Clinton New Era, 1876-01-27, Page 4have q0t ohsli; 7 7 I rially A!"oe 1404 WO . PO4 i4 P little ower. On Account of the good 41019h,49 t e 0 04toida$1 A Oquaiderstblo skuqunt,of -Pro- OrOO4 yes. WADE S dqco W4. brought in. Should the weather 46 WO on ilqov�vyl aemaulls. for 0 qRauklty of WQ04 vi � - A 11T `.,F0, -,TER
fA -brisk bdlAro 16 i op, ter stook wh we on 0 Ist.9fu%roll moeolog of that Au but, always, poloot-t e GWOalt 33"I*Iwalwo also, on the mArkot, bot,pgrobsears were . Ot ns140; Oat Wit Q;a -oft 0. S. full of gap. It '16 4061`00. 92 )benoible- words like th 0,; but'. 30traments. W104or tAintr9wo mprq 1401 W or nowing, that the iVy often in this 00011(mvibby 040 A 96 with %hiludanco of illustration an, much ; The 00111tor Hotel, sbo'g.. Rix IX1110 �.t , A from .1itning �04duotor. o -of spoeoh thot 044uoiakt� to oil Fri., O.' 0.2 90 Tin. 1BOboxygeon, was destroyed A ne., r f, uper ton," 84yo a Spri g , is of fi a 0 day 11, Lon- REIDUOTION IN 080. A. 0,32 to oetvo 0%, a hasis. 0 AflorJ morning, The ium4toa . Ad a narr6�ff VY I . I . 1 4.00 Jet ro Oati, � � I , er" - v6t th ugh thAt clean 0 W Fie t 4 0,60 lation,whiph appear to, us 004 not, poo4rti, the ban cru y.otpotb r . .. 18C OUN"I's.. 10 e folowing
B4rley, o. root falling be S d1w, worth 0 *.a 0.65 a The Qr1glP of of design,. AP4 davability 00949 folre it Wit' tit uhesio uite as sound as those whiclxwoil Iuin , t* A 0 so the fire is unknown., ay, :11s house Was, boght by his et-� vor wu4bil lou r, Mato tbe:o h0AS11 ON. 0 go IS o6duct, �pf the bypoUei, 4*1 -who, whilo n)Ali employ, dWho b d , of an unknown- man, wearing ik 04 hey do not inton to be ave(I wouq�, 'With which be 0, F4 000 yQuil 4torp. - . . �.4
o 16 a 0,17 lt, was found on. the sand. 01 a B with 1110ideutekl" pr9t.ioti. n, bsrileo near Wellington, on Friday. Hi, resta .a.coamulated cuou imay, 900, a 11 00. thby want. the artic1q, in its, us a ty -uran t, and hild, aig� edu I .6. 50 r, 7. 0 contained w ponknife, and, - to Ste 14jo. his- astee b.()qq.. 4, too! in $p
do50 a 0 00 ef $011P 009 purs ef sion, or iont pivoo. Us is oil to hve COM, , whi —'roto i. . ler travelling from uOdG.4 the, Ry H1400 400 a 6 00 avowed purpW -of graoing, If fe mitted Suiide,_ a13 A er we,,%. in one other day in a Carriage of th� Math= or oy le 0 76 a I had. 8- lot Mr. G, '.04qrc To a U TS. Chu be _89d8QC -7-0x FoRuE4 0 .6-00 q 6 25 a jilio L4 po.0 - WM* OpUr-&P The tiaiu'66m to ondon on .4 pv�er Railway, TimotbY 3 50 j 400 P1 . - -ward, p 6 InarluNcture Shall oreop, ojQ; qp,wog. eon Saturday, brought or of Do
ver, pulled GO his Q OQ A Q 60. boots. Th4 rathei annoyed. this other What a p '59, a 10 �5 isliangors. The, average r9tepolo".1 ag,TA. of, tbom e- m utifito.turo upw, 0 SIC Abd a' to thrquAlloilt the'week has been oy6r 00, and passengers,, And the result was that 15 - the, pr thli Dominion, it, is fondly antioilla Of t �e Ospepts ar t an tiflaitpus'l carwill Liquto J�oh e Sixteenth-, I I DAYS NLY'
A&POAT4 NABIKETIs- ted, ahhll by opmQ bap iTEST IAL py-ArrangoiA6lat, have to be provided to meet the demands revel in weal�,4r.,V the pr6ducts oftho Mowu b low jan� 21 _Lravo ling, J
0 1`5 W.i6ns bl�iii howaa,- arrested ])so. 22,,100. -40 68 a -or 90 of their, otorik at, A fir' -profit, to the Dominion orpnooq- YesterdAy'g 016,�o. 000toins tfol- but adp'iitted to bail, 8pring L 0.85 A -0 90 workmen and wokirouIlin of thei low4i 4.1 .p j telegram.fro 5 oQ A VGO in xitish *his sight for it X oxopliout qualities of the argon on owas 4terri ri , b on, at my urdoyeviening. T stone 0034 0 32 t6,dsy cohran,.,6f Efil concert, last Bat If 11 sweet And as 0 0, 04 That. we are not. over -drawing the The Government was 4efoicted 11. . I 0 righam, Coun,�y, Georgia, roW9.rial, and the combination at stop4 mass admirable, Do not lot this chance oll througlf yourfinqqrs; by a, w4jority of three in 11O "a ouvoyour instruments will Aula.54vir in chugho p
when he o 66 o dsy, to &r soared music. is L� (aatoe 0 80 a Q 80 Mr. Adam 'Brown, of Hamilton, who W I the Public may patri)nm 'to it iesolation-�-of which h . o. as cy.9f pledging the subsidies to Ca� years, both de nd.. a iley. o go 05. picture, we call on the witapso-stand. isms in to dinner is
P The consuro' as on the- Government find his. wife. and a daughter of. 6ight "'ya
Btitt r spoke very respoottell. urn for,money� baby I ROSA, DIERI.RA. in To' IV. Q 10 0-17 nad Those' alo. Q now s
10,00 a 11 the movprl�-%sking for, the imRositio�;6f- Tingbotwien the qorpse� and the r .01 -It, is understood. that they Will resign of their blood.- The" 0,90. a 7 oo. beavierdutles on mpapufactured -to-day---T --d-b ry long and. womAn.and,girl had both been �hot S. -Organo on exblb�flou at their ro he a atq� was ve qmq, oabl , a, n the. h union.
