Clinton New Era, 1876-02-24, Page 1SONIC
411ft, -pro l'ost tool; 1405
es9� -and, At $1160Wr 114 TON* ONTAIU00, lop, RPHOrmn things. A
alt: go, In to -pa; Jose, tbs. 14turai rll kp: 6f t of ths,l t
Now, buxboi n. �ln
sach time. To, ouronly sbilk% Johnt. 11a i livirls iii 0,44:2 clorkit of', municipalitle. the, followilow north',of oad it bo.
we college, Toronto W0414 be 4 cruel iiiii, ftd IM461died' impo the tau]
si.that, point of grp
04 know— ,,be qIV And di ing on' the inolinei and d
ahAle Bill, re6iiutly pit
one y 1, 'a �Rll incident Which; be ou rw terse
halt APRJ�*TOX.—QVFX0E. AND ,101ft At 14 nla ill b perused xvith in t, by Ways to,and krom, all' px1rts at Europe, ananglor of TJ* He towy, ocoup . I(A by ur-James ra%pp- An cold come# dowdtho.0now, til i
prab)e o.4 ,17 Years, ago. waqj�udsd 2,200 feet bellaw
Quo year$ h, Be Tiles dowkgosa to-084t'l tunas 11, 'attooti ork, in, its day, Veseell.ownem TxAsulor.' It 4017111111d of'tW saxth, $so four years
�tonburr There', were no ads a 0 is will' i
halt �Wtxe then Mae. Tot a 'of &is next n r
41 Conscientious t" an now. 140 x To.
Vhloy war to direct. you; attention im 01 4
9 ji a, Whoo'noyer toot of youti: 4i..04.704th thi.ngof which I am� doubt, can truthfully
111=4hl'll lidlepal-PAV i in ad. further below the- light of dg�
toll twoo W.A4 in the *10liques Not, pint -of mil ana-cfeW in unsexrqFk4y-. .'piovisions.of the, Act A 01, o rig, have' been 76 ov'
Ai,. those were inny �00, --sha"fer m U0 W a; 0 beg 4 Schooner just passe . Africa Ing lue The a 6 n 0 no a or years nee the
new - Abine. cuts. it into- two une URI parts the world. . The infant was led. throdJU
And none woro'bAgiq
Que, yo", Surgeon. etc., C o quarrels then we k sae.4 0 us;i"Wenoo-said. OM in li4iszte sod riddlin then- the largest vessel on the, on '2W feet level; *act
00 '%u 1, ni and you a child a -, novel expedient fo namely the larger portilmi IDU the lie i ban� is the drifto of the 2,
dear X�o
7-tf 110i*1496rfier; The%'vessel llad�ha- 1 ThapQwersoftlho Polio Commis, tW town, proper, while , that on the asr.dolighted, With all she, NAW, On
a XBDXOA yolt. win not to. I mllkd, . thato '4, 'longer *iaziiro in, cities, 'and,tbp .. Xurii�iippl right bank tin IA
TM livi case -of &P, a 4re4d ot woorio, is called Littlo�, Baeol. In the Ob., seivinil be, 7 creature 14 1 100 g0s,
4RURY; GUADUATIP OF Sm nt 0 . ..... of Victoria UAlv I Tgroutpi for, Mon. we. -were aourtia bit "Of -in'towus'i go; years aggils there. was.m.udh,contontioA drifts toward them, the, -so few n And un t4 Taitead of 1044ifit her in 0ottlicil villAke
bitter was'
44 so' n. 4nd townships, are test
eos car. 4or, 1 year, VIOPAN QN, NOw'991"k, Had Arm sa strong, or.090 . 00, A t) the between. the two town thebands of �Soma of the -mirlervi Ah
okirouft lot a 44,44 P4. h4r, 04 late, 14 the at4_ a, and
onot exceeding 0. lines, firob raoillb, 81 She
not, k
its tottoring vqA Ire
MR101Z bow beggin4. Slao *444 -ow at, Niagunt Follt - 2.: The thins fo sea, -un- arsole *004, ri. lug AQ 1inoxi firA 01.0 th c% it was pr Ittally been cal
illtrom iotliii,be,� sell -over Aw dop the amendment Act b4 bi fro6"the to place a public Clock;
—71 VS Fe, —jbjrfi-te7j1Wiit
-st-tootba,pit 'Fa and a4ff
ou go oath, 60 an COO ifra
swebt, Uo own op, a inWliat pleasant talk thAt 811' mos oflu instant)
vor igo"ont without S�Ooifto dire�iiclio That Tho,�ropoaitida v6s eagerly accepted by S.- Between this data' cial grudge, against the little 't An, 'had evei4066 in any Milis;'O
e to Pro risit M in it A- ilia. the fifteenth day of. Verb .61 dtin thelook at their hs
ill a Z DOWOLET, X. D,, IXX.0 P.S.K" XiMBBA d4 we. hA �iltood hot m4tAir?s pre, w , o saw It, all oxisi- PoSite Tared to -p .44 ever, drearat, M. eill forbid, and chirged . all -our win own p
ylag,la Of hoWour,atiiady. earn
Ali P Surgeon and Acoualliqqk. Orrxpz )ugh. the lade lie' A . a miagn
cod** I i4s; Job]), omel, 0& ofid ing ifodbses-may Ig renewed, tiatit .1 be 409,wad to fo -year.9]d girl �.O
W.,a talk first day of, 3� fly next, ad" symen ;r OW12 ealgr
y 'Huron q PAY tb Out well. t of select. and fur i. 'drifts. tho 4i I
13,406t, re pread affairs wa widely p0liolted in -the age Sixth of the duty, Provifici - 164-bave., ee obprye(
444 the Shadow she new to feson.
