Clinton New Era, 1876-02-24, Page 4, mmm" According to a rectal consult the po�� An Albsny miabiter,o4ld In a. reoeUt Pulation of bpau is 38,V00,070, wbiolt .4ormoa w.40. is. $EW yotir 1104010tiOA the toodeboy of 0 ME A" Irk tho foU1ug llues w0bo. oop shq,,W4 pa increase. of JQ9,,800 within the 'the present tombl000, in reference to 'A V. S 00,01-00 And, eA beI ttbr4Q,yearo. Imioino or retording the Weather . *6 4ave rogootly beo;l 04 r 0Q1tUBX1_D it to your TH, vk% for Ismor, t 0111"ato thii., of our$ I 00 tppgrqllq4 thot they can h4rd. Ro AT
pavl* w�_Ogvivv rout� lion 1; Ou bOloyq4L o1storts are. watly of W6 t 41 MADS
rAgnths 0 ith Q30 . 0, thom Ila I .. f the. 744i 1676 4, U01#0W turtt out A doo j-, l walk, Mitch lopa ran' There appeAra P04114.11 Of Most from the.. bone BUD 0QOQA4-,QA"TA1V LAV -0 0O9VO4XRQ' I i be tv trealondous" pull-bxvk 6owe thorotigh lmowlqdo Fog I b1% theesult of the plaughtor of, I - to, 0 of th 0, Alatural mul.00, and Alow QVorw th-4 cporAtiozif of diestion. may see Rich, glid by, a o4reful, spphootio The, mot oorqleto oilure on. record In ) I . G'I L�'fR but Vein -selvoW4 cocoa, land. Br'Others, Me of ITAitoo 4, rbreAw o propertioo A well 0, bo to that Of Wa two and whose osp9to oo mn; COATA OM, "Alm MAT;V�Ad- chickens, And (in old wo vvAus OF AT,4 W AD, JRON Won paper Says V $04 P - 41 . broiling w I 119'. lwq,ioiro Iy vqq 0 btle MA12 to TOttim thanks to thoir friends, and ustouioro for, ast favoro, and, At the same time yqul4 reigilid themaud the public generally, that they avoncelve4a, Atli* eve rested for robbing bermWer was. aeitrob� aNN Dip QU gut tos ia"�Wpa 10044. 06 Quivqlves weW forti. 01riKe A86ortnAnt Of COOMINO 15TO VES, ed' -wete 11 .. , , , foun� Taigilteen *$hers' Of ham bag, id upon her bogotli, and in a 64 with pu A piopprly uvariolt- OEHN IN. OLINTOXi, AT GILROY10,
Now Bqdfc;:,4 man and his. wife, ej f;ame.,, find, of lbe Most 'improved, A boneothho dr V e Fca 00eite,-�-$old only. 'All size '14t=A', rABLOR STOV94 Of the XIONNOPt designs. Box, r CBS a Xteak" a Obop, three atoysp. of�jo�ll kinds, all o1w ICU we 4ri o4iiing At the Yory'19*est prides 'Went to a neighboring V[ la WOR4. town to- get, tUQ in raqUots labelle(lm_44 ZAXABTr4VS, & CO.,IHO-' 14 kialle o,, and two kipporod In a, ditlol�,W`tbis, sho" h qb ilij, London." vOAL'STOVES ston boo, a Q.APAOI ody�qt their dead dailgbter� T4eypu mcoopathio Qhemisto, 48,Whro.0 reot, L_1 Tbs. hqro.9!,o. 1 �4 p'fapo Chops, 4,4tei d.qorpab. in their w4goon. aild and 170, Piece, qua if � about quarts, while that 0 44t4 -for homor whoia A fianeral was to 'The p1;h1i@ gonarAll.,will be We 'tild e0poplaby call tlio'�atto`iitlou- of t"et'4110 o9it %tQ r 1 � K 00061 St Vest to the %idney,' vvo 1. At Chao P 0 T cloaro4 out at au�prlce' at� Of OYIB,W We" oi haa 250 t 4 d *OpTiotors of � 0 �Inp� ,in the inteatiney thi -bit t' 9,� a .4 .hat Are being am,,, the poptil rayls� Syrup of JL4 " :. .0
orse avipy 4erl6; er Ps hold, op o first tik.yorn ties that the 64, ivroyl;rsoa, th b oacdsu]Et' 4 ltqc�m_ ud'i sQner in the ii(i), p And' ArA Affecti�ns of tho throAt and 14ugs, h _rI1 Bar- R AN
Us A 0 p Which has It Ila In t�at'titha has ogtblished to reputalion of OQX D BE eapaoiiy f roinab 100 Ave lately
De,44 bt;t. twQ years 1;eforo t 9 iictly,prlled thjntT9aqcQd,mto the market a larger 9f tflecx, 'T�h� 9k. 4, in04�4 E T)RX 'Plt Z Zff
ourylile, Was Pao Ofx being second to none id the long. liat'0 ' aseBurplugS49veg' 'it" for-liubliqfavoie. Call iller qni, the. I'of otho twerns QRL t rti6le, to sell At" fifty COnts, Aita end oep the RAP10THoms beforoL purc�l .4 ng say otbor, :We all- Ournbw er or zed by rem rge iO jout4, dndfiv on 4111110 0 attention to
ha 1111 dd 7f tho. reton. 6los" fr�m home tbfk ide nearly three t reted 4a the t fuo ar,6 consl ith her 341he cell, _y so drunk he itnes te quo-Atitylof tba orys Hands, RIO. Ott 9$. Uorablo, -indna.6mo -TE R, - kantly,wi -the coffin OmEL110P I 612100 'A' 001101, I Qoa,.0f a. part of the bile is I 40,48 -Drow. Goods, Wip co 'believes that, hanging Ono ih HEA 4 By j41 not notice, the fall"Q free was found offered to conuume'o to Purchase"t- Soef-�hRt, Integy a of digestion, tlioc bao an4 ife, �T,ct long Ago. o . The boay you get the &�qiuq. o of anada, for ",the bile flows air otly int� the, *nwArd'in the road. f pe aii�e, , akin it -And everyth!
