Clinton New Era, 1876-03-02, Page 1or"11 J1^q van Alus, IrAn,,30b. U—The 1knoy W Ora I. A �611, givill Jdb Jbt At AfitM jbU,, A XXV or revidonce) w" & sug. 600. invitations bad been issued t* *4 Art$ Or the OQUntrY, and fully 700 p o®ns, arrived in, good time, airaye4 14 010,9*11t And 40h JAIIPY 00030". ' 13u#r nit woo, WON 00.10, 04AWA, 44d Of thorg tWo- thirdo Vero employees of the vivil. sw ----------- I ..... Via% None of the It a were r present, noraof CAn4d A *M411 —No, 9—Terms $1-150, permlillva. &,�MVIMAT, MAR011 1070. E, HOLMES SOXJ 13-A0 tion of Son4tors, %.ud porh4po tiio XX MIETORS, p r of the HoUle 'r )f but tho--,yQa OR 4 TRY XWODON ff XTRIN, rJr01eos1Q0 4144. rVA0tl'Q" A F(qait o�t X in the. was presgut in, 11 force. The , of the m4inbers,vf- PAO' 14gogy I,IAQlkr a wbiapor lament is fesfed' t4i regio olk About t Aloe 01*iumm of tho'day 1* A WgWy ifiroturosquo banquet Was klivok twortion, 8 conta per line, ROsoquout 4s'of loaves of a goutIQ Air NOW', P6 a.' -F ta, mouted upgo'.,4114 lit is Said to b&VQ Q -X- 00 fear them, h T 40 given in . o oiv4kwq QAQh On 1. ORAORY, MjB­0R!Dt1A9 OF TRINITY is it wrong, I wonder, to digging'for root ,&If InUQU, 411 one otth On the sutooc oau$od certain. fmloy . . a and lioting, nests they plaie in W. 0011914.Vli lan-sur . . 10ronto, Pbyalo goon, it may be the tree up there— pe 0hristians who, do, nothing but make first agorr,oftlio Palaoe H tile ])()million Parlion �cquiroid th� habit of otel last oven The Govern meta VRouse was roinpl,4toly It sh �jent last coi� o Moo. 0 � osolo'd Aptel., Oil)g (M All fOUr's, professions. If there is Any reality in the The tiieje that boalis tile nations, I . . w II 011P 4 And we're almost as�, fle e0r. V roligion.of Ssalvo Ing, lbe que4tion of free trado And protection, P ;00I.Tan, 2D� 18co$1 etas d The It Was A foast in many t gurrondero to the restive occa.610 — ono colaill'u, one years rowing Amidst the, street, _K;87, latus show it oil b. which challenges. desorfpblop. Tho 0aa. 4 r trbo nigilt Nva bittorly'o ld �40 e(1 11 . lually-agile in. An orpot p9qit Lit us obQw,046 'our SO th tho flu.lin6ial dan Q. r 4010-0 -OFV1C A ESIDE And, drep�iug, for who. will at thet, world, r, 1 0 PPLZTON� X heI(JAIpoted With I utelitils, �5,00 I a apple at their f oot�,? They siWisted n nutso roots, ner,. os ib Was Modestly,- 464inated" on tho popoinioni TheallberOnts 19 0 Ititely OCOUPIe MOR IrAir, op. t barki eto,, ah�ll not, pay there is potl4ng in it, ­X964,3 b o gro wasle7yan Church ry t 11alf 11 One Year, 0 the the billoof-fitle, wal;olvell to William Parties, argued from tlieic- rep re F Ot and Also stomatically Oldnese la.teras, and Sentries front the 0-ly 1- hunted mico" Pe the 00 Noy, 1, Is7s, 1 fAnoy.I hear a rushing W(, 0 and true., We have not horI6. Ilaron, d, States Sengtor from standpQiu -eat Jongth, anct'a 'pFe. .0 re Imoted overywbo� rat.3, r.abbiti,..gK.ouq4 a Voite rer ....... 00 -vatQrs dawn a slope mOJOS, Anar other ta At gi E OF nder to fa Oy burro, tQt9ro ke elect limivary to their.o. ents mad so r in T One -th, Ono y -alty, Montreal PhypiQlan, surgeon and 0 tho State of Novada. Of the a , he Hall won lighted hi A most I JANL S ST.UWART, �.L, D.t 0.. M., GRADVAT Is it wrong, i we oing animals, whiolt they devoured kib4of language from sat down at rgum go, 90, UcGLU Unival �44 qo xob000 . hour., It may be the riY4 oihrope—, athe str. tree -d- -Diotber-Moodyj Who Q not, .1 r atd� otiiupany W, Ic UdL All' the Pft$ft Ja the table intepostiog Statowents. rola high h* h to,: wouner, i 40 s8, O® arauuarr 411871, 98 The river of crystal t Ab That fI6 a frd* hrono, with, ORSOR and UA Wo nests, the th�, idea quot id he return 'MOri" thah half -the number were mil, the pre'seq Ins. were open $0, W th ery t t conditr 11 0 0 ed above, nor, d lo f ommer�e ja3 drawing -And other oo R. REEVE, Iloyek9laill BI- gam r for t after UttQriugL �thb$ 0 r On_ Was ivinst- Quo-o Ono 1. 004 Corona And runs through the beatifUlt'Qityr 6ntonts. of which-, wbetber,eggs or YLOUI !qs,'�nd'tho other half could iount Canada,. that e ............ Regal w� L 0 halt 8,00 ) L . 1. A $of b17 Jh birds, ere Choice thpiT wealth in buildrods of thousands in ASL.t 0 3 months, 5100 AJA1,,,r1 nd Alig strooto"Clintop., Wtfood for them, They topces, He ought,to p�eaeh.A-fup with ain'the country is. pr4p,*ro di- ge. t 91b, JQ69 the ;nOdtL rigorouo glll-.his might of tradoIdgilars, In richness of viands, prossiou being oonLfine4 to tbrooite ots room And presented a brilliant Jne-twelfth, One year . ........ 4 ... QO ........ ... ... I fancy A twili me; wondered About in I evory-'da of the ro.vival Ap 44 " ight �Quild I iter weather, And sqw-etimog It io, t1i e m exquisite' bea0ty of the, floral aridotl%r —th� manuf4eturing, the lilluberin re a te, ... ............ STANB.CRY, WE Loto And doAng ol the breezoo wit, h0 ME DIO Sin thing `Waute4l. in thos with adorn JDR g, ska.4 pear ne D to. timp'r Wjokodr table.of. adornment, glitt me ta and hundre4la! of light t -froin' home da7s ak ti.spes. Profiss g eli, or the Mercantile," r 11 3 Months .............. 