edl.$04�t s - fa t�' excitemont,in t 6 �galleries tho head, arid'tho house. was. -WADE BROS. o6trso of b` n. 00; 1876 . is 16'19 Veeoh he said Ther6. are, -Fall -many of our, manuf a ur A. REAL Wheat $0 90 0 90 "W * .. Olen . pro. are very. plenty h t is 76oaro in: the Adirondack .'East So�inawj *hiob, had the reputal St Flour r) to it '5 oo,l A wis this. winter, and four iippeared in tion of bei Heifot-. is.kfep6ture of th.'matter i 'to dra3w yfbur at tion. . 1$jch brolid.,dayl BAIRGAIN: SAIE I n�!h 'n g
il j!egign �n*e of t1le.worob places in ray 0 *30 0 30 ght -at,Voith Creek�'the other tho West, ��a reforining. When the pro'", o 60. a 6 661' tures WOU14 la. On $ui be proopqogs, provid0fifitbor '4 kday....Viree i -weeks, a large AVE ZNTO*THE PREMIES OV.THE SUP, AND 045 a 0 55 566 police system went -into operation C IIQA=zR, 1415, Wh'ton., Hallett, about the 15ih of UR411 Barl Y, manufactures in the country wora� s6flir blick bear entered thea R#61% f�ttha�t pla� t bore werd'on the register 20.0. nbanjon- .. September, d Grayish, two year old HEIFER. 21A ciently-priptboted, Forinotance -a manu�- just-4f.ter-the ipinister�had odinmence is ob�rgoii OtAtOqP 0,30, a -0 30 oymorls hereby nosidia to Provo ProperiTo pay Ray 9 00 a �10 00 factuTeifiadiaol d1ouds, kuitte4.:sto6lt_ sormon', and walked up ths'passlage until ad, wome6� OLie yea� ago the number' and, take her awayo V. ve.guarontee to be.,IqO 4TIMBM. TORN. =DID. Bumer 0 18 u 0 2 in a' and shirts, &O" ififor ed'11he he reac all, Zan 5 1675. 44i g inthat &edneiirly the middle o6lie'6hurch' had been red' ced'to eighty-seven. 'At Hall Eggs 0 18 a. 0 rota�t, . . . -1�9 #LL, ON IT031SE BK -OK Olt, ON. FOOT, R 6 00 a .7 OD.,' on. he h4d was. wmple, but that The wor6u, jumped upon the* top.. of the the, present time there are only thirty- OVIDED THEYL' p.r large FRE. E ilemand for his manufactrgs; t of . their 1 , saloons Piro oultry. seven'. and the- wa or. g. rl. Hide I.50. vr. I 0Q._. as couf gion. and. *, service PURCHASX-OX-JVP0UV. .,Or .preasea voices., till w o see our 9. is Who,, in the do -whia -they *of&- -t JUruin- raised innuezries,iii T DERSIGNED wl� PAY TH32 71IGHEST j For a -the- it camd' R AND IkE FRri,SU.TgEM QX THE, WAY, OF ongagek could not b?y ecash price fox TORONTO 1XAlltKXT8.,. _�he art��las 6,1p.roc xelf'updalhis haunchosAnd, c4hply survey. dupPd." ad- the Scope,. and,beemiagly sitisfied with tion'.of',14 Guilty, or not guilty,?" com. Reep fro= food twenty-16tir hours before. killing; I I blead In the nook or mouth; leave th he I a a the -TORO14TO, Jan. 25, 1876.` his ocrutiny, delibe Afell's & BOV's 0 `0 0 a b rately walked.out. He mend us -to that Missouri chap,'on, triil, Intestines nor cral The id, v r oat
It . eing apparently that if you to be drawn..- For.:Pal 1 Wheat -Fall 409$ a -1 00, fIf _�' fore.murdef out Hopor plpaoo, ter should base ner to boillug-polut uo p a Is, with. .:,Wholesale and Retail Groers Jan only get a sufficient number of pros ,was followed but escaped. Prick Blook. 9 97 _;i 0,98. out Actually boiling; the bird, being hel t. 43 1
egsi should,be immersed. Ana 11 kmr I .0 .068 a .0 80 porous manufactures to'keop going a, t, A man forty five' YeArs of a ad I am guiltyi. I killod1be man, because 7 CLINTON, Jan. 26thp 1870. Birle, , . ) 1 170 nam fted up and.40 of' y . . le'.100 eat arm Wh1t;d Bed I I 6 35 0 3.5 pretty . I th"". should then lie at one removoit, pin folthaza a a] Blankets, Heavy Cloths for ivuiAss `Wm.,,,Gran!�, - 0 MO.T , "
-G&Rei41'1Wsp1faTlast Fi4dij eveninx, auf-, about tlid'oply thing I d Boy's wear, Suite of R-eadi,-Made Clothinx vemaleoulyand without breaking the okin. It shoul 23, 'X5r,.,'fFe;rTdmi,;,ea, you can make each di..dil,t next be plumped by being dippad:4bout two scoon nd Boys,.W 'lannO Shi�rtiri
had, an! -1. didnI for on a 9v ,1875. M.—INT R 4_84 op . Bfittir 0 21 a faring from -four self4aictadv011uds 121)011 want to live ft6r she.Went;'fln' 1 o'KWs Dra�vero and. SmAs" h*111filers, clou(IS, To d I a quite boiling hot, in than it ilidividr-al manufactu ri.76althy-�-an 'on-Thurs,4 ==tthe $a wis, Mantle and Eggs -094 &' 0 25 the throat. His mother diia ----;by- the -, profiti, obtained from'. day, a I nd wh6i want him,to live neither. n'.I.should notime; .ran, Ladies. $hw h opult br appy a the funeiel procession was, icare runst-be taken to avoid Ia! isi. a th flesh Hate And Bonnets, Boy's and Men's Hats and rlise of goods starting from the' siddit bilased-1 ll� mnc4 obliged to' your Honor I 'yon or bfeaking,the bones. Caps, Boots and Shoes, Breakfast Sh6wls, fancy. English conit 1111larket., the skles. of his particuls, re o6 of the de ROSS LZIE w uld hang mo soon as pbssible."