dying f4oeL do 9 tig ofse.Ja sold al� And
she \�-Iqd to indiodoeverWfriends to arinot a to �Uy.
teqtine tit fast ad keo 4 This ootx-- -HAVE N ,ELLIN( -a Q at, BEE, 4 n"n, our rete it spara us in- raiie 9�mob And- lyn6ft her, and -she has I The niorriago Of opuslits of even the. f.
ve SP krizatioll o the dig t lil-1.01,11,r, 31 -'ro i reQ , yQi , tro, an E0 id, from our per- to or sent aev�,rai letterB to �h g I , ions; produee q. GoVq6pr ask, :qp�ond 4 te, �amow . nd ar qd low
was��ficrixied to knowle o Of its merits, have Mitch' hq� exeopt�on sot (Iowa for 4i0oY.Ap insanity witli'moro'bortainty qat slowly aP4 inually A)iilky ng 14, as thoroughly ea er a COA
KES 0 P.- IOU 6od. Wb 'g 0�1e"r*Nh Among the. whites..' The R600 leasiiro in, commendi Cod :no Se,6�jZ' 3G- cts;.V
I digest c9lit I , , e-ot '0 , it 4106ti a no% It is hol ip the million. All kinds of XQ1 ptly Al foa on reliable And ientifte pgoplirati Stovi 1? cb,and*Mbowo btiing�W41c-prm AeiiiW to� P cent, InknYd broke out in �-qhorq .4 ihysicig a. and
so vory-rapidly t A d is coil'stantly. increasing, ..Q -gotAirl)ruinsalwayoon band, h�ough. the When the t guantity. f
Th"o horse 4 the S. 11 091101ted, Xo $10011100 to 911ow good rcrinto the inteiatbi6s. puse, an the lie, and the, dem ana%i Opeia'.- Out. qf'six children d'��y V HARTX"_7_9kOTHL1 RS BRI X-P'MO01t. 'but about five pounds 0 bay in crush'began, 'a young lady4priing from 'Rts, Montr, "' Ion -91s. n vrieutsjit�, ; the. ci'dt& ri vhich is 0 wittdow, 4II4 a.�fely'ilightod_g LINTO*,. r 'dome* "it& o harged, d irft mas 4 ,on tork , Bit :&Nls W rns, (T 6 great public r ;-No-soondt�-howeyer, aelfe-fael- I., -a, . pby4 uoo,overtwouV Indik-osare.more unitormin, CRUX e. ipt be paid., bet they are on tr!41; Ur�d than A9 b0pald ey hay L . Imliva. NOW, the, St6maoh -'on ak ii—roilln o well, w ton q�aW;. Wife re�.Qlleioted'tlkat health -than other Deoq,,tboroughl tried, And pronounce the .0 bfii.4 but �%ui �,uinorlry ox lives and' eato qiie-thii4: 6f.' glaqa'bad botliNbee lost iti tbe race ill coni (J9 blood T ty iey have pr�s6rved, to b14 a cure h less and ;N0 ICE TO, -'T
to '%digo,t' ihat' her poroonal-safety Was Bob -Waterloo. House S�*d for. Cho and when the animal ourging aVd, this, with,i t4ilari t BLIC :BE SURE OF� THE Pl,kg . X0 a a rdVult rhoro, cqtaiu. -oinently ollutr roliaration, and I tAenA $T� , ICII. in "iiliderdju6d beg 6 tntorlin the inliabitan 9 9 in try -that they I Glafk, of season w The -pound in wO After saving bet, life by his diiily rition, -or spvqll lcoughs, kqre t I Cl ton and surrditudingcout C �o�' oxtrelue,.she risired it Anew e of. county, thr"t, and -and all ronobial affections. � One 119vo. gnteted into Co-kartubrobip, for,thie purpose of carrying:on the bu6inewef manufacturors one attaone-half hours, he'lla-4 4*Allqw- porif Xerc Q stomachs, fit h0d'..Ab-r'wa' agkiii, into''th "Ponnsylvanii, bad a painful q4v�eriture trial wi4 0 IL of bay. pua 6 opera pojiv�itqo. Ole most skeptical. Sold by, I Sloigho, Cutters, d4o., in all its vorioug bianoliep, At flicir e4reatnea eigut. men were All wedibilie dealers, at 25 cto. per box, FF vd,, at least, tw and Covered)' her troet, 01intion, under the�stylo and Arm of zaliya,ouo of thwLhavingpasse4into. house, - mutly; -bid otand,� Hufon.S QLTXTON,� !,B. % 1876.. A 3311AUT;PUJ,HQ8SE,- an, h - room, four of whom lie ejeoted.- -There is 'i� g,.t at boorvAtion.his shown tieiasuiogm his �O -hto,roud r, I orseveeti. Can. cQntribiltp �o iu`uZ is con ;�aspedifitothe-i testineby -The .-New.. YO k - Po�st's 1to remailader were too, MuQh for him, tiful and elegant, to itn1ho Q dition faid ove d be, actually sprang. o Cork- No pains will -be 6pared-to' to tiny in. the'