3.00 apartment at -0410;w.,y - in r gionists— Saidoue of the Spe4k' Victoria univoisax, Tor- a and under, I Yea'ri' 4.00 'mprly 01"the Hospitals and Dipponeariop., New Yor Busines Cards8 line ty Of Out And a goitij in the troes. �'Ilverware And 'essentials of a I the fqrtber end two Thrones odioner for the Coun Their eltin-bajime almo# black,. from why, we have myrisda Of them. But Of8 aviall 'era ;="Our farmers Were never so pros- were Lost Foun4,, 22, 1874. '61 But I know there will be no night thore- display. of opulence, it is safe to say that per placeaf on. *hioh 'their Excolle cios .ilavertisements of Straye4sr No Coming and goi a exposure, and at the tint they were Pf�Qtijjug r�ligj Ciliate, Are not quite - so OUR as, at prespht; out- merchants had, sa ske., not exceeding 10 lines, *U0 moutil, sli the dinner for Senator 'Shar zi6ver itL would, see"M theo.proper steps when the dances to vocal muqic ollpie. OWN; P3:IYSI0IA"4, *For the holy face of the father dr�oovefetl by*thO1iuuters,th6ir flesh ivas niftnamus, fiot'.by many, Agreat part ftor first molithi 50 cents eaohmoutk NiogifilN I . 'ecouchour, Licoutiato of th'6 College of Physicians Will be perfect light alway. covered with scars madle. ty: * cuts and oCi the profesiorg of roligio?awould never been aurp4sed. to pub tin ed.t ono or rbon they wer%re ting from of Faini.6; and Real Eartato-i rgaom of Lower. Canada, and Rroylualtol, Dicenti. 9 the depression in their irsVw, itot exceeding, -16 lihesj firetLihonth; -for. thq 9 f Office and I could do, Withoot ."FlAin on b suspoo b was in, progrem luinblafbrs-so that enjoy,, W of knowing.anything About � the itches in -the WOO.40.- �.Thq Whea..-the. anqeb, line,, And W h'a ats of the evening,'mingling, si rooldeuce,-The building =ioIi196u6roun;. at_tfiey.� Ofe a th ifreely 4itb I Y,or 5 linw, first month, 1 by' ,nd betterithout 0 -and Soles of- 'it" Wer '.nfttLt the scene wets one of rare before long we are li6l L k%J ; not exceeding I Thwaites, Enron Street. theL 444, th palms oft ir hands ri a ed it-- -t6 So�'k Oy "oil subsequent month, so and 75 cents.. Clinton ai� tit oh, I shoull like a twilight, their foeb woFL �hielf and vith4t They atond -in need' sple�doi the hand "-Cf the r as. manufactur- diincirig frequ . ly', hard as born- -protesse . d �tgpa of iffairs," ent Tbo'guests began 1ransfokwed the aparttpeil't' arrive About l0tpast eight qja 0 1:77 was Sorry toveray, he inciplmLof ncerned. he 6il'. On7 U0 -gro-1, POWSLEY, 'a. 1J., L.R,d P.S.K., MEMBER was ugly and *Ioious. He. had niade triI6 rilijion And 13rothee Moody shodid Wit' will be inserted it -folrl)id, jild charged ac- tto- in fairy av of college of PhMclans and surge wool, Assaults On .1 no see to t SOS D. ons ofontarlo,' On his hair as white asL th were arranged brig t Qf'imp roml cQrdingly. late House'surpon of gingstou Oeneral and Lying -Ju .,And shins one hour through his fingers. severa, '6t to overlQok thesor in All, ilid, 'snpwy olo h concludofi grand procession, was Arranged, their ad Maki P rovement.". "In. the measured by a: scale of Hospital, P� nnlaq her badly; and bid ptbd flo*ers irk reckleig, prdfusion,!'.wbile, SaM6 Advertisements +�Slolan, PUrgeon And Accouchaur, OFF1014 Till the sh OW me.cool? atterin o kill his his daily sermons at t eMippodrome.- peaker said lie 41d not believe 0 r Exoellencies�'aiid staff proVnotliw as 're '. .: I . CQU &V& --a , -prosperous=smapu-� tsd I Mill� Rusx3mNcE.-Huron theL hu�t !ngling'with fruit, flow0s-­and-won­ nada W Albert at t 0 It F p But the thought ii very f ran away -from -in in solid Nonpareil. who y S 'dishes; the silie _ta , : " �: GUs Lord Dufferin's b4tume wao,oiie of the 'E. tQu,Abr 21,1S7.0, btkt see, Mambo 1871, and di rWA11% faottiring inter If ihat'face I did never returned. e0 irlu, small rnarkict, but All else.would be all forgetton--� Left alone. with his wild.o&pring, the KIS$Ing the Bride.. tore iiiihe light of n�neroua gap jets manufaciar6ra. Should be ed. that plainest -on. the Hoor, biib t:46 C 'U River and tWilig ht and tree Atlar,=tea-with alarm the indroding :th nifloently attired"� An 0 Drs. Ca�nPbell and t1le4oft rays' of fifty-four. wax, can uid'supply So SO pile yvag ma d, were MA COMSON WATSON,- BARRISTERS, &T 4Q OUtIona Of'r ey CO' r. Am r I sh�uldr seek. I obod14--dityidartut uth iQa '6rld' TORNEYS-AT-LQ d t r M splendid- diarn S-161'or"D 0hnear ferociousness of the boy, and, when he fig. nt candelubr�­ the West Indies.', I, and ihe dies ri o�d aetsandjewels. 'The FWS s, U:R0EO14s, A19D AQCQUOHEU heaJet Be. issing Colk'"yiuceri, Office- _Mai'S , r Beholding his-coun ensues I -- - ------ r he him Fn- the d groat :Alitliquity, The �recesoes o bow Win- iti-tliese utterances-.,W6'Q'. the.. very *Fj� Bank building 'Offloa_ ed o Acet'southruear the Railw4y station. M. ' [ear only to lose 0 ..coillA control him 1�6; !d_ U j Qoronor fox the- Cpunty.;IJohh-'A, JLE�4,1, � I OWS Wr g j4t�,71 ta:Np Ql� RSAL ?SA!r4Ta1-. ;Oh y ofrits wbich tbe s" wh6'tthero formed and opens single 8i among the zn�sb refined DION -urgpsoi XX., 0; ,\ *. . . .. e ultra -pro do B deway hiik.for:A�afat of himpelf girl. rer tiariied. into b autifixi. conser- Si forth, sn.,26,1876 fallen, into disuse, i� is -'still 1 007 tinned Vitho t G, A. WITBOX. This increaed his fury, and he natifAct on ',vatoried; and a delicious affict was -.pro� n S. MALCOMSON. in but'a f�oelish fano as. re- s Clinton, July -21,1876. . I oemprobead,­ or, at least the which It 18 T'l Mure the countenance so with rigor. -againstthe will not, sation trill 5 o'clock this u by mapy greal . AL; . leised�. The dispositio of, the girl wa people A du6d bipiacin' large Mirrors iorning. okn�wlea-e*-' The gentler, ;fU quite Zooile, V'e f 6po led g Most asible to describe the gorbreousneiss 'windows As a background for he PIRTIL to. - farmers k r a n apo McFAbDEN, Which is shining in all: our spirits yramusing Stbry iq told of -The . t and beauty L of the,,seffile' which wAp daz- T SQUARE, 'errpus, -condiftor: rmen CAMERON Making th�m O.As,snow. 