- Dress Goods. lot of 4�cy Dress Trimmings to the remaining manufacturingppula. ifil would-be self-dostroyor went into thfi -O : . a Mtou,.Doo. 15, 1875� oi�, �,Tan. 24, -The Mark 4,ane Ex- t6 one of the room -fo of '�Iirbos,. a' h,%lf cost price - Levi) and Renifian -the Main market for ton who tfieragetveir houie, and going up in Among tile.. nowspapers W.England Ol 1�res8, in its review of' .Obtain the means Cgrpets i1i All Tapestiry, &c, &9, the. past weelcp says: -Tho milder weather of urchasing,in a saln. Weir man' nor,: took� a razor and: inflicted thb wounds' w' -Stray, Heifer p hi&.beaved to exist with "the.611d. e ;N Moe f av orable ssp�q� for favl*q� which came neir '6osting hint -his. life 4v But'., wb Cannot help'thinking, vibilin . . ...... A.- -are, included, mys a1ondon'corresp6n CA3Z-E"INTo'StBSORIBZRIS-PltEmIStS,AB'OUrp J member Umily, on goi'ng- -in C Same cause.led-� te i' deterioration of call all the.'religiouit �pipera wl*4 athe, middle of September last, a two Yearling Helfer. ACKS:0`-I�-., Mr. Jim and his' frie6ds*:talk' 'Of and liai'st;tnding'in the room, with Far 4�'�,kil d, �f . 0 S' w1p. dent
9samples,' and T -sfferefl-i-althqugh ifices again mechanic Popp. -with in rests so d flo, owner is boreby'jiotiflod to'prove tropetty; pay gocds,' do. not pass Wrigbt & lation, to 0 'i ring Moojy and San abA1rgqa,*ud take A Away;: it not so- does,, it. w 11 be, alid dry samples changed little. 'Gtins- the blo ng eppiquilly,from his. -throat were. started dii Ipe'r quar or, -a large air. pity expenses. �w ere 'd key's. re�vival. They Lad 04 0 0011� a d with snch:-�s 'and mouth. albe for it. I If I t rioster's,ifydu��ifslitospeiiilyoLirmone' b'
.1 . era �'s yio�l ad
lie viain i i y one shilling. above lasi 'yearlo, R, nANSVORD, -y')U Will, get the Jbcat"V MERCHANT,'TAILOR Inality otr�ctprocal trads relations' edla the American' Evangel- Stapleton,,Xan,19.1076. Wffiter G�Ods,` " r, 5,_. mu A correspondent of the Quebec mivciir�) elo.11 -while this chance piss you to,bu your while 4eliveiies'of English are per. cent, -wilt' tlJ4 really do not orgb6'tho plp6rtant s _oaejQqi so e.of these s price -Illg . a aig, resi. Ing them, �At .Par�is inferior heat is 6d. writes:' A -,rid, - . on a6i�niii get xn
below d'k -- I . - i ' " th 'e, St."'Foy'sj iiays'he shells to 114ve in actor, iti any'cal dulatiob� cone ads 11,200 in three*mont.hs,L:! s; lower. _�_Flour has -inai'm because better rates are obtairied for wheat in prospdrity of Canada.. They. do not say, his P's ; opens his.1% remehibiars What be cbiefly'.,by'�Oublishing kr. Mo6dy's oar- BAY IMIPER OAM15 WINT6 THE PREMISES OF sows, of 'the -Pro matkets, Marseilles but, tb"y muit-lenow thavit i waOML-to�an-erid- S!1tbA.sub0crlbs4-Io"l t717,-TnektyM Vincia I fro S'sLfiouilts his Via the lot of 'a Heifer, 8 ,,.a 'da.ow. era in 0 6i;sWt tat' An L - immenselyi���. . ortl6a of and.'with W the journals which The owner, is hereby 'requested to prove property, pay, 4 �wh-eirg—ivenan:knoh he d October last, I hit 9� never allows hid water barrels the romairil, mitrkets are unchanged. At� Hamburg the popuffltibu, ;6o are direct. ioduc6rs f ave lived u, charges.and like her a'Way. our blvn fault. We -tell yo 91 11v -sve ill omly 0JT11NT01,.,T, -.0 N --T. market. is dull. Intend- navigation is closed T ; calls his dailghters A and L N F0 III&LIl'it'. t�liat .9 LL and the port is kept open with. diffi- sarplim wealt1l;. namely, a� far -eachet- Taokiirinilib, Jan. 17,1870, 63 DAYS - th e it' by ice, 0 tells his sons not to T's - and tho�reason Y T a �-t-theatrioal r6vivAlisb pi bove g6odsat.theie remarkably, Ltzio prices are low,fir,in thd P .1 .. . .. ONV ces. Atthe expirat4on.6 Oulty. A t Per that" they aipbot ta reali their c ief �ig.crops X L,'and his vegetables doult7-D- .S�Lo�er j Warnedth, 0 f that time �1.wa abs6jace of tbs. English' demand, At St, pro�ts. , they know,'.if ihey do not say X, and.,tilat Itle-id more at his E's than hi y Notice. to'' Debtors, will ).