the order in, which iti is speoial'6f th4* 16h. pays :—There" an ut�of the will- make 11ini all that is d94 !OX cute work bqula Dominion, - Vick I;ng exp'oi- ho. stomach i to ;on- hGuse RemedY!" one 'in the ounty enables them. to ally understand the requiromelits ottlioiK customots, 'And" hlms-beqn�,11'9ed by many persons who Own they �Attention to tkugipes!�'_to',giva -entire- intisk"tioa-to-all those onthy. ved. if, e feed siderAble eiciWftient ainong offi�erg� f9reniosti and ran to orse six( w Id , of a 170 Is And otherhorses. ivithdecided Gv6r an 6rder s*su6d by liaighbo'r,"to whom ll� laied .411 yvfjt�!Q of, oats it L�ill just about f -94k �ry do he Ill hsthe'Se 0. and s-oiv�ll ploaseapro.thby with Wth4t -e finial ee I I --- 4 TI *or t m �,with their patrq�a 0-t7the, lgavy'�yosterdgy, directin tbd -. T1 thrill experience. 9 ie� two, they al -ways lceep on h r Do to proceed to son' a no it #ud in cse.,of emergeno d. Orctorsexedul & b I'ven at at times with y, truders and e e or the ii 'md, and gee ttat the signs. l,with deip%t§he, done bn the ihteqt- OtipO., Above 'ration of'seven pounds of hAy, S st6amo f og , . t - big aBleep; Id eiifficieni n iartOrll- to�mo' This C ba k ingo Mr A large Iiud%lect st ock of the, best seasoned ra�tdriaf always on - han bed LTIRAL �Jntch to i rk's residence ana,164nd A .row, wi h sea!Bd�, orders., 19,'is each package. Nor- 6f Z'lkbiii t4lave forcid, the oats en- Olark..v�ig;badly 'out about the re 0 urd'. steamer ig the�fustest iessel in the navy, tb'Q ft iro T6routo, Ont.� -proprietors UUM B A� Tj 4)SLTE.: six, inolqgaghiii- is f hand was4rdiioa froii� h� .,to Biiq, bi re imore r anadn" o,l y all modibi#a dealeiii, Chi;ftox, July 22 17 t tlnro'�y out Of is the Office9f, the .siftiaoh 0: few I ot-phigli. IOT 8 srK uNv,�Ll days ago for repairs, and it is.' n Q Cylinder Thre'shizig MA ines 0 it ftmax D -the)jxtrogenooug� a ievathat�;ihj. wdQrbo s As lAavo agetothe eadSeaf6undA =hXill* oubiq
to al .p ea,,tiow the morning train Zior. khe-Rb- III, r wts ot the bel of salton't a s ore, and the Arabs In in olAbination Thresh' 4 stomachfoliof �at bon- tdors un -leg nearing AlNeap:the that it was Lot's Nvife pfor �ur piirb eit as gin 40M 311 we Are much T 'and i � un der, Settled!* , ii- cliestor. road was T s, eas :,eas: iCff, Ma6liines Lich o tlIese expb�ted enier ' �911110 to doubt it, thodgh, -,we-liave no hesiti- I. 1) ��) . I T R) Uins four. or live times AS 4 .1' 'arQ engineer discovered ajarge Nowfoun& I V( 11TV gency. tion I ind, t at.the best thing to curo'colds, e He blq 'the THi - sore t Atia'all kindq'of'A .that either.the stomach:musts'eardte o� of, th , 6.1opinior aralgia, bowel cbm- XTS alwa. as the Sam amount of hay, it ii pertain that hdi destiiiati It has, i�ild ddu on the traoii OF .1 .. ' I t,,r ouniatism,me BEDSTEAD hand. plaint -V 'h rantfokffea Co, P- a i i- y-- N Xt V0,01i jtb�Ouh' te ij im _i,�h e,%ut,_the_Aoiv q,, is the 11 C�usdiaiiPiin Destroyer," gastric juice ve imes. 46 -ii" to 6 of -all -medicine dealers for25cents per To. meet the largd and ncreaping, emand for our celebrated. Threshing, Uachiqdsp from fill in- and rhothin� was. wtong, the to 6 t, by a cel7ebtA6d. ga thinkingsq d Wliistlod. down brakes, -a Try O good.Rotizeboild riu: t men, we have,,by the i4troau* of'the, lat' d dosible,,or-it must retiiz�' this nd the but Laige stock rialture, s of the Domi
-bler, neArly ,century -ago, deserves to BEG To IllrdVM THE. PU THAT otion est and, M46t, approved. feeding, e NIVE . '. 7. 1 . � 1. fooafive times as long. By home manufwAurc, madeofneasoneam. or, �d recordoT 6rIfs- l000moti�e st4ped within. &'Jew- feet of amachiziery.13mo.oui, works,�groatljnoreasedo'ur Manufsothring facilit-169. Wo.,, Are therefori.