'tu6k -k1woods n, who bad, aft -T'O­)L6rtl kig othe flijgeL :caused. the� �prosp n,, 'the. luuibe &Q., MABEL C. hen. they returned from their 'short et, n to in, jjv�in. in in m§Qlorr; 0 Ong all Lar en courts ip of the bell* Vim iling.in every respect;'the hall, drawing; t, - ith -c ' E J ' Apd I care not for river or. tree wi I was in. 4ow�io appear to the eye as so,man and mercantile iAterests g6fieral ly great - MI he ]tr" ra. ­ t hoUdes of great depth de., waiting; suppero refreshment and M. 0. qA312110N. w� H. Caro'for 'let of - fba seve of one of t entuok 3' on her' no goirow or o ' rying, re winter of 1872., r y catio. �.;,w . . 6nt 11 iinpi6ved, but, man�facturing other y h "no a me,' for She had for w long time. Marr age LiPe SeS pilotor-L iefb­ at tha. -time he, us. o;de In 0're ohanttne'�Btof preiedd. Store Streets, Victoria,. B. Vones Pro- �i'ng94hre'bor6wod on xceuent Xcoomodatio4a.-Boardt Pei �0,k If.thou oDl a i I thus g� rooms' Were &wded' during' the night' n $Q,0Q; Bed and Board, Per day,- $1.00 ; single Meals' C4 UnaeQidea -diiia 'a 'with ladies' and. gentlemen in alt,the I would lie in my -bed for ages, ually gathered his'owp'of potatoes An:,rovers ni e to, view. n window was 'a' . The anti-reciprecity and ultra-protee- Looking o land. f 'tbitandin tbe;'dlear McHAFFIE, OF MARRIAGE LI- ut on the dustystree6 tornips, all lie faised, an his and whothor�to tike him r gentleman of little grove, of -orange tr4os and banana, ti6ft- faction,'notli dresses of' the list two, 6eAturies in' W. czNsEs. 0_#lce at Doherty & Menzios'B stom ',,Where hisptr nor leaves , nor waters, wealth and position in 'thea - qity, but plaribi ; another was a Crest E uropo� together With the' imitated co o- rVMI RATTENBURY RATTENBURY on bd dame'baok there -was nothing statements L Of, tbe. actual cl-intonri.-an. 8,1870. JL Jnq*Propilotor.-One door oduth of thb Post OM4 er anyttling cool and siveet-:-;� for hiM o, subsist o'h. , His 0 bending'gisibofally 0, condition. of the . ti , I r meS of I celebriflea of all c6untri, at At my. heArb this gastly faintingi ebildren,*i$ finally 600sing the" humbler lot of tl�bpical palMs Victoria street, a ton. Thelittings and furnishings h commerea; of Canada, clamored 'for the of this house are SIV took themselves at. 6beAis'n,od to'hev:beart. . T e'ddin- the`ciWpef,*an Nraer' - filled v�ry ni,eans to upset what prospet-ityl-is- -cleat and modern, Many of the young, Mrs. Beesley). Millilierl. now, and everything IS provided to And this buziling in my. blood, once :to the v�ood 0 W, . n d a. third recess' JW -licat the and I of the travelling public, and if. I Wy know tho'dwast with me IT k -eat 'style, and"the with ferns oftefer doscripf ion, efiraptur- naw' being -"enjoyed. I re �t L L L A '00 ,.4ao., _.Tnt,8 pbrionoeo of -.being able WaSt wi The Snow Was.vory deep, afid.theyc6uld WAS Celebrated in, gt y n ladieg were extrerrAy.pret y, AM n N EFTuRNING TBANKS T6,THEMADIES he feels I f Og th me and'inaking-me goo . I— - to Olive be memx --VTth-tlfd r-� find but little to eat. Ib had bpen their Manly groom.- was almost tis in& to th4 vision. The walls were: h"g- -Augmen-6-- tile- r.6 -Manufacturers- for past,favorst.begs to JA4 fewr him much ad�; geat'alifirtn'to tho: festivity. , Some of -- Clinton and its vicinity, p Sts of continues -the Hat and Bonuot -ZompanY. Good Otablifig d ttelltive mirea for' his colossal �iopprtions;liicf with 6.6,uresonaiandscapes, (which.ititeresta oem�iises 6t wcompa.: them who' were per "be y en h ti 9 form them that she still 01 custom previoUst to make ou eir o an in business, at the 0 AN i _bJES 0 r WATullfl., I , . y OLD STAXI), OPPOSITE, THE BANIC, winter's subsistence by.shMing tkeir fi-' athletic symmetry AS was'llie bride 10� while eighte cages, filled, ratively. With their dashing partnera-in the -mazy, an With golden of ther DQminion's blier's potatoes, which he' cooked! iq a her exceeding luveiliness. mong - the winged fbailieroa Songsters, werer BUS- ff'tbo pahn'rfor beauty. f In thi. fall of 1871 qn, e a sensation ts -was 'he unsu cess ul suit The atabjbion_�. -a' d u iber ts, 4,t the r- f !k-- � -.- And that she has become agent for Messrs. B%ittrlok wea tb),L they erlook� the, in-, danoe;curiad o York patterns of gar , x h,l, 4ug in the gues 9�; who pended t e Colo European and New _giound in his hute; The' on t e -cei i sat appropfla a ! t. a 4 . -- ty )k -th -fialistO& they, a. -j-- fi� r w nents --all -eated in -this- nei­hkwhooa-�b* the-� a re er- ores 'n these U, 0 evening, a f .:izes and descriptions are kept on hand, Idel Was or gliffe nd,byeryone. plunged all at prices specified In the Catalogues, and hopes, by we aware, i intervals.. Mammothrn4piental bronzes And o aterests would inflict'llie ,Wict care and attention, to secure a patronage, 4ibly fr6m. hunger. ined ocr-�' .