(16 take stook after which we will"' In.Aus -ya. audierice;'09 otbe . Ehre.t( to. xd-- liurg fitiotations are steady t- - 5 a_her Br6okL rbtu out vetdrs neighbors,J1, is R because, ho� takefs_1j!k_Q_ ary en on.11%i ib,.that. thezgoods consu'mea -by the hb " 0'i . ress; XND1rBTFD TO THE celve o r. 0 impoftations for 1876. JUST RtCDTVED A MAGNiri tria' and, Hang business has be -evening-irgaran T,3ATLTIES WH(. ag-community on wi -_ iff op4ro' in 'at' late bours, 'a ...Prices areloweraveryw-Here. larmir 4" Tr—oulaffilcurf ral� books ; and.ah - lie : was. dver-dixnOing nd t e- JL Dcnfixc-xi;p;.fQytprof6sAii)ziiaI born 0$cotland., near the Rwoi D, its no their accouatq�at Mr. Orlep's, Londesborough, -or with tthoro�:nrf li�opes that, �spring -will revive busi.� l6vi6d -far 6% & n �illj heav 10ke F4 drops his U's ;,and afte'rhe a, ro o aMrs..Xci[ldds. esq, b4 .thd imus igR stocks the test of the .inhabitants an .0 A. TAYLOR, k,17. -NDERCLOTHING, SILK MUFFLERS, SILK SCA C oter mills ceed fliose co soingd, by all sells hfi-pigs''to that sausage-makbr S, op. 1-� , f a, life of pleasu re, We approve' th WRIGHT FOSTER
SILK)RA, ELSILK U ra from -ourchasing� and act as a of tile way, in w1lich 81)0 -tlius gave a acaqriqh, ail, fg7a.. know, if they do not say. it, -that 68 oy'S.Cha;j, ll -actical, tarn �61 dead Weight on� the trade, tboughwe have no ito�St. Math lie lifts. to; pi Jar preaching, There -errhmcea�cost.of goodsManufnetuto atf�o L . I is to about-oql; to, hisold inare' Gr u p,l is need. for -other f6male preAcherw at Suitable. for.. Christnia :�resefits,' e. 10,RONTO -XRIMS. 0 oATTX, �h me) "d 60.46reased duties which and letter. B -off qtiietly bome� ; and if you Similar W -o&' '-Tho V ,habits,she coyMemn� must be, imposed on the -smalf-'nuiliber do�lt' believe himo'll W up in -a bundle led are injurious . to' w"onlon's-minds and orrpiis Yon ml,F, THAT T110S., JACKS". BErrEs."Thm supply of first a6d 'secona_� of ledAing, articles bi, lic, jo� be of straWnl in F E G without elig�bly situated lot on Xing mtroet, bolng pa ,n abt'-' b scorchilia it bodies 'inj ari ot46 lass 6attlJ iit. ihis,market dqtiut. thq. gask in ftS WiVeh-and,' lot 47, witri a .froutaga of "14 100, And.ox toncill, p oad, will fall *fth great- ftioth6s 'iiijurious io -their moral wal- street, in the rani, onfacient for, two gooa imiw. ported -froi I .. . . 1, 11 I
-week w and for t; ere 0 4-A WJA ve, 1111 Clinton, Dec. 15, 1875.' as only moderate, see I f both direct. l4ie is an* enorrobus, and W, 6 C L LE ast . w'o,igt, on�, the arider� Will ho oold either in ove or two lotRi to kitit, parw was a gootl deniarid at steady pri6es. 'Third. I - aate reaO p- fare and their sooial'usefalnesq. Ifer ishaset. Alao, pRA of Jot 1, Bsyfiqla Call.,' suppose, highly remmi or .class flowevdi W� .14 went 6ff ly and indirectly.. The upshot of th or ve, tr#db 8 acres, q rqods. and 20 parchm. von lanced, nwi , ue,va less r6itdi.y, so -wbo pru� n purponalf, un, io - - France. tqo.,,, There is no prejudice here -so many wome vacant lots in town onitsSle for bnulnesa To abundant a] to b6',done ['perhaps with aavico is p9peeially finpiled at this, Son,.. down -�fth grisa. mia lots on king. stroetarc the enb ro Ono; -Public o. I , aithough prices can hardlly'-6- whole mfltter is�-fhat 'the son of tile yelir, When VALU HIM said to be, aziy to wer. firit. 1680 (ILslitly Or otherwise, ha*e inlyeiwd partlei warltiu4, snob, ahould apply R4:ono.L_L If norai'I'l �C25, y ub too lata'at I)alls and jarnboreell. baforb the lQthL of Fabruary, they will bd sold by Pub' accond-clus' 84 to nd against Canadian cattle,.noiwill thdre be Sta 0 If" - to tha, rutato of Vila money in nl�nufactures shall. have their itpirldt' 'the be A-11allono at Knox'a hotel, at poon, nn tiLdt,lay.. Tel -m- third,oWs $3. to W-50. at reached us in. The apostle. Patti himelt was not - too reamonable, and tnaderku6wn on day of sale, or on ar-. fair'�Iqofits guara6teed to them, and joints. .33ut there is a ve�y strong and just- erreat-or-too busy to noti6e such evils as Plidation to the Undersigned. 40 ir ]a SlirFp*:.k�1-4�IL-LA.M�S.-�r�'e receipts.baye pie& gaaranteers preju ice agaim o canne those that,wre tAken up.,by the chT Q. ORVICK511ANK.. been: hfind, prices we Ari�,' Repiirted that -the farmers-, shall be the d" it theustralia 11 L, .. D
I - I linton,.1an. 10, 4 sales Weis one car of to drves 74 ,be, with a -merely nominal responsi., ineato, which, to ude'a hom4 ) , —no ... r 31y if vulgar nSTORE, I'll '11" EI, I'l G OVER 0110. car, half abeep aluLbalf lambs, bility but W ith -* ar prllZtical they, phritim, -are -11 dane--torq6 - "before to, dross,162 and Iiavie n I o f Th-grat choi tb_ Sing? Or!s Notice.' (kn ll)ort SHOPU lbfill. r at, -the -AR ad'STOVE ie—y—,wilin 7617-647- '-year i� flav6r 0 E 1recut . r .