-retained lo pinonlarity. After -BUr oats first'it �an 661y be, -had it PTER. _BUTT2 I bo�tpd
run 0 Vollor Loin Ag-olif, na Position to fi lwitli' L�rd thp. dog. ]&16urox'load'of logs "A I nion ork, su�h 11 all orders promptly. ofa n
izing a terr 'ud itw. i�o.iup enough for the ss the tra'6k,'b s'ud, ut the s�ed HE SvEsCRIPRA wiLL.PAXcAS1r FOR ANX il�ted to,brp or is*, ply- -on it l6giecel,' wbqn 0. the I att seep, ri-n kkic j4piped qp sndd�zily,- and T led, arylug'siont p "' g., -'Ifth0hin Vffia-. "n fh�r-!Qg Y, tested. before leaving the all 0 V.od sai, 5 to ants- per, aund, either B k or Green, War-, :W Good- �-'Yellow',18 attef, in'Tubi- ro stid if4mq 014 eoitiequ*ently, caught on the rails.--- -Thb driVer hea�d pat Toss, Im o lis't e1d ?4
n fc& -like'6atr large ucad Car d a dreing his lordhip, 11, or Vroahing-r,oun on qLthay to feed cky lik eq"I i 'and ushed'down the tracleio, Pared to fill & Ore. GITE HIM A wberw 1; �,All -r n c6 ce 6aioa fti-sizil . A S 0, !�O -R? 'the have �bnp bet - I-4 the grain the ',whole- 'L- P,�, q 6uld "'t Or' three pound roU�. pre Gilt Mouldings, Rustic Frames,, wood, iT k he, i(ii tipn, and dash- FRANK 00, ed or plain. ninpig, dd or e n for; Hig.ddg t6o in W-- Il- RIME, Brantford, Way �2,4875. tws tetweo4 the repisis to be digested hTO G6odva; ue &eh to all whb �may purchase, ed.:'dr�u#the ourV9 d' topped, the olinton. 0cg'Qth� 1875. The 0 60 Is -to.. tins p an i d re e Th DA -I pesor Cir6ulare a fifteen-thdtiga# - �-,g IlQsb ooin� 00 e 9 are that hoiies' "y Atbit - Marble! Works- -w (CO, train.-.,,- , I Kese._ , th. md crate und it 6 d
ith., the "ut ty a�d wrim, BafQ rddring. elset6h nd rds ra. ill first eAt zaitoji piisa tbe-pedr %tj osare. - Dash wen't"Abe punli'bo'wfil "A O'ndied'in-afar, hous'd`AnAnn�_' kkOPHERSON I& Co.
e need to gie e 6I H-Iu,h 0. S T GLASGO
it exe ir a 9 � Ahe places e L 0. the Wall -And III teh years- dpj*ftOm peison� MON. �REAL '-STAR ty- 'I d.,L U i es o t e' t ufartuhitbly fbi.:,the 'young it was Supposed. R�qeutl .;B, , doubte ythepremises hav now, -(it is estimated) an, audience of ON pro ce ero of -the ex0eriment, there pro ed KONV� larv, . : h � V W I mer', w. o moved " at HUNIMAD,'AND NINE, TY -FIVE THOU. rs,.E,AjDST0XES, Bilon. These oke sold to�a fit in Iindige resu toi owever, an odd one, pnd-be'w I I . f� them the &na work of!i! In AmeAcan aud3orilen Marble; . as Ajuinedinan, c witk,�Jds lijily disturb-- *$A E _to' eat. 'San. :' ed;. on the fifstniglit o occu' ' lb moAwidaly eiric'ulated and influenti . al- . QpFI Pat otyle,aild a . reason- -aR;S.qt_q hay propei fari them A,:' Fraiicls�o uddeftaker was paney, eeping ubliahed in Canaan. on e, deelpedandexoeuted. may be obvitited ;by givipg only t,hr, ND RS,''which makeh t like fdo stepi'mi 3ho, floor .tnq Pon 1) newspa- o pri T`1T tT T 4-" T k an en'gagemeni; aniti:� sounds t a ' oloro� Marb�e Sup- 1. ,A4!i6Js A'very general ifood, first, thite. tardy in es of Varlo L79 more, Toni to 0 $4.50.,:. is art ghOSt1yL ng. 9911111 Ch'i�. I .
rri ase with his aenlonstrationsi giowi T. ffyson, 5 lb Cade. Dollar
plied, 6n.S 12 lba. Good Cuba. Sugar, 1.00. pportunitk herejfor,it greKt�;sav- When he a i v 4 a.te: hoi X tiqe,
Ish 13roal minated in-, ARD.- ERT XX lit,.Good Porte 14g,� espeolally"with. those feedi dg ajarge hearse �-es, rival.ha& �8011' it -arming night , C ra-Unut"FaPk"Rast Tons,: theJob of buritil; 6P -ADSTON Season 331acA. To s. 10 Qqoo Jilellned Sugar Igure The' 'e U N D A K IN Qii rht of it' shrbuded' f GRAINITZ MONUMENTS AWD, sluiiib�r of horsbo. At ny-mite, thiq 'gilr�sji .':116 hid the .�he Big r11 US �IJUSCRTBUR ifECIS to 'PARE THIS rut TO ORD980 A. oi6rliiie.' Aquantityof' are thankgto -n elegant Rears pl&n is to ialtet@ th-oly0ay fdrmerwai'-A� inatter-of-fact iiia6) and, �jrQR7VN1TV oftendoting his very sine worth a thordugh Me gdhoial publiq for the �oryljbskal;pstrouaga bestbir- very fine Shrouds, cb,cap.-:FaTfdmla qtten4d Just iec'eivqd, -a large a, permi. -an f GENEfUL di0OZ1tIZS,' WINES. A1410. LIQUO14S, ll of, 6r, ol�tt-- ll�i� njio'the ��naetery h6 slow to believe that -the figure was e'donhim;4urin -06 Past five ybarei and would intiluate A fill itsve, wh ch will be --sold 0 evi 6 , 16 CO ;klUlly 99Ugito�. iud all fitruishbigs 'supplied at.,r soriable I loilxtirruptEd� tfi4-rAqligious ap�vicei -A �tbe' apparl ion H& disb wa rreot that I;o h�s sold outly1w, business to Mr. :Amoo A. YaIll e At tho� eot�remtmprative' I who he feOlo assured will take pleasure In willing �id all rates. A large stock of Coffins, moli?,11od -114 GI4.S 0 . . L ;1 I . W. H. 00OULB, a, OM l�ult'-Tars, t12e Best.1n, tij e vairket-pheaTZ 'st6n6,vrUtt ars