-whiel d iegarded lifin; but aaX liberal discovery in the'wilderness of Wyoming' Park;'AtRi k th� groom ba df -Costly. make and Alled Wiih b6tirbily into allof'the pleasures W ALL ORDERS To.. Wild � ' 0, 00*11- . I . . ; necessary to produce large profits county ok?l overdoms, a' a �bor r9undips vit- - t had placed at their disposah-� e mandfactirrer. ot only ygiald --0 in sue an spar men "far lages ' but' it seetiig; rt� I th:61' Mr. Clinton, Feb. 24, 1675- -easional Who bad'' D his obagri at his p Ims'greeted ther eye at every turn-- for ill N tb OiL� CARTWR. -Ing of a man and 8� -F6 fs, 8 can- 1h scene'in the"ballroom:wag mjfgffI IMM hii t ' ad the th wag ming an Um oring in erests e r EkOVQ. WAS graiulaite a bride.. -0ne :Sharont's Olt thus depressed; but foreign in Woods in a ude, that �iio rma- old'iriends; of. the Comsto tra 4,'#buld cet irl the extreme, and everytbilig in r -TWI-atte CARTWAIGHTt! OF STRATFORD, �40VILIR 15� 'one the at t1io nxitinbury HOU80, canton, the ftisk-Thuri. -dir s�bsisiiug on nutai -root's Otor -nentli with tlii4 W L ietchoa family. litiests,'o6red th­ rith him last' nig'h't. be almost- whipped, out in c L onditi air good' wis - ei and. Lodi" broke bibAd m barmQtiy.;.no, and 11rIoy of.bvory month� � Teeth inserted in the ac6ordance an I t onsequence -with exposed n o-mun-4ied 1614-th� bAik eir ear J ob gentl'a"ol'i'ti, "goate ..grdup'd 'the of an, U treatedi 2 inutes stripp Teeth Ilod in a mlse�ahle little but "do . I.. r -P tiebs, and e groom -E pfices %eitig otb.ox ilt. opfiod6 'oocurredi' litid and good an opkiudido. W o big hildoniq mrei slept. J1e -eryone WAS sorr, -6 . ur for w 6ven.wie. the straw �V' 4'ich &rri looked 04,with approv'a eve when the. )b led their. iiud,delight.� f6stive.board f6und,'h.ear ]aid ri&&in 06tntries. (villich isinevitabie; under pro- MORTGAG.ES, sesso . Of a&04 eduoqtio�, and, JMS, was one, corner of the. huf.' -�ii'lirigth among -the-rest came the rer� h e. YL which L '0�6nld departure arrived,- not a few ling6ring LY TO LEND, INUAGE OR SMALL ST MiLke' competition ON zed iii av plate, of solid sitiVer, diIg. troi�i -thi. tection). ,r I -a 0 T -yound--groorm of� .9 raus and--stir6un od" 1� in: the ball. and. other rooms to the last, AND OTITER on good mortgage occurity, at. inoderatia rates cloth ' d to . t�­ ... 'r 11 1 With They fdught each--other�lik"ilcdi-ibieoLats;- oted-lover.- be.- -watch- Comstock: lade, and. highli-polished Imr3ossible, And, inwtho- language- :of bla IMe In- St dying an Clinton 7-tf . filth7r he U and their father lived in r4ortal terro,�, ed him keenly', but . withqjillp Ito least The e were goften up in artiatio-style ?It one �f tbe.speaker, asCanada nent, The.danoingtofquadrilles and for nearly thr6. modtho. No. is hub fl,.t biOUSL �nanufaoturing Waltzes my_ r f6rtun.ate - iivhf he delica y of"hi dfa quartor. of -,a dol r,. thj�,L singirify nursery was a -ES-1rAxiLTON,BI RED found knoiyl% o spiritual subje6fg, is i Swamp, which -is the hbino� if a 6Tx �J irl rbymL uAim me 1 0160, noi -have a prosli to Good Securities 11urchased. August Oth, 1860. old bible'L see have a Pro, ar-hi animosity in his -expr�ssi6n �he Un, cost of over' 40 oach Oid =or and'somc.otef round;aAticas, w. W.'FARRAC. C Auctioneerfor the County'rof Iluron.-Salas of Farm tiojl.�'Artd OtL ljo, n ina Small market," -it. is obvi-: Stock Real Butatco,ko.r. 'L a r it . ondoCt to reas . enable and. Was welr�e . r d i.ii ancient ana;Lrao'� S earin� voico trio t9ick d- most succossful. fiatu're o tile. jy 41 n r or Was e ous that protee"tion AO'uld be. tbe'me4ns riads 'of.the. mailer as. -.-An'elega -and. 6licitodam s n aellr� aide of the plato,,i clos� 'of ffuirtbev-dep, egging wdi3pressec indusr Melon, Nov. 9, 1874. Blyth" NOV'L GfIB75j- dern history. ssod,. also) ex-: os -offer'the salute gray.e4 o e 0 t ing oi*nW-the Wild @na fa. husliin4r'a irerhodid not pi e e T h 6 ti r powers, hic� WAS -aoidina n d Aildron'iicourpd the swmp,,�ud W the:roadink upon ry" olo�t 0 shed m ary.. -As W068 giv- IqA f� 0 pa!1 f impro-vipg it, tor b le. ED AUC- 'r an t 4ght ind devoured. Withr the ravenous., ing 116 pros . perons . condition of ,Pl,,,,, occasionEf. F4 JA*,&S HOWSON, toLINTON Llo&*;S had" logs CO ente'd 'a system f zbort h d . I I �Ii; ,1151000 TO LO p, see. to others after, shing the did.iiot dispdi-se until�, it'l yeryono TioNazillor the 001ility of iiuro�, ia'pr6parad to a rote. wA gpeed, 11 f Mat B Ye WblVeg- bill groom one taking-11dalb 'In' an pit. attend; to Sales o F�ba Stock mid Rokl L o 0, roa- w1liell .'fl petites of balf� la r nAJy-lnarribd.' pair 1wclrl,. wiil�, In hissilver bill I tea as sonable ;rates, uppeyo so �ft er 'the QC ta w pointed otit as e%amw Clinton, NOV, 18,1878. 5 g�od rdad with Occup -grf antsofthomirQ, Thisis : taped his ar fingers, of as a-. gotiehir of the ple of'the success. of The absence of aen Gordon I Ja a low t os'my event S'an H�rald,afid others �disoovery of these stiange bein 11 nd11 'nDb only testiji �Ub nt( one S61d h disca 0di, IW.'9. it ii evident th akLtl f _e&.Ao--by the -,father -member ll� PRIVATE YU NI) S. ed Robinson Sought to ma, e oney . . 