HARDW E 0L c ,, . orermThislit it ",flab, flesh, fowl,'or'good red herring" meofip& of Moodey and Sankey, a N OTICr�TSITEREBYOIVgNTlrkTA�LLI',qDPtT. iltiortorly &wl to To a Ing in a good iaRea.cost -of living, in in- left in the'ril, when It kniteTl "in' England. nbw fe�furoAii tile'rellgioi�ii se`rviceix ot ItDtothqo4taieott,helAteR6fiert-Cook,*of Gade� -grestly Lidenae- Xo_tide� rich ToWnabili, are required to dioch6gi the L Racle st orTalking of a Canadian most trade with--P6tegtautism. �,Iu the Brooklyn choir, c 11naA, And All W116)1014 131611011-� said estate am. It PARtmi; WANTINOV �rAyzRN�'on SHOP increased fiolit of g0fting their'prodpots 11rance ads possibility of the future, foad there Were. t406 hurldrOd Voices Jan requestedto pramoukhiiA tdihe'und6ralsuoii for . sit. 'Store 9toro T1 AVIS, I ' W W - - tlemout'.- , � , - . � � . . J, Aottse a Sablb.
L ounce for the pragout �oar, must bond their up to Juarket, atid-,a.t eviii-,�.turu`vhero and tha.ron=64ities ;f lifeare so. de' 4- pz1vationo to me not later than the fot of Vab. next. I I I . . at Philadelphiachoilr, tliiro *'x huh, JAS. Executor. Adti)Wng fho'abov& 'Lardd frnut, -a ikud -virdl 'W"61,
il�on's laibilr;- thoro'now tllat even masses Ra:Vo go ClIalou'Doo ;ibusluess., . .
M�ordef of the Concil thy, have to pa.y.file othei� no np Beg to retnindtheir nunievousfri.011(b.,-anililie public-gbnerally,-that titey re stili addini. to' 1. A. RBLEB, Clark. 11134L.' Hippo'd Gel6 fift per.04t. The 0�,P! e ?a 'F rows phoir olilf4e,the-prbduc of that JaVor� 6 endoe Clinton, 7an.10, 1874. ts liero' thero%are to 'be -seven hut�dred �1113111)' bavi onya that In aphoe uonae of hig priced the' 3only tO'JjDln*t to Wo conaitiarn- o f . hb�_ on,, as. decided onraiging the Tho Brooklyn and Philadelphifi choirs arm fbi7 Sale.,, air - in ni where tbe ishb u6 Coal Yard 311 Storie' _qouse, House Furnishing,-Var rS', 4ndBuilaerls'H r' UTTER. ''BUTTE ft, , S , .the X liod '-Sbatea,' Inf) a dware.. prical of hiaBaes, in is dioceso era,& franc -got along reniarka6ly welil, though OT NO. 41, IN THE 18T COW,, OP ZAST.WAWA- H FOR ANY protactioriieWhava liaA tb6ir own way th�y Wtoorr, one half mile from Birth Station, Pu L., J1. W111i a large, splendid, onve coilari for otorlu R tl`44 En WILL, L P47 CS rs, in 1) to franc an a half. Tlie- now tariff began hua Vnt amount -of. dtilling in Pork, Smovituato ontho txaakoftho.G.TR1l1wAv large let of. NEw PATTERINT-WOOD 'ANI) haiiasotas T 1 lq]uo ksuTtji B,s c. ` 1 B or so r '&p- R, B;,200 aixy yea roof of the eil with this year. 01obe. advance; but we think that the NOW inirtlaffy cleared. balance, well timberbd.; loq awailin a bo*fora offer6d here-. f yT Tant to buy cheap, go to- SE A= es d 9. ro JsDA VIS.' Goad 'Yellow Batter,'in Tube, 'iexalta'to the fararing commun, house; log stable t good water privilegea. i� This to A York choir, which has � already 'begun rare chance bf,procuriag one of the baskoltuatod forms oagaingt-forei u-manu EWS ITE in tile county, W4111, Hall the whole or 111w, Qxi easy Bg For brilliant light, get Searle-& i) ";, U�IOR COAL OIL, Stov%'Tinwaro the $1 fence taotjr- GMURAL 14 Huran F( 0 ZfR ah(r-1-fardwarc, SLMLING AT REDUCED PRICE ALS6, FOR ROLL BUTTER its rehearsals, will be- much Superior in time. Apply 0�iT& �AL Doug up In Wed shape, In two or thira; pWnd rong. arm 13ystem, uality to either of tho,othdirs. ' Safike �Itwx WM90,910ormaloslou Well astablishad,'and AoInrr a large boa( Situate .Ir lf,oq:nf 4 1,* , I . IV . or -
HINE. Butt -is we have said, our. 1) The,. 11 Vigilisti?l took from, jail and 'b PRO 115 PRIMP9 4101403t en- Blylib, Doc.16. 1875, . I OU . .. . .. thd track of the I Gzana Trunk =or. Clinton, Oct ath, 1875. No. I Coal Oil at -30 ep6lits per gallon. protectionists CIO not say ot-vare much ligilig-16nr IPQ4;L 0h4jJq#6n,"N 6,,, n. I Ir THE GREAT FJOTALE RtM V, about the'interestg of'thoso V( niglib, tirely"to the solos In which ho general- Painter s Oil at 70 bdnts per gallon. -the Monday I'r 'has an instrurd f ontal. accompaniment;. F le, C.L I N T�0 N Sixty-one thousand. emigrants have arnx. fbi Sa
por, keg. beyond iiny dispute, progress of 6Z f";oronalug in population and, manufacturim, anit Nails at, $3.26 OJO 711091915 PE"OD"Ag' 01"W' 'Iladai in, a material point of view, hat gone from Grefl�t Britain to 4OW Z.0a., but he also,tAikes part in the diroctioii. being situate on TWO lints of Itallway�,, v1M, GRAND oVe elpe, Poll SALE-THZ WES'T HALF OF LOT NO- lRo T8UNX AND GREAT.WESTERX, and In the abiltro.