grav6.- -by shoqti g, ,,. Yo Owed iltai neighbor, old friends and as many now ones as may favor him with plain &I [i , .,,with Corke
ear n Clinton A,
d GI might as for an exposure Sh , ways on.hand (tri"ed to suit) e2t] er Scraps an ings their ratronago. #.Tan. 14,1874. 22 . '. .6 -91leaP- For QrOckery,. China and Giassv9arq, ay, large and welL. selected
al hid- silvei�plated furniture, or�btherivioo. ome again. Dinn tt -b W. MoRAF11j Tea andiToll t'S I trot this,curpse right ixious . to e There are d and 'zoQuieIl the'alinoyl 203,090,000./British sub H6 would not vUp the pr -the planne COX.FE Remember the Stana-�Qbert street, oppo. Ly fT b JrERE9C TO THE 'ABOVE CAE OT N RD R -them PE SOCIC, E
1, THE i�B- -BAK arlit, L., JS RES
Ve 6fihoso."ift.,the Id, not allow hope. d seguring a bargain. ..Bkl
jecta, exclusi - It,g] iiTinitir, authoriCiei wou sansuir a IntImat6'that he;wol continue the on"by Mr. Moffaffic, In the old Isjos. 4bout 5,000,060 �ro in j tm�k_ the,- Wriil 6thbrw ise, and, ibe bMy' had Mcclusive of h6r* c6lonies,. Great Brilt. business Idtoly eirriid thq. -0tacq, 2zext. door to a�% Brick" Block, Clintob Aug. 20,1873. stand, suilhobes,fibru &Ion as oricnoFifi a oo an early 2, en ��a,y and kept uutila new �inwjli o6oilpj4 'muct larger space -in stationary.buninesoi tobe a 16 to on I everyt n t at C, 500,000 in� Aiistialia, 9,,. to be tilk' body wants, and merl C, 1 � a 10 of 6 ji- N. . ROBSON.,
'bestowod,on his P 0 13--Agdrit for Quotton 8tj Geotgo,& 00" inivort -of,&ie Medicinal Wines, Toronto..
006,tOO in .-Africa, about 176i006 in paper could. be procured. the &Werican N�o�ld's F air than ay Ov)or,-v R,Q�' McLENXA.N 0TJ r go apes r, 0 stock Is at
pro t nunsuan Iqrgof in a Is to an C, 0 ru 0 with hich mt 1 Europe, and nearly 193,OOOiOOO in Asia The'faeilitr co inatiou Other foreign - country. - In the Uaiit. Iinton, Ju1j', looks,,.ana simitiar contrivances have Building-abe will fill air aronCoE51-760 ZGS IMANT4 HANKS TO 'HIS L I . . , __TQ IMTtrBX T The following pleasitig illitiLlIbe of be� 'B nutuernus frindi and the publie.. Ity, We thd ',&voh� 9 is recorAea 6y. t' �Veliqr -beeo opened in the-recen�,.baukrobbo' sqlaare feet leading Franoo by, a Just! M iberal share of patronage they hava afforded him, since 111"bog to advise the public -that we hain a In this pboo, and 'hopes; by strict At every great. resti bag Suggest to. tb Nair York T6�aPthe 10,000 feet, ara*�Germdny by-ovet, 1A. Citntoll000K. 00RIC commencing blislues V . placed In the mprkot 4 &I, y-66ut size 4Df, laced on he r0f of the hottie Ott Just the place to procure suitable Unuance of the 41110. Rod and 9th ayt�-SYTHP-d k attention to his business ;d tho keeping on hand and 1,�s Ohri�t ster, 4, ea suspioion1hi; tbo, 'mochatics 0,00. Adding,, the Almost, equal, making of non6 but first.) I a articles, to merit a con, mis, Es o., a all' f bf 'id Gana0a,, Australia, Roe Go irm P iploy. ed. in making the 6afig an& vaults 1glidd 'pears to de'pe"xidencierd ille, total runs up -and-ft, can be found In an fliest.class little . stbra SALE AND RE -TAIL v -tioipi 5 lending their aid in what ap WROLE
that e an the sparrows ih:%� pal ac 411 sumardQf this 00K. o4ro feet. 10 14 binery -A I I . . . . . . , '* I . . Becad dcliv 'e ddll� 0 anypart of t746 Toton., be aii organized iaid on' the - bankb.'�- '917 '64 d In the genetaljoy., W k1;(-. - - This is a littlo severe on the' workmen she will be still turther ahead of other.. UOLIDAY al' OUS
FT BOOKS,-- "1 I -ousto althy'pe6o POPULAR REME, DY FOR THROAT AND B
Mary among .1e I I I : BOWS;x
York to pay their' a engaged in, the businesivyefert-'ed. to, but. nations in the dxteut of her disp.lay, LUL ' ' S; 0 physician. rD E S BO a times as Much a Bog ATED Chil it x! OR it ia little, more bal�' year since a hav p NERT will.a.d.16, mora prq%blp than the otifer also, At It adentisu qcfixe�. sum. per year. for 11 roe times the quantity. 4 . noted expert, employed by one of�tha as either France'Or Germany,. and her WALL' PAPERs WIND6. DES
sking'aare of their health aiiaL their ing nearly f�ur 4