her naot�er'a 6n the -qt 4 *ag.the talk of the our, and municipal. The Share of he Xu-
HOLMES & $01N. 'Clinton, April 91, 1875# ODIC -was filiiilb6d: a' I put'. in ow
draw �Own the *y for'weelts and rticipai aut7 shall be paid to thii treasur� eleyatod plaoe,Abiri was what appeared sign of fear while, in a Conn AmISS' a
jn�iai iSS aely Carved. imAge.of a gigantic trepidation exhi6itedl)i her during- a in ik�d not. 'ky's
door t9 tb�e h0w.11oYal Calls- 0 "SIC filled hei,oyeg. ittiigs What a eserit. iipuees,
ge- ler and t1
P Was 14 J or
A oats were' crow -4o�l k ranged 'that. IL6 A, oil, pf a gira a -.Abb Qii a I P Iso take
That over, John, 'to ra; 6:11ke thill Re first a Ma tb
ula 6'brougbt. core me riam. all :oArti 'a the, co' I untry L The inspectors bardto&rti Appoint- horriblediceo, The im-
to *i uess t has'its caverriolls.mooth qpop,.ind' j6a'.go.? . If r , . : ". a novel' s'p ictaile of, the', ad by—Tblice Commissio rs,..or Ali not f6rme,. file Yet for your. babi st tho largest vqssel on the lakes mi-bg over cip4l Councils, have no lot furnishod'wit a I fiery red
Boodoxich. 6BLEANS HOUSE, CORNER. OF CORMORANT you ohn ilota tasle. of food -tar'ror of strangers d thq Falls'! r6aped a tions or p6weis, and ceaso, flow to.xist. tongue'. so connocW the
SER. Aiarrest. kJo, grQat.*drQVjd that each vibration in one dir6iction shot
.5. Th4inspectors to be ntda by
Orletar—Ezoollent A000m tions.,-;Bpard,,pelt week,, a tebbgor tell She, oold'. liell rich,
so bo; Bed aild.rBoard, per -ydurfathor, 7
Singlo And te aeff� Jr resort. the G6ierAmdnt"w'f1l also -become the jg-a it'Out in, malignant manner W
here p
'Tio',mine. your life Rug o oil; 'forto iiedn: it shot famous.
ic6b draam, E a the 16tli of lii�roh'"xt;,aiid, toward Little Basel;; While the return ii;ayg to �' fou- il Z.1,
L S fflipts.; Beds, 50 'You- will not Spend the Shilling, Min 0 and a 6 ktpPoint6d, day the Nichigin was u rs after
Ca4ne home with us to -nigh!� w ft It eople'.Who the Present, lieQnseo till the'firab da of The same motionr that bperated
Victoria Street, Clinton, Thb fittings and furnishings er sense of it iaA inlimber'r df ' a ' J *j�a' It OUt. till:
,Jan. 0, 1870, Of thisliouse Are fill,how, ------ - car aad at til. 11' iClinton an& everything IS teens, and hA&'ijev(i lined tbei anks or' Viffirtga .�thb, scene May next, t1zle dutie& of all present is-. 6ngue, rolled tb6 givat; glaring pyes �ip the:fi:,
-------- meet the wishes and wants of the - travelling -public, Rod rORTUSE t't AW6 bu.