1 .4 'ut nott o M. ET, SOLICITOR, BEEN 'are: that they S&WL tha;b she &OM that dtk, was regretted. It result - LE biotbers�rwho dec, the' Wife now, aud'T.Vroposo td aL toy Cat6b,ona vftcfuo co�qoption of the r6al causes of Ife appointod.Agent-ferth(rCuldnioaScouHtfi� Com- �out'ofthow by ut, -13. troalod as lv'ell As- illy- qife should . be, un to . . g - them A ralse Cftar�eb. . .. . ad *from all "dident thOlir SpeCiLd train. pony of FAngland;. he is� also agouCtor. savera�l private PA a *afor-snake. Parke r 'capitalists of Terol)to, who loan mpnoy. pb very, reason.,. the conntry. To obtain th6 children'. says thab"this horrid diet incroas6d,- the 6atod, �ftyouLdofitt-ki4i herI'll breafi Ana ftirtber,' lid, seemed near INIO'ntreal. Th6ir-! baggage car. is'.. ablorates. Intorost'payableyedrly, Charges nidderato, *d'to kidnal)'them, an& bjr. -a 1 . . a. obli I to forget that under !, protection" largo' dy. he stocksof'many articles vv�re Acculnilla., MODE'RATE;, Aluo Solicitor for the St. Lawrence Bank.. WA 90 procity ofbis 6hildron. :066 day. ho every blam�d,bono in, b QL Shorbtooke News, a Conservative owd to have been: badly milhed. Course.0f;M073t cruel treatme 'Winghim, April 7,1875'r nt. comp6l- or. giv 104 tlldm to S-1 Wpa�rtially.dloth- 1fn fl,htr on an )?Atrioti�m and Party," 40 R006t] thr a proved A� great loss to iho i�ahuacturer, to h tid - at r IjIg PI -b. k, ourn, I 71ces, when sold, dreps all'ov ther ei come'. into the hut�L -Rather., than 4narrel tho/gelitlemall Isfw , s4ys 1U.'all able artide upon ncy on- in e'a-botwiesti-the'ru. Parke ed. the not' un-wil.114/bride, an. ;e y America by dhe indiviAual has. been so i g��bd in �ta - app6hitinonto. Noi have. J, dd. When clothin Waa--fil-st Pile on -'Bill,:'as-the boi 9PO was SRUS604-. and indirectly a moving of -great disb�egs APPLY TO Marriage Licenwa under the Dow Aret,rComeliedida. y'tor . a it to . A . reds. Tho.failler WaSrQ polled OM ;ed decline'ili the Dominio* s.-MALCO31SON er for taking Affidavits In the QUS�n'g Bench, fo.Oourt. them th an venue has-been il�jutbrl 0-the*qove the oesis been' less -.1 a in their'.pr6- sv�;. call 4; attacked: hid'-, 6We'r: with Among, operatives. :-�Tho quegtibn of pro - ties of-HuroiL and B211co. Conveyancing done. Such AS— Leases, Bonds, Contracts, Vills, Deeds, nudblortgageq. wils induood to: accompany.'them, . und old cabe-knie ho.had: mprit;,a:6rime.' S6me vagne� charges, a's sI -It is Said that a number ked 'up. e' n -iroade nd sh6kt. hQVO.1, �Aibled in. the bre r ist loans 37 ests.of the"Dom Clinton, Sopt. 1, 1874- Feasamall. R6rjtdonco�'oDpositoPolloeltSU6t(it- , A r io6�t�b�ihd�ijj,,Iibrityqfiiiti3r illeire Iiihoh. by i6tiondo'.And'irriplidati 1, , I �, L' L' . . . . P�id �SL bigh ft8-$2L50 f0i tl�Q loau A sbmdas,jecturer, inion wasrigttly �ut-by f., L I L ; ' d ALront'f&, 'diraqt sin hand writer.' o! She rAu 'bleeding The bbinese sIrloost in Ana in other P a.. ong- �on tie Fi'wliil'e g�,ve� no is BsyfloIP, SW. 14 0,-ttaW� a ombel;- �01�o stated that it is, no,64bo The ch to the -w ad 'ber the p on . ome 61 fve� for orth of dla- oyal Cainadian Btlialls ildien, w6j.o'a L, boy and -a girl. in oods, ot& �nd :Afihistry e� I I b ard'ffmcS1, niy-:4 ParliamentL to'legi.Ilate' for t1ro ,u h IS R, WATCH Al- onr W e VDr TbaY, Willi am and Malvina'L Ro"�e relief o-niercli�knts: who Are more, buy�rs "'Orld she "I's 44 -ea POWLE, OLOCIC Afterw d I It o a treo, quently o nipass'-thoi own end ben the. d1oPrqsiion eniarally provalenb-ib bm- a weller to- xwrk, Work!Dg eellrThe iatte-r'w' ' 22 ' years- old',- podectV or ying of' -we a o ap deka. He arkied he a lon g' dis. life -bgo mes' arisomi, A wifd ome� husinegg-as one of those ini;f r which Sellers and -.speculators, 'and to the neXbdd6rtotheErprea0 Office, Albert. dovelo�ed,P but . Somewhat._ dwaif�d in Uri timers: elegis to follaw -' her huillan'dr` on the I Dominioa. Cfabin:et sb0d'. Make ��$Uoet� Cuto'n, respectfully Intimates tance into thQ.�vooas. a .0d 111intiruent of tbo gricul. poptlla- CAPItAL, $2,000,000. tohis friends. and the public generally, that -hchso on ce, There Was Cad itornein ent� butltbe.dhiir�eg fell So. fitint. hand a select stock of Clocks,. Watches, Jeweller &0 appearan Parke c6fitinued to li, W th h t 'O'starlight r f death ; aiia parents y, LY 11 �O' U a of rates. Roalringotavery einbIfince en oir but' as kisqUently conipell w 0 vwi By ling too nju�fi'a'd too fast 'by thenn Th P, which lie offers at r6agonablo ��.J)6tWo t 1 *ill destr c�L their offs�ri�g in time ly On- that not an. eqUo dascri�tfon inhis line) done on the aho#eAt notlool a L nd all wi tr' rededin- the public:ear n at moder6to rates. heads were im g fore, to essape the fury -of big a&, iffilly; d rt distress,: rather t6n, was elicitd:- The-COmmon sense oftfie. Clinton, Jan. 17,1870, ea Y. coVered with long, mat- lAiht. allo th to suff r. Still, more ng ipaitizawibip, he SpAnIgh y' 64n swtillowing it GLINTON AGENC -hads,aud word early in 1873, be made - the- re- people traced unroxaoui led hair. T11 7ir noses and inoiiths we by taking too rplicb, fluid dorinj InLeal ECOMBA HtrROX ST., e to a ISO ad bi bruw, % ihe custom of $ailing liyes, which pressed into its, service again-WHim. find h ' every, r -BfDolj I," d, by 4 rinh i figaill vita a Ildoth oi� ii1tolidting,:6 V . opposite the Commercial Hotel, vqry1a!