ya qn 11 a a [as ouippliod with sierything RE119Y. W�ATSON & 00.1 t id& com-pani46* open, safis ;when their, ascondenc in the Agrioultural Depart. TOY BOOKS, Alwa, 0 4, 03. ooth. The a ' I fee for dentistry is e I... ontokl6lument, Proprietors, Montreal. TOYS A 4100. Dr. Duenrurt customers had-, lost or forgotten t4 oom. ment will be almost:tts -mark' d. Only AXIL BIBLE 8, ing, a1aad nk a6atiA,, b fi F. Vi $1, 0 TO THE INEW OLIN'S derives an income of $80' 000 ont, 41 104-1 WX1_eOftyi*4-,Of as.-fe opening in the domaiuof firt' will ebb be eplipsed, 50 10 T�r EnAl GOODS D' CASEISI
T BIBLuff, 012 his 'Owr�.�Rcoouut in San vrail by bdr rivals -in: Europe. POORE ciscol olui or Drinks on hanil'in Season. CONEUTIVAS AND VX19TFs,
his business. or! Cmxvow, AXD GET OXE Or TUE BEST PAPEttg� 0 TERX ONTAIZIO, rka SAS recently per- .Hygl� A WEZ TRAVALINGL ETC
and sent to the Pen.1teliti ry. A gro in A n . N A public speaker at a fair il Oaon. , While SaLbe adeane tktgrooa to accompany D PRAYER BOOKS,, dague. valle�, gave he fbllo,wing�bit of boys were playing at qu two other Dy oX6TEOS. information wRich will'be news to �nany. kobeadj'Englau'd, the ther day, one bim. in6D the -back.'Ipart oftho Bolton PHOT . 0. ALBUMSi I VAL80, A LAIME 18�$OATMET OF iugi none sho B r VS-UTOILIA, STRE-ft, all.imperfeeb keeiials at the tip —0 11 In preparifig seed 'corn phmti 6f, 1hem proposed tb" they uld, plantatioll, where he,mado one,of theni. GOLD J�ENS AND PENGIIIIS1. li Mok 97i�per :-Pa.Uerns,: .'a?;d . erlin' 'WO61L Gdods' 4,01he am . 11 have a game at VVAinwrijht.` This - kill the other. its, thenocut oft all th I I .,Iro.n- tho'Blood . .. . :1. , '*%�tt end of the e4r should be Aiscard.' was agreed to , and the, dys havmk,,fingers on the left ledill, of the dead ne. WRITIX0, DESYs, All the latest Papers and Periodicals always on hand, , AteoAgent or the -on the-contr' Id be plant- , oteJ, a*. Scaffold, which 'was dond bv lyth F16 F ed, but ary shou ere gro, and put them: in his 'p6okot' - then B F Ar. eat go felt LIBRARY iXX8TAN)% AND, L' AN 'FoT4,- a er begs to tondbr his moat BOVUHT AXD SOLD ad, because -the tip-end-ona,ate-- , ��me stones. or bricks against cut out big he t,, me th . I . . P . . A . I , 041, 111jY W D
fano0ea. P1 , -TVIIH silbacrilb CAN M
nd the butt' end ones. males,". . Com- POC ET BOOKSO IL sincere thanks to his numerous ousto, A is un, the pole and.fixect round-"W"eck. hP -entire heart. iFe thell made th� 1gr. Rbllk rMVElt THE NA3111 AND PLA�E,_�_ necessary.. mers in the ourroundin$ townshi�sand the The stone6r,Wor6 poked from third fiegro bury tho� body, Ile gave CARD OA 8 public gon6rally for their liberal patronage, bar notify them that he, has. TON N ,On Wednesday, a merollan t. of Holly rug' him ro4ions for ititting off the fingers -and V '
L u6d@r his toot, and lie was left A and would In Spring, Miss., named Marcus Loitip;','was ot with a coralAoto and immense stock of all th gling. AS soomas his c6moaulloo dis. puttl6g them in his �ookot, and oatffig Aood"14 and NOW 11190611fifidOns' DOOkAj 11- 1`41-101104 lt%tolyadifoamdootim�ortantimprovoments 6 MARKET SQ JE nd fhorn bindings. I a tin IN.All, ; folind in his store murdoied a L ZoVered tife 'fiLtato 'he wii6_,jn his MaO ine I Y, g irk- a now boiller CLINTjX,, Oct, 202, IS7.4'. bly mutilated with an 'axe. negro avy r�rtuhately tfi6i - ' they ran of thq fat, from the left pat of thoL heart 'L double o O of cretoforb us6d; and by y lay. r proceedings thab th�roafter nothing coula hilrbL him'. Lad�esl klauay Stationery, Xinas Station- was &treated on suspicion, And doilies. I . . d thdt 110 OrV, Calling Oak S) L many er i o- ant I provomento, toge- Bed were observed from som n6ighborinj neither devil not man -all 4 Xznag Oardsj 41c, ther. ro' c Xmill 0, he is proparod, to [MAKES THE, WEAK STRONGI thilt he waskesent bit aisae�ted that RD AND—` APRUCIAIMM, houses, whence thkioly aid was rendar@ would be all Alsoo a'10' d firilt-clasa work'in daessf�l'in all future' under. rgo ana ox4clicut seg6ttineut of - I on Wag in tAkioge, T"p Jan de6d was done' by ao� M the, boy, wb6'when, tak _ do' wn GRISTING, OHOPPING, &o ru J &V 106fect- ADM. BY� THE, PUBLIC XX GENERAL. �,fAke�d xonnady. An axe found be'side I It I ave air Ndaitedy, who his escaped, - covir ilt' the -town of Ed if, the Amin in Heckmondwike unfortutiattly . . -d, e a . . . . . . ad to be the propetty.of it Mo haine with Xroup i so combined g to ha -ed lzo