he feels confident, from long experldice, of being able ro x andiao", 61 1' Thero is One man w.1 age
iipper 1, 11 'no *ill never
BTU I i, THANIKSVO TV or ou-ht to
y,* for past fal qp
in DIES air company. Good Stabling And atten. G.: The Act provides. the,maximtim be forgiven, n
to make comfortable 'Ur who may favor him drew, which'weis callell into requiSitiom The . Aiild this thing stood
One day -Mrs.'LorrimLer'4'only d6kigla
Olt ors, begs to Jn'. i Canton, June 2, 1874. nearer. task of -tow, in a the our- limit for th6--isgue of taver' 'li n 'thirii for ye oer ba'. 9
form gontw�d ter; Vidlitte, WAS, fdund,,. cliap tbat sells newspaps .man.A.poor
th h 80atiall 11, the -Hat and Bonnet
a it Villagoo" 't
t' 11 yotir f val he spitaAnd hatred Of their neighbors
for. the. th-11 Let me (I said. riat was, intrust� to a Captain: iti -tow 's and. inoorporate(
Prow n jpiojetll tar,*
_gqWv--th License Ag
o ow ne'bfathe most
OLD, �TA'no a. Wh ther ere now; or Ana I lecome agent.for Meseta. B citjr was alarmed by Ali 06o.ulafv ist f6rtunes."', oarbihen selected bimeielf.�k' This was Boa:rd, *it fis th
San At Prices oii, according 'to Dominion. rush 6f the 13tear
-working, goa�-
C beautiMl belle and' a hard itriot care and attention, to secure a.lib air tLrcried. Vartha;' crow, siys,his heart a6bist f6iled him. liinsu% swept -it away.—, Z�q,,pqller. eotton, iw.his a
o ED. A Dedtal top a bit. Ar ;roftinored -for the, soirVic gave -birth, e1qui Slighr fro
Bank whio . will be cofiductell by his W. E. Cart- Coal e. v thID Dominioik any efiddren two boys and two kire.'
troatswall drown by them thia schooner with erL Tt;th inserted in,the lsto�t Teeth ad' f4ther 'if
good ds douiid' 'act have, gorli't6gother:,?" YeSJ1 said Vi6lette.,. so -to, eceed than' fulier , V
�'Wot a. aides of Olt Otiougill In
grilat while ago the
0. Cartwright wVUJJ Clinton the Arst. Thuita- th ern es were L Camp elled. to sed. ld�os treated, f6h, had been 'widel
GAG "SPL M every �h or-prts en�ce, p 'iskqd T buy'Indian c6rn. instead fire4o r ad, the pou e marriage I" ,an
on eat, and number
'idea that her Violetri was �murdered. fbmde'�being plentiftil Ana cheap.and editor. hoped th&tr h r at il�i
Martha. For histailbe, it
XONEY TOLEND, IN LARGE QU-SMALlisums, been gone eight years, cort d you look for some gel I b' flowey, tb`ht f
OTHER U'. -her bowsprit -was the Municipal. .10�incilh' Posidss,. asides, th ej
on good mortgage aej�ity, at moderate rate a of j. �, � ,
bar in a dream like no-l'bay'ah6ardthey American ensign And at -her stern, -the jurisdictiqXf ieby her hiifsband,,
all a can'. Slid anadiazi hotpl�kliep (1),The Cotincil-of.every city, town,. orn for feeding p 'OdL she might I
-said V 'havinig' w the, enterorioe. vi lage,- or towntihip municipality,' may,. if ihe Pros
47 er for the County of HurdajUles: of'Farm W re he -fir-at very -promises, C or
Stock, Real Estate, &e.,,,atteudt iissonable in' t'r %V'- -
. 4 . . ., *il, the appearance c& a Aay of March 'in any yeari limi peota hold Out good, tor revolutionize W
per spa two six E044 -popy, ainix
V, and, to make Blyt, Nov; 0,1875. diceptipp. on her part make one. " A:16ss "0 td"L d; making tompdr�te climes', ivi4apenaont I dan't kfioV. You Siao, she Weis bar r n'
j000 T came back * men bf a yes limib-hapot6d. by theAct ;,ad'inny -also
haothor - migh isioe ' f6rgiven. ' 8h _!k 1120 n. bd of the tridpici for- What is, now a ndoes- England' but, my. husband,is Germ
f W the Cornty of-, nd� speal o'she :021 Ht t sary aflife. *rhig i4no other than he German nurse -11 Atli, Bob I Zen vp vi I'
tend to Sales -of Farm -a 0, trial TAS ou e an. gran all
rible letter to the. foolish girl who bid, . kad Violett.e, traniSlih ImaltOnL board t4 discovery. that ouggir "d mo a of vait to*e 'Vat latikvetch Abe Vill, sAboa
'Cliat6h. Nov. 18jI.878o u . er The husba. . ild, r hot g�iah- War' iitered her mothers were, turned'loose, Just as thil vesel (1) Tlie. doun.�ll- .6f. any City or town. cod, q4filij nn Zell% le . Vill nOW I" .