&�. and the ey*es small. The bish child sa r 1, ' C a 'is in/ oid:e� �,Aat they may purchase the argency, and allied with itself charges Writing of tillers of the'soil in Spainj e y isp? reApootfully to inform his Manila so, 4 - Ays;-tl Thel civiiiks by keeping late hours'at our to Five per cent allowed exprepnon of their faaes wai idi6tic. dig_ a correqpondent s ir lif6 is Of interest fronlF %=-' hud the public generally, that he koopA a thin, wiry man,,rf(gged and slovenl- 1 peiior ridywitages-ofobsequies, whiclar Which it little' con's'ideratiot; �vould on Deposits. re mutes so fat We roti-liiigt thora*may or May not be- bt oTJtl.Sl(wp:1)g late in the morbing constantly on hand a largo and wall assortodstookf They we as,ernittirig in' Ais head is 6yosfed with long,. whiia; �re donsidor�d`t" ody in sipate., . That'polioy-a mistaken one- -im, thin by neglecting to. Clocks, watches and Jewellerr, which *he %vill sell at me. o nsure the V noorned, but tie', in 66 cot, btWanyliow -there b Cor t�y A M. LOUGH, Agent. dorato prices, UpwAinika of every. doseriptiqu promptly t011ifetible soonds and,he has a, flowing 5, ety for, future - resurrection. is, by a to give unkempt lhm e sit'iciput, exi n!ise to krep tho oxoculodutrospqnabloratoo, f-4rTh000la . bratedRussell they lad a stranue baroh gibbberigh :in hit b 6A He ;fftibntes the lamen- We thy man condemned to death will reports, no nlatt�r' liqw, improbable In r ilt,cliopoed straw And a rug, or handle Watch ikopt c6nstantly in stock. �.Whioh r of driedrasomary ff6m' Me mountain- liands n�4 face warin ; byleglaoting to./ Clinion, Oct. 20, 1873. Clinton, NoV'Sih, 1860' the rfat�7ar insistedr-they co loi to buy him k by a cumula- in-- table �Cn &06n t his children to the in- armn.&Q with his jai ale tive process, t eir,a 'here that it is i.' wA*8h 416 body Su ciently :to keep Manic a min slim of money to a plant Ao common th6l LONDESBOROUGH his *16 to oversee,844 train substitake for- 0, tert h ggregate becomes, und4tstari'dingly witlo OrW them, saying t too mqch, ab- )Oli*thO PoOrwretqh1sJ-ntor-' formidable and fl!om their, extent �na -D .'The exhibitions of thi lo"pae"y 01 be spent Variably -out ia bundles, and- used to pores of tho skin,opon ; by exellaiigini., do. d�yr f0rI t hat he. was' light the fires ofthe engines. Thcpeam the war�a)clqthes during,tbo graded family v�ero so shockin sorbod in tho scientific a - nd literary par. Ment.anc, th Q p r r e ' serva io variety, plausib We denyr that light costumes I and e*dgwrT . incident, t6 aud&&W MILL. E N T 18 T 0 � O'ke ti a -6f his body, XO-# I 'Id Ana finit, and savory GRIST satiflives eu bre sensibilities of the I;Ublic th'i a ch 0' It, "6REEN, DZN�IST, STRATFORD., Witt 13E I -Wttdi their.wonts. Shortly.af- stidnia,ho. hav-k parents, 'so ratioli- is ConsirrAtism nneo% It rutobesi such dom S�u tutio stews, -flavored wlith garlick -or saftron. evening p�rtieg starving the'stb ia- at the Rattimbary. Housel Clinton, the third Tabs- hibitor pelled to ab on hi's tally paid to', Alient in compensation a.,qu9stionattle supl%#,,to keepits atti. tor.t.be deat I h.of Melvinahe publishea a ust tUd Prices are low; the. war,hdo raised his aeh -to dratif� 0, vain and'fooliA P�flsiotx day and Wednesday of each month, I tj 0 AVINd PUT IN A STEAM ENGINE, AND a Qua on,-andthe.t1wil. mutes"? as r inf�rmatl'on 'at foi 'their son!d hihameh, i�Varj. 9 Groot; nor. do we admit that- tho vements, the suboari- other machinery. with 4mPrO' they were termed* rned ''to the'tr 'oArd asking fo to a � r I kcreq, and Qften,, wound around his for dreil by keeping uy A. constantex o r %T1 ft - we feel coulldentef iio*bolng able to sodoramcdato ; ,, r - - I oreabo'Ut.s of 'hel'p to suppO tfieirpitr6hts. Filial rt hangs so loogel together that it, fretting the.- illin(I with' nod to turn . --TIr9---Cr1TOX-VOTJXTy, ­ -- ----W W I eg ng bly . . 'y ' as, and are determl tTtou Ben or- I%OSS, In tWO W Jiis * rifei and b gi, such artificipl cement to' pro - ,Inch work 060vin satisfy ovW-reaaousbI6 person her -to ci`iWii.And look iffat- tho. rfdods of respect-'­a-na-aoVo1r --l"69-gre;t-00 -Ew ­An%s their onstomere At all tim AJL High School is -open. to pupils .01 Voth sexeg'. retreat in tho -1 in �by. . I 'I r I b o r Ro -w-e-a - eg out . ere, gvaduall'y forgota onzas Or ounces.. To save is the -Man- troub! ;,bymployIngqua from all.pakto. of -the County and Province o ' 1 n elpOf terms, Instruction $a given lit 411 thchigharbranches Pa, Oor. Rosa .. virtue and reliaxous P.roclap�, in -serve its cohesion, These charges And FL01JR, BRAN, MILL ?Ilglish, a124'CfP is but itij,978 their father zip y. SU7�I which they rarely fAiJ. Regarding ileath ruiiori will not bear theost superficial chogan's delight. Fingal, industrious, noitirtibas for every 1ma )PzED, ac.p act, a Commercial, L st!0A1 Educatloh; Alid, in tell the French and German languages, Students are pro- At the "to come haneskj� his pride is o put by�, oneyy taki'ni,tno�lsat.irr6gularintervaloI &1ways on hand and for sale afinobit and madethaefiarge parbd for the Unly&-sities, the learlidl tirOf83016'90, find inevitable, he. makes the. best of a bad investigation, and. when they mucantlie, pursuits, Special attowtiou is poildX1ol ito bb�t g so had kil!64 �nil bargain, cunningly and Comically gets home to roott" they ill assuredly alight and, oftentimei be hides it-.4tiAg it up atuales ratinialto for Common School Teachers. bloil a empte e life of his,fatl2dr, Anil ak- in th� walls of -his houao. Ilia boUS6 �is I -A Bastia glass is being sold in AII Fees, $2 or quarterly -term,' Students from it dlotanco paid for dying. -The wbolosale dastrue. and rest on the shoulders of those who al�ayg At your"servico; for,' Although batly. It is in ode so that heat will not 1, 0 G S W. A 3� T dftu obtain. board In the viffiage at "very to deteLto 'at 9 ea that the ga-r A Chi" -is greatly the put thow in circuliiti�b, �and) a th - Further Intorwatloh #111 -be givee an a I a ti %kin Inchako;e by nose Dinner. tion of life in that countr brealt it neither will' Any— brcklniiry criptioh'kdpVn hand for sale. (Pbtaonal* or by letter) to any mombbwol 0 oll thoritie's, I h6 a wild boy was arieste'd Thearnall t rnigb unealleatod,and faiinj hardly, be is a Amd