brUts weighed in 6d out. Parties from a ed Sotution rrTtaXit10.,0J*: Tile d6Z6 913 exhtiusted condition. Here is B. 'old - debu TOYS'' G, I ON FANCY I
,tho'body prov new way to pa, GO h' RN and ROY_-�L SP,-NVIXG MACAIN28 both takingthe lead and 116t pri J distance ca; th 1 where ever ehibited. The abboa inj6hili s4r-LQ
TAI9 -*hdle them tho same- 1y.' GoSPIour A r of an aliment, as, 'ntfdr yl--: -mother'of A, handA01114 cAlf; wig, crosiffig Wled 16 business.' '110 Called, a rnoot� Which'1111 be offereil, during thd holidays, at a *40 F ee xonWorthy, G A96n 01 in WAYS Clinton,.,, -0, ti
Rp Arms Search, W'. for sale at modeirat pricei, casil?l dige8te(I and assiinitatecl largi� reduction from usual prices. . . I .. X4 Dar the railroad a few dayo since, She liad itig of his croditors'and showed that, as With the -Wood W the. sipspWt, A it 'other Solving Madhine filrn1*811�d to ordvr, A splendid 4s�ortment always on liand. Calt astb�jr, Ail An ox- Aljlo�rlcan 111fo0by Vingglit, and sold., It increases tiq d t4itZ# �lit�eLosttml)lesofatit6bingdone-by Mrs. Xorkworthy, on, these mAebinoo, SewWmachineoro_6 ga red last rail wh6u. t6o papenger train there word no assets, there ould W no bt Watt()Ws: olva. tg,"OF paired, NeWles Ind other futniahings.kept ou 'hand, 4bo, reasoning powbra of thA.1was scratollod'by a Thd ititimal', hastened toward dividend, IViiereopon one of the coin, ThoSubscriber )uld, aloo, Worm tile pub- Qjl�ea 61 tlt6 American Erprag Co. wc Ageftty Xrom ft 046 bl6od, and- Itehloluibdir tWo Placei-Atitron stre
'Uten, At, Jocko was. Imincusely the fence, Looking Wick, hhi�k saw, her pauys knbwltig that the bankrtlpb WAS a that he has a -large at'o6k of lumber -of evireg #s,(jt7&ottgttna oto One doorwest of thComm, �Int S. A. Lev Hotel
In$ standinge inds a d I 0 .. Pine front 'h9!r6Wft# up',14vigorating an( M . N . pq bring from 111.4 sarpei6e f'bti-tho track.< Witfi:, g6od slogor, .-Asked-hint it h woul4 nab different ki 'n 'a 1:0 .
k.� 01 enea look a4e, made. plteoli4.. btltj 660the thel wallhdad Toelings of himself 011ittou Doe. 29,.18M to 20 fb.; .11emloo L 1110 to 01herry, Titalizinly the Syste2n. , whe en- he Bob at w 19. discover the location DuttcrnutVV1iteAi0,:mape, oftand1tock rc7ted and witalfted blood 2mr-0 r.' On oawe thi v�arbling. s6tn'a mel&_ - bbles hiin 16 fill all orders that he may be repaiffig daiaag& qnd wastoo g6t t a' Oui feet of the kitten! within big le'o, which en. aneateii every paf'oftko6dyo, of the 1tw V1 ter a sovei tusda he '11014CLINTON BAKERY, :91rarin lengths to suit the publi Ol k
ZA' useless
ure to low lie itaitj drooping hearts by R OUN and still stood the calf;,by, 1hig tio, dious The bankrupt -expresaoil favored with on the shortest'notioe slid Most seardhilig. put 2a-6rbld seeve- oldtoboti. saw the nails thru86 from their facing, the 'train. The- I enaineer tried to big willitigneas to oblige, a�afqrtfiwith reasonable terms. tions, dfi4 leaving 2iotltiaybr guardit� and with the broadest grin of re the little fool away jug the commobeedj -in tremulous tones,' to aing, G.,O.' BLAO-Ki 4isease to feed upoo. satlef4otion. he proceeded dolibi i7� mak P. KELLY1 PROPAMTOR is ift 'e"lot of the 21)0g. .1872. sia &o sea whislie'scream, but e wool 1n!t.gcar6, YThen you'll remomhef.,mej."', llesiatig CUT b fferfilt 8yece8a 6f thhq roilteay it&
ite thi'poiti,th off Of each one Th6"G"oderich Foundry and
When Vic train was, within, 10 rods of '�6,*611-and be,aelectlorl wag 96 appra Ottrilt# DYSPCNIAp '][Aver Co' AKER, Gi a� Ierunanimously The- t6ndo� llrm,ld ftg describes .a, the calf the col b Tilt ORBAY w Made "it 'rush -for her priate, ti'at th brooSY, 401irtinfo. -hild, caught him on her hors, and agreed to, release i him: frOm ilia ebliga. V11101VI-St 1) THE IIAM94 13MINESS ]DY now device for burying bho.doad:-'Tou. silly U, RE ]WE' thO pulillo that they are prepared to supply
are pliobd in a glass box� to the top of Patterson, rogpoeirtilly Imliustos to the t I