.PRIVATE gonable rates. aan9
him, and . It veence. No. lo.*,e is like a 11notheego entered the, ripids :,two Of the bearei ma�i. HY-4 pimileir by-law,' prescribe fur -
JM. LX2T; SOLICITOR, WINGHkV, HAS BEEN' d it. It iusultbd duced from Indian gor The'first'ei�' A: man in Northampton is gal
e xppqiatod, Agent* -for the ColonfaleliftAti"On" forbada-1is ife over to ties her parent Via q
14tte-had known, periment *as made it) Iowa a' short' many pairs of shoos in one a
She knew it no*', look adidin swilaming Sahara, The thiiA Vi possessed by taverns, and may- also
pitillsts; of Torontdi who loan iuonsy at' very reasqu- figain. T16'ao-,hlra justice, love, and no a i�g. OIL illei so ame si it ant the I
RATE. ol'?1a rtow.-Intereat payable yearly.- - Ohargoo moderate.. nee, nd Ahe result is said to bli that tbQk tWor
CHARCTFi§ MO. rat in on to. Vale face 'bid com'b no. che climbed thO.misb�as if,to abrifintrthebtisirreoef of the shopkeeper
Also Solioltoir for the St. Lawrence Bar& 'led -hi h ty be 4onsidered L 'he found actr o(Iiiia to
thickly 'on tit sue 88,1311 e Wks A smart;que, but
SIG 11' diress. a the t4ir view of the scene.
tin of an extensive and Ant ln� n in County
Pwis fliced bet the only two- now—on, 'the load eyeS,rthat were. so, . so. omeagreatly 61gWitid, Ana ran fiont of h(laor. ,this illitito''eXpeei. jlosof, to ei,fo, 'd
4L:JIaMRgd Licensed under the now Act, Commission- ra, earth, afict.. _r meat, a fa* forme in v _�ili '41btricts that it took him a11 night and next. dij
APPLY TO 16 Sarno blood:,who liv94 a b ght whe'n s he hist. -saw, them. She On
8. ITACON15owp or for taking Affidavits in the'%fi * ou'vAquoh, for Coda. foet tb4 game. AS a t
Bard ties of Huron land Bruce. Cold eyansing done. such '&a Senor Espanol began to'giV;e I Si t r r *
oas, in licenses to $200.
Icanton, Sept. 7; 1874, tho-knitar for'two fiisteitd of one. Allon bog i gs darea, lot yet - %tonsive, A.yaang lady
Hooldenco-opposito Polf6ckk Hoid. ibt*.,, forL fourL then 6 e. a spair. .. The vessel svep� 7 In -future &I iocal, Vila the fou6*iuj
kONzY'AZvAX0ED ON REAL ESTATE. Ith her grandly, down'tbe rapidso phipging over ygrnAi e -, W.thAt the tilis star . u sulp. r-�All hasi.'ittrodu notell.aftompanied-by, a, bequet cit. fls,�-
If he had lived a little longer it would for Pardo 1 gon wi -Sdit. 14,1876i. now process, aud,tothis mill the farm-- sind-you,bi.tlle
Own" -the fiest4, De4t
�oyai have been for 'Sik. ut the diy the ead, boed d k1l", Shipping de .,water, And sufficient eating -
Sea In: fle Vicinity to. h ell and boy. a bucket of flou 6y. is like MY
-herself and movin a fine hadie, as well as in athtir toip'eiwd Poo
righting' ok air do Th
qWOSFOWLER, WATCH AND dLOCV 'fourth child as,kborn, a countryman, The, a it clairv6yont, g 0 in sold it, the operAtion' t061 love for it.. The nite ;gh a db monei kep 6r
. mAxza, Working Jeweller, ft., &o,, ostyle. Ii going , oyer the toicind ravid, sessing -the acoomQdition req6irdd by being Similar
ext door to the Express Office, Albert Who mistook him, far a ri�al, stAbbed said x;%, Urrimer 1 --haven't mu4l Wat of the system at- the' butter
Street, Clinton, respectfully Intimstelt at ffith in Sitell by its board and th o'biar: law. dark. fop
_ITALL' $2 1 000 1 000. d the public generally, that he halt on. -And. if,the p6weit: che so.factories. -It is .�stated'th at a il Ve. �Roffla