Lumber of every des Trustees, AZ: Mosaid- 11, nale, R. COOS, . , I I d1ty And lodged in I 'I ables Ware fu" ed' result of indifference. �., once the Mai. can be easily repelled, i ��111 f gontlemin Yout P blow or fall, Sm*d it iii really 'WonAerthl M.D., 11ov.'r I Niter, with' r t, jai sagra of Europeans, so rrible to us, fina a resting place withthose who in- '11gliah pengnt; is ligboly. ow lamp chimneys'can be tliroitb rough i but hat agood bed, y�hr 9paul gb to "O�h i3ins for Lumber Sawn to Oro4r. M D., or to,the head Maftf�r, Mr. J a 71�1:arnn Ut B.A. All to', ot him to *oAr clothing sauderg, little bowls, a obinaPWArd spoon , meetudto be a matter of lift , moment, verited thorn,". word UftalledOSSful, and he was so violent And a pair of chopsticks for each person, I peasant is a gailtleinsin, but oftbn his tio on the floor� and stood vpon, and sub- HUBER BROTHERS. an4 thoyroiLtinot 00 pr6 on Wh We 0. r, ini. ment without bmaki c0ill un. 'The dinner wao'dompoged of eerything y i-9either r Will� they break by ft Loudesborougb, May 18tb, 1875. that no-one dared to enter his shuld make. a fu a Vout it, hey re- bod- at all." treat oto Ay beat, ub 'd Nthin, or klld_tfijona� W except beef and Mutton, which, are sbl-. gatd our indign t kotts' at. intense. AGr J01?iJtI0E0 BLYTIL V Obe -strid some- vfeelcg.after he is de, dom onfen by iiatives iw the part -of or Mattei? how'* him, Much as we egard out ira e hboyr A dornewbat remarkable?cAge, haijust Almost Incredible,' ta to AVe Shot. The Agent who Wint, td nchestor, cured lie Was returned to the woods, China roferried, to. -;-the a plo ma rials W ell; beef! doeided in England by. Chief Justlee ��Vhopl*oohe' (NeV.) after� re . E ngland; . to soliAniorioan cotton -goods" 6 ho has beon'A goureo of at. for their dishes are pork fOWJ,L and fish, Whole 10 h' ori I Cfolqi'djo anO two ofhis Associated, ONV gotletTolt IN CH,&X0zny1AN6 Ever Sine be racifia. ; if Ib -was sue ��qttjlcy ojfa�ho tavr sud:Wquity Courts of Ire and, .1loylineo to tl o t , d h ha all kin'da of.vegotahl6a, ;,�A,Weodo fiftngi-,' bu vin he journey or'n contractor frt the' lusnuf3etuters Of Fall BiVdt had li sorry , 6 16 i's only a dog and th a man bought a-firt-clasg ticket froth Lou. coun 9 t Za ogin Len t Loan; gna,4atate Agoub, Law, Life M atlatboetl,di�poge4-of �y being cap. etc. 3U4verythingj be-it,noted, is b6ile r�m don to, Soarborough� and on the back of 'with A drove of mulA from BelwduV to had P, greater suadess that! was auticips, I - (4 tire plenty mor�'of thapY. How-- uo d indarcerated in the � itibane and comes to table iW the form are pjinted Issued Hiko, where no water w ges &C, arefully pkopatod , Xitloo, ana claims to t tliese words w as to,bo had for ted, Soon After his arrival Id GEORGE DIEHL do yollwant to be pAdIor it 110 'to You it in Europe tr4nailettil in ooJln0dtIOftWIi uglis think, poAn Firm I Genealogies traeod, a gre tpre. A'Claus allre Tho taVa' is Sdrvea 6y, g,r thus describes the oxtraordin. 0 plece d ore n natatco Itivestigatedy and L$6w hel ack for 20,00 a of goodig, th Fire sylilimittrDanvillo order of court., -stew or harldot, 6464 -of lifai" argues ocordiun, to be'dowpafiy's regulations two dayi ga L 0 6 h� 1 -1 subsequently sent Still larger drders. 0 0.- It are4; Forty Years' Exparloueb; olla, .1. Of The extraordinary story of the f4mily, dach person having a ilporti&`r Of whdto, n 0 n abinet Maker, upholisterer, have you nt 131(stity Of a d is oo aitions id the UM6 tables of the Scent f water tit Logs -to Lop, -private fundar and or TdblIo coin- eve -but there is iver i one r the 01 course!' 0 Death in China is 0 tile OsPective ddinparilles over whose Springs on the ' The whole Ft 11 16filnery is boing adap,04 a" told Qfficially Ily the father,'is as fol may be able I Debts, &Natooc ctodw 00 AND 18i It hag no parallel in Modern oft9n a lafgo,diah,placbd in' the centre,, p Pub the body began to move forward at a good to 64*8ngliah-styie or goodsi and the lows. Awards as thi3 the. most i ea this ticket is availablO' t, . " r 4180 disheo.of (tlto mills are now'running fo our I" th And ftequently far nono- train did not start at the time An. pioey as the smell of wator (4oneral Dea6i in urltiturd The.tiate. of,thd father of dip their chopstiolis I TV ls--W&Ssible. In somebody's wily. A, its adver- re stroner, until thowhold lieed wag Livorpool demaud. 11tom Fng and they the wild at all, heing Or lost % not only tq:tbo 004tinent, but to -U. inuieis arke. Hoi-is �65 year� old, to attempt a desoription,61t 6o, numb -or- storyas told the writer as a fact, that, tisad connections. The pasoeng -in A keen run. The spring Wait reached, KO but the watobit had to dia, Obitiao Jap6ti, Afriao., AustralLip t in returning thgnkg to his 321110810138 filOndh &hd dit- and was born in txoter, Luzerne count loss dishes admilosing the feast, but the duii�g the visit of- one of the royal the train he wantod to meet at Leads, be dipped up ift tomelg fox fast favpro Rinco starting In Mlhtotlf five itL 81UB80RXBET1 11A$r OPENED VIE STOAt . Y. South, America, Lind Xoxioo.. yearn ggpi'irould iiitirafibb that he I# at the old itandand 110 1�ved in that plad; Untill.he wa writer montlomono. dilo Which justice prindog, a theft wag dommitt6a. Of a gild, finding he w nd' it Ucamor necessary to his new ori hiond a If Usext to Tns, Sloplourd'so Albert st'; ould have to wait throe 411okets,', a , if Auction end Comli -stits of an WAS alw chain