ofthochoir. We understand that tilany Stil Con., null6tt, 6o -IL. ViV6 thousand lehgths of St This well known mdcneno stin dfig in the -past, slid to whom 'in land in. four year utaining6o lJor", Tormi of one at thOnest agricititural Counties im the Domin 8 bor4l. Titioludisp%ttable. AplAyto of the ohurqlles are, anxious to secure, ion.. makes. it a MOST DnSmAlihs suippiNG e 5%e NOW York, Wetn expresses large oheirs, since.1bey. ha -41 0TWONSoxi MAitaium, oXv POINT, And rapidly of importanco.- 18 Anferic6n 'Water, Limei but a state and safe raniotly for Foinkle, DiMv the future we Va - J40 - t k4o); fort) qqutiu�- 011.1tiouana Obstructions, from ally osugpwhatr %ties or -our prosperity. All they care yd observe4 -person caught taking Wood The abovo ptopertf MUST SOLD,,In or or to 4
ater., A -Ad although a poi 0 the -440 41sylicy of lora. tlio supoess of Oat- f4Ptqr@*qf tlip, Vpvu thVi'-s"A" SETTLE THE ESTATE. ilfgLbUrtfU �4, t4L - 6 rZOW, *111 Us prosecuted to the utmost '�EY TOP IdtOTECTOR. No loore brick ling tainsiotb 11OX Vill mili'a o the the,=! rm, Try Searle Davis's CiflMl 1 to the constitution. for &Z air argur ber 'which' Ca 'Verxng will I be given -ts are r4ost @Qnv oil the root To MARX'91) LAIDIES men 14cing to—,.tbem.- Qont�n4iaj. 7 a, T I Ap A CEY, VxEc-wPolt. PVTTY,--aud it is toonlitirly Suited It will, in sollOrtilmd solve's. -And no Govbrumout'of Q& A 4 0 .__,9t0UQH or Try SearleA, Davis for PAINTS, OILS, WHITE LEADi LASS, Th ondo� Je7o ap THO DD PLY TO Tt, R INTERS' STOCK gendrally, - ' A 'The 0 l4qao omfgr into oali. PA bring on tho monthly period yFith 'regularity. could stand 6 the life of a -single hi W00a is becoming so wicked, In 1his Short Horn a- If you want to keep your houses warm, try the BUILDINO 1UPE Rtor floor or if, all cases 61 Norvoug and Spinal Affections, 10knia last YOAV aspodAted, to s for Sale, and is jo b less Parliam6pt ��? woo wall w lall, ia ds� put nineteenth century, that it must soon It saves lath and plastdr; a had of Searle'& Davis. PaiiAs in the Back Ag4 Heaii 'persons,. while the -State g T,167(ii he way of ONO.DVLL th—ras years old. J01 Those Irequirinj AUTUMN BULBS for boudo or, garden use, oholild send in Yifidno on slight, exertion, PalpitAtion of the Such an outriga on' 'the real wealth -pro- go to *the dogs, 16 describes t ri Cowa And EqUIP91101 Fah3i fbrL Sale, S heare, Hysteriess Sick goadaAeo, Wbitot aucero ot our eoufitry',sis t6 carry, into increase of &�tilation -of 0'9 179. ealo 6, I , d civilization in a -'sty! their orders to Davis,'at once. so�iety au othat Godill Podill"do, apply to Otemation' finds no-� vo6aries. The kid U. Itc.TACI T4 SUBSCRIBER, OPPER9 POA HAt'T111T and all the Painful digeAseP._.pqc&slohod Oy 4 praotWe'tho.* principles propoundea by is truly -Doam'Staulay t1i W11-altuated farm of 129 aor6o, riang limits of lots ---
01 Our$ 194-Amc, ra & remains of ayronli.e the same "O cred 09,0440 Or* cable tells or th, 11 avalli, lrur�n ltood Com, I:&- P R E P*A:Pu E FOR B T -T R G L-A R S , " the protectionis gloomy view of things, Re WY61, all other means bavo W104 V61 geno man,' ChevAliqr Ross' pjblicjy vollashomolluton. A small trame house and barn an Those Pills have never been known to 4lanot; vpurtt 0 Wanted. thaplaod. Also, Abdi?.011 Acres of goad oodaq abdut W A good assortment of Miles, Revolvers, and Shot Gdfis on hand, ana, for ale cheap. f4ii iolation adoptOd the other dsy q4 Oti, 01110 he roarl; . 40 Iractiong at p9id- a vote of 23 it ay , 'nqon4 a4vanop -of our r4od but L.tho 2nd jlagd df Ali opnti - where. the dl t4a. by gallist 14 of tire Nitz tEzmt PJpnsi o tIN JOHN HOLURS, 0lit P. 0.1 phlet, Pro well observed, 148t. 6h4t'the,'Wtar half 'of the tonth '300 *VE members of tl;at 0! 00light6ned and in4 nilde I singing, at thd rhts�of 15 denti Pat nionth, 1) Clinto;; bed.18, 19761. ARLI�- &'DAVIS, Mamitoth Thl hop. laro'. get a am '' ble 1. hour of Justructlani from give tin a For full partiou phlot, free, of :ffon, 10, P. Wi . nolqw -4, lowsi*m It six, C flubiltial" bo�Ay, the 1)QmlgJG4 logr4 of 4 *011 kd'Owx 'pentliry io to olosp in ora i yo u, once a weak Dan!& miss this obanea. illigher find Apply pu a darker, pill CLINTON n "18th, 1875d X013 MOS.' 90LA 11609P.11y) _4: P -or Sale. Oct. Till& -The farmers know rather too scedut