hand a select atook of Clocks, Wittahoo, Ja*oUory, &a.. length the *xt motnent, but' the I Odr prospers I possessors so little it. CAR., with It iildi 4#either wbre again setfi. S. The applications for new licerges
quality f molasses can be_produced love -for -shAll-nover lswhich )is offer3t-regsolielole rata#, Rophilingofeery
'description In his Undo done on the oblortestmotiae, and victim did not live. to bear him:tbrougb, not, be we -T-1f iri;brtid-.wi)nd-pr-esebt-ed,--ber*- hould- be �Mad"eforeAhd- -firs rom orn-faw inperidvIo thatproduce
at in hut. i I r iirg broadside to the fbaiiiirg r, t She A' *1 Onto noire 119' eon -
Clinton, Jan., 17, 1676. evidently -um,, and tbs yrup can be
CLINTON AGENCY. At moderate ratcg.� but'aied trying t6 express thafaci th someiiiiag. I shoulli like to ask,you. 'Va ors. pri froin sorgli ipaper Acrid, w
was 9. Wholesale lic. strict, " i h' and the gentleman was perfectly excusable. Yon search for perelinis who sea far had struck roo and a made to granulate for sugar with a little sideralion for thei,anguis
And'S'O -Violetto, who h d b n v $I , Way, do ybU7 )st thingi I a tationary. Hard it WAS thought sal e skill and experienda. The.culture of pointairelit. that* I be'croLtercT,*ivaius:
A bar ly, limited to whole' Alers.
ary not --and for -1c
cent allowed J&s opposite the Commercial Hotel, -'Violett; bowid. tatter Wag and the fiffaij -,Was r 10. The duties filed for licenses are the following:v---Lad ice 'who havai bien
�nt 'rest frbm Four io Vive -per On respectfully to -happy with --he music Master ad he
e oil 1)6poffitll. inform his friends been over. But 46 *stopped only a monistic asiopowa corn is every farmer in the Saving lip- their-cotilhingli in the hope of
lwakud the public generally. that he koops es� jealous, wa's left a widow ith Caft"find something .1 "hare
cOnSifintly OnL hand a hima and well asserted stock of said Me# The -force f the Waters Swung ho untr , and as tber4is scarcely �tiy lim- -havi
OU * well , r Wholemale, $150 ; shop in Co 'y a me,day ing A Switch of thei� own
W. LOUGH, Agp4t-,:% Clock�, Watched and Jorollog, *blob be will sell at mo- fdurbabiosj� idruaney,Jtnd . tap acdom. lost I will repay y I - . and she raoroil qn, stern f6 d 'n it to the quantity, that can be raised, the 1 0 ,
doraU prices. BEFAruwa of every 4asoription prompt around Shop �nd tavern, in towns, light LJO be ir, will - grieve to re.arn that fighion
NOT, Still 1869, you . I to tfi tha't-ortlyrittli iiil grows A
go, and. of colifigi C611 ffi"W I but carried bar thull app�iiiltly whole palfflesi $60 ;' and x g .. 0 ture of Illadetangar." -Themitttirshould WillL
LONDES130RO.UGH I straight to thq ho'noshoo fall; aver which Pro*ince, and two-JoiX tooth 1runicie. at be filiV17 on the -bead, be tolerated.
a day came when there was a very small Violette sat d6wn. - ' tested and the results
E. D. GREEN' L D So, prospect of supper, And not even a dream 11 It shofild be darker she said, 99 will she plunged stern, foremost to the foam. pal PICpenseff, are geducted. -kn . own as soon as possible. At - the �reakfasb -table -tbs 46.ther-�
T ofbrioakfitob. Nr-otu Penny itthobouso; foo lo*er the'light V t�, ib y8i below. ShoVa. 9 smashed into Th ny excess re morning a landladvgave Mr. Joies a
la gf the 'by-laW also goea:to B. GREEN, DENTIST, STRATFORD. WILL BE 1106 1% loaf of bread'in, tbo. Closet, . not -a Marilia, turned the g1j$4L down. And. oil and fragments. Xone ' ' u ic palitf. oeyere lbok and -Said Mr, lona$,L� X
were* ever heard Of I have thb:honorix' 6 . a, iri.
