot 4t from so400l withnut permission, to, 000 for tho hatbor workA at Goadri fla Th%ir wretched state is duo to, tllc,
SOB wo4lift, Ana'prospority of A cotintry, and that
P I Xclalge 0, Ilia. bit 11; Its to ilia du�y of a
ThO th's 2 ' I -I 'all; -its 04, gild give 4tiv attention $56,000 f6r Nydold liCib-br,
Ed ke Alram, Pott Zlgt d their &4' that they ate too lazs'to work the, farm, �JOX Ity
ty per cent. -more. If this D APIUL 17Tgr 1876
dially favork tha appointaislu't of 40M., oontouis destroy, d, ra on tL to tbeiroduotition, Pa- and when they (10 V.0 in it, crop til ey'are to( , . .. I .$ . . I
n on what tb�mg A; wait set tn fir6 b hLy 1 1 toction bf the Ora Trunk, that -the Com- qtdroa to morifloo both rellgiatirg privi 6gds faaalouttoliarvesitit. ThollAY011patsoasor, the -ftrrA bolauglrj to titA utaid. of th6 lkid Itkumv
we believe will be the is 690n, t
Jt be deMonetilled, and Motlially b6gerf Thd London Pret Prwtafs r.-�Tho follo� POY have oallo011Od their tlm6 tabli), bit - no. and conscience for the convenience or suppod- is still unont, atul the pois wl, othet 0 Ingymil.bohiR prrt 611,0 20, 1101 Xlul-
leial'troati Pf 01)WnloreeV erlawl$C6 .. dotintof trains not. b6itIl able, to #O't through, Oa d(1VAntdgOL Of y - Other 01 S r6pt Ott, iuoto ar Towir. Alm, st th#
To trio Depression of Ttkae Committee, at jog is lin ol.ict 06 fin tho com. stiliromait Inthadolds, The old Wallis said
*lie alf ilia Applications I
N h
with Clanadw can be arranged, And pa- Otttwal Xr. Frott, t9ticultutat finplitmailt 'for, the positi Wohorift the Ayltdoil Pill')- Nylafoll courts will be h6ld Ia 110ton dut. 'Inunit$ oil that- dAy, ptAVit tbat Alt Act maybe to b& very fond. of 9,66(t dattl6j, 411(f TlIftilhgo 6t.ftoro lots JU th# Villogo Of V 16
ur silver circulation eallod IV,
vided by the joint fasolotion'IntraduotO InAlkeri of athithis Vidlit gato Wadado. It# 110 F4011601, It he6a Adnt6olry. be addea J'hi%t jog 1110 146hth of April" si At 6ode. pAsilea ombrachig the '161lovoing provision#, every spring to: get,fiol(l of-iome, but in6tem. hoid 10 ji, hoAof. shol) anil htabloi� 2000l;biloarof thl
replaced with something 'itst - f4tragivon lolmlialitoly,
into kilo MUM Woo 461ai of, Revile- Bt4t64 that thily tetiolted nd, ilia tho, apolic4lit'it, whose natfi6 wa Vabholi, lit Clotho lot - winglihi, 25th ,, uxofor, VIZ.,—1 —ThAt except in -6496 Of tieeogsi�y Of OclliI1 When' AlAir-P006 Tile no railway car o ongino 811411 be pdruiltiod tor them and Allows tham 6 aRiae increasod. It t1lia ordo that he may no6 be miliamoa 61, hur soll 9 f pr r d
satitativiba Ity 60tild I - igh of Ivant dllr� ig TV011 W1,11dr Mi. mattinvag was -going 41011g, the b4fart he I I ifloo a r in 11 *As not Allpolutod 4 rut frul tarila lit mitlilight until stinay fngthowl"tat. Tile reowk4nd ofth%va of tke
1) May mefee ; r . *8. oil the WhIgham 6frav I.Nad'i AiR
\40,6&4audil. thttibwlth, caeld VCbrUJr.V IJ le!, at midulight, godotia,4hbt the locks oft i I townphip ill which this wretched family ragiat u Pa Y
dl;j6rnM*jJf 6%#g line, AlAvlool from XtI6 by mail r6port that Lo. A Z
ening, hw'didoovofta a *A- DiAr Sir hAving "306" Yourr Ildt -It rarditin ol000tl from'8attrilly at aro, Abatit to, take the, matter in Mnd, And ion.
inundatta willi a &liver wo rampa"011t1r,1114 too fit pipat the e%im hall a m0efro" Ad L. I it" oll S011eda ftomghohr haabden unid to take Muth in hy fba Afld Aif iq soho6l 01yod, tip 04 th6 190 AU Thiraz. ARld At
to 'o
would bo profital)le to mitt, pittial Y and 4g4d, wtoekoa In AtAblan �dAf gho had abOArd That it, titter delivery Ahill b6 mhat at, ill' bf,thipg4k Tht,
A61fAtii TOM *41 be fAkdo Ut of *416, ot 691
appoinfiboilt, at ofllbi�- to ho X114, Wobb, t V611i "441 Pont Offi4o oft t&v Lord's A 9
attlolf &ad silo provIld 0141 go Y - 'And fout tilliboil, Whiefi-11 4old, 11161MOV 6 ThaffiAl XhItatil of MArri, El, wAkAwl
wilej whloh 6611 hi Wit ald4lated to AfJ illil eall
I id
ofir t
ntek wag ff
Y V brough
to a th Y L
At A
n nA
to is
if El'go4to I I it t1IMMAY I a Thitt tAo sardolont to Iblifithill
�vll AhAll ba ImAda I% 0111dra Jaq tit ill INA i notion, U laithk
Iling to, take fillother On Votill *ill I , this 'fits
14", 4,110 Alu�b
thf M21 It k fill *Id' NOW soft IfId
h 4 to hiv, 04ta att tka 14 1 )tontt HAM% URI
Usti 041 Vitaii M all it li IA ft 4 4 of. 66
60 ail lial 1 140 It
it weldli 1b I WN 1 1101141 Vito 6