$1.00 vablosoa to Uto -Xqso�-j-issued forged-papert-6'tbs iXtdiat � -, - - . a senoes,. or a arm 9 stloarsti. Clintoi I i, Dso.L%5, IS . 0. OR SALE-35IRROTLY OPP091TV THE 90trZU Northrop & tyman, Toronto, Out., general '40w, 020060,'44 fled to grazil on.Mon. iiop. lk-gives us pleasure d �say. that- And of the llk6wbrvs� on the atreab loading to Vbftf, tered, and their 'k 66, -their T og!ents f or the Pominion, Will insure &� battlo air6ngth 14 any, �olfiloal oontestj so that day..; this is not-6ut 64�166,k,' and that *a in. HiAtift is to be built, And not over 100 pills by return pikil. e Ordiftomthe tAtion, two lot#. conti%igin alfas&," containifigobr 50 with good pump and L Vollf and a fievor-fol 9 ingSold in Olinton by J, H. Combs and George few representatives -of country"* Con- A. Chicago insane woinIin resolved, 6� ddlge in more-�. cheArful auticipopus W! Chial4v XGUED OPOERS FOR SALE TVkt watsr1wollfenadd. votpirtidularb - to Mokson a than DoAu'siabley 814 ollgiblyfiltuatodlots"'anus tile, frounds of the now fAllroAd Mat piAt All*$ to let, loi na . Luniodbn Sea. otituenoies would �onturo t4 come out a eligious siorilfice, to'starve her'five a the, I,Zd6n TEM "ND3"'s "G. To o Or forth, looked them, in Teleg) 4t Al eiefits, via do not l?arker battle 'aa'other.thah. `ificidOntalittsI' at the children to:doath, Shi -ap Sas on she isms boo4t, an p# if q email house, oat,. ,vop 6 i01,11 Cameron, Bay belipvehat thi a011i very, oat, and If outand�-oatera!' would. 6 room, suit for three days gayo thor4 a Virtue of this,couittry ill. taQui[L Wda 26olAo *uil If t on, god orabitA4 ror Alibi let Old, a sPlonaid, Milk ft#a,BnIt6k dow, Out 49d all Me& -914WM4 I ,
Aeld; Ja 0 J oplf 4.1k 4, 91DOUT 0 MAIRTZ
t.q oit� '1. 011ie dea rgo. Jlp thoo6 41bno wlo owo4,t4eiv ileotiong , r. -drink, "Cold adQ to doeroda to destruction, tat wo, pope 9. gothliq *41 AU9,15th, ill1g., , toMan�fa�tUtingLponotltabilpipgI Vilen t4o sqVing of lionger,' OnaL 'the tt6Aeos,urg6 the religio4ists and Itf, is, nox,movalic 031L_ �4&niimhoe t6 4k�ictiltrists,' irt, 4 pitiable ooftai wer JVaQ4L to Wel�o Han:ess for Saial tile lattor 11AS of the church 'and the I up'. They qra Under greaf veepcinsibili. FNVORTIX TER -TIMES -IT9- W`91GHT I of) 'It thon, will there be U e L!�. than Adcl'ii& ti In the U. S., Congress on 'w-oddod" 3n aAtt'-i. St i% MOUNTICII Voly KNow.-A"THINd air ITT any -likelihood' i4 0sup"d a of 04r seeing tiol; to� the in Which, they &GXXT VATIZZ. ;0-7,oi�usd TRE 96tillft rN0o11bIeCArfJ4.JjFArAhNa BEVORE TAKING STO01C. it, xoT, I Is TIMIt YOU DID, P boards ih6 r4 m 'A41of Montrel. It lit t, &.nuroa JU, UOKO.Iho Stjjlog.. d4j; A.�r,'Wp4, frb� tho 'Itt�o of art.set as Y, su Riding of Enron, fair tho Coakas Agrioultural.2h. fladt'. -App .,tit lap on * It report on tud, xascl. We want 4 0664, livi thili of - . D, Op.j latioft iLuthO1Z,ng, the Appoint 0 W11610 Very eXpop It is our Co IghborsWho. sit A4L nadlan pal 01(flion, ROY. 4, 1478, Viereare bul few))roparations ol' #n& inept of With tifs"11441 'J)I8Jo0(J t1tt L' It Judgment aforce entitled 11 SWa ping aak. knives.)' comitisalbr-Ors tcs'. '0400tWh on what tion&I ear talking of the hboossity of adopti
01" ditv lypeal lenth of thne. One _Globo. Cobearif In 11102. .11,, - V DISCO, UNT ter A a r6cipiocity treaV'v1th- 0 A of Ilipso 4 cledric OU, puraly a pre- 7 &t�d b6m; s(on 6/ gtX,of goM. fL the beg, Olt* J)Xaj ftfcL 6�%rd yd bounti6ff L in can be �arranged, VN41i order. 94, 141f, '6 They _af �.D.n GOO.D81, "
( iM Owg- B,, ill Which there are not A hired 'mew, ut f,,Of