IT IN' X sTItAir-ENGINE, AND 'at the Rattenbury Housgo Clinton, thli third Tues; dollar I s worth� of Work to be got Any- stoo44boliide her ]Ady's ollair--and thave beasts -'on a or Wrecked. undontan-A you liave',teen circulating
R.&VING Pt day and Woduosdoy. of each month. more, but the gee6elturned L Up All right, )toui dboillient so van Ste in 'a
0 or 0 0 where; iviiat Was she'to do f The poor wall silence, iolette had cast back her Ido I report$ L about mjr hogo.09
'be f I dedii antr(,f ad 6 commodsto IlCild'up and dolon afid veil, blit the firelight was n and Were soon on'the b aL AD" OOKS, Fifig.,undfir t , &to Judd to turn little woman we nk beloir, quiet.
to r& Is A telegram from Londd
dtomorsat6litf a t ve tx1alf 001100111— THE CTNTON -COUNTY madam 1, understand tbab
outplao okkko. oli 0 to ble person! JJL High School 19 open to pupils of both sozebo dried That, aid not help her, She enough to show her featuros. 'ly oiling their fetthers,.,ail f there "had reasurer, date of the IYUL I be yotlsid yon used better butter than Ir
from All patio of the CoUntyr Add PrOVJaC&dji O%tl&l ,it not, been Much -of w shower otter steamer Franaanta ran into the steamer' 9
yLoillit, SUAN, MILL FJEED;,*&C-, &404' torms., lirtradfilimJ9 Oven in all thobighefbrAnches Of looked 'Over the roll a or the Past. Thby Lady;" she W2, tu � low voice, I - it -. - . have here to grease wagons with'" 4 1
A.Commerdal, guglisho And ClasolA41 fiducation, and in to all. One of1h6 effigies " -also found As 1114
gilways oa hand and flat 0(ale- were pretty pieces of"jo*eIry, Worth fanot,jold or silver'that 1 906; it is Strathclyde of Glasgow, to DOVU -, thid did say so, madam, but not to: it3jurti,
the French and 0 St4dento (ire pro- r
oitics, the learned profliaslowto gild Ing, Irisluabld -nthin e bought tar your home. I.have used beit' butter,
mercautualgirguito. Special attontion is paid to ths M644y' knocking- his kuses:6jetliet Oaliadian& point tooted - a
Ito for (kin0lon school Teabbors. Tuiddo 1191" '6he glano6d` lout of. the hdt A g1r)", Clyde burst, And She wank.immediateli madam; to grease wit. Parts, but I would,
Studies req sold loog as at ocadh64VAUS Ip ton manaffictdiSs of the U tea Sitates Orb not do it Again. I'd 9 sell It to you V
L G S W A X Food, qUoWrly torlo, St4dente from a diotande, WindoW. WC;ZQMUJ WIth a Jqrgo Old: lad�,, dies, bob all the others had disappe�Arad. Fifty niiiie;' ..of , her passoilgord Wl'
can 12W"boijid w sho vMoa 40 vor Moderate ratosr, thrilling Ono. " r to illuatrAto 66 advantagis ( that oya.: kf�'
Finthat*Informatloh *111 W 1: sr. 64, lipplication, Shoea, wea A girl of d4thsa, With fair bit The The. following particulars of She accepted th Apolog
And Lumber every description kept on hand for sale, new basket ittia. no Ir art a) The agogla Was j0dotL ism. Yet,it ippears that i .1860, th4 drowned (petsonally or by lattoi� to Any ber of the Board of -o'door. 'The bsket blue eyes;" said- Vi I. t _ , the., er gee,."st
Trustbao,viz: NOX910, H. COGIN A, S. Pliheti IbIGISng ing fearn.door t oleito, it That vrod great crowd of speStalors watched Lthe the disast -have een received ;—The
1, Reave, M.D., Bar. ri If # WortlOngtonj the iessel With b steanter,Stratholydei, Which sailed. from
331na for Luta;betl -13down to order, was worth tw the wheft you saw her lost; Atir I right 2" United Stitd� portell 044,706 the Joickle-barrolo addf
N D., or to the . Head Mut,331,91" 11144:16a Turabuil, H. A, olloom could have been bought for two' 00111d, gave a great. cheer as' she L don to 1[36abay bad been int6 Dov,
HU33ER 33AOTHMS. made the filial plunge.—Delrou Post, fdgl. whil in IS76,, " bay to land her pllot� As 66 wol's e hU go"11611k and
This singular o1rcumstdrice Preyed upion You lovaa,horl" said.Violetta; "a After4fteon years o from 40 o-00 ver ias bma
ind, She'llegan to take* an Inter- 11cmdyofio Out, she ; she steering oa� agairi; A mile front the
'u hethe- exports amounted Was eal;ght once'l was walking al*io t5b Street with
A0EX0Y. OFFICE, :PLYT t 'd the ways sail mg6finom of was wiakod,wlbkod�.. wicked; hat thor*41 . A4tfairalty j)ioi. all by a. T
ell 1: yar ex- irelellicl;:S, 48ht ad
to only $4,071,785. Foreje 'd do 6 fell Irt 10 strong tide ;�hzah tueiied Iiet head, to. a de of.,ib
as the Aliflili ex:'Pectati ll f be ining wadlart Sh ported last, year, thre ards anutse- , Oa L 6. 1 _Arad I Want down tIJ&
LICIT611, IN MIA: wl, low.