bore him away in gatetyFod du 01 Inhal)ItAnts, of Clifitou andvioinity, thatboAntondo ChIlIg and Vover,4, llumovs, whlOhli kfilxOa a instal rod. Aq �bopn 4())n0to)1WdaW&. onryfnp on the above btiginem In all its rbraucheg,� and '108g,or constitational,vigot . % rod Reddidk ot'bnly.fell. in loi6! udas the outh is filled irk, a battery is coji� blte W York" it . . I � P%, r. f t1t wdneys� an'd, ho to(!, and an cloctric' Sup in Speaking ofieligiot' in to inkir� nected Witt t ,90TITSP6114611t Or the N d w6wati, buff wih.'one .81&ld�r, Vbinale Collilplat A alfook sh#t4irs the coffin into it tboil me of WRO was devoted to'her, ana. Grist d1la Millss. Sta�e ShingIe and ReadiAg sand pidoas;, thus Allowing the, it. churches of that city frays , oongeqttontly id ne,for Alfrpd.� S011liz$ AND PA1tT.Xt9 fu4t tat disdases 601finating in, earth to tit tt badtate 6t t1le, bo 6 od, op at._ -To pandel:46 the dis�agdd oa�rice, of She was Urs, Peeg, qud -the placo'wa. Supplied vvltl% Itefrtahmonto on sit' Ma0hilieg, &e fall 11POIt the dear deDarted - and causing, . Ott notice, by-crobitf ov'alo,w, it 4 86 even q!iickor than the rich- and dishonest ils too 1W010 T61ang. state of wi . ., . . hl 0o to du much 010 N'hshviI16, Alfred Often asgaile4lier .9fistont" �Jhof Pec ofneorly ill our Christim'preach. footion and wat 'frd)a Ateohol its V01% "d Woodoill Vlougha, ill one of me, So � with protbOatiofts of if y etre 1106 YO& Ith, S601 Voardb, ?6cur ors, A truly Clirigt4inchaiactor that `Oftlmhotlso. 1-16 0AXN8 4n4 00'XFJB0T10NERV 1 P, I b%tAVV autterj'g, 0 Sugar imd Potash Ir6ttlesi cjtat6 i3ars, baakbts," . Corti all Nervous Diseass, such as Teeineirsi 101061 bY 0021-66P694in# recte-, do Still pteAobeg by deeds is 17001Y Met- With— waiperststont, dibir re- 01,1i DebilUrf Prosttatf.qla otaq which, In ra4uy 'lion, but 41-0 .&Ing, Parlor And 'twe gtdvos. of Various kinds" � to order and kept on Ithfid. other Of� the 'Visit ttio Fifth avenuo -on any SabbAth. latiro ageg-fol-ty ard pr6dnc6d.byov6r Indal oncoin thaltse,of to, Aln#. bl". 4nd, .dealers in Slah r9 by 011, L and holice the gaudy tip )a minon y -on more 046dall ratornm6ndpil as aft, thp gytent, SAL R, i vogtly Xo2voiener torrhea, pegrance of but with tl t the,worhau"s Side A T O' O.R.
correipo ra Are so QliristxW Worebipporsi with their L eakness, sporniq and bdudinyup a4 X�og Con., I I . I burgh 't Thb , oanistal A P linany th, "mado tho cov, o and all. digeaAbg that follow pA a on. Mg a'Ar f, Alfre lial call VorAn tasifjiti�do, t0itin ift ' tile .0161(sitatla Ita b�b one *old bo glad to, know carriages drawn ft� botbro the novol,, quen06 V Sell AbnRb As 360*1% ItTrit. W1101108FA air V19961m, X I/ flid U.Jor 0 A About Onti'x she or bc b and- bxttav4auL odiflces;with thoir dughion. dily One mopnihg. ire o8ked 6reinaturk) otd Aogip,4 zi .0 86iiieo Or agraeo da 4POWS, Abd ,this #6, Or elev6r,. Oil, nice, ol? T1114 1140rf.. Ided to.11ANJttJI#jr 01, wdle$ 'slek; V� Dfid go on , gilt fitAyox, booltg, while, lifieg to otolle, and to kill arnvej all hsr40ne' OV Short' nhimaolt If alid'vefugod , wid she tt4dod to of 'lid At6ftfAtAgodby r h46*046dulgoido, I vid'od f0f and, Pao, simplo d"Iefilla IterpP114 h1i 01 W61)I&J, r.
kea away fibxeg ohiv,6619, losi coimiaered -and refusal tht, oxasperating (I vfool , (1w T to Spaltid Mod1dino Ity the result of 9 life study And invalU.4 ealmot f4dagogably 70-i to Ask yoni"T 011601f 61veld d[p. Uate , I'D #&6 it aotdt. adroosed to tild aolnp4p, Of ddr6 �jll rebeive ptomptattontiou. monobyllable quik, You, have ii�6 Ileed more druelty ftattd than the h6raea horlie, uniugtop inakilig Dool ofil All 6taorm tl, totront, Ok used for their pleasope And ditax A'Ala.1 bAges, Full art dillAft In blif Ddhip, 16f, *hloh we do. ,lt,'t. ,, one.
mThe It sold by an 7)talgisto lit; tI ha0 PERU _Tfibout the lady of his dhole 0 sastlllh� t6i all, 'out, filghloll. you." Altvo4 seomod dotortnitiod not to anada Compa'.A�' Lands. A I a a k A g's a to t '$ 5. 0 r v I I b 6 9 6 n t U 'bl - - r ; VIAN SYA 01aaJI',' Jt0J)Gr' ia quiik - that I*nb1td-eio,Vo L JTy,."T6."LM1'$
aitby 0 that way, : absirable, Q it ho udds h6t; 11" T� 1.1 --4 arone, and, dlab,thq t1dT 00 L,1-0.64 _I�zil(IROX ron ORA"'It Co., llud Tfemurot. ITO blolw Ilia Uaing 6`ub thtw and there, Affid Chhadit 01ompirk way be neot at th, alvidoft of, the, her 40a quite,.y6u. kixoiv lif I .poor iff or little e0nadquenwelther here �n4, illit1g, Jq.t1Ia6 hdr'hAtl 1110,1. 1361a hA 011bioll by AM19q U. doMnit, ahil by tll she is the lit ptia t4t(pa Of 11. 1, G S�Tff W' FoWtt' �=Brl ]RT' UtJX4 litroaftr. it anything in fib head ta blow out, :Who 014leAg6nis, gn SOLO we )),AVSOATY V
b t
th eI
oh 0 0 0 to' a 04�
''O QP
no thef f4.
to" h
in, aily oB hiL coa,� est at a&
L C.
id. b
"k . ....... ...