or Wato o th"o royal otber�, procarod a, spocia) knock down a, a Asslon Rooms, w�orohowlllt�cblva years old, obtallnin h, belonging t hours &r an eambet, of nt'itles with Whenever is daie ofyollow teVer 00. and.adil mL commission, veto 0410 English �duca tiont Deon4 the fact nilund 4�kd usedto, VL olabo, in order to Allow t men to get g the rudim by anctiou, or pri 3016- it Unpopur 4urg in Now Orleans the 11tidets sur. tTELL SELECTED STOOK tureti axiii Fancy Gbodai 40., &Ci. that wbon' he was.that age hig par6fita oatididat4.0 eloobiong. gtiest. Tho uinfortonato- attei�dant­ was train to take him to his destinationt Ono mulo, Crazed with roijuding thd square ard-aprinkled:'Wi adught Voith the property upon him, and, which be'reachad An hour And a- quarter to thd'iPtiftg- th 'o oeia, diluted in. I the game, godoild-hand Furniture bought And Bold. Auctiong at- reffioved into tbe imarnSes of Wyom. they undorgto before Coming to table ilt without further ceremony his hea4 was After the, time lie wag due. He paid foe thirst, got away,, with thirtoonbuckets' Calveirt's No. 5 darboli Anawaradreopactfully I ankan Inspection oJ tend6d In any . part of thO CoUnt7i 411360111 It thoyapper arlikehoLrd- oil- in" fifty,parft otvater. -A largo, �sprinklor ing dotinty,'to thO APOt where Ila. wag unlinown, bu b copped oiT. The mandarin in attana 'fainily in 1871, and 'Some ancer immediately arin6unoda the tidi gs ;44.. eggs nh My fratsm&nnfaefuringLOUNCEStwhiah, oidurabllity sAIMAtiRA 'A 0min order Lei Allow dome other pogs o1i wheels is used for the roadwoys ikud or ellutoty, Dec. 811875, red with b' ed, black Ato'�Vod in for the oxteg h( A,nA comfort, defy O61D ti, ba are at the Game Lima PtLny the sidewalks Are spriaklea by lis r ala, 6 aelm =89 Articles thrown 6n the tllgG'tJIoy.J1od there, and, W.oro b ribd pala,bablo Sauce, and are really ex6olldat", In -bo As "a delloate Attention, Court decided �6 aqtnj itI long, eg wpil"t cb6ap a to the pri p OU'Sarke t. C. . g A. dinner -of Itind alluded to � -Often train, autl now n out Add 'took A i7611, -00me back, and The &ounaa of uolghb6ritig, yards, aft', lods by his own han4l-s, 'no III in big 00r- pay fo � I the W9 Aeyot64 110 wa na fo exton4s to thirty or i4rty 064rseo, and od moro.'' The Wioket bola four treated, Ana the privy vaulti A,616 OWPIOTS good worlomon, and ACCOUNTANT, DOOXIC-EUPDR, ITC is kno*ft about hla Antoco4ontsI, vioo. To his it of A16tioe has rd. ftlt P btilteo Or'. f0t1l, 11014rfr. B:143b V In It A i- -(I n ItIl, o' expidsood. gmat; rogr4 that-tho. in ao- rX Thfigodulit de. galTo ti, and her got Away Wi. noobru diniftesetea With 06 lJolUtiorlpf Iti b6of rather left fifty acres. of -land, I is! "ded* rond At the torrAingt[otir of tho Wj�otj l'o wag bb and d tr b YO -@d6d that A is bound - gulp. case bV . doe Aft-6tintO n1ftdiS:,.9A%t oii�d tito6w. fia�ds, Vary � tasteless,, is constantly haaa had been cub oir, blotiae, of handed round' in' tiny cups, .�n I he 8 (Ju U' rift, Co.'parry lugschgorif adcordidg to its tirdew th or, romovAl, the infeaw 1W SkOPAIR1140 i3ONio As usimro. sti Victoria street, Opposite thi 26 y6tirs hoas," eried, the 0 SPA4,10 2ftd, iumigh tales, antl is rosponsible t* thoui for China hag the largest garden in tho apartmento ara rumigatia swlth�au$huv- 86 asgiaklyo 0hlqega'4rjuk A gou'd '4041 or h6'Whig to tha a% , I r t subjoot to Iii 0 I*ttl 'Ile loggoo sustained by, all unnecoagiry do. world, There it -0 -fif y thouiand,oqu or 01116 T116 girl, very rarely Noma Intoxioa0, Th6y again r , Ira 0110461 Me, 1ho *ktout -ofthe ?@ diat t4d vogret was to he laya� This de�idion, r4ndore4 hi the miles,atound ShAnghalhich Are dallod 1e-seiktodo� As good. aa4ftiews , Nt waa born ij� 11540, and the b MOM'Y got excited 1U. Manner or -flushed- ate. s0 ly- "d JAb$t, OMitittit JUago On tho BriliSh the Gataori of Ching F 'and hAVa boon for ep enTh6ie Mo r bo takon Aa titt 60 seors4 head, stato or of th AtAl" Afi 0 0 — 6 eexegroat w6ight in ihis hundre&otydarg, undor's; high never �g[Jd don, along tko groda. 118 about forty ov tima tfmy w4iii;b1a 66ugh to boiled tica, Wig Said that, W9 PV6VOrIts A tramp was recently sentenced to country eta Voll At in Ungland# and' 'Will daIttyatioll, Thfad 000 & YOU AN artotd, ItondAy ffrom the eithu, of '04 form an importAnt precedent, harvoltod, Ib It All MORi "bV feat dJ%Jlj,.J J!ko thit After 10944 A tr�ohth Kb half -1006 got about they woro oonipollad to look any evil 0106081 wo, in ths, Itouie -of Correotl 10N)and, raig64 fl, - 'gi.Iii , 616look P.m la�vlftltlua 4al 'ro you, in fitat, for reitaoing to� SAV wood at, t1lo lJorlh jv� jilit al�ovg and hag de1gy thd whole squatt taust `66 ah%Osa 'Rtut 811 Tito m46,60rAlAffy In, out for themselvag, They never spoke, ing or 4rinking-gobo --40444 - -- A for tighl bL6046( A'06rft 4: 'Ott wAy fromthii t61518 %*Ith Andovero RU9, AlMhoullo, In paYffitht . 4, o* 110da of lyito domm"Iti.. *1th 0, didtifiattiag bm$ atid Us, I* AY DURNIg . I r m awo,a fn %oir liva"noo had A gatinnt, hhd Nona$ th �,L 18% r 14,41 fit sind bfdaWast, r no "00' 0' t( 4:whcr,me b"i' was p , ap I d ,th,% %Prt, let ' O�t 0 e n 0 9 an tu H tl r a an d v au nb a go iN I R CLI NII N' n a- �O 7 -ers, lyt 8 e in rb T 11 sy t f �51` 0 w th \ab 0 Cy.. I e 0 hose Strange ben a so SOU n ht to. In Ake ,Xtl eXh n them To obtain tile chilar e;CP thorl P was 0 a. 6 ei .-d 'a bo(ly a 13 an rJO, to liv �e , �ell com ,f \h bil ......... . .. ....... .... . .. ..