TAM one began to baunt her.' she wad.mailidar jol while. You have! b tared in England from"Imer" n cotton,. as, oomitig dowil the W
ffelmy Atiri thyfielt" bbo ala, Short time past, arid lit no* 6, w ich 'P itity0burts oil oot4ld drawn cast her Me .14 gone,'. -,You it any We rtnadbr. eon w f -b 00r
e tate Agontr Law# Life sg y cents per one build
GerLialoglett Land# Loang and litit I'doaldn't woll 406w'tt 'f64r �hila- red w J'T�i4rf add Fire Insurance, and General Agent, D06,111,wills, thei6 cirei]imttan' s that an werleall, ' hannel, i4a Into her ith, post f4ree Stopped aI ,pounds to private familles, find forty ce part quarter,, The 61lision -06' .Hush I hush. I" brW M0, torrIffier,' Acquainted W] I tr
Morf4aeld$, &a., carefully prebared, and claims to real. like a litter of puppies, I , paper reason# thug I OiBy I, Qlag the' on her GEORGEL DIEM, Irish And Foreign Estates investigated# bn,;4 Law East. i dents to large Cash buyers, pork packerso i carred, At 4.30 p.m. Two minutes after-
oshe Then leaning her Chia on Iler hinds, S6 was not bad I asi wicked I Stl tariff we cheapea the-goot a I lug slid WAS 41WAYS
pars, &o. warda tho'boilers of the Strathclyde ox-
erqi gedd; Fort) Years' Experience; charges moddrate.- Ila L are no a ig es nown,
yarded, Debts slid Notes c6l1eeted, going fro FebrilAry, 1670, NO 0014 41; 4ineky i rancotTia Was badly darn An OCIP.."r (III
ML door to door, .'Was. to to earted J --a -tow. The P 0',
Vow class 10a ond her ?"I Ir
AND J311th, San. 19, 1676, hei -head, jet one hatldre4' pq�nd�, '444 in 40 kept, aftoat, The weather WaSr cfe�r_ logady
Is - he bogging I riffamolil -hob , Once or 118he.14 a wide*, atid very Poor," slinamer of the liatoo year at one dolln't, gold 46 a proft , Br. the force tar the and the' Sea Win At the- time offhe dig� bar, As goaw of
denerrizz I twice site entered an4 gjayed'iolftoflmo, said 'Vlolettd��! So wretohledly poor Ana twenty, Cents. The magnitude of tarno. law of cheap living- (tt)(I ohe P rd. 6 waslAtinebed llbft' derived front thlr,t6ading of his
ore' to pt stor, Tho Dover life-bofk
SIOX too a r. 0.,hey.: own - door, that she does job know WL the ice busifitas on the Itodson may be , L hilt ableL tort' h the 'soon; in ev, This is An Act 4iortriy -of start.
and heard her m to room. broad - but Silo will . ndt 460rad 'to YOU. was tin Ad
A ta for .46t favors #11=6 kfart -1 L eatimat6d from the faoib that One obt on And Iniolit'Ve
�om HE SUDSO 1111514, 0 a 14 ulactme,n0r,' 1,0d WiLl Del? pie 'Will', purchase 4n4 ..can it 4 JT
y6sit ago, wiuld inti-Stb that he'rid at thd old atentland fvg, ere was a ka. tk at her door. She You, wo Or
lvata dale be 0 1 . IIATS cap! 4 04 it, 04 90 'aRforon of. that "dear do -
&#Auction and, to dark hair under,ilie sea her Agalk " 44%** -hen thily can, buy 0 passengen orrot �'th� leelingA _ trons. How
And Sell on 0602aliblello by Auction or I million, do. (At - i vedt, OL giv I aloe L t .
. pill; b.'ari4korchfof, tjjo.bjap�pyes, � The 014 W V 4tsited. team bar chair; Y04t. About a to 'Clear, greater- qrdeto or 0 tp-0.An-b mow.�,h rdM those at'.