Nown, , eacli.ptw vosseninrl virluos P b6printda and reconimitted ort by tlia I" paupar of' tho A OI(ld 0%, too 014 UpW9 Aqltjtt� WARTRb h eejent VC kno w that iltedi'does may be nited States, SO it would qbelp 1, wittee. . , , good 1#h.JKt �itftd A tologribi Bacrbour4villo, We t Dec, 92,1674t
ftrnjed�,o qe, A t qJ freakr pot^ and prodeicing Ofeck Virginisv0s,YS: that A idung r4an, named 4i�rl pig 4ipids, 1, *ich.t ol, AW� them, On th(a of tbi lino the T orll4a thitrAlIldlibiNovs ov"AilkA tht6bysit old dohd 0 P 47k Charleb R Muling$ �ad been mlesing achoolof political sootiom I Up to the" of: F e�bru y report fkd� oind, I ggs or !tug .6,
qf t0ic:)1t,,6r fit da )Ypeparalton'of iltU -0it 'a dheikiedl thalige hait mostly becovJJ6 A by -word o;a dou. ovioaknat 6ket L THIS i a .14 X "' V don, on�a rallL and oustaiiiadja fractured :8 T A OENUINVi ALE the body was, foubd, WAed in (0�!IMTT ov:, Skull And a, Vrokou back. The mob dad WIlira, � blitj lo. now'ind babblit .1 Oa4i;rkh 0## Ati, 41 ..And wiil be V ATTMIULLt. , Alt 6 tb' 14P to tho time advorusod. 1AV a0l) P.689161hty J)e ith his throat coati Aalingd wife and, -t�ok from him $160' 14 Mono It brailks forth In All its 6figinaf beauty bination*mlllropot�tioIt$6ftl'68(.Z))Leinti2-ett 4s, a Man named. Williams, who, had been, Ancl findt 6&4irars- in. the Dpoil4i6o.—, Monoy. Lost V lqredievi, aiul intiMy d pfZP16g,her im ropor, attentions, we(e Von'S'dt'- PAPt"' and left him 'a the . Mark, too, hoW the c6ndition of thidgs OW E "D adWood#: Where he Wag, found pext, Worn. 64'r-01 6UNTOK Tit* siamfiltwof du(xs the inost a, hiq e 0 Con Fie 40nibAB0,10T A. WgZX At, tj slon,Uhhig rcsat4s� and ha a n ra' Xuling A M 06at's itoral A loatlov of tho A Ilita 66( 164VA .W,der ritflaf, t� UdAV will V-1
klplt�o to: are It d' ohs 4n4 Will!V44 killed *rq;f dently 11sidektobii (OL 'tproteQt't thiS tuths. 41puW11109 About 029 Ih-billA, Tile A Aj*60111161;� 1611,11ag pagg6og6tg tud All# tt
TO' UY "' al roylo, tot Linlaon4drry On M from whioll the protootionists SO toil O. L botw#sfl�1114dlo N IS.- TH .I. �E iluitkIllf 00AT444 on 1651164L 0101tarnwi *48 14tm"). ..k r.abber notable oil'llaf nal,44st hao opuntry by theit Ohinepa wall, has seem* 4' WItSOVOltdOr oti,c), vo&flle liquids, 16ses nolk.', I I . lntusn% -PRIXTS-y WIN VLA.XNEIA, SAMLS, iligbyetyapvalion, et was taken fror4 all last. 4.atiiedaynight, list beo� c6noliId�a 1*uatv,, oil to ftgU6 juatsw the wall had oftolled litt%T 01P 8A11,;NQ 4 and fiang�d by a, _.Vdderal Ito 14191 . (3Vn too .6p tollerat 10fik or It)* 1865, 4, f ...... 1 the bowegg ot OV0111 df P11 an4 1U itopaosabla Cret of 4 o xr, t6st 'he mordo = 0 REWAIM IBLAXXIETS�. ATRI. =Sj prepat4tio its 4edl-111 011 14t d1doll-OUg lodlitthat feasad G 'th6 mo�L r64 UATillauo. was killoa by X robal broken g1bso bristled tile fieradisk If a fj naftl jofl Y&tlrb aftorwards; policy , ffdottixdo� had brought abaq�, wayi 4nd you pet oil ly 1116 ifflallquallfity of 044, Mullng, and ag Ast'stod, by the lattoj�i ad IS016 00AVIXGS MILLIXE RYj CARPTS &O., A0, itch 04 4ndy donlotift. lot' AtOV19 ItAwAtlo, 'WITZ, 1110 NVA wife who. adoftfoas6o. The mob Alingoft wad arrested, and was oot). this ood Iltata of affilirm, how it 01VrN TO M04 the Auy%J§yj6ftL Or Vill 41'ft 44 Vill Of gold by All medicine dokletq, Pride, 26, ota. voted uliaiw6iftilly to lialig gul. vidtA . tin Ttleaday Illst lina * a ten. %hildes the ghoit, of, lloxo6 65616 csf tuo 1pol)l t"Otlop, autity 4�a ikfoty Atta PholpfJ X y t000ea to the :PLdpdtoAt*, Will Who f#ldhJaU4JybJ6U into atia ktolb (ft% t1j, tkelAlkei
IN X -X 40' JU *41 9, X. THOMAS rol�, tep *yd0r#^ �y pr�Dsla t00 10 tia 14OUT jogo, but no Ono tould be foutia to lllj6 *QUI,d haVa hold jtSL l&tIghteNbukiting, 61 00 luidonlififid livig., Gmoi g Mov, I tW 4145 itoduit wllh(Dot 1,
HLOP tih�(AN, Vlnio, b tbo rop6'iroundhbt iiedko i%4a� 4h# W&A Th �ud 6 U 14111 of V 0041 91�44 t X thy thod t�-4!tAlo q A .0 ht,, Solo Aget,to for the DOM' 6 P puting Attaxty find 6404 I Dot fid 0 Prowtiou"th"s V0,
AW, 94,:rXLSXX�,Xk. Irl
u sp nu
4;V11 lord
s B
. .........