4-- nil Sell
At e of mr
tell 0, ltjidyo I rdpdatL n ffoM 'Ovary 08 martiAges only thrroL bift With'.
tell 'ad loss is counted 'a tlng And ;an in delik, to the printd& VAadiifo You"
during LOU NGES, which, for adrabilitl ;V"I 9OW901t 140b me in shrinicago'Auring tha*hot.tro tbo,r. 16 ?14 b, but Aildvan, and t1ij160 Women dia to) may not be Able to lett®r— *'lagady to, r
afir &t Clidlon, Dto,18, 187a, only pharge t, onty- a penta," Sold the the ozily, babe I over Lela against lutituAl -Promoted., A high tariV 11 140 Womeft rlyb Yolir edit0j, but daj do try,, to got OlIb
w6fthl6id 4xifolos th,41.1_06.1 the breAstl Mylittl on tt ar as ivell as an evil. It is a ly than those who spend 1heir lives Square' with Iiini.
'can lett
;i0.xkhvr a.- _md Wo 01 1111C94 My, fortune is told', i1floo-T h0p n0 W.havo, uphold by ohort,Righte.dneso, gross. llglL a bleessedneos. The average
'good WbrkmoD'And R. w- -444rOS86d; �oe exop, ore, the, present winter be aver. Marriage in
# goo nonobaf ACCOUXTAXT, 110OXXXODR, ZTC ority-five cents -in 'the world", asill And then th6 wowau slid, )Plel in I)titroltL �randt� and blind prejudice a t A boy dome in t6 bis'niotherg#6thek
As he 6mPlOY A toi# years ago PO( were n' 11 numboir br,dhildrea to each
boot nod material, he Can tildralloft 100faut 411uparthor knecaloa4diaspod b6thindo, Alotheit, ' Tlut the strkligoeit 1; Mar- dAy. Wijjl�'tWo YAWnibg r6ntUr itC hitt
ontod# inada up, balom so' much afraid, of all ice f441ino that Engi�a j*$,rChJy one but, of every trousers, Ispstiefit mother S '
I so secelval The woman t4rnectaway. it'sho Whore III the deka. 41 Uother, IS id fina Many I 'r Ill 1114610`11)
me - f - - foe. frolA liurlitig(ah -bay by oystom which robs them mo Il IlY Abreep And of man and out at avorV' five,
5ne thing, in this ago do people pq 4-n titah othotfs --arthis: j 444 - art W 4 (der. jaklfiq a -a re. , h
me 11 as or Other..61&8o; and tel"jeritant, to Popair thogArmaot, and
116.WOV'deL 12
two n1ght&of hard, (vast benefits them in era Are 011,60widowo. to Cap widiJW6, Shoe
to, tell tile' iriortunfs I Silk whatever.,, Canada ought to b 1116 seven widoV�4 f e_rgiarryr toevory out kb(l to boj%V her AAV)jog toll 1114
0_ You- 40M6 time I'll MAt4h, gava tb6m all they t4 wits
cmlirs lea-oolitoii, im emd mi how.. XO $,go ii tbs 614 11 said %he womab 0, good -mplotolft to fiq lotigae avio, into, giAtee that 11 Alotbor wag aft old dolll."
Mead, telulat1jr At thalt to W th4t the 0Xpetionoo of thl'Vyoo� Will be, take th4k our nilghbora oro Jubt learn. 4., 11�111, Hatry", slid cried '(Wh
)TAII,host yopraffe XD0306 one, _a folly Of. go Wr is 20 lie A96 100' ye'a I diaWt 6y nothing, am&01
41 idea, r just told. 114. old ladyls, th6h6li, 4nd, 440016t Ali& (latigh ter'ftrij to-, &- flaad t6 every oto So
of 6vidty fpttunabalaw, get6v ioned marli. And in tbat other $On buk, *ban tlilt resist wid, badt'i ONZ"wot re 17 10 ; oiivoit did, Uavqy, you'sai
Where We �gg,, f6rmad, the season tot gathering will bo Wag -6
A, Mouth At Ithlf-tad Seven She was 0 have q fiuobiud� to6�hde worta, not believe that dovi vVliht aid you tileau b), -
it a s , au, I fourth . Sho'gave woo., dollar, LOW' ach odutago doubtless' the lovor of NOW Orleans hsid now
$he- opendd, her polm. hot' youth rejoic*Ahtt violtitwd 1110- 0604' woraN f6r- W6, yoUft4'—IJInaoe$ J&ftUAry`tfilS Yeaf., to Amerida. proallbas 1)(300,000 papfT Sunday SAW teacher toldffia, thiki